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One Page Dungeon Compendium 2014 (6074133)

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Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)

One Page Dungeon Compendium 2014

Compiled By Random Wizard
Each dungeon is released under the
Creatie Commons !hare"ali#e $%0 unported &icense
Coer 'mage
Camelot !pire (y )ichael Richards
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
-rand Prize Winner
Will Doyle " 'sland o. the &izard -od
2nd Place
&orenzo !antini " /he Reenge o. 0arr"1uul
$rd Place
P2 Cunningham " 3mid the Reapers !cattered Bones
)ichael Wenman " 4rash )hyrr
4th Place
Darren Bellisle " /he Deils Pitch.or#
-4! & " /hunderhead )anse
)atthe, 3dams " /he &ong 5all
P% 3aron Potter " /he Cruci(le
Ramsey 6ong " Crimson )aelstrom
Raphael !ado,s#i " /he !hattered /emple
7ance 3t#ins " /he Pyramid o. Esslor
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
'nde8 o. 3ll Dungeons
3dam Watts " /he /hirteenth Dancer 1
3le8 6itchin " Ballad o. the Bonny Bards Booty 2
3le8 !chroeder " 6o, to !tart a Campaign $
3le8 Ward " 7ampires and Were,oles 4
3le8 Wel# 93narchy Dice: " Resurrection o. Bastine ;
3l<oscha =ra,uls#y " /he /emple o. Blood and Wine >
3ndre, ? 6eleen Durston " /o,er"o."2ade @
3ndre, 3ultman ? 3laric ? Ro(in Boone " )edusaAs !a.e 6ouse B
3nomieCoalition " )irror )irror on the Wall C
Barry E% Pace " 6aunted /reehouse 10
Bismuth Crystal " 7aults o. 6unger 11
Bo( Brin#man " /he &air o. Cru8is the Cryomancer 12
Brad Blac# " BaphometAs Basement 1$
(ygrinsto, " Den O. /he Dreamers 14
Chris Cos#i " /he Deils /eapot 1;
Chris !almon " /he Wizard Returns 1>
Christian 6olln(uchner " /he Boo# o. /rue Dames 1@
Christian !tiehl " !hrine to the !tars Bet,een 1B
Daniel Dean " /o,er o. the 5o8 1C
Daniel OADonnell " /he Witch o. the Well 20
Darcy Perry " Castle Blac#6a,# 21
Darren Bellisle " /he Deils Pitch.or# 22
Dae 1a<ac " !lae 6old o. the Ogre )age 2$
Daid Dolph " )ad -nome 24
Daid Dud#a " !ceptre o. Eolacha 2;
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Dustin 3ndre,s " Conspiracies 3nd Capers 2>
Ed,ard &oc#hart " &ittle Deils 2@
Eran 3iram " /he Burden 2B
Eric Potter " Church o. the Wic#ed -eneration 2C
5rancisco 2aier Barrera BarcelF " /o,er o. Dicanor $0
-a(riel Pic#ard ? 3le8 )organ " Putzu Putzu $1
-rey.ace " /he &air o. the Winter Wyrm $2
-rzegorz -ace# " Wunni(ad /om( $$
-uilherme Paredes " /he Re.uge o. the Decromancer $4
-4! & " /hunderhead )anse $;
-,endolyn 3% Potter " Ponies Candy !Guare Dungeon $>
6ei##i 6allamaa " Ro((ing Waldgraes $@
6enson !mith " /he Druids )ound $B
6eron Prior " Day o. the !,ine $C
6err 1innling " Dungeon Dum(er One 40
6ugo -il " Crystal !orcerer 41
2ames 6irst " 3 Barrel o. 5un 42
2ames 6unter"!hortland " 'n the 7ault o. the 6o,ling Palace 4$
2ames )% 1osha# " /he 6e8 o. 3gony 44
2ames Rod,ay " /he 6aunted )onastery 4;
2amieson )ulash " Deadly Catch 4>
2ason 6o,ard " 6unting Party and the DragonAs Den 2014 4@
2ayson Roc#y -ardner " /he Olde 'nn 4B
2 Ben<amin Wilson " /he /itans /orment 4C
2e.. Caird " 'n.inite 3dentures ;0
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2e.. Pruit " 5ollo, the -old ;1
2im HWilmanricI Pace# " Castile de 1ela ;2
2ohnathan -ood,ins " PozodroniAs Para"dimensional &a(yrinth ;$
2ohn En.ield " Castle Dungeon ;4
2ohn Warner " !easJ !calesJ and !#ulls ;;
2onas )ustonen " 7i#ings 7s )utant -oatmen ;>
2ordi Diest " El Dado 'nGuieto ;@
2oseph Bloch " /he Blac# &a#e ;B
2oshua 2ones " Dire Briars ;C
2Krgen Diemi " /he Endiri 'ncident >0
=atarina Bozanic " Bioprospecting Report Do C@> >1
=enneth )oore " /he /o,er in the 'ce >2
=iel Chenier " Peril o. the 5at Princess >$
&ee Bar(er " 5lind Cistern >4
&ester Ward " )ur#y Dealings >;
&orenzo !antini " /he Reenge o. 0arr"1uul >>
)athe, )aranda " 6ades /emple Cra,l >@
)atthe, 3dams " /he &ong 5all >B
)ichael ? )athe, 'antorno " -alirons -auntlet >C
)ichael 3tlin ? )ichael Prescott " !tellarium o. the 7interal. @0
)ichael Dinol.o " !yndrome @1
)ichael /erlisner " /he /emple o. 5riends @2
)ichael Wenman " 4rash )hyrr @$
)i#e )onaco " /he Pit @4
)i#o a< Bo " EssidelAs !tronghold @;
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Date )arcel " Prehistoric !hrine o. the )ermen )aiden @>
Di#las Dylund " 6alls o. )adness @@
Oisin Brennan " &air o. the Blac# Dragon Cult @B
P% 3aron Potter " /he Cruci(le @C
Paul 6ughes " /he -reat !tag B0
Peter &ee " CalinAs 5ord B1
Peter o. Bradgames " Well o. !ouls B2
Peter on Bleichert " !ham(lers )ound B$
P2 Cunningham " 3mid the Reapers !cattered Bones B4
Ramsey 6ong " Crimson )aelstrom B;
Raphael !ado,s#i " /he !hattered /emple B>
Richard 2 &eBlanc 2r " 6anging-arden B@
Roger -iner"!orolla " /he 5or(idden !team /unnels O. Emesh Euu BB
Roland 7olz " /he Oracle Caes BC
R !tephen Boney " !tupa o. the !pace !orcerer C0
Rusty -erard " /he 'nsidious &i(rary o. Diltras C1
!adh(h Brennan " )agic Dungeon C2
!cott !lomiany " /he 7oid C$
!ean =ennedy " @ Eear &ich C4
!ean &o.tiss " Blood(erries C;
!ersa 7ictory " 6e8ed Cradle C>
!hane !ie(ert " 6ouse o. Eternal )ercy C@
!hane Ward " 3ssault on the /hieeAs -uild CB
!hre, Perman " /he Dungeon o. Cloc#Wer# CC
!imon 5orster " Blac#rose 100
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
!penser Clar# " /he Derelict 101
!tephen 6ilder(rand ? &eo )onaghan " /he /om( o. 3thganazar 102
/ad Dais " 'nto the &ycans Den 10$
/imm Woods " /he War o. the Wol. 104
/im !horts " /he 3denture 5unnel 10;
/om Doolan " /he Path o. Deenor 10>
7ance 3t#ins " /he Pyramid o. Esslor 10@
7lastimil 7alluch " Blood )ansion 7alluch 10B
Will Doyle " 'sland o. the &izard -od 10C
Will Russell " -ru#no#s !hi.ting &a(yrinth 110
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
3dam Watts " /he /hirteenth Dancer
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
3le8 6itchin " Ballad o. the Bonny Bards Booty
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Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
3le8 !chroeder " 6o, to !tart a Campaign
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Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
3le8 Ward " 7ampires and Were,oles
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
3le8 Wel# 93narchy Dice: " Resurrection o. Bastine
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
3l<oscha =ra,uls#y " /he /emple o. Blood and Wine
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
3ndre, ? 6eleen Durston " /o,er"o."2ade
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Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
3ndre, 3ultman ? 3laric ? Ro(in Boone " )edusaAs !a.e 6ouse
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Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
3nomieCoalition " )irror )irror on the Wall
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Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Barry E% Pace " 6aunted /reehouse
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Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Bismuth Crystal " 7aults o. 6unger
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Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Bo( Brin#man " /he &air o. Cru8is the Cryomancer
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Brad Blac# " BaphometAs Basement
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
(ygrinsto, " Den O. /he Dreamers
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Chris Cos#i " /he Deils /eapot
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Chris !almon " /he Wizard Returns
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Christian 6olln(uchner " /he Boo# o. /rue Dames
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Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Christian !tiehl " !hrine to the !tars Bet,een
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Daniel Dean " /o,er o. the 5o8
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Daniel OADonnell " /he Witch o. the Well
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Darcy Perry " Castle Blac#6a,#
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Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Darren Bellisle " /he Deils Pitch.or#
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Dae 1a<ac " !lae 6old o. the Ogre )age
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Daid Dolph " )ad -nome
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Daid Dud#a " !ceptre o. Eolacha
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Dustin 3ndre,s " Conspiracies 3nd Capers
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Ed,ard &oc#hart " &ittle Deils
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Eran 3iram " /he Burden
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Eric Potter " Church o. the Wic#ed -eneration
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
5rancisco 2aier Barrera BarcelF " /o,er o. Dicanor
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
-a(riel Pic#ard ? 3le8 )organ " Putzu Putzu
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Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
-rey.ace " /he &air o. the Winter Wyrm
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
-rzegorz -ace# " Wunni(ad /om(
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
-uilherme Paredes " /he Re.uge o. the Decromancer
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
-4! & " /hunderhead )anse
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
-,endolyn 3% Potter " Ponies Candy !Guare Dungeon
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
6ei##i 6allamaa " Ro((ing Waldgraes
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
6enson !mith " /he Druids )ound
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
6eron Prior " Day o. the !,ine
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
6err 1innling " Dungeon Dum(er One
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Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
6ugo -il " Crystal !orcerer
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2ames 6irst " 3 Barrel o. 5un
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2ames 6unter"!hortland " 'n the 7ault o. the 6o,ling Palace
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2ames )% 1osha# " /he 6e8 o. 3gony
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2ames Rod,ay " /he 6aunted )onastery
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2amieson )ulash " Deadly Catch
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2ason 6o,ard " 6unting Party and the DragonAs Den 2014
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2ayson Roc#y -ardner " /he Olde 'nn
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2 Ben<amin Wilson " /he /itans /orment
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2e.. Caird " 'n.inite 3dentures
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2e.. Pruit " 5ollo, the -old
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2im HWilmanricI Pace# " Castile de 1ela
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2ohnathan -ood,ins " PozodroniAs Para"dimensional &a(yrinth
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2ohn En.ield " Castle Dungeon
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2ohn Warner " !easJ !calesJ and !#ulls
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2onas )ustonen " 7i#ings 7s )utant -oatmen
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2ordi Diest " El Dado 'nGuieto
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2oseph Bloch " /he Blac# &a#e
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2oshua 2ones " Dire Briars
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
2Krgen Diemi " /he Endiri 'ncident
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
=atarina Bozanic " Bioprospecting Report Do C@>
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
=enneth )oore " /he /o,er in the 'ce
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
=iel Chenier " Peril o. the 5at Princess
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
&ee Bar(er " 5lind Cistern
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
&ester Ward " )ur#y Dealings
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
&orenzo !antini " /he Reenge o. 0arr"1uul
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
)athe, )aranda " 6ades /emple Cra,l
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
)atthe, 3dams " /he &ong 5all
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
)ichael ? )athe, 'antorno " -alirons -auntlet
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
)ichael 3tlin ? )ichael Prescott " !tellarium o. the 7interal.
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
)ichael Dinol.o " !yndrome
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
)ichael /erlisner " /he /emple o. 5riends
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
)ichael Wenman " 4rash )hyrr
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
)i#e )onaco " /he Pit
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
)i#o a< Bo " EssidelAs !tronghold
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Date )arcel " Prehistoric !hrine o. the )ermen )aiden
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Di#las Dylund " 6alls o. )adness
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Oisin Brennan " &air o. the Blac# Dragon Cult
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
P% 3aron Potter " /he Cruci(le
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Paul 6ughes " /he -reat !tag
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Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Peter &ee " CalinAs 5ord
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Peter o. Bradgames " Well o. !ouls
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Peter on Bleichert " !ham(lers )ound
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
P2 Cunningham " 3mid the Reapers !cattered Bones
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Ramsey 6ong " Crimson )aelstrom
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Raphael !ado,s#i " /he !hattered /emple
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Richard 2 &eBlanc 2r " 6anging-arden
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Roger -iner"!orolla " /he 5or(idden !team /unnels O. Emesh Euu
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Roland 7olz " /he Oracle Caes
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
R !tephen Boney " !tupa o. the !pace !orcerer
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Rusty -erard " /he 'nsidious &i(rary o. Diltras
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
!adh(h Brennan " )agic Dungeon
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
!cott !lomiany " /he 7oid
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
!ean =ennedy " @ Eear &ich
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
!ean &o.tiss " Blood(erries
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Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
!ersa 7ictory " 6e8ed Cradle
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Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
!hane !ie(ert " 6ouse o. Eternal )ercy
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Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
!hane Ward " 3ssault on the /hieeAs -uild
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
!hre, Perman " /he Dungeon o. Cloc#Wer#
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
!imon 5orster " Blac#rose
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
!penser Clar# " /he Derelict
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
!tephen 6ilder(rand ? &eo )onaghan " /he /om( o. 3thganazar
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
/ad Dais " 'nto the &ycans Den
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
/imm Woods " /he War o. the Wol.
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
/im !horts " /he 3denture 5unnel
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Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
/om Doolan " /he Path o. Deenor
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Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
7ance 3t#ins " /he Pyramid o. Esslor
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
7lastimil 7alluch " Blood )ansion 7alluch
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Will Doyle " 'sland o. the &izard -od
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Will Russell " -ru#no#s !hi.ting &a(yrinth
Return to 'nde8
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)
Harriot Tubman (order #6074133)

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