Lesson Title: From the Plane to Space: Rendering Images Spatially
rades: !-"# $omm%nicati&e '()ecti&e*Standards St%dents will learn how to create static and motion graphics +rom +ree, open-so%rce so+tware man%+act%rer, Blender- Standards .ddressed "- $ite Speci+ic te/t%al e&idence to s%pport analysis o+ science and technical te/ts, attending to the precise details o+ e/planations or descriptions- 0- Determine the meaning o+ sym(ols, 1ey terms, and other domain-speci+ic words and phrases as they are %sed in a speci+ic scienti+ic or technical conte/t- 2- .naly3e how the te/t str%ct%res in+ormation or ideas into categories or hierarchies, demonstrating %nderstanding o+ the in+ormation or ideas- 4- Integrate and e&al%ate m%ltiple so%rces o+ in+ormation presented in di&erse +ormats and media 5e-g-, 6%antitati&e data, &ideo, m%ltimedia7 in order to address a 6%estion or sol&e a pro(lem- 8- .ssess the e/tent to which the reasoning and e&idence in a te/t s%pport the a%thor9s claim or a recommendation +or sol&ing a scienti+ic or technical pro(lem- ":- By the end o+ st%dent9s respecti&e grade, read and comprehend science*technical te/ts independently and pro+iciently- .nticipatory Set To awa1e st%dents9 creati&ity, teacher (egins lesson (y showing a clip +rom animation made entireliy on Blender so+tware here: https:**www-yo%t%(e-com*watch;&<=8l8>?@wT'g .+ter clip, tell st%dents that all +ootage was created on +ree, open- so%rce so+tware a&aila(le to anyone and that the ne/t lesson will in&ol&e creating some &ersions o+ still images shown in &ideoA Inp%t*Modeling* Presentation %ide st%dents to we(site: www-(lender-org and download c%rrent &ersion o+ so+tware- $on+irm st%dents are a(le to open so+tware and g%ide them thro%gh the &ery (rie+ %ser g%ide- Teacher: pre&iew and play this &ideo (e+ore class to gain a sense o+ what yo% will (e teaching: https:**www-yo%t%(e-com*watch;&<3!- $>SnB1ms Direct st%dents to yo%t%(e &ideo +or (asic t%torial on modeling te/t: https:**www-yo%t%(e-com*watch;&<3!- $>SnB1ms cont--- St%dents may +inish early and want to progress, g%ide them Lesson Plan: 3-D Modeling with Blender to other &ideos (y same a%thor, s%ch as: https:**www-yo%t%(e-com*watch; &<!PCL:e.%=BDElist<PL3myR"4+22- LF(gn3hS0Gl!3C3dS$dH>3 $hec1 +or Inderstanding $ircle room to assist with iss%es and chec1 on progress- .s1 st%dents to %se proper sa&e method disc%ssed in t%torial and send a copy to yo%r email- 5I+ yo% are also (%ilding we(sites, this is a good opport%nity to %pload them to we(sites7 Independent Practice*D&al%ation St%dents are re6%ired to complete a minim%m o+ 3 t%torials, and (ased on s1ills learned +rom each, com(ine elements into their own creation- DLL Modi+ication DLL9s will (e paired accordingly in gro%ps o+ strong leadership- Indi&id%ali3ed assignment modi+ication will &ary- .ccommodations will incl%de: oogle translate +or research component, a%dio and, or &ideo s%pport in nati&e lang%age +or additional s%pport and t%toring on e&ery +acet o+ pro)ect- T Modi+ication St%dents that show a mastery +or content and complete the tas1 at an accelerated rate may ha&e the opport%nity to dig deeper into the content- Dnco%rage st%dents to research other methods +or creating the pro)ect (eing st%died, as well as the history and direction o+ this art +orm- SPDD Modi+ication St%dents str%ggling to complete the tas1 may ha&e a modi+ied wor1load, dependent on their IDP- I+ a T st%dent shows strong leadership s1ills, this is a great opport%nity to enco%rage peer to peer teaching-