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Impoverished Family, So They Needed To Earn Money For Their Household. He Danced, and She Sang. The

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Test de evaluare initiala

Anul scolar 2011-2012

Limba engleza
Clasa a X a L1
Numele si prenumele elevului:
Data sustinerii testului:
entru rezolvarea corecta a tuturor cerintelor din artea ! si a !! a se acorda "0 de puncte# Din
o$iciu se acorda 10 puncte#
Timpul e$ectiv de lucru este de %& de minute
Partea I (60 de puncte)
I.1 Read the text and answer the questions below (20 points)
'essie (mit) *as t)e +,mpress o$ t)e 'lues#- 'ut long be$ore s)e earned t)at title. s)e and )er
brot)er Andre* per$ormed on t)e streets o$ C)attanooga. Tennessee# T)e/ came $rom an
impoverished $amil/. so t)e/ needed to earn mone/ $or t)eir )ouse)old# 0e danced. and s)e sang# T)e
t*o o$ten per$ormed in $ront o$ t)e 1)ite ,lep)ant (aloon. a tavern in t)e cit/2s A$rican3American
communit/# !n 1"12. 'essie (mit) met 4ertrude +5a- 6aine/ 78no*n as t)e +5ot)er o$ t)e 'lues#9:
(mit) ;oined 5a2s vaudeville act and became a popular 'lues singer# !n t)e 1"20s. 'essie (mit)
starred in t)e 'road*a/ musical How Come? !n 1"2<. s)e made )er $irst record. +4ul$ Coast 'lues-
and +Do*n 0earted 'lues#- !t sold =00.000 copies# ()e made records *it) some o$ t)e most $amous
>azz musicians o$ t)at era. including >ames # >o)nson. Coleman 0a*8ins. and Louis Armstrong#
?ne o$ )er most $amous recordings *as +(t# Louis 'lues.- recorded in 1"2" *it) Louis Armstrong#
()e *as t)e )ig)est paid blac8 singer o$ t)at time# ()e made 1@0 records# 'ut t)e Depression in t)e
1"<0s *as not good $or )er career# Columbia 6ecords dropped )er in t)e 1"<0s# ()e died in 1"<A#
Toda/ 'essie (mit) is still remembered as t)e +,mpress o$ t)e 'lues#- 'essie (mit) *as admitted
into t)e 6oc8 and 6oll 0all o$ Bame in 1"="#
1) What was Bessie !ith called"
A# +5a-
'# +5a 'lue-
C# +5ot)er o$ t)e 'lues#-
D# +,mpress o$ t)e 'lues#-
2) Bessie and #ndrew !ith per$or!ed%
A# in t)e 1)ite ,lep)ant (aloon#
'# in C)attanooga. Tennessee#
C# on 'road*a/#
D# in a tavern#
&) When did !ith !a'e her $irst record"
A# 1"12
'# 1"20
C# 1"2<
D# 1"2"
() !ith recorded )t. *ouis Blues+ with%
A# Louis Armstrong
'# >ames # >o)nson
C# Coleman 0a*8ins
D# None o$ t)e above
,) Which co!pan- did !ith record $or"
A# 1)ite ,lep)ant
'# 'road*a/
C# Columbia
D# None o$ t)e above
6) Impoverished !eans% A# ver/ poor# '# ver/ )umble# C# ver/ talented# D# ver/ important#
.) #nother wa- to sa- stared is%
A# *as a central part o$# '# *as in control o$# C# directed# D# negotiated#
/) #n era is% A# a recording# '# a sound# C# a period o$ time# D# a group o$ songs#
0) What is a career" A# Li$elong *or8 '# art3time ;ob C# 0ealt) D# Coice
10) #nother wa- to sa- admitted is% A# enrolled# '# registered# C# allo*ed in# D# All o$ t)e above
I.2 1ar' the $ollowin2 sentences as 3rue (3) or 4alse (4) accordin2 to the text abo5e (10 points)
1# 'essie (mit) *as born in a ric) $amil/#
2# ()e per$ormed toget)er *it) )er brot)er: s)e danced and )e sang#
<# ?ne o$ )er most $amous recordings dates bac8 to 1"2"#
%# ()e *as t)e )ig)est paid blac8 singer o$ t)at time#
&# ()e *as admitted into t)e 6oc8 and 6oll 0all o$ Bame be$ore s)e died#
I.& 4ill in something6 someone6 somewhere or anything6 anyone6 anywhere. (, points)
1# !Dve got EEEEEEE in m/ e/e#
2# T)ere is EEEEEEEE##at t)e door#
<# 1e )avenDt )eard EEEEEEEEE#about eter# !s )e illF
%# Do /ou live EEEEEEEEE near 5and/F
&# EEEEEEEE# *ants to see /ou#
I.( Rearran2e the words in each line to !a'e one sentence (10 points)
1# paints. *ell. landscapes. >ane. ver/#
2# taller. >o)n. Tom. muc). is. t)an#
<# !. last. sa*. time. good. *as. t)e. a. movie. ago. $e*. a. /ears#
%# sandpit. *as. in. ()eila. pla/ing. t)e#
&# 1""0. in. )aving. t)e/. ne*. *ere. a . )ouse. built#
I., Put the 5erbs in brac'ets into the correct tense (1, points)
1# 1)/ /ou EEE##7*atc): TC instead o$ E######7do: /our )ome*or8F
2# 5ar/ usuall/EEE#7go: to sc)ool b/ bus but t)is *ee8 s)eEE##7go: b/ car#
<# 1)at EE /ouE7do: *)en ! EE##7call: last nig)tF
%# !tEE# 7be: more t)an $ive /ears since ! last EEE##7see: )im#
&# T)e/ rat)erEEE##7 pre$er: Nic8 EEE#7stop: seeing t)at a*$ul girl#
Partea a IIa &0 de puncte
7ou are in a shop and can8t !a'e up -our !ind what present to bu- $or -our $ather on his birthda-. Write a
dialo2ue between -ou and the shop assistant 2i5in2 -ou so!e ideas o$ 2i$ts. (1091, lines)

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