This document recommends downloading e-books, audio files, and video files by David Icke from file sharing networks to learn about the threat of global mind control creating a fascist one-party superstate. The files discuss topics like spiritual renaissance, freedom from truth, robots' guide to freedom, and the biggest secret that will change the world. Specifically recommended is a 3-hour interview of Arizona Wilder about human sacrifice and Satanic rituals involving famous people. The files are not officially available on David Icke's website.
This document recommends downloading e-books, audio files, and video files by David Icke from file sharing networks to learn about the threat of global mind control creating a fascist one-party superstate. The files discuss topics like spiritual renaissance, freedom from truth, robots' guide to freedom, and the biggest secret that will change the world. Specifically recommended is a 3-hour interview of Arizona Wilder about human sacrifice and Satanic rituals involving famous people. The files are not officially available on David Icke's website.
This document recommends downloading e-books, audio files, and video files by David Icke from file sharing networks to learn about the threat of global mind control creating a fascist one-party superstate. The files discuss topics like spiritual renaissance, freedom from truth, robots' guide to freedom, and the biggest secret that will change the world. Specifically recommended is a 3-hour interview of Arizona Wilder about human sacrifice and Satanic rituals involving famous people. The files are not officially available on David Icke's website.
This document recommends downloading e-books, audio files, and video files by David Icke from file sharing networks to learn about the threat of global mind control creating a fascist one-party superstate. The files discuss topics like spiritual renaissance, freedom from truth, robots' guide to freedom, and the biggest secret that will change the world. Specifically recommended is a 3-hour interview of Arizona Wilder about human sacrifice and Satanic rituals involving famous people. The files are not officially available on David Icke's website.
Also download one or more of the following electronic publica-
tions if you want to know about the global mind control that is threatening to create a global fascist one-party superstate in the next few years: DAVID ICKE E-BOOKS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET: (pdf-files) * The Robots Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance * And The Truth Shall Set You Free - The most explosive book of the 20th century * I am me I am free - The Robots' Guide to Freedom * The Biggest Secret - The book that will change the world DAVID ICKE AUDIO (TALKS AND INTERVIEWS) AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET: (mp3-files) * From The Ancient World To 2012 * Art Bell 11-11-98 Bloodlines&TheNewWorldOrder * Human sacrifice and Satanic ritual involving the most famous people in the world - 3 hour interview of Arizona Wilder DAVID ICKE VIDEO AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET: (avi-files) * Human sacrifice and Satanic ritual involving the most famous people in the world - 3 hour interview of Arizona Wilder To find these (unofficial) files you may have to search some of the file sharing networks like the KaZaA/Grokster network. They are not yet available for download at the (official) website: This page was added to the original document in April 2002 by an independant truth seeker not affiliated with David Icke in any way. And as far as I know, the publishing of the original document is not connected with David Icke either.
Its Easy To Poke Fun About The UFO Topic From An Armchair But Unless Your Invited To The Meetings I Have Been Part of Then... No More Laughing, Big Things Are Coming
An Interview With 'Henry Deacon' - Updates - February-December 2007#an Important New Statement From Henry Deacon#an Important New Statement From Henry Deacon#an Important New Statement From Henry Deacon