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Case ReDort
Tr eat ment of Abscessed Primary Molars Utilizing Lesion Sterilization and Tissue Repair:
Literature Review and Report of Three Cases
David Burrus, DDS' Lori Barbeau, DDS^ Brian Hodgson,
Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this report was to review an emerging aiternative treatment to pulpectomies and extractions for nonvital primary
teeth called lesion steriiization and tissue repair (L5TR) and provide the resuits of three clinical case appiications. L5TR is a noninstrumentation endodontic
treatment that invoives a triantibiotic mixture in a propylene glycol vehicle, which is used to disinfect root canal systems. This concept was developed
by the cariology research unit of the Schooi of Dentistry Niigata University, Niigata, Niigata Prefecture, apon. This article reviews the development of
the technique, clinical procedures required for the technique, three clinical applications and radiographie documentation and foiiow-up, and a short
literature review of the current evidence supporting its application in dinicai practice, (Pediatr Dent 2014:36:240-4) Received January 18, 2013 I Last
Revision June 5, 2013 I Accepted June 19, 2013
Pdiatrie dentists are often faced with the management of
primary teeth that show signs of irreversible pulpitis or ne-
crosis.' Traditionally accepted treatment options for teeth with
infected root canals/periradicular tissues are pulpectomy or
extraction.' Although extraction with space maintenance re-
mains a viable treatment option, a successfully restored primary
tooth is a far superior space maintainer than an appliance.^'''
With pulpectomy treatment, necrotic or abscessed primary
teeth have acceptable outcomes approximately 85 percent of
the time*, but the technique can be very challenging given
the continuous changes in the apical foramen as a result of
physiologic and pathologic rsorption. Overinstrumentation
may injure the developing permanent tooth bud.'*"'" Sjogren et
al. found that, even after thorough mechanical and chemical
cleaning of the canals, up to 40 percent of the canals may still
exhibit positive bacterial cultures.''
These findings led researchers to investigate antibiotic
options for disinfecting root canal systems. As a result, the
cariology research unit of the School of Dentistry, Niigata
University, Niigata, Niigata Prefecture, Japan, developed the
concept of lesion sterilization and tissue repair (LSTR) therapy,
which is a noninstrumentation endodontic treatment that
employs a mixture of antibacterial drugs in a propylene glycol
vehicle for the disinfection of dentinal, pulpal, and periapical
lesions. If lesions are completely disinfected, tissue repair can
be expected.**
Bacterial constituents of intraoral pathology have been
analyzed under strict anaerobic conditions to understand the
target bacteria in LSTR endodontic treatment.*''' Metroni-
dazole was chosen initially for its wide bactericidal spectrum
against anaerobes commonly found in oral sites. However,
even high concentrations of metronidazole could not eliminate
all the bacteria in the lesions. Therefore, two additional antibac-
terial drugs, ciprofloxacin and minocycline, were added in an
^Dr. Burms is a pdiatrie dentist in private praetiee. Bend. Ore,: ^Dr, Barbeau is
medical director. Pdiatrie Dental residency program. Children's Hospital of Wisconsin:
and 'Dr, Hodgson is an associate professor. Division of Pdiatrie Dentistiy, Marquette
University School of Dentistry, both in Milwaukee. Wis,, USA,
Correspond with Dr, Burrus at davidburrusdds@gmail.eom
effort to fully eradicate all of the bacteria." Windley et al.
noted that this combination of antibiotics would also decrease
the likelihood of the development of resistant bacterial strains."
Extensive in vitro and in situ studies have shown that the
mixture (3-Mix) of metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, and mino-
cycline is effective against oral bacteria, including those in the
endodontic lesions of primary teeth."' "' "' Furthermore, this
same antibiotic combination has been successful in permanent
tooth disinfection and regenerative endodontic treatments.'^''^
Cruz et al. showed that the addition of propylene glycol and
macrogol (MP) as a carrier vehicle greatly improved the pene-
tration ability of these medications.'''
Takushige et al.* clinically applied this LSTR theory in a
trial involving 87 infected primary molars in 56 four to 18-
year-olds. Fifty-four of the infected primary molars showed
radiolucencies on radiographs, 52 had gingival swellings, and
22 had fistulas. Their results showed that 83 of the 87 cases
demonstrated healing after one application of the 3-Mix-MP
Dental Paste. In those 83 cases, pain, swelling, and fistulas re-
solved within one week of therapy. The four nonresponding
teeth were retreated due to continued swelling, and, conse-
quently, all symptoms resolved. The mean function time of
the treated primary teeth in this study was 680 days. Success
was described as follows: no mobility, functional tooth, and
no pain or infection.
The purpose of this literature review and report of cases
was to inform dental practitioners of lesion sterilization and
tissue repair therapy for nonvital pulp therapy in primary teeth.
Modification of Takushige et al.'s technique. A compound-
ing pharmacist was enlisted to review and suggest an alter-
native antibiotic to minocycline, because minocycline has been
shown in the permanent dentition to cause black staining
and discoloration of the tooth and gums.^^-^''^' Clindamycin
was chosen due to its effectiveness against streptococci and
anaerobes.'^ Iodoform was also added to the 3-Mix-MP dental
paste (3-Mix-MP-R), making it radiopaque and allowing
radiographie confirmation of proper paste placement. As
provided by the compounding pharmacist, the 3-Mix-MP-R
is supplied as a two-part system. The dry powder component
P E D I A T R I C D E N T I S T R Y V 3 6 N O 3 M A Y / J U N 14
contains metronidazole USP, ciprofloxacin HCI USP, clinda-
mycin HCI USP, and iodoform (triiodomethane) USP. The
liquid component contains polyethylene glycol 300 and macro-
gol. The two components are mixed immediately prior to use.
Clinical procedure of LSTR using 3-Mix-MP-R. The
following is a description of the clinical procedure of LSTR
and final restoration performed on each of the three cases pre-
sented here. A dental examination with appropriate radiographs
was completed, and a clinical diagnosis was determined. After
discussion of the risks, benefits, and alternatives, informed
consent was obtained. The teeth were anesthetized and isolated
with a rubber dam and pulpal access was obtained. The necro-
tic tissues were removed from the coronal portion of the pulp
chamber, and the canal orifices enlarged with a round bur
(one mm diameter and two mm depth) to create medication
receptacles. The walls of the chamber were cleansed with 35
percent phosphoric acid (Ultra Etch, Ultradent, South Jordan,
Utah, USA), rinsed, and dried using an air and water syringe.
Phosphoric acid was used for its bactericidal properties. Any re-
fractory hemorrhage was controlled by applying a cotton pellet
soaked in 10 percent NaOCl (Pure Bright, KIK International
Inc, Concord, Ontario, Canada) until hemostasis was achieved.
The 3-Mix-MP-R was placed in the medication receptacles
and over the pulpal Hoor. The access opening was sealed with
a glass ionomer cement (Fugi IX, GC America, Alsip, 111.,
USA), and the tooth was restored with a stainless steel crown
[(SSC); 3M ESPE Unitek Stainless Steel Ctowns, St. Paul,
Minn., USA], the most effective long-term restoration for pulp-
ally tteated primary teeth.^ The additional use of systemic
antibiotics was considered if significant vestibular swelling was
noted or if a large furcation radiolucency was present.
Case descriptions
Case 1. A seven-year-old Caucasian male, with a medical history
positive for neurofibromatosis type I and a stable optic glioma,
presented to the pdiatrie dental residency clinic at the Chil-
dren's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis, for the evalua-
tion and treatment of a mandibular right posterior swelling in
association with his primary mandibular right second molar
and a one-week history of pain. Based on the parent's descrip-
tion of the swelling via a phone interview the week prior, the
patient was prescribed a course of systemic antibiotics. The
dental history revealed that the patient had pteviously received
operative treatment on this tooth by a community pdiatrie
Clinical examination revealed a vestibular abscess adjacent
to the primary mandibular right second molar. Sensitivity was
documented with percussion, and the tooth had gteater than
physiologic mobility. On palpation, there was pain and exdate.
A periapical radiograph revealed bone alterations and a fur-
cation radiolucency of the primary mandibular right second
molar (Eigure la). An existing composite resin restoration was
in place and in close proximity to the mesial pulp hotn. Consi-
dering the histoty, symptoms, and clinical and radiographie
findings, the primary mandibular right second molar was di-
agnosed with a necrotic pulp and acute furcal dentoalveolar
The clinical procedure of LSTR using 3-Mix-MP-R was
completed. The pulp chamber contained only necrotic tissue,
and no hemorrhage was present. The patient was asymptomatic
when he returned for his four-week follow-up. Clinical evalu-
ation showed complete soft tissue healing of the abscess. The
tooth had normal mobility and was negative to percussion and
palpation. Increased furcation radiodensity and trabeculation
were detected on a radiograph.
The patient was symptom-free when he returned four
months later and again for examination of the ptimary mandi-
bular right second molar 11 months post-LSTR. Radiographie
findings demonstrated continued stability and furcation bone
healing (Eigure lb).
Case 2. A six-year-old African-American female presented
to the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin pdiatrie dental re-
sidency program for an emergency pain assessment appoint-
ment with the chief complaint of a toothache on the lower
right side for one week. The patient had never received dental
care. The patient reported spontaneous waking pain and elicited
pain with eating and drinking. No significant medical ot family
history was reported, and she otherwise appeared healthy.
A clinical examination revealed a large, purulent, vestibular
abscess adjacent to the primary mandibular right fitst molar.
The tooth exhibited pathologic mobility and was depressible to
occlusal forces. The patient was highly sensitive to percussion,
and on palpation there was pain and exdate. A periapical
radiograph revealed distal-occlusal caries extending into the
Figure la. Initial periapical radiograph show-
ing a furcation radiolucency.
Figure lb. Eleven months post-op, a periapicai
radiograph showed continued stability and
furcation bone bealing.
Figure 2a. Initial periapical radiograph showed
dental caries extending to the distal pulp born
and a furcation radiolucency.
T R E A T M E N T O F A BS C E S S E D P R I M A R Y M O LA R S 241
Figure 2b. Twelve
months post-op, pe-
riapicai radiographs
revealed bone stabi-
lity, calcific meta-
morphosis of the
root canal space, and
normal physiologic
root rsorption by
the permanent man-
dibular right first
distal pulp horn of the primary mandibular right first molar
(Figure 2a). A furcation radiolucency and loss of lamina dura
were noted. The tooth was diagnosed with necrotic pulp and
an acute apical dentoalveolar abscess. The patient was pre-
scribed systemic antibiotics and scheduled for a treatment
Following a one-week course of a systemic antibiotic, the
clinical procedure of LSTR using 3-Mix-MP-R was completed.
The pulp chamber was found to contain only dry necrotic
tissue. At the three-month follow-up appointment, no symp-
toms were reported. On clinical exam, the primary mandibular
right first molar was negative to percussion and palpation
and had physiologic mobility. The soft tissue showed complete
healing of the abscess. A periapical radiograph was taken and
demonstrated increased deposition of bone in the furcation
area and the return of the lamina dura.
The patient was asymptomatic 12 months post-LSTR
and showed nothing remarkable during a clinical exam. Radio-
graphic findings revealed bone stability, calcific metamorphosis
of the root canal space, and normal physiologic root r-
sorption by the permanent mandibular right first premolar
(Figure 2b).
Case 3. A four-year-old Hispanic female without a signi-
ficant medical and family history was referred to the Children's
Hospital of Wisconsin's pediatric dental residency program for
evaluation and dental care. The patient reported severe tooth
pain on her lower right side. On clinical examination, a large
carious lesion was noted on the occlusal surface of the pri-
mary mandibular right second molar along with a buccal ves-
tibular abscess. The tooth had normal physiologic mobility
but was positive to percussion and palpation. A lower right
periapical radiograph revealed a furcation radiolucency over-
lying the succedaneous tooth bud (Figure 3a). Based on the
clinical and radiographie findings, the tooth was diagnosed
with a necrotic pulp/irreversible pulpitis with acute apical
dentoalveolar infection.
During the clinical procedure, necrotic tissue was found
in the mesial canal and hemorrhage was present in the distal
canal. Necrotic tissue was removed and the chamber was
cleansed with 35 percent phosphoric acid. Hemostasis in the
distal canal was achieved by applying pressure with a cotton
pellet saturated with 10 percent NaOCl. The remainder of the
protocol was then completed.
The patient was asymptomatic when she returned for a
one-month follow-up visit. Clinical evaluation showed soft
tissue healing of the abscess. The tooth continued to have phy-
siologic mobility and responded normally to palpation and
At the four-month and 10-month visit post-LSTR, the
patient continued to be asymptomatic. The soft tissue re-
mained healthy. Periapical radiographs demonstrated increased
trabeculation and radiodensity in the furcation area. Slight
internal rsorption of the distal canal was noted at the four-
month follow-up; however, the radiograph from the 10-month
follow-up showed reversal of this internal rsorption. (Figure 3b
and 3c).
To date, there have been limited evidence-based clinical studies
of 3-Mix-MP-R employed in LSTR therapy. The techniques
have varied slightly, and the results have been inconsistent.
Nakornchai et al.^** compared the clinical and radiographie suc-
cess of 3-Mix-MP and Vitapex (premixed calcium hydroxide
Figure 3. (a) Initial periapical radiograph showing occlusal caries extending into the pulp chamber with a furcation radioiucency overlying the permanent tooth bud.
(b) Four months post-op, the periapical radiograph demonstrated increased trabeculation in the furcation area. Slight internal rsorption noted in the distal canal.
(c) Ten months post-op, radiographie findings demonstrated stability of the inter-radicular and periapical structures and a normal periodontal ligament space. Internal
rsorption in the distal canal has resolved.
and iodoform root canal medicament; Neo Dental Interna-
tional, Federal Way, Wash., USA) for root canal treatment on
pulpally involved primary molars using 2.5 percent NaOCl as
a cleansing agent. No significant differences were found clini-
cally or radiographically between the two groups at 12 months,
and they concluded that both 3-Mix-MP and Vitapex can be
used as root canal treatment agents in pulpally involved pri-
mary teeth. They summarized that the simple and short pro-
cedures of 3-Mix-MP may be superior to other materials used
for root canal treatment in children and more advantageous
in teeth with preoperative root rsorption.
Prabhakar et al.' ' evaluated the success of 3-Mix-MP
LSTR in two groups using no bactericidal cleansing agent,
only saline. In the first group, only the necrotic coronal pulp
was removed, which was similar to the procedure performed
by Takushige et al.* In the second group, both the necrotic
coronal and accessible radicular pulp tissue were extirpated.
Both groups were treated with the 3-Mix-MP Dental Paste and
restored with composite resin. They found that both groups
showed considerable clinical and radiographie success. Statis-
tical significance was found between the two groups concerning
radiographie evaluation. The second group showed more bone
regeneration, less static bone morphology, and no increase in
lesion size when compared to the first group. This finding can
likely be attributed to the fact that the second group had more
infected tissue removed with the extirpation of the radicular
pulp, possibly increasing the chances for success.
Trairatvorakul et al. '"' evaluated the success rates of 3-Mix-
MP LSTR treatments in primary mandibular molars using
ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (CU-Dent, Bangkok, Thailand)
as the cleansing agent at 24 to 27 months post-operation.
They found satisfactory clinical success with LSTR but low
success rates based on radiographie evaluation, which may be
attributed to their radiographie criteria. Nakornchaio et al.'^
and Prabhakar et al.^' defined radiographie success as a decrease
in the radiolucency compared to the preoperative status or an
unchanged radiolucent state in a static relationship; however,
Trairatvorakul et al.'*" categorized static cases that showed no
change at six months into a "further observation group" and
considered them as failures with unchanged pathology at the
12-month follow-up.
Agarwal et al.'" evaluated the success of 3-Mix-MP LSTR,
Pulpotec (a mixture of polyoxymethylene, iodoform, dexam-
ethasone acetate, formaldehyde, phenol, and guaiacol. Produits
Dentaires SA, Vevey, Switzerland) pulpotomy, and traditional
zinc oxide eugenol pulpectomy of primary molars with vital
carious exposure that showed no clinical or radiographie signs
of pathology. They found that 3-Mix-MP using five percent
NaOCl immersed in cotton to control the hemorrhage had
significantly lower success rates with vital pulps. This study did
not address necrotic primary molars.
The three cases completed using the Children's Hospital
of Wisconsin's 3-Mix-MP-R appear promising and support the
clinical findings of Takushige er al. *' It was found that LSTR
therapy provided an excellent alternative to pulpectomies and
extractions for nonvital primary teeth. However, caution should
be taken when dentists administer local or systemic medica-
tions. Takushige et al." reported no side effects with the delivery
of topical antibiotics, but LSTR should be avoided if a child
is sensitive or allergic to any of the antibiotics or chemicals
If clinical symptoms do not improve or reappear, retreat-
ment is warranted with special attention to a fresh preparation
of 3-Mix-MP-R and a tight seal that prevents microleakage.
To the best of our knowledge, no research has been com-
pleted to compare the effectiveness of the original and new
formulations, but theoretical empirical evidence suggests that
the substitution of clindamycin for the minocycline would
be similarly effective as the original formula studied by
Takushige et al.*
Civen the positive results of the three completed cases,
further controlled clinical trials are warranted with long-term
follow-up to assess the exfoliation of the treated teeth and to
determine the implications, if any, to the succedaneous teeth.
Additionally, for LSTR to become a reliable treatment option,
the selection criteria and protocol need to be continually re-
defined and updated to yield the best predictable outcomes.
Clinical cases of LSTR therapy show exciting and pro-
mising results for the future of pdiatrie dentistry. LSTR ther-
apy is particularly favorable for young patients because it can
potentially avoid extraction and is relatively nontraumatic to
the patient. In addition, the restored tooth is more stable in the
dental arch than a space maintainer and the procedure time is
shortened. With continued research and consistent favorable
results, LSTR certainly has the potential to be a revolutionary
therapy for the treatment of abscessed primary molars.
The authors wish to thank the compounding pharmacist,
Jacob Olson, PharmD, president and CEO of Skywalk Phar-
macy and Carli DiCioia, DMD, attending pdiatrie dentist,
both at the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, for their guidance
in the preparation of this manuscript. This paper is dedicated
to the memory of Dr. Charles Post, DDS, devoted director of
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin pdiatrie dental residency
program, mentor, and friend.
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