System Requirements Customer Name: Directions For Using Template
System Requirements Customer Name: Directions For Using Template
System Requirements Customer Name: Directions For Using Template
System Requirements
Customer Name
Directions for using template:
Read the Guidance (Arial blue font in brackets) to understand the information that
should be placed in each section of this template. Then delete the Guidance and
replace the placeholder within <<Begin tet here!! with "our response. There ma" be
additional Guidance in the Appendi of some documents# which should also be
deleted once it has been used.
$ome templates ha%e four le%els of headings. The" are not indented# but can be
differentiated b" font t"pe and si&e:
'eading ( ) Arial Bold (* font
'eading + ) Arial Bold ,talic (- font
'eading . ) Arial Bold (. font
'eading . ) Arial Bold ,talic (+ font
/ou ma" elect to indent sections for readabilit".
Author 0osition
2ersion: (.3
2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues
discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not
be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accurac of an
information presented after the date of publication.
This document is for informational purposes onl. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES E!PRESS OR
Microsoft and !isual Basic are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft in the "nited #tates and$or
other countries.
Revision & Sign-off Sheet
6hange Record
1ate Author 2ersion 6hange Reference
7ame 2ersion Appro%ed 0osition 1ate
7ame 0osition
1ocument 0roperties
,tem 1etails
1ocument Title $"stem Re8uirements
6reation 1ate
9ast :pdated
Table of Contents
$"stem Re8uirements $ummar"......................................................................................
$"stems and $er%ices 1ependencies...............................................................................
,nteroperabilit" Re8uirements.........................................................................................
7etwork ,mpact Assessment...........................................................................................
2ersioning59ife;6"cle ,mpact to $"stems and <n%ironment..........................................
%Intro'uction to t(e Tem)*ate+
#escri)tion& The #stem 'e(uirements define the current state of the )T
infrastructure *cable, routers, bridges, etc. that provide a service+ and how that
current state will be impacted b the new solution. )t identifies how the new solution
will interact with the e,isting sstem and where critical dependencies e,ist that must
be carefull managed.
,usti-ication+ The nature of the current infrastructure must be understood so that a
solution can be developed and deploed with a minimum of negative impact.
-Team Ro*e Primary+ Pro.ram Mana.ement is responsible for ensuring that the
sstem re(uirements are completed. #e/e*o)ment has the primar responsibilit for
creating the content of the sstem re(uirements. Re*ease will participate with
.evelopment both in content creation and review to ensure operational, deploment,
migration, interoperabilit and support needs are addressed within the sstem
re(uirements document.
Team Ro*e Secon'ary+ Pro'uct Mana.ement will review and understand the
sstem re(uirements in order to conve those re(uirements to parties e,ternal to the
team. Test an' %ser E0)erience will review the sstem re(uirements to understand
their content and have conte,t for developing their plans./0
3453+5+3(- (
System Requirements Summary
%#escri)tion+ 1rovide an overall summar of the contents of this document. This
should include the criteria b which the sstem re(uirements were established and
how the were validated.
,usti-ication+ #ome pro2ect participants ma need to know onl the document3s
highlights, and summari4ing creates that user view. )t also enables the full reader to
know the essence of the document before the e,amine the details.0
<<Begin tet here!!
Systems an' Ser/ices #e)en'encies
1#escri)tion+ The #stems and #ervices .ependencies section identifies and
describes in detail each service$feature dependenc. )s should also describe the
processes that need to be in place to ensure that the solution3s design *and ultimatel
the deploment+ doesn3t improperl impact an e,isting sstem$service.0
<<Begin tet here!!
Intero)era2i*ity Requirements
1#escri)tion+ The )nteroperabilit 'e(uirements section identifies all e,ternal
sstems and services with which the solution will interact. )t should also describe the
nature of the interaction.0
<<Begin tet here!!
Net3or4 Im)act Assessment
1#escri)tion+ The 5etwork )mpact Assessment section describes how the solution
will impact the e,isting network environment. )t should describe the changes re(uired
to the e,isting network environment in order for the solution to be accepted into
)t should also describe the processes that must be in place to minimi4e disruption of
e,isting infrastructure services.0
<<Begin tet here!!
5ersionin.6"i-e7Cyc*e Im)act to Systems an'
1#escri)tion+ The !ersioning$6ife7Ccle )mpact to #stems and 8nvironment
section describes the processes that must be in place to ensure that future solution
versions will not impact the e,isting environment.0
<<Begin tet here!!
3453+5+3(- +