Cold Sore Cure Report
Cold Sore Cure Report
Cold Sore Cure Report
Symptoms of herpes simplex 1 primarily manifest as small blisters on the skin and mucus
membranes, and as cold sores on the lips and/or along the edge of the nose, which are also
known as fever blisters. The blisters and cold sores can be irritating and produce sensations of
burning, itching, or tingling. The symptoms are usually no more than nuisances, however,
and generally resolve themselves without treatment within a week to ten days.
Genital herpes, symptoms of which usually first manifest within a week or less after
unprotected sex with an infected partner, initially manifest as a persistent burning sensation
or itch on or around the genitals (usually the moist linings that surround the genitals). Within
24 hours, this is followed by small, pimple-like outbreaks and reddened skin in the genital
area that can quickly progress to painful lesions and sores and discharge blood and pus.
Eventually (usually within a week of the initial sensations of burning or itching) scabs form
over the sores and lesions and they start to heal until the next outbreak.
Herpes is caused by one of more than 70 infectious herpes viruses. Outbreaks caused by
herpes are most often triggered by physical or emotional stress that suppresses immune
function. Nutritional deficiencies can also increase the risk of contracting herpes. Anxiety is
the greatest predictor of herpes eruption so it figures that stress reduction can help prevent
herpes attacks. Taking supplements to support the adrenal glands is especially important in
times of stress and therefore the following are recommended:
Adrenal glandular extract
Vitamin A
Vitamin B complex (B5 and B6)
Vitamin C
There is much that you can do using natural cures to significantly reduce the incidence of
herpes outbreaks, as well as minimize the duration and severity of symptoms when outbreaks
do occur. Consult with a holistically trained physician to determine your best course of
Two important goals of your treatment program are to enhance your immune function and to
diminish stress, since both of these factors play major roles in herpes outbreaks. The
following natural cures are highly recommended to achieve both of these goals.
Vitamin D has been shown to be a key factor in boosting the immune system. Take
Vitamin D3 50,000-100,000 International Units a day
Wholefood supplements are the best way of ensuring your nutritional needs are met.
Nutritional Supplements: The following nutrients can be helpful: vitamin A, B-complex, vitamin
B5, vitamin B6, vitamin C, zinc, adrenal glandular extract, quercitin, and the amino acid lysine.
Lauric acid, known as monolaurin, is also useful for preventing outbreaks. Avoid any supplement that
contains the amino acid arginine.
What non-prescription and prescription drugs are you taking? Your non-prescription and
prescription are partially the reason that you have this illness or disease you need to get off
these medications but do so only under the guidance of a licensed health care practitioner.
Vitamin C powder added to a bit of water can be applied topically over lesions as a
paste. This will help to quickly dry them up. Vitamin E oil applied topically is
effective as well.
Salves made from one or more of the following ingredients can help soothe symptoms
and speed healing: aloe vera gel, baking soda, calendula cream, goldenseal powder,
liquorice root powder, vitamin E oil, vitamin C paste, and zinc sulphate ointment. An
ice compress applied topically can also assist healing.
Essential oils
Resolve Herpes
Aromatherapy oils
Rebound Air mini trampoline
Clean well Natural Cleaning Products
EMF necklace blocker and stress reducing pendant
Water filter
Candida plan