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Wireless Sensor Networks in Biomedical: Body Area Networks Paul Honeine, Farah Mourad, Maya Kallas, Hichem Snoussi, Hassan Amoud, Clovis Francis

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Paul Honeine
, Farah Mourad
, Maya Kallas
, Hichem Snoussi
, Hassan Amoud
, Clovis Francis
Institut Charles Delaunay (CNRS), LM2S, Universit e de Technologie de Troyes, France
Laboratoire danalyse des syst` emes (LASYS), Universit e Libanaise, Lebanon
Azm Center for Research in Biotechnology and its Applications, Lebanese University, Lebanon
The rapid growth in biomedical sensors, low-power circuits
and wireless communications has enabled a new generation
of wireless sensor networks: the body area networks. These
networks are composed of tiny, cheap and low-power biomed-
ical nodes, mainly dedicated for healthcare monitoring ap-
plications. The objective of these applications is to ensure a
continuous monitoring of vital parameters of patients, while
giving them the freedom of motion and thereby better qual-
ity of healthcare. This paper shows a comparison of body
area networks to the wireless sensor networks. In particular,
it shows how body area networks borrow and enhance ideas
from wireless sensor networks. A study of energy consump-
tion and heat absorption problems is developed for illustra-
Nowadays, biomedical sensors are used solely in health mon-
itoring applications, as with the electrocardiograms. In other
words, they are not yet integrated into communicating net-
works. However, with the increase of the vital body signs to
be monitored simultaneously, many biomedical sensors need
to work together to collect measurements at the same time.
Moreover, it is often important to communicate the measured
data from a sensing device to others. Thus, it becomes cru-
cial to have a network of communicating biomedical sensors.
This would have a radical impact on the quality of life of pa-
tients and on their treatment success rates. It could have a
wide range of future applications, as well, such as monitoring
of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and asthma, consulting
cases via telemedicine or health-care systems, etc.
The Body Area Networks (BANs) have recently emerged
as a by-product to do so. They are a new generation of
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), suited to monitor human
bodies. A BAN is composed of a collection of tiny nodes,
equipped with biomedical sensors, motion detectors and wire-
less communication devices. These nodes collect vital body
This work was partly supported by the Franco-Lebanese CEDRE program.
signs and then transmit them in a wireless manner to a cen-
tral unit where all collected information is processed. Due to
their wireless nature, BAN nodes have many advantages, such
as omnipresence connectivity, mobility and inter-operability
[1]. Some nodes may also be equipped with actuators, such
as pacemakers or instruments to store and inject medicines.
In this paper, we review some issues in BANs. We show
how BAN borrows and enhances ideas from the WSN litera-
ture. More specically, we study the energy consumption and
the heat absorption problems, both problems being tightly re-
2.1. Wireless sensor networks
Recent advances in miniaturization and wireless communi-
cation have enabled a new class of tiny powerful computers:
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). WSNs consist of large-
scale, highly distributed and self-organized networks, mainly
developed for surveillance and monitoring. They are com-
posed of a large number of tiny and cheap nodes, having com-
puting, sensing and communication capabilities. WSNs were
initially meant for military applications such as large battle-
eld surveillance. In these applications, WSNs were assumed
to have cubic-millimeter computers, called smart dust [2]. To
the best of our knowledge, the smart dust concept has not
been realized. However, the issues and challenges of WSNs
pave the way to many new opportunities. It is thus expected
to use WSNs in a broad range of applications, including envi-
ronmental monitoring, animal migration monitoring, security
surveillance, industrial control, as well as personal healthcare
monitoring, etc.
2.2. Description of body area networks
The technology behind the WSNs is still under development.
However, the research on WSNs does not deal with the chal-
lenges associated with human body
monitoring. For this rea-
son, a new generation of WSNs has emerged: the Body Area
Body area networks are not limited to humans.
Table 1. Some differences between WSNs and BANs.
Wireless Sensor Networks Body Area Networks
Scale Wide area coverage (up to several kilometers) Limited by the human body (in centimeters)
Node number Huge number of nodes for coverage Limited number of pervasive nodes
Accuracy Compensated by the redundancy Accurate measurements are required by each node
Failure Nodes often disposable Difcult replacement of implanted nodes
Energy scavenging Solar or wind power Motion or body heat
(BANs). BANs provide a new paradigm for the
WSNs technology in the physiological biosensor, the MAC
layer, the network layer, the routing strategy, etc. Although
WSNs and BANs share many difculties, such as miniatur-
ization, they face different challenges, as shown in Table 1
A BAN is a network of wearable on-body computing de-
vices. It can also includes in vivo implanted biosensor de-
vices. According to the IEEE 802.15 (Task Group 6), a BAN
consists of low power devices operating on, in or around
the human body (but not limited to humans) to serve a va-
riety of applications including medical, consumer electronics
/ personal entertainment and other. BANs have a wide range
of applications, as, for instance, in gaming or virtual reality.
However, the main challenges in terms of research or engi-
neering remain in the biomedical and healthcare monitoring
applications. Indeed, evolution of BANs should follow the
ever-increasing development in the medical domain; its main
objective being to ensure constant vigilant and pervasive mon-
itoring of patients at home or at work.
2.3. Requirements in body area networks
Although BANs are essentially WSNs, they take the WSNs
to their extreme in many directions. Indeed, BANs for in-
stance are limited to the human body where very few nodes
are deployed. Having few sensing devices, data loss in BANs
could be signicant, as opposed to WSNs, where nodes yield
redundant information. Therefore, each node needs to pro-
vide accurate measurements, especially for nodes giving vi-
tal information, such as electrocardiogram (ECG) measure-
ments. This may require additional measurements to ensure
quality-of-service and real-time data delivery, since reliability
of measurements is a must in the medical domain. Moreover,
BANs often consist of networks with devices performing di-
verse tasks. Examples of these devices include ECG, blood
pressure, pulse oximetry, temperature, respiratory, etc. Such
heterogeneous characteristics require different frequency ac-
quisition rates as well as different transmission rates.
On the other hand, some devices of the BAN need to be
implanted, in vivo, inside the human body. Implanted biosen-
sors should be biocompatible, robust, as replacement is dif-
BANs are also known as wireless body area networks, or body sensor
cult, and with low energy requirements, since energy is hard
to supply. In addition, in BAN, nodes are in close proximity
to or inside the human body. This may lead to high absorption
of the electromagnetic radio-frequency waves, and thus to an
increase of the body temperature. According to the safety
limits for exposure to radio-frequency energy, communica-
tions should be uniformly distributed among all the nodes.
Moreover, as the human body is not rigid, frequent changes
in nodes positions should be considered in the network topol-
ogy. For these reasons, a special attention should be paid to
the design of the BAN, including the routing strategy.
The energy consumption in BANs is crucial, especially in im-
planted biosensors, since they are inaccessible and difcult to
replace. For instance, a pacemaker battery usually lasts for 5
to 10 years. Since the battery is sealed inside the pacemaker,
replacing the battery leads to the replacement of the entire
system. In order to increase the lifetime of battery-powered
devices, extra amount of energy can be delivered by energy
harvesting, i.e., energy scavenging [4]. As opposed to WSNs,
where a great attention is paid to solar energy, BANs intro-
duced a new nature of energy scavenging. Devices can scav-
enge power from the human body using body heat and body
vibrations. Although heat and motion of the human body
bring new opportunities, they also introduce new challenges,
as shown in the following.
3.1. Body motion
Electrical power can be generated from motion and vibration,
with the so-called inertial-power scavenging. Natural human
body motion may be easily converted into electrical power.
This is illustrated by electronic self-winding watches based
on moving mechanics, such as the ETA Autoquartz and the
Seiko Automatic Generating System. More promising ap-
proaches are based on piezoelectric or capacitive generators.
An example of electric power generators is the electric shoes
[5, 6]. For instance, authors of [5] propose electric shoes to
provide autonomy to articial organs.
While motion may provide power to BANs, it introduces
new challenges. In fact, as the human body is not rigid, thus
the devices can move, at least relatively to each others. Thus,
frequent changes in the network topology should be consid-
ered in the design of the network architecture. BANs should
be robust to these changes, for instance by adapting the rout-
ing strategy, and the self-organization of the nodes.
3.2. Body heat
Temperature difference can be directly converted into elec-
trical power, as given by the Peltier-Seebeck effect. As any
heat engine, the efciency of thermoelectric energy is limited
by the Carnots theorem. In practice, large thermal gradients
are required to create satisfactory levels of voltage and power.
This limits the application of thermoelectric energy in BANs,
provided by body heat over ambient temperature. Neverthe-
less, recent works are very encouraging [7], as illustrated by
the Seiko Thermic watch.
While environment temperature cannot be controlled, hu-
man body temperature is essentially

C (98.6

F). In
BANs, the temperature is likely to be different than this com-
mon value. In fact, radio-frequency transmission of wireless
nodes located on-body or implanted contribute to radiation
absorption, which may result into thermal effects. For safety
reasons, the radiation absorption should be reduced, by con-
trolling the Specic Absorption Rate (SAR) [8] and using an
appropriate routing protocol (see Section 4.2).
In this section, the routing problem in BANs is tackled with
techniques fromthe WSNs literature. Our aim is to show how
BANs borrow and enhance ideas from WSNs. Three direc-
tions are presented here, with essentially the same goal: re-
ducing the absorption of power in the human body, which is
dissipated as heat. Such a problem is addressed by a cluster-
based routing, a temperature-aware routing, and using an on-
body node for implanted networks.
4.1. Routing by clustering
In WSNs, several properties for routing strategies are desir-
able: maximize system lifetime by uniform battery usage of
nodes, and application to large-scale networks. Such proper-
ties are not satised by classical network protocols, including
the direct transmission, multi-hop, and clustering.
The LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierar-
chy) [9] strategy fullls the desired properties by combin-
ing, on the one hand a hierarchical protocol with clusterhead
nodes to aggregate and compress the data, and on the other
hand a randomized rotation of the clusterhead nodes. In fact,
a cluster-based hierarchy allows small communication dis-
tances for most nodes, the non-clusterhead nodes [10]. As
opposed to conventional clustering strategies, LEACH uses
Body temperature depends upon the place at which the measurement is
made (slightly higher when taken internally), and uctuates over the day.
rotating election of clusterhead nodes and adapting the cor-
responding clusters, which allows the energy requirements to
be uniformly distributed among all the senors. Moreover, data
is compressed at each clusterhead node, accomplishing an ad-
ditional reduction in the energy dissipation.
Several algorithms were derived for BAN based on
LEACH, using a node clustering structure. For instance, the
authors of [11] focus on the self-organization of nodes, as
opposed to the randomness election in LEACH which may
lead to some isolated nodes. In [12], the authors combine, on
the one hand clustering to reduce the number of long direct
communications, and on the other hand parallel, multi-hop
indirect transmissions, the co-called chains. Such combina-
tion has signicantly better energy efciency than LEACH,
as illustrated in [13] for in-body biomedical sensor networks.
It is worth noting that LEACH is optimized for large-scale
networks, which is not the case for BAN.
4.2. Temperature-aware routing
The Specic Absorption Rate (SAR) is dened as power ab-
sorbed per unit mass of the tissue, a measure in determining
the amount of power lost due to heat dissipation. In BAN, the
SAR should be taken into account, either locally or globally
using its average over the entire mass of tissue between the
transmitter and the receiver. Because of the SAR considera-
tion, the thermal effects of BAN should be considered in the
routing protocol. This can be done by balancing the commu-
nication over the nodes, as illustrated above with the LEACH
algorithm. Moreover, one may also consider the temperature
to select appropriate routing paths.
Temperature-aware routing was initially investigated in
[14], by rotating clusterhead nodes based on leadership his-
tory and node location. In [15], an (adaptive) least tempera-
ture routing is proposed by routing data away from high tem-
perature spots and area. To this end, multi-hop routing is ap-
plied, where each node selects its neighboring node with the
lowest temperature as its next hop. By selecting the next hop,
such approach is not optimized globally. To overcome this
drawback, one may consider the least total temperature route,
by including the shortest path routing. In [16], node temper-
ature is converted into graph weights and minimum tempera-
ture route is obtained using Dijkstras algorithm.
4.3. Routing: in vivo implanted networks
More constraints are imposed by in vivo implanted sensor net-
works, including restrictions due to absorption of communi-
cation power in the tissue (SAR), which is dissipated as heat.
For this reason, classical air-as-medium propagation models,
where losses are due to freespace wave propagation and mul-
tipath fading, are no longer appropriate. In the human body,
the saline-water nature of the human tissues contributes con-
siderably to the absorption of the electromagnetic waves in
communication. There has been considerable research going
on in the eld of measurement of calculation of SAR in hu-
man tissues, and specication of safe absorption rates [17].
It is well known that the in-body propagation loss is much
more than that of on-body propagation. Thus, routing data
among implanted nodes may be inappropriate for long range
communications. In [18], a new network architecture is pro-
posed for the implanted networks by introducing an on-body
coordinator. The coordinator plays the role of a beacon, by
forwarding the data from one implanted node to another over
long distance more safely and efciently. Since a coordina-
tor is on-body, it may include other functionalities, such as
monitoring and more power resources.
In this paper, our aim was to show how BAN and WSN are
intimately connected, borrowing and enhancing ideas from
each others. This was illustrated on the routing problem,
where BAN incorporates additional constraints including en-
ergy consumption, SAR and temperature considerations. All
these constraints are intimately connected. It is obvious that
this paper is not a survey on BAN. For instance, the physio-
logical biosensors and the MAC layer were not studied, nor
security issues [19, 20]. We refer the interested reader to more
comprehensive surveys [21, 22, 23]. It is worth noting that
most of these surveys were published in 2011, subsequent to
the initial submission of this work.
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