Computer Laboratory Manual1
Computer Laboratory Manual1
Computer Laboratory Manual1
C4;$&4L &E:6S$E&
61 (6;S$&C$64; 146;$E&)
The '1 register contains the offset of the next instruction to be executed within the current
code segment.
The '1 and 96 registers combine to form the complete address of the next instruction.
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Microprocessor Based System Design-Lab Manual
<L2:S (<L2:S &E:6S$E&)
This is a special register with indi4idual bit positions assigned to show he status of the 91B
or the results of arithmetic operations.
Each rele4ant bit is gi4en a name and others are undefined.
2SSEMBL9 1&4:&2M S9;$2>
Assembly language program consists of statements.
A statement is either an instruction to be executed when the program runs or a directi4e for
the assembler.
A program normally consists of three parts or segments.
D2$2 SE:ME;$
=ariables are declared in the data segment.
Each 4ariable is assigned space in memory and may be initiali/ed.
A )- 3#01:
't sets memory for a 4ariable called A and initiali/e it to 3#01:.
)- . )efine word K1$ bits C 2 memory locationsL
A )- KQL > un. initiali/ed 4ariable
1rogram instructions are placed in the code segment. 'nstructions are actually organi/ed
into units called procedures. E4ery procedure starts with a line.
Main 1rocI
(ain is the name of procedure and 1?39 is the directi4e identify the start of the procedure
Main EndpI
(ain is again the name of the procedure and Endp is the direciti4e > identifies the end
of the procedure
S$2C( SE:ME;$
The stac% segment is used for temporary storage of addresses and data. 'f no stac% segment
is declared an error message is generated so there must be a stac% segment e4en if the
program doesnOt utili/e the stac%.
These segments begin with the directi4es .stac/ .code and .data
1&4:&2M S9;$2>
T'TLE first program syntax
.(odel 6mall >6pecifies the memory model used
.6tac% 100: >allocate 100: memory locations for stac%
.)ata >start of the data segment
> )ata definitions here
A )0 Q
.9ode >start of the code segment
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(ain 1roc >start of the first procedure
> instructions here
(ain Endp >end of the first procedure
> 3ther procedures here
End (ain >end of the complete assembly program
B2S6C D6&EC$67ES
;ollowing are the description of commonly used directi4es>
M4DEL+ 't is used to specify the memory model used for program to identify the si/e of code and
data segments.
S$2C(+ )efines the si/e of stac% used in program
D2$2+ )efines the data segments for data used in the program. (ar% the beginning of the data
C4DE+ 'dentifies the code segment which contains all the statements. Also .code mar%s the
beginning of the code segment.
1&4C+ 0eginning of the procedure
E;D1+ End of the procedure
E;D+ End of assembly language program
B2S6C M47 6;S$&C$64;+
-e already defined in the LabN1
(o4e between memory to memory is not allowed.
A number directly inside a segment register is not allowed.
6egment to segment registers mo4e is not allowed.
6;1$,4$1$ 41E&2$64;S
To display a character is an output operation.
-e actually want to display single character from the microprocessor to the screen.
-e donOt ha4e any instruction that perform this operation li%e printf in 9 language.
-e actually use the ser4ice routines which are already designed and assembled programs to
perform the '3 operations.
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Microprocessor Based System Design-Lab Manual
There are two categories of ser4ice routines
Basic 6nput 4utput System (B64S) routines
D4S routines
The 0'36 routines are stored in ?3( and interact directly with the '23 ports. -e carry out basic
screen operations.
The )36 routines are the part of the operating system running into the system.
)36 routines can carry out more complex tas%s e.g. printing a character string.
)36 routines actually use the 0'36 routines to perform direct '23 operations.
6;$ 6;S$&C$64;
'@T instruction is used to in4o%e a )36 or 0'36 routine.
6yntax '@T 10: K 0'36 routine callL
'@T 21: K)36 routine callL
<;C$64; ;MBE& # 28 &E:6S$E&
A routine is actually a collection of different functions.
A function is a set of basic instructions used to actually perform the operation.
A5-hen we call a routine it means we are in4o%ing a large number of )36 functions but which
A5A particular function is re8uested by placing a function number in the A: register and in4o%ing
'@T 21:.
6;$ 23%+
This can be used to in4o%e large number of )36 functions. A particular function is re8uested by
placing a function number in the A: register and in4o%ing '@T 21h.
;or E.g. following functions can be used in our program5
<unction ;o. &outine
02h 6ingle character output
Single C%aracter 4utput
(3= A:02: I display c%aracter "unction
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(3= )LOQO I c%aracter is JKL
'@T 21h I c%aracter -ill be displayed
Sample 1rogram
4B5EC$+ 4B5EC$+
Title a program that displays single character on screen.
.model small *specify memory model
.stac/ 300% * specify si+e of stac,
.code * start of the code segment
main proc * start of the first procedure
mo! a%'02% * display a single character
mo! dl'M2M * transfer A to register dl
int 23% * -. routine interrupt
mo! a%'Gc% * e)it -. function
int 23%
main endp
end main
S$E1S $4 <4LL4=+
1.<o to preferencesAssemblywrite your file name with .asm extension.
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2.<o to preferences)36 tool-rite your file name.
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To understand the concept of new line using carriage return line feed and macros.
6;$ 23%+
This can be used to in4o%e large number of )36 functions. A particular function is re8uested by
placing a function number in the A: register and in4o%ing '@T 21h.
;or E.g. following functions can be used in our program5
<unction ;o. &outine
1h 6ingle %ey input
Single (ey 6nput
(3= A:01: I input /ey "unction
'@T 21h
A macro is a bloc% of code that has been gi4en a name and when the compiler encounters such
name it expands the macro copies the bloc% of code at the place of in4ocation into the program.
The text may contain instructions or references to other macros.
The basic ad4antage of using a macro is to create new instructions. These macros can be a part of
the program or they can be written in a separate file and that file can be included in the program.
There is a list of useful macros which are helpful to be %ept in the macro library of the assembly
language compiler and these can be used in other user programs.
These can also be written in the lines of code of the program without any name gi4en to them.
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C2&&62:E &E$&;
This macro can be used for the purpose of carriage return.
C2&N&$; M2C&4
M47 28' GC8
6;$ 238
3nce declared and defined this macro can be in4o%ed anywhere in the program by the name
9A?S?T@.The name of the macro can be any string as defined by the user.
This macro can be used to feed a new line in the output and is 4ery useful as a new line is needed
many times during a formatted output.
;E=NL6;E M2C&4
M47 28' 028
M47 DL' 0D8
6;$ 238
M47 DL' 028
6;$ 238
3nce declared and defined this macro can be in4o%ed anywhere in the program to insert a new
line. The name of the macro can be any string as defined by the user.
LA0 30ME9T'=E5 LA0 30ME9T'=E5
$as/035-rite a program that ta%es a single character input and displays it in a new line.
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$o understand t%e concept o" displaying string in assembly language.
<unction ;o. &outine
,h 9haracter 6tring 3utput
E@ample 5
C%aracter String 4utput
M47 28' 0H8 I input /ey "unction
M47 D>'4<<SE$ MS: I mo!es t%e o""set o" t%e msg to t%e
6;$ 23%
A string is a list of characters treated as a unit. 'n programming languages we denote a string
constant by using 8uotation mar%s e.g. TEnter first numberU.
'n !0!$ assembly language single or double 8uotes may be used.
De"ining String 7ariables
The following 3 definitions are e8ui4alent ways of defining a string VabcO5
4ersion1 db TabcU > string constant
4ersion2 db VaO VbO VcO > character constants
4ersion3 db ,& ,! ,, > A69'' codes
The first 4ersion uses the method of high le4el languages and simply encloses the string in 8uotes.
This is the preferred method.
The second 4ersion defines a string by specifying a list of the character constants that ma%e up the
-e may also combine the abo4e methods to define a string as in the following example5message db
T:ello worldU 13 10 VWO
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S$&6;: 4$1$
(6.)36 pro4ides subprogram number H% to display strings which are terminated by the JOL
character. 'n order to use it we must5
3. Ensure the string is terminated with the VWO character.
2. 6pecify the string to be displayed by storing its address in the d@ register.
*. 6pecify the string output subprogram by storing ,h in ah.
G. Bse int 21h to call (6.)36 to execute subprogram ,h.
(ey-ord + MS:
The message to be displayed in the output can also be declared in the data segment using
the %eyword (6< mo4ing the string in the register )0 and can be used afterwards.
(6< )0 V:ELL3XWO
The TWU mar%s the end of the string and is not displayed. 'f the string contains the A69'' code of a
control character the control function is performed.
Sample 1rogram
4bPect+ -rite a program to display a string.
.model small ; specify memory model
.stac% 100h ; specify size of stack
.data ; start of the data segment
msg1 db YType 9haracter 5 WY
.code ; start of the code segment
main proc ; start of the first program
mo4 axZdata
mo4 dsAx ; mov content ax to ds
mo4 dxoffset msg1
mo4 Ah0,h ; reads from offset and display on output
int 21h ; interrupt call
mo4 Ah"ch ; exit dos function
int 21h ; interrupt call
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end main
LA0 30ME9T'=E65 LA0 30ME9T'=E65
$2S(035 -rite a program to display your bio data using carriage return and line feed macro
$2S(035 -rite a program to ma%e your 3
semester mar% sheet.
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To understand the concepts of loop in assembly language
A loop is a se8uence of instructions that is repeated. The number of times to repeat may be %nown
in ad4ance or it may depend on conditions i.e. itOs a count controlled loop.
<4& Loop
This is a loop structure in which the loop statements are repeated a %nown number of times.
(E9=4&D+ L441
A ;3? loop is implemented using the L331 instruction. The counter for the loop is the 97
register which is initiali/ed to loopScount which is the number of times the loop is executed.
Execution of the L331 instruction causes 97 to be decremented automatically. 'f 97 becomes
0the next instruction after loop is done.
Sample 1rogram+
4bPect+$itle a program t%at prints a c%aracter 300 times.
.model small
.stac% 100h
main proc
mo4 ah 02h Idisplay a c%aracter
mo4 cx 100 Inumber o" times loop -ill e@ecute
mo4 dl V[O I2SC66 code o" c%aracter 0
print5 Iloop starts "rom %ere
int 21h
loop print Ie@ecutes t%e <4& loop
mo4 ah "ch Iterminates t%e current process
int 21h
main endp
end main
<igure . <4& L441
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count* count -
Microprocessor Based System Design-Lab Manual
LA0 30ME9T'=E65 LA0 30ME9T'=E65
$as/ 003+-rite a program to print V[O 100 times using linefeed and carriage return.
$as/002+-rite a program to print A69'' characters.
$as/00*+-rite a program to print your name 10 times using linefeed and carriage return.
4B5EC$67E+ 4B5EC$67E+
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To understand the concept of stac% in assembly language.
Sample 1rogram+
$2S(+ $2S(+
Ta%e input from user at run time and show the output in re4erse order.
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4bPect+ $a/e t%e input "rom user at run time and s%o- output in re!erse order.
.model small
.stac% 100h
main proc
mo4 ah02h
mo4 dlQ
int 21h
xor cxcx
mo4 ah01h
int 21h
cmp al0dh
\e endSwhile
push ax
inc cx
int 21h
\mp whileS
mo4 ah02h
mo4 bl0dh
int 21h
mo4 ah02h
mo4 dl0ah
int 21h
\ex/ exit
pop dx
int 21h
loop top
moh ah"ch
int 21h
main endp
end main
Microprocessor Based System Design-Lab Manual
'nput a string5
6tring in ?e4erse 3rder5
L2B07 L2B07
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4B5EC$67E+ 4B5EC$67E+
'ntroduction to ()A * !0!$ Training +it
()A.!0!$ has high performance $"+.byte monitor program. 't is designed for easy function.
After power is on the monitor begins to wor%. 'n addition to all the %ey function the monitor has a
memory chec%ing routine.
The following is a simple description of the %ey functions.
<;C$64; 4< (E9S+
$EC8;6C2L S1EC6<6C2$64;S+
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91B !0!$
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(ain ?A( $" +0 K$22#$ x 2L
(onitor ?3( $" +0 K2&92#$ x 2L
)isplay Bnit L9) K1$ x 2 LineL
'23 1ort !2##A
6erial 1ort ?6.2329 K!2#1A x 1L
6ystem 9loc% ".,1#2 (:/
9loc% <enerator !2!"
'nterrupt 9ontroller !2#,
Le4el (eter 10 step
)3T (atrix ! x ! K3 9olorL
3peration 6ystem 6oftware !0!$ Assembler
+eyboard 1$ +ey of data 10 +ey of function
6ystem bus indicator LE) K3]L x 12
Expansion 9onnector
6ystem bus $2pin x 1
External 'nterface 20pin x 1
6tep (otor 'nterface )ri4er T.? x "
A2) )2A 9on4erter
A)9 5 A)9 0!0"
)A9 5 )A9 0!00
1ower 110=2220=
0oard si/eKmmL 310 x 2$#
-ood caseKmmL 100K:L x 300K)L x "30K-L ^ 10KmmL
2bout MD2 Q E0EF+ 2bout MD2 Q E0EF+
- ()A is a company name T(idas EngineeringU.
- 't is a trainer board of !0!$ microprocessor ha4ing an '9 on !0!$ inside.
- 't consists of an L9) screen 1$ data %eys and 10 function %eys.
- 't has 2 ?A( K2x32+bL and 2 ?3( K2x32+bL included.
- 't can be operated in two modes
o +'T (3)E
o 19 (3)E
- 't also includes a & segment dot matrix )2A A2) Le4el meter and stepping motor pro\ects.
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To understand the basic operations of ()A !0x!$ trainer %it.
$8E4&9+ $8E4&9+
3n a power up following message will be displayed on L9).
6o as to use serial monitor mo4e \umper 11 which located on the 190 li%e this.
-hene4er ?E6 is pressed the display becomes ;'<B?E 1.1 and user can operate %eyboard only in
this situation.
E>2M1LE 3. 6ET T:E 93@TE@T6 '@ (E(3?E.
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$as/03+ $as/03+ 1er"orm t%e "ollo-ing operation on MD2 Q E0EF.
Set Segment and o""set address 0000+3000
Enter eRui!alent mac%ine code o" t%e "ollo-ing statements.
M47 2L ' *E
2;D 2L ' 0<
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Steps+ Steps+
3. 2D 0000
2. + 3000
*. D2 B0 M47 2L ' *E
G. S *E
). S 2G
F. S 0< 2;D 2L ' 0<
7. S H0 ;41
E. 1ress again + /ey and t%en set o""set !alue -%ic% you set starting o" t%e program.
H. S$1
30. &E: S%o- 2> T &esult
C2LCL2$64;+ C2LCL2$64;+
0011 0011 1110 3E 1110 3E
_ 0000 _ 0000 1111 0; 1111 0;
0000 0000 1110 0E 1110 0E
&ESL$+ &ESL$+
After entering the abo4e commands in the ()A * !0!$ the following result was obtained5
A7 C 0E A7 C 0E
-hich is the 4erification of the calculated answerX
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To understand the concept of how to access a memory of trainer !0!$ and
understand some Assembly instructions.
:ow to retrie4e data from memory.1ut some data on memory location Ke.g 200 and
300L and retrie4e data to the specified location.
F300G F301G
(3= A7F200G
(3= 07F300G
A)) A707
(3= F200G07
6B0 A707
Steps to "ollo-+
1. ;irst store some data on location number F200G e.gK000#L
2. 6econdly store some data on location number F300G e.gK000$L
3. Then again set segment 5offset K000051000L
". Enter e8ui4alent machine code of the abo4e code.
#. 6et again offset 000051000
$. 1ress 6T1 and then ?E<
&. And 4erify result.
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Microprocessor Based System Design-Lab Manual
S8L+ S%i"t Logical Le"t+
'ntel !0x!$> shifts the contents of a data register or memory location K! 1$ or 32
bitsL to the left Ktowards most significant bitL by a specified amount Kby 1 by 0 to 31 bits specified by an
immediate operand.
S8&+ S%i"t Logical &ig%t+
'ntel !0x!$> shifts the contents of a data register or memory location K! 1$ or 32
bitsL to the right Ktowards least significant bitL by a specified amount Kby 1 by 0 to 31 bits specified by an
immediate operand.
<ollo-ing lab -ill be per"orm on /it mode.
-rite a program to transfer following 4alues in the specified registers
Bsing (i)as !0!$ trainerfind the 4alue of AL at the end of the following instructions5
iL A)) AL 0L
iiL 6B0 AL0L
iiiL 6:L )L9L
i4L 6:? )L9L
4L A@) AL0L
4iL 3? AL0L
4iiL 73? AL0L
4iiiL @3T AL
Steps to "ollo-+
iL ;ind the e8ui4alent machine code of the abo4e code.
iiL Enter machine code in the !0!$ Trainer %it.
iiiL =erify result using 6T1 snd ?E< %ey
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To understand the different commands of ()A !0x!$ trainer +it.
SE&62L M4;6$4&
6erial monitor is the basic monitor program to do data communicate between ()A.!0!$ and computer.
4peration serial monitor command
Bser can only use command which stored at serial monitor. 6erial monitor can execute to command
when user type command and then 9?Kcarriage returnL %ey.
'f there is no any command at serial monitor error message will be )isplayed with bell sound
and serial monitor prompt will be displayed again.
!0!$ JQ
8EL1 C4MM2;D
E segment 5 offset...................5 Enter )ata To (emory
D segment 5 offset length............5 )ump (emory 9ontents
& Fregister nameG..................5 ?egister )isplay _ 9hange
M address1 length address2........5 (o4e (emory ;rom 1 to 2
< address length data..............5 ;ill (emory -ith Any )ata
L ?eturn %ey.......................5 1rogram )own Load
: segment 5 offset...................5 Execute 1rogram
$..................................5 1rogram 1 step execute
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** 8086 Monitor
1.0 **
** Midas 335-
Microprocessor Based System Design-Lab Manual
3. Memory modi"y command
Synta@+ E segment+ o""set
1urpose+ This command is used to enter data to memory.
!0!$ J E 000051000
000051000 ;; Q 11
000051001 ;; Q 22
000051002 ;; Q 33
000051003 ;; Q ""
00005100" ;; Q ##
00005100# ;; Q 2 K3ffset decrementL
00005100" ## Q
2.Memory display command
Synta@+ D segment+ o""set
1urpose+ This command is used to display the data stored in memory.
!0!$J ) 000051000
000051000 11 22 33 "" ## ;; ;; ;; . ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;
000051020 ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; . ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;
*.Display &egisters Command.
Synta@+ &
1urpose+The ? command is used to display the !0!$ processor registers
E0EF B &
A7C0000 07C0000 97C0000 )7C0000
61C0#"0 01C0000 6'C0000 )'C0000
)6C0000 E6C0000 66C0000 96C0000
'1C1000 ;LC0000 C . . . . . . .
$o c%ange indi!idual register+-
E0EF B & 2>
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A7 C 0000 123"
E0EF B & B>
07 C 0000 "#$&
E0EF B & C>
97 C 0000 &&!!
E0EF B & D>
)7 C0000 1111
$o see t%e result+
E0EF B &
A7C123" 07C"#$& 97C&&!! )7C1111
61C0#"0 01C0000 6'C0000 )'C0000
)6C0000 E6C0000 66C0000 96C0000
'1C1000 ;LC0000 C . . . . . . .
3-To store the following data to the gi4en addresss
2-)isplay all registers with its content.
LetOs store the following li%e to 01000: ` 01003:
2DD&ESS D2$2
01000 A0
01001 9)
01002 E;
01003 3"
3.To enter data from 000050000 memory address to 000050020 memory address using command.
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2.)isplay the data you entered in tas%N1 using command.
*.9hange all register content using command then display all registers.
1.;ill the data #$&!123" from "000 to "100 addresses
2.(o4e the abo4e filled data to address 2000
3.Assume your roll number as data and fill it from 0 to 2#$ addresses.@ote your roll no should
contain four digit.Example 0001
L2B 0 33
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-rite a program to display the digits in decimalfrom 0.& in to &.segment.
7 SE:ME;$ D6S1L29+ 7 SE:ME;$ D6S1L29+
The & segment inside the ()A * !0!$ trainer %it can be used to display numbers.
This re8uires 1'3 !2## ports which are already connected to the & segment internally.
Through the code we can access these ports and pro4ide binary or hex 4alue to switch the re8uired
segment on and off.
'n order to turn a segment 3@ a logical 0 is re8uired as shown below.
Any number from 0 * , can be display on the & segment by pro4iding the actual hex or binary 4alue
which turns those segments 3@ to display the digit.
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2ssembly code ERui!alent mac%ine language code
(o4 Al !0: >to ma%e all port out use
in command byte
03 !0
3ut 1; AL > mo4 !0h to port 9 E$ 1;
(o4 AL00: > mo4 00C3 to AL 00 00
3ut 1,: AL > mo4 00C3 to port A E$ 1,
'nt 3 99
S$E1S $4 <4LL4=+ S$E1S $4 <4LL4=+
1. S$E1035 1ut the +it in 19 mode mo4e \umper 11 which located on the %it li%e this.
2. S$E102 59onnect ?6232 cable to 19.
3. S$E10*5 After mo4ing M11 to serial monitor status and if on a power.up or pressing ?E6
%eyfollowing message will be displayed on L9) and data communication is possible with
Eou are now ready to wor% in 19 mode.
". S$E10G53pen wincomm and set segment and offsetKe.g5E 000051000L
#. S$E10)5-rite abo4e machine language code in wincomm.
$. S$E10F51ress < for execute.
SC&EE; S84$S+
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4$1$+ *U (B0) is displayed on t%e 7 segment in MD2 Q E0EF
$2S(035-rite a program to display all digits from 0., as shown in the following diagram.
L2B 0 32
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4b Pecti!e+
To initiali/e )3T (AT?'7 )'61LAE.
Dot Dot M Ma at tr ri@ i@ Dis Disp play lay
1. 1. The )ot (atrix inside the ()A * !0!$ trainer %it can be used to display any pattern of
LE)s in the dot matrix display.
2. This re8uires 1'3 !2## ports which are already connected to the )ot (atrix internally.
3. Through the code we can access these ports and pro4ide binary or hex 4alue to switch the
re8uired LE)s on and off.
". 'n order to turn an LE) 3@ a logical 0 should be pro4ided to the row and a logical 1 should
be pro4ided to the column because of the following arrangement
#. Any particular shape aur design can be formed by turn on the re8uired LE)s on the )ot
(atrix )isplay.
S S4 4& &CE CE C4D C4DE E+ +
2ssembly code ERui!alent mac%ine language code
Mo! 2l' E08 00 !0
4ut 3E' 2L E$ 1E
Mo! 2L' 038 * column to pro/ide
logical 1
00 01
4ut 3C8' 2L E$ 19
Mo! 2L' 008 * row to pro/ide logical
00 00
4ut 328' 2L E$ 1
Mo! 2L' <<
00 ;;
4ut 3E8' 2L
E$ 1!
Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology Page ##
S Ste tep ps s t to o < <ollo- ollo-
&. S $E 1 0 3 5 1ut the +it in 19 mode mo4e \umper 11 which located on the %it li%e this.
1. S $E 1 02 +9onnect ?6232 cable to 19.
2. S $E 1 0 * 5 After mo4ing M11 to serial monitor status and if on a power.up or pressing
?E6 %ey following message will be displayed on L9) and data communication is
possible with computer.
Eou are now ready to wor% in 19 mode.
3. S $E 1 0 G 53pen wincomm and set segment and offsetKe.g5E 000051000L
". S $E 1 0 ) 5-rite abo4e machine language code in wincomm.
#. S $E10F 51ress < for execute.
S creen S% ots +
4u tpu t+ ;irst 9olumn LE)s are acti4ated
L La ab b 3 3b\ b\ec ecti4 ti4e es5 s5
TA0112-rite a program to display 2
column with alternate colors ledOs.
TA0132-rite a program to display a pattern V+A?A9:'O on )3T (AT?'7.
L2B 0 3*
4b Pecti!e
Exploring ()E !0#1 (icrocontroller Trainer 0oards
$% eory
6ntrod u c t ion t o Mic r oco n tr o ll e r s
A microcontroller Ksometimes abbre4iated a9 u9 or (9BL is a small computer on a single
integrated circuit containing a processor core memory and programmable input2output
peripherals. (icrocontrollers are designed for embedded applications in contrast to the
microprocessors used in personal computers or other general purpose applications.
(icrocontrollers are used in automatically controlled products and de4ices such as automobile
engine control systems implantable medical de4ices remote controls office machines
appliances power tools toys and other embedded systems. 0y reducing the si/e and cost
compared to a design that uses a separate microprocessor memory and input2output de4ices
microcontrollers ma%e it economical to digitally control e4en more de4ices and processes.
MDE E0)3 $ rain er Board s
The !0#1 board is a useful tool for embedded control and robotics pro\ects for both students and
hobbyists. 'ts 4ersatile design and programmable microcontroller lets you access numerous
peripheral de4ices and program the board for multiple uses. The board has many '23 connectors
and supports a number of programming options including !0#1 assembly and 9.
The !0#1 trainer board has ! switches and ! buffered LE)s for connection to the
microcontroller bread board or peripheral de4ices. 't pro4ides access to pins of the !0#1 through
sip male and female connectors for wiring to bread board or attaching )iligent 1modb
peripheral modules. )iligent peripheral modules include :.bridges and
digital. to analog con4erters spea%er amplifier switches buttons LE)s as well as con4erters
for easy connection to screw terminals 0@9 \ac%s ser4o motors and more.
;eatures include5
A (axim 6emiconductor )6!,9"#0 microcontroller Kan !0#12#2L with $"+ bytes of on.
chip ;lash memory
Eight on.board switches accessible 4ia both male and female connector
Eight on.board LE)s accessible 4ia both male and female connector
An on.board 4oltage regulator Kin some 4ersionsL
Two male and female connectors allowing access to all !0#1 ports of 10 11 12
and 13 for connection to external de4ices such as bread board or )iligent peripheral
module boards.
6upport for the (axim on.chip serial programmer
Two ?6232 compatible 6erial ports with )0, connectors
An small bread board can be screwed on the board to insert any external '9 and connect
it to the board
()E !0#1Trainer 0oard
()E !0#1 9ircuit
<un ctional Desc rip tion
The !0#1 is designed for embedded control and robotic applications as well as microprocessor
experimentation. The !0#1 has an on.chip loader2programmer5 The loader 2 programmer are
accessed 4ia 6erial 93( 1ort N0 )0, 9onnector. The !0#1 Trainer features a flexible power
supply routing system with =99 and <@) pin a4ailable on 20 pin male and female connector
for powering the '9s on the bread board as well as )iligent 1mod peripheral modules connected
to the board. )iligent 1mod peripheral modules can be connected to the connectors on the !0#1
Trainer board 4ia cables. )iligent has a 4ariety of 1mod interconnect cables a4ailable.
1rog ra mmin g t%e E0)3 $rain er
The !0#1 Trainer programming can be accomplished using 6erialN0. 1rogramming 4ia 6erialN0
re8uires use of the :yperTerminal program which comes with the (icrosoft -indows 3perating
L La ab b 3 3b\ b\ec ecti4 ti4e es5 s5
TA011: :ow to Test )ownload and ?un a 1rogram on the ()E !0#1 Trainer 0oard.
S tep s to " oll o-
9onnecting the !0#1 Trainer to 19 with :yperTerminal5
1. 9onnect the 6erial 0 connector of the !0#1 Trainer to 93( port of the 19 using )0.,
cable as shown below.
2. 3n your 19 go to 6tart Accessories 9ommunications select :yperTerminal.
3. Enter a name for the terminal session.
". 6elect the 19 93( 1ort the ()E !0#1 is connected to.
9onfigure :yperTerminal for ,$00 !n1 with no hardware flow control
#. 9onnect the power and put the 6witch on 1?< as 6hown bellow. KThe 1?< LE) is
turned on nowL
$. <o to your :yperTerminal. 1ress Enter couple of times and examine the :yper Terminal
screen. Eou should now see the following message on the screen.
&. 9lear KEraseL the ;lash by entering letter ( followed by Enter.
!. ?eady to download by entering letter L followed by Enter.
,. Bsing :yperTerminal send a text file to the trainer li%e shown below.
10. -hen the dialogue appears select all files and na4igate to find your :E7 file to be sent
to the trainer.
11. Eou should see a series of <s appear on your screen if the download is successful.
3therwise repeat the process.
12. 'f the )ownload is successful you can mo4e the 6witch to ?un position and press
?E6ET button to execute the code.
4b Pecti!e+
L 2 B 03G
1rogramming !0#1 '23 1orts as 'nput 1orts
$ % e o r y
The four !.bit '23 ports 10 11 12 and 13 each use ! pins. All the ports upon ?E6ET are
configured as input ready to be used as input ports. -hen the first 0 is written to a port it
becomes an output. To reconfigure it as an input a 1 must be sent to the port. To use any of these
ports as an input port it must be programmed.
14&$ 0
't can be used for input or output> each pin must be connected externally to a 10+ ohm pull.up
resistor. This is due to the fact that 10 is an open drain unli%e 11 12 and 13. 3pen drain is a
term used for (36 chips in the same way that open collector is used for TTL chips.
'n order to ma%e port 0 an input port the port must be programmed by writing 1to all the bits.
1ort 0 is also designated as A)0.A)& allowing it to be used for both address and data. -hen
connecting an !0#1231 to an external memory port 0 pro4ides both address and data
14&$ 3
1ort 1 can be used as input or output. 'n contrast to port 0 this port does not need any pull.up
resistors since it already has pull.up resistors internally. Bpon reset port 1 is configured as an
input port. To ma%e port 1 an input port it must be programmed as such by writing 1to all its bits
14&$ 2
1ort 2 can be used as input or output. Must li%e 11 port 2 does not need any pull.up resistors
since it already has pull.up resistors internally. Bpon reset port 2 is configured as an input port.
To ma%e port 2 an input port it must be programmed as such by writing 1 to all its bits. 'n many
!0#1.based systems 12 is used as simple '23. To ma%e port 2 an input port it must be
programmed as such by writing 1 to all its bits. 'n many !0#1.based systems 12 is used as
simple '23.
14&$ *
1ort 3 can be used as input or output. 't also does not need any pull.up resistors. 1ort 3 is
configured as an input port upon reset> this is not the way it is most commonly used.
L La ab b 3 3b\ b\ec ecti4 ti4e es5 s5
$as / 03 -rite a program for the )6!,9"20 to toggle all the bits of 10 11 and 12 e4ery 12" of
a second
6ource 9ode in Assembly Language
3?< 0
0A9+5 (3= AN##:
(3= 10A
(3= 11A
(3= 12A
(3= AN0AA:
(3= 10A
(3= 11A
(3= 12A
6M(1 0A9+
(3= ?# N11
:35 (3= ?" N2"!
:25 (3= ?3 N2##
:15 )M@D ?3 :1
)M@D ?" :2
)M@D ?# :3
L2B0 3)
4b Pecti!e+
1rogramming !0#1 '23 1orts as 'nput 1orts and 3utput 1orts
$% eory+
?efer Lab N12
L La ab b 3 3b\ b\ec ecti4 ti4e es5 s5
$as/ 03 -rite a program to that ta%es input from switch to port 1 and display output at port 2
3?< 0
(3= AN0
(3= 12A>12 as output
(3= AN0;;:
(3= 11A >11 A6 '@1BT
(3= A11 >get data from 6-s on 11
(3= A12 >send it to LE)s 12
6M(1 0A9+ >%eep doing it