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A3 Scanner: User Manual

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A3 Scanner


User Manual
Acquire the Scanner 1. Launch Windows.
2. Run the host TWAIN-compliant software (e.g.
TWAIN Driver Photo Express)
The TWAIN driver is the scanning module provided 3. Call up the TWAIN Data Source by selecting
with your scanner. It is easily accessed from within Acquire from the File menu. (In some programs,
the bundled scanner software or from within any the Acquire command will appear in a submenu
TWAIN-compliant program. Before you start with under the Import command.) The TWAIN
the steps below, be sure you have installed and dialog box will appear in a submenu under the
configured the bundled scanner software. Import command.
The TWAIN dialog box contains control settings,
which you must set prior to scanning a document.
The basic steps to scan a document are:
1. Prescan the document.
2. Set the desired image area to be scanned.
3. Select the scan source.
4. Select the desired scan mode.
5. Select the desired resolution.
6. Click on the Scan button.
The Dialog Box
The TWAIN dialog box is divided into two sections: the left section where most of the control settings are
located, and the right section, which is the Preview Window.
Contain different
control settings

Preview Window
Used for viewing the
prescan image and
selecting the final
scan area
The Main Folder Resolution
Sets the resolution in dots per inch
Scan Mode (dpi).
Determines how the scanner Descreen
will read the image and refers Sets the media type of the document
to how the image will be to be scanned to reduce image
reproduced after it is scanned. noise.
Scan Source Color Matching Control
Sets the media type of the Color Matching allows the scanner
to more accurately reflect the actual
document to be scanned.
colors of the original image.
Scan Size
Photo Refresh
Refers to the size of the im-
Photo Refresh allows you to auto-
age or document that you are
matically lighten and sharpen the
about to scan. scanned image by clicking on its
JPEG2000 Scan icon. This function is applicable
The latest image compression when you are scanning images in
standard that usually provides Color 24bit.
smaller file size and higher Output Scaling
image quality than the original Changes the dimensions of the
JPEG. final output.
Width and Length Image Size
Show the dimensions of the Displays the amount of computer
image area inside the Crop space needed to display or save the
Frame. selected image area.
The Enhancement Folder: Brightness/Contrast Control

Brightness/Contrast Control
Brightness Control
Allows you to adjust the overall
amount of light in the image
through a range of values (–127 Thumbnails
~0~+127). Are used to see the effects of
any changes in the control
Contrast Control
The Contrast Control allows you
to adjust the overall amount of
black areas or white areas in the Channel Selector Control
image through a range of values Allows you to select the
(–127~0~+127). channel layers (red, green
and blue) that make up a color
Preview Button image. You can choose to
This button allows you to see the change the channels individu-
effect of any changes made to ally or choose master to
the image prior to scanning. Any change all channels equally
changes will appear in the and simultaneously.
preview window.
The Enhancement Folder: Level Control

Level Control

Shows the distribution of the
brightness levels in the image.

Eyedropper tools Thumbnails

Eyedroppers are used to iden- Are used to see the effects of
tify an image’s highlights and any changes in the control
shadows. settings.

Level Control Channel Selector Control

Use the level slider to adjust an Allows you to select the chan-
image’s contrast and brightness. nel layers (red, green and
blue) that make up a color
Preview Button image. You can choose to
This button allows you to see the change the channels individu-
effect of any changes made to ally or choose master to
the image prior to scanning. Any change all channels equally
changes will appear in the
and simultaneously.
preview window.
The Enhancement Folder: Curve Control

Are used to see the effects of
any changes in the control
Curve Control

Channel Selector Control

Allows you to select the
channel layers (red, green and
Curve Control
blue) that make up a color
Applying a curve to an image
image. You can choose to
enhances favored brightness
change the channels individu-
ranges at the cost of others.
ally or choose master to change
Add Anchor all channels equally and
To make a curve, simply place simultaneously.
an anchor on the diagonal line
and adjust its position. Add Preview Button
more anchors if you have to This button allows you to see the
make a more complex curve. effect of any changes made to
the image prior to scanning. Any
Remove Anchor changes will appear in the
You can also remove anchors. preview window.
The Enhancement Folder: Hue/Saturation Control

Hue/Saturation Control

Hue Slider Thumbnails

Is composed of two color bars. Are used to see the effects of
The upper one is static and the any changes in the control
lower one movable. Slide the settings.
latter, and you will see the image
shift its overall coloring.

Preview Button
Saturation Slider This button allows you to see
Lets you adjust an image’s color the effect of any changes
made to the image prior to
scanning. Any changes will
appear in the preview window.
The Filters Folder
The Filters Tab allows you to
adjust the individual effects of the
scanned image by applying
various filters to the image, prior Thumbnails
to scanning. Are used to see the effects
of the selected filter.
No filter is applied.
Blur Filter Control Buttons
Smooths or softens the Use these buttons to add
image. /subtract a degree of the
Sharpen Blur or Sharpen filter.
Enhances the detail in the
image. Emboss
Makes the elements in the
Invert image appear raised or
Reverses an image to its sunken.
negative or compliment.
Flip Unsharp Mask
Creates a mirror image of Emphasizes shape edges
the original. and color boundaries.
The Preview Window
Batch Scan Button
Cropping Tool Allows creation of up to 30 scan
Selects the area in the Preview regions (or Crop Frames) for
Window that will be used as the multiple scanning.
final scan. Language Setting
Zoom Tool Button Allows you to select the desired
Allows you to enlarge/shrink an language that the dialog box will
area of the image in the preview be displayed in.
window Help Button
Provides On-line Help.
Crop Frame Exit Button
Outlines the scan area or region Click to exit (or close) the TWAIN
that will be included in the final or Batch Scan Dialog boxes.

Preview Button Scan Button

Allows you to see the effect of Processes the pre-scanned
any changes made to the image image, and displays it in the host
prior to scanning. software (where you opened up
the TWAIN dialog box).
Prescan the Image
A Preview is a quick low-
Load Button resolution scan of the entire
Loads previously saved image settings. original image. From this low-
resolution scan you can get a
clearer idea of the image area you want to include
Save Button
when you click Scan. To Preview, the steps are:
Saves the current image settings.
1.Place the document face down on the scanner
Previous Button window glass.
Returns the most recent selection to its 2. Click the Preview button in the dialog box. After
previous setting. (Reloads the last saved the scanner has scanned the document, the scanned
image settings.) image will appear in the Preview Window. From
the Preview image, you can now set the exact
Reset Button
image area you wish to include in your final scan.
Returns settings to their default values.

Info Button
Lists information about the current settings
being used.
Set Up the Scan Parameters 2. Select the scan source.
Since we are going to scan a color photograph,
1. Set the desired image area to be scanned. choose Reflective.
Use the Crop Frame in the Preview Window to Reflective:
outline the image area you wish to scan. Click one When scanning paper-based documents such as
of the sides or corners of the Crop Frame and drag it photographs or text (magazines, books, or images).
out or in to the desired length
and width.
To move the entire Crop
Frame, position the mouse
cursor inside it and drag with
the left mouse button. 3. Select the desired scan mode.
Crop frame The Scan Mode determines how the scanner will read
the image.
• 48-Bit Color captures images in 281 trillion colors
Only the area inside the Crop Frame will be included
in the resulting scanned image when you click Scan. • 24-Bit Color captures images in 16.7 million colors
The size information at the bottom of the dialog box • CMYK captures images for output to a color printer
is automatically updated when the Crop Frame is • 256 Color captures images in its optimum palette
• 256 Gray captures images in 256 grayscale
• Gray (16 bit) captures 16 bits of grayscale image
information for every pixel in the screen image
Execute the Scan Command
• Text/Line Art is used for text documents or black- When you are finished with the
and-white images control settings, click on the
Scan button. The scanner
4. Select the desired resolution.
begins to scan the document and a message box ap-
Resolution is a measure of how much image detail pears on the screen displaying the progress of the
information the scanner is to capture in a scan. A scan.
higher resolution results to a sharper image but
requires more disk space for file saving. For this When the scan is finished, the image will be displayed
session, set the resolution to 300 dpi. in the main screen of the host software.
Using Batch Scan The Batch Scan Dialog Box
The Batch Scan dialog box contains several controls
Batch scanning is an easy way to multi-scan any part that make batch scanning simple and easy to use. It will
of your document using different scan modes and also display the number of batch jobs that you make
resolutions. In batch scanning, you can specify up to when you create the scan regions.
a maximum of 30 scan regions, or you can scan a
single region several times using different combina-
tions of scan modes and resolutions.
To activate batch scanning, click on the
Batch Scan button. This will bring up the
Batch Scan dialog box.
• New Batch Button
Click on this button to create a new
scan region on the image in the
Preview Window.

• Duplicate Batch Button

Click on this button to duplicate a
batch job. You can then specify
different control settings for this
particular batch job.

• Trash Batch Button

Click on this button to delete the
selected or highlighted batch job.

• Cancel Batch Button

Click on this button to cancel batch
scan and exit the Batch Scan dialog

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