Handwritten Text Recognition: M.J. Castro-Bleda, S. Espa Na-Boquera, F. Zamora-Mart Inez
Handwritten Text Recognition: M.J. Castro-Bleda, S. Espa Na-Boquera, F. Zamora-Mart Inez
Handwritten Text Recognition: M.J. Castro-Bleda, S. Espa Na-Boquera, F. Zamora-Mart Inez
S = argmax
p(S|X) = argmax
p(X|S)p(S) .
This work proposes a handwriting recognition system based on
MLPs for preprocessing
hybrid HMM/ANN models, to perform optical
character modeling
statistical or connectionist n-gram language models:
words or characters
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MLP to enhance and clean images
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Slope and slant removal, and size normalization
Lower baseline
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Desloped and deslanted
Reference lines
Size normalization
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Feature extraction
Final image
Feature extraction
Frames with 60 features
grid of 20 square cells
horizontal and vertical derivatives
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Optical models
Hybrid HMM/ANN models: emission probabilities estimated by ANNs
A MLP estimates p(q|x) for every
state q given the frame x. Emission
probability p(x|q) computed with
Bayes theorem.
Trained with EM algorithm: MLP
backpropagation and forced Viterbi
alignment of lines are alternated.
each class trained with all
training samples
not necessary to assume an a
priori distribution for the data
lower computational cost
compared to Gaussian mixtures
7-state HMM/ANN using a MLP
with two hidden layers of sizes 192
and 128
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Corpora for optical modeling
Lines from the IAM Handwriting Database version 3.0
657 dierent writers
a subset of 6,161 training, 920 validation and 2,781 test lines
87,967 instances of 11,320 distinct words (training, validation, and
test sets)
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Corpora for language modeling
Three dierent text corpora: LOB, Brown and Wellington
Corpora Lines Words Chars
LOB + IAM Training 174K 2.3M 11M
Brown 114K 1.1M 12M
Wellington 114K 1.1M 11M
Total 402K 4.5M 34M
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Testing the system
Error Rate of the HMMs and the hybrid HMM/ANN models on the test
set. Language models estimated with the three corpora and an open
dictionary are used.
Results of Test (%)
Best model WER CER
8-state HMMs 38.8 1.0 18.6 0.6
7-state HMMs, MLP 192-128 22.4 0.8 9.8 0.4
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Comparing the system
Comparing is always dicult!!!
Same conditions (we have contacted the authors).
Error Rate of the hybrid HMM/ANN models and recurrent networks
[Graves et al, 2010] on the test set.
Results of Test (%)
Model WER
7-state HMMs, MLP 192-128 25.9
Recurrent NN (BLSMT) 25.9
The best published performance!!!
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Connectionist Language modeling
SRI language models smoothed using the modied Knesser-Ney
Neural Network Language Models
linearly combined with standard n-grams
trained with stochastic Backpropagation
learning rate 0.002, momentum term 0.001,
weight decay 10
cross-entropy error function
hidden units hyperbolic tangent
output layer softmax
fast evaluation memoizing softmax normaliza-
tion constants
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Testing the system with NNLM
Error Rate of the hybrid HMM/ANN models on the test set. Language
models estimated for a 105 K vocabulary and bigrams (SRI and NNLMs).
Results of Test (%)
Language model WER CER
SRI bigrams 23.3 9.3
NNLMs 22.6 9.0
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Character-based language modeling
Character-based language models:
high order n-grams of characters (upt to 8-grams)
the language model is able to learn words and sequence of words
appearing in the training corpus but also to model words not
belonging to the vocabulary,
no explicit lexicon is used during recognition: the recognizer is thus
able to recognizer out-of-vocabular y words.
Graphemes for the IAM corpus:
Lower case letters a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Upper case letters A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Digits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Punctuation marks <space> - , ; : ! ? / . ( ) * & # +
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Testing the system with character-based LMs
Final results on Test:
Model WER (%) CER (%)
SRI 30.9 13.8
NN LM 24.2 10.1
Test OOV word accuracy. 554 OOV words in the test partition:
Model # OOV recognized words % accuracy
SRI 162 29.8
NN LM 184 33.8
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HMM/ANN: Performance competitive with state-of-the-art systems.
Improving Oine Handwritten Text Recognition with Hybrid HMM/ANN Models (2010), in: IEEE Trans. PAMI
NN LMs advantages:
they are very scalable with respect to the corpus size: the size of the
trained language model grows with the vocabulary size but not with
the number of training samples,
NN LM represents the tokens in a continuous space, thus allowing a
better smoothing as can be observed when comparing SRI and
NN LM n-grams models using the same optical models.
Fast Evaluation of Connectionist Language Models, in: 10th IWANN, p. 33-40, Springer, 2009.
Character language models can alleviate the problem of OOV words.
Unconstrained Oine Handwriting Recognition using Connectionist Character N-grams, in: IEEE IJCNN, p. 41364142, 2010.
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Online and Bimodal Handwritten Recognition
Online samples are sequences of coordinates describing the trajectory of
an electronic pen (more information than the oine case).
Hybrid HMM/ANN optical models for online and oine recognition.
Isolated word recognition.
Bimodal recognition. Core idea: N -best word hypothesis scores for both
the oine and the online samples are combined using a log-linear
combination, achieving very satisfying results.
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Original image
Cleaned image
Desloped image
Deslanted image
Normalized image
Original strokes
Resampled and smoothed
Off-line preprocessing
Baseline estimation
Slant estimation
Slope estimation
Affine transform
On-line to off-line
Slope/slant angles,
baseline information
Oine preprocessing Online preprocessing
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Optical models: HMM/ANN
On-line HMM/ANN conguration:
Same HMMs topologies and MLP, but
MLP input wider context: 12 feature frames at both
Models trained with the training partition of the
IAM-online DB
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Bimodal system
1 Scores of the 100 most probable word hypothesis for the oine sample
using the oine preprocessing and HMM/ANN optical models.
2 Same process applied to the online sample.
3 The nal score for each bimodal sample is computed from these lists
by means of a log-linear combination of the scores computed by both
the oine and online HMM/ANN classiers:
c = argmax
((1 ) log P(x
|c) + log P(x
4 Combination coecient estimated over the validation set.
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Experimental results
Word Error Rate:
Unimodal Bimodal
System O. On. Combination Relative improv.
Validation Baseline 27.6 6.6 4.0 39%
HMM/ANN 12.7 2.9 1.9 34%
(Hidden) Test HMM/ANN 12.7 3.7 1.5 59%
Performance of the bimodal recognition engine: close to 60% of
improvement is achieved with the bimodal system when compared to using
only the online system for the test set.
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Perfect transcription for most handwriting tasks cannot be achieved:
human intervention needed to correct it Assisted transcription systems
aim to minimize human correction eort.
Integration of online input into the oine transcription system can help
in this process (state system).
Hybrid HMM/ANN optical models perform very well for both oine and
online data, and their naive combination is able to greatly outperform each
More exhaustive experimentation is needed, with a larger corpus, in order
to obtain more representative conclusions.
Hybrid HMM/ANN models for bimodal online and oine cursive word recognition, in: ICPR 2010, IEEE, 2010.
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