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Biomaterials Exam

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BME310Exam 1
3/5/ 12
8:00 - 9:55a
>1 178
1. Draw atypical tensile stress-strain curve for a metal (2 pIS) . Indicate where you would
calculate the elastic modulus, yield stress, ultimate tensile stress, and fracture stress (4
pts). Draw whatthe curve would look like for ametal implantthathadbeen in the body
for 15 years and wasaboutto fracture.(2 pIS)
I';:> "crt
L-___________.) """..h 0'.;
It>:>\'0t(){\..e -\0 \-\\ eJd
f. .,\r'<b It(0 o'\rn<l.,t-
\.in/? 0
Cb r;tfj e. .
2. For the two metals below which do you think has the higher a) corrosionresistance, b)
yieldstress,andc)graindensity. (3 pts)
Method B
.. .'
Method A

'l dt
of(a() a)purel
elasticmaterialand (b)apurelyviscous
wmg : E=sin oot (4pts)
b) '"

o..",d e (0.\ In Q4d,\\on e 'l1e
ho.ve. thQ \hE> ? rnQ.V'I1I?I\+ ?\Q:,tic
IJ(ll1o"+ trod\lr-e). 'Oo.:,eO 0.11 \If\d- cell -\I'(lj
(Qf\ for"" tOM\,Ie,l( o"d a..-t o.r .
fC-<.\ted -;,\N)t.tv'l . . ond t'f.p%h'1S
1 f
O'l?(6c.. ,."I ./ ('J.{
a Ex I' Ii . . . . bl'iHIe.
. th
am on the UnIt cell mceramicsthatresults in t, mbeing 8lletile-
ra erthan (3 pts) /
o..<e br-.:H1e on lheir- oliieLhOflo.
bondt.. The eecl +0 rno-Cn+o.((\
o.J Q"J tll'l1e dve *0 tho.t tl-le
QIt. dep{l" d8'ld 0" tI1e
or The ot +he.. ion -end ph't\"tl.(l)l
S\X.Q ot +he 10.(\ . Tn,::, I:;' ba.::.ed 0" the I'O.dli of
+he l()..\-lOn!> ond ) in rc < 1'0.. .
D"w, DSC roc,,olym"'ow""'o,<ii,I,."""rT,MdToo. (4,.)
a. Draw a second curve for the same type ofpolymer but with a higher number
average molecularweight(makesureany differences betweenthe two curves are
obvious). (4 pts)
"1 /

- -
Explainthedifference between M, and Mw? (2 pts)
('mol@ frou-,of\
t\1\ 2x, tI, Ii.,"'" Z10, N\
l.)!l"cAe..... lo.r- 1.) ",el..'3h>r flGL.+i:OO
IUt\Q'nt W L '-
U _ mo'.-?,,,\.o.r- '''-
. : .-"" 00, - z!U,
x, \ 0{ .J
.., -'0\molE";) L7 +o-tot41-\T
_ LJ ::. NI1'1;
lin dep\?ndb on moletro.Ui()J'l) orlihe fl'Ol.t\of)
a. Whatanalysistechniquecould youusetodetermine M.?(2 pts)
9. What analysis technique could you use t9 determine the unit cell structure in a
metal?(1 pts) /
r dq-\f'O.l.ho .
10.Whatanalysis technique could you useto determine the concentration ofsolution
containingjustasingleprotein?(1 pts)
11. Draw a typical stress-strain curve for apolymer. (4pts). Draw bow the curve would be
different ifthe test was performed at a strain rate that does not allow for the polymer
chainsto orientinthedirectionofthe load (3 pIs).
lne ton\) T_
(l"I...,,+.... cl.e.(0..-"o.l-tOf\ 11..) 0."d eto.tr+;t \">''Il"'et'::>
(. - WI! ill)
12. Give one advantage and one disadvantage of tbe following material classes for
applicationas avasculargraft.
d. Elastomers(2pts)
to.n de.(ottn o.\- lou) 'i> rQ.'n
Lan +he hOme
13. What bappens to !be diffusion of vacancies as metals are processed at higher
temperatures?(2 pts)
ihe ro-1e inLrtO,:>eb with +11(> 1 mpero.+v..-e
c,nd +hl':) 0 ba.oed 0" tile D"Do e- %) r" oddi110"
the I \) bet.>een ,"",0\.0.,... fw-\' Q",d
,.,...d due. vibM+i"8 ITi Q!;. wellQ<:> the rote.o./dIHv;IOII .
14.Tbe characteristic time ofdiffusion is used to provide an orderofmagnitudeanalysis for
bow long a diffusive process takes. Provide an equation for the calculation of tbe
characteristictime ofdiffusion(defineallparameters in!beequation)(4pts).

- ditfv..,iOI)
n F\ -
IS. Cancationsoranionst:: rrrl i terstitials in ceramics? :'hy?(3 pts)
Tne to.*,ant> n no-v-e fa""'" 1merc,htGl ed
01\ -Ihe.tl" omoII yeo II") o.ddlHOI\ t'h-j! a.nion!> tannof
form fho",e of de(ed'o bewu':>e art ,hei 1':> rt0,ve lo.')l'f
SLte .1'1\e 'flLrW!>IO'l8 luthe.. would be +hah
wIll flO\- allOw for- tl\,'V In a.ddl'hofl defetk,
1O.MOt ort!!>eM bo.'oed 0(\ HIett' Aellh .
,,,,,.\>,1'1\,1.0-. II no\- vo...o.nIY Ol ho<.; ;()f1b o.te ,
16. What are me three steps 10 addlllon polymerization? (3 pts) Outside ofthe monomer
specIeswhatadditionalchemicalspeciesis neededfor additionpolymenzation?(2pts)
1'hfte /
/ .'''1(l-iCl..hO,v:( /' '''e \0\ \ \0.-\01" ,!> needeJ tha.+-
. ,. Y i foc-rt'It> or-- free
" v
f'o.ot\.O.\ '/
. ter "",1110."1 n
17. Compareand contrastbulkand solutionpolymerization(4pts).
bvl\.l. \X>\Yl'ICriko.HOf) \-.o."e COmpor:H?nHl o..e
(bOl"en+) o."d r'l1uncmlll' !>oluble ''1,h.a.\-iOt (or- co.-\o..\,\\';)+), '" -the
tn(> rwl.hon(:> +&I.te plo..('Q In wa.h/'
Or thermo.\ ao!dlH(YIj
+h-e mO(lomOI' 0.,,0 \ n;HI).\-o1' /lGl\-a.
'4,<>t IY\ I):.t bQ.
i1\ +hp ,hebvlloc. no.ve h'<3
Q.Vld \'he LOfIlel'n {';) hGt In the SOluho0
ner-{'(,O.\-iof'1 -\'he nea.\- \'0-\\0(\ ed bv+ lower-
f& Q"do.ddtl,, \ol11O-l +0 remove :)olver'lf- (';) rln\J\ruJ
. o-.. o!,o\"e",t be Wb
'1l 19<ov .-.oAole .,.
18. Exp ammostpolymersusedpolymers in biomedicalapplications exhibitaT thatis well
belowbodytemperatureandTm thatiswellabove bodytemperature. (4pts) g
T"e {or- I';) below p 4-ne
the movemOl\+ I':> lower- -) the ,!:>
loweI' . It\ o.doldiofl +he below
o-tt 1l1e: 1m IS o:'oovl! Pl'le
\1\ Ihe below Tn rt l':> (\0 V,!>lOoJ';, fl.o..u -tho..t-
. ."
\lri!" p,,+ e OHY\ iOt., .'l'he I"" it> \.:>91\ o.OOvP 4he
o..W be1ou..) ,\- IYlO,tQI'to.\ ,f) oN:lert...cl C>.l'\d C\9 to;,
0. -.ol.:.d the>t (.0.", 1'tIa."-1l 1"0+ J
In odd.'Ho" lhf! . bQ.low the8N)..iI\ fuir61'Ce!> exl[:)t.
I\no a.bove \"" \hE' COil Qlff'wrne E'n J'l., NI,.;
Exam 2
4/ 18112
Name: lI.c:,o, e;,z.1U.. ~ \ c c X .
PIs: ili
I. Inflammation often alte.rs pH in.the environment. Use regions of tbe Pourbaix ",tc..
diagram to eJ<phI:in ,why mfl ammallon around amatenalmay ll1f1ucncc the
resistanceofamaterial. (3 pts) -:::..---- ,)
"'e ."d, .,ded 1Ia.+ I'ttC\cch -he (O,tO '> 10,,.
In Ulhtdl IC-' tI 0/ mei....I't>
iOt\!> <Ire {Ow no In i001 I\'l
2.) imll'll/ne- 1101 tD.velKl.b1e fO" Me.to.l+o
(0.11 ed tot\\od;C
3) _ ""- io.le leo&.> 10 -he forma1-ion oj
c. ,>o\ ld (00.-1:. .\0
Ine. me- ot "e''"'<:I el' (<00'>10 ..t. er<Je
a. Interstitial fluid often provides the corresponding reductlOn reaction 'd
requiredfor oxidation ofametal implantafter implantationin vivo. What
is tbe typical reduction reaction at neutral pH and in the presence of
dissolvedoxygen. (2 pts)
OJ. e- -") (DH")
b. What is the reduction reaction when there is an H!6F@aSe in pH during
inflammation. (2 pts).
\On Ib \One" i;, ot- the
c'.1 e...ll'G-lb ()."d i\) I-o.k o.\- <D1-ha:le
0,1. -l 4ft 4e- -).2 \>re.e",'e Ot 4')
:tH i 4 3.e - -)"... oj 0 ... )
2. What is the primary advantage ofeleclrospinning relative to other fiber spinning
technologies? (2 pts)
,,) I:> V'.>Ed fo.-
::> Co." aLiI\eve+he
Qb teN
5. Explainwhatyouwould expectto occurifyouimplantametallicbiomaterialthatisa
combi nation oftwo metalsthat arefarapartonthe galvanicseri es. (3 pts)
T\'\e IS hOu.level' p-ov,de" file
t-IOl'lIe (I\tormot.()() hwthe \"11e.+oc:, be-hew".
mo.+/X,:> that a.-e. for- rA +ne. ( 3111
teJJd fo t.Or<'Ode more &ir'lle the. rf.lo..Hve <.ho""Se fn fhe
(ox-,dote - redvU-ioll 3,[ll'YIoUe d- ,l.Ovpl.e,d mOre .
6. Whatdoes"zero orderreleaselkinetics" mean inregards to adrug deliverysystem?(3
Zero reHln-,e1k,nl1h,,, I!> ihe ton de... 0.
rtleQ!>f prof,le {!'Om Q b.omcter-{a.\ pr'Ofi1e. 1\ IS the
,d df'VS de1iVertd b\!)bt!?m ltheft \b a. need ot LOr>S-klnt
"'Itt, Hme ) o.mOuM relQ!>tO - o,mo",,,+ I.e- eel)
a. How is tbi s different from a system wbere tbe release mecban.ism is
"FickianDiffusion"?(3 pts) I , . _______
ine r-oA; e 0\ tile 0 :ffv':>,on ... 4 0.,..d Il'os.
II depend!> on +he coe-ff\\ln+ ha.\ (t>deperde,,+
0() +emp) r - I tnoS711"l<..rn,3 I poI'j
II i b po 0 +0 be r{ 't cO ,II fF
the. bvlK tthe \=)rope,...tll1b Of(! I..ha.n.f-ed On the

\-tme !:>c.a.le of.dN>S relW!>{1 , lhe.-e I::> no -c el'O order-

be 0.1) H,<; v e .
7. Draw a typical stress strain curve of a metal and indi cate the minimum stress you
wouldbave to apply to tbatmaterial inorderto workhardenit. (3 pts).

8. How does chromiuminstainlesssteelreduce therisk ofcorrosion?(3 pIS) /'
The ot c.hlOtyI ium On Ihe 5
eQI i b
l \hO c.'l<>,jr .J0lf'> J
0. iOjer -\ho.+- wI I OelrW5{! the M&\.( ot CON'o, fO'l.
In odddiO() bo...,ed 01) the pok>nt,o.b ot
I-hoo,t Me moWt'ia.'b Lomb'nobon ",,,\I moltethem
EHtCp1ct.1. QI:Ce<i>ible fOt- i;
a. Explain what fretting corrosion is and why it can cause corrosion in
stainlesssteel. (3 pts)
LON'O';)\On I? flO + iO -I-he
(l."d depefldt> 011 the.. 'lO." t"e. Un?1011+
lhert. ItTrt- pl'Ole5!;) of removaL . Ot
er- (pretec.+f, frOll LOJ-I'O,}On ) met.hQfI,ao.t me.af'lfJ

1)ve +-0 +l)l'C) .Cou<"e the 'oieel 10 mol'(

/'(. loA: (0*- r( ,]1<.) fo/' lDr'I'Q<,IOI) ot . f)less
'> teeI., '1.
9. Foreachofthefollowingsterili zationtechniques giveoneadvantageofthetechnique
and onetype ofmaterial that itshould notbe usedto sterilize: ethylene oxide, steam,
radiation.(6 pIS).
o)(lde - (.o..n be the rna.
tho.+ have low ( low Tm) The. mc;le",ol
tha.I- I>hould W)'l-h me.thod
- -tt,I!:l d Ib41 effeui,re 1'0+
be u':> tel tol" (pa'Ij/her ': UJdh
li-II>-dio;ttol'l - to +h\:;, -fo,.t>+ J Qnd
'te moAeri.c..I., tho* to>1 desrode exa.mple
PLo-,o.) 5 be vsect
10. Name two potential advantages and two potential disadvantages ofglutaraldehyde
crossliokingasatreatmentfor collagen-basednaturalmaterials (4 pts). /
l'nil Of -I-hQ b tn...t II \.<.<110 PQH1OSEW:>
Q..,d \-he lOrl<.eN'l
10>(Ic\1 at teCbldvct 3lui <l.l'C(joh'ijde o.\!;>o o'WVL ocJ
b,olod'LO.\ 0+ m
II.Rank the following three polymer classes in orde offastest to slowest degradation
viahydrolysis: aliphatic poly(anhydrides),pol mi des),poly(esters). (3 pts)
oQ\,\,\1o>1\c polj
J po lj Lo.r!'llde<: . b lo...ue'<>+ de I' o'\/""
poll:! L-----'
a. Whatparameter(s), ifany, in theerosionnumberequation accounts for the
influenceofpolymersensitivityto degradationviahydrolysis. (2pts)
\( lmeo.n M)ke the
-IQ,. bond) 0.
- 0 bo.l-I.bone S' "<Np
b. What parameter(s), ifany, in the erosion number equation account for
differences inpercentcrystallinitybetweentwopolymers. (2 pts)
i') - d,ttV'i>IOI'l coeH,ILefl't (6
HV';i ot

12,Provide three reasons why it is difficult to quantitatively assess degradation of
biomaterials in tissue (you can discuss in regards to animal models or clinical
applications). (3 pts)
lhQrt ho.rd at
i[, in f1veflte ot the Q'o \"li l-leml'I
Cdeperdb I Q;t;\YI ) - 100'>ed on +ne
flvid ) tll',>l in lI.tro theoe. 5uppo;ed 10 b,e )1m, tar-a.
H1e bUI'\'lQ,n tofl be 1"'''' '''tile in vIvO. 1+ II> dtfl-/w
+0 prwlrtt 1\<1 In vivO the from n. it/'00 M"dl':>
n.o, exo.mpIe ();tIC- CoflLer-1') "'1'1h
III il') vo'Vo, lhi'.e he., +0
re.lo.eM ().t\l mot I'I'lodt/4i',
13, If a metal has low ductility and a Tm so high that is not practical to melt, what
TI,,,;' the (!, i n "",II
(p>JX!Q- ,
1;11'0111 -Inw the powdel' - Ln;ole,. the pO\,.) del' Wi1/ be pi
sprtAd on ploa.tt()('1'Tl WIll thl'\) 5L S(Sele(hole
I er t-(l",118) to form 0::1 lotiV- form
14, Use a comparisonbetweennatural materials that degrade via cellproduced enzymes
and synthetic polymers that degrade via hydrolysis to explain the challenges of
selecting an appropriate "simulated body fluid" for studying biomaterial degradation
in vitro, (5 pts)
Tl"le 10 mvth LCff.,+a."i- frOm Or"Ie
dft.-\- i" +il(> lob]The
per::.ofl to ( ea.,>re... +0 r
(7emltwid depender1
0" fne ilJemfW/.
.9/'Ovp:. I bond:., med.a. I ot"t.A , f\f)d LVrll
if] 10UJ ce1/ QI'{,Q?-
"The ellZjmoJrt- degra.dQ.it\on to recht+ f::a<d
0(\ amDVfd- ot and mO'-e +1'0&
il') o.ddlti01 ItvJln bQ vaf'io-b-Lit:\
b..Q)vJeel\ 1-he ()..11d wrll be hordg- +0 predrd- r"
lob bo:>ed 01\ l1le ot
in tlvld (depend'?Oft I tell)
h t
;ltai(\ 1\0.
- i f\lf'(Q"e dell'>r+s =>
15. Based On the blacksmith example from class, explain what you would expect to
happen to the yield stress and ductilityofametalduringthe following steps:
a. The material is heated on extremelyhotcoals fora short time inorder to
heatit to a temperature less than O.3*T.,and then it is plastically deforms
by (2pts) ...--
Th(> LOtd u)Ol'\(.i'"'S 1;.)1\\ be pre!.t'n}eO " h" d !ll'(p,,>e.
ill cNt.hld'j Q1ld If1LrtDr,e II)
UXXl\d rtf!>eAt-t.d . The Inll"U!>e
10 Il> .
b. The blacksmith leaves the material for a long time in the hot coals in
which the materialis heated it to atemperature.below Tm. The materialis
thencooled. (2pts)
,Jo", I,
:') there.
$( f1<. -e no
1oT -'
16. Describe the steps in casting and frring ofceramics. Discuss how parameters in this
processcan bevaried in orderto influencethe final grainpropertiesoftheceramic.(5
Thl:, Q meA-nod U'oed -fot-. lI'\\l>tc.l.l(ne terum,(<;. . The
I) Cero.mtL.
bll'\der- (\=Our or- pre!>!> 0. mold)
.;z.) (rro:,1- ot u)a.+er- ellQj'
) steel) II.)lW ('/Ii)
0) 1;"",.3
- o. re."dvo.l e
BME 310
Name: ___ _______
- 9'""' 0- -
1. Whydoesalloyingwithchromiummakestainlesssteelmoreresistant tocorrosion?(3
'" 0.. m ,t> dohn5 fX'IM& clef>c.f!> to me
me.to.L. -\h", i:> oi Ih(> Over (1.1
lo.lIl<e ::,I<"Oln 40 ;,\o("'3
of +/11' ,nlrUH'!. a"q
1'nt P"""<vc,,oo ICljtr p"f)iet.+ lhe M"'i"ltntied
(l1rQmlum I I> mort fo UJrr<hlon . Bo",..d on the
a. Infl ammation can lead to a change in pH around the material. Using regions of
the Pourbaix diagram to explain why this may change the corrosion resistance
provided bychromium. (3 pts)

2. Drawatypicalstress traincurveforametal.
a. Indicatewhereonthis curvecoldworkingwould occur. (3 pts)
h. Drawanewcurveforthemetalshowingitspropertiesaftercoldworking.(3 pts)
c. Drawanewcurvefor themetal showingitspropertiesafterannealing. (3 pts)
- ntqlPI\O\
- mOrt CMhlt
3. Hydrolysis ofabiomaterial is influenced by thefollowing material properties. Does the
erosion number equation account for these factors. If so, indicate which parameter
a. Susceptibilityofthebackboneto hydrolysis (2 pts)
b. Autocatalysis(2 pts)
c. Molecularweightofthepolymer (2 pts)
d. Crystallinity(2 piS)
r D
e. Surfaceareato volume ratio(2 pis)
a 4. You have synthesized a degradable biomaterial to be used to tissue engineer bone for
load- bearingapplication. Explain how experimental tests ofthe stress- strain behaviorcould
be used to determinethe mechanism ofmaterial degradation. Youneedto draw stress- strain
behavioratdifferenttimes for materialsdegradingbybulkand surfaceerosion.(5pts)

1::>"\\< . V chor8e!> (df,I'UE' 0(1 ..
-'> y=
-.mel/ianocal pro f'erfl.. It 10.j i VI
-') rtw .J,
-7 1lle<.hO"'tO.\ .,
5. Compare and contrast wet and dlY spinning (5 pts), including how the liquid polymer is
formed andwhichclasses ofpolymerscan beused in agivenmethod.
a. What is the primalY advantage of electrospinning relative to other sPllming
technologies? (2 pts)
\0 p.'""
{he !>o.me (order) of f,ber';> dve 10 (H
Why does the galvanic series in seawater table give you additi onal information that is
important in physiologic conditions that is not available from the standard electromotive
force series ortheNemst equation?(3 pts)
':>I01\\o.r to flvld
-0") t'001 "we ,n III ,\ (nolt' '0,+
a. If youhadamaterialmadeoftwometals, howwouldyouusethegalvanic seri es to assist
in selectingthe metals to use?(2pts)
be c.io<.>@
!>O ihelt WIll be !he
in 1hi
,e,;> be -Ihert IU,II be. (of
S-N curve for a materialthat demonstrates a fati gue limit. Indicatewhat the
PimetersSandNare. (5 pts)
8. Drawplots ofmaximum protein adsorbed onto a surface versus concentration in solution for
interactions modeledbyaLangmuirBindingIsothermand aFreundlichIsotherm.(6 pts)
9. A company has developed a novel method for generating decellularized blood vessels from
pigs for use in humans. The procedure results in a material that has ideal mechanical and
biological properties for application as avascular graft. In order to address concerns ofvirus
transmission from the material a researcher proposes crosslinking the material to kill the
virus. Explain how crosslinking may result in changes to other properties (mechanical,
biological,degradation). (5 pts)
- meu-o." c..o.l
',o.dd ,0" ,-\ wl\\ Ihe e.U1Q"'io..ol fl'Oper'l c"
'i'rtveF';'" Ihe ?'l"\"'e m", ef\dl'!)
10.Draw the strain responsewhen (1) a purely elastic material and (2) apurely viscous material
areexposedto aconstantstress(0
) startingat10 asshown in thegraphbelow(4pts).
a. Show how thestrainresponsefor amaterial thatexhibitscreep.(2pts)
b. Drawthestrainresponse foraVoigtand Maxwellmodel ofviscoelastic materials
II.From the table below select the sterilization method that should be used for the glven
material(1 pteach).
__. Ste.am_
Eth leneoxide )
Thick orousceramic Eth 1eneoxide Electronbeamradiation
Material withlowTm Steam - ---8h leneoxide
12.According to the book, what are three characteristics of an ideal surface modification
technique.(3 pts)
2) 'f;,\:;,io.nte to de\oim,n"';;O('l
3) "mt'le t oebo..t.,-I-
a. Ifyou are modifying a metal surface using a plasma discharge method explain
bowwell thesemethodsareexpected to meeteachcharacteristic.(3 pts)
tt\o.,r",,?:, bull<, p&"Ill'!>
I, \0"':- (!f..,J,.,..,le
- ) i> ,.,."P't bvl e"fer.","
13. Rapid manufacturing methods can be used to generate complex 3D structures for metals,
ceramics, and polymers. For metals, a laser is used to selectively sinter regions ofthe
powder in order to generate solid structures. Explain bow ceramics and polymers can be
selectively inducedto foml solid structures in rapidmanufacturing. (5 pts)
:'1) er
-'oiroder Sol.;e,,+
14,A researcher is interested in whether a biomateri al promotes thrombosis. In the lab, the
researcher exposes the material surface to a solution containing onl y one solute (a small
protein present in blood). Draw acurve showing how theconcentrati onofprotein adsorbed
(C,,,,) onto the surface would vary with ti me. Assume the protein has an affi nity for the
a, The research introduces another larger protein into the solution and repeats the
experiment. Both proteins are at the same concentration in soluti on. Plot C,d,
versustime for the two proteins assuming the largerprotein has agreatersurface
affini ty than thesmallerprotein . (3 pts)

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