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Lissajous Figure

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Experiment No.

Aim- To study and calculate the phase difference between two waveforms using Lissajous Patterns on CRO.
In mathematics a Lissajous curve also !nown as Lissajous figure or Bowditch curve "b a d t"
is the graph of a system of parametric e#uations
$hich describe comple% harmonic motion. This family of curves was investigated by &athaniel 'owditch in
()(* and later in more detail by +ules ,ntoine Lissajous in ()*-.
The appearance of the figure is highly sensitive to the ratio a"b. .or a ratio of ( the figure is an ellipse with
special cases including circles /A 0 B 0 1"2 radians3 and lines / 0 43. ,nother simple Lissajous figure is the
parabola /a"b 0 2 0 1"53. Other ratios produce more complicated curves which are closed only if a"b is rational.
The visual form of these curves is often suggestive of a three6dimensional !not and indeed many !inds of !nots
including those !nown as Lissajous !nots project to the plane as Lissajous figures.
7isually the ratio a"b determines the number of 8lobes8 of the figure. .or e%ample a ratio of 9"( or ("9 produces
a figure with three major lobes /see image3. :imilarly a ratio of *"5 produces a figure with * hori;ontal lobes and
5 vertical lobes. Rational ratios produce closed /connected3 or 8still8 figures while irrational ratios produce
figures that appear to rotate. The ratio A"B determines the relative width6to6height ratio of the curve. .or e%ample
a ratio of 2"( produces a figure that is twice as wide as it is high. .inally the value of determines the apparent
8rotation8 angle of the figure viewed as if it were actually a three6dimensional curve. .or e%ample 04 produces
x and y components that are e%actly in phase so the resulting figure appears as an apparent three6dimensional
figure viewed from straight on /4<3. In contrast any non6;ero produces a figure that appears to be rotated either
as a left"right or an up"down rotation /depending on the ratio a"b3.
Lissajous figure on an oscilloscope displaying a (=9 relationship between the fre#uencies of the vertical and
hori;ontal sinusoidal inputs respectively.
Lissajous figures where a 0 ( b 0 N /N is a natural number3 and
Prior to modern electronic e#uipment Lissajous curves could be generated mechanically by means of a
Appication for the case of a ! b
In this figure both input fre#uencies are identical but the phase variance between them creates the shape of an
(. .irstly connect two .unction >enerator with the Oscilloscope into channel ? @ A.
2. &ow switch on the ?6A Bode in the front panel of CRO.
9. ,pply both the waveforms respectively as following conditions.
5. Observe the Lissajous figures with !eeping the ratio of a 0 ( b 0 2 /(=23. &ow draw the pattern in a trace
paper and mention the parameters.
a 0 ( b 0 2 /(=23
*. Observe the Lissajous figures with !eeping the ratio of a 0 9 b 0 2 /9=23. &ow draw the pattern in a trace
paper and mention the parameters.
a 0 9 b 0 2 /9=23
C. Observe the Lissajous figures with !eeping the ratio of a 0 9 b 0 5 /9=53. &ow draw the pattern in a trace
paper and mention the parameters.
a 0 9 b 0 5 /9=53
-. Observe the Lissajous figures with !eeping the ratio of a 0 * b 0 5 /*=53. &ow draw the pattern in a trace
paper and mention the parameters.
a 0 * b 0 5 /*=53
"ractica appication
Lissajous curves can also be generated using an oscilloscope /as illustrated3. ,n octopus circuit can be used to
demonstrate the waveform images on an oscilloscope. Two phase6shifted sinusoid inputs are applied to the
oscilloscope in ?6A mode and the phase relationship between the signals is presented as a Lissajous figure.
In the professional audio world this method is used for real6time analysis of the phase relationship between the
left and right channels of a stereo audio signal. On larger more sophisticated audio mi%ing consoles an
oscilloscope may be built6in for this purpose.
On an oscilloscope we suppose x is CD( and y is CD2 A is amplitude of CD( and B is amplitude of CD2 a is
fre#uency of CD( and b is fre#uency of CD2 so a"b is a ratio of fre#uency of two channels finally is the phase
shift of CD(.
, purely mechanical application of a Lissajous curve with a0( b02 is in the driving mechanism of the Bars Light
type of oscillating beam lamps popular with rail6roads in the mid6(E44s. The beam in some versions traces out a
lopsided figure6) pattern with the 8)8 lying on its side.
Top= Input signal as a function of time Biddle= Output signal as a function of time. 'ottom= resulting Lissajous
curve when output is plotted as a function of the input. In this particular e%ample because the output is E4
degrees out of phase from the input the Lissajous curve is a circle.
, pure phase shift affects the eccentricity of the Lissajous oval. ,nalysis of the oval allows phase shift from an
LTI system to be measured.

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