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Rosicrucian Digest, July 1935

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The document discusses a correspondence tablet being offered for sale to students, and also advertises several Rosicrucian books. It provides details on Frater Marx passing away in an automobile accident.

A large correspondence tablet is being offered for sale to students at an economical price. It has instructions and space to properly address letters, and consists of good quality paper.

Frater Marx, a prominent Rosicrucian member, passed away from injuries sustained in an automobile accident while traveling to the 1934 national convention in San Jose with his wife, who was seriously injured.

J ULY, 1935

25c per Copy

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A Meeting of the Minds
Each tabl et contains 50 large
8'/2-inch x 11-inch business
size sheets. The bl otter cover
with i ts printed information
about the various departments
is a useful addition to each
t blet.
40c each; 3 for $1.00
When you write, you have one party in mind. That party
may be one individual or a group of them, but your thoughts
are alone for them. You do not wish your thoughts to reach
a mind or minds for whom they were not intended. Further
more, you do not wish others to interpret your ideas for you.
However, this is only possible when you take the proper
precautions to see that your communications are brought
directly to the personal attention of your correspondent.
The Rosicrucian student who fails to properly address his
or her communications, or give all needed information for
their proper delivery, causes his or her letter or report to
be read, interpreted, and handled by many persons before
reaching its proper destination.
To avoid such conditions and to facilitate a prompt reply
to communications, we have prepared a special large Cor
respondence Tablet for students, at an economical price. The
cover of the tablet is also especially useful. Besides being a
blotter, there is printed upon it all essential instructions as
of each sheet there is printed information for the proper
direction of your letter. The stationery consists of a light,
strong, and good quality bond paper.
This is a most serviceable article and one that no student
should be without. You owe it to yourself to make this
reasonable purchase.
S A N J O S E , C A L I F O R N I A , U.S.A.
Grand Councilor and I nspector General
Frater Marx was an enthusiastic representative of the Order for the midwestern district,
and an indefatigable worker among the members. He assisted in establishing various chapters
including those at Reading and Philadelphia, and was a prominent figure in the 1934 national
Convention at San Jose. He and his wife left their home by automobile for the Convention this
July, and as a result of an automobile accident he passed through transition on Sunday, June 23,
while his wife was seriously injured. All of our members, and especially those in the eastern
part of the United States, will greatly regret this unexpected passing, and we will miss our
Frater's valued services. He was truly worthy of attaining the Higher Initiation, but we shall
miss his earthly companionship.
(Courtesy of Rosicrucian Digest.)
I AS life been casting you in the role of worry and strife? Have circumstances been masking you
I with fear and doubt about what tomorrow will bring? Do you find it difficult to bring to the
front your old spirit of buoyancy and confidence you once had? Are your words of assurance to
friends and relatives but hollow mockeries of your true feelings?
Let me tear from you this mask of uncertainty. Let me show you life as it really can be, with you
playing the lead . . dominant and masterful. I am not a miracle worker, but I can bring about a trans
formation in you. You still retain the inherent forces of your mind, the creative genius of your inner
intelligence. The real you is not gone. It has been stupified, deadened by the shock of changing con
ditions. I can bring back in you a renewed mental energy the ability to plan, create, and master
your life. I cannot give you tnese powers, no man can, but through the unusual knowledge and age- old
principles taught by the Rosicrucians, I can reawaken and develop the real you, the self you have
never known or used.
Let This Sealed Book Reveal The Real You
Challenge these statements, if you wish, by writ
ing today for the Free Sealed Book. It has within
its pages a warm, cordial message of fellowship,
hope, and inspiration. No man or woman can be
raised to the higher places in life without their
effort. If you are willing, however, to do half of
what is necessary to bring about a change in your
life, then write today for this Free Sealed Book.
I can assure you that in a few weeks from now
your view- point of life will be so changed that you
will not be able to recognize your old ways of
living and thinking.
Write today for this book which will tell you
how you may obtain these startling principles for
the unmasking of your mind.
Scribe S. P. C., The Rosicrucians (AMORC)
San Jose, California.
Please send me, without obligation, the Free
Sealed Book which explains how I may obtain
the secret principles for the unmasking of my
Name....... .............................................................
Address................................... -.............................
Scribe S. P. C.
l'lhe Rosicrucians
l A M O R C j
( R O SI C R U C I A N S H A V E A L L H AD T H I S BO O K )
Di gest
J ul y
HE month of July
offers us much
food for thought
in connection with
the revolutionary
changes made in
the forms of mod
ern civilization. In
the United States
of A merica, of
course, J uly 4,
cal led Independ
ence Day, is cele
brated as the an
niversary of one of the greatest steps
taken in a forward manner for the in
dependence and progressive evolution
of civilized beings. But in other parts
of the world the month is singularly and
signally important in a similar manner.
On July 14 in the year 1789 the French
Revolution began, which history records
as an outstanding event in the modern
ization of human rights and interests,
and this day is known as Bastille Day.
The first day of July is the annivers
ary of the birth of Canada. When we
stop to think of what the Dominion of
Canada has accomplished in turning
vast unsettled and unattractive lands
into magnificent cities, great estates,
ranches, and picturesque parks, and in
building up a tremendous nation of
highly cultured and progressive citizens,
and also realize that all of this was ac
complished in sixty-eight years, we see
what can happen when civilization steps
forward in one of its cyclic movements.
It should be remembered also that with
all of the population in Canada today
constituting large cities and a mighty,
potent nation, there are several million
Canadians who have migrated to the
United States and live on American
soil. These should be added to the total
population of Canadas citizens and de
voted supporters, for no Canadian ever
loses his love and staunch support of
his native country even though circum
stances tempt him to live in other lands
and become a naturalized citizen under
another flag.
During the month we find the birth
day anniversaries of such persons as
Coolidge, J. D. Rockefeller, Finley
Dunne, Tarkington, and Henry Ford.
A few of the interesting events that
have occurred during the month of July
in past years present to us an idea of
the diversified activities of human na
ture. On or about the 20th day of July
in the year 1927 young Mihai, five
years of age, became King of Roumania.
What a story of the strange demonstra
tions of that which is called fate! A
child robbed of its complete freedom
and happiness to assume the fateful and
unhappy position of a king, while other
children of the same age born in the
same country, perhaps in the same sec
tion in a city, remain in poor families
and attain no fame at all! And on that
same 20th of July in the year 1869,
Thurston, the famous magician, was
born. He lived to perfect his art to such
an extent that the smoothness, sureness,
and subtility of his acts caused millions
of persons to doubt that only mechani
cal craftsmanship and purely mental
and physical skill accounted for all of
the mysterious things that occurred in
his presence. Human nature preferred
to think that he possessed some myster
ious supernatural power, but he retired
from public entertainment work leaving
many thousands convinced that some
Two Hundred Four
thing more than ordinary trickery or
magic guided his professional work.
There is ever a tendency in human
minds and hearts to attribute to the
supernatural that which is not easily
comprehensive. T h at psychological
tendency on the part of mankind is ac
countable for many great frauds that
have been perpetrated on the public and
will continue to be perpetrated in re
sponse to the same urge for many cen
turies to come.
It was on the twenty-third day of
July, 1885, that General Ulysses S.
Grant passed through transition, creat
ing a great international sorrow in the
hearts of many, many thousands who
knew him and loved him. His body was
finally encased in three elaborate and
expensive coffins of various materials
including metal, and a tomb was event
ually built to contain these coffins which
cost $600,000.00. It is strange how
human beings will spend a hundred
times more to build and maintain a huge
structure to house a lifeless body when
that same public would not give one-
tenth of that amount to have made him
happy while he lived.
On the other hand, on the 21st day
of July in the year 1926 just a few
years ago there ended a great trial
and inquest hearing and investigation in
Dayton, Tennessee, to determine, if
possible, whether the story of creation
as found in the book of Genesis was
literally and completely true in every
word and thought expressed therein, or
whether the findings of modern science
modified that account and gave us a
truer and better picture of the real de
tails to substitute the allegorical one
contained in many Christian and non-
Christian writings. The decision was in
favor of the Biblical account; thus we
see that a group of a few men could
steel themselves against the Cosmic im
pulses and urges toward modernization
and a broadening of our vision, and
force the majority of men and women to
look upon the ancient records as far
more reliable than that of the present
time. While we were honoring great
men of the past that brought freedom
of thought and action to modern civil
ized nations, a jury convicted John
Scopes, a teacher in a high school, for
daring to step outside of the old ortho
dox beliefs and teach what modern
science had proved to be true or nearly
true. Mankind wants the truth and yet
he must have that truth served to him in
a form that does not shock his ancient
and honored, respected and proved tra
ditions and ways of thinking. He who
dares too greatly to advocate the truth
and reveal new knowledge brings him
self to a place and a time where some of
his followers and a majority of thinking
people are ready to crucify him, unless
he is hypocritical enough to veil his
teachings in gar men t s of ancient
In most civilized countries the month
of July is one of the warm months when
millions of persons will seek recreation
and pastime interests in the out-of-
doors. Some will go to the mountain
tops, declaring this to be the only place
where peace and rest can be found.
Others will go to the valleys, seeking
solitude and comfort. Others will join
with excavating parties and go to dis
tant places, while others will stay at
home. The poor will wonder in what
sense some days or weeks of the sum
mer can be called happy and joyous
vacation days, while they labor with no
change in their customary habits. And
the wealthy will wonder how they can
emulate or imitate the happiness, the
satisfaction, which the poor find in re
maining at home. Each group will envy
the other, while a few who know the
laws and principles will realize that each
hour and day of the week, month, and
year can be made what we wrill it to be,
regardless of the expenditure of money
or a consideration of time and place.
Certainly, the month of July offers op
portunities for greater expression of
freedom in thought and action than
many of the other months of the year,
and if we take advantage of this period
and make it serve in broadening our
vision of life and adding to our intimate
contact with nature and mankind, we
will make it truly a revolutionary month
in every sense of the word.
Two Hundred Five
.. And The Great Unknown!
By F r a t e r J o h n G o t t l i e b H a l b e d e l , F. R. C .
Di gest
J ul y
HEN the Hawaiian
Islands were still
mountain tops in
a land of perpetual
spring, and the
p y r a mi d of
Cheops was not
yet bui l t , man
sought to pierce
the mysteries of
nature. Long be
fore A t l an t i s
disappeared, leav
ing bu t a few
mountain peaks to posterity, which now
are known as the Azores, man at
tempted to penetrate the riddle of the
universe. Long before Noah received
the Command to build his Arc to
weather the coming Deluge, and long
before mens tongues were confused
during the building of the famous Tow
er of Babel, men were wont to gather
in certain places to discuss what puzzled
them and intrigued their minds.
Long before Mark Anthony and
Cleopatra chose to journey together in
another life, and long before Socrates
sought refuge among his disciples to
escape the distracting tantrums of a
termagant wife, men sought to search
out the secrets of the world about them.
Men philosophized long before Euclid
conceived and formulated his now fa
mous postulate of parallels, which was
destined to drive mathematicians to dis
traction for twenty centuries, and which
some geometers struggled to prove,
only to be invariably compelled to re
linquish their work as a useless task be
cause forced to the distracting realiza
tion that the celebrated Euclidean post
ulate of parallels was incapable of proof.
And most certain it is that long before
the mythologies of I nd i a, Persia,
Greece, Rome, and the Sagas of the
North were written, and the Story of
The Nativity became accomplished
facts, the mind of man sought to pene
trate the unseen and observe the invis
When mens thoughts first sought to
pierce the veil of a world intangible,
like beams of light breaking through a
thinning fog, they had become philoso
phers. When men first experimented
with the tangible earthly things and
substances, they had become scientists.
Henceforth, then, man is first a philoso
pher and secondly a scientist. The
philosopher reasons; the scientist ex
periments, observes, speculates, and
doubts. Therefore, no man can be just
one or the other. He must be both;
Two Hundred Six
hence, it becomes obvious that man is a
philosopher-scientist. Thought, study,
observation, and experience cause him
to formulate a philosophy of his own,
which no amount of persuasion may
change but is always becoming better
with experience.
It is universally understood t hat
every person has a conception of the
world in which he lives, and also a
philosophy that cautions him whither
he should go and what he should or
should not do when the compelling cur
rent of life has left him at the cross
road of an already eventful existence.
I f tutored by competent scholars in a
school or system of philosophy, a per
son may still and forevermore follow
the urge and dictates of his own philos
ophy which, with some exceptions, con
stitutes the sum-total of his experience
as a philosopher-scientist in a world of
beings and things seen and unseen, but
with this difference: a persons thoughts
are guided into constructive channels
and his efforts directed in a practical
way and to serve practical purposes.
This is undoubtedly a considerable im
provement over the personal philosophy
without proper guidance.
The story of philosophy has been
written in practically every language
and wherever told it thrilled the souls
of men; and whenever its story is fin
ished one invariably is forced to the
realization that the utopia of every
philosopher is conceived as a land
peopled with a race of men and women
living in peace and prosperity, governed
by the experts in the various trades and
sciences, and guided by the wisest of
their men. The philosopher's utopia
presented in The Republic of Plato is
of an extremely delicate nature, being
patterned after a spiritual, mystical con
ception rather than in conformity with
the more materialistic views and moral
precepts of his time. The idealism of
Platonic philosophy, therefore, is op
posed to materialism and sensational
ism. With Plato and Aristotle, the
former as the teacher of the latter, as
with most of the great Greek thinkers,
philosophy was not looked upon as
mere speculation or to while away ones
time. To these noble souls philosophy
meant wisdom, and wisdom meant wise
action; wise action meant virtue, and
virtue meant the attainment of perfec
tionNirvana. To the philosophic
soul Nirvana represents that ecstatic
state of being in which the soul is re
turning to its Source by being absorbed
into Deity. Time came when Plato the
teacher, and Aristotle the pupil, rose
from their beautiful gardens and halls
of learning and joined the G r eat
Masters, bequeathing to posterity their
writings. Their great works were des
tined to exert a great and constructive
influence over men and nations and
determined the destinies of races of men
and women and kings and rulers.
Plato and Aristotle are looked upon
as the last of the ancient philosophers.
It is significant to note that it was the
mission of these two intrepid souls, the
last of their famous line, to create and
bequeath to thousands of succeeding
generations of men and women their
immortal works and writings that were
to prove of inestimable value as very
practical guides to kings and emperors,
presidents and governors, lawmakers
and lawgivers in the governing of
t hose incapable of self-government.
Platos mystic idealism, in the light of
later historical and scientific develop
ments and achievements, appears al
most prophetic in its transcendental
aspect as a philosophy. The Politics of
Aristotle, his pupil and disciple, con
tains a more tangible structure of
philosophy, one that seems more ac
ceptable to those less idealistic than
Plato. The Republic of Plato and the
Politics of Aristotle have proved a verit
able treasure as a source of knowledge
and reference for statesmen, teachers,
and students of philosophy and science.
With the death of Plato and Aristotle,
who to modern times represent the en
tire school of Greek Philosophy, the
glorious age of brilliant philosophers
came to a close. Their legacy to the
coming generations was a constructive
system of philosophy and of social and
political science. While the names of
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle remained
as eloquent symbols of three great
lights in the firmament of ancient
philosophy, philosophy all but died and
passed out of existence.
Two Hundred Seven
Century after century passed. Philo
sophy seemed to be doomed to an in
terminable banishment from the minds
of men. The intellectual darkness that
creeped over Greece and Rome finally
enveloped all Europe. Superstition, ig
norance, wars and revolutions which
blunted the minds of men and stunted
the growth of intellect and initiative in
men and women alike in the course of
centuries plunged nation after nation
deeper and ever deeper into chaos and
intellectual darkness. The people of
many lands were at the mercy of those
few whose personal philosophy of life
was founded in the perverted doctrine
of might is right.
The period of history between the
death of Plato and Aristotle and Soc
rates and the birth of Francis Bacon,
the first modern philosopher, was in
deed one of hardships and decadence
for all civilized peoples. The dark mid
dle ages were dark indeed! Thus for a
thousand years darkness hovered over
every land and nation. Anxious eyes
scanned the horizon of the future for a
fearless torchbearer to bring light into
this awful darkness. And to Francis
Bacon fell the mission to wake philoso
phy from its millenial slumber. This
came to pass in an age when mankind
waited for some gr eat soul wise
enough and fearlessto raise from the
ruins and debris of centuries of wars
and strifes the philosophy of Socrates,
Plato, and Aristotle. To this wonderful
man, who believed himself born for the
service of mankind, fell the extremely
difficult task and mission of redeeming
philosophy from its entombment of a
thousand years of yesterdays and her
alding its resurrection in the dawn of a
new and glorious age of philosophy and
science. Sir Francis Bacon was the
first great philosopher and thinker of
modern times; just as Amenhotep I V is
called the first modern King.
The strange life and political career
of this truly remarkable man offer
countless incidents and experiences
reminiscent of the lives of famous per-
The sonalities connected with the distant
Rosi cruci an past. There are investigators and au-
Di gest thorities on manuscripts who assert that
J ul y Bacon is the real author of all the
1935 Shakespearean plays, so-called, basing
their assertions upon certain secret signs
and symbols used by Bacon and found
in all his writings. Bacons The New
Atlantis is not just a commonplace story
of an ordinary imagination. It is to all
intents and purposes a prognostication
of much that has actually come to pass.
The New Atlantis is the Utopia of
Bacon, the philosopher-scientist. This
remarkable narrative was never finished.
Its author, much misunderstood by his
contemporaries and abused for his kind
ness and generosity toward friends and
enemies alike, died in retirement, leav
ing The New Atlantis only partly writ
ten for reasons sufficient unt o its
Before Bacon passed on to join the
intellectual lights that had shone in the
firmament of philosophy and science
before him, he, his extremely difficult
mission fulfilled, bequeathed his soul to
God and his body to the soil whence it
had come. His name he left to the Ages
past and to come; his works to foreign
nations. His spirit is still a guiding
factor in the world of philosophy,
science, and literature. His works still
exert a powerful influence upon the
thoughts of men and women here and
abroad. Francis Bacons name is still
revered by philosophers and scientists
alike. It is indelibly written into the
RECORDS of Father Time and added
to the names of those who also have
contributed their best to the welfare
and progress of mankind and human
achievement, being thus perpetuated to
the Ages and future generations of men
and women. In this manner passed
away Sir Francis Bacon, Baron Veru-
lam and Viscount St. Albans, English
l awyer , statesman and philosopher,
mystic and lover of mankind, joining his
peers and having spanned the treacher
ous gap of a thousand years of mental
and cultural darkness which had separ
ated the ancient and the modern world.
His singular mi ssi on was fulfilled.
Bacon had linked the ancient world of
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle with the
new world of philosophy, science, and
literature. So mote it be!
Bacons The New Atlantis was pub
lished posthumously with his last work,
entitled, Sylva Sylvarum. The New
Atlantis has been read by many and
Two Hundred. Eight
criticised. However, few have been
able to penetrate the subtlety of bis
reasoning in this particular manuscript
and contribution to the wealth and gems
of literature, which Bacon so effective
ly employed to veil the true purpose and
character of his prophetic narrative,
which is of an allegorical nature. Ac
cording to his many critics the story
( The New Atlantis) begins "in the
most artfully artless way. This is
truly the case; however, it is in this very
artful artlessness that the subtlety of
his philosophical reasoning is concealed;
to trip up the unwary and especially
those who are naturally inclined to jump
to illogical, unscientific, and unphilo-
sophical conclusions. In his own char
acteristic artful artlessness, Socrates,
who possessed the most encyclopaedic
mind of all time, ensnared his opponents
and drove them either to distraction or
forced them into admissions or silence.
Bacon was no less subtle in his own
way. The New Atlantis is a classic ex
ample of Baconian subtlety and philo
sophic reasoning.
The famous author of The New At
lantis had ample time to complete his
remarkable narrative; yet it was never
completed. Many scholars and his own
friends and certain contemporaries re
gretted that this intriguing story was
never entirely told. All wondered why
its singularly gifted author left it un
finished. What prompted or prevented
this strange man from continuing and
completing his story of The New At
lantis1 At times one is almost tempted
to believe that Bacon purposely left
incomplete the story of The New At
lantis, leaving it to posterity to supply
the time, and the place, and the char
acters, as well as a happy ending to his
allegory: A strange story of a strange
voyage of fearless souls to foreign
shores; of their fateful landing on an is
land peopled with a race of men skilled
in many trades and sciences, and wise
men, pious and merciful, and all versed
in the practical wisdom of the sages of
ancient times. This is Bacons UTOPI A
the ideal state and republic of the
philosopher-king and scientist.
Two Hundred Nine
The "Cathedral of the Soul Is a Cosmic meeting place for all minds of the
most advanced and highly developed spiritual members and workers of the
Rosicrucian Fraternity. It is a focal point of Cosmic radiations and thought
waves from which radiate vibrations of health, peace, happiness, and inner
awakening. Various periods of the day are set aside when many thousands
of minds are attuned with the Cathedral of the Soul, and others attuning with
the Cathedral at this time will receive the benefit of the vibrations. Those who
are not members of the organization may share in the unusual benefit as well
as those who are members. The book called "Liber 777 describes the periods
for various contacts with the Cathedral. Copies will be sent to persons who
are not members by addressing their request for this book to Friar S. P. C., care
of AMORC Temple, San Jose, California, enclosing three cents in postage
stamps. (Please state whether member or not this is important.)
the world today
there ar e newer
and more enthus-
iastic movements
originating and
starting with en
thusiastic action
looking t owar d
the revival of re
ligious thought
rp, t^ian at any ot^er
. . 1" time jn the past
Kostcruci an several decades.
Di gest Strict orthodoxy is being challenged,
J ul y but religious tendencies accompanied
1935 by profound, sincere, religious thought
and the proper respect for Divine prin
ciples and spiritual qualities are increas
ing in the hearts and consciousness of
the peoples of the civilized world.
The so-called youth movements, de
signed to reawaken the interest of
young people in the spiritual values and
the Divine principles, are making great
headway in almost every land, even in
those countries where complete religious
freedom has been denied. Ancient doc
trines and creeds are being modified,
the dogmas of yesterday are being ex
tended and widened, and a more hope
ful view-point is being created in the
consciousness of thinking people.
Two Hundred Ten
A man without a religion is worse
than a man without a country. He is
totally lacking in that inspired and in
spiring element that leads him along the
evolutionary path toward higher and
more idealistic goals. The study of
ethics and morals may make a man
learned in the natural and unnatural
laws of human action and relationships,
but nothing except a religious devotion
and a spiritual comprehension of things
will take him to the greater heights
which constitute the goal of his journey
through life on earth. The materialist or
the individual who negates the value of
religion and stifles the Divine impulses
within him is lost to the higher and
better things of life. The extreme
fanatic is of the same type as the one
who denies all things of a religious na
ture, and it is the mind that projects its
consciousness in the middle course that
is truly harmonized and attuned with
the spiritual kingdom.
The work of the Cathedral of the
Soul was born in this modern spirit of
toleration in religious matters. It offers
an opportunity for those of any creed,
and all creeds, and those of no creed
at all, to learn through inner experience
of the existence of Divine Conscious
ness in man which ever seeks to lift it
self upward in attunement with its great
source and inspiration.
If you as a reader of this magazine
have not given yourself the sublime and
unequalled joy and happiness that
comes f r om religious devotion and
Divine meditation and contemplation,
you should indulge in the periods of the
Cathedral of the Soul, unite with thous
ands of us in attuning our inner selves
with the higher intelligence and con
sciousness of this universe, and sense a
distinctive quality of this kingdom of
God in the universe as compared with
the mor bi d, sordid, unsatisfactory
things of our earthly material physical
life. If you have not read the little book
called Liber 777, dealing with the
Cathedral of the Soul and its eminent
and far-reaching benefits uncontami
nated by any sectarian or commercial
elements, secure the book at once by
writing to us as instructed above and
enjoy with the many thousands of
happy followers this religious and in
spiring principle. Make the Cathedral
of the Soul your spiritual home in the
Cosmic where you may dwell in peace
and harmony with all of mankind free
from the restrictions and limitations of
race, creed, color, or social position,
where you are equal with all of Gods
children and face to face with the pre
sence of the Holy Assembly awaiting
your entrance into the realm of peace,
health, and happiness.
------ 1
It is with great pleasure that we announce that Frater Albert Edward Galloway has
won first prize in the recent Membership Contest, which first prize entitles the Frater to
transportation to the Rose-Croix University and free tuition for one semester. The Frater
has worked hard in behalf of the organization, and we are pleased to know that he won
this unusual award.
Second place goes equally to Frater Onton Simonitsch and Soror Marie C. Lewis,
their award being honorary life membership.
But the Grand Lodge also wishes to express its appreciation to the several thousands
of members who, though they may not have won any of these awards, have faithfully
assisted the Order and participated in its extension, and we hope that each will continue
to do so for the same noble purposes which inspired them to serve.
' - ........- ^- - - - - - - -
Two Hundred Eleven
Shall We Guide Causes or Remedy Effects ?
By F r a t e r J o h n A mi
E A RE today be
coming what to
morrow we will be.
Now is the only
time at our com
mand to determine
our destiny. Yes
terday is gone and
tomorrow will be
too late. Intelligent
direction o f the
forces which sur
round us today is
our only salvation.
I f our civilization is to succeed, we will
have to go back further than we have
been going to deal with the problems
that confront us. It will be necessary
for us to meet these problems when they
are in their intangible form and before
materialization has taken place, if we are
to deal with them economically and suc
cessfully. Our problems come silently
out of the unseen and at their source
have been in a liquid form when they
might easily have been molded for our
The benefit. In other words, we are today
Rosi cruci an struggling with events which might easi-
ly have been mastered had we taken
them when they were causes. The ques
tion is: shall we continue to ignore
causes because they are immaterial and
Di gest
J ul y
intangible and therefore difficult to dis
cern and spend our lives struggling with
events, many of which have gone be
yond our control?
We find ourselves today exerting
strenuous efforts to meet in a practical
way the problems which confront us,
whereas, had we been able to sense the
unseen and silent forces, which brought
them about, these problems would have
been solved before they became concrete
and difficult problems. Our intelligence is
not very very far-seeing or we would
not be in the undesirable position which
we occupy today. Critical and destruc
tive things happen to us and we set
about immediately to use our intelli
gence and scientific knowledge to dis
cover what it is all about. In tracing
back the history of these things to dis
cover the causes, we find strange foot
prints along the way, about which we
have some very profound ideas. When
we get to the end of the road, however,
we are able to identify these footprints;
we find that they are our own. Then
we wonder why we were unable to dis
cern the direction in which these foot
prints were leading us at the time they
were made.
We are a race of profound analysts.
We have become most scientific in an-
Two Hundred Twelve
alyzing things after they have material
ized. We seem to know so little about
them before they reach that stage. We
sometimes wonder if it would not be
more practical for us to be more theoret
ical in at least attempting to understand
and direct the forces which are now in
the process of bringing about our fu
ture events. It is quite possible that we
will find the causes of most of our
troubles within ourselves.
Yet the trend of events seems to be
encouraging. One of the outstanding
features of our present situation seems
to be the earnest efforts that people are
making to understand the society in
which they are living. The last few years
have taught us very forcibly that the
present is the child of the past. We are
beginning to discover that the man of
the future is the child of today. Our
analysis has taught us the painful fact
that the causes which have brought us
to our present undesirable condition
came into being twenty-five or more
years ago. The world is in a state of
flux. Great silent and unseen forces are
at work determining the trend and the
form of our future civilization. Now is
the time for us to determine what that
civilization shall be a decade and half
a century from now.
Perhaps there is no better indicator
of the trend of the times and the direc
tion in which these forces are driving
us than certain passages from President
Roosevelts recent message to Congress.
A Presidents message is always a cri
terion of the times. He states:
"We have undertaken a new order of
things. We have proceeded throughout
the nation a measurable distance on the
road toward this new order. . . .
"Throughout the world, change is the
order of the day. In every nation eco
nomic problems, long in the making,
have brought crises of many kinds for
which the masters of old practice and
theory were unprepared. In most nations
social justice, no longer a distant ideal,
has become a definite goal, and ancient
governments are beginning to heed the
"Thus the American people do not
stand alone in the world in their desire
for change. We seek it through tested,
liberal traditions, through processes
Two Hundred Thirteen
which retain all of the deep essentials
of that republican form of representa
tive government first given to a troubled
world by the United States. . . . Think
ing people in almost every country of
the world have come to realize certain
fundamental difficulties with which civ
ilization must reckon. . . .
"We find our population suffering
from old inequalities, little changed by
past radical remedies. In spite of our ef
forts and in spite of our talk, we have
not weeded out the overpriviliged and we
have not effectively lifted up the under
privileged. Both of these manifestations
of injustice have retarded our happi
ness. . . .
"We have, however, a clear mandate
from the people, that Americans must
foreswear that conception of the ac
quisition of wealth which, through ex
cessive profits, creates undue private
power over private affairs and, to our
misfortune, over public affairs as well.
In building toward this end, we do not
destroy ambition nor do we seek to
divide our wealth into equal shares on
stated occasions. We continue to recog
nize the greater ability of some to earn
more than others. But we do assert
that the ambition of the individual to
obtain for him and his a proper security,
a reasonable leisure, and a decent living
throughout life is an ambition to be pre
ferred to the appetite for great wealth
and great power. . . .
"The people of America are turning
as never before to those permanent
values that are not limited to the physi
cal objectives of life. There are growing
signs of this on every hand. In the
face of these spiritual impulses, we are
sensible of the Divine Providence to
which nations turn now, as always, for
guidance and fostering care.
Never in the history of the United
States has a President written such a
message to the Congress. This message
must stand out as a great beacon light
of tendencies to guide us in our efforts
to meet the problems of the present age
and to teach us wisdom in bringing
about a satisfactory future civilization.
May we look at one other outstanding
indicator and light that is being shed
upon the present crisis: that is the re
port of the National Resources Board,
J ul y
which is undoubtedly one of the most
important public documents published in
a decade, insofar as indicating the trend
of our future course is concerned. This
is the first definite, outstanding national
step that has been taken which would
indicate that we shall attempt to plan
our future by directing the forces which
now surround us and which are to de
termine our destiny and happiness.
This report states that the national
resources of America are the heritage
of the whole nation and should be con
served and utilized for the benefit of all
of our people. It states that the gains
of civilization are essentially mass gains
and should be utilized for the benefit of
the many rather than the few. This re
port brings together for the first time in
our history exhaustive studies on na
tional planning, and lays the basis of a
comprehensive, long-range, nat i onal
policy for the conservation and develop
ment of our fabulous national resources.
It also states that human resources
and human values are even more signifi
cant than the land, water, and minerals
on which men are dependent, that the
application of science to the reorgani
zation of resources is not an end in it
self, but should be carried on in order
to decrease the burdens imposed upon
labor, to raise the standard of living and
enhance the well-being of the people.
It states that planning consists in the
systematic, continuous, forward-looking
application of the best intelligence avail
able to programs of private affairs in
the public field as it does to private af
fairs in the domain of individual activity.
It states that several considerations
are important in looking at plans for
planning. First, the necessity and value
of coordinating our national and local
policies instead of allowing them to drift
apart, or pull against each other with
disastrous effect. Second, the value of
looking forward in national life in ad
vance rather than afterward, of prevent
ing the fire rather than putting it out.
Third, the value of basing plans upon
the most competent collection and anal
ysis of facts.
Also, planning does not involve setting
up a fixed and unchangeable system, but
on the contrary contemplates readjust
ments and revisions, as new situations
and problems emerge. Wise planning is
based upon control of certain strategic
points in a working system to insure
order, justice, general welfare. We do
not stand at the broken end of a worn-
out road, but look forward down a
broad way to another era of American
opportunity. Among the nations of the
world, America has stood and still
stands for discovery, for fearless ex
periments, for ready adaptation to new
conditions. When we are resigned to
drifting, too weary to plan our own
American destiny, then stronger hands
and stouter hearts will take up the flag
of progress and lead the way out of
difficulties into attainment.
I f we need to look further for an in
dication of present trends, we might
quote from the recent pamphlet, issued
by Henry A. Wallace, Secretary of Ag
riculture, America Must Choose:
The problem of statesmanship is to
hold a policy leading toward a higher
state for humanity and to stick to that
policy and make it seem desirable to the
people in spite of short-time pressure to
the contrary. True statesmanship and
true religion have much in common. Both
are beset by those who, professing to
be able politicians and hardheaded men
of affairs, are actually so exclusively in
terested in the events of the immediate
future or the welfare of a small class
that from the broader, long-time point
of view they are thoroughly impractical
and theoretical. . . .
Enduring social transformation such
as our New Deal seeks is impossible of
realization without changed human
hearts. The classical economists, most
orthodox scientists, and the majority of
practical business men question whether
human nature can be changed. I think
it can be changed because it has been
changed many times in the past.
It is a belief often expressed nowa
days that men are born greedy, with a
strong self-seeking strain of meanness
inherent in their makeup; and that you
cant change human nature. I cannot
believe it. It sounds to me like a shelter
ing, modern rationalization built from
the despised and all but forgotten Puri
tan concept that Only man is vile.
The real need now is not to change
human nature but to give it a new
Two Hundred Fourteen
chance. And in trying to simplify to
myself the change of ways by which
we may all, as a people, come in time
to personal freedom, personal security,
and to the sort of self-respect which
makes life worth living, I keep coming
back to the question of fear.
I f we could rid the general mass of
our people of that paralyzing fear which
breeds and grows at a bare sustenance
level of wages and prices, and which
spreads in time to infect the whole of
business and society, it is conceivable
that we could proceed in time from an
economy of denied plenty, with heaping
surpluses next door to bitter hunger, to
an economy of potential abundance de
veloped to the uttermost and ungrudg
ingly shared.
The President has said, in a talk to
his Hyde Park neighbors, that the pur
pose of the New Deal is to revive that
feeling of mutual obligation and neigh
borliness which marked our early pio
neer settlements, and to make that spirit
effective throughout the modern inter
dependent community, the nation as a
whole. I wonder if one reason that the
people in those simpler societies were
more neighborly, and less inclined to
prey upon one another, was not simply
that their fear was of nature rather than
of their fellow men. They knew for cer
tain that they did not have to gouge
other men in order to live and provide
for their own. They were free men, se
cure. They were not driven by that fear
of nameless forces which haunts both
farm and city faces throughout this
world now. They were not forced to
strike out blindly against these remote,
anonymous forces; and to be uncom
promising, hard and mean in self-de
fense. I feel that in all civilized coun
tries we are all heartily sick of such
As we view the startling and illumi
nating statements made in the Presi
dent's message, in the report of the Na
tional Resources Board, and by Secre
tary Wallace, we may well ask: Is the
only hope of the world to put Christ in
the market place? A writer in the Lon
don Morning Post says, The crucial
question is how are we to evangelize
economics. The world lacks some unified
principle in human life which should
Two Hundred Fifteen
bring all human relationships into a di
vine harmony. The apparent withdrawal
of the Christian churches to any claim
to effective leadership in the vast issues
which press upon our society is both
for the church and the world the most
menacing factor in our predicament.
To whom shall we look for deliver
ance? No political power, no class has
brought us to this crucible of misfor
tune and suffering. Even though we
might have been debauched by an un
scrupulous group, we will look in vain
if we look afar for some miraculous
leadership to lead us out of our tribu
lations. We will be disappointed if we
expect that forces outside of our own
communities are to bring us permanent
relief. The community is the unit of the
present civilization and the community
must face and solve its own problems
and pay its debts. In the community
character is built, leadership is devel
oped, government and society are
molded and civilization is made. When
the community fails, the nation totters.
Those salient factors which make a na
tion greatcharacter, loyalty, justice,
and righteousness come out of the
community. Citizenship, manhood, and
virtue, if they are taught at all, must be
taught to the individual in the commu
nity. The proper functions of govern
ment, the great purposes of industry,
the responsibilities of society, and the
inspiration of religion must be developed
in the community. Communities must
have righteous leadership if we are to
have a righteous nation.
They who will perform the greatest
service for their country in its future
economic and social development, will
be the men who are able to lead its
people to use the gifts which Provi
dence has bestowed; for, after all, the
most vital and important work that lies
before these leaders is their work with
men and not their work with natural re
sources. The quality of the men will de
termine very largely the progress and
soundness of the development. The
spirit of the men to whom falls the priv
ilege and duty of bringing order out of
the present chaos and the courage and
unselfishness which they may display
will, in the end, be the determining fac
tors in the future civilization.
And we must come at last to that
factor which always has and always will
determine the greatness and beneficence
of any project in the economic and social
field, and that is the spirit of the men
who are called to leadership in the work
to be accomplished. If we can be as
sured of wise leadership in government,
in industry, in education, in religion for
the years to come, if we can be assured
that these leaders will be able to in
spire in the souls of the people a satis
factory vision of the future and can
establish in them a permanent faith in
themselves and in each other and a con
ception of the welfare of the whole;
then we may be assured of the great
ness of our future civilization and the
happiness of its people.
Man, when conscious of an eternal truth, has ever symbolized It so that the
human consciousness could forever have realization of it. Nations, languages and
customs have changed, but these ancient designs continue to illuminate mankind
with their mystic light. For those who are seeking light, each month we will
reproduce a symbol or symbols, with their ancient meaning.
Emblem of Immortality and Resurrection. A
fabulous bird of antiquity; was said to be like
the eagle in form and size, but of very beautiful
and vivid plumage, mostly gold colored and
Among the Egyptians it was the emblem of
the soul. It was said to live about six hundred
years, and then to make a pyre of aromatic gums and spices, lighting
the pile with the fanning of its wings and then to be consumed; and
from its ashes it arose re- invigorated and with its
youth renewed. Although this myth has long since
been proven false, the Phenix is still a favorite emblem.
J ul y
This series of articles dealing with symbolism will be published later on in a small pamphlet or
book. Members need not mutilate their magazines, therefore, by cutting these articles out and pre
serving them in a scrapbook.
Two Hundred Sixteen
The Torchbearers of AMORC
By F r a t e r H a r v e y M i l e s , F . R . C.
T I S A real com
fort to the Fratres
and Sorores of
A M O R C who
h av e p as s ed
through the vari
ous degrees and
have entered the
I l l umi nati wi th
understanding and
perspicaciou s n e s s
of f ut ur e years,
to k now t hat
A M O R C has a
division of Torchbearers, as well as
These children of Rosicrucian parents
have the most wonderful opportunity
that any child could have in this life
that of being born in an environment
where Gods laws, principles, and high
ideals are constantly being discussed
and practiced. They are not burdened
with false knowledge of man and his
Divine Creator which, in future years,
will make them slaves to dogma, and
which they will have to discard as un
sound and unreal. They are born in an
atmosphere of lovelove of nature and
all that is manifested in this earthly
domain in the name of God and the
Cosmic laws. These children are born
mystics and are the future masters and
leaders of Rosicrucians throughout the
Rosicrucian children ar e different
from other boys and girls, because of
their natural philosophic perception of
things so early in life. We know that
youngsters are all mischievous at times
and often exaggerate their play to such
an extent as to make it very costly to
parents. But the children who study the
Rosicrucian teachings t hr ou gh the
Torchbearers Division of A MORC
learn very early the value of things and
are much less destructive than other
children who are deprived of this won
derful training.
The Torchbearers are taught to be
lovable and kind to everyone and every
thing that God has made and whenever
they observe sorrow or grief manifest
ing in their community and environ
ment, they are instructed how to hold
certain thoughts of kindness and love
for those who are under the strain of
misfortune and adversity, so by their
own life and light they can help to
bring peace and happiness to the whole
world. Each Torchbearer knows that
he is a light in the universe, and that by
making his own life and light brighter
others with whom he associates will
automatically be benefited. He knows
that his own TH OUGH TS affect his
light and cause it to become brighter or
tend to make it dull, and so he guards
his TH OUGH TS well even better
than his adult brothers and sistersfor
Two Hundred Seventeen
he is ambitious to become an honor to
his community and country and his
thoughts are his most potent factors.
Every Frater or Soror in A MORC
should take a personal interest in the
Torchbearers work, and wherever there
is a Chapter or Lodge of A MORC they
should inquire about the Torchbearers
Division and help to build it up in
strength, encourage the young aspiring
souls in the work they are doing, and
lend a helping hand to the officers of
that Division in every way possible.
Every Rosicrucian who really under
stands the soul of man knows that these
Torchbearers are living in the most im
pressionable years of their lives, and
that what is given to them now in the
way of knowledge will remain with
them as long as they live, and as they
grow into adulthood they will be living
examp l es of Rosicrucian mysticism.
They will have the poise of true mys
tics, the manners of cultured people,
and the minds of philosophers. They
will have the power and sapience of
their birthright qualities which every
Rosicrucian should have today.
The Torchbearers Division is not
onl y for Rosicrucian children. The
studies are given to any child whose
parents are willing to have their chil
dren impressed with the beautiful and
constructive lessons of the Torchbear
ers; in fact, at the present time, there
are about as many children of non
members active in this work as there
are children of members. As a rule,
when parents see the effect of the
teachings on their children, they begin
to i nqu i r e about affiliating wi t h
A MORC themselves.
As I write this article for The Rosi
crucian Digest, my eyes are attracted
to a photograph which has come to me
through the mail. It is the photograph
of three of the most beautiful children
I believe I have ever seen. The boy is
about the age of four, his sister about
six, and a little baby, who seems to be
about a year old. These three souls
The have met with a most deplorable mis-
Rn<irruri/itt frtune>and the stigma may be carried
throughout their lives. Their father was
an excellent carpenter and contractor,
and an honest citizen of excellent char
acter. He worked hard to accumulate a
Di gest
J ul y
few dollars and build a home for his
wife and family that they may have
comfort, peace, and happiness in this in
carnation. But he was tricked into vari
ous business deals by crafty men who
prey on hon est working men and
women, like a hawk preys on young
rabbits and y ou ng fowl. He was
swindled out of everything he possessed
and found his family and loved ones
without a home. He grew resentful and
u nd er psychological conditions was
drawn into bad company. The culmina
tion of his adventures led him to prison.
It is not necessary to quote just what
his act was that determined his sent
ence. Suffice it to say that he was de
termined to regain some of the money
out of which he was swindled. But his
approach was quite illegal and he was
caught in his first attempt.
The mother of these children is fail
ing in health and can no longer support
these souls of adversity. These children
will soon be ushered into a public in
stitution to remain until of age and
while there, will have this st i gma
thrown at them by other boys and girls
who do not think nor realize what the
effect of this act will have upon these
three children, and what the final re
sults may be. They do not realize that
by constantly gibing and jeering these
children they are causing resentment to
register on their minds and that when
this resentment grows bitter, the results
are something drastic; and finally the
children grow into manhood and for
their drastic acts are transferred to a
house of correction, or prison, which is
just a breeding place for crime, and all
because children are not taught to ex
press love to their fellow-beings who
have met with misfortune.
What a wonderful thing it would be
if we could have the children who are
confined to homes of correction and
other public institutions, studying with
the Torchbearers and learning their
philosophy so that when they meet with
new boys and girls whose lives have
been made bitter through no fault of
their own, they would immediately try
to help them find happiness, rather than
drive them on to destruction by con
stantly reminding them of the shame
that has befallen them causing their
Two Hundred. Eighteen
very souls to burn with hate, until that
hate consumes them in its own furnace.
Every Rosicrucian student shoul d
think of this and realize that he is going
to incarnate on earth again some day,
and his greatest wish could only be that
he be born of parents who are Rosicru-
cians, and that he be given the oppor
tunity to learn the law of love to all
mankind early in life.
If you wish to know more about the
Torchbearers, write to Ethel B. Ward,
Secretary of the Junior Order of Torch-
bearers, A MORC.
Practical Metaphysics
By F r a t e r C e c i l A. P o o l e , K. R. C .
Member, Rational Board of Lectureship of AMORC
LL who become in
terested in meta
physical studi es
are sear cher s.
They are search
ing for something
that they havebeen
u nabl e to find
elsewhere in the
mundane wor l d
of affairs. For that
reason many of
the members of the
Rosicrucian Order,
in the early grades, when they find that
the true teachings are being offered
them, tend to become idealistic in their
attitude toward the teachings and the
organization offering them. In this man
ner they often build up false impres
sions of what really constitute true mys
ticism and development.
The student on the path may be lik
ened to one who is taking a journey to
a new land. The traveler aspires to enter
and find the blessings of the new coun
try. He may have to travel over high
mountains before he enters the valley of
his destination. In this manner he trav
els toward his goal, building in his mind
great expectations of what he believes
he will find at the end of his journey.
When the traveler reaches the high
mountains, upon the top of which he
stands and views the new country into
which he plans to enter, he sees it in all
its glory. The broad expanse of the
landscape before him makes him believe
that he has reached his goal and that
this goal was all that he expected it to
Then he must descend into the valley
and take up his routine of daily living.
This is the test time. He will find that
after building his ideals in his own mind
concerning this place, that, nevertheless,
life must go on and various difficulties
must be faced and overcome if his ex
istence is to be enjoyable and profitable
as a whole.
This is also true with the student on
the path. He, too, sees the goal ahead,
but the sincere student must never for
get that development is never measured
by the attainment of any material grade
or degree in any study for psychic
development. The student who looks
ahead toward attainment and master
ship must constantly keep in mind that
along with the attainment of mastership
comes new problems and more tests for
the knowledge which he has had offered
to him.
Man must ever be aware of the fact
that all men, even the Masters and
Avatars, have ever had to face and
overcome the environment into which
they come. But, the difference with
those who have r eached complete
mastership and understanding has been
Two Hundred Nineteen
the way in which they reacted to, and
lived in, the environment which they
found surrounding them.
Let us consider one of the greatest of
all menthe Master Jesus. Did He be
wail the conditions of His environment?
Did He make an effort to free Himself
from the conditions with which He was
daily faced? Little would we of today
know of His teachings and life example
if He had looked out on all the evil, the
sufferings, the political and economic
corruption of His day and said, I can
not bring my message to these people in
this condition, I shall search for a more
convenient place and more favorable
conditions before I attempt to gather
my followers and instruct them.
Let us ever remember, however, that
Jesus was not free from the influences
of these conditions. Just what did He do
that we do not do in the face of such
conditions? It was this: while Jesus,
just as we, today, was surrounded by
adverse influences, He did not pass
them on to others. If we, today, could
only grasp the significance of this great
example! To Him and into Him flowed
all manner of evil, just as it does to all
other men, BU T in Him it had its ter
mination; evil flowed into Him, but it
did not flow through Him. Within His
being evil was stopped and from Him
came only good, kindliness, and love.
Cannot we see this lesson of a Great
Master? He was a great PRA CTI CA L
M ETA PH Y SI CI A N . He taught man
that to live to the fullest extent man
must not let his environment control his
life, but man must through his life and
thinking control his environment.
This lesson must be grasped by every
sincere student of the higher laws of
life. It is for us to live and apply the
truths we learn and not be proud of our
material gains and accomplishments, or
our advancement in the material degrees
or grades of any organization. When
we have reached a high grade or de
gree, then our obligation toward others
and our ability to control our affairs
should be just that many times greater
than it was when we started on the
Let us ever be aware of the obliga
tions we have toward others about us.
Our advancement is worse than nothing
if we can not apply it to our lives and
control the adverse conditions which we
daily must meet. Tolerance, sympathy,
and love must be our guides and the
key-notes of our lives, and of these the
greatest law of the universe is love.
Rosi cruci an
J ul y
' - . . . . . . . - "=l
We have just completed a binder to accommodate the new style monographs. This
new binder binds them on the side so that they may be opened book fashion. The binder
is very attractive, being stamped in gold with the name and symbol of the Order. It
also contains an index sheet for indexing the subjects of the monographs, and each binder
will accommodate approximately a years monographs.
These binders are priced very economically at $1.00 each, or 3 for only $2.50. We
pay postage.
If you believe in system and order, and wish to keep your monographs neatly ar
ranged so that they are easily accessible for reference, do not fail to obtain one of these
new binders. You will be pleased with it. Send order and remittance to Rosicrucian
Supply Bureau, San Jose, California.
Two Hundred Twenty
Each month there will appear excerpts from the writings of famous thinkers and teach
ers of the past. This will give our readers an opportunity of knowing their lives through
the presentation of the writings which typify their thoughts. Occasionally such writings
will be presented through the translations or interpretations of other eminent authors of
GCharles Robert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England, on February 12th, 1809. He
was the grandson of the illustrious Erasmus Darwin. He studied at Edinburgh and Cam
bridge and he graduated in 1831. He was engaged as a naturalist for the scientific expedi
tion of the Beagle, which went around the world from 1831 to 1836. At first he was but a
collector, but this expedition caused him to become an investigator, and through it he
gained his first ideas of evolution. In the year 1838 he read Malthus on the increase of
population. This work influenced him greatly. His theory of natural selection first appears
in his notes about 1844. I t was about this time that he began his work entitled, "Origin of
Species, which he finished in 1859.
For quite some years past, the theories of evolution and natural selection have been
looked upon as hostile to religion, as contrary to scripture. This view is mainly taken by
those who either have no appreciation of the real significance of the theories, or who in
terpret the Bible literally. The doctrine and theory of evolution is in accord with natural
law and with Divine principle. The old orthodox conception that man is the result of spon
taneous creation and sprang into existence as a complete species, cannot be supported by
the facts of nature. The true facts that man has evolved to his present status through his
own efforts and in accordance with natural law adds to the glory of the Creator, rather
than detracting from it. The basic idea of Darwin is that organisms produce more rapidly
than there is sustenance, and the different organisms vary, and because of this variation
only those that are stronger and better qualified to survive do so.
Below we bring you excerpts from Darwins work entitled, "Natural Selection.
E SH A L L best
understand the
probable course of
natural selection
by taking the case
of a count r y
undergoing some
slight physi cal
ch an ge, for in
stance, of climate.
T he proportional
numbers of its in
habitants -will al
most immediately
undergo a change, and some species will
Two Hundred Twent y-one
probably become extinct. We may con
clude, from what we have seen of the
intimate and complex manner in which
the inhabitants of each country are
bound together, that any change in the
numerical proportions of the inhabi
tants, independently of the change of
climate itself, would seriously affect the
others. I f the country were open on its
borders, new forms would certainly im
migrate, and this would likewise serious
ly disturb the relations of some of the
former inhabitants. Let it be remem
bered how powerful the influence of a
single introduced tree or mamma] has
been shown to be. But in the case of an
island, or of a country partly surround
ed by barriers, into which new and
better adapted forms could not freely
enter, we should then have places in the
economy of nature which would assur
edly be better filled up, if some of the
original inhabitants were in some man
ner modified; for, had the area been
open to immigration, these same places
would have been seized on by intruders.
In such cases, slight modifications,
which in any way favoured the individ
uals of any species, by better adapting
them to their altered conditions, would
tend to be preserved; and natural selec
tion would have free scope for the work
of improvement.
We have good reason to believe, as
shown in the first chapter, that changes
in the conditions of life give a tendency
to increased variability; and in the fore
going cases the co n d i t i o n s have
changed, and this would manifestly be
favourable to natural selection, by af
fording a better chance of the occur
rence of profitable variations. Unless
such occur, natural selection can do
nothing. Under the term of "varia
tions, it must never be forgotten that
mere individual differences are includ
ed. As man can produce a great result
with his domestic animals and plants by
adding up in any given direction in
dividual differences, so could natural
selection, but far more easily from hav
ing incomparably longer time for action.
Nor do I believe that any great physical
change, as of climate, or any unusual
degree of isolation to check immigra
tion, is necessary in order that new and
unoccupied places should be left for na
tural selection to fill up by improving
some of the varying inhabitants. For as
all the inhabitants of each country are
struggling together with nicely balanced
forces, extremely slight modifications in
the structure or habits of one species
would often give it an advantage over
others; and still further modifications of
the same kind would often still further
increase the advantage, as long as the
rf f l e species continued under the same condi-
n . . tions of life and profited by similar
ostcructan means Qf subsistence and defense. No
country can be named in which all the
native inhabitants are now so perfectly
adapted to each other and to the physi-
Di gest
J ul y
cal conditions under which they live,
that none of them could be still better
adapted or improved; for in all coun
tries, the natives have been so far con
quered by naturalized productions, that
they have allowed some foreigners to
take firm possession of the land. And as
foreigners have thus in every country
beaten some of the natives, we may
safely conclude that the natives might
have been modified with advantage, so
as to have better resisted the intruders.
As man can produce, and certainly
has produced, a great result by his
methodical and unconscious means of
selection, what may not natural selec
tion effect? Man can act only on ex
ternal and visible characters: Nature, if
I may be allowed to personify the natur
al preservation or survival of the fittest,
cares nothing for appearances, except
in so far as they are useful to any being.
She can act on every internal organ, on
every shade of constitutional difference,
on the whole machinery of life. Man
selects only for his own good: Nature
only for that of the being which she
tends. Every selected character is fully
exercised by her, as is implied by the
fact of their selection. Man keeps the
natives of many climates in the same
country; he seldom exercises each select
ed character in some peculiar and fitting
manner; he feeds a long and a short-
beaked pigeon on the same food; he
does not exercise a long-backed or long-
legged quadruped in any peculiar man
ner; he exposes sheep with long and
short wool to the same climate. He does
not allow the most vigorous males to
struggle for the females. He does not
rigidly destroy all inferior animals, but
protects during each varying season, as
far as lies in his power, all his produc
tion. He often begins his selection by
some half-monstrous form; or at least
by some modification prominent enough
to catch the eye or to be plainly useful
to him. Under nature, the slightest dif
ferences of structure or constitution may
well turn the nicely-balanced scale in
the struggle for life, and so be pre
served. How fleeting are the wishes
and efforts of man! how short his time!
and consequently how poor will be his
results, compared with those accumu
lated by Nature during whole geological
periods! Can we wonder, then, that
Two Hundred. Twenty-two
Natures productions should be f ar
truer in character than mans produc
tions; that they should be infinitely
better adapted to the most complex con
ditions of life, and should plainly bear
the stamp of far higher workmanship?
It may metaphorically be said that
natural selection is daily and hourly
scrutinizing, throughout the world, the
slightest variations; rejecting those that
are bad, preserving and adding up all
that are good; silently and sensibly
working, whenever and wherever op
portunity offers, at the improvement of
each organic being in relation to its
organic and inorganic conditions of life.
We see nothing of these slow changes
in progress, until the hand of time has
marked the lapse of ages, and then so
imperfect is our view into long-past
geological ages, that we see only that
the forms of life are now different from
what they formerly were.
In order that any great amount of
modification should be effected in a
species, a variety when once formed
must again, perhaps after a long inter
val of time, vary or present individual
differences of the same favourable na
ture as before; and these must be again
preserved, and so onwards step by step.
Seeing that individual differences of the
same kind perpetually recur, this can
hardly be considered as an unwarrant
able assumption. But whether it is true,
we can judge only by seeing how far
the hypothesis accords with and ex
plains the general phenomena of nature.
On the other hand, the ordinary belief
that the amount of possible variation is
a strictly limited quantity is likewise a
simple assumption.
Although natural selection can act
only through and for the good of each
being, yet characters and structures,
which we are apt to consider as of very
trifling importance, may thus be acted
on. When we see leaf-eating insects
green, and bark-feeders mottled gray;
the Alpine ptarmigan white in winter,
the red-grouse the colour of heather, we
must believe that these tints are of ser
vice to these birds and insects in pre
serving them from danger. Grouse, if
not destroyed at some period of their
lives, would increase in countless num
bers; they are known to suffer largely
from birds of prey; and hawks are
Two Hundred Twenty-three
guided by eyesight to their preyso
much so, that on parts of the Continent
persons are warned not to keep white
pigeons, as being the most liable to
destruction. Hence natural selection
might be effective in giving the proper
colour to each kind of grouse, and in
keeping that colour, when once ac
quired, true and constant. Nor ought
we to think that the occasional destruc
tion of an animal of any particular
colour would produce little effect: we
should remember how essential it is in
a flock of white sheep to destroy a lamb
with the faintest trace of black. We
have seen how the colour of the hogs,
which feed on the paint-root in Vir
ginia, determines whether they shall live
or die. In plants, the down on the fruit
and the colour of the flesh are consid
ered by botanists as characters of the
most trifling importance: yet we hear
from an excellent horticulturist, Down
ing, that in the United States smooth
skinned fruits suffer far more from a
beetle, a Curculio, than those with
down; that purple plums suffer far more
from a certain disease than yellow
plums; whereas another disease attacks
yellow-fleshed peaches far more than
those with other coloured flesh. If, with
all the aids of arts, these slight differ
ences make a great difference in culti
vating the several varieties, assuredly,
in a state of nature, where the trees
would have to struggle with other trees
and with a host of enemies, such differ
ences would effectually settle which
variety, whether a smooth or downy, a
yellow or purple-fleshed fruit, should
In looking at many small points of
difference between species, which, as
far as our ignorance permits us to judge,
seem quite unimportant, we must not
forget that climate, food, etc., have no
doubt produced some direct effect. It is
also necessary to bear in mind that, ow
ing to the law of correlation, when one
part varies, and the variations are ac
cumulated through natural selection,
other modifications, often of the most
unexpected nature, will ensue.
As we see that those variations which,
under domestication, appear at any par
ticular period of life, tend to reappear
in the offspring at the same period; for
instance, in the shape, size, and flavour
of the seeds of the many varieties of our
culinary and agricultural plants; in the
caterpillar and cocoon stages of the
varieties of the silkworm; in the eggs of
poultry, and in the colour of the down
of their chickens; in the horns of our
sheep and cattle when nearly adult; so
in a state of nature natural selection will
be enabled to act on and modify organic
beings at any age, by the accumulation
of variations profitable at that age, and
by their inheritance at a corresponding
age. I f it profit a plant to have its seeds
more and more widely disseminated by
the wind, I can see no greater difficulty
in this being effected through natural
selection, than in the cotton planter in
creasing and improving by selection the
down in the pods on his cotton trees.
Natural selection may modify and adapt
the larva of an insect to a score of con
tingencies, wholly different from those
which concern the mature insect; and
these modifications may effect, through
correlation, the structure of the adult.
So, conversely, modifications in the
adult may affect the structure of the
larva; but in all cases natural selection
will insure that they shall not be injur
ious: for if they were so, the species
would become extinct.
Natural selection will modify the
structure of the young in relation to the
parent, and of the parent in relation to
the young. In social animals it will
adapt the structure of each individual
for the benefit of the whole community;
if the community profits by the selected
change. What natural selection cannot
do. is to modify the structure of one
species, without giving it any advan
tage, for the good of another species;
and though statements to this effect
may be found in works of natural his
tory, I cannot find one case which will
bear investigation. A structure used
only once in an animals life, if of high
importance to it, might be modified to
any extent by natural selection; for in
stance, the great jaws possessed by cer
tain insects, used exclusively for open-
The ing the cocoonor the hard tip to the
Rosicrucian beak of unhatched birds, used for
Digest breaking the egg. It has been asserted,
J ul y that of the best short-beaked tumbler-
2935 pigeons a greater number perish in the
egg than are able to get out of it; so
that fanciers assist in the act of hatch
ing. Now if nature had to make the
beak of a full-grown pigeon very short
for the birds own advantage, the pro
cess of modification would be very slow,
and there would be simultaneously the
most rigorous selection of all the young
birds within the egg, which had the
most powerful and hardest beaks, for
all with weak beaks would inevitably
perish; or, more delicate and more easily
broken shells might be selected, the
thickness of the shell being known to
vary like every other structure.
It may be well here to remark that
with all beings there must be much for
tuitous destruction, which can have
little or no influence on the course of
natural selection. For instance a vast
number of eggs or seeds are annually
devoured, and these could be modified
through natural selection only if they
varied in some manner which protected
them from their enemies. Yet many of
these eggs or seeds would perhaps, if
not destroyed, have yielded individuals
better adapted to their conditions of life
than any of those which happened to
survive. So again a vast number of ma
ture animals and plants, whether or not
they be the best adapted to their condi
tions, must be annually destroyed by
accidental causes, which would not be
in the least degree mitigated by certain
changes of structure or constitution
which would in other ways be beneficial
to the species. But let the destruction of
the adults be ever so heavy, if the num
ber which can exist in any district be
not wholly kept down by such causes,
or again let the destruction of eggs or
seeds be so great that only a hundredth
or a thousandth part are developed,
yet of those which do survive, the best
adapted individuals, supposing t hat
there is any variability in a favourable
direction, will tend to propagate their
kind in larger numbers than the less well
adapted. I f the numbers be wholly kept
down by the causes just indicated, as
will often have been the case, natural
selection will be powerless in certain
beneficial directions; but this is no valid
objection to its efficiency at other times
and in other ways; for we are far from
having any reason to suppose that many
Two Hundred Twenty-four
species ever undergo modification and
improvement at the same time in the
same area.
Sexual Selection
Inasmuch as peculiarities often ap
pear under domestication in one sex and
become hereditarily attached to that
sex, so no doubt it will be under nature.
Thus it is rendered possible for the two
sexes to be modified through natural
selection in relation to different habits
of life, as is sometimes the case; or for
one sex to be modified in relation to the
other sex, as commonly occurs. This
leads me to say a few words on what I
have called Sexual Selection. This form
of selection depends, not on a struggle
for existence in relation to other organic
beings or to external conditions, but on
a struggle between the individuals of
one sex, generally the males, for the
possession of the other sex. The result
is not death to the unsuccessful com
petitor, but few or no offspring. Sexual
selection is, therefore, less rigorous than
natural selection. Generally, the most
vigorous males, those which are best fit
ted for their places in nature, will leave
most progeny. But in many cases, vic
tory depends not so much on general
vigour, as on having special weapons,
confined to the male sex. A hornless
stag or spurless cock would have a poor
chance of leaving numerous offspring.
Sexual selection, by always allowing the
victor to breed, might surely give in
domitable courage, length to the spur,
and strength to the wing to strike in the
spurred leg, in nearly the same manner
as does the brutal cockfighter by the
careful selection of his best cocks. How
low in the scale of nature the law of
battle descends, I know not; male alli
gators have been described as fighting,
bellowing, and whirling round, like
Indians in a war-dance, for the posses
sion of the females; male salmons have
been observed fighting all day long;
male stag-beetles somet i mes bear
wounds from the huge mandibles of
other males; the males of certain hy-
menopterous insects have been fre
quently seen by that inimitable observer,
M. Fabre, fighting for a particular
female who sits by, an apparently un
concerned beholder of the struggle, and
then retires with the conqueror. The
Two Hundred Twenty~five
war is, perhaps, severest between the
males of polygamous animals, and these
seem oftenest provided with special
weapons. The males of carnivorous ani
mals are already well armed; though to
them and to others, special means of de
fence may be given through means of
sexual selection, as the mane of the
lion, and the hooked jaw to the male
salmon; for the shield may be as im
portant for victory as the sword or
Amongst birds, the contest is often
of a more peaceful character. All those
who have attended to the subject be
lieve that there is the severest rivalry
between the males of many species to
attract, by singing, the females. The
rock-thrush of Guiana, birds of para
dise, and some others, congregate; and
successive males display with the most
elaborate care, and show off in the best
manner, their gorgeous plumage; they
likewise perform strange antics before
the females, which, standing by as
spectators, at last choose the most at
tractive partner. Those who have close
ly attended to birds in confinement well
know that they often take individual
preferences and dislikes: thus Sir R.
Heron has described how a pied pea
cock was eminently attractive to all his
hen birds. I cannot here enter on the
necessary details; but if man can in a
short time give beauty and an elegant
carriage to his bantams, according to
his standard of beauty, I can see no
good reason to doubt that female birds,
by selecting, during thousands of gener
ations, the most melodious or beautiful
males, according to their standard of
beauty, might produce a marked effect.
Some well-known laws, with respect to
the plumage of male and female birds,
in comparison with the plumage of the
young, can partly be explained through
the action of sexual selection on varia
tions occurring at different ages, and
transmitted to the males alone or to
both sexes at corresponding ages; but
I have not space here to enter on this
Thus it is, as I believe, that when the
males and females of any animal have
the same general habits of life, but
differ in structure, colour, or ornament,
such differences hav e been mainly
caused by sexual selection: that is, by
individual males having had, in succes
sive generations, some slight advantage
over other males, in their weapons,
means of defence, or charms, which
they have transmitted to their male off
spring alone. Yet, I would not wish to
attribute all sexual differences to this
agency: for we see in our domestic ani
mals peculiarities arising and becoming
attached to the male sex, which appar
ently have not been augmented through
selection by man. The tuft of hair on
the breast of the wild turkey-cock can
not be of any use, and it is doubtful
whether it can be ornamental in the eyes
of the female bird;indeed, had the
tuft appeared under domestication, it
would have been called a monstrosity.
Last Call To The Convention
B y T h e C o n v e n t i o n Se c r e t a r y
T IS my duty once
again to sound the
last warning and
issue the last call
to the great na
tional really in
ternational Con
vention of Rosi-
crucians to be held
in San Jose in the
Bacon Auditorium
at Rosicrucian Park
during the week of
July 14-20. Mem
bers should bear in mind the following
Every member of every Degree of
study in any Chapter, Lodge, or section
of the A MORC for North and South
America, who is in good standing, and
possessing a membership card showing
such good standing, is entitled to a seat
at the Convention, or, in other words,
entitled to be present and participate on
an equal basis with every other member.
Every delegate appointed by any Lodge
or Chapter in any part of the North or
South American jurisdictions has an
equal voice with every other delegate in
representing the organization. Every
member as well as every delegate will
have an equal opportunity of partici-
The pating in any voting on recommenda-
Rosicrucian tions fr changes, improvements, addi
tions, or amendments to the courses of
study, plan of operation, ideals and pur
poses, or systems of administration.
And every member or delegate attend-
Di gest
J ul y
ing the Convention, and admitted to
participate therein, will enjoy equally
with all others all of the benefits and
unusual aids and helps that will be
given through lectures, demonstrations,
interviews, and conferences.
And, finally, once more I fulfill my
duty in announcing that at this national
Convention each and every member in
good standing regardless of his or her
age, or length of time in the Order, has
an equal right to present to the Con
vention for its consideration such ideas,
comments, suggestions, or recommenda
tions as are of material, vital, important
interest to the entire organization. And,
if any member who has a constructive,
helpful, sincere, and honest recommen
dation to make, or a criticism to present
cannot be present, it is his or her duty
as well as privilege to transmit that
comment, suggestion, recommendation,
or thought in writing to any one of the
delegates from any Lodge or Chapter of
the Order who will be present, or to
any one of the Grand Councilors or In-
spectors-General who will be present at
the Convention, and these persons will
honestly and sincerely present these
commen t s and recommendations of
others through the proper committees
for the Convention to vote upon, if they
are of general interest to the Order.
Every one of the committees and every
one of the officers at the Convention
will be glad to consider these sugges
tions, comments, and recommendations.
Two Hundred. Twenty-six
Therefore, do not withhold in your con
sciousness anything that you believe is
constructive and helpful and of vital in
terest to the organization.
Remember that the conspirators who
have tried to injure the organization
have claimed, and are still claiming,
that they represent you and the entire
membership, and that their nefarious
actions and radical d emand s which
would disrupt the entire organization
are approved by you and all other mem
bers. This handful of malcontents has
for years circulated false and untrue re
ports of conditions regarding the or
ganization, claiming that you and all
other responsible members in the Order
are fearful of making any comments and
are never given an opportunity to ex
press their wishes. By this contention
they have hoped and are still hoping to
convince some learned judge in some
court, or some jury of men and women
unassociated with the Order and un
acquainted with the real facts, that
they, the one-half dozen disturbers of
the peace of the Order, are the onl y
ones in the organization or formerly in
the organization brave enough to ex
press what all others believe. They hope
to win the belief of judge and jury, and
thereby upset the entire routine admin
istration and regular conduct of the or
ganization, and have its present officers
and workers declared incompetent, and
the whole magnificent achievement of
the organization thrown into disruption.
For this reason we repeat again, as we
have for several months each year pre
ceding our Conventions, that we desire
any true member in good standing to
come forward and express his opinion
or recommendations so that they may be
analyzed and acted upon. Hundreds of
members and delegates will come to the
Convention this year to deny the claims
of these conspirators, and once more to
protect the organization which they
dearly love, and support the administra
tion which has proven itself through
every investigation to be beyond criti
cism. But, if there be any member in
the Order whose opinion coincides with
these conspirators, and yet has failed to
be brave enough to express himself
either in person, or in writing through
his local delegate and representative,
let him speak now at the coming Con
Two Hundred Twenty-seven
vention, or present his letter of com
ments and suggestions. He will be
treated and looked upon with respect, as
sincere in his attitude, and not cast out
of the organization for his boldness, as
has been claimed by these conspirators;
for in the entire history of the organiza
tion no member has ever been suspend
ed, rejected, or cast out of the organiza
tion for venturing to express himself
constructively at the national Conven
tion, or for offering in any form con
structive comments and criticisms for
the good of the organization.
Do not allow the claims of those
working in darkness to usurp your posi
tion as a member of the Order. Do not
allow an unknown person to claim that
he represents you in desiring to disturb
the tranquil and efficient activity of
our organization. Do not allow your
self to be represented by one whose
ideas may be wholly contrary to yours.
I f you wish to bring about helpful
changes in the organization and its ad
ministration, or any slight modifications
in its general activities, speak for your
self either by being present at the Con
vention, or writing a letter nowthis
very weekto the Master or Secretary
of your Lodge or Chapter or to the
Grand Councilor of your district, or to
the President of the Board of Council
ors at A MORC Temple, San Jose,
California. But if you are a lover of
peace and an admirer of honest straight
forward progress and efficiency, then
try to be present and express your con
You will enjoy all of the sessions, the
wonderful music, lectures by eminent
members who are scientists and ad
vanced workers in their various depart
ments, and the help through the con
tacts and interviews with various offi
cers and members from all parts of
North and South America. And you
will have a vacation the equal of which
you have never had in your life, prob
ably, because of the contacts made, and
the opportunity to see the glorious
buildings and museum where exhibits
have been purposely arranged for our
visiting members who come here. Make
it the vacation of vacations! Get here
by July 14 and stay as long as you
Regarding Concentration and Meditation
By R a q u e l M a r s h a l l
TU DEN TS of all
branches of meta
physics seem to
agree upon one
thing, at least, and
that is the value of
concentration and
medi tati on as a
means of spiritual
unfoldment. How
ever, many stu
dent begi nners
confuse the two,
and a word upon
this very pertinent subject may not come
There is no meditation without con
centration, but there may well be con
centration without meditation. Medita^
tion proper is a purely spiritual exercise,
but concentration may be used for other
than spiritual purposes. It is the most
powerful of all the weapons with which
we have been equipped in the battle of
life. Until it is mastered no one can at
tain anything, spiritual or material, and
by its mastery anyone can attain any
If we analyze the word concentra-
The tionand there is no surer guide to the
Rmi cruriati true meaning of many metaphysical
subjects than a good dictionarywe
Di gest find tjiat the word concentration is de-
J ttly rived from a Greek word kentron, from
1935 which was derived the word center. It
means to center one's forces upon one
central thing. Patanjali uses the word
synonymously with Yoga. Yoga comes
from a very ancient word meaning to
yoke, or unite. Yoga is the science of
attaining union with the One Force.
Concentration, t hen, according to
Patanjali, is "the hindering of the modi
fications of the thinking principle. The
"thinking principle is used to mean the
stream of mind stuff which, like a
stream of water, spreads out as it flows
along through the mind and modifies it
self, or takes on the shape, of whatever
it contacts. To concentrate is to control
that stream of thought, exclude it from
all but the one subject chosen, and
direct all its force to that one subject.
A stream which meanders along at its
own pace, spreading out into shallow
reaches and collecting in turbulent
pools, may not be useful, may even be
destructive, but if it is damned and di
rected into certain channels, may fur
nish the force to illumine great cities
and turn countless wheels of industry.
It will have been hindered from its own
idle way and subjected to the thinking
principle of a higher order of Nature.
Concentration, as we have said, is
not always spiritual nor always directed
toward spiritual unfoldment. The latter
is the true province of Meditation.
The word meditate comes from a
word which means to consider Latin
Two Hundred Twenty-eight
con, with, and sidus, star, or astral, i. e.,
to think with the astral or starry or
super-physical powers. Meditation pass
es beyond concentration, which is its
first step, into the realms of awareness
through the use of powers normally be
yond the physical, at the present stage
of undevelopment of the race. From
concentration upon a spiritual subject,
or, as in some schools of training, upon
one of the higher chakras, the mind is
stilled, then enabled to receive knowl
edge and wisdom from the region of the
However, to the vast majority who
are at the stage where mastery of the
ordinary daily life is the predominating
desire, concentration is the more inter
esting and is of great benefit, both ma
terially and spiritually as well if the
motive be pure.
We concentrate when we read or
study intently, or give ourselves to the
working out of some problem. Concen
tration is necessary for worldly success,
for without it no constructive thinking,
nor even true wishing can be accomp
lished. The creative artist in any line
concentrates; he takes the stream of
mind stuff passing through his brain
and directs it into one channel, or shape,
which will carry out his creative impulse,
which will deliver his message. By the
power of his concentration he brings his
thoughts out of the thought plane down
into physical manifestation where others
may perceive them. The sculptor hews
his thought out of the stone, chipping
away the tiniest fragment that blurs or
weakens the line he wishes to express.
The musician brings into physical vibra
tion the tone combinations he hears with
his inner ear. The writer gathers and
combines words to convey the thoughts
of his mind to others.
All concentration is of the mind in
one or more of its various aspects and
attributes, which psychiatrists and meta
physicians call by various names but
which are perhaps most clearly under
stood as subconsciousness, self-con
sciousness, and super-consciousness. It
is the conscious mind, however, which
must be used to shape impulses and
knowledge gained by means of its other
aspects, and the actual muscles of the
bodyincluding the brain which is a
Two Hundred Twenty-nine
sort of muscle, though we are not ac
customed to think of it that waymust
be used to co-ordinate and transmit the
subject of thought to the outer, physical
world. So we see that concentration is
not a mere getting of oneself into a
negative, jellyfish-like attitude of blank
ness and receptivity, as many seem to
think, but is real and hard work.
The creative impulses of genius may,
and frequently do, come with apparent
spontaneity and without conscious ef
fort, but the expression of those im
pulses is hard work, thus the truth of
the saying that genius is more perspira
tion than inspiration!
When we concentrate upon a desire,
we make a wish picture and impress it
deeply upon the subconscious mind
which goes to work, and, if the com
mand is strong enough, carries out the
picture. For it is to be remembered that
all physical things are not in themselves
causal, but are merely effects of mental
or spiritual causes.
Everything, f r om a chair to the
Venus de Milo, or the Vanderbilt for
tune, was first a desire and a thought
in the creators mind. Sheraton, the
furniture maker, wished to make a chair
that would have both strength and deli
cacy of line. He thought about it until
the pattern was clear in his mind, then
obtained some wood and whittled a
model, adjusting, changing until he got
what he wanted. Then he made a chair
and gradually extended the design to
other furniture. Benjamin Franklin,
great mystic and Rosicrucian that he
was, well knew how to use his powers
with one-pointed force, and his experi
ments with a key and a kite in a thund
erstorm, which led to the discovery of
electricity and ultimately to all its
modern usages, were not led by what
the world calls accident, nor are the
so-called accidental discoveries of
many modern scientists. The founders
of the great Astor-Vanderbilt fortunes
concentrated upon money, and carried
out their concentrations by long, hard
hours of thought and physical labor.
They did not simply sit and wish for a
bag of gold to fall into their laps, a
method sometimes advocated by the ig
norant in such matters.
To obtain ones wish means to sub
ject all other things in life to it. Most
people are too lazy or too scatter
brained to truly concentrate upon their
hearts desire, or too busy with other
things. That is to say, they desire a cer
tain thing, they think it is their great de
sire, but really they desire something
else morecomfort, or more sleep, or
amusement, or the good opinion of their
neighbors, or any one of a number of
things. Only those who truly wish, at
tain, not those who merely think they
wish. Again, often clear thinking will
reveal that the cost of the wish is too
great and the wish unwise. To desire
wealth at the price of honesty, or suc
cess at the price of personal integrity is,
for the wise, too great a price to pay.
The thing sacrificed would be greater
than the thing for which the sacrifice
was made, a payment would be made
for a temporal thing in an eternal coin.
These days of depression are forcing
thousands to realize that hitherto ac
cepted standards of value are frequent
ly incorrect, and that life is a far pro
founder and more far reaching thing
than orthodox theologies would have
them believe. The findings of science
are forcing the world to realize that
Man is far more than appears to the
physical eye. Like the iceberg, only the
smallest part of him is visible. Man, at
least in this Western world, is only just
beginning to suspect the extent of his
powers, particularly the power of ima
gination, of mental suggestion through
When the Ancients evolved the
legend of the infant Dionysius, the god
before he is recognized or developed in
Man, they attributed to him several
toys, notably a spinning top, a mirror,
and a pair of dice. The top has been
interpreted as meaning the spinning
atom, the mirror as the Akasha of the
Hindoo philosophersothers term it the
sub-consciousand the dice as the pairs
of opposites which run through all
creation and are the cause of the ap-
parent rulings of chance in the affairs
The 0f men>
I he mirror is a profound symbol met
with in Pythagorean and Rosicrucian
philosophy as the Great Reflector. Some
call it the Moon principle, the feminine
Di gest
J ul y
aspect of Deity, that which receives and
brings forth accordingly, undoubtedly
the sub-conscious mind. For as we sow
in that vast, deep garden, so shall we
reap. As we pose before the mirror of
ourselves, so shall the image be reflected
back to us and we shall think ourselves
what we see, and act accordingly.
Truly, we are made in the image of the
Divine, but mistaking that Divine, we
misuse our powers, put them to base or
foolish uses, and then are surprised to
find ourselves knaves or fools.
The sub-conscious, or subjective, as
used in concentration, is an automatic
principle, as automatic in us as in Na
ture. If we plant a cabbage we shall
have a cabbage grow, and not a bean,
nor a rose. Nor if we plant a rose shall
we have a bean or a cabbage. Yet that
is what many of us are continually try
ing to do in the matter of concentration
by suggestion. We wish to become
powerful, but to be powerful we must
command, beginning with ourselves.
Nothing arrives full-fledged in Nature,
and concentration is a natural process,
like any other. Everything begins and
then grows. Although with proper con
ditions a project may grow like Jacks
beanstalk, still it grows, it develops;
it does not leap into full maturity.
All this may seem of no practical use
to those who are trying to find their way
out of material difficulties, especially to
those who are concentrating upon work,
and carrying out that concentration by
physical effort, tramping from office to
office, answering advertisements, suf
fering starvation and humiliation with
their dependents for lack of work they
would do only too eagerly, but cannot
obtain by any apparent amount of con
However, despite its seeming imprac
ticability to those unaccustomed to
thinking along metaphysical lines, men
tal concentration is often the only thing
which will relieve the situation, and
bring the desired opportunity.
It is not possible to visit all the places
offering work, nor to reach all the
sources of supply physically. But the
mental world knows no limitation, for
Man is essentially fourth dimensional.
Vibrationally he can reach everywhere
Two Hundred Thirty
at once, and none the less effectively
because unconsciously. Nor is life a
matter of the years between ones birth
on earth and one's death thereon. It
goes far, far back into other lives and
carries karmic effects from causes start
ed long ago. There are Karmic debts
between people unknown to each other
on this plane now, debts which must be
paid sooner or later. These people can
not be reached by physical means, for
they are unknown to each other, but a
strong, concentrated thought sent out
in time of need will often bring results
from such people in the most unexpect
ed manner. I have seen this happen
time and again. A point to be borne in
mind is to concentrate upon the condi
tion wished for and not upon the condi
tion from which one wishes to be re
lieved. Many people concentrating for
financial help, continually, under the
inspiration of fear, see themselves
starving or sick or miserable, and the
force of fear of the very thing they are
trying to escape will be stronger than
the force they are attempting to evoke
for relief. It is necessary to make a
thought pattern of success, to mentally
see oneself in the condition one desires
in order that the sub-conscious may re
ceive that pattern and bring about the
condition pictured.
In certain ancient pictorial teachings
regarding these things, the sub-con
scious is portrayed as a figure holding
a scroll with one hand covered, for the
ways in which the subjective principle
works are hidden from the understand
ing of all but the Holy Ones. Hence, to
limit and direct the source of the help
we wish rather than to let the Divine
Laws regulate that source is often un
wise and unfortunate. And to attempt
to influence the mind or will of another
person under any circumstances is al
ways to be regretted, sooner or later.
Hands off your neighbor, or brother, or
child, is the Law. For each human be
ing is a world within himself and it is
only by obedience to and profound trust
in the Divine law that regulates all
worlds, from that of the atom, spinning
within the cell, to that of the mighty
suns, spinning upon their orbits within
the limits of the Universe, that one
achieves any true wisdom or happiness.
Two Hundred Thirty-one
Then again, there is th e ancient
superstition that it is not right to ask
for material help from spiritual sources.
To debase spiritual things for material
endsin as far as one canto use the
holy for the unholy, is one of the grav
est mistakes and one which carries a
swift and unerring punishment. But to
use the powers within us, powers which
at our present stage of development are
called spiritual whereas they are only
psychic a vast difference there is
only common sense. To refuse to use
the powers of sub-conscious suggestion
in order to obtain material needs, is as
absurd as to refuse to use the power of
one's legs because the power originates
in the mind directing the motor cells in
the brain, rather than in the legs them
selves. To demand the opportunity to
earn the necessary supply of food,
clothing, etc., is only to demand what
every being has a right to. Every little
weed and every little sparrow receives
its allotment of nourishment, water, and
light, until it comes into contact with
something stronger than itself which
denies its necessities. The weed and the
animal cannot help themselves, but man
is equipped with power to get every
thing he needs if he knows how to use
his appartus.
Apart from the mysterious laws of
the souls development, patterned by the
Lords of Karma and hidden from us by
the limitations of our vehicle, there is
nothing which cannot be obtained by
sufficient, intelligently directed concen
tration. Concentration is the magic
sword with which the Kings son, going
forth to make his fortune, overcomes all
enemies. It is a sword in the hand of
every man, two-edged and dangerous if
used with evil purpose, then inevitably
destroying its wielder, but an invincible
weapon to those who use it intelligently,
persistently, and in accord with the pur
pose for which it was ordained in us.
Happiness and plenty for all is the
Divine Law. Unhappiness is a devia
tion from the normal and right, due to
mistaken action at some time. To ask
for ones needs and those of the ones
dependent upon one, impersonally, na
turally, truthfully, as a child asks for its
bread and butter, is only right. To en
deavor to learn how to rightfully put
oneself in harmony with the benign law
that intends plenty and contentment for
all, using ones native powers to that
end, is only sensible. God helps those
who help themselves.
Now as to that further step which,
however slowly, is the inevitable out
come of the habit of concentration
meditation. Meditation is the road to
self-knowledge. Meditation upon the
Divine, an endeavor to become aware
of that which is beyond the veil of
matter, and so to escape the bondage to
immaterial things, is a spiritual neces
sity. Man does not live by bread alone.
Physical bread is necessary for the
body, knowledge for the mind and wis
dom is the bread of the soul. Wisdom
comes only through meditation. Medi
tate upon beauty, the beauty of Nature
which is the signature of the Divine;
meditate upon the harmony of the na
tural laws and strive to observe their
operation. Meditate upon our problems
that we may radiate light to others, that
we may be kind and patient, under
standing and brave; this is necessary if
one is to make any true progress in life.
Meditation upon the Great Teacher, by
whatever name we call Him, upon His
gentleness, His wisdom. His strength;
endeavoring to correlate our little lives,
which are so important to us, to the
greater life of the world, that the tiny
atom which is ourselves may become as
perfect as possible a part of the great,
perfect wholethis is necessary if we
are to rise above the animal level. Medi
tation upon the Elder Brothers, who
once stood where we now stand and
have won through to freedom, the vast
Communion of Saints, the Assembly
of just men made perfect, that we may
become aware of them and receive their
ever eager help and guidance, is our
The sub-consciousness is our garden
wherein we can make whatsoever we
will grow, and by what we grow must
we live, whether it be tares or wheat;
but it is by the Light of the Sun, the
super-consciousness, t hat our souls
grow and live. All that comes to us in
the body is the result of mind, at some
time, but all that comes to us in the
mind must ultimately come to us from
that other, little known part of us which
we call the Soul, which in its turn is the
gate of Spirit, and the seed of God.
Di gest
J ul y
Two Hundred Thirty-two
HI LE the world is
thinking about the
many i mportant
ch an ges t hat
should be made in
its customs and
habits, and while
rulers and leaders
of nat i ons and
p eop l es every
where are advo
cating certain re
forms and great
advancements i n
the ways and means of attaining happi
ness and peace, something should be
said about the next stage of advance
ment in caring for the health of the
public. Some years ago when a new
healing cult was being bitterly criticized
in one of the eastern courts because a
few believed that it w as operating
under false pretenses, an eminent at
torney attempted to argue that there
was no need for a new healing cult of
any kind in the modern world because
there were ample physicians, surgeons,
hospitals, and clinics to take care of all
of the ills of mankind without any dif
ficulty. I recall that another attorney
and student of human nature replied
that, I f each country and nation of the
world had adopted and taken the right
Two Hundred Thirty-three
position in regard to the health of its
people as a national asset, there would
be no need for the creation of the many
healing cults and varied healing systems
that have become popular in recent
Since that statement was made by the
astute student of human affairs the list
of healing cults in civilized countries has
increased a hundred fold, and the public
is still seeking ways and means of at
taining health and preventing unneces
sary suffering and untimely transition.
If what the attorney said was true fif
teen or twenty years ago, it is even
more true today. Every community,
every state, every province, and every
country in civilized lands is neglective
today of the one great assetthe health
of its people. Only in a few instances
have the governments of nations taken
steps to see that the tremendous losses
of life with all of the accompanying
financial losses that have threatened the
progress and development of a country
in the past, are eliminated from the list
of possible national catastrophies.
As we look back over the history of
civilization and consider the dire results
of such widespread epidemics as that
which has attacked countries at times
under the name of the Black Cholera
and similar communicable diseases, we
realize how serious these epidemics can
become; and we need only think of the
so-called flu epidemics that have visited
the Western World in the past ten
years to appreciate the necessity for na
tional consideration or at least state and
provincial consideration of this matter
of health and disease.
Looking at the matter broadly today
we find a rather complex situation. We
find, in the first place, that there is an
oversupply of competent, well-trained
physicians, surgeons, nurses, and even
dentists. The average well-trained and
licensed physician in our modern coun
tries is earning less income than men in
the most humble trades or occupations.
The universities and colleges are gradu
ating more physicians and surgeons
every year, and it is a real struggle on
the part of the average graduate to get
started in his profession and to support
himself even adequately in the face of
the great competition in his own profes
sion. Yet even though this is so, there
are millions of persons in every modern
country who do not patronize the physi
cians, surgeons, and nurses. We find,
therefore, that the abundant supply of
competent help in the maintenance of
health or the cure of disease is due to
the fact that there are more physicians
to render service than there are patients
to cure. The figures plainly show that in
every country of our modern world
there are thousands of physicians and
nurses along with thousands of experts
in hygiene and the prevention of disease
who are idle most of the time, and not
employed as they should be, while on
the other hand stands the vast army of
persons who are not receiving any ad
vice, any instruction, or help in regard
to their health. The situation is equiva
lent to one in which we would find
thousands of bakers ready to bake ex
cellent bread that will give health and
maintain life, while, on the other hand,
we find a million persons starving for
the want of bread, or at least in need of
some nourishment.
The One reason for this peculiar situation
Rosi cruci an is the fact that the poor of our coun-
Di gest tries, or, in other words, the indigents
J ul y and unfortunate, as well as the very
1935 rich, receive better attention and greater
help in regard to their health problems
than do the millions that constitute the
middle class. It is the great army of in
dividuals in every civilized land repre
senting the middle classes that stand in
need of the great help that our modern
systems of therapeutics can render, and
yet they do not receive that help, while
the physicians and specialists who could
help them are idle.
Further examination into the matter
reveals that the reason for this situation
is that the state, province, or nation has
taken certain steps to see that the very
poor and very unfortunate receive free
medical advice, clinical assistance, hos
pitalization, and even welfare guidance
in hygienic and general health matters,
and the very wealthy are capable of
paying for such care and guidance. But
the average individual in the so-called
middle classes finds that the cost for
medical attention, med i cal services,
nursing, clinical assistance, and hospi
talization, represents an item that he is
forced to evade, or to set aside in the
preparation of the budget of his person
al and family expenses. Not until a
serious accident, a very serious illness,
or a direful situation is threatened does
the average individual of the middle
classes consult a physician, nurse, or
specialist. He does not feel that he is
entitled toand really is not entitled to
the free services offered by his com
munity, county, state, province, or coun
try to the extremely unfortunate and
very poor. But he also realizes that if
he can avoid and delay, postpone or
prevent, the calling in of a physician, or
specialist, or even a nurse in any threat
ened illness or physical disturbance, he
is not only saving money that he needs
for other purposes, but he is preventing
a possible bankruptcy of his family fin
ances and his business assets. In most
cases where he is frightened into con
sulting a physician, or is compelled to
call in a nurse or a specialist, he delays
in paying the bill for as long a time as
possible, and this adds to the difficul
ties which physicians, surgeons, nurses,
and others are faced with in their at
tempt to practice their professions prop
erly and successfully from a financial
point of view.
7wo Hundred Thirty-four
This situation then results in the very
popular custom in mod er n civilized
lands of patronizing the manufacturers
of patent and quack medicines, and at
the same time forces many persons to
con su l t and deal with advertising
specialists or healers who offer to
make cures of a remarkable nature at a
very small cost, or who encourage the
use of substitutes for the proper medical
attention, or proper form of treatment.
It is a remarkable reflection upon the
intelligence, and the lack of deep think
ing on the part of an otherwise compe
tent group of people known as the
middle classes, when we note that with
in the last twenty-five years the manu
facture and sale, the advertising and
promotion of fraudulent, misleading
cures, patent medicines, healing systems,
superstitious practices have increased to
such an extent that it is becoming an
alarming matter requiring the careful
thought of leaders and educators every
where. If some change in this regard is
not brought about, a large majority of
the human beings in our modern civil
ized lands are doomed to become slaves
to superstitious practices and quack
There is but one solution for this
problem. Something must be done to
enable the persons of the middle class
to have competent therapeutic advice
and guidance upon an economical basis,
and our attention as nations of peoples
must be directed more definitely toward
the prevention of disease than toward
the cure of disease.
Several plans have been tried and
adopted in various countries, and have
been suggested for the United States.
These are called the plan of State medi
cine, and medical insurance. Under
these plans either the state through tax
ation would provide free medical atten
tion to all who could not secure it other
wise, or insurance companies would
provide such services as part of a policy
supported through premiums. Both of
these plans have their weaknesses, and
objectionable features. Some other plan
containing the best elements of the
other two will some day be formed, and
will make a strong appeal to millions of
thinking men and women. Two very
important principles must be incorpor
Two Hundred Thirty-five
ated in such a plan, however. First,
there must be widespread and enthus
iastic cooperation on the part of all
agencies to introduce into the human
consciousness the factors that make for
the prevention of disease. Secondly,
the individual who believes he requires
a physician either to advise him or to
treat him, must have the privilege of
choosing h i s physician, or at least
choosing the type and nature of thera
peutic system or school from which he
will select his physician. There must be
no attempt to restrict the free expres
sion of mans right to choose his physi
cian, his nurse, his hospital, or his clinic.
Every physician will indorse the idea
of making popular the practice of pre
ventative medicine. Not only are great
epidemics prevented through the correct
understanding of the laws of health and
hygiene, but individuals are saved from
much suffering and pain, and the more
expensive methods of attempting to cure
disease, or correct errors that have been
ignorantly established within the human
body. The day will come when men and
women will understand enough of the
fundamental laws of nature, and espec
ially as they apply to health in the hu
man body, to assure themselves of a
fairly happy, peaceful, and healthful
life. Every physician acknowledges the
fact that in a large majority of the cases
that come to him the patient could have
prevented the illnessand even the ac
cident that has befallen himif he had
given some attention to the fundamental
laws of nature and had called upon a
competent physician regularly for ex
amination and for advice and recom
mendations in regard to the mainten
ance of health and the avoidance of
common errors of judgment and neglect.
The subject of diet has become a very
popular one in the civilized world today,
principally through the desire to nor
malize the form and weight of the body.
It has led, however, to a better under
standing of the importance of diet in its
relationship to th e maintenance of
health and the prevention of disease.
The benefits derived from this knowl
edge have made themselves manifest in
the lives of millions of adults and child
ren, and there is no doubt about the fact
that many thousands of these have al
ready lengthened the possible span of
their lives, and avoided many serious
illnesses and complications. The better
understanding of the functioning of the
glands in the human body has also aid
ed in the prevention of disease, but
there are many other fundamental prin
ciples which could be made just as
popular or at least just as widely known
and universally practiced as are the
principles of diet. No two individuals
are precisely alike in their requirements,
and no two may indulge in the same
strain of exercise, labor, lack of sleep,
exposure, and other features which af
fect the normal functioning of the or
gans of the body, and the harmonious
balance of the various vital qualities
that enter into the maintenance of a
healthy body. E ach individual has
some organ or some part of the body
that is weaker than others, and this can
be discovered in childhood, and usually
corrected through proper attention to
cer t ai n recommendations. Physicians
know well the importance of such ex
aminations and recommendations, and
each true physician would rather spend
his time in aiding individuals to main
tain health and to gain greater health
than in drastically and frantically try
ing to overcome th e conditions of
disease or illness which have reached a
culminating point and crisis.
The various national, state, county,
and local boards of health cooperating
in their campaigns of preventative medi
cine through a careful study of hygiene
and its application to individual and
community life hav e lengthened the
lives of nations of peoples, and have
prevented epidemics and serious condi
tions which are responsible for the fact
that the average length of life of the in
dividual in civilized countries is growing
longer and longer from year to year ac
cording to vital statistics. I f the practice
of preventative medicine in just one
phase of its wide scope can do this for
individuals and for nations, a complete
system for the prevention of disease and
the maintenance of health adopted na
tionally and locally and applied univer
sally by all individuals, either under
state control, or through insurance, will
accomplish marvels for the future gen
One of the outstanding results of the
Rosicrucian studies and practices is
made manifest in the better health of
the individuals in the organization. It
is quite common to read in the monthly
and yearly reports of those who have
been members of the Rosicrucian Order
for a number of years, that the health
of the individual has not only improved,
but there has been a complete absence
of the repetition of the common ail
ments and chronic conditions that used
to affect these persons periodically, and
there is, therefore, an accompanying im
provement in the constitutional vitality
of the individual along with a cheerful,
hopeful, optimistic view-point of life it
self, and all of its problems. I f this con
dition, so manifest in the members of
an organization representing a fraction
of the national population, could be
made more universal through state or
national laws, and the average in
dividual acquainted with the possibili
ties of bettering his general worldly
conditions through the prevention of
disease both physical and mental, the
resulting physical power and mental
and cultural enthusiasm would add
greatly to the assets and potentialities
of the nation. Undoubtedly, the coming
year will see many plans along these
lines brought before the publics atten
tion, and the earnest, sincere, and hon
est efforts of every licensed physician
will then be directed toward the one
end that has been his fond hope and
dream for many centuries.
Rosi cruci an
Di gest
J ul y
Two Hundred. Thirty-six
Norman Gould Boswell, noted for his specialization in Egyptian art, is seen above, completing an Egyptian mural, thirty-four feet in length,
and twelve feet in height, on a new structure in Rosicrucian Park. This is the largest mural of its kind on the Pacific Coast.
It is an authentic scene from a papyrus found in the ancient city of Tel El Amarna, depicting Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, of 1350 B. C., re
ceiving Asiatic heralds at his royal court. The beauty of the design and harmony of the colors are admired by numerous daily visitors to Rosicru
cian Park. (Courtesy of Rosicrucian Digest.)
Lemuria, the Mystery Continent!
In the depths of the Pacific, shrouded in darkness, lies a vast continent. Where once
great edifices reached skyward and multitudes went their way is now naught but the
ceaseless motion of the sea. Centuries before the early men of Europe or Africa found
the glorious spark of fire or shaped stones into crude implements, the Lemurians had at
tained an exalted culture. They had wrested from nature her proudest secrets. Then nature
reclaimed her power. With a tremendous convulsion she plunged the civilization of demi
gods beneath the leveling waters. Again she reigned supreme, the victor over mans great
est efforts. Has the learning of this early civilization been completely lost? Was their
strange knowledge submerged with the land upon which they dwelled? Whence came these
people? And were they all destroyed? Science today is proving the physical existence of
the continent, and down through the ages there has come the tale of a strange people
who live today and have preserved the mystical knowledge of Lemuria.
Alive Today?
Majestic Mount Shasta, crowned with eternal snow and surveying
the great Pacific, harbors strange clues of an unknown people. Tra
dition and fact unite to tell a weird saga of a tribe reputed to be the
descendants of lost Lemuria, who fled to safety, and who dwell in the
mountain fastness of Mt. Shasta. What are their mystical practices?
Do they account for the eerie lights seen far upward toward the sum
mit? Do they practice rituals which had their inception centuries ago?
Why are they cloistered from the world? Are they masters of natures
laws not yet known to men of today? No other book as this one so
thoroughly explains the scientific, mystical, and spiritual achievements
of the ancient Lemurians and the remnant of their descendants existing
today. This book is a gift supreme, either to another or to yourself.
It is complete with all necessary maps, tables, charts, and strange
$2 20
Rosicrucian Supply Bureau TO y o u
Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California, U.S.A.
Member of
(Federation Unl-
verselle des
Ordres et
The Rosicrucian Order, existing in all civilized lands, is a non-sectarian,
fraternal body of men and women devoted to the investigation, study, and
practical application of natural and spiritual laws. The purpose of the organi
zation is to enable all to live in harmony with the creative, constructive,
Cosmic forces for the attainment of health, happiness, and Peace.
The Order is internationally known as AMORC (an abbreviation), and the
AMORC in America, and all other lands, constitutes the only form of Rosi
crucian activities united in one body having representation in the interna
tional federation. The AMORC does not sell its teachings, but gives them
freely to all affiliated members, together with many other benefits.
Inquirers seeking to know the history, purposes, and practical benefits
that they may receive from Rosicrucian association, are invited to send for
the free book, The Secret Heritage." Address. Friar S. P. C., care of
Rosicrucian Park, San J ose, California, U. S. A.
(Cable Address: AMORCO Radio Station W6HTB)
Officials of the T'Jorth and South American Jurisdictions
(Including the United States, Dominion of Canada, Alaska, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua,
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Republic of Panama, the West Indies, Lower California, and all land
under the protection of the United States of America.
H. SPENCER LEWI S. F. R. C., Ph. D.......................................................................................................Imperator
RALPH M. LEWI S. F. R. C...........................................................................................................Supreme Secretary
CLEMENT B. LE BRUN, F. R. C........................................................................................................ Grand Master
HARVEY MILES. F. R. C.................................................................................................................Grand Treasurer
ETHEL B. WARD. F. R. C..............................................................................................Secretary to Grand Master
HARRY L. SHIBLEY, F. R. C.................. ..................... .................................................... Director of Publications
J unior Order of Torch Bearers (sponsored by AMORC). For complete information as to its aims
and benefits address General Secretary, Grand Chapter, Rosicrucian Park, San J ose, California.
The following principal branches are District Headquarters of AMORC
Atlanta, Georgia:
Atlanta Chapter No. 650. Dr. James C. Oak-
shette, Master; Nassau Hotel. Meetings 7:30
every Thursday night.
San Jose, California:
Grand Lodge Session for all members. Tues
day evenings. 7:30 to 8:30 p. m., Naglee
Avenue, Rosicrucian Park.
San Francisco, California:
Francis Bacon Lodge, Mr. David Mackenzie,
Master, 1655 Polk Street, San Francisco,
New York City, New York:
New York Chapter, Rooms 35-36, 711 8th
Ave., cor. 8th Ave. and 45th Street. Louis
Riccardi, Master; Margaret Sharpe, Secretary.
Inquiry and reading rooms open week days,
1 to 8 p. m.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:
Delta Lodge No. 1, AMORC, S. E. Corner
40th and Brown Sts., 2nd Floor, Mr. Albert
Courtney, Master.
Benjamin Franklin Chapter of AMORC;
Warren C. Aitken, Master, Martha Aitken.
Secretary, 2203 N. 15th Street. Meetings for
all members every Sunday, 7:30 p. m. 1706
Rittenhouse Square.
Boston, Massachusetts:
The Marie Clemens Lodge, Fortunatus J.
Bagocius, Master. Temple and Reading
Rooms, 739 Boylston St., Telephone Ken-
more 9398.
(Directory Contin
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:
Penn. First Lodge, Dr. Charles D. Green,
Master; 3787 East St. N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Reading, Pennsylvania:
Reading Chapter, Mr. Harrison N. Mucher,
Master, 144 Clymer St.; Mr. George R. Os
man, Secretary. Meeting every Sunday, 7:30
p. m., Friendship Hall, 113 North 8th St.
Los Angeles, California:
Hermes Lodge, AMORC Temple. Mr. Ollin
W. Marden, Master. Reading Room and In
quiry office open daily, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.,
except Sundays. Granada Court, 672 South
Lafayette Park Place.
Hartford, Connecticut:
Isis Lodge AMORC, Mrs. Mary Andross,
Master, So. Windsor, Conn.
Baltimore, Maryland:
Baltimore Chapter, Mr. William Roland,
Master; Miss E. Pauline Trax, Secretary,
1116 St. Paul Street.
Chicago, Illinois:
Chicago Chapter No. 9, Joseph S. Older,
Master; Mabel L. Schmidt, Secretary. Tele
phone Superior 6881. Reading Room open
afternoons and eveninqs. Sundavs 2 to 5
only. 100 E. Ohio St., Room 403-404. Lecture
sessions for ALL members every Tuesday
night, 8:00 p. m.
Chicago Afra-American Chapter No. 10.
Robert S. Breckenridge, Master; Aurelia
Carter, Secretary. Meeting every Wednes
day night at 8 o'clock, Y. M. C. A., 3763 So.
Wabash Avenue,
d on Next Page)
Portland, Oregon:
Portland Chapter. Paul E. Hartson, Master;
Telephone East 1245. Meetings every Thurs
day, 8:00 p. m. at 714 S. W. 11th Avenue.
Washington, D. C.:
Thomas Jefferson Chapter. William V.
Whittington, Master. Confederate Memorial
Hall, 1322 Vermont Ave. N. W. Meetings
every Friday, 8:00 p. m.
Seattle, Washington:
AMORC Chapter 586. Walter G. Simpson,
Master: Mrs. Beatrice Stuberg, Secretary.
311-14 Lowman Bldg., between 1st and 2nd
Aves. on Cherry St. Reading Room open
week days 11 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Visitors
welcome. Chapter meetings each Friday,
8:00 p. m.
Other Chartered Chapters and Lodges of the Rosicrucian Order (AMORC) will be found In
most large cities and towns of North America. Address of local representatives given on request.
Vancouver, British Columbia:
Canadian Grand Lodge, AMORC, Mr. H. B.
Kidd, Master, AMORC temple, 878 Horn
by Street.
Victoria, British Columbia:
Victoria Lodge, Mr. A. A. Calderwood,
Master. Inquiry Office and Reading Room,
101 Union Bank Bldg. Open week days 10
a. m. to 6 p. m.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada:
Mr. Ely Law, Master, 120 Spence St. (Ph.
33341.) Session for all members every Sun
day, 2:45 p. m., 212 "A Enderton Bldg.,
Portage Av. and Hargrave St.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada:
Montreal Chapter Alexandre Chevalier,
F. R. C., Master. 210 West St. James Street.
Inquiry office open 10:00 a. m. to 5 p. m.
daily: Saturdays 10:00 to 1:00 p. in.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada:
Mr. Benjamin F. Wakelin, Master. Sessions
1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, 7:00
p. in., No. 10 Lansdowne Ave.
Edmonton, Alberta:
Mr. Alfred H. Holmes, Master, 9533 Jasper
Avenue E.
This jurisdiction includes all the Spanish-speaking Countries of the New World. Its Supreme
Council and Administrative Office are located at San Juan, Puerto Rico, having local Represen
tatives in all the principal cities of these stated Countries.
The name and address of the Officers and Representatives in the jurisdiction will be furnished
on application.
All correspondence should be addressed as follows:
Secretary General of the Spanish-American Jurisdiction of AMORC, P. O. Box 36, San Juan,
Puerto Rico.
Scandinavian Countries:
The AMORC Grand Lodge of Denmark,
Mr. Arthur Sundstrup, Grand Master; Carli
Anderson, S. R. C., Grand Secretary. Mano-
gade 13th Strand, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Grand Lodge Rosenkorset. Anton Svan-
lund, F. R. C.t Grand Master. Jerusalems-
gatan, 6, Malmo.
De Rozekruisers Orde; Groot-Lodge der
Nederlanden. J. Coops, Gr. Sect., Hunze-
straat 141, Amsterdam.
Dr. H. Gruter, F. R. C., Grand Master, Nice.
Mile. Jeanne Guesdon, S.R.C., Corresponding
Secretary for the Grand Lodge (AMORC)
of France, 56 Rue Gambetta, Villeneuve
Saint Georges, (Seine & Oise).
AMORC Grand Lodge, August Reichel,
F. R. C., Gr. Sect., A v enu e d'Evian, 3,
Mr. Many Clhlar, K. R. C., Grossekretar der
AMORC, Laxenburgerstr, 75/ 9, Vienna, X.
China and Russia:
The United Grand Lodge of China and Rus
sia, 8/ 18 Kavkazskaya St., Harbin, Man
The Grand Council of Australia, S. L. S.
Kowron, F.R.C., Grand Master, "Sandhurst,
Quirk St., Dee Why, Sydney, N. S. W.
New Zealand:
Auckland Chapter, Attention Mr. C. D. Mill,
Wakefield College, Palmerston Bldg., Queen
St., Auckland.
The AMORC Grand Lodge of Great Britain,
Mr. Raymund Andrea. K.R.C., Grand Master,
34 Baywater Ave., Westbury Park, Bristol 6.
Dutch and East Indies:
Dr. W. Th. van Stokkum, Grand Master,
W. J. Visser, Secretary-General. Karang-
tempel 10, Semarang, Java.
The Grand Orient of AMORC, Houce of the
Temple, M. A. Ramayvelim, F. R. C., Grand
Secretary, 26, Avenue Ismalia, Heliopolis.
The Grand Lodge of the Gold Coast,
AMORC, Mr. William Okai, Grand Master,
P. O. Box 424 Accra, Gold Coast, West
The Supreme Council, AMORC, Calcutta,
The addresses of other foreign Grand Lodges
and secretaries will be furnished on application.
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