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Conservation Efforts and Mitigation of Potential Impacts: 110-00 Rockaway BLVD, Jamaica, NY 11420

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July 30, 2014


Audrey Friedrichsen
Scenic Hudson, Inc
!ne "i#ic "en$er Pl%&%, Sui$e 200
Pou'h(ee)sie, N* 12+01,31-.
De%r /s Friedrichsen,
0h%n( you 1or sendin' us % co)y o1 your July 23 le$$er $o $he Ne2 *or( 3%4in' F%cili$y
5oc%$ion 6o%rd 7$he 86o%rd9: ;e unders$%nd $h%$ Scenic Hudson h%s % nu4<er o1 concerns
re'%rdin' S$erlin' Fores$ =esor$ %nd $he )l%nned I,>. in$erch%n'e 7E?i$ 1-6: S$erlin' Fores$
=esor$ is 1ully %2%re o1 $he i44ense e11or$ $h%$ 2en$ in$o cre%$in' S$erlin' Fores$ S$%$e P%r(, %nd
2e %re co44i$$ed $o <uildin' %n en#iron4en$%lly sus$%in%<le resor$ $h%$ 2ill co4)le4en$ %nd
enh%nce $he surroundin' )%r(l%nd ;e h%#e %lso sou'h$ $o )ursue our de#elo)4en$ in %
$r%ns)%ren$ %nd o)en 4%nner, conduc$in' 4ee$in's %nd under$%(in' corres)ondence 2i$h s$%$e
%nd 1eder%l %'encies, includin' $he P%lis%des In$ers$%$e P%r( "o44ission 7PIP": %nd $he Ne2
*or( S$%$e !11ice o1 P%r(s, =ecre%$ion %nd His$oric Preser#%$ion 7!P=HP: $o re1ine $he $echnic%l
ele4en$s o1 our desi'n, %s 2ell %s se)%r%$e 4ee$in's 2i$h o$her en#iron4en$%l 'rou)s 2hich
h%#e e?)ressed in$eres$ in our )ro@ec$ In (ee)in' 2i$h $h%$ %))ro%ch, %nd in order $o %ddress $he
concerns you h%#e r%ised, 2e descri<e <elo2 our nu4erous sus$%in%<ili$y e11or$s, %s 2ell %s 1%c$s
%<ou$ our )ro@ec$ $o dis)el %ny 4isconce)$ions ;e h%#e included % <oo(le$ o1 <%c('round
4%$eri%ls 2i$h $his le$$er, 2hich con$%ins 4ore de$%iled s$udies %nd in1or4%$ion 0his in1or4%$ion
h%s %lso <een )ro#ided $o PIP", !P=HP %nd o$her en#iron4en$%l 'rou)s In %ddi$ion, 2e 2ould
<e h%))y $o 4ee$ 2i$h you %nd o$hers %$ Scenic Hudson %$ your con#enience
;e no$e 1irs$ $h%$ $he =esor$ 2ill no$ <e loc%$ed on )%r(l%nd, <u$ on )ri#%$e l%nd $h%$ is curren$ly
used <y $he Ne2 *or( =en%iss%nce F%ire %nd $he 0u?edo =id'e S(i "en$er 1or #%rious, l%r'e,
sc%le se%son%l e#en$s $hrou'hou$ $he ye%r 0he cre%$ion o1 S$erlin' Fores$ S$%$e P%r( 2%s % 're%$
%chie#e4en$ As you undou<$edly (no2, $he ori'in%l 1AA> $r%ns%c$ion reser#ed 2,200 %cres 1or
e?$ensi#e )ri#%$e de#elo)4en$ )ur)oses %<u$$in' S$erlin' Fores$ S$%$e P%r(, $hou'h 4os$ o1 $h%$
l%nd 2%s l%$er %dded $o $he P%r( 0he =esor$ )ro@ec$ u$ili&es %))ro?i4%$ely 13,)ercen$ o1 $he
240,%cre si$e 2i$hin $he ori'in%l 2,200 %cres se$ %side 1or de#elo)4en$ In 1%c$, $he 0o2n o1
0u?edoBs "o4)rehensi#e Pl%n C)d%$e in 2011 s)eci1ic%lly encour%'es rede#elo)4en$ o1 $he
)ro)osed si$e 1or nonresiden$i%l, $ouris4,rel%$ed use 2i$h lod'in', 2hich is consis$en$ 2i$h $he
cre%$ion o1 S$erlin' Fores$ =esor$
In %ddi$ion, $he )ro)osed si$e is no$ )ris$ine )%r(l%nd, <u$ 8)re#iously dis$ur<ed9 l%nd, 2hich %s
you no$ed in your le$$er is e?%c$ly $he $y)e o1 si$e $h%$ should <e o)en $o de#elo)4en$ 0he si$e
h%s lon' <een in % s$%$e o1 disre)%irD i$ con$%ins )oorly 4%in$%ined )%r(in' lo$s, %n ill,concei#ed,
dil%)id%$ed %irs$ri) %nd run,do2n <uildin's curren$ly used <y $he =en%iss%nce F%ire As
110,00 =oc(%2%y 6l#d, J%4%ic%, N* 11420
descri<ed in 4ore de$%il <elo2, s$or4 2%$er runo11 1ro4 $he si$e is curren$ly unchec(ed %nd
$od%yBs 2%$er disch%r'e con$ri<u$es $o )ollu$ion o1 $he 2%$ershed 0he =en%iss%nce F%ire %nd S(i
"en$er %re ser#ed <y % 1A+0Bs er% on,si$e 2%s$e2%$er )l%n$ 7;;0P: $h%$ $re%$s $o "l%ss "
s$%nd%rdsD $his ;;0P 2ill <e $%(en o11,line %nd re)l%ced <y % s$%$e,o1,$he,%r$ 2%$er recl%4%$ion
1%cili$y 7;=F: $h%$ 2ill $re%$ $o "l%ss A s$%nd%rds S$erlin' Fores$ =esor$ 2ill con$inue $o
o)er%$e <o$h $he =en%iss%nce F%ire %nd S(i "en$er, <u$ 2ill u)'r%de $heir 1%cili$ies usin'
sus$%in%<le de#elo)4en$ 4e%sures, %s 2ell %s )u$ in$o )l%ce nu4erous enh%nce4en$s $o ensure
$he i4)ro#e4en$ o1 2%$er Eu%li$y %nd hydrolo'y
Po$en$i%l I4)%c$ on P%r(l%nd
;e unders$%nd $h%$ Scenic Hudson is concerned %<ou$ $he i4)%c$ o1 $he =esor$ %nd E?i$ 1-6 on
en@oy4en$ o1 $he surroundin' )%r(l%nd ;e h%#e included in 0%< 1 % de$%iled Aes$he$ic
=esource %nd Visu%l I4)%c$ Assess4en$ =e)or$ 1or $he =esor$ 0he re)or$ u$ili&es 8#ie2,shed
%n%lysis9 in %ccord%nce 2i$h $he )olicy o1 $he Ne2 *or( S$%$e De)%r$4en$ o1 En#iron4en$%l
"onser#%$ion 7N*SDE": $o %n%ly&e $he =esor$Bs #isu%l %nd %es$he$ic i4)%c$s on $he surroundin'
%re%, includin' ne%r<y )%r(l%nd 0he s$udy sho2s $h%$ $he =esor$ 2ill <e #isi<le 1ro4 only % 1e2
$r%ils in S$erlin' Fores$ S$%$e P%r(, %nd e#en $hen, #isi<ili$y o1 $he si$e 2ill <e li4i$ed <y 1oli%'e,
$o)o'r%)hy o1 $err%in %nd $he rel%$i#ely li4i$ed si&e o1 $he =esor$ in co4)%rison $o $he o#er%ll
P%r( Accordin' $o $his re)or$, o1 $he %))ro?i4%$ely >3 4iles o1 $r%ils in S$erlin' Fores$ S$%$e
P%r(, $he =esor$ 2ill <e )%r$i%lly or 1ully #isi<le 1ro4 only -00 1ee$ o1 $hose $r%ils 71-0 1ee$ o1 $he
Allis 0r%il %nd 3-0 1ee$ o1 $he Ho'<%c( /oun$%in 0r%il: In %ddi$ion, -00 ne2 n%$i#e $ree 2ill <e
)l%n$ed %nd nur$ured $o 1ull 'ro2$h $o )ro#ide %ddi$ion%l screenin' No o11,si$e 1ores$ 2ill <e
dis$ur<ed <y $he =esor$
;e h%#e 4o#ed 1or2%rd 2i$h $he SEF=A )rocess, su<4i$$ed P%r$s 1,3 o1 $he En#iron4en$%l
Assess4en$ For4 7EAF: 1or $he =esor$ %nd P%r$ 1 o1 $he EAF 1or E?i$ 1-6 %nd conduc$ed %
cu4ul%$i#e i4)%c$ %ssess4en$ 1or <o$h $he =esor$ %nd E?i$ 1-6 !ur en#iron4en$%l consul$%n$
$e%4 is con1iden$ $h%$ 2e 2ill <e %<le $o 4i$i'%$e %ny en#iron4en$%l i4)%c$s 1ound $hrou'h $he
SEF=A )rocess 0%< 2 includes in1or4%$ion on 4i$i'%$ion 4e%sures 7%lso included in our
%))lic%$ion $o $he 6o%rd:, 2hich su44%ri&es 4i$i'%$ion s$e)s 2i$h res)ec$ $o 2%$ershed
)ro$ec$ion, $r%11ic, cons$ruc$ion noise, #isu%l i4)%c$ %nd o$her issues 0hese ele4en$s include
li'h$in' 1i?$ures desi'ned $o 4ini4i&e 8s(y 'lo28 %nd s$r%y li'h$, %nd $he use o1 n%$ur%l <uildin'
4%$eri%ls 2i$h % li4i$ed color )%le$$e so $h%$ <uildin's <lend in 2i$h $he l%ndsc%)e %nd
%rchi$ec$ure o1 $he surroundin' %re% Addi$ion%l i4%'es illus$r%$in' our li'h$in' )l%ns %re
included in 0%< 3
;%$er "onser#%$ion %nd ;%$ershed Pro$ec$ion
0he 2%$er su))ly reEuire4en$s o1 $he =esor$ 2ill <e 4e$ en$irely <y $he ne%r<y Indi%n Gill
=eser#oir ;e h%#e )ro@ec$ed %n %#er%'e d%ily 1lo2 o1 2A0,000 '%llons %nd )e%( de4%nd o1
3>0,000 '%llons )er d%y 7See 0%<s 4 %nd - 1or de$%ils: Cni$ed ;%$er Ne2 *or(, 2hich su))lies
drin(in' 2%$er $o $he %re%, h%s con1ir4ed $h%$ $he e?is$in' )er4i$$ed c%)%ci$y $o 2i$hdr%2
+00,000 '%llons )er d%y %$ $he Indi%n Gill =eser#oir 2ill <e su11icien$ 1or $he =esor$Bs needs %nd
h%s issued % 82illin'ness $o ser#e9 le$$er ;e 2ill %lso con$ri<u$e $o $he u)'r%din' o1 Cni$ed
;%$erBs %'in' in1r%s$ruc$ure $o i4)ro#e e11iciency in deli#ery o1 2%$er $o $he =esor$ %s 2ell %s
$he en$ire co44uni$y
HNE;*!=G 2A2>>-1I>J
;e unders$%nd $h%$ )ro$ec$ion %nd )reser#%$ion o1 $he Ne2 *or( %nd Ne2 Jersey 2%$ersheds
%round S$erlin' Fores$ %re 4%@or concerns 1or Scenic Hudson ;%s$e2%$er 1ro4 $he =esor$ 2ill
<e $re%$ed %$ % ne2ly cons$ruc$ed, on,si$e K1-/ ;=F %s no$ed %<o#e, 2hich 2ill i4)ro#e
condi$ions 1or <o$h 2%$er Eu%li$y %nd hydrolo'y %nd h%#e % )osi$i#e ne$ i4)%c$ on <o$h $he Ne2
*or( %nd Ne2 Jersey 2%$ersheds 0he ;=F 2ill include 4e4<r%ne <iore%c$or 7/6=:
$echnolo'y %s 2ell %s ul$r%#iole$ disin1ec$ion, %nd 2ill 4ee$ or e?ceed $he 2%s$e2%$er disch%r'e
reEuire4en$s se$ 1or$h in $he S$%$e Pollu$%n$ Disch%r'e Eli4in%$ion Sys$e4 7SPDES: )ro'r%4 o1
$he N*SDE" A))ro?i4%$ely one,$hird o1 $he $re%$ed 2%$er 2ill <e recycled 1or non,)o$%<le
uses %$ $he =esor$ such %s irri'%$ion, $oile$ 1lushin' %nd sno24%(in' 0he re4%inin' $re%$ed
2%$er 2ill <e disch%r'ed in$o $he ne%r<y Indi%n Gill "ree( do2ns$re%4 o1 $he Indi%n Gill
=eser#oir, $here<y %#oidin' %ny )ossi<le con$%4in%$ion o1 $he =eser#oir /oreo#er, 2hile
Indi%n Gill "ree( is curren$ly desi'n%$ed <y $he N*SDE" %s % "l%ss " s$re%4, $he ;=F 2ill
4ee$ "l%ss A s$re%4 disch%r'e reEuire4en$s, % #ery hi'h s$%nd%rd 1or co44erci%l de#elo)4en$s
6y u)'r%din' $he e?is$in' 2%s$e2%$er $re%$4en$ sys$e4, $he =esor$ 2ill i4)ro#e, no$ de'r%de,
$he $re%$ed 2%$er disch%r'ed in$o $he Indi%n Gill "ree(, $here<y i4)ro#in' $he o#er%ll Eu%li$y o1
2%$er en$erin' $he "ree( %s 2ell %s $he Ne2 *or( %nd Ne2 Jersey 2%$ersheds Fin%lly, $he ;=F
2ill no$ only $re%$ 2%s$e2%$er so $h%$ i$ c%n <e s%1ely disch%r'ed, <u$ 2ill %lso )rocess solid
2%s$e in$o 1er$ili&er 1or use in $he =esor$
0here is no curren$ s$or4 2%$er 4%n%'e4en$ )l%n 1or e?is$in' de#elo)4en$ %$ $he =esor$ si$e,
2hich 4e%ns $h%$ %ll s$or4 2%$er curren$ly disch%r'es %$ unchec(ed #eloci$ies 2i$h li$$le or no
)ollu$%n$ re4o#%l 6ec%use $he =esor$ is loc%$ed ne%r % 'round2%$er disch%r'e %re% o1 %n %Eui1er
rech%r'e &one, 2e do no$ in$end $o c%)$ure s$or4 2%$er 1or re,use on si$e ;e 2ill <uild
in1r%s$ruc$ure $o 4%n%'e %nd cle%n s$or4 2%$er $h%$ 2ill 4ee$ or e?ceed $he s$or4 2%$er Eu%li$y
reEuire4en$s se$ 1or$h in $he N*SDE"Bs S$or4 ;%$er Desi'n /%nu%l S$or4 2%$er runo11 2ill
<e cle%ned %nd con$rolled on,si$e )rior $o disch%r'e $hrou'h % nu4<er o1 <es$ 4%n%'e4en$
)r%c$ices ;e )l%n $o use <ios2%les $o 1%cili$%$e in1il$r%$ion o1 'round2%$er 2here )ossi<le %nd %
)er#ious concre$e )%#er sys$e4 in sur1%ce )%r(in' lo$s $o cle%n $he 4os$ con$%4in%$ed sur1%ce
2%$er %$ $he source S$or4 2%$er 2ill )%ss $hrou'h $hese %nd o$her <es$ 4%n%'e4en$ )r%c$ices in
% series, cre%$in' % 8$re%$4en$ $r%in9 o1 di#erse cle%nin' 4e$hods, $here<y incre%sin' $he
e11ec$i#eness o1 $he $re%$4en$ "le%ned s$or4 2%$er 2ill $hen <e rele%sed in$o $he Indi%n Gill
"ree( in % con$rolled 1%shion %$ or <elo2 $he curren$ r%$e o1 s$or4 2%$er disch%r'e, %#oidin'
erosion o1 do2ns$re%4 recei#in' ch%nnels 0he )ro)osed s$or4 2%$er 4%n%'e4en$ )ro'r%4 is %
si'ni1ic%n$ i4)ro#e4en$ o#er curren$ condi$ions
0he =esor$ 2ill i4)%c$ less $h%n $hree %cres o1 2e$l%nds %nd o)en 2%$er, 2hich 2ill <e 4i$i'%$ed
$hrou'h $he cre%$ion o1 ne2 2e$l%nds %nd $he res$or%$ion o1 e?is$in' 2e$l%nds $h%$ %re in )oor
condi$ion <y re4o#in' %ccu4ul%$ed $r%sh %nd in#%si#e )l%n$ s)ecies ;e %re en'%'ed in on'oin'
coordin%$ion 2i$h N*SDE" %nd $he Ar4y "or)s o1 En'ineers re'%rdin' 2e$l%nds issues in order
$o i4)ro#e our )l%ns %nd reduce i4)%c$s $o $he 're%$es$ e?$en$ )ossi<le In %ddi$ion, $he =esor$
2ill 1e%$ure <o%rd2%l(s $o enh%nce #isi$orsB en@oy4en$ o1 so4e o1 $he 2e$l%nds "ons$ruc$ion o1
E?i$ 1-6 2ill h%#e no i4)%c$ on 2e$l%nds
Pl%n$ %nd Ani4%l S)ecies
;e h%#e $%(en c%re $o ensure $h%$ $he =esor$ does no$ ne'%$i#ely i4)%c$ %ny end%n'ered s)ecies
%nd our en#iron4en$%l consul$%n$s h%#e conduc$ed nu4erous s$udies 2i$h res)ec$ $o end%n'ered
HNE;*!=G 2A2>>-1I>J
s)ecies such %s $he $i4<er r%$$lesn%(e, $he nor$hern lon',e%red <%$ %nd $he Indi%n% <%$ No
$i4<er r%$$lesn%(es, cric(e$ 1ro' or lon',e%red <%$s 2ere 1ound on $he =esor$ si$e %nd 1ores$
i4)%c$s h%#e <een 4ini4i&ed $o reduce )o$en$i%l i4)%c$s $o $he Indi%n <%$ %nd $he 2hi),)oor,
2ill 0he =esor$ 2ill 1e%$ure n%$i#e )l%n$ s)ecies in l%ndsc%)ed %re%s ou$side $he S$erlin' Fores$
3%rdens %nd %ny non,n%$i#e )l%n$ s)ecies 1e%$ured in $he 3%rdens 2ill <e non,in#%si#e $o ensure
$h%$ $hose s)ecies do no$ %d#ersely %11ec$ $he surroundin' 1ores$ ;e h%#e re$%ined "%irone L
G%u)), Inc 1or l%ndsc%)e desi'n, % Phil%del)hi%,<%sed 1ir4 2i$h o#er 30 ye%rs o1 e?)erience in
$he 1ield
5EED "er$i1ic%$ion %nd 3reen Ini$i%$i#es
0he =esor$ 2ill <e <uil$ in % sus$%in%<le %nd en#iron4en$%lly conscious 4%nner ;e e?)ec$ $he
=esor$ $o <e 5EED cer$i1ied 3old, $he hi'hes$ 5EED cer$i1ic%$ion le#el %chie#ed $o d%$e <y %
c%sino resor$ A su44%ry o1 so4e o1 our 8'reen9 ini$i%$i#es is included in 0%< +
0he Ne2 *or( S$%$e 5e'isl%$ure %))ro#ed $he cre%$ion o1 E?i$ 1-6 in 1A>- 7see 0%< .: Due $o
1isc%l cons$r%in$s, E?i$ 1-6 2%s ne#er <uil$, <u$ is no2 1e%si<le 2i$h 1ull 1undin' 1ro4 $he
=esor$ I$s cons$ruc$ion is e?)ec$ed $o incre%se co44erce %nd enh%nce econo4ic 'ro2$h in $he
surroundin' %re%, %nd 2ill resul$ in % su<s$%n$i%l reduc$ion in $he nu4<er o1 #ehicles )%ssin'
$hrou'h $he $o2ns o1 0u?edo %nd Slo%$s<ur' $o %nd 1ro4 ne%r<y =ou$e 1.A %nd si'ni1ic%n$ly
reduce $r%11ic on =ou$e 1. 72hich runs )%r%llel $o I,>.: Perh%)s e#en 4ore i4)or$%n$, E?i$ 1-6
2ill i4)ro#e #isi$or %ccess $o H%rri4%n %nd S$erlin' Fores$ S$%$e P%r(s ;hile $he =esor$ 2ill
i4)%c$ $r%11ic in $he %re%, $he 4%@ori$y o1 =esor$ $r%11ic 2ill occur in curren$ lo2,$r%11ic )eriods,
4%inly e#enin's %nd 2ee(ends, r%$her $h%n durin' curren$ )e%( hours 0he $2o 1i'ures in 0%< >
sho2 )e%(in' ch%r%c$eris$ics 1or e?is$in' $r%11ic condi$ions %lon' $he =ou$e 1.A corridor %nd 1or
=esor$,rel%$ed $r%11ic on % $y)ic%l d%y %nd 2ee(
0he ori'in%l Ne2 *or( S$%$e,%))ro#ed )l%n 1or E?i$ 1-6 c%lled 1or $he use o1 u) $o 1- %cres o1
)%r(l%nd In %n e11or$ $o 4ini4i&e $he %d#erse i4)%c$ on $he )%r(s, 2e h%#e seriously e#%lu%$ed
$2o %l$ern%$i#e desi'ns 1or E?i$ 1-6, one $h%$ reEuires %n e%se4en$ o#er 0. %cres o1 )%r(l%nd
%nd %no$her $h%$ s$%ys co4)le$ely 2i$hin $he I,>. hi'h2%y ri'h$,o1,2%y 7(no2n %s % 1ull
8di%4ond9 in$erch%n'e: %nd $here1ore uses no )%r(l%nd 7l%<eled Al$ern%$i#es 1 %nd 2,
res)ec$i#ely in 0%< >: 6o$h )l%ns include % round%<ou$ %$ $he in$ersec$ion o1 =ou$e 1.A %nd
=ou$e 1. =ou$e 1.A is %lre%dy % 1our,l%ne hi'h2%y 1or 4uch o1 $he %re% 2es$ o1 =ou$e 1. %nd
our )ro)osed e?)%nsion o1 =ou$e 1.A ne%r $he in$ersec$ion 2i$h =ou$e 1. ser#es only $o i4)ro#e
$r%11ic 1lo2 %nd )re#en$ % <o$$lenec( ;e h%#e )resen$ed <o$h %l$ern%$i#es $o s$%$e %nd 1eder%l
$r%ns)or$%$ion %'encies, includin' $he Ne2 *or( S$%$e 0hru2%y Au$hori$y 7N*S0A:, $he Ne2
*or( S$%$e De)%r$4en$ o1 0r%ns)or$%$ion 7N*SD!0: %nd $he Feder%l Hi'h2%y Ad4inis$r%$ion
0he =esor$ h%s )ro)osed Al$ern%$i#e 2 <ec%use i$ reEuires no e%se4en$ o#er )%r(l%nd %nd
%cco4)lishes $he <%sic )ur)oses o1 E?i$ 1-6 Al$ern%$i#e 1 is sli'h$ly )re1er%<le 1ro4 % $r%11ic
)l%nnin' )ers)ec$i#e <u$ h%s $he dis%d#%n$%'e o1 reEuirin' % s4%ll %4oun$ o1 )%r(l%nd
con#ersion 6o$h Al$ern%$i#es h%#e <een )resen$ed $o $he $r%ns)or$%$ion )l%nnin' %'encies %nd
o$her 'rou)s, includin' $o PIP"Bs E?ecu$i#e Direc$or Ji4 H%ll on /%y 1- %nd /%y 2.
HNE;*!=G 2A2>>-1I>J
3i#en $h%$ $he )ro)osed )%r(l%nd e%se4en$ %re% 1or Al$ern%$i#e 1 i44edi%$ely %<u$s I,>., 2e
<elie#e $h%$ $he 'r%n$ o1 % 0. %cre e%se4en$ 2ill no$ di4inish en@oy4en$ o1 H%rri4%n S$%$e P%r(
or S$erlin' Fores$ S$%$e P%r( So 1%r %s 2e %re %2%re, )%r( #isi$ors do no$ curren$ly use $his %re%
In %ddi$ion, i1 Al$ern%$i#e 1 is selec$ed, S$erlin' Fores$ =esor$ 2ould don%$e $o PIP" 10 %cres o1
%ddi$ion%l )%r(l%nd l%nd on $he su44i$ o1 0i'er /oun$%in 1or in$e'r%$ion in$o S$erlin' Fores$
S$%$e P%r( 7see illus$r%$ion in 0%< >:
No$e $h%$ Al$ern%$i#e 1 does no$ c%ll 1or %ny )%r(l%nd %cEuisi$ion or %lien%$ion Ins$e%d, i$ relies
on PIP"Bs "o4)%c$ %nd 1A>- S$%$e le'isl%$ion $h%$ %u$hori&e $he 'r%n$ o1 e%se4en$s PIP"Bs
"o4)%c$, Ar$icle IV73:, %u$hori&es PIP" $o 8'r%n$ e%se4en$s, licenses, )er4i$s %nd o$her ri'h$s
o#er %ny l%nds held <y i$ in ei$her s$%$e 9 7"o4)%c$ <e$2een Ne2 *or( %nd Ne2 Jersey
)ro#idin' 1or $he cre%$ion o1 $he P%lis%des In$ers$%$e P%r( "o44ission, %))ro#ed Au' 1A,1A3.,
.-$h "on', 1s$ Sess, -0 S$%$ .1A: 0he 1A>- le'isl%$ion, in %))ro#in' E?i$ 1-6, s)eci1ic%lly
%u$hori&es PIP" $o 'r%n$ % )er4%nen$ e%se4en$ or ri'h$,o1,2%y o#er u) $o 1- %cres o1 )%r(l%nd
$o 1%cili$%$e cons$ruc$ion o1 $he in$erch%n'e 7see Sec$ion 4 o1 $he le'isl%$ion in 0%< .:
0r%11ic /i$i'%$ion
S$erlin' Fores$ =esor$, 2or(in' 2i$h $he 0o2n o1 0u?edo %nd o$her in$eres$ed )%r$ies, is
e?)lorin' %ddi$ion%l %l$ern%$i#es $o reduce $r%11ic in $he %re%, includin' % direc$ shu$$le 1ro4 $he
/e$ro,Nor$h $r%in s$%$ion in 0u?edo $o $he =esor$, 2hich 2ill %llo2 1or e%sy %ccess $o $he
$r%ilhe%ds loc%$ed %$ $he =esor$ 0his shu$$le connec$ion 2ill )ro#ide %no$her o)$ion 1or $hose in
$he Ne2 *or( 4e$ro)oli$%n %re% %nd %round $he S$%$e $o %ccess )%r( $r%ils 2i$hou$ $he need 1or %
c%r, $here<y e%sin' $r%#el $o H%rri4%n %nd S$erlin' Fores$ S$%$e P%r(s %s 2ell %s $he o#er%ll
en@oy4en$ o1 $he surroundin' )%r(l%nd ;e h%#e included in 0%< A $he E?hi<i$ on $r%11ic
4i$i'%$ion su<4i$$ed in our %))lic%$ion $o $he 6o%rd, 2hich de$%ils our $r%11ic 4i$i'%$ion
;e <elie#e $h%$ S$erlin' Fores$ =esor$ %nd E?i$ 1-6 2ill in no 2%y 8$e%r %)%r$ $he 1%<ric9 o1 $he
l%ndsc%)e In %ddi$ion $o $he en#iron4en$%l 4e%sures descri<ed %<o#e, $he =esor$ 2ill h%#e %
)osi$i#e i4)%c$ on $he nei'h<orin' )%r(l%nd <y incre%sin' )u<lic %ccess $o H%rri4%n %nd
S$erlin' Fores$ S$%$e P%r(s <y )u<lic $r%ns)or$%$ion %nd c%r, %nd <y )ro#idin' ne2 %ccess )oin$s,
$r%ilhe%ds %nd i4)ro#ed $r%ils $h%$ 2ill %llo2 4ore #isi$ors $o $%(e %d#%n$%'e o1 $he P%r(s
;e ou$line <elo2 se#er%l %ddi$ion%l )ro)os%ls %lre%dy )resen$ed $o PIP" %nd !P=HP, 2hich 2e
<elie#e 2ill 1ur$her enrich $he e?)erience o1 #isi$ors $o S$erlin' Fores$ P%r( 0he =esor$ 2ill <e%r
%ll cos$s %ssoci%$ed 2i$h $hese )ro)os%ls
HNE;*!=G 2A2>>-1I>J
0r%ilhe%d Access %nd I4)ro#ed 0r%ils
In %ddi$ion $o our o11er o1 10 %cres o1 l%nd on 0i'er /oun$%in, 2hich 2ill 1%cili$%$e %ccess $o
curren$ $r%ils in S$erlin' Fores$ S$%$e P%r(, $he =esor$ 2ill 1und $he cre%$ion o1 ne2 $r%ils in order
$o incre%se $he in$erconnec$i#i$y o1 $he $r%il ne$2or( ;e 2ill %lso <uild on,si$e $r%ilhe%d
)%r(in', includin' <%$hroo4 1%cili$ies %nd o$her %4eni$ies, in order $o )ro#ide incre%sed %ccess
$o hi(in' $r%ils
Addi$ion%l PIP" 6ene1i$s
0he =esor$ is )re)%red $o con$ri<u$e 1undin' $o PIP" 1or on'oin' )ro@ec$s, includin' 4%in$%inin'
$he 'rou) c%4)s in H%rri4%n S$%$e P%r(, res$orin' $he /inne2%s(% c%rri%'e ro%ds, conser#in'
$he %rchi#e collec$ion, s%#in' $he 0o2er o1 Vic$ory %nd <uildin' ne2 e?hi<i$s %$ For$ 5ee ;e
%re %lso )re)%red $o 1und $he u)'r%de o1 PIP"Bs Al)ine P%#ilion 2i$h % co#ered 2%l(2%y, %s 2ell
%s re)%ir Ge%rney House %nd o$her <uildin's d%4%'ed <y Hurric%ne S%ndy %$ $he Al)ine 6o%$
Econo4ic 6ene1i$s %nd "onclusion
;e %'ree 2i$h you $h%$ econo4ic 'ro2$h is % cen$r%l )ur)ose o1 $he C)s$%$e Ne2 *or( 3%4in'
Econo4ic De#elo)4en$ Ac$ o1 2013 0he le'isl%$ure s)eci1ic%lly included !r%n'e "oun$y %s %
)ossi<le si$e 1or % c%sino <ec%use 4%ny %re%s in %nd %round $he "oun$y %re in need o1 econo4ic
s$i4ulus 0he =esor$ 2ill 'ener%$e $hous%nds o1 c%reersD 2ill i4)le4en$ )re1eren$i%l hirin' 1or
residen$s o1 econo4ic%lly dis%d#%n$%'ed %re%s, includin' $he "%$s(ills, Ne2<ur'h, Pou'h(ee)sie
%nd Por$ Jer#isD )ro#ide $%? re#enue $o su))or$ $he 0o2n o1 0u?edo %nd loc%l schoolsD %nd
)ro#ide in1r%s$ruc$ure i4)ro#e4en$ All $hese s$e)s ser#e $he cen$r%l )ur)ose o1 $he Ac$ %nd o1
$he cons$i$u$ion%l %4end4en$ $h%$ )ro#ide 1or $he e?)%nsion o1 '%4in' in Ne2 *or( S$%$e
As 1or $he S4%r$ 3ro2$h Pu<lic In1r%s$ruc$ure Policy Ac$, i$s 4%in )ur)ose is $o encour%'e $he
de#elo)4en$ o1 sus$%in%<le 8do2n$o2ns9 %nd $o discour%'e su<ur<%n s)r%2l 0he =esor$ does
no$ encour%'e su<ur<%n s)r%2l %nd %c$u%lly ser#es 4%ny o1 $he cri$eri% se$ 1or$h in $he S4%r$
3ro2$h Ac$, includin' $he i4)ro#e4en$ o1 e?is$in' in1r%s$ruc$ure, )ro4o$ion o1 )u<lic
$r%ns)or$%$ion, )ro4o$ion o1 sus$%in%<ili$y, $he )reser#%$ion %nd enh%nce4en$ o1 n%$ur%l
resources such %s 1ores$s %nd 2%$er, %nd )ro4o$ion o1 co44uni$y,<%sed )l%nnin' %nd
coll%<or%$ion $hrou'h coordin%$ion 2i$h 0o2n o1 0u?edo
In %ddi$ion, 2hile sec$ion +7d: o1 $he Hi'hl%nds "onser#%$ion Ac$ s)eci1ic%lly s$%$es $h%$ $he Ac$
)l%ces no reEuire4en$s on )ri#%$e )ro)er$y o2ners, 2e %re co44i$$ed $o res)ec$in' $he loc%l
en#iron4en$ %nd <elie#e $h%$ $he =esor$ %dheres $o $he s)iri$ o1 $he Hi'hl%nds "onser#%$ion Ac$
<y $%(in' %ll )ossi<le 4e%sures $o )reser#e $he 82%$er, 1ores$ 2ildli1e, recre%$ion%l %nd
cul$ur%l resources o1 $he Hi'hl%nds re'ion9
;e <elie#e $h%$ $he in1or4%$ion )ro#ided in $his le$$er %ddresses $he concerns you r%ised %<ou$
S$erlin' Fores$ =esor$ in your le$$er $o $he 6o%rd ;e unders$%nd $h%$ ne2 Eues$ions 4%y %rise
%nd %re %#%il%<le $o 4ee$ 2i$h you %$ your con#enience in order $o )ro#ide 1ur$her in1or4%$ion
%<ou$ $he =esor$ %nd our co44i$4en$ $o res)onsi<le de#elo)4en$ I c%n <e re%ched <y )hone %$
7.1>: 21A,A33> or <y e,4%il %$ "hris$i%n3oodeMr2ne2yor(co4
HNE;*!=G 2A2>>-1I>J
0h%n( you 1or your consider%$ion %nd 2e loo( 1or2%rd $o s)e%(in' 2i$h you soon
"hris$i%n 3oode
=; !r%n'e "oun$y 55"
"cN 0he Ne2 *or( S$%$e 3%4in' "o44ission
Ne2 *or( S$%$e De)%r$4en$ o1 En#iron4en$%l "onser#%$ion
CS Fores$ Ser#ice
P%lis%des In$ers$%$e P%r( "o44ission
N* !11ice o1 P%r(s, =ecre%$ion %nd His$oric Preser#%$ion
0o2n o1 0u?edo
Vill%'e o1 0u?edo P%r(
HNE;*!=G 2A2>>-1I>J

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