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EMBRYOLOGY - The External Genitalia in The Two Sexes Develop From Common Anlagen (Genital Tubercle

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EMBRYOLOGY The external genitalia in the two sexes develop from common anlagen (genital tubercle,

swellings, and fold) and are indistinguishable up until seven to eight weeks gestation (figure 1).
At the ninth week of gestation, the external genitalia begin to differentiate between the two sexes.
In the male fetus, genetic programming results
in androgenic stimulation that induces posterior
fusion of the genital folds and growth of the
genital tubercle into a phallic structure (picture
2). The penile urethra forms as a result of
remolding and fusion of the medial edges of the
endodermal urethral folds [1]. By 12 weeks
gestation, the coronal sulcus separates the glans
from the shaft of the penis. By 16 to 18 weeks,
urethral formation is complete, and the foreskin
covers the glans.
In patients with hypospadias, the urethral folds
fail to completely or partial close. The extent of
the failure determines the position of the
urethral opening. In most cases, it remains
unknown what causes the disruption of normal
penile development.
Penile curvature occurs normally during
development and resolves by the end of urethral
formation (picture 2). In patients with
hypospadias, abnormal penile curvature (also
referred to as chordee) is often an associated
physical finding suggesting an accompanying
disruption in the development of the penile
The lack of androgenic stimulation results in
the female external genital phenotype, although
additional data suggest that female development
is not a completely passive process.
ANATOMY Surgical correction of hypospadias requires understanding of the anatomy of both the normal
and hypospadiac penis [2].
The penis in the uncircumcised male consists of the penile shaft, glans penis with the coronal sulcus (rim of the
glans), and the foreskin (figure 2). The structural components include the corpus spongiosum, which contains
the urethra, and the paired corpora cavernosa. The corpus spongiosum lies ventral in between the two corporal
bodies. The corpora cavernosa structures are covered by the thick, elastic tunica albuginea. The dorsal penile
nerve lies within Buck's fascia, which circumferentially envelops the corpus spongiosum and cavernosa.
Sensation of the penile shaft, glans, and anterior urethra is primarily derived from the dorsal penile nerves. The
neurovascular bundles lie in the 11 and 1 o'clock position with branches extending longitudinally from 11 to 7
o'clock and 1 to 5 o'clock along the surface of the tunica albuginea, enclosing the corpora cavernosa, and
terminating in the glans. No nerve fibers are found at the 12 o'clock position in either the normal or hypospadiac
penis [3].
Classification The severity of hypospadias is graded upon the position of the urinary meatus and the extent
of ventral penile angulation. Severity rises as the distance of the displaced urethral opening increases from the
normal position at the tip of the glans, and with increasing penile curvature.
Historically, hypospadias was divided into three classes, as the distance of the displaced urethral opening
increases from the normal position at the tip of the glans.
First degree (mild) Urethral opening within
the glans or subcorona
Second degree (moderate) Urethral opening
on the penile shaft
Third degree (severe) Urethral opening
within the scrotum or perineum
However, this classification does not account for the effect of penile curvature (chordee). As an example,
patients with the abnormal urethral meatus at the glans or distal penile shaft who have severe chordee will
require extensive surgical correction to correct the curvature resulting in a more proximal hypospadiac urethral
PATHOGENESIS Disruption of the androgenic stimulation that is required for the development of the
normal male external genitalia is the proposed mechanism resulting in hypospadias [4,5]. Support for this theory
is based upon reports of patients with defects in genes that affect androgen metabolism, and estrogen and
androgen response (eg, androgen receptor) [6-14]. Genome-wide association studies using SNP (single
nucleotide peptide) microarrays have shown an association between variants of the gene DGKK located on the
X chromosome and hypospadias [15,16]. DGKK is expressed in preputial skin and encodes a human type II
diacylglycerol kinase, which plays an important role in signal transduction. Changes in the genes activating
transcription factor 3, CXorf6, and the zinc finger-box gene 1 have also been associated with an increased risk
of hypospadias [8,9,13].
Exposure to estrogenic compounds (eg, maternal progestin or diethylstilbestrol) during pregnancy, which may
affect androgenic stimulation, is also associated with hypospadias [17-19]. In contrast, a study using data from
the National Birth Defects Prevention study found that maternal high dietary intake of phytoestrogens (plant
constituents with estrogenic properties) was associated with a decreased risk of hypospadias [20]. The observed
associations merit investigation in additional populations before firm conclusions can be reached. (See"Outcome
and follow-up of diethylstilbestrol (DES) exposed individuals", section on 'Genitourinary abnormalities'.)
In most cases of hypospadias, however, the cause is unknown. Both genetic and environmental factors are
associated with hypospadias, suggesting that the etiology is multifactorial [17,19,21,22]. These include the
Advanced maternal age
Preexisting maternal diabetes mellitus
Gestational age before 37 weeks
History of paternal hypospadias
Exposure to smoking and pesticides

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