Landscape Brief 2009
Landscape Brief 2009
Landscape Brief 2009
NASA 2009
From spaces to places...
It is the age of Information and Communication Technology. Of virtual realities. Of virtual addresses.
And in this virtual age our towns and cities too are reflecting this phenomenon of 'placelessness',
and becoming non-places. More than ever before, they are contributing to the deterioration, even
destruction, of the natural systems they depend upon. Global warming is no longer conjecture.
Yet, the unique landscapes, of these towns and cities, though neglected, support nature in varying
degrees. Therein lies a vast potential for direct access to nature for an ever-expanding human
population. Time spent in natural environments is known to promote a positive outlook on life and
enhance our ability to cope with, and recover from, stress, illness and injury.
There is a need to make our cities less parasitic and develop models for sustainable building
practices and lifestyles that foster a sense of community and can also meet the urban challenges
of alternative energy sourcing and regenerating natural systems. Every space in which we live,
study, work, shop and play can create places for both people and nature.
This landscape ideas competition seeks to explore the use of landscape as a medium for change to
revitalize and reactivate the public sphere within urban spaces. Participants are encouraged to
create submissions that demonstrate new types of nature-friendly development that offer choices for
sustainable living in our communities and throughout our region while creating a strong genius-loci
the spirit of a place.
The Site
An Urban space (a Square/Chowk, part of a College Campus, Park, or Street) between 1-4
hectares with a Landmark building (of importance to the local community) as part of the
Connections that matter
Community. Safety. Ecology. Health. Nature.
Change the norm
Energy and environmental issues. Walking. Cycling. Liveability. Basis of plant material
selection. Thermal comfort. Storm water mitigation.
Rethink of the landscape and building interface physical and social environment that
envelopes and defines the landmark building, to showcase landscape as the medium of change.
All text should be in English. The projects should use the decimal metric system and contain a metric
graphic reference in order to enable publication in reduced formats. Entries can be by individuals or
teams comprising of maximum four students.
The submission shall include the following:
Maximum of 4 A1 size sheets, mounted on lightweight rigid panels.
2 sets of reproductions in A3 size
CD containing identical data on the sheets in a non editable and an editable format.
The panels shall contain:
A general plan of the area representing the project and its urban context;
Plans, sections and elevations of the project;
Axonometric views, perspectives, photo-montages and/or any other representation suitable for
the purpose of illustrating the project;
Criteria guiding project design, strategies and materials suggested, response to context.