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Proposed Zoning Districts

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Valley Township Permitted Land Uses by Zoning Districts

* Proposed new uses and deletions are in bold font.

C Zone: Conservation Zone Preserve areas characterized by sensitive environmental features, not well suited to intensive
development, yet providing valuable passive recreational opportunities.
Permitted Uses Passive recreation and parks, preservation and conservation of natural and/or historical structures, agricultural,
horticultural and forestry, public uses and public utilities structures, single-family detached dwellings and seasonal residences, no-impact
home-based business
pecial !"ception Uses #lubhouses for private clubs, home occupations, non-commercial keeping of livestock, two-family conversions,
bed and breakfast
#onditional Uses #luster developments, campgrounds, indoor recreation facilities, golf courses, active recreation, communications towers
and antenna, alternative energy production

R-1 Zone: ccommodates Detached !esidential Uses
Permitted Uses $gricultural, horticultural, forestry, single-family detached dwellings, passive recreation and parks, public uses and public
utility structures, churches and related uses, no-impact home-based business
pecial !"ception Uses %amily day care facilities, private schools &e"cluding vocational, mechanical or trade schools', two-family
conversions, home occupations
#onditional Uses #luster developments, active recreation, golf courses, indoor recreation facilities, limited cluster development

R-2 Zone: ccommodates medium to high density residential needs
Permitted Uses $gricultural, horticultural, and forestry, single-family detached dwellings, twin dwellings, townhouses, multiple-family
dwellings, passive recreation and parks, public uses, no impact home-based business
pecial !"ception Uses (oarding houses, nursing rest or retirement homes, home occupation, family day care, two-family conversions,
private schools
#onditional Uses )obile home parks, medical residential campus, cluster developments, active recreation, golf courses, indoor recreation

NC Zone: "eighborhood Commercial Zone D#L#T#D

HC Zone: $ighway Commercial Zone *arger scale and/or highway oriented retail, service and entertainment businesses.
Permitted Uses +ffices, banks, restaurants, retail sales, hotels, motels, automobile, boats, farm machinery and trailer sales including
service or repair facilities as an accessory use, theaters and auditoriums, shops for contractors &plumbing, heating, $#, electrical, roofing,
etc. and e%cavating' public uses, dry cleaners, laundries, laundromats, churches and related uses, recycling collection &acilities
pecial !"ception Uses $musement arcades, automobile filling stations, auto service and repair, car washes, commercial day care, flea
markets, funeral homes, home improvement and supplies, hospitals, mini-warehouses, nursing, rest' and retirement homes' private
#onditional Uses $dult-related facilities, indoor recreation, drive-thru and/or fast food, health and recreation clubs, nightclubs, shopping
centers, light manu&acturing

RC Zone: !egional Commercial Zone uitable locations for businesses that rely on a regional market
Permitted Uses +ffices, banks, restaurants and taverns &not drive-thru or fast food', retail sales, theaters and auditoriums, &ast(&ood
restaurants within an enclosed shopping center or mall, auto parts stores and auto services if accessory to a department or variety store
#onditional Uses &ast(&ood restaurants within an enclosed shopping center or mall' shopping centers and malls, drive-thru and fast food
restaurants, hotels including dining facilities, home improvement and building stores, health and recreation clubs, indoor recreation
facilities, suburban center mi"ed-use development, hospitals

CO Zone: Commercial )&&ice Zone D#L#T#D

NCO Zone: "eighborhood Commercial )&&ice Zone Promote new commercial development and redevelopment o&
e%isting uses into commercial uses that coe%ist with e%isting residential' commercial' and o&&ice uses* The intent is to merge the previous
C) and "C Zones along the +usiness !oute ,- corridor to establish a more corridor(&riendly environment &or &uture development and

Permitted Uses +usiness o&&ices such as realtors' travel agencies' and insurance agencies' pro&essional o&&ices such as medical o&&ices'
dental o&&ices' and engineering o&&ices' medical and dental clinics' small(scale restaurants .not including drive(thru or &ast &ood
restaurants or nightclubs/' ba0eries' co&&ee shops' retail sale and1or rental o& goods' and similar uses provided the gross &loor area is less
than ,'2-- s*&*' personal services such as barber shops' beauty salons' tanning salons' tailoring' printing and publishing centers' and cloc0
and 3ewelry repair' public uses and public utilities' instructional &acilities such as learning centers' dance' pottery' photography' or yoga
studios' photographic studio

4pecial #%ception Uses Car washes' commercial day care &acilities' dry cleaners' laundries' laundromats' &uneral homes

Conditional Uses Veterinarian5s o&&ice' light manu&acturing' light warehousing' indoor agriculture' any other use' not the same as' but
which is nevertheless similar in character and impact as those uses listed above' provided that such use is approved as a conditional use

I Zone: 6ndustrial Zone Provides for a wide range of industrial activities.

Permitted Uses *aboratories for medical, scientific or industrial research and development, manufacturing, packaging, storage and/or
wholesale of listed products, processing, packaging, storage and/or warehousing of certain food products, sales, storage and/or
wholesaling of fuels, garden materials, contractor - building supplies, bookbinding, printing, publishing, repair, machine, welding shops,
sign makers, offices, public buildings and utilities, agricultural support businesses, vocational and mechanical trade schools, accessory uses
customarily incidental to the above permitted uses with sales area size restrictions, recycling collection &acilities

#onditional Uses $ny above Permitted Use if all buildings on the lot e"ceed .//,/// s.f. and any use "imilar in character and impact,
heavy industrial uses involving processing, packaging, production, repair or testing of materials, foods, goods and products, nonto"ic
chemical operations, warehousing and wholesale trade establishments, heavy e0uipment sales, service, and repair, 1unkyards, billboards,
recycling stations, solid waste disposal facilities, convenience commercial centers, spent mushroom compost processing and/or commercial
mushroom operations, mushroom spawn cultivation, 0uarries and other e"tractive-related uses, communications antennas, towers and

PD Zone: Planned Development $ccommodates and promotes mi"ed-use employment centers at suitable suburban
locations. Permits wide range of office, research, light industry, warehousing and commercial services to encourage new economic
activities in the 2ownship.

Permitted Uses +ffices, laboratories, research/development, manufacturing of listed products, assemblage of furniture, stamping or
e"trusion of small metal or plastic products, packaging, bookbinding, copying, printing, publishing, beverage bottling or distribution,
hospitals, medical, dental centers, photographic studios, retail sales of listed products, health and recreation clubs with outdoor
restrictions, hotels and motels, restaurants and taverns &not fast food or drive-thru', private schools, airports, aircra&t and aviation
support7 aircra&t and aviation training7 aerial surveying7 rental car businesses not including rental moving truc0s' bo% truc0s or trailers7
limousine services7 emergency medevac &acilities7 &ire&ighting' #8T' and ambulance &acilities7 passive recreation and par0s7 convenience

4pecial #%ception Uses Car washes

#onditional Uses Uses similar in character to those listed above, convenience commercial centers, warehousing and wholesale trade
establishments, indoor recreation facilities, heliports, active recreation7 communication antennas' towers and e9uipment7 community1
con&erence centers' drive(thru and &ast &ood restaurants

MFR Zone: 8ultiple :amily !esidential )verlay )ption Zone +verlay district option that facilitates multiple family
dwelling development.

Permitted Uses )ultiple family dwellings and accessory uses

Airport District Oer!ay Zone: $n airport district overlay that considers safety issues around the 3. +. #arlson $irport,
regulates and restricts the heights of constructed structures and ob1ects of natural growth, creates appropriate zones, establishing the
boundaries thereof and providing for changes in the restrictions and boundaries of such zones, creates the permitting process for use
within said zones and provides for enforcement, assessment of violation penalties, an appeals process, and 1udicial review.
Permitted Uses ame as underlying zoning district

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