Reserch Paper On Micro Plasma Welding
Reserch Paper On Micro Plasma Welding
Reserch Paper On Micro Plasma Welding
1/ March - 2013 79
2013 IAU, Majlesi Branch
Application of Grey Relational
Analysis for Optimizing Weld
Bead Geometry Parameters of
Pulsed Current Micro Plasma
Arc Welded AISI 304L
Stainless Steel Sheets
K. S. Prasad* & Ch. S. Rao
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
ANITS, Visakhapatnam, India
*Corresponding author
D. Nageswara Rao
Centurion University of Technology & Management, Odisha, India
Received: 9 February 2012, Revised: 7 December 2012, Accepted: 18 December 2012
Abstract: Pulsed Current Micro Plasma Arc Welding (PCMPAW) is one of the
most widely used welding processes in sheet metal manufacturing industry. In any
fusion arc welding process, the weld bead geometry plays an important role in
determining the mechanical properties of the weld, which helps to improve the
weld quality. Moreover, the geometry of weld bead involves several simultaneous
quality characteristics, such as front width, back width, front height and back
height, which must closely be monitored, controlled and optimized. This paper
presents the optimization of the PCMPAW process by using the grey relational
analysis considering the aforementioned quality characteristics, which are of
maximum front width and back width, also minimum front height and back height.
In relation to this, experiments were performed under different welding conditions
such as peak current, back current, pulse rate and pulse width using AISI 304L
stainless steel sheets of 0.25mm thickness using Response Surface Method (RSM)
based on Central Composite Design (CCD) experimental design. It was observed
that optimal welding parameters were determined by the grey relational grade from
the grey relational analysis and they were also verified through confirmation
Keywords: ANOVA, AISI 304L Stainless Steel, Grey Relational Analysis, Micro
Plasma Arc Welding, Pulsed Current, Weld Bead Geometry
Reference: Prasad, K. S., Rao, Ch. S., and Rao, D. N., Application of Grey
Relational Analysis for Optimizing Weld Bead Geometry Parameters of Pulsed
Current Micro Plasma Arc Welded AISI 304L Stainless Steel Sheets, Int J of
Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 6/No. 1, 2013, pp. 79-86.
Biographical notes: K. Siva Prasad is an Assistant Professor in the Department
of Mechanical Engineering, Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology & Sciences,
Visakhapatnam, India. C. Srinivasa Rao is an Associate Professor in the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India.
He received his PhD from Andhra University in 2004. D. Nagesawara Rao
worked as a professor in Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India for 30 years
and presently he is working as Vice Chancellor, Centurion University of
Technology & Management, Odisha, India.
80 Int J Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 6/ No. 1/ March 2013
2013 IAU, Majlesi Branch
Plasma welding process was introduced to the welding
industry in 1964 as a method of bringing better control
to the arc welding process in lower current ranges [1].
Today, plasma retains the original advantages it
brought to the industry by providing an advanced level
of control and accuracy to produce high quality welds
in both miniature and precision applications and to
provide long electrode life for high production
requirements at all levels of amperage. Plasma welding
is equally suited to manual and automatic applications.
It is used in a variety of joining operations ranging
from welding of miniature components to seam
welding to high volume production welding and many
Pulsed current MPAW involves cycling the welding
current at selected regular frequency. The maximum
current is selected to give adequate penetration and
bead contour, while the minimum is set at a level
sufficient to maintain a stable arc [2], [3]. This permits
arc energy to be used effectively to fuse a spot of
controlled dimensions in a short time producing the
weld as a series of overlapping nuggets. By contrast, in
constant current welding, the heat required to melt the
base material is supplied only during the peak current
pulses allowing the heat to dissipate into the base
material leading to narrower Heat Affected Zone
(HAZ). The advantages include improved bead
contours, greater tolerance to heat sink variations,
lower heat input requirements, reduced residual stresses
and distortion, refinement of fusion zone
microstructure and reduced width of HAZ.
There are four independent parameters that influence
the process are namely, peak current, back current,
pulse and pulse width. Saurav Datta et al. [4] adopted
Taguchi approach followed by Grey relational analysis
to solve multi response optimization problem using
input parameters voltage, traverse speed, stick out, wire
feed rate and creed feed, where output parameters were
found to be weld penetration, weld width, weld
reinforcement and depth of HAZ. Ugur Esme et al. [5]
investigated multi-response optimization of TIG
welding process for an optimal parametric combination
to yield favorable bead geometry of weld joints using
Grey relational analysis and Taguchi method.
Y. F. Hsiao et al. [6] studied the optimal parameters
process of plasma arc welding by the Taguchi method
with Grey relational analysis. Torch stand-off, welding
current, welding speed, and plasma gas flow rate
(Argon) were chosen as input variables, where welding
groove root penetration, welding groove width, front-
side undercut were measured as output parameters.
Hakan Aydin et al. [7] studied optimization of friction
stir welding process for an optimal parametric
combination to yield favorable tensile strength and
elongation using the Taguchi based Grey relational
The objective of the present paper is to achieve the
optimal values of the welding process parameters in
pulsed current MPAW process and to obtain sound
weld bead geometry. Grey relational analysis approach
is used to solve this multi-response optimization
Table 1 Chemical composition of AISI 304L stainless steel
sheets (weight %)
C Si Mn P S
0.021 0.35 1.27 0.030 0.001
Cr Ni Mo Ti N
18.10 8.02 -- -- 0.053
Table 2 Important factors and their levels
Levels 1 2 3 4 5
Units -2 -1 0 +1 +2
A Peak
Amps 6 6.5 7 7.5 8
B Back
Amps 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
C Pulse rate Pulses
20 30 40 50 60
D Pulse width % 30 40 50 60 70
Table 3 Welding conditions
Power source Secheron Micro Plasma Arc
(Model: PLASMAFIX 50E)
Polarity DCEN
Mode of operation Pulse mode
Electrode 2% thoriated tungsten
Electrode Diameter 1mm
Plasma gas Argon & Hydrogen
Plasma gas flow rate 6 Liters/min
Shielding gas Argon
Shielding gas flow rate 0.4 Liters/min
Purging gas Argon
Purging gas flow rate 0.4 Liters.min
Copper Nozzle diameter 1mm
Nozzle to plate distance 1mm
Welding speed 260 mm/min
Torch Position Vertical
Operation type Automatic
AISI 304L stainless steel sheets of 100 x 150 x 0.25
mm are welded autogenously with square butt joint
without edge preparation. The chemical composition of
AISI 304L stainless steel sheet procured from Salem
Steel Plant, India is shown in Table 1. High purity
argon gas (99.99%) is used as a shielding gas and a
Int J Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 6/ No. 1/ March - 2013 81
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trailing gas right after welding to prevent absorption of
oxygen and nitrogen from the atmosphere. From the
literature four important factors of pulsed current
MPAW as presented in Table 2 are chosen for the
purpose of this research.
The welding has been carried out under the welding
conditions presented in Table 3. Trail experiments are
carried out using 0.25 mm thickness AISI 304L
stainless steel sheets to find out the feasible working
limits of pulsed current MPAW process parameters.
Experiments are conducted using Response Surface
Method (RSM) based four factors, five levels, rotatable
Central Composite Design (CCD) matrix and the
details of which are presented in Table 4. The method
of designing such matrix is dealt elsewhere [8, 9].
Table 4 Design matrix and experimental results
Peak Current
Back current
Pulse rate
Pulse width
Front Width
Back Width
Front Height
Back Height
1 6.5 3.5 30 40 1.448 1.374 0.0609 0.0498
2 7.5 3.5 30 40 1.592 1.522 0.0588 0.0458
3 6.5 4.5 30 40 1.383 1.324 0.0630 0.0490
4 7.5 4.5 30 40 1.504 1.442 0.0569 0.0439
5 6.5 3.5 50 40 1.454 1.401 0.0581 0.0453
6 7.5 3.5 50 40 1.487 1.418 0.0595 0.0466
7 6.5 4.5 50 40 1.469 1.378 0.0599 0.0468
8 7.5 4.5 50 40 1.462 1.402 0.0578 0.0448
9 6.5 3.5 30 60 1.529 1.451 0.0599 0.0470
10 7.5 3.5 30 60 1.591 1.508 0.0571 0.0441
11 6.5 4.5 30 60 1.520 1.447 0.0572 0.0441
12 7.5 4.5 30 60 1.562 1.506 0.0552 0.0423
13 6.5 3.5 50 60 1.442 1.372 0.0605 0.0474
14 7.5 3.5 50 60 1.384 1.306 0.0590 0.0456
15 6.5 4.5 50 60 1.506 1.430 0.0600 0.0470
16 7.5 4.5 50 60 1.420 1.356 0.0584 0.0464
17 6 4 40 50 1.521 1.451 0.0598 0.0468
18 8 4 40 50 1.580 1.514 0.0569 0.0439
19 7 3 40 50 1.452 1.380 0.0575 0.0445
20 7 5 40 50 1.427 1.358 0.0564 0.0434
21 7 4 20 50 1.596 1.527 0.0582 0.0453
22 7 4 60 50 1.466 1.397 0.0564 0.0434
23 7 4 40 30 1.400 1.337 0.0636 0.0516
24 7 4 40 70 1.461 1.384 0.0602 0.0472
25 7 4 40 50 1.531 1.462 0.0606 0.0476
26 7 4 40 50 1.581 1.512 0.0597 0.0467
27 7 4 40 50 1.523 1.452 0.0607 0.0477
28 7 4 40 50 1.519 1.450 0.0606 0.0476
29 7 4 40 50 1.504 1.432 0.0607 0.0477
30 7 4 40 50 1.501 1.433 0.0576 0.0446
31 7 4 40 50 1.401 1.332 0.0597 0.0456
Three metallurgical samples were cut from each joint,
with the first sample being located at 25mm behind the
trailing edge of the crater at the end of the weld there
by mounting them using Bakelite. Sample preparation
and mounting was done as per ASTM E 3-1 standard.
The transverse face of the samples were surface
grounded using 120 grit size belt with the help of belt
grinder, polished using grade 1/0 (245 mesh size),
grade 2/0 ( 425 mesh size) and grade 3/0 (515 mesh
size) sand paper.
Fig. 1 Typical weld bead geometry
82 Int J Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 6/ No. 1/ March 2013
2013 IAU, Majlesi Branch
Fig. 2 Macrographs of weld bead
The specimens were further polished by using
aluminum oxide initially, and by utilizing diamond
paste and velvet cloth in a polishing machine. The
polished specimens were macro-etched by using 10%
Oxalic acid solution to reveal the geometry of the weld
bead (Fig. 1) [10] .Several critical parameters, such as
front width, back width, front height and back height of
the weld bead geometry (Fig. 2) were measured [10].
The weld bead geometry was measured using
Metallurgical Microscope (Make: Dewinter
Technologie, Model No. DMI-CROWN-II) at 100X
The grey system theory was proposed by Deng [11].
The grey means the primitive data with poor,
incomplete and uncertain information in the grey
systematic theory. The incomplete relation of
information in this data is called the grey relation. Grey
relational analysis can effectively be recommended as a
method for optimizing the complicated inter-
relationships among multiple performance
characteristics [12]. Through the grey relational
analysis, a grey relational grade is obtained to evaluate
the multiple performance characteristics. As a result,
optimization of the complicated multiple performance
characteristics can be converted into the optimization
of a single grey relational grade.
In grey relational analysis, experimental data i.e.
measured features of quality characteristics are first
normalized ranging from zero to one. The process is
known as grey relational generation. Next, based on
normalized experimental data, grey relational
coefficient is calculated to represent the correlation
between the desired and actual experimental data. Then
overall grey relational grade is determined by
averaging the grey relational coefficient corresponding
to selected responses.
The overall performance characteristic of the multiple
response process depends on the calculated grey
relational grade. This approach converts a multiple
response process optimization problem into a single
response optimization situation where the objective
function is overall grey relational grade. The optimal
parametric combination is then evaluated which would
result into highest grey relational grade. The steps
followed in the optimization process are:
(i) Normalizing the experimental responses for all
the trials. The normalized expression (1)
corresponding to smaller-the-better criteria is:
max ( ) ( )
( )
max ( ) min ( )
i i
i i
x K x K
y k
x K x K
where, k=1 to n; i=1 to 31, n is the performance
characteristic and i is the trial number. The normalized
expression corresponding to larger-the-better criteria is:
( ) min ( )
( )
max ( ) min ( )
i i
i i
x K x K
y k
x K x K
where y
(k) is the value after grey relational generation,
min x
(k) is the smallest value of x
(k) for k
and max x
(k) is the largest value of x
(k) for the k
(ii) Performing the Grey relational generating and
to calculate the Grey relational coefficient ().
min max
0 max
( ( ), ( )
( )
y K y K
(K) =P y
(K)- y
(K) P is the absolute value of
the difference between y
(K) and y
min min
max max
(K), ( 0,1)=distinguished
(iii) Calculating the Grey relational grade by
averaging the Grey relational coefficient.
( )
i i
= (4)
(iv) Performing statistical analysis of variance
(ANOVA) for the input parameters with the
Grey relational grade and to find which
parameter significantly affects the process.
(v) Selecting the optimal levels of process
(vi) Conduct confirmation experiment and verify
the optimal process parameters setting.
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Table 5 Grey relational generation and
of each performance characteristics
Normalized Deviation Sequence (
Front Width Front Width Back Width
Back Width
1 0.305164 0.307692 0.321429 0.193548 0.694836 0.692308 0.678571 0.806452
2 0.981221 0.977376 0.571429 0.623656 0.018779 0.022624 0.428571 0.376344
3 0 0.081448 0.071429 0.27957 1 0.918552 0.928571 0.72043
4 0.568075 0.615385 0.797619 0.827957 0.431925 0.384615 0.202381 0.172043
5 0.333333 0.429864 0.654762 0.677419 0.666667 0.570136 0.345238 0.322581
6 0.488263 0.506787 0.488095 0.537634 0.511737 0.493213 0.511905 0.462366
7 0.403756 0.325792 0.440476 0.516129 0.596244 0.674208 0.559524 0.483871
8 0.370892 0.434389 0.690476 0.731183 0.629108 0.565611 0.309524 0.268817
9 0.685446 0.656109 0.440476 0.494624 0.314554 0.343891 0.559524 0.505376
10 0.976526 0.914027 0.77381 0.806452 0.023474 0.085973 0.22619 0.193548
11 0.643192 0.638009 0.761905 0.806452 0.356808 0.361991 0.238095 0.193548
12 0.840376 0.904977 1 1 0.159624 0.095023 0 0
13 0.276995 0.298643 0.369048 0.451613 0.723005 0.701357 0.630952 0.548387
14 0.004695 0 0.547619 0.645161 0.995305 1 0.452381 0.354839
15 0.577465 0.561086 0.428571 0.494624 0.422535 0.438914 0.571429 0.505376
16 0.173709 0.226244 0.619048 0.55914 0.826291 0.773756 0.380952 0.44086
17 0.647887 0.656109 0.452381 0.516129 0.352113 0.343891 0.547619 0.483871
18 0.924883 0.941176 0.797619 0.827957 0.075117 0.058824 0.202381 0.172043
19 0.323944 0.334842 0.72619 0.763441 0.676056 0.665158 0.27381 0.236559
20 0.206573 0.235294 0.857143 0.88172 0.793427 0.764706 0.142857 0.11828
21 1 1 0.642857 0.677419 0 0 0.357143 0.322581
22 0.389671 0.411765 0.857143 0.88172 0.610329 0.588235 0.142857 0.11828
23 0.079812 0.140271 0 0 0.920188 0.859729 1 1
24 0.366197 0.352941 0.404762 0.473118 0.633803 0.647059 0.595238 0.526882
25 0.694836 0.705882 0.357143 0.430108 0.305164 0.294118 0.642857 0.569892
26 0.929577 0.932127 0.464286 0.526882 0.070423 0.067873 0.535714 0.473118
27 0.657277 0.660633 0.345238 0.419355 0.342723 0.339367 0.654762 0.580645
28 0.638498 0.651584 0.357143 0.430108 0.361502 0.348416 0.642857 0.569892
29 0.568075 0.570136 0.345238 0.419355 0.431925 0.429864 0.654762 0.580645
30 0.553991 0.574661 0.714286 0.752688 0.446009 0.425339 0.285714 0.247312
31 0.084507 0.117647 0.464286 0.645161 0.915493 0.882353 0.535714 0.354839
The specific targets in the present paper are maximum
front width and back width, minimum front height and
back height. Therefore, for data preprocessing in the
grey relational analysis process, front height and back
height were taken as the lower is better and front
width and back width were taken as higher is better,
respectively. Initially, using Equations (1) and (2),
experimental data have been normalized to obtain Grey
relational generation. The normalized data and 0
each of the responses of bead geometry have been
furnished in Table 5. The distinguishing coefficient is
substituted into Equation 3 to produce the grey
relational coefficient. If all the process parameters are
of equal weighting, then becomes 0.5. The gray
relational coefficients and grade values for each
experiment of the design matrix were calculated by
applying the Equations (3) and (4) (Table 6).
84 Int J Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 6/ No. 1/ March 2013
2013 IAU, Majlesi Branch
Table 6 Grey relational coefficient and Grey relational grade of each performance characteristics ( = 0.5)
Grey Relation Coefficient Grey Relation Grade
Front Width Back Width Front Height Back
0.418468 0.419355 0.424242 0.382716 0.411195
0.963801 0.95671 0.538462 0.570552 0.757381
0.333333 0.352472 0.35 0.409692 0.361374
0.536524 0.565217 0.711864 0.744 0.639401
0.428571 0.46723 0.591549 0.607843 0.523799
0.4942 0.503417 0.494118 0.519553 0.502822
0.456103 0.425819 0.47191 0.508197 0.465507
0.442827 0.469214 0.617647 0.65035 0.54501
0.613833 0.592493 0.47191 0.497326 0.543891
0.955157 0.853282 0.688525 0.72093 0.804473
0.583562 0.580052 0.677419 0.72093 0.640491
0.758007 0.840304 1 1 0.899578
0.408829 0.416196 0.442105 0.476923 0.436013
0.33438 0.333333 0.525 0.584906 0.444405
0.541985 0.53253 0.466667 0.497326 0.509627
0.376991 0.39254 0.567568 0.531429 0.467132
0.586777 0.592493 0.477273 0.508197 0.541185
0.869388 0.894737 0.711864 0.744 0.804997
0.42515 0.429126 0.646154 0.678832 0.544815
0.38657 0.395349 0.777778 0.808696 0.592098
1 1 0.583333 0.607843 0.797794
0.450317 0.459459 0.777778 0.808696 0.624063
0.352066 0.36772 0.333333 0.333333 0.346613
0.440994 0.435897 0.456522 0.486911 0.455081
0.620991 0.62963 0.4375 0.467337 0.538864
0.876543 0.880478 0.482759 0.513812 0.688398
0.593315 0.595687 0.43299 0.462687 0.52117
0.580381 0.589333 0.4375 0.467337 0.518638
0.536524 0.537713 0.43299 0.462687 0.492478
0.528536 0.540342 0.636364 0.669065 0.593577
0.353234 0.361702 0.482759 0.584906 0.44565
Table 7 Response table (mean) for overall grey relational grade
Level/ Factor A
(Peak Current)
(Back Current)
(Pulse rate)
(pulse width)
1 0.5412 0.5448 0.7978 0.3466
2 0.4865 0.5530 0.6322 0.5258
3 0.5576 0.5875 0.5468 0.6354
4 0.6325 0.5660 0.4868 0.5932
5 0.8050 0.5921 0.6241 0.4551
Delta 0.3185 0.0473 0.3110 0.2888
Rank 1 4 2 3
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To find out the optimum process parameters and their
effects on selected output parameters, the mean of the
Grey relational grade for each level of the welding
parameter is needed. Table 7 indicates mean for overall
grey relational grade. The larger the value of the Grey
relational grade, the better is the multi response
characteristics. Therefore, the optimal level of the
welding parameters is the level with the greatest grey
relational grade value. The optimal welding
performance for higher front width, back width and
lower front height, back height was obtained for the
following combination: peak current 8 Amperes, back
current 5 Amperes, pulse rate 20 pulses/second and
pulse width 50%.
8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0
5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0
60 50 40 30 20
70 60 50 40 30
Peak current(Amperes) Back current (Amperes)
Pulse rate (pulses/ Second) Pulse width (%)
Fig. 3 Effect of welding parameters on grey relational
Figure 3 indicates the effect of welding parameters on
the multi-performance characteristics and the response
graph of each level of the welding parameters for the
performance. The higher values in Figure 3 give the
desired quality characteristic. Also, the maximum and
minimum values of the grey relational grade show the
importance of individual parameter in PCPAW process.
Hence, the order of importance of the welding
parameters is peak current, pulse rate, pulse width, and
back current.
After evaluating the optimal parameter settings, the
next step is to predict and verify the enhancement of
quality characteristics using the optimal parametric
combination. Table 8 shows the comparison of the
predicted bead geometry parameters with that of actual
using the optimal MPAW welding conditions. It is
found that there is a good agreement between the actual
and predicted results have been observed (improvement
in the overall Grey relational grade).
It is found that utilization of the optimal welding
parameter combination enhances the grey relational
grade from 0.411195 to 1, i.e. grey relational grade has
improved by 41.1195%.
Table 8 Results of confirmation test
Initial Optimal Testing parameters
Predicted Experimental
Combination A-1,B-
Front Width 1.448 1.712
Back width 1.374 1.658
Front Height 0.0609 0.052
Back Height 0.0498 0.024
0.411195 1.14086 1
The optimization of multi-performance
characteristics of Pulsed Current Plasma Arc
Welding process using Grey Rational Analysis
based on RSM based CCD design has been
investigated in the present paper.
The optimal weld bead geometry is obtained
at a peak current of 8 Amperes, back current
of 5 Amperes, pulse rate of 20 pulses/second
and pulse width of 50% from Grey Relational
It is observed from Grey Relational Analysis
that the order of importance of the welding
parameters is peak current, pulse rate, pulse
width and back current.
The optimum result helps the operator in
obtaining desired performance measure which
saves the operators time, cost and helps in
increasing the productivity.
The authors would like to thank Shri, R. Gopla
Krishnan, Director, M/s Metallic Bellows (I) Pvt Ltd,
Chennai, India for his support to carry out experimental
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