The document discusses the matrix chain multiplication problem, which involves determining the optimal order of operations for multiplying a sequence of matrices. It can be solved using dynamic programming by breaking the problem down into optimal subproblems. The dynamic programming approach involves defining a recursive formula to calculate the minimum number of scalar multiplications needed to compute matrix chains of different lengths, and populating a table in a bottom-up manner to determine the optimal solution.
The document discusses the matrix chain multiplication problem, which involves determining the optimal order of operations for multiplying a sequence of matrices. It can be solved using dynamic programming by breaking the problem down into optimal subproblems. The dynamic programming approach involves defining a recursive formula to calculate the minimum number of scalar multiplications needed to compute matrix chains of different lengths, and populating a table in a bottom-up manner to determine the optimal solution.
The document discusses the matrix chain multiplication problem, which involves determining the optimal order of operations for multiplying a sequence of matrices. It can be solved using dynamic programming by breaking the problem down into optimal subproblems. The dynamic programming approach involves defining a recursive formula to calculate the minimum number of scalar multiplications needed to compute matrix chains of different lengths, and populating a table in a bottom-up manner to determine the optimal solution.
The document discusses the matrix chain multiplication problem, which involves determining the optimal order of operations for multiplying a sequence of matrices. It can be solved using dynamic programming by breaking the problem down into optimal subproblems. The dynamic programming approach involves defining a recursive formula to calculate the minimum number of scalar multiplications needed to compute matrix chains of different lengths, and populating a table in a bottom-up manner to determine the optimal solution.
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Matrix-chain Multiplication Problem
The chain matrix multiplication problem is perhaps the most
popular example of dynamic programming used in the upper undergraduate course (or review basic issues of dynamic programming in advanced algorithm's class). The chain matrix multiplication problem involves the question of determining the optimal sequence for performing a series of operations. This general class of problem is important in complier design for code optimization and in databases for query optimization. We will study the problem in a very restricted instance, where the dynamic programming issues are clear. Suppose that our problem is to multiply a chain of n matrices A 1 A 2 ... A n . Recall (from your discrete structures course), matrix multiplication is an associative but not a commutative operation. This means that you are free to parenthesize the above multiplication however we like, but we are not free to rearrange the order of the matrices. Also, recall that when two (non-square) matrices are being multiplied, there are restrictions on the dimensions. Suppose, matrix A has p rows and q columns i.e., the dimension of matrix A is p q. You can multiply a matrix A of p q dimensions times a matrix B of dimensions q r, and the result will be a matrix C with dimensions p r. That is, you can multiply two matrices if they are compatible: the number of columns of A must equal the number of rows of B. In particular, for 1 i p and 1 j r, we have C[i, j] = 1 k q A[i, k] B[k, j]. There are p . r total entries in C and each takes O(q) time to compute, thus the total time to multiply these two matrices is dominated by the number of scalar multiplication, which is p .q . r.
Problem Formulation Note that although we can use any legal parenthesization, which will lead to a valid result. But, not all parenthesizations involve the same number of operations. To understand this point, consider the problem of a chain A 1 , A 2 , A 3 of three matrices and suppose A 1 be of dimension 10 100 A 2 be of dimension 100 5 A 3 be of dimension 5 50 Then, MultCost[((A 1 A 2 ) A 3 )] = (10 . 100 . 5) + (10 . 5 . 50) = 7,500 scalar multiplications. MultCost[(A 1 (A 2 A 3 ))] = (100 . 5 . 50) + (10 . 100 . 50) = 75,000 scalar multiplications. It is easy to see that even for this small example, computing the product according to first parenthesization is 10 times faster.
The Chain Matrix Multiplication Problem Given a sequence of n matrices A 1 , A 2 , ... A n , and their dimensions p 0 , p 1 , p 2 , ..., p n , where where i = 1, 2, ..., n, matrix A i has dimension p i 1 p i , determine the order of multiplication that minimizes the the number of scalar multiplications.
Equivalent formulation (perhaps more easy to work with!) Given n matrices, A 1 , A 2 , ... A n , where for 1 i n, A i is a p i 1 p i , matrix, parenthesize the product A 1 , A 2 , ... A n so as to minimize the total cost, assuming that the cost of multiplying an p i 1 p i matrix by a p i p i + 1 matrix using the naive algorithm is p i 1 p i p i + 1 .
Note that this algorithm does not perform the multiplications, it just figures out the best order in which to perform the multiplication operations.
Naive Algorithm Well, lets start from the obvious! Suppose we are given a list of n matrices. lets attack the problem with brute-force and try all possible parenthesizations. It is easy to see that the number of ways of parenthesizing an expression is very large. For instance, if you have just one item in the list, then there is only one way to parenthesize. Similarly, if you have n item in the list, then there are n 1 places where you could split the list with the outermost pair of parentheses, namely just after first item, just after the second item, and so on and so forth, and just after the (n 1) th item in the list. On the other hand, when we split the given list just after the k th item, we create two sublists to be parenthesized, one with k items, and the other with n k items. After splitting, we could consider all the ways of parenthesizing these sublists (brute force in action). If there are L ways to parenthesize the left sublist and R ways to parenthesize the right sublist and since these are independent choices, then the total is L times R. This suggests the following recurrence for P(n), the number of different ways of parenthesizing n items:
This recurrence is related to a famous function in combinatorics called the Catalan numbers, which in turn is related to the number of different binary trees on n nodes. The solution to this recurrence is the sequence of Catalan numbers. In particular P(n) = C(n 1), where C(n) is the n th Catalan number. And, by applying Stirling's formula, we get the lower bound on the sequence. That is,
since 4 n is exponential and n 3/2 is just a polynomial, the exponential will dominate the expression, implying that function grows very fast. Thus, the number of solutions is exponential inn, and the brute-force method of exhaustive search is a poor strategy for determining the optimal parenthesization of a matrix chain. Therefore, the naive algorithm will not be practical except for very small n.
Dynamic Programming Approach The first step of the dynamic programming paradigm is to characterize the structure of an optimal solution. For the chain matrix problem, like other dynamic programming problems, involves determining the optimal structure (in this case, a parenthesization). We would like to break the problem into subproblems, whose solutions can be combined to obtain a solution to the global problem. For convenience, let us adopt the notation A i .. j , where i j, for the result from evaluating the product A i A i + 1 ... A j . That is, A i .. j A i A i + 1 ... A j , where i j, It is easy to see that is a matrix A i .. j is of dimensions p i p i + 1 . In parenthesizing the expression, we can consider the highest level of parenthesization. At this level we are simply multiplying two matrices together. That is, for any k, 1 k n 1, A 1..n = A 1..k A k+1..n .
Therefore, the problem of determining the optimal sequence of multiplications is broken up into two questions: Question 1: How do we decide where to split the chain? (What is k?) Question 2: How do we parenthesize the subchains A 1..k A k+1..n ? The subchain problems can be solved by recursively applying the same scheme. On the other hand, to determine the best value of k, we will consider all possible values of k, and pick the best of them. Notice that this problem satisfies the principle of optimality, because once we decide to break the sequence into the product , we should compute each subsequence optimally. That is, for the global problem to be solved optimally, the subproblems must be solved optimally as well. The key observation is that the parenthesization of the "prefix" subchain A 1..k within this optimal parenthesization of A 1..n . must be an optimal parenthesization of A 1..k .
Dynamic Programming Formulation The second step of the dynamic programming paradigm is to define the value of an optimal solution recursively in terms of the optimal solutions to subproblems. To help us keep track of solutions to subproblems, we will use a table, and build the table in a bottomup manner. For 1 i j n, let m[i, j] be the minimum number of scalar multiplications needed to compute the A i..j . The optimum cost can be described by the following recursive formulation. Basis: Observe that if i = j then the problem is trivial; the sequence contains only one matrix, and so the cost is 0. (In other words, there is nothing to multiply.) Thus, m[i, i] = 0 for i = 1, 2, ..., n.
Step: If i j, then we are asking about the product of the subchain A i..j and we take advantage of the structure of an optimal solution. We assume that the optimal parenthesization splits the product, A i..j into for each value of k, 1 k n 1 as A i..k . A k+1..j . The optimum time to compute is m[i, k], and the optimum time to compute is m[k + 1, j]. We may assume that these values have been computed previously and stored in our array. Since A i..k is a matrix, and A k+1..j is a matrix, the time to multiply them is p i 1 . p k . p j . This suggests the following recursive rule for computing m[i, j].
To keep track of optimal subsolutions, we store the value of k in a table s[i, j]. Recall, k is the place at which we split the product A i..j to get an optimal parenthesization. That is, s[i, j] = k such that m[i, j] = m[i, k] + m[k + 1, j] + p i 1 . p k . p j . Implementing the Rule The third step of the dynamic programming paradigm is to construct the value of an optimal solution in a bottom-up fashion. It is pretty straight forward to translate the above recurrence into a procedure. As we have remarked in the introduction that the dynamic programming is nothing but the fancy name for divide-and-conquer with a table. But here in dynamic programming, as opposed to divide-and-conquer, we solve subproblems sequentially. It means the trick here is to solve them in the right order so that whenever the solution to a subproblem is needed, it is already available in the table. Consequently, in our problem the only tricky part is arranging the order in which to compute the values (so that it is readily available when we need it). In the process of computing m[i,j] we will need to access values m[i, k] and m[k + 1, j] for each value of k lying between i and j. This suggests that we should organize our computation according to the number of matrices in the subchain. So, lets work on the subchain: Let L = j i + 1 denote the length of the subchain being multiplied. The subchains of length 1 (m[i, i]) are trivial. Then we build up by computing the subchains of length 2, 3, ..., n. The final answer is m[1, n]. Now set up the loop: Observe that if a subchain of length L starts at position i, then j = i + L 1. Since, we would like to keep j in bounds, this means we want j n, this, in turn, means that we want i + L 1 n, actually what we are saying here is that we want i n L +1. This gives us the closed interval for i. So our loop for i runs from 1 to n L + 1.
Matrix-Chain(array p[1 .. n], int n) { Array s[1 .. n 1, 2 .. n]; FOR i =1 TO n DO m[i, i]=0; // initialize FOR L=2 TO n DO { // L=length of subchain FOR i = 1 TO n L + 1 do { j = i + L 1; m[i, j] = infinity; FOR k = i TO j 1 DO { // check all splits q = m[i, k] + m[k + 1, j] + p[i 1] p[k] p[j]; IF (q < m[i, j]) { m[i, j] = q; s[i, j] = k; } } } } return m[1, n](final cost) and s (splitting markers); } Example [on page 337 in CLRS]: The m-table computed by MatrixChain procedure for n = 6 matrices A 1 , A 2 , A 3 , A 4 , A 5 , A 6 and their dimensions 30, 35, 15, 5, 10, 20, 25.
Note that the m-table is rotated so that the main diagonal runs horizontally. Only the main diagonal and upper triangle is used.
Constructing an optimal solution
Complexity Analysis Clearly, the space complexity of this procedure (n 2 ). Since the tables m and s require (n 2 ) space. As far as the time complexity is concern, a simple inspection of the for-loop(s) structures gives us a running time of the procedure. Since, the three for-loops are nested three deep, and each one of them iterates at most n times (that is to say indices L, i, and j takes on at most n 1 values). Therefore, The running time of this procedure is (n 3 ).