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Cold Sore Cure Report

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( S P E C I A L R E P O R T )

2010 - All Rights Reserved. The Herpes Cure They Dont Want You to Know About - 6100-01


The cure for herpes (cold sores) is real and it will work for you. It works 100% of the time. It
is a medical miracle. It is a revolutionary medical discovery. It is inexpensive, all natural, and
has no side effects.

It will eliminate the virus from your body forever. All herpes strains will be eradicated from
the cells of your body. You will never have an outbreak ever again. You will be cured! This
cure works for cold sores, canker sores, shingles, herpes zoster, and of course genital herpes.
In fact, this will cure ANY and ALL viruses including the Asian Bird Flu, seasonal flu, swine
flu, hepatitis, HIV, Epstein Barr, HPV, and the list goes on.

First you must understand that the established medical community does not want any cures
for diseases. The medical community only wants treatments. Let me explain. The medical
community consists of drug companies, hospitals, clinics, medical schools, the American
Medical Association and other worldwide medical associations and government bodies like
the National Institutes of Health.

All of these corporations and organizations are PROFIT DRIVEN. Most are publically traded
corporations that legally have only one goalto MAKE MONEY. These organizations have
PUBLICALLY stated on the record that they want more people to be taking more drugs
every day. They do NOT want to cure disease. If drugs companies cured all disease
they would all be bankrupt.

Drug companies and all the organizations in the medical community want to TREAT
disease. This is where the profits are made. This is why each year, major diseases such as
cancer, heart disease, high cholesterol, depression, arthritis, herpes, hepatitis, MS, Lupus,
tumours, diabetes, acid reflux, erectile dysfunction, infertility, etc., are ALL ON THE RISE.
Every year, MORE people come down with diseases. EVERY disease is on the rise. And
each year, drug sales go up.

The medical community does not want cures. They want more and more people sick so they
can sell them more and more drugs that only suppress symptoms by making the body do
something unnatural, without CURING anything. They want people taking their poisonous
chemical drugs that actually CAUSE MORE ILLNESS!

The medical community has a basic business model:

It sells patented drugs. This way they get the highest profits.
It develops drugs that need to be taken every day for the rest of a persons life.

Think about this - people now take the drug Valtrex every day for the rest of their lives if
they have herpes. What a great profitable business! Do you think that the corporation that
sells Valtrex will be happy when everyone is CURED of herpes and they never have another
outbreak? Overnight, Valtrex sales would go to zero. No one would need that dangerous
useless drug thats making the corporation billions in profits every year!

Think of all the drugs that are to be taken EVERYDAY:

Drugs like Lipitor for high cholesterol
Drugs for high blood pressure
Drugs for acid reflux
Drugs like aspirin for prevention of heart attacks

The scary little known fact is that all of these drugs have negative side effects.
EVERY person who takes these drugs everyday develops MAJOR medical problems.

You are not being told this truth.


High cholesterol drugs like Lipitor cause liver problems 100% of the time. Over
50,000 people per year wind up in hospitals or die because of these Statin drugs.
Aspirin causes bleeding in the brain and stomach 100% of the time, and over 2,000
people die every year from aspirin.
High blood pressure drugs cause dry mouth, dehydration, constipation and depression.
Pain medication causes weight gain, insomnia, headaches, and over 100,000 people
have DIED from drugs for pain.

This is why you will never hear the truth about natural cures for diseases. This is why the
medical community will LIE and tell you that only drugs can cure and prevent disease. It is
even the LAW! The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) passed a law that states that only
a drug can be used to treat, prevent or cure a disease!

Amazing but true ---- it is actually a CRIME, punishable by prison time, if you claim
anything other than a drug can be used to cure, prevent, or treat a disease. That is why people
who sell natural products CANNOT tell you that the product can cure, prevent or treat a
disease, even if those statements are true. Let me say this again. If you sell a natural product
(not a drug) that is PROVEN to CURE a disease, you cannot say the truth or you will go to

This is why people who sell natural cures can never make truthful claims as to what
the products actually do. This means YOU never hear about natural cures. This is where I
PRODUCTS, I am protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

Therefore, I CAN tell you what products CURE disease. I can tell you where to buy them.
But the companies that sell them cannot tell you their products cure disease or they will go to

Symptoms of herpes simplex 1 primarily manifest as small blisters on the skin and mucus
membranes, and as cold sores on the lips and/or along the edge of the nose, which are also
known as fever blisters. The blisters and cold sores can be irritating and produce sensations of
burning, itching, or tingling. The symptoms are usually no more than nuisances, however,
and generally resolve themselves without treatment within a week to ten days.
Genital herpes, symptoms of which usually first manifest within a week or less after
unprotected sex with an infected partner, initially manifest as a persistent burning sensation
or itch on or around the genitals (usually the moist linings that surround the genitals). Within
24 hours, this is followed by small, pimple-like outbreaks and reddened skin in the genital
area that can quickly progress to painful lesions and sores and discharge blood and pus.
Eventually (usually within a week of the initial sensations of burning or itching) scabs form
over the sores and lesions and they start to heal until the next outbreak.
Herpes is caused by one of more than 70 infectious herpes viruses. Outbreaks caused by
herpes are most often triggered by physical or emotional stress that suppresses immune
function. Nutritional deficiencies can also increase the risk of contracting herpes. Anxiety is
the greatest predictor of herpes eruption so it figures that stress reduction can help prevent
herpes attacks. Taking supplements to support the adrenal glands is especially important in
times of stress and therefore the following are recommended:
Adrenal glandular extract
Vitamin A
Vitamin B complex (B5 and B6)
Vitamin C

There is much that you can do using natural cures to significantly reduce the incidence of
herpes outbreaks, as well as minimize the duration and severity of symptoms when outbreaks
do occur. Consult with a holistically trained physician to determine your best course of
Two important goals of your treatment program are to enhance your immune function and to
diminish stress, since both of these factors play major roles in herpes outbreaks. The
following natural cures are highly recommended to achieve both of these goals.


Start Herpes Mineral Detox.

Simultaneously apply DMSO in a small thin layer to the bottom of your feet at least
once a day for up to three times a day. Also apply to the small of your back and also
to the area where you get the genital breakouts. www.dmso.com
Eliminate Candida: Click here to find out how
Do the Hydrogen Peroxide Protocol to strengthen the immune system: Click here to
find out more
Drink 3oz of Colloidal Silver, three or four times a day for 60 days
www.utopiasilver.com Silver has long been recognised as a powerful natural
antibiotic. Colloidal silver is silver that has been removed electronically from its
source and then suspended in water. It is used to treat a myriad of diseases.
Go on a fast to clear your system of toxic waste www.wecarespa.com
Finish Herpes Mineral Detox
Start the Hydrogen Peroxide Protocol.
Simultaneously start taking Red Marine Algae.
Simultaneously take 50,000 100,000 International Units of Vitamin D3 a day. Take
this at one time or break it up into two or three doses.
Finish the Hydrogen Peroxide Protocol
Reduce intake of Vitamin D3 to 5,000-10,000 International Units a day.
Start taking Vitamin C and Glutathione www.livonlabs.com
Going forward drink Camu Juice from Amazon Herb Company.
If a breakout reoccurs, contact the Resolve Herpes Organisation for a booster course. This
should solve the problem.
Take a bath as often as possible up to once a day with two litres of 35% food grade Hydrogen
Hyperthermia: Hyperthermia involves artificially creating fever in the body to boost immune
function. Hyperthermia can be highly effective for eliminating toxins and infectious bacteria
and viruses, many of which cannot survive in elevated body temperatures. Treatment causes a
natural fever response and profuse sweating.
For herpes, hyperthermia in the form of hot baths can help. Although heat can aggravate
herpes symptoms, it can also accelerate the healing process if you can tolerate it. Follow each
hot bath with a short cold bath or sitz bath. Do this daily.
There are several at-home hyperthermia treatments. Please seek the advice of your alternative
health care practitioner before undergoing these procedures to make sure they are appropriate
for you.
*Purified water is essential for any hyperthermia treatment. Remedies for Treating
Chlorinated Bath Water offers clear instructions and recommendations.
We recommend regular colonics to remove toxicity from the body.
Most of the water that we drink is very acidic and in order to heal our bodies need a
more alkaline state. During the programme drink alkalised water, which you can buy
from Real Water www.drinkrealwater.com/
Healthy eating is of primary importance. Drink plenty of pure filtered water and increase
your intake of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, and complex whole grains, as well as
organic, free-range meats, poultry, and wild-caught fish that are rich in essential fatty acids,
such as sardines and salmon.
Do not consume any artificial sweeteners, such as Splenda, NutraSweet or Aspartame
Do not consume high fructose corn syrup or mono-sodium glutamate.
Do not drink any carbonated beverages.
Avoid all fast food restaurants, commercial and processed foods.
Avoid all canned food.
Avoid salt.
Avoid wheat and wheat products.
Avoid alcohol and caffeine and tobacco.
Do not eat saturated, trans-, hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated fats and oils.
Instead choose from extra virgin olive oil, high lignin flax seed oil, and unrefined
hemp seed, walnut, and sunflower oils.
Eliminate conventional dairy products. The best dairy products are raw,
unpasteurised and homogenised dairy from grass fed cows. If this is unavailable, then
buy organic dairy.
Avoid conventional beef. The best beef is organic grass fed beef.
www.grasslandbeef.com The second best is organic meat; this includes beef, veal,
lamb, chicken and turkey.
Foods high in the amino acid arginine should be avoided, since arginine can trigger
more frequent herpes outbreaks. Such foods include almonds, peanuts, and other nuts
and seeds, including sesame and sunflower seeds, coconut, chocolate, wheat and
wheat by-products, soy, lentils, oats, corn, rice, barley, tomatoes, and squash
Avoid acid producing foods, such as citrus fruits, including tomatoes, during
outbreaks, as these foods will increase the severity of herpes outbreaks.
Undergo testing for potential food allergies and sensitivities and avoid those foods to
which you test positive, as these can reduce immune function. Consider a rotation diet
or elimination diet in order to further reduce the likelihood of food allergies. Nutrition
and diet are key players in the healing and elimination of imbalance and disease. For a
complete, nutrition packed, whole foods eating plan, read the Whole Foods Diet. In
many cases, a raw food eating plan can be extremely beneficial. To learn more, read
Raw Food Diet. You can print out these full articles for easy reference.

Vitamin D has been shown to be a key factor in boosting the immune system. Take
Vitamin D3 50,000-100,000 International Units a day
Wholefood supplements are the best way of ensuring your nutritional needs are met.
Nutritional Supplements: The following nutrients can be helpful: vitamin A, B-complex, vitamin
B5, vitamin B6, vitamin C, zinc, adrenal glandular extract, quercitin, and the amino acid lysine.
Lauric acid, known as monolaurin, is also useful for preventing outbreaks. Avoid any supplement that
contains the amino acid arginine.
What non-prescription and prescription drugs are you taking? Your non-prescription and
prescription are partially the reason that you have this illness or disease you need to get off
these medications but do so only under the guidance of a licensed health care practitioner.
Vitamin C powder added to a bit of water can be applied topically over lesions as a
paste. This will help to quickly dry them up. Vitamin E oil applied topically is
effective as well.
Salves made from one or more of the following ingredients can help soothe symptoms
and speed healing: aloe vera gel, baking soda, calendula cream, goldenseal powder,
liquorice root powder, vitamin E oil, vitamin C paste, and zinc sulphate ointment. An
ice compress applied topically can also assist healing.
Essential oils
Resolve Herpes
Aromatherapy oils
Rebound Air mini trampoline
Clean well Natural Cleaning Products
EMF necklace blocker and stress reducing pendant
Water filter
Candida plan

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