This document outlines the course syllabus for Software Engineering at Easwari Engineering College. It covers 5 units:
1. Introduction to software engineering paradigms like the waterfall model and software project planning.
2. Software design topics such as abstraction, modularity, and real-time system design.
3. Software metrics for measuring process and product attributes.
4. Software testing strategies and maintenance processes.
5. Software configuration management and case tools.
The document provides an overview of the topics that will be covered in each unit to help students understand the scope of the course.
This document outlines the course syllabus for Software Engineering at Easwari Engineering College. It covers 5 units:
1. Introduction to software engineering paradigms like the waterfall model and software project planning.
2. Software design topics such as abstraction, modularity, and real-time system design.
3. Software metrics for measuring process and product attributes.
4. Software testing strategies and maintenance processes.
5. Software configuration management and case tools.
The document provides an overview of the topics that will be covered in each unit to help students understand the scope of the course.
This document outlines the course syllabus for Software Engineering at Easwari Engineering College. It covers 5 units:
1. Introduction to software engineering paradigms like the waterfall model and software project planning.
2. Software design topics such as abstraction, modularity, and real-time system design.
3. Software metrics for measuring process and product attributes.
4. Software testing strategies and maintenance processes.
5. Software configuration management and case tools.
The document provides an overview of the topics that will be covered in each unit to help students understand the scope of the course.
This document outlines the course syllabus for Software Engineering at Easwari Engineering College. It covers 5 units:
1. Introduction to software engineering paradigms like the waterfall model and software project planning.
2. Software design topics such as abstraction, modularity, and real-time system design.
3. Software metrics for measuring process and product attributes.
4. Software testing strategies and maintenance processes.
5. Software configuration management and case tools.
The document provides an overview of the topics that will be covered in each unit to help students understand the scope of the course.
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SEMESTER III MC9233 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING L T P C 3 0 0 3 UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Software Engineering paradigms Waterfall Life cycle model Spiral Model Prototype Model fourth Generation Techniques Planning Cost Estimation rgani!ation Structure Software Pro"ect Scheduling# $is% analysis and management $equirements and Specification $apid Prototyping& UNIT II SOFTWARE DESIGN 9 '(straction Modularity Software 'rchitecture Cohesion Coupling )arious *esign Concepts and notations $eal time and *istri(uted System *esign *ocumentation *ataflow riented design +ac%son System de,elopment *esigning for reuse Programming standards& UNIT III SOFTWARE METRICS 9 Scope Classification of metrics Measuring Process and Product attri(utes *irect and -ndirect measures $elia(ility Software .uality 'ssurance Standards& UNIT IV SOFTWARE TESTING AND MAINTENANCE 9 Software Testing /undamentals Software testing strategies 0lac% 0o1 Testing White 0o1 Testing System Testing Testing Tools Test Case Management Software Maintenance rgani!ation Maintenance $eport Types of Maintenance& UNIT V SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT (SCM) & CASE TOOLS 9 2eed for SCM )ersion Control SCM process Software Configuration -tems Ta1onomy Case $epository /eatures& TOTAL !" REFERENCES# 3& $oger S& Pressman# 4Software Engineering5 ' Practitioner 'pproach6# Si1th edition# McGraw7ill# 899:& 8& -& Summer,ille# 4Software Engineering6# Si1th Edition# 'ddison Wesley;Longman# 899<& =& Pan%a" +alote# 4'n -ntegrated approach to Software Engineering6# Second Edition# Springer )erlag# 3>>?& MC9233 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING UNIT I Software Software is a collection of computer programs and related documents that are intended to provide desired features, functionalities and better performance. Software products may be 1. Generic That means developed to be sold to range of different customers 2. Custom That means developed for a single customer according to their specification. Software Engineering Software engineering is a discipline in which theories, methods and tools are applied to develop professional software product. n software engineering the systematic and organi!ed approach is adopted. "ased on the nature of the problem and development constraints various tools and techni#ues are applied in order to develop #uality software. The definition of software engineering is based on two terms$ 1. %iscipline$ &or finding the solution to the problem an engineer applies appropriate theories, methods and tools. 'hile finding the solutions, engineers must thin( of the organi!ational and financial constraints. 'ithin these constraints only one has to find the solution. 2. )roduct$ The software products gets developed after following systematic theories, methods and tools along with the appropriate management activities. Software Proce The software process can be defined as the set of activities that has to be carried out in order to get the software product. 2 Software )rocess *ctivities$ 1. Software Specification$ This is generally a document in which customer and the software developer define the purpose and use of the software product that is to be developed in this specification, it is necessary to specify various constraints on operation of the software. 2. Software %evelopment$ t is a core process in which the re#uired software is built. +. Software ,alidation$ *fter developing the software product it is necessary to chec( the software in order to validate it. -. Software .volution$ Sometimes there are ma/or changes on organi!ational or technological front and in such a situation the e0isting software product needs to be changes. Sometimes due to mar(et demands the software has to be modified. Software Proce Mo!e" The software process model can be defined as an abstract representation of process. The software process model consists of various process activities, role of people involved in process development and software product. Attri#$te of Goo! Software 1. 1ser Satisfaction$ Satisfying the user re#uirements is the ultimate goal of good software. 2. 2aintainability$ Sometimes there is a need to ma(e some modifications in the e0isting software. Good software is software which can be easily modified in order to meet the changing needs of the customer. +. 1sability$ t is the ability of the software being useful. &or ma(ing the software useful it is necessary that it should have proper G1 and documentation. -. %ependability$ The dependability is a property that includes reliability, security and safety of software. n other words, the developed software product should be reliable and safe to use, it should not cause any damage or destruction. 3. .fficiency. The software should be efficient in its performance and it should have the optimal use of memory. 3 Goa"%O#&ecti'e of Software Engineering 'hile developing software following are common ob/ectives$ 1. Satisfy 1ser 4e#uirements 5 2any programmers simply don6t do what the end user wants because they do not understand user re#uirements. 7ence it becomes necessary to understand the demand of end user and accordingly software should be developed. 2. 7igh 4eliability 2ista(es or bugs in a program can be e0pensive in terms of human lives, money, and customer relation. &or instance 2icrosoft has faced many problems because earlier release of 'indows has many problems. Thus software should be delivered only if high reliability is achieved. +. 8ow 2aintenance Costs 2aintenance of software is an activity that can be done only after delivering the software to the customer. *ny small change in software should not cause restructuring of whole software. This indicates that the design of software has poor #uality. -. %elivery on Time 5 t is very difficult to predict the e0act time on which the software can be completed. "ut a systematic development of software can lead to meet the given deadline. 3. 8ow )roduction Costs The software product should be cost effective. 9. 7igh )erformance The high performance software are e0pected to achieve optimi!ation in speed and memory usage. :. .ase of 4euse 1se same software in different systems and software. .nvironments reduce development costs and also improve the reliability. 7ence reusability of developed software is an important property. Software C(aracteritic Software development is a logical activity and therefore it is important to understand basic characteristics of software. Some important characteristics of software are$ 1. Software is engineered, not manufactured 2. Software does not wear out +. 2ost software is custom built rather than being assembled from components. 4 1. Software is engineered, not manufactured Software development and hardware manufacturing are two different activities. * good design is a bac(bone for both the activities. ;uality problems that occur in hardware manufacturing phase cannot be removed easily. <n the other hand, during software development process such problems can be rectified. n both the activities, developers are responsible for producing #ualitative product. 2. Software does not wear out n early stage of hardware development process the failure rate is very high because of manufacturing defects. "ut after correcting such defects the failure rate gets reduced. The failure rate remains constant for some period of time and again it starts increasing because of environmental maladies =e0treme temperature, dusts and vibrations>. <n the other hand software does not get affected from such environmental maladies. 7ence ideally it should have an ?ideali!ed curve6. "ut due to some undiscovered errors the failure rate is high and drops down as soon as the errors get corrected. 7ence in failure rating of software the ?actual curve6 is as shown below$ 5 %uring the life of software if any change is made, some defects may get introduced. This causes failure rate to be high. "efore the curve can return to original steady state another change is re#uested and again the failure rate becomes high. Thus the failure curve loo(s li(e a spi(e. Thus fre#uent changes in software cause it to deteriorate. *nother issue with software is that there are no spare parts for software. f hardware component wears out it can be replaced by another component but it is not possible in case of software. Therefore software maintenance is more difficult than the hardware maintenance. +. 2ost software is custom built rather than being assembled from components. 'hile developing any hardware product at first the circuit design with desired functioning properties is created. Then re#uired hardware components such as Cs, capacitors, and registers are assembled according to the design, but this is not done while developing software product. 2ost of the software is custom built. 7owever, now the software development approach is getting changed and we loo( for reusability of software components. t is practiced to reuse algorithms and data structures. Today software industry is trying to ma(e library of reusable components. &or e0ample$ in today6s software, G1 is built using the reusable components such as message windows, pull down menus and many more such components. The approach is getting developed to use in5built components in the software. This stream of software is popularly (nown as component engineering. )in! of Software System software, 4eal5time software, "usiness software, .ngineering and Scientific software, embedded software, )ersonal Computer software, and *rtificial ntelligence software 6 Software Engineering Para!ig* Software .ngineering )aradigm or )rocess 2odel is an abstract representation of a process. The process model is chosen based on nature of software pro/ect and application and then to obtain deliverable product method and tools are applied. 1sing problem solving loop the software development can be done. The e0isting status represents current state of affairs. n the problem identification phase particular problem is identified. The technical development stage is for solving the identified problem using an appropriate technology. &inally solution integration is responsible for delivering the results. "ut applying such problem solving loop in software development process is very difficult because we cannot strictly categori!e the development in these phases. There may be a re#uirement of cross tal( within and across stages. 7ence some software process models are suggested depending upon nature of software. Such models are called generic software models. 7 Generic software process models are 1. The 'aterfall 2odel Separate and distinct phases of specification and development 2. )rototyping 2ode * #uic( design approach is adopted +. ncremental 2odels t emphasi!es on short development cycle 4apid *pplication and %evelopment =4*%> 2odel -. .volutionary )rocess 2odels Specification, development and validation are interleaved ncremental 2odel Spiral 2odel 'in5'in Spiral 2odel Concurrent %evelopment +ife C,c"e Mo!e" * 8ife Cycle is a se#uence in which a pro/ect specified, prototypes, designs, implements, tests, and maintains a piece of software. n software engineering, the life cycle model depicts various stages of software development process. 1sing life cycle model various development issues can be solved at the appropriate time. Waterfa"" Mo!e" The 'aterfall model is also called as ?8inear5se#uential model6 or ?Classic life cycle model6. t is the oldest software paradigm. This model suggests a systematic, se#uential approach to software development. The software development starts with re#uirements gathering phase. t then progresses through analysis, design, coding, testing and maintenance. n re#uirement gathering and analysis phase the basic re#uirements of the system must be understood by software engineer, who is also called *nalyst. The information domain, function, behavioural re#uirements of the system is understood. *ll these re#uirements are then well documented and discussed further with the customer for reviewing. The design is an intermediate step between re#uirements analysis and coding. %esign focuses on program attributes such as 8 %ata Structure Software architecture nterface representation *lgorithmic details The re#uirements are translated in some easy to represent form using which coding can be done effectively and efficiently. The design needs to be documented for further use. Coding is a step in which design is translated into machine5readable form. f design is done in sufficient detail then coding can be done effectively. )rograms are created in this phase. Testing begins when coding is done. 'hile performing testing the ma/or focus is on logical internals of the software. The testing ensures e0ecution of all the paths, functional behaviors. The purpose of testing is to uncover errors, fi0 the bugs and meet the customer re#uirements. 9 2aintenance is the longest life cycle phase. 'hen the system is installed and put in practical use then error may get introduced, correcting such errors and putting it in use is the ma/or purpose of maintenance activity. Similarly enhancing system6s services as new re#uirements are discovered is again maintenance of the system. This model is widely used model, although it has many benefits and drawbac(s. -enefit of Waterfa"" Mo!e" 1. The waterfall model is simple to implement 2. &or implementation of small systems, waterfall mode is useful. .raw#ac/ of Waterfa"" Mo!e" 1. t is difficult to follow the se#uential flow in software development processes. f some changes are made at some phases then it may cause some confusion. 2. The re#uirement analysis is done initially and sometimes it is not possible to state all the re#uirements e0plicitly in the beginning. This causes difficulty in the pro/ect. +. The customer can see the wor(ing model of the pro/ect only at the end. *fter reviewing of the wor(ing model, if the customer gets dissatisfied then it causes serious problems. -. 8inear nature of waterfall model induces bloc(ing states, because certain tas(s may be dependant on some previous tas(s. 7ence it is necessary to accomplish all the dependant tas(s first. t may cause long waiting time. S0ira" Mo!e" The spiral models possess the iterative nature of prototyping model and controlled and systematic approaches of the linear se#uential model. This model gives efficient development of incremental versions of software. 7ere, the software is developed in series of increments. 10 The spiral model is divided into a number of framewor( activities. These framewor( activities are denoted by tas( regions. 1sually there are si0 tas(s regions. 11 Spiral model is realistic approach to development of large5scale systems and software. "ecause customer and developer better understand the problem statement at each evolutionary level. *lso ris(s can be identified or rectified at each such level. n the initial phase, product specification is built and in subse#uent passes around the spiral the prototype gets developed and then more improved versions of software gets developed. %uring planning phase, the cost and schedule of software can be planned and ad/usted based on feedbac( obtained from customer evaluation. n spiral model, pro/ect entry point a0is is defined. This a0is represents starting point for different types of pro/ects. &or instance concept development pro/ect will start at core of spiral and will continue along the spiral path. f the concept has to be developed into actual pro/ect then at entry point 2 the product development process starts. 7ence entry point 2 is called product development pro/ect entry point. The development of the pro/ect can be carried out in iterations. The tas( regions can be described as 1. Customer Communication n this region it is suggested to establish customer communication. 2. )lanning *ll planning activities are carried out in order to define resources time line and other pro/ect related activities. +. 4is( *nalysis The tas(s re#uired calculating technical and management ris(s are carried out. -. .ngineering n this tas( region, tas(s re#uired to build one or more representations of applications are carried out. 3. Construct and release *ll the necessary tas(s re#uired constructing, testing, install the application are conducted. Some tas(s that are re#uired to provide user $00ort are also carried out in this tas( region. n each region, number of wor( tas(s is carried out depending upon the characteristics of pro/ect. &or a small pro/ect relatively small number of wor( tas(s is adopted but for a comple0 pro/ect large number of wor( tas(s can be carried out. n spiral model, the software engineering team moves around the spiral in a cloc(wise direction beginning at the core. 12 A!'antage of S0ira" Mo!e" 1. 4e#uirement change can be made at every stage 2. 4is(s can be identified and rectified before they get problematic .raw#ac/ of S0ira" Mo!e" 1. t is based on customer communication. f the communication is not proper then the software product that gets developed will not be up to the mar(. 2. t demands considerable ris( assessment. f the ris( assessment is done properly then only the successful product can be obtained. WIN1WIN S0ira" Mo!e" *s in spiral model the customer communication is important for obtaining the re#uirements of the pro/ect, the '@5'@ model also suggests proper communication with customer. n reality customer and developers undergo through the process of negotiation. Successful negotiation occurs when both the sides win. This is called win5win result. Customer6s win means <btaining the system that satisfies most of the needs. %eveloper6s win means Getting the wor( done with realistic and achievable budgets and deadlines. n the win5win spiral model negotiation activities are carried out at the beginning of each pass of the spiral. ,arious activities that can be carried out in win5win spiral model are 1. dentification of sta(eholders 2. %etermination of sta(eholders wins condition +. @egotiations of sta(eholders striving for win condition. 'ith the concerned software product team reconcile for win5win result. Then determine ne0t level ob/ectives, constraints and alternatives. -. .valuate process and product. *naly!e and resolve the ris(s. 3. %efine ne0t level of product and process 9. ,alidate process and product definitions :. Ta(e a review of product and give necessary comments on it. 13 There are three anchor points that can be defined in win5win spiral mode. 1. 8C< That means 8ife Cycle <b/ective. t defines the ob/ectives for ma/or software engineering activities. 2. 8C* That means 8ife Cycle *rchitecture. t defines the software architectures that can be produced with all the ob/ectives are set. +. <C That means nitial <perational Capability. t represents software with all the desired initial operational capabilities. Protot,0ing Mo!e" n )rototyping model initially the re#uirement gathering is done. %eveloper and customer define overall ob/ectivesA identify areas needing more re#uirement gathering. Then, a #uic( design is prepared. This design represents what will be visible to user in input and output format. &rom the #uic( design a prototype is prepared. Customer or user evaluates the prototype in order to refine the re#uirements. teratively prototype is tuned for satisfying customer re#uirements. Thus prototype is important to identify the software re#uirements. 'hen wor(ing prototype is built, developer use e0isting program fragments or program generators to throw away the prototype and rebuild the system to high #uality. Certain classes of mathematical algorithms, subset of command driven systems and other applications where results can be easily e0amine without real time interaction can be developed using prototyping paradigm. W(en to c(ooe Protot,0ing2 Software applications that are relatively easy to prototype almost always involve human5machine interaction =7C> the prototyping model is suggested. * general ob/ective of software is defined but not detailed input, processing or output re#uirements. Then in such a case prototyping model is useful. 'hen the developer is unsure of the efficiency of an algorithm or the adaptability of an operating system then prototype serves as a better choice. .raw#ac/ of Protot,0ing 14 1. n the first version itself, customer often wants ?few fi0es6 rather than rebuilding of the system. 'hereas rebuilding of new system maintains high level of #uality. 2. The first version may have some compromises +. Sometimes developer may ma(e implementation compromises to get prototype wor(ing #uic(ly. 8ater on developer may become comfortable with compromises and forget why they are inappropriate. A!'antage of Protot,0ing Mo!e" 1. The wor(ing model of the system can be #uic(ly designed by construction of prototype. This gives the idea of final system to the user. 2. The prototype is evaluated by the user and the re#uirements can be refined during the process of software development +. This method encourages active participation of developer and user -. This model is cost effective 3. The model helps to refine the potential ris(s associated with the delivery of the final system 9. The system development speed can be increased with this approach. 3erification an! 3a"i!ation The purpose of verification and validation is to confirm system specification and to meet the re#uirements of system customers. ,erification represents the set of activities that are carried out to confirm that the software correctly implements the specific functionality. ,alidation represents set of activities that ensure that the software that has been built is satisfying the customer re#uirements. The verification and validation involve chec(ing and review of processes and system testing. System testing means e0ecuting the system with various test cases. The test cases are derived from specification of input data which is to be processed by the system. The testing can be carried out using following steps$ 1. 1nit testing n this type of testing individual components are tested 15 2. 2odule Testing 4elated collection of independent components are tested +. Sub5system Testing This is a (ind of integration testing. ,arious modules are integrated into a subsystem and the whole subsystem is tested. The focus is to test the integration or to test an interface. -. System Testing n this testing, the whole system is tested. 3. *cceptance Testing This type of testing involves testing of the system with customer data. f the system behaves as per customer need then it is acceptable. Fo$rt( Generation Tec(ni4$e 56GT7 The term fourth generation techni#ues =-GTs> encompass a broad array of software tools. .ach tool enables the software engineer to specify some characteristic of software at a high level. The tool then automatically generates source code based on the developer6s specification. There is little debate that the higher the level at which software can be specified to a machine, the faster a program can be built. The -GT paradigm for software engineering focuses on the ability to specify software using speciali!ed language forms or a graphic notation that describes the problem to be solved in terms that the customer can understand. Currently, a software development environment that supports the -GT paradigm includes some or all of the following tools$ @onprocedural languages for database #uery 4eport generation %ata manipulation Screen interaction and definition Code generation 7igh5level graphics capability Spreadsheet capability *utomated generation of 7T28 used for web5site creation nitially, many of the tools noted previously were available only for very specific application domains, but today -GT environments have been e0tended to address most software application categories. 16 8i(e other paradigms, -GT begins with a re#uirements gathering step. deally, the customer would describe re#uirements and these would be directly translated into an operational prototype. "ut this is unwor(able. The customer may be unsure of what is re#uired, may be ambiguous in specifying facts that are (nown, and may be unable or unwilling to specify information in a manner that a -GT tool can consume. &or this reason, the customerBdeveloper dialog described for other process models remains an essential part of the -GT approach. 8i(e al software engineering paradigms, the -GT model has advantages and disadvantages. )roponents claim dramatic reduction in software development time and greatly improved productivity for people who build software. <pponents claim that current -GT tools are not all that much easier to use than programming languages, that the resultant source code produced by such tools is ?inefficient6. There is some merit in the claims of both sides and it is possible to summari!e the current state of -GT approaches$ 1. The use of -GT is a viable approach for many different application areas. Coupled with computer5aided software engineering tools and code generators, -GT offers a credible solution to many software problems. 2. %ata collected from companies that use -GT indicates that the time re#uired producing software is greatly reduced for small and intermediate applications and that the amount of design and analysis for small applications is also reduced. +. The use of -GT for large software development efforts demands as much or more analysis, design, and testing to achieve substantial time savings that result from the elimination of coding. P"anning .ffective management of a software pro/ect depends on thoroughly planning the progress of the pro/ect. 2anagers must anticipate problems that must arise and prepare tentative solutions to those problems. * plan, drawn up at the start of a pro/ect, should be used as the driver for the pro/ect. This initial plan should be the best possible plan given the available information. 17 t evolves as the pro/ect progresses and better information becomes available. T,0e of P"an 1. ;uality )lan %escribes the #uality procedures and standards that will be used in a pro/ect. 2. ,alidation )lan %escribes the approach resources and schedule used for system validation. +. Configuration 2anagement )lan %escribes the configuration management procedure and structures to be used. -. 2aintenance )lan )redicts the maintenance re#uirements of the system, maintenance costs and effort re#uired. 3. Staff %evelopment )lan %escribes how the s(ills and e0perience of the pro/ect team members will be developed. The pro/ect plan sets out the resources available to the pro/ect, the wor( brea(down and a schedule for carrying out the wor(. n some organi!ations, the pro/ect plan is a single document that includes the different types of plan. n other cases, the pro/ect plan is solely concerned with the development process. The details of the pro/ect plan vary depending on the type of pro/ect and organi!ation. 7owever, most plans should include the following sections$ 1. ntroduction This briefly describes the ob/ectives of the pro/ect and sets out the constraints =eg. "udget, time> that affect the pro/ect management. 2. )ro/ect organi!ation This describes the way in which the development team is organi!ed, the people involved and their roles in the team. +. 4is( *nalysis This describes possible pro/ect ris(s, the li(elihood of these ris(s arising and the ris( reduction strategies that are proposed. -. 7ardware and software resource re#uirements This specifies the hardware and the support software re#uired to carry out the development. f hardware has to be bought, estimates of the prices and the delivery schedule may be included. 18 3. 'or( "rea(down this sets out the brea(down of the pro/ect into activities and identifies the milestones and deliverables associated with each activity. 9. )ro/ect Schedule This shows the dependencies between activities, the estimated time re#uired to reach each milestone and the allocation of people to activities. :. 2onitoring and reporting mechanism This defines the management reports that should be produced, when these should be produced and the pro/ect monitoring mechanisms used. )ro/ect plan should regularly be revised during the pro/ect. Some parts, such as the pro/ect schedule, will change fre#uentlyA other parts will be more stable. Software Cot eti*ation The software cost estimation is the process of predicting the resources re#uired for software development process. &undamental #uestions that are as(ed to /udge the estimation are$ 1. 7ow much effort is re#uired to complete the pro/ect or an activityC 2. 7ow much calendar time is needed to complete an activityC +. 'hat is the total cost computed for an activityC The software cost components are 1. 7ardware and software costs 2. Travel and software or technology training costs +. .ffort Costs =the dominant factor in most pro/ects> which includes Salaries of employees involved in the pro/ect and Social and nsurance costs. -. Costs of building, heating and lighting 3. Costs of networ(ing and communications 9. Costs of shared facilities such as library, staff. Eti*ation Tec(ni4$e t is not possible to ma(e the accurate estimate of efforts re#uired to develop a software system because 19 1. The initial estimates are based on inade#uate information in a user re#uirements definition. 2. The software may run on unfamiliar computers or uses new technology +. The people in the pro/ect may be un(nown )ro/ect cost estimates may be self5fulfilling. The estimate defines the budget and the product is ad/usted to meet the budget. ,arious estimation techni#ues are$ 1. *lgorithmic cost modeling The cost estimation is based on the si!e of the software 2. .0pert /udgment The e0perts from software development and the application domain use their e0perience to predict software costs +. .stimation by analogy The cost of a pro/ect is computed by comparing the pro/ect to a similar pro/ect in the same application domain and then cost can be computed. -. )ar(inson6s 8aw5 The cost is determined by available resources rather than by ob/ective assessment. 3. )ricing to win The pro/ect costs whatever the customer ready to spend on it. There are two approaches used in cost estimation. 1. Top5down n this approach we start estimation at the system level and assess the overall system functionality and focuses on how this is delivered through sub5systems 2. "ottom5up n this approach we start at the component level and estimate the effort re#uired for each component. *dd these efforts to reach a final estimate. Organi8ationa" Str$ct$re <rgani!ational structure may be defined as relationship between certain functions, resources, and organi!ational positions. t is based on determining and itemi!ing the activities or tas(s re#uired achieving the ob/ectives of the organi!ation and the arrangement of these activities according to type, si!e and other similar characteristics. The most widespread organi!ational structure in the world today is the basic hierarchical structure. This is the standard with top management at the top of the chart and middle and lower management spreading out down the 20 structure. The organi!ation is usually bro(en down into different functional units, such as engineering, research, accounting, and administration. The hierarchical structure was originally based on such management theories as speciali!ation, line and staff relations, authority and responsibility, and span of control. *ccording to the principle of speciali!ation, the ma/or functional subunits are staffed by such disciplines as engineering and accounting. t is considered easier to manage specialists if they are grouped together and if the department head has training and e0perience in that particular discipline. The strength of the functional organi!ation is in its centrali!ation of similar resources. &or e0ample, the engineering department provides a secure and comfortable organi!ational arrangement with well5defined career paths for a young engineer. 2utual support is provided by physical pro0imity. The functional organi!ation also has a number of wea(nesses. 'hen it is involved in multiple pro/ects, conflicts invariably arise over the relative priorities of these pro/ects in the competition for resources. *lso, the functional department based on a technical specialty often places more emphasis on its own specialty than on the goals of the pro/ect. 8ac( of motivation and inertia are other problems. 7owever, many companies use the functional organi!ation for their pro/ect wor( as well as their standard operations. The world is a complicated place. n addition to discipline and function, other center for organi!ational structures includes products, technologies, customers, and geographic location. Matri9 Organi8ation The matri0 organi!ation is a multidimensional structure that tries to ma0imi!e the strengths and minimi!e the wea(nesses of both the pro/ect and the functional structure. t combines the standard vertical hierarchical structure with a superimposed lateral or hori!ontal structure of a pro/ect coordinator. 21 The ma/or benefits of the matri0 organi!ation are the balancing of ob/ectives, the coordination across functional department lines, and the visibility of the pro/ect ob/ectives through the pro/ect coordinator6s office. The ma/or disadvantage is that the man in the middle is wor(ing for two bosses. ,ertically, he reports to his functional department head. 7ori!ontally, he reports to the pro/ect coordinator or pro/ect manager. n a conflict situation he can be caught in the middle. The pro/ect manager often feels that he has little authority with regard to the functional departments. <n the other hand, the functional department head often feels that the pro/ect coordinator is interfering in his territory. The solution to this problem is to define the roles, responsibility, and authority of each of the actors clearly. The pro/ect coordinator specifies what is to be done and the functional department is responsible for how it is done. Pro&ect Sc(e!$"ing )ro/ect scheduling involves separating the total wor( involved in a pro/ect into separate activities and /udging the time re#uired to complete these activities. 1sually, some of these activities are carried out in parallel. <ne has to coordinate these parallel activities and organi!e the wor( so that the wor(force is used optimally. t is important to avoid a situation where the whole pro/ect is delayed because a critical tas( is unfinished. 'hile estimating schedules, one should not assume that every stage of the pro/ect will be problem free. )eople wor(ing on a pro/ect may fall ill or may leave, hardware may brea( down, and essential support software or hardware may be delivered late. f the pro/ect is new and technically advanced, certain parts of it may turn out to be more difficult and ta(e longer than originally anticipated. *part from calendar time, we have to estimate the resources needed to complete each tas(. The principal resource is the human effort re#uired. <ther resources may be the dis( space re#uired on a server, the time re#uired on speciali!ed hardware such as a simulator, and the travel budget 22 re#uired on speciali!ed hardware such as a simulator, and the travel budget re#uired for pro/ect staff. * good rule of thumb is to estimate as if nothing will go wrong, and then increase your estimate to cover anticipated problems. * further contingency factor to cover unanticipated problems may also be added to the estimate. This e0tra contingency factor depends on the type of pro/ect, the process parameters =deadline, standards> and the #uality and e0perience of the software engineers wor(ing on the pro/ect. )ro/ect schedules are usually represented as a set of charts showing the wor( brea(down, activities dependencies and staff allocations. Ti*e +ine C(art 5Gantt c(art7 n software pro/ect scheduling the time line chart is created. The purpose of timeline chart is to emphasi!e the scope of individual tas(. 7ence set of tas(s are given as input to the time line chart. The timeline chart is also called as Gantt chart. The time line chart can be developed for entire pro/ect or it can be developed for individual functions. n time line chart 1. *ll the tas(s are listed at the leftmost column 2. The hori!ontal bars indicate the time re#uired by the corresponding tas( +. 'hen multiple hori!ontal bars occur at the same time on the calendar, then that means concurrency can be applied for performing the tas(s -. The diamonds indicate the milestones. n most of the pro/ects, after generation of time line charts the pro/ect tables are prepared. n pro/ect tables all the tas(s are listed along with actual start and end dates and related information. 23 Ri/ Ana",i an! Manage*ent The purpose of ris( analysis is to discover the cause, effects, and magnitude of the ris( perceived and to develop and e0amine alternative options. 4is( 2anagement is the process of identifying ris(s, assessing their severity, planning measures to put in place if the ris(s arise and monitoring the software and the software process for ris(s. *n important tas( of a pro/ect manager is to anticipate ris(s which might affect the pro/ect schedule or the #uality of software being developed and to ta(e action to avoid these ris(s. The results of the ris( analysis should be documented in the pro/ect plan along with an analysis of the conse#uences of a ris( occurring. There are three categories of ris(s. 1. )ro/ect ris(s are ris(s which affect the pro/ect schedule or resources. *n e0ample might be the loss of an e0perienced designer. 2. )roduct ris(s are ris(s which affect the #uality or performance of the software being developed. *n e0ample might be the failure of a purchased component to perform as e0pected. +. "usiness ris(s are ris(s which affect the organi!ation developing or procuring the software. &or e0ample, a competitor introducing a new product is a business ris(. The ris(s that may affect a pro/ect depend on the pro/ect and the organi!ational environment where the software is being developed. Some of the most common ris(s are given below$ Poi#"e Software Ri/ Ri/ Ri/ T,0e .ecri0tion Staff Turnover )ro/ect .0perienced Staff will leave the pro/ect before it is finished 2anagement Change )ro/ect There will be a change of organi!ational management with different priorities 7ardware unavailability )ro/ect 7ardware which is essential for the pro/ect will not be delivered on schedule 24 4e#uirements change )ro/ect and )roduct There will be a larger number of changes to the re#uirements than anticipated Specification delays )ro/ect and product Specifications of essential interfaces are not available on schedule Si!e underestimate )ro/ect and product The si!e of the system has been underestimated C*S. Tool under performance )roduct C*S. tools which support the pro/ect do not perform as anticipated Technology change "usiness The underlying technology on which the system to built is superseded by new technology )roduct competition "usiness * competitive product is mar(eted before the system is completed 4is( management is essential for software pro/ects because of the inherent uncertainties that most pro/ects face. These stem from loosely defined re#uirements, difficulties in estimating the time and resources re#uired for software development, dependence on individual s(ills and re#uirement changes due to changes in customer needs. <ne has to anticipate ris(s, understand the impact of these ris(s on the pro/ect, the product and the business and ta(e steps to avoid these ris(s. t is re#uired to draw up contingency plans so that, if the ris(s do occur, we can ta(e immediate recovery action. The process of ris( management involves several stages$ 1. 4is( identification 5 )ossible pro/ect, product and business ris(s are identified 2. 4is( analysis The li(elihood and conse#uences of these ris(s are assessed +. 4is( planning )lans to address the ris( either by avoiding it or minimi!ing its effects on the pro/ect are drawn up -. 4is( monitoring The ris( is constantly assessed and plans for ris( mitigation are revised as more information about the ris( becomes available. The ris( management process is an iterative process which continues throughout the pro/ect. <nce an initial set of plans are drawn up, the 25 situation is monitored. The ris( avoidance and contingency plans may be modified as new ris( information emerges. Ri/ I!entification 4is( identification is the first stage of ris( management. t is concerned with discovering possible ris(s to the pro/ect. 4is( identification may be carried out as a team process uses a brainstorming approach or many simply be based on e0perience. To help the process, a chec(list of different types of ris( may be used. There are at least si0 types of ris( that can arise. 1. Technology ris(s 4is(s that derive from the software or hardware technologies that are used to develop the system 2. )eople ris(s 4is(s that are associated with the people in the development team +. <rgani!ational ris(s 4is(s that derive from the organi!ational environment where the software is being developed -. Tools ris(s 4is(s that derive from the C*S. tools and other support software used to develop the system 3. 4e#uirements ris(s 4is(s that derive from changes to the customer re#uirements and the process of managing the re#uirements change. 9. .stimation ris(s 4is(s that derive from the management estimates of the system characteristics and the resources re#uired to build the system Ri/ Ana",i %uring the ris( analysis process, one has to consider each identified ris( and ma(e a /udgment about the probability and the seriousness of it. The ris( estimates should not generally be precise numeric assessments but should be based around a number of bands$ The probability of the ris( might be assessed as very low =D1EF>, low =1E523F>, moderate =2353EF>, high =3E5:3F> or very high =G:3F>. The effects of the ris( might be assessed as catastrophic, serious, tolerable or insignificant. 26 <ne should then tabulate the results of this analysis process using a table ordered according to the seriousness of the ris(. n practice, to ma(e this assessment we need detailed information about the pro/ect, the process, the development team and the organi!ation. <nce the ris(s have been analy!ed and ran(ed, one should assess which are most significant. The /udgment must depend on a combination of the probability of the ris( arising and the effects of that ris(. Ri/ Ana",i Ri/ Pro#a#i"it, Effect <rgani!ational financial problems force reductions in the pro/ect budget 8ow Catastrophic t is impossible to recruit staff with the s(ills re#uired for the pro/ect 7igh Catastrophic Hey staff are ill at critical times in the pro/ect 2oderate Serious Software components which should be reused contain defects which limit their functionality 2oderate Serious Changes to re#uirements which re#uire ma/or design rewor( are proposed 2oderate Serious The organi!ation is restructured so that different management are responsible for the pro/ect 7igh Serious The database used in the system cannot process as many transactions per second as e0pected 2oderate Serious The time re#uired to develop the software is underestimated 7igh Serious C*S. tools cannot be integrated 7igh Tolerable Customers fail to understand the impact of re#uirements changes 2oderate Tolerable 4e#uired training for staff is not available 2oderate Tolerable The rate of defect repair is underestimated 2oderate Tolerable The si!e of the software is underestimated 7igh Tolerable The code generated by C*S. tools is inefficient 2oderate nsignificant Ri/ P"anning The ris( planning process considers each of the (ey ris(s that have been identified and identifies strategies to manage the ris(. There is no simple 27 process that can be followed to establish ris( management plans. t relies on the /udgment and e0perience of the pro/ect manager. The ris( strategies fall into three categories$ 1. *voidance strategies 2eans that the probability that the ris( will arise will be reduced. *n e0ample of a ris( avoidance strategy is the strategy for dealing with defective components. 2. 2inimi!ation strategies 2eans that the impact of the ris( will be reduced. *n e0ample of a ris( minimi!ation strategy is that for staff illness. +. Contingency plans 5 2eans that we are prepared for the worst and have a strategy in place of deal with it. *n e0ample of a contingency strategy is the strategy for organi!ational financial problems. Ri/ Manage*ent Strategie 4is( Strategy <rgani!ational financial problems )repare a briefing document for senior management showing how the pro/ect is ma(ing a very important contribution to the goals of the business 4ecruitment problems *lert customer of potential difficulties and the possibility of delays, investigate buying5in components Staff illness 4eorgani!e team so that there is more overlap of wor( and people therefore understand each other6s /obs %efective components 4eplace potentially defective components with bought5in components of (nown reliability 4e#uirements changes %erive traceability information to assess re#uirements change impact, ma0imi!e information hiding in the design <rgani!ational restructuring )repare a briefing document for senior management showing how the pro/ect is ma(ing a very important contribution to the goals of the business %atabase performance nvestigate the possibility of buying a higher5 performance database 1nderestimated development time nvestigate buying5in components, investigate the use of a program generator Ri/ Monitoring 28 4is( monitoring involves regularly assessing each of the identified ris(s to decide whether or not that ris( is becoming more or less probable and whether the effects of the ris( have changes. This cannot usually be observed directly, so we have to loo( at other factors that give you clues about the ris( probability and its effects. These factors are obviously dependent on the types of ris(. &ollowing table gives some e0amples of factors that may be helpful in assessing these ris( types. 4is( &actors Ri/ T,0e Potentia" In!icator Technology 8ate delivery of hardware or support software, many reported technology problems )eople )oor staff morale, poor relationships amongst team members, /ob availability <rgani!ational <rgani!ational gossip, lac( of action by senior management Tools 4eluctance by team members to use tools, complaints about C*S. tools, demands for higher5powered wor(stations 4e#uirements 2any re#uirements change re#uests, customer complaints .stimation &ailure to meet agreed schedule, failure to clear reported defects 4is( monitoring should be a continuous process, and, at every management progress review, we should consider and discuss each of the (ey ris(s separately. Software Re4$ire*ent 4e#uirement engineering is the process of establishing the services that the customer re#uires from a system and the constraints under which it operates and is developed. n re#uirement engineering there is a systematic use of principles, techni#ues and tools for cost effective analysis, documentation and user needs. "oth the software engineer and customer ta(e an active role in re#uirement engineering. Re4$ire*ent 29 * re#uirement can range from a high5level abstract statement of a service or of a system constraint to a detailed mathematical functional specification. The re#uirement must be open to interpretation and it must be defined in detail. T,0e of Re4$ire*ent The re#uirements can be classified as 1. 1ser 4e#uirements t is a collection of statements in natural language plus description of the services the system provides and its operational constraints. t is written for customers 2. System 4e#uirements t is a structured document that gives the detailed description of the system services. t is written as a contract between client and contractor +. Software Specification t is a detailed software description that can serve as a basis for design or implementation. Re4$ire*ent Ana",i 4e#uirement analysis is an intermediate phase between system engineering and software design. 4e#uirement analysis produces a software specification and helps as following$ *nalyst The re#uirement analysis help the analyst to refine software allocation. 1sing re#uirement analysis various models such as data model, functional model and behavioral model can be defined. %esigner *fter re#uirement analysis, the designer can design for data, architectural interface and component level designs. %eveloper 1sing re#uirements specification and design the software can be developed. Re4$ire*ent Ana",i Effort 1. )roblem 4ecognition The re#uirement analysis done for understanding the need of the system. The scope of the software in conte0t of a system must be understood. 30 2. .valuation and Synthesis Given below are the tas(s that must be done in evaluation and synthesis phase$ %efine all e0ternally observable data ob/ects evaluate data flow %efine software functions 1nderstand the behavior of the system .stablish system interface characteristics 1ncover the design constraints +. 2odeling *fter evaluation and synthesis, using data, functional and behavioral domains the data model, functional model and behavioral model can be built -. Specification The re#uirement specification =S4S> must be built 3. 4eview 5 The S4S must be reviewed by pro/ect manager and must be refined F$nctiona" an! Non F$nctiona" Re4$ire*ent Software system re#uirements can be classified as functional and non functional re#uirements. :;F$nctiona" Re4$ire*ent &unctional re#uirements should describe all the re#uired functionality or system services. The customer should provide statement of service. t should be clear how the system should react to particular inputs and how a particular system should behave in particular situation &unctional re#uirements are heavily dependent upon the type of software, e0pected users and the type of system where the software is used. &unctional user re#uirements may be high5level statements of what the system should do but functional system re#uirements should describe the system services in detail. &or e0ample$ Consider a library system in which there is a single interface provided to multiple databases. These databases are collection of articles from different libraries. * user can search for, download and print these articles for a personal study. 31 &rom this e0ample we can obtain functional re#uirements as 1. The user shall be able to search either all of the initial set of databases or select a subset from it. 2. The system shall provide appropriate viewers for the user to read documents in the document store +. * uni#ue identifier =order5id> should be allocated to every order. This identifier can be copied by the user to the account6s permanent storage area. Pro#"e* Aociate! wit( Re4$ire*ent 4e#uirements imprecision 1. )roblems arise when re#uirements are not precisely stated 2. *mbiguous re#uirements may be interpreted in different ways by developers and users +. Consider meaning of term ?appropriate viewers6 1ser intention Special purpose viewer for each different document type %eveloper interpretation )rovide a te0t viewer that shows the contents of the document 4e#uirements completeness and consistency The re#uirements should be both complete and consistent. Complete means they should include descriptions of all facilities re#uired. Consistent means there should be no conflicts or contradictions in the descriptions of the system facilities. n practice, it is impossible to produce a complete and consistent re#uirements document. 2; Non F$nctiona" Re4$ire*ent The non functional re#uirements define system properties and constraints. ,arious properties of a system can be$ 4eliability, response time, storage re#uirements. Constraints of the system can be$ nput and <utput device capability, system representations etc. 32 )rocess re#uirements may also specify programming language or development method. @on functional re#uirements are more critical than functional re#uirements. f the non functional re#uirements do not met then the complete system is of no use. T,0e of Non F$nctiona" Re4$ire*ent The classification of non functional re#uirements is$ )roduct 4e#uirements These re#uirements specify how a delivered product should behave in a particular way. &or instance$ .0ecution speed, reliability. <rgani!ational 4e#uirements The re#uirements which are conse#uences of organi!ational policies and procedures come under this category. &or instance$ )rocess standards used implementation re#uirements. .0ternal 4e#uirements These re#uirements arise due to the factors that are e0tended to the system and the development process. &or instance$ nteroperability re#uirements, legislative re#uirements. n short, non functional re#uirements arise through user needs, budget constraints, organi!ational policies, interoperability with other software or hardware systems and e0ternal factors such as safety regulations. 3; Uer Re4$ire*ent The user re#uirements should describe functional and nonfunctional re#uirements in such a way that they are understandable by system users who don6t have detailed technical (nowledge. 1ser re#uirements are defined using natural language, tables and diagrams because these are the representations that can be understood by all users. G$i!e"ine for Writing Uer Re4$ire*ent )repare a standard format and use it for all re#uirements 33 *pply consistency in the language. 1se ?shall6 for mandatory re#uirements and ?should6 for desirable re#uirements. The te0t which is mentioning the (ey re#uirements should be highlighted *void the use of computer /argon. t should be written in simple language. 6; S,te* Re4$ire*ent System re#uirements are more detailed specifications of system function, services and constraints than user re#uirements. They are intended to be a basis for designing the system They may be incorporated into the system contract The system re#uirements can be e0pressed using system models The re#uirements specify what the system does and design specifies how it does System re#uirements should simply describe the e0ternal behavior of the system and its operational constraints. They should not be concerned with how the system should be designed or implemented &or a comple0 software system design it is necessary to give all the re#uirements in detail 1sually, natural language is used to write system re#uirements specification and user re#uirements. 4e#uirement and design are inseparable System architecture may be designed to structure the re#uirements. The system may inter5operate with other systems and that may generate design re#uirements. The use of a specific design may be domain re#uirements. 3. 4e#uirement .ngineering )rocess * re#uirement engineering process is a process in which various activities such as discovery, analysis and validation of system re#uirements are done. t begins with feasibility study of the system and ends up with re#uirement validation. &inally the re#uirement document has to be prepared 34 This process is a three stage activity where the activities are arranged in the iterative manner. n the early stage of this process most of the time is spent on understanding the system by understanding the high5level non functional re#uirements and user re#uirements. Software Re4$ire*ent .oc$*ent The software re#uirements document is the specification of the system. t should include both a definition and a specification of re#uirements. t is not a design document. *s far as possible, it should set of what the system should do rather than how it should do it. Software Re4$ire*ent S0ecification 5SRS7 The software re#uirements provide a basis for creating the software re#uirements specifications =S4S>. The S4S is useful in estimating cost, planning team activities, performing tas(s, and trac(ing the team6s progress through the development activity. Typically software developers use ... ST% I+E51JJI as the basis for the entire software specifications. The standard template for writing S4S is as given below$ Document Title Author(s) Affiliation Address Document ersion Date 1. Introduction Purpose of this document ! Descri"es the #ur#ose of the document Scope of this document ! Descri"es the sco#e of this re$uirements definition effort% This section also details an& constraints that 'ere #laced u#on the re$uirements elicitation #rocess( such as schedules( costs% Overview ! )ro*ides a "rief o*er*ie' of the #roduct defined as a result of the re$uirements elicitation #rocess 2. General Description 35 Descri"es the +eneral functionalit& of the #roduct such as similar s&stem information( user characteristics( user o",ecti*e( +eneral constraints #laced on desi+n team Descri"es the features of the user communit&( includin+ their e-#ected e-#ertise 'ith soft'are s&stems and the a##lication domain% 3. Functional Requirements This section lists the functional re$uirements in ran.ed order% A functional re$uirement descri"es the #ossi"le effects of a soft'are s&stem( in other 'ords( 'hat the s&stem must accom#lish% /ach functional re$uirement should "e s#ecified in follo'in+ manner0 Short, imperative sentence stating highest ranked unctional requirement 1% Descri#tion ! A full descri#tion of the re$uirement 2% Criticality ! Descri"es ho' essential this re$uirement is to the o*erall s&stem 3% Technical issues ! Descri"es an& desi+n or im#lementation issues in*ol*ed in satisf&in+ this re$uirement 4% Cost and Schedule ! Descri"es the relati*e or a"solute costs of the s&stem 5% Risks ! Descri"es the circumstances under 'hich this re$uirement mi+ht not a"le to "e satisfied 6% Dependencies with other requirements 1 Descri"es interactions 'ith other re$uirements 7. ny other appropriate. !. Interace Requirements This section descri"es ho' the soft'are interfaces 'ith other soft'are #roducts or users for in#ut or out#ut% /-am#les of such interface include li"rar& routines( to.en streams( shared memor&( data streams( and so forth% 2ser 3nterfaces ! Descri"es ho' this #roduct interfaces 'ith the user 423 ! Descri"es the +ra#hical user interface if #resent% This section should include a set of screen dum#s to illustrate user interface features 563 ! Descri"es the command1line interface if #resent% 7or each command( a descri#tion of all ar+uments and e-am#le *alues and in*ocations should "e #ro*ided A)3 ! Descri"es the a##lication #ro+rammin+ interface( if #resent% 8ard'are 3nterfaces ! Descri"es interfaces to hard'are de*ices 5ommunications 3nterfaces ! Descri"es net'or. interfaces 9oft'are 3nterfaces ! Descri"es an& remainin+ soft'are interfaces not included a"o*e ". #erormance Requirements ! 9#ecifies s#ed and memor& re$uirements 36 9. Design $onstraints ! 9#ecifies an& constraints for the desi+n team such as soft'are or hard'are limitations %. &ther 'on Functional (ttri)utes ! 9#ecifies an& other #articular non functional attri"utes re$uired "& the s&stem such as0 9ecurit& :inar& 5om#ati"ilit& ;elia"ilit& <aintaina"ilit& )orta"ilit& /-tensi"ilit& ;eusa"ilit& A##lication 5om#ati"ilit& ;esource 2tili=ation 9er*icea"ilit& I. &perational Scenarios ! This section should descri"e a set of scenarios that illustrate( from the user>s #ers#ecti*e( 'hat 'ill "e e-#erienced 'hen utili=in+ the s&stem under *arious situations% J. Schedule #reliminar* ! This section #ro*ides an initial *ersion of the #ro,ect #lan( includin+ the ma,or tas.s to "e accom#lished( their interde#endencies( and their tentati*e start?sto# dates% 1E. #reliminar* +udget , This section #ro*ides an initial "ud+et for the #ro,ect ::; (ppendices 11%1 Definitions( Acron&ms( A""re*iations ! )ro*ides definitions terms( and acron&ms( can "e #ro*ided 11%2 ;eferences ! )ro*ides com#lete citations to all documents and meetin+s referenced% C(aracteritic of SRS ,arious characteristics of S4S are Correct The S4S should be made up to date when appropriate re#uirements are identified. 1nambiguous 'hen the re#uirements are correctly understood then only it is possible to write an unambiguous S4S Complete To ma(e the S4S complete, it should be specified what a software designer wants to create a software Consistent t should be consistent with reference to the functionalities identified 37 Specific The re#uirements should be mentioned specifically Traceable 'hat is the need for mentioned re#uirementC This should be correctly identified. Software Protot,0ing Software prototyping is a rapid software development for validating the re#uirements. The use of system prototypes is to help customers and developers to understand the system re#uirements. 1nder software prototyping various activities being carried out are$ 1. 4e#uirements elicitation 1ser can perform various e0periments with the prototype to chec( the system support 2. 4e#uirements validation )rototype can show errors and omissions in re#uirement -enefit of Software Protot,0ing 1. mprovement in software user and developer gets improved 2. f any service is missing or confusing then that can be identified +. )rototype can serve as a basis for deriving system specification -. 'or(ing system becomes available as there is a closer match of prototype with actual system 3. %esign #uality can be improved 9. System can be maintained easily :. %evelopment efforts may get reduced. Protot,0ing in Software Proce There are two approaches. 1. .volutionary prototyping n this approach of system development, the initial prototype is prepared and it is then refined through number of stages to final stage 2. Throw away prototyping 1sing this approach a rough practical implementation of the system is produced. The re#uirement problems 38 can be identified from this implementation. t is then discarded. System is then developed using some different engineering paradigm. Ra0i! Protot,0ing Tec(ni4$e t emphasi!es speed of delivery rather than either system characteristics such as performance, maintainability or reliability. There are three types of rapid prototyping techni#ues. 1. %ynamic 7igh 8evel 8anguages the dynamic high level languages with efficient data management facilities can be used in rapid prototyping. 'hile choosing the prototyping language following issues are to be considered. 'hat is the application domain of the problemC 'hat (ind of user interaction is re#uiredC 'hat is the supporting environment for the languageC %ifferent programming languages can be used for different parts of the system. "ut there should be a proper communication between these languages. 2. %ata base )rogramming ,arious database supporting languages are used for management of different databases. These include #uery languages, screen generators, report generators, spreadsheets. * database programming is cost effective small to medium si!e business systems. This techni#ue is also called as fourth generation techni#ues. +. Component and *pplication *ssembly Some reusable components can be used for rapid development of the system. The availability and functionality of such components should be considered. n this techni#ue two levels of development are used *pplication level development .ntire application can be integrated in the system and its functionality can be shared by other components of the system. Component level development ndividual component can be integrated in standard framewor( of the system. &or e0ample, Component <b/ect 2odel =C<2> and Common <b/ect 4e#uest "ro(er *rchitecture =C<4"*>. * large library of such components is available for rapid prototype development. 39 S,te* Engineering System engineering is the process that focuses on variety of system elements, analy!ing, designing and organi!ing those elements into the system that can be a product, a service or a technology. The system engineering process is also called business engineering when used for business enterprises. The system engineering process is also called product engineering when a product is to be built. The system engineering should produce an effective representation of system. The effective representation can be prototype, specification or a symbolic model. This representation should have pro/ect operational, functional and behavioral characteristics of the system to be built. EASWARI ENGINEERING CO++EGE .EPARTMENT OF COMPUTER APP+ICATIONS <UESTION -AN) S$#&ect Co!e = >??3:2 +ect$re @r= 6A S$#&ect Na*e = Software Engineering T$toria" @r= Ni" .egree%-ranc( = MCA Practica"= Ni" Bear%Se*eter = II%III Gran! Tota"= 6A Fac$"t, = .r;R;.@ANAPA+ P(;. .ate = ?>;?C;2?:: UNIT I Section A 1. %efine Software 40 2. State the types of software products +. 'hat is software engineeringC -. 'hat is system engineeringC 3. %efine$ Software process 9. 8ist down the activities of software process :. 8ist down the characteristics of software I. @ame the (inds of software J. 'hat is software engineering paradigmC 1E. 'hat is life cycleC 11. 8ist down the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model 12. State the advantage of spiral model 1+. 'hat is win5win resultC 1-. 'hen to choose software prototypingC 13. %efine validation and verification 19. State any four -GT tools 1:. 'hat is software cost estimationC 1I. @ame the approaches used in software cost estimation 1J. State the purpose of time line chart 2E.'hat is ris( managementC 21. 8ist down the categories of ris(s 22.'hat is software re#uirement engineeringC 2+.%efine$ Software re#uirements document 2-.8ist down the characteristics of S4S 23.'hat is software prototypingC 29.8ist down the activities carried out in software prototyping 2:. 'hat are the benefits of software prototypingC Section - 1. a. 8ist and e0plain the attributes of good software b. .0plain the ob/ectives of software engineering 2. .0plain any two generic software process models +. .0plain 8inear5se#uential model B 'aterfall software development model with its benefits and drawbac(s -. %raw a bloc( diagram and e0plain the Spiral model for software development 3. %escribe 'in5win spiral model with its anchor points 41 9. .0plain )rototyping model with its advantages and drawbac(s :. .0plain &ourth Generation Techni#ues =-GT> for software development I. a. %istinguish between verification and validation b. .0plain software pro/ect planning with its types J. .0plain the process of software cost estimation 1E. %escribe the organi!ation structure with matri0 organi!ation 11. %raw the bloc( diagram and e0plain the process of pro/ect scheduling 12. %escribe the process of Software ris( management 1+. Classify the software system re#uirements 1-. .0plain software re#uirements specification with suitable e0ample 13. .0plain the Software prototyping techni#ues 42