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Lost Circulation:: Thief Zone To Be Equal To 0.465 Psi/ft. Mud Level Inside Casing After Loss Circulation

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Lost Circulation:
If collapse calculations are based on 100% evacuation then the internal pressure is to zero. The
100% evacuation condition can only occur when:
1. The casing is run empty
2. There is complete loss of fluid into a thief zone, and
3. There is complete loss of fluid due to a gas blowout which subsequently subsides
None of these conditions should be allowed to occur in practice with the exception of
encountering cavernous formations.
In this case the mud pressure exactly balances the formation pressure of the thief zone and fluid
loss into the formation will cease.
During lost circulation, the mud level in the well drops to a height such that the remaining
hydrostatic pressure of mud is equal to the formation pressure of the thief zone.
If the formation pressure of the thief zone is unknown, it is usual to assume the pressure of the
thief zone to be equal to 0.465 psi/ft.
Mud level inside casing after loss circulation:

Assuming that the thief zone is at the casing seat, then during lost circulation:
Pressure in thief zone = CSD x 0.465 . (5.3)
Internal pressure at shoe = L x pm1 x 0.052 .. (5.4)
m1 = mud density used to drill next hole (ppg)
Pf = formation pore pressure of thief zone, (psi/ft) (or ppg)
(assume = 0.465 psi/ft for most designs)
L = length of mud column inside the casing
CSD = Casing Setting Depth (TVD) of the casing string being
designed, ft
Combining Equation (5.3) and Equation (5.4) gives (L), the length of mud column remaining inside

.. (5.5)
Depth to top of mud column = CSD - L .. (5.6)
Example 5.1: Collapse Calculations
Calculate the collapse pressure for the following casing string assuming lost circulation at the
casing shoe:
Current mud = 15 ppg
Casing was run in = 11 ppg
CSD = 10,000 ft
First find the length of mud column remaining inside the casing:
L= CSD x 0.465 = (10,000 x 0.465) / 0.052 x 15 = 5962 ft
0.052 x pm1
Then reference to Figure 5.2, three points need to be considered for collapse calculations.
(1) At surface (Point A in Figure 5.2)
Both the external and internal pressures are zero. Hence the effective collapse at surface is zero.
At point A:
C1= Zero
(2) At Point B
The internal pressure is zero. This is where the new level of mud starts. Hence collapse pressure
is equal to the external pressure only.
C2= 0.052 (CSD-L) pm
C2 =0.052 x (10,000 5962) x 11 = 2310 psi
(3) At Point C
Now both external and internal pressures must be calculated. The external pressure is caused by
the mud column in which casing was run. The internal pressure (back-up load) is caused by the
length of mud column (L) remaining after lost circulation.
C3 = 0.052 CSD x pm - 0.052 L x pm1
= 0.052 x 10,000x 11 0.52 x 5962x 15 = 1070 psi

Collapse Calculations For Individual Casing Strings:
In order to make the calculations more practical, it will be necessary to present the collapse
equations for each casing type. Normally, the 13 3/8" casing is designed for partial loss
For offshore operations, the external pressure is made up of two components:
Collapse pressure at mud line = external pressure due to a column of
seawater from sea level to mud line
= (0.45 psi/ft) x mudline depth = C1 psi
Collapse pressure at casing seat = C1 + 0.052 x pm x CSD (5.8)
The conductor is usually set at a shallow depth ranging from 100 ft to 1500 ft. Assume
complete evacuation so that the internal pressure inside the casing is zero. The external
pressure is caused by the mud in which the casing was run.
Surface Casing:
If surface casing is set at a shallow depth, then it is possible to empty out the casing of a
large volume of mud if a loss of circulation is encountered in the open hole below.
Some designers assume the surface casing to be completely empty when designing for
collapse, irrespective of its setting depth, to provide an in-built design factor in the
Other designs in industry assume a 40% evacuation level.
Both approaches have no scientific basis and can result in overdesigns. This overdesign
can be significantly reduced if partial loss circulation is assumed and the pressure of the
reduced level of mud inside the casing is subtracted from the external pressure to give
the effective collapse pressure. The internal pressure is calculated using Equation (5.4).
Intermediate Casing:
Complete evacuation in intermediate casing is virtually impossible. This is because during
lost circulation, the fluid column inside the casing will drop to a height such that the
remaining fluid inside the casing just balances the formation pressure of the thief zone,
irrespective of the magnitude of pore pressure of the thief zone (see Figure 5.2).
Three collapse points will have to be calculated using the general form:
Collapse pressure, C = External pressure - Internal pressure
(1) Point A: At Surface
C1= Zero .. (5.9)
(2) Point B: At depth (CSD-L)
= 0.052 (CSD-L) x m - 0
C2 = 0.052 (CSD-L) m . (5.10)

(3) Point C: At depth CSD
C3 = 0.052 CSD x m - 0.052 L x m1 (5.11)
where m is the mud weight in which casing was run in.
Production Casing:
For production casing the assumption of complete evacuation is justified in the
following situations:
1. If perforations are likely to be plugged during production as in gas wells. In this
case surface pressure may be bled to zero & hence give little pressure support inside the casing.
2. In artificial lift operations. In such operations gas is injected from the surface
to reduce the hydrostatic column of liquid against the formation to help production. If the well
pressure were bled to zero at surface, a situation of complete evacuation could exist
3. In air/gas drilling all casing strings should be designed for complete
4. Another situation which results in complete evacuation is a blowout which
unloads the entire hole.
If none of the above situations are likely in a production casing then partial evacuation should
be used for collapse design and equations Equation (5.9) to Equation (5.11) should be used.
Collapse Design Across Salt Sections:
There are several areas around the world where casing strings have to be
set across salt sections.
Salt is a sedimentary rock belonging to the evaporite group which is
characterized by having no porosity and no permeability.
In most cases, salt is immobile and causes no problems while drilling or
There are several types of evaporates:
Halite - NaCl
Gypsum - CaSO4. 2H2O
Anhydrite - CaSO4
Sylvite - KCl
Carnalite - KMgCl3. 6H2O
When designing across mobile salt sections, determine the depth of the salt
section, say X, ft, then:
External pressure at depth X = 1 psi/ft x X (5.12)
Internal pressure = Pressure resulting from partial loss
There are several types of evaporates:
Halite - NaCl
Gypsum - CaSO4. 2H2O
Anhydrite - CaSO4
Sylvite - KCl
Carnalite - KMgCl3. 6H2O
When designing across mobile salt sections, determine the depth of the salt
section, say X, ft, then:
External pressure at depth X = 1 psi/ft x X (5.12)
Internal pressure = Pressure resulting from partial loss
Burst Criterion:
In oil well casings, burst occurs when the effective internal
pressure inside the casing (internal pressure minus external
pressure) exceeds the casing burst strength
Like collapse, the burst calculations are straightforward.
In development wells, where pressures are well known the task is
straight forward.
In exploration wells, there are many problems when one attempts
to estimate the actual formation pressure including
The exact depth of the zone (formation pressure increases
with depth)
Type of fluid (oil or gas)
Porosity, permeability
The above factors determine the severity of the kick in terms of
pressure & ease of detection
Burst Calculations:
Burst Pressure, B is give by:
B = Internal Pressure External Pressure
Internal Pressure
Burst pressures occur when formation fluids enter the
casing while drilling or producing next hole.
Figure 5.3, shows the maximum formation pressure will be
encountered when reaching the TD of the next hole
section. For the burst criterion, two cases can be designed
1.Unlimited kick
2.Limited kick

Fig. 5.3: Burst Design
Uimited Kick:
The use of unlimited kick (or gas to surface) used to be the main
design criterion in burst calculations.
The design is based on unlimited kick, usually gas.
The kick is assumed to enter the well, displace the entire mud &
then the well is shut-in the moment the last mud drop leaves the
This is an unrealistic situation especially in todays technology
where kicks as small as 10 bbls can be detected even on semi-
submersible rigs
However, there is one practical situation when this criterion is actually valid.
In gas wells, the production tubing is in fact subjected to controlled
unlimited kick all the time. Because production occurs under controlled
conditions, the flow of gas poses no problems to the surrounding casing. If
however, gas leaked from tubing to casing, then the casing will see the full
impact of gas during production. From Fig. 5.3, & assuming a gas kick of
pressure Pf from next TD, & the gas fills the entire well then the internal
pressures at surface & casing shoe are given by:
Internal pressure at surface = Pf - G x TD (5.13)
Internal pressure at shoe = Pf - G x (TD - CSD) (5.14)
G is the gradient of gas (typically 0.1 psi/ft).
When a gas kick is assumed, two points must be considered:
1. The casing seat should be selected so that gas pressure at the
casing shoe is less than the formation breakdown pressure at the shoe.
2. The gas pressure must be available from reservoirs in the open hole
section. In exploration wells where reservoir pressures are not known,
formation pressure at TD of the next open hole section is calculated from
the maximum anticipated mud weight at that depth. A gas pressure equal
to this value is used for the calculation of internal pressures.
In development areas, reservoir pressures are normally determined by use
of wireline logs, drill stem testing or production testing. These pressure
values should be used in casing design.
External Pressure For Burst Design:
The external pressure is one of the most ambiguous variables to determine
and largely determined by the type of casing being designed, mud type &
cement density, height of cement column & formation pressures in the
vicinity of the casing. Practically, casings are cemented (partially/totally),
the external pressure is not based on the cement column. At first glance,
this seems strange that we go into a great deal of effort & expense to cement
casing & not use the cement as a back-up load. The main reasons for not using the
cement column are:
1. It is impossible to ensure a continuous cement sheet around the casing
2. Any mud trapped within the cement can subject the casing to the original
hydrostatic pressure of the cement
3. The cement sheath is usually highly porous but with little permeability & when
it is in contact with the formation, it can theoretically transmit the formation pressure
to the casing.
From above, the exact degree of back-up provided by cement is difficult to
determine. The following methods are used by a number of oil companies for
calculating external pressure for burst calculations:
1. Regardless of whether the casing is cemented or not, the back-up load is
provided by a column of salt saturated water. Hence,

External pressure = 0.465 psi/ft x CSD (ft) (5.15)
The above method is the simplest & is used by many people in the industry. It assumes
all muds & cements behind casing degrade with time to a density equivalent to salt-
saturated mud having a density of 0.465 psi/ft.
2. If casing is cemented along its entire length & the casing is in contact with a porous
formation via a cement sheath, then with time the cement sheath will degrade & the
casing will be subjected to the pore pressure of the open formation. Hence,
External Pressure = Maximum expected pore pressure (5.16)
Practically, only conductor & shallow surface casings are cemented to surface. Hence
the maximum pore pressure is likely to be that of a normally pressure zone of around
0.465 psi/ft.
3. For uncemented casings:
In the open hole, use a column of mud to balance the lowest pore pressure in
the open hole section
Inside another casing, use mud down to TOC & then from TOC to casing shoe
use a column of mud to balance the lowest pore pressure in the open hole Section. This
scenario usually applies to intermediate & production casings.

Burst Calculations For Individual Casing Strings:
Therefore, burst pressure is highest at the top & lowest at the
casing shoe where internal pressures are resisted by the external
pressure originating from fluids outside the casing.
At the top of the hole, the external pressure is zero & the internal
pressure must be supported entirely by the casing body.
In production casing the burst pressure at shoe can be higher than
the burst pressure at surface in situations where the production
tubing leaks gas into the casing.
There is no burst design for conductors.
Surface and Intermediate Casings
For gas to surface (unlimited kick size), calculate burst
pressures as follows:
Calculate the internal pressures (Pi) using the maximum
formation pressure at next hole TD, assuming the hole is full of
Burst at surface = Internal pressure (Pi) (Equation (5.13)
external pressure
Burst pressure at surface (B1) = Pf - G x TD (5.17)
(note external pressure at surface is zero)
Burst pressure at casing shoe (B2) = Internal pressure
(Equation (5.14)- Backup load = Pi - 0.465 x CSD
B2 = Pf - G x (TD - CSD) - 0.465 x CSD (5.18)
The back-up load is assumed to be provided by mud which
has deteriorated to salt-saturated water with a gradient of 0.465
For the limited kick size, use the appropriate kick size to
calculate the maximum internal pressures at surface & at shoe
when circulating out the kick. Calculate the corresponding values
for B1 and B2 as above.
Production Casing:
The worst case occurs when gas leaks from the top of the
production tubing to the casing. The gas pressure will be
transmitted through the packer fluid from the surface to the
casing shoe

Burst values are calculated as follows:
Burst pressure = Internal pressure - External pressure
Burst at surface (B1) =Pf - G x CSD
(or the maximum anticipated surface pressure, whichever is the greatest)
Burst at shoe (B2)= B1 + 0.052 p x CSD - CSD x 0.465 (5.19)
G = Gradient of gas, usually 0.1 psi/ft
Pf = Formation pressure at production casing seat, psi
p = Density of completion (or packer) fluid, ppg
0.465 = The density of backup fluid outside the casing to represent the worst
case, psi/ft.

Example 5.2: Production Casing Calculations:
Calculate burst pressures for the following well:
CSD = 15000 ft
Pf = 8500 psi
Packer fluid, pp = 15 ppg
Burst at surface (B1) = Pf - G x CSD
= 8500 (0.1 x 15000)
= 7000 psi
Burst at shoe (B2) = B1 + (0.052 pp x CSD) (CSD x 0.465)
= 7000 + (0.052 x 15 x 15000) (15000 x 0.465)= 11,725 psi

Design & Safety Factors:
Casings are never designed to their yield strength or tensile strength limits.
Instead, a factor is used to derate the casing strength to ensure that the
casing is never loaded to failure.
Safety Factor:
Safety factor uses a rating based on catastrophic failure of the casing.
Safety Factor = Failure Load / Actual Applied Load
When the actual applied load equals the failure load, then the safety factor
=1 and failure is imminent.
Failure will occur if the actual load is greater than the failure load and in
this case the safety factor < 1.0.
For the above reasons, safety factors are always kept at values greater than
In casing design, neither the actual applied load or failure loads are known
exactly, hence design factors are used to evaluate the integrity of casing.
Design Factor:
Design factor uses a rating based on the minimum yield strength of casing.
In oil industry, safety factors are never intentionally used to design tubulars
as they imply prior knowledge of the actual failure load & designing to
failure or below failure. Design factors are usually used for designing
tubulars & are based on comparing the maximum service load relative to
the API minimum yield strength. Recall that the casing does not actually fail
at the minimum yield strength and, moreover, the minimum yield strength
is an average value of several measurements. Hence, the design factor
provides a greater scope for safety than safety factor.
Design Factor = Rating of the pipe / Maximum Expected
Service Load
A Design Factor is usually equal to or greater than 1.The design factor
should always allow for forces which are difficult to calculate such as shock
The burst design factor (DF-B) is given by:
DF-B = Burst Strength / Burst Pressure (B)
Similarly, the collapse design factor is given by:
DF-C = Collapse Strength / Collapse Pressure (C)
Recommended Design Factors:
o Collapse = 1. 0
o Burst = 1.1
o Tension = 1.6 1. 8
o Compression = 1.0
o Tri-axial Design = 1. 1
Industry Range from various operators
o Collapse = 1.0 1. 1
o Burst = 1.1 1. 25
o Tension = 1.3 1. 8
o Compression = 1.0
o Tri-axial Design = 1.1 - 1.2
Example 5.3: Design Factor:
If the burst strength (Minimum Internal Yield Strength) of casing is 6300 psi.
What is the maximum burst pressure that this casing should be subjected
to in service? Recommended DF = 1.1.
Solution, Design burst strength = 6300 /1.1 = 5727 psi
Casing Selection: Burst & Collapse:
It is customary in casing design to define the load case for which the casing
is designed for. There are several load cases which arise due to drilling &
production operations. However before a load case is applied, the casing
grades/weights should initially be selected on the basis of burst & collapse
pressures, then load cases should be applied. If only one grade or one
weight of casing is available, then the task of selecting for tension casing is
easy. The strength properties of the casings available are compared with
the collapse & burst pressures in the wellbore. If the design factors in
collapse & burst are acceptable then all that remains is to check the casing
for tension.
For deep wells or where more than one grade & weight are used, a
graphical method of selecting casing is used as follows:
1. Plot a graph of pressure against depth, as shown in Figure 5.5,
starting the depth & pressure scales at zero. Mark the CSD on this
2. Collapse Line: Mark point C1 at zero depth & point C2 at CSD. Draw a
straight line through points C1 & C2.
3. For partial loss circulation, there will be three collapse points. Mark
C1 at zero depth, C2 at depth (CSD-L) and C3 at CSD. Draw two
straight lines through these points.
4. Burst Line: Plot point B1 at zero depth & point B2 at CSD. Draw a
straight line through point B1 and B2 (Figure 5.5). For production casing,
the highest pressure will be at casing shoe.
5. Plot the collapse & burst strength of the available casing, as shown in
Figure 5.6. In this figure, two grades, N80 & K55 are plotted to represent
the available casing.

Collapse & Burst Lines

Select a casing string that satisfies both collapse & burst. Figure 5.6
provides the initial selection & in many cases this selection differs very little
from the final selection. Hence, great care must be exercised when
producing Figure 5.6.

Assume the following well design for Well Pak-1:

Flat times for nippling
up/down BOPs & nippling up wellheads
Circulation times
BHA make up times

From three offset wells, the following
data was established for average ROP for
each hole Section
36 Hole 5.5 m/hr
26 Hole 5.5 m/hr
36 Hole / 30"
50 m BRT (Below
Rotary Table)
26 Hole / 20
595 m BRT
17.5 Hole /
13.375 Casing
1421 m BRT
12.25 / 9.625
2334 m BRT
8.5 Hole/ 7 Casing 3620 m BRT
Total Depth 3620 m BRT
17.5 Hole 7.9 m/hr
12.25 Hole 4.6 m/hr
8.5 Hole 2.5 m/hr

Example 15.1: Calculation of Time-Depth Curve
Table 15.1:The expected flat times for this well are-
Casing Size
Running and
26 0.5 2 2.5
20 1 1.5 2.5
13.3/8 1 1 2
9.5/8 1 1 2
7 2 1.5 3.5

Calculate the total Drilling time & plot the depth-time curve
We must first calculate the times required to drill each hole section using ROPs
from offset data. At this stage it is advisable to use the best ROP values from
offset well. This is because it is always possible to match or exceed previous
performance if similar or better equipment is used. Indeed, some engineers may
increase the possible ROP for the new well if it is known that high quality and up-
to-date equipment may be used on the new well. Hence at this stage all drilling
time estimates must not include allowance for down time. As will be seen later
this is called the P10 time estimate.
Using the given raw data, Table 15.2 can be established for the planned drilling
Using the data from Table 15.2 and the flat times from Table 15.1, Table 15.3 can
be constructed
Table 15.2: Calculations of Planned Drilling Wells
Hole Size Meters to
Drill, A
Offset ROP
(m/hr), B
Hours, A/B
Drilling Days
26x36 47 5.5 8.5 0.35
26 545 5.5 99.1 4.13
17.5 826 7.9 104.6 4.36
12.25 913 4.6 198.5 8.27
8.5 1286 2.5 514.4 21.43
925.1 38.5
Table 15.3: Time-Depth Calculations
Operation Description Depth MD (m) BRT Activity (days) Cumulative (days)
Rig up to drill

1 1
Drill 36 hole to 50 m 50 0.35 1.35
Run Run/ /cmt 26 conductor/ NU

2.5 3.85
Drill 26 hole to 596m 596 4.13 7.98
Run/cmt 20 csg/NU wellhead

2.5 10.48
Drill 17.5hole to 1422m 1422 4.36 14.84
Log hole

1 15.84
Run / cmt 13 3/8" csg / NU

2 17.84
Drill 12 1/4" hole to 2334m 2334 8.27 26.11
Log 12 1/4" hole

0.5 26.61
Run / cmt 9 5/8" csg / NU

2 28.61
Drill 8 1/2" hole to 3620m 3620 21.43 50.04
Log 8 1/2" hole (full open hole logging)

4 54.04
Run / cmt 7 liner, run CBL/VDL

3.5 57.54
Displace hole to completion fluids, prepare well
for testing

1.5 59.04
Total Days


Using data from Table 15.3, a time-depth curve, Figure 15.1 can be constructed.
The graph shown is the planned time - depth curve. During drilling, actual drilling
times are plotted on the same graph to compare actual performance against
planned performance

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