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Fences and Xenophobes: Etter From America

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Economic and Political Weekly April 22, 2006

Letter from America
Fences and Xenophobes
Participants of a recent poll conducted on the issue of illegal
immigrants in America wanted tougher enforcement of the law
to keep them out. But the unprecedented gathering and marches
of immigrants and their supporters across the country show
unequivocally that there exist competing interests on the issue.
schools, churches, community organi-
sations, labour unions, and various media
outlets is now roiling America, and many
Americans are encountering, for the first
time in over a generation, mass politics and
the power of street theatre. Nearly every
20 years, some major immigration reform
is put into place. In 1924, the entry of
Asians into the US was prohibited; in 1942,
the Bracero agreement, which lasted until
1964, was brokered between the Mexican
and American governments, and 4.5 mil-
lion Mexicans were brought into the US
as temporary agricultural workers. The
most sweeping reforms took place in 1965,
when the Immigration and Nationality
Services (INS) Act, which in its essence
still governs American immigration policy,
once again made it possible for Asians,
including Indians, to emigrate to the US
and introduced a quota for each country
as well as preferential categories for classes
of immigrants. The 1986 INS Act intro-
duced an amnesty for illegal aliens; how-
ever, if it was intended to stem the
tide of illegal immigrants, the legis-
lation appears not to have succeeded. The
bipartisan Pew Hispanic Centre today
estimates that there are 11 to 12 million
illegal, or undocumented, immigrants in
the US, or 5 per cent of the American

Nearly a quarter of the Ame-
rican workforce in farming and agri-
culture is comprised of undocumented
workers, who also occupy 17, 14 and 12
per cent of the workforce in cleaning,
construction, and food preparation
industries, respectively.
What, then, it is being asked, is to be
done with these illegal immigrants? Should
they be apprehended, fined, and then al-
lowed to stay, and if so, in what capacity?
If they are to be permitted to stay as
permanent residents, who in due course
might apply for citizenship, would it be
an encouragement to others to risk illegal
entry into the US? Or should they be
repatriated to Mexico, Guatemala, and
El Salvador, and indeed even to the
innumerable other countries from which
they have, albeit in smaller numbers,
arrived or been smuggled into the US?
Should all undocumented workers be
treated the same, as violators of the law,
or are some, who have established social
networks and inserted themselves into the
fabric of neighbourhoods and communities,
be entitled to special consideration? Would
the legalisation of illegal immigrants con-
stitute a diminishment of the regal sover-
eignty of law itself, or would it constitute
an acknowledgement that law must be
malleable to yet higher ends? On the one
hand, American immigration law remains
firmly committed to the idea of family
reunification; on the other hand, the de-
portation of illegals, many of whom have
family members who are now citizens or
lawful residents of the US, would certainly
tear apart many families.
Operational Control of Borders
American lawmakers started weighing
in on the question of immigration when
the House of Representatives in Decem-
ber 2005 passed a bill (HR 4437), intro-
duced by James Sensenbrenner (Republi-
can, Wisconsin), that would make it a
felony to enter the US illegally, and
would even make it a felony to offer any
assistance, such as food, clothing, shelter,
medical assistance, and schooling, to an
illegal immigrant. Known as the Border
Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal
Immigration Control Act of 2005, its very
name suggests what it shares in common
with the various xenophobic measures,
beginning with the Chinese Exclusion Act
of 1882, that have marred the legal history
of American immigration. The act calls for
reinforced fencing along portions of the
US-Mexico border and systematic surveil-
lance so that the US can take operational
control of the entire land and maritime
border of the country.
In the present era
of nations-state, the inviolability and sa-
credness of borders is all but taken for
granted, and this legislation might appear
to be quite unexceptionable. However, it
is remarkable that in nearly four years,
since the events of 9/11, border enforce-
ment agents have not caught any terrorists
illegally sneaking into the US, and it is now
commonplace knowledge that virtually
anyone who is now languishing in an
American jail or overseas detention
facility on charges of terrorism, entered
the US legally.
mong the many characterisations
of America that have prevailed
over a long period of time, one
that is unlikely to be contested is of America
as the quintessential land of immigrants.
Every ethnic group, barring the native
Americans who were decimated by con-
quest, disease, and outright extermination,
has arrived in America from somewhere
else, often from distant shores. The earliest
to arrive were white Europeans, especially
Anglo-Saxons, and the African slaves in
whom they began to trade; and for very
long a number of fictions were perpetu-
ated, notably the idea that true-blood
Americans were somehow white Ameri-
cans, and that America was built on their
labour. As Roland Barthes might have
said, white Americans live in the realm of
ex-nomination: they do not have to
be named, much less, unlike Chinese-
Americans, Japanese-Americans, or
Italian-Americans, hyphenated. Identity
politics is for everyone else, not for them;
they do not have to prove their entitlement
to America, it is merely theirs to profess
and parade. Whatever the limitations of
minority histories, they have at least ad-
mirably succeeded in establishing the fact
that the labour of Africans, Chinese, and
Mexicans, among many others, contrib-
uted immeasurably to the prosperity of
America. White America, moreover, is
shrinking: in California, a state which is
critical to the US economy as it is to the
shape of immigration reform, Latinos
account for a third of the states 36 million
people, and they are projected to be the
largest group by 2020. Even though the
percentage of American-born Hispanics
and Asians has grown rapidly, and the
immigrant population of 11.5 per cent has
not reached the peak of 15 per cent from
1900-2010, immigration continues to be
the defining force in American society.
A widespread debate on immigration,
being conducted in the US Congress,
Economic and Political Weekly April 22, 2006 1499
What many American legislators would
like to do, though they scarcely have the
daring to state as much, is to secure the
borders from all those who are viewed as
critical of the American way of life,
American foreign policy, the national
security-state, or what Samuel Hunting-
ton, another jewel in Harvards crown of
authoritarian didacts, has described as
Americas core culture bequeathed by
the 17th and 18th century settlers who
founded our nation. It was, after all,
Huntington writes unabashedly, Anglo-
Protestant culture, values, institutions, and
the opportunities they created that attracted
more immigrants to America than to all the
rest of the world.
Hispanics or Latinos
cannot, in Huntingtons view, be assimi-
lated into this core culture. His argument
suggests, of course, that by border a great
deal more is meant than the physical lines
that demarcate America from its neighbours
and the rest of the world, and that though
borders, especially outside the US, should
not be allowed to impede the flow of goods
or American multinational corporations,
the desire of people to move without re-
strictions should never be accorded a status
even remotely close to political reality.
One of the Sensenbrenner Acts most
vociferous supporters, Representative Tom
Tancredo, doubtless finding a hospitable
venue for the expression of his sentiments
on the OReilly Factor, an immensely
popular television show that takes us into
the pulse of Republican America, said:
We are seeing an invasion on our borders.
Its not immoral to secure our own borders.
His colleague and fellow traveller, Dana
Rohrabacher (Republican, California), who
is dismissive of the immigrants whose
labour sustains Californias immense agri-
cultural output, underscored the political
nexus of jails (which constitute another
kind of fencing, transforming a significant
portion of the American population into
outsiders in their own nation) and borders
when he said, Let the prisoners pick the
fruits. We can do it without bringing in
millions of foreigners (New York Times,
March 31, 2006, p A12). Once terrorists,
illegal immigrants, and other transgres-
sors, including those dissenters who have
not been intimidated into self-censorship,
are all viewed as part of a continuum, the
descent into extreme authoritarianism may
not be far away.
Compromise Legislation
American lawmakers represent one
perspective on the immigration debate,
and the recent compromise legislation of
April 6, which remains stalled in the Senate,
suggests that there are some apparently
genuine differences between legislators.
Derided by conservatives as a blanket
amnesty for illegals, this legislation cre-
ates a guest-worker programme that would
allow 3,25,000 workers into the country
every year; undocumented workers who
have been in the US for less than two years
would be deported, while those who have
lived in the US for two to five years would
apply for a visa at a border crossing, and
would eventually, over the course of sev-
eral years, be able to file papers for per-
manent residency and, after an interval of
another five years, citizenship. This com-
promise legislation, it has been argued,
reflects more accurately the feeling of the
American people. Perhaps nowhere among
modern democratic systems do polls mean
as much as they do in the US, and the most
recent polls appear to reveal the popular
sentiments captured alike in legislation
and in a recent New York Times headline:
Illegal Immigrants Are Called Burden
(April 14, 2006, p A16). Nearly all
Americans polled subscribed to the view
that tougher enforcement was required
to keep out illegal immigrants, though 63
per cent expressed their approval for a
guest worker programme that would allow
undocumented workers to work in the US
legally on temporary visas. A similar
number of people, 75 per cent, stated both
that the government was not doing enough
to deter illegal immigration into the coun-
try, and that illegal immigrants who had
been in the US for at least five years, and
had demonstrably met other conditions
a spoken knowledge of English, lack of a
criminal record, and the payment of fines
and taxes should be given legal status.
If polls are the voice of the much-
vaunted American public, the unprec-
edented gatherings of immigrants and their
supporters suggest unequivocally that there
are many publics, representing competing
interests, in the American republic. A few
million people, largely immigrants, took
to the streets across American cities in
March to voice their anger at the Sensen-
brenner legislation which would have
criminalised all undocumented workers.
At least half a million gathered in Los
Angeles on March 25, and 3,00,000 in
Chicago two weeks earlier. Some politi-
cians considered it an affront to the law
of the land that illegal immigrants had
openly massed together in public places
and demanded rights; but all politicians,
however shrill their anti-immigrant rheto-
ric, are alive to the fact that Hispanics
constitute an increasingly significant elec-
toral block. Not since the civil rights era
has such street politics been witnessed in
America, and anti-war demonstrations in
1991 and 2003 alike have been pale in
comparison. Not less impressively, 40,000
high school students, nearly all Hispanics,
walked out of schools in an uncommon
display of political awareness, reminiscent
of the massive protests organised by the
Mexican American Youth Organisation in
1968 that eventually led to the removal of
the ban on the speaking of Spanish in
schools (Los Angeles Times, March 28,
2006, p A1).
Whatever the differences between leg-
islators, and however divided the Ameri-
can public might appear to be, an over-
whelming consensus informs the so-called
debate on immigration. Many supposed
liberals, such as the economist and colum-
nist Paul Krugman, have felt compelled to
admit to the uncomfortable facts about
immigration usually trumpeted by con-
servatives and call for more high-skilled
immigration and substantially reduced low-
skilled immigration (New York Times,
March 27, p A23 and March 31, p A21).
Nowhere in the press has the very distinc-
tion between legal and illegal been
questioned at all. So long as European
immigrants flooded America, everything
was hunky-dory; but once they began to
arrive from less desirable lands, the
category of illegal was quick to follow.
Those people whose ancestors cheated
native Americans of their land, when they
had not simply exterminated them, should
scarcely be in the position of determining
who might enter the US and under what
circumstances. Meanwhile, the illegal
immigrants who have come out in huge
numbers on American streets have per-
formed an unusual and exemplary service
which demands recognition from the en-
tire country. At a time when the US is
engaged, with very little opposition from
the citizens of this enormously affluent
country, in wars of occupation, operating
illegal detention centres, and subjecting its
own citizens to surveillance, the illegal
immigrants have shown that political
protest is not completely moribund. In
having exercised the ultimate right of
citizenship, they have shown that they are
more deserving to be called citizens than
those who would like to arrogate this
privilege only to themselves.
Email: vlal@history.ucla.edu
1 For complete text, see http://www.nilc.org/
2 See his article, One Nation, Out of Many, One
America (September 2004), online at: http://
article_detail.asp. The arguments are elaborated
in Who Are We: The Challenges to Americas
National Identity (Simon and Schuster 2004).

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