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CRM On Demand

Oracle CRM On Demand

Integration to Siebel CRM
Installation Guide

Version 1.1
July 2009
Copyright © 2005, 2009

Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be
trademarks of their respective owners.

This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions
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The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-
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Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide 1

Chapter 1: What’s New in This Release

Chapter 2: Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel

CRM Environment
About Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM 9
Software Requirements 9
Hardware Requirements 10
Integration Architecture 10

Chapter 3: Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand

Integration to Siebel CRM
Downloading the Required Software for the Installation 13
Downloading Software for Siebel Cross-Industry Applications 13
Downloading Software for Siebel Industry Applications 14
Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches 15
Extracting the Workflow Patch Files 16
Creating and Locking Projects 16
Importing SIF Files 18
Applying Physical Schema Changes 18
Activating Integration Objects 20
Activating Business Services 20
Compiling the SRF File 20
Importing and Deploying Workflow Processes 21
Activating Workflow Processes 23
Importing Seed Data 24
Activating Web Services and Generating WSDL for OPOD-Specific Web Services 25
Activating Web Services and Generating WSDL for Generic Web Services 25
Configuring for Global Deployment 26
Configuring the Default Task Parameter for the Workflow Monitor Agent 27
Customizing Copies of the Workflow Monitor Agent 27
Specifying the Directory for Transaction Logging 28
Setting Up Lists of Values for Transaction Logging 29
Process of Configuring Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite 30

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide 3

Version 1.1
Contents ■

Installing Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite 30

Configuring Data Sources 31
Modifying Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Values 33
Installing Oracle JDeveloper 34
Creating the XREF_DATA Table 34
Process of Deploying the Integration Pack 35
Deploying the Integration Pack Files 35
Enabling Date Conversion 37
Creating Cross-Reference Tables 38
Creating External Host Company and Integration User 38
Configuring the soa.sql Script 39
Deploying Oracle Business Processes Execution Language Processes 39
Creating Domain Value Maps 40
Configuring the File Adapter Controller 42
Configuring File Adapter Controller for Logging 44
Starting the Controllers 45
Setting Up a File Transfer Service for Siebel CRM Messages to the Oracle Service Oriented
Architecture Server 45
Configuring Additional Oracle CRM On Demand Instances 50
Clearing the Session Pool Cache 51
Process of Configuring Siebel CRM 51
Configuring Components Groups 51
Setting the Environment Variable for Delete Trigger Functionality 52
Setting Workflow Component Group 52
Generating Triggers 53
Process of Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand 53
Creating an Integration User Account 54
Checking Sales User Privileges 54
Setting Up the Synchronization Flag 54
Configuring Page Layouts 56
Setting Up Synchronization Failure Lists 56
Setting Up Synchronization Failure Alerts 57
Setting Up Account-Contact Field 58
Creating the Reason Won/Lost Picklist Placeholder 59
Creating a Cascading Picklist for Status and Reason 59
Setting Integration Events 60
Configuring Workflows and Integration Events 61
Testing the Integration Configuration 70

4 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Contents ■

Chapter 4: Loading Data for Oracle CRM On Demand

Integration to Siebel CRM
About the Loading Data Strategy 75
Loading Data for Existing Siebel CRM to a New Oracle CRM On Demand Instance 76
Loading Data for Existing Instances without Product History 77
Loading Data for Existing Instances with Product History 78
Common Data Loading Procedures 79
Associating Product Records with Organizations 80
Extracting Product Data to Enterprise Integration Manager Tables 80
Creating CSV Files Using Enterprise Integration Manager 82
Importing Product Data into an Oracle CRM On Demand Instance 83
Enabling Synchronization Status for Account, Contact, and Opportunity Data in Oracle CRM
On Demand 83
Enabling Synchronization Status for Account, Contact, and Opportunity Data in Siebel CRM
Optimizing Record Loading from Siebel CRM to Oracle CRM On Demand 84
Optimizing Record Loading from Oracle CRM On Demand to Siebel CRM 85


Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 5

Contents ■

6 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

1 What’s New in This Release

What’s New in Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM

Installation Guide, Version 1.1
Table 1 lists changes described in this version of the documentation to support release 1.1 of the

Table 1. New Product Features in Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation
Guide, Version 1.1

Topic Description

About Oracle CRM On Demand The integration now supports more platform variations.
Integration to Siebel CRM on page 9

Software Requirements on page 9 The software requirements have been updated for this

Downloading the Required Software The files to download have been revised and organized by
for the Installation on page 13 supported platform.

Extracting the Workflow Patch The files to extract have been revised and organized by
Files on page 16 supported platform.

Creating and Locking Projects on The list of projects to lock has been revised.
page 16

Importing and Deploying Workflow The importing and deploying of workflows has been revised
Processes on page 21 for multiple platforms.

Importing Seed Data on page 24 The importing of seed data has been revised for multiple

Specifying the Directory for A new procedure has been added for specifying the directory
Transaction Logging on page 28 for transaction logging.

Installing Oracle Service Oriented The procedure for installing for Oracle Service Oriented
Architecture Suite on page 30 Architecture Suite has been revised.

Creating the XREF_DATA Table on New procedures added to configure for non-English
page 34 languages.

Setting the Environment Variable The instructions for setting the delete trigger environment
for Delete Trigger Functionality on variable have been modified for multiple platforms.
page 52

Setting Integration Events on Added a procedure for setting integration events.

page 60

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide 7

Version 1.1
What’s New in This Release ■

Additional Changes
The following changes have been applied throughout the book:

■ The format and appearance of this book have been updated.

■ For improved interoperability with screen-reading software the use of a greater than symbol (>)
in menu navigation has been replaced with a comma.

■ Changed BPEL to Oracle Business Process Execution Language throughout the book.

■ Changed SOA to Oracle Service Oriented Architecture throughout the book.

8 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

2 Oracle CRM On Demand
Integration to Siebel CRM

This chapter describes the environment required for Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel
CRM. It contains the following topics:

■ About Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM on page 9

■ Software Requirements on page 9

■ Hardware Requirements on page 10

■ Integration Architecture on page 10

About Oracle CRM On Demand

Integration to Siebel CRM
The Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM synchronizes data between Oracle’s Siebel
CRM (Enterprise version of the Oracle CRM application, typically deployed at the customer site) and
Oracle CRM On Demand.

Before you can install Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM, you must install and

■ Oracle Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Suite

■ Oracle CRM On Demand

■ Siebel CRM

Siebel CRM is available in two forms:

■ Siebel Cross-Industry Applications, which are applications that operate across industries, such
as Siebel Call Center, Siebel Sales, or Siebel Marketing
■ Siebel Industry Applications, which are industry-specific applications, such as Siebel Finance,
Siebel Medical, and so on

The installation and configuration of Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM differs
depending on which form of Siebel CRM you have: Siebel Cross-Industry Applications or Siebel
Industry Applications.

Software Requirements
Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM requires the following:

■ Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite 10g ( MLR3) for Linux. For current patch
requirements, see the Application Integration Architecture product category available from the
Knowledge Browser page of OracleMetaLink.

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide 9

Version 1.1
Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Environment ■ Hardware

■ Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE) Development Kit 5.0.

■ Oracle CRM On Demand, Release 15 (1.9.0 931.0.03) and later

■ Siebel Cross-Industry Applications, using:

■ Siebel Version

■ Database: Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( Enterprise Edition or Microsoft

SQLServer 7.x

■ Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2

■ Languages: ENU

■ Siebel Industry Applications, using:

■ Siebel Version

■ Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 with DB2

■ Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 with Microsoft SQLServer 7.x

■ Solaris version 5.9 with Oracle Database 9i

■ HP-UX 11i with Oracle Database 9i

■ Languages: all languages supported by Siebel Version

Each instance of Oracle CRM On Demand must be mapped to a unique organization in Siebel CRM.
This mapping enables Siebel CRM to integrate with multiple instances of Oracle CRM On Demand and
ensures that updates to Siebel CRM records are synchronized with the correct Oracle CRM On
Demand instance.

Lists of Values are not synchronized between Oracle CRM On Demand and Siebel CRM. The resolution
takes place using mappings. The mapping consists of two LOV mappings –one in each direction –
and there is one mapping pair for each Oracle CRM On Demand instance.

Product data is synchronized one-way from Siebel CRM to Oracle CRM On Demand. Changes made
to product records in Oracle CRM On Demand are not synchronized back to Siebel CRM.

Hardware Requirements
Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM requires the same minimum hardware
requirements as the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite 10g ( MLR3).

For the current information about hardware requirements, see OracleMetaLink at: http://

Integration Architecture
Figure 1 illustrates the architecture of Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM.

10 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Environment ■ Integration

1 2 3

2A 3A



1B 2C


Figure 1. Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Architecture

Table 2. Legend for Figure 1, Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Architecture

Item Number Description

1 Oracle CRM On Demand

1A Transaction Logging in Oracle CRM On Demand

■ Integration Events feature used for transaction logging within Oracle CRM
On Demand.

■ Transactions logged to XML files in File System queues.

■ XML files contain the transactions in a predefined format.

1B Web services in Oracle CRM On Demand

The Oracle CRM On Demand flows transform the data to the target format and
calls the Oracle CRM On Demand Web services.

2 Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite (BPEL Process Manager)

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 11

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Environment ■ Integration

Table 2. Legend for Figure 1, Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Architecture

Item Number Description

2A Oracle Business Processes Execution Language (BPEL) flows: Oracle CRM On

Demand to Siebel CRM

■ Oracle Business Processes Execution Language Workflow

CRMIntegrationEventProcessor is activated to poll for Oracle CRM On
Demand events using Web Service calls.

■ Events are directed to corresponding Siebel CRM Provider flows (for

example, InsertAccountSiebelProvABCSImpl and

2B File Transfer Client

The file transfer client requests transaction logs from Siebel CRM.

2C File Adapter Controller component

The File Adapter Controller component sequences Siebel CRM transaction logs
for consumption by the BPEL file adapter.

2D Oracle Business Processes Execution Language flows: Siebel CRM to Oracle CRM
On Demand

■ SiebelOPTxnLogReader workflow is triggered by the BPEL file adapter to read

the messages generated.

■ Events are directed to corresponding Oracle CRM On Demand Provider flows

(for example, InsertAccountCRMOnDemandProvABCSImpl and

3 Siebel CRM

3A Transaction Logging in Siebel CRM

■ EAI Business Services is triggered by the workflow policies used for

transaction logging in Siebel CRM.

■ Transactions are logged to XML files in File System queues.

■ XML files contain the transactions in a predefined format.

3B File Transfer Server

The file transfer server sends Siebel CRM transaction logs to Oracle Service
Oriented Architecture.

3C Web Services in Siebel CRM

The Siebel CRM provider flows transform the data to the target format and calls
the Siebel CRM Web services.

12 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

3 Installing the Oracle CRM On
Demand Integration to Siebel

This chapter describes how to install and configure the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel
CRM. It contains the following topics:

■ Downloading the Required Software for the Installation on page 13

■ Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches on page 15

■ Process of Configuring Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite on page 30

■ Process of Deploying the Integration Pack on page 35

■ Process of Configuring Siebel CRM on page 51

■ Process of Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand on page 53

■ Testing the Integration Configuration on page 70

Downloading the Required Software for

the Installation
The installation instructions cover the following:

■ Downloading Software for Siebel Cross-Industry Applications on page 13

■ Downloading Software for Siebel Industry Applications on page 14

Downloading Software for Siebel Cross-Industry

To download the required software for or Siebel Cross-Industry Applications only, complete the
following procedure.

To download software for Siebel Cross-Industry Applications

1 Log on to Oracle MetaLink:


2 Download build files.

a Locate MetaLink Note 815193.1.

b Locate the section for Siebel Enterprise Applications (SEA/horizontal) Customers.

c Download the build files listed in that section.

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide 13

Version 1.1
Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Downloading the
Required Software for the Installation

d Install the build files using the instructions contained in their ReadMe files.

Install the build files on both the Siebel Server and Siebel Tools. Apply the binary to the Siebel
Server and apply the ZIP file to Siebel Tools.

e (Optional) If you do not already have the complete documentation, download:

❏ Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide (E12742-02.PDF,

which is the guide you are reading).

❏ Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Administration Guide (E12741-


3 Download patches.

a Click the Patches & Updates tab.

b Click Simple Search

c In the Search By field, enter 8639361 (base BPEL artefacts) and click Go.

NOTE: You do not need to choose a Platform or Language.

d Click Download.

The downloaded file is p8639361_10_Generic.zip.

e Repeat the download steps for patch 7231203 (mandatory roll-up patch), which downloads the
file p7231203_10_Generic.zip.
f Expand the patch zip files.

g Install the patches using the instructions contained in their ReadMe files.

4 Log out of Oracle MetaLink.

The installation instructions for p8639361_10_Generic.zip are in Deploying the Integration Pack
Files on page 35. The installation instructions for p7231203_10_Generic.zip are in its ReadMe file.

Downloading Software for Siebel Industry Applications

To download the required software for or Siebel Industry Applications only, complete the following

To download software for Siebel Industry Applications

1 Log on to Oracle MetaLink:


2 Download build files.

a Locate MetaLink Note 815193.1.

b Locate the section for Siebel Industry Applications (SIA/Vertical) Customers.

c Download the build files listed in that section.

14 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of Applying
Siebel CRM Repository Patches

d Install the build files using the instructions contained in their ReadMe files.

e (Optional) If you do not already have the complete documentation, download:

❏ Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide (E12742-02.PDF,

which is the guide you are reading).

❏ Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Administration Guide (E12741-


3 Download patches.

a Click the Patches & Updates tab.

b Click Simple Search

c In the Search By field, enter 8557562 (base BPEL artifacts) and click Go.

NOTE: You do not need to choose a Platform or Language.

d Click Download.

The downloaded file is p8557562_11_Generic.zip.

e Repeat the download steps for patch 8434062 (mandatory roll-up patch), which downloads the
file p8434062_11_Generic.zip.

f Expand the patch zip files.

g Install the patches using the instructions contained in their ReadMe files.

The installation instructions for p8557562_11_Generic.zip are in Deploying the Integration

Pack Files on page 35. The installation instructions for p8434062_11_Generic.zip are in its
ReadMe file.

Process of Applying Siebel CRM

Repository Patches
The patches needed for Siebel CRM are contained in the files you downloaded. Use the following
procedures to apply the patches to Siebel CRM:

■ Extracting the Workflow Patch Files on page 16

■ Creating and Locking Projects on page 16

■ Importing SIF Files on page 18

■ Applying Physical Schema Changes on page 18

■ Activating Integration Objects on page 20

■ Activating Business Services on page 20

■ Compiling the SRF File on page 20

■ Importing and Deploying Workflow Processes on page 21

■ Activating Workflow Processes on page 23

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 15

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of Applying
Siebel CRM Repository Patches

■ Importing Seed Data on page 24

■ Activating Web Services and Generating WSDL for OPOD-Specific Web Services on page 25

■ Activating Web Services and Generating WSDL for Generic Web Services on page 25

■ Configuring for Global Deployment on page 26

■ Configuring the Default Task Parameter for the Workflow Monitor Agent on page 27

■ Customizing Copies of the Workflow Monitor Agent on page 27

■ Specifying the Directory for Transaction Logging on page 28

■ Setting Up Lists of Values for Transaction Logging on page 29

Extracting the Workflow Patch Files

This task is a step in Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches on page 15.

The workflow patch files must be extracted before you can use them in the remaining procedures.
Follow the appropriate instructions for your implementation of Siebel CRM.

To extract the patch files for Siebel Cross-Industry Applications, complete the following procedure.

To extract the patch files for Siebel Cross-Industry Applications

1 ACR389_RepSeedWorkflows_v782.zip is available in the $SIEBEL_TOOLS/REPPATCH folder.

2 Unzip the file into this folder.

3 Make sure the files are in the $SIEBEL_TOOLS\REPPATCH\ACR389 folder; other folder names
cause the import.bat script to fail.

4 Modify the BAT files in $SIEBEL_TOOLS\REPPATCH\ACR389\REPOSITORY to point to the installed

Siebel Tools folder, the ODBC Data Source, and authentication parameters.

To extract the patch files for Siebel Industry Applications, complete the following procedure.

To extract the patch files for Siebel Industry Applications

1 Copy ACR460_RepSeedWorkflows_vSIA782.zip to the $SIEBEL_TOOLS/REPPATCH folder.

2 Unzip the file into this folder.

3 Modify the BAT files in $SIEBEL_TOOLS\REPPATCH\ACR460\REPOSITORY to point to the installed

Siebel Tools folder, the ODBC Data Source, and authentication parameters.

Creating and Locking Projects

This task is a step in Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches on page 15.

16 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of Applying
Siebel CRM Repository Patches

Many of the remaining procedures require patches to the Siebel Repository. To make these changes
you use Siebel Tools. While making the changes you must lock the projects associated with the
changes so they cannot be modified by other users.

NOTE: You must be familiar with Siebel Tools.

To create and lock projects

1 Open Tools.cfg for editing.

2 Change the SymStrPrefix parameter as follows:

Original: SymStrPrefix = X_
Revised: SymStrPrefix = SBL_

3 Save and close the Tools.cfg file.

4 Log in to Siebel Tools.

5 In the Object Explorer, click Projects.

6 Lock the following projects:

■ Account

■ Account (SCW)

■ Account (SSE)

■ Admin

■ Contact

■ Contact (SSE)

■ Custom UI

■ Custom UI Samples

■ Division
■ Employee
■ ISS Authoring Admin

■ ISS Product Admin

■ OPOD Integration

■ ODOP Trans Log Interface

■ OPOD Trans Log Interface

■ Opportunity Management

■ Opportunity Management (SSE)

■ Oppty

■ Oppty (SSE)

■ Product

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 17

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of Applying
Siebel CRM Repository Patches

■ Product (SSE)

■ Siebel Sales Enterprise

■ Siebel Universal Agent

■ Symbolic Strings

■ Table Forecast

■ Table Opty

■ Table Organization

■ Table Person

■ Table Product

■ Workflow Policy

7 For Siebel Industry Applications, lock these projects:

■ VERT CUT Address

■ VERT CUT Common

Importing SIF Files

This task is a step in Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches on page 15.

You must import the patch SIF files into the repository. Run one of the following batch files:

For Siebel Cross-Industry Applications run the following file:


For Siebel Industry Applications run the following file:


Check all LOG files for error messages. If you get an unsuccessful message, then one or more
projects were not locked. Siebel Tools rolls back all changes. Lock the projects, and repeat this

Applying Physical Schema Changes

This task is a step in Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches on page 15.

Importing the schema SIF file created the logical schema in the Siebel Repository. To get the physical
schema to the Siebel CRM database you must apply the schema changes.

To apply physical schema changes

1 In Siebel Tools, select Table in the Object Explorer.

18 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of Applying
Siebel CRM Repository Patches

2 Repeat Step a through Step f for the following tables:












a Query for the table.

b Click Apply.

Siebel Tools displays the table’s columns.

c Click Apply.

The Apply Schema window opens.

d Set the following fields:

Field Value

Tables Set to Current Row.

Database User For Oracle databases enter the Tableowner name.

For MSSQL databases enter the databaseuser.

Database User Password For Oracle databases enter the Tableowner name, for MSSQL
databases enter the database password.

ODBC Data Source Enter the ODBC data source name.

e Click Apply.

f Wait for Siebel Tools to display the following message:

Change Successfully Applied

3 Verify that the schema changes have been applied successfully by using a query analyzer, and
running the following queries:




Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 19

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of Applying
Siebel CRM Repository Patches


■ Select OD_LAST_UPD_BY from S_REVN






■ Select * from S_INTG_DEL_TXN

Activating Integration Objects

This task is a step in Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches on page 15.

Complete the following procedure.

To activate integration objects

1 In Siebel Tools, select Integration Object in the Object Explorer.

2 Query for WC_*, and activate all resulting integration objects.

3 Query for List Query, and activate the resulting integration object.

4 Query for List Result, and activate the resulting integration object.

Activating Business Services

This task is a step in Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches on page 15.

Complete the following procedure.

To activate business services

1 In Siebel Tools select business services in the Object Explorer.

2 Query for WC_* and activate all resulting business services.

3 Query for EAILOVService and make sure it is activated.

Compiling the SRF File

This task is a step in Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches on page 15.

The repository changes that were applied in the previous procedures must be compiled to an SRF
file. This SRF file can then be deployed to view the changes at run-time.

20 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of Applying
Siebel CRM Repository Patches

To compile the SRF file

1 Stop the Siebel Server:

a Navigate to Start, Settings, Control Panel, and then Services.

b Select Siebel Server, and click Stop

2 In Siebel Tools navigate to Tools, then Compile Projects.

The Object Compiler window opens.

3 Select the Locked Projects option button.

4 Browse to the location of the SRF file on the Siebel Server.

5 Click Compile.

6 Wait for the compilation to complete.

7 Restart the Siebel Server.

Importing and Deploying Workflow Processes

This task is a step in Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches on page 15.

Complete the following procedure.

To import workflow processes

1 In Siebel Tools select Workflow Policy Column in the Object Explorer.

2 Navigate to Tools, then Import From Archive.

3 Search for *.sif in one of the following folders:

■ For Siebel Cross-Industry Applications, search in the following folder:

Siebel-7.8\Tools\REPPATCH\ACR389\REPOSITORY\Workflow Policy Column

■ For Siebel Industry Applications, search in the following folder:

7.8\Tools\REPPATCH\ACR460\REPOSITORY\Workflow Policy Column

4 In the Object Explorer, select Workflow Policy Object.

5 Navigate to Tools, then Import From Archive.

6 Browse for *.sif in one of the following folders:

■ For Siebel Cross-Industry Applications, search in the following folder:

Siebel-7.8\Tools\REPPATCH\ACR389\REPOSITORY\Workflow Policy Object

■ For Siebel Industry Applications, search in the following folder:

7.8\Tools\REPPATCH\ACR460\REPOSITORY\Workflow Policy Object

7 Stop and restart the Siebel server.

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 21

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of Applying
Siebel CRM Repository Patches

8 In the Object Explorer select Workflow Process.

9 Complete Step a through Step d for each of the following workflows, in the exact order specified.

Sequence Workflow Name

1 OPOD Account-External Host Update Syn Status

2 OPOD Account-External Host Query

3 OPOD Account-Contact Query

4 OPOD Opty-Contact Query

5 OPOD Opty-External Host Query

6 OPOD Opty-External Host Update Syn Status

7 OPOD Product-External Host Query

8 OPOD Product-External Host Update Syn Status

9 OPOD Contact-External Host Update Syn Status

10 OPOD Contact-External Host Query

a Right-click and choose Import Workflow Process.

b Browse to the location of the appropriate XML file and click Open.

❏ For example, a search for an XML file for Siebel Cross-Industry Applications could be:

Host Update Syn Status.xml

❏ For example, a search for an XML file for Siebel Industry Applications could be:


Update Syn Status.xml

c In the Select Project prompt choose OPOD Trans Log Interface from the list.

d Select the workflow and click Deploy.

10 Complete the following substeps for each of the following workflows, in any order:
■ OPOD Account Address Association

■ OPOD Account Address Update

■ OPOD Account Contact Association

■ OPOD Account Syn Off Update

■ OPOD Account Syn On

■ OPOD Account Update

■ OPOD Contact Address Association

■ OPOD Contact Address Update

22 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of Applying
Siebel CRM Repository Patches

■ OPOD Contact Syn Off Update

■ OPOD Contact Syn On

■ OPOD Contact Update

■ OPOD Delete Workflow

■ OPOD Integration Deleted TXN

■ OPOD Internal Product Syn Off Update

■ OPOD Internal Product Syn On

■ OPOD Internal Product Update

■ OPOD Opportunity Contact Association

■ OPOD Opportunity Revenue Association

■ OPOD Opportunity Revenue Update

■ OPOD Opportunity Syn Off Update

■ OPOD Opportunity Syn On

■ OPOD Opportunity Update

a Right-click and choose Import Workflow Process.

b Browse to the location of the appropriate XML file and click Open.

❏ For example, a search for an XML file for Siebel Cross-Industry Applications could be:

<Temporary_Folder>\XML\OPOD Account-External Host Update Syn Status.xml

❏ For example, a search for an XML file for Siebel Industry Applications could be:


Update Syn Status.xml

c In the Select Project prompt, choose OPOD Trans Log Interface from the list.
d Select the workflow and click Deploy.

Activating Workflow Processes

This task is a step in Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches on page 15.

You have imported and deployed the workflows. These workflows must be activated in Siebel CRM.

NOTE: Do not perform this procedure if you are planning to synchronize product data from Siebel
CRM to Oracle CRM On Demand. Siebel product data requires some configuration, which is explained
in Loading Data for Existing Siebel CRM to a New Oracle CRM On Demand Instance on page 76. The
detailed instructions in that section tell you when to activate the workflow processes.

To activate workflows
1 Log in to Siebel CRM.

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 23

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of Applying
Siebel CRM Repository Patches

2 Navigate to Site Map, Administration – Business Processes, and then Workflow Deployment.

3 Query for the integration-related workflows by searching for:


4 Click Activate.

Importing Seed Data

This task is a step in Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches on page 15.

To import seed data, run one of the following batch files:

■ For Siebel Cross-Industry Applications, run:


■ For Siebel Industry Applications, run:


This import creates seed records for the following tables:




















24 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of Applying
Siebel CRM Repository Patches



Activating Web Services and Generating WSDL for

OPOD-Specific Web Services
This task is a step in Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches on page 15.

To activate Web services and generate WSDL for OPOD-specific Web services, complete the following

To activate Web services and generate WSDL for OPOD-specific Web services
1 Log in to the Siebel CRM application.

2 Navigate to Site Map, Administration – WebServices, and then Inbound WebServices.

3 Query for OPOD_*.

4 Change the address field in the Service Ports form to:


5 Activate all the Web services.

6 Change the value for localhost in the URL in Step 4, to your computer name.

7 Click Generate WSDL to confirm that the Web services can be used.

Activating Web Services and Generating WSDL for

Generic Web Services
This task is a step in Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches on page 15.

To activate Web services and generate WSDL for generic Web services, complete the following

To activate Web services and generate WSDL for generic Web services
1 Log in to your Siebel CRM application.

2 Navigate to Site Map, Administration – WebServices, and then Inbound WebServices.

3 Query for WC* and Query for EAILOV*.

4 Change the address field in Service Ports form to:


Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 25

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of Applying
Siebel CRM Repository Patches

5 Activate all the Web services.

6 Change the value for localhost in the URL in Step 4, to your computer name.

7 Click Generate WSDL to confirm that the Web services can be used.

Configuring for Global Deployment

This task is a step in Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches on page 15.

This task is optional. If you are using Siebel Industry Applications and a non-US English (ENU)
language, you need to complete this task.

To enable MLOV after a repository import, complete this procedure.

To enable MLOV after a repository import

1 Run Siebel Tools, and connect to the server database.

2 Select the Flat tab in the Object Explorer.

3 Select the Column object type.

4 Choose Query, then New Query.

5 Enter the name SYNC_STATUS in the LOV Type property, and then press ENTER to execute the

The query displays four columns.

6 Check that all the columns using that type have a check mark in the LOV Bounded property.

7 Change the Translation Table Name to S_LST_OF_VAL for all the columns returned by the query.

To enable MLOV after a seed data import, complete this procedure.

To enable MLOV after a seed data import

1 Log in to Siebel Sales.

2 Navigate to Site Map, Administration Data, and then List of Values.

3 Query the Type field for SYNC_STATUS.

4 Change the value of the Multilingual column to TRUE.

5 Restart the Siebel Servers.

To compile the repository objects, complete this procedure.

To compile the repository objects

1 Apply all repository and seed data importing steps.

2 Run Siebel Tools.

26 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of Applying
Siebel CRM Repository Patches

3 Navigate to View, then Language Settings.

4 Change the Language field to the language of the target SRF.

5 Quit Siebel Tools.

6 Restart Siebel Tools.

7 Navigate to Tools > Compile Projects.

8 Make sure the Selected Projects option buttons is selected.

9 Make sure the file destination is the objects\<lang> folder.

10 Click Compile.

Configuring the Default Task Parameter for the

Workflow Monitor Agent
This task is a step in Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches on page 15.

The Workflow Monitor Agent has a parameter called Default Tasks, which is normally hidden and only
displayed or available to advanced users. To reveal this hidden parameter, use the following steps.

To change the default settings for the Workflow Monitor Agent

1 Navigate to Site Map, Administration - Server Configuration, and then Servers.

2 In the Siebel Servers list, select the server to be edited.

3 In the Component tab, query for Server Manager component.

4 In the component's Parameters tab, query for Show Advanced Objects.

5 Change its value to True.

6 Log out of the application.

7 Restart the Siebel Server.

Customizing Copies of the Workflow Monitor Agent

This task is a step in Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches on page 15.

The integration needs multiple copies of the Workflow Monitor Agent customized to the objects and
actions being synchronized.

To customize copies of the Workflow Monitor Agent

1 Log in to your Siebel CRM application with an administrator’s account.

2 Navigate to Site Map, Administration - Server Configuration, Enterprises, and then Component

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 27

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of Applying
Siebel CRM Repository Patches

3 For each of the rows in the following table, complete Step a through Step c.

Action Sleep Default

Object Workflow Name Group Name Interval Time Task

Opportunity Workflow Monitor Agent OPOD Opportunity 5 15 1

OPOD Opportunity Trans Log

Account Workflow Monitor Agent OPOD Account 5 15 1

OPOD Account Trans Log

Contact Workflow Monitor Agent OPOD Contact 5 15 1

OPOD Contact Trans Log

Delete Workflow Monitor Agent OPOD Integration 5 15 1

OPOD Int Deleted TXN Deleted TXN

Product Workflow Monitor Agent OPOD Product 5 15 1

OPOD Internal Product Trans Log

a Copy the Workflow Monitor Agent, and rename it.

b In the Component Parameters form, edit the copy’s Group Name.

c Change the status of the new Workflow Monitor Agent to active by clicking Enable, and set the
4 Synchronize the components.

5 In the Build/SES/Sieb Server/Bin directory, find the file named diccache.dat, and rename it to

6 Restart the Siebel Server.

Specifying the Directory for Transaction Logging

This task is a step in Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches on page 15.

You must include the directories where the transactions are written for the File Adapter Controller to
pick up the transactions.

to specify the directory for transaction logging

1 In Siebel CRM, navigate to Site Map, Application Administration, and then List of Values.

The Display Value column has a length of 30 characters, therefore directory names cannot exceed
30 characters. Make the directory names lower-case, very short-names and with forward-slash
(in UNIX) and backward-slash in Windows.

2 Create directory entries for both Windows and UNIX file systems for the list of values named

28 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of Applying
Siebel CRM Repository Patches

Setting Up Lists of Values for Transaction Logging

This task is a step in Process of Applying Siebel CRM Repository Patches on page 15.

The transaction log uses the File transport mechanism for each transaction monitored. There is a
directory structure implemented using list of values to indicate the location where information is
saved. Workflow processes orchestrate the way that the Siebel CRM application gets the information
monitored by a workflow policy and generates the specific file in an individual directory. Workflow
policy monitors different conditions for each object to invoke the workflow process. The workflow
policy monitors different events triggered by user interaction, EAI processes, Siebel remote, and
Enterprise Integration Manager processes.

The file name convention used is: timestamp and object and function and random number.XML. For


If the process fails the file name is: Error and object and function and timestamp.TXT. for example,


Each object has associate an LOV to indicate the directory where the information is saved. The LOV
OPOD_TRANSACTION_LOG_FILE_PATH is not found into the Type MVG then follow these steps to
create it first.

To create LOV type

1 Create an OPOD Trans log file in a public directory and make it shareable:

NOTE: The longest path must be less than 30 characters, for example, D:\OPOD Trans
Log\OpptyProd. For this reason you may want to create the file in a root directory.

a For UNIX, create these folders:

❏ /usr/tmp/odop/account/
❏ /usr/tmp/odop/contact/
❏ /usr/tmp/odop/opptyprod/

b For Windows, create a folder named \OPOD Trans Log\OpptyProd on the root level of a drive,
then inside this folder, create folders for:

❏ Account

❏ Contact

❏ IDLAccount

❏ IDLContact
❏ OpptyProd

2 Navigate to Site Map, Administration – Data, and then LOV Explorer.

3 Create a new List Of Values type where Type is:

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 29

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite


4 Add rows for the LOV type as follows (assuming you created OPOD Trans Log in D:\):

Row Independent
Number Type Code Language Display Value

1 OPOD_TRANSACTION_LOG_ Account English- D:\OPOD Trans

FILE_PATH American Log\Account

2 OPOD_TRANSACTION_LOG_ Contact English- D:\OPOD Trans

FILE_PATH American Log\Contact

3 OPOD_TRANSACTION_LOG_ Opportunity English- D:\OPOD Trans

FILE_PATH American Log\OpptyProd

4 OPOD_TRANSACTION_LOG_ Product English- D:\OPOD Trans

FILE_PATH American Log\OpptyProd

The language ID on the display name for Product is different. This workaround allows you to use
the same folder for logging Opportunity and Product messages. These must be in the same queue
due to dependencies.

Process of Configuring Oracle Service

Oriented Architecture Suite
Use the following tasks to configure Oracle Service Oriented Architecture for Oracle CRM On Demand
Integration to Siebel CRM.

■ Installing Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite on page 30

■ Configuring Data Sources on page 31

■ Modifying Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Values on page 33

■ Installing Oracle JDeveloper on page 34

■ Creating the XREF_DATA Table on page 34

Installing Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite on page 30.

The only supported version of Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite is on the Linux
platform. Complete the following procedure.

30 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite

To install Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite

1 If Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite is not already installed, download Oracle Service
Oriented Architecture Suite for Linux from the Oracle Technology Network at:


The file name for the Linux version is: soa_linux_x86_101310_disk1.cpio.

2 To extract the file, navigate to an empty directory and execute this command:

cpio -idvm < /yourlocation/soa_linux_x86_101310_disk1.cpio

3 Populate the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture schemas using the SOA/install/soa_schemas/
irca/irca.sh script:

a Navigate to the SOA/install/soa_schemas/irca directory.

b Run this command:

irca orabpel

c Follow the prompts for database details and passwords.

4 Install the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite software using the instructions contained
in the downloaded files.

NOTE: When the installation is complete, the last page of the installer gives you important URL
and port number information. Take note of these. The information is stored in a file whose
location is also given. Note that filename and you can always retrieve the information shown.

The Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite installation overrides your computer’s
ORACLE_HOME environment variable. This can interfere with the TNS Listener of the Oracle
database, so you may need to reset the ORACLE_HOME environment variable.

5 Start the SOA Console from a browser by entering:


Configuring Data Sources

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite on page 30.

This task adds connection information for the database you use for Oracle Service Oriented
Architecture. This database stores cross reference information for the applications being integrated
and also has tables that store other configuration parameters. Complete the following procedure.

To create a connection pool for Oracle Service Oriented Architecture

1 From the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite main page, click Application Server Control.

2 Log in as an administrative user.

3 Under All Application Servers, click the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture application server

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 31

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite

4 Click on the Oracle Containers for J2EE container name.

5 Click the Administration tab.

6 Navigate to Administration Tasks, Services, JDBC Resources, and then click Go to Task.

7 Under Connection Pools, click Create.

8 From the Application picklist, choose the appropriate domain (for example, default).

9 Under Connection Pool Type, choose New Connection Pool.

10 Click Continue
11 Enter this name: OracleCRMODDataSource
12 Under URL, click on JDBC URL and enter appropriate host:port:service name for the Oracle
Service Oriented Architecture database. for example,


13 Under Credentials, enter orabpel and password for orabpel.

14 Click on Attributes.
15 Specify the following attribute values:
■ Initial size of Connection Cache. 5

■ Minimum number of connections. 5

■ Maximum number of connections. -1

■ Connection Retry Interval (seconds). 1

■ For the remaining attributes accept the default.

16 Click Finish.
17 Test the connection by clicking Test Connection for the OracleCRMODDataSource you created.
18 Click Test.
If successful, a confirmation message appears.

To access the connection pool you must create a data source. Complete the following procedure.

To create a data source

1 Under Data Sources, click Create.

2 Under Application, choose an appropriate domain name from the picklist.

3 Under Data Type Source, select Managed Data Source.

4 Click Continue.

5 Enter this name: locOracleCRMODDataSource.

6 Enter this JNDI location: loc/OracleCRMODDataSource.

7 Pick Transaction level: Local Transactions Only.

32 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite

8 Pick Connection Pool: OracleCRMODDataSource.

9 Click Finish.

Modifying Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Values

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite on page 30.

Complete the following procedures.

To modify syncMaxWaitTime
1 Log in to the BPEL console.

2 Click Configuration.

3 Change the value of syncMaxWaitTime to 900.

4 Click Apply.

NOTE: This task requires that you have a functioning and configured Oracle Containers for J2EE

To modify transaction-timeout values

1 Find the following file and open it for editing using any text editor:

SOA_Oracle_Home\j2ee\{OC4J Instance Name}\config\transaction-manager.xml

2 Find the transaction-timeout parameter and change its value to 7200.

3 Save and close the file.

4 Find the following file, and open it for editing using any text editor:

SOA_Oracle_Home\j2ee\{OC4J Instance Name}\application-


5 Find all occurrences of the transaction-timeout parameter and change its value to 3600.

6 Save and close the file.

To update server properties

1 Log in to the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Server EM.

2 Click the Home link.

3 Select your Oracle Containers for J2EE instance.

4 Click the Administration tab.

5 Under Properties, in the Server Properties row, click the Go to Task icon.

6 In the Command Line section change the following values:

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 33

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite

■ Maximum heap Size. 2048m

■ Initial heap Size. 4m

7 In the Options section change the following parameter:


8 Turn off http session debugging by changing this parameter:


9 Add a new row with value specified as:


10 Select your Oracle Containers for J2EE and Home instances.

11 Click Restart.

Installing Oracle JDeveloper

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite on page 30.

Complete the following procedure.

To install Oracle JDeveloper

1 Download Oracle JDeveloper ( (Build 4066) from the following location:


2 Decompress the jdevstudio10132.zip file into a folder.

Creating the XREF_DATA Table

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite on page 30.

The XREF_DATA table stores cross-referenced record identifiers from each of the applications that
are a part of the integration. To create the XREF_DATA table, complete the following procedure.

To create the XREF_DATA table

■ Run the following SQL commands on the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture server database:




34 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Deploying the Integration Pack



Process of Deploying the Integration

Use the following tasks to deploy the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM:

■ Deploying the Integration Pack Files on page 35

■ Enabling Date Conversion on page 37

■ Creating Cross-Reference Tables on page 38

■ Creating External Host Company and Integration User on page 38

■ Configuring the soa.sql Script on page 39

■ Deploying Oracle Business Processes Execution Language Processes on page 39

■ Creating Domain Value Maps on page 40

■ Configuring the File Adapter Controller on page 42

■ Configuring File Adapter Controller for Logging on page 44

■ Starting the Controllers on page 45

■ Setting Up a File Transfer Service for Siebel CRM Messages to the Oracle Service Oriented
Architecture Server on page 45

■ Configuring Additional Oracle CRM On Demand Instances on page 50

■ Clearing the Session Pool Cache on page 51

Deploying the Integration Pack Files

This task is a step in Process of Deploying the Integration Pack on page 35.

Complete the following procedure.

To deploy the integration pack files

1 Find the following file that you have previously downloaded:

■ For Siebel Cross-Industry Applications, you downloaded p8639361_10_Generic.zip

■ For Siebel Industry Applications, you downloaded p8557562_11_Generic.zip

The instructions for downloading this file are in Downloading the Required Software for the
Installation on page 13.

2 Decompress the file to a directory on the root level of a drive.

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 35

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Deploying the Integration Pack

3 Find the following file, and open it for editing:


4 In the file, find the following line:

<property name="PARAMVALUE">http://ap6036fems.us.oracle.com:7856 </property>

5 Replace ap6036fems.us.oracle.com:7856 with your Oracle Service Oriented Architecture URL

and port information.

6 Find the following lines:

■ "PARAMVALUE">slot/ems1379/oracle/product/

■ "PARAMVALUE">slot/ems1379/oracle/product/

■ "PARAMVALUE">slot/ems1379/oracle/product/

■ "PARAMVALUE">slot/ems1379/oracle/product/

7 Replace /slot/ems1379/oracle/product/ with the path to the Oracle Service

Oriented Architecture server installation on your Oracle Service Oriented Architecture computer.

8 Find the following line:

<property name="PARAMVALUE">admin.user = oc4jadmin

9 Replace oc4jadmin with the user ID for the BPEL Console.

10 Find the following line:

<property name="PARAMVALUE">admin.password = welcome1

11 Replace welcome1 with your BPEL console password.

12 Find the following file:

13 Run this command:

<jdevinstall>/jdk/bin/java.exe -jar EditParam.jar -i <Full Path to where you
extracted the PIP>/bpel -f <Full Path to where you extracted PIP>/SiebelODOPPIP/
scripts/CRMIntegProcessParameters.xml -verbose -t <Full path to Temp folder>


Alternatively, you can use java.exe from the Java Development Kit installed in the Oracle Service
Oriented Architecture environment.

14 Make the additional_hosts file executeable:

36 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Deploying the Integration Pack

dos2unix additional_hosts.sh
chmod +x additional_hosts.sh

If you have decompressed the archives and are using a Windows environment, you can use

15 Execute the additional_hosts.sh file specifying how many Oracle CRM On Demand hosts you are
connecting to, for example, additional_hosts 2.

16 Use an archive utility to create archives of the BPEL and SiebelODOPPIP directories. Also create
a separate archive file for the FileXFerServer folder located under SiebelODOPPIP.

17 Move the BPEL and SiebelODOPPIP archive files to the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture
server installation directory on the computer running the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture
Server, and expand the archive files in that directory.

18 Change directory (cd) to %SOAHOME%/SiebelODOPPIP and enter the following commands:

dos2unix copyconfigs.sh
chmod +x copyconfigs.sh

Enabling Date Conversion

This task is a step in Process of Deploying the Integration Pack on page 35.

Date formats may be different in your Oracle CRM On Demand instance and your Siebel CRM
instance. Complete the following procedure to enable the proper conversion.

To enable date conversion

1 Log in to the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture computer.

2 Insert the following XPath function into the [oracle-home]/bpel/system/config/xpath-

functions.xml file. Insert it after </function> and before </bpel_xpath_functions>), near the
end of the file:

<function id="FormatDateForSiebelOP">
<![CDATA[The character sequence contained in the specified string is replaced
by the reverse of the sequence.. The signature of this function is
<property id="namespace-uri">
<comment>Namespace URI for this function</comment>
<property id="namespace-prefix">

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 37

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Deploying the Integration Pack

<comment>Namespace prefix for this function</comment>


Creating Cross-Reference Tables

This task is a step in Process of Deploying the Integration Pack on page 35.

Complete the following procedure to create cross-reference tables.

To create cross-reference tables

1 Navigate to the following directory:


2 Open the following file for editing:


3 Set the user ID and password for logging in to BPEL console on the appropriate lines.

4 Set the correct SOA_HOME location on the appropriate line.

5 Save and close the file.

6 Make the file executeable:

dos2unix *.sh
chmod +x *sh

7 Change directory (cd) to integration/esb/bin under %SOAHOME%.

8 Execute the following command:


9 Make sure it executes successfully.

Creating External Host Company and Integration User

This task is a step in Process of Deploying the Integration Pack on page 35.

To create external host companies, follow this procedure.

To create external host companies

■ Create organizations in Siebel CRM representing Oracle CRM On Demand instances (one
organization in Siebel CRM for each Oracle CRM On Demand instance). Use the Administration -
Group screen to create the organizations. Make sure that the External Host flag is checked for
these organizations.

38 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Deploying the Integration Pack

Corresponding to each organization you created, create a employee record with administrator
responsibility. Make sure the Integration User Flag is selected for the Employee. This can be done on
the Administration - User screen. The corresponding external host organization you created must be
set as the primary organization of the employee. In addition, the primary position assigned to the
employee must belong to the external host organization. To test the setup, login as the integration
user and create an account record. The default organization associated with the account record must
correspond to the external host organization you created.

Note the row ID of External Host by clicking Help, then About Record in the Siebel CRM user interface.

Note the user ID of Integration User.

Configuring the soa.sql Script

This task is a step in Process of Deploying the Integration Pack on page 35.

To configure the soa.sql script, complete the following procedure.

To configure the soa.sql script

■ The soa.sql script (located in SiebelODOPPIP\scripts\) has the SQL statements needed to
populate the middle-tier tables used to store config parameters. These include the credentials,
URLs to access Oracle CRM On Demand and Siebel CRM instances. Users of Siebel Industry
Applications should set the VERTICAL_APP column to Y. Edit the file and change the values in it
to reflect your implementation. Search for instances of REVIEW AND UPDATE and make changes
as needed. Then run the file, as user orabpel.

Deploying Oracle Business Processes Execution

Language Processes
This task is a step in Process of Deploying the Integration Pack on page 35.

Complete the following procedure to deploy Oracle Business Processes Execution Language

To deploy Oracle Business Processes Execution Language processes

1 At a command prompt, navigate to:


2 Run the devprompt command.


3 Navigate to the SiebelODOPBusinessProcesses folder and run this command:

ant –-noconfig

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 39

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Deploying the Integration Pack

4 Ignore warnings, if any, while the script is running.

5 Restart the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Server.

Creating Domain Value Maps

This task is a step in Process of Deploying the Integration Pack on page 35.

The domain value maps shipped in this integration are generic and must be reviewed and modified
to match your environment. The best practice is to have a 1:1 map for the list of values, that is, for
each entry in the map there must be one matching value.

Domain value maps for AccountIndustry (AccountIndustry<ODHOSTId>.xml) and

OpportunitySource require special attention as they must be populated using Row ID values. For all
other domain value maps the mapping is based on the Display @ Values. To configure the domain
value maps complete the following procedure.

To configure the domain value maps for AccountIndustry and OpportunitySource

1 Get the industry names and row IDs from Oracle CRM On Demand and Siebel CRM.

a Log in to the BPEL console.

b For each industry, invoke the GetIndustryIdCRMOnDemandProvABCSImpl workflow, using the

name of the industry and the ID of the host (for example, ODHOST1).

The workflow returns the RowID from Oracle CRM On Demand. Note this RowID and the name
of the industry.

c In Siebel CRM navigate to Site Map, Administration - Data, and then Industries.

d For each industry, select a record and choose Help, About Record (shortcut: Control-Alt-k).

The About Record window opens.

e Note the value of the Row # field and the name of the industry.
2 Open the XML files that map industry names and Row Ids.

For Siebel Cross-Industry Applications these XML files are located in the SiebelODOPPIP\DVM
directory. For Siebel Industry Applications these XML files are located in the
SiebelODOPPIP\DVM\VerticalDVM directory. The XML files follow this naming convention:


For example, if the ODHOSTId is ODHOST1 then the file name is


a Open the XML file for editing.

The XML file has a mapping of industry names, so that you can view the mappings. You need
to add the mappings for the rowids.

b For each industry, add a line in the XML file using this format:

40 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Deploying the Integration Pack

<row><cell>[Oracle CRM On Demand RowID]</cell><cell>[Siebel CRM RowId]</cell>

For example, if the Oracle CRM On Demand industry name is Automotive and the Siebel CRM
industry name is Automotive Services, and the rowid for Automotive in Oracle CRM On
Demand is 1QAA-1WEE and rowid for Siebel CRM is 12-EEWR, the entry looks like:


c Edit the XML file using the following naming convention:


For example, if the ODHOSTId is ODHOST1 then the file name is


d For each mapped source, create a line in the XML file using this format:

<row><cell>[Siebel CRM RowId]</cell><cell>[Oracle CRM On Demand RowId]</cell>

For example, if the Oracle CRM On Demand industry name is Automotive and the Siebel CRM
industry name is Automotive Services, and rowid for Automotive in Oracle CRM On Demand
is 1QAA-1WEE and rowid for Siebel CRM is 12-EEWR, the entry looks like:


3 Edit the OpportunitySource.xml file.

a Find the domain value mapping files for OpportunitySource in SiebelODOPPIP/DVM. There is a
set for OPToODHost and one for ODHostTo OP.
b In Siebel CRM, navigate to Site Map, Opportunities, and then Lead Source Administration.

c For each opportunity source, select a record and choose Help, About Record (shortcut: Control-

The About Record window opens.

d Note the value of the Row # field and the name of the opportunity source.

e Update OpportunitySource.xml with the information.

f For each mapped source, create a line in the XML file using this format:

<row><cell>Direct Mail</cell><cell>02-9876</cell>

For example, for Source Direct Mail in Oracle CRM On Demand Host1, if the Siebel CRM ID is
02-9876 for the value mapped to Direct Mail, then the row added to
OpportunitySourceODHOST1OP.xml is:

<row><cell>02-9876</cell><cell>Direct Mail</cell>

4 Load the domain value maps:

a Open the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Suite main page:

http(s)://[SOA HOST]:[PORT]/

b Click the ESB Control link.

c Log in with an administrative account.

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 41

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Deploying the Integration Pack

d Click the DVM icon.

e Choose Create, Import New Map.

f Individually import each of files in SiebelODOPPIP/DVM (including those you created or edited in
the previous steps) by choosing Create, Import New Map and selecting the file.

g Restart the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture server.

The domain value maps for Sales Stage (OpportunitySalesStage<ODHOSTId>.xml) must

have the Oracle CRM On Demand row ID populated. You can use the sales stage values from
Siebel CRM.

To configure the Sales Stage domain value map

1 In Oracle CRM On Demand look up the row ID values for the mapped Sales Stage values listed
for Oracle CRM On Demand:

a From the BPEL console invoke the GetSalesStageIdCRMOnDemandProvABCSImpl workflow.

b Pass the value of the Sales Stage and the ID of the host (for example, ODHOST1) to the

The workflow returns the rowid from Oracle CRM On Demand.

2 Populate the OpportunitySalesStage<ODHOSTId>.xml file by replacing the text of the Oracle

CRM On Demand Sales Stage value with the corresponding row ID.

The first column is the Oracle CRM On Demand Sales Stage value and the second column is the
Siebel CRM Sales Stage value.

Example: in Oracle CRM On Demand the row Id for Qualified Lead is 1111. The existing entry in
the XML file is:

<row><cell>Qualified Lead</cell><cell>Data Entry</cell>

After replacing the row ID it is:

<row><cell>1111</cell><cell>Data Entry</cell>

3 Populate the OpportunitySalesStageOPTo<ODHOSTId>.xml file by creating entries for Siebel

CRM Sales Stage values and their corresponding Oracle CRM On Demand Sales Stage row ids.

The first column is the Siebel CRM Sales Stage Value, and the second column is the Oracle CRM
On Demand Sales Stage Value.

Format: <row><cell>Siebel CRM Sales Stage value</cell><cell>Oracle CRM On Demand Sales

Stage row id</cell>


<row><cell>Data Entry</cell><cell>1111</cell>

Configuring the File Adapter Controller

This task is a step in Process of Deploying the Integration Pack on page 35.

42 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Deploying the Integration Pack

The File Adapter controller is a sequencer component shipped as part of the integration. The Siebel
CRM messages are sequenced by the File Adaptor Controller for consumption by the BPEL file
adapter. During run-time there are three queues:

■ Account messages

■ Contact messages

■ Opportunity and Product messages

A single message is processed at a time from each of these queues to preserve the order in which
the updates were generated. The order is important because the same record could be updated
multiple times. The queues for processing run-time messages are located in:

■ %SOAHOME%/SiebelODOPPIP/fileAdapterController/ExtDirs/Account

■ %SOAHOME%/SiebelODOPPIP/fileAdapterController/ExtDirs/Contact

■ %SOAHOME%/SiebelODOPPIP/fileAdapterController/ExtDirs/OpptyProd

The number of files processed at a time is determined by the parameter num_files_process in the
File Adapter Controller configuration file.

In addition to the run-time queues, separate queues exist for processing product CSV files for batch
load for product; one queue for each host ID (ODHOST):

■ %SOAHOME%/SiebelODOPPIP/fileAdapterController/ExtDirs/BatchLoadProduct_ODHOST1

■ %SOAHOME%/SiebelODOPPIP/fileAdapterController/ExtDirs/BatchLoadProduct_ODHOST2

Two queues are defined for processing batch inserts for accounts and contacts:

■ %SOAHOME%/SiebelODOPPIP/fileAdapterController/ExtDirs/BatchLoadAccount

■ %SOAHOME%/SiebelODOPPIP/fileAdapterController/ExtDirs/BatchLoadContact

To configure the File Adapter Controller

1 Navigate to:

2 Modify startcontrollers.sh and starbatchcontrollers.sh for more Oracle CRM On Demand hosts.

3 Modify the following files using the substeps:

■ fileadaptercontrollerbatch_account.conf

■ fileadaptercontrollerbatch_contact.conf

■ fileadaptercontrollerbatch_product_odhost*.conf

■ fileadaptercontrollerruntime_account.conf

■ fileadaptercontrollerruntime_contact.conf
■ fileadaptercontrollerruntime_opptyprod.conf

a Make the following changes to both external_app_dir and internal_app directories:

b Substitute <SOA_HOME> with your Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Install directory.

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 43

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Deploying the Integration Pack

c Modify values for:


d Substitute oc4jadmin with the user name for logging in to the BPEL console.

e Modify java.naming.provider.url=opmn:ormi://localhost:6093:oc4j_soa by replacing 6093 with

the port number for your instance.

f To find the number, open the file named $SOA_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml.

g Search for the request port.

The BPEL console displays a line resembling this example:

<port local="6179" remote="6279" request="6082"/>

h Substitute 6093 with the number specified for request port (in the example it is 6082).

4 Make the following changes to both fileadaptercontrollerbatch_product_odhost1.conf and


a Set Org_id to ROW_ID of external host company created in Siebel CRM corresponding to the
Oracle CRM On Demand instance you want to load to (ID of the mapped Siebel CRM Org to the
Oracle CRM On Demand company).
b Substitute the host ID (ODHOST<ID>) with the ID for the Oracle CRM On Demand host, for
example, ODHOST1, ODHOST2, and so on.

c Set the correct SOA_HOME in run.sh.

Use a different CONF file for each Oracle CRM On Demand instance.

The polling_internal parameter specifies (in milliseconds) how often the controller polls for a new
message. The default value can be changed based on the rate of change in the environment.

Configuring File Adapter Controller for Logging

This task is a step in Process of Deploying the Integration Pack on page 35.

The File Adapter Controller logs messages to a set of log files. There are three configuration
parameters for the configuration file, retain the default values for the other parameters:

■ fac_log_path. The fac_log_path - config variable tells FAC where to create the log files. Set to
$SOA_HOME/SiebelODOPPIP/fileAdapterController/ExtDirs/<queuename>/logs directory.

■ fac_log_max_size. The maximum size for a log is 2147483647 bytes. Set this value to be
greater than 1 byte and less than or equal to 2147483647 bytes.

■ fac_log_num_files. This config variable tells FAC to use up to five log files. When all five files
are full, FAC picks the first file in the cycle (oldest) and overwrites the log messages in it. The
maximum number of log files is 9, suggested is 5.

The most recent logs are written to the file fileAdapterController_0.log and the rest are used to
recycle the older logs in a FIFO fashion. The log file name pattern is fileAdapterController_N.log,
which is created under fac_log_path where N is 0,1,2,3,4 and so on.

44 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Deploying the Integration Pack

Starting the Controllers

This task is a step in Process of Deploying the Integration Pack on page 35.

Complete the following procedure.

To start the controllers

1 Modify startcontrollers.sh for any more hosts.

2 Run this command:


3 When prompted for a password enter the password used for logging in to the BPEL console.

4 You are prompted for a password once for each controller.

5 Check the logs to make sure the controller got started correctly without errors.

6 Monitor the log files periodically.

To stop the File Adapter Controllers execute the stopcontrollers.sh script.

Setting Up a File Transfer Service for Siebel CRM

Messages to the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture
This task is a step in Process of Deploying the Integration Pack on page 35.

A file transfer service to send the Siebel CRM transaction log messages to the Oracle Service Oriented
Architecture server has been provided as part of this integration. The Siebel CRM messages are
queued in the folders created as part of the Siebel CRM transaction log setup. The file transfer service
is configured to remove messages from the queue and transfer them in sequence to the Oracle
Service Oriented Architecture environment.

To configure the File Transfer Service

1 Transfer the archive created for FileXFerServer to the Siebel server environment.

You created this archive in Deploying the Integration Pack Files on page 35.

2 Extract the archive and note the location where it is archived.

3 Make copies of the following files to the new name provided.

Original File Name New File Name

run_server_nonssl_orig.bat run_server_nonssl.bat

run_server_ssl_orig.bat run_server_ssl.bat

xfer_serv_orig.conf xfer_serv.conf

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 45

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Deploying the Integration Pack

4 Open the xfer_serv.conf file for editing.

5 Find the tcp_xfer_srv_port parameter, which is the TCP port number the server listens on, and
set it to the proper setting for your environment.

The port number is in the range of 1025 to 65536.

6 Set the directories specified for each of the following message types to locations where the
transaction logs are created by Siebel CRM.

NOTE: Make sure the patch set parameters correspond to where the transaction logs are being
generated. For more information, see Setting Up Lists of Values for Transaction Logging on
page 29.

■ siebel_account_msg_dir=/usr/tmp/odop/account/

■ siebel_contact_msg_dir=/usr/tmp/odop/contact/

■ siebel_opptyprod_msg_dir=/usr/tmp/odop/opptyprod/

■ siebel_contactbatch_msg_dir=/usr/tmp/odop/idlaccount

■ siebel_accountbatch_msg_dir=usr/tmp/odop/idlcontact

7 Set the parameters for logging:

a Specify where the logs are located, maximum number of log files to be created and the maximum
size of the logs. The server recycles through the set of logs when the maximum number of files
are created.
❏ xfer_log_path=/export/home/(Instance)/FileXFerServer/logs

❏ xfer_log_max_size=2147483646

■ xfer_num_log_files=5

b If Secure Sockets Layer is to be used, xfer_ssl_mode must be set to true


If you plan to use Secure Sockets Layer, then you must configure Secure Sockets Layer for File
Transfer Service.

NOTE: Perform the client steps on the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture computer and server
steps on the Windows server where the transaction logs reside.

To configure Secure Sockets Layer for File Transfer Service (optional)

1 Generate the client.private keystore file using the Keytool utility found in the bin directory of the
Java Development Kit installation.

keytool -genkey -alias clientprivate -keystore client.private -storetype JKS -keyalg

rsa -dname "CN=Your Name, OU=Your Organizational Unit, O=Your Organization, L=Your
City, S=Your State, C=Your Country" -storepass clientpw -keypass clientpw


46 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Deploying the Integration Pack

keytool -genkey -alias clientprivate -keystore client.private -storetype JKS -keyalg

rsa -dname "CN=Mike Adams, OU=SiebelODOPPIP, O=Oracle Corporation, L=Redwood Shores,
S=California, C=USA" -storepass welcome1 -keypass welcome1

2 Generate the server.private keystore file.

keytool -genkey -alias serverprivate -keystore server.private -storetype JKS -keyalg

rsa -dname "CN=Your Name, OU=Your Organizational Unit, O=Your Organization, L=Your
City, S=Your State, C=Your Country" -storepass serverpw -keypass serverpw


keytool -genkey -alias serverprivate -keystore server.private -storetype JKS -keyalg

rsa -dname "CN=Mike Adams, OU=SiebelODOPPIP, O=Oracle Corporation, L=Redwood Shores
S=California, C=USA" -storepass welcome1 -keypass welcome1

3 Extract the client key and the generate client.public keystore file.

keytool -export -alias clientprivate -keystore client.private -file temp.key -

storepass clientpw


keytool -export -alias clientprivate -keystore client.private -file temp.key -

storepass welcome1

4 Insert the client's private key into its own keystore file.

keytool -import -noprompt -alias clientpublic -keystore client.public -file temp.key

-storepass public


keytool -import -noprompt -alias clientpublic -keystore client.public -file temp.key

-storepass public

5 Extract the server key and generate the server.public keystore file.

keytool -export -alias serverprivate -keystore server.private -file temp.key -

storepass serverpw


keytool -export -alias serverprivate -keystore server.private -file temp.key -

storepass welcome1

6 Place the server key in its own keystore file.

keytool -import -noprompt -alias serverpublic -keystore server.public -file temp.key

-storepass public


keytool -import -noprompt -alias serverpublic -keystore server.public -file temp.key

-storepass public

7 Copy the following files to where you have extracted FileXFerServer in the Siebel server

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 47

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Deploying the Integration Pack

■ client.public

■ server.private

8 Copy the following files to the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture computer %SOAHOME%/

■ server.public

■ client.private

To configure the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture client

1 In the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture server, change directory (cd) to $SOA_HOME/

2 Create a file with the name passwdfile.

3 Modify the following configuration files using instructions in Step a through Step h:

■ xfer_client_accountbatch.conf

■ xfer_client_account.conf

■ xfer_client_contactbatch.conf

■ xfer_client_contact.conf

■ xfer_client_opptyprod.conf

■ xfer_client_opptyprod_orig.conf

a Set the siebel_txnlog_xfer_host parameter to the fully qualified name of the server computer
the transaction log files are transferred from.
b Set the siebel_txnlog_xfer_port to the port specified in the server configuration file.

c Set the fac_external_app_dir parameter to where the files must be transferred to and logs must
be stored.
d Set the PIP/fileAdapterController/ExtDirs/Account parameter.

e Set the siebel_obj_type parameter to Account.

f Set the xfer_log_path parameter to %SOAHOME%/SiebelODOPPIP/fileAdapterController/

g Set the xfer_log_max_size parameter to 2147483646.

h Set the xfer_num_log_files parameter to 5.

4 If you use Secure Sockets Layer, then set xfer_ssl_mode to true, otherwise set it to false.

To start the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture server

1 Create a directory with the name logs under /export/home/Instance/FileXFerServer/ where
Instance is the name of your Siebel CRM instance.
2 Modify the appropriate batch file based on your Secure Sockets Layer mode:

48 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Deploying the Integration Pack

a If you are using Secure Sockets Layer mode, modify run_server-ssl.sh.

b If you are not using Secure Sockets Layer mode, modify run_server_nonssl.sh.

3 Set CLASSPATH to the location where FileXFerServer was extracted, for example, /export/home/
4 Replace /export/home/Instance/FileXFerServer with the location of your xfer_serv.conf file.

5 Java version 1.5 or later is needed. Change path to java.exe as appropriate to use java 1.5 (The
Java Development Kit from the Oracle JDeveloper installation can be used).

6 If using Secure Sockets Layer, replace passwd with the password to be used.

7 If you are using UNIX, use these commands:

a ksh

b dos2unix *.sh *.conf

c If you are using Secure Sockets Layer: nohup run_server_ssl.sh > out 2>&1 &

d If you are not using Secure Sockets Layer: nohup run_server_nonssl.sh > out 2>&1 &

8 If you are using Windows, then on the Siebel Server Siebel CRM instance, use Windows Scheduler
to schedule the File transfer service on server startup:

a Start, Settings, Control Panel, Scheduled Tasks, Add Scheduled Task.

b Follow the instructions in the wizard.

c Browse for the run_server_ssl.bat or run_server_nonssl.bat, depending on which mode you are
d Select to perform the task when the computer starts.

e Input account information for the account running the task.

f Check Open Advanced Properties for this task.

g In Settings tab, clear the box for Stop the task if it runs for...

h In the Power Management section check Wake up computer to run this task.

i Apply changes.

j Exit the wizard.

k Right-click the scheduled task, and click Run.

9 Check the log file to make sure the server started running.

To start the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture client

1 If you are using Secure Sockets Layer:

a Create a file, passwdfile, and enter the password.

b Execute run_ssl.sh

2 If you are not using Secure Sockets Layer, run this command:


Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 49

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Deploying the Integration Pack

3 Check the log files for all message types to make sure client can connect to server and there are
no errors.

4 Check the file transfer server log file to make sure it started correctly.

5 To stop the clients run this command:


If the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture server fails, the client continues to attempt to connect.
When the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture server resumes the client can successfully connect.

Install and Deploy Mandatory Patch

Review the instructions in the patch README files to deploy the respective patches:

■ For Siebel Cross-Industry Applications, you downloaded p7231203_10_Generic.zip

■ For Siebel Industry Applications, you downloaded p8434062_11_Generic.zip

About Batching Sync On Parameters

Batching of Sync On messages is supported for ContactBatch and AccountBatch message types. This
is a performance optimization explained in Chapter 4, “Loading Data for Oracle CRM On Demand
Integration to Siebel CRM.” The File transfer server combines several files if they are available in a
certain time span before sending over to the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture computer. This
allows use of a single Web service call to insert the set of records into Oracle CRM On Demand. Details
on the use of the Batch Mode can be found in Chapter 4, “Loading Data for Oracle CRM On Demand
Integration to Siebel CRM.”

Configuring Additional Oracle CRM On Demand

This task is a step in Process of Deploying the Integration Pack on page 35.

The previous steps configured a single Oracle CRM On Demand instance with Siebel CRM. The process
for configuring additional Oracle CRM On Demand instances is similar. The following items are a
summary of the steps and the order in which they must be executed.

1 Create a new Oracle CRM On Demand company (make sure Web Services, Integration Events and
WorkFlow are enabled).

2 Create an Oracle CRM On Demand Integration User with Admin privileges.

3 Run through setup for Sync Status, Sync Comments Fields, Layouts, Integration Events,
Workflow setup, and so on.

4 Create a new organization in Siebel CRM representing the new company and the corresponding
integration user.

5 Update the SIEBELODHOST table.


50 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Siebel CRM

7 Update the SIEBELODHOSTSTATUS table.

8 Update the SIEBELBPELCONFIG table.

9 Configure DVMs for each new host.

10 Run %SOAHOME%/SiebelODOPPIP/scripts/xref_add.sh.
Usage is: xref_add.sh N
Where: N is the number of the host you want to add.

For example, xref_add.sh 4 adds ODHOST4 to the cross-reference tables.

11 Run additional_hosts.bat specifying how many Oracle CRM On Demand hosts you have (if you
are using Linux, then run additional_hosts.sh).

12 If you add rows or change any database tables, then restart the Oracle Service Oriented
Architecture server.

Clearing the Session Pool Cache

This task is a step in Process of Deploying the Integration Pack on page 35.

After major configuration changes in Oracle CRM On Demand, the session pool in Oracle Service
Oriented Architecture must be cleared. For example, if a field is made Read Only in Oracle CRM On
Demand using the Application customization views, you can prevent updates occurring to that field
in Oracle CRM On Demand by clearing the middle tier session pool cache.

To clear the middle tier session pool cache

1 Log in to the database for Oracle Service Oriented Architecture.

2 Run this command:

Update siebelodsessionpool set session_id = NULL;


Process of Configuring Siebel CRM

To configure Siebel CRM, do the following tasks:

■ Configuring Components Groups on page 51

■ Setting the Environment Variable for Delete Trigger Functionality on page 52

■ Setting Workflow Component Group on page 52

■ Generating Triggers on page 53

Configuring Components Groups

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Siebel CRM on page 51.

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 51

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Siebel CRM

To enable transaction logging, complete the following procedure.

To enable transaction logging

■ Configure the components listed in Table 3 and run them on a Siebel Server (in addition to the
Application Object Manager component).

Table 3. Components for Transaction Logging

Component Name Component Alias Component Group

Enterprise Integration Mgr EIM EAI

EAI Object Manager (ENU) EAIObjMgr_enu EAI

Custom Application Object Manager (ENU) CustomAppObjMgr_enu EAI

Workflow Process Manager WfProcMgr Workflow

Workflow Process Batch Manager WfProcBatchMgr Workflow

Workflow Monitor Agent WorkMon Workflow

Generate Triggers GenTrig Workflow

Setting the Environment Variable for Delete Trigger

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Siebel CRM on page 51.

To enable auto-trigger creation of delete triggers to trace Parent and Child Row Id, you must set an
environment variable. Table 4 lists the environment variable for the UNIX and Windows operating

Table 4. Environment Variables for UNIX and Windows

Operating System Shell Environment Variable




Windows Not applicable set ONDEMAND_MERGE_ENABLED=TRUE

Setting Workflow Component Group

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Siebel CRM on page 51.

To set the Workflow Component group, complete the following procedure.

52 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand

To set the Workflow Component group

Check that Workflow Management component group is set to Enable along with its components.

Generating Triggers
This task is a step in Process of Configuring Siebel CRM on page 51.

Complete the following procedure.

To generate triggers
1 In Siebel CRM, navigate to Site Map, Administration - Server Management, and then Jobs.

2 Create a new job with the following parameters:

■ Component/Job. Generate Triggers


■ Privileged User. your administrator user name

■ Privileged User Password. your administrator password

■ Trigger File Name. the name of a file such as trigger.sql

3 Start the job.

Process of Configuring Oracle CRM On

To configure Oracle CRM On Demand, complete the following tasks:

■ Creating an Integration User Account on page 54

■ Checking Sales User Privileges on page 54

■ Setting Up the Synchronization Flag on page 54

■ Configuring Page Layouts on page 56

■ Setting Up Synchronization Failure Lists on page 56

■ Setting Up Synchronization Failure Alerts on page 57

■ Setting Up Account-Contact Field on page 58

■ Creating the Reason Won/Lost Picklist Placeholder on page 59

■ Creating a Cascading Picklist for Status and Reason on page 59

■ Setting Integration Events on page 60

■ Configuring Workflows and Integration Events on page 61

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 53

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand

Creating an Integration User Account

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand on page 53.

An integration user account must be defined within Oracle CRM On Demand to facilitate the
integration between Oracle CRM On Demand and Siebel CRM. This user account name appears in the
Modified By and Created By fields (when applicable) on records that have been synchronized from
Siebel CRM and is responsible for any creates and updates that are initiated by Oracle Business
Processes Execution Language within Oracle CRM On Demand.

To create an integration user account

1 Log in to Oracle CRM On Demand.

2 Navigate to Admin, User Management & Access Controls, User Management, and then New User.

3 Make sure the integration user has the following privileges:

■ Manage Data Rules - Manage Workflow Rules

■ Manage Integration Event Queue

If these privileges are not available to you in the Admin user interface, contact Oracle CRM On
Demand Customer Care to make sure these privileges are enabled for the integration user.

Checking Sales User Privileges

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand on page 53.

Make sure the Sales Users (typically with the FSR Role) do not have the Merge Records, privilege

To check Sales User Privileges

■ Navigate to Admin, User Management & Access Controls, Role Management, [Sales User Role],
Edit, and then Step 4: Privileges.

NOTE: Account and Contact Merges initiated within Oracle CRM On Demand are not supported by
the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM. Account and Contact merges initiated from
Siebel CRM are supported.

Setting Up the Synchronization Flag

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand on page 53.

A picklist defined within Oracle CRM On Demand dictates whether records are to be synchronized to
Siebel CRM or whether the synchronization of the record has failed. A synchronization flag (picklist)
and a corresponding long text field, which provides details for a failed synchronization must be
defined on the account, contact, opportunity, and product objects. These fields must only be
available to administrators and must not be made available to CRM end-users.

54 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand

To set up Synchronization Status picklist

1 For each of the following objects, complete Step a through Step j:

■ Account

■ Contact

■ Opportunity

■ Product

a Navigate to Admin, Application Customization, Record Type Setup: [Object], Field Management:
[Object] Field Setup, and then New Field.
b Set the following fields:

❏ Display Name. Sync Status

❏ Field Type. Picklist

c Navigate to Admin, Application Customization, Record Type Setup: [Object], Field Management:
[Object] Field Setup, and then Sync Status: Edit Picklist
d Set the following fields:

Order ID Picklist Values

1 Sync ON Sync ON

2 Sync OFF Sync OFF


e Save the picklist.

NOTE: The picklist values must be set in English first and the picklist saved, then edited to
non-English values.

f If you are using a non-English language, you can edit the picklist values you created in Step d
for your target language.
g Navigate to Admin, Application Customization, Record Type Setup: [Object], Field Management:
[Object] Field Setup, and then New Field.

h Set the following fields:

❏ Display Name. Sync Comments

❏ Field Type. Text (Long)

i Navigate to Admin, Application Customization, Record Type Setup: [Object], Field Management:
[Object] Field Setup, Rename Fields, and then Advanced.

j Set the following fields:

❏ Display Name. Sync Status

❏ Integration Tag. plSync_Status

❏ Display Name. Sync Comments

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 55

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand

❏ Integration Tag. ltComments

Configuring Page Layouts

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand on page 53.

To make the Sync Status and Sync comments fields available to the administrator they must be
added to the page layout.

To configure page layouts

1 For each of the following objects, complete Step a through Step d:

■ Account

■ Contact

■ Opportunity

■ Product

a Navigate to Admin, Application Customization, [Object], Page Layout Management: [Object]

Page Layout, and then Edit Sections (Administrator).
b Set the Display Name field to On Premise Integration.

c Navigate to Admin, Application Customization, [Object], Page Layout Management: [Object]

Page Layout, Edit (Administrator), and then Step 3 Field Layout.
d Assign the following fields to the section defined in Step b:

❏ Sync Status

❏ Sync Comments

Setting Up Synchronization Failure Lists

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand on page 53.

Administrators require a simple way to review records that have failed to synchronize and take the
appropriate corrective action. The List feature for account, contact, and opportunities provides a
means for an administrator to generate a list of records for which synchronization has failed.

To set up synchronization failure lists

1 Log in as an administrator.

2 For each of the following objects, complete Step a through Step f.

■ Account

■ Contact

■ Opportunity

56 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand

a Navigate to Object Homepage, Object Lists, and then New.

Replace Object with the name of an object, for example, Contact Homepage.

b Set the following criteria:

❏ Field. Sync Status

❏ Condition. Equal to

❏ Filter Value(s). Sync FAILED

c Select the following fields for display in the list:

❏ Sync Status

❏ Sync Comments

❏ Other fields relevant to the object

d Click Save.

e Set the following fields:

❏ List Name. Object Sync Failures

❏ List Accessibility. Private

f Click Save and Run.

Setting Up Synchronization Failure Alerts

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand on page 53.

Alerts may be configured within Oracle CRM On Demand, such that when a record has failed to
synchronize, a designated user receives a failure alert by email that can indicate the record that has
failed to synchronize and the reason for failure.

To set up synchronization failure alerts

1 Navigate to Admin, then Administer Workflow Rules.

2 Click New and add the following workflow rule:

■ Workflow Name. Opportunity Sync Failure Alert

■ Active. Checked

■ Record Type. Opportunity

■ Trigger Event. When Modified Record Saved

■ Workflow Rule Condition.

[<plSync_Status_ITAG>]=LookupValue("OCC_CUST_LOV_OPTY_0", "Sync FAILED")

3 In the Action Pane, choose Menu, then Create Email Notification, and then add the following

■ Action Name. Opportunity Sync Failure Alert

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 57

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand

■ Active. Checked

■ Email Message (To*, Subject*, Message Body*). Specify message details to be sent to
your administrator in the event of a synchronization failure.

4 Click New and add the following workflow rule:

■ Workflow Name. Account Sync Failure Alert

■ Active. Checked

■ Record Type. Account

■ Trigger Event. When Modified Record Saved

■ Workflow Rule Condition.

[<plSync_Status_ITAG>]=LookupValue("OCC_CUST_LOV_ACCOUNT_0", "Sync FAILED")

5 In the Action Pane, choose Menu, Create Email Notification and add the following action:

■ Action Name. Account Sync Failure Alert

■ Active. Checked

■ Email Message (To*, Subject*, Message Body*). Specify message details to be sent to
your administrator in the event of a synchronization failure.

6 Click New and add the following workflow rule:

■ Workflow Name. Contact Sync Failure Alert

■ Active. Checked

■ Record Type. Contact

■ Trigger Event. When Modified Record Saved

■ Workflow Rule Condition.

[<plSync_Status_ITAG>]=LookupValue("OCC_CUST_LOV_CONTACT_0", "Sync FAILED")

7 In the Action Pane, choose Menu, Create Email Notification and add the following action:
■ Action Name. Contact Sync Failure Alert

■ Active. Checked
■ Email Message (To*, Subject*, Message Body*). Specify message details to be sent to
your administrator in the event of a synchronization failure.

Setting Up Account-Contact Field

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand on page 53.

Complete the following procedure.

To set up the Account-Contact field

1 Navigate to Admin, Application Customization, Account, and then Account Contact Field Setup.

58 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand

2 Edit Account Id: Mark Account Id, as required.

3 Edit Contact Id: Mark Contact Id, as required.

Creating the Reason Won/Lost Picklist Placeholder

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand on page 53.

The Reason Won/Lost picklist needs a placeholder (a single dash is sufficient). This placeholder is
temporary. Complete the following procedure to add this placeholder value.

To create the Reason Won/Lost picklist placeholder

1 Log in to Oracle CRM On Demand using administrator account.

2 Navigate to Admin, Application Customization, Record Type Setup, and then Opportunity.

3 Select Opportunity Field Setup.

4 Click Edit Picklist for the field named Reason Won/Lost.

5 Add a value named “-” to the existing picklist and save it.

Creating a Cascading Picklist for Status and Reason

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand on page 53.

This procedure sets up a cascading picklist for the Reason Won/Lost picklist and requires the
placeholder value set up earlier.

To create a cascading picklist for status and reason

1 Navigate to Admin, Application Customization, and then Opportunity.

2 Under the Cascading Picklists section, choose Opportunity Cascading Picklists.

3 Click New.

4 Choose Status from the menu under the Parent Picklist section.

5 Choose Reason Won/Lost from the menu under the Related Picklist section.

6 Under the Parent Picklist Available values select Pending and move the “-” value from Related
Picklist available values section to the Displayed values section.

7 Select the Parent Picklist value as Lost, and move the following Available values to the Displayed
Value section:

■ Price

■ Relationship

■ Track Record

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 59

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand

■ No Budget

■ Lost To Competition

■ Lost To No Decision

■ Other

8 Select Parent Picklist value as Won, and move the following Available values to the Displayed
Value section:

■ Installed Base

■ Price

■ Relationship

■ Track Record

■ Other

9 Make sure the final confirmation step displays a table that resembles the following table and save

Parent Picklist Values Related Picklist Displayed Values

Pending None

Lost Price, Relationship, Track Record, No Budget, Lost to

Competition, Lost to No Decision, Other
Won Installed Base, Price, Relationship, Track Record, Other

Setting Integration Events

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand on page 53.

This task is necessary only for users of Oracle CRM On Demand Release 16. Do not perform this task
if you have an earlier version.

Integration events from within Oracle CRM On Demand can be configured to log messages based on
either the user's time zone or the generic Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Integration Event
messages can also be logged in either the user's language or using language independent values.
The integration between Oracle CRM On Demand and Siebel CRM assumes that the messages are
logged in UTC, using language independent values.

To configure the Integration Event settings

1 Navigate to Admin, Integration Event Administration, and then Integration Event Settings.

2 Set the Time Zone Pick List field to UTC.

3 Set the Picklist Format field to Language Independent Value.

60 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand

Configuring Workflows and Integration Events

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand on page 53.

The following workflows and their corresponding integration events are required to enable the
synchronization of account, contact, opportunity, opportunity-revenue and account-contact
associations between Oracle CRM On Demand and Siebel CRM.

When configuring a workflow you need to configure a corresponding integration event and make sure
that the Active Flag is selected; that is, set to On for the Workflow itself. You may also need to
configure a workflow rule condition depending on the workflow record type and associated trigger

To configure an integration event, complete the following procedure.

To configure an integration event

1 Navigate to Menu, then Create Integration Event under the Action header.

Depending on the Record Type and Trigger Event you are prompted with a list of column names
(for insert and update workflows) to configure on the integration event.

2 Create each of the workflows and integration events using the following information:

■ Action Name. Name of workflow

■ Active flag. ON

If the following features are not accessible or not set correctly in Oracle CRM On Demand, contact
Oracle CRM On Demand Customer Care.

■ Admin, Data Management Tools, Integration Event Administration

■ Admin, Business Process Management, Administer Workflow rules

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 61

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand

■ Admin, Data Management Tools, Integration Event Administration, Integration Event Settings,
Queue Size = 500,000

NOTE: The Lookup values within the Workflow Condition Rules in Table 5 are provided as an
example. The actual values could vary based on the actual implementation within your deployment.
Use the Show Acceptable Values tool when configuring the Workflow Condition Rules using the
Workflow Expression Builder.

Table 5. Workflow Condition Rules

Parent Additional Configuration for Both the

Workflow Record Trigger Record Workflow and Integration Event
Name Type Event Type Configured

Account- Account When record Not None

Contact-Delete Contact is deleted applicable

Account- Account When new Not Configure Account-Contact-Insert

Contact Insert Contact record saved applicable Integration Event:

Menu, Create Integration Event /Save


Admin, Administer Workflow Rules,

Account-Contact Insert, Actions, and
then Configure.

Check the following: Account ID and

Contact ID.

Account- Account When Not Configure Account-Contact-Update

Contact-Update Contact modified applicable Integration Event:
record saved
Admin, Administer Workflow Rules,
Account-Contact Update, Actions,

Check the following: Account ID and

Contact ID.

Account- Account After Contact Workflow Rule Condition:

Contact-Assoc association ([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
with parent LookupValue("OCC_CUST_LOV_ACCOUN
T_0", "Sync ON")) OR
([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
T_0", "Sync FAILED"))

62 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand

Table 5. Workflow Condition Rules

Parent Additional Configuration for Both the

Workflow Record Trigger Record Workflow and Integration Event
Name Type Event Type Configured

Account- Account After Contact Workflow Rule Condition:

Contact- dissociation ([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
Disassoc with parent LookupValue("OCC_CUST_LOV_ACCOUN
T_0", "Sync ON")) OR
([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
T_0", "Sync FAILED"))

Account-Delete Account When record Not Workflow Rule Condition:

is deleted applicable ([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
T_1", "Sync ON")) OR
([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
T_1", "Sync FAILED"))

Account-Insert Account When new Not Workflow Rule Condition:

record saved applicable [<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
T_0”, “Sync ON”)

Configure Account-Insert Integration


Admin, Administer Workflow Rules,

Account-Insert, Actions, Configure

Check the following: Account Currency,

Account Name, Account Partner, Account
Type, Annual Revenues, Description,
Industry ID, Location, Main Fax #, Main
Phone #, PrimaryContactId, Number of
Employees, Public Company, Reference,
Reference as of, Region, Status, Sync
Status and Web Site.

Account- Account When Not Workflow Rule Condition:

SyncOFF modified applicable [<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
record saved LookupValue("OCC_CUST_LOV_ACCOUN
T_0", "Sync OFF")

Configure Account-SyncOFF Integration


Admin, Administer Workflow Rules,

Account-SyncOFF, Actions, Configure

Check the following: Sync Status

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 63

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand

Table 5. Workflow Condition Rules

Parent Additional Configuration for Both the

Workflow Record Trigger Record Workflow and Integration Event
Name Type Event Type Configured

Account-Update Account When Not Workflow Rule Condition:

modified applicable ([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
record saved LookupValue("OCC_CUST_LOV_ACCOUN
T_1", "Sync ON")) OR
([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
T_1", "Sync FAILED"))

Configure Account-Update Integration


Admin, Administer Workflow Rules,

Account-Update, Actions, Configure

Check the following: Account Currency,

Account Name, Account Partner, Account
Type, Annual Revenues, Description,
Industry ID, Location, Main Fax #, Main
Phone #, PrimaryContactId, Number of
Employees, Public Company, Reference,
Reference as of, Region, Status, Sync
Status and Web Site.

Address-Delete Address When record Not None

is deleted applicable

Address-Insert Address When new Not Configure Address-Insert Integration

record saved applicable Event:

Admin, Administer Workflow Rules,

Address-Insert, Actions, Configure

Check the following: Address 3, City,

Country, County, Description, Postal
Code, Province, State, Street Address
and Street Address 2

Address-Update Address When Not Configure Address-Update Integration

modified applicable Event:
record saved
Admin, Administer Workflow Rules,
Address-Update, Actions, Configure

Check the following: Address 3, City,

Country, County, Description, Postal
Code, Province, State, Street Address
and Street Address 2

64 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand

Table 5. Workflow Condition Rules

Parent Additional Configuration for Both the

Workflow Record Trigger Record Workflow and Integration Event
Name Type Event Type Configured

Contact- Contact After Account Workflow Rule Condition:

Account-Assoc association ([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
with parent LookupValue("OCC_CUST_LOV_CONTAC
T_0", "Sync ON")) OR
([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
T_0", "Sync FAILED"))

Contact- Contact After Account Workflow Rule Condition:

Account- dissociation ([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
Disassoc with parent LookupValue("OCC_CUST_LOV_CONTAC
T_0", "Sync ON")) OR
([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
T_0", "Sync FAILED"))

Contact-Delete Contact When record Not Workflow Rule Condition:

is deleted applicable ([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
T_0", "Sync ON")) OR
([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
T_0", "Sync FAILED"))

Contact-Insert Contact When new Not Workflow Rule Condition:

record saved applicable ([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
T_0", "Sync ON") AND [<Private>] = 'N')

Configure Contact-Insert Integration


Admin, Administer Workflow Rules,

Contact-Insert, Actions, Configure

Check the following: Account ID,

Assistant Name, Assistant Phone #,
Cellular Phone #, Contact Currency,
Contact Type, Date of Birth, Description,
Email, First Name, Gender, Home Phone
#, Job title, Last Name, Lead Source,
Marital status, Market Potential, Middle
Name, Mr./Ms., Never Email, Private,
Sync Status, Work Fax # and Work Phone

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 65

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand

Table 5. Workflow Condition Rules

Parent Additional Configuration for Both the

Workflow Record Trigger Record Workflow and Integration Event
Name Type Event Type Configured

Contact- Contact After Opportuni Workflow Rule Condition:

Opportunity- association ty ([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
Assoc with parent LookupValue("OCC_CUST_LOV_CONTAC
T_0", "Sync ON")) OR
([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
T_0", "Sync FAILED"))

Contact- Contact After Opportuni Workflow Rule Condition:

Opportunity- dissociation ty ([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
Disassoc with parent LookupValue("OCC_CUST_LOV_CONTAC
T_0", "Sync ON")) OR
([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
T_0", "Sync FAILED"))

Contact- Contact When Not Workflow Rule Condition:

SyncOFF modified applicable [<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
record saved LookupValue("OCC_CUST_LOV_CONTAC
T_1", "Sync OFF")

Configure Contact-SyncOFF Integration


Admin, Administer Workflow Rules,

Contact-SyncOFF, Actions, Configure

Check the following: Sync Status

66 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand

Table 5. Workflow Condition Rules

Parent Additional Configuration for Both the

Workflow Record Trigger Record Workflow and Integration Event
Name Type Event Type Configured

Contact-Update Contact When Not Workflow Rule Condition:

modified applicable (([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
record saved LookupValue("OCC_CUST_LOV_CONTAC
T_0", "Sync ON")) OR
([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
T_0", "Sync FAILED")) AND [<Private>]
= 'N')

Configure Contact-Update Integration


Admin, Administer Workflow Rules,

Contact-Update, Actions, Configure

Check the following: Account ID,

Assistant Name, Assistant Phone #,
Cellular Phone #, Contact Currency,
Contact Type, Date of Birth, Description,
Email, First Name, Gender, Home Phone
#, Job title, Last Name, Lead Source,
Marital status, Market Potential, Middle
Name, Mr./Ms., Never Email, Private,
Sync Status, Work Fax # and Work Phone

Opportunity- Opportu After Contact Workflow Rule Condition:

Contact-Assoc nity association ([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
with parent LookupValue("OCC_CUST_LOV_OPTY_1"
, "Sync ON")) OR
([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
, "Sync FAILED"))

Opportunity- Opportu When record Not None

Contact-Delete nity- is deleted applicable

Opportunity- Opportu After Contact Workflow Rule Condition:

Contact- nity dissociation ([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
Disassoc with parent LookupValue("OCC_CUST_LOV_OPTY_1"
, "Sync ON")) OR
([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
, "Sync FAILED"))

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 67

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand

Table 5. Workflow Condition Rules

Parent Additional Configuration for Both the

Workflow Record Trigger Record Workflow and Integration Event
Name Type Event Type Configured

Opportunity- Opportu When new Not Workflow Rule Condition:

Contact-Insert nity- record saved applicable [<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
Contact LookupValue("OCC_CUST_LOV_OPTY_1"
Role , "Sync ON")

Configure Opportunity-Contact-Insert
Integration Event:

Admin, Administer Workflow Rules,

Account-Contact Update, Actions,

Check the following: Buying Role,

Contact ID and Opportunity ID

Opportunity- Opportu When record Not Workflow Rule Condition:

Delete nity is deleted applicable ([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
, "Sync ON")) OR
([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
, "Sync FAILED"))

Opportunity- Opportu When new Not Configure Opportunity-Insert Integration

Insert nity record saved applicable Event:

Admin, Administer Workflow Rules,

Opportunity-Insert, Actions, Configure

Check the following: Account ID, Lead

Source, Close Date, Description,
Forecast, Opportunity Currency,
Opportunity Name, Probability, Reason
Won/Lost, Revenue, Sales Stage ID,
Status and Sync Status.

Opportunity- Opportu When Not Workflow Rule Condition:

SyncOFF nity modified applicable [<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
record saved LookupValue("OCC_CUST_LOV_OPTY_1"
, "Sync OFF")

Configure Opportunity-SyncOFF
Integration Event:

Admin, Administer Workflow Rules,

Opportunity-SyncOFF, Actions, Configure

Check the following: Sync Status.

68 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Process of
Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand

Table 5. Workflow Condition Rules

Parent Additional Configuration for Both the

Workflow Record Trigger Record Workflow and Integration Event
Name Type Event Type Configured

Opportunity- Opportu When Not Workflow Rule Condition:

Update nity modified applicable ([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
record saved LookupValue("OCC_CUST_LOV_OPTY_0"
, "Sync ON")) OR
([<plSync_Status_ITAG>] =
, "Sync FAILED"))

Configure Opportunity-Update
Integration Event:

Admin, Administer Workflow Rules,

Opportunity-Update, Actions, Configure

Check the following: Account ID, Lead

Source, Close Date, Description,
Forecast, Opportunity Currency,
Opportunity Name, Probability, Reason
Won/Lost, Revenue, Sales Stage ID,
Status and Sync Status.

Revenue-Delete Revenu When record Not None

e is deleted applicable

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 69

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Testing the
Integration Configuration

Table 5. Workflow Condition Rules

Parent Additional Configuration for Both the

Workflow Record Trigger Record Workflow and Integration Event
Name Type Event Type Configured

Revenue-Insert Revenu When new Not Configure Revenue-Insert Integration

e record saved applicable Event:

Admin, Administer Workflow Rules,

Revenue-Insert, Actions, Configure

Check the following: # of Periods,

Account ID, Contact ID, Contract,
Currency, Description, Forecast,
Frequency, Opportunity ID, Premium,
Probability %, Product ID, Purchase
Price, Quantity, Revenue Plan ID, Start/
Close Date, Status and Type.

Revenue- Revenu When Not Configure Revenue-Update Integration

Update e modified applicable Event:
record saved
Admin, Administer Workflow Rules,
Revenue-Update, Actions, Configure

Check the following: # of Periods,

Account ID, Contact ID, Contract,
Currency, Description, Forecast,
Frequency, Opportunity ID, Premium,
Probability %, Product ID, Purchase
Price, Quantity, Revenue Plan ID, Start/
Close Date, Status and Type

Testing the Integration Configuration

Although not necessary to the installation, testing is important to make sure that all configurations
have been completed correctly.

To test the configuration

1 Navigate to your Oracle Service Oriented Architecture URL, BPEL Control, and then Login.

2 Log in with an administrator account.

3 Click Instances.

4 Check that the following instances are running:

■ CRMOnDemandActivationAgent

■ CRMOnDemandIntegrationEventProcessor

■ CRMOnDemandGetSession

70 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Testing the
Integration Configuration

■ CRMOnDemandReleaseSession

■ SiebelHostHeartBeatCheckProc

Refer to the following topics to understand how to select records for synchronization in Oracle
CRM On Demand and Siebel CRM:

❏ Enabling Synchronization Status for Account, Contact, and Opportunity Data in Oracle CRM
On Demand on page 83

❏ Enabling Synchronization Status for Account, Contact, and Opportunity Data in Siebel
CRM on page 84

5 Create an opportunity in Oracle CRM On Demand, set the synchronization status to Sync On, and
check Siebel CRM (In All across Organizations view) to make sure it appears.

6 Create an account in Oracle CRM On Demand, set synchronization status to Sync On, and then
check Siebel CRM (In All across Accounts view) to make sure it appears.

7 Create a contact in Oracle CRM On Demand, set synchronization status to Sync On, and then
check Siebel CRM (In All across Contacts view) to make sure it appears.

8 Make sure the record is marked as created by the integration user in Siebel CRM.

9 Make sure the Oracle CRM On Demand organization is associated with that opportunity and
synchronization status is set to SYNC_ON.

10 Check that the Oracle Business Processes Execution Language flows are being invoked. for

■ For inserting accounts into Siebel CRM: InsertAccountSiebelProvABCSImpl.

■ for insert opportunities into Siebel CRM: InsertOpportunitySiebelProvABCSImpl

■ for insert contacts into Siebel CRM: InsertContactSiebelProvABCSImpl.

11 If flows are being invoked, check the audit for the flows for errors.
Search for instances of AccountSyncFailure, ContactSyncFailure, and OpportunitySyncFailure.
These flows are called in case of errors during synchronization. The error workflow also sets the
Sync Comments field with the error encountered in Oracle CRM On Demand (and Siebel CRM as
well for failures in updates) for the record.

12 If no events are being processed and the records do not synchronize then check the status in the
SIEBELODHOSTSTATUS table to see if the status is Error.

13 If status is error, it implies that the Web service connections to the Oracle CRM On Demand
instance is not successful. Check the configuration in the SIEBELODHOST table for the URL, user
ID, and password for Oracle CRM On Demand.

14 Create an opportunity in Siebel CRM and associate it to an Oracle CRM On Demand organization.
15 Create an account in Siebel CRM and associate it to an Oracle CRM On Demand organization.
16 Create a contact in Siebel CRM and associate it to an Oracle CRM On Demand organization.
17 Create a product in Siebel CRM and associate it to an Oracle CRM On Demand organization.
18 Check Oracle CRM On Demand to see that the opportunity is synchronized and marked sync on.
19 Check in Oracle CRM On Demand to see that the account is synchronized and marked sync on.

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 71

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Testing the
Integration Configuration

20 Check in Oracle CRM On Demand to see that the contact is synchronized and marked sync on.
21 Check the File Adapter Controller log files to make sure the messages are being processed.
If the File Adapter Controller state is suspended, it means the Web service access to either
application is failing. Check the SIEBELODHOSTSTATUS table to check if the status is marked as
Error. If it is, it implies that there are errors with Web service calls to Oracle CRM On Demand.
If the status in SIEBELOPHOSTSTATUS is marked as Error, it implies that there are errors with
Web service calls to Siebel CRM. Check the configuration in the SIEBELODHOST table for the URL,
user ID, and password for Oracle CRM On Demand and Siebel CRM.

22 Check for temporary (TMP) files older than 30 minutes in the file adapter controller internal
application directories.

The temporary (TMP) files are a semaphore mechanism to ensure that the BPEL file adapter is
only processing the configured number of messages at any point in time (num_files_process in
the File Adapter Controller configuration). The tmp file is created by the SiebelOPTxnProcessor
workflow and deleted when the workflow completes execution. In case the Oracle Service
Oriented Architecture server was rebooted in the middle of a transaction being processed, the
tmp files are not cleared. Check the last n (corresponding to number of temporary files)
messages in the Archived folder of the Internal application directory and copy them into the
Internal application directory for reprocessing. If the messages are processed successfully, the
older tmp files may be deleted.

23 Check log files for the File Transfer Service (server and client) and the Siebel CRM transaction
log directories to make sure files are being transferred to the Oracle Service Oriented
Architecture server.

After verifying the configuration, if the synchronization is still not happening from Siebel CRM to
Oracle CRM On Demand, then open the transaction log XML file, from Siebel CRM, in Notepad or
Wordpad and check whether a newline character is present before each right-angle bracket (>)
(end of the node). If the newline is not found then complete the following procedure:

To check workflow processes

1 Log in to Siebel Tools.

2 Navigate to Workflow Process in the Object Explorer.

3 Query for the workflows:


4 For each workflow process:

a Select the Workflow Process and click Revise.

b Navigate to WF Step for that workflow process.

c Select the step with the name, EAI XML Write to File.

d Navigate to WF Step I/O Argument for the selected step.

e Create a new I/O Argument with the following properties:

❏ Name. Tags on Separate Lines

72 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Testing the
Integration Configuration

❏ Type. Literal

❏ Value. true

f Validate the Workflow Process and deploy it.

5 After updating the Workflow Process, log in to the application.

6 Navigate to Site Map, Administration-Business Process, and then Workflow Deployment.

7 Query for:


8 Select all the workflow processes individually and click Activate.

To check Oracle Business Processes Execution Language flows

1 Check that the Oracle Business Processes Execution Language flows are being invoked. for

■ InsertAccountCRMOnDemandProvABCSImpl

■ InsertContactCRMOnDemandProv and ABCSImpl

■ InsertOpportunityCRMOnDemandProvABCSImpl

2 If the Oracle Business Processes Execution Language flows are being invoked, check the audit
for the flows for errors.

Search for instances of AccountSyncFailure, ContactSyncFailure, and OpportunitySyncFailure.

These flows are called in case of errors during synchronization. The error workflow also sets the
Sync Comments field with the error encountered in Oracle CRM On Demand (and Siebel CRM as
well for failures in updates) for the record.

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 73

Installing the Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Testing the
Integration Configuration

74 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

4 Loading Data for Oracle CRM On
Demand Integration to Siebel

This chapter describes how to perform a data load for Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel
CRM. It contains the following topics:

■ About the Loading Data Strategy on page 75

■ Loading Data for Existing Siebel CRM to a New Oracle CRM On Demand Instance on page 76

■ Loading Data for Existing Instances without Product History on page 77

■ Loading Data for Existing Instances with Product History on page 78

■ Common Data Loading Procedures on page 79

Before you can conduct real-time synchronization with Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel
CRM, you must first make sure that your Siebel CRM and Oracle CRM On Demand instances have the
same product data. You can synchronize many instances of Oracle CRM On Demand to a single
instance of Siebel CRM. In your specific environment you may have existing instances of Oracle CRM
On Demand to synchronize with an existing instance of Siebel CRM. The following scenarios are

■ Synchronizing an existing Siebel CRM instance with a new Oracle CRM On Demand instance.

■ Synchronizing an existing Siebel CRM with an existing Oracle CRM On Demand instance that does
not have any product history.

■ Synchronizing an existing Siebel CRM with an existing Oracle CRM On Demand instance that has
product history.

About the Loading Data Strategy

You must carefully analyze your data, prior to executing your initial data load. Only synchronize data
that is important to your business and only synchronize data that is to be shared between your Oracle
CRM On Demand and Siebel CRM deployments.

The procedures outlined here may be orchestrated in batches and data loads must be scheduled
based on the priority and volume of data you choose to load and the anticipated window of time you
require to complete the load.

Data Loads must be scheduled and prioritized after carefully analyzing the account, contact,
opportunity and product data you wish to have integrated across Oracle CRM On Demand and Siebel

Data loads must be organized in batches, prioritized and sequenced in the order the data is expected
to be consumed by your sales users. For example, if enabling a specific territory or region, initiate
the load of accounts, contacts, opportunities and products specific to these areas in priority

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide 75

Version 1.1
Loading Data for Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Loading Data
for Existing Siebel CRM to a New Oracle CRM On Demand Instance

Loading Data for Existing Siebel CRM to

a New Oracle CRM On Demand Instance
This topic contains instructions for initial synchronization for the following situation:

■ You have an existing installation of Siebel CRM.

■ You have one or more new instances of Oracle CRM On Demand.

To initially synchronize data between Siebel CRM and a new Oracle CRM On Demand
1 Test product synchronization:

a Log in to Siebel CRM as an administrator.

b Navigate to Site Map, then Product Administration.

c Select a product.

d Click Release.

e Click on MVG Applet for Organization.

f Query for those organizations with External Host Flag set to Y.

g Assign the resulting organizations with the Product record.

h In the External Host form check the Sync to OnDemand flag.

i Login to Oracle CRM On Demand as an administrator user for the selected organization.

j Query the product you released.

The product must appear.

When you can synchronize one product, then you can proceed.

2 In Siebel CRM, associate product records that are to be synchronized to the appropriate Oracle
CRM On Demand-related organizations.

For more information, see Associating Product Records with Organizations on page 80.

3 Using Enterprise Integration Manager, extract product data to Enterprise Integration Manager

For more information, see Extracting Product Data to Enterprise Integration Manager Tables on
page 80.

4 Create CSV files.

For more information, see Creating CSV Files Using Enterprise Integration Manager on page 82.

5 Import the CSV file.

Use this procedure Importing Product Data into an Oracle CRM On Demand Instance on page 83.

76 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Loading Data for Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Loading Data
for Existing Instances without Product History

6 Enable synchronization status for account, then contact, and then opportunity data in this
sequence (in prioritized batches) within Siebel CRM to be synchronized to Oracle CRM On

Use this procedure Enabling Synchronization Status for Account, Contact, and Opportunity Data in
Siebel CRM on page 84.
Make sure to read About the Loading Data Strategy on page 75.

Loading Data for Existing Instances

without Product History
This section contains instructions for initial synchronization for the following situation:

■ You have an existing installation of Siebel CRM.

■ You have one or more existing instances of Oracle CRM On Demand.

■ You do not need to synchronize product-related history (opportunities) from your Oracle CRM On
Demand instances to Siebel CRM.

To initially synchronize data between Siebel CRM and Oracle CRM On Demand
1 In Siebel CRM, associate product records that are to be synchronized to the appropriate Oracle
CRM On Demand-related organizations.

For more information, see Associating Product Records with Organizations on page 80.

2 Using Enterprise Integration Manager, extract product data to Enterprise Integration Manager

For more information, see Extracting Product Data to Enterprise Integration Manager Tables on
page 80.

3 Create CSV files.

For more information, see Creating CSV Files Using Enterprise Integration Manager on page 82.

4 Import the CSV file.

Use this procedure Importing Product Data into an Oracle CRM On Demand Instance on page 83.

5 Enable synchronization status for account and then contact data in this sequence within Oracle
CRM On Demand to be synchronized to Siebel CRM.

Use this procedure Enabling Synchronization Status for Account, Contact, and Opportunity Data in
Oracle CRM On Demand on page 83.

Records synchronize in near-real time.

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 77

Loading Data for Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Loading Data
for Existing Instances with Product History

6 Initiate a merge of the resulting duplicate account and contact records in Siebel CRM (For more
information on merging records, see Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide on the Siebel

NOTE: The Siebel Bookshelf is available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN) and Oracle E-
Delivery. It might also be installed locally on your intranet or on a network location.

NOTE: Merging records using Enterprise Integration Manager is not supported.

Upon merging duplicate account and contact records in Siebel CRM the corresponding merge
occurs for duplicate records in Oracle CRM On Demand.

7 Enable synchronization status for account and then contact data in this sequence (in prioritized
batches) within Siebel CRM to be synchronized to Oracle CRM On Demand using this procedure
Enabling Synchronization Status for Account, Contact, and Opportunity Data in Siebel CRM on
page 84.
Make sure to read About the Loading Data Strategy on page 75.

Records synchronize in near-real time.

Loading Data for Existing Instances with

Product History
This section contains instructions for initial synchronization for the following situation:

■ You have an existing installation of Siebel CRM.

■ You have one or more existing instances of Oracle CRM On Demand.

■ You need to synchronize product-related history (opportunities and so on) from your Oracle CRM
On Demand instances with Siebel CRM.

To initially synchronize data between Siebel CRM and Oracle CRM On Demand
1 Export product data from Oracle CRM On Demand.

For more information see the topic about exporting records in lists in the Oracle CRM On Demand
Online help.

2 Identify the product data that does not exist in Siebel CRM and remove those products from the
CSV file.

3 Load the CSV into Siebel CRM.

a Configure client side import for products. For more information read the topic on Configuring
Client Side Imports in Configuring Siebel Business Applications in the Siebel Bookshelf.
b Import using the Import menu in the Administration-Products view.

4 In Siebel CRM, associate product records that are to be synchronized to the appropriate Oracle
CRM On Demand-related organizations.

For more information, see Associating Product Records with Organizations on page 80.

78 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Loading Data for Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Common Data
Loading Procedures

5 Using Enterprise Integration Manager, extract product data to Enterprise Integration Manager

For more information, see Extracting Product Data to Enterprise Integration Manager Tables on
page 80.

6 Create CSV files.

For more information, see Creating CSV Files Using Enterprise Integration Manager on page 82.

7 Edit the CSV files so that the ODProductName column contains information that corresponds to
existing product data in Oracle CRM On Demand.

8 Import the CSV file.

Use this procedure Importing Product Data into an Oracle CRM On Demand Instance on page 83.

9 Enable synchronization status for account, then contact, and then opportunity data in this
sequence (in prioritized batches) within Oracle CRM On Demand to be synchronized to Siebel

Use this procedure Enabling Synchronization Status for Account, Contact, and Opportunity Data in
Oracle CRM On Demand on page 83.
Make sure to read About the Loading Data Strategy on page 75.

Records synchronize in near-real time.

10 Initiate a merge of the resulting duplicate account and contact records in Siebel CRM (For more
information on merging records, read Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide on the Siebel

Upon merging duplicate account and contact records in Siebel CRM the corresponding merge
occurs for duplicate records in Oracle CRM On Demand.

11 Enable synchronization status for account, then contact, and then opportunity data in this
sequence (in prioritized batches) within Siebel CRM to be synchronized to Oracle CRM On

Use this procedure Enabling Synchronization Status for Account, Contact, and Opportunity Data in
Siebel CRM on page 84.
Make sure to read About the Loading Data Strategy on page 75.

Records synchronize in near-real time.

Common Data Loading Procedures

The following procedures are used in the initial synchronization of data for the Oracle CRM On
Demand Integration to Siebel CRM. The following procedures are used in two or more of the

■ Associating Product Records with Organizations on page 80

■ Extracting Product Data to Enterprise Integration Manager Tables on page 80

■ Creating CSV Files Using Enterprise Integration Manager on page 82

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 79

Loading Data for Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Common Data
Loading Procedures

■ Importing Product Data into an Oracle CRM On Demand Instance on page 83

■ Enabling Synchronization Status for Account, Contact, and Opportunity Data in Oracle CRM On
Demand on page 83

■ Enabling Synchronization Status for Account, Contact, and Opportunity Data in Siebel CRM on
page 84

■ Optimizing Record Loading from Siebel CRM to Oracle CRM On Demand on page 84

■ Optimizing Record Loading from Oracle CRM On Demand to Siebel CRM on page 85

Associating Product Records with Organizations

Product records must be assigned to organizations that correspond to Oracle CRM On Demand

To enable synchronization status product data for extraction

1 Log in to Siebel CRM as an administrator.

2 If the workflow processes are active, deactivate them.

For more information, read Activating Workflow Processes on page 23.

3 Navigate to Site Map, then Product Administration.

4 For each product to be synchronized do the following:

a Select a product.

b Click Release.

c Click on MVG Applet for Organization.

d Query for those organizations with External Host set to Y.

e Assign the resulting organizations with the Product record.

f In the External Host form check the Sync to OnDemand flag.

Extracting Product Data to Enterprise Integration

Manager Tables
To extract product data from Siebel CRM into the Enterprise Integration Manager tables, follow these

To load the Enterprise Integration Manager tables

1 Log in to the Siebel Server as the administration user for the server.

80 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Loading Data for Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Common Data
Loading Procedures

2 In the Siebel installation directory open the tmp.ini file.

The file has information on the Gateway Server, Siebel Server, and database server.

3 Open a command window.

4 Run Enterprise Integration Manager from the command line:

a Go to the siebsrvr/bin directory and start the Server Manager using following command:

srvrmgr /e <enterprise> /g <gateway name> /s <siebsrvr name> /u SADMIN /p


for example,

D:\19230\ses\siebsrvr\BIN > srvrmgr /e Siebel /g sdcp1951i053:4330 /s

sdcp1951i053 /u SADMIN /p SADMIN

5 In Server Manager check to see if component group EAI is enabled.

6 If it is not enabled then enable it and restart the Siebel Server:

srvrmgr> enable compgrp eai

Services > stop server > stop gateway > start gateway > start server

7 Run the following command to get information from the log file:

change params traceflags=1, errorflags=1, sqlflags=8 for comp eim



8 Using Notepad, create an Enterprise Integration Manager configuration file, and save it in the
siebsrvr\admin folder as ProductLoad.ifb.

The following sample shows how you can set up this IFB file. You may also want to add
statements that check for External Host set to Y and for specific organizations if you have more
than one Oracle CRM On Demand instance.

[Siebel Interface Manager]

PROCESS = Export Products
[Export Products]

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 81

Loading Data for Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Common Data
Loading Procedures

Creating CSV Files Using Enterprise Integration

Use CSV files to transfer product data extracted from the Enterprise Integration Manager tables and
load it into Oracle CRM On Demand.

To create CSV files using Enterprise Integration Manager export

1 Log in to srvrmgr.

Srvrmgr /e <enterprise> /g <gateway name> /s <siebsrvr name> /u SADMIN /p <password>

2 Run the following command:

Start task for comp eim with config=ProductLoad.ifb, process="Export Products"

3 Review the log file from siebsrvr\log to see if the export has occurred with no failures.

4 Log in to the server database and query EIM_PROD_INT for your product names. for example,


where NAME like 'TestOPOD%';


where NAME like 'TestOPOD%'

5 Check that the records are correct and that IF_ROW_STAT has been EXPORTED.

When the data is in the EIM_PRODUCT table use any utility (such as Oracle's SQL Developer) to
export the data from EIM_PRODUCT into CSV formatted files. Observe the following rules:

■ You need separate files for each Oracle CRM On Demand instance.

■ Each CSV file must be no larger than 30,000 KB and have no more than 64,000 records.

■ Each CSV file must contain the following columns names and be mapped as follows:

Enterprise Integration Manager Required Column Name in CSV File for Oracle Business
Column Name Processes Execution Language Workflow


EIM_PROD_INT.ROW_ID ExternalsystemId



See ODProductName Column on page 83.

82 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Loading Data for Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Common Data
Loading Procedures

ODProductName Column
The ODProductName column must be in the file, but its value can be blank. It contains the name of
the product as it appears in Oracle CRM On Demand. This is used in Loading Data for Existing
Instances with Product History on page 78 when merging product data from Siebel CRM to Oracle CRM
On Demand.

Importing Product Data into an Oracle CRM On Demand

To import product data, complete these steps.

To import product data into an Oracle CRM On Demand instance

1 Move the CSV file into the instance’s external application directory.


An instance of the workflow, IDLCSVFilereadProductCRMOnDemandProvABCSImpl, is triggered

to read the file and call supporting flows to insert the products in Oracle CRM On Demand.

2 Check the corresponding Oracle CRM On Demand instance that the products are loaded and have
the Sync Status as SYNC ON.

Enabling Synchronization Status for Account, Contact,

and Opportunity Data in Oracle CRM On Demand
Individual records for accounts, contacts, and opportunities are not synchronized unless they are
specifically enabled for synchronization. In Setting Up the Synchronization Flag on page 54, you
created a new picklist field named Sync Status. This field must now be set for each individual
account, contact, and opportunity you want to have synchronized.

To enable synchronization status

1 For each of the following objects, complete the following sub-steps:

■ Account

■ Contact

■ Opportunity

a Find a record to be synchronized.

b Set the Sync Status field to Sync ON.

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 83

Loading Data for Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Common Data
Loading Procedures

Enabling Synchronization Status for Account, Contact,

and Opportunity Data in Siebel CRM
The account, contact, and opportunity data in Siebel CRM can now be loaded to your Oracle CRM On
Demand instances. Now that the workflow processes are activated, each Siebel CRM record is
synchronized with its Oracle CRM On Demand instance when the record is associated to an
organization. You can associate each record individually or by using Assignment Manager. Associate
records in this order:

1 Account

2 Contact

3 Opportunity

Optimizing Record Loading from Siebel CRM to Oracle

CRM On Demand
The number of files processed at one time is determined by the parameter num_files_process in the
file adapter controller configuration file. For the runtime queues, num_files_process is 1 so that a
single message is processed at a time.

There is another queue that can be used to process messages for records being newly synchronized
from Siebel CRM. The *SynOn* messages Num_files_process for the corresponding file adapter
controller configuration file can be set to a higher number (for example 4) to allow multiple messages
to be processed at the same time to achieve higher throughput. Because these messages are
independent, several of them can be processed at the same time.

To enable use of parallel load of the SynOn messages the following procedure needs to be followed.

To use parallel loading of the SynOn messages in Oracle Service Oriented

1 Change the num_files_process in %SOAHOME%/SiebelODOPPIP/fileAdapterController/
fileadaptercontrollerbatch_account.conf or fileadaptercontrollerbatch_contact.conf to the
number of parallel sessions to be used.

The default value is 3.

2 Change directory (cd) to %SOAHOME%/SiebelODOPPIP/fileAdapterController.

3 If any change was made to the configuration file, stop the batch controllers by executing
stopbatchcontrollers.sh and then restart the batch controllers by executing

84 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Loading Data for Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Common Data
Loading Procedures

To use parallel loading of the SynOn messages in Siebel CRM

1 Change the display value for List of Value Type: OPOD_TRANSACTION_LOG_FILE_PATH for entry
for Account to point to the directory OPOD Trans Log\IDLAccount\ if performing batch loads for
account or change display value for entry for contact to OPOD Trans Log\IDLContact\ if
performing batch load for Contact.

2 Clear the LOV cache from the Siebel CRM List Of Values Administration Screen.

The first time a record in Siebel CRM is assigned to an organization representing Oracle CRM On
Demand, an update message is generated in addition to the SyncOn message. You can suppress
generation of the update message by setting the Sync To Ondemand flag on the records to be
synchronized. To do this, log in as an integration user prior to setting the Sync Status to
SYNC_ON. You can use Enterprise Integration Manager.

3 Generate the SynOn Messages by flagging the records for synchronization.

The messages are transferred to the corresponding batch file adapter controller queue in the
Oracle Service Oriented Architecture environment by the File Transfer service. The file transfer
service optimizes the transfer of these SynOn messages by combining up to 20 messages into a
single message. This combination allows use of a single Web service call to Oracle CRM On
Demand to create up to 20 records.

4 When the batch syn on messages are processed, restore the changes for
OPOD_TRANSACTION_LOG_FILE_PATH to use the runtime queues and clear the LOV cache.

The batch queues can be used any time a heavy load of syn on messages is expected. Any non
SynOn messages stay queued in the IDLAccount OR IDLContact Directory. These can be
processed by moving them over to the runtime Account or Contact queue.

5 Restore the values for OPOD_TRANSACTION_LOG_FILE_PATH and clear the LOV cache again.

Optimizing Record Loading from Oracle CRM On Demand

to Siebel CRM
The CRMIntegrationEvent processor Oracle Business Processes Execution Language workflow reads
and processes events generated in Oracle CRM On Demand. The CRMIntegrationEvent processor
workflow is activated at a preconfigured number of seconds to wake up and poll Oracle CRM On
Demand for new events. During runtime, messages from Oracle CRM On Demand are processed as
a single queue. To increase throughput for load of records into Siebel CRM, the CRMIntegrationEvent
processor workflow is capable of starting several parallel sessions to read and process events. The
events generated for initial load for account and contact are sync messages and are independent of
each other and therefore, can be processed in parallel. There must not be any other activity in the
system during the generation and processing of these messages. When messages for initial load of
contact and account are being generated (typically by an import that sets Sync Status to SYNC_ON),
the Address insert workflow events to generate integration events must be disabled. They can be
reenabled after the load is completed.

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 85

Loading Data for Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM ■ Common Data
Loading Procedures

In this mode, the event processor reads a set of events and deletes them from the Oracle CRM On
Demand integration events queue immediately to enable the next set of events to be read. If there
was a business logic error in processing any of the events, the failing records are marked as sync
failed in Oracle CRM On Demand. However, if there was a Web service outage in Siebel CRM, it is
possible that the batch is abandoned. Such a failed CRMIntegrationEvents processor workflow is
marked as cancelled and can be identified by searching for flows with a status of cancelled on the
BPEL console. The audit for the workflow indicates the records that were part of the batch.

To set the number of threads

table in the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture database.

2 Restart Oracle Service Oriented Architecture.

3 When the initial load is complete, set the value back to 1.

4 If you need to restart the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture server, take the following actions:

a Stop the File Adapter Controllers by executing:


b Stop the file transfer clients by executing:


c Using the BPEL console set the process lifecycle of the CRMIntegrationEventProcessor workflow
to Retired.

d Let outstanding transactions complete (there must not be any files in the File Adapter Controllers
internal application directories).
e Restart the Oracle Service Oriented Architecture Server.

f Using the BPEL console, set the process lifecycle of the CRMntegrationEventProcessor workflow
to Active.
g Make sure instances of CRMIntegrationEventProcessor workflow are being invoked.

h Start the file adapter controllers.

i Start the file transfer clients.

86 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version


A creating integration user 38

account-contact field 58 creating integration user account 54
accounts, enabling synchronization 83 creating projects 16
activating business services 20 creating reason won/lost picklist
activating integration objects 20 placeholder 59
activating Web services 25 creating XREF_DATA table 34
activating workflow processes 23 cross-reference tables, creating 38
applying physical schema changes 18 CSV files, creating 82
applying repository patches 15 customizing copies of Workflow Monitor
associating product records to agent 27
organizations 80
B data sources, configuring 31
business services 20 date conversion 37
delete trigger, setting 52
deploying integration pack 35
C deploying Oracle Business Processes
cascading picklist 59 Execution Language processes 39
checking sales user privileges 54 deploying workflow processes 21
common synchronization procedures 79 domain value map, creating 40
compiling SRF 20 domain value maps, creating 40
components groups, configuring 51 downloading required software 13
reflecting changes 51
testing 70 E
configure 13 enabling synchronization for account,
configuring additional Oracle CRM On contact, and opportunity data 83
Demand instances 50 Enterprise Integration Manager 80
configuring components groups 51 external host company, creating 38
configuring data sources 31 extracting patch files 16
configuring date conversion 37 extracting product data to Enterprise
configuring File Adapter Controller 42 Integration Manager tables 80
configuring integration events 61
configuring logging 44 F
configuring Oracle CRM On Demand 53 File Adapter Controller, configuring 42
configuring page layouts 56
configuring Siebel CRM 51 G
configuring soa.sql 39
generating triggers 53
configuring workflows 61
generating WSDL 25
contacts, enabling synchronization 83
controllers, starting 45
creating cascading picklist for status and H
reason 59 hardware requirements 10
creating cross-reference tables 38
creating CSV files 82 I
creating domain value maps 40 importing product data 83
creating external host company 38 importing seed data 24

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide 87

Version 1.1
Index ■ L

importing SIF files 18 R

importing workflow processes 21 reason won/lost picklist placeholder 59
initial synchronization 75 reflecting configuration changes 51
install 13 repository patches 15
installing Oracle JDeveloper 34 required software 13
installing Oracle Service Oriented requirements
Architecture 30 hardware 10
integration events, configuring 61 software 9
integration objects 20
integration pack 35
integration user account 54
integration user, creating 38 sales user privileges 54
schema 18
seed data, importing 24
L setting delete trigger 52
locking projects 16 setting up account-contact field 58
log files, configuring 44 setting up LOVs for transaction logging 29
LOV, setting up 29 setting up synchronization enable 54
setting up synchronization failure alerts 57
M setting up synchronization failure lists 56
modifying Oracle Service Oriented setting up transfer messages to Oracle
Architecture values 33 Service Oriented Architecture 45
setting workflow component group 52
O SIF files 18
soa.sql 39
ODProductName column 83
software requirements 9
opportunities, enabling synchronization 83
SRF 20
optimizing record loading
starting controllers 45
Oracle CRM On Demand to Siebel CRM 85
status, reason 59
Siebel CRM to Oracle CRM On Demand 84
synchronization enabling 54
Oracle Business Processes Execution
synchronization failure
Language processes, deploying 39
alerts 57
Oracle JDeveloper 34
lists 56
Oracle Service Oriented Architecture
synchronization, common procedures 79
installing 30
synchronizing existing instances with
messages 45
product history 78
modifying values 33
synchronizing existing instances without
organizations 80
product history 77
syncMaxWaitTime 33
page layouts 56
patch files, extracting 16
testing integration configuration 70
patches 15
transaction logging 29
picklist, cascading 59
transfer messages to Oracle Service
placeholder 59
Oriented Architecture 45
privileges 54
triggers, generating 53
extracting to Enterprise Integration
Manager 80 W
importing 83 WDSL 25
records 80 Web services, activating 25
projects, creating and locking 16 workflow component group, setting 52
Workflow Monitor agent, customizing
copies 27

88 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version

Index ■ X

workflow processes X
activating 23 XREF_DATA table 34
importing and deploying 21
workflows, configuring 61

Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version 89

Index ■ X

90 Oracle CRM On Demand Integration to Siebel CRM Installation Guide Version


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