Vishwanathan Anand is an Indian chess grandmaster and the current world chess champion. Some of his achievements include becoming India's first grandmaster at age 18, winning the World Junior Chess Championship in 1978 at age 16, and becoming the first Asian player to win the World Chess Championship title in 2000. Anand took up chess at a young age through his mother's influence and showed great talent and promise from an early age, winning several junior tournaments. He has faced ups and downs in his career like other sportsmen but ultimately had tremendous success in becoming the world champion.
Vishwanathan Anand is an Indian chess grandmaster and the current world chess champion. Some of his achievements include becoming India's first grandmaster at age 18, winning the World Junior Chess Championship in 1978 at age 16, and becoming the first Asian player to win the World Chess Championship title in 2000. Anand took up chess at a young age through his mother's influence and showed great talent and promise from an early age, winning several junior tournaments. He has faced ups and downs in his career like other sportsmen but ultimately had tremendous success in becoming the world champion.
Vishwanathan Anand is an Indian chess grandmaster and the current world chess champion. Some of his achievements include becoming India's first grandmaster at age 18, winning the World Junior Chess Championship in 1978 at age 16, and becoming the first Asian player to win the World Chess Championship title in 2000. Anand took up chess at a young age through his mother's influence and showed great talent and promise from an early age, winning several junior tournaments. He has faced ups and downs in his career like other sportsmen but ultimately had tremendous success in becoming the world champion.
Vishwanathan Anand is an Indian chess grandmaster and the current world chess champion. Some of his achievements include becoming India's first grandmaster at age 18, winning the World Junior Chess Championship in 1978 at age 16, and becoming the first Asian player to win the World Chess Championship title in 2000. Anand took up chess at a young age through his mother's influence and showed great talent and promise from an early age, winning several junior tournaments. He has faced ups and downs in his career like other sportsmen but ultimately had tremendous success in becoming the world champion.
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Date of Birth: December 11, 1969
Birth Place: Chennai, Tamil Nadu Nick Name: Vishy Current Title: Grand Master Present Residence: Collado Mediano, Spain Countr: India World rankin!: Ratin!: !"6 Vish"anathan Anand # Vish$anathan %nand a youn& Indian boy used to reli&iously sol'e almost all the chess pu((les and theories aired by local )hilippines T V stations in the late !*s+ This boy used to $in almost e'ery time+ ,is $innin& strea- led to the studios callin& him up and as-in& him not to participate so that others also &ot a chance+ This boy $as none other than the Indian Chess .i(ard, Vish$anathan %nand, Achie#ements And Accolades Vish"anathan Anand $as the youn&est %sian to $in the International Master/s Title at the a&e o0 0i0teen+ %t si1teen he became the National Chess Champion2 at ei&hteen India/s 3irst Grandmaster+ In 19"!, Vishy %nand became the 0irst %sian to $in the .orld 4unior Chess Championship+ In 199, he $on the 0ormidable 5e&&io 6milia Tournament+ %nand $as the runner up to 7asparo' in .orld Championship 0inal in 1998+ ,e de0eated 7asparo' in the rapid chess tournament in September 1996 and 7arpo' in 4une199! in ,ambur& 5apid Chess tournament+ In 4uly 1999, %nand outplayed the most popular chess so0t$are pro&ramme, 3rit(+ Subse9uently, Vis"anathan Anand became the 0irst %sian to $in the .orld Chess Championship title+ %nand $on the $orld title on :th December ***, de0eatin& Spain/s %le1ei Shiro' at Teheran+ 3or his outstandin& per0ormance and achie'ements %nand has recei'ed many a$ards2 the %r;una %$ard 0or <utstandin& Indian Sportsman in 19"8, )admashree, National Citi(ens %$ard and So'iet =and Nehru %$ard in 19"!+ Vis$anathan %nand $as also a$arded the presti&ious 5a;i' Gandhi 7hel 5atna %$ard+ %nand has also $on the co'eted Chess <scars in 199!, 199" and **:+ Turnin! Point %lthou&h Vish"anathan Anand had sho$n a lot o0 promise 0rom an early a&e but the real turnin& point in his carrier came $hen he $on the National 4unior championship at the a&e o0 0ourteen in the year 19">+ %0ter this title there $as no loo-in& bac- 0or the chess maestro as he $ent on to con9uer one player a0ter another+ $arl Promise %nand had a sharp memory 0rom the 'ery be&innin& and $as initiated into chess at an early a&e o0 8 by his mother, Susheela+ 3rom the 'ery outset he $as ta-en to the Mi-hal Tal Chess Club, Chennai+ %nand had the ad'anta&e o0 bein& in Chennai as it had a 0lourishin& chess culture due to the presence o0 chess champions li-e Manuel %aron and 5a'i 7umar+ The Mi-hal Chess club had become the hub o0 chess lo'ers and %nand spent as much spare time as possible+ In the club, one board $ould be placed in the middle o0 the room, and t$o players $ould sit across the table+ The $inner $ould remain seated on his seat $hile the looser $ould ma-e $ay 0or the ne1t comer+ Interestin&ly, %nand $ould sit 0or the 0irst &ame and end up playin& throu&hout the day, sendin& o00 one player a0ter another+ Vish"anathan Anand Bio!ra%h Vis"anathan Anand $as born in Chennai on December 11, 1969+ ,is 0ather ser'ed as a hi&h o00icial in the south Indian 5ail$ays $hile his mother, Susheela is a house$i0e+ She $as a chess lo'er and initiated %nand into the &ame at the a&e o0 8+ %s mentioned earlier, %nand had sho$n a lot o0 promise 0rom the 'ery outset and slo$ly and &radually he $ent on to $in a number o0 tournaments at a 'ery youn& a&e+ %nand &ot his ?+Com de&ree 0rom the =oyola Colle&e, Chennai+ %nand is married to %runa, $ho supports him in preparation 0or his tournaments+ %nand $as a$arded the ?ritish Chess 3ederation boo- o0 the @ear a$ard in 199" 0or his boo-, AMy ?est Games o0 ChessA+ %nand/s other hobbies are readin&, s$immin& and listenin& to music+ %nand is -no$n as the A<ne man Indian Chess re'olution,A enthusiastically promotes the &ame, throu&h inno'ati'e methods in India+ Vis$anathan %nand presently li'es in Collado Mediano in Spain $ith his $i0e %runa+ &%s And Do"ns Vish$ananthan %nand/s chess carrier has mostly been on the ups$in& e'er since he started playin& chess+ =i-e all other sportsmen, %nand too had to &o under some lean patches in his chess carrier+ Thou&h %nand had $on the $orld ;unior Championship $ay bac- in 19"! but it too- lon& 1> years 0or %nand to actuali(e the early promise he had made by $innin& the $orld ;unior title+ ?ut %nand $as not an e1ception to it+ In 0act, the 0ormer $orld Champions ?oris Spass-y and Gary 7asparo' also too- almost the same time to achie'e the $orld cro$n a0ter $innin& their $orld ;unior title+