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Function Based Treatment For Escape Mentained Behavior Problems

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Escape from instructional activities is a common maintaining variable for problem behavior. There are several effective function-based treatments that can be used to address escape-maintained behavior, including differential reinforcement and noncontingent reinforcement.

Escape from instruction and tasks, attention, and automatic reinforcement are common maintaining variables. Escape specifically is very prevalent and instructional factors like task difficulty can contribute.

Differential reinforcement of alternative behavior, differential reinforcement of other behavior, noncontingent reinforcement, and stimulus fading are described as common function-based treatments for escape-maintained behavior.


ne of the most common rein-

forcement functions of problem
behavior is escape from instruc-
tional stimuli. Escape, or the social-neg-
ative reinforcement function, has been
shown to be at least as prevalent as and
sometimes more prevalent than attention
(i.e., social-positive reinforcement) and
automatic reinforcement functions. For
example, in an analysis of the functions
of self-injurious behavior (SIB) of 152
individuals with developmental disabili-
ties, Iwata, Pace, Dorsey, et al. (1994)
demonstrated that 35% of the individu-
als displayed SIB maintained by escape
from instruction, compared to 23%
and 26% of individuals whose SIB was
maintained by attention and automatic
reinforcement, respectively. Similarly,
Asmus et al. (2004) demonstrated that
social-negative reinforcement was the
most common maintaining variable
for problem behavior either solely or
in combination with social positive
reinforcement (i.e., multiple control)
for 138 individuals with and without
developmental disabilities. Finally, Love,
Carr, and LeBlanc (2009) found that
escape was the second most common
function of problem behavior, identied
for 50% of 32 children with autism
spectrum disorders.
Individuals with disabilities are
frequently exposed to learning situa-
tions that target important habilitative
skills such as pre-academics, activities
of daily living, communication, social
behavior, among others. Unfortunately,
a number of aspects of the instructional
environment might become aversive and
establish escape from them as a negative
reinforcer. For example, task difculty,
rate of instruction delivery, and particu-
lar prompting strategies could all have
aversive properties for some learners.
If problem behavior occurs in response
to the aversive situation, a common
and understandable reaction of many
instructors might be to allow the client
time away from the task to calm down.
Frequent instruction, impaired reper-
toires associated with disabilities, and
natural reactions to problem behavior
from caregivers likely combine to make
escape functions quite common.
Practicing behavior analysts who
work with individuals with disabilities in
any type of instructional setting should
be prepared to treat escape-maintained
problem behavior. If a functional
assessment indicates that problem be-
havior is maintained by escape from in-
structional activities, there are a number
of treatments that might be employed as
part of a behavioral intervention plan.
The current standard for reductive treat-
ments is to base them on the results of a
functional assessment. These function-
based treatments directly address some
aspect of the behaviors maintaining
contingency (e.g., establishing operation,
reinforcer) by, for example, eliminating
the contingency through extinction,
weakening the establishing operation by
making a task less aversive, or teaching
the individual a more appropriate way
to access the reinforcer (i.e., escape).
The remainder of this article will focus
exclusively on selecting treatments that
directly address a problem behaviors
negative reinforcement function.
Selecting an intervention that is
likely to be successful for a given client
and therapeutic environment can be
challenging unless the behavior analyst
is well-versed in the characteristics of
each treatment and has a framework for
choosing between multiple appropriate
treatments. Thus, the rst purpose of
this article is to describe six categories of
Function-Based Treatments for Escape-Maintained Problem Behavior:
A Treatment-Selection Model for Practicing Behavior Analysts
Kaneen B. Geiger, M.S., James E. Carr, Ph.D., BCBA-D,
and Linda A. LeBlanc, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Auburn University
Escape from instructional activities is a common maintaining variable for
problem behavior and a number of effective treatments have been devel-
oped for this function. Each of these treatments has characteristics that
make them optimal for certain environments and clients, but less optimal
for others. We summarize the most commonly researched function-based
treatments for escape-maintained behavior, describe the contexts for which
they are most appropriate, and provide a clinical model for selecting treat-
ments based on client characteristics and the constraints of the therapeutic
Keywords: Activity choice, clinical decision making, curricular revision, de-
mand fading, differential reinforcement, escape, extinction, function-based
treatment, noncontingent reinforcement
Behavior Analysis in Practice, 3(1), 22-32
BAIP-Vol3No1.indb 22 4/18/10 11:04:11 PM
commonly researched, function-based treatments for escape-
maintained problem behavior: (a) activity choice, (b) curricular
and instructional revision, (c) demand fading, (d) differential
reinforcement, (e) extinction, and (f ) noncontingent escape
(see Table 1). This summary is followed by a clinical decision-
making model for selecting the most appropriate treatment
based on characteristics of the client and therapeutic environ-
ment and their match with the treatments specic advantages
and disadvantages. The focus of the model is escape-maintained
behavioral excesses (e.g., self-injury, aggression, property de-
struction) rather than noncompliance (e.g., non-responding,
verbal refusal), but we refer the interested reader to Houlihan,
Sloane, Jones, and Patton (1992) and Cipani (1998) for reviews
of treatments for noncompliance. In addition, punishment
procedures are not included in the present model and the prac-
titioner might view this model as a guide for exploring the full
range of function-based treatments before considering explicit
punishment procedures.
Function-Based Treatments for
Escape-Maintained Problem Behavior
Activity Choice
Activity choice involves providing the learner with an
opportunity to select either the order in which, or time at
which, tasks are completed (Dyer, Dunlap, & Winterling,
1990). Activity choice is considered a function-based interven-
tion because the individual can presumably avoid the aversive
aspects of one task by selecting another. For example, Dyer et
al. used activity choice to reduce escape-maintained disruptive
behavior (e.g., aggression, SIB, tantrums) of three children
with developmental disabilities. Each participant was provided
with a choice between 3 to 4 academic tasks (e.g., completing
a puzzle, labeling picture cards, sorting). When the rst task
was complete, the participant chose from the remaining tasks,
and so on. For all three participants, activity choice produced
substantial reductions in disruptive behaviors.
Activity choice is an easily implemented intervention that
has been shown to increase compliance and reduce problem be-
havior without the loss of instructional time (Kern et al., 1998).
It also includes choice-making opportunities for the consumer,
which is often a habilitative goal with high social validity (Kern
et al., 1998). There are a number of variables the practitioner
must consider before selecting an activity choice intervention.
First, activity choice may require up-front preparation of
multiple sets of task materials from which the consumer can
choose. Second, it is critical to ensure that the curricular ac-
tivities are appropriate to the consumers existing skill
repertoire before presenting choices. Third, activity
choice is only effective with consumers with existing
choice-making skills who can tolerate instruction.
Finally, because giving a consumer a choice of activi-
ties is an antecedent intervention, there is no explicit
plan for how to respond to problem behavior, should
it occur. Therefore, combining activity choice with
a consequence-based procedure such as differential
reinforcement or extinction might further reduce
problem behavior. We refer the reader to the Kern et
al. (1998) literature review for additional information
on implementing activity-choice interventions.
Curricular and Instructional Revision
Curricular and instructional revision involves assessing
aspects of the curricular targets or instructional procedures
that might be aversive for the learner and making alterations
to attenuate or eliminate these features to abolish escape from
instruction as an effective reinforcer. To maintain consistency
with the research literature, curricular and instructional revision
will henceforth be referred to as curricular revision. Some of
the curricular variables that might establish escape from work
as a negative reinforcer are tasks that are too difcult or too easy
in relation to the learners current repertoire (Dunlap, Kern-
Dunlap, Clarke, & Robbins, 1991; Ferro, Foster-Johnson, &
Dunlap, 1996; Kern, Childs, Dunlap, Clarke, & Falk, 1994;
Roberts, Marshall, Nelson, & Albers, 2001), are non-preferred
(Clarke et al., 1995), are novel (Mace, Browder, & Lin, 1987;
Smith, Iwata, Goh, & Shore, 1995), or do not produce skills
that are functional in the learners environment (Dunlap,
Foster-Johnson, Clarke, Kern, & Childs, 1995).
Dunlap et al. (1991) describe the use of curricular revi-
sion to reduce the problem behavior of a girl with mental
retardation. The authors assessed the effects of four curricular
variables on problem behavior: 1) ne- vs. gross-motor tasks,
2) short- vs. long-duration tasks, 3) arbitrary vs. functional
tasks, and 4) activity choice vs. no choice. The assessment
revealed that the participant exhibited higher rates of problem
behavior and lower rates of on-task behavior when presented
with ne-motor tasks, long-duration tasks, arbitrary tasks, and
no activity choice. Curricular (e.g., increased functional tasks)
and instructional revisions (e.g., short teaching durations) were
then implemented and produced increases in on-task behavior
and elimination of problem behavior.
Some of the instructional variables that might establish
escape from work as a negative reinforcer include lengthy
sessions (Dunlap et al., 1991; Kern et al., 1994; Smith et al.,
1995), massed trials (McCurdy, Skinner, Grantham, Watson,
& Hindman, 2001), certain prompting strategies (Munk &
One of the most common
reinforcement functions of
problem behavior is escape
from instructional stimuli
BAIP-Vol3No1.indb 23 4/18/10 11:04:11 PM
Repp, 1994), high rates of trial presentation (Smith et al.), and
low rates of positive reinforcement (Smith & Iwata, 1997).
Several studies have addressed the nal concern (low reinforce-
ment during instruction). For example, Lalli et al. (1999)
showed that delivering positive reinforcers for compliance
was more effective in reducing escape-maintained problem
behavior than delivering breaks contingent on compliance,
even when the problem behavior still produced escape from the
task. Similarly, Ingvarsson, Hanley, and Welter
(2009) showed that the delivery of contingent
and noncontingent positive reinforcers were
each effective in reducing escape-maintained
problem behavior. The fact that increased
positive reinforcement during tasks minimizes
escape-maintained problem behavior, even
when contingent escape is still available (as
in Lalli et al. and Ingvarsson et al.), suggests
that this procedure might work to abolish the
aversive properties of the tasks.
Curricular revision could result in improve-
ments in teaching procedures or curriculum
assessment that not only benet the target consumer, but
could have benecial effects on other consumers served in the
environment. Additionally, improvements in teaching strate-
gies and curricula create a more effective learning environment
which can produce more efcient and effective skill acquisition
while reducing and potentially preventing problem behavior.
Furthermore, it is a behavior analysts ethical responsibility
to promote effective learning environments rather than teach
individuals with disabilities to tolerate ineffective ones (Winett
& Winkler, 1972). However, curricular revision requires
someone with expertise to assess and change aspects of the cur-
riculum or instructional strategy. Additionally, the time and
effort required to assess and make changes can be of concern
if it is important to eliminate problem behavior immediately.
We refer the reader to a literature review by Dunlap and Kern
(1996) for additional information on curricular revision.
Demand Fading
Demand fading (instructional or stimulus fading) involves
the removal of all instructions, followed by their gradual
reintroduction (Pace, Iwata, Cowdery, Andree, & McIntyre,
1993). Such demand removal eliminates the aversive tasks,
which remain absent until they are systematically and gradually
faded back in. For example, Pace et al. faded the frequency of
tasks to decrease escape-maintained SIB of three individuals
with developmental disabilities. The initial elimination of all
tasks substantially reduced levels of SIB and they remained low
as tasks were gradually reintroduced. It is important to note
that demand fading works best when implemented with escape
extinction (i.e., withholding the negative reinforcer when
problem behavior reemerges during fading; Zarcone, Iwata,
Smith, Mazaleski, & Lerman, 1994).
Because the rst step of demand fading is the elimination
of all instructions, there should be an immediate decrease in
problem behavior, which is a benecial outcome for consumers
who exhibit severe problem behavior or who are too large to
physically prompt to comply with a task. In addition, because
instructions are gradually reintroduced over time, demand
fading might increase a consumers tolerance of instructional
activities. However, demand fading involves a loss of instruc-
tional time, which could be impractical due to the disruption
of classroom activities or inadequate stafng to supervise the
consumer while away from instruction. Also, fading in the
instructions is often logistically difcult and requires the su-
pervision of someone with expertise to oversee the process. We
refer the reader to the empirical article by Zarcone et al. (1994)
for additional information on demand fading.
Differential Reinforcement
Differential negative reinforcement of alternative behavior.
Perhaps the most common procedural form of differential nega-
tive reinforcement of alternative behavior (DNRA) involves
providing escape from instruction contingent on an alternative
prosocial response (e.g., compliance) while placing problem
behavior on extinction (Vollmer & Iwata, 1992). Differential
negative reinforcement of alternative behavior can also be ar-
ranged by providing escape for an alternative response while
punishing the problem behavior or by providing more valu-
able breaks (e.g., longer duration) for the alternative response
and less valuable breaks for the problem behavior (Athens &
Vollmer, in press).
Vollmer, Roane, Ringdahl, and Marcus (1999) imple-
mented differential negative reinforcement of compliance
(with problem behavior placed on extinction) to reduce the
escape-maintained SIB and aggression of two children with
mental retardation. For both children, DNRA reduced problem
behavior and increased compliance. In addition, when DNRA
was implemented with lower integrity (i.e., problem behavior
occasionally produced escape), problem behavior remained
low and compliance remained high as long as compliance was
reinforced on a denser schedule of reinforcement than problem
Differential negative reinforcement of alternative behavior
decreases problem behavior while actively targeting more adap-
tive skills and providing continued access to the functional
reinforcer, escape. Further, there is evidence that DNRA can
It is a behavior analysts ethical responsibility
to promote effective learning environments
rather than teach individuals with
disabilities to tolerate ineffective ones
BAIP-Vol3No1.indb 24 4/18/10 11:04:11 PM
still be effective at reduced procedural integrity (Vollmer et al.,
1999). However, DNRA requires the delivery of breaks im-
mediately after the alternative response criterion is met, which
might be disruptive to classroom activities or be impractical
if there is inadequate stafng to supervise the consumer dur-
ing the break. In addition, DNRA requires the supervision
of someone with expertise to supervise schedule thinning for
the alternative behavior. We refer the reader to the literature
review by Vollmer and Iwata (1992) for additional information
on DNRA.
Functional communication training. Functional communi-
cation training (FCT) is a form of DNRA that involves provid-
ing escape from instruction contingent on a communicative re-
sponse (e.g., vocal, sign) as the specic prosocial behavior while
problem behavior is placed on extinction (Durand & Merges,
2001) or is punished (Hanley, Piazza, Fisher, & Maglieri, 2005).
In order to effectively reduce problem behavior, the communi-
cative response, or mand for escape, should ideally require less
response effort, have a denser schedule of reinforcement, and
have a shorter delay to reinforcement than the problem behav-
ior (Horner & Day, 1991). Researchers have reduced problem
behavior by teaching mands for escape (Horner & Day) and
for assistance (Carr & Durand, 1985). For example, Carr and
Durand used FCT to reduce escape-maintained disruptive
behavior (e.g., aggression, tantrums, screaming, SIB) of three
children with developmental disabilities. The authors taught
the participants the vocal response, I dont understand,
which was immediately followed by assistance on the task.
Occurrences of disruptive behavior were followed by continued
task presentation without assistance. For all three participants,
FCT reduced disruptive behavior to near-zero levels.
Functional communication training decreases problem
behavior while actively targeting a communication skill and
providing continued access to escape. Moreover, research
has demonstrated that some individuals prefer FCT over
noncontingent reinforcement and extinction (Hanley, Piazza,
Fisher, Contrucci, & Maglieri, 1997). However, FCT may
result in high rates of the communicative response, which
must immediately be followed by breaks from instruction. As
with DNRA, delivering breaks contingent on the consumers
communicative responses can be logistically difcult to manage
in some environments. Also as with DNRA, FCT sometimes
requires the supervision of someone with expertise to oversee
additional interventions to reduce high rates of the communi-
cative response. We refer the reader to a literature review by
Tiger, Hanley, and Bruzek (2008) for additional information
on FCT.
Differential negative reinforcement of zero rates of responding.
Differential negative reinforcement of zero rates of responding
(DNRO) involves delivering escape when the problem behav-
ior has not occurred for a specic period of time (Vollmer &
Iwata, 1992). The general suggestion is to use
initial intervals that are shorter than the mean
inter-response time of the problem behavior
during baseline, giving the individual a high
probability of contacting the programmed
contingency (Deitz & Repp, 1983). A com-
mon feature of DNRO is interval resetting,
by which occurrences of the problem behavior
immediately reset the timer to zero seconds
and a new interval begins (Vollmer & Iwata).
Buckley and Newchok (2006) used DNRO
to reduce problem behavior maintained by
escape from music of a 7-year-old boy with
pervasive developmental disorder. The DNRO
procedure decreased disruptive behavior to near-zero levels
that were maintained as the interval duration was successfully
increased to 5 min.
For problem behavior maintained by escape from in-
structional activities, DNRA (including FCT) is generally
more preferred than DNRO because the former procedure
includes a skill acquisition component (Vollmer & Iwata,
1992). Furthermore, DNRA has shown to be more effective
than DNRO in reducing escape-maintained problem behavior
(Roberts, Mace, & Daggett, 1995). Alternatively, DNRO may
be more appropriate for increasing tolerance to an aversive
activity (e.g., an invasive medical procedure) because breaks
may not be permitted to be under the clients control, as they
are in DNRA (Vollmer & Iwata).
One benet of DNRO is that it provides continued access
to breaks while increasing tolerance to aversive situations that
are necessary, such as medical procedures. However, DNRO is
labor intensive because it requires constant monitoring of the
consumer for occurrences of problem behavior. In addition,
providing breaks on dense schedules at treatment outset can be
logistically difcult if they disrupt ongoing activities. Finally,
DNRO requires the supervision of someone with expertise in
establishing the DNRO intervals and monitoring the schedule
thinning process. We refer the reader to the literature review
by Vollmer and Iwata (1992) for additional information on
Escape Extinction
Escape extinction involves the continued presentation of an
aversive activity (e.g., instructional tasks) while eliminating the
possibility of escape from the activity contingent on problem
In order to effectively reduce problem behav ior,
the communicative response, or mand for
escape, should ideally require less response
effort, have a denser schedule of reinforcement,
and have a shorter delay to reinforcement
than the problem behavior
BAIP-Vol3No1.indb 25 4/18/10 11:04:11 PM
behavior (Iwata, Pace, Kalsher, Cowdery, & Cataldo, 1990).
Iwata et al. implemented escape extinction with physical guid-
ance to reduce the escape-maintained SIB of six children with
mental retardation
. For 5 of 6 participants, escape extinction
with physical guidance reduced SIB to low levels and resulted
in increased task compliance. For the sixth participant, escape
extinction did not reduce SIB until response blocking was
added. Further, Iwata, Pace, Cowdery, and Miltenberger (1994)
showed that escape extinction was an effective treatment for
escape-maintained SIB, but had no effect on SIB maintained
by attention or automatic reinforcement. This nding under-
scores the importance of matching reductive treatments to the
function of problem behavior.
The main benet of escape extinction is that it can be
combined with other treatments (e.g., activity choice, demand
fading, DNRO) to enhance their effectiveness. However,
escape extinction may not immediately decrease problem
behavior and there is often a high degree of effort associated
with implementing the procedure. Instructors are likely to
implement escape extinction with lower treatment integrity
than other procedures, which might make problem behavior
more resistant to extinction in the future (McConnachie &
Carr, 1997). Furthermore, extinction might result in a burst
of responding that is at least as high as pretreatment rates and
might evoke aggressive behavior, although these outcomes are
not guaranteed (Lerman, Iwata, & Wallace, 1999). We refer
the reader to literature reviews by Ducharme and Van Houten
(1994) and Lerman and Iwata (1996) for additional informa-
tion on escape extinction.
Noncontingent Escape
Noncontingent escape (NCE) involves the delivery of
escape from instructional activities on a time-based schedule
(e.g., xed-time, variable-time), regardless of the individuals
problem behavior (Kodak, Miltenberger, & Romanuik, 2003;
Vollmer, Marcus, & Ringdahl, 1995). At the beginning of the
procedure, escape is typically provided on a denser schedule
than what the problem behavior typically produces (Carr &
LeBlanc, 2006). After NCE is successful in reducing problem
behavior, the reinforcement schedule is generally thinned to
a more manageable value. For example, Vollmer et al. used
NCE to reduce the escape-maintained SIB of two males with
developmental disabilities and were able to thin the schedule of
noncontingent (xed time) breaks from 10 s to 2.5 min for one
participant and to 10 min for the other. In addition, NCE and
DNRO were compared with one of the participants and NCE
resulted in quicker reductions in problem behavior.
Although Iwata et al. (1990) suggested that the physical guidance necessary
to keep an individual from escaping an instructional situation may constitute
a form of punishment, the response reductions that typically occur under
such procedures share characteristics of those associated with extinction (e.g.,
response bursts, gradual reductions; Iwata, Pace, Cowdery et al., 1994).
One of the main benets of NCE is that it immediately
reduces problem behavior while continuing to provide the
functional reinforcer (Vollmer et al., 1995). Additionally,
because NCE is an antecedent intervention, it does not require
the occurrence of problem behavior to be effective, and might
even prevent problem behavior from occurring. Another
potential benet is that noncontingent reinforcement has been
shown to be effective without extinction, which would make
the intervention an option for when extinction is impractical
(Lalli, Casey, & Kates, 1997). A potential concern with NCE
is that the schedule of noncontingent breaks is quite dense at
the beginning of intervention, which could be impractical or
disruptive to the consumers environment. Like other inter-
ventions that require schedule thinning, NCE requires the
involvement of someone who can adequately calculate schedule
values and oversee the thinning process. Another potential, but
probably unlikely, concern is that noncontingent reinforcement
has sometimes been shown to accidentally reinforce problem
behavior (Vollmer, Ringdahl, Roane, & Marcus, 1997). In
such an event, skipping or briey delaying scheduled breaks
that occur just after problem behavior should eliminate the
problem. We refer the reader to the book chapters by Carr and
LeBlanc (2006) and Vollmer and Wright (2003) for additional
information on noncontingent escape.
Clinical Considerations and Decision Making
The clinical decision-making model described here is in-
tended for use by individuals with experience with functional
assessment and function-based treatment of problem behavior,
instructional curricula, and effective teaching procedures.
Seasoned practitioners who have strong inuence over their
clinical environments most likely have their own guides for
selecting treatments. However, behavior analysts who have less
control over clinical environments, such as those who consult
or are newly in charge of the settings may nd these recom-
mendations useful.
Each of the treatments described in the previous section is
empirically supported for the treatment of escape-maintained
problem behavior. However, not every treatment is equally
well-suited to a particular client or therapeutic environment.
Identifying the function of problem behavior is a necessary
precondition before selecting each of these interventions.
Fortunately, there are numerous helpful resources for conduct-
ing a functional assessment (e.g., Carr, LeBlanc, & Love, 2008;
Iwata & Dozier, 2008; Vollmer, Marcus, Ringdahl, & Roane,
1995). The next step in the process is equally important and
involves consideration of specic characteristics of the client
and therapeutic environment. Some important client charac-
teristics to consider include the current skill repertoire, level
of compliance, and severity and dangerousness of the problem
behavior. Some important environmental factors to consider
include the appropriateness of the curriculum and instruction,
tolerance for disruption to others in the environment, stafng
ratios, and the amount of available technical expertise.
BAIP-Vol3No1.indb 26 4/24/10 11:38:54 AM
Treatment Description Strengths Potential Limitations
Offer a choice
among selected tasks
Might prevent problem behavior
No lost instruction time
Provides choice-making opportunities
Increased compliance
No programmed consequence for problem behavior
Requires preparation of additional instructional
Requires choice-making skills
Requires an appropriate curriculum be in place
Requires learners who can tolerate some instruction
Curricular and
Change curricular
targets or instructional
Results in improvements in teaching
Might benet other learners in the
Might produce more efcient and ef-
fective skill acquisition
Might prevent problem behavior
Requires time, effort, and expertise to change
No programmed consequence for problem behavior
Remove all demands,
then gradually
reintroduce them
over time; include
escape extinction
Immediately reduces problem behavior
The rst step of the intervention (de-
mand removal) is often already done
Might prevent problem behavior
Might increase tolerance of instruction
A good match for dangerous behavior
and large clients
Gradually fading in demands might be logistically
Requires expertise to establish and oversee the fading
Periods of non-instruction could be disruptive to
classroom activities
of Alternative
Provide a break from
work after a new,
alternative behavior and
place the problem be-
havior on extinction (see
text for other variations)
Actively targets new skills or increases
existing ones
Provides continued access to escape
throughout the intervention
May be used without extinction
Periods of non-instruction could be disruptive to
classroom activities
Requires expertise to establish and oversee schedule
thinning process
of Zero Rates of
Provide a break from
work if the problem be-
havior has not occurred
for a specied amount
of time and place the
problem behavior on
Provides continued access to escape
throughout the intervention
Useful for increasing tolerance of neces-
sary, but aversive, stimuli
Requires constant monitoring for occurrences of
problem behavior
Periods of non-instruction could be disruptive to
classroom activities
Requires expertise to establish and oversee schedule
thinning process
Do not provide a break
from work contingent
on problem behavior;
continue presenting
the task regardless of
problem behavior
Provides a contingency for problem
Compatible with other treatments to
enhance their effectiveness
High response effort of implementation
Might produce a response burst or aggression
Might make behavior more resistant to extinction
without strong treatment integrity
Does not result in immediate response suppression
Provide a break from
work for a new, com-
municative response
and place the problem
behavior on extinction
(or punishment)
Actively targets new skills or increases
existing ones
Provides continued access to escape
throughout the intervention
Preferred by some individuals over
NCE and extinction
May be used without extinction
May result in high rates of the communicative
Does not result in immediate response suppression
Periods of non-instruction could be disruptive to
classroom activities
Requires expertise to establish and oversee schedule
thinning process
Provide breaks from
work on a time-based
schedule, irrespective of
problem behavior
Provides continued access to escape
throughout the intervention
Immediately reduces problem behavior
Might prevent problem behavior
May be used without extinction
May produce adventitious reinforcement of problem
Periods of non-instruction could be disruptive to
classroom activities
Requires expertise to establish and oversee schedule
thinning process
Table. Strengths and potential limitations of treatments for escape-maintained problem behavior.
BAIP-Vol3No1.indb 27 4/18/10 11:04:12 PM
The Table summarizes the important strengths and po-
tential limitations of each treatment. Consider the example
of NCE. For clients with very dangerous behavior, NCE is a
promising option because it frequently produces immediate re-
ductions in problem behavior, particularly when the schedule is
nearly continuous. In addition, NCE can be implemented with
or without extinction, making this treatment a good match
for environments that are unable or unwilling to implement
escape extinction. However, minimal instruction occurs during
NCE, particularly at the onset of the treatment, and expertise
is required to effectively guide the schedule thinning process.
In addition, no new skill is explicitly targeted, which may be
a concern for clients who need to develop functional commu-
nication repertoires but may not be a concern for clients who
already have those repertoires.
A Clinical Model for Optimal Treatment Selection
It may be challenging for practitioners to simultaneously
consider all of the relevant client and environment variables
that should impact treatment selection. One solution to this
challenge is to prioritize the clinical considerations and follow
a specic model in decision-making. The Figure illustrates a
clinical model for sequentially asking and answering questions
that will lead to differential treatment selection. The ordering
of the questions is based on ethical responsibilities, safety and
practical considerations, and organizational issues. Each time
a question is answered negatively, 1 or 2 treatments become
the optimal options. The earlier in the framework a question is
answered afrmatively, the more possible treatments there are
from which to choose. Refer to the Table for a comparison of
the strengths and potential limitations of each treatment when
deciding between multiple options. Extinction in isolation is
presented as an optimal alternative in one area of the model;
however, several of the procedures (noted with an asterisk in
the Figure) can be implemented with or without extinction
depending on the constraints of the clinical situation. If clinical
progress turns a no response into a yes response, but some
degree of problem behavior remains, return to the clinical
model. For example, if implementation of NCE or demand
fading after negatively answering question 3 produces some
level of compliance, you may have the option of continuing
with questions 4 and 5 in the model.
The rst question about the appropriateness of the cur-
riculum and instructional procedures is important for two
reasons. First, it speaks to the behavior analysts ethical respon-
sibility to promote effective learning environments rather than
teaching individuals with disabilities to tolerate ineffective ones
(Winett & Winkler, 1972). Second, improving curricular and
instructional procedures is a practical way to directly address
the escape contingency by abolishing the reinforcing value of
escape. When clients are presented with tasks that are far above
their current capabilities or are exposed to ineffective prompt-
ing strategies, learning environments are typically aversive. The
most direct way to address the problem would be to teach the
relevant pre-requisite skills before advanced skills and to use
more effective instructional strategies, thus abolishing escape
as a negative reinforcer. Such changes should enhance learning
in addition to decreasing problem behavior. The practitioner
will only need to progress to the next step in the model if the
curriculum and instruction are appropriate, if curriculum/in-
structional revision fails to produce adequate treatment effects,
or if inuence over these variables is not currently possible.
The second question about behavioral severity and en-
vironmental tolerance for the behavior speaks to the need to
determine if there must be an immediate suppression of prob-
lem behavior during treatment. Several scenarios may make
it imperative that no or few problem behaviors occur at the
onset of treatment. Those in the therapeutic environment may
be unwilling or unable to allow a single instance of problem
behavior or may insist on termination of services if even one
more instance of problem behavior occurs. This situation is
most likely to occur when the client is considered difcult to
physically manage (e.g., a large, aggressive client), the behavior
would produce unacceptable danger to the client (e.g., severe
SIB, elopement), or if the behavior is socially offensive (e.g.,
public disrobing, sexual misbehavior). In these circumstances,
providers often have already eliminated all demands in an effort
to avoid problem behavior.
The aforementioned circumstances drastically limit the
number of optimal treatments because certain treatments that
might eventually prove effective often do not produce immedi-
ate suppression of problem behavior (e.g., extinction, FCT) and
might represent a sudden reintroduction of demands into the
environment (e.g., FCT, activity choice). On the other hand,
demand fading and NCE immediately abolish the reinforcing
value of escape and, thus, are typically associated with rapid
reductions in problem behavior. In addition, these two treat-
ments can be implemented without extinction, and stakehold-
ers with a low tolerance for problem behavior are likely to also
have little tolerance for implementation of escape extinction
procedures. Consider demand fading and NCE as the optimal
starting point under these circumstances. As treatment gains
are made, it may become possible to consider other treatment
options as an alternative or supplement and the next questions
in the model can guide your selection at that time.
Third, the practitioner should consider the clients current
rate of compliance with instructions. If virtually no instructions
are met with compliance, demand fading and NCE are still at-
tractive options because their early phases include few instruc-
tions with the client gradually encountering more as treatment
progresses. Both of these procedures could be implemented
with or without extinction depending on the environments
tolerance of escape extinction. Because the curriculum and in-
structional practices have already been deemed appropriate or
have been revised to be appropriate, the client will presumably
come into contact with sufcient reinforcement and effective
prompting strategies for any newly occurring instances of
compliance. Without the prior curriculum and instructional
revision (i.e., question 1 in the model), it is unreasonable to
expect sustained improvements in compliance and problem
BAIP-Vol3No1.indb 28 4/18/10 11:04:12 PM
Functional Assessment Indicates Problem Behavior
is Maintained by Escape from Demands
1. Is the curriculum appropriate and is instruction optimal?
Yes No
2. Can the environment tolerate any level of problem behavior?
Yes No
3. Are there any demands to which the client already complies?
Yes No
4. Is time away from instruction tolerable?
Yes No
Curricular and
Instructional Revision
Demand Fading
Demand Fading*
Activity Choice
5. Which is the most important clinical/educational goal?
Other Curricular
Tolerance of an
Aversive Event
Figure. A model for selecting function-based treatments for escape-maintained problem behavior. Note: *Consider including
extinction if viable; DNRA = differential negative reinforcement of alternative behavior, DNRO = differential negative
reinforcement of zero rates of behavior, FCT = functional communication training, NCE = noncontingent escape.
BAIP-Vol3No1.indb 29 4/18/10 11:04:12 PM
behavior as instructional periods are increased. Other excellent
treatments that involve a direct instructional component (e.g.,
FCT) or a requirement of compliance from the outset (e.g.,
DRA) are less optimal initially but might become viable when
compliance becomes more reliable.
Next, the practitioner should consider whether time away
from instruction is tolerable. Some of the common concerns
with breaks from instruction include logistical difculties asso-
ciated with supervision of a learner away from the main learner
group, stigma or fairness problems associated with one person
getting a break while others do not, and loss of instructional
opportunities when break schedules are dense. It may be pos-
sible to discuss alternatives that would mitigate implementer
concerns while increasing the number of potential treatment
options. For example, in an inclusive or general education
environment, the rst two concerns could be mitigated if the
student were to remain at his/her desk while having a brief
break from instruction (e.g., brief use of headphones during
lecture). If you are unable to mitigate the concerns, the optimal
treatments are activity choice, extinction, and DNRA with ex-
tinction. When the option of choosing seems highly preferred
by the learner, activity choice is a good option and it may be
combined with other treatments such as DNRA or NCE.
However, it has the drawback of requiring preparation of ad-
ditional materials for the learners selection. Extinction has the
advantage of directly addressing the contingency for problem
behavior but the drawbacks of potential extinction-related side
effects and high response effort of implementation.
The nal question prompts the practitioner to choose the
most pressing clinical or educational goal for the client and
to select an optimal treatment accordingly. When a client
does not have a meaningful communication repertoire, the
optimal treatment is FCT because this treatment establishes
a mand response that allows the client to synchronize breaks
with his or her own motivating operations. If the client already
has communication skills that would allow him to request a
break, then consider targeting other important curricular areas
(e.g., language, mathematics). When establishing the criterion
to earn a break, remember that you can target one of many
important dimensions of responding such as compliance or
accuracy by providing breaks contingent on performance (i.e.,
DNRA). When the presenting problem involves an aversive
event that has to occur for the clients well-being (e.g., medical
procedures) rather than skill acquisition, DNRO presents an
appealing option for producing tolerance to these events and
should be initially implemented with the breaks occurring
based on very brief intervals.
A number of effective treatments for escape-maintained
behaviors have been developed and each has characteristics that
make it optimal for certain environments and clients and less
optimal for others. The present article summarizes the most
commonly researched function-based treatments for escape-
maintained behavior and the clinical contexts for which they
are most appropriate. In addition, we provide a clinical model
for selecting function-based treatments based on client charac-
teristics and the constraints of the therapeutic environment.
Our model is based on selecting a single optimal interven-
tion at a time, which is advisable when the behavior analyst
needs to train providers to prociency and ensure high treat-
ment delity. However, one treatment may sometimes enhance
the effects of another. For example, providing activity choice
or adding an extinction contingency may enhance the effects
of any of the other treatments (e.g., DNRA, FCT, NCE).
However, the behavior analyst should consider whether the
response effort associated with implementing additional
treatment components is likely to produce fatigue or poor
treatment integrity. One particular treatment combination to
avoid is NCE combined with FCT because research indicates
that NCE interferes with acquisition of the communication
response, at least when the NCE schedule is rich (Goh, Iwata,
& DeLeon, 2000). However, these two treatments might be
implemented sequentially. In our model, a practitioner might
initially select NCE as an optimal treatment (at questions 2
and 3) and elect to target a functional communication response
after NCE has been successfully discontinued or the schedule
has been thinned.
We have attempted to integrate the ndings from a large
experimental literature on treatments for escape-maintained
problem behavior into a decision-making framework for prac-
ticing behavior analysts. Although the model is based on the
empirical literature, our clinical experience guided the ordering
of the questions and the determination of the appropriateness
and usefulness of treatments at different decision points. We
have no experimental evidence that this particular model is
more effective than any alternative, but it is a logical framework
for the practitioner seeking guidance in treatment selection that
could be experimentally validated in future research.
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Author Notes
We thank Amy Polick, Megan Heinicke, Laura Grow, Jessa
Love, Anna Petursdottir, and Dorothea Lerman for their com-
ments on an earlier version of the model.
Address correspondence to James E. Carr, Department of
Psychology, 226 Thach Hall, Auburn University, AL 36849-
5214 (e-mail: carr@auburn.edu).

Action Editor: Timothy Vollmer, Ph.D., BCBA
BAIP-Vol3No1.indb 32 4/18/10 11:04:12 PM

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