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Highway Route Surveys and Location

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Lecture Note: - CENG 3302: HIGHWAY I

Highway Route Surveys and Location
To determine the geometric features of road design, the following surveys must be conducted
after the necessity of the road is decided.
Type of surveys and investigations
A variety of survey and investigations have to be carried out by Road engineers and
multidiscipline persons.
A. Transport Planning Surveys
o Traffic Surveys
o Highway inventories
o Pavement Deterioration Study
o Accident study
B. Alignment and Route location surveys
o Desk study
o Reconnaissance survey
o Preliminary Survey
o Final location survey
C. Drainage Studies
o Surface run- off : hydrologic and hydraulic
o Subsurface drainage: Ground water & Seepage
o Cross drainage: location and waterway area required for the
cross-drainage structures.
D. Soil Survey
o Desk study
o Site Reconnaissance
o Determining the complete soil profile through appropriate soil
exploration techniques; obtaining both disturbed and undisturbed
samples and testing of samples
E. Pavement Design investigation
o Soil property and strength ,Material Survey

Highway Alignment and Route Location Survey
Once the necessity of the highway is assessed, the next process is deciding the alignment and
route location. The position or the layout of the central line of the highway on the ground is
called the alignment. Horizontal alignment includes straight and curved paths. Vertical alignment
includes curves and gradients. Alignment decision is important because a bad alignment will
enhance the construction, maintenance and vehicle operating costs. Once an alignment is fixed
and constructed, it is not easy to change it due to increase in cost of adjoining land and
construction of costly structures by the roadside.
In general, the aim of alignment selection process is to find a location for the new road that will
result in the lowest total construction, land, traffic and environmental costs.
Lecture Note: - CENG 3302: HIGHWAY I

Before an attempt can be made at selecting a physical location for a highway improvement, data
must be available regarding traffic desires and needs the planning intentions within the area to be
traversed, and estimates or the future physical characteristics of the highway itself: Location
surveys involving geologic and photogrammetric skills provide the basic information for
structural design, as well as the economic analysis that have a considerable influence on the final
location of the highway.

Steps in route location:

Know the termini points of the scheme.
From the study of a map of the area, identify and locate:

National parks
Any ancient relics, castles and the likes
Existence of monasteries
Mining sites
Existing transport facilities
Other public facilities (electricity, water)
Location of construction materials

Conduct preliminary and reconnaissance surveys and collect information on pertinent details
of topography, climate, soil, vegetation, and any other factors.
Based on the information collected in the previous two steps select a corridor.
Identify a number of possible centerlines within the corridor.
Make a preliminary design for the possible alternative alignments and plot on a base map.
Examine each of the alternative alignment with respect to grades, volume of earthwork,
drainage, crossing structures, etc to select the best alternative route.
Make final design and location of the selected best alternative route

Guidelines for Alignment and Route Location
There are certain guidelines that must be borne in mind in selecting the alignment and locating
the route. They are:
The route of the highway should be so selected that it can handle the traffic most
efficiently and serve the inhabited localities.
The alignment should be economical and it can be considered so only when the initial
cost, maintenance cost, and operating cost are minimum.
The alignment should be easy to construct and maintain. It should be easy for the
operation of vehicles. So to the maximum extend easy gradients and curves should be
The alignment between two terminal stations should be short and as far as possible be
straight, but due to some practical considerations deviations may be needed.
The gradients should not be steeper and curvature not sharper than the limiting values
specified for different types of terrain or standards. Excess of either or both may result in
Lecture Note: - CENG 3302: HIGHWAY I

economy of initial cost, but will involve extremely high operation costs, time costs and
accident costs.
The location should minimize the use of agricultural land. If a road already exists, it may
be advisable to make use of the land already available to the maximum extent.
The location should involve the least impact on the environment.
Obstructions such as cemeteries, places of worship, archaeological and historical
monuments should be steered through.
Proximity to schools, playgrounds, very costly structures, lakes/ponds and hospitals
should be avoided.
Interference with utility services like electric overhead transmission lines, water supply
mains, sewers, pipelines, etc should be avoided as far as possible.
Frequent crossing of railway lines should be avoided.
Locate the highway close to sources of embankment materials and pavement materials.
Avoid marshy and low-lying land areas having poor drainage.
Avoid areas liable to flooding.
Steep terrain should be avoided as much as possible.
Deep cutting and costly tunnels should be avoided as far as possible.
Avoid areas subjected to subsidence due to mining operations.
When the alignment has to cross major rivers, the crossing point should be fixed
Topography, slope stability, flood hazard and Erosion are likely to be the most
significant in the choice of alignment and design of cross section.
Geology, Geomorphology and hydrology are key factors in the design,
construction and maintenance of road in Ethiopia. Road geometry, earth works,
retaining structures and drainage measures must be designed in such a manner as
to cause the least impact on the stability of the surrounding slops and natural
drainage systems.

To aid in the decision making process, a classical conceptual approach has tended to be
developed with regard to gathering information about the areas being evaluated.
Generally, these can be divided into:
Reconnaissance survey
Preliminary location survey
Final location survey

Reconnaissance survey
The purpose of the reconnaissance survey is to evaluate the feasibility of one or more corridor
routes for a highway between specific points that may be many kilometers away. Mostly a desk
study, good reconnaissance survey can be the greatest single money-saving phase in the
Lecture Note: - CENG 3302: HIGHWAY I

construction of a new road. Hence the engineer should make ample provision in both time and
finance for this stage of highway location study.
The first step in the reconnaissance survey is the location and acquisition of all maps and data
relating to the area, as well as the most suitable air photographs usually called desk study .And
the second step of reconnaissance survey is visiting the site collecting additional data usually
called as field study.

Desk study
The first step in route survey and investigation is to study all available information in the office,
Comprises a review of published and unpublished information concerning the Physical,
economical and environmental characteristics of the study area .
Some of the data that may be required:
Published literatures: Road construction and maintenance case histories and geological,
economical and environmental reviews.
Topographic Map
Geological maps, Agricultural or land development map, soil map and other natural
resource maps.
Aerial Photography if possible satellite imagery (eg. Landsat/MSS and Radar images.
Available maps
- Index Map of Coverage Scales Ethiopian Mapping Authority
- Atlas of Ethiopia Ethiopian Mapping Authority
- Topographic Maps scale 1:250,000 Ethiopian Mapping Authority
- Topographic Maps scale 1:50,000 Ethiopian Mapping Authority
- Aerial photographs, approximate scale 1:50,000 Ethiopian Mapping Authority
- Geological Map of Ethiopia, scale 1:2,000,000 Geological Survey of Ethiopia,
Ministry of Mines
- Hydrological Map of Ethiopia, scale 1:2,000,000 Ministry of Agriculture
- Land Use and Land Cover Map, scale 1:1,000,000 Ministry of Agriculture
- Hydro geological Map, Scale 1:1,000, 000 Ethiopian Institute of Geological
All possible routes shall be located and examined on maps,
satellite and air photos.

Field study
It involves inspection of each band (identified during the desk study) to determine the most
corridor feasible route based on some basic criteria. A survey party inspects a fairly broad stretch
of land along the proposed routes identified on the map during the 1
phase and collects all
relevant details not available on the map.

o A team consisting of the following personal or Engineers should make a site inspection
visit (ERA)
Highway Engineer
Lecture Note: - CENG 3302: HIGHWAY I

Soil & material ( pavement ) Engineer
Chief Surveyor
Bridge/Structural Engineer
Environmentalist / Sociologist ,and
Local Administrative Personnel
o The following information or data should be determined or collected during the
Reconnaissance survey
1. Terrain classification
2. Bridging requirements ( number ,length)
3. Existing means of communication (mule path, 4WD...)
4. Right-of way available ,bringing out constraints on account of built-up areas,
monuments and other structures
5. Slope stability and the location of pre-existing land slides
6. Geology of the area (Geological structures, rock strength...)
7. Percentage of rock in excavation
8. Construction Material sources, presence and distribution.
9. Water source
10. Location of existing or proposed utilities along the alignment
11. Soil type and depth
12. Land use and value of land (Agricultural, built-up, forest)
13. Necessity of by passes for town and villages
14. Likely foundation conditions for major structures.
15. Slope drainage and ground water condition
16. Soil erosion and soil erodibility .
17. Drainage Stability and location of shifting channels and bank erosion.
18. Flood levels and river training/ protection requirement
19. Ecology or environmental factors (land use impact)
20. The possibility of using any existing alignment.
21. Verify the accuracy of all collected data during the desk study.

Upon completion of the reconnaissance survey, the engineer should be at least in a position to
design the more detailed geotechnical investigations which are likely to follow, and should also
have sufficient information available which, when taken in combination with the social, ecology,
traffic, economic, and political inputs, will enable the selection of one or more apparently
feasible corridor routes. If the reconnaissance survey has been very thorough, and the necessary
data are readily available, it may be possible immediately to carry out the necessary economic
and environmental comparisons to aid in the determination of the best corridor route.

The results of these studies are presented in a reconnaissance report. In its barest essentials, this
report should state the service and geometric criteria to be satisfied by the project, describe the
preferred route(s), and present tentative estimates of the cost.

Lecture Note: - CENG 3302: HIGHWAY I

Preliminary Location Survey
The preliminary survey is a large-scale study of one or more feasible corridor routes. It results in
a paper location and alignment that defines the line for the subsequent final location survey. This
paper location and alignment should show enough ties to existing topography to permit a
location party to peg the centerline. In many cases field details for final design may also be
obtained economically during the preliminary survey phase.It consists of running an accurate
traverse line along the routes already recommended as a result of reconnaissance survey in order
to obtain sufficient data for final location.
o Establishing primary Traverse following the line recommended in the reconnaissance
o Record all topographical features
o Levelling work: to determine the Centre Line, Profile & Typical Cross-sections (just
sufficient to approximate earthwork)
o Hydrological Data: to estimate type, number, & size of cross-drainage structures, and the
grade line is decided based on the hydrological and drainage data
o Soil Survey: the suitability of proposed alignment is to be finally decided based on the
soil survey data. The soil survey at this stage helps to workout details of earthwork,
slopes, suitability of materials, sub-soil and surface drainage requirements, pavement
type and approximate thickness requirements
The preliminary survey is made for the purpose of collecting the additional physical information
that may affect the location of the highway within a given corridor area, the shape of the ground,
any potential ground subsidence problems, the limits of the catchment areas, the positions and
invert levels of streams and ditches, and the positions of trees, banks and hedges, bridges,
culverts, existing roads, power lines and pipe lines, houses and monuments are determined and
noted. These are then translated into maps, profiles and (frequently) cross sections that can assist
the engineer in the determination of preliminary grades and alignments and the preparation of
cost estimates for alternative centerlines.

Two approaches are available for preliminary survey mapping: aerial surveys and ground
surveys, either separately or in various combinations.

The ground survey method is best used in the situation where then corridor is closely defined,
narrow right-of-way are contemplated, and the problems of man-made culture are clear. Ground
surveys, beginning with a traverse baseline, will probably furnish necessary data quite
economically. Additional operations that can be quite easily included are the profile levels and
cross-sections, and the ties to land lines and cultural objects.

The aerial survey is likely to be more suitable and economical in the following instances:
Where the reconnaissance was unable to approximate closely the final alignment?
Where a wide right-of-way is necessitated?
Where it is desired to prevent the premature or erroneous disclosure of the details of
probable location (preventing any land speculation or the premature awakening of local
public concerns).
Lecture Note: - CENG 3302: HIGHWAY I

In general, the objectives of preliminary surveys are
Survey and collect necessary data (topography, drainage, soil, etc.) on alternate
corridor routes.
o Establishing primary Traverse following the line recommended in the
reconnaissance survey.
o Record all topographical features.
o Levelling work: to determine the Centre Line, Profile & Typical Cross-
sections (just sufficient to approximate earthwork)
o Hydrological Data: to estimate type, number, & size of cross-drainage
structures, and the grade line is decided based on the hydrological and
drainage data.
o Soil Survey: the suitability of proposed alignment is to be finally decided
based on the soil survey data. The soil survey at this stage helps to
workout details of earthwork, slopes, suitability of materials, sub-soil and
surface drainage requirements, pavement type and approximate thickness
To estimate quantity of earthwork, material, of different corridor routes
Compare alternate corridor routes.
Finalize the best corridor routes from all consideration

Final Location Survey
This survey, much of which is very often carried out as part of the preliminary survey, serves the
dual purpose to fix the centre line of the selected alignment and collect additional data for the
design and preparation of working drawings. If extensive data is collected earlier the survey
work here might be limited.

Steps in Final Location Survey

Pegging the centre line: usually done at stations established at 30m intervals with
reference to preliminary traverse/ base line (if used earlier) or a control survey (if aerial
survey was used).
Centre-line Levelling: at the stations and at intermediate points between stations where
there is a significant change in the slope to obtain the representative profile of the ground
Cross-section Levelling: at each station and at points with significant change in ground
Intersecting Roads: the directions of the centre line of all intersecting roads, profiles, and
cross-sections for some distance on both sides.
Ditches and Streams: horizontal alignment, profile, and cross section levelling of the
banks of the stream.
Lecture Note: - CENG 3302: HIGHWAY I

The data, after the necessary investigation and final location survey, is sent to the design office to
be used for
o geometric design, pavement design, and design of drainage and other structures,
preparation of drawings, reports, and specifications
A complete sets of drawings for a road design include:
o Site plan of proposed alignment
o Detailed Plan & Profile
o Cross-sections for Earth work
o Typical Roadway sections at selected locations (e.g. junctions)
o A mass-haul diagram
o Construction details of structures like bridges, culverts,

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