This document lists integrated circuits (ICs) from the 4000 series CMOS family and operational amplifiers. It provides a list of over 200 ICs, including common logic gates, counters, registers, multiplexers, and other digital circuits. It also lists several operational amplifiers, describing their purpose, predecessors, and obsolescence status. The document provides a comprehensive reference of components for digital and analog circuit design using 4000 series CMOS ICs and operational amplifiers.
This document lists integrated circuits (ICs) from the 4000 series CMOS family and operational amplifiers. It provides a list of over 200 ICs, including common logic gates, counters, registers, multiplexers, and other digital circuits. It also lists several operational amplifiers, describing their purpose, predecessors, and obsolescence status. The document provides a comprehensive reference of components for digital and analog circuit design using 4000 series CMOS ICs and operational amplifiers.
Original Description:
This is a list of some important ICs that are usually asked in electrical engineering examinations.
This document lists integrated circuits (ICs) from the 4000 series CMOS family and operational amplifiers. It provides a list of over 200 ICs, including common logic gates, counters, registers, multiplexers, and other digital circuits. It also lists several operational amplifiers, describing their purpose, predecessors, and obsolescence status. The document provides a comprehensive reference of components for digital and analog circuit design using 4000 series CMOS ICs and operational amplifiers.
This document lists integrated circuits (ICs) from the 4000 series CMOS family and operational amplifiers. It provides a list of over 200 ICs, including common logic gates, counters, registers, multiplexers, and other digital circuits. It also lists several operational amplifiers, describing their purpose, predecessors, and obsolescence status. The document provides a comprehensive reference of components for digital and analog circuit design using 4000 series CMOS ICs and operational amplifiers.
Precision Fahrenheit temperature sensor, 0.5F accuracy [74]
Precision Centigrade temperature sensor, 0.25C accuracy [75]
Precision Centigrade temperature sensor, 2C accuracy [76]
Single supply Centigrade temperature sensor, 2C accuracy [77]
Dual output low power thermostat, resistor programmable [78]
Dual output resistor programmable thermostat with analog temperature sensor [79]
LM60 LM61 LM62
Single supply Centigrade temperature sensors (The difference between the components is the voltage scale) [80]
LM135 LM235 LM335
Precision Zener temperature sensor, 1C accuracy [81]
Bipolar 74 Standard TTL, the original logic family had no letters between the "74" and the part number. 10ns gate delay, 10mw dissipation, 4.755.25V, released in 1966. [8]
74L Low Power, Larger resistors allowed 1 mW dissipation at the cost of a very slow 33nS gate delay. Obsolete, replaced by 74LS or CMOS technology. Introduced 1971. [9]
74H High Speed. 6ns gate delay but 22 mW power dissipation. Used in 1970s era supercomputers. Still produced but generally superseded by the 74S series. Introduced in 1971. 74S High Speed Schottky, Implemented with Schottky diode clamps at the inputs to prevent charge storage, this provides faster operation than the 74 and 74H series at the cost of increased power consumption and cost. 3ns gate delay, 20 mW dissipation, released in 1971. 74LS Low Power Schottky. Implemented using the same technology as 74S but with reduced power consumption and switching speed. Typical 10ns gate delay, a remarkable (for the time) 2 mW dissipation, 4.755.25V. 74AS Advanced Schottky, the next iteration of the 74S series with greater speed and fan- out despite lower power consumption. Implemented using the 74S's technology with "miller killer" circuitry to speed up the low-to-high transition. 1.7 ns gate delay, 8 mW, 4.55.5V. 74ALS Advanced Low Power Schottky, Same technology as 74AS but with the speed/power tradeoff of the 74LS. 4nS, 1.2 mW, 4.55.5V. 74F Fast, Fairchild's version of TI's 74AS. 3.4nS, 6 mW, 4.55.5V. Introduced in 1978. CMOS C CMOS 415 V operation similar to buffered 4000 (4000B) series HC High-speed CMOS, similar performance to LS, 12 ns. 2.06.0V. HCT High speed, compatible logic levels to bipolar parts AC Advanced CMOS, performance generally between S and F ACQ Advanced CMOS with Quiet outputs AHC Advanced high-speed CMOS, three times as fast as HC ALVC Low voltage 1.8 to 3.3 V, Time Propagation Delay (TPD) < 3 ns@3.3 V ALVT Low voltage 2.5 to 3.3 V, 5 V tollerant inputs, high current <= 64mA, TPD < 3 ns@2.5V AUC Low voltage 0.8 to 2.5 V, TPD < 2.5 ns@1.8 V AUP Low voltage 0.8 to 3.6 V (3.3 V typically), TPD 15.6/8.2/4.3ns@1.2/1.8/3.3V, partial power down specified (IOFF), Inputs protected AVC Low voltage 1.8 V to 3.3 V, TPD < 3.2 ns@1.8 V, Bus hold, IOFF FC Fast CMOS, performance similar to F LCX CMOS with 3 V supply and 5 V tolerant inputs LV Low-voltage CMOS 2.0 to 5.5 V supply and 5 V tolerant inputs LVC Low voltage 1.65 to 3.3 V and 5 V tolerant inputs, tpd < 5.5 ns@3.3 V, tpd < 9 ns@2.5 V LV-A 2.5 to 5 V, 5 V tolerant inputs, TPD < 10 ns@3.3 V, bus hold, IOFF, low noise LVT Low voltage 3.3 V, 5V tolerant inputs, high output current < 64mA, TPD < 3.5 ns@3.3 V, IOFF, low noise LVQ Low voltage 3.3 V LVX Low voltage 3.3 V with 5 V tolerant inputs VHC Very-high-speed CMOS 'S' performance in CMOS technology and power BiCMOS BCT BiCMOS, TTL-compatible input thresholds, used for buffers ABT Advanced BiCMOS, TTL-compatible input thresholds, faster than ACT and BCT