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Sulphur Cycle

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The sulfur cycle is the collection of processes by which sulfur moves to and from minerals
(including the waterways) and living systems. Such biogeochemical cycles are important in
geology because they affect many minerals. Biogeochemical cycles are also important for life
because sulfur is an essential element, being a constituent of many proteins and cofactors.
Steps of the sulfur cycle are:
Mineralization of organic sulfur into inorganic forms, such as hydrogen sulfide (H
elemental sulfur, as well as sulfide minerals.
Oxidation of hydrogen sulfide, sulfide, and elemental sulfur (S) to sulfate (SO
Reduction of sulfate to sulfide.
Incorporation of sulfide into organic compounds (including metal-containing derivatives)
These are often termed as follows:
Assimilative sulfate reduction (see also sulfur assimilation) in which sulfate
) is reduced by plants, fungi and various prokaryotes. The oxidation states
of sulfur are +6 in sulfate and 2 in RSH.
Desulfurization in which organic molecules containing sulfur can be desulfurized,
producing hydrogen sulfide gas (H
S, oxidation state = 2). An analogous process
for organic nitrogen compounds is deamination.
Oxidation of hydrogen sulfide produces elemental sulfur (S
), oxidation state = 0.
This reaction occurs in the photosynthetic green and purple sulfur bacteria and
some chemolithotrophs. Often the elemental sulfur is stored as polysulfides.
Oxidation of elemental sulfur by sulfur oxidizers produces sulfate.
Dissimilative sulfur reduction in which elemental sulfur can be reduced to
hydrogen sulfide.
Dissimilative sulfate reduction in which sulfate reducers generate hydrogen
sulfide from sulfate.


o Sulfur is found in oxidation states ranging from +6 in SO4 to -2 in sulfides. Thus
elemental sulfur can either give or receive electrons depending on its environment.
Igneous rocks such as pyrite (FeS2) comprised the original pool of sulfur on earth. Owing
to the sulfur cycle, the amount of mobile sulfur has been continuously increasing through
volcanic activity as well as weathering of the crust in an oxygenated atmosphere.

o Earth's main sulfur sink is the oceans as SO2, where it is the major oxidizing agent.
When SO4 is assimilated by organisms, it is reduced and converted to organic sulfur,
which is an essential component of proteins. However, the biosphere does not act as a
major sink for sulfur, instead the majority of sulfur is found in seawater or sedimentary
rocks especially pyrite rich shales and evaporite rocks (anhydrite and baryte).

The amount of sulfate in the oceans is controlled by three major processes:
1. input from rivers
2. sulfate reduction and sulfide reoxidation on continental shelves and slopes
3. burial of anhydrite and pyrite in the oceanic crust.

o There is no significant amount of sulfur held in the atmosphere with all of it coming from
either sea spray or windblown sulfur rich dust, neither of which is long lived in the
atmosphere. In recent times the large annual input of sulfur from the burning of coal and
other fossil fuels adds a substantial amount SO2 which acts as an air pollutant. In the
geologic past, igneous intrusions into coal measures have caused large scale burning of
these measures, and consequential release of sulfur to the atmosphere. This has led to
substantial disruption to the climate system, and is one of the proposed causes of the great
o Dimethylsulfide [(CH3)2S or DMS] is produced by the decomposition of
dimethylsulfoniopropionate DMSP) from dying phytoplankton cells in the shallow levels
of the ocean, and is the major biogenic gas emitted from the sea, where it is responsible
for the distinctive smell of the sea along coastlines.[1] DMS is the largest natural
source of sulfur gas, but still only has a residence time of about one day in the
atmosphere and a majority of it is redeposited in the oceans rather than making it to land.
However, it is a significant factor in the climate system, as it is involved in the formation
of clouds.


The isotopic composition of sedimentary sulfides provides primary information on the
evolution of the sulfur cycle.
The total inventory of sulfur compounds on the surface of the Earth (nearly 1022 g S)
represents the total outgassing of sulfur through geologic time.
Rocks analyzed for sulfur content are generally organic-rich shales meaning they are
likely controlled by biogenic sulfur reduction. Average seawater curves are generated
from evaporites deposited throughout geologic time because again, since they do not
discriminate between the heavy and light sulfur isotopes, they should mimic the ocean
composition at the time of deposition.
4.6 billion years ago (Ga) the Earth formed and had a theoretical 34S value of 0. Since
there was no biologic activity on early Earth there would be no isotopic fractionation. All
sulfur in the atmosphere would be released during volcanic eruptions. When the oceans
condensed on Earth, the atmosphere was essentially swept clean of sulfur gases, owing to
their high solubility in water.
Throughout the majority of the Archean (4.62.5 Ga) most systems appeared to be
sulfate-limited. Some small Archean evaporite deposits require that at least locally
elevated concentrations (possibly due to local volcanic activity) of sulfate existed in order
for them to be supersaturated and precipitate out of solution.[9]
3.83.6 Ga marks the beginning of the exposed geologic record because this is the age of
the oldest rocks on Earth. Metasedimentary rocks from this time still have an isotopic
value of 0 because the biosphere was not developed enough (possibly at all) to fractionate
3.5 Ga anoxyogenic photosynthesis is established and provides a weak source of sulfate
to the global ocean with sulfate concentrations incredibly low the 34S is still basically
0.[9] Shortly after, at 3.4 Ga the first evidence for minimal fractionation in evaporitic
sulfate in association with magmatically derived sulfides can be seen in the rock record.
This fractionation shows possible evidence for anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria.
2.8 Ga marks the first evidence for oxygen production through photosynthesis. This is
important because there cannot be sulfur oxidation without oxygen in the atmosphere.
This exemplifies the coevolution of the oxygen and sulfur cycles as well as the biosphere.
2.72.5 Ga is the age of the oldest sedimentary rocks to have a depleted 34S which
provide the first compelling evidence for sulfate reduction.[9]
2.3 Ga sulfate increases to more than 1 mM; this increase in sulfate is coincident with the
"Great Oxygenation Event", when redox conditions on Earth's surface are thought by
most workers to have shifted fundamentally from reducing to oxidizing.[11] This shift
would have led to an incredible increase in sulfate weathering which would have led to
an increase in sulfate in the oceans. The large isotopic fractionations that would likely be
associated with bacteria reduction are produced for the first time. Although there was a

distinct rise in seawater sulfate at this time it was likely still only less than 515% of
present-day levels.[11]
At 1.8 Ga, Banded iron formations (BIF) are common sedimentary rocks throughout the Archean
and Paleoproterozoic; their disappearance marks a distinct shift in the chemistry of ocean water.
BIFs have alternating layers of iron oxides and chert. BIFs only form if the water is be allowed
to supersaturate in dissolved iron (Fe2+) meaning there cannot be free oxygen or sulfur in the
water column because it would form Fe3+ (rust) or pyrite and precipitate out of solution.
Following this supersaturation, the water must become oxygenated in order for the ferric rich
bands to precipitate it must still be sulfur poor otherwise pyrite would form instead of Fe3+. It
has been hypothesized that BIFs formed during to the initial evolution of photosynthetic
organisms that had phases of population growth, causing over production of oxygen. Due to this
over production they would poison themselves causing a mass die off, which would cut off the
source of oxygen and produce a large amount of CO2 through the decomposition of their bodies,
allowing for another bacterial bloom. After 1.8 Ga sulfate concentrations were sufficient to
increase rates of sulfate reduction to greater than the delivery flux of iron to the oceans.[9]
Along with the disappearance of BIF, the end of the Paleoproterozoic also marks the first large
scale sedimentary exhalative deposits showing a link between mineralization and a likely
increase in the amount of sulfate in sea water. In the Paleoproterozoic the sulfate in seawater had
increased to an amount greater than in the Archean, but was still lower than present day
values.[11] The sulfate levels in the Proterozoic also act as proxies for atmospheric oxygen
because sulfate is produced mostly through weathering of the continents in the presence of
oxygen. The low levels in the Proterozoic simply imply that levels of atmospheric oxygen fell
between the abundances of the Phanerozoic and the deficiencies of the Archean.
750 million years ago (Ma) there is a renewed deposition of BIF which marks a significant
change in ocean chemistry. This was likely due to snowball earth episodes where the entire globe
including the oceans was covered in a layer of ice cutting off oxygenation.[12] In the late
Neoproterozoic high carbon burial rates increased the atmospheric oxygen level to >10% of its
present day value. In the Latest Neoproterozoic another major oxidizing event occurred on
Earth's surface that resulted in an oxic deep ocean and possibly allowed for the appearance of
multicellular life.[13]
During the last 600 million years, seawater SO4 has varied between +10 and +30 in 34S,
with an average value close to that of today. This coincides with atmospheric O levels reaching
something close to modern values around the PrecambrianCambrian boundary.
Over a shorter time scale (ten million years) changes in the sulfur cycle are easier to observe and
can be even better constrained with oxygen isotopes. Oxygen is continually incorporated into the
sulfur cycle through sulfate oxidation and then released when that sulfate is reduced once

Since different sulfate sources within the ocean have distinct oxygen isotopic values it may be
possible to use oxygen to trace the sulfur cycle. Biological sulfate reduction preferentially selects
lighter oxygen isotopes for the same reason that lighter sulfur isotopes are preferred. By studying
oxygen isotopes in ocean sediments over the last 10 million years [14] were able to better
constrain the sulfur concentrations in sea water through that same time. They found that the sea
level changes due to Pliocene and Pleistocene glacial cycles changed the area of continental
shelves which then disrupted the sulfur processing, lowering the concentration of sulfate in the
sea water. This was a drastic change as compared to preglacial times before 2 million years ago.

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