Canna Indica Natural Indicator
Canna Indica Natural Indicator
Canna Indica Natural Indicator
For correspondence: Mahajan Niranjan Shishir, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Satara College of
Pharmacy,Plot No.1539, Behind Spicer India Ltd,Additional MIDC, Satara, Maharashtra, India - 415 004.
Received on: 09-08-2008; Accepted on :15-08-2008
Canna indica is a species of the Canna genus, belonging to the family Cannaceae. The present work highlights the
use of Canna indica flower extract as an acid base indicator in different types of acid base titrations. The equiva-
lence points obtained by the flower extract coincide with the equivalence points obtained by standard indicators.
In case of weak acid and weak base titration, the results obtained by the flower extract matched with the results
obtained by mixed indicator. This natural indicator is found to be a very useful, economical, simple and accurate
for the said titrations.
Key words: Canna indica, Acid base indicator, Natural indicator, Flavonoids.
hypothesized that the flower extract could be utilized as filtered and used as an indicator. The anthocyanins iso-
an indicator for different types of acid base titrations. lated by this method were confirmed by using various char-
Hence the flavonoids were extracted, isolated and iden- acteristic tests [12].
tified for their potential use as an acid base indicator in The experiment was carried by using the same set of
various acid base titrations. glasswares for all types of titrations. As the same aliquots
were used for both titrations i.e. titration by using standard
MATERIAL AND METHODS: indicators and flower extract, the reagents were not cali-
Analytical grade reagents were made available brated. The equimolar titrations were performed using 10
by Satara College of Pharmacy, Satara. Reagents and ml of titrant with three drops of indicator. All the param-
volumetric solutions were prepared as per standard eters for experiment are given in Table 1. A set of five
books [10, 11]. Canna indica flowers were collected experiments were carried out and means and standard
from plants growing wild in the hilly region of Satara deviations were calculated from the results.
and authenticated from Department of Botany
Yashwantrao Chavan College of Science, Satara. RESULT AND DISCUSSION:
The selected flowers were collected. The fresh The flower extract was screened for its use as an
petals of these selected flowers were cut into small acid base indicator in various acid base titrations, and the
pieces and were freeze dried by utilizing –20°C tem- results of this screening were compared with the results
perature to minimize oxidative loss before grinding into obtained by standard indicators methyl red, phenolphthalein
fine powder with a mechanical blender [8]. The result- and mixed indicator [methyl orange: bromocresol green
ing powder was extracted with methanolic hydrochloric (0.1:0.2) [13].
acid, to convert the anthocyanins into their correspond- The titrations of strong acid with strong base (HCl
ing soluble chlorides. From this solution, anthocyanins & NaOH), strong acid with weak base (HCl & NH4 OH),
were isolated by using ether [12]. Finally extract was
Table 1: Parameters Used For Analysis and the Comparison of Color Change
HCl: - Hydrochloric Acid, NaOH: - Sodium Hydroxide, NH4 OH: - Ammonium Hydroxide.CH3 COOH: - Acetic Acid, S.D.: - Standard
weak acid with strong base (CH3 COOH & NaOH), but floral indicator has given sharp end point because
and weak acid with weak base (CH3 COOH and solutions became colorless at the equivalence points. If
NH4 OH) were carried out using standard indicators and titrant (base) was added in more amount solution became
floral extract. The results of these titrations are given in greenish yellow colored.
Table 2. Thus natural indicator employed in the acid base
The floral extract of Canna indica was found titrations was found economic, safe and an efficient
to have flavonoids, anthocyanins and is PH sensitive. The alternative for traditional indicators. In comparison to
results of PH changes in various acid base titrations of this, chemical indicators were found more expensive and
this floral indicator are shown in Table 1. It could be hazardous, which proves that floral extract of Canna
due to these flavonoids, the sharp end point appeared indica, as a natural indicator is more worthy.
in the above mentioned titrimetric analyses. CONCLUSION:
The end point determination of acid base The results obtained in all the types of acid base
titrations by the traditional indicators, compared with titrations lead us to conclude that, it was due to the pres-
floral indicator, it was observed that traditional indicators ence of flavonoids sharp color changes occurred at end
gave incorrect results due to addition of excess of titrant point of the titrations. We can also conclude that, it is
(base) after the neutralization reaction was completed, always beneficial to use Canna indica flower extract
Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.1.Issue 1. July-September 2008 86
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Acessed - December 10, 2007.