Subnet masks define the boundaries between the network and host portions of an IP address. They are used to determine which devices can communicate on a local network versus across network boundaries. There are different subnet mask structures for class A, B, and C IP addresses. The network address is the starting IP that defines a network boundary, while the broadcast address is the ending IP - all devices with IPs between these can communicate locally. Subnetting is used to logically break a major network into smaller subnets to reduce IP address waste. It involves increasing the network bits in the subnet mask to create more networks with fewer available hosts per network. Variable length subnet masking (VLSM) allows different subnet masks within the same network, enabling even more efficient use
Subnet masks define the boundaries between the network and host portions of an IP address. They are used to determine which devices can communicate on a local network versus across network boundaries. There are different subnet mask structures for class A, B, and C IP addresses. The network address is the starting IP that defines a network boundary, while the broadcast address is the ending IP - all devices with IPs between these can communicate locally. Subnetting is used to logically break a major network into smaller subnets to reduce IP address waste. It involves increasing the network bits in the subnet mask to create more networks with fewer available hosts per network. Variable length subnet masking (VLSM) allows different subnet masks within the same network, enabling even more efficient use
Subnet masks define the boundaries between the network and host portions of an IP address. They are used to determine which devices can communicate on a local network versus across network boundaries. There are different subnet mask structures for class A, B, and C IP addresses. The network address is the starting IP that defines a network boundary, while the broadcast address is the ending IP - all devices with IPs between these can communicate locally. Subnetting is used to logically break a major network into smaller subnets to reduce IP address waste. It involves increasing the network bits in the subnet mask to create more networks with fewer available hosts per network. Variable length subnet masking (VLSM) allows different subnet masks within the same network, enabling even more efficient use
Subnet masks define the boundaries between the network and host portions of an IP address. They are used to determine which devices can communicate on a local network versus across network boundaries. There are different subnet mask structures for class A, B, and C IP addresses. The network address is the starting IP that defines a network boundary, while the broadcast address is the ending IP - all devices with IPs between these can communicate locally. Subnetting is used to logically break a major network into smaller subnets to reduce IP address waste. It involves increasing the network bits in the subnet mask to create more networks with fewer available hosts per network. Variable length subnet masking (VLSM) allows different subnet masks within the same network, enabling even more efficient use
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Subnet Mask Value:
Subnet mask value defines properties of IP Address to which it
can communicate and to which it can not Subnet mask value defines Network component and host component of an IP address Ip address uses subnet mask to find out boundaries of network Subnet mask value is a driver of IP address Network Bits are always represented with !ost bits are always represented with " Subnet Mask Structure: #lass A Subnet Mast structure N$!$!$! $""""""""$""""""""$"""""""" %&&$"$"$" #lass B Subnet Mask Structure N$N$!$! $$""""""""$"""""""" #lass # Subnet Mast Structure N$N$N$! $$$"""""""" %&&$%&&$%&&$" 'hat is Network Address Network Address is the identification address for all the systems in the network (he systems with same network address can communicate with each other Systems with different network addresses can not communicate )enerally 'hat is Broadcast Address Broadcast Address is used to deliver a broadcast messa)e to all the computers in the network (he systems with same network address can have same broadcast address All the systems in between Network address and broadcast address form a lo)ical network to communicate with each other$ note:Network Address and Broad cast Address are the boundaries of a network$ (hey can*t be assi)ned to computers !ow to find out Network Address Identify class of IP address and Subnet mask Structure$ +eplace host portion with *"*,or- Perform a lo)ical AN. operation between IP Address and subnet mask value !ow to find out Broadcast Address Identify class of Ip Address and Subnet mask Structure +eplace !ost portion with %&& perform a lo)ical /+ operation between IP Address and inverse Subnetmask value 01: "$2&$%%3$4 N$!$!$! Network Address5"$"$"$" Broadcast Address5"$%&&$%&&$%&& 6%$%&$4$78 N$N$!$! Network address56%$%&$"$" Broadcast Address56%$%&$%&&$%&& 4%$82$""$"" N$N$N$! Network Address54%$82$""$" Broadcast Address54%$82$""$%&& IP address +elated /r)ani9ations: IANA:internet Assi)ned Numbers Authority I#ANN:Internet #orporation for Assi)ned Numbers and names Private IP Address: (he IP addresses not routable in public network ;sed to communicate within private network Internet access is not possible with private ip address .efined in +<# 42 #lassA "$"$"$":"$%&&$%&&$%&& #lass B 6%$8$"$":6%$3$%&&$%&& #lass # 4%$82$"$":4%$82$%&&$%&& Special IP addresses: Network is reserved for default routin)$ #annot assi)ned to systems %6$"$"$" Network is reserved for loop back purpose ,NI# dia)nosis- #lass . Networks are reserved for multicastin)$ Not for systems #lass 0 Networks are reserved for +esearch and .evelopment$ Not for systems Subnettin) 'hat is subnettin)= >o)ically breakin) the ma?or network into smaller networks:subnets Advanta)e of subnettin) +educe wasta)e of ip address Subnettin) Procedure: Increase network bits in the subnet mask value from left to ri)ht Subnettin) formulae:
No$ of networks 5 %pwer n N5increased network bits No$ of !osts per network 5,% power !-:% !5remainin) host bits Subnettin) Methods: Subnettin) can be done in two ways Based on No$of Networks Based on No$ of !osts Subnettin) #alculations: Based on No$ of Networks: Identify re@uired No$ of subnets +efer % power chart Identify N value Increast the bits in the subnetmask value Identify ! value <ind out new subnet mask value <ind out No$ of subnets and No$ of hosts Subtract new subnet mask value from %&&$%&&$%&&$%&& <ind out network address and Broadcast address of all subnets Based on No$ of hosts: o Identify re@uired No$ of hosts per subnet o +efer % power hart o Identify ! value o Increase the bits in the subnetmask value o Identify N value o <ind out new subnet mask value o <ind out No$of subnets and No$of hosts o Subtract new subnet mask value form %&&$%&&$%&&$%&& o <ind out network address and Broadcast address of all subnets 01ercise: .ivide 4%$82$""$" into 7 subnets .ivide "$"$"$" into " subnets .ivide 6%$8$"$"$ into 8 subnets .ivide 4%$82$""$" into subnets with %2 hosts .ivide "$"$"$" into subnets with 7""" hosts .ivide 6%$8$"$" into subnets &"" hosts V>SM 'hat is vlsm Variable length subnet Mask Also called as subnetting of subnetting Subnetting is used to break the network equally If these networks are subneetted again, different subnets may have different subnet mask values, also called as Variable length subnet masks With vlsm, IP addressing scheme is used more efficiently without wastage Subnetting and VSM com!arisions Subnetting VSM "reaking netwok equally "reaking network unequally Sub#netting Subnetting of subnetting $as same subnet mask value $as different subnet mask values %educe IP wastage %educe IP wastage more effectively &esign IP address scheme for the network with '()*'+,*'*- "ranch' '-' hosts "ranch ) )+ hosts "ranch . ),hosts "ranch'#) wan link ) hosts "ranch )#. wan link ) hosts "ranch .#' wan link ) hosts