This document provides information about an upcoming basic microinsurance training course hosted by the Rural Bankers Research and Development Foundation, Inc. The two-day course will be held on August 29-30, 2014 in Cagayan de Oro City. It aims to enhance the capacity of rural banks to effectively provide microinsurance services to low-income clients. The training will cover microinsurance basics, regulations, and effective marketing strategies. Participants include bank managers, compliance officers, and other staff. The document provides registration details such as fees, payment options, cancellation policies, and contact information.
This document provides information about an upcoming basic microinsurance training course hosted by the Rural Bankers Research and Development Foundation, Inc. The two-day course will be held on August 29-30, 2014 in Cagayan de Oro City. It aims to enhance the capacity of rural banks to effectively provide microinsurance services to low-income clients. The training will cover microinsurance basics, regulations, and effective marketing strategies. Participants include bank managers, compliance officers, and other staff. The document provides registration details such as fees, payment options, cancellation policies, and contact information.
Original Description:
Basic Microinsurance Training
Pearlmont Inn, Cagayan De Oro City, Aug. 29-30, 2014
This document provides information about an upcoming basic microinsurance training course hosted by the Rural Bankers Research and Development Foundation, Inc. The two-day course will be held on August 29-30, 2014 in Cagayan de Oro City. It aims to enhance the capacity of rural banks to effectively provide microinsurance services to low-income clients. The training will cover microinsurance basics, regulations, and effective marketing strategies. Participants include bank managers, compliance officers, and other staff. The document provides registration details such as fees, payment options, cancellation policies, and contact information.
This document provides information about an upcoming basic microinsurance training course hosted by the Rural Bankers Research and Development Foundation, Inc. The two-day course will be held on August 29-30, 2014 in Cagayan de Oro City. It aims to enhance the capacity of rural banks to effectively provide microinsurance services to low-income clients. The training will cover microinsurance basics, regulations, and effective marketing strategies. Participants include bank managers, compliance officers, and other staff. The document provides registration details such as fees, payment options, cancellation policies, and contact information.
2/F RBAP Building, Andres Soriano Jr. Avenue corner Arzobispo St., Intramuros, Manila Telephone Nos.. 527-2972 527-2968 Telefax Nos.. 527-2980 527-2969 - Basic Microinsurance Training Course
Date: August 29-30, 2014 (Friday-Saturday) Venue: Pearlmont Inn, Lim Ket Kai Drive, Cagayan de Oro City Time: 8:00am to 5:00pm
Course Description: This training aims to enhance the capacity of rural banks to serve as effective access points for microinsurance services for its low-income clients. It is also designed to ensure bank compliance with the following regulations:
- BSP Circular 683-2010: Marketing, Sale and Servicing of Microinsurance Products - Joint IC-CDA-SEC Memo Circular 1-2010: Defining Governments Policy on Informal Microinsurance Services - Insurance Commission Memo Circular 1-2010: Regulations for the Provision of Microinsurance Products and Services (i.e. Institutional MI Agents)
Seminar Fee:
1. Early bird Php 3,600 (on or before August 1, 2014) 2. Regular Rate Php 3,800 3. Non-Member of RBAP Php 4,560
Mode of Payment
Bank account (LBP Intramuros Branch Savings Account Number 0012-1046-26). Proof of payment fax to (02) 527-2980. Check payments, should be payable to (RBRDFI).
* Deadline for submission of registration is not later than August 18, 2014.
Training Policies:
1. Reserve your training slot with RBAP-RBRDFI. Once reservation is confirmed by RBAP- RBRDFI, you may deposit the Registration Fees, book ticket (airline) and accommodation.
Once training is FULL, RBAP-RBRDFI has the right to refuse participation or reimbursement on any damage brought by unconfirmed reservations.
2. Reservation via telephone is accepted. However, nomination forms and registration fees must be settled 10 days prior the seminar. Otherwise, reservation is considered cancelled.
3. Cancellation Policy: - This will apply to non- subsidized training fee.
a. 10 days prior the seminar date is entitled for a full refund. *Regular Rate only
b. 3 days prior to the seminar date is entitled for a half refund * Regular Rate only
c. Participants who have paid but failed to show up for the seminar will only be entitled to a rebate of 50% of the total registration fee. (Regular Rate only)
d. For special cases (health, accident etc.), kindly coordinate with RBRDFI staff for refund procedures and requirements.
Seminar Methodologies:
Cases, Small and Big Group Discussions, Business Games, Lectures
Expected Participants:
Bank Heads/Managers, Compliance Officers, Marketing Staff/Officers, Business Development Officers, Microfinance Supervisors, Loans Officers/Supervisors, Account Officers
* We wish to reiterate the value of assigning two (2) or more participants from each bank, one of whom should be a permanent staff, able to serve as microinsurance soliciting officer or point person of his/her respective bank.
RURAL BANKERS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION, INC. For training reservation, contact Ghay Mapano at nos. (02) 527-2972/527-2968 or mobile no. 09186353235 or email
I. Course Title: 26 th Basic Microinsurance Training Course Venue: Pearlmont Inn, Lim Ket Kai Drive, Cagayan de Oro City Schedule: August 29-30, 2014, 8:00 am 5:00 pm
(To be completed by the Head of Institution or Authorized Representative)
Name of Institution: ___________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ Phone no/s: __________________________ Facsimile no/s: __________________________ E-mail Address: __________________________
We are sending the following participants:
NAME (Please include Middle Initial)
________________________________ _____________ Printed Name and Signature Date
Payments can be remitted to Rural Bankers Research and Development Foundation, Inc. (Land Bank of the Philippines Intramuros Branch Savings Account Number 0012-1046-26). Payments may also be remitted via G-cash no. (0917) 870- 2550. Proof of payment: to be submitted via facsimile no. (02) 527-2980 for verification. Please indicate the name of your bank and the training that you are attending.
Microinsurance Basic Training Course
Objectives Participants should be able to
1. Identify the basic concepts and principles of insurance and microinsurance 2. Outline important standards and practices for effective microinsurance marketing and servicing 3. Define the microinsurance policy and regulations relevant to compliance by rural banks 4. Develop an action plan that would ensure microinsurance regulatory compliance by their bank and respective institution Pearlmont Inn, Lim Ket Kai Drive, Cagayan de Oro City August 29-30, 2014
Training Agenda 8:00 8:30 Registration 8:30 8:45 Introduction & Clarification of Agenda 8:45 9:00 Brief Diagnostic Quiz 9:00 12:00 Module 1 Microinsurance Basics (Part A) Financial risks experienced by low-income households Household Risk Coping Mechanisms o Credit, Savings and Insurance: How are they different? Fundamentals of Insurance and Microinsurance o Key Principles & Concepts of Insurance o Insurable Events o Target Clients of Microinsurance o Individual vs. Group insurance o Types of Insurance Products o Key Microinsurance Products 1:00 5:00 Module 1 Microinsurance Basics (Part B) Differences and Similarities of Conventional Insurance & Microinsurance Risks in Providing Microinsurance 5:00 5:30 Review of Learnings
Day 2 (Saturday) 8:30 9:00 Recap and Review of agenda for Day 2 9:00 11:00 Module 2 Microinsurance in the Philippines Roadmap of Microinsurance Service Enhancement Microinsurance Regulations: Ensuring regulatory compliance by rural banks Duties and responsibilities of Insurance companies and Agents Ethical Standards of Practice & Possible grounds for License Revocation 11:00 12:00 Activity: Developing an Action Plan towards MI regulatory compliance 1:00 3:00 Module 3 Effective Marketing of Microinsurance Addressing common misconceptions about insurance Compulsory versus Voluntary MI Developing an effective feedbacking system to ensure client appreciation Ensuring service quality and consumer protection 3:00 3:30 Post-training review 3:30 4:30 Written exam 4:30 5:00 Presentation of Certificates of Completion