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Vishwanathan Anand

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Date of Birth: December 11, 1969

Birth Place: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Nick Name: Vishy
Current Title: Grand Master
Present Residence: Collado Mediano, Spain
Countr: India
World rankin!:
Ratin!: !"6
Vish"anathan Anand # Vish$anathan %nand a youn& Indian boy used to reli&iously
sol'e almost all the chess pu((les and theories aired by local )hilippines T V stations
in the late !*s+ This boy used to $in almost e'ery time+ ,is $innin& strea- led to the
studios callin& him up and as-in& him not to participate so that others also &ot a
chance+ This boy $as none other than the Indian Chess .i(ard, Vish$anathan %nand,
Achie#ements And Accolades
Vish"anathan Anand $as the youn&est %sian to $in the International Master/s Title
at the a&e o0 0i0teen+ %t si1teen he became the National Chess Champion2 at ei&hteen
India/s 3irst Grandmaster+ In 19"!, Vishy %nand became the 0irst %sian to $in the
.orld 4unior Chess Championship+ In 199, he $on the 0ormidable 5e&&io 6milia
Tournament+ %nand $as the runner up to 7asparo' in .orld Championship 0inal in
1998+ ,e de0eated 7asparo' in the rapid chess tournament in September 1996 and
7arpo' in 4une199! in ,ambur& 5apid Chess tournament+
In 4uly 1999, %nand outplayed the most popular chess so0t$are pro&ramme, 3rit(+
Subse9uently, Vis"anathan Anand
became the 0irst %sian to $in the .orld Chess Championship title+ %nand $on the
$orld title on :th December ***, de0eatin& Spain/s %le1ei Shiro' at Teheran+ 3or
his outstandin& per0ormance and achie'ements %nand has recei'ed many a$ards2 the
%r;una %$ard 0or <utstandin& Indian Sportsman in 19"8, )admashree, National
Citi(ens %$ard and So'iet =and Nehru %$ard in 19"!+ Vis$anathan %nand $as also
a$arded the presti&ious 5a;i' Gandhi 7hel 5atna %$ard+ %nand has also $on the
co'eted Chess <scars in 199!, 199" and **:+
Turnin! Point
%lthou&h Vish"anathan Anand had sho$n a lot o0 promise 0rom an early a&e but the
real turnin& point in his carrier came $hen he $on the National 4unior championship
at the a&e o0 0ourteen in the year 19">+ %0ter this title there $as no loo-in& bac- 0or
the chess maestro as he $ent on to
con9uer one player a0ter another+
$arl Promise
%nand had a sharp memory 0rom the
'ery be&innin& and $as initiated into
chess at an early a&e o0 8 by his
mother, Susheela+ 3rom the 'ery
outset he $as ta-en to the Mi-hal Tal
Chess Club, Chennai+ %nand had the
ad'anta&e o0 bein& in Chennai as it had a 0lourishin& chess culture due to the presence
o0 chess champions li-e Manuel %aron and 5a'i 7umar+ The Mi-hal Chess club had
become the hub o0 chess lo'ers and %nand spent as much spare time as possible+
In the club, one board $ould be placed in the middle o0 the room, and t$o players
$ould sit across the table+ The $inner $ould remain seated on his seat $hile the
looser $ould ma-e $ay 0or the ne1t comer+ Interestin&ly, %nand $ould sit 0or the 0irst
&ame and end up playin& throu&hout the day, sendin& o00 one player a0ter another+
Vish"anathan Anand Bio!ra%h
Vis"anathan Anand $as born in Chennai on December 11, 1969+ ,is 0ather ser'ed
as a hi&h o00icial in the south Indian 5ail$ays $hile his mother, Susheela is a
house$i0e+ She $as a chess lo'er and initiated %nand into the &ame at the a&e o0 8+ %s
mentioned earlier, %nand had sho$n a lot o0 promise 0rom the 'ery outset and slo$ly
and &radually he $ent on to $in a number o0 tournaments at a 'ery youn& a&e+ %nand
&ot his ?+Com de&ree 0rom the =oyola Colle&e, Chennai+
%nand is married to %runa, $ho supports him in preparation 0or his tournaments+
%nand $as a$arded the ?ritish Chess 3ederation boo- o0 the @ear a$ard in 199" 0or
his boo-, AMy ?est Games o0 ChessA+ %nand/s other hobbies are readin&, s$immin&
and listenin& to music+ %nand is -no$n as the A<ne man Indian Chess re'olution,A
enthusiastically promotes the &ame, throu&h inno'ati'e methods in India+
Vis$anathan %nand presently li'es in Collado Mediano in Spain $ith his $i0e %runa+
&%s And Do"ns
Vish$ananthan %nand/s chess carrier has mostly been on the ups$in& e'er since he
started playin& chess+ =i-e all other sportsmen, %nand too had to &o under some lean
patches in his chess carrier+ Thou&h %nand had $on the $orld ;unior Championship
$ay bac- in 19"! but it too- lon& 1> years 0or %nand to actuali(e the early promise he
had made by $innin& the $orld ;unior title+ ?ut %nand $as not an e1ception to it+ In
0act, the 0ormer $orld Champions ?oris Spass-y and Gary 7asparo' also too- almost
the same time to achie'e the $orld cro$n a0ter $innin& their $orld ;unior title+

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