Release 0.8
David Winterbottom
July 12, 2014
1 Domain-driven e-commerce for Django 3
1.1 First steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Using Oscar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3 The Oscar open-source project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Python Module Index 141
django-oscar Documentation, Release 0.8
Contents 1
django-oscar Documentation, Release 0.8
2 Contents
Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
Oscar is an e-commerce framework for building domain-driven applications. It has exibility baked into its core so
that complicated requirements can be elegantly captured. You can tame a spaghetti domain without writing spaghetti
Oscar is maintained by Tangent Snowball, who are experts in building complex transactional sites for both B2C and
B2B markets. Years of e-commerce hard-earned experience informs Oscars design.
Oscar is domain-driven in the sense that the core business objects can be customised to suit the domain at hand.
In this way, your application can accurately capture the subtleties of its domain, making feature development and
maintenance much easier.
Any product type can be handled including downloadable products, subscriptions, variant products (e.g., a T-
shirt in different sizes and colours).
Customisable products, such as T-shirts with personalised messages.
Large catalogue support - Oscar is used in production by sites with more than 20 million products.
Multiple fulllment partners for the same product.
A range of merchandising blocks for promoting products throughout your site.
Sophisticated offers that support virtually any kind of offer you can think of - multi-buys, bundles, buy X get
50% off Y etc
Vouchers (built on top of the offers framework)
Comprehensive dashboard that replaces the Django admin completely
Support for complex order processing such split payment orders, multi-batch shipping, order status pipelines.
Extension libraries available for many payment gateways, including PayPal, GoCardless, DataCash and more.
Oscar is a good choice if your domain has non-trivial business logic. Oscars exibility means its straightforward to
implement business rules that would be difcult to apply in other frameworks.
Example requirements that Oscar projects already handle:
Paying for an order with multiple payment sources (e.g., using a bankcard, voucher, gift card and points account).
Complex access control rules governing who can view and order what.
Supporting a hierarchy of customers, sales reps and sales directors - each being able to masquerade as their
Multi-lingual products and categories.
django-oscar Documentation, Release 0.8
Digital products.
Dynamically priced products (eg where the price is provided by an external service).
Oscar is used in production in several applications to sell everything from beer mats to iPads. The source is on GitHub
- contributions are always welcome.
1.1 First steps
1.1.1 Sample Oscar projects
Oscar ships with three sample projects: a sandbox site, which is a vanilla install of Oscar using the default templates
and styles, a sample US site which customises Oscar to use US style taxes, and a fully featured demo site which
demonstrates how Oscar can be re-skinned and customised to model a domain.
The sandbox site
The sandbox site is a minimal implementation of Oscar where everything is left in its default state. It is useful for
exploring Oscars functionality and developing new features.
It only has one notable customisation on top of Oscars core:
A prole class is specied which denes a few simple elds. This is to demonstrate the account section of
Oscar, which introspects the prole class to build a combined User and Prole form.
Note that some things are deliberately not implemented within core Oscar as they are domain-specic. For instance:
All tax is set to zero.
No shipping methods are specied. The default is free shipping which will be automatically selected during
checkout (as its the only option).
No payment is required to submit an order as part of the checkout process.
The sandbox is, in effect, the blank canvas upon which you can build your site.
Browse the external sandbox site
An instance of the sandbox site is build hourly from master branch and made available at
Warning: It is possible for users to access the dashboard and edit the site content. Hence, the data can get quite
messy. It is periodically cleaned up.
Run the sandbox locally
Its pretty straightforward to get the sandbox site running locally so you can play around with Oscar.
Warning: While installing Oscar is straightforward, some of Oscars dependencies dont support Windows and are
tricky to be properly installed, and therefore you might encounter some errors that prevent a successful installation.
Install Oscar and its dependencies within a virtualenv:
4 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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$ git clone https://github.com/tangentlabs/django-oscar.git
$ cd django-oscar
$ mkvirtualenv oscar # needs virtualenvwrapper
(oscar) $ make sandbox
(oscar) $ sites/sandbox/manage.py runserver
If you do not have mkvirtualenv, then replace that line with:
$ virtualenv oscar
$ source ./oscar/bin/activate
(oscar) $
The sandbox site (initialised with a sample set of products) will be available at: http://localhost:8000. A sample
superuser is installed with credentials:
username: superuser
email: superuser@example.com
password: testing
The US site
The US site is a relatively simple Oscar that makes a few key customisations in order to mimic how sites in the US
work. Specically, it:
Overrides the partner app to supply a new strategy selector which ensures all prices are return without taxes.
Overrides the checkout app in order to apply taxes to submissions once the shipping address is known.
To browse the US site locally run:
(oscar) $ make us_site
(oscar) $ sites/us/manage.py runserver
and the US site will be browsable at http://localhost:8000
The demo site
The demo site is the reference Oscar project as it illustrates how Oscar can be redesigned and customised to build an
realistic e-commerce store. The demo site is a sailing store selling a range of different product types.
The customisations on top of core Oscar include:
A new skin
A variety of product types including books, clothing and downloads
Payment with PayPal Express using django-oscar-paypal.
Payment with bankcards using Datacash using django-oscar-datacash.
Note: Both the sandbox and demo site have the Django admin interface wired up. This is done as a convenience for
developers to browse the model instances.
Having said that, the Django admin interface is unsupported and will fail or be of little use for some models. At the
time of writing, editing products in the admin is clunky and slow, and editing categories is not supported at all.
1.1. First steps 5
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Browse the external demo site
An instance of the demo site is built periodically (but not automatically) and available at
http://demo.oscarcommerce.com. It is typically updated when new versions of Oscar are released.
Run the demo site locally
Assuming youve already set-up the sandbox site, there are two further services required to run the demo site:
A spatially aware database such as PostGIS. The demo site uses django-oscar-stores which requires a spatial
capabilities for store searching.
A search backend that supports faceting such as Solr. You should use the sample schema le from
Once you have set up these services, create a local settings le from a template to house your credentials:
(oscar) $ cp sites/demo/settings_local{.sample,}.py
(oscar) $ vim sites/demo/settings_local.py # Add DB creds
Now build the demo site:
(oscar) $ make demo
(oscar) $ sites/demo/manage.py runserver
The demo (initialised with a sample set of products) will be available at: http://localhost:8000.
1.1.2 Building your own shop
For simplicity, lets assume youre building a new e-commerce project from scratch and have decided to use Oscar.
Lets call this shop frobshop
Tip: You can always review the set-up of the Sandbox site in case you have trouble with the below instructions.
Install Oscar and its dependencies
Install Oscar (which will install Django as a dependency), then create the project:
$ mkvirtualenv oscar
$ pip install django-oscar
$ django-admin.py startproject frobshop
If you do not have mkvirtualenv, then replace that line with:
$ virtualenv oscar
$ . ./oscar/bin/activate
(oscar) $
This will create a folder frobshop for your project. It is highly recommended to install Oscar in a virtualenv.
Attention: Please ensure that pillow, a fork of the the Python Imaging Library (PIL), gets installed with JPEG
support. Supported formats are printed when pillow is rst installed. Instructions on how to get JPEG support
are highly platform specic, but guides for PIL should work for pillow as well. Generally speaking, you need
to ensure that libjpeg-dev is installed and found during installation.
6 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Django settings
Edit your settings le frobshop.frobshop.settings.py to specify TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS:
Next, modify INSTALLED_APPS to be a list, add South and compressor and append Oscars core apps:
from oscar import get_core_apps
] + get_core_apps()
Note that Oscar requires django.contrib.flatpages which isnt included by default. flatpages also re-
quires django.contrib.sites, which wont be enabled by default when using Django 1.6 or upwards. More
info about installing flatpages is in the Django docs.
Tip: Oscars default templates use django-compressor but its optional really. You may decide to use your own
templates that dont use compressor. Hence why it is not one of the core apps.
Next, add oscar.apps.basket.middleware.BasketMiddleware and
django.contrib.flatpages.middleware.FlatpageFallbackMiddleware to your
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting. If youre running on Django 1.5, it is also recommended to use
django.middleware.transaction.TransactionMiddleware, # Django 1.5 only
If youre running Django 1.6 or above, you should enable ATOMIC_REQUESTS instead (see database settings above).
1.1. First steps 7
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Set your auth backends to:
to allow customers to sign in using an email address rather than a username.
Ensure that your media and static les are congured correctly. This means at the least setting MEDIA_URL and
STATIC_URL. If youre serving les locally, youll also need to set MEDIA_ROOT and STATIC_ROOT. Check out
the sandbox settings for a working example. If youre serving les from a remote storage (e.g. Amazon S3), you must
manually copy a Image not found image into MEDIA_ROOT.
Modify your TEMPLATE_DIRS to include the main Oscar template directory:
from oscar import OSCAR_MAIN_TEMPLATE_DIR
The last addition to the settings le is to import all of Oscars default settings:
from oscar.defaults import
Alter your frobshop/urls.py to include Oscars URLs. If you have more than one language set your Django
settings for LANGUAGES, you will also need to include Djangos i18n URLs:
from django.conf.urls import include, url
from oscar.app import application
urlpatterns = [
url(r^i18n/, include(django.conf.urls.i18n)),
url(r, include(application.urls))
Search backend
If youre happy with basic search for now, you can just use Haystacks simple backend:
default: {
ENGINE: haystack.backends.simple_backend.SimpleEngine,
Oscar uses Haystack to abstract away from different search backends. Unfortunately, writing backend-agnostic code
is nonetheless hard and Apache Solr is currently the only supported production-grade backend. Your Haystack cong
could look something like this:
default: {
ENGINE: haystack.backends.solr_backend.SolrEngine,
8 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Oscar includes a sample schema to get started with Solr. More information can be found in the recipe on getting Solr
up and running.
Check your database settings. A quick way to get started is to use SQLite:
default: {
ENGINE: django.db.backends.sqlite3,
NAME: db.sqlite3,
ATOMIC_REQUESTS: True, # Django 1.6+
Note that we recommend using ATOMIC_REQUESTS to tie transactions to requests.
Then create the database and the shop should be browsable:
$ python manage.py syncdb --noinput
$ python manage.py migrate
$ python manage.py runserver
You should now have an empty, but running Oscar install that you can browse at http://localhost:8000.
The default checkout process requires a shipping address with a country. Oscar uses a model for countries with ags
that indicate which are valid shipping countries and so the address_country database table must be populated
before a customer can check out.
This is easily achieved using xtures. Oscar ships with a countries.json xture that loads most countries from
the ISO 3166 standard. This can loaded via:
$ python manage.py loaddata countries
Note however that this le only sets the UK as a valid shipping country. If you want other countries to be available, it
would make more sense to take a copy of Oscars countries xture and edit it as you see it before loading it.
Further, a simple way of loading countries for your project is to use a data migration.
Creating product classes and fulllment partners
Every Oscar deployment needs at least one product class and one fulfillment partner. These arent
created automatically as theyre highly specic to the shop you want to build. The quickest way to set them up
is to log into the Django admin interface at and create instances of both there. For a
deployment setup, we recommend creating them as data migration.
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Dening the order pipeline
The order management in Oscar relies on the order pipeline that denes all the statuses an order can have and the
possible transitions for any given status. Statuses in Oscar are not just used for an order but are handled on the line
level as well to be able to handle partial shipping of an order.
The order status pipeline is different for every shop which means that changing it is fairly straightforward in Os-
car. The pipeline is dened in your settings.py le using the OSCAR_ORDER_STATUS_PIPELINE setting.
You also need to specify the initial status for an order and a line item in OSCAR_INITIAL_ORDER_STATUS and
To give you an idea of what an order pipeline might look like take a look at the Oscar sandbox settings:
Pending: (Being processed, Cancelled,),
Being processed: (Processed, Cancelled,),
Cancelled: (),
Dening the order status pipeline is simply a dictionary of where each status is given as a key. Possible transitions into
other statuses can be specied as an iterable of status names. An empty iterable denes an end point in the pipeline.
With these three settings dened in your project youll be able to see the different statuses in the order management
Next steps
The next step is to implement the business logic of your domain on top of Oscar. The fun part.
1.1.3 Building an e-commerce site: the key questions
When building an e-commerce site, there are several components whose implementation is strongly domain-specic.
That is, every site will have different requirements for how such a component should operate. As such, these compo-
nents cannot easily be modeled using a generic system - no congurable system will be able to accurately capture all
the domain-specic behaviour required.
The design philosophy of Oscar is to not make a decision for you here, but to provide the foundations upon which any
domain logic can be implemented, no matter how complex.
This document lists the components which will require implementation according to the domain at hand. These are the
key questions to answer when building your application. Much of Oscars documentation is in the form of recipes
that explain how to solve the questions listed here - each question links to the relevant recipes.
What are your product types?
Are you selling books, DVDs, clothing, downloads, or fruit and vegetables? You will need to capture the attributes of
your product types within your models. Oscar divides products into product classes which each have their own set
of attributes.
How to customise models
Importing a catalogue
10 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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How is your catalogue organised?
How are products organised within the site? A common pattern is to have a single category tree where each product
belongs to one category which sits within a tree structure of other categories. However, there are lots of other options
such as having several separate taxonomy trees (e.g., split by brand, by theme, by product type). Other questions to
Can a product belong to more than one category?
Can a category sit in more than one place within the tree? (e.g., a childrens ction category might sit beneath
childrens books and ction).
Customising Oscar
How are products managed?
Is the catalogue managed by a admin using a dashboard, or though an automated process, such as processing feeds
from a fulllment system? Where are your product images going to be served from?
How to disable an apps URLs
Pricing, stock and availability
How is tax calculated?
Taxes vary widely between countries. Even the way that prices are displayed varies between countries. For instance,
in the UK and Europe prices are shown inclusive of VAT whereas in the US, taxes are often not shown until the nal
stage of checkout.
Furthermore, the amount of tax charged can vary depending on a number of factors, including:
The products being bought (eg in the UK, certain products have pay no VAT).
Who the customer is. For instance, sales reps will often not pay tax whereas regular customers will.
The shipping address of the order.
The payment method used.
Recipes: * How to handle US taxes
What availability messages are shown to customers?
Based on the stock information from a fulllment partner, what messaging should be displayed on the site?
How to congure stock messaging
Do you allow pre- and back-orders
An pre-order is where you allow a product to be bought before it has been published, while a back-order is where you
allow a product to be bought that is currently out of stock.
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How are shipping charges calculated?
There are lots of options and variations here. Shipping methods and their associated charges can take a variety of
forms, including:
A charge based on the weight of the basket
Charging a pre-order and pre-item charge
Having free shipping for orders above a given threshold
How to congure shipping
Which shipping methods are available?
Theres often also an issue of which shipping methods are available, as this can depend on:
The shipping address (e.g., overseas orders have higher charges)
The contents of the basket (e.g., free shipping for downloadable products)
Who the user is (e.g., sales reps get free shipping)
Oscar provides classes for free shipping, xed charge shipping, pre-order and per-product item charges and weight-
based charges. It is provides a mechanism for determining which shipping methods are available to the user.
How to congure shipping
How are customers going to pay for orders?
Often a shop will have a single mechanism for taking payment, such as integrating with a payment gateway or using
PayPal. However more complicated projects will allow users to combine several different payment sources such as
bankcards, business accounts and gift cards.
Possible payment sources include:
Google checkout
Business account
Managed budget
Gift card
No upfront payment but send invoices later
The checkout app within django-oscar is suitably exible that all of these methods (and in any combination) is
supported. However, you will need to implement the logic for your domain by subclassing the relevant view/util
12 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Domain logic is often required to:
Determine which payment methods are available to an order;
Determine if payment can be split across sources and in which combinations;
Determine the order in which to take payment;
Determine how to handle failing payments (this can get complicated when using multiple payment sources to
pay for an order).
When will payment be taken?
A common pattern is to pre-auth a bankcard at the point of checkout then settle for the appropriate amounts when
the items actually ship. However, sometimes payment is taken up front. Often you wont have a choice due to
limitations of the payment partner you need to integrate with, or legal restrictions of the country you are operating in.
Will the customer be debited at point of checkout, or when the items are dispatched?
If charging after checkout, when are shipping charges collected?
What happens if an order is cancelled after partial payment?
Order processing
How will orders be processed?
Orders can be processed in many ways, including:
Manual process. For instance, a worker in a warehouse may download a picking slip from the dashboard and
mark products as shipped when they have been put in the van.
Fully automated process, where les are transferred between the merchant and the fulllment partner to indicate
shipping statuses.
How to set up order processing
1.1.4 Getting help
If youre stuck with a problem, try checking the Google Groups archive to see if someone has encountered it before. If
not, then try asking on the mailing list django-oscar@googlegroups.com. If its a common question, then well write
up the solution as a recipe.
If you think you found a bug, please read Reporting bugs and report it in the GitHub issue tracker.
1.1.5 Glossary
This is a work-in-progress list of commonly used terms when discussing Oscar.
Partner, Fulllment partner An individual or company who can full products. E.g. for physical goods, somebody
with a warehouse and means of delivery.
See also:
Related model: oscar.apps.partner.abstract_models.AbstractPartner
1.1. First steps 13
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Product Category Categories and subcategories are used to semantically organise your catalogue. Theyre merely
used for navigational purposes; no business logic in Oscar considers a products category. For instance, if youre
a book shop, you could have categories such as ction, romance, and childrens books. If youd sell both books
and e-books, they could be of a different Product Class, but in the same category.
Product Class Product classes are an important concept in Oscar. Each product is assigned to exactly one product
class. For instance, product classes could be Books, DVDs, and Toys.
Settings on a product class decide whether stock levels are tracked for the associated products, and whether
they require shipping. So if you have products that require shipping and ones which dont, youll need
at least two product classes.
Used for dening options and attributes for a subset of products.
Product Options Options are values that can be associated with a item when it is added to a customers basket. This
could be something like a personalised message to be printed on a T-shirt.
Product Range A range is a subset of the product catalogue. Its another way of dening groups of products other
than categories and product classes.
An example would be a book shop which might dene a range of Booker Prize winners. Each product will
belong to different categories within the site so ranges allow them to be grouped together.
Ranges can then be used in offers (eg 10% off all booker prize winners). At some point, ranges will be expanded
to have their own detail pages within Oscar too.
SKU, Stock-keeping unit. A partners way of tracking her products. Uniquely identies a product in the partners
warehouse. Can be identical to the products UPC. Its stored as an attribute of StockRecord
See also:
Wikipedia: Stock-keeping unit
UPC, Universal Product Code A code uniquely identifying a product worldwide.
See also:
Wikipedia: Universal Product Code
1.2 Using Oscar
All you need to start developing an Oscar project.
1.2.1 Customising Oscar
Many parts of Oscar can be adapted to your needs like any other Django application:
Many settings control Oscars behavior
The looks can be controlled by extending or overriding the templates
But as Oscar is built as a highly customisable and extendable framework, it doesnt stop there. The behaviour of all
Oscar apps can heavily be altered by injecting your own code.
To extend the behavior of an Oscar core app, it needs to be forked, which is achieved with a simple management
command. Afterwards, you should generally be able to override any class/model/view by just dropping it in the right
place and giving it the same name.
In some cases, customising is slightly more involved. The following how-tos give plenty of examples for specic use
14 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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How to customise models
How to add views or change URLs or permissions
How to customise an existing view
For a deeper understanding of customising Oscar, the following documents are recommended:
Oscar design decisions
Dynamic class loading
Fork the Oscar app
If this is the rst time youre forking an Oscar app, youll need to create a root module under which all your forked
apps will live:
$ mkdir yourproject
$ touch yourproject/__init__.py
Now you call the helper management command which creates some basic les for you. It is explained in detail in
fork_app. Run it like this:
$ ./manage.py oscar_fork_app order yourproject/
Creating folder apps/order
Creating __init__.py and admin.py
Creating models.py and copying migrations from [...] to [...]
Replace Oscars app with your own in INSTALLED_APPS
You will need to let Django know that you replaced one of Oscars core apps. You can do that by supplying an extra
argument to get_core_apps function:
# settings.py
from oscar import get_core_apps
# ...
# all your non-Oscar apps
] + get_core_apps([yourproject.order])
get_core_apps([]) will return a list of Oscar core apps. If you supply a list of additional apps, they will be
used to replace the Oscar core apps. In the above example, yourproject.order will be returned instead of
Start customising!
You can now override every class (that is dynamically loaded, which is almost every class) in the app youve replaced.
That means forms, views, strategies, etc. All you usually need to do is give it the same name and place it in a module
with the same name.
Suppose you want to alter the way order numbers are generated. By default, the class
oscar.apps.order.utils.OrderNumberGenerator is used. So just create a class within your
order app which matches the module path from oscar: order.utils.OrderNumberGenerator. This could
subclass the class from Oscar or not:
1.2. Using Oscar 15
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# yourproject/order/utils.py
from oscar.apps.order.utils import OrderNumberGenerator as CoreOrderNumberGenerator
class OrderNumberGenerator(CoreOrderNumberGenerator):
def order_number(self, basket=None):
num = super(OrderNumberGenerator, self).order_number(basket)
return "SHOP-%s" % num
1.2.2 Dynamic class loading explained
Dynamic class loading is the foundation for making Oscar extensively customisable. It is hence worth understanding
how it works, because most customisations depend on it.
It is achieved by oscar.core.loading.get_classes() and its single-class cousin get_class(). Wher-
ever feasible, Oscars codebase uses get_classes instead of a regular import statement:
from oscar.apps.shipping.repository import Repository
is replaced by:
from oscar.core.loading import get_class
Repository = get_class(shipping.repository, Repository)
Note: This is done for almost all classes: views, models, Application instances, etc. Every class imported by
get_class can be overridden.
This structure enables a project to create a local shipping.repository module, and optionally subclass the class
from oscar.app.shipping.repository. When Oscar tries to load the Repository class, it will load the
one from your local project.
This way, most classes can be overridden with minimal duplication, as only the to-be-changed classes have to be
altered. They can optionally inherit from Oscars implementation, which often amounts to little more than a few lines
of custom code for changes to core behaviour.
Seen on a bigger scale, this structures enables Oscar to ship with classes with minimal assumptions about the domain,
and make it easy to modify behaviour as needed.
How it works
The get_class function looks through your INSTALLED_APPS for a matching app and will attempt to load the
custom class from the specied module. If the app isnt overridden or the custom module doesnt dene the class, it
will fall back to the default Oscar class.
In practice
For get_class to pick up the customised class, the Oscar apps need to be forked. The process is detailed and
illustrated with examples in Customising Oscar. It is usually enough to call oscar_fork_app and replace the app
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Using get_class in your own code
Generally, there is no need for get_class in your own code as the location of the module for the class is known.
Some Oscar developers nonetheless use get_class when importing classes from Oscar. This means that if someday
the class is overridden, it will not require code changes. Care should be taken when doing this, as this is a tricky trade-
off between maintainability and added complexity.
You can test whether your overriding worked by trying to get a class from your module:
>>> from oscar.core.loading import get_class
>>> get_class(shipping.repository, Repository)
yourproject.shipping.repository.Repository # it worked!
1.2.3 Prices and availability
This page explains how prices and availability are determined in Oscar. In short, it seems quite complicated at rst as
there are several parts to it, but what this buys is exibility: buckets of it.
Simpler e-commerce frameworks often tie prices to the product model directly:
>>> product = Product.objects.get(id=1)
>>> product.price
Oscar, on the other hand, distinguishes products from stockrecords and provides a swappable strategy component for
selecting the appropriate stockrecord, calculating prices and availability information.
>>> product = Product.objects.get(id=1)
>>> info = strategy.fetch_for_product(product)
# Availability information
>>> info.availability.is_available_to_buy
>>> msg = info.availability.message
>>> unicode(msg)
u"In stock (58 available)"
>>> info.availability.is_purchase_permitted(59)
(False, u"A maximum of 58 can be bought")
# Price information
>>> info.price.excl_tax
>>> info.price.is_tax_known
>>> info.price.incl_tax
>>> info.price.tax
1.2. Using Oscar 17
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>>> info.price.currency
The product model captures the core data about the product (title, description, images) while a stockrecord repre-
sents fulllment information for one particular partner (number in stock, base price). A product can have multiple
stockrecords although only one is selected by the strategy to determine pricing and availability.
By using your own custom strategy class, a wide range of pricing, tax and availability problems can be easily solved.
Note: Oscars handling of prices and availability was reworked for v0.6. The old APIs are still available but consid-
ered deprecated and will be removed in Oscar 0.7.
The strategy class
Oscar uses a strategy object to determine product availability and pricing. A new strategy instance is assigned to
the request by the basket middleware. A Selector class determines the appropriate strategy for the request. By
modifying the Selector class, its possible to return different strategies for different customers.
Given a product, the strategy class is responsible for:
Selecting a pricing policy, an object detailing the prices of the product and whether tax is known.
Selecting an availability policy, an object responsible for availability logic (ie is the product available to buy)
and customer messaging.
Selecting the appropriate stockrecord to use for fulllment. If a product can be fullled by several fullment
partners, then each will have their own stockrecord.
These three entities are wrapped up in a PurchaseInfo object, which is a simple named tuple. The strategy
class provides fetch_for_product and fetch_for_group methods which takes a product and returns a
PurchaseInfo instance:
The strategy class is accessed in several places in Oscars codebase. In templates, a
purchase_info_for_product template tag is used to load the price and availability information into
the template context:
{% load purchase_info_tags %}
{% load currency_filters %}
{% purchase_info_for_product request product as session %}
{% if session.price.is_tax_known %}
Price is {{ session.price.incl_tax|currency:session.price.currency }}
{% else %}
Price is {{ session.price.excl_tax|currency:session.price.currency }} +
{% endif %}
Note that the currency template tag accepts a currency parameter from the pricing policy.
Also, basket instances have a strategy instance assigned so they can calculate prices including taxes. This is done
automatically in the basket middleware.
18 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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This seems quite complicated...
While this probably seems like quite an involved way of looking up a products price, it gives the developer an immense
amount of exibility. Heres a few examples of things you can do with a strategy class:
Transact in multiple currencies. The strategy class can use the customers location to select a stockrecord from
a local distribution partner which will be in the local currency of the customer.
Elegantly handle different tax models. A strategy can return prices including tax for a UK or European visitor,
but without tax for US visitors where tax is only determined once shipping details are conrmed.
Charge different prices to different customers. A strategy can return a different pricing policy depending on the
Use a chain of preferred partners for fulllment. A site could have many stockrecords for the same product, each
from a different fulllment partner. The strategy class could select the partner with the best margin and stock
available. When stock runs out with that partner, the strategy could seamlessly switch to the next best partner.
These are the kinds of problems that other e-commerce frameworks would struggle with.
All strategies subclass a common Base class:
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.Base(request=None)
The base strategy class
Given a product, strategies are responsible for returning a PurchaseInfo instance which contains:
The appropriate stockrecord for this customer
A pricing policy instance
An availability policy instance
Given a group product, fetch a StockInfo instance
fetch_for_line(line, stockrecord=None)
Given a basket line instance, fetch a PurchaseInfo instance.
This method is provided to allow purchase info to be determined using a basket lines attributes. For
instance, bundle products often use basket line attributes to store SKUs of contained products. For such
products, we need to look at the availability of each contained product to determine overall availability.
fetch_for_product(product, stockrecord=None)
Given a product, return a PurchaseInfo instance.
The PurchaseInfo class is a named tuple with attributes:
price: a pricing policy object.
availability: an availability policy object.
stockrecord: the stockrecord that is being used
If a stockrecord is passed, return the appropriate PurchaseInfo instance for that product and stock-
record is returned.
Oscar also provides a structured strategy class which provides overridable methods for selecting the stockrecord,
and determining pricing and availability policies:
1.2. Using Oscar 19
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class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.Structured(request=None)
A strategy class which provides separate, overridable methods for determining the 3 things that a
PurchaseInfo instance requires:
1.A stockrecord
2.A pricing policy
3.An availability policy
availability_policy(product, stockrecord)
Return the appropriate availability policy
fetch_for_product(product, stockrecord=None)
Return the appropriate PurchaseInfo instance.
This method is not intended to be overridden.
pricing_policy(product, stockrecord)
Return the appropriate pricing policy
Select the appropriate stockrecord
Select appropriate stock record for all variants of a product
For most projects, subclassing and overriding the Structured base class should be sufcient. However, Oscar also
provides mixins to easily compose the appropriate strategy class for your domain.
Loading a strategy
Strategy instances are determined by the Selector class:
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.Selector
Responsible for returning the appropriate strategy class for a given user/session.
This can be called in three ways:
1.Passing a request and user. This is for determining prices/availability for a normal user browsing the site.
2.Passing just the user. This is for ofine processes that dont have a request instance but do know which
user to determine prices for.
3.Passing nothing. This is for ofine processes that dont correspond to a specic user. Eg, determining a
price to store in a search index.
strategy(request=None, user=None, **kwargs)
Return an instanticated strategy instance
Its common to override this class so a custom strategy class can be returned.
Pricing policies
A pricing policy is a simple class with several properties Its job is to contain all price and tax information about a
There is a base class that denes the interface a pricing policy should have:
class oscar.apps.partner.prices.Base
The interface that any pricing policy must support
20 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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currency = None
Price currency (3 char code)
excl_tax = None
Price excluding tax
exists = False
Whether any prices exist
incl_tax = None
Price including tax
is_tax_known = False
Whether tax is known
retail = None
Retail price
tax = None
Price tax
There are also several policies that accommodate common scenarios:
class oscar.apps.partner.prices.Unavailable
This should be used as a pricing policy when a product is unavailable and no prices are known.
class oscar.apps.partner.prices.FixedPrice(currency, excl_tax, tax=None)
This should be used for when the price of a product is known in advance.
It can work for when tax isnt known (like in the US).
Note that this price class uses the tax-exclusive price for offers, even if the tax is known. This may not be what
you want. Use the TaxInclusiveFixedPrice class if you want offers to use tax-inclusive prices.
Availability policies
Like pricing policies, availability policies are simple classes with several properties and methods. The job of an
availability policy is to provide availability messaging to show to the customer as well as methods to determine if the
product is available to buy.
The base class denes the interface:
class oscar.apps.partner.availability.Base
Base availability policy.
code =
Availability code. This is used for HTML classes
dispatch_date = None
When this item should be dispatched
Test if this product is available to be bought. This is used for validation when a product is added to a users
Test whether a proposed purchase is allowed
Should return a boolean and a reason
message =
A description of the availability of a product. This is shown on the product detail page. Eg In stock,
Out of stock etc
1.2. Using Oscar 21
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A shorter version of the availability message, suitable for showing on browsing pages.
There are also several pre-dened availability policies:
class oscar.apps.partner.availability.Unavailable
Policy for when a product is unavailable
class oscar.apps.partner.availability.Available
For when a product is always available, irrespective of stock level.
This might be appropriate for digital products where stock doesnt need to be tracked and the product is always
available to buy.
class oscar.apps.partner.availability.StockRequired(num_available)
Allow a product to be bought while there is stock. This policy is instantiated with a stock number
(num_available). It ensures that the product is only available to buy while there is stock available.
This is suitable for physical products where back orders (eg allowing purchases when there isnt stock available)
are not permitted.
Strategy mixins
Oscar also ships with several mixins which implement one method of the Structured strategy. These allow strate-
gies to be easily composed from re-usable parts:
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.UseFirstStockRecord
Stockrecord selection mixin for use with the Structured base strategy. This mixin picks the rst (normally
only) stockrecord to full a product.
This is backwards compatible with Oscar<0.6 where only one stockrecord per product was permitted.
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.StockRequired
Availability policy mixin for use with the Structured base strategy. This mixin ensures that a product can
only be bought if it has stock available (if stock is being tracked).
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.NoTax
Pricing policy mixin for use with the Structured base strategy. This mixin species zero tax and uses the
price_excl_tax from the stockrecord.
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.FixedRateTax
Pricing policy mixin for use with the Structured base strategy. This mixin applies a xed rate tax to the
base price from the products stockrecord. The price_incl_tax is quantized to two decimal places. Rounding
behaviour is Decimals default
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.DeferredTax
Pricing policy mixin for use with the Structured base strategy. This mixin does not specify the product tax
and is suitable to territories where tax isnt known until late in the checkout process.
Default strategy
Oscars default Selector class returns a Default strategy built from the strategy mixins:
class Default(UseFirstStockRecord, StockRequired, NoTax, Structured):
The behaviour of this strategy is:
Always picks the rst stockrecord (this is backwards compatible with Oscar<0.6 where a product could only
have one stockrecord).
22 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Charge no tax.
Only allow purchases where there is appropriate stock (eg no back-orders).
How to use
Theres lots of ways to use strategies, pricing and availability policies to handle your domains requirements.
The normal rst step is provide your own Selector class which returns a custom strategy class. Your custom
strategy class can be composed of the above mixins or your own custom logic.
Example 1: UK VAT
Heres an example strategy.py module which is used to charge VAT on prices.
# myproject/partner/strategy.py
from oscar.apps.partner import strategy, prices
class Selector(object):
Custom selector to return a UK-specific strategy that charges VAT
def strategy(self, request=None, user=None,
return UKStrategy(territory)
class IncludingVAT(strategy.FixedRateTax):
Price policy to charge VAT on the base price
# We can simply override the tax rate on the core FixedRateTax. Note
# this is a simplification: in reality, you might want to store tax
# rates and the date ranges they apply in a database table. Your
# pricing policy could simply look up the appropriate rate.
rate = D(0.20)
class UKStrategy(strategy.UseFirstStockRecord, IncludingVAT,
strategy.StockRequired, strategy.Structured):
Typical UK strategy for physical goods.
- Theres only one warehouse/partner so we use the first and only stockrecord
- Enforce stock level. Dont allow purchases when we dont have stock.
- Charge UK VAT on prices. Assume everything is standard-rated.
Example 2: US sales tax
Heres an example strategy.py module which is suitable for use in the US where taxes cant be calculated until
the shipping address is known. You normally need to use a 3rd party service to determine taxes - details omitted here.
1.2. Using Oscar 23
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from oscar.apps.partner import strategy, prices
class Selector(object):
Custom selector class to returns a US strategy
def strategy(self, request=None, user=None,
return USStrategy()
class USStrategy(strategy.UseFirstStockRecord, strategy.DeferredTax,
strategy.StockRequired, strategy.Structured):
Typical US strategy for physical goods. Note we use the DeferredTax
mixin to ensure prices are returned without tax.
- Use first stockrecord
- Enforce stock level
- Taxes arent known for prices at this stage
1.2.4 Deploying Oscar
Oscar is a just a set of Django apps - it doesnt have any special deployment requirements. That means the excellent
Django docs for deployment should be your rst stop. This page then only distills some of the experience gained from
running Oscar projects.
Setting up caching is crucial for a good performance. Oscars templates are split into many partials, hence it is
recommended to use the cached template loader. Sorl also will hit your database hard if you run it without a cache
If your memory constraints are tight and you can only run one Python worker, LocMemCache will usually outperform
external cache backends due to the lower overhead. But once you can scale beyond one worker, it might make good
sense to switch to something like memcached or redis.
Blocking in views should be avoided if possible. That is especially true for external API calls and sending emails.
Djangos pluggable email backends allow for switching out the blocking SMTP backend to a custom non-blocking
solution. Possible options are storing emails in a database or cache for later consumption or triggering an external
worker, e.g. via django-celery. django_post-ofce works nicely.
For backwards-compatibility reasons, Django doesnt enable database connection pooling by default. Performance is
likely to improve when enabled.
Oscar relies on the Django framework for security measures and therefore no Oscar specic congurations with regard
to security are in place. See Djangos guidelines for security for more information.
django-secure is a nice app that comes with a few sanity checks for deployments behind SSL.
24 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Search Engine Optimisation
A basic example of what a sitemap for Oscar could look like has been added to the sandbox site. Have a look at
sites/sandbox/urls.py for inspiration.
1.2.5 Translation
All Oscar translation work is done on Transifex. If youd like to contribute, just apply for a language and go ahead!
The source strings in Transifex are updated after every commit on Oscars master branch on GitHub. We only pull the
translation strings back into Oscars repository when preparing for a release. That means your most recent translations
will always be on Transifex, not in the repo!
Translating Oscar within your project
If Oscar does not provide translations for your language, or if you want to provide your own, do the following.
Within your project, create a locale folder and a symlink to Oscar so that ./manage.py makemessages nds
Oscars translatable strings:
mkdir locale i18n
ln -s $PATH_TO_OSCAR i18n/oscar
./manage.py makemessages --symlinks --locale=de
This will create the message les that you can now translate.
1.2.6 Upgrading
This document explains some of the issues that can be encountered whilst upgrading Oscar.
Note: Detailed upgrade instructions for specic releases can be found on the Github wiki.
Oscar uses South to provide migrations for its apps. But since Oscar allows an app to be overridden and its models
extended, handling migrations can be tricky when upgrading.
Suppose a new version of Oscar changes the models of the shipping app and includes the corresponding migrations.
There are two scenarios to be aware of:
Migrating uncustomised apps
Apps that you arent customising will upgrade trivially as your project will pick up the new migrations from Oscar
For instance, if you have oscar.apps.core.shipping in your INSTALLED_APPS then you can simply run:
./manage.py migrate shipping
to migrate your shipping app.
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Migrating customised apps
For apps that you are customising, you need to create a new migration that picks up the changes in the core Oscar
models. For instance, if you have an app myproject.shipping that replaces oscar.apps.shipping in your
INSTALLED_APPS then you can simply run:
./manage.py schemamigration shipping --auto
to create the appropriate migration.
1.2.7 Core functionality
This page details the core classes and functions that Oscar uses. These arent specic to one particular app, but are
used throughout Oscars codebase.
Dynamic class loading
The key to Oscars exibility is dynamically loading classes. This allows projects to provide their own versions of
classes that extend and override the core functionality.
oscar.core.loading.get_classes(module_label, classnames)
Dynamically import a list of classes from the given module.
This works by looping over INSTALLED_APPS and looking for a match against the passed module label. If
the requested class cant be found in the matching module, then we attempt to import it from the corresponding
core Oscar app (assuming the matched module isnt in Oscar).
This is very similar to django.db.models.get_model function for dynamically loading models. This
function is more general though as it can load any class from the matching app, not just a model.
module_label (str) Module label comprising the app label and the module name, separated
by a dot. For example, catalogue.forms.
classname (str) Name of the class to be imported.
Returns The requested class object or None if it cant be found
Load a single class:
>>> get_class(dashboard.catalogue.forms, ProductForm)
Load a list of classes:
>>> get_classes(dashboard.catalogue.forms,
... [ProductForm, StockRecordForm])
26 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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AppNotFoundError If no app is found in INSTALLED_APPS that matches the passed
module label.
ImportError If the attempted import of a class raises an ImportError, it is re-raised
oscar.core.loading.get_class(module_label, classname)
Dynamically import a single class from the given module.
This is a simple wrapper around get_classes for the case of loading a single class.
module_label (str) Module label comprising the app label and the module name, separated
by a dot. For example, catalogue.forms.
classname (str) Name of the class to be imported.
Returns The requested class object or None if it cant be found
URL patterns and views
Oscars app organise their URLs and associated views using a Application class instance. This works in a similar
way to Djangos admin app, and allows Oscar projects to subclass and customised URLs and views.
class oscar.core.application.Application(app_name=None, **kwargs)
Base application class.
This is subclassed by each app to provide a customisable container for an apps views and permissions.
default_permissions = None
Default permission for any view not in permissions_map
Return a list of permissions for a given URL name
Parameters url (str) A URL name (eg basket.basket)
Returns A list of permission strings.
Return type list
Return the appropriate decorator for the view function with the passed URL name. Mainly used for access-
protecting views.
Its possible to specify:
no permissions necessary: use None
a set of permissions: use a list
two set of permissions (or): use a two-tuple of lists
See permissions_required decorator for details
Return the url patterns for this app.
hidable_feature_name = None
A name that allows the functionality within this app to be disabled
name = None
Namespace name
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permissions_map = {}
Maps view names to a tuple or list of permissions
Customise URL patterns.
This method allows decorators to be wrapped around an apps URL patterns.
By default, this only allows custom decorators to be specied, but you could override this method to do
anything you want.
Parameters urlpatterns (list) A list of URL patterns
Oscar uses a custom price object for easier tax handling.
class oscar.core.prices.Price(currency, excl_tax, incl_tax=None, tax=None)
Simple price class that encapsulates a price and its tax information
incl_tax Decimal
Price including taxes
excl_tax Decimal
Price excluding taxes
tax Decimal
Tax amount
is_tax_known bool
Whether tax is known
currency str
3 character currency code
Custom model elds
Oscar uses a few custom model elds.
class oscar.models.fields.NullCharField(*args, **kwargs)
CharField that stores as None and returns None as Useful when using unique=True and forms. Implies
When a ModelForm with a CharField with null=True gets saved, the eld will be set to :
https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/9590 This breaks usage with unique=True, as is considered equal to
another eld set to .
class oscar.models.fields.PhoneNumberField(*args, **kwargs)
An international phone number.
Validates a wide range of phone number formats
Displays it nicely formatted
Can be given a hint for the country, so that it can accept local numbers, that are not in an international
28 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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This eld is based on work in django-phonenumber-eld https://github.com/maikhoepfel/django-phonenumber-
See oscar/core/phonenumber.py for the relevant copyright and permission notice.
alias of PhoneNumber
alias of PhoneNumberDescriptor
Returns elds value prepared for saving into a database.
class oscar.models.fields.PositiveDecimalField(verbose_name=None, name=None,
max_digits=None, decimal_places=None,
A simple subclass of django.db.models.fields.DecimalField that restricts values to be non-
class oscar.models.fields.UppercaseCharField(*args, **kwargs)
A simple subclass of django.db.models.fields.CharField that restricts all text to be uppercase.
Dened with the with_metaclass helper so that to_python is called
https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/howto/custom-model-elds/#the-subeldbase-metaclass # NOQA
1.2.8 Oscar Core Apps explained
Oscar is split up in multiple, mostly independent apps.
The address app provides core address models - it doesnt provide any views or other functionality. Of the 5 abstract
models, only 2 have a non-abstract version in oscar.apps.address.models - the others are used by the order
app to provide shipping and billing address models.
Abstract models
class oscar.apps.address.abstract_models.AbstractAddress(*args, **kwargs)
Bases: django.db.models.base.Model
Superclass address object
This is subclassed and extended to provide models for user, shipping and billing addresses.
Return the non-empty components of the address, but merging the title, rst_name and last_name into a
single line.
Validate postcode given the country
Returns a hash of the address summary
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join_fields(elds, separator=u, )
Join a sequence of elds using the specied separator
For populating an address model using the matching elds from this one.
This is used to convert a user address to a shipping address as part of the checkout process.
Name (including title)
search_text = None
A eld only used for searching addresses - this contains all the relevant elds. This is effectively a poor
mans Solr text eld.
Returns a single string summary of the address, separating elds using commas.
class oscar.apps.address.abstract_models.AbstractCountry(*args, **kwargs)
Bases: django.db.models.base.Model
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3166-1 Country list.
Shorthand for the ISO 3166 code
class oscar.apps.address.abstract_models.AbstractPartnerAddress(*args, **kwargs)
Bases: oscar.apps.address.abstract_models.AbstractAddress
A partner can have one or more addresses. This can be useful e.g. when determining US tax which depends on
the origin of the shipment.
class oscar.apps.address.abstract_models.AbstractShippingAddress(*args,
Bases: oscar.apps.address.abstract_models.AbstractAddress
A shipping address.
A shipping address should not be edited once the order has been placed - it should be read-only after that.
Return the order linked to this shipping address
class oscar.apps.address.abstract_models.AbstractUserAddress(*args, **kwargs)
Bases: oscar.apps.address.abstract_models.AbstractShippingAddress
A users address. A user can have many of these and together they form an address book of sorts for the user.
We use a separate model for shipping and billing (even though there will be some data duplication) because we
dont want shipping/billing addresses changed or deleted once an order has been placed. By having a separate
model, we allow users the ability to add/edit/delete from their address book without affecting orders already
hash = None
A hash is kept to try and avoid duplicate addresses being added to the address book.
is_default_for_billing = None
Whether this address should be the default for billing.
is_default_for_shipping = None
Whether this address is the default for shipping
num_orders = None
We keep track of the number of times an address has been used as a shipping address so we can show the
most popular ones rst at the checkout.
30 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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save(*args, **kwargs)
Save a hash of the address elds
The oscar.analytics module provides a few simple models for gathering analytics data on products and users.
It listens for signals from other apps, and creates/updates simple models which aggregate this data.
Such data is useful for auto-merchandising, calculating product scores for search and for personalised marketing for
Abstract models
class oscar.apps.analytics.abstract_models.AbstractProductRecord(*args,
A record of a how popular a product is.
This used be auto-merchandising to display the most popular products.
class oscar.apps.analytics.abstract_models.AbstractUserRecord(*args, **kwargs)
A record of a users activity.
The basket app handles shopping baskets, which essentially are a collection of products that hopefully end up being
Abstract models
class oscar.apps.basket.abstract_models.AbstractBasket(*args, **kwargs)
Basket object
add(product, quantity=1, options=None)
Add a product to the basket
stock_info is the price and availability data returned from a partner strategy class.
The options list should contains dicts with keys option and value which link the relevant prod-
uct.Option model and string value respectively.
add_product(product, quantity=1, options=None)
Add a product to the basket
stock_info is the price and availability data returned from a partner strategy class.
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The options list should contains dicts with keys option and value which link the relevant prod-
uct.Option model and string value respectively.
Return a cached set of basket lines.
This is important for offers as they alter the line models and you dont want to reload them from the DB
as that information would be lost.
Return a dict of offers successfully applied to the basket.
This is used to compare offers before and after a basket change to see if there is a difference.
Test if a basket can be edited
Test whether the basket contains a voucher with a given code
Remove all lines from basket.
Freezes the basket so it cannot be modied.
Return discounts from vouchers but grouped so that a voucher which links to multiple offers is aggregated
into one object.
Test if this basket is empty
Test whether the passed quantity of items can be added to the basket
Test whether the basket contains physical products that require shipping.
Test if tax values are known for this basket
line_quantity(product, stockrecord, options=None)
Return the current quantity of a specic product and options
merge(basket, add_quantities=True)
Merges another basket with this one.
Basket The basket to merge into this one.
Add_quantities Whether to add line quantities when they are merged.
merge_line(line, add_quantities=True)
For transferring a line from another basket to this one.
This is used with the Saved basket functionality.
Return number of items
Return number of lines
Return basket discounts from non-voucher sources. Does not include shipping discounts.
32 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Return discounts from vouchers
Return the quantity of a product in the basket
The basket can contain multiple lines with the same product, but different options and stockrecords. Those
quantities are summed up.
Remove any discounts so they get recalculated
Mark this basket as submitted
Return discounts from vouchers
Mark this basket as submitted
Unfreezes a basket so it can be modied again
Return total line price excluding tax
Return total price excluding tax and discounts
Return total price inclusive of tax and discounts
Return total price inclusive of tax but exclusive discounts
Return total tax for a line
Return discounts from vouchers
class oscar.apps.basket.abstract_models.AbstractLine(*args, **kwargs)
A line of a basket (product and a quantity)
Remove any discounts from this line.
Mark all or part of the line as consumed
Consumed items are no longer available to be used in offers.
discount(discount_value, affected_quantity, incl_tax=True)
Apply a discount to this line
Note that it only makes sense to apply
Return a breakdown of line prices after discounts have been applied.
Returns a list of (unit_price_incl_tx, unit_price_excl_tax, quantity) tuples.
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Return a warning message about this basket line if one is applicable
This could be things like the price has changed
Return the stock/price info
The price to use for offer calculations
class oscar.apps.basket.abstract_models.AbstractLineAttribute(*args, **kwargs)
An attribute of a basket line
class oscar.apps.basket.views.BasketAddView(**kwargs)
Handles the add-to-basket submissions, which are triggered from various parts of the site. The add-to-basket
form is loaded into templates using a templatetag from module basket_tags.py.
alias of Product
oscar.apps.basket.views.apply_messages(request, offers_before)
Set ash messages triggered by changes to the basket
oscar.apps.basket.views.get_messages(basket, offers_before, offers_after, in-
Return the messages about offer changes
This is an essential Oscar app which exposes functionality to manage your product catalogue.
oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.AbstractProduct is its main model. The catalogue
app also includes views specic to viewing a list or individual products.
Abstract models
class oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.AbstractAttributeEntity(*args,
Provides an attribute type to enable relationships with other models
class oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.AbstractAttributeEntityType(*args,
Provides the name of the model involved in an entity relationship
class oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.AbstractAttributeOption(*args,
Provides an option within an option group for an attribute type Examples: In a Language group, English, Greek,
class oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.AbstractAttributeOptionGroup(*args,
Denes a group of options that collectively may be used as an attribute type
For example, Language
34 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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class oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.AbstractCategory(*args, **kwargs)
A product category. Merely used for navigational purposes; has no effects on business logic.
Uses django-treebeard.
move(target, pos=None)
Moves the current node and all its descendants to a new position relative to another node.
See https://tabo.pe/projects/django-treebeard/docs/1.61/api.html#treebeard.models.Node.move # noqa
Updates the instances slug. Use update_children_slugs for updating the rest of the tree.
class oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.AbstractOption(*args, **kwargs)
An option that can be selected for a particular item when the product is added to the basket.
For example, a list ID for an SMS message send, or a personalised message to print on a T-shirt.
This is not the same as an attribute as options do not have a xed value for a particular item. Instead, option
need to be specied by a customer when they add the item to their basket.
class oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.AbstractProduct(*args, **kwargs)
The base product object
If an item has no parent, then it is the canonical or abstract version of a product which essentially represents
a set of products. If a product has a parent then it is a specic version of a catalogue.
For example, a canonical product would have a title like Green eece while its children would be Green
eece - size L.
Return a string of all of a products attributes
Calculate rating value
Return a products absolute url
Returns a missing image object.
Return a products item class
Return a products title or its parents title if it has no title
Test if this product has any stockrecords
is_discountable = None
Determines if a product may be used in an offer. It is illegal to discount some types of product (e.g. ebooks)
and this eld helps merchants from avoiding discounting such products
Determines whether a user may add a review on this product.
Default implementation respects OSCAR_ALLOW_ANON_REVIEWS and only allows leaving one re-
view per user and product.
Override this if you want to alter the default behaviour; e.g. enforce that a user purchased the product to
be allowed to leave a review.
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Test if this product is a parent (who may or may not have children)
Return True if a product is not a top level product
Return minimum variant price excluding tax
Return minimum variant price including tax
Returns the primary image for a product. Usually used when one can only display one product image, e.g.
in a list of products.
Type of product. None for Product variants, they inherit their parents product class
Recalculate rating eld
class oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.AbstractProductAttribute(*args,
Denes an attribute for a product class. (For example, number_of_pages for a book class)
Check whether the passed value is valid for this attribute
class oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.AbstractProductAttributeValue(*args,
The through model for the m2m relationship between catalogue.Product and catalogue.ProductAttribute. This
species the value of the attribute for a particular product
For example: number_of_pages = 295
Gets a string representation of both the attribute and its value, used e.g in product summaries.
Returns a HTML representation of the attributes value. To customise e.g. image attribute values, declare
a _image_as_html property and return e.g. an <img> tag. Defaults to the _as_text representation.
Returns a string representation of the attributes value. To customise e.g. image attribute values, declare a
_image_as_text property and return something appropriate.
class oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.AbstractProductCategory(*args,
Joining model between products and categories. Exists to allow customising.
class oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.AbstractProductClass(*args, **kwargs)
Used for dening options and attributes for a subset of products. E.g. Books, DVDs and Toys. A product can
only belong to one product class.
At least one product class must be created when setting up a new Oscar deployment.
Not necessarily equivalent to top-level categories but usually will be.
These are the options (set by the user when they add to basket) for this item class. For instance, a product
class of SMS message would always require a message to be specied before it could be bought.
36 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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requires_shipping = None
Some product type dont require shipping (eg digital products) - we use this eld to take some shortcuts in
the checkout.
track_stock = None
Digital products generally dont require their stock levels to be tracked.
class oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.AbstractProductImage(*args, **kwargs)
An image of a product
display_order = None
Use display_order to determine which is the primary image
Return bool if image display order is 0
class oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.AbstractProductRecommendation(*args,
Through model for product recommendations
class oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.MissingProductImage(name=None)
Mimics a Django le eld by having a name property.
sorl-thumbnail requires all its images to be in MEDIA_ROOT. This class tries symlinking the default missing
image image in STATIC_ROOT into MEDIA_ROOT for convenience, as that is necessary every time an Oscar
project is setup. This avoids the less helpful NotFound IOError that would be raised when sorl-thumbnail tries
to access it.
class oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.ProductAttributesContainer(product)
Stolen liberally from django-eav, but simplied to be product-specic
To set attributes on a product, use the attr attribute:
product.attr.weight = 125
class oscar.apps.catalogue.views.ProductCategoryView(**kwargs)
Browse products in a given category
Return a list of the current category and its ancestors
Summary to be shown in template
The checkout process comprises the following steps:
1. Gateway - Anonymous users are offered the choice of logging in, registering, or checking out anonymously.
Signed in users will be automatically redirected to the next step.
2. Shipping address - Enter or choose a shipping address.
3. Shipping method - Choose a shipping method. If only one shipping method is available then it is automatically
chosen and the user is redirected onto the next step.
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4. Payment method - Choose the method of payment plus any allocations if payment is to be split across multiple
sources. If only one method is available, then the user is redirected onto the next step.
5. Preview - The prospective order can be previewed.
6. Payment details - If any sensitive payment details are required (e.g., bankcard number), then a form is presented
within this step. This has to be the last step before submission so that sensitive details dont have to be stored in
the session.
7. Submission - The order is placed.
8. Thank you - A summary of the order with any relevant tracking information.
Abstract models
Views and mixins
class oscar.apps.checkout.views.IndexView(**kwargs)
First page of the checkout. We prompt user to either sign in, or to proceed as a guest (where we still collect their
email address).
class oscar.apps.checkout.views.PaymentDetailsView(**kwargs)
For taking the details of payment and creating the order.
This view class is used by two separate URLs: payment-details and preview. The preview class attribute
is used to distinguish which is being used. Chronologically, payment-details (preview=False) comes before
preview (preview=True).
If sensitive details are required (eg a bankcard), then the payment details view should submit to the preview
URL and a custom implementation of validate_payment_submission should be provided.
If the form data is valid, then the preview template can be rendered with the payment-details forms re-
rendered within a hidden div so they can be re-submitted when the place order button is clicked. This
avoids having to write sensitive data to disk anywhere during the process. This can be done by calling
render_preview, passing in the extra template context vars.
If the form data is invalid, then the payment details templates needs to be re-rendered with the relevant
error messages. This can be done by calling render_payment_details, passing in the form instances to pass
to the templates.
The class is deliberately split into ne-grained methods, responsible for only one thing. This is to make it easier
to subclass and override just one component of functionality.
All projects will need to subclass and customise this class as no payment is taken by default.
Return default billing address for user
This is useful when the payment details view includes a billing address form - you can use this helper
method to prepopulate the form.
Note, this isnt used in core oscar as there is no billing address form by default.
Handle a request to submit payment details.
This method will need to be overridden by projects that require forms to be submitted on the payment
details view. The new version of this method should validate the submitted form data and:
38 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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If the form data is valid, show the preview view with the forms re-rendered in the page
If the form data is invalid, show the payment details view with the form errors showing.
Handle a request to place an order.
This method is normally called after the customer has clicked place order on the preview page. Its
responsible for (re-)validating any form information then building the submission dict to pass to the submit
If forms are submitted on your payment details view, you should override this method to ensure they are
valid before extracting their data into the submission dict and passing it onto submit.
render_payment_details(request, **kwargs)
Show the payment details page
This method is useful if the submission fromthe payment details viewis invalid and needs to be re-rendered
with form errors showing.
render_preview(request, **kwargs)
Show a preview of the order.
If sensitive data was submitted on the payment details page, you will need to pass it back to the view here
so it can be stored in hidden form inputs. This avoids ever writing the sensitive data to disk.
submit(user, basket, shipping_address, shipping_method, shipping_charge, order_total, pay-
ment_kwargs=None, order_kwargs=None)
Submit a basket for order placement.
The process runs as follows:
Generate an order number
Freeze the basket so it cannot be modied any more (important when redirecting the user to another
site for payment as it prevents the basket being manipulated during the payment process).
Attempt to take payment for the order - If payment is successful, place the order - If a redirect is
required (eg PayPal, 3DSecure), redirect - If payment is unsuccessful, show an appropriate error
Basket The basket to submit.
Payment_kwargs Additional kwargs to pass to the handle_payment method
Order_kwargs Additional kwargs to pass to the place_order method
class oscar.apps.checkout.views.PaymentMethodView(**kwargs)
View for a user to choose which payment method(s) they want to use.
This would include setting allocations if payment is to be split between multiple sources. Its not the place for
entering sensitive details like bankcard numbers though - that belongs on the payment details view.
class oscar.apps.checkout.views.ShippingAddressView(**kwargs)
Determine the shipping address for the order.
The default behaviour is to display a list of addresses from the userss address book, from which the user can
choose one to be their shipping address. They can add/edit/delete these USER addresses. This address will be
automatically converted into a SHIPPING address when the user checks out.
Alternatively, the user can enter a SHIPPING address directly which will be saved in the session and later saved
as ShippingAddress model when the order is successfully submitted.
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class oscar.apps.checkout.views.ShippingMethodView(**kwargs)
View for allowing a user to choose a shipping method.
Shipping methods are largely domain-specic and so this view will commonly need to be subclassed and cus-
The default behaviour is to load all the available shipping methods using the shipping Repository. If there is
only 1, then it is automatically selected. Otherwise, a page is rendered where the user can choose the appropriate
Returns all applicable shipping method objects for a given basket.
class oscar.apps.checkout.views.ThankYouView(**kwargs)
Displays the thank you page which summarises the order just submitted.
class oscar.apps.checkout.views.UserAddressDeleteView(**kwargs)
Delete an address from a users addressbook.
class oscar.apps.checkout.views.UserAddressUpdateView(**kwargs)
Update a user address
class oscar.apps.checkout.mixins.OrderPlacementMixin
Mixin which provides functionality for placing orders.
Any view class which needs to place an order should use this mixin.
add_payment_event(event_type_name, amount, reference=)
Record a payment event for creation once the order is placed
Record a payment source for this order
create_billing_address(billing_address=None, shipping_address=None, **kwargs)
Saves any relevant billing data (eg a billing address).
create_shipping_address(user, shipping_address)
Create and return the shipping address for the current order.
Compared to self.get_shipping_address(), ShippingAddress is saved and makes sure that appropriate User-
Address exists.
Freeze the basket so it can no longer be modied
Return a new order number
handle_order_placement(order_number, user, basket, shipping_address, shipping_method, ship-
ping_charge, order_total, **kwargs)
Write out the order models and return the appropriate HTTP response
We deliberately pass the basket in here as the one tied to the request isnt necessarily the correct one to use
in placing the order. This can happen when a basket gets frozen.
handle_payment(order_number, total, **kwargs)
Handle any payment processing and record payment sources and events.
This method is designed to be overridden within your project. The default is to do nothing as payment is
This method is responsible for handling payment and recording the payment sources (using the
add_payment_source method) and payment events (using add_payment_event) so they can be linked to
the order when it is saved later on.
40 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Handle the various steps required after an order has been successfully placed.
Override this view if you want to perform custom actions when an order is submitted.
place_order(order_number, user, basket, shipping_address, shipping_method, shipping_charge, or-
der_total, billing_address=None, **kwargs)
Writes the order out to the DB including the payment models
Restores a frozen basket as the sole OPEN basket. Note that this also merges in any new products that
have been added to a basket that has been created while payment.
Saves all payment-related details. This could include a billing address, payment sources and any order
payment events.
Saves any relevant payment events for this order
Saves any payment sources used in this order.
When the payment sources are created, the order model does not exist and so they need to have it set before
update_address_book(user, shipping_addr)
Update the users address book based on the new shipping address
class oscar.apps.checkout.session.CheckoutSessionMixin
Mixin to provide common functionality shared between checkout views.
All checkout views subclass this mixin. It ensures that all relevant checkout information is available in the
template context.
Return a dict of data that contains everything required for an order submission. This includes payment
details (if any).
This can be the right place to perform tax lookups and apply them to the basket.
Check that the basket is permitted to be submitted as an order. That is, all the basket lines are available to
buy - nothing has gone out of stock since it was added to the basket.
Return an unsaved instance of the billing address (if one exists)
get_order_totals(basket, shipping_charge, **kwargs)
Returns the total for the order with and without tax
Return the pre-condition method names to run for this view
Return the (unsaved) shipping address for this checkout session.
If the shipping address was entered manually, then we instantiate a ShippingAddress model with the
appropriate form data (which is saved in the session).
If the shipping address was selected from the users address book, then we convert the UserAddress to
a ShippingAddress.
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The ShippingAddress instance is not saved as sometimes you need a shipping address instance before
the order is placed. For example, if you are submitting fraud information as part of a payment request.
The OrderPlacementMixin.create_shipping_address method is responsible for saving a
shipping address when an order is placed.
get_shipping_method(basket, shipping_address=None, **kwargs)
Return the selected shipping method instance from this checkout session
The shipping address is passed as we need to check that the method stored in the session is still valid for
the shipping address.
Return the skip-condition method names to run for this view
class oscar.apps.checkout.calculators.OrderTotalCalculator(request=None)
Calculator class for calculating the order total.
class oscar.apps.checkout.utils.CheckoutSessionData(request)
Responsible for marshalling all the checkout session data
Multi-stage checkouts often require several forms to be submitted and their data persisted until the nal order is
placed. This class helps store and organise checkout form data until it is required to write out the nal order.
Store address elds for a billing address.
Record fact that the billing address is to be the same as the shipping address.
Set an address from a users address book as the billing address
Address The address object
Record fact that the billing address is to be the same as the shipping address.
Return the ID of the user address being used for billing
Flush all session data
Test whether a billing address has been stored in the session.
This can be from a new address or re-using an existing address.
Test whether a shipping address has been stored in the session.
This can be from a new address or re-using an existing address.
Test if a valid shipping method is stored in the session
42 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Return elds for a billing address
Return shipping address elds
Use a manually entered address as the shipping address
Use an user address (from an address book) as the shipping address.
Return the shipping method code
Return user address id
Set free shipping code to session
Set shipping method code to session
Return user address id
The customer app bundles communication with customers. This includes models to record product alerts and sent
emails. It also contains the views that allow a customer to manage their data (prole information, shipping addresses,
Abstract models
class oscar.apps.customer.abstract_models.AbstractCommunicationEventType(*args,
A type of communication. Like a order conrmation email.
code = None
Code used for looking up this event programmatically.
Return a dict of templates with the context merged in
We look rst at the eld templates but fail over to a set of le templates that follow a conventional path.
name = None
Name is the friendly description of an event for use in the admin
class oscar.apps.customer.abstract_models.AbstractEmail(*args, **kwargs)
This is a record of all emails sent to a customer. Normally, we only record order-related emails.
class oscar.apps.customer.abstract_models.AbstractProductAlert(*args, **kwargs)
An alert for when a product comes back in stock
Get a random generated key based on SHA-1 and email address
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class oscar.apps.customer.abstract_models.AbstractUser(*args, **kwargs)
An abstract base user suitable for use in Oscar projects.
This is basically a copy of the core AbstractUser model but without a username eld
class oscar.apps.customer.forms.ConfirmPasswordForm(user, *args, **kwargs)
Extends the standard django AuthenticationForm, to support 75 character usernames. 75 character usernames
are needed to support the EmailOrUsername auth backend.
class oscar.apps.customer.forms.EmailAuthenticationForm(host, *args, **kwargs)
Extends the standard django AuthenticationForm, to support 75 character usernames. 75 character usernames
are needed to support the EmailOrUsername auth backend.
class oscar.apps.customer.forms.PasswordResetForm(data=None, les=None,
auto_id=uid_%s, prex=None,
initial=None, error_class=<class
This form takes the same structure as its parent from django.contrib.auth
save(domain_override=None, use_https=False, request=None, **kwargs)
Generates a one-use only link for resetting password and sends to the user.
class oscar.apps.customer.views.AccountAuthView(**kwargs)
This is actually a slightly odd double form view that allows a customer to either login or register.
alias of EmailAuthenticationForm
class oscar.apps.customer.views.AccountSummaryView(**kwargs)
View that exists for legacy reasons and customisability. It commonly gets called when the user clicks on Ac-
count in the navbar, and can be overridden to determine to what sub-page the user is directed without having
to change a lot of templates.
class oscar.apps.customer.views.AddressChangeStatusView(**kwargs)
Sets an address as default_for_(billing|shipping)
class oscar.apps.customer.views.AddressListView(**kwargs)
Customer address book
Return customers addresses
class oscar.apps.customer.views.EmailDetailView(**kwargs)
Customer email
Append email subject to page title
class oscar.apps.customer.views.OrderHistoryView(**kwargs)
Customer order history
alias of Order
44 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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class oscar.apps.customer.views.OrderLineView(**kwargs)
Customer order line
The dashboard is the backend interface for managing the store. That includes the product catalogue, orders and stock,
offers etc. It is intended as a complete replacement of the Django admin interface. The app itself only contains a view
that serves as a kind of homepage, and some logic for managing the navigation (in nav.py). Theres several sub-apps
that are responsible for managing the different parts of the Oscar store.
Permission-based dashboard
Staff users (users with is_staff==True) get access to all views in the dashboard. To better support Oscars
use for marketplace scenarios, the permission-based dashboard has been introduced. If a non-staff user has the
partner.dashboard_access permission set, she is given access to a subset of views, and her access to products
and orders is limited.
AbstractPartner instances have a users eld. Prior to Oscar 0.6, this eld was not used. Since Oscar 0.6, it is
used solely for modelling dashboard access.
If a non-staff user with the partner.dashboard_access permission is in users, she can:
Create products. It is enforced that at least one stock records partner has the current user in users.
Update products. At least one stock record must have the user in the stock records partners users.
Delete and list products. Limited to products the user is allowed to update.
Managing orders. Similar to products, a user get access if one of an orders lines is associated with a matching
For many marketplace scenarios, it will make sense to ensure at checkout that a basket only contains lines from one
partner. Please note that the dashboard currently ignores any other permissions, including Djangos default permis-
Abstract models
class oscar.apps.dashboard.views.IndexView(**kwargs)
An overview view which displays several reports about the shop.
Supports the permission-based dashboard. It is recommended to add a index_nonstaff.html template because
Oscars default template will display potentially sensitive store information.
Return active conditional offers of type site offer. The returned Queryset of site offers is ltered by
end date greater then the current date.
Get all active vouchers. The returned Queryset of vouchers is ltered by end date greater then the
current date.
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get_hourly_report(hours=24, segments=10)
Get report of order revenue split up in hourly chunks. A report is generated for the last hours (default=24)
from the current time. The report provides max_revenue of the hourly order revenue sum, y-range
as the labeling for the y-axis in a template and order_total_hourly, a list of properties for hourly
chunks. segments denes the number of labeling segments used for the y-axis when generating the y-axis
labels (default=10).
get_number_of_promotions(abstract_base=<class oscar.apps.promotions.models.AbstractPromotion>)
Get the number of promotions for all promotions derived from abstract_base. All subclasses of ab-
stract_base are queried and if another abstract base class is found this method is executed recursively.
Get all open baskets. If lters dictionary is provided they will be applied on all open baskets and return
only ltered results.
Oscar ships with a powerful and exible offers engine which is contained in the offers app. It is based around the
concept of conditional offers - that is, a basket must satisfy some condition in order to qualify for a benet.
Oscars dashboard can be used to administer offers.
A conditional offer is composed of several components:
Customer-facing information - this is the name and description of an offer. These will be visible on offer-
browsing pages as well as within the basket and checkout pages.
Availability - this determines when an offer is available.
Condition - this determines when a customer qualies for the offer (eg spend 20 on DVDs). There are various
condition types available.
Benet - this determines the discount a customer receives. The discount can be against the basket cost or the
shipping for an order.
An offers availability can be controlled by several settings which can be used in isolation or combination:
Date range - a date can be set, outside of which the offer is unavailable.
Max global applications - the number of times and offer can be used can be capped. Note that an offer can be
used multiple times within the same order so this isnt the same as limiting the number of orders that can use an
Max user applications - the number of times a particular user can use an offer. This makes most sense to use
in sites that dont allow anonymous checkout as it could be circumvented by submitting multiple anonymous
Max basket applications - the number of times an offer can be used for a single basket/order.
Max discount - the maximum amount of discount an offer can give across all orders. For instance, you might
have a marketing budget of 10000 and so you could set the max discount to this value to ensure that once
10000 worth of benet had been awarded, the offer would no longer be available. Note that the total discount
would exceed 10000 as it would have to cross this threshold to disable the offer.
46 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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There are 3 built-in condition types that can be created via the dashboard. Each needs to be linked with a range object,
which is subset of the product catalogue. Ranges are created independently in the dashboard.
Count-based - ie a customer must buy X products from the condition range
Coverge-based - ie a customer must buy X DISTINCT products from the condition range. This can be used to
create bundle offers.
Value-based - ie a customer must spend X on products from the condition range
It is also possible to create custom conditions in Python and register these so they are available to be selected within
the dashboard. For instance, you could create a condition that species that the user must have been registered for over
a year to qualify for the offer.
Under the hood, conditions are dened by 3 attributes: a range, a type and a value.
There are several types of built-in benet, which fall into one of two categories: benets that give a basket discount,
and those that give a shipping discount.
Basket benets:
Fixed discount - ie get 5 off DVDs
Percentage discount - ie get 25% off books
Fixed price - ie get any DVD for 8
Multibuy - ie get the cheapest product that meets the condition for free
Shipping benets (these largely mirror the basket benets):
Fixed discount - ie 5 off shipping
Percentage discount - ie get 25% off shipping
Fixed price - ie get shipping for 8
Like conditions, it is possible to create a custom benet. An example might be to allow customers to earn extra
credits/points when they qualify for some offer. For example, spend 100 on perfume, get 500 credits (note credits
dont exist in core Oscar but can be implemented using the accounts plugin).
Under the hood, benets are modelled by 4 attributes: a range, a type, a value and a setting for the maxinum number
of basket items that can be affected by a benet. This last settings is useful for limiting the scope of an offer. For
instance, you can create a benet that gives 40% off ONE products from a given range by setting the max affected
items to 1. Without this setting, the benet would give 40% off ALL products from the range.
Benets are slightly tricky in that some types dont require a range and ignore the value of the max items setting.
Heres some example offers:
3 for 2 on books
1. Create a range for all books.
2. Use a count-based condition that links to this range with a value of 3.
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3. Use a multibuy benet with no value or range (multibuy benets use the range of the condition and so
dont need their own)
Spend 20 on DVDs, get 25% off
1. Create a range for all DVDs.
2. Use a value-based condition that links to this range with a value of 20.
3. Use a percentage discount benet that links to this range and has a value of 25.
Buy 2 Lonely Planet books, get 5 off a Lonely Planet DVD
1. Create a range for Lonely Planet books and another for Lonely Planet DVDs
2. Use a count-based condition linking to the book range with a value of 2
3. Use a xed discount benet that links to the DVD range and has a value of 5.
More to come...
Please note that models in this app are not abstract.
class oscar.apps.offer.models.AbsoluteDiscountBenefit(*args, **kwargs)
An offer benet that gives an absolute discount
class oscar.apps.offer.models.BasketDiscount(amount)
For when an offer application leads to a simple discount off the baskets total
class oscar.apps.offer.models.Benefit(*args, **kwargs)
Benet(id, range_id, type, value, max_affected_items, proxy_class)
Determines whether the benet can be applied to a given basket line
get_applicable_lines(offer, basket, range=None)
Return the basket lines that are available to be discounted
Basket The basket
Range The range of products to use for ltering. The xed-price benet ignores its range and
uses the condition range
Apply rounding to discount amount
class oscar.apps.offer.models.Condition(*args, **kwargs)
Condition(id, range_id, type, value, proxy_class)
Determines whether the condition can be applied to a given basket line
A (optionally HTML) description of the condition.
get_applicable_lines(offer, basket, most_expensive_rst=True)
Return line data for the lines that can be consumed by this condition
is_partially_satisfied(offer, basket)
Determine if the basket partially meets the condition. This is useful for up-selling messages to entice
customers to buy something more in order to qualify for an offer.
48 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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is_satisfied(offer, basket)
Determines whether a given basket meets this condition. This is stubbed in this top-class object. The
subclassing proxies are responsible for implementing it correctly.
A plaintext description of the condition.
This is used in the dropdowns within the offer dashboard.
Return the proxy model
class oscar.apps.offer.models.ConditionalOffer(*args, **kwargs)
A conditional offer (eg buy 1, get 10% off)
Applies the benet to the given basket and returns the discount.
Applies any deferred benets. These are things like adding loyalty points to somones account.
Return a description of when this offer is available
Return the number of times this offer can be applied to a basket for a given user.
is_available(user=None, test_date=None)
Test whether this offer is available to be used
Return a queryset of products in this offer
class oscar.apps.offer.models.CountCondition(*args, **kwargs)
An offer condition dependent on the NUMBER of matching items from the basket.
consume_items(offer, basket, affected_lines)
Marks items within the basket lines as consumed so they cant be reused in other offers.
Basket The basket
Affected_lines The lines that have been affected by the discount. This should be list of tuples
(line, discount, qty)
is_satisfied(offer, basket)
Determines whether a given basket meets this condition
class oscar.apps.offer.models.CoverageCondition(*args, **kwargs)
An offer condition dependent on the number of DISTINCT matching items from the basket.
consume_items(offer, basket, affected_lines)
Marks items within the basket lines as consumed so they cant be reused in other offers.
is_satisfied(offer, basket)
Determines whether a given basket meets this condition
class oscar.apps.offer.models.FixedPriceBenefit(*args, **kwargs)
An offer benet that gives the items in the condition for a xed price. This is useful for bundle offers.
Note that we ignore the benet range here and only give a xed price for the products in the condition range.
The condition cannot be a value condition.
We also ignore the max_affected_items setting.
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class oscar.apps.offer.models.MultibuyDiscountBenefit(*args, **kwargs)
MultibuyDiscountBenet(id, range_id, type, value, max_affected_items, proxy_class)
class oscar.apps.offer.models.PercentageDiscountBenefit(*args, **kwargs)
An offer benet that gives a percentage discount
class oscar.apps.offer.models.PostOrderAction(description)
For when an offer condition is met but the benet is deferred until after the order has been placed. Eg buy 2
books and get 100 loyalty points.
class oscar.apps.offer.models.Range(*args, **kwargs)
Represents a range of products that can be used within an offer
add_product(product, display_order=None)
Add product to the range
When adding product that is already in the range, prevent re-adding it. If display_order is specied, update
Standard display_order for a new product in the range (0) puts the product at the top of the list.
display_order needs to be tested for None because
>>> display_order = 0
>>> not display_order
>>> display_order is None
Check whether the passed product is part of this range
Check whether the passed product is part of this range
Test whether this product can be edited in the dashboard
Remove product from range
class oscar.apps.offer.models.RangeProduct(*args, **kwargs)
Allow ordering products inside ranges
class oscar.apps.offer.models.ShippingAbsoluteDiscountBenefit(*args, **kwargs)
ShippingAbsoluteDiscountBenet(id, range_id, type, value, max_affected_items, proxy_class)
class oscar.apps.offer.models.ShippingBenefit(*args, **kwargs)
ShippingBenet(id, range_id, type, value, max_affected_items, proxy_class)
class oscar.apps.offer.models.ShippingDiscount
For when an offer application leads to a discount from the shipping cost
class oscar.apps.offer.models.ShippingFixedPriceBenefit(*args, **kwargs)
ShippingFixedPriceBenet(id, range_id, type, value, max_affected_items, proxy_class)
class oscar.apps.offer.models.ShippingPercentageDiscountBenefit(*args, **kwargs)
ShippingPercentageDiscountBenet(id, range_id, type, value, max_affected_items, proxy_class)
class oscar.apps.offer.models.ValueCondition(*args, **kwargs)
An offer condition dependent on the VALUE of matching items from the basket.
consume_items(offer, basket, affected_lines)
Marks items within the basket lines as consumed so they cant be reused in other offers.
50 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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We allow lines to be passed in as sometimes we want them sorted in a specic order.
is_satisfied(offer, basket)
Determine whether a given basket meets this condition
oscar.apps.offer.models.apply_discount(line, discount, quantity)
Apply a given discount to the passed basket
oscar.apps.offer.models.unit_price(offer, line)
Return the relevant price for a given basket line.
This is required so offers can apply in circumstances where tax isnt known
The order app handles processing of orders.
Abstract models
class oscar.apps.order.abstract_models.AbstractCommunicationEvent(*args,
An order-level event involving a communication to the customer, such as an conrmation email being sent.
class oscar.apps.order.abstract_models.AbstractLine(*args, **kwargs)
An order line
classmethod all_statuses()
Return all possible statuses for an order line
Return all possible statuses that this order line can move to
Used by Google analytics tracking
Returns a description of this line including details of any line attributes.
has_shipping_event_occurred(event_type, quantity=None)
Test whether this line has passed a given shipping event
is_available_to_reorder(basket, strategy)
Test if this line can be re-ordered using the passed strategy and basket
is_payment_event_permitted(event_type, quantity)
Test whether a payment event with the given quantity is permitted
is_shipping_event_permitted(event_type, quantity)
Test whether a shipping event with the given quantity is permitted
This method should normally be overriden to ensure that the prerequisite shipping events have been passed
for this line.
Return the quantity of this line that has been involved in a payment event of the passed type.
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pipeline = {}
Order status pipeline. This should be a dict where each (key, value) corresponds to a status and the possible
statuses that can follow that one.
Set a new status for this line
If the requested status is not valid, then InvalidLineStatus is raised.
Returns a dict of shipping events that this line has been through
Return the quantity of this line that has been involved in a shipping event of the passed type.
Returns a string summary of the shipping status of this line
class oscar.apps.order.abstract_models.AbstractLineAttribute(*args, **kwargs)
An attribute of a line
class oscar.apps.order.abstract_models.AbstractLinePrice(*args, **kwargs)
For tracking the prices paid for each unit within a line.
This is necessary as offers can lead to units within a line having different prices. For example, one product may
be sold at 50% off as its part of an offer while the remainder are full price.
class oscar.apps.order.abstract_models.AbstractOrder(*args, **kwargs)
The main order model
classmethod all_statuses()
Return all possible statuses for an order
Return all possible statuses that this order can move to
Return basket total excluding tax but before discounts are applied
Return basket total including tax but before discounts are applied
Return basket total excluding tax
Return basket total including tax
cascade = {Cancelled: Cancelled, Complete: Shipped, Being processed: Being processed}
Order status cascade pipeline. This should be a dict where each (key, value) pair corresponds to an order
status and the corresponding line status that needs to be set when the order is set to the new status
Returns the number of items in this order.
pipeline = {Cancelled: (), Being processed: (Complete, Cancelled), Pending: (Being processed, Cancelled), Complete: ()}
Order status pipeline. This should be a dict where each (key, value) #: corresponds to a status and a list of
possible statuses that can follow that one.
Set a new status for this order.
If the requested status is not valid, then InvalidOrderStatus is raised.
52 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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The amount of discount this order received
class oscar.apps.order.abstract_models.AbstractOrderDiscount(*args, **kwargs)
A discount against an order.
Normally only used for display purposes so an order can be listed with discounts displayed separately even
though in reality, the discounts are applied at the line level.
This has evolved to be a slightly misleading class name as this really track benet applications which arent
necessarily discounts.
class oscar.apps.order.abstract_models.AbstractOrderNote(*args, **kwargs)
A note against an order.
This are often used for audit purposes too. IE, whenever an admin makes a change to an order, we create a note
to record what happened.
class oscar.apps.order.abstract_models.AbstractPaymentEvent(*args, **kwargs)
A payment event for an order
For example:
All lines have been paid for
2 lines have been refunded
class oscar.apps.order.abstract_models.AbstractPaymentEventType(*args, **kwargs)
Payment event types are things like Paid, Failed, Refunded.
These are effectively the transaction types.
class oscar.apps.order.abstract_models.AbstractShippingEvent(*args, **kwargs)
An event is something which happens to a group of lines such as 1 item being dispatched.
class oscar.apps.order.abstract_models.AbstractShippingEventType(*args,
A type of shipping/fulllment event
Eg: Shipped, Cancelled, Returned
class oscar.apps.order.abstract_models.PaymentEventQuantity(*args, **kwargs)
A through model linking lines to payment events
class oscar.apps.order.abstract_models.ShippingEventQuantity(*args, **kwargs)
A through model linking lines to shipping events.
This exists to track the quantity of a line that is involved in a particular shipping event.
Order processing
class oscar.apps.order.processing.EventHandler(user=None)
Handle requested order events.
This is an important class: it houses the core logic of your shops order processing pipeline.
are_stock_allocations_available(lines, line_quantities)
Check whether stock records still have enough stock to honour the requested allocations.
calculate_payment_event_subtotal(event_type, lines, line_quantities)
Calculate the total charge for the passed event type, lines and line quantities.
This takes into account the previous prices that have been charged for this event.
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Note that shipping is not including in this subtotal. You need to subclass and extend this method if you
want to include shipping costs.
cancel_stock_allocations(order, lines, line_quantities)
Cancel the stock allocations for the passed lines
consume_stock_allocations(order, lines, line_quantities)
Consume the stock allocations for the passed lines
handle_order_status_change(order, new_status, note_msg=None)
Handle a requested order status change
This method is not normally called directly by client code. The main use-case is when an order is cancelled,
which in some ways could be viewed as a shipping event affecting all lines.
handle_payment_event(order, event_type, amount, lines=None, line_quantities=None, **kwargs)
Handle a payment event for a given order.
These should normally be called as part of handling a shipping event. It is rare to call to this method
directly. It does make sense for refunds though where the payment event may be unrelated to a particular
shipping event and doesnt directly correspond to a set of lines.
handle_shipping_event(order, event_type, lines, line_quantities, **kwargs)
Handle a shipping event for a given order.
This is most common entry point to this class - most of your order processing should be modelled around
shipping events. Shipping events can be used to trigger payment and communication events.
You will generally want to override this method to implement the specics of you order processing
have_lines_passed_shipping_event(order, lines, line_quantities, event_type)
Test whether the passed lines and quantities have been through the specied shipping event.
This is useful for validating if certain shipping events are allowed (ie you cant return something before it
has shipped).
validate_shipping_event(order, event_type, lines, line_quantities, **kwargs)
Test if the requested shipping event is permitted.
If not, raise InvalidShippingEvent
class oscar.apps.order.utils.OrderCreator
Places the order by writing out the various models
create_additional_line_models(order, order_line, basket_line)
Empty method designed to be overridden.
Some applications require additional information about lines, this method provides a clean place to create
additional models that relate to a given line.
create_discount_model(order, discount)
Create an order discount model for each offer application attached to the basket.
create_line_attributes(order, order_line, basket_line)
Creates the batch line attributes.
create_line_models(order, basket_line, extra_line_elds=None)
Create the batch line model.
You can set extra elds by passing a dictionary as the extra_line_elds value
54 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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create_line_price_models(order, order_line, basket_line)
Creates the batch line price models
create_order_model(user, basket, shipping_address, shipping_method, shipping_charge,
billing_address, total, order_number, status, **extra_order_elds)
Create an order model.
place_order(basket, total, shipping_method, shipping_charge, user=None, shipping_address=None,
billing_address=None, order_number=None, status=None, **kwargs)
Placing an order involves creating all the relevant models based on the basket and session data.
record_voucher_usage(order, voucher, user)
Updates the models that care about this voucher.
Update any relevant stock records for this order line
class oscar.apps.order.utils.OrderNumberGenerator
Simple object for generating order numbers.
We need this as the order number is often required for payment which takes place before the order model has
been created.
Return an order number for a given basket
The partner app mostly provides three abstract models. oscar.apps.partner.abstract_models.AbstractPartner
and oscar.apps.partner.abstract_models.AbstractStockRecord are essential parts of Oscars
catalogue management.
Abstract models
class oscar.apps.partner.abstract_models.AbstractPartner(*args, **kwargs)
A fulllment partner. An individual or company who can full products. E.g. for physical goods, somebody
with a warehouse and means of delivery.
Creating one or more instances of the Partner model is a required step in setting up an Oscar deployment. Many
Oscar deployments will only have one fulllment partner.
Stock might be coming from different warehouses. Overriding this function allows selecting the correct
PartnerAddress for the record. That can be useful when determining tax.
Returns a partners primary address. Usually that will be the headquarters or similar.
This is a rudimentary implementation that raises an error if theres more than one address. If you actually
want to support multiple addresses, you will likely need to extend PartnerAddress to have some eld or
ag to base your decision on.
A partner can have users assigned to it. This is used for access modelling in the permission-based dash-
class oscar.apps.partner.abstract_models.AbstractStockAlert(*args, **kwargs)
A stock alert. E.g. used to notify users when a product is back in stock.
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class oscar.apps.partner.abstract_models.AbstractStockRecord(*args, **kwargs)
A stock record.
This records information about a product from a fullment partner, such as their SKU, the number they have in
stock and price information.
Stockrecords are used by strategies to determine availability and pricing information for the customer.
Record a stock allocation.
This normally happens when a product is bought at checkout. When the product is actually shipped, then
we consume the allocation.
Consume a previous allocation
This is used when an item is shipped. We remove the original allocation and adjust the number in stock
cost_price = None
Cost price is the price charged by the fullment partner. It is not used (by default) in any price calculations
but is often used in reporting so merchants can report on their prot margin.
Test if a proposed stock consumption is permitted
low_stock_threshold = None
Threshold for low-stock alerts. When stock goes beneath this threshold, an alert is triggered so warehouse
managers can order more.
The effective number in stock (eg available to buy).
This is correct property to show the customer, not the num_in_stock eld as that doesnt account for
allocations. This can be negative in some unusual circumstances
num_allocated = None
The amount of stock allocated to orders but not fed back to the master stock system. A typical stock update
process will set the num_in_stock variable to a new value and reset num_allocated to zero
num_in_stock = None
Number of items in stock
partner_sku = None
The fullment partner will often have their own SKU for a product, which we store here. This will
sometimes be the same the products UPC but not always. It should be unique per partner. See also
price_retail = None
Retail price for this item. This is simply the recommended price from the manufacturer. If this is used, it
is for display purposes only. This prices is the NOT the price charged to the customer.
Strategy classes
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.Base(request=None)
The base strategy class
Given a product, strategies are responsible for returning a PurchaseInfo instance which contains:
The appropriate stockrecord for this customer
56 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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A pricing policy instance
An availability policy instance
Given a group product, fetch a StockInfo instance
fetch_for_line(line, stockrecord=None)
Given a basket line instance, fetch a PurchaseInfo instance.
This method is provided to allow purchase info to be determined using a basket lines attributes. For
instance, bundle products often use basket line attributes to store SKUs of contained products. For such
products, we need to look at the availability of each contained product to determine overall availability.
fetch_for_product(product, stockrecord=None)
Given a product, return a PurchaseInfo instance.
The PurchaseInfo class is a named tuple with attributes:
price: a pricing policy object.
availability: an availability policy object.
stockrecord: the stockrecord that is being used
If a stockrecord is passed, return the appropriate PurchaseInfo instance for that product and stock-
record is returned.
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.Default(request=None)
Default stock/price strategy that uses the rst found stockrecord for a product, ensures that stock is available
(unless the product class indicates that we dont need to track stock) and charges zero tax.
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.DeferredTax
Pricing policy mixin for use with the Structured base strategy. This mixin does not specify the product tax
and is suitable to territories where tax isnt known until late in the checkout process.
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.FixedRateTax
Pricing policy mixin for use with the Structured base strategy. This mixin applies a xed rate tax to the
base price from the products stockrecord. The price_incl_tax is quantized to two decimal places. Rounding
behaviour is Decimals default
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.NoTax
Pricing policy mixin for use with the Structured base strategy. This mixin species zero tax and uses the
price_excl_tax from the stockrecord.
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.PurchaseInfo
PurchaseInfo(price, availability, stockrecord)
Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.
Exclude the OrderedDict from pickling
Return a nicely formatted representation string
Alias for eld number 1
Alias for eld number 0
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Alias for eld number 2
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.Selector
Responsible for returning the appropriate strategy class for a given user/session.
This can be called in three ways:
1.Passing a request and user. This is for determining prices/availability for a normal user browsing the site.
2.Passing just the user. This is for ofine processes that dont have a request instance but do know which
user to determine prices for.
3.Passing nothing. This is for ofine processes that dont correspond to a specic user. Eg, determining a
price to store in a search index.
strategy(request=None, user=None, **kwargs)
Return an instanticated strategy instance
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.StockRequired
Availability policy mixin for use with the Structured base strategy. This mixin ensures that a product can
only be bought if it has stock available (if stock is being tracked).
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.Structured(request=None)
A strategy class which provides separate, overridable methods for determining the 3 things that a
PurchaseInfo instance requires:
1.A stockrecord
2.A pricing policy
3.An availability policy
availability_policy(product, stockrecord)
Return the appropriate availability policy
fetch_for_product(product, stockrecord=None)
Return the appropriate PurchaseInfo instance.
This method is not intended to be overridden.
pricing_policy(product, stockrecord)
Return the appropriate pricing policy
Select the appropriate stockrecord
Select appropriate stock record for all variants of a product
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.UK(request=None)
Sample strategy for the UK that:
uses the rst stockrecord for each product (effectively assuming there is only one).
requires that a product has stock available to be bought
applies a xed rate of tax on all products
This is just a sample strategy used for internal development. It is not recommended to be used in production,
especially as the tax rate is hard-coded.
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.US(request=None)
Sample strategy for the US.
uses the rst stockrecord for each product (effectively assuming there is only one).
58 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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requires that a product has stock available to be bought
doesnt apply a tax to product prices (normally this will be done after the shipping address is entered).
This is just a sample one used for internal development. It is not recommended to be used in production.
class oscar.apps.partner.strategy.UseFirstStockRecord
Stockrecord selection mixin for use with the Structured base strategy. This mixin picks the rst (normally
only) stockrecord to full a product.
This is backwards compatible with Oscar<0.6 where only one stockrecord per product was permitted.
Pricing policies
class oscar.apps.partner.prices.Base
The interface that any pricing policy must support
currency = None
Price currency (3 char code)
excl_tax = None
Price excluding tax
exists = False
Whether any prices exist
incl_tax = None
Price including tax
is_tax_known = False
Whether tax is known
retail = None
Retail price
tax = None
Price tax
class oscar.apps.partner.prices.FixedPrice(currency, excl_tax, tax=None)
This should be used for when the price of a product is known in advance.
It can work for when tax isnt known (like in the US).
Note that this price class uses the tax-exclusive price for offers, even if the tax is known. This may not be what
you want. Use the TaxInclusiveFixedPrice class if you want offers to use tax-inclusive prices.
class oscar.apps.partner.prices.TaxInclusiveFixedPrice(currency, excl_tax, tax)
Specialised version of FixedPrice that must have tax passed. It also species that offers should use the tax-
inclusive price (which is the norm in the UK).
class oscar.apps.partner.prices.Unavailable
This should be used as a pricing policy when a product is unavailable and no prices are known.
Availability policies
class oscar.apps.partner.availability.Available
For when a product is always available, irrespective of stock level.
This might be appropriate for digital products where stock doesnt need to be tracked and the product is always
available to buy.
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class oscar.apps.partner.availability.Base
Base availability policy.
code =
Availability code. This is used for HTML classes
dispatch_date = None
When this item should be dispatched
Test if this product is available to be bought. This is used for validation when a product is added to a users
Test whether a proposed purchase is allowed
Should return a boolean and a reason
message =
A description of the availability of a product. This is shown on the product detail page. Eg In stock,
Out of stock etc
A shorter version of the availability message, suitable for showing on browsing pages.
class oscar.apps.partner.availability.StockRequired(num_available)
Allow a product to be bought while there is stock. This policy is instantiated with a stock number
(num_available). It ensures that the product is only available to buy while there is stock available.
This is suitable for physical products where back orders (eg allowing purchases when there isnt stock available)
are not permitted.
class oscar.apps.partner.availability.Unavailable
Policy for when a product is unavailable
The payment app contains models that capture how orders are paid for. It does not have any views.
Abstract models
class oscar.apps.payment.abstract_models.AbstractBankcard(*args, **kwargs)
Model representing a users bankcard. This is used for two purposes:
1.The bankcard form will return an instance of this model that can be used with payment gateways. In this
scenario, the instance will have additional attributes (start_date, issue_number, ccv) that payment gateways
need but that we dont save.
2.To keep a record of a users bankcards and allow them to be re-used. This is normally done using the
partner reference.
The card number
class oscar.apps.payment.abstract_models.AbstractSource(*args, **kwargs)
A source of payment for an order.
This is normally a credit card which has been pre-authed for the order amount, but some applications will allow
orders to be paid for using multiple sources such as cheque, credit accounts, gift cards. Each payment source
will have its own entry.
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This source object tracks how much money has been authorised, debited and refunded, which is useful when
payment takes place in multiple stages.
allocate(amount, reference=, status=)
Convenience method for ring-fencing money against this source
Return the amount available to be refunded
Return the balance of this source
create_deferred_transaction(txn_type, amount, reference=None, status=None)
Register the data for a transaction that cant be created yet due to FK constraints. This happens at checkout
where create an payment source and a transaction but cant save them until the order model exists.
debit(amount=None, reference=, status=)
Convenience method for recording debits against this source
refund(amount, reference=, status=)
Convenience method for recording refunds against this source
class oscar.apps.payment.abstract_models.AbstractSourceType(*args, **kwargs)
A type of payment source.
This could be an external partner like PayPal or DataCash, or an internal source such as a managed account.
class oscar.apps.payment.abstract_models.AbstractTransaction(*args, **kwargs)
A transaction for a particular payment source.
These are similar to the payment events within the order app but model a slightly different aspect of payment.
Crucially, payment sources and transactions have nothing to do with the lines of the order while payment events
For example: * A pre-auth with a bankcard gateway * A settle with a credit provider (see django-oscar-
Promotions are small blocks of content that can link through to other parts of this site. Examples include:
A banner image shown on at the top of the homepage that links through to a new offer page
A pod image shown in the right-hand sidebar of a page, linking through to newly merchandised page.
A biography of an author (featuring an image and a block of HTML) shown at the top of the search results page
when the search query includes the authors surname.
These are modeled using a base promotion model, which contains image elds, the link destination, and two
linking models which link promotions to either a page URL or a particular keyword.
class oscar.apps.promotions.models.AbstractProductList(*args, **kwargs)
Abstract superclass for promotions which are essentially a list of products.
class oscar.apps.promotions.models.AbstractPromotion(*args, **kwargs)
Abstract base promotion that denes the interface that subclasses must implement.
Returns the template to use to render this promotion.
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class oscar.apps.promotions.models.AutomaticProductList(*args, **kwargs)
AutomaticProductList(id, name, description, link_url, link_text, date_created, method, num_products)
class oscar.apps.promotions.models.HandPickedProductList(*args, **kwargs)
A hand-picked product list is a list of manually selected products.
class oscar.apps.promotions.models.Image(*args, **kwargs)
An image promotion is simply a named image which has an optional link to another part of the site (or another
This can be used to model both banners and pods.
class oscar.apps.promotions.models.KeywordPromotion(*args, **kwargs)
A promotion linked to a specic keyword.
This can be used on a search results page to show promotions linked to a particular keyword.
class oscar.apps.promotions.models.MultiImage(*args, **kwargs)
A multi-image promotion is simply a collection of image promotions that are rendered in a specic way. This
models things like rotating banners.
class oscar.apps.promotions.models.OrderedProduct(*args, **kwargs)
OrderedProduct(id, list_id, product_id, display_order)
class oscar.apps.promotions.models.OrderedProductList(*args, **kwargs)
OrderedProductList(id, name, description, link_url, link_text, date_created, handpickedproductlist_ptr_id,
tabbed_block_id, display_order)
class oscar.apps.promotions.models.PagePromotion(*args, **kwargs)
A promotion embedded on a particular page.
class oscar.apps.promotions.models.RawHTML(*args, **kwargs)
Simple promotion - just raw HTML
class oscar.apps.promotions.models.SingleProduct(*args, **kwargs)
SingleProduct(id, name, product_id, description, date_created)
class oscar.apps.promotions.models.TabbedBlock(*args, **kwargs)
TabbedBlock(id, name, date_created)
class oscar.apps.promotions.views.HomeView(**kwargs)
This is the home page and will typically live at /
class oscar.apps.promotions.views.RecordClickView(**kwargs)
Simple RedirectView that helps recording clicks made on promotions
Oscar provides a search view that extends Haystacks FacetedSearchView to provide better support for faceting.
Facets are congured using the OSCAR_SEARCH_FACETS setting, which is used to congure the
SearchQuerySet instance within the search application class.
A simple search form is injected into each template context using a context processor
62 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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class oscar.apps.search.views.FacetedSearchView(*args, **kwargs)
A modied version of Haystacks FacetedSearchView
Note that facets are congured when the SearchQuerySet is initialised. This takes place in the search
application class.
See http://django-haystack.readthedocs.org/en/v2.1.0/views_and_forms.html#facetedsearchform # noqa
class oscar.apps.search.forms.SearchForm(*args, **kwargs)
In Haystack, the search form is used for interpretting and sub-ltering the SQS.
class oscar.apps.search.forms.SearchInput(attrs=None)
Dening a search type widget
This is an HTML5 thing and works nicely with Safari, other browsers default back to using the default text
oscar.apps.search.facets.facet_data(request, form, results)
Convert Haystacks facet data into a more useful datastructure that templates can use without having to manually
construct URLs
See How to congure shipping for details on how shipping works in Oscar.
class oscar.apps.shipping.methods.Base
Shipping method interface class
This is the superclass to the classes in methods.py, and a de-facto superclass to the classes in models.py. This
allows using all shipping methods interchangeably (aka polymorphism).
The interface is all properties.
Return the shipping charge for the given basket
code = __default__
Used to store this method in the session. Each shipping method should
description =
A more detailed description of the shipping method shown to the customer
Return the discount on the standard shipping charge
is_discounted = False
Whether the charge includes a discount
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name = Default shipping
The name of the shipping method, shown to the customer during checkout
class oscar.apps.shipping.methods.NoShippingRequired
This is a special shipping method that indicates that no shipping is actually required (eg for digital goods).
class oscar.apps.shipping.methods.OfferDiscount(method, offer)
Wrapper class that applies a discount to an existing shipping methods charges
class oscar.apps.shipping.models.OrderAndItemCharges(*args, **kwargs)
OrderAndItemCharges(id, code, name, description, price_per_order, price_per_item, free_shipping_threshold)
class oscar.apps.shipping.models.WeightBand(*args, **kwargs)
WeightBand(id, method_id, upper_limit, charge)
class oscar.apps.shipping.models.WeightBased(*args, **kwargs)
WeightBased(id, code, name, description, default_weight)
class oscar.apps.shipping.repository.Repository
Repository class responsible for returning ShippingMethod objects for a given user, basket etc
apply_shipping_offer(basket, method, offer)
Wrap a shipping method with an offer discount wrapper (as long as the shipping charge is non-zero).
apply_shipping_offers(basket, methods)
Apply shipping offers to the passed set of methods
get_available_shipping_methods(basket, shipping_addr=None, **kwargs)
Return a list of all applicable shipping method instances for a given basket, address etc. This method is
intended to be overridden.
get_default_shipping_method(basket, shipping_addr=None, **kwargs)
Return a default shipping method to show on the basket page to give the customer an indication of what
their order will cost.
get_shipping_methods(basket, shipping_addr=None, **kwargs)
Return a list of all applicable shipping method instances for a given basket, address etc.
Oscar ships with broad support for vouchers, which are handled by this app.
Abstract models
class oscar.apps.voucher.abstract_models.AbstractVoucher(*args, **kwargs)
A voucher. This is simply a link to a collection of offers.
Note that there are three possible usage models: (a) Single use (b) Multi-use (c) Once per customer
Test whether this voucher is currently active.
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Test whether this voucher is available to the passed user.
Returns a tuple of a boolean for whether it is successulf, and a message
Record a discount that this offer has given
record_usage(order, user)
Records a usage of this voucher in an order.
class oscar.apps.voucher.abstract_models.AbstractVoucherApplication(*args,
For tracking how often a voucher has been used
The wishlists app allows signed-in users to create one or more wishlists. A user can add a product to their wishlist
from the product detail page and manage their lists in the account section.
The wishlists app is wired up as a subapp of Customer.
Note: Please note that currently only private wishlists are supported. The hooks and elds for public (as in general
public) and shared (as in access via an obfuscated link) are there, but the UI hasnt been designed yet.
Abstract models
class oscar.apps.wishlists.abstract_models.AbstractLine(*args, **kwargs)
One entry in a wish list. Similar to order lines or basket lines.
title = None
Store the title in case product gets deleted
class oscar.apps.wishlists.abstract_models.AbstractWishList(*args, **kwargs)
Represents a users wish lists of products.
A user can have multiple wish lists, move products between them, etc.
Add a product to this wishlist
key = None
This key acts as primary key and is used instead of an int to make it harder to guess
classmethod random_key(length=6)
Get a unique random generated key based on SHA-1 and owner
class oscar.apps.customer.wishlists.views.LineMixin
Handles fetching both a wish list and a product Views using this mixin must be passed two keyword arguments:
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key: The key of a wish list
line_pk: The primary key of the wish list line
product_pk: The primary key of the product
class oscar.apps.customer.wishlists.views.WishListAddProduct(**kwargs)
Adds a product to a wish list.
If the user doesnt already have a wishlist then it will be created for them.
If the product is already in the wish list, its quantity is increased.
class oscar.apps.customer.wishlists.views.WishListCreateView(**kwargs)
Create a new wishlist
If a product ID is assed as a kwargs, then this product will be added to the wishlist.
alias of WishList
class oscar.apps.customer.wishlists.views.WishListCreateWithProductView(**kwargs)
Create a wish list and immediately add a product to it
class oscar.apps.customer.wishlists.views.WishListDetailView(**kwargs)
This view acts as a DetailView for a wish list and allows updating the quantities of products.
It is implemented as FormView because its easier to adapt a FormView to display a product then adapt a
DetailView to handle form validation.
1.2.9 Recipes
Recipes are simple guides to solving common problems that occur when creating e-commerce projects.
How to customise models
This How-to describes how to replace Oscar models with your own. This allows you to add elds and custom methods.
It builds upon the steps described in Customising Oscar. Please read it rst and ensure that youve:
Created a Python module with the the same app label
Added it as Django app to INSTALLED_APPS
Added a models.py and admin.py
Example Suppose you want to add a video_url eld to the core product model. This means that you want your
application to use a subclass of oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.AbstractProduct which
has an additional eld.
The rst step is to create a local version of the catalogue app. At a minimum, this involves creating
catalogue/models.py within your project and changing INSTALLED_APPS to point to your local version
rather than Oscars.
Next, you can modify the Product model through subclassing:
66 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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# yourproject/catalogue/models.py
from django.db import models
from oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models import AbstractProduct
class Product(AbstractProduct):
video_url = models.URLField()
from oscar.apps.catalogue.models import
Make sure to import the remaining Oscar models at the bottom of your le.
Tip: Using from ... import
is strange isnt it? Yes it is, but it needs to be done at the bottom of the module
due to the way Django registers models. The order that model classes are imported makes a difference, with only the
rst one for a given class name being registered.
The last thing you need to do now is make Django update the database schema and create a new column in the product
table. We recommend using South migrations for this (internally Oscar already does this) so all you need to do is
create a new schema migration.
It is possible to simply create a new catalogue migration (using ./manage.py schemamigration
catalogue --auto) but this isnt recommended as any dependencies between migrations will need to be applied
manually (by adding a depends_on attribute to the migration class).
The recommended way to handle migrations is to copy the migrations directory from
oscar/apps/catalogue into your new catalogue app. Then you can create a new (additional) schemami-
gration using the schemamigration management command:
./manage.py schemamigration catalogue --auto
which will pick up any customisations to the product model.
To apply the migration you just created, all you have to do is run ./manage.py migrate catalogue and the
new column is added to the product table in the database.
Customising Products You should inherit from AbstractProduct as above to alter behaviour for all your
products. Further subclassing is not recommended, because using methods and attributes of concrete subclasses
of Product are not available unless explicitly casted to that class. To model different classes of products, use
ProductClass and ProductAttribute instead.
Model customisations are not picked up Its a common problem that youre trying to customise one of Oscars
models, but your new elds dont seem to get picked up. That is usually caused by Oscars models being imported
before your customised ones. Djangos model registration disregards all further model declarations.
In your overriding models.py, ensure that you import Oscars models after your custom ones have been dened. If
that doesnt help, you have an import fromoscar.apps.
.models somewhere that is being executed before your
models are parsed. One trick for nding that import: put assert False in the relevant Oscars models.py, and the
stack trace will show you the importing module.
If other modules need to import your models, then import from your local module, not from Oscar directly.
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How to customise templates
Assuming you want to use Oscars templates in your project, there are two options. You dont have to though - you
could write all your own templates if you like. If you do this, its probably best to start with a straight copy of all of
Oscars templates so you know all the les that you need to re-implement.
Anyway - here are the two options for customising.
Method 1 - Forking One option is always just to fork the template into your local project so that it comes rst in
the include path.
Say you want to customise base.html. First you need a project-specic templates directory that comes rst in the
include path. You can set this up as so:
import os
location = lambda x: os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), .., x)
Next copy Oscars base.html into your templates directory and customise it to suit your needs.
The downsides of this method are that it involves duplicating the le from Oscar in a way that breaks the link with
upstream. Hence, changes to Oscars base.html wont be picked up by your project as you will have your own
Method 2 - Subclass parent but use same template path There is a trick you can perform whereby Oscars tem-
plates can be accessed via two paths. This is outlined in the Django wiki.
This basically means you can have a base.html in your local templates folder that extends Oscars base.html
but only customises the blocks that it needs to.
Oscar provides a helper variable to make this easy. First, set up your template conguration as so:
import os
location = lambda x: os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), .., x)
from oscar import OSCAR_MAIN_TEMPLATE_DIR
The OSCAR_MAIN_TEMPLATE_DIR points to the directory above Oscars normal templates
directory. This means that path/to/oscar/template.html can also be reached via
Hence to customise base.html, you can have an implementation like:
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# base.html
{% extends oscar/base.html %}
No real downsides to this one other than getting your front-end people to understand it.
Overriding individual products partials Apart from overriding catalogue/partials/product.html
to change the looks for all products, you can also override it for individual prod-
ucts by placing templates in catalogue/partials/product/upc-%s.html or
catalogue/partials/product/class-%s.html, where %s is the products UPC or classs slug,
Example: Changing the analytics package Suppose you want to use an alternative analytics package to Google
analytics. We can achieve this by overriding templates where the analytics urchin is loaded and called.
The main template base.html has a tracking block which includes a Google Analytics partial. We want to replace
this with our own code. To do this, create a new base.html in your project that subclasses the original:
# yourproject/templates/base.html
{% extends oscar/base.html %}
{% block tracking %}
<script type="javascript">
... [custom analytics here] ...
{% endblock %}
Doing this will mean all templates that inherit from base.html will include your custom tracking.
How to disable an apps URLs
Suppose you dont want to use Oscars dashboard but use your own. The way to do this is to modify the URLs cong
to exclude the URLs from the app in question.
You need to use your own root application instance which gives you control over the URLs structure. So your root
urls.py should have:
# urls.py
from myproject.app import application
urlpatterns = [
url(r, include(application.urls)),
where application is a subclass of oscar.app.Shop which overrides the link to the dashboard app:
# myproject/app.py
from oscar.app import Shop
from oscar.core.application import Application
class MyShop(Shop):
# Override the core dashboard_app instance to use a blank application
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# instance. This means no dashboard URLs are included.
dashboard_app = Application()
The only remaining task is to ensure your templates dont reference any dashboard URLs.
How to add views or change URLs or permissions
Oscar has many views and associated URLs. Often you want to customise these URLs for your domain, or add
additional views to an app.
This How-to describes how to do just that. It builds upon the steps described in Customising Oscar. Please read it rst
and ensure that youve:
Created a Python module with the the same label
Added it as Django app to INSTALLED_APPS
Added a models.py and admin.py
The application class Each Oscar app comes with an application instance which inherits from
oscar.core.application.Application. Theyre mainly used to gather URLs (with the correct per-
missions) for each Oscar app. This structure makes Oscar apps more modular as each app is responsible for its own
URLs. And as it is a class, it can be overridden as any other Oscar class; hence making it straightforward to change
URLs or add new views. Each app instance exposes a urls property, which is used to access the list of URLs of an
The application tree Oscars app instances are organised in a tree structure. The root application illustrates this
# oscar/app.py
class Shop(Application):
name = None
catalogue_app = get_class(catalogue.app, application)
basket_app = get_class(basket.app, application)
def get_urls(self):
urls = [
url(r^catalogue/, include(self.catalogue_app.urls)),
url(r^basket/, include(self.basket_app.urls)),
The root app pulls in the URLs from its children. That means to add all Oscar URLs to your Django project, you only
need to include the urls property from the root app:
# urls.py
from oscar.app import application
urlpatterns = [
... # Your other URLs
url(r, include(application.urls)),
70 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Changing sub app Sub-apps such as the catalogue app are loaded dynamically, just as most other classes in
# oscar/app.py
class Shop(Application):
name = None
catalogue_app = get_class(catalogue.app, application)
customer_app = get_class(customer.app, application)
That means you just need to create another application instance. It will usually inherit from Oscars ver-
sion. Say youd want to add another view to the promotions app. You only need to create a class called
PromotionsApplication (and usually inherit from Oscars version) and add your view:
# yourproject/promotions/app.py
from oscar.apps.promotions.app import PromotionsApplication as CorePromotionsApplication
from .views import MyExtraView
class PromotionsApplication(CorePromotionsApplication):
extra_view = MyExtraView
application = PromotionsApplication()
Changing the root app If you want to e.g. change the URL for the catalogue app from /catalogue to
/catalog, you need to use a custom root app instance instead of Oscars default instance. Hence, create a sub-
class of Oscars main Application class and override the get_urls method:
# myproject/app.py
from oscar import app
class MyShop(app.Shop):
# Override get_urls method
def get_urls(self):
urlpatterns = [
url(r^catalog/, include(self.catalogue_app.urls)),
... # all the remaining URLs, removed for simplicity
return urlpatterns
application = MyShop()
As the root app is hardcoded in your projects urls.py, you need to modify it to use your new application instance
instead of Oscars default:
# urls.py
from myproject.app import application
urlpatterns = [
... # Your other URLs
url(r, include(application.urls)),
All URLs containing catalogue previously are now displayed as catalog.
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How to customise an existing view
Oscar has many views. This How-to describes how to customise one of them for your project. It builds upon the steps
described in Customising Oscar. Please read it rst and ensure that youve:
Created a Python module with the the same label
Added it as Django app to INSTALLED_APPS
Added a models.py and admin.py
Example Create a new homepage view class in myproject.promotions.views - you can subclass Oscars
view if you like:
from oscar.apps.promotions.views import HomeView as CoreHomeView
class HomeView(CoreHomeView):
template_name = promotions/new-homeview.html
In this example, we set a new template location but its possible to customise the view in any imaginable way. As long
as the view has the same name as the view youre replacing, and is in an app with the same name, it will get picked up
automatically by Oscar.
If you want to change the template, create the alternative template new-homeview.html. This could either be in a
project-level templates folder that is added to your TEMPLATE_DIRS settings, or a app-level templates folder
within your promotions app. For now, put something simple in there, such as:
<p>You have successfully overridden the homepage template.</p>
How to congure the dashboard navigation
Oscar comes with a pre-congured dashboard navigation that gives you access to its individual pages. If you have
your own dashboard app that you would like to show up in the dashboard navigation or want to arrange it differently,
thats very easy. All you have to do is override the OSCAR_DASHBOARD_NAVIGATION setting in you settings le.
Add your own dashboard menu item Assuming that you just want to append a new menu item to the dashboard,
all you have to do is open up your settings le and somewhere below the import of the Oscar default settings:
from oscar.defaults import
add your custom dashboard conguration. Lets assume you would like to add a new item Store Manager with a
submenu item Stores. The way you would do that is:
label: _(Store manager),
children: [
label: _(Stores),
url_name: your-reverse-url-lookup-name,
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Thats it. You should now have Store manager > Stores in you dashboard menu.
Add an icon to your dashboard menu Although you have your menu in the dashboard now, it doesnt look as nice
as the other menu items that have icons displayed next to them. So you probably want to add an icon to your heading.
Oscar uses Font Awesome for its icons which makes it very simple to add an icon to your dashboard menu. All you
need to do is nd the right icon for your menu item. Check out the icon list to nd one.
Now that you have decided for an icon to use, all you need to do add the icon class for the icon to your menu heading:
label: _(Store manager),
icon: icon-map-marker,
children: [
label: _(Stores),
url_name: your-reverse-url-lookup-name,
You are not restricted to use Font Awesome icons for you menu heading. Other web fonts will work as well as long as
they support the same markup:
<i class="icon-map-marker"></i>
The class is of the <i> is dened by the icon setting in the conguration of your dashboard navigation above.
Controlling visibility per user By setting access_fn for a node, you can specify a function that will get called
with the current user. The node will only be displayed if that function returns True. If no access_fn is specied,
Customising Oscars communications
Oscar provides the ability to customise the emails sent out to customers.
There are two main ways this can be achieved, either in code (via template les) or in the database (via Dashboard >
Content > Email templates).
Communications API First, its important to understand a little about how the Communications API works.
Oscar has a model called a CommunicationEventType. When preparing an email to send out to a customer, the
client code will do something like this:
commtype_code = SOME_EVENT
context = {customer: customer, something_else: Some more context.}
event_type = CommunicationEventType.objects.get(code=commtype_code)
except CommunicationEventType.DoesNotExist:
messages = CommunicationEventType.objects.get_and_render(commtype_code, ctx)
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messages = event_type.get_messages(ctx)
Whats happening here is:
The code denes an arbitrary communication type code to be treated as the reference for this particular type of
communication. For example, the communication type code used when sending an order email conrmation is
The database is checked for a CommunicationEventType with this communication type code. If it does,
it renders the messages using that model instance, passing in some context.
Otherwise, it uses the get_and_render() method to render the messages, which uses templates instead.
So, your rst step when customising the emails sent out is to work out what communication type code
is being used to send out the email. The easiest way to work this out is usually to look through
the email templates in templates/oscar/customer/emails: if the email template is called, say,
commtype_order_placed_body.html, then the code will be ORDER_PLACED. See Customising through
code below.
Customising through code Customising emails through code uses Djangos standard template inheritance.
The rst step is to locate the template for the particular email, which is usually in tem-
plates/oscar/customer/emails. Then, in a template directory that takes precedence over the
oscar templates directory, copy the le and customise it. For example, to override the
templates/oscar/customer/emails/commtype_order_placed_body.html template, create
the le customer/emails/commtype_order_placed_body.html in your template directory.
Note that usually emails have three template les associated with them: the email subject line
(commtype_CODE_subject.txt), the html version (commtype_CODE_body.html) and the text version
(commtype_CODE_body.txt). Usually you will want to make sure you override BOTH the html and the text ver-
Customising through code will not work if there is a template dened in the database instead (see below).
Customising through the database Oscar provides a dashboard interface to allow admins to customise the emails.
To enable this for a particular communication event type, log in to the admin site and create a new
CommunicationEventType. The code you use is the important thing: it needs to match the communication
event code used when rendering the messages. For example, to override the order conrmation email, you need to
create a CommunicationEventType with a code ORDER_PLACED.
Once you have created the CommunicationEventType, you can edit it using the (much better) dashboard inter-
face at Dashboard > Content > Email templates.
If you have an email template dened in the database it will override any template les.
How to use a custom user model
If you are using Django 1.5 or later, then you can specify a custom user model in your settings. Oscar will dynamically
adjust the prole summary view and prole editing form to use the elds from your custom model.
Before Django 1.5, the recommended technique for adding elds to users was to use a one-to-one prole model
specied in the AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE. As of Django 1.5, this setting is deprecated and will be removed in
74 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Django 1.7. Nevertheless, Oscar continues to support this setting and will add relevant elds to the prole form.
Hence proles can be used in combination with custom user models. That doesnt mean its a good idea.
Restrictions Oscar does have some requirements on what elds a user model has. For instance, the auth backend
requires a user to have an email and password eld.
Oscar 0.6 ships with its own abstract user model that supports the minimum elds and methods required for Oscar to
work correctly. New Oscar projects are encouraged to subclass this User model.
Migrations It has previously been suggested to set db_table of the model to auth_user to avoid the
migrations from breaking. This issue has been xed and migrations are now using AUTH_USER_MODEL
and AUTH_USER_MODEL_NAME which will use db_table name of the user model provided by
This works in the instances where you are using the default auth.User model or when you use a custom user model
from the start. Switching over from auth.User to a custom model after having applied previous migration of Oscar
will most likely require renaming the auth_user table to the new user table in a manual schemamigration.
Example If you want to use oscar.apps.customer.abstract_model.AbstractUser which has
email as an index, and want to customize some of the methods on User model, say, get_full_name for Asian
names, a simple approach is to create your own user module:
# file: your-project/apps/user/models.py
from django.db import models
from oscar.apps.customer.abstract_models import AbstractUser
class User(AbstractUser):
def get_full_name(self):
full_name = %s %s % (self.last_name.upper(), self.first_name)
return full_name.strip()
Then adding this user app to the INSTALLED_APPS list. Beside that we need to tell django to use our customized
user model instead of the default one as the authentication model
# use our own user model
AUTH_USER_MODEL = "user.User"
After the migration, a database table called user_user will be created based on the schema dened inside of
How to create categories
The simplest way is to use a string which represents the breadcrumbs:
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from oscar.apps.catalogue.categories import create_from_breadcrumbs
categories = (
Food > Cheese,
Food > Meat,
Clothes > Man > Jackets,
Clothes > Woman > Skirts,
for breadcrumbs in categories:
Importing a catalogue
Warning: Handling imports works in Oscar, but the code quality of the importers is low as they are only used to
populate the sandbox and demo site, and not meant for general usage. So proceed at your own risk!
Importing a catalogue is pretty straightforward, and can be done in two easy steps:
Reading the catalogue CSV le, line by line, using UnicodeCSVReader.
oscar.core.compat.UnicodeCSVReader is a Unicode compatible wrapper for CSV reader and
writer that abstracts away differences between Python 2 and 3.
Using the info of each line, start by creating a Product object using the standard Django ORM, set the product
attributes, save it, and nally set its ProductCategory, Partner, and StockRecord.
Example Two examples of that are CatalogueImporter and DemoSiteImporter, used to
import catalogues for the sandbox and demo-site, respectively. Both classes are available under
Lets take a closer look at DemoSiteImporter:
class DemoSiteImporter(object):
def __init__(self, logger):
self.logger = logger
def handle(self, product_class_name, filepath):
def create_product(self, product_class, attribute_codes, row): # noqa
The two steps procedure we talked about are obvious in this example, and are implemented in handle and
create_product functions, respectively.
Start by initializing the class with a logger, and call handle with product_class_name and filepath ar-
guments. Theres absolutely no need to hard-code product_class_name and make product-class unied for all
products like this example does, you can make it part of the CSV le content. handle then calls create_product
once for every line, and the latter uses Django ORM to create a couple of objects to represent the product and its prop-
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Pricing, stock and availability
How to enforce stock rules
You can enforce stock validation rules using signals. You just need to register a listener to the BasketLine
pre_save signal that checks the line is valid. For example:
@receiver(pre_save, sender=Line)
def handle_line_save(sender,
if instance in kwargs:
quantity = int(kwargs[instance].quantity)
if quantity > 4:
raise InvalidBasketLineError("You are only allowed to purchase a maximum of 4 of these")
How to congure stock messaging
Stock messaging is controlled by an availability policy which is loaded by the strategy class.
To set custom availability messaging, use your own strategy class to return the appropriate availability policy. Its
possible to return different availability policies depending on the user, request and product in question.
How to integrate payment
Oscar is designed to be very exible around payment. It supports paying for an order with multiple payment sources
and settling these sources at different times.
Models The payment app provides several models to track payments:
SourceType - This is the type of payment source used (eg PayPal, DataCash, BrainTree). As part of setting
up a new Oscar site you would create a SourceType for each of the payment gateways you are using.
Source - A source of payment for a single order. This tracks how an order was paid for. The source object
distinguishes between allocations, debits and refunds to allow for two-phase payment model. When an order is
paid for by multiple methods, you create multiple sources for the order.
Transaction - A transaction against a source. These models provide better audit for all the individual
transactions associated with an order.
Example Consider a simple situation where all orders are paid for by PayPal using their SALE mode where the
money is settled immediately (one-phase payment model). The project would have a PayPal SourceType and, for
each order, create a newSource instance where the amount_debited would be the order total. ATransaction
model with txn_type=Transaction.DEBIT would normally also be created (although this is optional).
This situation is implemented within the sandbox site for the django-oscar-paypal extension. Please use that as a
See also the sandbox for django-oscar-datacash which follows a similar pattern.
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Integration into checkout By default, Oscars checkout does not provide any payment integration as it is domain-
specic. However, the core checkout classes provide methods for communicating with payment gateways and creating
the appropriate payment models.
Payment logic is normally implemented by using a customised version of PaymentDetailsView, where the
handle_payment method is overridden. This method will be given the order number and order total plus any
custom keyword arguments initially passed to submit (as payment_kwargs). If payment is successful, then
nothing needs to be returned. However, Oscar denes a few common exceptions which can occur:
oscar.apps.payment.exceptions.RedirectRequired For payment integrations that require
redirecting the user to a 3rd-party site. This exception class has a url attribute that needs to be set.
oscar.apps.payment.exceptions.UnableToTakePayment For anticipated payment problems
such as invalid bankcard number, not enough funds in account - that kind of thing.
oscar.apps.payment.exceptions.PaymentError For unanticipated payment errors such as the
payment gateway not responding or being badly congured.
When payment has completed, theres a few things to do:
Create the appropriate oscar.apps.payment.models.Source instance and pass it to
add_payment_source. The instance is passed unsaved as it requires a valid order instance to for-
eign key to. Once the order is placed (and an order instance is created), the payment source instances will be
Record a payment event so your application can track which lines have been paid for. The
add_payment_event method assumes all lines are paid for by the passed event type, as this is the nor-
mal situation when placing an order. Note that payment events dont distinguish between different sources.
For example:
from oscar.apps.checkout import views
from oscar.apps.payment import models
# Subclass the core Oscar view so we can customise
class PaymentDetailsView(views.PaymentDetailsView):
def handle_payment(self, order_number, total,
# Talk to payment gateway. If unsuccessful/error, raise a
# PaymentError exception which we allow to percolate up to be caught
# and handled by the core PaymentDetailsView.
reference = gateway.pre_auth(order_number, total.incl_tax, kwargs[bankcard])
# Payment successful! Record payment source
source_type, __ = models.SourceType.objects.get_or_create(
source = models.Source(
# Record payment event
self.add_payment_event(pre-auth, total.incl_tax)
78 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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How to handle US taxes
When trading in the US, taxes arent known until the customers shipping address has been entered. This scenario
requires two changes from core Oscar.
Ensure your site strategy returns prices without taxes applied First, the site strategy should return all prices
without tax when the customer is based in the US. Oscar provides a US strategy class that uses the DeferredTax
mixin to indicate that prices dont include taxes.
See the documentation on strategies for further guidance on how to replace strategies.
Adjust checkout views to apply taxes once they are known Second, the CheckoutSessionMixin should be
overridden within your project to apply taxes to the submission.
from oscar.apps.checkout import session
from . import tax
class CheckoutSessionMixin(session.CheckoutSessionMixin):
def build_submission(self,
submission = super(CheckoutSessionMixin, self).build_submission(
if submission[shipping_address]:
# Recalculate order total to ensure we have a tax-inclusive total
submission[order_total] = self.get_order_totals(
return submission
An example implementation of the tax.py module is:
from decimal import Decimal as D
def apply_to(submission):
# Assume 7% sales tax on sales to New Jersey You could instead use an
# external service like Avalara to look up the appropriates taxes.
NJ: D(0.07)
shipping_address = submission[shipping_address]
rate = STATE_TAX_RATES.get(
shipping_address.state, D(0.00))
for line in submission[basket].all_lines():
line_tax = calculate_tax(
line.line_price_excl_tax_incl_discounts, rate)
unit_tax = (line_tax / line.quantity).quantize(D(0.01))
line.purchase_info = unit_tax
# Note, we change the submission in place - we dont need to
# return anything from this function
shipping_method = submission[shipping_method]
shipping_method.tax = calculate_tax(
1.2. Using Oscar 79
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shipping_method.charge_incl_tax, rate)
def calculate_tax(price, rate):
tax = price
return tax.quantize(D(0.01))
Tip: Oscars repository contains a sample Oscar site customised for the US. See The US site for more information.
How to congure shipping
Shipping can be very complicated. Depending on the domain, a wide variety of shipping scenarios are found in the
wild. For instance, calculation of shipping costs can depend on:
Shipping method (e.g., standard, courier)
Shipping address
Time of day of order (e.g., if requesting next-day delivery)
Weight of items in basket
Customer type (e.g., business accounts get discounted shipping rates)
Offers and vouchers that give free or discounted shipping
Further complications can arise such as:
Only making certain shipping methods available to certain customers
Tax is only applicable in certain situations
Oscar can handle all of these shipping scenarios.
Shipping in Oscar Conguring shipping charges requires overriding Oscars core shipping app and providing your
own Repository class (see Customising Oscar) that returns your chosen shipping method instances.
The primary responsibility of the Repository class is to provide the available shipping methods for a particular
scenario. This is done via the get_shipping_methods() method, which returns the shipping methods available
to the customer.
This method is called in several places:
To look up a default shipping method so that sample shipping charges can be shown on the basket detail page.
To list the available shipping methods on the checkout shipping method page.
To check the selected shipping method is still available when an order is submitted.
The get_shipping_methods method takes the basket, user, shipping address and request as parameters. These
can be used to provide different sets of shipping methods depending on the circumstances. For instance, you could use
the shipping address to provide international shipping rates if the address is overseas.
The default behaviour is to return a single free shipping method.
Note: Oscars checkout process includes a page for choosing your shipping method. If there is only one method
available for your basket (as is the default) then it will be chosen automatically and the user immediately redirected to
the next step.
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Custom repositories If the available shipping methods are the same for all customers and shipping addresses, then
override the methods property of the repository:
from oscar.apps.shipping import repository
from . import methods
class Repository(repository.Repository):
methods = (methods.Standard(), methods.Express())
For more complex logic, override the get_available_shipping_methods method:
from oscar.apps.shipping import repository
from . import methods
class Repository(repository.Repository):
def get_available_shipping_methods(
self, basket, user=None, shipping_addr=None,
methods = (methods.Standard())
if shipping_addr and shipping.addr.country.code == GB:
# Express is only available in the UK
methods = (methods.Standard(), methods.Express())
return methods
Note that the get_shipping_methods method wraps get_available_shipping_methods in order to
handle baskets that dont require shipping and to apply shipping discounts.
Shipping methods Shipping methods need to implement a certain API. They need to have the following properties
which dene the metadata about the shipping method:
code - This is used as an identier for the shipping method and so should be unique amongst the shipping
methods available in your shop.
name - The name of the shipping method. This will be visible to the customer during checkout.
description - An optional description of the shipping method. This can contain HTML.
Further, each method must implement a calculate method which accepts the basket instance as a parameter and
returns a Price instance. Most shipping methods subclass Base, which stubs this API.
Heres an example:
from oscar.apps.shipping import methods
from oscar.core import prices
class Standard(methods.Base):
code = standard
name = Standard shipping (free)
def calculate(self, basket):
return prices.Price(
excl_tax=D(0.00), incl_tax=D(0.00))
Core shipping methods Oscar ships with several re-usable shipping methods which can be used as-is, or subclassed
and customised:
Free - no shipping charges
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FixedPrice - xed-price shipping charges. Example usage:
from oscar.apps.shipping import methods
from oscar.core import prices
class Standard(methods.Base):
code = standard
name = Standard shipping
charge_excl_tax = D(5.00)
class Express(methods.Base):
code = express
name = Express shipping
charge_excl_tax = D(10.00)
There is also a weight-based shipping method, AbstractWeightBased which determines a shipping charge by
calculating the weight of a baskets contents and looking this up in a model-based set of weight bands.
Order processing
How to set up order processing
How orders are processed differs for every shop. Some shops will process orders manually, using the dashboard to
print picking slips and update orders once items have shipped. Others will use automated processes to send order
details to fulllment partners and pick up shipment and cancellation messages.
Oscar provides only a skeleton for building your order processing pipeline on top of. This page details how it works
and how to build your order processing pipeline.
Structure There are two relevant Oscar apps to order processing.
The checkout app is responsible for collecting the required shipping and payment information, taking payment
in some sense and placing the order. It is not normally used to process the order in any sense. If your orders
can be fullled immediately after being placed (eg digital products), its better to use a separate process (like a
cronjob or celery task). That way, if the fullment work fails for some reason, it can be retried easily later. Its
also a neater decoupling of responsibilities.
The order app has a processing.py module which is intended to handle order processing tasks, such as
items being cancelled, shipped or returned. More details below.
Modelling Oscar models order processsing through events. There are three types to be aware of:
Shipping events. These correspond to some change in the location or fullment status of the order items. For
instance, when items are shipped, returned or cancelled. For digital goods, this would cover when items are
Payment events. These model each transaction that relates to an order. The payment model allows order lines to
be linked to the payment event.
Communication events. These capture emails and other messages sent to the customer about a particular order.
These arent a core part of order processing and are used more for audit and to ensure, for example, that only
one order conrmation email is sent to a customer.
Event handling Most Oscar shops will want to customise the EventHandler class from the order app. This is
class is intended to handle all events and perform the appropriate actions. The main public API is
82 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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class oscar.apps.order.processing.EventHandler(user=None)
Handle requested order events.
This is an important class: it houses the core logic of your shops order processing pipeline.
handle_order_status_change(order, new_status, note_msg=None)
Handle a requested order status change
This method is not normally called directly by client code. The main use-case is when an order is cancelled,
which in some ways could be viewed as a shipping event affecting all lines.
handle_payment_event(order, event_type, amount, lines=None, line_quantities=None, **kwargs)
Handle a payment event for a given order.
These should normally be called as part of handling a shipping event. It is rare to call to this method
directly. It does make sense for refunds though where the payment event may be unrelated to a particular
shipping event and doesnt directly correspond to a set of lines.
handle_shipping_event(order, event_type, lines, line_quantities, **kwargs)
Handle a shipping event for a given order.
This is most common entry point to this class - most of your order processing should be modelled around
shipping events. Shipping events can be used to trigger payment and communication events.
You will generally want to override this method to implement the specics of you order processing
Many helper methods are also provided:
class oscar.apps.order.processing.EventHandler(user=None)
Handle requested order events.
This is an important class: it houses the core logic of your shops order processing pipeline.
are_stock_allocations_available(lines, line_quantities)
Check whether stock records still have enough stock to honour the requested allocations.
calculate_payment_event_subtotal(event_type, lines, line_quantities)
Calculate the total charge for the passed event type, lines and line quantities.
This takes into account the previous prices that have been charged for this event.
Note that shipping is not including in this subtotal. You need to subclass and extend this method if you
want to include shipping costs.
cancel_stock_allocations(order, lines, line_quantities)
Cancel the stock allocations for the passed lines
consume_stock_allocations(order, lines, line_quantities)
Consume the stock allocations for the passed lines
have_lines_passed_shipping_event(order, lines, line_quantities, event_type)
Test whether the passed lines and quantities have been through the specied shipping event.
This is useful for validating if certain shipping events are allowed (ie you cant return something before it
has shipped).
validate_shipping_event(order, event_type, lines, line_quantities, **kwargs)
Test if the requested shipping event is permitted.
If not, raise InvalidShippingEvent
Most shops can handle all their order processing through shipping events, which may indirectly create payment events.
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Customisation Assuming your order processing involves an admin using the dashboard, then the normal customi-
sation steps are as follows:
1. Ensure your orders are created with the right default status.
2. Override the order dashboards views and templates to provide the right interface for admins to update orders.
3. Extend the EventHandler class to correctly handle shipping and payment events that are called from the
dashboard order detail view.
It can be useful to use order and line statuses too. Oscar provides some helper methods to make this easier.
class oscar.apps.order.abstract_models.AbstractOrder(*args, **kwargs)
The main order model
classmethod all_statuses()
Return all possible statuses for an order
Return all possible statuses that this order can move to
pipeline = {Cancelled: (), Being processed: (Complete, Cancelled), Pending: (Being processed, Cancelled), Complete: ()}
Order status pipeline. This should be a dict where each (key, value) #: corresponds to a status and a list of
possible statuses that can follow that one.
Set a new status for this order.
If the requested status is not valid, then InvalidOrderStatus is raised.
class oscar.apps.order.abstract_models.AbstractLine(*args, **kwargs)
An order line
classmethod all_statuses()
Return all possible statuses for an order line
Return all possible statuses that this order line can move to
pipeline = {}
Order status pipeline. This should be a dict where each (key, value) corresponds to a status and the possible
statuses that can follow that one.
Set a new status for this line
If the requested status is not valid, then InvalidLineStatus is raised.
Example Here is a reasonably common scenario for order processing. Note that some of the functionality described
here is not in Oscar. However, Oscar provides the hook points to make implementing this workow easy.
An order is placed and the customers bankcard is pre-authed for the order total. The new order has status
An admin logs into the dashboard and views all new orders. He selects the new order, retrieves the goods from
the warehouse and gets them ready to ship.
When all items are retrieved, he selects all the lines from the order and hits a button saying take payment.
This calls the handle_payment_event method of the EventHandler class which performs the settle
transaction with the payment gateway and, if successful, creates a payment event against the order.
If payment is successful, the admin ships the goods and gets a tracking number from the courier service. He
then selects the shipped lines for the order and hits a button saying mark as shipped. This will show a form
84 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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requesting a shipping number for the event. When this is entered, the handle_shipping_event method
of the EventHandler class is called, which will update stock allocations and create a shipping event.
How to create a custom range
Oscar ships with a range model that represents a set of products from your catalogue. Using the dashboard, this can
be congured to be:
1. The whole catalogue
2. A subset of products selected by ID/SKU (CSV uploads can be used to do this)
3. A subset of product categories
Often though, a shop may need merchant-specic ranges such as:
All products subject to reduced-rate VAT
All books by a Welsh author
DVDs that have an exclamation mark in the title
These are contrived but you get the picture.
Custom range interface A custom range must:
have a name attribute
have a contains_product method that takes a product instance and return a boolean
have a num_products method that returns the number of products in the range or None if such a query would
be too expensive.
class ExclamatoryProducts(object)
name = "Products including a !"
def contains_product(self, product):
return "!" in product.title
def num_products(self):
return Product.objects.filter(title__icontains="!").count()
Create range instance To make this range available to be used in offers, do the following:
from oscar.apps.offer.custom import create_range
Now you should see this range in the dashboard for ranges and offers. Custom ranges are not editable in the dashboard
but can be deleted.
Deploying custom ranges To avoid manual steps in each of your test/stage/production environments, use Souths
data migrations to create ranges.
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How to create a custom offer condition
Oscar ships with several condition models that can be used to build offers. However, occasionally a custom condition
can be useful. Oscar lets you build a custom condition class and register it so that it is available for building offers.
Custom condition interface Custom condition classes must be proxy models, subclassing Oscars main
Condition class.
At a minimum, a custom condition must:
have a description attribute which describes what needs to happen to satisfy the condition (eg basket must
have 4 items).
have an is_satisfied method that takes a basket instance and an offer instance and returns a boolean
indicating if the condition is satised
It can also implement:
a can_apply_condition method that takes a product instance and returns a boolean depending on whether
the condition is applicable to the product.
a consume_items method that marks basket items as consumed once the condition has been met.
a get_upsell_message method that returns a message for the customer, letting themknowwhat they would
need to do to qualify for this offer.
a is_partially_satisfied method that tests to see if the customers basket partially satises the condi-
tion (ie when you might want to show them an upsell message)
Silly example:
from oscar.apps.offer import models
class BasketOwnerCalledBarry(models.Condition):
name = "User must be called barry"
class Meta:
proxy = True
def is_satisfied(self, offer, basket):
if not basket.owner:
return False
return basket.owner.first_name.lower() == barry
Create condition instance To make this condition available to be used in offers, do the following:
from oscar.apps.offer.custom import create_condition
Now you should see this condition in the dashboard when creating/updating an offer.
Deploying custom conditions To avoid manual steps in each of your test/stage/production environments, use
Souths data migrations to create conditions.
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How to create a custom benet
Oscar ships with several offer benets for building offers. There are three types:
Basket discounts. These lead to a discount off the price of items in your basket.
Shipping discounts.
Post-order actions. These are benets that dont affect your order total but trigger some action once the order is
placed. For instance, if your site supports loyalty points, you might create an offer that gives 200 points when a
certain product is bought.
Oscar also lets you create your own benets for use in offers.
Custom benets A custom benet can be used by creating a benet class and registering it so it is available to be
A benet class must be a proxy class and have the following methods:
from oscar.apps.offer import models
class MyCustomBenefit(models.Benefit):
class Meta:
proxy = True
def description(self):
Describe what the benefit does.
This is used in the dashboard when selecting benefits for offers.
def apply(self, basket, condition, offer):
Apply the benefit to the passed basket and mark the appropriate
items as consumed.
The condition and offer are passed as these are sometimes required
to implement the correct consumption behaviour.
Should return an instance of
def apply_deferred(self, basket):
Perform a post-order action if one is defined for this benefit
Should return a message indicating what has happend. This will be
stored with the order to provide audit of post-order benefits.
As noted in the docstring, the apply method must return an instance of
oscar.apps.offer.models.ApplicationResult. There are three subtypes provided:
oscar.apps.offer.models.BasketDiscount. This takes an amount as its constructor paramter.
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oscar.apps.offer.models.ShippingDiscount. This indicates that the benet affects the shipping
oscar.apps.offer.models.PostOrderAction. This indicates that the benet does nothing to the
order total, but does re an action once the order has been placed. It takes a single description paramter to
its constructor which is a message that describes what action will be taken once the order is placed.
Heres an example of a post-order action benet:
from oscar.apps.offer import models
class ChangesCustomersName(models.Benefit):
class Meta:
proxy = True
description = "Changes customers name"
def apply(self, basket, condition, offer):
# We need to mark all items from the matched condition as consumed
# so that they are unavailable to be used with other offers.
condition.consume_items(basket, ())
return models.PostOrderAction(
"You will have your name changed to Barry!")
def apply_deferred(self, basket):
if basket.owner:
basket.owner.first_name = "Barry"
return "Your name has been changed to Barry!"
return "We were unable to change your name as you are not signed in"
How to change Oscars appearance
This is a guide for Front-End Developers (FEDs) working on Oscar projects, not on Oscar itself. It is written with
Tangents FED team in mind but should be more generally useful for anyone trying to customise Oscar and looking
for the right approach.
Overview Oscar ships with a set of HTML templates and a collection of static les (eg images, javascript). Oscars
default CSS is generated from LESS les.
Templates Oscars default templates use the mark-up conventions from the Bootstrap project. Classes for styling
should be separate from classes used for Javascript. The latter must be prexed with js-, and using data attributes is
often preferable.
Frontend vs. Dashboard The frontend and dashboard are intentionally kept very separate. They incidentally both
use Bootstrap, but may be updated individually. The frontend is based on Bootstraps LESS les and ties it together
with Oscar-specic styling in styles.less.
On the other hand, dashboard.less just contains a few customisations that are included alongside a copy of stock
Bootstrap CSS - and at the time of writing, using a different Bootstrap version.
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LESS/CSS By default, CSS les compiled from their LESS sources are used rather than the LESS ones. To use
Less directly, set USE_LESS = True in your settings le. You will also need to ensure that the lessc executable
is installed and is congured using a setting like:
(text/less, lessc {infile} {outfile}),
A few other CSS les are used to provide styles for javascript libraries.
Using ofine compression Django compressor also provides a way of running ofine compression which can be
used during deployment to automatically generate CSS les from your LESS les. To make sure that compressor is
obeying the USE_LESS setting and is not trying to compress CSS les that are not available, the setting has to be
passed into the COMPRESS_OFFLINE_CONTEXT. You should add something like this to your settings le:
# this is the only default value from compressor itself
use_less: USE_LESS,
Javascript Oscar uses javascript for progressive enhancements. This guide used to document exact versions, but
quickly became outdated. It is recommended to inspect layout.html and dashboard/layout.html for what
is currently included.
Customising templates Oscar ships with a complete set of templates (in oscar/templates). These will be
available to an Oscar project but can be overridden or modied.
The templates use Bootstrap conventions for class names and mark-up.
There is a separate recipe on how to do this.
Customising statics Oscars static les are stored in oscar/static. When a Django site is deployed, the
collectstatic command is run which collects static les from all installed apps and puts them in a single lo-
cation (called the STATIC_ROOT). It is common for a separate HTTP server (like nginx) to be used to serve these
les, setting its document root to STATIC_ROOT.
For an individual project, you may want to override Oscars static les. The best way to do this is to have a statics
folder within your project and to add it to the STATICFILES_DIRS setting. Then, any les which match the same
path as les in Oscar will be served from your local statics folder instead. For instance, if you want to use a local
version of oscar/css/styles.css, your could create a le:
and this would override Oscars equivalent le.
To make things easier, Oscar ships with a management command for creating a copy of all of its static les. This
breaks the link with Oscars static les and means everything is within the control of the project. Run it as follows:
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./manage.py oscar_fork_statics
This is the recommended approach for non-trivial projects.
Another option is simply to ignore all of Oscars CSS and write your own from scratch. To do this, you simply need to
adjust the layout templates to include your own CSS instead of Oscars. For instance, you might override base.html
and replace the less block:
# project/base.html
{% block less %}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/less" href="{{ STATIC_URL }}myproject/less/styles.less" />
{% endblock %}
Deployment and setup
How to setup Solr with Oscar
Apache Solr is Oscars recommended production-grade search backend. This how-to describes how to get Solr run-
ning, and integrated with Oscar. The instructions below are tested on an Ubuntu machine, but should be applicable for
similar environments. A working Java or OpenJDK installation are necessary.
Starting Solr You rst need to fetch and extract Solr. The schema included with Oscar is tested with Solr 4.7.1:
$ wget http://apache.mirror.anlx.net/lucene/solr/4.7.1/solr-4.7.1.tgz
$ tar xzf solr-4.7.1.tgz
Next, replace the example conguration with Oscars.
$ cd solr-4.7.1/example/solr/collection1
$ mv conf conf.original
$ ln -s <your_oscar_checkout>/sites/<sandbox|demo>/deploy/solr conf
You should then be able to start Solr by running:
$ cd ../../..
$ java -jar start.jar
Integrating with Haystack Haystack provides an abstraction layer on top of different search backends and integrates
with Django. Your Haystack connection settings in your settings.py for the cong above should look like this:
default: {
ENGINE: haystack.backends.solr_backend.SolrEngine,
If all is well, you should now be able to rebuild the search index.
$ ./manage.py rebuild_index --noinput
Removing all documents from your index because you said so.
All documents removed.
Indexing 201 Products
Indexing 201 Products
90 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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The products being indexed twice is caused by a low-priority bug in Oscar and can be safely ignored. If the indexing
succeeded, search in Oscar will be working. Search for any term in the search box on your Oscar site, and you should
get results.
1.2.10 Oscar settings
This is a comprehensive list of all the settings Oscar provides. All settings are optional.
Display settings
Default: Oscar
The name of your e-commerce shop site. This is shown as the main logo within the default templates.
The tagline that is displayed next to the shop name and in the browser title.
Default: reverse_lazy(promotions:home)
URL of home page of your site. This value is used for Home link in navigation and redirection page after logout.
Useful if you use a different app to serve your homepage.
Default: {}
This is an important setting which denes availability for each fulllment partner. The setting should be a dict from
parter name to a path to a wrapper class. For example:
Acme: myproject.partners.AcmeWrapper
Omnicorp: myproject.partners.OmnicorpWrapper
The wrapper class should subclass oscar.apps.partner.wrappers.DefaultWrapper and override the
appropriate methods to control availability behaviour.
Warning: This settings has been deprecated for Oscar 0.6. Use strategy classes instead to provide availability
and pricing information.
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Default: 20
The number of recently viewed products to store.
Default: 604800 (1 week in seconds)
The time to live for the cookie in seconds.
Default: oscar_history
The name of the cookie for showing recently viewed products.
Default: 20
The number of products to paginate by.
A dictionary that species the facets to use with the search backend. It needs to be a dict with keys fields and
queries for eld- and query-type facets. The default is:
fields: {
# The key for these dicts will be used when passing facet data
# to the template. Same for the queries dict below.
category: {
name: _(Category),
field: category
queries: {
price_range: {
name: _(Price range),
field: price,
queries: [
# This is a list of (name, query) tuples where the name will
# be displayed on the front-end.
(_(0 to 40), [0 TO 20]),
(_(20 to 40), [20 TO 40]),
(_(40 to 60), [40 TO 60]),
(_(60+), [60 TO
92 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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(right, Right-hand sidebar),
(left, Left-hand sidebar))
The choice of display locations available when editing a promotion. Only useful when using a new set of templates.
Countdown, List, SingleProduct, TabbedBlock)
(COUNTDOWN, "Vertical list"),
(LIST, "Horizontal list"),
(TABBED_BLOCK, "Tabbed block"),
(SINGLE_PRODUCT, "Single product"),
Denes the available promotion block types that can be used in Oscar.
Default: see oscar.defaults (too long to include here).
A list of dashboard navigation elements. Usage is explained in How to congure the dashboard navigation.
Default: oscar.apps.dashboard.nav.default_access_fn
OSCAR_DASHBOARD_NAVIGATION allows passing an access function for each node which is used to determine
whether to show the node for a specic user or not. If no access function is dened, the function specied here is
used. The default function integrates with the permission-based dashboard and shows the node if the user will be able
to access it. That should be sufcient for most cases.
Order settings
The initial status used when a new order is submitted. This has to be a status that is dened in the
The status assigned to a line item when it is created as part of an new order. It has to be a status dened in
1.2. Using Oscar 93
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Default: {}
The pipeline denes the statuses that an order or line item can have and what transitions are allowed in any given
status. The pipeline is dened as a dictionary where the keys are the available statuses. Allowed transitions are dened
as iterable values for the corresponding status.
A sample pipeline (as used in the Oscar sandbox) might look like this:
Pending: (Being processed, Cancelled,),
Being processed: (Processed, Cancelled,),
Cancelled: (),
This denes a mapping of status changes for order lines which cascade down from an order status change.
For example:
Being processed: In progress
With this mapping, when an order has its status set to Being processed, all lines within it have their status set to In
progress. In a sense, the status change cascades down to the related objects.
Note that this cascade ignores restrictions from the OSCAR_LINE_STATUS_PIPELINE.
Default: {}
Same as OSCAR_ORDER_STATUS_PIPELINE but for lines.
Checkout settings
Default: False
Species if an anonymous user can buy products without creating an account rst. If set to False users are required
to authenticate before they can checkout (using Oscars default checkout views).
Default: (first_name, last_name, line1, city, postcode, country)
List of form elds that a user has to ll out to validate an address eld.
94 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Review settings
Default: True
This setting denes whether an anonymous user can create a review for a product without registering rst. If it is set
to True anonymous users can create product reviews.
Default: False
This denes whether reviews have to be moderated before they are publicly available. If set to False a review created
by a customer is immediately visible on the product page.
Communication settings
Default: True
This enables sending alert notications/emails instantly when products get back in stock by listening to stock record
update signals this might impact performance for large numbers stock record updates. Alternatively, the management
command oscar_send_alerts can be used to run periodically, e.g. as a cronjob. In this case instant alerts should
be disabled.
Default: True
Sending out welcome messages to a user after they have registered on the site can be enabled or disabled using this
setting. Setting it to True will send out emails on registration.
Default: oscar@example.com
The email address used as the sender for all communication events and emails handled by Oscar.
Default: None
A URL which is passed into the templates for communication events. It is not used in Oscars default templates but
could be used to include static assets (eg images) in a HTML email template.
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Offer settings
Default: None
A function which takes a product as its sole parameter and returns a boolean indicating if the product is blacklisted
from offers or not.
from decimal import Decimal as D
def is_expensive(product):
if product.has_stockrecord:
return product.stockrecord.price_incl_tax > D(1000.00)
return False
# Dont allow expensive products to be in offers
Default: Round down to the nearest hundredth of a unit using decimal.Decimal.quantize
A function responsible for rounding decimal amounts when offer discount calculations dont lead to legitimate cur-
rency values.
Basket settings
Default: 604800 (1 week in seconds)
The time to live for the basket cookie in seconds.
Default: None
The maximum number of products that can be added to a basket at once.
Default: oscar_open_basket
The name of the cookie for the open basket.
Default: oscar_saved_basket
The name of the cookie for the saved basket.
96 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Currency settings
Default: GBP
This should be the symbol of the currency you wish Oscar to use by default. This will be used by the currency
Default: None
This can be used to customise currency formatting. The value will be passed to the format_currency function
from the Babel library.
Upload/media settings
Default: images/products/%Y/%m/
The location within the MEDIA_ROOT folder that is used to store product images. The folder name can contain date
format strings as described in the Django Docs.
Default: images/promotions/
The folder within MEDIA_ROOT used for uploaded promotion images.
Default: image_not_found.jpg
Copy this image from oscar/static/img to your MEDIA_ROOT folder. It needs to be there so Sorl can resize it.
Default: /tmp
The folder is used to temporarily hold uploaded les until they are processed. Such les should always be deleted
Slug settings
Default: {}
1.2. Using Oscar 97
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A dictionary to map strings to more readable versions for including in URL slugs. This mapping is appled before the
slugify function. This is useful when names contain characters which would normally be stripped. For instance:
c++: cpp,
f#: fsharp,
Default: oscar.core.utils.default_slugifier
The slugify function to use. Note that is used within Oscars slugify wrapper (in oscar.core.utils) which
applies the custom map and blacklist. String notation is recommended, but specifying a callable is supported for
# in myproject.utils
def some_slugify(value)
# in settings.py
OSCAR_SLUG_FUNCTION = myproject.utils.some_slugify
Default: []
A list of words to exclude from slugs.
OSCAR_SLUG_BLACKLIST = [the, a, but]
Misc settings
Default: [oscar_recently_viewed_products,]
Which cookies to delete automatically when the user logs out.
1.2.11 Signals
Oscar implements a number of custom signals that provide useful hook-points for adding functionality.
class oscar.apps.catalogue.signals.product_viewed
Raised when a product detail page is viewed.
Arguments sent with this signal:
98 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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The product being viewed
The user in question
The request instance
The response instance
class oscar.apps.catalogue.signals.product_search
Raised when a search is performed.
Arguments sent with this signal:
The search term
The user in question
class oscar.apps.customer.signals.user_registered
Raised when a user registers
Arguments sent with this signal:
The request instance
The user in question
class oscar.apps.basket.signals.basket_addition
Raised when a product is added to a basket
Arguments sent with this signal:
The request instance
The product being added
The user in question
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class oscar.apps.basket.signals.voucher_addition
Raised when a valid voucher is added to a basket
Arguments sent with this signal:
The basket in question
The voucher in question
class oscar.apps.checkout.signals.start_checkout
Raised when the customer begins the checkout process
Arguments sent with this signal:
The reuqest instance
class oscar.apps.checkout.signals.pre_payment
Raised immediately before attempting to take payment in the checkout.
Arguments sent with this signal:
The view class instance
class oscar.apps.checkout.signals.post_payment
Raised immediately after payment has been taken.
Arguments sent with this signal:
The view class instance
class oscar.apps.order.signals.order_placed
Raised by the oscar.apps.order.utils.OrderCreator class when creating an order.
Arguments sent with this signal:
The order created
The user creating the order (not necessarily the user linked to the order instance!)
100 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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class oscar.apps.checkout.signals.post_checkout
Raised by the oscar.apps.checkout.mixins.OrderPlacementMixin class when a customer com-
pletes the checkout process
The order created
The user who completed the checkout
The request instance
The response instance
class oscar.apps.catalogue.reviews.signals.review_added
Raised when a review is added.
Arguments sent with this signal:
The review that was created
The user performing the action
The request instance
The response instance
1.3 The Oscar open-source project
Learn about the ideas behind Oscar and how you can contribute.
1.3.1 Oscar design decisions
The central aim of Oscar is to provide a solid core of an e-commerce project that can be extended and customised to
suit the domain at hand. This is achieved in several ways:
Core models are abstract
Online shops can vary wildly, selling everything from turnips to concert tickets. Trying to dene a set of Django
models capable for modeling all such scenarios is impossible - customisation is what matters.
One way to model your domain is to have enormous models that have elds for every possible variation; however, this
is unwieldy and ugly.
Another is to use the Entity-Attribute-Value pattern to use add meta-data for each of your models. However this is
again ugly and mixes meta-data and data in your database (its an SQL anti-pattern).
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Oscars approach to this problem is to have have minimal but abstract models where all the elds are meaningful within
any e-commerce domain. Oscar then provides a mechanism for subclassing these models within your application so
domain-specic elds can be added.
Specically, in many of Oscars apps, there is an abstract_models.py module which denes these abstract
classes. There is also an accompanying models.py which provides an empty but concrete implementation of each
abstract model.
Classes are loaded dynamically
The complexity of scenarios doesnt stop with Django models; core parts of Oscar need to be as customisable as
possible. Hence almost all classes (including views) are dynamically loaded, which results in a maintainable approach
to customising behaviour.
URLs and permissions for apps are handled by Application instances
The oscar.core.application.Application class handles mapping URLs to views and permissions at an
per-app level. This makes Oscars apps more modular, and makes it easy to customise this mapping as they can be
overridden just like any other class in Oscar.
Templates can be overridden
This is a common technique relying on the fact that the template loader can be congured to look in your project rst
for templates, before it uses the defaults from Oscar.
1.3.2 Release notes
Release notes for each version of Oscar published to PyPI.
0.5 release branch
Oscar 0.5 release notes
Welcome to Oscar 0.5!
These release notes cover the new features as well as upgrading advice.
The main aim of this release was to add functionality to offers but scope expanded over time to include many xes and
improvements. Whilst there arent that many new features from a customer perspective, a great deal of work has gone
into reworking Oscars structure to be more extensible.
Thanks to all the contributors who helped with this release.
Whats new in Oscar 0.5?
Offers++ Most of the new features in 0.5 are around offers.
102 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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It is now possible to create custom ranges, conditions and benets that can be used to create exible offers.
These ranges are created as Python classes conforming to a set interface which are registered at compile time to
make them available in the dashboard.
Offer benets can now apply to the shipping charge for an order. Previously, all benets were applied against
the basket lines. There are three shipping benets ready to use:
Fixed discount off shipping (eg get 5 off your shipping costs)
Percentage discount off shipping (eg get 25% off your shipping costs)
Fixed price shipping (eg your shipping charge will be 5)
Offer benets can now be deferred. That is, they dont affect either the basket lines nor the shipping charge.
This is useful for creating benets such as awarding loyalty points.
Several new ways of restricting an offers availability have been introduced:
An offers lifetime can now be controlled to the second rather to the day (ie the relevant model elds are
datetimes rather than dates). This makes it possibly to run offers for a small amount of time (eg for a single
An offer can be restricted to a max number of applications per basket/order. For example, an offer can
congured so that it can only be used once in a single order.
An offer can be restricted to a max number of applications per user.
An offer can be restricted to a max number of global applications.
An offer can be restricted to give a maximum total discount. After this amount of discount has been
awarded, the offer becomes unavailable.
Figure 1.1: The restrictions editing page for an offer within the dashboard.
Offers can now be suspended and reinstated.
The offers dashboard has been rewritten.
There is now an offers homepage that lists all active offers.
New dashboard skin The design of the dashboard has been reworked, offering a better user experience throughout
the dashboard. This work is still ongoing, further improvements in how the dashboard pages are laid out will appear
in 0.6.
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Figure 1.2: The new dashboard navigation.
Internationalisation Oscar now uses Transifex to manage its translation les. Since 0.4, a considerable number of
new languages are now supported (although many have partial coverage).
Figure 1.3: A snippet from the Oscar Transifex page.
Oscars default templates also now support a simple language picker.
New settings have been introduced to control how slugs are generated. By default, the unidecode package is used to
gracefully handle non-ASCII chars in slugs.
Minor features There are several noteworthy smaller improvements
The basket page now updates using AJAX rather than page reloads.
Oscars documentation has been reorganised and improved. This is part of an ongoing effort to improve it.
Watch this space.
Oscars template now use django-compressor to compress CSS and JS assets.
Products can now be deleted using the catalogue dashboard.
Warnings emails are sent to customers when their password or email address is changed.
Flash messages can now contain HTML.
Minor improvements Several improvements have been made to ease development of Oscar (and Oscar projects):
The sandbox can be congured to compile the LESS les directly. This is useful for developing Oscars
A new management command oscar_fork_statics has been added to help with setting up static les for
a new Oscar project.
Alternative templates can now be used for different product classes in product browsing views.
jQuery upgraded to 1.9.1
104 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Bootstrap upgraded to 2.3.1
The test runner can now be run with tox.
Oscar ships with proling tools. There is a decorator and middleware available in oscar.profiling that
can be used to help prole Oscar sites.
Customers are notied if changes to their basket lead to new offers being applied (or if previously applied offers
are no longer available).
Figure 1.4: A ash message indicating that the customers basket has now qualied for a new offer.
Some testing utilities have been extracted into a new package, django-oscar-testsupport, so they can be used by
Oscar extensions.
A Vagrant manifest is provided for testing Oscar against different database vendors.
Oscars javascript has been rewritten to be cleaner and more extensible.
Coverage data is now submitted to coveralls.io
This section describes changes in core Oscar that you need to be aware of if you are upgrading from 0.4. See the
upgrading guidelines for further details on the steps you need to take.
Migrations There are new migrations in the following apps to be aware of.
0002: Make postcode nullable on the Address model
0009: Add a rating eld to the product model
0010: Populate the new rating eld
Note: Note, if you are using a customised version of the catalogue app, then you should create a similar data migration
to 0010 in your own project.
0007: Add max_global_appliations eld to ConditionalOffer model
0008: Add num_applications eld to ConditionalOffer model
0009: Rename max_applications eld to max_basket_applications
1.3. The Oscar open-source project 105
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0010: Add max_user_applications eld to ConditionalOffer model
0011: Add proxy_class eld to Range model
0012: Add proxy_class eld to Condition model and make range, type and value nullable.
0013: Add unique index on proxy_class for the Range model
0014: Empty migration after branch merge
0015: Add max_discount eld to ConditionalOffer model
0016: Add status eld to ConditionalOffer model
0017: Change start_date and end_date to datetimes.
0018: Rename start_date and end_date to start_datetime and end_datetime respec-
0019: Add proxy_class eld to Benefit model and make range, type and value nullable.
0007: Add frequency eld to OrderDiscount model
0008: Add category eld to OrderDiscount model
0009: Add message eld to OrderDiscount model
0004: Add code eld to Partner model
0005: Populate the new code eld
0006: Add unique index on code eld
0007: Remove unique index from name eld and make nullable
Note: Note, if you are using a customised version of the partner app, then you should create a similar data migration
to 0005 in your own project.
Oscar 0.5.1 release notes
This is a bugx release for Oscar 0.5, backporting a few issues discovered during development of Oscars demo site
and xing a couple of other bugs.
This release contains xes for the following issues:
The is_available_to_buy method was failing for variant products where the product class is dened on
the parent product. Fixed in 7fd62f2af0 and . . . 80384a4007.
The stockrecord partial catalogue/partials/stock_record.html incorrectly handled group prod-
ucts. Fixed in 5594bcccd6.
The checkout thank-you template checkout/thank_you.html incorrectly looked up the line product
URL. Fixed in cc5f63d827.
The basket URL used for AJAX requests is no longer hard-coded. Fixed in . . . fd256b63b1.
The dashboard voucher form now correctly validates when no start- or end-dates are entered. Fixed in
The AbstractStockRecord model was not declared abstract. A migration has been added that cleans up
the unnecessary database table. Fixed in . . . 610de82eb2
106 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Oscar 0.5.2 release notes
This is Oscar 0.5.2, a security release for Oscar 0.5.
Insecure use of SECRET_KEY in basket cookie
For anonymous users, the basket ID is stored in a cookie. Previously, the value was signed using a simples CRC32
hash using the SECRET_KEY. However, a good rule of thumb is to never roll your own encryption, and it is possible
that this method weakens the security of the SECRET_KEY.
The x uses Djangos cryptographic signing functionality to sign the cookie in a more secure manner.
Oscar 0.5.3 release notes
This is Oscar 0.5.3, a bug-x release for Oscar 0.5.
The only change from 0.5.2 is to pin the dependency on Haystack to version 2.0.0. Previously, setup.py specied
2.0.0-beta but this beta release has now been removed from PyPi, stopping Oscar from installing correctly.
0.6 release branch
Oscar 0.6 release notes
release 2014-01-08
It took a while but its nally here: welcome to Oscar 0.6!
These release notes cover the new features as well as backwards incompatible changes that youll want to be aware of
when upgrading from Oscar 0.5 or earlier. This release contains some major changes to core APIs which means many
old APIs are scheduled to be dropped - see the deprecation plan to avoid any nasty surprises.
When upgrading your Oscar site, make sure you study both the backwards incompatible changes and the deprecated
features. If you encounter any undocumented issues, please let us know on the mailing list. Table of contents:
Whats new in Oscar 0.6?
Backwards incompatible changes in 0.6
Features deprecated in 0.6
The biggest change in Oscar 0.6 is the reworking of pricing and availability, which builds on top of the change to
allow multiple stockrecords per product. The change is largely backwards compatible with the old system of partner
wrappers but it is recommended to upgrade to the new system. Support for partner wrappers will be removed for
Oscar 0.7.
Oscar 0.6 also introduces better support for marketplace-like functionality with the so-called permission-based dash-
board. It is now possible to give non-staff users access to a subset of the dashboards views (products and orders) by
setting the new dashboard_access permission.
Oscar now supports Django 1.5 and its custom user model. This has been only tested in the context of starting a new
Oscar project with a custom model. Switching from a separate prole model to the new system is not recommended
at this point.
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Oscar also supports Django 1.6 although this is considered experimental at this stage. Its possible there are still some
incompatibilities that havent been teased out just yet.
Other notable new features include:
A feature-rich demo site that illustrates how Oscar can be customised. It uses several of Oscars many extensions
such as django-oscar-paypal, django-oscar-datacash and django-oscar-stores. It is intended as a reference site
for Oscar.
Partners can now have addresses.
Customer wishlists. Customers can how add products to wishlists and manage them within their account section.
New helper methods in the EventHandler class for order processing.
Reworked search app with support for easy faceting.
Also, to help justify Tangents sponsorship of Oscar, a simple tracking mechanism has been introduced to keep track
of which sites use Oscar.
Whats new in Oscar 0.6?
Multiple stockrecords per product Products can now have multiple stockrecords rather than just one. This is a key
structural change that paves the way for many advanced features.
If a product can be fullled by multiple partners, a different stockrecord can be created for each partner. This is a
common requirement for large-scale e-commerce sites selling millions of products that use many different fulllment
It also allows better support for international sites as stockrecords can be created for partners in different countries,
who sell in different currencies.
See the documentation on pricing and availability for more details.
Warning: This changes means several APIs are deprecated as they assume there is only one stockrecord per
Pricing and availability When products can have many stockrecords, a process needs to be in place to choose
which one is selected for a given customer and product. To handle this, a new strategy class has been introduced,
responsible for selecting the appropriate stockrecord for a given customer and product.
This change also paved the way for reworking how prices, taxes and availability are handled. Instead of using partner
wrappers, the strategy class is responsible for returning availability details and prices for a particular product. New
classes known as pricing and availability policies are used to cleanly encapsulate this information.
These changes allow Oscar to dynamically determine prices, partner and availability for a given customer and product.
This enables several advanced features such as:
Fullling a product from the partner that offers the best margin.
Fullling a product from the partner geographically closest to the customer.
Automatically switching to a new partner when when stock runs out.
Supporting transactions in multiple currencies on the same site.
Supporting different tax treatments on the same site (eg UK VAT and US sales tax)
Having different pricing and availability policies for different customers.
108 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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More generally, it provides a structure for customising how pricing, availability work on a per-customer basis. This
gives a great deal of exibility.
See the guide to prices and availability for more information.
Permission-based dashboard Three changes were necessary to better support marketplace scenarios within Oscar:
Oscars core Application class now supports specifying permissions on a per-view basis. This is done via a
new default decorator. Legacy behaviour is unchanged.
The dashboards menus are now built dynamically. If the current user does not have access to
some views in OSCAR_DASHBOARD_NAVIGATION, they will be omitted in the menu returned by
The index, catalogue and order dashboard views have been modied to allow access to non-staff users. See the
dashboard documentation for details.
The relation oscar.apps.partner.abstract_models.AbstractPartner.users was not used
by core Oscar prior 0.6. It is now used to model access for the permission-based dashboard.
Payment models have abstract versions The models within the payment app have been split into abstract and
concrete versions. This brings them inline with other Oscar apps and allows them to be customised in the normal way.
Wishlists Wishlist functionality has nally landed. Signed in customers are now able to create multiple named
wishlists and add products to them. There is a new section in the customers account where wishlists can be managed.
See the wishlist documentation for more details.
Partner dashboard & addresses Partners can now have addresses. These are useful for US sales tax where tax
calculations need to know the origin of a product being shipped.
A dashboard to handle partners, their users and addresses has been added.
Checkout The PaymentDetailsView checkout view has been restructured for exibility. There is a new
build_submission() method which is responsible for building a dict of all data for passing to the submit
method. This includes the shipping address and shipping method which were previously loaded indirectly within the
submit method.
Warning: While not major, the changes to checkout are backwards incompatible. See the backwards compatibility
notes for more details.
Demo site Oscar now ships with a demo site along side the sandbox site. While the sandbox is a minimal Django
project that uses Oscar with all its defaults, the demo site is a more realistic example of an Oscar project. It has a
custom skin and makes many alterations to the default Oscar behaviour.
Its features include:
A range of different product types: books, downloads, clothing
PayPal Express integration using django-oscar-paypal
Datacash integration using django-oscar-datacash
See the sandbox and demo site documentation for more details. A publicly accessible version of the demo site is
available at http://demo.oscarcommerce.com.
1.3. The Oscar open-source project 109
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Figure 1.5: The add-to-wishlist button.
Figure 1.6: Editing a wishlist
110 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Django 1.5, 1.6 and custom user model support Oscar now supports Django 1.5 and, experimentally, 1.6.
Specically, Oscar supports custom user models, the headline new feature in Django 1.5. These can be used standalone
or with a one-to-one prole model: Oscars account forms inspect the model elds to dynamically pick up the elds
for editing and display.
There are some restrictions on what elds a custom user model must have. For instance, Oscars default auth backend
requires the user model to have an email and password eld. New Oscar projects are encouraged to use the provided
abstract user model as the base for their users.
Support for Django 1.6 is considered experimental at the moment as there hasnt been time to run thorough tests for
all possible incompatibilities.
Further reading:
How to use a custom user model.
Accounts The views and templates of the accounts section have been reworked to be clearer and easier to extend.
There is no longer a generic frontpage for the accounts section - instead, each subsection has its own page. The
navigation has also moved to the left-hand side.
Figure 1.7: The new-look account section with navigation on the left-hand side.
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Bootstrap-WYSIHTML5 replaced by TinyMCE TinyMCE 4.0 is now used in the dashboard for all textareas with
class wysiwyg. This has better browser support and is easier to customise than bootstrap-wysihtml5 (which has now
been removed).
It is easy to congure or replace with the HTML editor of your choice.
Figure 1.8: Textarea with class wysiwyg now use TinyMCE.
Improved address elds The postcode and phone number elds have been improved.
The postcode eld is nowvalidated in the models clean() method to ensure it is valid for the selected country.
The phone number eld now uses a specialist PhoneNumberField eld class which validates and cleans the
phone number.
Better bankcard handling In 0.5, there were two classes that representing a bankcard. These have been merged -
the new version is AbstractBankcard.
An instance of this model is returned by the bankcard property.
Customer-facing range pages Ranges can now be agged as public which means they get a customer-facing detail
page which shows a range description and allows its products to be browsed.
In the dashboard, the display order of the ranges products can be controlled.
To this end, the core Range model has been extended with a HTML description eld.
Reworked search app Oscars search app has been reviewed and simplied. The main view class (now
FacetedSearchView) has been reworked to provide better support for faceting, which can be easily specied
using the OSCAR_SEARCH_FACETS setting.
The SuggestionsView has been removed as it wasnt being used. A later version of Oscar will include a replace-
See the search app documentation for more details.
Order processing changes The core EventHandler class has been extended.
The handle_shipping_event method now validates a proposed shipping event before saving it.
The handle_payment_event method now validates a proposed payment event before saving it.
See the EventHandler for the available methods.
112 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Figure 1.9: A customer-facing range page
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Tracking Oscar sites Oscars dashboard now serves a single pixel image from one of Tangents servers. This is
included to gather information on which sites use Oscar, which is an important metric for Tangent, who sponsor
Oscars development.
It can easily be disabled by setting OSCAR_TRACKING=False. If you do opt out, please email the mailing list with
any production Oscar sites you are running. This will help to ensure investment in Oscars future.
Minor changes
detox is a new dependency, which allows running tox tests in parallel.
OSCAR_ALLOW_ANON_REVIEWS has been a documented setting since Oscar 0.4. But theres never been any
code to support this, which has been rectied with this release. Things should now work as expected.
Oscar uses a cookie to display recently displayed products. This cookie never expired and wasnt a HttpOnly
cookie. It is now a HttpOnly cookie and expires after 7 days. Additionally, two settings have been intro-
duced to congure it analogues to the basket cookies: OSCAR_RECENTLY_VIEWED_COOKIE_LIFETIME
Backwards incompatible changes in 0.6
There were quite a few backwards incompatible changes in Oscar 0.6. There shouldnt be quite as many in future
Oscar releases as we approach 1.0.
Additional apps Four new apps are required in your INSTALLED_APPS:
If you are using the get_core_apps helper function, then these new apps will be added automatically. The new
wishlists app contains database migrations, so you will need to run the migrate management command.
Checkout app Several changes have been made to the checkout in the name of simplication and making things
easier to customise.
The PaymentDetailsView has been adjusted to explicitly pass variables around rather than relying on methods
that load them on demand. This makes customisation easier and everything more explicit (a good thing).
The submit method in PaymentDetailsView has a new signature. It now accepts the user, shipping
address, shipping method and order total as required parameters The intention is that the build_submission
methods returns a dict of kwargs for submit so that it can be called like:
submission = self.build_submission()
return self.submit(
If your payment or order submission process requires additional parameters (eg a bankcard instance), override
the build_submission method to provide them. The dict returned from the new build_submission
method is also passed to the template.
The handle_payment method in PaymentDetailsView now accepts a Price instance instead of a
Decimal for the order total.
114 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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The handle_order_placement method in OrderPlacementMixin now accepts the user, ship-
ping address and shipping method in a different order consistent with the submit method from
The place_order method in OrderPlacementMixin has a new signature. The parameters have been
reordered and the shipping address, shipping method and billing address must be passed in explicitly (as unsaved
The create_shipping_address method in OrderPlacementMixin has changed signature. Instead
of being passed a basket, it is now passed the user and an unsaved shipping address instance.
The create_billing_address method in OrderPlacementMixin has changed signature. It is now
passed an unsaved billing address instance as well as a shipping address instance.
The get_shipping_method (fromCheckoutSessionMixin) no longer defaults to returning free ship-
ping if no shipping method can be looked up.
The OrderTotalCalculator now returns a Price instance from a new calculate method. The old
methods order_total_incl_tax and order_total_excl_tax have been removed.
Other changes:
The checkout gateway page has a new option Register and continue which allows a customer to register before
checking out. As part of this change, the option value new in GatewayForm has changed to guest as new
option is used for this feature.
The checkout decorators basket_required and prev_steps_must_be_complete have been re-
moved as they were no longer used.
Shipping app changes The default implementation of the Repository class has been adjusted to avoid thread-
safety issues. If you dene your own shipping Repository class, ensure that your shipping methods are instantiated
per-request and not at compile time.
For example, avoid this:
from oscar.apps.shipping import repository
class Repository(repository.Repository)
# Dont instantiate at compile time!
methods = [SomeMethod(), AnotherMethod()]
Instead, instantiate the methods within get_shipping_methods:
from oscar.apps.shipping import repository
class Repository(repository.Repository)
# Note, methods are not instantiated. The get_shipping_methods
# method will instantiate them.
methods = [SomeMethod, AnotherMethod]
Warning: Beware of shipping methods that are congured via constructor parameters, like FixedPrice. If you
are using methods that work this way, ensure you instantiate them at runtime.
Shipping methods will be reworked for Oscar 0.7 to avoid these issues.
Address model changes
The UserAddress.salutation and UserAddress.name methods are now properties.
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The Country models is_highlighted column has been renamed to display_order and is now an
integer eld to allow ne-grained country selection.
Basket app changes Several properties of the basket Line model have been renamed:
Line.line_price_excl_tax_and_discounts has been renamed to
Line.line_price_incl_tax_and_discounts has been renamed to
The basket_form() templatetag has been altered to take the request as the rst parameter, not
Catalogue app changes 3 properties have been removed fromoscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models.AbstractProductImage
as they were unused: resized_image_url, fullsize_url and thumbnail_url. Thumbnailing is instead
achieved in templates with Sorl.
The function add_category_from_breadcrumbs was not used and has been removed.
Alternative product class templates nowuse slug eld instead of name.lower() to determine their lename.
If you have templates for specic product classes, please update your lenames accordingly
Customer app changes The oscar.apps.customer.forms.EmailAuthenticationForm form now
needs to be instantated with a host name so prevent redirects to external sites.
Offer app changes The ManyToManyField included_product of the Range model was changed to use
through relationship:
Use Range.add_product(product) instead of Range.included_product.add(product).
Use Range.remove_product(product) instead of Range.included_product.remove(product).
When adding a product into a range, position in the range can be specied with display_order parameter:
Range.add_product(product, display_order=3)
Payment app changes The balance method on the AbstractSource model is now a property, not a method.
Reviews app changes The two product review forms, SignedInUserProductReviewForm
and AnonymousUserProductReviewForm, have been replaced by a new
Search app changes Some of the names have been simplied.
The MultiFacetedSearchView and SuggestionsView view classes have been removed. The
MultiFacetedSeachView class is replaced by FacetedSearchView.
The MultiFacetedSearchForm has been removed in favour of SearchForm.
116 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Loading baskets Now that products can have multiple stockrecords, several changes have been made to baskets to
allow the appropriate stockrecord to be tracked for each basket line. The basket line model has a new eld that links to
the selected stockrecord and the basket itself requires an instance of the strategy class so that prices can be calculated
for each line. Hence, if you loading baskets and manipulating baskets directly, you need to assign a strategy class in
order for prices to calculate correctly:
from oscar.apps.basket import models
basket = models.Basket.objects.get(id=1)
basket.strategy = request.strategy
Without an assigned strategy class, a basket will raise a RuntimeError when attempting to calculate totals.
Renamed templates Some templates have been renamed for greater consistency. If you are overriding these tem-
plates, ensure you rename your corresponding project templates.
Many of the prole templates have been reorganised:
customer/address_list.html is renamed to customer/address/address_list.html
customer/address_form.html is renamed to customer/address/address_form.html
customer/address_delete.html is renamed to customer/address/address_delete.html
customer/email.html is renamed to customer/email/email_detail.html
customer/email_list.html is renamed to customer/email/email_list.html
customer/order.html is renamed to customer/order/order_detail.html
customer/order_list.html is renamed to customer/order/order_list.html
customer/profile.html is renamed to customer/profile/profile.html
customer/profile_form.html is renamed to customer/profile/profile_form.html
customer/change_password_form.html is renamed to customer/profile/change_password_form.html
partials/nav_profile.html has been removed.
Template block changes
The template dashboard/orders/order_detail.html has been reorganised. The
tab_transactions block has been renamed to payment_transactions.
In checkout/checkout.html, the checkout-nav block has been renamed checkout_nav.
Changes to Partner permissions The following permissions on the AbstractPartner model were not used in
Oscar and have been removed to avoid confusion with the newly introduced permission-based dashboard:
The permission-based dashboard introduced a new permission:
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Migrations There are rather a lot of new migrations in Oscar 0.6. They are all detailed below.
If you are upgrading and your project overrides one of these apps with new migrations, then ensure you pick
up the schema changes in a new migration within your app. You can generally do this using manage.py
schemamigration $APP --auto but check the corresponding core migration to ensure there arent any sub-
tleties that are being overlooked.
Some of these migrations rename elds for consistency, while others ensure CharField elds are not nullable.
0003: A new eld display_order is added to the Country model. This is the rst of 3 migrations
that replace the boolean is_highlighted eld with an integer eld that allows ne-grained control of
the order of countries in dropdowns.
0004: A data migration to ensure highlighted countries have a display order of 1.
0005: Remove the is_highlighted eld from the Country model as it is no longer necessary.
0006: Add a uniqueness constraint across user_id and hash for the UserAddress model to prevent
duplicate addresses.
0007: Use a custom eld for address postcodes.
0004: Add stockrecord eld to the Line model to track which stockrecord has been selected to
fulll a particular line.
0005: Add price_currency eld to the Line model.
0011: Larger max_length on FileFields and ImageFields
0012: Use NullBooleanField for the value_boolean eld of the ProductAttributeValue
0013: Add value_file and value_image elds to the ProductAttributeValue model to
support le and image attributes.
0005: Dont allow sms_template eld of CommunicationEventType model to be nullable.
0002: Dont allow error_message eld of RangeProductFileUpload model to be nullable.
Offer app:
0020: Data migration to set null offer descriptions to empty string.
0021: Dont allow null offer descriptions or benet types.
0022: Add a slug eld to the Range model.
0023: A data migration to populate the new range slug eld.
0024: Add a is_public eld to the Range model.
0025: Add a description eld to the Range model.
0026: Add a applies_to_tax_exclusive_price eld to ConditionalOffer model to try
and handle offers that apply in bothe the US and UK (this eld is later removed).
118 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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0027: Create a joining table for the new M2M relationship between ranges and products.
0028: Remove applies_to_tax_exclusive_price eld.
Order app:
0010: Allow postcodes for shipping- and billing addresses to be nullable.
0011: Rename date eld on CommunicationEvent, ShippingEvent and PaymentEvent
models to be date_created.
0012: Add reference eld to PaymentEvent model.
0013: Add a foreign key to ShippingEvent from PaymentEvent model.
0014: Change postcode eld on ShippingAddress and BillingAddress models to use
UppercaseCharField eld.
0015: Remove is_required and sequence_number elds from ShippingEventType and
PaymentEventType models.
0016: Add currency eld to Order model. Add a foreign key to the StockRecord model from
the Line model.
0017: Add a shipping_code eld to the Order model.
0018: ShippingAddresss phone_number is now a PhoneNumberField to allow better vali-
Partner app:
0008: Remove unnecessary partner_abstractstockalert table.
0009: Create table for new PartnerAddress model.
0010: Remove uniqueness constraint on product_id for the StockRecord model. This allows a
product to have more than one stockrecord.
Payment app:
0002: Ensure all CharField elds are not nullable. This migration handles both the data- and schema-
migration in one.
Promotions app:
0002: Ensure all CharField elds are not nullable.
0003: Extend the max_length of the image eld.
Wishlist app:
0001: Initial table creation
Features deprecated in 0.6
Accessing a products stockrecords Several properties and methods of the core AbstractProduct class have
been deprecated following the change to allow multiple stockrecords per product.
The has_stockrecord property no longer makes sense when there can be more than one stockrecord. It is
replaced by has_stockrecords
The stockrecord property is deprecated since it presumes there is only one stockrecord per product. Choos-
ing the appropriate stockrecord is now the responsibility of the strategy class. A backward compatible version
has been kept in place that selects the rst stockrecord for a product. This will continue to work for sites that
only have one stockrecord per product.
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All availability logic has been moved to availability policies which are determined by the strategy class.
The is_available_to_buy property is deprecated. The functionality is now part of availability policies.
The is_purchase_permitted() method is deprecated. The functionality is now part of availability poli-
Checkout session manager The shipping_method method of the CheckoutSessionData is now depre-
cated in favour of using shipping_method_code. It is being removed as the CheckoutSessionData class
should only be responsible for retrieving data from the session, not loading shipping method instances.
Checkout order placement mixin The following methods within OrderPlacementMixin are deprecated as
the ow of placing an order has been changed.
Bankcard model The card_number is deprecated in favour of using number.
Partner wrappers Before Oscar 0.6, availability and pricing logic was encapsulated in partner wrappers. A
partner wrapper was a class that provided availability and price information for a particular partner, as specied by the
OSCAR_PARTNER_WRAPPERS setting. The stockrecord model had several properties and methods which delegated
to the appropriate wrapper for the records partner.
This functionality is now deprecated in favour of using strategy classes. How prices and taxes are determined is not
generally a function of the partner, and so this system was not a good model. Strategy classes are much more exible
and allow better modelling of taxes and availability.
The following properties and methods from StockRecord are deprecated and will be removed for Oscar 0.7. These
are all convenience properties and methods that delegate to the appropriate partner wrapper.
All the above properties and methods have effectively been moved to the availability and pricing policies that a strategy
class is responsible for loading. To upgrade your codebase, replace your partner wrapper classes with equivalent
availability and pricing policies.
Test support extension brought back into core The Oscar test support library has been ported back into Oscar
core. This simplies things and avoids circular dependency issues. If your project is using this extension, you should
remove it as a dependency and use the analogous functionality from oscar/test/.
120 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Oscar 0.6.1 release notes
This is Oscar 0.6.1. It xes one potentially serious data loss issue and a few minor bugs.
Possible data loss from deleted users
Before this release, the foreign key from the Order model to the User model did not specify an on_delete
behaviour. The default is for deletes to cascade to related objects, even if the eld is nullable. Hence, deleting a user
would also delete any orders they had placed.
As of 0.6.1, the foreign keys to user, shipping address and billing address on the Order model specify
on_delete=SET_NULL to avoid orders being deleted accidentally.
See Djangos docs for more info on on_delete options.
Missing translations The 0.6 release failed to include several translations from Transifex due to a problem in the
way we updated translation les before release. This release recties that and includes the latest translation les.
Known issues
Django 1.4 only: The changes in #1127 mean you explicitly need to register a call to
migrate_alerts_to_users when the post_save signal is emitted for a User model.
Bug xes The following bugs were xed:
#1109 - Workaround for a bug in Bootstrap regarding the collapsing of the navigation bar.
#1121 - Added a conrmation view to removing products from wish lists because one cant POST to it in all
#1127 required that the migrate_alerts_to_user function is now explicitly called in Oscars base User
class. It previously was wired up as a post_save signal receiver on the User model, which does not work in
Django 1.5+.
#1128 - Calls to Source.debit without an amount argument were failing as balance was being called as
a method instead of a property.
#1130 - Variant products were not fetching the product class instance correctly within
#1132 and #1149 - Rich text attributes were not supported. Should be displayed correctly now. Also introduced
hooks for adding support for e.g. file and image types.
#1133 - The order detail page for anonymous checkouts failed to render if reviews were disabled.
#1134 - Fixed a bug caused where unicode characters in child products titles were incorrectly handled.
#1138 - Adjust the OrderAndItemCharges shipping method to not count lines that dont require shipping.
#1146 - Various templates were adjusted to gracefully handle deleted products.
Oscar 0.6.2 release notes
This is Oscar 0.6.2. It xes an unfortunate regression introduced in 0.6.1 as well as a couple of bugs.
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Overriding models
Commit fa1f8403 changed the way signal receivers were registered. While this helped work around issues with the
latest debug toolbar, it also broke the way custom models were imported. This happened as the relocated receiver
imports caused core models to be imported before local ones.
This is xed in 0.6.2 by reverting the original commit. Users of the debug toolbar are recommended to follow the
explicit installation instructions to avoid any circular import issues that fa1f8403 was introduced to solve..
See #1159 for more details.
Bug xes The following bugs were xed:
#1157 - Ensure group products have a price submitted to the search backend when indexing.
#1127 - Remove a circular dependency bug around importing the StockAlert model when indexing.
Oscar 0.6.3 release notes
This is Oscar 0.6.3. It xes a few issues that have been discovered since the latest release.
Known issues
Django 1.4 only: The changes in #1127 mean you explicitly need to register a call to
migrate_alerts_to_users when the post_save signal is emitted for a User model.
Bug xes
The following issues were xed:
Several strings have been marked translatable.
#1167 - Offers without ranges can be created correctly.
#1166, #1176 - Migrations work again with custom User model.
#1186 - Fix bug with dashboard order search
Oscar 0.6.4 release notes
This is Oscar 0.6.4. This is a minor release which addresses a few niggles, mainly around how partner users are
handled in the dashboard.
Bug xes
The following issues were xed:
Editing variant products didnt correctly look up the parent product class.
#1177 - Fix a regression in get_classes that prevented overridden dashboard apps being loaded correctly.
#1273 - Dashboard partner views now allow user forms to be dynamically loaded (and hence overridden).
#1275 - Dashboard partner user form now checks that the right elds are picked up from the user model (see
also #1282, #1283)
122 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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Oscar 0.6.5 release notes
This is Oscar 0.6.5, a minor security release. If you rely on the permissions_required decorator or the
Application.permissions_map and Application.default_permissions syntax, you must up-
Bug xes
The permissions_required decorator now handles both methods and properties on the User model. Pre-
viously, it wasnt supported, but a docstring showed is_anonymous as an example, which is a method.
0.7 release branch
Oscar 0.7 release notes
Welcome to Oscar 0.7!
These release notes cover the new features as well as backwards incompatible changes that youll want to be aware of
when upgrading from Oscar 0.6 or earlier.
If you encounter any undocumented issues, please let us know on the mailing list.
Table of contents:
Whats new in Oscar 0.7?
Backwards incompatible changes in 0.7
Oscar 0.7 is largely a maintenance release, xing minor issues, merging long-standing pull requests and other house-
As part of the clean-up, we have removed a few unused models and model elds, as well as removing null=True
from a load of CharFields - so please read the release notes carefully when upgrading as some schema migrations
may need some care.
Further, ensure you test your checkout implementation carefully after upgrading as the core Oscar checkout view
classes have been reorganised slightly. Any upgrading work should be minor but be diligent.
Oscar 0.7 has experimental support for Python 3.
Support for Django 1.4 has been dropped, and support for Django 1.6 is now considered stable.
Whats new in Oscar 0.7?
Search improvements Several improvements have been made to Oscars default search functionality:
Search results can be now be sorted.
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If your search backend supports it, spelling suggestions will be shown if the original search term doesnt lead to
any results.
Only products are returned by the core search view. Other content types in your search index are ltered out
Extended signals Oscars signals have been improved and consolidated, making it easier to hook into user journeys
and extract analytics information.
Changes to existing signals include:
The basket_addition signal now passes the request as an additional kwarg.
The user_registered signal now passes the request as an additional kwarg.
New signals:
A start_checkout signal is now raised when the customer begins the checkout process.
See the signals docs for more details.
Checkout reorganisation The checkout classes have been reworked to clean-up how pre-conditions are enforced.
Each view class now has a pre_conditions attribute which is an iterable of method names (as strings). Each
method is run within the dispatch method of the view and will redirect the customer back to the appropriate view
if the check fails.
This change makes pre-conditions easier to customise and simplies the core checkout views. Consequently, the
following methods are no longer required and have been removed:
Further, the PaymentDetailsView has been re-organised for extensibility. For instance, several new methods
have been introduced to allow ne-grained overriding of functionality:
handle_payment_details_submission() - This is responsible for validating any forms submitted
from the payment URL
handle_place_order_submission() - This is responsible for placing an order after a submission from
the preview URL.
render_payment_details() - Render the payment details template.
The implementation of submit() has been improved to handle payment errors in a more customer friendly way. If
an exception is raised during payment, the payment details page is now loaded with the original forms passed to the
template (so form validation errors can be displayed).
Finally, the billing_address kwarg to submit() has been removed. If you want to pass a billing address to
be saved against the order, then pass it as part of the order_kwargs option.
Minor changes
Oscars LESS les now use Bootstrap 2.3.2 (Oscar 0.6 uses 2.1.1).
The product model now has a num_approved_reviews property to avoid unnecessary SQL queries when
rendering templates (#1299)
Customers can delete their proles from within their account section.
Customers are prevented from using short or common passwords when changing their password in their account
124 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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permissions_map now supports more than two lists to evaluate permissions.
Formset handling in ProductCreateUpdateView has been simplied and now easily allows adding further
Increased required version of Django Haystack to 2.1
The dashboards Bootstrap and the Bootstrap JS has been bumped to 2.3.2, the latest release of version 2.
The dashboards category handling now has the ability to directly create child categories.
Oscars error messages now have their own CSS class, error-block (ef3ccf08a7).
It is now possible to disable the redirect that happens when a product or categorys slug changed and an old
URL is used (b920f8ba).
BankCardNumberField now allows specifying accepted card types (32b7249).
Several slug elds have been turned into the newly introduced AutoSlugField to ensure that generated slugs
are unique.
Widget initialisation can now be prevented with adding the no-widget-init class. Issues around widget
initialisation in the dashboard promotions have been resolved.
The access function used to determine dashboards menu entries visibility is now settable via OS-
Vouchers start and end times are now datetimes instead of dates; allowing lunch-time deals etc.
Product classes can nowbe added fromthe dashboard. Editing options and attributes is not yet supported though.
Experimental support for having a language prex in the URL has been added, and enabled for the sand-
box. This can be achieved by using Djangos i18n_patterns function in your urls.py. for the sandbox.
See sites/sandbox/urls.py for an example.
A basic example for a multi-language sitemap has been added to the sandbox.
Reasoning about e.g. when it is feasible to drop Python 2.6 or Django 1.5 support is hard without reliable data,
hence the tracker pixel has been extended to submit the Python and Django version in use. Tracking is still
easily disabled by setting OSCAR_TRACKING to False.
Addresses in non-shipping countries can no longer be selected as default shipping address anymore
Suspended and consumed offers are no longer returned by the active offer manager. (#1228).
Products can now be removed from categories (#1289).
Backwards incompatible changes in 0.7
Warning: Fields and models have been removed from Oscar. If you used them, you must ensure you create/extend
the affected models appropriately.
Oscar has dropped support for Django 1.4. However, if Oscar continues to support the
AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE setting so sites that use separate prole models arent forced to convert to a
single user model in order to use Oscar 0.7.
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AbstractProduct.status was an unused CharField provided for convenience as its a commonly
required eld. But a different eld type was often required, and as changing it is much harder than adding a eld
with the desired type, the eld has been removed.
Contributor, ContributorRole, the through-model ProductContributor and their abstract ver-
sions have been removed as they were unused and too specic to the domain of book shops.
ProductCategory.is_canonical was an unused BooleanField and has been removed.
Order.basket_id was a PositiveIntegerField containing the primary key of the associated basket.
Its been refactored to be a nullable ForeignKey and is now called basket.
#1123 - The URL structure of ProductCreateRedirectView has been changed to use the product class
slug instead of the primary key. Its necessary to update URLs pointing to that view.
ProductListView has been removed as it wasnt needed any more after the search improvements. The old
URL route still works.
Accessing categories by just slug instead of primary key and slug had been unofcially deprecated for 0.6, and
is removed now.
#1251 - Form related templates have been refactored. If youve modied them, your templates might need
django.conf.urls.i18n has been removed from Oscars default URLs. This is because to get
i18n_patterns working for Oscar, it needs to be dened outside of the scope of it. If you use i18n, you
need to explicitly add the following line to your main urls.py:
(r^i18n/, include(django.conf.urls.i18n)),
jScrollPane, which was used to style the dashboards scroll bars, has been removed.
The methods get_error_response and can_basket_be_submitted have been removed from the
PaymentDetailsView view class in checkout
Removal of features deprecated in 0.6
Django 1.4 support has been removed.
In OrderPlacementMixin, the following methods have been removed:
create_shipping_address_from_form_fields - This is removed as checkout now requires
an unsaved shipping address instance to be passed in (rather than having it created implicitly).
create_user_address - This is replaced by oscar.apps.checkout.mixin.OrderPlacementMixin.update_address_book().
The oscar.apps.checkout.session.CheckoutSessionData.shipping_method() has been
removed. Instead oscar.apps.checkout.session.CheckoutSessionMixin.get_shipping_address()
provides the same functionality.
Warning: The reviews app has not been under migration control so far. Please ensure you follow Souths
guidelines on how to convert an app. Essentially, you will have to run: $ ./manage.py migrate reviews
0001 --fake
Warning: A lot of Oscar apps have data migrations for CharFields before null=True is removed in the follow-
ing schema migration. If you have extended such an app and use your own migrations, then you will need to rst
convert affected Nones to yourself; see the data migrations for our approach.
126 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
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0008 - Forgotten migration for UserAddress.phone_number
0009 & 0010 - Data and schema migration for removing null=True on CharFields
0014 - Drops unused ProductCategory.is_canonical eld.
0015 - Turns a products UPC eld into a oscar.models.fields.NullCharField
0016 - AutoSlugField for AbstractProductClass and AbstractOption
0017 - Removes Product.status, Contributor, ContributorRole and
0018 - Set on_delete=models.PROTECT on Product.product_class
0019 & 0020 - Data and schema migration for removing null=True on CharFields
0006 - AutoSlugField and unique=True for AbstractCommunicationEventType
0007 & 0008 - Data and schema migration for removing null=True on CharFields
0009 - Migration caused by CommunicationEventType.code separator change
0029 - AutoSlugField for ConditionalOffer
0030 & 0031 - Data and schema migration for removing null=True on CharFields
0032 - Changing proxy_class elds to NullCharField
0025 - AutoSlugField for AbstractPaymentEventType and AbstractShippingEventType
0026 - Allow null=True and blank=True for Line.partner_name
0027 & 0028 - Data and schema migration for removing null=True on CharFields
0011 - AutoSlugField for AbstractPartner
0012 & 0013 - Data and schema migration for removing null=True on CharFields
0003 - AutoSlugField and unique=True for AbstractSourceType
0004 & 0005 - Data and schema migration for removing null=True on CharFields
0006 - AutoSlugField for ShippingMethod
0001 - Initial migration for reviews application. Make sure to follow Souths guidelines on how to convert
an app.
0002 & 0003 - Data and schema migration for removing null=True on CharFields
1.3. The Oscar open-source project 127
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0002 and 0003 - Convert [start|end]_date to [start|end]_datetime (includes data migra-
Oscar 0.7.1 release notes
This is Oscar 0.7.1, a nano-release to squash one gremlin in 0.7 that affects django-oscar-paypal.
Bug xes
This release makes a change to the checkout session mixin which allows a basket to be explicitly specied
by subclasses of the checkout PaymentDetails view class. This is required when a different basket to
request.basket is intended to be used in a preview (this is what django-oscar-paypal needs to do).
Oscar 0.7.2 release notes
This is Oscar 0.7.2, a minor security release. If you rely on the permissions_required decorator or the
Application.permissions_map and Application.default_permissions syntax, you must up-
Bug xes
The permissions_required decorator now handles both methods and properties on the User model. Pre-
viously, it wasnt supported, but a docstring showed is_anonymous as an example, which is a method.
It xes a syntax error in basket.views.BasketView when rendering an error message. Previously, trying
to save an item for later while not being logged in would cause an Internal Server Error.
0.8 release branch
Oscar 0.8 release notes
Warning: Since v0.8 has not been released yet, these release notes are still a work-in-progress.
Welcome to Oscar 0.8!
Table of contents:
Whats new in Oscar 0.8?
Backwards incompatible changes in 0.8
Oscar now has a demo site customised for the US!
Things that have been heavily rewritten:
Adding product to the basket
128 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
django-oscar Documentation, Release 0.8
Shipping functionality got a thorough re-working including a new dashboard for weight-based shipping methods.
Lots of methods deprecated in the 0.6 release have nowbeen removed. Specically, the partner wrapper functionality
is now gone. All price and availability logic now needs to be handled with strategies.
Oscar 0.8 is compatible with Django 1.5-1.7.
Support for Python 2.6 has been dropped; Oscar works with Python 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4.
Whats new in Oscar 0.8?
Customisation just got easier!
Oscars views are now dynamically imported. This means that they can be overridden like most other classes in
Oscar; overriding the related Application instance is not necessary any more.
A new management command, oscar_fork_app, has been introduced to help with the all-to-common pat-
tern of forking an Oscar app to override one of its classes.
The documentation around Customising Oscar has been given an overhaul to incorporate the changes.
Reworked shipping app Several parts of the shipping app have been altered. The most important change is a to
the API of shipping methods to avoid a potential thread safety issue. Any existing Oscar sites with custom shipping
methods will need to adjust them to conrm to the new API. The new API and the other changes are detailed below.
See the backwards incompatible changes for the shipping app and the guide to conguring shipping for more infor-
Dashboard for weight-based shipping methods There is a new dashboard for weight-based shipping methods. It
isnt enabled by default as weight-based shipping methods are enabled by default. To add it to the dashboard menu,
include this snippet in your OSCAR_DASHBOARD_NAVIGATION setting:
label: _(Shipping charges),
url_name: dashboard:shipping-method-list,
Youll also need to modify your shipping repository class to return weight-based shipping methods too.
US demo site To help developers building sites for the US, a new example Oscar site has been included in the repo.
This customises core Oscar to treat all prices as excluding tax and then calculate and apply taxes once the shipping
address is known.
See The US site for more information.
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Basket additions clean-up The forms and views around adding things to your basket has been vigorously reworked.
This cleans up some very old code there and ensures variant products are handled in a consistent way.
The changes do require changing the constructor signature of the AddToBasketForm - the details are documented
in the Basket app changes.
Checkout improvements The checkout process now skips payment if the order total is zero (e.g. when ordering
free products or using a voucher). As part of that, checkout views now evaluate pre-conditions (as before) and newly
introduced skip conditions. This should make customising the checkout ow easier.
Cleanup around shipping methods
The models of the shipping app now have abstract base classes, similar to the rest of Oscar.
The legacy ShippingMethod name of the interface of the shipping app has been re-
moved. Inherit from shipping.base.Base for the class instead, and inherit from
shipping.abstract_models.AbstractBase for model-based shipping methods.
oscar.apps.shipping.Scales has been renamed and moved to
oscar.apps.shipping.scales.Scale, and is now overridable.
WeightBand.upper_limit is now a DecimalField, just like the other weight-related elds.
Minor changes
The OSCAR_CURRENCY_LOCALE setting has been removed. The locale is now automatically determined from
the current language. This ensures prices are always shown in the correct format when switching languages.
The login and registration view now redirects staff users to the dashboard after logging in. It also employs ash
messages to welcome returning and newly registered users.
The basket middleware now assigns a basket_hash attribute to the request instance. This provides a hook
for basket caching.
The tracking pixel now also reports the Oscar version in use. This was forgotten when adding tracking of the
Python and Django version in 0.7. Total information collected now is the versions of Django, Python and Oscar.
OSCAR_SLUG_FUNCTION now accepts both string notation and a callable.
The default templates now allow the order status to be changed on the dashboard order detail page.
The forms for the order dashboard views are now loaded dynamically so they can be overridden.
Backwards incompatible changes in 0.8
Shipping The shipping method API has been altered to avoid potential thread-safety issues. Prior to v0.8, shipping
methods had a set_basket method which allowed a basket instance to be assigned. This was really a crutch to allow
templates to have easy access to shipping charges (as they could be read straight off the shipping method instance).
However, it was also a design problem as shipping methods could be instantiated at compile-time leading to a thread
safety issue where multiple threads could assign a basket to the same shipping method instance.
In Oscar 0.8, shipping methods are stateless services that have a method calculate() that takes a basket and
returns a Price instance. New template tags are provided that allow these shipping charges to be accessed
from templates.
This API change does require quite a few changes as both the shipping method and shipping charge now need to be
passed around separately:
130 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
django-oscar Documentation, Release 0.8
Shipping methods no longer have charge_excl_tax, charge_incl_tax and is_tax_known proper-
The OrderCreator class now requires the shipping_charge to be passed to place_order.
The signature of the OrderTotalCalculator class has changed to accept shipping_charge rather
than a shipping_method instance.
The signature of the get_order_totals() method has changed to accept the shipping_charge rather
than a shipping_method instance.
Another key change is in the shipping repository object. The get_shipping_methods method has been split in
two to simplify the exercise of providing new shipping methods. The best practice for Oscar 0.8 is to override the
methods attribute if the same set of shipping methods is available to everyone:
from oscar.apps.shipping import repository, methods
class Standard(methods.FixedPrice):
code = "standard"
name = "Standard"
charge_excl_tax = D(10.00)
class Express(methods.FixedPrice):
code = "express"
name = "Express"
charge_excl_tax = D(20.00)
class Repository(repository.Repository):
methods = [Standard(), Express()]
or to override get_available_shipping_methods if the available shipping methods if only available condi-
from oscar.apps.shipping import repository
class Repository(repository.Repository):
def get_available_shipping_methods(
self, basket, shipping_addr=None,
methods = [Standard()]
if shipping_addr.country.code == US:
# Express only available in the US
return methods
Note that shipping address should be passed around as instances not classes.
Other potentially breaking changes related to shipping include:
Weight based shipping methods used to have an upper_charge eld which was returned if no weight band
matched. That doesnt work very well in practice, and has been removed. Instead, charges from bands are now
added together to match the weight of the basket.
The OrderCreator class no longer defaults to free shipping: a shipping method and charge have to be
explicitly passed in.
The Base shipping method class now lives in oscar.apps.shipping.methods.
The find_by_code method of the shipping Repository class has been removed as it is no longer used.
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django-oscar Documentation, Release 0.8
The parameters for oscar.apps.shipping.respository.Repository.get_shipping_methods()
have been re-ordered to reect which are the most important.
The legacy ShippingMethod name of the interface of the shipping app has been re-
moved. Inherit from shipping.base.Base for the class instead, and inherit from
shipping.abstract_models.AbstractBase for model-based shipping methods.
oscar.apps.shipping.Scales has been renamed and moved to
oscar.apps.shipping.scales.Scale, and is now overridable.
The oscar_calculate_scores command has been rewritten to use the ORM instead of raw SQL. That
exposed a bug in the previous calculations, where purchases got weighed less than any other event. When you
upgrade, your total scores will be change. If you rely on the old behaviour, just extend the Calculator class
and adjust the weights.
Order.order_number now has unique=True set. If order numbers are not unique in your database, you
need to remedy that before migrating. By default, Oscar creates unique order numbers.
Product.score was just duplicating ProductRecord.score and has been removed. Use
Product.stats.score instead.
Oscar has child products to model tightly coupled products, and Product.recommended_products
to model products that are loosely related (e.g. used for upselling). Product.related_products
was a third option that sat somewhere in between, and which was not well supported. We fear it adds
confusion, and in the spirit of keeping Oscar core lean, has been removed. If youre using it, switch to
Product.recommended_products or just add the eld back to your custom Product instance and
ProductForm when migrating.
The basket_form template tag code has been greatly simplied. Because of that, the syntax needed to change
Before: {% basket_form request product as basket_form single %}
After: {% basket_form request product single as basket_form %}
Basket line stockrecords The basket line model got a reference to the stockrecord in Oscar 0.6. The basket mid-
dleware since then updated basket lines to have stockrecords if one was missing. If any lines are still missing a
stockrecord, wed expect them to be from from submitted baskets or from old, abandoned baskets. This updating
of basket lines has been removed for 0.8 as it incurs additional database queries. Oscar 0.8 now also enforces the
stockrecord by making it the stockrecord eld of basket Line model no longer nullable.
There is a migration that makes the appropriate schema change but, before that runs, you may need to clean up your
basket_line table to ensure that all existing null values are replaced or removed.
Heres a simple script you could run before upgrading which should ensure there are no nulls in your basket_line
from oscar.apps.basket import models
from oscar.apps.partner.strategy import Selector
strategy = Selector().strategy()
lines = models.Line.objects.filter(stockrecord__isnull=True):
for line in lines:
info = strategy.fetch_for_product(line.product)
if line.stockrecord:
line.stockrecord = info.stockrecord
132 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
django-oscar Documentation, Release 0.8
The reload_page_response method of OrderDetailView has been renamed to reload_page.
Basket app changes
The basket:add URL now required the primary key of the base product to be included. This allows the
same form to be used for both GET and POST requests for variant products.
The ProductSelectionForm is no longer used and has been removed.
The constructor of the AddToBasketForm has been adjusted to take the basket and the purchase info tuple as
parameters instead of the request instance (c74f57bf and 8ba283e8).
0021 - Add unique_together to ProductAttributeValue, ProductRecommendation
and ProductCategory
0022 - Remove Product.score eld.
0029 - Add unique_together to PaymentEventQuantity and ShippingEventQuantity
0030 - Set unique=True for Order.order_number
0006 - Add unique_together to OrderedProduct
0007 - Change WeightBand.upper_limit from FloatField to DecimalField
0008 - Drop WeightBased.upper_charge eld.
Removal of deprecated features These methods have been removed:
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django-oscar Documentation, Release 0.8
These classes have been removed
1.3.3 Contributing to Oscar
Youre thinking of helping out. Thats brilliant - thank you for your time! You can contribute in many ways:
Join the django-oscar mailing list and answer questions.
Report bugs in our ticket tracker.
Submit pull requests for new and/or xed behavior.
Improve the documentation.
Write tests.
Translations can be contributed using Transifex. Just apply for a language and go ahead!
Setting up the development environment
Fork the repo and run:
$ git clone git@github.com:<username>/django-oscar.git
$ cd django-oscar
$ mkvirtualenv oscar # needs virtualenvwrapper
$ make install
If using Ubuntu, the python-dev package is required for some packages to compile.
The sandbox site can be used to examine changes locally. It is easily created by running:
$ make sandbox
JPEG Support On Ubuntu, you need to install a few libraries to get JPEG support with Pillow:
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev libjpeg-dev libfreetype6-dev zlib1g-dev
If you already installed PIL (you did if you ran make install previously), reinstall it:
$ pip uninstall Pillow
$ pip install Pillow
Creating migrations As the sandbox is a vanilla Oscar site, it is what we use to build migrations against:
$ make sandbox
$ sites/sandbox/manage.py schemamigration $YOURAPP --auto
134 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
django-oscar Documentation, Release 0.8
Writing LESS/CSS Oscars CSS les are built using LESS. However, the sandbox defaults to serving CSS les
directly, bypassing LESS compilation.
If you want to develop the LESS les, set:
in sites/sandbox/settings_local.py. This will cause Oscar to use django-compressor to compile the
LESS les as they are requested. For this to work, you will need to ensure that the LESS compiler lessc is installed.
This can be acheived by running:
pip install -r requirements_less.txt
which will install the virtual-node and virtual-less packages, which will install node.js and LESS in your virtualenv.
If you have npm installed already, you install LESS using:
npm install less
You can manually compile the CSS les by running:
make css
Warning: If you do submit a pull request that changes the LESS les. Please also recompile the CSS les and
include them in your pull request.
Vagrant Oscar ships with a Vagrant virtual machine that can be used to test integration with various services in a
controlled environment. For instance, it is used to test that the migrations run correctly in both MySQL and Postgres.
Building the Vagrant machine To create the machine, rst ensure that Vagrant and puppet are installed. You will
require a puppet version that supports puppet module install, that is > 2.7.14. Now run:
make puppet
to fetch the required puppet modules for provisioning. Finally, run:
vagrant up
to create the virtual machine and provision it.
Testing migrations against MySQL and Postgres To test the migrations against MySQL and Postgres, do the
1. SSH onto the VM:
vagrant ssh
2. Change to sandbox folder and activate virtualenv:
cd /vagrant/sites/sandbox
source /var/www/virtualenv/bin/activate
3. Run helper script:
This will recreate the Oscar database in both MySQL and Postgres and rebuild
it using syncdb and migrate.
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Testing WSGI server congurations You can browse the Oscar sandbox site with different deployment setups. Just
open up http://localhost:808x on your host machine.
Djangos development server runs on port 8080.
The Vagrant machine runs Apache2 and mod_wsgi on port 8081.
Nginx acts as a reverse proxy to Apache on port 8082.
Nginx acts as a reverse proxy to gunicorn on port 8083.
Reporting bugs and requesting features
Before reporting a bug or requesting a new feature, please consider these general points:
Check that someone hasnt already led the bug or feature request by searching in the ticket tracker.
Dont use the ticket system to ask support questions. Use the django-oscar mailing list for that.
Dont use the ticket tracker for lengthy discussions, because theyre likely to get lost. If a particular ticket is
controversial, please move the discussion to django-oscar.
All bugs are reported on our GitHub issue tracker.
Reporting security issues Security is paramount for e-commerce software like Oscar. Hence, we have adopted a
policy which allows for responsible resporting and disclosure of security related issues.
If you believe you have found something in Oscar (or one of its extensions) which has security implications, please
report is via email to oscar.security@tangentlabs.co.uk. Someone from the core team will acknowledge
your report and take appropriate action.
Reporting bugs Well-written bug reports are incredibly helpful. However, theres a certain amount of overhead
involved in working with any bug tracking system so your help in keeping our ticket tracker as useful as possible is
appreciated. In particular:
Do ask on django-oscar rst if youre not sure if what youre seeing is a bug.
Do write complete, reproducible, specic bug reports. You must include a clear, concise description of the
problem, and a set of instructions for replicating it. Add as much debug information as you can: code snippets,
test cases, exception backtraces, screenshots, etc. A nice small test case is the best way to report a bug, as it
gives us an easy way to conrm the bug quickly.
Reporting user interface bugs and features If your bug or feature request touches on anything visual in nature,
there are a few additional guidelines to follow:
Include screenshots in your ticket which are the visual equivalent of a minimal testcase. Show off the issue, not
the crazy customizations youve made to your browser.
If youre offering a pull request which changes the look or behavior of Oscars UI, please attach before and after
Screenshots dont absolve you of other good reporting practices. Make sure to include URLs, code snippets,
and step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the behavior visible in the screenshots.
136 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
django-oscar Documentation, Release 0.8
Requesting features Were always trying to make Oscar better, and your feature requests are a key part of that. Here
are some tips on how to make a request most effectively:
First request the feature on the django-oscar list, not in the ticket tracker. Itll get read more closely if its on the
mailing list. This is even more important for large-scale feature requests. We like to discuss any big changes to
Oscars core on the mailing list before actually working on them.
Describe clearly and concisely what the missing feature is and how youd like to see it implemented. Include
example code (non-functional is OK) if possible.
Explain why youd like the feature, because sometimes it isnt obvious why the feature would be useful.
As with most open-source projects, code talks. If you are willing to write the code for the feature yourself or, even
better, if youve already written it, its much more likely to be accepted. Just fork Oscar on GitHub, create a feature
branch, and show us your work!
Coding Style
General Please follow these conventions while remaining sensible:
PEP8 Style Guide for Python Code
PEP257 Docstring Conventions
Django Coding Style
Code Like a Pythonista is recommended reading.
List pages should use plurals; e.g. /products/, /notifications/
Detail pages should simply be a PK/slug on top of the list page; e.g. /products/the-bible/,
Create pages should have create as the nal path segment; e.g. /dashboard/notifications/create/
URL names use dashes not underscores.
Update pages are sometimes the same as detail pages (i.e., when in the dashboard). In those cases, just use the
detail convention, eg /dashboard/notifications/3/. If there is a distinction between the detail page
and the update page, use /dashboard/notifications/3/update/.
Delete pages; e.g., /dashboard/notifications/3/delete/
View class names Classes should be named according to:
%s%sView % (class_name, verb)
For example, ProductUpdateView, OfferCreateView and PromotionDeleteView. This doesnt t all
situations, but its a good basis.
Referencing managers Use _default_manager rather than objects. This allows projects to override the
default manager to provide domain-specic behaviour.
HTML Please indent with four spaces.
1.3. The Oscar open-source project 137
django-oscar Documentation, Release 0.8
Submitting pull requests
To avoid disappointment, new features should be discussed on the mailing list (django-
oscar@googlegroups.com) before serious work starts.
Write tests! Pull requests will be rejected if sufcient tests arent provided.
Write docs! Please update the documentation when altering behaviour or introducing new features.
Write good commit messages: see Tim Popes excellent note.
Make pull requests against Oscars master branch unless instructed otherwise.
Always submit pull requests from a custom branch. Dont submit from your master branch.
Test suite
Running tests Oscar uses a nose testrunner which can be invoked using:
$ ./runtests.py
To run a subset of tests, you can use lesystem or module paths. These two commands will run the same set of tests:
$ ./runtests.py tests/unit/offer/availability_tests.py
$ ./runtests.py tests.unit.offer.availability_tests
To run an individual test class, use one of:
$ ./runtests.py tests/unit/offer/availability_tests.py:TestAPerUserConditionalOffer
$ ./runtests.py tests.unit.offer.availability_tests:TestAPerUserConditionalOffer
(Note the :.)
To run an individual test, use one of:
$ ./runtests.py tests/unit/offer/availability_tests.py:TestAPerUserConditionalOffer.test_is_available_with_no_applications
$ ./runtests.py tests.unit.offer.availability_tests:TestAPerUserConditionalOffer.test_is_available_with_no_applications
To check if the number of queries changes:
$ ./runtests.py --with-querycount
Please note that --with-querycount sets DEBUG = True, which might affect test outcomes. Total query count
gives a quick indication. Diffing the outputs is recommended for further analysis.
Testing against different setups To run all tests against multiple versions of Django and Python, use detox:
$ detox
You need to have all Python interpreters to test against installed on your system. All other requirements are downloaded
automatically. detox is a wrapper around tox, creating the environments and running the tests in parallel. This greatly
speeds up the process.
Kinds of tests Tests are split into 3 folders:
unit - These are for tests that exercise a single unit of functionality, like a single model. Ideally, these should not
write to the database at all - all operations should be in memory.
integration - These are for tests that exercise a collection or chain of units, like testing a template tag.
138 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
django-oscar Documentation, Release 0.8
functional - These should be as close to end-to-end as possible. Most of these tests should use WebTest to
simulate the behaviour of a user browsing the site.
Naming tests When running a subset of tests, Oscar uses the spec plugin. It is a good practice to name your test
cases and methods so that the spec output reads well. For example:
$ ./runtests.py tests/unit/offer/benefit_tests.py:TestAbsoluteDiscount
nosetests --verbosity 1 tests/unit/offer/benefit_tests.py:TestAbsoluteDiscount -s -x --with-spec
Creating test database for alias default...
Absolute discount
- consumes all lines for multi item basket cheaper than threshold
- consumes all products for heterogeneous basket
- consumes correct quantity for multi item basket more expensive than threshold
- correctly discounts line
- discount is applied to lines
- gives correct discount for multi item basket cheaper than threshold
- gives correct discount for multi item basket more expensive than threshold
- gives correct discount for multi item basket with max affected items set
- gives correct discount for single item basket cheaper than threshold
- gives correct discount for single item basket equal to threshold
- gives correct discount for single item basket more expensive than threshold
- gives correct discounts when applied multiple times
- gives correct discounts when applied multiple times with condition
- gives no discount for a non discountable product
- gives no discount for an empty basket
Ran 15 tests in 0.295s
Writing documentation
Directory Structure The docs are built by calling make docs from your Oscar directory. They live in
/docs/source. This directory structure is a simplied version of what Django does.
internals/ contains everything related to Oscar itself, e.g. contributing guidelines or design philosophies.
ref/ is the reference documentation, esp. consisting of
ref/apps/ which should be a guide to each Oscar core app, explaining its function, the main models, how it
relates to the other apps, etc.
topics/ will contain meta articles, explaining how things tie together over several apps, or how Oscar can
be combined with other solutions.
howto/ contains tutorial-style descriptions on how to solve a certain problem.
/index.rst is designed as the entry point, and diverges from above structure to make the documentation more
approachable. Other index.rst les should only be created if theres too many les to list them all. E.g.
/index.rst directly links to all les in topics/ and internals/, but theres an index.rst both for the
les in howto/ and ref/apps/.
Style guides Oscar currently does not have its own style guide for writing documentation. Please carefully review
style guides for Python and Django.
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django-oscar Documentation, Release 0.8
140 Chapter 1. Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
Python Module Index
oscar.apps.address.abstract_models, 29
oscar.apps.basket.abstract_models, 31
oscar.apps.basket.views, 34
oscar.apps.catalogue.views, 37
oscar.apps.checkout.calculators, 42
oscar.apps.checkout.forms, 42
oscar.apps.checkout.mixins, 40
oscar.apps.checkout.session, 41
oscar.apps.checkout.utils, 42
oscar.apps.checkout.views, 38
oscar.apps.customer.abstract_models, 43
oscar.apps.customer.forms, 44
oscar.apps.customer.views, 44
oscar.apps.customer.wishlists.views, 65
oscar.apps.dashboard.views, 45
oscar.apps.offer.models, 48
oscar.apps.offer.views, 51
oscar.apps.order.processing, 53
oscar.apps.order.utils, 54
oscar.apps.partner.abstract_models, 55
oscar.apps.partner.availability, 59
oscar.apps.partner.prices, 59
oscar.apps.partner.strategy, 56
oscar.apps.payment.abstract_models, 60
oscar.apps.promotions.models, 61
oscar.apps.promotions.views, 62
oscar.apps.search.facets, 63
oscar.apps.search.forms, 63
oscar.apps.search.views, 63
oscar.apps.shipping.methods, 63
oscar.apps.shipping.models, 64
oscar.apps.shipping.repository, 64
oscar.apps.voucher.abstract_models, 64
oscar.core.application, 27
oscar.core.loading, 26
oscar.core.prices, 28
oscar.models.fields, 28