This document contains 4 incident reports from the Chillicothe Police Department. The first involves a suspicious person report where a man was observed dropping drugs, including pills and heroin, and was charged. The second was a domestic dispute call between a man and woman arguing verbally. The third was a traffic stop where the driver was ticketed. The fourth was another suspicious person report where a man was found with a concealed weapon in a parking lot and arrested.
This document contains 4 incident reports from the Chillicothe Police Department. The first involves a suspicious person report where a man was observed dropping drugs, including pills and heroin, and was charged. The second was a domestic dispute call between a man and woman arguing verbally. The third was a traffic stop where the driver was ticketed. The fourth was another suspicious person report where a man was found with a concealed weapon in a parking lot and arrested.
This document contains 4 incident reports from the Chillicothe Police Department. The first involves a suspicious person report where a man was observed dropping drugs, including pills and heroin, and was charged. The second was a domestic dispute call between a man and woman arguing verbally. The third was a traffic stop where the driver was ticketed. The fourth was another suspicious person report where a man was found with a concealed weapon in a parking lot and arrested.
This document contains 4 incident reports from the Chillicothe Police Department. The first involves a suspicious person report where a man was observed dropping drugs, including pills and heroin, and was charged. The second was a domestic dispute call between a man and woman arguing verbally. The third was a traffic stop where the driver was ticketed. The fourth was another suspicious person report where a man was found with a concealed weapon in a parking lot and arrested.
Fax: Phone: (740) 773-1191 (740) 779-2802 Chillicothe, OH Media Report Incident# 14-013051 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To CC Citizen Contact 07/21/2014 00:12:37 07/21/2014 00:12:37 07/21/2014 00:18:35 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 00:12:37 07/21/2014 00:12:37 07/21/201400:18:35 RMS CFS Crime Location Day of Week CC - Citizen Contact CUTRIGHT DR/ E WATER ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp CC Citizen Contact Completed Incident# 14-013050 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 17 Suspicious Persons 07/21/2014 00:11:26 07/21/2014 00:11:26 07/21/2014 00:55:40 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 00:12:14 07/21/2014 00:15:14 07/21/201400:55:40 RMS CFS Crime Location Receive Source 2925.11 - Possession of Drugs 1225 WESTERN AV CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE Day of Week MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 17 Suspicious Persons Completed CFS Description Location Type Att-Comp 2925.11 Possession of Drugs STREET Completed NARRATIVE DETAILS Narrative Type Narrative Date NI - Initial Narrative 07/21/2014 Narrative RMS Case #:14-013050 Occurred From:07/21/2014 00:11:26 Occurred To:07/21/2014 00:55:40 Reported Date:07/21/2014 00:11:26 Crime Location:1225 WESTERN CHILLICOTHE OH 45601 CAD CFS Code & Description:17 - Suspicious Persons Offenses Involved:2925.11 - Possession of Drugs Person Involved:Graves Richard W Reason Code:CONTACT Person Involved:Sullivan Jasmine M Reason Code:CONTACT Person Involved:Graves Joyce E Reason Code:CONTACT Incident Disposition Date: Incident Disposition Comments: CAD Dispatcher comments :07/21/2014 00:11:37 - possible .19 subject almost hit buiding is still on lot light colored crown vic 4 door FJR5264 called in by manager Ofc was dispatched to 1225 Western Ave in reference to a possible .19. Upon arrival, Ofc observed a Silver Mercury 4 door OH FJR5264 and contacted Jasmine Sullivan in the drivers seat, and Richard Graves in the passenger seat. Both advised they had purchased some food from McDonald's and were pulled over to eat it. Ofc did not smell any signs of alcohol in the vehicle or about the drivers person. Ofc ran a check through LEADS and found both the driver and passenger were suspended and awaited for the owner to arrive. Upon arrival of the owner, both subjects exited the vehicle, at which time Mr Graves was observed by Trooper Rutherford dropping a ball of paper on the ground as he was walking from the vehicle. Upon inspection of what was dropped on the ground, Ofc observed 9 light blue pills and a small baggie tied up with a brownish black sticky substance believed to be heroin. Ofc secured the items and contacted Mr Graves, and advised him of his Miranda Rights, in which he waived. When asked about the items he dropped, he denied dropping anything. Ofc believes Mr Graves was observed by cruiser video dropping the item in question, however review of the video has not been conducted. Mr Graves was advised if found to have dropped the items in question, he would be charged accordingly. Mr Graves and Ms Sullivan was released, along with the vehicle. Ofc photographed and placed drugs in police evidence to be sent to BCI&I for analysis. It was discovered that the pills and Heroin were wrapped in a Speedway receipt from 1136 E Main St with a date of 7-20-14 at 10:51 pm. Trooper Rutherford later advised his cruiser video did not capture Mr Graves dropping the ball of drugs, however he witnessed it himself and would provide a written statement for court. Nothing Further. NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address Graves, Joyce E 58 Years Female WHITE 595 W FIFTH ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)774-6335 CONTACT Name Age Sex Race Address Graves, Richard W 28 Years Male WHITE 845 Maddison AV CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)774-6335 CONTACT Name Age Sex Race Address Phone# Sullivan, Jasmine M 23 Years Female WHITE 90 Taylor RD WAVERLY,OH (740)600-2925 Reason Codes CONTACT Incident# 14-013054 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 13 Disturbance 07/21/2014 02:10:39 07/21/2014 02:10:39 07/21/2014 02:18:26 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 02:11:09 07/21/2014 02:12:06 07/21/201402:18:26 RMS CFS Crime Location Receive Source DO - DOMESTIC DISPUTE E MAIN ST/ BRIDGE ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE Day of Week MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 13 Disturbance Completed CFS Description Att-Comp DO DOMESTIC DISPUTE Completed NARRATIVE DETAILS Narrative Type Narrative Date NI - Initial Narrative 07/21/2014 Narrative RMS Case #:14-013054 Occurred From:07/21/2014 02:10:39 Occurred To:07/21/2014 02:18:26 Reported Date:07/21/2014 02:10:39 Crime Location:MAIN CHILLICOTHE OH 45601 CAD CFS Code & Description:13 - Disturbance Offenses Involved:DO - DOMESTIC DISPUTE Person Involved:Anderson Tywand L Reason Code:CONTACT Person Involved:Detty Tamara Nicole Reason Code:CONTACT Incident Disposition Date: Incident Disposition Comments: CAD Dispatcher comments :07/21/2014 02:10:50 - check for a male and female yelling in the area anon caller Ofc. checked Tywand Anderson and Tamara Detty by Madru Plumbing. Both were arguing verbally about their relationship and there were no signs of physical violence. They left the area without incident. Nothing further. NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address Anderson, Tywand L 33 Years Male BLACK 27 Grassmerry ST Columbus,OH 43201 Phone# Reason Codes (740)656-2679 CONTACT Name Age Sex Race Address Detty, Tamara Nicole 24 Years Female WHITE 459 STANLEY ST CHILLICOTHE,OH Phone# Reason Codes (740)773-0714 CONTACT Incident# 14-013053 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To TS TRAFFIC STOP 07/21/2014 02:03:51 07/21/2014 02:03:51 07/21/2014 02:32:21 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 02:03:51 07/21/2014 02:03:51 07/21/201402:32:21 RMS CFS Crime Location Day of Week TS - TRAFFIC STOP S BRIDGE ST/ E EIGHTH ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp TS TRAFFIC STOP Completed NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race VANVOORHIS, JAMES EDWARD 23 Years Male BLACK Address Phone# Reason Codes 410 Wildflower LN CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 (740)851-9064 Ticket Incident# 14-013052 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 17 Suspicious Persons 07/21/2014 01:14:55 07/21/2014 01:14:55 07/21/2014 03:01:50 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 01:15:49 07/21/2014 01:17:34 07/21/201403:01:50 RMS CFS Crime Location 2923.12 - Carrying Concealed Weapons 100 CHILLICOTHE MALL CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Receive Source Day of Week TELEPHONE MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 17 Suspicious Persons Completed CFS Description Location Type Att-Comp 2909.06 Criminal Damaging/Endangering PARKING LOT Completed CFS Description Location Type Att-Comp 2923.12 Carrying Concealed Weapons PARKING LOT Completed NARRATIVE DETAILS Narrative Type Narrative Date NI - Initial Narrative 07/21/2014 Narrative RMS Case #:14-013052 Occurred From:07/21/2014 01:14:55 Occurred To:07/21/2014 03:01:50 Reported Date:07/21/2014 01:14:55 Crime Location:100 CHILLICOTHE MALL CHILLICOTHE OH 45601 CAD CFS Code & Description:17 - Suspicious Persons Offenses Involved:2923.12 - Carrying Concealed Weapons Offenses Involved:2909.06 - Criminal Damaging/Endangering Person Involved:Berger Zachary Reason Code:CONTACT,Adult Arrest,Offender Property Type:Weapon Property Reason:Seized/Confiscated Property Type:Weapon Property Reason:Seized/Confiscated Property Type:Article Property Reason:Seized/Confiscated Property Type:Article Property Reason:Seized/Confiscated Incident Disposition Date: Incident Disposition Comments: CAD Dispatcher comments :07/21/2014 01:15:20 - green truck took out a couple of trees in the lot caller was on lot of mcdonalds Ofc was dispatched to Chillicothe mall in reference to a green truck that ran over trees. Upon arrival, Ofc observed brush debris leading to a green pickup truck as advised with KY 602PHC. Ofc contacted the driver, Zackary A Berger and asked Mr Berger if he had ran over the trees, and Mr Berger stated "no". Ofc asked Mr Berger if he had been drinking and Mr Berger stated "no". Ofc obtained Mr Berger's drivers license and was conducting a check on him when Ofc Anderson made contact with Mr Berger, removing him from the vehicle and placing him into handcuffs. Ofc Anderson advised this Ofc Mr Berger had a loaded handgun inside the vehicle. Ofc advised Mr Berger his Miranda rights in which he waived, speaking the the Ofc without an attorney present. Ofc again asked Mr Berger about the trees and Mr Berger stated yes he had ran them over because of subjects sitting in the parking lot told him to do it on a dare. Ofc observed the vehicle had fresh green marking on the front of his vehicle from where Mr Berger had ran over and through the shrubs and trees in front of Sears causing damage to the front end of his truck. Mr Berger was taken into custody and transported to RCJ on an original charge of Criminal Damaging and Carrying a Concealed Weapon where he will be held in lieu of bond until his court date of 7-21-2014 at 0900 hrs. Ofc issued Mr Berger Summons 5053 charging Criminal Damaging and 5049 for Carrying a Concealed Weapon and advised of his court date. Mr Berger signed and received his copy of both Summons. Ofc placed the handgun, ammo, holster, and gun case into evidence. Ofc will request the weapon be test fired to show it was a functioning firearm. Nothing further. NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address Berger, Zachary 21 Years Male WHITE 1305 E Second ST Chrstian,MS 39571 Phone# Reason Codes (740)663-2070 Adult Arrest Adult Arrest CONTACT Offender Name Age Address Chillicothe Mall, Years 1075 N Bridge ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Reason Codes Business Is A Victim Incident# 14-013055 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 17 Suspicious Persons 07/21/2014 03:16:29 07/21/2014 03:16:29 07/21/2014 03:22:27 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 03:18:44 07/21/2014 03:18:51 07/21/201403:22:27 RMS CFS Crime Location Receive Source Day of Week 17 - Suspicious Persons 300 MECHANIC ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 17 Suspicious Persons Completed Incident# 14-013056 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 32 Alarm 07/21/2014 03:48:05 07/21/2014 03:48:05 07/21/2014 03:57:16 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 03:49:20 07/21/2014 03:53:31 07/21/201403:57:16 32 - Alarm Crime Location Receive Source Day of Week ZANE VILLAGE 72 FOXTRAIL RD CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 32 Alarm Completed Incident# 14-013057 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 16 Warrant 07/21/2014 06:21:24 07/21/2014 06:21:24 07/21/2014 06:24:29 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 06:21:24 07/21/2014 06:21:24 07/21/201406:24:29 16 - Warrant Crime Location Day of Week 28 N PAINT ST Chillicothe,OH 45601 MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 16 Warrant Completed NARRATIVE DETAILS Narrative Type Narrative Date NI - Initial Narrative 07/21/2014 Narrative RMS Case #:14-013057 Occurred From:07/21/2014 06:21:24 Occurred To:07/21/2014 06:24:29 Reported Date:07/21/2014 06:21:24 Crime Location:28 PAINT CHILLICOTHE OH 45601 CAD CFS Code & Description:16 - Warrant Offenses Involved:16 - Warrant Person Involved:Hammond Mandy R Reason Code:Offender Person Involved:FREEMAN NICOLE M Reason Code:Offender Incident Disposition Date: Incident Disposition Comments: CAD Dispatcher comments :07/21/2014 06:21:24 - warrant served on nicole freeman and mandy hammond 07/21/2014 06:21:25 - OV Call: Ofc. contacted Mandy Hammond and Nicole Freeman at the LEC. Ofc. escorted them both back to the RCJ. Ms. Hammond was provided with a copy of warrant TRD 1403137 AB for failure to appear on a traffic charge issued by this Ofc. Ofc. escorted Ms. Freeman back to the RCJ for the Ohio State Highway Patrol on warrant 71-LHP140104001524 for failure to appear on a traffic charge. A copy will be provided to her by the patrol unit en route. Both were released to the jail staff without incident. Nothing further. NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address FREEMAN, NICOLE M 41 Years Female BLACK 1543 Northwood DR CINCINNATI,OH 45237 Reason Codes Adult Arrest Offender Name Age Sex Race Hammond, Mandy R 37 Years Female WHITE Address Reason Codes 1116 Polk Hollow RD CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Adult Arrest Offender Incident# 14-013058 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 06 Theft / RSP 07/18/2014 17:00:00 07/21/2014 08:35:45 07/21/2014 09:49:23 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 08:38:53 07/21/2014 08:39:36 07/21/201409:49:23 2913.02 - Theft Crime Location Day of Week 570 EASTERN AV CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 FRIDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Location Type Att-Comp 2913.02 Theft PARKING LOT Completed NARRATIVE DETAILS Narrative Type Narrative Date NI - Initial Narrative 07/21/2014 Narrative RMS Case #:14-013058 Occurred From:07/18/2014 17:00:00 Occurred To:07/21/2014 09:49:23 Reported Date:07/21/2014 08:35:45 Crime Location:570 EASTERN CHILLICOTHE OH 45601 CAD CFS Code & Description:06 - Theft / RSP Offenses Involved:2913.02 - Theft Person Involved:Litter Propane Reason Code:Business Is A Victim Person Involved:Colburn Timmy J Reason Code:VICTIM,OWNER Person Involved:JONES DERRICK A Reason Code:VICTIM,OWNER Person Involved:PARKHAM LEAH D Reason Code:CONTACT Property Type:Article Property Reason:Stolen Property Property Type:Article Property Reason:Stolen Property Property Type:Article Property Reason:Stolen Property Property Type:Article Property Reason:Stolen Property Property Type:Article Property Reason:Stolen Property Incident Disposition Date: Incident Disposition Comments: CAD Dispatcher comments :07/21/2014 08:39:50 - your contact is mike 07/21/2014 09:34:24 - Location Changed From 524 EASTERN AV To 570 EASTERN AV Ofc was dispatched to the Litter Propane facility where the service trucks are parked, at the rear of the house located at 570 Eastern Ave (they own and rent out the house also), ref a theft. Ofc arrived and contacted employee Tim Colburn who said that about 400ft of 1/2" soft copper tubing, and about 200ft of 3/8" soft copper tubing was taken off of 3 of the service trucks over the weekend. Tim also is missing his personal GPS unit, prescription Rayban sunglasses, a black tool bag and a tan and green tool bag that both contained several different wrenches that he had spray-painted red. He said another employee, Derrick Jones, was missing a gray Craftsman tool bag off of his service truck containing the same tools. The vehicles were all parked inside a fenced lot that had barbed wire on top and a locked gate and the trucks were all left unlocked. The company has insurance with Wells Fargo. Ofc checked the area and found 2 small plastic bags of pipe fitting parts and a small wrench in the back yard of the house at 570 Eastern Ave. Ofc also found a small 2in long pipe connector and a spare key to a Honda in the back yard by a camping tent. Tim said Litter Propane owns the house and rents it to a Charles and Leah Parkham, who were not home at this time, and he has had problems with the kids at the house shooting out the garage windows to the service shop with a bb gun. Litter had no security video of the area available. Ofc checked at the ODOT garage next door and Shaun Bennett, security manager, said he would go back and check the video hard drives from the weekend and notify this Ofc if he finds anything. Ofc checked at Rumpke and the last time Charles Parkham had scrapped anything there was in March of this year. Ofc advised the employees to watch for him trying to scrap any copper tubing. Ofc checked at the Buy Sell Trade on E Main St and owner Donald Davis said the only thing he purchased from someone over the weekend was a dryer and said he would notify the police if someone brings in the tool bags. Ofc went back to 570 Eastern Ave and contacted the resident Leah Parkham who had just returned home. Ofc advised her of the incident and she said she works 12hr shifts and was gone all weekend. She said her husband and 10yr old son were home this weekend, but the child was not home now and her husband was at work. She said she would ask them if they saw anyone in the yard or on the property this weekend and have her husband call this Ofc when he is off work. Ofc has nothing further to add at this time. NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address Colburn, Timmy J 58 Years Male WHITE 884 DAYTON ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)642-4264 OWNER VICTIM Name Age Sex Race JONES, DERRICK A 41 Years Male WHITE Address Reason Codes 28 BROWN HOLLOW RD CHILLICOTHE, OH 45601 8592 OWNER VICTIM Name Age Address Reason Codes Litter Propane, Years 570 EASTERN AV CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Business Is A Victim Name Age Sex Race PARKHAM, LEAH D 38 Years Female WHITE Address Phone# Reason Codes 570 EASTERN AVE CHILLICOTHE, OH 45601 3603 (740)773-5000 CONTACT Incident# 14-013059 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 28 Lost & Found 07/18/2014 08:30:00 07/21/2014 09:12:24 07/18/2014 12:30:00 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 09:13:14 07/21/2014 09:16:05 07/21/201410:07:01 2913.02 - Theft Crime Location Day of Week 165 W FOURTH ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 FRIDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 28 Lost & Found Completed CFS Description Location Type Att-Comp 2913.02 Theft OTHER PUBLIC ACCESS BUILDING Completed NARRATIVE DETAILS Narrative Type Narrative Date NI - Initial Narrative 07/21/2014 Narrative RMS Case #:14-013059 Occurred From:07/18/2014 08:30:00 Occurred To:07/18/2014 12:30:00 Reported Date:07/21/2014 09:12:24 Crime Location:165 FOURTH CHILLICOTHE OH 45601 CAD CFS Code & Description:28 - Lost & Found Offenses Involved:2913.02 - Theft Person Involved:Reese Crystal L Reason Code:CONTACT,VICTIM Property Type:Article Property Reason:Stolen Property Property Type:Article Property Reason:Stolen Property Property Type:Security Property Reason:Stolen Property Property Type:Article Property Reason:Stolen Property Incident Disposition Date: Incident Disposition Comments: CAD Dispatcher comments :07/21/2014 09:12:40 - lost wallet Officer contacted Ms Reese in the lobby of the LEC reference a missing wallet. Ms Reese stated sometime between the listed times and dates someone had removed her men's Brown tri fold wallet (with a deer embossed on the outside) from her backpack. She stated she had left it in the back while working at the Carver Community Center and did not find it was missing until today. She stated the wallet contained her Ohio ID, SSN Card and Ohio SNAP food stamp debit card. Ms Reese stated she had no idea who might have taken the wallet and its contents and there was no security cameras inside the building. Officer advised her a report would be done and if the wallet were located she would be contacted. She stated she understood. Nothing further at this time. NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address Reese, Crystal L 29 Years Female WHITE 765 Adams Ave ST Chillicothe,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)804-5194 CONTACT VICTIM Incident# 14-013062 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 13 Disturbance 07/21/2014 10:08:29 07/21/2014 10:08:29 07/21/2014 10:40:23 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 10:09:12 07/21/2014 10:09:36 07/21/201410:40:23 13 - Disturbance Crime Location Day of Week 896 CLEVELAND ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 13 Disturbance Completed NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race BROWN, MONAJA DARNE 35 Years Female BLACK Address Phone# Reason Codes 937 CLEVELAND AVE CHILLICOTHE, OH 45601 2806 (740)772-1447 Adult Arrest Offender Incident# 14-013061 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 06 Theft / RSP 07/10/2014 14:44:46 07/21/2014 10:07:56 07/12/2014 18:26:38 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 10:08:20 07/21/2014 10:08:24 07/21/201410:47:46 2913.02 - Theft Crime Location Day of Week 406 ARCH ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 THURSDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Location Type Att-Comp 2913.02 Theft GAS STATION Completed NARRATIVE DETAILS Narrative Type Narrative Date NI - Initial Narrative 07/21/2014 Narrative RMS Case #:14-013061 Occurred From:07/10/2014 14:44:46 Occurred To:07/12/2014 18:26:38 Reported Date:07/21/2014 10:07:56 Crime Location:406 ARCH CHILLICOTHE OH 45601 CAD CFS Code & Description:06 - Theft / RSP Offenses Involved:2913.02 - Theft Person Involved:Degarmo Lisa J Reason Code:CONTACT,VICTIM Property Type:Security Property Reason:Stolen Property Incident Disposition Date: Incident Disposition Comments: CAD Dispatcher comments :07/21/2014 10:16:25 - Location Changed From 28 N PAINT ST To 406 ARCH ST Officer contacted Ms Degarmo in the lobby of the LEC reference a theft from her bank account. Ms Degarmo told Officer sometime between July 10, 2014 and July 12, 2014 someone had withdrawn $328.85 from checking account using her Chivaho Credit Union debit card. She said she first found out about the missing money when she went to use the card on July 18, 2014 and her card was rejected. She said she then went to her bank and showed her the withdraws, which she said she did not make. She showed Officer a copy of the statement from the bank which showed the following debits from her account, July 10, 2014 2:44PM $63.00 from 80 Central Center, July 11, 2014 5:26PM $101.95, July 12, 2014 2:41AM $101.95 and July 12, 2014 6:26PM $61.95 all from the BP Oil station at 741 Safford Avenue. Ms Degarmo said she did not realize the card had been used as it was still in her purse, but she went ahead and cancelled it and had the bank issue her a new card. Officer asked if she suspected anyone of using the card? She stated she suspects it is her son Harrison as he has a drug habit and has stolen from her in the past and he would have had access to the card. Officer advised her Officer will check the businesses to see if it shows anyone or who used the cards and then Officer would contact her again. She stated this was fine. Officer checked the Central Center shopping mall but did not locate any business with the address of 80. Officer then went to the BP station on Safford Avenue and was advised the manager would be help Officer on Officer next working shift. Officer will check back with BP on 7/22/2014. Investigation continues. NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address Degarmo, Lisa J 58 Years Female WHITE 406 ARCH ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)772-1715 CONTACT VICTIM Incident# 14-013060 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 14 Assault / DV 07/21/2014 09:32:58 07/21/2014 09:32:58 07/21/2014 10:48:47 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 09:35:15 07/21/2014 09:38:38 07/21/201410:48:47 - Crime Location Day of Week 608 GLENCROFT AV CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY Incident# 14-013064 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To DO DOMESTIC DISPUTE 07/21/2014 10:37:11 07/21/2014 10:37:11 07/21/2014 10:55:14 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 10:41:30 07/21/2014 10:46:26 07/21/201410:55:14 RMS CFS Crime Location Day of Week DO - DOMESTIC DISPUTE 397 E FIFTH ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Location Type Att-Comp DO DOMESTIC DISPUTE SINGLE FAMILY HOME Completed NARRATIVE DETAILS Narrative Type Narrative Date NI - Initial Narrative 07/21/2014 Narrative RMS Case #:14-013064 Occurred From:07/21/2014 10:37:11 Occurred To:07/21/2014 10:55:14 Reported Date:07/21/2014 10:37:11 Crime Location:397 FIFTH CHILLICOTHE OH 45601 CAD CFS Code & Description:DO - DOMESTIC DISPUTE Offenses Involved:DO - DOMESTIC DISPUTE Person Involved:Stewart April L Reason Code:ACTOR Person Involved:Stewart Vanessa J Reason Code:ACTOR Incident Disposition Date: Incident Disposition Comments: Ofc dispatched to 397 E Fifth St reference a domestic dispute. Upon arriving, Ofc contacted April Stewart and her daughter Vanessa Stewart who advised they live together and Vanessa is April's caregiver. April advised she was prevented from using the phone and believes her daughter is stealing her medication. Vanessa denied taking any of her mother's medication and advised she was expecting a call as to why the phone wasn't provided. Vanessa stated after the call, she would provide the phone to her mother. All quiet upon departure. NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address Stewart, April L 51 Years Female WHITE 397 E FIFTH ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)851-5702 ACTOR Name Age Sex Race Address Stewart, Vanessa J 30 Years Female WHITE 397 E FIFTH ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)887-4804 ACTOR Incident# 14-013063 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 06 Theft / RSP 07/21/2014 10:36:50 07/21/2014 10:36:50 07/21/2014 11:06:34 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 10:42:48 07/21/2014 10:43:05 07/21/201411:06:34 2913.02 - Theft Crime Location Day of Week 575 e seventh st CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Location Type Att-Comp 2913.02 Theft FIELD/WOODS Completed NARRATIVE DETAILS Narrative Type Narrative Date NI - Initial Narrative 07/21/2014 Narrative RMS Case #:14-013063 Occurred From:07/21/2014 10:36:50 Occurred To:07/21/2014 11:06:34 Reported Date:07/21/2014 10:36:50 Crime Location:575 SEVENTH CHILLICOTHE OH 45601 CAD CFS Code & Description:06 - Theft / RSP Offenses Involved:2913.02 - Theft Person Involved:City of Chillicothe Reason Code:Business Is A Victim Person Involved:Smith Curtis E Reason Code:COMPLAINANT Property Type:Article Property Reason:Stolen Property Incident Disposition Date: Incident Disposition Comments: CAD Dispatcher comments :07/21/2014 10:36:52 - contact curtis smith Ofc was dispatched to City Transit at 575 E 7th St ref a theft. Ofc arrived and contacted employee Curtis Smith. Curtis said the transit director was on vacation and advised him to file a police report ref stolen batteries. Curtis said one of the old city fire trucks (engine 4) that is parked with various other obsolete city vehicles was found to be missing 2 large commercial grade NAPA auto parts batteries. He said he does not know when the batteries were taken and there is no security video available. He also added all the used vehicles with the fire truck in question were due to be auctioned at the next city surplus auction. Nothing further. NAME DETAILS Name Age Reason Codes City of Chillicothe, Years Business Is A Victim Name Age Sex Race Address Smith, Curtis E 36 Years Male WHITE 891 MADISON AV CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)701-6200 COMPLAINANT Incident# 14-013065 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 07 Auto Theft 07/21/2014 10:51:09 07/21/2014 10:51:09 07/21/2014 11:15:00 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 10:53:02 07/21/2014 11:00:47 07/21/201411:15:00 - Crime Location Day of Week 287 S PAINT ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY Incident# 14-013066 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 30 Misc 07/21/2014 11:10:09 07/21/2014 11:10:09 07/21/2014 11:31:59 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 11:10:35 07/21/2014 11:15:27 07/21/201411:31:59 30 - Misc Crime Location Day of Week 406 ARCH ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 30 Misc Completed Incident# 14-013067 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 06 Theft / RSP 07/21/2014 11:14:33 07/21/2014 11:14:33 07/21/2014 12:00:41 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 11:16:02 07/21/2014 11:20:33 07/21/201412:00:41 - Crime Location Day of Week 501 LINCOLN PARK CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY Incident# 14-013068 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 21 Parking Complaint 07/21/2014 12:22:15 07/21/2014 12:22:15 07/21/2014 12:38:11 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 12:23:50 07/21/2014 12:30:37 07/21/201412:38:11 RMS CFS Crime Location Day of Week 21 - Parking Complaint 160 N WATT ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 21 Parking Complaint Completed Incident# 14-013069 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 06 Theft / RSP 07/21/2014 12:56:47 07/21/2014 12:56:47 07/21/2014 12:57:04 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 12:56:47 07/21/2014 12:56:47 07/21/201412:57:04 - Crime Location Day of Week KROGER 887 N BRIDGE ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY Incident# 14-013070 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 20 Traffic Accidents 07/21/2014 13:09:00 07/21/2014 13:09:00 07/21/2014 13:44:45 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 13:09:00 07/21/2014 13:09:00 07/21/201413:44:45 RMS CFS Crime Location Day of Week 20 - Traffic Accidents PAINT ST/ MAIN ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 20 Traffic Accidents Completed Incident# 14-013071 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 22 Animal Complaints 07/21/2014 13:24:53 07/21/2014 13:24:53 07/21/2014 13:44:50 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 13:26:12 07/21/2014 13:29:43 07/21/201413:44:50 RMS CFS Crime Location Day of Week 22 - Animal Complaints 613 E MAIN ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 22 Animal Complaints Completed Incident# 14-013072 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 06 Theft / RSP 07/21/2014 13:33:29 07/21/2014 13:33:29 07/21/2014 14:27:39 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 13:33:47 07/21/2014 13:40:25 07/21/201414:27:39 2913.02 - Theft Crime Location Day of Week 1570 N BRIDGE ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Location Type Att-Comp 2913.02 Theft DEPARTMENT/DISCOUNT STORE Completed NARRATIVE DETAILS Narrative Type Narrative Date NI - Initial Narrative 07/21/2014 Narrative RMS Case #:14-013072 Occurred From:07/21/2014 13:33:29 Occurred To:07/21/2014 14:27:39 Reported Date:07/21/2014 13:33:29 Crime Location:1570 BRIDGE CHILLICOTHE OH 45601 CAD CFS Code & Description:06 - Theft / RSP Offenses Involved:2913.02 - Theft Person Involved:MOSLEY MICHAEL J Reason Code:Adult Arrest Person Involved:Menards Reason Code:Business Is A Victim Person Involved:Kellough Mendy S Reason Code:COMPLAINANT,WITNESS Property Type:Article Property Reason:Stolen Property Incident Disposition Date: Incident Disposition Comments: Ofc was dispatched to Menards ref a shoplifter in custody. Ofc arrived and contacted Mendy Kellough, Menards LPO. Mendy said she witnessed the suspect, identified as Michael Mosley, select 8 metal rafter hangers and a 20oz bottle of Coca Cola. He then went to the registers and switched the Coca Cola for a Mt Dew and past all points of sale and to the front desk and placed the soda and brackets in the top of a shopping cart and and placed an advertisement on top of them and exited the store onto the front sidewalk, where he was stopped by Mendy, who identified herself and recovered the unpaid for item and escorted Mosley to the LP Office and contacted the police. She took photos of the items and they were left with her and she provided Ofc with a receipt for the merchandise. She wanted Mosley barred from the property and charged with theft. She said she would provide the report/ statement/ photos when they are complete and the video when it is available. Ofc reviewed the security video at the store in the LP Office and it showed everything that Mendy stated. Ofc contacted Michael Kellough and he was advised of his Miranda Warning and he understood and waived. He stated he was just trying to find a cart and his wife who he alleges was outside the exit on the sidewalk. Ofc advised him that Mendy did not see anyone outside near him and he concealed the stolen items with an advertisement. He also did not have any identification or money on his person. Ofc placed Michael Mosley under arrest for Petty Theft and he was advised he was barred from Menards and would be charged with Trespass if he returned and he understood. Ofc transported him to the RCJ and left him in the custody of the RCJ staff pending his municipal court appearance on 7-22-14 at 9am. NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address Kellough, Mendy S 40 Years Female WHITE 136 Weaver RD CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)626-2769 COMPLAINANT WITNESS Name Age Address Reason Codes Menards, Years 1570 N BRIDGE ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Business Is A Victim Name Age Sex Race Address MOSLEY, MICHAEL J 39 Years Male WHITE 146 WINONA BL CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)600-8572 Adult Arrest Incident# 14-013073 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 21 Parking Complaint 07/21/2014 14:58:23 07/21/2014 14:58:23 07/21/2014 15:25:06 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 15:19:38 07/21/2014 15:23:04 07/21/201415:25:06 RMS CFS Crime Location Day of Week 21 - Parking Complaint BOB'S BOOTERY 100 N PAINT ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 21 Parking Complaint Completed Incident# 14-013074 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 13 Disturbance 07/21/2014 15:20:04 07/21/2014 15:20:04 07/21/2014 15:34:10 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 15:23:37 07/21/2014 15:28:12 07/21/201415:34:10 13 - Disturbance Crime Location Receive Source Day of Week YMCA 100 MILL ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 13 Disturbance Completed Incident# 14-013075 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 30 Misc 07/21/2014 16:13:12 07/21/2014 16:13:12 07/21/2014 16:35:12 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 16:15:11 07/21/2014 16:18:52 07/21/201416:35:12 RMS CFS Crime Location Receive Source 2911.21 - Criminal Trespass 120 WESTERN AV B CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE Day of Week MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Location Type Att-Comp 2911.21 Criminal Trespass MULTIPLE DWELLING Completed CFS Description Att-Comp 30 Misc Completed NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address Current, Joseph E 25 Years Male WHITE 10356 St Rt 28 FRANKFORT,OH 45628 Reason Codes CONTACT Offender Name Age Sex Race Address Current, Megan A 25 Years Female WHITE 10356 St Rt 28 FRANKFORT,OH 45628 Phone# Reason Codes (740)779-6925 CONTACT Offender Name Age Sex Race Address Tilton, Amber M 28 Years Female WHITE 120 WESTERN AV CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)774-3477 CALLER CONTACT VICTIM Incident# 14-013077 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 13 Disturbance 07/21/2014 16:27:45 07/21/2014 16:27:45 07/21/2014 16:50:00 Dispatched Date Caller Name Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 16:30:13 WOODS , JACQUELYN 07/21/2014 16:41:02 07/21/201416:50:00 RMS CFS Crime Location Receive Source 2911.21 - Criminal Trespass 250 FAIRWAY AV 317 CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE Day of Week MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 13 Disturbance Completed CFS Description Location Type Att-Comp 2911.21 Criminal Trespass MULTIPLE DWELLING Completed NARRATIVE DETAILS Narrative Type Narrative Date NI - Initial Narrative 07/21/2014 Narrative RMS Case #:14-013077 Occurred From:07/21/2014 16:27:45 Occurred To:07/21/2014 16:50:00 Reported Date:07/21/2014 16:27:45 Crime Location:250 FAIRWAY CHILLICOTHE OH 45601 CAD CFS Code & Description:13 - Disturbance Offenses Involved:2911.21 - Criminal Trespass Person Involved:WOODS JACQUELYN Reason Code:CALLER Person Involved:WAITS RONALD A Reason Code:ACCUSED Incident Disposition Date:07/21/2014 17:00:00 Incident Disposition Comments: CAD Dispatcher comments :07/21/2014 16:28:19 - CALLER WAS PUSHED BY ANOTHER RESIDENT OF THE APT Ofc. was dispatched to 250 Fairway Apt. 317 in reference to a subject who was pushed by a neighbor. Ofc. arrived and spoke with Jacquelyn Woods, who is the complainant. Jacquelyn advised that she had got into a verbal altercation with her neighbor, Ronald A. Waits. Jacquelyn stated that Ronald threw a pack of cigars into her house and she followed him out into the hallway still arguing with him. Jacquelyn alleged that Ronald pushed her while in the hallway. Jacquelyn wanted Ronald barred from her apartment. Ofc. made contact with Ronald via telephone and advised him of the complaint that Ofc. had received. Ronald told Ofc. that Jacquelyn had tried to push her way into his apartment. Ronald denied pushing Jacquelyn. Ronald advised that he wanted Jacquelyn barred from his residence at apartment 315. Ofc. advised Jacquelyn that she was barred from Ronald's apartment. Both subjects were advised that they would be charged with criminal trespass if either one of them returned to the other's apartment. Ofc. has nothing further. NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address WAITS, RONALD A 51 Years Male WHITE 250 Fairway AV 315 Chillicothe,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)775-3574 ACCUSED Name Age Sex Race WOODS, JACQUELYN 59 Years Female WHITE Address Phone# Reason Codes 250 Fairway Ave 317 CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 (740)656-8659 CALLER Incident# 14-013076 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To TS TRAFFIC STOP 07/21/2014 16:25:40 07/21/2014 16:25:40 07/21/2014 17:16:37 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 16:25:40 07/21/2014 16:25:40 07/21/201417:16:37 RMS CFS Crime Location Day of Week TS - TRAFFIC STOP N BROWNELL ST/ E MAIN ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp TS TRAFFIC STOP Completed NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address WILBURN, JARROD D 43 Years Male WHITE 23 N BROWNELL ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)466-6226 Ticket Incident# 14-013078 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 21 Parking Complaint 07/21/2014 17:06:51 07/21/2014 17:06:51 07/21/2014 17:17:42 Dispatched Date Caller Name Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 17:08:24 Ward , Dwight E 07/21/2014 17:11:27 07/21/201417:17:42 RMS CFS Crime Location Receive Source Day of Week 21 - Parking Complaint 797 E SECOND ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 21 Parking Complaint Completed NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address Ward, Dwight E 59 Years Male WHITE 797 E SECOND ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)773-9703 CALLER Incident# 14-013079 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 06 Theft / RSP 07/21/2014 17:46:48 07/21/2014 17:46:48 07/21/2014 17:59:39 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 17:48:12 07/21/2014 17:51:48 07/21/201417:59:39 2913.02 - Theft Crime Location Receive Source Day of Week 10 N BRIDGE ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Location Type Att-Comp 2913.02 Theft GAS STATION Completed NARRATIVE DETAILS Narrative Type Narrative Date NI - Initial Narrative 07/21/2014 Narrative RMS Case #:14-013079 Occurred From:07/21/2014 17:46:48 Occurred To:07/21/2014 17:59:39 Reported Date:07/21/2014 17:46:48 Crime Location:10 BRIDGE CHILLICOTHE OH 45601 CAD CFS Code & Description:06 - Theft / RSP Offenses Involved:2913.02 - Theft Person Involved:parker wandy Reason Code:COMPLAINANT Property Type:Article Property Reason:Stolen Property Property Type:Security Property Reason:Stolen Property Incident Disposition Date: Incident Disposition Comments: CAD Dispatcher comments :07/21/2014 17:47:04 - LEFT PURSE ON COUNTER, SOME LITTLE GIRL CAME IN AND PICKED IT UP Ofc. was dispatched to Speedway located at 10 N. Bridge St in reference to a theft complaint. Ofc. arrived and spoke with Wandy Parker, who is the complainant. Wandy advised Ofc. that she had been at Speedway and took her wallet out to pay for her gas. Wandy layed her brown leather wallet on the counter and forgot to pick it up when she left. Wandy realized that she forgot her wallet and returned to Speedway to get get it, but it was gone. Ofc. was advised that the wallet contained $25.00 in cash. Ofc. checked the surveillance camera and found that a white female wearing a black tank top and black pants had picked up Wandy's wallet and left with it. Ofc. observed the female to stand around 5'5 and weighed around 125lbs. with brown hair. The female also had a tattoo on the left side of her chest and left in a black Ford Ranger, but Ofc. was unable to read the tag. Ofc. took a copy of the surveillance video to try and get the female identified. Investigation Pending. NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address parker, wandy 64 Years Female WHITE 603 E Fourth St Chillicothe,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)772-5944 COMPLAINANT Incident# 14-013080 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 13 Disturbance 07/21/2014 18:10:35 07/21/2014 18:10:35 07/21/2014 18:30:11 Dispatched Date Caller Name Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 18:11:55 Scott , Carol A 07/21/2014 18:14:42 07/21/201418:30:11 RMS CFS Crime Location Receive Source 2917.11 - Disorderly Conduct 104 PROSPECT ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE Day of Week MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 13 Disturbance Completed CFS Description Location Type Att-Comp 2917.11 Disorderly Conduct SINGLE FAMILY HOME Completed NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address Good, Cassandra 32 Years Female WHITE 70 PROSPECT ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Reason Codes CONTACT Parents Name Age Sex Race Address Good, Dade M.A. 7 Years Male WHITE 70 PROSPECT ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Reason Codes CONTACT Name Age Sex Race Address Honesto, Isaac 6 Years Male WHITE 103 PROSPECT ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Reason Codes CONTACT Name Age Sex Race Address honesto, robert J 33 Years Male WHITE 103 PROSPECT ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)835-1673 CONTACT Parents Name Age Sex Race Address Lindsey, Shannon D 34 Years Female WHITE 103 PROSPECT ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Reason Codes CONTACT Parents Name Age Sex Race Address Moran, Kristine M 22 Years Female WHITE 149 N SUGAR ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)804-3890 CONTACT Name Age Sex Race Address Scott, Austin A 14 Years Male BLACK 104 PROSPECT ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)775-2231 CONTACT Name Age Sex Race Address Scott, Carol A 45 Years Female WHITE 104 PROSPECT ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)775-2231 CALLER CONTACT Parents Incident# 14-013081 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 32 Alarm 07/21/2014 18:32:35 07/21/2014 18:32:35 07/21/2014 18:44:20 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 18:33:37 07/21/2014 18:40:24 07/21/201418:44:20 32 - Alarm Crime Location Receive Source Day of Week ADENA LAB PHARMACY 111 W WATER ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 32 Alarm Completed Incident# 14-013082 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 06 Theft / RSP 07/21/2014 18:40:35 07/21/2014 18:40:35 07/21/2014 18:51:19 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 18:41:43 07/21/2014 18:45:29 07/21/201418:51:19 RMS CFS Crime Location Receive Source 509.09 - DISTURBING THE PEACE 607 N HIGH ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE Day of Week MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Location Type Att-Comp 509.09 DISTURBING THE PEACE YARD Completed NARRATIVE DETAILS Narrative Type Narrative Date NI - Initial Narrative 07/21/2014 Narrative RMS Case #:14-013082 Occurred From:07/21/2014 18:40:35 Occurred To:07/21/2014 18:51:19 Reported Date:07/21/2014 18:40:35 Crime Location:607 HIGH CHILLICOTHE OH 45601 CAD CFS Code & Description:06 - Theft / RSP Offenses Involved:509.09 - DISTURBING THE PEACE Person Involved:JOSLYN HAL R Reason Code:CALLER Person Involved:Ward Darrick A Reason Code:ACCUSED Incident Disposition Date:07/21/2014 19:01:00 Incident Disposition Comments: Ofc. was dispatched to 607 N High St in reference to a complaint of disturbing the peace. Ofc. arrived and spoke with Hal R. Joslyn, who is the complainant. Hal advised his neighbor, Darrick A. Ward had let off some firecrackers. Hal explained that this scared his cat and he had asked Darrick not to do it again. Hal told Ofc. that awhile later Darrick let off more firecrackers. Hal told Ofc. that he confronted Darrick again and asked him not to be letting off the firecrackers because of his animals are scared. Hal advised that he wanted Darrick told to stop. Ofc. tried to make contact with Darrick at his residence at 605 N. High St., but was unsuccessful. Ofc. will try again later. NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address JOSLYN, HAL R 58 Years Male WHITE 607 N HIGH ST CHILLICOTHE, OH 45601 1639 Phone# Reason Codes (740)649-0253 CALLER Name Age Sex Race Address Ward, Darrick A 35 Years Male WHITE 85 S Brownell St CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)775-1231 ACCUSED Incident# 14-013083 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 30 Misc 07/21/2014 18:57:57 07/21/2014 18:57:57 07/21/2014 19:17:32 Dispatched Date Caller Name Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 19:00:19 Waits , Ronald A 07/21/2014 19:04:33 07/21/201419:17:32 30 - Misc Crime Location Receive Source Day of Week WORTHINGTON MANOR 250 FAIRWAY AV 315 CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 30 Misc Completed NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address Waits, Ronald A 24 Years Male WHITE 250 Fairway AV 315 CHILLICOTHE,OH Phone# Reason Codes (740)851-8915 CALLER Incident# 14-013084 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To TS TRAFFIC STOP 07/21/2014 19:21:59 07/21/2014 19:21:59 07/21/2014 19:24:43 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 19:21:59 07/21/2014 19:21:59 07/21/201419:24:43 RMS CFS Crime Location Day of Week TS - TRAFFIC STOP CENTRAL AV/ ZANE RD CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp TS TRAFFIC STOP Completed Incident# 14-013085 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 17 Suspicious Persons 07/21/2014 19:26:25 07/21/2014 19:26:25 07/21/2014 19:41:03 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 19:29:10 07/21/2014 19:31:29 07/21/201419:41:03 RMS CFS Crime Location 17 - Suspicious Persons CHILLICOTHE PUBLIC LIBRARY 140 S PAINT ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Receive Source Day of Week TELEPHONE MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 17 Suspicious Persons Completed Incident# 14-013086 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 15 Juvenile Investigation 07/21/2014 20:48:59 07/21/2014 20:48:59 07/21/2014 21:05:54 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 20:50:00 07/21/2014 20:56:06 07/21/201421:05:54 RMS CFS Crime Location Receive Source 15 - Juvenile Investigation 937 CLEVELAND ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE Day of Week MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 15 Juvenile Investigation Completed Incident# 14-013087 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 05 B&E / Burglary 07/17/2014 08:00:00 07/21/2014 21:17:12 07/21/2014 20:00:00 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 21:18:10 07/21/2014 21:24:12 07/21/201422:07:16 RMS CFS Crime Location Receive Source Day of Week 2911.12 - Burglary 388 WESTERN AV CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE THURSDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Location Type Att-Comp 2911.12 Burglary SINGLE FAMILY HOME Completed NARRATIVE DETAILS Narrative Type Narrative Date NI - Initial Narrative 07/21/2014 Narrative RMS Case #:14-013087 Occurred From:07/17/2014 08:00:00 Occurred To:07/21/2014 20:00:00 Reported Date:07/21/2014 21:17:12 Crime Location:388 WESTERN CHILLICOTHE OH 45601 CAD CFS Code & Description:05 - B&E / Burglary Offenses Involved:2911.12 - Burglary Person Involved:Thomas Jay K Reason Code:CALLER,VICTIM Person Involved:Jackson Gregory T Reason Code:WITNESS Property Type:Article Property Reason:Destroyed/Damaged/Vandalized Property Type:Article Property Reason:Stolen Property Incident Disposition Date:07/21/2014 22:34:00 Incident Disposition Comments: CAD Dispatcher comments :07/21/2014 21:19:10 - Resource is dispatched from Misc. Status(Queue Resource) Officer was dispatched to 386 Western Ave in reference to the burglary of the house and burglary of the office attached to the garage listed as 400 Western Ave. Upon arrival Officer was contacted by Jay Thomas. Jay said while he and his family was in New York Ty Rapp broke into his house and into his business office. Jay said TV's, an X-Box Jewelry, Purses, Clothes were stolen from his house and only the security recorder was stolen from the Office. Officer checked the house and found a basement window lock had been slipped and the Office Window was broken. Officer Photographed the scene and looked for fingerprints. Officer found smudges in the dust consistent with subjects wearing gloves. Officer left red 1C forms for Jay to fill out and turn in. jay said he is insured with Wayne Mutual. Officer was contacted by Gregory Smith who lives at 386 1/2 S Locust. Greg was intoxicated. Greg said he saw Ty Rapp carrying several items from the area of Jay's house and load them into a taxi. Officer left a written statement form for Greg to fill out after he is sober. Officer will contact CJ Taxi and see if they have records of any pick ups of Ty Rapp from the area and if property was transported. Investigation continues. NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Jackson, Gregory T 61 Years Male BLACK Address Phone# Reason Codes 386.5 S Locust St Chillicothe,OH 45601 (740)772-2428 WITNESS Name Age Sex Race Address Rapp, Ty R 31 Years Male WHITE 704 LINCOLN PARK CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)804-8640 ACCUSED SUSPECT Name Age Sex Race Address Thomas, Jay K 61 Years Male BLACK 400 WESTERN AV CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)775-8782 CALLER VICTIM Incident# 14-013088 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 16 Warrant 07/21/2014 21:51:01 07/21/2014 21:51:01 07/21/2014 22:34:09 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 21:52:59 07/21/2014 21:58:34 07/21/201422:34:09 16 - Warrant Crime Location Receive Source Day of Week 6 DELANO CT CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 16 Warrant Completed Incident# 14-013090 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 17 Suspicious Persons 07/21/2014 22:17:46 07/21/2014 22:17:46 07/21/2014 22:37:58 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 22:25:38 07/21/2014 22:30:14 07/21/201422:37:58 RMS CFS Crime Location Receive Source Day of Week 17 - Suspicious Persons 354 E SECOND ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 17 Suspicious Persons Completed Incident# 14-013091 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To DO DOMESTIC DISPUTE 07/21/2014 22:19:25 07/21/2014 22:19:25 07/21/2014 22:42:19 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date 07/21/2014 22:21:16 07/21/2014 22:25:53 07/21/201422:42:19 RMS CFS Crime Location Receive Source Day of Week DO - DOMESTIC DISPUTE 295 CHERRY ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp DO DOMESTIC DISPUTE Completed Incident# 14-013089 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 30 Misc 07/21/2014 22:08:35 07/21/2014 22:08:35 07/21/2014 22:47:06 Dispatched Date Caller Name Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 22:22:52 BLAZER , HEATHER M 07/21/2014 22:25:14 07/21/201422:47:06 30 - Misc Crime Location Receive Source Day of Week 608 GLENCROFT AV CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 TELEPHONE MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 30 Misc Completed NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address BLAZER, HEATHER M 24 Years Female WHITE 608A GLENCROFT AV CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)804-2413 CALLER Incident# 14-013093 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 06 Theft / RSP 07/21/2014 23:30:37 07/21/2014 23:30:37 07/21/2014 23:31:26 Dispatched Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 23:31:17 07/21/201423:31:26 2913.02 - Theft Crime Location Day of Week WALMART 85 RIVER TRACE LN `` CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 2913.02 Theft Completed NARRATIVE DETAILS Narrative Type Narrative Date NI - Initial Narrative 07/22/2014 Narrative RMS Case #:14-013093 Occurred From:07/21/2014 23:30:37 Occurred To:07/21/2014 23:31:26 Reported Date:07/21/2014 23:30:37 Crime Location:85 RIVER TRACE CHILLICOTHE OH 45601 CAD CFS Code & Description:06 - Theft / RSP Offenses Involved:2913.02 - Theft Person Involved:Barton Donald A Reason Code:WITNESS Person Involved:Diehl Debra Reason Code:WITNESS Person Involved:Cantley Samantha A Reason Code:ACCUSED Person Involved:Walmart Reason Code:Business Is A Victim Property Type:Article Property Reason:Stolen Property Incident Disposition Date: Incident Disposition Comments: Officer received and reviewed a theft report from Don Barton Loss Prevention of Walmart 85 River trace Dr. Chillicothe Ohio. Mr. Barton advised he was notified by a store cashier Debra Diehl that on the afternoon of July 7, 2014 while working register 15 she had a unknown male and a female later identified as Samantha Cantley go through her line and attempt to purchase a Crossbow Water Gun. Samantha showed Debra a cell phone photo of a shelf sticker for .97 cents. Debra scanned the item and it showed $19.88. Debra placed the item on the turn table and continued to ring up the groceries from the cart. Mr. Barton advised all food items were paid for with Wick. In Mr. Barton's statement Samantha noticed that she needed to pick up her vehicle in TLE and would take the water gun back. The unknown male placed the water gun back into their cart and both proceeded back toward TLE. There neither subject attempted to pay for the water gun. it is believed Samantha paid for her oil change however failed to pay for the water gun leaving the store.
Officer reviewed the video and never seen where the water gun was obtained inside Walmart by Samantha or the unknown male. Officer did observe where Samantha had the cashier scan the water gun and a discussion over the item was made between the cashier and Samantha using a cell phone. Officer is unable to to determine if the item was purchased or not due Samantha is believed to have made multiple purchases such as WIC vouchers for milk. Then $10.00 in personal hygiene items. Samantha did stop a second time at another point of sale as she was leaving and paid for service to her car. There is no proof Samantha knowingly failed to pay for the item in question or thought she had received that item for .97 cents. Officer can not prove Samantha knowingly committed a theft and will not seek Criminal charges. Nothing further. NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address Barton, Donald A 61 Years Male WHITE 220 E Franklin ST CIRCLEVILLE,OH Phone# Reason Codes (740)- WITNESS Name Age Sex Race Cantley, Samantha A 26 Years Female WHITE Address Phone# Reason Codes 673 Cupps Bridge RD Frankfort,OH 45628 (740)703-0406 ACCUSED Name Age Reason Codes Diehl, Debra 44 Years WITNESS Name Age Address Reason Codes Walmart, Years 85 RIVER TRACE LN CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Business Is A Victim Incident# 14-013094 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 06 Theft / RSP 07/10/2014 18:10:00 07/21/2014 23:31:38 07/10/2014 19:10:00 Dispatched Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 23:32:01 07/21/201423:32:09 2913.02 - Theft Crime Location Day of Week WALMART 85 RIVER TRACE LN `` CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 THURSDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Location Type Att-Comp 2913.02 Theft DEPARTMENT/DISCOUNT STORE Completed NARRATIVE DETAILS Narrative Type Narrative Date NI - Initial Narrative 07/22/2014 Narrative RMS Case #:14-013094 Occurred From:07/10/2014 18:10:00 Occurred To:07/10/2014 19:10:00 Reported Date:07/21/2014 23:31:38 Crime Location:85 RIVER TRACE CHILLICOTHE OH 45601 CAD CFS Code & Description:06 - Theft / RSP Offenses Involved:2913.02 - Theft Person Involved:RUSSELL TYLER ANTHONY Reason Code:WITNESS Person Involved:Walmart Reason Code:Business Is A Victim Person Involved:KEATON RONDA L Reason Code:Offender Property Type:Article Property Reason:Other Property Property Type:Article Property Reason:Stolen Property Incident Disposition Date: Incident Disposition Comments: On 7-22-2014, ofc. received a fraudulent return report from Tyler Russell of Walmart Loss Prevention. Mr. Russell states that on 7-13-2014, Ronda Keaton was detained in the Walmart Loss Prevention office for a suspected fraudulent return. No charges were filed as a result of the incident on 7-13-2014. However, this incident caused Mr. Russell to review prior returns made by Ms. Keaton. Mr. Russell states that on 7-10-2014, Ms. Keaton had made another fraudulent return. Mr. Russell's states that Ms. Keaton is on video returning a pair of boots which she had just picked up off the shelf and had not made any attempt to pay for. In order to return the boots, Ms. Keaton had to show photo ID (OH driver's license RU130355). Ms. Keaton received a gift card valued at $69.69 in exchange for the boots. Video provided by Mr. Russell confirms his statement. A person matching the BMV photograph for Ms. Keaton can be seen entering Walmart (85 River Trace Lane) with only a purse. Ms. Keaton goes to the shoe department, where she is only partially visible on camera. Ms. Keaton then returns to the front of the store carrying a shoe box, walks past register 14 without stopping, and continues to the service counter. Ms. Keaton exchanges the box, which contained a pair of boots, for a gift card. The box was much too large to have been in Ms. Keaton's purse as she entered the store. Ofc. was unable to contact Ms. Keaton by telephone. Ofc. will request a warrant for Ms. Keaton's arrest for Theft (2913.02 M1). Nothing further. NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Address KEATON, RONDA L 42 Years Female 971 ROZELLE CREEK RD CHILLICOTHE, OH 45601 Reason Codes Offender Name Age Sex Race RUSSELL, TYLER ANTHONY 19 Years Male WHITE Address Phone# Reason Codes 567 PLAZA DR CIRCLEVILLE, OH 43113 1438 (740)412-6516 WITNESS Name Age Address Phone# Walmart, Years 85 RIVER TRACE LN CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 (740)774-4800 Reason Codes Business Is A Victim Incident# 14-013092 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To 05 B&E / Burglary 07/21/2014 23:19:20 07/21/2014 23:19:20 07/21/2014 23:40:46 Dispatched Date Caller Name Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 23:21:22 Graves , Mildred F 07/21/2014 23:21:28 07/21/201423:40:46 30 - Misc Crime Location Day of Week 827 MADISON AV CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Att-Comp 30 Misc Completed NAME DETAILS Name Age Sex Race Address Graves, Mildred F 94 Years Female WHITE 827 MADISON AV CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Reason Codes CALLER Incident# 14-013095 CAD CFS Occurred From Reported Date Occurred To TS TRAFFIC STOP 07/21/2014 23:37:23 07/21/2014 23:37:23 07/22/2014 00:44:59 Dispatched Date Arrived Date Finished Date RMS CFS 07/21/2014 23:37:23 07/21/2014 23:37:23 07/22/201400:44:59 2913.02 - Theft Crime Location Day of Week 387 WETZEL DR CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 MONDAY CRIME DETAILS CFS Description Location Type Att-Comp 2911.21 Criminal Trespass YARD Completed CFS Description Location Type Att-Comp 2913.02 Theft YARD Completed CFS Description Att-Comp TS TRAFFIC STOP Completed NARRATIVE DETAILS Narrative Type Narrative Date NI - Initial Narrative 07/22/2014 Narrative RMS Case #:14-013095 Occurred From:07/21/2014 23:37:23 Occurred To:07/22/2014 00:44:59 Reported Date:07/21/2014 23:37:23 Crime Location:387 WETZEL CHILLICOTHE OH 45601 CAD CFS Code & Description:TS - TRAFFIC STOP Offenses Involved:2913.02 - Theft Offenses Involved:2911.21 - Criminal Trespass Person Involved:Smith Seth L Reason Code:Offender Person Involved:GOWEN JOSH EVAN Reason Code:Offender Person Involved:Lowery Cruz M Reason Code:Offender Person Involved:Barber Spring Ohio Reason Code:Business Is A Victim Person Involved:Diehl Scott W Reason Code:CONTACT Property Type:Article Property Reason:Stolen Property Incident Disposition Date: Incident Disposition Comments: CAD Dispatcher comments :07/21/2014 23:37:23 - VS Call: PL :df76nw, ST: OH, Desc: red explorer 07/22/2014 00:15:56 - enroute to jail with male 21 for c21 07/22/2014 00:29:06 - C21 prime Ofc. was on patrol in the area of Mary Lou Patton Park when Ofc. observed a vehicle at a high rate of speed on Wetzel Dr headed towards Barber Spring Factory. Ofc. advised other units and went that direction, knowing the factory is normally closed at this time. As Ofc. entered the property a dark colored vehicle (Ohio - DF76NW) was seen pulling away from a dumpster with no lights on and the tailgate up. Ofc. activated the overhead lights and stopped the vehicle. The factory was closed. Ofc. told the occupants to raise their hands and all complied. Other units arrived after Ofc. approached and saw three male subjects in the vehicle, the one in the rear was laying on springs that are manufactured at the facility. All three were detained in handcuffs and Ofc. advised them of their Miranda Rights. All three stated that they understood. Ofc. identified the driver as Josh Gowen, the front passenger as Seth Smith and rear passenger as Cruz Lowery. The three were kept separate and Ofc. spoke to Mr. Smith first. He stated that they came there with a fourth person, only identified as "Tyler", who stated that there was free metal at the location and they could make some money by getting it. He stated that Tyler fled on foot from the vehicle as Ofc. approached. Ofc. did not see anyone leave the vehicle. Ofc. could see that Mr. Smith was dirty and when asked he admitted to assisting in the loading of the recovered items. Ofc. contacted Mr. Lowery. He stated that they came there with "Tyler" who advised them they could take the items and make money. He could not describe or identify Tyler and advised he had just met him. A check of his information showed he had an active warrant which was valid and in hand at the RCSO. Mr. Lowery looked as if he worked the hardest in the few moments they spent loading the items. Ofc. could see where there was a pile of the springs beside a dumpster. There was a mud puddle and some shoe marks. All three detained had muddy shoes, rust and dirt on them. Ofc. photgraphed the area around the dumpster. Ofc. contacted Josh Gowen. He stated that he did not know "Tyler" or where he came to be with them. He also admitted to loading the items which were photographed and off loaded to the side. Ofc. counted 31 springs in all. They were possibly going to be sold for scrap. Ofc. does not know what scrap prices are but will estimate the value at $50.00 at this time pending an actual value from the company. All three were advised that they were now under arrest for Theft and were barred from the property and if they return they could be arrested for Criminal Trespass. All three stated that they understood. The vehicle was towed and all were transported to the RCJ. All were released to the jail staff without incident. Ofc. also served Mr. Lowery with a copy of warrant CRB 1401795 for Domestic Menacing issued by Deputy Daubenmire with the RCSO. All will be held in lieu of bond pending their mandatory court date of 07/22/2014. Ofc. contacted employee Scott Diehl with Barber Spring. Ofc. told him of the situation and he stated that he would check scrap prices in the morning and advise. Ofc. also requested he provide insurance information. Ofc. will also have to check for security footage from the cameras around the business. Nothing further at this time. NAME DETAILS Name Age Address Reason Codes Barber Spring Ohio, Years 387 WETZEL DR CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Business Is A Victim Name Age Sex Race Address Diehl, Scott W 50 Years Male WHITE 428 WILLOW LN CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)701-7539 CONTACT Name Age Sex Race Address GOWEN, JOSH EVAN 19 Years Male WHITE 340 W Reihle RD CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Reason Codes Adult Arrest Offender Name Age Sex Race Lowery, Cruz M 25 Years Male WHITE Address Phone# Reason Codes 2179 ANDERSON STATION RD 117 CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 (740)775-7341 Adult Arrest Offender Name Reason Codes Scott, Diehl Owner of Business Name Age Sex Race Address Smith, Seth L 23 Years Male BLACK 339 E Fourth ST CHILLICOTHE,OH 45601 Phone# Reason Codes (740)773-3781 Adult Arrest Offender