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Powerful Secret by JF Jim Straw

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The author emphasizes the importance of being an entrepreneur and opportunity seeker. He also stresses learning from other successful business people.

The author details growing up on farms and starting his first business venture at age 9. He has experience in many different types of businesses over several decades.

The author recommends adopting and adapting business applications and techniques from other industries to help businesses grow and expand their potential for success.

J.F. (Jim) Straw J.F. (Jim) Straw J.F. (Jim) Straw J.F. (Jim) Straw J.F.

(Jim) Straw
2310 First Street N.E.
Dalton, Georgia 30721-8127
Telephone: (706) 259-2280 TeleFAX: (706) 259-2291
Emai: jfstraw@businesslyceum.com
- 2004, PHLANDER Company. All rights reserved.
The Most Powerful Wealth Building Secret Ever Told!
An open letter to ...
Business Owners, Entrepreneurs
Would-be Entrepreneurs & Serious Opportunity Seekers!
My Dear Friend:
I do hope you will forgive me for what may appear to be
a very personal greeting on an electronically reproduced
letter, but ... as phony as it may sound ... I do consider
you to be a friend.
Why? Because you, like me, have that very rare
entrepreneurial spirit that built this great nation. You
are a seeker of opportunity ... with all its risks and
potential rewards. All you want, or need, is a way to make
your dreams come true ... not a handout.
As we proceed, I will explain in some detail why I
consider you to be a friend and teach you how to guarantee
your success in any business ... the exact same way every
successful business person in the world has done it (even
By the way, you may not know it but ... simply because
you are reading this letter ... you are well above the
average person. Since less than three percent (thats
right, 3%) of the population of this country are interested
in being anything more than wage earners, you and I are more
different from them than you may have imagined.
If you dont believe it ...
Try talking to your friends and family about making
money in a business of your own (even part time). The odds
are 97 to 3 theyll tell you, Youll never do it. Just
forget it and get a job. - or - worse yet, theyll just
nod; then go off telling everyone about your foolishness.
As a matter of fact, even though I have been in
business for myself for nearly 50 years (man and boy), my
Mother on occasion still asks my wife ... When is Jim going
to get a real job?? And, over the years, Mom has asked me
a thousand times (or more), Who pays you?? (You know.
Dont you?)
Wage earners, like my Mom and Dad, are the kind of
people who keep the wheels rolling in our economy. Doing
their jobs. Paying their bills. Rearing children with a
strong work ethic. Contributing their efforts to the
community. Building a future for themselves. Without
people like them, there would be no American dream. They
are successful people in their way.
You and I are different from them. We are the
foundation upon which the American dream is built. Without
people like us, there wouldnt be any jobs for the wage
If you doubt it, trace back the history of every major
company in this country today. In the beginning, at the
founding of each of those companies, there was an
entrepreneur just like you and me ... an opportunity
seeker who turned his, or her, dream into a reality.
Whether you believe it (yet) or not, you are more like
Henry Ford, J.C. Penney, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller,
Joseph Kennedy, Howard Hughes, Sam Walton, Ted Turner,
Donald Trump, and, yes, Bill Gates (and even me), than you
can imagine.
No matter where they started, what kind of family they
came from, how much (or how little) money they had to begin
with, or what field of endeavor inspired their imagination,
each and every mega-successful person started as an
opportunity seeker ... seeking an opportunity to make
their dreams a reality. (Just like you.)
As an example, return with me now to the yesteryears of
my youth ...
My business career actually began about the time I had
learned to read well enough to understand the classified ads
that appeared in the back of comic books. It wasnt long
before I was selling ... door to door ... just about
anything I could find in those ads (as long as it didnt
cost any money to get started).
Walking about a mile into town on Saturday mornings ...
when there werent any farm chores to be done ... with my
box of samples and order forms on a strap over my shoulder,
I would go from door to door hawking my wares. Everything
from CloverLeaf salve and Greeting Cards to Grit
newspapers. Later I sold and delivered the weekly editions
of TV Guide when it first appeared - and - for about 5
years I sold and delivered the early morning Wichita Eagle
Beacon newspaper to about 200 daily subscribers (in a town
with just 1,000 population).
Hey ... Id be willing to bet some of you have done
much the same. If you have, you also know that, although
the money was a good incentive, the independence was far
more important. The money just made the independence
With the money I made, I bought a Cushman motor
scooter when I was 14 years old to deliver my paper route,
drive myself to school and go just about anywhere I wanted.
I also had my own checking account in the local bank from
which I could write checks for anything I needed or wanted.
That was independence.
One of the great advantages of having my own money was
that I was able to buy almost every book, booklet, report,
plan or scheme I could find that offered a way to make money
(I still have some of them in my personal archives). But,
even back then, too many of those information products left
more questions in my mind than they answered ... especially
in a mind that was still immature and not yet knowledgeable
of the ways of business or life.
Fortunately, the subscribers on my early morning paper
route included a rich oil baron, a couple Ma & Pa grocery
store owners, a couple stock investors and a variety of
people who owned businesses involved in wholesale, retail,
manufacturing, direct sales and a variety of local service
Since those people knew me from my delivering their
newspaper ... as well as selling them all kind of other
products over the years ... they were more than willing to
share with me their knowledge and experiences regarding any
money making endeavor I read about, explain what was meant
by some of the methodologies and concepts I didnt
understand, or introduce me to someone else who might
assist me.
As a matter of fact, one of those successful people was
responsible for one of the biggest deals of my young life.
I had come across a small warehouse filled with excess
(new) machine parts ... gears, screws, bolts, fasteners of
all kinds, etc. Not knowing what to do with it, I
telephoned one of my newspaper route customers. He didnt
know either but he put me in contact with a man he knew who
might know. That man gave me the name and personal
telephone number of a man who used those items. A deal was
made and I earned a big fee - $200; big for a kid back then
Another time, one of my newspaper route customers
called me to ask if I knew anyone who might be interested in
buying a piece of his action in an oil drilling program. I
gave him the name and phone number of one of the stock
investors on my paper route. The stock investor, in turn,
put him in touch with another party who bought into the
deal. They all made money.
Did I make any money on the deal? NO! Nor should I
If I had called the stock investor, got a
recommendation from him, followed up on the lead and,
finally, introduced an interested third party directly to my
paper route customer, I would have been entitled to a fee.
Having only given my customer the name and phone number of
someone who might know someone, I wasnt entitled to a fee
of any kind. But ...
Even though I was only a teenager at the time, I did
get an invitation to the next grown-up party thrown by my
paper route customer. That, in turn, gave me an
introduction to other wealthy people who got to know who I
It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life
that no man can sincerely try to help another without
helping himself. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thats the way real business people have always made
their fortunes ... even me and the now legendary Internet
gurus who have made so much money.
Back when I was young and super-active in business ...
building my empire ... I kept a small spiral notebook with
alphabetical dividers. In that notebook I kept the names,
addresses, telephone numbers and pertinent information about
people I knew in business, the professions, and service
Although I knew a lot of business people from all
industries and walks of life, the only ones I added to my
notebook were those who were actively doing something to
better their way of life and were willing to share their
experiences with me.
Id be willing to bet that Henry Ford, J.C. Penney,
J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Joseph Kennedy, Howard
Hughes, Ted Turner, Donald Trump, and even Bill Gates have
had notebooks similar to mine. I know for a fact that Sam
Walton (Wal-Mart) had one because I was in it and he was in
Each person had a full page in my notebook with
information about how I had come to know them; when and what
I had done for, or with, them (if anything); what they had
to offer; what they might need; anything and everything I
learned about them (updated every time I learned something
I even had pages filled with other accomodating
opportunity seekers like me who were doing something to
accomplish their goals and were willing to share their life
experiences with me. Why? Because everyone knows
somebody - and - statistically, in this country, you are
only 3 people away from anyone else in this country. That
means that someone you know knows someone who knows someone
who knows whoever you want to know.
NOTE: Please notice that I underlined the word
accommodating in the last paragraph. I did not include
wannabes who were only looking for a free lunch; after
everything and anything they could get without giving, or at
least offering, anything in return.
That notebook was the foundation upon which I built
fortune after fortune in business after business over the
past 40+ years.
Any time, over the years, when I was faced with a
business method or concept I didnt fully understand; or
needed to find someone to accomplish a specific task, I
would turn to my notebook and ask those people who might
know ... How does this work? ... How do I do this? ...
Where can I find this? ... Have you ever had dealings
with this guy? ... Could you check this out for me? ...
Do you know anyone who can do this? At the same time, I
was always available to respond to the same kind of
inquiries from them.
If there is something to gain and nothing to lose by
asking - by all means ask! - W. Clement Stone
Some of those people who were included in my notebook
when they were but beginning opportunity seekers are now
international known, recognizable leaders in the business
communities of the world in a wide variety of endeavors.
They still know me and we are always willing to freely share
what we know with each other.
Unfortunately, at my age, far too many older pages have
been removed from my notebook - but - as nature intended,
those older pages are being replaced with pages filled with
the bright, shining new arrivals on the business scene.
(Believe it or not, you might even be in my notebook already
... if you have been doing something to accomplish your
business goals and have shown a willingness to share your
life experiences with me.)
Now, I believe, you have some idea why I can assume
that you are a friend ... a kindred spirit ... my
counterpart ... a fellow traveler on the same road.
You may not realize it but, no matter where you are in
your business career ... beginning opportunity seeker, small
business owner, involved in a profession, a service
provider, or whatever ... you have something to offer to
your fellow travelers besides the products or services you
sell. The only condition upon your acceptance into the real
life association of fellow business travelers is your
willingness to share your life experiences freely with them;
no matter how limited you might think your experiences to
You have, no doubt, heard the oft repeated adage ...
Its not what you know but, rather, who you know that
True - but - it is less than half the truth. The
whole truth is ...
Your success in business and life is equally dependent upon
what you know, who you know and who knows you but far
more importantly, your willingness to share with your
fellow travelers.
Imagine building your business from what it is today
into a multi-million dollar operation.
Hey ... even if you dont want a multi-million dollar
operation, how about a few hundred thousand dollars per
year, or just a very comfortable living, from a successful
business of your own?
Then again, maybe you have a good job and all you want
is a little sideline business to give yourself some of the
finer things in life.
No matter what business youre in; what products or
services you produce or sell; or how you want to measure
your success in business, you can guarantee your success for
yourself by sharing with your fellow travelers what you
know, who you know and who knows you.
Its really easier than you might think.
To get started, look around you.
Who do you associate with?
Are they other opportunity seekers, small business
people, and entrepreneurs who are actually doing something
in business?
Remember what I told you at the beginning of this
letter ... Try talking to your friends and family about
making money in a business of your own (even part time).
The odds are 97 to 3 theyll tell you, Youll never do it.
Just forget it and get a job. - or - worse yet, theyll
just nod; then go off telling everyone about your
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.
Small people always do that, but the really great make you
feel that you, too, can become great. - Mark Twain
If the people you associate with have belittled your
ambitions or the ambitions of other opportunity seekers
... or they are constantly whining, crying and complaining
about not making any money and have all kinds of excuses why
they cant succeed ... you need to realign yourself with
people like yourself; people who understand the risks and
rewards associated with all opportunities.
Find those people. Get to know them. Let them get to
know you. Share your life experiences with them. Let them
share their life experiences with you.
By the way, unfortunately, you will run into some
people who will refuse to give you any opportunity to share
with them. Pity them. They are the business people who
will only associate with other people who can do something
for them. If you have nothing to offer them; other than
your money, they really dont want to know you.
You can easily judge the character of a man by how he
treats those who can do nothing for him. James D. Miles
As you begin to associate with other people like
yourself, create your own notebook of contacts; people you
know ... professionals and service providers you have used,
information providers who have contributed to your on-going
education in business, sources of the products and services
necessary to your business ... and, more importantly people
who know you ... business people and other opportunity
seekers with whom you share common interests, goals and
ambitions ... BUT only if each of those people are the kind
of people who are doing something to achieve their goals
and will willingly share their experiences and knowledge
with you. (I had to do it with paper and pencil. You can
set up your notebook on any of the new electronic gadgets
you may have.)
Keep copious notes (that means a hobunch of notes)
about the people in your notebook. When you need to know
about something or someone; or want to find someone to do
something you need done, ASK the people in your notebook.
Keep in contact with the people who know you ... call them
every once in a while just to find out how things are going
with them and share your recent experiences ... send them a
birthday card if you know their birthday ... send them
holiday greeting cards ... draw them into your circle of
influence - AND - always be ready and willing to share what
you know, and who you know, with them. Never be intrusive.
Be as respectful of their time as you would want them to be
of your time.
Ask a question and youre a fool for three minutes;
do not ask a question and youre a fool for the rest
of your life. Chinese Proverb
When I kept my notebook on paper, I also created a
cross reference of the people in the book with key words
identifying their specialties; or whatever. Today, with all
the electronic gadgets, all youll need to know is how to do
a search or find to locate your contacts by the key
words associated with each of them.
Although this letter will be distributed on the
Internet, DO NOT limit your business scope to only those
people involved in Internet commerce.
One of the people included in my current notebook is a
young man who owns a small, local Dry Cleaning business. As
far as I know, he doesnt even own a computer - but - the
first time I met him, he shared some information with me and
asked me for my opinion. Little did he know he had just
taken one of the first steps to becoming rich. Last time I
spoke with him, he revealed that he will soon be opening
another Dry Cleaning business across town.
Your goal is to associate with People Like Yourself ...
people who are doing something to achieve their goals.
Get to know them. Let them get to know you. Keep track of
them by writing everything you know about them in your
Right now, I can just about hear some smarty-pants
reading this saying, I dont need to keep a notebook. I
can remember the people I need to remember.
Just goes to prove what I have often said, Most people
dont succeed simply because they wont take the time to do
the little things that would make their success possible.
My grandson says they have too many ants in their pants ...
moving around a lot but never getting anywhere.
Show me a man who cannot bother to do little things
and Ill show you a man who cannot be trusted to
do big things. - Lawrence D. Bell
When putting people in your notebook, take care not to
include those people who have ants in their pants. If they
arent doing the things they need to do to make their
success possible, they wont be much use to you; nor you to
them. Your goal is to associate with people like yourself
... people who do things instead of just dreaming and
talking about it.
A good example of what I am talking about is the
Alcoholics Anonymous organization.
Members of Alcoholics Anonymous ... recovering
alcoholics ... DO NOT go into bars to discuss staying sober.
They associate with other people like themselves ... people
who are staying sober one day at a time.
There may be people in the bars who talk to other
drunks about, and even dream about, getting sober but, until
they actually do it, it would be less than useless for a
recovering alcoholic to associate with them. It may even be
counterproductive in that the recovering alcoholic may be
lured back into the world of only talking and dreaming about
being sober.
It is the same way in the business community.
Needless to say, there are millions of people who are
forever talking and dreaming about having a business of
their own; earning additional money for the finer things in
life - but - doing nothing of substance to make it happen.
Until they are doing it, it would be less than useless for
you to include them in your notebook. It may even be
counterproductive in that you may be lured back into their
negative world of self-defeatism ... whining, crying and
complaining about not making any money with all kinds of
excuses why they cant succeed.
The men who try to do something and fail are
infinitely better than those who try to do nothing
and succeed. Lloyd Jones
Your notebook is NOT a customer list or a directory of
people you do business with on a regular basis.
Although some of your customers or suppliers ... as
have mine ... will end-up being in your notebook, your
notebook should be people you know and people who know
you by personal contact and association ... people with
whom you share common interests, goals and ambitions ...
people you can call upon, and rely upon, when you need them
- and - in return, those people can expect the same
considerations from you.
Have you ever heard of the Master Mind concept?
Napoleon Hill, in The Law of Success, explains it
this way ...
A Master Mind may be created through the bringing together
or blending, in a spirit of perfect harmony, of two or more
minds. Out of this harmonious blending the minds create a
third mind which may be appropriated and used by one or all
of the individual minds. This Master Mind will remain
available as long as the friendly, harmonious alliance
between the individual minds exists. It will disintegrate
and all evidence of its former existence will disappear the
moment the friendly alliance is broken.
NOTE: Although Napoleon Hill is credited with the Master
Mind concept, it actually pre-dates his writings by about
2,000 years:
For where two or three are gathered together in my name,
there am I in the midst of them. - Matthew 18:20
Anytime you have a conversation with, or correspond
with, a person in your notebook with whom you share common
interests, goals and ambitions, in a spirit of perfect
harmony, you WILL create a third mind between you ...a
Master Mind ... a mind upon which you may both call for
insights neither of you may have even known existed.
That is ...
The Most Powerful Wealth Building Secret Ever Told!
Without the Master Mind, there is no success ... even
for those people who do not know about, or accept, the
Master Mind concept.
As a matter of fact, the reason I wrote this article to
begin with is because of a dear friend of mine. He is a
successful, wealthy man - but - in a conversation with him a
couple months before this was written, when I mentioned the
Master Mind concept, his response almost floored me. He
said ...
I dont believe in that hocus-pocus.
When I explained to him the real Master Mind, he
readily admitted that it was the personal contacts he had
cultured over the years that had allowed him to make his
fortunes in a number of businesses (as have mine).
In his words ...
I always thought that Master Mind stuff had something to do
with metaphysical, psychological motivation.
It seems almost everyone, even those who espouse the
use of the Master Mind, are locked into the metaphysical,
psychological motivation concept ... ignoring the physical
application that actually guarantees your success in
business and life (as explained in this report).
Just imagine you are faced with a major dilemma in your
business. The situation seems to be do or die but you
dont know whether you should do or die or find an
Wouldnt it be wonderful to be able to pick up the
telephone and call someone who has either faced the same
dilemma, or knows someone who has. The real life
experiences shared with you would be worth far more than
anything you could read in a book.
None of us has gotten where we are solely by pulling
ourselves up from our own bootstraps.
We got here because somebody bent down and helped us.
- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall
Then again, what if you were thinking about getting
involved in a new venture you had just read about. The
opportunity sounded exceptional but the promoter offering
the opportunity only talked of the benefits and rewards.
Knowing that ALL opportunities have inherent risks
associated with the possible rewards, you pick up the
telephone again and begin asking the people you know ...
Have you ever been involved in a venture like this? - or -
Do you know anyone who has ever been involved in a venture
like this?
What you learn may save you from losing your shirt
- or - you may learn that the rewards in that venture far
outweigh the risks - AND - you will be able to go into
that venture with prior knowledge of those risks (risks you
didnt know about before you ASKed).
Or, what if one of the people you know telephones you
to ASK, Do you know anyone who might be interested in
buying a boxcar full of new, excess widgets?
You may have to answer, I dont know - but - an
honest answer from you; even it is I dont know, is far
more valuable than gold.
On the other hand, you might know someone who might
know someone who may be interested.
In that case, you have the option of either freely
giving that name and telephone number to the person you know
- or - telling them, I might know someone. Let me check it
out and get back to you. If your search comes up with a
real potential buyer, you can negotiate a fee with the
person you know and earn a Finders Fee for the
Then again, if your search doesnt come up with a
possible buyer, you will pay the person you know the
courtesy of calling back to say you couldnt find anyone.
That kind of personal, one-on-one interaction is how
real fortunes have been made for all recorded business
history and are still being made today by those of us who
align ourselves with other business people and opportunity
seekers like ourselves.
Man is a special being, and if left to himself, in an
isolated condition, would be one of the weakest
creatures; but associated with his kind, he works wonders.
Daniel Webster
Wouldnt it be wonderful if you had a notebook of your
very own filled with the names, address, telephone numbers,
email addresses, and pertinent details about people with
whom you share common interests, goals and ambitions ...
people who not only shared your interests, goals and
ambitions but were willing to share their life experiences
with you.
What are you waiting for??
Start building your own Master Mind Notebook, today.
Fill it with kindred spirits ... people like yourself who
are doing something to accomplish their goals with full
knowledge of the risks and potential rewards inherent in the
opportunities you pursue.
But ... but ... but ... where do you find those people?
They are everywhere. In every business (small or
large) in the world; in every store, shop or business
establishment you frequent, and on every business discussion
board on the Internet.
Remember the young man who owns a small, local Dry
Cleaning business that I have added to my personal Master
Mind Notebook. The very first time I met him, he shared
some information about an Advertising idea he had with me
and asked me for my opinion. Thats how I met him.
Over the years, I have used the very same technique in
order to find those people with whom I could build a
rapport. I have shared some my own ideas with other
business people and asked for their opinions. If those
people responded by offering to share their life experiences
with me, we were soon in each others notebooks.
Better than 40 years ago, I shared one of my ideas with
a man I happened to sit next to on an airplane.
We were both headed for Chicago and struck up a casual
conversation. When he asked what I was going to do in
Chicago, I shared with him the opportunity I was pursuing at
the time. Since he appeared to be a businessman, I asked
him what he thought of my idea. Although he admitted that
the idea was outside his personal knowledge, he encouraged
me to try it anyway, because, in his words, The worst that
can happen is theyll say no. (Which they ultimately
Before we got off the plane in Chicago, we exchanged
business cards and went our separate ways.
A couple weeks later, the man I had met on the plane
telephoned me to ask what had happened with my idea. After
I explained to him that my idea had been rejected, he told
me he had asked one of his friends about my idea and his
friend thought it might work in a little different way. He
shared that mans name and telephone number with me. The
idea didnt work even then but, over the next 10 years;
until his death, he and I called each other frequently to
share ideas with each other. (Little did I know, until
years after his death, that he was, at the time I met him on
that plane ride, one of the wealthiest men in Chicago.)
Beyond that serendipitous encounter, in a number of
instances, I have read a book, booklet, report or article
that paralleled my own thoughts, opinions or experiences.
After reading those writings, I have written to the
authors Thanking them for sharing their insights and
offering some of my own thoughts on the same subject. In
most cases, the authors didnt respond - but - in cases
where they did respond, by and large, they in turn shared
their further experiences with me ... some (not all) of them
ended up in my Master Mind Notebook and I in theirs.
You never know where, or when, you will meet other
business people or opportunity seekers with whom you may
share common interests, goals and ambitions ... kindred
spirits ... your counterparts ... fellow travelers on the
same road.
Get to know them. Let them get to know you. Share
your life experiences with them. Let them share their life
experiences with you.
BUT - be forewarned, if you are unwilling to share with
them ... openly, honestly, freely ... you can expect nothing
in return from them. In the words of Napoleon Hill ...
This Master Mind will remain available as long as the
friendly, harmonious alliance between the individual minds
exists. It will disintegrate and all evidence of its former
existence will disappear the moment the friendly alliance is
There you have it ...
The Most Powerful Wealth Building Secret Ever Told!
Please use it wisely and pass it on to those who, like
yourself, are seekers of opportunity ... with all the
inherent risks and potential rewards.
Keep well.
J.F. (Jim) STRAW
A Fellow Traveler
- 2004, PHLANDER Company. All rights reserved.
After I wrote this report, I let my wife; DeLores, read
it to get her valued feedback.
Her first response was ... Great - but - why dont you
share your own, personal Master Mind Notebook with them?
A brilliant idea ... as always ... but, it wouldnt
work because the people in my personal Master Mind Notebook
wouldnt know who you are if you were to contact them.
While DeLores and I discussed the possible ways I might
be able to share my personal Master Mind Notebook with you,
we created between us a Master Mind which generated a viable
concept to assist you in creating a Master Mind Notebook of
your own.
You will find the results of our Master Mind at:
NOTE: The link is NOT clickable. In order to find out,
youll have to take the initiative and copy and paste the
link into your browser. I think youll find the effort
Final Note
For those of you who may have received this report from
someone other than myself, you can learn all about me in the
bio-sheet on the last page of this report.
NOTE: You have my permission to freely give copies of this
report to your friends and associates; or anyone else you think
may benefit from it ... with the stipulation that you must provide
it in its entirety without additions or deletions.
What you keep to yourself you lose, what you give away,
you keep forever. Axel Munthe
Never, ever quit learning!
In order to make your dreams a reality and achieve your goals and ambitions you
must continue to learn to do business in all its forms and manifestations.
If you want to be a master, study what the masters have done
before you. Learn to do what they have done and have the guts to
do it - and you will be a master, too. Joseph J. Charbonneau
Remember, what you know is a vital element to your success. So, keep
learning so you will have something to share with those who know you.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of opportunity seeker limit the scope of
their learning to only one subject and related information. That is a wise move in
some ways - but - it also limits your growth and expansion potential.
By adopting and adapting business applications and techniques from other
businesses, you have an opportunity to become really successful in any business
you choose.
As an example from my own life experience: Many, many years ago, I read
about a marketing technique that was very commonplace in another industry. I
thought little of it until, late one night, I was hit by a bolt of idea-lightening ... why
not adopt and adapt that marketing idea to my business.
Guess what? After I adapted the marketing idea and put it into practice,
my business nearly doubled. I was applauded by my contemporaries as having
revolutionized the industry when, in fact, all I had done was taken a marketing
method that was very commonplace in another industry and applied it to my
Whoever admits that he is too busy to improve his methods
has acknowledged himself to be at the end of his rope. And
that is always the saddest predicament which anyone can get into.
J. Ogden Armour
2310 First Street N.E. Dalton, GA 30721-8127
Telephone: (706) 259-2280 TeleFAX: (706) 259-2291
Email: phlander@businesslyceum.com
J.F. (Jim) STRAW
Although he is not yet listed in Webster's Dictionary under the definition
of "entrepreneur"...J.F. (Jim) Straw is recognized as one of the nation's top
The eldest son of a farmer/aircraft worker, born in Oklahoma and reared
on farms in Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas, Straw began his long, successful
career in business at the age of nine; when he sold his first cans of Cloverleaf
Salve and copies of "GRIT" newspaper. Even at that early age, he had the unique
talent of recognizing an opportunity, implementing a plan, and making a profit.
Straw's career has progressed through direct selling, service contracting,
wholesale merchandising, entertainment (he was a professional Trumpet
player, vocalist & Radio Announcer), freight forwarding, import/export, retail
merchandising, warehousing, real estate, electronics manufacturing, finder's
fees, closeout merchandising, financial brokerage, business consulting, steel
fabrication, mining, banking, mailorder, writing, and publishing,.
Over the past 30 years, J.F. Straw has written well over 300 books,
booklets, manuals, reports, courses and articles about doing business all
based on his own personal, hands-on experience. His writings are "specific"
methods, techniques and approaches to doing business that anyone can use
to start or expand their business.
As a mailorder marketer...with over 700,000 customers worldwide...Straw
has sold over Two Hundred & Fifty Million Dollars ($250,000,000) worth of
products and services by mail. Everything from Beauty Supplies to Heavy
Equipment...Burglar Alarms to Sleeping Bags...Fishing Lures to Women's
Wigs...Automobiles to Wheelchairs...Investment Opportunities to
Seafood...Consulting Services to "How To" Courses...all by mailorder.
Today, he is making a new fortune on the Internet as an Affiliate Marketer.
One who assumes
the risk and the
management of

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