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Given an array A[] and a number x, check for pair in A[] with sum as x
May 30, 2009
Write a C program that, given an array A[] of n numbers and another number x,
determines whether or not there exist two elements in S whose sum is exactly x.
METHOD 1 (Use Sorting)
hasArrayTwoCandidates (A[], ar_size, sum)
1) Sort the array in non-decreasing order.
2) Initialize two index variables to find the candidate
elements in the sorted array.
(a) Initialize first to the leftmost index: l = 0
(b) Initialize second the rightmost index: r =
3) Loop while l < r.
(a) If (A[l] + A[r] == sum) then return 1
(b) Else if( A[l] + A[r] < sum ) then l++
(c) Else r--
4) No candidates in whole array - return 0
Time Complexity: Depends on what sorting algorithm we use. If we use Merge Sort
or Heap Sort then (-)(nlogn) in worst case. If we use Quick Sort then O(n^2) in worst
Auxiliary Space : Again, depends on sorting algorithm. For example auxiliary space
is O(n) for merge sort and O(1) for Heap Sort.
Let Array be {1, 4, 45, 6, 10, -8} and sum to find be 16
Sort the array
A = {-8, 1, 4, 6, 10, 45}
Initialize l = 0, r = 5
A[l] + A[r] ( -8 + 45) > 16 => decrement r. Now r = 10
A[l] + A[r] ( -8 + 10) < 2 => increment l. Now l = 1
A[l] + A[r] ( 1 + 10) < 16 => increment l. Now l = 2
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A[l] + A[r] ( 4 + 10) < 14 => increment l. Now l = 3
A[l] + A[r] ( 6 + 10) == 16 => Found candidates (return 1)
Note: If there are more than one pair having the given sum then this algorithm
reports only one. Can be easily extended for this though.
# include <stdio.h>
# define bool int

void quickSort(int *, int , int );

bool hasArrayTwoCandidates(int A[], int arr_size, int sum)
int l, r;

/* Sort the elements */
quickSort(A, 0, arr_size-1);

/* Now look for the two candidates in the sorted
l = 0;
r = arr_size-1;
while(l < r)
if(A[l] + A[r] == sum)
return 1;
elseif(A[l] + A[r] < sum)
else// A[i] + A[j] > sum
return 0;

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int A[] = {1, 4, 45, 6, 10, -8};
int n = 16;
int arr_size = 6;

if( hasArrayTwoCandidates(A, arr_size, n))
printf("Array has two elements with sum 16");
printf("Array doesn't have two elements with sum 16 ");

return 0;

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void exchange(int *a, int *b)
int temp;
temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;

int partition(int A[], int si, int ei)
int x = A[ei];
int i = (si - 1);
int j;

for(j = si; j <= ei - 1; j++)
if(A[j] <= x)
exchange(&A[i], &A[j]);
exchange (&A[i + 1], &A[ei]);
return (i + 1);

/* Implementation of Quick Sort
A[] --> Array to be sorted
si --> Starting index
ei --> Ending index
void quickSort(int A[], int si, int ei)
int pi; /* Partitioning index */
if(si < ei)
pi = partition(A, si, ei);
quickSort(A, si, pi - 1);
quickSort(A, pi + 1, ei);

METHOD 2 (Use Hash Map)
Thanks to Bindu for suggesting this method and thanks to Shekhu for providing
This method works in O(n) time if range of numbers is known.
Let sum be the given sum and A[] be the array in which we need to find pair.
1) Initialize Binary Hash Map M[] = {0, 0, }
2) Do following for each element A[i] in A[]
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(a) If M[x - A[i]] is set then print the pair
(A[i], x A[i])
(b) Set M[A[i]]
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 100000

void printPairs(int arr[], int arr_size, int sum)
int i, temp;
bool binMap[MAX] = {0}; /*initialize hash map as 0*/

for(i = 0; i < arr_size; i++)
temp = sum - arr[i];
if(temp >= 0 && binMap[temp] == 1)
printf("Pair with given sum %d is (%d, %d) \n", sum, arr[i], temp);
binMap[arr[i]] = 1;

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int A[] = {1, 4, 45, 6, 10, 8};
int n = 16;
int arr_size = 6;

printPairs(A, arr_size, n);

return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(R) where R is range of integers.
If range of numbers include negative numbers then also it works. All we have to do
for negative numbers is to make everything positive by adding the absolute value of
smallest negative integer to all numbers.
Majority Element
May 30, 2009
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Majority Element: A majority element in an array A[] of size n is an element that
appears more than n/2 times (and hence there is at most one such element).
Write a function which takes an array and emits the majority element (if it exists),
otherwise prints NONE as follows:
I/P : 3 3 4 2 4 4 2 4 4
O/P : 4

I/P : 3 3 4 2 4 4 2 4
METHOD 1 (Basic)
The basic solution is to have two loops and keep track of maximum count for all
different elements. If maximum count becomes greater than n/2 then break the
loops and return the element having maximum count. If maximum count doesnt
become more than n/2 then majority element doesnt exist.
Time Complexity: O(n*n).
Auxiliary Space : O(1).

METHOD 2 (Using Binary Search Tree)
Thanks to Sachin Midha for suggesting this solution.
Node of the Binary Search Tree (used in this approach) will be as follows.
int element;
int count;
Insert elements in BST one by one and if an element is already present then
increment the count of the node. At any stage, if count of a node becomes more
than n/2 then return.
The method works well for the cases where n/2+1 occurrences of the majority
element is present in the starting of the array, for example {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4}.

Time Complexity: If a binary search tree is used then time complexity will be
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O(n^2). If a self-balancing-binary-search tree is used then O(nlogn)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)

METHOD 3 (Using Moores Voting Algorithm)
This is a two step process.
1. Get an element occurring most of the time in the array. This phase will make sure
that if there is a majority element then it will return that only.
2. Check if the element obtained from above step is majority element.
1. Finding a Candidate:
The algorithm for first phase that works in O(n) is known as Moores Voting
Algorithm. Basic idea of the algorithm is if we cancel out each occurrence of an
element e with all the other elements that are different from e then e will exist till end
if it is a majority element.
findCandidate(a[], size)
1. Initialize index and count of majority element
maj_index = 0, count = 1
2. Loop for i = 1 to size 1
(a)If a[maj_index] == a[i]
(c)If count == 0
maj_index = i;
count = 1
3. Return a[maj_index]
Above algorithm loops through each element and maintains a count of
a[maj_index], If next element is same then increments the count, if next element is
not same then decrements the count, and if the count reaches 0 then changes the
maj_index to the current element and sets count to 1.
First Phase algorithm gives us a candidate element. In second phase we need to
check if the candidate is really a majority element. Second phase is simple and can
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be easily done in O(n). We just need to check if count of the candidate element is
greater than n/2.
A[] = 2, 2, 3, 5, 2, 2, 6
maj_index = 0, count = 1 > candidate 2?
2, 2, 3, 5, 2, 2, 6
Same as a[maj_index] => count = 2
2, 2, 3, 5, 2, 2, 6
Different from a[maj_index] => count = 1
2, 2, 3, 5, 2, 2, 6
Different from a[maj_index] => count = 0
Since count = 0, change candidate for majority element to 5 => maj_index = 3,
count = 1
2, 2, 3, 5, 2, 2, 6
Different from a[maj_index] => count = 0
Since count = 0, change candidate for majority element to 2 => maj_index = 4
2, 2, 3, 5, 2, 2, 6
Same as a[maj_index] => count = 2
2, 2, 3, 5, 2, 2, 6
Different from a[maj_index] => count = 1
Finally candidate for majority element is 2.
First step uses Moores Voting Algorithm to get a candidate for majority element.
2. Check if the element obtained in step 1 is majority
printMajority (a[], size)
1. Find the candidate for majority
2. If candidate is majority. i.e., appears more than
n/2 times.
Print the candidate
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3. Else
Print "NONE"
Implementation of method 3:
/* Program for finding out majority element in an array */
# include<stdio.h>
# define bool int

int findCandidate(int *, int );
bool isMajority(int *, int , int );

/* Function to print Majority Element */
void printMajority(int a[], int size)
/* Find the candidate for Majority*/
int cand = findCandidate(a, size);

/* Print the candidate if it is Majority*/
if(isMajority(a, size, cand))
printf(" %d ", cand);
printf("NO Majority Element");

/* Function to find the candidate for Majority */
int findCandidate(int a[], int size)
int maj_index = 0, count = 1;
int i;
for(i = 1; i < size; i++)
if(a[maj_index] == a[i])
if(count == 0)
maj_index = i;
count = 1;
return a[maj_index];

/* Function to check if the candidate occurs more than n/2 times */
bool isMajority(int a[], int size, int cand)
int i, count = 0;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(a[i] == cand)
if(count > size/2)
return 1;
return 0;
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/* Driver function to test above functions */
int main()
int a[] = {1, 3, 3, 1, 2};
printMajority(a, 5);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space : O(1)
Now give a try to below question
Given an array of 2n elements of which n elements are same and the remaining n
elements are all different. Write a C program to find out the value which is present n
times in the array. There is no restriction on the elements in the array. They are
random (In particular they not sequential).
Find the Number Occurring Odd Number of Times
June 22, 2009
Given an array of positive integers. All numbers occur even number of times except
one number which occurs odd number of times. Find the number in O(n) time &
constant space.
I/P = [1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 3]
O/P = 3
Do bitwise XOR of all the elements. Finally we get the number which has odd

#include <stdio.h>

int getOddOccurrence(int ar[], int ar_size)
int i;
int res = 0;
for(i=0; i < ar_size; i++)
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res = res ^ ar[i];

return res;

/* Diver function to test above function */
int main()
int ar[] = {2, 3, 5, 4, 5, 2, 4, 3, 5, 2, 4, 4, 2};
int n = sizeof(ar)/sizeof(ar[0]);
printf("%d", getOddOccurrence(ar, n));
return 0;

Time Complexity: O(n)
Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray
June 22, 2009
Write an efficient C program to find the sum of contiguous subarray within a one-
dimensional array of numbers which has the largest sum.
Kadanes Algorithm:

max_so_far = 0
max_ending_here = 0

Loop for each element of the array
(a) max_ending_here = max_ending_here + a[i]
(b) if(max_ending_here < 0)
max_ending_here = 0
(c) if(max_so_far < max_ending_here)
max_so_far = max_ending_here
return max_so_far
Simple idea of the Kadane's algorithm is to look for all positive contiguous segments
of the array (max_ending_here is used for this). And keep track of maximum sum
contiguous segment among all positive segments (max_so_far is used for this).
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Each time we get a positive sum compare it with max_so_far and update
max_so_far if it is greater than max_so_far
Lets take the example:
{-2, -3, 4, -1, -2, 1, 5, -3}
max_so_far = max_ending_here = 0
for i=0, a[0] = -2
max_ending_here = max_ending_here + (-2)
Set max_ending_here = 0 because max_ending_here < 0
for i=1, a[1] = -3
max_ending_here = max_ending_here + (-3)
Set max_ending_here = 0 because max_ending_here < 0
for i=2, a[2] = 4
max_ending_here = max_ending_here + (4)
max_ending_here = 4
max_so_far is updated to 4 because max_ending_here greater than max_so_far
which was 0 till now
for i=3, a[3] = -1
max_ending_here = max_ending_here + (-1)
max_ending_here = 3
for i=4, a[4] = -2
max_ending_here = max_ending_here + (-2)
max_ending_here = 1
for i=5, a[5] = 1
max_ending_here = max_ending_here + (1)
max_ending_here = 2
for i=6, a[6] = 5
max_ending_here = max_ending_here + (5)
max_ending_here = 7
max_so_far is updated to 7 because max_ending_here is greater than max_so_far
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for i=7, a[7] = -3
max_ending_here = max_ending_here + (-3)
max_ending_here = 4
int maxSubArraySum(int a[], int size)
int max_so_far = 0, max_ending_here = 0;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
max_ending_here = max_ending_here + a[i];
if(max_ending_here < 0)
max_ending_here = 0;
if(max_so_far < max_ending_here)
max_so_far = max_ending_here;
return max_so_far;

/*Driver program to test maxSubArraySum*/
int main()
int a[] = {-2, -3, 4, -1, -2, 1, 5, -3};
int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]);
int max_sum = maxSubArraySum(a, n);
printf("Maximum contiguous sum is %d\n", max_sum);
return 0;
Algorithm doesn't work for all negative numbers. It simply returns 0 if all numbers
are negative. For handling this we can add an extra phase before actual
implementation. The phase will look if all numbers are negative, if they are it will
return maximum of them (or smallest in terms of absolute value). There may be
other ways to handle it though.
Above program can be optimized further, if we compare max_so_far with
max_ending_here only if max_ending_here is greater than 0.
int maxSubArraySum(int a[], int size)
int max_so_far = 0, max_ending_here = 0;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
max_ending_here = max_ending_here + a[i];
if(max_ending_here < 0)
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max_ending_here = 0;

/* Do not compare for all elements. Compare only
when max_ending_here > 0 */
elseif(max_so_far < max_ending_here)
max_so_far = max_ending_here;
return max_so_far;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Algorithmic Paradigm: Dynamic Programming
Following is another simple implementation suggested by Mohit Kumar. The
implementation handles the case when all numbers in array are negative.

int max(int x, int y)
{ return (y > x)? y : x; }

int maxSubArraySum(int a[], int size)
int max_so_far = a[0], i;
int curr_max = a[0];

for(i = 1; i < size; i++)
curr_max = max(a[i], curr_max+a[i]);
max_so_far = max(max_so_far, curr_max);
return max_so_far;

/* Driver program to test maxSubArraySum */
int main()
int a[] = {-2, -3, 4, -1, -2, 1, 5, -3};
int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]);
int max_sum = maxSubArraySum(a, n);
printf("Maximum contiguous sum is %d\n", max_sum);
return 0;
Now try below question
Given an array of integers (possibly some of the elements negative), write a C
program to find out the *maximum product* possible by adding 'n' consecutive
integers in the array, n <= ARRAY_SIZE. Also give where in the array this sequence
of n integers starts.
Find the Missing Number
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June 22, 2009
You are given a list of n-1 integers and these integers are in the range of 1 to n.
There are no duplicates in list. One of the integers is missing in the list. Write an
efficient code to find the missing integer.

I/P [1, 2, 4, ,6, 3, 7, 8]
O/P 5

METHOD 1(Use sum formula)
1. Get the sum of numbers
total = n*(n+1)/2
2 Subtract all the numbers from sum and
you will get the missing number.

/* getMissingNo takes array and size of array as arguments*/
int getMissingNo (int a[], int n)
int i, total;
total = (n+1)*(n+2)/2;
for( i = 0; i< n; i++)
total -= a[i];
return total;

/*program to test above function */
int main()
int a[] = {1,2,4,5,6};
int miss = getMissingNo(a,5);
printf("%d", miss);
Time Complexity: O(n)
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1) XOR all the array elements, let the result of XOR
be X1.
2) XOR all numbers from 1 to n, let XOR be X2.
3) XOR of X1 and X2 gives the missing number.

/* getMissingNo takes array and size of array as arguments*/
int getMissingNo(int a[], int n)
int i;
int x1 = a[0]; /* For xor of all the elemets in arary */
int x2 = 1; /* For xor of all the elemets from 1 to n+1 */

for(i = 1; i< n; i++)
x1 = x1^a[i];

for( i = 2; i <= n+1; i++)
x2 = x2^i;

return (x1^x2);

/*program to test above function */
int main()
int a[] = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6};
int miss = getMissingNo(a, 5);
printf("%d", miss);
Time Complexity: O(n)
In method 1, if the sum of the numbers goes beyond maximum allowed integer,
then there can be integer overflow and we may not get correct answer. Method 2
has no such problems.
Search an element in a sorted and pivoted array
August 15, 2009
An element in a sorted array can be found in O(log n) time via binary search. But suppose I rotate the sorted array at
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some pivot unknown to you beforehand. So for instance, 1 2 3 4 5 might become 3 4 5 1 2. Devise a way to find an
element in the rotated array in O(log n) time.

Thanks to Ajay Mishra for initial solution.
Find the pivot point, divide the array in two sub-arrays and call binary search.
The main idea for finding pivot is for a sorted (in increasing order) and pivoted array, pivot element is the only only
element for which next element to it is smaller than it.
Using above criteria and binary search methodology we can get pivot element in O(logn) time
Input arr[] = {3, 4, 5, 1, 2}
Element to Search = 1
1) Find out pivot point and divide the array in two
sub-arrays. (pivot = 2) /*Index of 5*/
2) Now call binary search for one of the two sub-
(a) If element is greater than 0th element then
search in left array
(b) Else Search in right array
(1 will go in else as 1 < 0th element(3))
3) If element is found in selected sub-array then
return index
Else return -1.
/* Program to search an element in a sorted and pivoted array*/
#include <stdio.h>

int findPivot(int [], int , int );
int binarySearch(int [], int , int , int );

/* Searches an element no in a pivoted sorted array arrp[]
of size arr_size */
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int pivotedBinarySearch(int arr[], int arr_size, int no)
int pivot = findPivot(arr, 0, arr_size-1);

// If we didn't find a pivot, then array is not rotated at all
if(pivot == -1)
return binarySearch(arr, 0, arr_size-1, no);

// If we found a pivot, then first compare with pivot and then
// search in two subarrays around pivot
if(arr[pivot] == no)
return pivot;
if(arr[0] <= no)
return binarySearch(arr, 0, pivot-1, no);
return binarySearch(arr, pivot+1, arr_size-1, no);

/* Function to get pivot. For array 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2 it will
return 3. If array is not rotated at all, then it return s -1 */
int findPivot(int arr[], int low, int high)
// base cases
if(high < low) return -1;
if(high == low) return low;

int mid = (low + high)/2; /*low + (high - low)/2;*/
if(mid < high && arr[mid] > arr[mid + 1])
return mid;
if(mid > low && arr[mid] < arr[mid - 1])
return (mid-1);
if(arr[low] >= arr[mid])
return findPivot(arr, low, mid-1);
return findPivot(arr, mid + 1, high);

/* Standard Binary Search function*/
int binarySearch(int arr[], int low, int high, int no)
if(high < low)
return -1;
int mid = (low + high)/2; /*low + (high - low)/2;*/
if(no == arr[mid])
return mid;
if(no > arr[mid])
return binarySearch(arr, (mid + 1), high, no);
return binarySearch(arr, low, (mid -1), no);

/* Driver program to check above functions */
int main()
// Let us search 3 in below array
int arr1[] = {5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3};
int arr_size = sizeof(arr1)/sizeof(arr1[0]);
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int no = 3;
printf("Index of the element is %d\n", pivotedBinarySearch(arr1, arr_size,

// Let us search 3 in below array
int arr2[] = {3, 4, 5, 1, 2};
arr_size = sizeof(arr2)/sizeof(arr2[0]);
printf("Index of the element is %d\n", pivotedBinarySearch(arr2, arr_size,

// Let us search for 4 in above array
no = 4;
printf("Index of the element is %d\n", pivotedBinarySearch(arr2, arr_size,

// Let us search 0 in below array
int arr3[] = {1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
no = 0;
arr_size = sizeof(arr3)/sizeof(arr3[0]);
printf("Index of the element is %d\n", pivotedBinarySearch(arr3, arr_size,

// Let us search 3 in below array
int arr4[] = {2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2};
no = 3;
arr_size = sizeof(arr4)/sizeof(arr4[0]);
printf("Index of the element is %d\n", pivotedBinarySearch(arr4, arr_size,

// Let us search 2 in above array
no = 2;
printf("Index of the element is %d\n", pivotedBinarySearch(arr4, arr_size,

// Let us search 3 in below array
int arr5[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
no = 3;
arr_size = sizeof(arr5)/sizeof(arr5[0]);
printf("Index of the element is %d\n", pivotedBinarySearch(arr5, arr_size,

return 0;
Index of the element is 8
Index of the element is 0
Index of the element is 1
Index of the element is 3
Index of the element is 1
Index of the element is 0
Index of the element is 2
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Please note that the solution may not work for cases where the input array has duplicates.
Time Complexity O(logn)
Merge an array of size n into another array of size m+n
September 5, 2009
Asked by Binod
There are two sorted arrays. First one is of size m+n containing only m elements.
Another one is of size n and contains n elements. Merge these two arrays into the
first array of size m+n such that the output is sorted.

Input: array with m+n elements (mPlusN[]).
NA => Value is not filled/available in array
mPlusN[]. There should be n such array blocks.
Input: array with n elements (N[]).

Output: N[] merged into mPlusN[] (Modified mPlusN[])

Let first array be mPlusN[] and other array be N[]
1) Move m elements of mPlusN[] to end.
2) Start from nth element of mPlusN[] and 0th element of
N[] and merge them
into mPlusN[].
/* Assuming -1 is filled for the places where element
is not available */
#define NA -1
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/* Function to move m elements at the end of array
mPlusN[] */
void moveToEnd(int mPlusN[], int size)
int i = 0, j = size - 1;
for(i = size-1; i >= 0; i--)
if(mPlusN[i] != NA)
mPlusN[j] = mPlusN[i];

/* Merges array N[] of size n int o array mPlusN[]
of size m+n*/
int merge(int mPlusN[], int N[], int m, int n)
int i = n; /* Current index of i/p part of mPlusN[]*/
int j = 0; /* Current index of N[]*/
int k = 0; /* Current index of of output mPlusN[]*/
while(k <= (m+n))
/* Take the element from mPlusN[] if
a) its value is smaller and we
have not reached end of it
b) We have reached end of N[] */
if((i < (m+n) && mPlusN[i] <= N[j]) || ( j == n))
mPlusN[k] = mPlusN[i];
mPlusN[k] = N[j];

/* Utility that prints out an array on a line */
void printArray(int arr[], int size)
int i;
for(i=0; i < size; i++)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);


/* Driver function to test above functions */
int main()
/* Initialize arrays */
int mPlusN[9] = {2, 8, NA, NA, NA, 13, NA, 15, 20};
int N[] = {5, 7, 9, 25};
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int m = 5, n = 4;

/*Move the m elements at the end of mPlusN*/
moveToEnd(mPlusN, 9);

/*Merge N[] int o mPlusN[] */
merge(mPlusN, N, 5, 4);

/* Print the resultant mPlusN */
printArray(mPlusN, 9);
Time Complexity: O(m+n)
Median of two sorted arrays
September 28, 2009
Question: There are 2 sorted arrays A and B of size n each. Write an algorithm to
find the median of the array obtained after merging the above 2 arrays(i.e. array of
length 2n). The complexity should be O(log(n))

Median: In probability theory and statistics, a median is described as the number
separating the higher half of a sample, a population, or a probability distribution,
from the lower half.
The median of a finite list of numbers can be found by arranging all the numbers
from lowest value to highest value and picking the middle one.
For getting the median of input array { 12, 11, 15, 10, 20 }, first sort the array. We
get { 10, 11, 12, 15, 20 } after sorting. Median is the middle element of the sorted
array which is 12.
There are different conventions to take median of an array with even number of
elements, one can take the mean of the two middle values, or first middle value, or
second middle value.
Let us see different methods to get the median of two sorted arrays of size n each.
Since size of the set for which we are looking for median is even (2n), we are taking
average of middle two numbers in all below solutions.
Method 1 (Simply count while Merging)
Use merge procedure of merge sort. Keep track of count while comparing elements
of two arrays. If count becomes n(For 2n elements), we have reached the median.
P a g e | 22

Take the average of the elements at indexes n-1 and n in the merged array. See the
below implementation.
#include <stdio.h>

/* This function return s median of ar1[] and ar2[].
Assumptions in this function:
Both ar1[] and ar2[] are sorted arrays
Both have n elements */
int getMedian(int ar1[], int ar2[], int n)
int i = 0; /* Current index of i/p array ar1[] */
int j = 0; /* Current index of i/p array ar2[] */
int count;
int m1 = -1, m2 = -1;

/* Since there are 2n elements, median will be average
of elements at index n-1 and n in the array obtained after
merging ar1 and ar2 */
for(count = 0; count <= n; count++)
/*Below is to handle case where all elements of ar1[] are
smaller than smallest(or first) element of ar2[]*/
if(i == n)
m1 = m2;
m2 = ar2[0];

/*Below is to handle case where all elements of ar2[] are
smaller than smallest(or first) element of ar1[]*/
elseif(j == n)
m1 = m2;
m2 = ar1[0];

if(ar1[i] < ar2[j])
m1 = m2; /* Store the prev median */
m2 = ar1[i];
m1 = m2; /* Store the prev median */
m2 = ar2[j];

return (m1 + m2)/2;
P a g e | 23


/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int ar1[] = {1, 12, 15, 26, 38};
int ar2[] = {2, 13, 17, 30, 45};

int n1 = sizeof(ar1)/sizeof(ar1[0]);
int n2 = sizeof(ar2)/sizeof(ar2[0]);
if(n1 == n2)
printf("Median is %d", getMedian(ar1, ar2, n1));
printf("Doesn't work for arrays of unequal size");
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)

Method 2 (By comparing the medians of two arrays)
This method works by first getting medians of the two sorted arrays and then
comparing them.
Let ar1 and ar2 be the input arrays.
1) Calculate the medians m1 and m2 of the input arrays
and ar2[] respectively.
2) If m1 and m2 both are equal then we are done.
return m1 (or m2)
3) If m1 is greater than m2, then median is present in
of the below two subarrays.
a) From first element of ar1 to m1
b) From m2 to last element of ar2
P a g e | 24

4) If m2 is greater than m1, then median is present in
of the below two subarrays.
a) From m1 to last element of ar1 (ar1[|_n/2_|...n-
b) From first element of ar2 to m2
5) Repeat the above process until size of both the
becomes 2.
6) If size of the two arrays is 2 then use below formula
to get
the median.
Median = (max(ar1[0], ar2[0]) + min(ar1[1],
ar1[] = {1, 12, 15, 26, 38}
ar2[] = {2, 13, 17, 30, 45}
For above two arrays m1 = 15 and m2 = 17
For the above ar1[] and ar2[], m1 is smaller than m2. So median is present in one of
the following two subarrays.
[15, 26, 38] and [2, 13, 17]
Let us repeat the process for above two subarrays:
m1 = 26 m2 = 13.
m1 is greater than m2. So the subarrays become
[15, 26] and [13, 17]
Now size is 2, so median = (max(ar1[0], ar2[0]) +
min(ar1[1], ar2[1]))/2
= (max(15, 13) + min(26, 17))/2
= (15 + 17)/2
P a g e | 25

= 16

int max(int , int ); /* to get maximum of two int egers */
int min(int , int ); /* to get minimum of two int egeres */
int median(int [], int ); /* to get median of a sorted array */

/* This function return s median of ar1[] and ar2[].
Assumptions in this function:
Both ar1[] and ar2[] are sorted arrays
Both have n elements */
int getMedian(int ar1[], int ar2[], int n)
int m1; /* For median of ar1 */
int m2; /* For median of ar2 */

/* return -1 for invalid input */
if(n <= 0)
return -1;

if(n == 1)
return (ar1[0] + ar2[0])/2;

if(n == 2)
return (max(ar1[0], ar2[0]) + min(ar1[1], ar2[1])) / 2;

m1 = median(ar1, n); /* get the median of the first array */
m2 = median(ar2, n); /* get the median of the second array */

/* If medians are equal then return either m1 or m2 */
if(m1 == m2)
return m1;

/* if m1 < m2 then median must exist in ar1[m1....] and ar2[....m2] */
if(m1 < m2)
if(n % 2 == 0)
return getMedian(ar1 + n/2 - 1, ar2, n - n/2 +1);
return getMedian(ar1 + n/2, ar2, n - n/2);

/* if m1 > m2 then median must exist in ar1[....m1] and ar2[m2...] */
if(n % 2 == 0)
return getMedian(ar2 + n/2 - 1, ar1, n - n/2 + 1);
return getMedian(ar2 + n/2, ar1, n - n/2);

/* Function to get median of a sorted array */
P a g e | 26

int median(int arr[], int n)
if(n%2 == 0)
return (arr[n/2] + arr[n/2-1])/2;
return arr[n/2];

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int ar1[] = {1, 2, 3, 6};
int ar2[] = {4, 6, 8, 10};
int n1 = sizeof(ar1)/sizeof(ar1[0]);
int n2 = sizeof(ar2)/sizeof(ar2[0]);
if(n1 == n2)
printf("Median is %d", getMedian(ar1, ar2, n1));
printf("Doesn't work for arrays of unequal size");

return 0;

/* Utility functions */
int max(int x, int y)
return x > y? x : y;

int min(int x, int y)
return x > y? y : x;
Time Complexity: O(logn)
Algorithmic Paradigm: Divide and Conquer

Method 3 (By doing binary search for the median):
The basic idea is that if you are given two arrays ar1[] and ar2[] and know the length
of each, you can check whether an element ar1[i] is the median in constant time.
Suppose that the median is ar1[i]. Since the array is sorted, it is greater than exactly
i values in array ar1[]. Then if it is the median, it is also greater than exactly j = n i
1 elements in ar2[].
It requires constant time to check if ar2[j] <= ar1[i] <= ar2[j + 1]. If ar1[i] is not the
median, then depending on whether ar1[i] is greater or less than ar2[j] and ar2[j +
P a g e | 27

1], you know that ar1[i] is either greater than or less than the median. Thus you can
binary search for median in O(lg n) worst-case time.
For two arrays ar1 and ar2, first do binary search in ar1[]. If you reach at the end
(left or right) of the first array and don't find median, start searching in the second
array ar2[].
1) Get the middle element of ar1[] using array indexes
left and right.
Let index of the middle element be i.
2) Calculate the corresponding index j of ar2[]
j = n i 1
3) If ar1[i] >= ar2[j] and ar1[i] <= ar2[j+1] then
ar1[i] and ar2[j]
are the middle elements.
return average of ar2[j] and ar1[i]
4) If ar1[i] is greater than both ar2[j] and ar2[j+1]
do binary search in left half (i.e., arr[left ...
5) If ar1[i] is smaller than both ar2[j] and ar2[j+1]
do binary search in right half (i.e.,
6) If you reach at any corner of ar1[] then do binary
search in ar2[]
ar1[] = {1, 5, 7, 10, 13}
ar2[] = {11, 15, 23, 30, 45}
Middle element of ar1[] is 7. Let us compare 7 with 23 and 30, since 7 smaller than
both 23 and 30, move to right in ar1[]. Do binary search in {10, 13}, this step will
pick 10. Now compare 10 with 15 and 23. Since 10 is smaller than both 15 and 23,
again move to right. Only 13 is there in right side now. Since 13 is greater than 11
and smaller than 15, terminate here. We have got the median as 12 (average of 11
and 13)
P a g e | 28


int getMedianRec(int ar1[], int ar2[], int left, int right, int n);

/* This function return s median of ar1[] and ar2[].
Assumptions in this function:
Both ar1[] and ar2[] are sorted arrays
Both have n elements */
int getMedian(int ar1[], int ar2[], int n)
return getMedianRec(ar1, ar2, 0, n-1, n);

/* A recursive function to get the median of ar1[] and ar2[]
using binary search */
int getMedianRec(int ar1[], int ar2[], int left, int right, int n)
int i, j;

/* We have reached at the end (left or right) of ar1[] */
if(left > right)
return getMedianRec(ar2, ar1, 0, n-1, n);

i = (left + right)/2;
j = n - i - 1; /* Index of ar2[] */

/* Recursion terminates here.*/
if(ar1[i] > ar2[j] && (j == n-1 || ar1[i] <= ar2[j+1]))
/* ar1[i] is decided as median 2, now select the median 1
(element just before ar1[i] in merged array) to get the
average of both*/
if(i == 0 || ar2[j] > ar1[i-1])
return (ar1[i] + ar2[j])/2;
return (ar1[i] + ar1[i-1])/2;

/*Search in left half of ar1[]*/
elseif(ar1[i] > ar2[j] && j != n-1 && ar1[i] > ar2[j+1])
return getMedianRec(ar1, ar2, left, i-1, n);

/*Search in right half of ar1[]*/
else/* ar1[i] is smaller than both ar2[j] and ar2[j+1]*/
return getMedianRec(ar1, ar2, i+1, right, n);

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int ar1[] = {1, 12, 15, 26, 38};
int ar2[] = {2, 13, 17, 30, 45};
int n1 = sizeof(ar1)/sizeof(ar1[0]);
int n2 = sizeof(ar2)/sizeof(ar2[0]);
if(n1 == n2)
P a g e | 29

printf("Median is %d", getMedian(ar1, ar2, n1));
printf("Doesn't work for arrays of unequal size");

return 0;
Time Complexity: O(logn)
Algorithmic Paradigm: Divide and Conquer
The above solutions can be optimized for the cases when all elements of one array
are smaller than all elements of other array. For example, in method 3, we can
change the getMedian() function to following so that these cases can be handled in
O(1) time. Thanks to nutcracker for suggesting this optimization.
/* This function return s median of ar1[] and ar2[].
Assumptions in this function:
Both ar1[] and ar2[] are sorted arrays
Both have n elements */
int getMedian(int ar1[], int ar2[], int n)
// If all elements of array 1 are smaller then
// median is average of last element of ar1 and
// first element of ar2
if(ar1[n-1] < ar2[0])
return (ar1[n-1]+ar2[0])/2;

// If all elements of array 1 are smaller then
// median is average of first element of ar1 and
// last element of ar2
if(ar2[n-1] < ar1[0])
return (ar2[n-1]+ar1[0])/2;

return getMedianRec(ar1, ar2, 0, n-1, n);
Write a program to reverse an array
October 30, 2009
Iterative way:
1) Initialize start and end indexes.
start = 0, end = n-1
2) In a loop, swap arr[start] with arr[end] and change start and end as follows.
start = start +1; end = end 1
/* Function to reverse arr[] from start to end*/
void rvereseArray(int arr[], int start, int end)
int temp;
while(start < end)
P a g e | 30

temp = arr[start];
arr[start] = arr[end];
arr[end] = temp;

/* Utility that prints out an array on a line */
void printArray(int arr[], int size)
int i;
for(i=0; i < size; i++)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);


/* Driver function to test above functions */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
printArray(arr, 6);
rvereseArray(arr, 0, 5);
printf("Reversed array is \n");
printArray(arr, 6);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Recursive Way:
1) Initialize start and end indexes
start = 0, end = n-1
2) Swap arr[start] with arr[end]
3) Recursively call reverse for rest of the array.
/* Function to reverse arr[] from start to end*/
void rvereseArray(int arr[], int start, int end)
int temp;
if(start >= end)
return ;
temp = arr[start];
arr[start] = arr[end];
arr[end] = temp;
rvereseArray(arr, start+1, end-1);

/* Utility that prints out an array on a line */
void printArray(int arr[], int size)
P a g e | 31

int i;
for(i=0; i < size; i++)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);


/* Driver function to test above functions */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
printArray(arr, 5);
rvereseArray(arr, 0, 4);
printf("Reversed array is \n");
printArray(arr, 5);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Program for array rotation
November 10, 2009
Write a function rotate(ar[], d, n) that rotates arr[] of size n by d elements.

Rotation of the above array by 2 will make array

METHOD 1 (Use temp array)
Input arr[] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], d = 2, n =7
1) Store d elements in a temp array
temp[] = [1, 2]
2) Shift rest of the arr[]
arr[] = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7]
3) Store back the d elements
arr[] = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2]
P a g e | 32

Time complexity O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(d)

METHOD 2 (Rotate one by one)
leftRotate(arr[], d, n)
For i = 0 to i < d
Left rotate all elements of arr[] by one
To rotate by one, store arr[0] in a temporary variable temp, move arr[1] to arr[0],
arr[2] to arr[1] and finally temp to arr[n-1]
Let us take the same example arr[] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], d = 2
Rotate arr[] by one 2 times
We get [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1] after first rotation and [ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2] after second
/*Function to left Rotate arr[] of size n by 1*/
void leftRotatebyOne(int arr[], int n);

/*Function to left rotate arr[] of size n by d*/
void leftRotate(int arr[], int d, int n)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < d; i++)
leftRotatebyOne(arr, n);

void leftRotatebyOne(int arr[], int n)
int i, temp;
temp = arr[0];
for(i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
arr[i] = arr[i+1];
arr[i] = temp;

/* utility function to print an array */
void printArray(int arr[], int size)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);
P a g e | 33

/* Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
leftRotate(arr, 2, 7);
printArray(arr, 7);
return 0;
Time complexity: O(n*d)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

METHOD 3 (A Juggling Algorithm)
This is an extension of method 2. Instead of moving one by one, divide the array in
different sets
where number of sets is equal to GCD of n and d and move the elements within
If GCD is 1 as is for the above example array (n = 7 and d =2), then elements will be
moved within one set only, we just start with temp = arr[0] and keep moving arr[I+d]
to arr[I] and finally store temp at the right place.
Here is an example for n =12 and d = 3. GCD is 3 and
Let arr[] be {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}

a) Elements are first moved in first set (See below
diagram for this movement)

arr[] after this step --> {42 3 75 6 108 9 111
P a g e | 34

b) Then in second set.
arr[] after this step --> {4 5 3 7 8 6 10 11 9
1 2 12}

c) Finally in third set.
arr[] after this step --> {4 5 67 8 910 11 121
2 3}
/* function to print an array */
void printArray(int arr[], int size);

/*Fuction to get gcd of a and b*/
int gcd(int a,int b);

/*Function to left rotate arr[] of siz n by d*/
void leftRotate(int arr[], int d, int n)
int i, j, k, temp;
for(i = 0; i < gcd(d, n); i++)
/* move i-th values of blocks */
temp = arr[i];
j = i;
k = j + d;
if(k >= n)
k = k - n;
if(k == i)
arr[j] = arr[k];
j = k;
arr[j] = temp;

/* function to print an array */
void printArray(int arr[], int size)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);

/*Fuction to get gcd of a and b*/
int gcd(int a,int b)
return a;
return gcd(b, a%b);
P a g e | 35

/* Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
leftRotate(arr, 2, 7);
printArray(arr, 7);
return 0;
Time complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Please see following posts for other methods of array rotation:
Block swap algorithm for array rotation
Reversal algorithm for array rotation
Reversal algorithm for array rotation
November 10, 2009
Write a function rotate(arr[], d, n) that rotates arr[] of size n by d elements.

Rotation of the above array by 2 will make array

Method 4(The Reversal Algorithm)
Please read this for first three methods of array rotation.
rotate(arr[], d, n)
reverse(arr[], 1, d) ;
reverse(arr[], d + 1, n);
reverse(arr[], l, n);
P a g e | 36

Let AB are the two parts of the input array where A = arr[0..d-1] and B = arr[d..n-1].
The idea of the algorithm is:
Reverse A to get ArB. /* Ar is reverse of A */
Reverse B to get ArBr. /* Br is reverse of B */
Reverse all to get (ArBr) r = BA.
For arr[] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], d =2 and n = 7
A = [1, 2] and B = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
Reverse A, we get ArB = [2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
Reverse B, we get ArBr = [2, 1, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3]
Reverse all, we get (ArBr)r = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2]
/*Utility function to print an array */
void printArray(int arr[], int size);

/* Utility function to reverse arr[] from start to end */
void rvereseArray(int arr[], int start, int end);

/* Function to left rotate arr[] of size n by d */
void leftRotate(int arr[], int d, int n)
rvereseArray(arr, 0, d-1);
rvereseArray(arr, d, n-1);
rvereseArray(arr, 0, n-1);

/* function to print an array */
void printArray(int arr[], int size)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);
printf("%\n ");

/*Function to reverse arr[] from index start to end*/
void rvereseArray(int arr[], int start, int end)
int i;
int temp;
while(start < end)
temp = arr[start];
arr[start] = arr[end];
arr[end] = temp;
P a g e | 37


/* Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
leftRotate(arr, 2, 7);
printArray(arr, 7);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Block swap algorithm for array rotation
November 14, 2009
Write a function rotate(ar[], d, n) that rotates arr[] of size n by d elements.

Rotation of the above array by 2 will make array

Initialize A = arr[0..d-1] and B = arr[d..n-1]
1) Do following until size of A is equal to size of B

a) If A is shorter, divide B into Bl and Br such that
Br is of same
length as A. Swap A and Br to change ABlBr into
BrBlA. Now A
is at its final place, so recur on pieces of B.

b) If A is longer, divide A into Al and Ar such that
Al is of same
length as B Swap Al and B to change AlArB into
BArAl. Now B
P a g e | 38

is at its final place, so recur on pieces of A.

2) Finally when A and B are of equal size, block swap
Recursive Implementation:

/*Prototype for utility functions */
void printArray(int arr[], int size);
void swap(int arr[], int fi, int si, int d);

void leftRotate(int arr[], int d, int n)
/* Return If number of elements to be rotated is
zero or equal to array size */
if(d == 0 || d == n)
return ;

/*If number of elements to be rotated is exactly
half of array size */
if(n-d == d)
swap(arr, 0, n-d, d);
return ;

/* If A is shorter*/
if(d < n-d)
swap(arr, 0, n-d, d);
leftRotate(arr, d, n-d);
else/* If B is shorter*/
swap(arr, 0, d, n-d);
leftRotate(arr+n-d, 2*d-n, d); /*This is tricky*/

/* function to print an array */
void printArray(int arr[], int size)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);
printf("%\n ");

/*This function swaps d elements starting at index fi
with d elements starting at index si */
void swap(int arr[], int fi, int si, int d)
P a g e | 39

int i, temp;
for(i = 0; i<d; i++)
temp = arr[fi + i];
arr[fi + i] = arr[si + i];
arr[si + i] = temp;

/* Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
leftRotate(arr, 2, 7);
printArray(arr, 7);
return 0;

Iterative Implementation:
Here is iterative implementation of the same algorithm. Same utility function swap()
is used here.
void leftRotate(int arr[], int d, int n)
int i, j;
if(d == 0 || d == n)
return ;
i = d;
j = n - d;
while(i != j)
if(i < j) /*A is shorter*/
swap(arr, d-i, d+j-i, i);
j -= i;
else/*B is shorter*/
swap(arr, d-i, d, j);
i -= j;
// printArray(arr, 7);
/*Finally, block swap A and B*/
swap(arr, d-i, d, i);
Time Complexity: O(n)
Maximum sum such that no two elements are adjacent
P a g e | 40

November 26, 2009
Question: Given an array of positive numbers, find the maximum sum of a
subsequence with the constraint that no 2 numbers in the sequence should be
adjacent in the array. So 3 2 7 10 should return 13 (sum of 3 and 10) or 3 2 5 10 7
should return 15 (sum of 3, 5 and 7).Answer the question in most efficient way.
Loop for all elements in arr[] and maintain two sums incl and excl where incl = Max
sum including the previous element and excl = Max sum excluding the previous
Max sum excluding the current element will be max(incl, excl) and max sum
including the current element will be excl + current element (Note that only excl is
considered because elements cannot be adjacent).
At the end of the loop return max of incl and excl.
arr[] = {5, 5, 10, 40, 50, 35}

inc = 5
exc = 0

For i = 1 (current element is 5)
incl = (excl + arr[i]) = 5
excl = max(5, 0) = 5

For i = 2 (current element is 10)
incl = (excl + arr[i]) = 15
excl = max(5, 5) = 5

For i = 3 (current element is 40)
incl = (excl + arr[i]) = 45
excl = max(5, 15) = 15

For i = 4 (current element is 50)
incl = (excl + arr[i]) = 65
P a g e | 41

excl = max(45, 15) = 45

For i = 5 (current element is 35)
incl = (excl + arr[i]) = 80
excl = max(5, 15) = 65

And 35 is the last element. So, answer is max(incl,
excl) = 80
Thanks to Debanjan for providing code.

/*Function to return max sum such that no two elements
are adjacent */
int FindMaxSum(int arr[], int n)
int incl = arr[0];
int excl = 0;
int excl_new;
int i;

for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
/* current max excluding i */
excl_new = (incl > excl)? incl: excl;

/* current max including i */
incl = excl + arr[i];
excl = excl_new;

/* return max of incl and excl */
return ((incl > excl)? incl : excl);

P a g e | 42

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr[] = {5, 5, 10, 100, 10, 5};
printf("%d \n", FindMaxSum(arr, 6));
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Leaders in an array
December 7, 2009
Write a program to print all the LEADERS in the array. An element is leader if it is
greater than all the elements to its right side. And the rightmost element is always a
leader. For example int the array {16, 17, 4, 3, 5, 2}, leaders are 17, 5 and 2.
Let the input array be arr[] and size of the array be size.
Method 1 (Simple)
Use two loops. The outer loop runs from 0 to size 1 and one by one picks all
elements from left to right. The inner loop compares the picked element to all the
elements to its right side. If the picked element is greater than all the elements to its
right side, then the picked element is the leader.
/*Function to print leaders in an array */
void printLeaders(int arr[], int size)
int i, j;

for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
for(j = i+1; j < size; j++)
if(arr[i] <= arr[j])
if(j == size) // the loop didn't break
printf("%d ", arr[i]);

/*Driver program to test above function*/
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int main()
int arr[] = {16, 17, 4, 3, 5, 2};
printLeaders(arr, 6);
// Output: 17 5 2
Time Complexity: O(n*n)

Method 2 (Scan from right)
Scan all the elements from right to left in array and keep track of maximum till now.
When maximum changes its value, print it.
/*Function to print leaders in an array */
void printLeaders(int arr[], int size)
int max_from_right = arr[size-1];
int i;

/* Rightmost element is always leader */
printf("%d ", max_from_right);

for(i = size-2; i >= 0; i--)
if(max_from_right < arr[i])
printf("%d ", arr[i]);
max_from_right = arr[i];

/*Driver program to test above function*/
int main()
int arr[] = {16, 17, 4, 3, 5, 2};
printLeaders(arr, 6);
// Output: 2 5 17

Time Complexity: O(n)
Sort elements by frequency | Set 1
January 3, 2010
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Asked By Binod

Print the elements of an array in the decreasing frequency if 2 numbers have same
frequency then print the one which came 1st
E.g. 2 5 2 8 5 6 8 8 output: 8 8 8 2 2 5 5 6.

METHOD 1 (Use Sorting)
1) Use a sorting algorithm to sort the elements
2) Scan the sorted array and construct a 2D array of
element and count O(n).
3) Sort the 2D array according to count O(nlogn).
Input 2 5 2 8 5 6 8 8

After sorting we get
2 2 5 5 6 8 8 8

Now construct the 2D array as
2, 2
5, 2
6, 1
8, 3

Sort by count
8, 3
2, 2
5, 2
6, 1

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There is one issue with above approach (thanks to ankit for pointing this out). If we
modify the input to 5 2 2 8 5 6 8 8, then we should get 8 8 8 5 5 2 2 6 and not 8 8 8
2 2 5 5 6 as will be the case.
To handle this, we should use indexes in step 3, if two counts are same then we
should first process(or print) the element with lower index. In step 1, we should store
the indexes instead of elements.
Input 5 2 2 8 5 6 8 8

After sorting we get
Element 2 2 5 5 6 8 8 8
Index 1 2 0 4 5 3 6 7

Now construct the 2D array as
Index, Count
1, 2
0, 2
5, 1
3, 3

Sort by count (consider indexes in case of tie)
3, 3
0, 2
1, 2
5, 1

Print the elements using indexes in the above 2D

METHOD 2(Use BST and Sorting)
1. Insert elements in BST one by one and if an element is already present then
increment the count of the node. Node of the Binary Search Tree (used in this
approach) will be as follows.
int element;
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int first_index /*To handle ties in counts*/
int count;
2.Store the first indexes and corresponding counts of BST in a 2D array.
3 Sort the 2D array according to counts (and use indexes in case of tie).
Time Complexity: O(nlogn) if a Self Balancing Binary Search Tree is used.

METHOD 3(Use Hashing and Sorting)
Using a hashing mechanism, we can store the elements (also first index) and their
counts in a hash. Finally, sort the hash elements according to their counts.

These are just our thoughts about solving the problem and may not be the optimal
way of solving. We are open for better solutions.
Count Inversions in an array
January 5, 2010
Inversion Count for an array indicates how far (or close) the array is from being
sorted. If array is already sorted then inversion count is 0. If array is sorted in
reverse order that inversion count is the maximum.
Formally speaking, two elements a[i] and a[j] form an inversion if a[i] > a[j] and i < j
The sequence 2, 4, 1, 3, 5 has three inversions (2, 1), (4, 1), (4, 3).
METHOD 1 (Simple)
For each element, count number of elements which are on right side of it and are
smaller than it.
int getInvCount(int arr[], int n)
int inv_count = 0;
int i, j;

for(i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
for(j = i+1; j < n; j++)
if(arr[i] > arr[j])
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return inv_count;

/* Driver progra to test above functions */
int main(int argv, char** args)
int arr[] = {1, 20, 6, 4, 5};
printf(" Number of inversions are %d \n", getInvCount(arr, 5));
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n^2)

METHOD 2(Enhance Merge Sort)
Suppose we know the number of inversions in the left half and right half of the array
(let be inv1 and inv2), what kinds of inversions are not accounted for in Inv1 + Inv2?
The answer is the inversions we have to count during the merge step. Therefore,
to get number of inversions, we need to add number of inversions in left subarray,
right subarray and merge().

How to get number of inversions in merge()?
In merge process, let i is used for indexing left sub-array and j for right sub-array. At
any step in merge(), if a[i] is greater than a[j], then there are (mid i) inversions.
because left and right subarrays are sorted, so all the remaining elements in left-
subarray (a[i+1], a[i+2] a[mid]) will be greater than a[j]
P a g e | 48

The complete picture:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int _mergeSort(int arr[], int temp[], int left, int right);
int merge(int arr[], int temp[], int left, int mid, int right);

/* This function sorts the input array and return s the
number of inversions in the array */
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int mergeSort(int arr[], int array_size)
int *temp = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int )*array_size);
return _mergeSort(arr, temp, 0, array_size - 1);

/* An auxiliary recursive function that sorts the input array and
return s the number of inversions in the array. */
int _mergeSort(int arr[], int temp[], int left, int right)
int mid, inv_count = 0;
if(right > left)
/* Divide the array int o two parts and call _mergeSortAndCountInv()
for each of the parts */
mid = (right + left)/2;

/* Inversion count will be sum of inversions in left-part, right-part
and number of inversions in merging */
inv_count = _mergeSort(arr, temp, left, mid);
inv_count += _mergeSort(arr, temp, mid+1, right);

/*Merge the two parts*/
inv_count += merge(arr, temp, left, mid+1, right);
return inv_count;

/* This funt merges two sorted arrays and return s inversion count in
the arrays.*/
int merge(int arr[], int temp[], int left, int mid, int right)
int i, j, k;
int inv_count = 0;

i = left; /* i is index for left subarray*/
j = mid; /* i is index for right subarray*/
k = left; /* i is index for resultant merged subarray*/
while((i <= mid - 1) && (j <= right))
if(arr[i] <= arr[j])
temp[k++] = arr[i++];
temp[k++] = arr[j++];

/*this is tricky -- see above explanation/diagram for merge()*/
inv_count = inv_count + (mid - i);

/* Copy the remaining elements of left subarray
(if there are any) to temp*/
while(i <= mid - 1)
temp[k++] = arr[i++];
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/* Copy the remaining elements of right subarray
(if there are any) to temp*/
while(j <= right)
temp[k++] = arr[j++];

/*Copy back the merged elements to original array*/
for(i=left; i <= right; i++)
arr[i] = temp[i];

return inv_count;

/* Driver progra to test above functions */
int main(int argv, char** args)
int arr[] = {1, 20, 6, 4, 5};
printf(" Number of inversions are %d \n", mergeSort(arr, 5));
return 0;
Note that above code modifies (or sorts) the input array. If we want to count only
inversions then we need to create a copy of original array and call mergeSort() on

Time Complexity: O(nlogn)
Algorithmic Paradigm: Divide and Conquer
Two elements whose sum is closest to zero
January 10, 2010
Question: An Array of integers is given, both +ve and -ve. You need to find the two
elements such that their sum is closest to zero.
For the below array, program should print -80 and 85.

METHOD 1 (Simple)
For each element, find the sum of it with every other element in the array and
compare sums. Finally, return the minimum sum.
# include <stdio.h>
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# include <stdlib.h> /* for abs() */
# include <math.h>
void minAbsSumPair(int arr[], int arr_size)
int inv_count = 0;
int l, r, min_sum, sum, min_l, min_r;

/* Array should have at least two elements*/
if(arr_size < 2)
printf("Invalid Input");
return ;

/* Initialization of values */
min_l = 0;
min_r = 1;
min_sum = arr[0] + arr[1];

for(l = 0; l < arr_size - 1; l++)
for(r = l+1; r < arr_size; r++)
sum = arr[l] + arr[r];
if(abs(min_sum) > abs(sum))
min_sum = sum;
min_l = l;
min_r = r;

printf(" The two elements whose sum is minimum are %d and %d",
arr[min_l], arr[min_r]);

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 60, -10, 70, -80, 85};
minAbsSumPair(arr, 6);
return 0;
Time complexity: O(n^2)

METHOD 2 (Use Sorting)
Thanks to baskin for suggesting this approach. We recommend to read this post for
background of this approach.
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1) Sort all the elements of the input array.
2) Use two index variables l and r to traverse from left and right ends respectively.
Initialize l as 0 and r as n-1.
3) sum = a[l] + a[r]
4) If sum is -ve, then l++
5) If sum is +ve, then r
6) Keep track of abs min sum.
7) Repeat steps 3, 4, 5 and 6 while l < r
# include <stdio.h>
# include <math.h>
# include <limits.h>

void quickSort(int *, int , int );

/* Function to print pair of elements having minimum sum */
void minAbsSumPair(int arr[], int n)
// Variables to keep track of current sum and minimum sum
int sum, min_sum = INT_MAX;

// left and right index variables
int l = 0, r = n-1;

// variable to keep track of the left and right pair for min_sum
int min_l = l, min_r = n-1;

/* Array should have at least two elements*/
if(n < 2)
printf("Invalid Input");
return ;

/* Sort the elements */
quickSort(arr, l, r);

while(l < r)
sum = arr[l] + arr[r];

/*If abs(sum) is less then update the result items*/
if(abs(sum) < abs(min_sum))
min_sum = sum;
min_l = l;
min_r = r;
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if(sum < 0)

printf(" The two elements whose sum is minimum are %d and %d",
arr[min_l], arr[min_r]);

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 60, -10, 70, -80, 85};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
minAbsSumPair(arr, n);
return 0;

void exchange(int *a, int *b)
int temp;
temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;

int partition(int arr[], int si, int ei)
int x = arr[ei];
int i = (si - 1);
int j;

for(j = si; j <= ei - 1; j++)
if(arr[j] <= x)
exchange(&arr[i], &arr[j]);

exchange (&arr[i + 1], &arr[ei]);
return (i + 1);

/* Implementation of Quick Sort
arr[] --> Array to be sorted
si --> Starting index
ei --> Ending index
void quickSort(int arr[], int si, int ei)
int pi; /* Partitioning index */
if(si < ei)
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pi = partition(arr, si, ei);
quickSort(arr, si, pi - 1);
quickSort(arr, pi + 1, ei);

Time Complexity: complexity to sort + complexity of finding the optimum pair =
O(nlogn) + O(n) = O(nlogn)
Find the smallest and second smallest element in an array
January 11, 2010
Question: Write an efficient C program to find smallest and second smallest
element in an array.
Difficulty Level: Rookie
1) Initialize both first and second smallest as INT_MAX
first = second = INT_MAX
2) Loop through all the elements.
a) If the current element is smaller than first, then
update first
and second.
b) Else if the current element is smaller than second
then update
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h> /* For INT_MAX */

/* Function to print first smallest and second smallest elements */
void print2Smallest(int arr[], int arr_size)
int i, first, second;

/* There should be atleast two elements */
if(arr_size < 2)
printf(" Invalid Input ");
return ;
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first = second = INT_MAX;
for(i = 0; i < arr_size ; i ++)
/* If current element is smaller than first then update both
first and second */
if(arr[i] < first)
second = first;
first = arr[i];

/* If arr[i] is in between first and second then update second */
elseif(arr[i] < second && arr[i] != first)
second = arr[i];
if(second == INT_MAX)
printf("There is no second smallest element\n");
printf("The smallest element is %d and second Smallest element is
first, second);

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr[] = {12, 13, 1, 10, 34, 1};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
print2Smallest(arr, n);
return 0;
The smallest element is 1 and second Smallest element is
The same approach can be used to find the largest and second largest elements in
an array.
Time Complexity: O(n)
Check for Majority Element in a sorted array
February 11, 2010
Question: Write a C function to find if a given integer x appears more than n/2
times in a sorted array of n integers.
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Basically, we need to write a function say isMajority() that takes an array (arr[] ),
arrays size (n) and a number to be searched (x) as parameters and returns true if x
is a majority element (present more than n/2 times).
Input: arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 10}, x = 3
Output: True (x appears more than n/2 times in the given

Input: arr[] = {1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6}, x = 4
Output: False (x doesn't appear more than n/2 times in
the given array)

Input: arr[] = {1, 1, 1, 2, 2}, x = 1
Output: True (x appears more than n/2 times in the given
METHOD 1 (Using Linear Search)
Linearly search for the first occurrence of the element, once you find it (let at index
i), check element at index i + n/2. If element is present at i+n/2 then return 1 else
return 0.
/* Program to check for majority element in a sorted array */
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdbool.h>

bool isMajority(int arr[], int n, int x)
int i;

/* get last index according to n (even or odd) */
int last_index = n%2? (n/2+1): (n/2);

/* search for first occurrence of x in arr[]*/
for(i = 0; i < last_index; i++)
/* check if x is present and is present more than n/2 times */
if(arr[i] == x && arr[i+n/2] == x)
return 1;
return 0;

/* Driver program to check above function */
int main()
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int arr[] ={1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int x = 4;
if(isMajority(arr, n, x))
printf("%d appears more than %d times in arr[]", x, n/2);
printf("%d does not appear more than %d times in arr[]", x, n/2);

return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)

METHOD 2 (Using Binary Search)
Use binary search methodology to find the first occurrence of the given number.
The criteria for binary search is important here.
/* Program to check for majority element in a sorted array */
# include <stdio.h>;
# include <stdbool.h>

/* If x is present in arr[low...high] then return s the index of
first occurrence of x, otherwise return s -1 */
int _binarySearch(int arr[], int low, int high, int x);

/* This function return s true if the x is present more than n/2
times in arr[] of size n */
bool isMajority(int arr[], int n, int x)
/* Find the index of first occurrence of x in arr[] */
int i = _binarySearch(arr, 0, n-1, x);

/* If element is not present at all, return false*/
if(i == -1)
return false;

/* check if the element is present more than n/2 times */
if(((i + n/2) <= (n -1)) && arr[i + n/2] == x)
return true;
return false;

/* If x is present in arr[low...high] then return s the index of
first occurrence of x, otherwise return s -1 */
int _binarySearch(int arr[], int low, int high, int x)
if(high >= low)
int mid = (low + high)/2; /*low + (high - low)/2;*/
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/* Check if arr[mid] is the first occurrence of x.
arr[mid] is first occurrence if x is one of the following
is true:
(i) mid == 0 and arr[mid] == x
(ii) arr[mid-1] < x and arr[mid] == x
if( (mid == 0 || x > arr[mid-1]) && (arr[mid] == x) )
return mid;
elseif(x > arr[mid])
return _binarySearch(arr, (mid + 1), high, x);
return _binarySearch(arr, low, (mid -1), x);

return -1;

/* Driver program to check above functions */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 10};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int x = 3;
if(isMajority(arr, n, x))
printf("%d appears more than %d times in arr[]", x, n/2);
printf("%d does not appear more than %d times in arr[]", x, n/2);

return 0;

Time Complexity: O(Logn)
Algorithmic Paradigm: Divide and Conquer
Maximum and minimum of an array using minimum number of comparisons
February 15, 2010
Write a C function to return minimum and maximum in an array. You program
should make minimum number of comparisons.
First of all, how do we return multiple values from a C function? We can do it either
using structures or pointers.
We have created a structure named pair (which contains min and max) to return
multiple values.
int min;
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int max;
And the function declaration becomes: struct pair getMinMax(int arr[], int n) where
arr[] is the array of size n whose minimum and maximum are needed.
METHOD 1 (Simple Linear Search)
Initialize values of min and max as minimum and maximum of the first two elements
respectively. Starting from 3rd, compare each element with max and min, and
change max and min accordingly (i.e., if the element is smaller than min then
change min, else if the element is greater than max then change max, else ignore
the element)
/* structure is used to return two values from minMax() */
int min;
int max;

structpair getMinMax(int arr[], int n)
structpair minmax;
int i;

/*If there is only one element then return it as min and max both*/
if(n == 1)
minmax.max = arr[0];
minmax.min = arr[0];
return minmax;

/* If there are more than one elements, then initialize min
and max*/
if(arr[0] > arr[1])
minmax.max = arr[0];
minmax.min = arr[1];
minmax.max = arr[0];
minmax.min = arr[1];

for(i = 2; i<n; i++)
if(arr[i] > minmax.max)
minmax.max = arr[i];

elseif(arr[i] < minmax.min)
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minmax.min = arr[i];

return minmax;

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr[] = {1000, 11, 445, 1, 330, 3000};
int arr_size = 6;
structpair minmax = getMinMax (arr, arr_size);
printf("\nMinimum element is %d", minmax.min);
printf("\nMaximum element is %d", minmax.max);
Time Complexity: O(n)
In this method, total number of comparisons is 1 + 2(n-2) in worst case and 1 + n
2 in best case.
In the above implementation, worst case occurs when elements are sorted in
descending order and best case occurs when elements are sorted in ascending

METHOD 2 (Tournament Method)
Divide the array into two parts and compare the maximums and minimums of the
the two parts to get the maximum and the minimum of the the whole array.
Pair MaxMin(array, array_size)
if array_size = 1
return element as both max and min
else if arry_size = 2
one comparison to determine max and min
return that pair
else /* array_size > 2 */
recur for max and min of left half
recur for max and min of right half
one comparison determines true max of the two
one comparison determines true min of the two
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return the pair of max and min
/* structure is used to return two values from minMax() */
int min;
int max;

structpair getMinMax(int arr[], int low, int high)
structpair minmax, mml, mmr;
int mid;

/* If there is only on element */
if(low == high)
minmax.max = arr[low];
minmax.min = arr[low];
return minmax;

/* If there are two elements */
if(high == low + 1)
if(arr[low] > arr[high])
minmax.max = arr[low];
minmax.min = arr[high];
minmax.max = arr[high];
minmax.min = arr[low];
return minmax;

/* If there are more than 2 elements */
mid = (low + high)/2;
mml = getMinMax(arr, low, mid);
mmr = getMinMax(arr, mid+1, high);

/* compare minimums of two parts*/
if(mml.min < mmr.min)
minmax.min = mml.min;
minmax.min = mmr.min;

/* compare maximums of two parts*/
if(mml.max > mmr.max)
minmax.max = mml.max;
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minmax.max = mmr.max;

return minmax;

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr[] = {1000, 11, 445, 1, 330, 3000};
int arr_size = 6;
structpair minmax = getMinMax(arr, 0, arr_size-1);
printf("\nMinimum element is %d", minmax.min);
printf("\nMaximum element is %d", minmax.max);
Time Complexity: O(n)
Total number of comparisons: let number of comparisons be T(n). T(n) can be
written as follows:
Algorithmic Paradigm: Divide and Conquer

T(n) = T(floor(n/2)) + T(ceil(n/2)) + 2
T(2) = 1
T(1) = 0
If n is a power of 2, then we can write T(n) as:
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 2
After solving above recursion, we get
T(n) = 3/2n -2
Thus, the approach does 3/2n -2 comparisons if n is a power of 2. And it does more
than 3/2n -2 comparisons if n is not a power of 2.

METHOD 3 (Compare in Pairs)
If n is odd then initialize min and max as first element.
If n is even then initialize min and max as minimum and maximum of the first two
elements respectively.
P a g e | 63

For rest of the elements, pick them in pairs and compare their
maximum and minimum with max and min respectively.

/* structure is used to return two values from minMax() */
int min;
int max;

structpair getMinMax(int arr[], int n)
structpair minmax;
int i;

/* If array has even number of elements then
initialize the first two elements as minimum and
maximum */
if(n%2 == 0)
if(arr[0] > arr[1])
minmax.max = arr[0];
minmax.min = arr[1];
minmax.min = arr[0];
minmax.max = arr[1];
i = 2; /* set the startung index for loop */

/* If array has odd number of elements then
initialize the first element as minimum and
maximum */
minmax.min = arr[0];
minmax.max = arr[0];
i = 1; /* set the startung index for loop */

/* In the while loop, pick elements in pair and
compare the pair with max and min so far */
while(i < n-1)
if(arr[i] > arr[i+1])
if(arr[i] > minmax.max)
minmax.max = arr[i];
if(arr[i+1] < minmax.min)
minmax.min = arr[i+1];
P a g e | 64

if(arr[i+1] > minmax.max)
minmax.max = arr[i+1];
if(arr[i] < minmax.min)
minmax.min = arr[i];
i += 2; /* Increment the index by 2 as two
elements are processed in loop */

return minmax;

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr[] = {1000, 11, 445, 1, 330, 3000};
int arr_size = 6;
structpair minmax = getMinMax (arr, arr_size);
printf("\nMinimum element is %d", minmax.min);
printf("\nMaximum element is %d", minmax.max);
Time Complexity: O(n)
Total number of comparisons: Different for even and odd n, see below:
If n is odd: 3*(n-1)/2
If n is even: 1 Initial comparison for
initializing min and max,
and 3(n-2)/2 comparisons for
rest of the elements
= 1 + 3*(n-2)/2 = 3n/2 -2
Second and third approaches make equal number of comparisons when n is a
power of 2.
In general, method 3 seems to be the best.
Segregate 0s and 1s in an array
February 28, 2010
Asked by kapil.
You are given an array of 0s and 1s in random order. Segregate 0s on left side and
1s on right side of the array. Traverse array only once.
P a g e | 65

Input array = [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]
Output array = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
Method 1 (Count 0s or 1s)
Thanks to Naveen for suggesting this method.
1) Count the number of 0s. Let count be C.
2) Once we have count, we can put C 0s at the beginning and 1s at the remaining n
C positions in array.
Time Complexity: O(n)
The method 1 traverses the array two times. Method 2 does the same in a single

Method 2 (Use two indexes to traverse)
Maintain two indexes. Initialize first index left as 0 and second index right as n-1.
Do following while left < right
a) Keep incrementing index left while there are 0s at it
b) Keep decrementing index right while there are 1s at it
c) If left < right then exchange arr[left] and arr[right]

/*Function to put all 0s on left and all 1s on right*/
void segregate0and1(int arr[], int size)
/* Initialize left and right indexes */
int left = 0, right = size-1;

while(left < right)
/* Increment left index while we see 0 at left */
while(arr[left] == 0 && left < right)

/* Decrement right index while we see 1 at right */
while(arr[right] == 1 && left < right)

/* If left is smaller than right then there is a 1 at left
and a 0 at right. Exchange arr[left] and arr[right]*/
P a g e | 66

if(left < right)
arr[left] = 0;
arr[right] = 1;

/* driver program to test */
int main()
int arr[] = {0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1};
int arr_size = 6, i = 0;

segregate0and1(arr, arr_size);

printf("array after segregation ");
for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);

return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
k largest(or smallest) elements in an array | added Min Heap method
March 1, 2010
Question: Write an efficient program for printing k largest elements in an array.
Elements in array can be in any order.
For example, if given array is [1, 23, 12, 9, 30, 2, 50] and you are asked for the
largest 3 elements i.e., k = 3 then your program should print 50, 30 and 23.

Method 1 (Use Bubble k times)
Thanks to Shailendra for suggesting this approach.
1) Modify Bubble Sort to run the outer loop at most k times.
2) Print the last k elements of the array obtained in step 1.
Time Complexity: O(nk)
Like Bubble sort, other sorting algorithms like Selection Sort can also be modified to
get the k largest elements.
P a g e | 67

Method 2 (Use temporary array)
K largest elements from arr[0..n-1]
1) Store the first k elements in a temporary array temp[0..k-1].
2) Find the smallest element in temp[], let the smallest element be min.
3) For each element x in arr[k] to arr[n-1]
If x is greater than the min then remove min from temp[] and insert x.
4) Print final k elements of temp[]
Time Complexity: O((n-k)*k). If we want the output sorted then O((n-k)*k + klogk)
Thanks to nesamani1822 for suggesting this method.
Method 3(Use Sorting)
1) Sort the elements in descending order in O(nLogn)
2) Print the first k numbers of the sorted array O(k).
Time complexity: O(nlogn)
Method 4 (Use Max Heap)
1) Build a Max Heap tree in O(n)
2) Use Extract Max k times to get k maximum elements from the Max Heap
Time complexity: O(n + klogn)
Method 5(Use Oder Statistics)
1) Use order statistic algorithm to find the kth largest element. Please see the topic
selection in worst-case linear time O(n)
2) Use QuickSort Partition algorithm to partition around the kth largest number O(n).
3) Sort the k-1 elements (elements greater than the kth largest element) O(kLogk).
This step is needed only if sorted output is required.
Time complexity: O(n) if we dont need the sorted output, otherwise O(n+kLogk)
Thanks to Shilpi for suggesting the first two approaches.
Method 6 (Use Min Heap)
This method is mainly an optimization of method 1. Instead of using temp[] array,
use Min Heap.
P a g e | 68

Thanks to geek4u for suggesting this method.
1) Build a Min Heap MH of the first k elements (arr[0] to arr[k-1]) of the given array.
2) For each element, after the kth element (arr[k] to arr[n-1]), compare it with root of
a) If the element is greater than the root then make it root and call heapify for
b) Else ignore it.
// The step 2 is O((n-k)*logk)
3) Finally, MH has k largest elements and root of the MH is the kth largest element.
Time Complexity: O(k + (n-k)Logk) without sorted output. If sorted output is needed
then O(k + (n-k)Logk + kLogk)
All of the above methods can also be used to find the kth largest (or smallest)
Maximum size square sub-matrix with all 1s
April 4, 2010
Given a binary matrix, find out the maximum size square sub-matrix with all 1s.
For example, consider the below binary matrix.

0 1 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0
The maximum square sub-matrix with all set bits is
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
P a g e | 69

Let the given binary matrix be M[R][C]. The idea of the algorithm is to construct an
auxiliary size matrix S[][] in which each entry S[i][j] represents size of the square
sub-matrix with all 1s including M[i][j] where M[i][j] is the rightmost and bottommost
entry in sub-matrix.
1) Construct a sum matrix S[R][C] for the given M[R][C].
a) Copy first row and first columns as it is from
M[][] to S[][]
b) For other entries, use following expressions
to construct S[][]
If M[i][j] is 1 then
S[i][j] = min(S[i][j-1], S[i-1][j], S[i-
1][j-1]) + 1
Else /*If M[i][j] is 0*/
S[i][j] = 0
2) Find the maximum entry in S[R][C]
3) Using the value and coordinates of maximum entry in
S[i], print
sub-matrix of M[][]
For the given M[R][C] in above example, constructed S[R][C] would be:
0 1 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 1 0
1 1 2 2 0
1 2 2 3 1
0 0 0 0 0
The value of maximum entry in above matrix is 3 and coordinates of the entry are
(4, 3). Using the maximum value and its coordinates, we can find out the required
#define bool int
#define R 6
#define C 5

void printMaxSubSquare(bool M[R][C])
P a g e | 70

int i,j;
int S[R][C];
int max_of_s, max_i, max_j;

/* Set first column of S[][]*/
for(i = 0; i < R; i++)
S[i][0] = M[i][0];

/* Set first row of S[][]*/
for(j = 0; j < C; j++)
S[0][j] = M[0][j];

/* Construct other entries of S[][]*/
for(i = 1; i < R; i++)
for(j = 1; j < C; j++)
if(M[i][j] == 1)
S[i][j] = min(S[i][j-1], S[i-1][j], S[i-1][j-1]) + 1;
S[i][j] = 0;

/* Find the maximum entry, and indexes of maximum entry
in S[][] */
max_of_s = S[0][0]; max_i = 0; max_j = 0;
for(i = 0; i < R; i++)
for(j = 0; j < C; j++)
if(max_of_s < S[i][j])
max_of_s = S[i][j];
max_i = i;
max_j = j;

printf("\n Maximum size sub-matrix is: \n");
for(i = max_i; i > max_i - max_of_s; i--)
for(j = max_j; j > max_j - max_of_s; j--)
printf("%d ", M[i][j]);

/* Function to get minimum of three values */
int min(int a, int b, int c)
int m = a;
if(m > b)
m = b;
P a g e | 71

if(m > c)
m = c;
return m;

/* Driver function to test above functions */
int main()
bool M[R][C] = {{0, 1, 1, 0, 1},
{1, 1, 0, 1, 0},
{0, 1, 1, 1, 0},
{1, 1, 1, 1, 0},
{1, 1, 1, 1, 1},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}};

Time Complexity: O(m*n) where m is number of rows and n is number of columns in
the given matrix.
Auxiliary Space: O(m*n) where m is number of rows and n is number of columns in
the given matrix.
Algorithmic Paradigm: Dynamic Programming
Maximum difference between two elements
April 10, 2010
Given an array arr[] of integers, find out the difference between any two
elements such that larger element appears after the smaller number in arr[].
Examples: If array is [2, 3, 10, 6, 4, 8, 1] then returned value should be 8 (Diff
between 10 and 2). If array is [ 7, 9, 5, 6, 3, 2 ] then returned value should be 2 (Diff
between 7 and 9)
Method 1 (Simple)
Use two loops. In the outer loop, pick elements one by one and in the inner loop
calculate the difference of the picked element with every other element in the array
and compare the difference with the maximum difference calculated so far.

/* The function assumes that there are at least two
elements in array.
The function return s a negative value if the array is
sorted in decreasing order.
Returns 0 if elements are equal */
int maxDiff(int arr[], int arr_size)
P a g e | 72

int max_diff = arr[1] - arr[0];
int i, j;
for(i = 0; i < arr_size; i++)
for(j = i+1; j < arr_size; j++)
if(arr[j] - arr[i] > max_diff)
max_diff = arr[j] - arr[i];
return max_diff;

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 2, 90, 10, 110};
printf("Maximum difference is %d", maxDiff(arr, 5));
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n^2)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Method 2 (Tricky and Efficient)
In this method, instead of taking difference of the picked element with every other
element, we take the difference with the minimum element found so far. So we need
to keep track of 2 things:
1) Maximum difference found so far (max_diff).
2) Minimum number visited so far (min_element).

/* The function assumes that there are at least two
elements in array.
The function return s a negative value if the array is
sorted in decreasing order.
Returns 0 if elements are equal */
int maxDiff(int arr[], int arr_size)
int max_diff = arr[1] - arr[0];
int min_element = arr[0];
int i;
for(i = 1; i < arr_size; i++)
if(arr[i] - min_element > max_diff)
max_diff = arr[i] - min_element;
if(arr[i] < min_element)
min_element = arr[i];
return max_diff;
P a g e | 73

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 2, 6, 80, 100};
int size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("Maximum difference is %d", maxDiff(arr, size));
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Method 3 (Another Tricky Solution)
First find the difference between the adjacent elements of the array and store all
differences in an auxiliary array diff[] of size n-1. Now this problems turns into
finding the maximum sum subarray of this difference array.
Thanks to Shubham Mittal for suggesting this solution.

int maxDiff(int arr[], int n)
// Create a diff array of size n-1. The array will hold
// the difference of adjacent elements
int diff[n-1];
for(int i=0; i < n-1; i++)
diff[i] = arr[i+1] - arr[i];

// Now find the maximum sum subarray in diff array
int max_diff = diff[0];
for(int i=1; i<n-1; i++)
if(diff[i-1] > 0)
diff[i] += diff[i-1];
if(max_diff < diff[i])
max_diff = diff[i];
return max_diff;

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr[] = {80, 2, 6, 3, 100};
int size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("Maximum difference is %d", maxDiff(arr, size));
return 0;
P a g e | 74

This method is also O(n) time complexity solution, but it requires O(n) extra space
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)
We can modify the above method to work in O(1) extra space. Instead of creating
an auxiliary array, we can calculate diff and max sum in same loop. Following is the
space optimized version.
int maxDiff (int arr[], int n)
// Initialize diff, current sum and max sum
int diff = arr[1]-arr[0];
int curr_sum = diff;
int max_sum = curr_sum;

for(int i=1; i<n-1; i++)
// Calculate current diff
diff = arr[i+1]-arr[i];

// Calculate current sum
if(curr_sum > 0)
curr_sum += diff;
curr_sum = diff;

// Update max sum, if needed
if(curr_sum > max_sum)
max_sum = curr_sum;

return max_sum;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Union and Intersection of two sorted arrays
April 27, 2010
For example, if the input arrays are:
arr1[] = {1, 3, 4, 5, 7}
arr2[] = {2, 3, 5, 6}
Then your program should print Union as {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} and Intersection as {3,
P a g e | 75

Algorithm Union(arr1[], arr2[]):
For union of two arrays, follow the following merge procedure.
1) Use two index variables i and j, initial values i = 0, j = 0
2) If arr1[i] is smaller than arr2[j] then print arr1[i] and increment i.
3) If arr1[i] is greater than arr2[j] then print arr2[j] and increment j.
4) If both are same then print any of them and increment both i and j.
5) Print remaining elements of the larger array.

/* Function prints union of arr1[] and arr2[]
m is the number of elements in arr1[]
n is the number of elements in arr2[] */
int printUnion(int arr1[], int arr2[], int m, int n)
int i = 0, j = 0;
while(i < m && j < n)
if(arr1[i] < arr2[j])
printf(" %d ", arr1[i++]);
elseif(arr2[j] < arr1[i])
printf(" %d ", arr2[j++]);
printf(" %d ", arr2[j++]);

/* Print remaining elements of the larger array */
while(i < m)
printf(" %d ", arr1[i++]);
while(j < n)
printf(" %d ", arr2[j++]);

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr1[] = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6};
int arr2[] = {2, 3, 5, 7};
int m = sizeof(arr1)/sizeof(arr1[0]);
int n = sizeof(arr2)/sizeof(arr2[0]);
printUnion(arr1, arr2, m, n);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(m+n)
Algorithm Intersection(arr1[], arr2[]):
For Intersection of two arrays, print the element only if the element is present in both
P a g e | 76

1) Use two index variables i and j, initial values i = 0, j = 0
2) If arr1[i] is smaller than arr2[j] then increment i.
3) If arr1[i] is greater than arr2[j] then increment j.
4) If both are same then print any of them and increment both i and j.

/* Function prints Intersection of arr1[] and arr2[]
m is the number of elements in arr1[]
n is the number of elements in arr2[] */
int printIntersection(int arr1[], int arr2[], int m, int n)
int i = 0, j = 0;
while(i < m && j < n)
if(arr1[i] < arr2[j])
elseif(arr2[j] < arr1[i])
else/* if arr1[i] == arr2[j] */
printf(" %d ", arr2[j++]);

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr1[] = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6};
int arr2[] = {2, 3, 5, 7};
int m = sizeof(arr1)/sizeof(arr1[0]);
int n = sizeof(arr2)/sizeof(arr2[0]);
printIntersection(arr1, arr2, m, n);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(m+n)
Floor and Ceiling in a sorted array
May 11, 2010
Given a sorted array and a value x, the ceiling of x is the smallest element in array
greater than or equal to x, and the floor is the greatest element smaller than or
equal to x. Assume than the array is sorted in non-decreasing order. Write efficient
functions to find floor and ceiling of x.
P a g e | 77

For example, let the input array be {1, 2, 8, 10, 10,
12, 19}
For x = 0: floor doesn't exist in array, ceil = 1
For x = 1: floor = 1, ceil = 1
For x = 5: floor = 2, ceil = 8
For x = 20: floor = 19, ceil doesn't exist in array
In below methods, we have implemented only ceiling search functions. Floor search
can be implemented in the same way.
Method 1 (Linear Search)
Algorithm to search ceiling of x:
1) If x is smaller than or equal to the first element in array then return 0(index of first
2) Else Linearly search for an index i such that x lies between arr[i] and arr[i+1].
3) If we do not find an index i in step 2, then return -1

/* Function to get index of ceiling of x in arr[low..high] */
int ceilSearch(int arr[], int low, int high, int x)
int i;

/* If x is smaller than or equal to first element,
then return the first element */
if(x <= arr[low])
return low;

/* Otherwise, linearly search for ceil value */
for(i = low; i < high; i++)
if(arr[i] == x)
return i;

/* if x lies between arr[i] and arr[i+1] including
arr[i+1], then return arr[i+1] */
if(arr[i] < x && arr[i+1] >= x)
return i+1;

/* If we reach here then x is greater than the last element
of the array, return -1 in this case */
return -1;

/* Driver program to check above functions */
int main()
P a g e | 78

int arr[] = {1, 2, 8, 10, 10, 12, 19};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int x = 3;
int index = ceilSearch(arr, 0, n-1, x);
if(index == -1)
printf("Ceiling of %d doesn't exist in array ", x);
printf("ceiling of %d is %d", x, arr[index]);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Method 2 (Binary Search)
Instead of using linear search, binary search is used here to find out the index.
Binary search reduces time complexity to O(Logn).

/* Function to get index of ceiling of x in arr[low..high]*/
int ceilSearch(int arr[], int low, int high, int x)
int mid;

/* If x is smaller than or equal to the first element,
then return the first element */
if(x <= arr[low])
return low;

/* If x is greater than the last element, then return -1 */
if(x > arr[high])
return -1;

/* get the index of middle element of arr[low..high]*/
mid = (low + high)/2; /* low + (high - low)/2 */

/* If x is same as middle element, then return mid */
if(arr[mid] == x)
return mid;

/* If x is greater than arr[mid], then either arr[mid + 1]
is ceiling of x or ceiling lies in arr[mid+1...high] */
elseif(arr[mid] < x)
if(mid + 1 <= high && x <= arr[mid+1])
return mid + 1;
return ceilSearch(arr, mid+1, high, x);

/* If x is smaller than arr[mid], then either arr[mid]
is ceiling of x or ceiling lies in arr[mid-1...high] */
P a g e | 79

if(mid - 1 >= low && x > arr[mid-1])
return mid;
return ceilSearch(arr, low, mid - 1, x);

/* Driver program to check above functions */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 2, 8, 10, 10, 12, 19};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int x = 20;
int index = ceilSearch(arr, 0, n-1, x);
if(index == -1)
printf("Ceiling of %d doesn't exist in array ", x);
printf("ceiling of %d is %d", x, arr[index]);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(Logn)
A Product Array Puzzle
May 18, 2010
Given an array arr[] of n integers, construct a Product Array prod[] (of same size)
such that prod[i] is equal to the product of all the elements of arr[] except arr[i].
Solve it without division operator and in O(n).
arr[] = {10, 3, 5, 6, 2}
prod[] = {180, 600, 360, 300, 900}
1) Construct a temporary array left[] such that left[i] contains product of all elements
on left of arr[i] excluding arr[i].
2) Construct another temporary array right[] such that right[i] contains product of all
elements on on right of arr[i] excluding arr[i].
3) To get prod[], multiply left[] and right[].
P a g e | 80

/* Function to print product array for a given array
arr[] of size n */
void productArray(int arr[], int n)
/* Allocate memory for temporary arrays left[] and right[] */
int *left = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int )*n);
int *right = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int )*n);

/* Allocate memory for the product array */
int *prod = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int )*n);

int i, j;

/* Left most element of left array is always 1 */
left[0] = 1;

/* Rightmost most element of right array is always 1 */
right[n-1] = 1;

/* Construct the left array */
for(i = 1; i < n; i++)
left[i] = arr[i-1]*left[i-1];

/* Construct the right array */
for(j = n-2; j >=0; j--)
right[j] = arr[j+1]*right[j+1];

/* Construct the product array using
left[] and right[] */
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
prod[i] = left[i] * right[i];

/* print the constructed prod array */
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
printf("%d ", prod[i]);

return ;

/* Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
int arr[] = {10, 3, 5, 6, 2};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("The product array is: \n");
productArray(arr, n);
Time Complexity: O(n)
Space Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)
P a g e | 81

The above method can be optimized to work in space complexity O(1). Thanks
to Dileep for suggesting the below solution.
void productArray(int arr[], int n)
int i, temp = 1;

/* Allocate memory for the product array */
int *prod = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int )*n);

/* Initialize the product array as 1 */
memset(prod, 1, n);

/* In this loop, temp variable contains product of
elements on left side excluding arr[i] */
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
prod[i] = temp;
temp *= arr[i];

/* Initialize temp to 1 for product on right side */
temp = 1;

/* In this loop, temp variable contains product of
elements on right side excluding arr[i] */
for(i= n-1; i>=0; i--)
prod[i] *= temp;
temp *= arr[i];

/* print the constructed prod array */
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
printf("%d ", prod[i]);

return ;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Space Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Segregate Even and Odd numbers
June 7, 2010
Given an array A[], write a function that segregates even and odd numbers. The
functions should put all even numbers first, and then odd numbers.
P a g e | 82

Input = {12, 34, 45, 9, 8, 90, 3}
Output = {12, 34, 8, 90, 45, 9, 3}
In the output, order of numbers can be changed, i.e., in the above example 34 can
come before 12 and 3 can come before 9.
The problem is very similar to our old post Segregate 0s and 1s in an array, and
both of these problems are variation of famous Dutch national flag problem.

Algorithm: segregateEvenOdd()
1) Initialize two index variables left and right:
left = 0, right = size -1
2) Keep incrementing left index until we see an odd
3) Keep decrementing right index until we see an even
4) If lef < right then swap arr[left] and arr[right]

/* Function to swap *a and *b */
void swap(int *a, int *b);

void segregateEvenOdd(int arr[], int size)
/* Initialize left and right indexes */
int left = 0, right = size-1;
while(left < right)
/* Increment left index while we see 0 at left */
while(arr[left]%2 == 0 && left < right)

/* Decrement right index while we see 1 at right */
while(arr[right]%2 == 1 && left < right)

if(left < right)
/* Swap arr[left] and arr[right]*/
swap(&arr[left], &arr[right]);
P a g e | 83


void swap(int *a, int *b)
int temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;

/* driver program to test */
int main()
int arr[] = {12, 34, 45, 9, 8, 90, 3};
int arr_size = 7, i = 0;

segregateEvenOdd(arr, arr_size);

printf("array after segregation ");
for(i = 0; i < arr_size; i++)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);

return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Find the two repeating elements in a given array
June 9, 2010
You are given an array of n+2 elements. All elements of the array are in range 1 to
n. And all elements occur once except two numbers which occur twice. Find the two
repeating numbers.
For example, array = {4, 2, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1} and n = 5
The above array has n + 2 = 7 elements with all elements occurring once except 2
and 4 which occur twice. So the output should be 4 2.
Method 1 (Basic)
Use two loops. In the outer loop, pick elements one by one and count the number of
occurrences of the picked element in the inner loop.
This method doesnt use the other useful data provided in questions like range of
numbers is between 1 to n and there are only two repeating elements.
P a g e | 84

void printRepeating(int arr[], int size)
int i, j;
printf(" Repeating elements are ");
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
for(j = i+1; j < size; j++)
if(arr[i] == arr[j])
printf(" %d ", arr[i]);

int main()
int arr[] = {4, 2, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1};
int arr_size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printRepeating(arr, arr_size);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n*n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Method 2 (Use Count array)
Traverse the array once. While traversing, keep track of count of all elements in the
array using a temp array count[] of size n, when you see an element whose count is
already set, print it as duplicate.
This method uses the range given in the question to restrict the size of count[], but
doesnt use the data that there are only two repeating elements.

void printRepeating(int arr[], int size)
int *count = (int *)calloc(sizeof(int ), (size - 2));
int i;

printf(" Repeating elements are ");
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(count[arr[i]] == 1)
printf(" %d ", arr[i]);

int main()
int arr[] = {4, 2, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1};
P a g e | 85

int arr_size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printRepeating(arr, arr_size);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)
Method 3 (Make two equations)
Let the numbers which are being repeated are X and Y. We make two equations for
X and Y and the simple task left is to solve the two equations.
We know the sum of integers from 1 to n is n(n+1)/2 and product is n!. We calculate
the sum of input array, when this sum is subtracted from n(n+1)/2, we get X + Y
because X and Y are the two numbers missing from set [1..n]. Similarly calculate
product of input array, when this product is divided from n!, we get X*Y. Given sum
and product of X and Y, we can find easily out X and Y.
Let summation of all numbers in array be S and product be P
X + Y = S n(n+1)/2
XY = P/n!
Using above two equations, we can find out X and Y. For array = 4 2 4 5 2 3 1, we
get S = 21 and P as 960.
X + Y = 21 15 = 6
XY = 960/5! = 8
X Y = sqrt((X+Y)^2 4*XY) = sqrt(4) = 2
Using below two equations, we easily get X = (6 + 2)/2 and Y = (6-2)/2
X + Y = 6
X Y = 2
Thanks to geek4u for suggesting this method. As pointed by Beginer , there can be
addition and multiplication overflow problem with this approach.
The methods 3 and 4 use all useful information given in the question
P a g e | 86

/* function to get factorial of n */
int fact(int n);

void printRepeating(int arr[], int size)
int S = 0; /* S is for sum of elements in arr[] */
int P = 1; /* P is for product of elements in arr[] */
int x, y; /* x and y are two repeating elements */
int D; /* D is for difference of x and y, i.e., x-y*/
int n = size - 2, i;

/* Calculate Sum and Product of all elements in arr[] */
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
S = S + arr[i];
P = P*arr[i];

S = S - n*(n+1)/2; /* S is x + y now */
P = P/fact(n); /* P is x*y now */

D = sqrt(S*S - 4*P); /* D is x - y now */

x = (D + S)/2;
y = (S - D)/2;

printf("The two Repeating elements are %d & %d", x, y);

int fact(int n)
return (n == 0)? 1 : n*fact(n-1);

int main()
int arr[] = {4, 2, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1};
int arr_size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printRepeating(arr, arr_size);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Method 4 (Use XOR)
Thanks to neophyte for suggesting this method.
The approach used here is similar to method 2 of this post.
Let the repeating numbers be X and Y, if we xor all the elements in the array and all
integers from 1 to n, then the result is X xor Y.
P a g e | 87

The 1s in binary representation of X xor Y is corresponding to the different bits
between X and Y. Suppose that the kth bit of X xor Y is 1, we can xor all the
elements in the array and all integers from 1 to n, whose kth bits are 1. The result
will be one of X and Y.
void printRepeating(int arr[], int size)
int xor = arr[0]; /* Will hold xor of all elements */
int set_bit_no; /* Will have only single set bit of xor */
int i;
int n = size - 2;
int x = 0, y = 0;

/* Get the xor of all elements in arr[] and {1, 2 .. n} */
for(i = 1; i < size; i++)
xor ^= arr[i];
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
xor ^= i;

/* Get the rightmost set bit in set_bit_no */
set_bit_no = xor & ~(xor-1);

/* Now divide elements in two sets by comparing rightmost set
bit of xor with bit at same position in each element. */
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(arr[i] & set_bit_no)
x = x ^ arr[i]; /*XOR of first set in arr[] */
y = y ^ arr[i]; /*XOR of second set in arr[] */
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
if(i & set_bit_no)
x = x ^ i; /*XOR of first set in arr[] and {1, 2, ...n }*/
y = y ^ i; /*XOR of second set in arr[] and {1, 2, ...n } */

printf("\n The two repeating elements are %d & %d ", x, y);

int main()
int arr[] = {4, 2, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1};
int arr_size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printRepeating(arr, arr_size);
return 0;
Method 5 (Use array elements as index)
Thanks to Manish K. Aasawat for suggesting this method.
P a g e | 88

Traverse the array. Do following for every index i of
check for sign of A[abs(A[i])] ;
if positive then
make it negative by A[abs(A[i])]=-A[abs(A[i])];
else // i.e., A[abs(A[i])] is negative
this element (ith element of list) is a repetition
Example: A[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 2}
Check sign of A[abs(A[0])] which is A[1]. A[1] is
positive, so make it negative.
Array now becomes {1, -1, 2, 3, 2}

Check sign of A[abs(A[1])] which is A[1]. A[1] is
negative, so A[1] is a repetition.

Check sign of A[abs(A[2])] which is A[2]. A[2] is
positive, so make it negative. '
Array now becomes {1, -1, -2, 3, 2}

Check sign of A[abs(A[3])] which is A[3]. A[3] is
positive, so make it negative.
Array now becomes {1, -1, -2, -3, 2}

Check sign of A[abs(A[4])] which is A[2]. A[2] is
negative, so A[4] is a repetition.
Note that this method modifies the original array and may not be a recommended
method if we are not allowed to modify the array.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
P a g e | 89

void printRepeating(int arr[], int size)
int i;

printf("\n The repeating elements are");

for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(arr[abs(arr[i])] > 0)
arr[abs(arr[i])] = -arr[abs(arr[i])];
printf(" %d ", abs(arr[i]));

int main()
int arr[] = {1, 3, 2, 2, 1};
int arr_size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printRepeating(arr, arr_size);
return 0;
The problem can be solved in linear time using other method also, please
see this and this comments
Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s
June 30, 2010
Given an array A[] consisting 0s, 1s and 2s, write a function that sorts A[]. The
functions should put all 0s first, then all 1s and all 2s in last.
Input = {0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1};
Output = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2}
The problem is similar to our old post Segregate 0s and 1s in an array, and both of
these problems are variation of famous Dutch national flag problem.
The problem was posed with three colours, here `0, `1 and `2. The array is divided
into four sections:
1. a[1..Lo-1] zeroes (red)
2. a[Lo..Mid-] ones (white)
3. a[Mid..Hi] unknown
P a g e | 90

4. a[Hi+1..N] twos (blue)
The unknown region is shrunk while maintaining these conditions
1. Lo := 1; Mid := 1; Hi := N;
2. while Mid <= Hi do
1. Invariant: a[1..Lo-1]=0 and a[Lo..Mid-1]=1 and a[Hi+1..N]=2;
a[Mid..Hi] are unknown.
2. case a[Mid] in
0: swap a[Lo] and a[Mid]; Lo++; Mid++
1: Mid++
2: swap a[Mid] and a[Hi]; Hi
Dutch National Flag Algorithm, or 3-way Partitioning

Part way through the process, some red, white and blue elements are known and
are in the right place. The section of unknown elements, a[Mid..Hi], is shrunk by
examining a[Mid]:
0 0 0 1 1 1 ? ? ? ? 2 2 2
^ ^ ^
| | |
Lo Mid Hi
Examine a[Mid]. There are three possibilities: a[Mid] is (0) red, (1) white or (2) blue.
Case (0) a[Mid] is red, swap a[Lo] and a[Mid]; Lo++; Mid++
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 ? ? ? 2 2 2
^ ^ ^
| | |
Lo Mid Hi
Case (1) a[Mid] is white, Mid++
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 ? ? ? 2 2 2
^ ^ ^
| | |
P a g e | 91

Lo Mid Hi
Case (2) a[Mid] is blue, swap a[Mid] and a[Hi]; Hi
0 0 0 1 1 1 ? ? ? 2 2 2 2
^ ^ ^
| | |
Lo Mid Hi
Continue until Mid>Hi.

/* Function to swap *a and *b */
void swap(int *a, int *b);

void sort012(int a[], int arr_size)
int lo = 0;
int hi = arr_size - 1;
int mid = 0;

while(mid <= hi)
case 0:
swap(&a[lo++], &a[mid++]);
case 1:
P a g e | 92

case 2:
swap(&a[mid], &a[hi--]);

void swap(int *a, int *b)
int temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;

/* Utility function to print array arr[] */
void printArray(int arr[], int arr_size)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < arr_size; i++)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);

/* driver program to test */
int main()
int arr[] = {0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1};
P a g e | 93

int arr_size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int i;

sort012(arr, arr_size);

printf("array after segregation ");
printArray(arr, arr_size);

return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
The above code performs unnecessary swaps for inputs like 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 :
lo=4 and mid=7 and hi=11. In present code: first 7 exchanged with 11 and hi
become 10 and mid is still pointing to 7. again same operation is till the mid <= hi.
But it is really not required. We can put following loop before switch condition to
make sure that hi is pointing to location which is not 2 so that it would eliminate
unnecessary swaps of 2.
while((a[hi]==2) && hi >= mid)
if(hi < mid)
Thanks to rka for suggesting this chang
Find the Minimum length Unsorted Subarray, sorting which makes the
complete array sorted
December 6, 2010
Given an unsorted array arr[0..n-1] of size n, find the minimum length subarray
arr[s..e] such that sorting this subarray makes the whole array sorted.
P a g e | 94

1) If the input array is [10, 12, 20, 30, 25, 40, 32, 31, 35, 50, 60], your program
should be able to find that the subarray lies between the indexes 3 and 8.
2) If the input array is [0, 1, 15, 25, 6, 7, 30, 40, 50], your program should be able to
find that the subarray lies between the indexes 2 and 5.
1) Find the candidate unsorted subarray
a) Scan from left to right and find the first element which is greater than the next
element. Let s be the index of such an element. In the above example 1, s is 3
(index of 30).
b) Scan from right to left and find the first element (first in right to left order) which is
smaller than the next element (next in right to left order). Let e be the index of such
an element. In the above example 1, e is 7 (index of 31).
2) Check whether sorting the candidate unsorted subarray makes the
complete array sorted or not. If not, then include more elements in the
a) Find the minimum and maximum values in arr[s..e]. Let minimum and maximum
values be min andmax. min and max for [30, 25, 40, 32, 31] are 25 and 40
b) Find the first element (if there is any) in arr[0..s-1] which is greater than min,
change s to index of this element. There is no such element in above example 1.
c) Find the last element (if there is any) in arr[e+1..n-1] which is smaller than max,
change e to index of this element. In the above example 1, e is changed to 8 (index
of 35)
3) Print s and e.


void printUnsorted(int arr[], int n)
P a g e | 95

int s = 0, e = n-1, i, max, min;

// step 1(a) of above algo
for(s = 0; s < n-1; s++)
if(arr[s] > arr[s+1])
if(s == n-1)
printf("The complete array is sorted");
return ;

// step 1(b) of above algo
for(e = n - 1; e > 0; e--)
if(arr[e] < arr[e-1])

// step 2(a) of above algo
max = arr[s]; min = arr[s];
for(i = s + 1; i <= e; i++)
if(arr[i] > max)
max = arr[i];
if(arr[i] < min)
P a g e | 96

min = arr[i];

// step 2(b) of above algo
for( i = 0; i < s; i++)
if(arr[i] > min)
s = i;

// step 2(c) of above algo
for( i = n -1; i >= e+1; i--)
if(arr[i] < max)
e = i;

// step 3 of above algo
printf(" The unsorted subarray which makes the given array "
" sorted lies between the indees %d and %d", s, e);
return ;

P a g e | 97

int main()
int arr[] = {10, 12, 20, 30, 25, 40, 32, 31, 35, 50, 60};
int arr_size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printUnsorted(arr, arr_size);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Find duplicates in O(n) time and O(1) extra space
January 4, 2011
Given an array of n elements which contains elements from 0 to n-1, with any of
these numbers appearing any number of times. Find these repeating numbers in
O(n) and using only constant memory space.
For example, let n be 7 and array be {1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 6, 6}, the answer should be 1, 3
and 6.
This problem is an extended version of following problem.
Find the two repeating elements in a given array
Method 1 and Method 2 of the above link are not applicable as the question says
O(n) time complexity and O(1) constant space. Also, Method 3 and Method 4
cannot be applied here because there can be more than 2 repeating elements in
this problem. Method 5 can be extended to work for this problem. Below is the
solution that is similar to the Method 5.
traverse the list for i= 0 to n-1 elements
check for sign of A[abs(A[i])] ;
if positive then
P a g e | 98

make it negative by A[abs(A[i])]=-A[abs(A[i])];
else // i.e., A[abs(A[i])] is negative
this element (ith element of list) is a
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void printRepeating(int arr[], int size)
int i;
printf("The repeating elements are: \n");
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(arr[abs(arr[i])] >= 0)
arr[abs(arr[i])] = -arr[abs(arr[i])];
printf(" %d ", abs(arr[i]));

int main()
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 6, 6};
int arr_size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printRepeating(arr, arr_size);
return 0;
P a g e | 99

Note: The above program doesnt handle 0 case (If 0 is present in array). The
program can be easily modified to handle that also. It is not handled to keep the
code simple.
The repeating elements are:
1 3 6
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Equilibrium index of an array
January 7, 2011
Equilibrium index of an array is an index such that the sum of elements at lower
indexes is equal to the sum of elements at higher indexes. For example, in an arrya
A[0] = -7, A[1] = 1, A[2] = 5, A[3] = 2, A[4] = -4, A[5] = 3, A[6]=0
3 is an equilibrium index, because:
A[0] + A[1] + A[2] = A[4] + A[5] + A[6]
6 is also an equilibrium index, because sum of zero elements is zero, i.e., A[0] +
A[1] + A[2] + A[3] + A[4] + A[5]=0
7 is not an equilibrium index, because it is not a valid index of array A.
Write a function int equilibrium(int[] arr, int n); that given a sequence arr[] of size n,
returns an equilibrium index (if any) or -1 if no equilibrium indexes exist.
Method 1 (Simple but inefficient)
Use two loops. Outer loop iterates through all the element and inner loop finds out
whether the current index picked by the outer loop is equilibrium index or not. Time
complexity of this solution is O(n^2).
#include <stdio.h>
P a g e | 100

int equilibrium(int arr[], int n)
int i, j;
int leftsum, rightsum;

/* Check for indexes one by one until an equilibrium
index is found */
for( i = 0; i < n; ++i)
leftsum = 0; // initialize left sum for current index i
rightsum = 0; // initialize right sum for current index i

/* get left sum */
for( j = 0; j < i; j++)
leftsum += arr[j];

/* get right sum */
for( j = i+1; j < n; j++)
rightsum += arr[j];

/* if leftsum and rightsum are same, then we are done */
if(leftsum == rightsum)
return i;

/* return -1 if no equilibrium index is found */
return -1;
P a g e | 101


int main()
int arr[] = {-7, 1, 5, 2, -4, 3, 0};
int arr_size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("%d\n", equilibrium(arr, arr_size));

return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n^2)

Method 2 (Tricky and Efficient)
The idea is to get total sum of array first. Then Iterate through the array and keep
updating the left sum which is initialized as zero. In the loop, we can get right sum
by subtracting the elements one by one. Thanks to Sambasiva for suggesting this
solution and providing code for this.
1) Initialize leftsum as 0
2) Get the total sum of the array as sum
3) Iterate through the array and for each index i, do
a) Update sum to get the right sum.
sum = sum - arr[i]
// sum is now right sum
b) If leftsum is equal to sum, then return current
c) leftsum = leftsum + arr[i] // update leftsum for
next iteration.
P a g e | 102

4) return -1 // If we come out of loop without returning
// there is no equilibrium index
#include <stdio.h>

int equilibrium(int arr[], int n)
int sum = 0; // initialize sum of whole array
int leftsum = 0; // initialize leftsum
int i;

/* Find sum of the whole array */
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
sum += arr[i];

for( i = 0; i < n; ++i)
sum -= arr[i]; // sum is now right sum for index i

if(leftsum == sum)
return i;

leftsum += arr[i];

/* If no equilibrium index found, then return 0 */
return -1;

P a g e | 103

int main()
int arr[] = {-7, 1, 5, 2, -4, 3, 0};
int arr_size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("First equilibrium index is %d\n", equilibrium(arr, arr_size));

return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Linked List vs Array
January 24, 2011
Difficulty Level: Rookie
Both Arrays and Linked List can be used to store linear data of similar types, but
they both have some advantages and disadvantages over each other.
Following are the points in favour of Linked Lists.
(1) The size of the arrays is fixed: So we must know the upper limit on the number
of elements in advance. Also, generally, the allocated memory is equal to the upper
limit irrespective of the usage, and in practical uses, upper limit is rarely reached.
(2) Inserting a new element in an array of elements is expensive, because room has
to be created for the new elements and to create room existing elements have to
For example, suppose we maintain a sorted list of IDs in an array id[].
id[] = [1000, 1010, 1050, 2000, 2040, .....].
And if we want to insert a new ID 1005, then to maintain the sorted order, we have
to move all the elements after 1000 (excluding 1000).
P a g e | 104

Deletion is also expensive with arrays until unless some special techniques are
used. For example, to delete 1010 in id[], everything after 1010 has to be moved.
So Linked list provides following two advantages over arrays
1) Dynamic size
2) Ease of insertion/deletion
Linked lists have following drawbacks:
1) Random access is not allowed. We have to access elements sequentially starting
from the first node. So we cannot do binary search with linked lists.
2) Extra memory space for a pointer is required with each element of the list.
3) Arrays have better cache locality that can make a pretty big difference in
Please also see this threa
Which sorting algorithm makes minimum number of memory writes?
February 1, 2011
Minimizing the number of writes is useful when making writes to some huge data set
is very expensive, such as with EEPROMs or Flash memory, where each write
reduces the lifespan of the memory.
Among the sorting algorithms that we generally study in our data structure and
algorithm courses, Selection Sort makes least number of writes (it makes O(n)
swaps). But, Cycle Sort almost always makes less number of writes compared to
Selection Sort. In Cycle Sort, each value is either written zero times, if its already in
its correct position, or written one time to its correct position. This matches the
minimal number of overwrites required for a completed in-place sort.
Turn an image by 90 degree
February 4, 2011
Given an image, how will you turn it by 90 degrees? A vague question. Minimize the
browser and try your solution before going further.
An image can be treated as 2D matrix which can be stored in a buffer. We are
provided with matrix dimensions and its base address. How can we turn it?
For example see the below picture,
P a g e | 105

* * * ^ * * *
* * * | * * *
* * * | * * *
* * * | * * *
After rotating right, it appears (observe arrow direction)
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
-- - - >
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
The idea is simple. Transform each row of source matrix into required column of
final image. We will use an auxiliary buffer to transform the image.
From the above picture, we can observe that
first row of source ------> last column of destination
second row of source ------> last but-one column of
so ... on
last row of source ------> first column of destination
In pictorial form, we can represent the above transformations of an (m x n) matrix
into (n x m) matrix,

Transf ormations
If you have not attempted, atleast try your pseudo code now.
P a g e | 106

It will be easy to write our pseudo code. In C/C++ we will usually traverse matrix on
row major order. Each row is transformed into different column of final image. We
need to construct columns of final image. See the following algorithm
for(r = 0; r < m; r++)
for(c = 0; c < n; c++)
// Hint: Map each source element indices into
// indices of destination matrix element.
dest_buffer [ c ] [ m - r - 1 ] = source_buffer [
r ] [ c ];
Note that there are various ways to implement the algorithm based on traversal of
matrix, row major or column major order. We have two matrices and two ways (row
and column major) to traverse each matrix. Hence, there can atleast be 4 different
ways of transformation of source matrix into final matrix.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void displayMatrix(unsigned int const*p, unsigned int row, unsigned int col);
void rotate(unsigned int *pS, unsigned int *pD, unsigned int row, unsigned int

int main()
// declarations
unsigned int image[][4] = {{1,2,3,4}, {5,6,7,8}, {9,10,11,12}};
unsigned int *pSource;
P a g e | 107

unsigned int *pDestination;
unsigned int m, n;

// setting initial values and memory allocation
m = 3, n = 4, pSource = (unsigned int *)image;
pDestination = (unsigned int *)malloc(sizeof(int )*m*n);

// process each buffer
displayMatrix(pSource, m, n);

rotate(pSource, pDestination, m, n);

displayMatrix(pDestination, n, m);


return 0;

void displayMatrix(unsigned int const*p, unsigned int r, unsigned int c)
unsigned int row, col;

for(row = 0; row < r; row++)
for(col = 0; col < c; col++)
P a g e | 108

printf("%d\t", *(p + row * c + col));


void rotate(unsigned int *pS, unsigned int *pD, unsigned int row, unsigned int
unsigned int r, c;
for(r = 0; r < row; r++)
for(c = 0; c < col; c++)
*(pD + c * row + (row - r - 1)) = *(pS + r * col + c);
Search in a row wise and column wise sorted matrix
March 10, 2011
Given an n x n matrix, where every row and column is sorted in increasing order.
Given a number x, how to decide whether this x is in the matrix. The designed
algorithm should have linear time complexity.
Thanks to devendraiiit for suggesting below approach.
1) Start with top right element
2) Loop: compare this element e with x
P a g e | 109

.i) if they are equal then return its position
ii) e < x then move it to down (if out of bound of matrix then break return false)
..iii) e > x then move it to left (if out of bound of matrix then break return false)
3) repeat the i), ii) and iii) till you find element or returned false

/* Searches the element x in mat[][]. If the element is found,
then prints its position and return s true, otherwise prints
"not found" and return s false */
int search(int mat[4][4], int n, int x)
int i = 0, j = n-1; //set indexes for top right element
while( i < n && j >= 0 )
if( mat[i][j] == x )
printf("\n Found at %d, %d", i, j);
return 1;
if( mat[i][j] > x )
else// if mat[i][j] < x

printf("\n Element not found");
return 0; // if ( i==n || j== -1 )
P a g e | 110

// driver program to test above function
int main()
int mat[4][4] = { {10, 20, 30, 40},
{15, 25, 35, 45},
{27, 29, 37, 48},
{32, 33, 39, 50},
search(mat, 4, 29);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
The above approach will also work for m x n matrix (not only for n x n). Complexity
would be O(m + n).
Next Greater Element
March 17, 2011
Given an array, print the Next Greater Element (NGE) for every element. The Next
greater Element for an element x is the first greater element on the right side of x in
array. Elements for which no greater element exist, consider next greater element
as -1.
a) For any array, rightmost element always has next greater element as -1.
b) For an array which is sorted in decreasing order, all elements have next greater
element as -1.
c) For the input array [4, 5, 2, 25}, the next greater elements for each element are
as follows.
Element NGE
P a g e | 111

4 --> 5
5 --> 25
2 --> 25
25 --> -1
d) For the input array [13, 7, 6, 12}, the next greater elements for each element are
as follows.
Element NGE
13 --> -1
7 --> 12
6 --> 12
12 --> -1
Method 1 (Simple)
Use two loops: The outer loop picks all the elements one by one. The inner loop
looks for the first greater element for the element picked by outer loop. If a greater
element is found then that element is printed as next, otherwise -1 is printed.
Thanks to Sachin for providing following code.
/* prints element and NGE pair for all elements of
arr[] of size n */
void printNGE(int arr[], int n)
int next = -1;
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
next = -1;
for(j = i+1; j<n; j++)
P a g e | 112

if(arr[i] < arr[j])
next = arr[j];
printf("%d > %d\n", arr[i], next);

int main()
int arr[]= {11, 13, 21, 3};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printNGE(arr, n);
return 0;
11 --> 13
13 --> 21
21 --> -1
3 --> -1
Time Complexity: O(n^2). The worst case occurs when all elements are sorted in
decreasing order.

Method 2 (Using Stack)
Thanks to pchild for suggesting following approach.
P a g e | 113

1) Push the first element to stack.
2) Pick rest of the elements one by one and follow following steps in loop.
....a) Mark the current element as next.
....b) If stack is not empty, then pop an element from stack and compare it with next.
....c) If next is greater than the popped element, then next is the next greater
element fot the popped element.
....d) Keep poppoing from the stack while the popped element is smaller
than next. next becomes the next greater element for all such popped elements
....g) If next is smaller than the popped element, then push the popped element
3) After the loop in step 2 is over, pop all the elements from stack and print -1 as
next element for them.
#define STACKSIZE 100

// stack structure
int top;
int items[STACKSIZE];

// Stack Functions to be used by printNGE()
void push(structstack *ps, int x)
if(ps->top == STACKSIZE-1)
printf("Error: stack overflow\n");
P a g e | 114

ps->top += 1;
int top = ps->top;
ps->items [top] = x;

bool isEmpty(structstack *ps)
return (ps->top == -1)? true: false;

int pop(structstack *ps)
int temp;
if(ps->top == -1)
printf("Error: stack underflow \n");
int top = ps->top;
temp = ps->items [top];
ps->top -= 1;
return temp;
P a g e | 115


/* prints element and NGE pair for all elements of
arr[] of size n */
void printNGE(int arr[], int n)
int i = 0;
structstack s;
s.top = -1;
int element, next;

/* push the first element to stack */
push(&s, arr[0]);

// iterate for rest of the elements
for(i=1; i<n; i++)
next = arr[i];

if(isEmpty(&s) == false)
// if stack is not empty, then pop an element from stack
element = pop(&s);

/* If the popped element is smaller than next, then
a) print the pair
b) keep popping while elements are smaller and
P a g e | 116

stack is not empty */
while(element < next)
printf("\n %d --> %d", element, next);
if(isEmpty(&s) == true)
element = pop(&s);

/* If element is greater than next, then push
the element back */
if(element > next)
push(&s, element);

/* push next to stack so that we can find
next greater for it */
push(&s, next);

/* After iterating over the loop, the remaining
elements in stack do not have the next greater
element, so print -1 for them */
while(isEmpty(&s) == false)
element = pop(&s);
next = -1;
printf("\n %d --> %d", element, next);
P a g e | 117


/* Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
int arr[]= {11, 13, 21, 3};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printNGE(arr, n);
return 0;
11 --> 13
13 --> 21
3 --> -1
21 --> -1
Time Complexity: O(n). The worst case occurs when all elements are sorted in
decreasing order. If elements are sorted in decreasing order, then every element is
processed at most 4 times.
a) Initialy pushed to the stack.
b) Popped from the stack when next element is being processed.
c) Pushed back to the stack because next element is smaller.
d) Popped from the stack in step 3 of algo.
Check if array elements are consecutive | Added Method 3
April 6, 2011
Given an unsorted array of numbers, write a function that returns true if array
consists of consecutive numbers.
P a g e | 118

a) If array is {5, 2, 3, 1, 4}, then the function should return true because the array
has consecutive numbers from 1 to 5.
b) If array is {83, 78, 80, 81, 79, 82}, then the function should return true because
the array has consecutive numbers from 78 to 83.
c) If the array is {34, 23, 52, 12, 3 }, then the function should return false because
the elements are not consecutive.
d) If the array is {7, 6, 5, 5, 3, 4}, then the function should return false because 5
and 5 are not consecutive.
Method 1 (Use Sorting)
1) Sort all the elements.
2) Do a linear scan of the sorted array. If the difference between current element
and next element is anything other than 1, then return false. If all differences are 1,
then return true.
Time Complexity: O(nLogn)
Method 2 (Use visited array)
The idea is to check for following two conditions. If following two conditions are true,
then return true.
1) max min + 1 = n where max is the maximum element in array, min is minimum
element in array and n is the number of elements in array.
2) All elements are distinct.
To check if all elements are distinct, we can create a visited[] array of size n. We
can map the ith element of input array arr[] to visited array by using arr[i] min as
index in visited[].

/* Helper functions to get minimum and maximum in an array */
int getMin(int arr[], int n);
P a g e | 119

int getMax(int arr[], int n);

/* The function checks if the array elements are consecutive
If elements are consecutive, then return s true, else return s
false */
bool areConsecutive(int arr[], int n)
if( n < 1 )
return false;

/* 1) Get the minimum element in array */
int min = getMin(arr, n);

/* 2) Get the maximum element in array */
int max = getMax(arr, n);

/* 3) max - min + 1 is equal to n, then only check all elements */
if(max - min + 1 == n)
/* Create a temp array to hold visited flag of all elements.
Note that, calloc is used here so that all values are initialized
as false */
bool *visited = (bool *) calloc(n, sizeof(bool ));
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
/* If we see an element again, then return false */
if( visited[arr[i] - min] != false)
return false;
P a g e | 120

/* If visited first time, then mark the element as visited */
visited[arr[i] - min] = true;

/* If all elements occur once, then return true */
return true;

return false; // if (max - min + 1 != n)

int getMin(int arr[], int n)
int min = arr[0];
for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
if(arr[i] < min)
min = arr[i];
return min;

int getMax(int arr[], int n)
int max = arr[0];
for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
if(arr[i] > max)
max = arr[i];
P a g e | 121

return max;

/* Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
int arr[]= {5, 4, 2, 3, 1, 6};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
if(areConsecutive(arr, n) == true)
printf(" Array elements are consecutive ");
printf(" Array elements are not consecutive ");
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Extra Space: O(n)
Method 3 (Mark visited array elements as negative)
This method is O(n) time complexity and O(1) extra space, but it changes the
original array and it works only if all numbers are positive. We can get the original
array by adding an extra step though. It is an extension of method 2 and it has the
same two steps.
1) max min + 1 = n where max is the maximum element in array, min is minimum
element in array and n is the number of elements in array.
2) All elements are distinct.
In this method, the implementation of step 2 differs from method 2. Instead of
creating a new array, we modify the input array arr[] to keep track of visited
elements. The idea is to traverse the array and for each index i (where 0 <= i < n),
make arr[arr[i] - min]] as a negative value. If we see a negative value again then
there is repetition.
P a g e | 122


/* Helper functions to get minimum and maximum in an array */
int getMin(int arr[], int n);
int getMax(int arr[], int n);

/* The function checks if the array elements are consecutive
If elements are consecutive, then return s true, else return s
false */
bool areConsecutive(int arr[], int n)

if( n < 1 )
return false;

/* 1) Get the minimum element in array */
int min = getMin(arr, n);

/* 2) Get the maximum element in array */
int max = getMax(arr, n);

/* 3) max min + 1 is equal to n then only check all elements */
if(max min + 1 == n)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
P a g e | 123

int j;

if(arr[i] < 0)
j = -arr[i] min;
j = arr[i] min;

// if the value at index j is negative then
// there is repitition
if(arr[j] > 0)
arr[j] = -arr[j];
return false;

/* If we do not see a negative value then all elements
are distinct */
return true;

return false; // if (max min + 1 != n)

int getMin(int arr[], int n)
int min = arr[0];
for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
P a g e | 124

if(arr[i] < min)
min = arr[i];
return min;

int getMax(int arr[], int n)
int max = arr[0];
for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
if(arr[i] > max)
max = arr[i];
return max;

/* Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
int arr[]= {1, 4, 5, 3, 2, 6};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
if(areConsecutive(arr, n) == true)
printf(" Array elements are consecutive ");
printf(" Array elements are not consecutive ");
return 0;
Note that this method might not work for negative numbers. For example, it returns
false for {2, 1, 0, -3, -1, -2}.
P a g e | 125

Time Complexity: O(n)
Extra Space: O(1)
Find the smallest missing number
April 17, 2011
Given a sorted array of n integers where each integer is in the range from 0 to m-1
and m > n. Find the smallest number that is missing from the array.
Input: {0, 1, 2, 6, 9}, n = 5, m = 10
Output: 3
Input: {4, 5, 10, 11}, n = 4, m = 12
Output: 0
Input: {0, 1, 2, 3}, n = 4, m = 5
Output: 4
Input: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10}, n = 9, m = 11
Output: 8
Thanks to Ravichandra for suggesting following two methods.
Method 1 (Use Binary Search)
For i = 0 to m-1, do binary search for i in the array. If i is not present in the array
then return i.
Time Complexity: O(m log n)
Method 2 (Linear Search)
If arr[0] is not 0, return 0. Otherwise traverse the input array starting from index 1,
and for each pair of elements a[i] and a[i+1], find the difference between them. if the
difference is greater than 1 then a[i]+1 is the missing number.
Time Complexity: O(n)
Method 3 (Use Modified Binary Search)
Thanks to yasein and Jams for suggesting this method.
In the standard Binary Search process, the element to be searched is compared
P a g e | 126

with the middle element and on the basis of comparison result, we decide whether
to search is over or to go to left half or right half.
In this method, we modify the standard Binary Search algorithm to compare the
middle element with its index and make decision on the basis of this comparison.
1) If the first element is not same as its index then return first index
2) Else get the middle index say mid
a) If arr[mid] greater than mid then the required element lies in left half.
b) Else the required element lies in right half.

int findFirstMissing(int array[], int start, int end) {

if(start > end)
return end + 1;

if(start != array[start])
return start;

int mid = (start + end) / 2;

if(array[mid] > mid)
return findFirstMissing(array, start, mid);
return findFirstMissing(array, mid + 1, end);

// driver program to test above function
int main()
P a g e | 127

int arr[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf(" First missing element is %d",
findFirstMissing(arr, 0, n-1));
return 0;
Note: This method doesnt work if there are duplicate elements in the array.
Time Complexity: O(Logn)
Count the number of occurrences in a sorted array
May 3, 2011
Given a sorted array arr[] and a number x, write a function that counts the
occurrences of x in arr[]. Expected time complexity is O(Logn)
Input: arr[] = {1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3,}, x = 2
Output: 4 // x (or 2) occurs 4 times in arr[]

Input: arr[] = {1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3,}, x = 3
Output: 1

Input: arr[] = {1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3,}, x = 1
Output: 2

Input: arr[] = {1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3,}, x = 4
Output: -1 // 4 doesn't occur in arr[]
Method 1 (Linear Search)
Linearly search for x, count the occurrences of x and return the count.
Time Complexity: O(n)
P a g e | 128

Method 2 (Use Binary Search)
1) Use Binary search to get index of the first occurrence of x in arr[]. Let the index of
the first occurrence be i.
2) Use Binary search to get index of the last occurrence of x in arr[]. Let the index of
the last occurrence be j.
3) Return (j i + 1);
/* if x is present in arr[] then return s the count of occurrences of x,
otherwise return s -1. */
int count(int arr[], int x, int n)
int i; // index of first occurrence of x in arr[0..n-1]
int j; // index of last occurrence of x in arr[0..n-1]

/* get the index of first occurrence of x */
i = first(arr, 0, n-1, x, n);

/* If x doesn't exist in arr[] then return -1 */
if(i == -1)
return i;

/* Else get the index of last occurrence of x. Note that we
are only looking in the subarray after first occurrence */
j = last(arr, i, n-1, x, n);

/* return count */
return j-i+1;

/* if x is present in arr[] then return s the index of FIRST occurrence
P a g e | 129

of x in arr[0..n-1], otherwise return s -1 */
int first(int arr[], int low, int high, int x, int n)
if(high >= low)
int mid = (low + high)/2; /*low + (high - low)/2;*/
if( ( mid == 0 || x > arr[mid-1]) && arr[mid] == x)
return mid;
elseif(x > arr[mid])
return first(arr, (mid + 1), high, x, n);
return first(arr, low, (mid -1), x, n);
return -1;

/* if x is present in arr[] then return s the index of LAST occurrence
of x in arr[0..n-1], otherwise return s -1 */
int last(int arr[], int low, int high, int x, int n)
if(high >= low)
int mid = (low + high)/2; /*low + (high - low)/2;*/
if( ( mid == n-1 || x < arr[mid+1]) && arr[mid] == x )
return mid;
elseif(x < arr[mid])
return last(arr, low, (mid -1), x, n);
P a g e | 130

return last(arr, (mid + 1), high, x, n);
return -1;

/* driver program to test above functions */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3};
int x = 3; // Element to be counted in arr[]
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int c = count(arr, x, n);
printf(" %d occurs %d times ", x, c);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(Logn)
Programming Paradigm: Divide & Conquer
Interpolation search vs Binary search
May 12, 2011
Interpolation search works better than Binary Search for a sorted and uniformly
distributed array.
On average the interpolation search makes about log(log(n)) comparisons (if the
elements are uniformly distributed), where n is the number of elements to be
searched. In the worst case (for instance where the numerical values of the keys
increase exponentially) it can make up to O(n) comparisons.
Given an array arr[], find the maximum j i such that arr[j] > arr[i]
May 21, 2011
P a g e | 131

Given an array arr[], find the maximum j i such that arr[j] > arr[i].
Input: {34, 8, 10, 3, 2, 80, 30, 33, 1}
Output: 6 (j = 7, i = 1)

Input: {9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 18, 0}
Output: 8 ( j = 8, i = 0)

Input: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
Output: 5 (j = 5, i = 0)

Input: {6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}
Output: -1
Method 1 (Simple but Inefficient)
Run two loops. In the outer loop, pick elements one by one from left. In the inner
loop, compare the picked element with the elements starting from right side. Stop
the inner loop when you see an element greater than the picked element and keep
updating the maximum j-i so far.
#include <stdio.h>
/* For a given array arr[], return s the maximum j i such that
arr[j] > arr[i] */
int maxIndexDiff(int arr[], int n)
int maxDiff = -1;
int i, j;

for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
for(j = n-1; j > i; --j)
P a g e | 132

if(arr[j] > arr[i] && maxDiff < (j - i))
maxDiff = j - i;

return maxDiff;

int main()
int arr[] = {9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 18, 0};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int maxDiff = maxIndexDiff(arr, n);
printf("\n %d", maxDiff);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n^2)
Method 2 (Efficient)
To solve this problem, we need to get two optimum indexes of arr[]: left index i and
right index j. For an element arr[i], we do not need to consider arr[i] for left index if
there is an element smaller than arr[i] on left side of arr[i]. Similarly, if there is a
greater element on right side of arr[j] then we do not need to consider this j for right
index. So we construct two auxiliary arrays LMin[] and RMax[] such that LMin[i]
holds the smallest element on left side of arr[i] including arr[i], and RMax[j] holds the
greatest element on right side of arr[j] including arr[j]. After constructing these two
auxiliary arrays, we traverse both of these arrays from left to right. While traversing
LMin[] and RMa[] if we see that LMin[i] is greater than RMax[j], then we must move
ahead in LMin[] (or do i++) because all elements on left of LMin[i] are greater than
or equal to LMin[i]. Otherwise we must move ahead in RMax[j] to look for a greater j
i value.
P a g e | 133

Thanks to celicom for suggesting the algorithm for this method.
#include <stdio.h>

/* Utility Functions to get max and minimum of two int egers */
int max(int x, int y)
return x > y? x : y;

int min(int x, int y)
return x < y? x : y;

/* For a given array arr[], return s the maximum j i such that
arr[j] > arr[i] */
int maxIndexDiff(int arr[], int n)
int maxDiff;
int i, j;

int *LMin = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int )*n);
int *RMax = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int )*n);

/* Construct LMin[] such that LMin[i] stores the minimum value
from (arr[0], arr[1], ... arr[i]) */
LMin[0] = arr[0];
for(i = 1; i < n; ++i)
P a g e | 134

LMin[i] = min(arr[i], LMin[i-1]);

/* Construct RMax[] such that RMax[j] stores the maximum value
from (arr[j], arr[j+1], ..arr[n-1]) */
RMax[n-1] = arr[n-1];
for(j = n-2; j >= 0; --j)
RMax[j] = max(arr[j], RMax[j+1]);

/* Traverse both arrays from left to right to find optimum j - i
This process is similar to merge() of MergeSort */
i = 0, j = 0, maxDiff = -1;
while(j < n && i < n)
if(LMin[i] < RMax[j])
maxDiff = max(maxDiff, j-i);
j = j + 1;
i = i+1;

return maxDiff;

/* Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
int arr[] = {9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 18, 0};
P a g e | 135

int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int maxDiff = maxIndexDiff(arr, n);
printf("\n %d", maxDiff);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)
Maximum of all subarrays of size k (Added a O(n) method)
May 27, 2011
Given an array and an integer k, find the maximum for each and every contiguous
subarray of size k.
Input :
arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3, 6}
k = 3
Output :
3 3 4 5 5 5 6
Input :
arr[] = {8, 5, 10, 7, 9, 4, 15, 12, 90, 13}
k = 4
Output :
10 10 10 15 15 90 90
Method 1 (Simple)
Run two loops. In the outer loop, take all subarrays of size k. In the inner loop, get
the maximum of the current subarray.

P a g e | 136

void printKMax(int arr[], int n, int k)
int j, max;

for(int i = 0; i <= n-k; i++)
max = arr[i];

for(j = 1; j < k; j++)
if(arr[i+j] > max)
max = arr[i+j];
printf("%d ", max);

int main()
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int k = 3;
printKMax(arr, n, k);
return 0;
Time Complexity: The outer loop runs n-k+1 times and the inner loop runs k times
for every iteration of outer loop. So time complexity is O((n-k+1)*k) which can also
be written as O(nk).
P a g e | 137

Method 2 (Use Self-Balancing BST)
1) Pick first k elements and create a Self -Balancing Binary Search Tree (BST) of
size k.
2) Run a loop for i = 0 to n k
..a) Get the maximum element from the BST, and print it.
..b) Search for arr[i] in the BST and delete it from the BST.
..c) Insert arr[i+k] into the BST.
Time Complexity: Time Complexity of step 1 is O(kLogk). Time Complexity of steps
2(a), 2(b) and 2(c) is O(Logk). Since steps 2(a), 2(b) and 2(c) are in a loop that runs
n-k+1 times, time complexity of the complete algorithm is O(kLogk + (n-k+1)*Logk)
which can also be written as O(nLogk).

Method 3 (A O(n) method: use Dequeue)
We create a Dequeue, Qi of capacity k, that stores only useful elements of current
window of k elements. An element is useful if it is in current window and is greater
than all other elements on left side of it in current window. We process all array
elements one by one and maintain Qi to contain useful elements of current window
and these useful elements are maintained in sorted order. The element at front of
the Qi is the largest and element at rear of Qi is the smallest of current window.
Thanks to Aashish for suggesting this method.
Following is C++ implementation of this method.
#include <iostream>
#include <deque>


// A Dequeue (Double ended queue) based method for printing maixmum element of
// all subarrays of size k
void printKMax(int arr[], int n, int k)
P a g e | 138

// Create a Double Ended Queue, Qi that will store indexes of array
// The queue will store indexes of useful elements in every window and it
// maintain decreasing order of values from front to rear in Qi, i.e.,
// arr[Qi.front[]] to arr[Qi.rear()] are sorted in decreasing order
std::deque<int > Qi(k);

/* Process first k (or first window) elements of array */
int i;
for(i = 0; i < k; ++i)
// For very element, the previous smaller elements are useless so
// remove them from Qi
while( (!Qi.empty()) && arr[i] >= arr[Qi.back()])
Qi.pop_back(); // Remove from rear

// Add new element at rear of queue

// Process rest of the elements, i.e., from arr[k] to arr[n-1]
for( ; i < n; ++i)
// The element at the front of the queue is the largest element of
// previous window, so print it
cout << arr[Qi.front()] << " ";

P a g e | 139

// Remove the elements which are out of this window
while( (!Qi.empty()) && Qi.front() <= i - k)
Qi.pop_front(); // Remove from front of queue

// Remove all elements smaller than the currently
// being added element (remove useless elements)
while( (!Qi.empty()) && arr[i] >= arr[Qi.back()])

// Add current element at the rear of Qi

// Print the maximum element of last window
cout << arr[Qi.front()];

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
int arr[] = {12, 1, 78, 90, 57, 89, 56};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int k = 3;
printKMax(arr, n, k);
return 0;
78 90 90 90 89
P a g e | 140

Time Complexity: O(n). It seems more than O(n) at first look. If we take a closer
look, we can observe that every element of array is added and removed at most
once. So there are total 2n operations.
Auxiliary Space: O(k)
Find whether an array is subset of another array | Added Method 3
June 9, 2011
Given two arrays: arr1[0..m-1] and arr2[0..n-1]. Find whether arr2[] is a subset of
arr1[] or not. Both the arrays are not in sorted order.
Input: arr1[] = {11, 1, 13, 21, 3, 7}, arr2[] = {11, 3, 7, 1}
Output: arr2[] is a subset of arr1[]
Input: arr1[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, arr2[] = {1, 2, 4}
Output: arr2[] is a subset of arr1[]
Input: arr1[] = {10, 5, 2, 23, 19}, arr2[] = {19, 5, 3}
Output: arr2[] is not a subset of arr1[]
Method 1 (Simple)
Use two loops: The outer loop picks all the elements of arr2[] one by one. The inner
loop linearly searches for the element picked by outer loop. If all elements are found
then return 1, else return 0.

/* Return 1 if arr2[] is a subset of arr1[] */
bool isSubset(int arr1[], int arr2[], int m, int n)
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
for(j = 0; j<m; j++)
P a g e | 141

if(arr2[i] == arr1[j])

/* If the above inner loop was not broken at all then
arr2[i] is not present in arr1[] */
if(j == m)
return 0;

/* If we reach here then all elements of arr2[]
are present in arr1[] */
return 1;

int main()
int arr1[] = {11, 1, 13, 21, 3, 7};
int arr2[] = {11, 3, 7, 1};

int m = sizeof(arr1)/sizeof(arr1[0]);
int n = sizeof(arr2)/sizeof(arr2[0]);

if(isSubset(arr1, arr2, m, n))
printf("arr2[] is subset of arr1[] ");
printf("arr2[] is not a subset of arr1[]");
P a g e | 142

return 0;
Time Complexity: O(m*n)
Method 2 (Use Sorting and Binary Search)
1) Sort arr1[] O(mLogm)
2) For each element of arr2[], do binary search for it
in sorted arr1[].
a) If the element is not found then return 0.
3) If all elements are present then return 1.

/* Fucntion prototypes */
void quickSort(int *arr, int si, int ei);
int binarySearch(int arr[], int low, int high, int x);

/* Return 1 if arr2[] is a subset of arr1[] */
bool isSubset(int arr1[], int arr2[], int m, int n)
int i = 0;

quickSort(arr1, 0, m-1);
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
if(binarySearch(arr1, 0, m-1, arr2[i]) == -1)
return 0;
P a g e | 143

/* If we reach here then all elements of arr2[]
are present in arr1[] */
return 1;

/* Standard Binary Search function*/
int binarySearch(int arr[], int low, int high, int x)
if(high >= low)
int mid = (low + high)/2; /*low + (high - low)/2;*/

/* Check if arr[mid] is the first occurrence of x.
arr[mid] is first occurrence if x is one of the following
is true:
(i) mid == 0 and arr[mid] == x
(ii) arr[mid-1] < x and arr[mid] == x
if(( mid == 0 || x > arr[mid-1]) && (arr[mid] == x))
return mid;
elseif(x > arr[mid])
return binarySearch(arr, (mid + 1), high, x);
return binarySearch(arr, low, (mid -1), x);
return -1;
P a g e | 144

void exchange(int *a, int *b)
int temp;
temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;

int partition(int A[], int si, int ei)
int x = A[ei];
int i = (si - 1);
int j;

for(j = si; j <= ei - 1; j++)
if(A[j] <= x)
exchange(&A[i], &A[j]);
exchange (&A[i + 1], &A[ei]);
return (i + 1);

/* Implementation of Quick Sort
A[] --> Array to be sorted
P a g e | 145

si --> Starting index
ei --> Ending index
void quickSort(int A[], int si, int ei)
int pi; /* Partitioning index */
if(si < ei)
pi = partition(A, si, ei);
quickSort(A, si, pi - 1);
quickSort(A, pi + 1, ei);

/*Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
int arr1[] = {11, 1, 13, 21, 3, 7};
int arr2[] = {11, 3, 7, 1};

int m = sizeof(arr1)/sizeof(arr1[0]);
int n = sizeof(arr2)/sizeof(arr2[0]);

if(isSubset(arr1, arr2, m, n))
printf("arr2[] is subset of arr1[] ");
printf("arr2[] is not a subset of arr1[] ");

P a g e | 146

return 0;
Time Complexity: O(mLogm + nLogm). Please note that this will be the complexity if
an mLogm algorithm is used for sorting which is not the case in above code. In
above code Quick Sort is sued and worst case time complexity of Quick Sort is
Method 3 (Use Sorting and Merging )
1) Sort both arrays: arr1[] and arr2[] O(mLogm + nLogn)
2) Use Merge type of process to see if all elements of sorted arr2[] are present in
sorted arr1[].
Thanks to Parthsarthi for suggesting this method.
/* Return 1 if arr2[] is a subset of arr1[] */
bool isSubset(int arr1[], int arr2[], int m, int n)
int i = 0, j = 0;

if(m < n)
return 0;

quickSort(arr1, 0, m-1);
quickSort(arr2, 0, n-1);
while( i < n && j < m )
if( arr1[j] <arr2[i] )
elseif( arr1[j] == arr2[i] )
P a g e | 147

elseif( arr1[j] > arr2[i] )
return 0;

if( i < n )
return 0;
return 1;
Time Complexity: O(mLogm + nLogn) which is better than method 2. Please note
that this will be the complexity if an nLogn algorithm is used for sorting both arrays
which is not the case in above code. In above code Quick Sort is sued and worst
case time complexity of Quick Sort is O(n^2)
Method 4 (Use Hashing)
1) Create a Hash Table for all the elements of arr1[].
2) Traverse arr2[] and search for each element of arr2[] in the Hash Table. If
element is not found then return 0.
3) If all elements are found then return 1.
Note that method 1, method 2 and method 4 dont handle the cases when we have
duplicates in arr2[]. For example, {1, 4, 4, 2} is not a subset of {1, 4, 2}, but these
methods will print it as a subset.
Find the minimum distance between two numbers
June 24, 2011
Given an unsorted array arr[] and two numbers x and y, find the minimum distance
between x and y in arr[].The array might also contain duplicates. You may assume
that both x and y are different and present in arr[].
P a g e | 148

Input: arr[] = {1, 2}, x = 1, y = 2
Output: Minimum distance between 1 and 2 is 1.
Input: arr[] = {3, 4, 5}, x = 3, y = 5
Output: Minimum distance between 3 and 5 is 2.
Input: arr[] = {3, 5, 4, 2, 6, 5, 6, 6, 5, 4, 8, 3}, x = 3, y = 6
Output: Minimum distance between 3 and 6 is 4.
Input: arr[] = {2, 5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 2, 3}, x = 3, y = 2
Output: Minimum distance between 3 and 2 is 1.
Method 1 (Simple)
Use two loops: The outer loop picks all the elements of arr[] one by one. The inner
loop picks all the elements after the element picked by outer loop. If the elements
picked by outer and inner loops have same values as x or y then if needed update
the minimum distance calculated so far.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for abs()
#include <limits.h> // for INT_MAX

int minDist(int arr[], int n, int x, int y)
int i, j;
int min_dist = INT_MAX;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
for(j = i+1; j < n; j++)
if( (x == arr[i] && y == arr[j] ||
y == arr[i] && x == arr[j]) && min_dist > abs(i-j))
P a g e | 149

min_dist = abs(i-j);
return min_dist;

/* Driver program to test above fnction */
int main()
int arr[] = {3, 5, 4, 2, 6, 5, 6, 6, 5, 4, 8, 3};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int x = 3;
int y = 6;

printf("Minimum distance between %d and %d is %d\n", x, y,
minDist(arr, n, x, y));
return 0;
Output: Minimum distance between 3 and 6 is 4
Time Complexity: O(n^2)
Method 2 (Tricky)
1) Traverse array from left side and stop if either x or y are found. Store index of this
first occurrrence in a variable say prev
2) Now traverse arr[] after the index prev. If the element at current index i matches
with either x or y then check if it is different from arr[prev]. If it is different then
update the minimum distance if needed. If it is same then update prev i.e.,
make prev = i.
P a g e | 150

Thanks to wgpshashank for suggesting this approach.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h> // For INT_MAX

int minDist(int arr[], int n, int x, int y)
int i = 0;
int min_dist = INT_MAX;
int prev;

// Find the first occurence of any of the two numbers (x or y)
// and store the index of this occurence in prev
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
if(arr[i] == x || arr[i] == y)
prev = i;

// Traverse after the first occurence
for( ; i < n; i++)
if(arr[i] == x || arr[i] == y)
// If the current element matches with any of the two then
// check if current element and prev element are different
P a g e | 151

// Also check if this value is smaller than minimm distance so far
if( arr[prev] != arr[i] && (i - prev) < min_dist )
min_dist = i - prev;
prev = i;
prev = i;

return min_dist;

/* Driver program to test above fnction */
int main()
int arr[] ={3, 5, 4, 2, 6, 3, 0, 0, 5, 4, 8, 3};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int x = 3;
int y = 6;

printf("Minimum distance between %d and %d is %d\n", x, y,
minDist(arr, n, x, y));
return 0;
Output: Minimum distance between 3 and 6 is 1
Time Complexity: O(n)
P a g e | 152

Find the repeating and the missing | Added 3 new methods
August 19, 2011
Given an unsorted array of size n. Array elements are in range from 1 to n. One
number from set {1, 2, n} is missing and one number occurs twice in array. Find
these two numbers.
arr[] = {3, 1, 3}
Output: 2, 3 // 2 is missing and 3 occurs twice

arr[] = {4, 3, 6, 2, 1, 1}
Output: 1, 5 // 5 is missing and 1 occurs twice
Method 1 (Use Sorting)
1) Sort the input array.
2) Traverse the array and check for missing and repeating.
Time Complexity: O(nLogn)
Thanks to LoneShadow for suggesting this method.
Method 2 (Use count array)
1) Create a temp array temp[] of size n with all initial values as 0.
2) Traverse the input array arr[], and do following for each arr[i]
a) if(temp[arr[i]] == 0) temp[arr[i]] = 1;
b) if(temp[arr[i]] == 1) output arr[i] //repeating
3) Traverse temp[] and output the array element having value as 0 (This is the
missing element)
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)
Method 3 (Use elements as Index and mark the visited places)
Traverse the array. While traversing, use absolute value of every element as index
and make the value at this index as negative to mark it visited. If something is
already marked negative then this is the repeating element. To find missing,
traverse the array again and look for a positive value.
P a g e | 153


void printTwoElements(int arr[], int size)
int i;
printf("\n The repeating element is");

for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(arr[abs(arr[i])-1] > 0)
arr[abs(arr[i])-1] = -arr[abs(arr[i])-1];
printf(" %d ", abs(arr[i]));

printf("\nand the missing element is ");
for(i=0; i<size; i++)

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr[] = {7, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 2};
P a g e | 154

int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printTwoElements(arr, n);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Thanks to Manish Mishra for suggesting this method.
Method 4 (Make two equations)
Let x be the missing and y be the repeating element.
1) Get sum of all numbers.
Sum of array computed S = n(n+1)/2 x + y
2) Get product of all numbers.
Product of array computed P = 1*2*3**n * y / x
3) The above two steps give us two equations, we can solve the equations and get
the values of x and y.
Time Complexity: O(n)
Thanks to disappearedng for suggesting this solution.
This method can cause arithmetic overflow as we calculate product and sum of all
array elements. See thisfor changes suggested by john to reduce the chances of
Method 5 (Use XOR)
Let x and y be the desired output elements.
Calculate XOR of all the array elements.
xor1 = arr[0]^arr[1]^arr[2].....arr[n-1]
XOR the result with all numbers from 1 to n
xor1 = xor1^1^2^.....^n
In the result xor1, all elements would nullify each other except x and y. All the bits
that are set in xor1 will be set in either x or y. So if we take any set bit (We have
P a g e | 155

chosen the rightmost set bit in code) of xor1 and divide the elements of the array in
two sets one set of elements with same bit set and other set with same bit not set.
By doing so, we will get x in one set and y in another set. Now if we do XOR of all
the elements in first set, we will get x, and by doing same in other set we will get y.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* The output of this function is stored at *x and *y */
void getTwoElements(int arr[], int n, int *x, int *y)
int xor1; /* Will hold xor of all elements and numbers from 1 to n */
int set_bit_no; /* Will have only single set bit of xor1 */
int i;
*x = 0;
*y = 0;

xor1 = arr[0];

/* Get the xor of all array elements elements */
for(i = 1; i < n; i++)
xor1 = xor1^arr[i];

/* XOR the previous result with numbers from 1 to n*/
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
xor1 = xor1^i;

/* Get the rightmost set bit in set_bit_no */
set_bit_no = xor1 & ~(xor1-1);

P a g e | 156

/* Now divide elements in two sets by comparing rightmost set
bit of xor1 with bit at same position in each element. Also, get XORs
of two sets. The two XORs are the output elements.
The following two for loops serve the purpose */
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
if(arr[i] & set_bit_no)
*x = *x ^ arr[i]; /* arr[i] belongs to first set */
*y = *y ^ arr[i]; /* arr[i] belongs to second set*/
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
if(i & set_bit_no)
*x = *x ^ i; /* i belongs to first set */
*y = *y ^ i; /* i belongs to second set*/

/* Now *x and *y hold the desired output elements */

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 2};
int *x = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int ));
int *y = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int ));
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
P a g e | 157

getTwoElements(arr, n, x, y);
printf(" The two elements are %d and %d", *x, *y);
Time Complexity: O(n)
This method doesnt cause overflow, but it doesnt tell which one occurs twice and
which one is missing. We can add one more step that checks which one is missing
and which one is repeating. This can be easily done in O(n) time.
Print a given matrix in spiral form
August 20, 2011
Given a 2D array, print it in spiral form. See the following examples.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
1 2 3 4 8 12 16 15 14 13 9 5 6 7 11 10

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
1 2 3 4 5 6 12 18 17 16 15 14 13 7 8 9 10 11
/* This code is adopted from the solution given
@ http://effprog.blogspot.com/2011/01/spiral-printing-of-two-
dimensional.html */
P a g e | 158

#include <stdio.h>
#define R 3
#define C 6

void spiralPrint(int m, int n, int a[R][C])
int i, k = 0, l = 0;

/* k - starting row index
m - ending row index
l - starting column index
n - ending column index
i - iterator

while(k < m && l < n)
/* Print the first row from the remaining rows */
for(i = l; i < n; ++i)
printf("%d ", a[k][i]);

/* Print the last column from the remaining columns */
for(i = k; i < m; ++i)
P a g e | 159

printf("%d ", a[i][n-1]);

/* Print the last row from the remaining rows */
if( k < m)
for(i = n-1; i >= l; --i)
printf("%d ", a[m-1][i]);

/* Print the first column from the remaining columns */
if(l < n)
for(i = m-1; i >= k; --i)
printf("%d ", a[i][l]);

/* Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
P a g e | 160

int a[R][C] = { {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
{7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12},
{13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18}

spiralPrint(R, C, a);
return 0;

1 2 3 4 5 6 12 18 17 16 15 14 13 7 8 9 10 11
Time Complexity: Time complexity of the above solution is O(mn).
A Boolean Matrix Question
October 18, 2011
Given a boolean matrix mat[M][N] of size M X N, modify it such that if a matrix cell
mat[i][j] is 1 (or true) then make all the cells of ith row and jth column as 1.
Example 1
The matrix
1 0
0 0
should be changed to following
1 1
1 0

Example 2
The matrix
0 0 0
0 0 1
should be changed to following
P a g e | 161

0 0 1
1 1 1

Example 3
The matrix
1 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0
should be changed to following
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 0 1 1

Method 1 (Use two temporary arrays)
1) Create two temporary arrays row[M] and col[N]. Initialize all values of row[] and
col[] as 0.
2) Traverse the input matrix mat[M][N]. If you see an entry mat[i][j] as true, then
mark row[i] and col[j] as true.
3) Traverse the input matrix mat[M][N] again. For each entry mat[i][j], check the
values of row[i] and col[j]. If any of the two values (row[i] or col[j]) is true, then mark
mat[i][j] as true.
Thanks to Dixit Sethi for suggesting this method.
#include <stdio.h>
#define R 3
#define C 4

void modifyMatrix(bool mat[R][C])
bool row[R];
bool col[C];

P a g e | 162

int i, j;

/* Initialize all values of row[] as 0 */
for(i = 0; i < R; i++)
row[i] = 0;

/* Initialize all values of col[] as 0 */
for(i = 0; i < C; i++)
col[i] = 0;

/* Store the rows and columns to be marked as 1 in row[] and col[]
arrays respectively */
for(i = 0; i < R; i++)
for(j = 0; j < C; j++)
if(mat[i][j] == 1)
row[i] = 1;
col[j] = 1;
P a g e | 163


/* Modify the input matrix mat[] using the above constructed row[] and
col[] arrays */
for(i = 0; i < R; i++)
for(j = 0; j < C; j++)
if( row[i] == 1 || col[j] == 1 )
mat[i][j] = 1;

/* A utility function to print a 2D matrix */
void printMatrix(bool mat[R][C])
int i, j;
for(i = 0; i < R; i++)
for(j = 0; j < C; j++)
printf("%d ", mat[i][j]);
P a g e | 164


/* Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
bool mat[R][C] = { {1, 0, 0, 1},
{0, 0, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0},

printf("Input Matrix \n");


printf("Matrix after modification \n");

return 0;
Input Matrix
1 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0
Matrix after modification
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
P a g e | 165

Time Complexity: O(M*N)
Auxiliary Space: O(M + N)

Method 2 (A Space Optimized Version of Method 1)
This method is a space optimized version of above method 1. This method uses the
first row and first column of the input matrix in place of the auxiliary arrays row[] and
col[] of method 1. So what we do is: first take care of first row and column and store
the info about these two in two flag variables rowFlag and colFlag. Once we have
this info, we can use first row and first column as auxiliary arrays and apply method
1 for submatrix (matrix excluding first row and first column) of size (M-1)*(N-1).
1) Scan the first row and set a variable rowFlag to indicate whether we need to set
all 1s in first row or not.
2) Scan the first column and set a variable colFlag to indicate whether we need to
set all 1s in first column or not.
3) Use first row and first column as the auxiliary arrays row[] and col[] respectively,
consider the matrix as submatrix starting from second row and second column and
apply method 1.
4) Finally, using rowFlag and colFlag, update first row and first column if needed.
Time Complexity: O(M*N)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Median in a stream of integers (running integers)
October 27, 2011
Given that integers are read from a data stream. Find median of elements read so
for in efficient way. For simplicity assume there are no duplicates. For example, let
us consider the stream 5, 15, 1, 3
After reading 1st element of stream - 5 -> median - 5
After reading 2nd element of stream - 5, 15 -> median -
After reading 3rd element of stream - 5, 15, 1 -> median
- 5
After reading 4th element of stream - 5, 15, 1, 3 ->
median - 4, so on...
P a g e | 166

Making it clear, when the input size is odd, we take the middle element of sorted
data. If the input size is even, we pick average of middle two elements in sorted
Note that output is effective median of integers read from the stream so far. Such an
algorithm is called online algorithm. Any algorithm that can guarantee output of i-
elements after processing i-th element, is said to be online algorithm. Let us
discuss three solutions for the above problem.
Method 1: Insertion Sort
If we can sort the data as it appears, we can easily locate median element. Insertion
Sort is one such online algorithm that sorts the data appeared so far. At any
instance of sorting, say after sorting i-th element, the first i elements of array are
sorted. The insertion sort doesnt depend on future data to sort data input till that
point. In other words, insertion sort considers data sorted so far while inserting next
element. This is the key part of insertion sort that makes it an online algorithm.
However, insertion sort takes O(n
) time to sort n elements. Perhaps we can
use binary search oninsertion sort to find location of next element in O(log n) time.
Yet, we cant do data movement in O(log n) time. No matter how efficient the
implementation is, it takes polynomial time in case of insertion sort.
Interested reader can try implementation of Method 1.
Method 2: Augmented self balanced binary search tree (AVL, RB, etc)
At every node of BST, maintain number of elements in the subtree rooted at that
node. We can use a node as root of simple binary tree, whose left child is self
balancing BST with elements less than root and right child is self balancing BST
with elements greater than root. The root element always holds effective median.
If left and right subtrees contain same number of elements, root node holds average
of left and right subtree root data. Otherwise, root contains same data as the root of
subtree which is having more elements. After processing an incoming element, the
left and right subtrees (BST) are differed utmost by 1.
P a g e | 167

Self balancing BST is costly in managing balancing factor of BST. However, they
provide sorted data which we dont need. We need median only. The next method
make use of Heaps to trace median.
Method 3: Heaps
Similar to balancing BST in Method 2 above, we can use a max heap on left si de to
represent elements that are less than effective median, and a min heap on right
side to represent elements that are greater thaneffective median.
After processing an incoming element, the number of elements in heaps differ
utmost by 1 element. When both heaps contain same number of elements, we pick
average of heaps root data as effective median. When the heaps are not balanced,
we select effective median from the root of heap containing more elements.
Given below is implementation of above method. For algorithm to build these
heaps, please read the highlighted code.
#include <iostream>

// Heap capacity
#define MAX_HEAP_SIZE (128)
#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])

//// Utility functions

// exchange a and b
void Exch(int &a, int &b)
int aux = a;
a = b;
P a g e | 168

b = aux;

// Greater and Smaller are used as comparators
bool Greater(int a, int b)
return a > b;

bool Smaller(int a, int b)
return a < b;

int Average(int a, int b)
return (a + b) / 2;

// Signum function
// = 0 if a == b - heaps are balanced
// = -1 if a < b - left contains less elements than right
// = 1 if a > b - left contains more elements than right
int Signum(int a, int b)
if( a == b )
return 0;

P a g e | 169

return a < b ? -1 : 1;

// Heap implementation
// The functionality is embedded int o
// Heap abstract class to avoid code duplication
// Initializes heap array and comparator required
// in heapification
Heap(int *b, bool (*c)(int , int )) : A(b), comp(c)
heapSize = -1;

// Frees up dynamic memory
if( A )
delete[] A;

// We need only these four int erfaces of Heap ADT
virtualboolInsert(int e) = 0;
virtualint GetTop() = 0;
P a g e | 170

virtualint ExtractTop() = 0;
virtualint GetCount() = 0;


// We are also using location 0 of array
int left(int i)
return 2 * i + 1;

int right(int i)
return 2 * (i + 1);

int parent(int i)
if( i <= 0 )
return -1;

return (i - 1)/2;

// Heap array
int *A;
P a g e | 171

// Comparator
bool (*comp)(int , int );
// Heap size
int heapSize;

// Returns top element of heap data structure
int top(void )
int max = -1;

if( heapSize >= 0 )
max = A[0];

return max;

// Returns number of elements in heap
int count()
return heapSize + 1;

// Heapification
// Note that, for the current median tracing problem
// we need to heapify only towards root, always
void heapify(int i)
P a g e | 172

int p = parent(i);

// comp - differentiate MaxHeap and MinHeap
// percolates up
if( p >= 0 && comp(A[i], A[p]) )
Exch(A[i], A[p]);

// Deletes root of heap
int deleteTop()
int del = -1;

if( heapSize > -1)
del = A[0];

Exch(A[0], A[heapSize]);

return del;
P a g e | 173

// Helper to insert key int o Heap
bool insertHelper(int key)
bool ret = false;

if( heapSize < MAX_HEAP_SIZE )
ret = true;
A[heapSize] = key;

return ret;

// Specilization of Heap to define MaxHeap
classMaxHeap : publicHeap

MaxHeap() : Heap(newint[MAX_HEAP_SIZE], &Greater) { }

~MaxHeap() { }

P a g e | 174

// Wrapper to return root of Max Heap
int GetTop()
return top();

// Wrapper to delete and return root of Max Heap
int ExtractTop()
return deleteTop();

// Wrapper to return # elements of Max Heap
int GetCount()
return count();

// Wrapper to insert int o Max Heap
bool Insert(int key)
return insertHelper(key);

// Specilization of Heap to define MinHeap
classMinHeap : publicHeap
P a g e | 175



MinHeap() : Heap(newint[MAX_HEAP_SIZE], &Smaller) { }

~MinHeap() { }

// Wrapper to return root of Min Heap
int GetTop()
return top();

// Wrapper to delete and return root of Min Heap
int ExtractTop()
return deleteTop();

// Wrapper to return # elements of Min Heap
int GetCount()
return count();

// Wrapper to insert int o Min Heap
bool Insert(int key)
P a g e | 176

return insertHelper(key);

// Function implementing algorithm to find median so far.
int getMedian(int e, int &m, Heap &l, Heap &r)
// Are heaps balanced? If yes, sig will be 0
int sig = Signum(l.GetCount(), r.GetCount());
case 1: // There are more elements in left (max) heap

if( e < m ) // current element fits in left (max) heap
// Remore top element from left heap and
// insert int o right heap

// current element fits in left (max) heap
// current element fits in right (min) heap

P a g e | 177

// Both heaps are balanced
m = Average(l.GetTop(), r.GetTop());


case 0: // The left and right heaps contain same number of elements

if( e < m ) // current element fits in left (max) heap
m = l.GetTop();
// current element fits in right (min) heap
m = r.GetTop();


case -1: // There are more elements in right (min) heap

if( e < m ) // current element fits in left (max) heap
P a g e | 178

// Remove top element from right heap and
// insert int o left heap

// current element fits in right (min) heap

// Both heaps are balanced
m = Average(l.GetTop(), r.GetTop());


// No need to return , m already updated
return m;

void printMedian(int A[], int size)
int m = 0; // effective median
Heap *left = newMaxHeap();
Heap *right = newMinHeap();

for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
m = getMedian(A[i], m, *left, *right);
P a g e | 179

cout << m << endl;

// C++ more flexible, ensure no leaks
// Driver code
int main()
int A[] = {5, 15, 1, 3, 2, 8, 7, 9, 10, 6, 11, 4};
int size = ARRAY_SIZE(A);

// In lieu of A, we can also use data read from a stream
printMedian(A, size);

return 0;
Time Complexity: If we omit the way how stream was read, complexity of median
finding is O(N log N), as we need to read the stream, and due to heap
At first glance the above code may look complex. If you read the code carefully, it is
simple algorithm
Find a Fixed Point in a given array
December 1, 2011
Given an array of n distinct integers sorted in ascending order, write a function that
returns a Fixed Point in the array, if there is any Fixed Point present in array, else
P a g e | 180

returns -1. Fixed Point in an array is an index i such that arr[i] is equal to i. Note that
integers in array can be negative.
Input: arr[] = {-10, -5, 0, 3, 7}
Output: 3 // arr[3] == 3

Input: arr[] = {0, 2, 5, 8, 17}
Output: 0 // arr[0] == 0

Input: arr[] = {-10, -5, 3, 4, 7, 9}
Output: -1 // No Fixed Point
Asked by rajk
Method 1 (Linear Search)
Linearly search for an index i such that arr[i] == i. Return the first such index found.
Thanks to pm for suggesting this solution.
int linearSearch(int arr[], int n)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
if(arr[i] == i)
return i;

/* If no fixed point present then return -1 */
return -1;

P a g e | 181

/* Driver program to check above functions */
int main()
int arr[] = {-10, -1, 0, 3, 10, 11, 30, 50, 100};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("Fixed Point is %d", linearSearch(arr, n));
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)

Method 2 (Binary Search)
First check whether middle element is Fixed Point or not. If it is, then return it;
otherwise check whether index of middle element is greater than value at the index.
If index is greater, then Fixed Point(s) lies on the right side of the middle point
(obviously only if there is a Fixed Point). Else the Fixed Point(s) lies on left side.
int binarySearch(int arr[], int low, int high)
if(high >= low)
int mid = (low + high)/2; /*low + (high - low)/2;*/
if(mid == arr[mid])
return mid;
if(mid > arr[mid])
return binarySearch(arr, (mid + 1), high);
return binarySearch(arr, low, (mid -1));
P a g e | 182

/* Return -1 if there is no Fixed Point */
return -1;

/* Driver program to check above functions */
int main()
int arr[10] = {-10, -1, 0, 3, 10, 11, 30, 50, 100};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("Fixed Point is %d", binarySearch(arr, 0, n-1));
return 0;
Algorithmic Paradigm: Divide & Conquer
Time Complexity: O(Logn)
Maximum Length Bitonic Subarray
December 14, 2011
Given an array A[0 ... n-1] containing n positive integers, a subarray A[i ... j] is
bitonic if there is a k with i <= k <= j such that A[i] <= A[i + 1] ... <= A[k] >= A[k + 1]
>= .. A[j - 1] > = A[j]. Write a function that takes an array as argument and returns
the length of the maximum length bitonic subarray.
Expected time complexity of the solution is O(n)
Simple Examples
1) A[] = {12, 4, 78, 90, 45, 23}, the maximum length bitonic subarray is {4, 78, 90,
45, 23} which is of length 5.
2) A[] = {20, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 10}, the maximum length bitonic subarray is {1, 2, 3, 4,
2} which is of length 5.
P a g e | 183

Extreme Examples
1) A[] = {10}, the single element is bitnoic, so output is 1.
2) A[] = {10, 20, 30, 40}, the complete array itself is bitonic, so output is 4.
3) A[] = {40, 30, 20, 10}, the complete array itself is bitonic, so output is 4.
Let us consider the array {12, 4, 78, 90, 45, 23} to understand the soultion.
1) Construct an auxiliary array inc[] from left to right such that inc[i] contains length
of the nondecreaing subarray ending at arr[i].
For for A[] = {12, 4, 78, 90, 45, 23}, inc[] is {1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1}
2) Construct another array dec[] from right to left such that dec[i] contains length of
nonincreasing subarray starting at arr[i].
For A[] = {12, 4, 78, 90, 45, 23}, dec[] is {2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1}.
3) Once we have the inc[] and dec[] arrays, all we need to do is find the maximum
value of (inc[i] + dec[i] 1).
For {12, 4, 78, 90, 45, 23}, the max value of (inc[i] + dec[i] 1) is 5 for i = 3.

int bitonic(int arr[], int n)
int i;
int *inc = newint[n];
int *dec = newint[n];
int max;
inc[0] = 1; // The length of increasing sequence ending at first index is
dec[n-1] = 1; // The length of increasing sequence starting at first index
is 1

P a g e | 184

// Step 1) Construct increasing sequence array
for(i = 1; i < n; i++)
if(arr[i] > arr[i-1])
inc[i] = inc[i-1] + 1;
inc[i] = 1;

// Step 2) Construct decreasing sequence array
for(i = n-2; i >= 0; i--)
if(arr[i] > arr[i+1])
dec[i] = dec[i+1] + 1;
dec[i] = 1;

// Step 3) Find the length of maximum length bitonic sequence
max = inc[0] + dec[0] - 1;
for(i = 1; i < n; i++)
if(inc[i] + dec[i] - 1 > max)
max = inc[i] + dec[i] - 1;

// free dynamically allocated memory
P a g e | 185

delete[] inc;
delete[] dec;

return max;

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr[] = {12, 4, 78, 90, 45, 23};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("\n Length of max length Bitnoic Subarray is %d", bitonic(arr, n));
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)
As an exercise, extend the above implementation to print the longest bitonic
subarray also. The above implementation only returns the length of such subarray.
Find the maximum element in an array which is first increasing and then
January 14, 2012
Given an array of integers which is initially increasing and then decreasing, find the
maximum value in the array.
Input: arr[] = {8, 10, 20, 80, 100, 200, 400, 500, 3, 2,
Output: 500

Input: arr[] = {1, 3, 50, 10, 9, 7, 6}
P a g e | 186

Output: 50

Corner case (No decreasing part)
Input: arr[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}
Output: 50

Corner case (No increasing part)
Input: arr[] = {120, 100, 80, 20, 0}
Output: 120
Method 1 (Linear Search)
We can traverse the array and keep track of maximum and element. And finally
return the maximum element.
#include <stdio.h>

int findMaximum(int arr[], int low, int high)
int max = arr[low];
int i;
for(i = low; i <= high; i++)
if(arr[i] > max)
max = arr[i];
return max;

/* Driver program to check above functions */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 23, 20};
P a g e | 187

int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("The maximum element is %d", findMaximum(arr, 0, n-1));
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n)

Method 2 (Binary Search)
We can modify the standard Binary Search algorithm for the given type of arrays.
i) If the mid element is greater than both of its adjacent elements, then mid is the
ii) If mid element is greater than its next element and smaller than the previous
element then maximum lies on left side of mid. Example array: {3, 50, 10, 9, 7, 6}
iii) If mid element is smaller than its next element and greater than the previous
element then maximum lies on right side of mid. Example array: {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 3, 1}
#include <stdio.h>

int findMaximum(int arr[], int low, int high)

/* Base Case: Only one element is present in arr[low..high]*/
if(low == high)
return arr[low];

/* If there are two elements and first is greater then
the first element is maximum */
if((high == low + 1) && arr[low] >= arr[high])
return arr[low];
P a g e | 188

/* If there are two elements and second is greater then
the second element is maximum */
if((high == low + 1) && arr[low] < arr[high])
return arr[high];

int mid = (low + high)/2; /*low + (high - low)/2;*/

/* If we reach a point where arr[mid] is greater than both of
its adjacent elements arr[mid-1] and arr[mid+1], then arr[mid]
is the maximum element*/
if( arr[mid] > arr[mid + 1] && arr[mid] > arr[mid - 1])
return arr[mid];

/* If arr[mid] is greater than the next element and smaller than the
element then maximum lies on left side of mid */
if(arr[mid] > arr[mid + 1] && arr[mid] < arr[mid - 1])
return findMaximum(arr, low, mid-1);
else// when arr[mid] is greater than arr[mid-1] and smaller than arr[mid+1]
return findMaximum(arr, mid + 1, high);

/* Driver program to check above functions */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 3, 50, 10, 9, 7, 6};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("The maximum element is %d", findMaximum(arr, 0, n-1));
P a g e | 189

return 0;
Time Complexity: O(Logn)
This method works only for distinct numbers. For example, it will not work for an
array like {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1}.
Count smaller elements on right side
January 23, 2012
Write a function to count number of smaller elements on right of each element in an
array. Given an unsorted array arr[] of distinct integers, construct another array
countSmaller[] such that countSmaller[i] contains count of smaller elements on right
side of each element arr[i] in array.
Input: arr[] = {12, 1, 2, 3, 0, 11, 4}
Output: countSmaller[] = {6, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0}

(Corner Cases)
Input: arr[] = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1}
Output: countSmaller[] = {4, 3, 2, 1, 0}

Input: arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Output: countSmaller[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
Method 1 (Simple)
Use two loops. The outer loop picks all elements from left to right. The inner loop
iterates through all the elements on right side of the picked element and updates
void constructLowerArray (int *arr[], int *countSmaller, int n)
int i, j;
P a g e | 190

// initialize all the counts in countSmaller array as 0
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
countSmaller[i] = 0;

for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
for(j = i+1; j < n; j++)
if(arr[j] < arr[i])

/* Utility function that prints out an array on a line */
void printArray(int arr[], int size)
int i;
for(i=0; i < size; i++)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);


// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
P a g e | 191

int arr[] = {12, 10, 5, 4, 2, 20, 6, 1, 0, 2};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int *low = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int )*n);
constructLowerArray(arr, low, n);
printArray(low, n);
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n^2)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Method 2 (Use Self Balancing BST)
A Self Balancing Binary Search Tree (AVL, Red Black,.. etc) can be used to get the
solution in O(nLogn) time complexity. We can augment these trees so that every
node N contains size the subtree rooted with N. We have used AVL tree in the
following implementation.
We traverse the array from right to left and insert all elements one by one in an AVL
tree. While inserting a new key in an AVL tree, we first compare the key with root. If
key is greater than root, then it is greater than all the nodes in left subtree of root.
So we add the size of left subtree to the count of smaller element for the key being
inserted. We recursively follow the same approach for all nodes down the root.
Following is C implementation.

// An AVL tree node
int key;
P a g e | 192

structnode *left;
structnode *right;
int height;
int size; // size of the tree rooted with this node

// A utility function to get maximum of two int egers
int max(int a, int b);

// A utility function to get height of the tree rooted with N
int height(structnode *N)
if(N == NULL)
return 0;
return N->height;

// A utility function to size of the tree of rooted with N
int size(structnode *N)
if(N == NULL)
return 0;
return N->size;

// A utility function to get maximum of two int egers
int max(int a, int b)
return (a > b)? a : b;
P a g e | 193


/* Helper function that allocates a new node with the given key and
NULL left and right pointers. */
structnode* newNode(int key)
structnode* node = (structnode*)
node->key = key;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
node->height = 1; // new node is initially added at leaf
node->size = 1;
return (node);

// A utility function to right rotate subtree rooted with y
structnode *rightRotate(structnode *y)
structnode *x = y->left;
structnode *T2 = x->right;

// Perform rotation
x->right = y;
y->left = T2;

// Update heights
y->height = max(height(y->left), height(y->right))+1;
x->height = max(height(x->left), height(x->right))+1;
P a g e | 194

// Update sizes
y->size = size(y->left) + size(y->right) + 1;
x->size = size(x->left) + size(x->right) + 1;

// Return new root
return x;

// A utility function to left rotate subtree rooted with x
structnode *leftRotate(structnode *x)
structnode *y = x->right;
structnode *T2 = y->left;

// Perform rotation
y->left = x;
x->right = T2;

// Update heights
x->height = max(height(x->left), height(x->right))+1;
y->height = max(height(y->left), height(y->right))+1;

// Update sizes
x->size = size(x->left) + size(x->right) + 1;
y->size = size(y->left) + size(y->right) + 1;

// Return new root
P a g e | 195

return y;

// Get Balance factor of node N
int getBalance(structnode *N)
if(N == NULL)
return 0;
return height(N->left) - height(N->right);

// Inserts a new key to the tree rotted with node. Also, updates *count
// to contain count of smaller elements for the new key
structnode* insert(structnode* node, int key, int *count)
/* 1. Perform the normal BST rotation */
if(node == NULL)
return (newNode(key));

if(key < node->key)
node->left = insert(node->left, key, count);
node->right = insert(node->right, key, count);

*count = *count + size(node->left) + 1;
P a g e | 196

/* 2. Update height and size of this ancestor node */
node->height = max(height(node->left), height(node->right)) + 1;
node->size = size(node->left) + size(node->right) + 1;

/* 3. Get the balance factor of this ancestor node to check whether
this node became unbalanced */
int balance = getBalance(node);

// If this node becomes unbalanced, then there are 4 cases

// Left Left Case
if(balance > 1 && key < node->left->key)
return rightRotate(node);

// Right Right Case
if(balance < -1 && key > node->right->key)
return leftRotate(node);

// Left Right Case
if(balance > 1 && key > node->left->key)
node->left = leftRotate(node->left);
return rightRotate(node);

// Right Left Case
P a g e | 197

if(balance < -1 && key < node->right->key)
node->right = rightRotate(node->right);
return leftRotate(node);

/* return the (unchanged) node pointer */
return node;

// The following function updates the countSmaller array to contain count of
// smaller elements on right side.
void constructLowerArray (int arr[], int countSmaller[], int n)
int i, j;
structnode *root = NULL;

// initialize all the counts in countSmaller array as 0
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
countSmaller[i] = 0;

// Starting from rightmost element, insert all elements one by one in
// an AVL tree and get the count of smaller elements
for(i = n-1; i >= 0; i--)
root = insert(root, arr[i], &countSmaller[i]);
P a g e | 198

/* Utility function that prints out an array on a line */
void printArray(int arr[], int size)
int i;
for(i=0; i < size; i++)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
int arr[] = {10, 6, 15, 20, 30, 5, 7};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);

int *low = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int )*n);

constructLowerArray(arr, low, n);

printf("Following is the constructed smaller count array");
printArray(low, n);
return 0;
Following is the constructed smaller count array
3 1 2 2 2 0 0
P a g e | 199

Time Complexity: O(nLogn)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)
Minimum number of jumps to reach end
January 24, 2012
Given an array of integers where each element represents the max number of steps
that can be made forward from that element. Write a function to return the minimum
number of jumps to reach the end of the array (starting from the first element). If an
element is 0, then cannot move through that element.
Input: arr[] = {1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 2, 6, 7, 6, 8, 9}
Output: 3 (1-> 3 -> 8 ->9)
First element is 1, so can only go to 3. Second element is 3, so can make at most 3
steps eg to 5 or 8 or 9.
Method 1 (Naive Recursive Approach)
A naive approach is to start from the first element and recursively call for all the
elements reachable from first element. The minimum number of jumps to reach end
from first can be calculated using minimum number of jumps needed to reach end
from the elements reachable from first.
minJumps(start, end) = Min ( minJumps(k, end) ) for all k reachable from start
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>

// Returns minimum number of jumps to reach arr[h] from arr[l]
int minJumps(int arr[], int l, int h)
// Base case: when source and destination are same
if(h == l)
return 0;
P a g e | 200

// When nothing is reachable from the given source
if(arr[l] == 0)
return INT_MAX;

// Traverse through all the points reachable from arr[l]. Recursively
// get the minimum number of jumps needed to reach arr[h] from these
// reachable points.
int min = INT_MAX;
for(int i = l+1; i <= h && i <= l + arr[l]; i++)
int jumps = minJumps(arr, i, h);
if(jumps != INT_MAX && jumps + 1 < min)
min = jumps + 1;

return min;

// Driver program to test above function
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 3, 6, 3, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 5};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("Minimum number of jumps to reach end is %d ", minJumps(arr, 0, n-
return 0;
P a g e | 201

If we trace the execution of this method, we can see that there will be overlapping
subproblems. For example, minJumps(3, 9) will be called two times as arr[3] is
reachable from arr[1] and arr[2]. So this problem has both properties (optimal
substructure and overlapping subproblems) of Dynamic Programming.

Method 2 (Dynamic Programming)
In this method, we build a jumps[] array from left to right such that jumps[i] indicates
the minimum number of jumps needed to reach arr[i] from arr[0]. Finally, we return
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>

// Returns minimum number of jumps to reach arr[n-1] from arr[0]
int minJumps(int arr[], int n)
int *jumps = newint[n]; // jumps[n-1] will hold the result
int i, j;

if(n == 0 || arr[0] == 0)
return INT_MAX;

jumps[0] = 0;

// Find the minimum number of jumps to reach arr[i]
// from arr[0], and assign this value to jumps[i]
for(i = 1; i < n; i++)
jumps[i] = INT_MAX;
for(j = 0; j < i; j++)
P a g e | 202

if(i <= j + arr[j] && jumps[j] != INT_MAX)
jumps[i] = jumps[j] + 1;
return jumps[n-1];

// Driver program to test above function
int main()
int arr[]= {1, 3, 6, 1, 0, 9};
int size=sizeof(arr)/sizeof(int );
printf("Minimum number of jumps to reach end is %d ", minJumps(arr,size));
return 0;
Thanks to paras for suggesting this method.
Time Complexity: O(n^2)

Method 3 (Dynamic Programming)
In this method, we build jumps[] array from right to left such that jumps[i] indicates
the minimum number of jumps needed to reach arr[n-1] from arr[i]. Finally, we return
int minJumps(int arr[], int n)
P a g e | 203

int *jumps = newint[n]; // jumps[0] will hold the result
int min;

// Minimum number of jumps needed to reach last element
// from last elements itself is always 0
jumps[n-1] = 0;

int i, j;

// Start from the second element, move from right to left
// and construct the jumps[] array where jumps[i] represents
// minimum number of jumps needed to reach arr[m-1] from arr[i]
for(i = n-2; i >=0; i--)
// If arr[i] is 0 then arr[n-1] can't be reached from here
if(arr[i] == 0)
jumps[i] = INT_MAX;

// If we can direcly reach to the end point from here then
// jumps[i] is 1
elseif(arr[i] >= n - i - 1)
jumps[i] = 1;

// Otherwise, to find out the minimum number of jumps needed
// to reach arr[n-1], check all the points reachable from here
// and jumps[] value for those points
P a g e | 204

min = INT_MAX; // initialize min value

// following loop checks with all reachable points and
// takes the minimum
for(j = i+1; j < n && j <= arr[i] + i; j++)
if(min > jumps[j])
min = jumps[j];

// Handle overflow
if(min != INT_MAX)
jumps[i] = min + 1;
jumps[i] = min; // or INT_MAX

return jumps[0];
Time Complexity: O(n^2) in worst case.
Implement two stacks in an array
April 9, 2012
Create a data structure twoStacks that represents two stacks. Implementation
of twoStacks should use only one array, i.e., both stacks should use the same array
for storing elements. Following functions must be supported by twoStacks.
P a g e | 205

push1(int x) > pushes x to first stack
push2(int x) > pushes x to second stack
pop1() > pops an element from first stack and return the popped element
pop2() > pops an element from second stack and return the popped element
Implementation of twoStack should be space efficient.
Method 1 (Divide the space in two halves)
A simple way to implement two stacks is two divide the array in two halves and
assign the half half space to two stacks, i.e., use arr[0] to arr[n/2] for stack1, and
arr[n/2+1] to arr[n-1] for stack2 where arr[] is the array to be used to implement two
stacks and size of array be n.
The problem with this method is inefficient use of array space. A stack push
operation may result in stack overflow even if there is space available in arr[]. For
example, say the array size is 6 and we push 3 elements to stack1 and do not push
anything to second stack2. When we push 4th element to stack1, there will be
overflow even if we have space for 3 more elements in array.
Method 2 (A space efficient implementation)
This method efficiently utilizes the available space. It doesnt cause an overflow if
there is space available in arr[]. The idea is to start two stacks from two extreme
corners of arr[]. stack1 starts from the leftmost element, the first element in stack1 is
pushed at index 0. The stack2 starts from the rightmost corner, the first element in
stack2 is pushed at index (n-1). Both stacks grow (or shrink) in opposite direction.
To check for overflow, all we need to check is for space between top elements of
both stacks. This check is highlighted in the below code.


P a g e | 206

int *arr;
int size;
int top1, top2;
twoStacks(int n) // constructor
size = n;
arr = newint[n];
top1 = -1;
top2 = size;

// Method to push an element x to stack1
void push1(int x)
// There is at least one empty space for new element
if(top1 < top2 - 1)
arr[top1] = x;
cout << "Stack Overflow";

// Method to push an element x to stack2
P a g e | 207

void push2(int x)
// There is at least one empty space for new element
if(top1 < top2 - 1)
arr[top2] = x;
cout << "Stack Overflow";

// Method to pop an element from first stack
int pop1()
if(top1 >= 0 )
int x = arr[top1];
return x;
cout << "Stack UnderFlow";
P a g e | 208


// Method to pop an element from second stack
int pop2()
if(top2 < size)
int x = arr[top2];
return x;
cout << "Stack UnderFlow";

/* Driver program to test twStacks class */
int main()
twoStacks ts(5);
P a g e | 209

cout << "Popped element from stack1 is "<< ts.pop1();
cout << "\nPopped element from stack2 is "<< ts.pop2();
return 0;
Popped element from stack1 is 11
Popped element from stack2 is 40
Time complexity of all 4 operations of twoStack is O(1).
We will extend to 3 stacks in an array in a separate post.
Find subarray with given sum
May 13, 2012
Given an unsorted array of nonnegative integers, find a continous subarray which
adds to a given number.
Input: arr[] = {1, 4, 20, 3, 10, 5}, sum = 33
Ouptut: Sum found between indexes 2 and 4

Input: arr[] = {1, 4, 0, 0, 3, 10, 5}, sum = 7
Ouptut: Sum found between indexes 1 and 4

Input: arr[] = {1, 4}, sum = 0
Output: No subarray found
There may be more than one subarrays with sum as the given sum. The following
solutions print first such subarray.
Source: Google Interview Question
Method 1 (Simple)
A simple solution is to consider all subarrays one by one and check the sum of
P a g e | 210

every subarray. Following program implements the simple solution. We run two
loops: the outer loop picks a starting point i and the inner loop tries all subarrays
starting from i.
/* A simple program to print subarray with sum as given sum */

/* Returns true if the there is a subarray of arr[] with sum equal to 'sum'
otherwise return s false. Also, prints the result */
int subArraySum(int arr[], int n, int sum)
int curr_sum, i, j;

// Pick a starting point
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
curr_sum = arr[i];

// try all subarrays starting with 'i'
for(j = i+1; j <= n; j++)
if(curr_sum == sum)
printf("Sum found between indexes %d and %d", i, j-1);
return 1;
if(curr_sum > sum || j == n)
curr_sum = curr_sum + arr[j];
P a g e | 211


printf("No subarray found");
return 0;

// Driver program to test above function
int main()
int arr[] = {15, 2, 4, 8, 9, 5, 10, 23};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int sum = 23;
subArraySum(arr, n, sum);
return 0;
Sum found between indexes 1 and 4
Time Complexity: O(n^2) in worst case.

Method 2 (Efficient)
Initialize a variable curr_sum as first element. curr_sum indicates the sum of current
subarray. Start from the second element and add all elements one by one to the
curr_sum. If curr_sum becomes equal to sum, then print the solution. If curr_sum
exceeds the sum, then remove trailing elemnents while curr_sum is greater than
Following is C implementation of the above approach.
/* An efficient program to print subarray with sum as given sum */
P a g e | 212


/* Returns true if the there is a subarray of arr[] with sum equal to 'sum'
otherwise return s false. Also, prints the result */
int subArraySum(int arr[], int n, int sum)
/* Initialize curr_sum as value of first element
and starting point as 0 */
int curr_sum = arr[0], start = 0, i;

/* Add elements one by one to curr_sum and if the curr_sum exceeds the
sum, then remove starting element */
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
// If curr_sum exceeds the sum, then remove the starting elements
while(curr_sum > sum && start < i-1)
curr_sum = curr_sum - arr[start];

// If curr_sum becomes equal to sum, then return true
if(curr_sum == sum)
printf("Sum found between indexes %d and %d", start, i-1);
return 1;

// Add this element to curr_sum
P a g e | 213

if(i < n)
curr_sum = curr_sum + arr[i];

// If we reach here, then no subarray
printf("No subarray found");
return 0;

// Driver program to test above function
int main()
int arr[] = {15, 2, 4, 8, 9, 5, 10, 23};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int sum = 23;
subArraySum(arr, n, sum);
return 0;
Sum found between indexes 1 and 4
Time complexity of method 2 looks more than O(n), but if we take a closer look at
the program, then we can figure out the time complexity is O(n). We can prove it by
counting the number of operations performed on every element of arr[] in worst
case. There are at most 2 operations performed on every element: (a) the element
is added to the curr_sum (b) the element is subtracted from curr_sum. So the upper
bound on number of operations is 2n which is O(n).
Dynamic Programming | Set 14 (Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence)
May 15, 2012
P a g e | 214

Given an array of n positive integers. Write a program to find the sum of maximum
sum subsequence of the given array such that the intgers in the subsequence are
sorted in increasing order. For example, if input is {1, 101, 2, 3, 100, 4, 5}, then
output should be 106 (1 + 2 + 3 + 100), if the input array is {3, 4, 5, 10}, then output
should be 22 (3 + 4 + 5 + 10) and if the input array is {10, 5, 4, 3}, then output
should be 10
This problem is a variation of standard Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS)
problem. We need a slight change in the Dynamic Programming solution of LIS
problem. All we need to change is to use sum as a criteria instead of length of
increasing subsequence.
Following is C implementation for Dynamic Programming solution of the problem.
/* Dynamic Programming implementation of Maximum Sum Increasing
Subsequence (MSIS) problem */

/* maxSumIS() return s the maximum sum of increasing subsequence in arr[] of
size n */
int maxSumIS( int arr[], int n )
int *msis, i, j, max = 0;
msis = (int *) malloc( sizeof( int ) * n );

/* Initialize msis values for all indexes */
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
msis[i] = arr[i];

/* Compute maximum sum values in bottom up manner */
for( i = 1; i < n; i++ )
P a g e | 215

for( j = 0; j < i; j++ )
if( arr[i] > arr[j] && msis[i] < msis[j] + arr[i])
msis[i] = msis[j] + arr[i];

/* Pick maximum of all msis values */
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
if( max < msis[i] )
max = msis[i];

/* Free memory to avoid memory leak */
free( msis );

return max;

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 101, 2, 3, 100, 4, 5};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("Sum of maximum sum increasing subsequence is %d\n",
maxSumIS( arr, n ) );

return 0;
Time Complexity: O(n^2)
Source: Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence Problem
P a g e | 216

Longest Monotonically Increasing Subsequence Size (N log N)
May 18, 2012
After few months of gap posting an algo. The current post is pending from long time,
and many readers (e.g. here, here, here may be few more, I am not keeping track of
all) are posting requests for explanation of the below problem.
Given an array of random numbers. Find longest monotonically
increasing subsequence (LIS) in the array. I know many of you might have
read recursive and dynamic programming (DP) solutions. There are few
requests for O(N log N) algo in the forum posts.
For the time being, forget about recursive and DP solutions. Let us take small
samples and extend the solution to large instances. Even though it may look
complex at first time, once if we understood the logic, coding is simple.
Consider an input array A = {2, 5, 3}. I will extend the array during explanation.
By observation we know that the LIS is either {2, 3} or {2, 5}. Note that I am
considering only strictly increasing monotone sequences.
Let us add two more elements, say 7, 11 to the array. These elements will extend
the existing sequences. Now the increasing sequences are {2, 3, 7, 11} and {2, 5, 7,
11} for the input array {2, 5, 3, 7, 11}.
Further, we add one more element, say 8 to the array i.e. input array becomes {2, 5,
3, 7, 11, 8}. Note that the latest element 8 is greater than smallest element of any
active sequence (will discuss shortly about active sequences). How can we extend
the existing sequences with 8? First of all, can 8 be part of LIS? If yes, how? If we
want to add 8, it should come after 7 (by replacing 11).
Since the approach is offline (what we mean by offline?), we are not sure whether
adding 8 will extend the series or not. Assume there is 9 in the input array, say {2, 5,
3, 7, 11, 8, 7, 9 }. We can replace 11 with 8, as there is potentially best candidate
(9) that can extend the new series {2, 3, 7, 8} or {2, 5, 7, 8}.
Our observation is, assume that the end element of largest sequence is E. We can
add (replace) current element A[i] to the existing sequence if there is an element A[j]
P a g e | 217

(j > i) such that E < A[i] < A[j] or (E > A[i] < A[j] for replace). In the above example,
E = 11, A[i] = 8 and A[j] = 9.
In case of our original array {2, 5, 3}, note that we face same situation when we are
adding 3 to increasing sequence {2, 5}. I just created two increasing sequences to
make explanation simple. Instead of two sequences, 3 can replace 5 in the
sequence {2, 5}.
I know it will be confusing, I will clear it shortly!
The question is, when will it be safe to add or replace an element in the existing
Let us consider another sample A = {2, 5, 3}. Say, the next element is 1. How can it
extend the current sequences {2,3} or {2, 5}. Obviously, it cant extend either. Yet,
there is a potential that the new smallest element can be start of an LIS. To make it
clear, consider the array is {2, 5, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. Making 1 as new sequence will
create new sequence which is largest.
The observation is, when we encounter new smallest element in the array, it can be
a potential candidate to start new sequence.
From the observations, we need to maintain lists of increasing sequences.
In general, we have set of active lists of varying length. We are adding an element
A[i] to these lists. We scan the lists (for end elements) in decreasing order of their
length. We will verify the end elements of all the lists to find a list whose end
element is smaller than A[i] (floor value).
Our strategy determined by the following conditions,
1. If A[i] is smallest among all end candidates of active lists, we will start new
active list of length 1.
2. If A[i] is largest among all end candidates of active lists, we will clone
the largest active list, and extend it by A[i].
3. If A[i] is in between, we will find a list with largest end element that is
smaller than A[i]. Clone and extend this list by A[i]. We will discard all other
lists of same length as that of this modified list.
P a g e | 218

Note that at any instance during our construction of active lists, the following
condition is maintained.
end element of smaller list is smaller than end elements of larger lists.
It will be clear with an example, let us take example from wiki {0, 8, 4, 12, 2, 10, 6,
14, 1, 9, 5, 13, 3, 11, 7, 15}.
A[0] = 0. Case 1. There are no active lists, create one.
A[1] = 8. Case 2. Clone and extend.
0, 8.
A[2] = 4. Case 3. Clone, extend and discard.
0, 4.
0, 8. Discarded
A[3] = 12. Case 2. Clone and extend.
0, 4.
0, 4, 12.
A[4] = 2. Case 3. Clone, extend and discard.
0, 2.
0, 4. Discarded.
0, 4, 12.
A[5] = 10. Case 3. Clone, extend and discard.
P a g e | 219

0, 2.
0, 2, 10.
0, 4, 12. Discarded.
A[6] = 6. Case 3. Clone, extend and discard.
0, 2.
0, 2, 6.
0, 2, 10. Discarded.
A[7] = 14. Case 2. Clone and extend.
0, 2.
0, 2, 6.
0, 2, 6, 14.
A[8] = 1. Case 3. Clone, extend and discard.
0, 1.
0, 2. Discarded.
0, 2, 6.
0, 2, 6, 14.
A[9] = 9. Case 3. Clone, extend and discard.
0, 1.
0, 2, 6.
0, 2, 6, 9.
0, 2, 6, 14. Discarded.
A[10] = 5. Case 3. Clone, extend and discard.
P a g e | 220

0, 1.
0, 1, 5.
0, 2, 6. Discarded.
0, 2, 6, 9.
A[11] = 13. Case 2. Clone and extend.
0, 1.
0, 1, 5.
0, 2, 6, 9.
0, 2, 6, 9, 13.
A[12] = 3. Case 3. Clone, extend and discard.
0, 1.
0, 1, 3.
0, 1, 5. Discarded.
0, 2, 6, 9.
0, 2, 6, 9, 13.
A[13] = 11. Case 3. Clone, extend and discard.
0, 1.
0, 1, 3.
0, 2, 6, 9.
0, 2, 6, 9, 11.
0, 2, 6, 9, 13. Discarded.
A[14] = 7. Case 3. Clone, extend and discard.
0, 1.
0, 1, 3.
0, 1, 3, 7.
P a g e | 221

0, 2, 6, 9. Discarded.
0, 2, 6, 9, 11.
A[15] = 15. Case 2. Clone and extend.
0, 1.
0, 1, 3.
0, 1, 3, 7.
0, 2, 6, 9, 11.
0, 2, 6, 9, 11, 15. <-- LIS List
It is required to understand above strategy to devise an algorithm. Also, ensure we
have maintained the condition, end element of smaller list is smaller than end
elements of larger lists. Try with few other examples, before reading further. It is
important to understand what happening to end elements.
Querying length of longest is fairly easy. Note that we are dealing with end elements
only. We need not to maintain all the lists. We can store the end elements in an
array. Discarding operation can be simulated with replacement, and extending a list
is analogous to adding more elements to array.
We will use an auxiliary array to keep end elements. The maximum length of this
array is that of input. In the worst case the array divided into N lists of size one (note
that it doest lead to worst case complexity). To discard an element, we will trace
ceil value of A[i] in auxiliary array (again observe the end elements in your rough
work), and replace ceil value with A[i]. We extend a list by adding element to
auxiliary array. We also maintain a counter to keep track of auxiliary array length.
Bonus: You have learnt Patience Sorting technique partially .
Here is a proverb, Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Involve
me and I will understand. So, pick a suit from deck of cards. Find the longest
P a g e | 222

increasing sub-sequence of cards from the shuffled suit. You will never forget the
Given below is code to find length of LIS,
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>


#define ARRAY_SIZE(A) sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0])
// Binary search (note boundaries in the caller)
// A[] is ceilIndex in the caller
int CeilIndex(int A[], int l, int r, int key) {
int m;

while( r - l > 1 ) {
m = l + (r - l)/2;
(A[m] >= key ? r : l) = m; // ternary expression return s an l-value

return r;

int LongestIncreasingSubsequenceLength(int A[], int size) {
// Add boundary case, when array size is one

int *tailTable = newint[size];
int len; // always points empty slot
P a g e | 223

memset(tailTable, 0, sizeof(tailTable[0])*size);

tailTable[0] = A[0];
len = 1;
for( int i = 1; i < size; i++ ) {
if( A[i] < tailTable[0] )
// new smallest value
tailTable[0] = A[i];
elseif( A[i] > tailTable[len-1] )
// A[i] wants to extend largest subsequence
tailTable[len++] = A[i];
// A[i] wants to be current end candidate of an existing
// It will replace ceil value in tailTable
tailTable[CeilIndex(tailTable, -1, len-1, A[i])] = A[i];

delete[] tailTable;

return len;

int main() {
int A[] = { 2, 5, 3, 7, 11, 8, 10, 13, 6 };
int n = ARRAY_SIZE(A);

printf("Length of Longest Increasing Subsequence is %d\n",
P a g e | 224

LongestIncreasingSubsequenceLength(A, n));

return 0;
The loop runs for N elements. In the worst case (what is worst case input?), we may
end up querying ceil value using binary search (log i) for many A[i].
Therefore, T(n) < O( log N! ) = O(N log N). Analyse to ensure that the upper and
lower bounds are also O( N log N ). The complexity is THETA (N log N).
1. Design an algorithm to construct the longest increasing list. Also, model your
solution using DAGs.
2. Design an algorithm to construct all monotonically increasing lists of equal
longest size.
3. Is the above algorithm an online algorithm?
4. Design an algorithm to construct the longest decreasing list..
Find a triplet that sum to a given value
May 22, 2012
Given an array and a value, find if there is a triplet in array whose sum is equal to
the given value. If there is such a triplet present in array, then print the triplet and
return true. Else return false. For example, if the given array is {12, 3, 4, 1, 6, 9} and
given sum is 24, then there is a triplet (12, 3 and 9) present in array whose sum is
Method 1 (Naive)
A simple method is to generate all possible triplets and compare the sum of every
triplet with the given value. The following code implements this simple method using
three nested loops.
P a g e | 225

# include <stdio.h>

// return s true if there is triplet with sum equal
// to 'sum' present in A[]. Also, prints the triplet
bool find3Numbers(int A[], int arr_size, int sum)
int l, r;

// Fix the first element as A[i]
for(int i = 0; i < arr_size-2; i++)
// Fix the second element as A[j]
for(int j = i+1; j < arr_size-1; j++)
// Now look for the third number
for(int k = j+1; k < arr_size; k++)
if(A[i] + A[j] + A[k] == sum)
printf("Triplet is %d, %d, %d", A[i], A[j], A[k]);
return true;

// If we reach here, then no triplet was found
return false;
P a g e | 226

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int A[] = {1, 4, 45, 6, 10, 8};
int sum = 22;
int arr_size = sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0]);

find3Numbers(A, arr_size, sum);

return 0;
Triplet is 4, 10, 8
Time Complexity: O(n^3)

Method 2 (Use Sorting)
Time complexity of the method 1 is O(n^3). The complexity can be reduced to
O(n^2) by sorting the array first, and then using method 1 of this post in a loop.
1) Sort the input array.
2) Fix the first element as A[i] where i is from 0 to array size 2. After fixing the first
element of triplet, find the other two elements using method 1 of this post.
# include <stdio.h>

// A utility function to sort an array using Quicksort
void quickSort(int *, int , int );
P a g e | 227

// return s true if there is triplet with sum equal
// to 'sum' present in A[]. Also, prints the triplet
bool find3Numbers(int A[], int arr_size, int sum)
int l, r;

/* Sort the elements */
quickSort(A, 0, arr_size-1);

/* Now fix the first element one by one and find the
other two elements */
for(int i = 0; i < arr_size - 2; i++)

// To find the other two elements, start two index variables
// from two corners of the array and move them toward each
// other
l = i + 1; // index of the first element in the remaining elements
r = arr_size-1; // index of the last element
while(l < r)
if( A[i] + A[l] + A[r] == sum)
printf("Triplet is %d, %d, %d", A[i], A[l], A[r]);
return true;
elseif(A[i] + A[l] + A[r] < sum)
P a g e | 228

else// A[i] + A[l] + A[r] > sum

// If we reach here, then no triplet was found
return false;

void exchange(int *a, int *b)
int temp;
temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;

int partition(int A[], int si, int ei)
int x = A[ei];
int i = (si - 1);
int j;

for(j = si; j <= ei - 1; j++)
if(A[j] <= x)
P a g e | 229

exchange(&A[i], &A[j]);
exchange (&A[i + 1], &A[ei]);
return (i + 1);

/* Implementation of Quick Sort
A[] --> Array to be sorted
si --> Starting index
ei --> Ending index
void quickSort(int A[], int si, int ei)
int pi; /* Partitioning index */
if(si < ei)
pi = partition(A, si, ei);
quickSort(A, si, pi - 1);
quickSort(A, pi + 1, ei);

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int A[] = {1, 4, 45, 6, 10, 8};
int sum = 22;
P a g e | 230

int arr_size = sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0]);

find3Numbers(A, arr_size, sum);

return 0;
Triplet is 4, 8, 10
Time Complexity: O(n^2)
Note that there can be more than one triplet with the given sum. We can easily
modify the above methods to print all triplets.
Find the smallest positive number missing from an unsorted array
May 22, 2012
You are given an unsorted array with both positive and negative elements. You
have to find the smallest positive number missing from the array in O(n) time using
constant extra space. You can modify the original array.
Input: {2, 3, 7, 6, 8, -1, -10, 15}
Output: 1

Input: { 2, 3, -7, 6, 8, 1, -10, 15 }
Output: 4

Input: {1, 1, 0, -1, -2}
Output: 2
Source: To find the smallest positive no missing from an unsorted array
P a g e | 231

A naive method to solve this problem is to search all positive integers, starting from
1 in the given array. We may have to search at most n+1 numbers in the given
array. So this solution takes O(n^2) in worst case.
We can use sorting to solve it in lesser time complexity. We can sort the array in
O(nLogn) time. Once the array is sorted, then all we need to do is a linear scan of
the array. So this approach takes O(nLogn + n) time which is O(nLogn).
We can also use hashing. We can build a hash table of all positive elements in the
given array. Once the hash table is built. We can look in the hash table for all
positive integers, starting from 1. As soon as we find a number which is not there in
hash table, we return it. This approach may take O(n) time on average, but it
requires O(n) extra space.
A O(n) time and O(1) extra space solution:
The idea is similar to this post. We use array elements as index. To mark presence
of an element x, we change the value at the index x to negative. But this approach
doesnt work if there are non-positive (-ve and 0) numbers. So we segregate
positive from negative numbers as first step and then apply the approach.
Following is the two step algorithm.
1) Segregate positive numbers from others i.e., move all non-positive numbers to
left side. In the following code, segregate() function does this part.
2) Now we can ignore non-positive elements and consider only the part of array
which contains all positive elements. We traverse the array containing all positive
numbers and to mark presence of an element x, we change the sign of value at
index x to negative. We traverse the array again and print the first index which has
positive value. In the following code, findMissingPositive() function does this part.
Note that in findMissingPositive, we have subtracted 1 from the values as indexes
start from 0 in C.
/* Program to find the smallest positive missing number */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* Utility to swap to int egers */
P a g e | 232

void swap(int *a, int *b)
int temp;
temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;

/* Utility function that puts all non-positive (0 and negative) numbers on
side of arr[] and return count of such numbers */
int segregate (int arr[], int size)
int j = 0, i;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(arr[i] <= 0)
swap(&arr[i], &arr[j]);
j++; // increment count of non-positive int egers

return j;

/* Find the smallest positive missing number in an array that contains
all positive int egers */
int findMissingPositive(int arr[], int size)
P a g e | 233

int i;

// Mark arr[i] as visited by making arr[arr[i] - 1] negative. Note that
// 1 is subtracted because index start from 0 and positive numbers start
from 1
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(abs(arr[i]) - 1 < size && arr[abs(arr[i]) - 1] > 0)
arr[abs(arr[i]) - 1] = -arr[abs(arr[i]) - 1];

// Return the first index value at which is positive
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(arr[i] > 0)
return i+1; // 1 is added becuase indexes start from 0

return size+1;

/* Find the smallest positive missing number in an array that contains
both positive and negative int egers */
int findMissing(int arr[], int size)
// First separate positive and negative numbers
int shift = segregate (arr, size);

// Shift the array and call findMissingPositive for
// positive part
P a g e | 234

return findMissingPositive(arr+shift, size-shift);

int main()
int arr[] = {0, 10, 2, -10, -20};
int arr_size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int missing = findMissing(arr, arr_size);
printf("The smallest positive missing number is %d ", missing);
return 0;
The smallest positive missing number is 1
Note that this method modifies the original array. We can change the sign of
elements in the segregated array to get the same set of elements back. But we still
loose the order of elements. If we want to keep the original array as it was, then we
can create a copy of the array and run this approach on the temp array.
Find the two numbers with odd occurrences in an unsorted array
May 24, 2012
Given an unsorted array that contains even number of occurrences for all numbers
except two numbers. Find the two numbers which have odd occurrences in O(n)
time complexity and O(1) extra space.
Input: {12, 23, 34, 12, 12, 23, 12, 45}
Output: 34 and 45

Input: {4, 4, 100, 5000, 4, 4, 4, 4, 100, 100}
P a g e | 235

Output: 100 and 5000

Input: {10, 20}
Output: 10 and 20
A naive method to solve this problem is to run two nested loops. The outer loop
picks an element and the inner loop counts the number of occurrences of the picked
element. If the count of occurrences is odd then print the number. The time
complexity of this method is O(n^2).
We can use sorting to get the odd occurring numbers in O(nLogn) time. First sort
the numbers using an O(nLogn) sorting algorithm like Merge Sort, Heap Sort.. etc.
Once the array is sorted, all we need to do is a linear scan of the array and print the
odd occurring number.
We can also use hashing. Create an empty hash table which will have elements
and their counts. Pick all elements of input array one by one. Look for the picked
element in hash table. If the element is found in hash table, increment its count in
table. If the element is not found, then enter it in hash table with count as 1. After all
elements are entered in hash table, scan the hash table and print elements with odd
count. This approach may take O(n) time on average, but it requires O(n) extra

A O(n) time and O(1) extra space solution:
The idea is similar to method 2 of this post. Let the two odd occurring numbers be x
and y. We use bitwise XOR to get x and y. The first step is to do XOR of all
elements present in array. XOR of all elements gives us XOR of x and y because of
the following properties of XOR operation.
1) XOR of any number n with itself gives us 0, i.e., n ^ n = 0
2) XOR of any number n with 0 gives us n, i.e., n ^ 0 = n
3) XOR is cumulative and associative.
So we have XOR of x and y after the first step. Let the value of XOR be xor2. Every
set bit in xor2 indicates that the corresponding bits in x and y have values different
from each other. For example, if x = 6 (0110) and y is 15 (1111), then xor2 will be
(1001), the two set bits in xor2 indicate that the corresponding bits in x and y are
P a g e | 236

different. In the second step, we pick a set bit of xor2 and divide array elements in
two groups. Both x and y will go to different groups. In the following code, the
rightmost set bit of xor2 is picked as it is easy to get rightmost set bit of a number. If
we do XOR of all those elements of array which have the corresponding bit set (or
1), then we get the first odd number. And if we do XOR of all those elements which
have the corresponding bit 0, then we get the other odd occurring number. This step
works because of the same properties of XOR. All the occurrences of a number will
go in same set. XOR of all occurrences of a number which occur even number
number of times will result in 0 in its set. And the xor of a set will be one of the odd
occurring elements.
// Program to find the two odd occurring elements

/* Prints two numbers that occur odd number of times. The
function assumes that the array size is at least 2 and
there are exactly two numbers occurring odd number of times. */
void printTwoOdd(int arr[], int size)
int xor2 = arr[0]; /* Will hold XOR of two odd occurring elements */
int set_bit_no; /* Will have only single set bit of xor2 */
int i;
int n = size - 2;
int x = 0, y = 0;

/* Get the xor of all elements in arr[]. The xor will basically
be xor of two odd occurring elements */
for(i = 1; i < size; i++)
xor2 = xor2 ^ arr[i];

/* Get one set bit in the xor2. We get rightmost set bit
P a g e | 237

in the following line as it is easy to get */
set_bit_no = xor2 & ~(xor2-1);

/* Now divide elements in two sets:
1) The elements having the corresponding bit as 1.
2) The elements having the corresponding bit as 0. */
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
/* XOR of first set is finally going to hold one odd
occurring number x */
if(arr[i] & set_bit_no)
x = x ^ arr[i];

/* XOR of second set is finally going to hold the other
odd occurring number y */
y = y ^ arr[i];

printf("\n The two ODD elements are %d & %d ", x, y);

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr[] = {4, 2, 4, 5, 2, 3, 3, 1};
int arr_size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printTwoOdd(arr, arr_size);
P a g e | 238

return 0;
The two ODD elements are 5 & 1
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
The Celebrity Problem
June 3, 2012
Another classical problem.
In a party of N people, only one person is known to everyone. Such a
person may be present in the party, if yes, (s)he doesnt know anyone in the
party. We can only ask questions like does A know B? . Find the stranger
(celebrity) in minimum number of questions.
We can describe the problem input as an array of numbers/characters representing
persons in the party. We also have a hypothetical function HaveAcquaintance(A,
B) which returns true if A knows B, falseotherwise. How can we solve the problem,
try yourself first.
We measure the complexity in terms of calls made to HaveAcquaintance().
We can model the solution using graphs. Initialize indegree and outdegree of every
vertex as 0. If A knows B, draw a directed edge from A to B, increase indegree of B
and outdegree of A by 1. Construct all possible edges of the graph for every
possible pair [i, j]. We have N
pairs. If celebrity is present in the party, we will have
one sink node in the graph with outdegree of zero, and indegree of N-1. We can find
the sink node in (N) time, but the overall complexity is O(N
) as we need to
construct the graph first.
P a g e | 239

We can decompose the problem into combination of smaller instances. Say, if we
know celebrity of N-1 persons, can we extend the solution to N? We have two
possibilities, Celebrity(N-1) may know N, or N already knew Celebrity(N-1). In the
former case, N will be celebrity if N doesnt know anyone else. In the later case we
need to check that Celebrity(N-1) doesnt know N.
Solve the problem of smaller instance during divide step. On the way back, we may
find a celebrity from the smaller instance. During combine stage, check whether the
returned celebrity is known to everyone and he doesnt know anyone. The
recurrence of the recursive decomposition is,
T(N) = T(N-1) + O(N)
T(N) = O(N
). You may try Writing pseudo code to check your recursion skills.
Using Stack:
The graph construction takes O(N
) time, it is similar to brute force search. In case
of recursion, we reduce the problem instance by not more than one, and also
combine step may examine M-1 persons (M instance size).
We have following observation based on elimination technique (Refer Polyas How
to Solve It book).
If A knows B, then A cant be celebrity. Discard A, and B may be celebrity.
If A doesnt know B, then B cant be celebrity. Discard B, and A may be
Repeat above two steps till we left with only one person.
Ensure the remained person is celebrity. (Why do we need this step?)
We can use stack to verity celebrity.
1. Push all the celebrities into a stack.
2. Pop off top two persons from the stack, discard one person based on return
status ofHaveAcquaintance(A, B).
3. Push the remained person onto stack.
4. Repeat step 2 and 3 until only one person remains in the stack.
5. Check the remained person in stack doesnt have acquaintance with anyone
P a g e | 240

We will discard N elements utmost (Why?). If the celebrity is present in the party, we
will callHaveAcquaintance() 3(N-1) times. Here is code using stack.
#include <iostream>
#include <list>

// Max # of persons in the party
#define N 8

// Celebrities identified with numbers from 0 through size-1
int size = 4;
// Person with 2 is celebrity
bool MATRIX[N][N] = {{0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}};

bool HaveAcquiantance(int a, int b) { return MATRIX[a][b]; }

int CelebrityUsingStack(int size)
// Handle trivial case of size = 2

list<int > stack; // Careful about naming
int i;
int C; // Celebrity

i = 0;
while( i < size )
i = i + 1;

int A = stack.back();

int B = stack.back();

while( stack.size() != 1 )
if( HaveAcquiantance(A, B) )
A = stack.back();
B = stack.back();

// Potential candidate?
C = stack.back();

P a g e | 241

// Last candidate was not examined, it leads one excess comparison
if( HaveAcquiantance(C, B) )
C = B;

if( HaveAcquiantance(C, A) )
C = A;

// I know these are redundant,
// we can simply check i against C
i = 0;
while( i < size )
if( C != i )
i = i + 1;

while( !stack.empty() )
i = stack.back();

// C must not know i
if( HaveAcquiantance(C, i) )
return -1;

// i must know C
if( !HaveAcquiantance(i, C) )
return -1;

return C;

int main()
int id = CelebrityUsingStack(size);
id == -1 ? cout << "No celebrity": cout << "Celebrity ID "<< id;
return 0;
Celebrity ID 2
Complexity O(N). Total comparisons 3(N-1). Try the above code for successful
MATRIX {{0, 0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 1}}.
A Note:
You may think that why do we need a new graph as we already have access to
input matrix. Note that the matrix MATRIX used to help the hypothetical
P a g e | 242

function HaveAcquaintance(A, B), but never accessed via usual notation MATRIX[i,
j]. We have access to the input only through the function HaveAcquiantance(A, B).
Matrix is just a way to code the solution. We can assume the cost of hypothetical
function as O(1).
If still not clear, assume that the function HaveAcquiantance accessing information
stored in a set of linked lists arranged in levels. List node will
have next and nextLevel pointers. Every level will have N nodes i.e. an N element
list, next points to next node in the current level list and the nextLevel pointer in last
node of every list will point to head of next level list. For example the linked list
representation of above matrix looks like,
L0 0->0->1->0
L1 0->0->1->0
L2 0->0->1->0
L3 0->0->1->0
The function HaveAcquanintance(i, j) will search in the list for j-th node in the i-
th level. Out goal is to minimize calls to HaveAcquanintance function.
1. Write code to find celebrity. Dont use any data structures like graphs, stack,
etc you have access to Nand HaveAcquaintance(int, int) only.
2. Implement the algorithm using Queues. What is your observation? Compare your
solution with Finding Maximum and Minimum in an array and Tournament Tree.
What are minimum number of comparisons do we need (optimal number of calls
to HaveAcquaintance())?
Dynamic Programming | Set 15 (Longest Bitonic Subsequence)
June 6, 2012
Given an array arr[0 ... n-1] containing n positive integers, a subsequence of arr[] is
called Bitonic if it is first increasing, then decreasing. Write a function that takes an
array as argument and returns the length of the longest bitonic subsequence.
P a g e | 243

A sequence, sorted in increasing order is considered Bitonic with the decreasing
part as empty. Similarly, decreasing order sequence is considered Bitonic with the
increasing part as empty.
Input arr[] = {1, 11, 2, 10, 4, 5, 2, 1};
Output: 6 (A Longest Bitonic Subsequence of length 6 is
1, 2, 10, 4, 2, 1)

Input arr[] = {12, 11, 40, 5, 3, 1}
Output: 5 (A Longest Bitonic Subsequence of length 5 is
12, 11, 5, 3, 1)

Input arr[] = {80, 60, 30, 40, 20, 10}
Output: 5 (A Longest Bitonic Subsequence of length 5 is
80, 60, 30, 20, 10)
Source: Microsoft Interview Question
This problem is a variation of standard Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS)
problem. Let the input array be arr[] of length n. We need to construct two arrays
lis[] and lds[] using Dynamic Programming solution of LIS problem. lis[i] stores the
length of the Longest Increasing subsequence ending with arr[i]. lds[i] stores the
length of the longest Decreasing subsequence starting from arr[i]. Finally, we need
to return the max value of lis[i] + lds[i] 1 where i is from 0 to n-1.
Following is C++ implementation of the above Dynamic Programming solution.
/* Dynamic Programming implementation of longest bitonic subsequence problem

/* lbs() return s the length of the Longest Bitonic Subsequence in
arr[] of size n. The function mainly creates two temporary arrays
P a g e | 244

lis[] and lds[] and return s the maximum lis[i] + lds[i] - 1.

lis[i] ==> Longest Increasing subsequence ending with arr[i]
lds[i] ==> Longest decreasing subsequence starting with arr[i]
int lbs( int arr[], int n )
int i, j;

/* Allocate memory for LIS[] and initialize LIS values as 1 for
all indexes */
int *lis = newint[n];
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
lis[i] = 1;

/* Compute LIS values from left to right */
for( i = 1; i < n; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < i; j++ )
if( arr[i] > arr[j] && lis[i] < lis[j] + 1)
lis[i] = lis[j] + 1;

/* Allocate memory for lds and initialize LDS values for
all indexes */
int *lds = newint[n];
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
lds[i] = 1;

/* Compute LDS values from right to left */
P a g e | 245

for( i = n-2; i >= 0; i-- )
for( j = n-1; j > i; j-- )
if( arr[i] > arr[j] && lds[i] < lds[j] + 1)
lds[i] = lds[j] + 1;

/* Return the maximum value of lis[i] + lds[i] - 1*/
int max = lis[0] + lds[0] - 1;
for(i = 1; i < n; i++)
if(lis[i] + lds[i] - 1 > max)
max = lis[i] + lds[i] - 1;
return max;

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr[] = {0, 8, 4, 12, 2, 10, 6, 14, 1, 9, 5, 13, 3, 11, 7, 15};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("Length of LBS is %d\n", lbs( arr, n ) );

return 0;
Length of LBS is 7
Time Complexity: O(n^2)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)
P a g e | 246

Find a sorted subsequence of size 3 in linear time
June 8, 2012
Given an array of n integers, find the 3 elements such that a[i] < a[j] < a[k] and i < j <
k in 0(n) time. If there are multiple such triplets, then print any one of them.
Input: arr[] = {12, 11, 10, 5, 6, 2, 30}
Output: 5, 6, 30

Input: arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4}
Output: 1, 2, 3 OR 1, 2, 4 OR 2, 3, 4

Input: arr[] = {4, 3, 2, 1}
Output: No such triplet
Source: Amazon Interview Question
Hint: Use Auxiliary Space
1) Create an auxiliary array smaller[0..n-1]. smaller[i] should store the index of a
number which is smaller than arr[i] and is on left side of arr[i]. smaller[i] should
contain -1 if there is no such element.
2) Create another auxiliary array greater[0..n-1]. greater[i] should store the index of
a number which is greater than arr[i] and is on right side of arr[i]. greater[i] should
contain -1 if there is no such element.
3) Finally traverse both smaller[] and greater[] and find the index i for which both
smaller[i] and greater[i] are not -1.

// A function to fund a sorted subsequence of size 3
void find3Numbers(int arr[], int n)
int max = n-1; //Index of maximum element from right
P a g e | 247

int min = 0; //Index of minimum element from left
int i;

// Create an array that will store index of a smaller
// element on left side. If there is no smaller
// on left side, then smaller[i] will be -1.
int *smaller = new int[n];
smaller[0] = -1; // first entry will always be -1
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (arr[i] <= arr[min])
min = i;
smaller[i] = -1;
smaller[i] = min;

// Create another array that will store index of a
// greater element on right side. If there is no
// element on right side, then greater[i] will be -1.
int *greater = new int[n];
greater[n-1] = -1; // last entry will always be -1
for (i = n-2; i >= 0; i--)
if (arr[i] >= arr[max])
max = i;
greater[i] = -1;
greater[i] = max;
P a g e | 248

// Now find a number which has both a greater number
// right side and smaller number on left side
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (smaller[i] != -1 && greater[i] != -1)
printf("%d %d %d", arr[smaller[i]],
arr[i], arr[greater[i]]);

// If we reach number, then there are no such 3
printf("No such triplet found");

// Free the dynamically alloced memory to avoid
memory leak
delete [] smaller;
delete [] greater;


// Driver program to test above function
int main()
int arr[] = {12, 11, 10, 5, 6, 2, 30};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
find3Numbers(arr, n);
return 0;
P a g e | 249

5 6 30
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxliary Space: O(n)
Source: How to find 3 numbers in increasing order and increasing indices in an
array in linear time
1. Find a subsequence of size 3 such that arr[i] < arr[j] > arr[k].
2. Find a sorted subsequence of size 4 in linear time
Largest subarray with equal number of 0s and 1s
June 26, 2012
Given an array containing only 0s and 1s, find the largest subarray which contain
equal no of 0s and 1s. Expected time complexity is O(n).
Input: arr[] = {1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0}
Output: 1 to 6 (Starting and Ending indexes of output

Input: arr[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}
Output: No such subarray

Input: arr[] = {0, 0, 1, 1, 0}
Output: 0 to 3 Or 1 to 4
Source: Largest subarray with equal number of 0s and 1s
Method 1 (Simple)
A simple method is to use two nested loops. The outer loop picks a starting point i.
The inner loop considers all subarrays starting from i. If size of a subarray is greater
than maximum size so far, then update the maximum size.
In the below code, 0s are considered as -1 and sum of all values from i to j is
calculated. If sum becomes 0, then size of this subarray is compared with largest
size so far.
P a g e | 250

// A simple program to find the largest subarray with equal number of 0s and
#include <stdio.h>

// This function Prints the starting and ending indexes of the largest
// with equal number of 0s and 1s. Also return s the size of such subarray.
int findSubArray(int arr[], int n)
int sum = 0;
int maxsize = -1, startindex;

// Pick a starting point as i
for(int i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
sum = (arr[i] == 0)? -1 : 1;

// Consider all subarrays starting from i
for(int j = i+1; j < n; j++)
(arr[j] == 0)? sum += -1: sum += 1;

// If this is a 0 sum subarray, then compare it with
// maximum size subarray calculated so far
if(sum == 0 && maxsize < j-i+1)
maxsize = j - i + 1;
startindex = i;
P a g e | 251

if( maxsize == -1 )
printf("No such subarray");
printf("%d to %d", startindex, startindex+maxsize-1);

return maxsize;

/* Driver program to test above functions*/
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1};
int size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);

findSubArray(arr, size);
return 0;
0 to 5
Time Complexity: O(n^2)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Method 2 (Tricky)
Following is a solution that uses O(n) extra space and solves the problem in O(n)
time complexity.
P a g e | 252

Let input array be arr[] of size n and maxsize be the size of output subarray.
1) Consider all 0 values as -1. The problem now reduces to find out the maximum
length subarray with sum = 0.
2) Create a temporary array sumleft[] of size n. Store the sum of all elements from
arr[0] to arr[i] in sumleft[i]. This can be done in O(n) time.
3) There are two cases, the output subarray may start from 0th index or may start
from some other index. We will return the max of the values obtained by two cases.
4) To find the maximum length subarray starting from 0th index, scan the sumleft[]
and find the maximum i where sumleft[i] = 0.
5) Now, we need to find the subarray where subarray sum is 0 and start index is not
0. This problem is equivalent to finding two indexes i & j in sumleft[] such that
sumleft[i] = sumleft[j] and j-i is maximum. To solve this, we can create a hash table
with size = max-min+1 where min is the minimum value in the sumleft[] and max is
the maximum value in the sumleft[]. The idea is to hash the leftmost occurrences of
all different values in sumleft[]. The size of hash is chosen as max-min+1 because
there can be these many different possible values in sumleft[]. Initialize all values in
hash as -1
6) To fill and use hash[], traverse sumleft[] from 0 to n-1. If a value is not present in
hash[], then store its index in hash. If the value is present, then calculate the
difference of current index of sumleft[] and previously stored value in hash[]. If this
difference is more than maxsize, then update the maxsize.
7) To handle corner cases (all 1s and all 0s), we initialize maxsize as -1. If the
maxsize remains -1, then print there is no such subarray.
// A O(n) program to find the largest subarray with equal number of 0s and 1s
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// A utility function to get maximum of two int egers
int max(int a, int b) { return a>b? a: b; }

// This function Prints the starting and ending indexes of the largest subarray
// with equal number of 0s and 1s. Also return s the size of such subarray.
int findSubArray(int arr[], int n)
P a g e | 253

int maxsize = -1, startindex; // variables to store result values

// Create an auxiliary array sunmleft[]. sumleft[i] will be sum of array
// elements from arr[0] to arr[i]
int sumleft[n];
int min, max; // For min and max values in sumleft[]
int i;

// Fill sumleft array and get min and max values in it.
// Consider 0 values in arr[] as -1
sumleft[0] = ((arr[0] == 0)? -1: 1);
min = arr[0]; max = arr[0];
for(i=1; i<n; i++)
sumleft[i] = sumleft[i-1] + ((arr[i] == 0)? -1: 1);
if(sumleft[i] < min)
min = sumleft[i];
if(sumleft[i] > max)
max = sumleft[i];

// Now calculate the max value of j - i such that sumleft[i] =
// The idea is to create a hash table to store indexes of all visited
// If you see a value again, that it is a case of sumleft[i] = sumleft[j].
// if this j-i is more than maxsize.
// The optimum size of hash will be max-min+1 as these many different
P a g e | 254

// of sumleft[i] are possible. Since we use optimum size, we need to shift
// all values in sumleft[] by min before using them as an index in hash[].
int hash[max-min+1];

// Initialize hash table
for(i=0; i<max-min+1; i++)
hash[i] = -1;

for(i=0; i<n; i++)
// Case 1: when the subarray starts from index 0
if(sumleft[i] == 0)
maxsize = i+1;
startindex = 0;

// Case 2: fill hash table value. If already filled, then use it
if(hash[sumleft[i]-min] == -1)
hash[sumleft[i]-min] = i;
if( (i - hash[sumleft[i]-min]) > maxsize )
maxsize = i - hash[sumleft[i]-min];
startindex = hash[sumleft[i]-min] + 1;
P a g e | 255

if( maxsize == -1 )
printf("No such subarray");
printf("%d to %d", startindex, startindex+maxsize-1);

return maxsize;

/* Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1};
int size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);

findSubArray(arr, size);
return 0;
0 to 5
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)
Dynamic Programming | Set 18 (Partition problem)
July 4, 2012
Partition problem is to determine whether a given set can be partitioned into two
subsets such that the sum of elements in both subsets is same.
P a g e | 256

arr[] = {1, 5, 11, 5}
Output: true
The array can be partitioned as {1, 5, 5} and {11}

arr[] = {1, 5, 3}
Output: false
The array cannot be partitioned into equal sum sets.
Following are the two main steps to solve this problem:
1) Calculate sum of the array. If sum is odd, there can not be two subsets with equal
sum, so return false.
2) If sum of array elements is even, calculate sum/2 and find a subset of array with
sum equal to sum/2.
The first step is simple. The second step is crucial, it can be solved either using
recursion or Dynamic Programming.
Recursive Solution
Following is the recursive property of the second step mentioned above.
Let isSubsetSum(arr, n, sum/2) be the function that
returns true if
there is a subset of arr[0..n-1] with sum equal to sum/2

The isSubsetSum problem can be divided into two
a) isSubsetSum() without considering last element
(reducing n to n-1)
b) isSubsetSum considering the last element
(reducing sum/2 by arr[n-1] and n to n-1)
If any of the above the above subproblems return true,
then return true.
isSubsetSum (arr, n, sum/2) = isSubsetSum (arr, n-1,
sum/2) ||
isSubsetSum (arr, n-1,
sum/2 - arr[n-1])
// A recursive solution for partition problem
P a g e | 257

#include <stdio.h>

// A utility function that return s true if there is a subset of arr[]
// with sun equal to given sum
bool isSubsetSum (int arr[], int n, int sum)
// Base Cases
if(sum == 0)
return true;
if(n == 0 && sum != 0)
return false;

// If last element is greater than sum, then ignore it
if(arr[n-1] > sum)
return isSubsetSum (arr, n-1, sum);

/* else, check if sum can be obtained by any of the following
(a) including the last element
(b) excluding the last element
return isSubsetSum (arr, n-1, sum) || isSubsetSum (arr, n-1, sum-arr[n-1]);

// Returns true if arr[] can be partitioned in two subsets of
// equal sum, otherwise false
bool findPartiion (int arr[], int n)
// Calculate sum of the elements in array
int sum = 0;
P a g e | 258

for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum += arr[i];

// If sum is odd, there cannot be two subsets with equal sum
if(sum%2 != 0)
return false;

// Find if there is subset with sum equal to half of total sum
return isSubsetSum (arr, n, sum/2);

// Driver program to test above function
int main()
int arr[] = {3, 1, 5, 9, 12};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
if(findPartiion(arr, n) == true)
printf("Can be divided int o two subsets of equal sum");
printf("Can not be divided int o two subsets of equal sum");
return 0;
Can be divided into two subsets of equal sum
Time Complexity: O(2^n) In worst case, this solution tries two possibilities (whether
to include or exclude) for every element.
P a g e | 259

Dynamic Programming Solution
The problem can be solved using dynamic programming when the sum of the
elements is not too big. We can create a 2D array part[][] of size (sum/2)*(n+1). And
we can construct the solution in bottom up manner such that every filled entry has
following property
part[i][j] = true if a subset of {arr[0], arr[1],
..arr[j-1]} has sum
equal to i, otherwise false
// A Dynamic Programming solution to partition problem
#include <stdio.h>

// Returns true if arr[] can be partitioned in two subsets of
// equal sum, otherwise false
bool findPartiion (int arr[], int n)
int sum = 0;
int i, j;

// Caculcate sun of all elements
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum += arr[i];

if(sum%2 != 0)
return false;

bool part[sum/2+1][n+1];

// initialize top row as true
P a g e | 260

for(i = 0; i <= n; i++)
part[0][i] = true;

// initialize leftmost column, except part[0][0], as 0
for(i = 1; i <= sum/2; i++)
part[i][0] = false;

// Fill the partition table in botton up manner
for(i = 1; i <= sum/2; i++)
for(j = 1; j <= n; j++)
part[i][j] = part[i][j-1];
if(i >= arr[j-1])
part[i][j] = part[i][j] || part[i - arr[j-1]][j-1];

/* // uncomment this part to print table
for (i = 0; i <= sum/2; i++)
for (j = 0; j <= n; j++)
printf ("%4d", part[i][j]);
} */

return part[sum/2][n];
P a g e | 261

// Driver program to test above funtion
int main()
int arr[] = {3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
if(findPartiion(arr, n) == true)
printf("Can be divided int o two subsets of equal sum");
printf("Can not be divided int o two subsets of equal sum");
return 0;
Can be divided into two subsets of equal sum
P a g e | 262

Following diagram shows the values in partition table. The diagram is taken form
the wiki page of partition problem.

Time Complexity: O(sum*n)
Auxiliary Space: O(sum*n)
Maximum Product Subarray
July 23, 2012
Given an array that contains both positive and negative integers, find the product of
the maximum product subarray. Expected Time complexity is O(n) and only O(1)
extra space can be used.
Input: arr[] = {6, -3, -10, 0, 2}
Output: 180 // The subarray is {6, -3, -10}

Input: arr[] = {-1, -3, -10, 0, 60}
Output: 60 // The subarray is {60}

Input: arr[] = {-2, -3, 0, -2, -40}
Output: 80 // The subarray is {-2, -40}
P a g e | 263

The following solution assumes that the given input array always has a positive
ouput. The solution works for all cases mentioned above. It doesnt work for arrays
like {0, 0, -20, 0}, {0, 0, 0}.. etc. The solution can be easily modified to handle this
It is similar to Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray problem. The only thing to note
here is, maximum product can also be obtained by minimum (negative) product
ending with the previous element multiplied by this element. For example, in array
{12, 2, -3, -5, -6, -2}, when we are at element -2, the maximum product is
multiplication of, minimum product ending with -6 and -2.
#include <stdio.h>

// Utility functions to get minimum of two int egers
int min (int x, int y) {return x < y? x : y; }

// Utility functions to get maximum of two int egers
int max (int x, int y) {return x > y? x : y; }

/* Returns the product of max product subarray. Assumes that the
given array always has a subarray with product more than 1 */
int maxSubarrayProduct(int arr[], int n)
// max positive product ending at the current position
int max_ending_here = 1;

// min negative product ending at the current position
int min_ending_here = 1;

// Initialize overall max product
int max_so_far = 1;

P a g e | 264

/* Traverse throught the array. Following values are maintained after the ith
max_ending_here is always 1 or some positive product ending with arr[i]
min_ending_here is always 1 or some negative product ending with arr[i] */
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
/* If this element is positive, update max_ending_here. Update
min_ending_here only if min_ending_here is negative */
if(arr[i] > 0)
max_ending_here = max_ending_here*arr[i];
min_ending_here = min (min_ending_here * arr[i], 1);

/* If this element is 0, then the maximum product cannot
end here, make both max_ending_here and min_ending_here 0
Assumption: Output is alway greater than or equal to 1. */
elseif(arr[i] == 0)
max_ending_here = 1;
min_ending_here = 1;

/* If element is negative. This is tricky
max_ending_here can either be 1 or positive. min_ending_here can either be
or negative.
next min_ending_here will always be prev. max_ending_here * arr[i]
next max_ending_here will be 1 if prev min_ending_here is 1, otherwise
next max_ending_here will be prev min_ending_here * arr[i] */
P a g e | 265

int temp = max_ending_here;
max_ending_here = max (min_ending_here * arr[i], 1);
min_ending_here = temp * arr[i];

// update max_so_far, if needed
if(max_so_far < max_ending_here)
max_so_far = max_ending_here;

return max_so_far;

// Driver Program to test above function
int main()
int arr[] = {1, -2, -3, 0, 7, -8, -2};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("Maximum Sub array product is %d", maxSubarrayProduct(arr, n));
return 0;
Maximum Sub array product is 112
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
P a g e | 266

Find a pair with the given difference
July 27, 2012
Given an unsorted array and a number n, find if there exists a pair of elements in
the array whose difference is n.
Input: arr[] = {5, 20, 3, 2, 50, 80}, n = 78
Output: Pair Found: (2, 80)

Input: arr[] = {90, 70, 20, 80, 50}, n = 45
Output: No Such Pair
Source: find pair
The simplest method is to run two loops, the outer loop picks the first element
(smaller element) and the inner loop looks for the element picked by outer loop plus
n. Time complexity of this method is O(n^2).
We can use sorting and Binary Search to improve time complexity to O(nLogn). The
first step is to sort the array in ascending order. Once the array is sorted, traverse
the array from left to right, and for each element arr[i], binary search for arr[i] + n in
arr[i+1..n-1]. If the element is found, return the pair.
Both first and second steps take O(nLogn). So overall complexity is O(nLogn).
The second step of the above algorithm can be improved to O(n). The first step
remain same. The idea for second step is take two index variables i and j, initialize
them as 0 and 1 respectively. Now run a linear loop. If arr[j] arr[i] is smaller than n,
we need to look for greater arr[j], so increment j. If arr[j] arr[i] is greater than n, we
need to look for greater arr[i], so increment i. Thanks to Aashish Barnwal for
suggesting this approach.
The following code is only for the second step of the algorithm, it assumes that the
array is already sorted.
#include <stdio.h>

// The function assumes that the array is sorted
bool findPair(int arr[], int size, int n)
P a g e | 267

// Initialize positions of two elements
int i = 0;
int j = 1;

// Search for a pair
while(i<size && j<size)
if(i != j && arr[j]-arr[i] == n)
printf("Pair Found: (%d, %d)", arr[i], arr[j]);
return true;
elseif(arr[j]-arr[i] < n)

printf("No such pair");
return false;

// Driver program to test above function
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 8, 30, 40, 100};
int size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int n = 60;
P a g e | 268

findPair(arr, size, n);
return 0;
Pair Found: (40, 100)
Hashing can also be used to solve this problem. Create an empty hash table HT.
Traverse the array, use array elements as hash keys and enter them in HT.
Traverse the array again look for value n + arr[i] in HT.
Replace every element with the next greatest
August 30, 2012
Given an array of integers, replace every element with the next greatest element
(greatest element on the right side) in the array. Since there is no element next to
the last element, replace it with -1. For example, if the array is {16, 17, 4, 3, 5, 2},
then it should be modified to {17, 5, 5, 5, 2, -1}.
The question is very similar to this post and solutions are also similar.
A naive method is to run two loops. The outer loop will one by one pick array
elements from left to right. The inner loop will find the greatest element present after
the picked element. Finally the outer loop will replace the picked element with the
greatest element found by inner loop. The time complexity of this method will be
A tricky method is to replace all elements using one traversal of the array. The
idea is to start from the rightmost element, move to the left side one by one, and
keep track of the maximum element. Replace every element with the maximum
#include <stdio.h>

/* Function to replace every element with the
next greatest element */
void nextGreatest(int arr[], int size)
P a g e | 269

// Initialize the next greatest element
int max_from_right = arr[size-1];

// The next greatest element for the rightmost element
// is always -1
arr[size-1] = -1;

// Replace all other elements with the next greatest
for(int i = size-2; i >= 0; i--)
// Store the current element (needed later for updating
// the next greatest element)
int temp = arr[i];

// Replace current element with the next greatest
arr[i] = max_from_right;

// Update the greatest element, if needed
if(max_from_right < temp)
max_from_right = temp;

/* A utility Function that prints an array */
void printArray(int arr[], int size)
int i;
P a g e | 270

for(i=0; i < size; i++)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int arr[] = {16, 17, 4, 3, 5, 2};
int size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
nextGreatest (arr, size);
printf("The modified array is: \n");
printArray (arr, size);
return (0);
The modified array is:
17 5 5 5 2 -1
Time Complexity: O(n) where n is the number of elements in array.
Dynamic Programming | Set 20 (Maximum Length Chain of Pairs)
September 1, 2012
You are given n pairs of numbers. In every pair, the first number is always smaller
than the second number.A pair (c, d) can follow another pair (a, b) if b < c. Chain of
pairs can be formed in this fashion. Find the longest chain which can be formed
from a given set of pairs.
Source: Amazon Interview | Set 2
P a g e | 271

For example, if the given pairs are {{5, 24}, {39, 60}, {15, 28}, {27, 40}, {50, 90} },
then the longest chain that can be formed is of length 3, and the chain is {{5, 24},
{27, 40}, {50, 90}}
This problem is a variation of standard Longest Increasing Subsequence problem.
Following is a simple two step process.
1) Sort given pairs in increasing order of first (or smaller) element.
2) Now run a modified LIS process where we compare the second element of
already finalized LIS with the first element of new LIS being constructed.
The following code is a slight modification of method 2 of this post.

// Structure for a pair
int a;
int b;

// This function assumes that arr[] is sorted in increasing order
// according the first (or smaller) values in pairs.
int maxChainLength( structpair arr[], int n)
int i, j, max = 0;
int *mcl = (int *) malloc( sizeof( int ) * n );

/* Initialize MCL (max chain length) values for all indexes */
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
mcl[i] = 1;
P a g e | 272

/* Compute optimized chain length values in bottom up manner */
for( i = 1; i < n; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < i; j++ )
if( arr[i].a > arr[j].b && mcl[i] < mcl[j] + 1)
mcl[i] = mcl[j] + 1;

// mcl[i] now stores the maximum chain length ending with pair i

/* Pick maximum of all MCL values */
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
if( max < mcl[i] )
max = mcl[i];

/* Free memory to avoid memory leak */
free( mcl );

return max;

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
structpair arr[] = { {5, 24}, {15, 25},
{27, 40}, {50, 60} };
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("Length of maximum size chain is %d\n",
P a g e | 273

maxChainLength( arr, n ));
return 0;
Length of maximum size chain is 3
Time Complexity: O(n^2) where n is the number of pairs.
The given problem is also a variation of Activity Selection problem and can be
solved in (nLogn) time. To solve it as a activity selection problem, consider the first
element of a pair as start time in activity selection problem, and the second element
of pair as end time. Thanks to Palash for suggesting this approach.
Find four elements that sum to a given value | Set 1 (n^3 solution)
September 4, 2012
Given an array of integers, find all combination of four elements in the array whose
sum is equal to a given value X.
For example, if the given array is {10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 8} and X = 23, then your
function should print 3 5 7 8 (3 + 5 + 7 + 8 = 23).
Sources: Find Specific Sum and Amazon Interview Question
A Naive Solution is to generate all possible quadruples and compare the sum of
every quadruple with X. The following code implements this simple method using
four nested loops
#include <stdio.h>

/* A naive solution to print all combination of 4 elements in A[]
with sum equal to X */
void findFourElements(int A[], int n, int X)
// Fix the first element and find other three
P a g e | 274

for(int i = 0; i < n-3; i++)
// Fix the second element and find other two
for(int j = i+1; j < n-2; j++)
// Fix the third element and find the fourth
for(int k = j+1; k < n-1; k++)
// find the fourth
for(int l = k+1; l < n; l++)
if(A[i] + A[j] + A[k] + A[l] == X)
printf("%d, %d, %d, %d", A[i], A[j], A[k], A[l]);

// Driver program to test above funtion
int main()
int A[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 1, 2};
int n = sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]);
int X = 91;
findFourElements (A, n, X);
return 0;
20, 30, 40, 1
P a g e | 275

Time Complexity: O(n^4)
The time complexity can be improved to O(n^3) with the use of sorting as a
preprocessing step, and then using method 1 of this post to reduce a loop.
Following are the detailed steps.
1) Sort the input array.
2) Fix the first element as A[i] where i is from 0 to n3. After fixing the first element
of quadruple, fix the second element as A[j] where j varies from i+1 to n-2. Find
remaining two elements in O(n) time, using the method 1 of this post
Following is C implementation of O(n^3) solution.
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>

/* Following function is needed for library function qsort(). Refer
http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstdlib/qsort/ */
int compare (constvoid*a, constvoid* b)
{ return ( *(int *)a - *(int *)b ); }

/* A sorting based solution to print all combination of 4 elements in A[]
with sum equal to X */
void find4Numbers(int A[], int n, int X)
int l, r;

// Sort the array in increasing order, using library
// function for quick sort
qsort(A, n, sizeof(A[0]), compare);

/* Now fix the first 2 elements one by one and find
P a g e | 276

the other two elements */
for(int i = 0; i < n - 3; i++)
for(int j = i+1; j < n - 2; j++)
// Initialize two variables as indexes of the first and last
// elements in the remaining elements
l = j + 1;
r = n-1;

// To find the remaining two elements, move the index
// variables (l & r) toward each other.
while(l < r)
if( A[i] + A[j] + A[l] + A[r] == X)
printf("%d, %d, %d, %d", A[i], A[j],
A[l], A[r]);
l++; r--;
elseif(A[i] + A[j] + A[l] + A[r] < X)
else// A[i] + A[j] + A[l] + A[r] > X
} // end of while
} // end of inner for loop
} // end of outer for loop

P a g e | 277

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int A[] = {1, 4, 45, 6, 10, 12};
int X = 21;
int n = sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0]);
find4Numbers(A, n, X);
return 0;
1, 4, 6, 10
Time Complexity: O(n^3)
This problem can also be solved in O(n^2Logn) complexity. We will soon be
publishing the O(n^2Logn) solution as a separate post.
Find four elements that sum to a given value | Set 2 ( O(n^2Logn) Solution)
September 4, 2012
Given an array of integers, find all combination of four elements in the array whose
sum is equal to a given value X.
For example, if the given array is {10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 8} and X = 23, then your
function should print 3 5 7 8 (3 + 5 + 7 + 8 = 23).
Sources: Find Specific Sum and Amazon Interview Question
We have discussed a O(n^3) algorithm in the previous post on this topic. The
problem can be solved in O(n^2Logn) time with the help of auxiliary space.
Thanks to itsnimish for suggesting this method. Following is the detailed process.
Let the input array be A[].
P a g e | 278

1) Create an auxiliary array aux[] and store sum of all possible pairs in aux[]. The
size of aux[] will be n*(n-1)/2 where n is the size of A[].
2) Sort the auxiliary array aux[].
3) Now the problem reduces to find two elements in aux[] with sum equal to X. We
can use method 1 of this post to find the two elements efficiently. There is following
important point to note though. An element of aux[] represents a pair from A[]. While
picking two elements from aux[], we must check whether the two elements have an
element of A[] in common. For example, if first element sum of A[1] and A[2], and
second element is sum of A[2] and A[4], then these two elements of aux[] dont
represent four distinct elements of input array A[].
Following is C implementation of this method.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// The following structure is needed to store pair sums in aux[]
int first; // index (int A[]) of first element in pair
int sec; // index of second element in pair
int sum; // sum of the pair

// Following function is needed for library function qsort()
int compare (constvoid*a, constvoid* b)
return ( (*(pairSum *)a).sum - (*(pairSum*)b).sum );

// Function to check if two given pairs have any common element or not
P a g e | 279

bool noCommon(structpairSum a, structpairSum b)
if(a.first == b.first || a.first == b.sec ||
a.sec == b.first || a.sec == b.sec)
return false;
return true;

// The function finds four elements with given sum X
void findFourElements (int arr[], int n, int X)
int i, j;

// Create an auxiliary array to store all pair sums
int size = (n*(n-1))/2;
structpairSum aux[size];

/* Generate all possible pairs from A[] and store sums
of all possible pairs in aux[] */
int k = 0;
for(i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
for(j = i+1; j < n; j++)
aux[k].sum = arr[i] + arr[j];
aux[k].first = i;
aux[k].sec = j;
P a g e | 280


// Sort the aux[] array using library function for sorting
qsort(aux, size, sizeof(aux[0]), compare);

// Now start two index variables from two corners of array
// and move them toward each other.
i = 0;
j = size-1;
while(i < size && j >=0 )
if((aux[i].sum + aux[j].sum == X) && noCommon(aux[i], aux[j]))
printf("%d, %d, %d, %d\n", arr[aux[i].first], arr[aux[i].sec],
arr[aux[j].first], arr[aux[j].sec]);
return ;
elseif(aux[i].sum + aux[j].sum < X)

// Driver program to test above function
int main()
int arr[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 1, 2};
P a g e | 281

int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
int X = 91;
findFourElements (arr, n, X);
return 0;
20, 1, 30, 40
Please note that the above code prints only one quadruple. If we remove the return
statement and add statements i++; j;, then it prints same quadruple five times.
The code can modified to print all quadruples only once. It has been kept this way to
keep it simple.
Time complexity: The step 1 takes O(n^2) time. The second step is sorting an array
of size O(n^2). Sorting can be done in O(n^2Logn) time using merge sort or heap
sort or any other O(nLogn) algorithm. The third step takes O(n^2) time. So overall
complexity is O(n^2Logn).
Auxiliary Space: O(n^2). The big size of auxiliary array can be a concern in this
Sort a nearly sorted (or K sorted) array
September 8, 2012
Given an array of n elements, where each element is at most k away from its target
position, devise an algorithm that sorts in O(n log k) time.
For example, let us consider k is 2, an element at index 7 in the sorted array, can be
at indexes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 in the given array.
Source: Nearly sorted algorithm
We can use Insertion Sort to sort the elements efficiently. Following is the C code
for standard Insertion Sort.
/* Function to sort an array using insertion sort*/
P a g e | 282

void insertionSort(int A[], int size)
int i, key, j;
for(i = 1; i < size; i++)
key = A[i];
j = i-1;

/* Move elements of A[0..i-1], that are greater than key, to one
position ahead of their current position.
This loop will run at most k times */
while(j >= 0 && A[j] > key)
A[j+1] = A[j];
j = j-1;
A[j+1] = key;
The inner loop will run at most k times. To move every element to its correct place,
at most k elements need to be moved. So overall complexity will be O(nk)
We can sort such arrays more efficiently with the help of Heap data structure.
Following is the detailed process that uses Heap.
1) Create a Min Heap of size k+1 with first k+1 elements. This will take O(k) time
(See this GFact)
2) One by one remove min element from heap, put it in result array, and add a new
element to heap from remaining elements.
Removing an element and adding a new element to min heap will take Logk time.
So overall complexity will be O(k) + O((n-k)*logK)
P a g e | 283


// Prototype of a utility function to swap two int egers
void swap(int *x, int *y);

// A class for Min Heap
int *harr; // pointer to array of elements in heap
int heap_size; // size of min heap
// Constructor
MinHeap(int a[], int size);

// to heapify a subtree with root at given index
void MinHeapify(int );

// to get index of left child of node at index i
int left(int i) { return (2*i + 1); }

// to get index of right child of node at index i
int right(int i) { return (2*i + 2); }

// to remove min (or root), add a new value x, and return old root
int replaceMin(int x);

// to extract the root which is the minimum element
P a g e | 284

int extractMin();

// Given an array of size n, where every element is k away from its target
// position, sorts the array in O(nLogk) time.
int sortK(int arr[], int n, int k)
// Create a Min Heap of first (k+1) elements from
// input array
int *harr = newint[k+1];
for(int i = 0; i<=k && i<n; i++) // i < n condition is needed when k > n
harr[i] = arr[i];
MinHeap hp(harr, k+1);

// i is index for remaining elements in arr[] and ti
// is target index of for cuurent minimum element in
// Min Heapm 'hp'.
for(int i = k+1, ti = 0; ti < n; i++, ti++)
// If there are remaining elements, then place
// root of heap at target index and add arr[i]
// to Min Heap
if(i < n)
arr[ti] = hp.replaceMin(arr[i]);

// Otherwise place root at its target index and
// reduce heap size
arr[ti] = hp.extractMin();
P a g e | 285


// Constructor: Builds a heap from a given array a[] of given size
MinHeap::MinHeap(int a[], int size)
heap_size = size;
harr = a; // store address of array
int i = (heap_size - 1)/2;
while(i >= 0)

// Method to remove minimum element (or root) from min heap
int MinHeap::extractMin()
int root = harr[0];
if(heap_size > 1)
harr[0] = harr[heap_size-1];
return root;
P a g e | 286

// Method to change root with given value x, and return the old root
int MinHeap::replaceMin(int x)
int root = harr[0];
harr[0] = x;
if(root < x)
return root;

// A recursive method to heapify a subtree with root at given index
// This method assumes that the subtrees are already heapified
void MinHeap::MinHeapify(int i)
int l = left(i);
int r = right(i);
int smallest = i;
if(l < heap_size && harr[l] < harr[i])
smallest = l;
if(r < heap_size && harr[r] < harr[smallest])
smallest = r;
if(smallest != i)
swap(&harr[i], &harr[smallest]);

P a g e | 287

// A utility function to swap two elements
void swap(int *x, int *y)
int temp = *x;
*x = *y;
*y = temp;

// A utility function to print array elements
void printArray(int arr[], int size)
for(int i=0; i < size; i++)
cout << arr[i] << " ";
cout << endl;

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
int k = 3;
int arr[] = {2, 6, 3, 12, 56, 8};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
sortK(arr, n, k);

cout << "Following is sorted array\n";
printArray (arr, n);

return 0;
P a g e | 288

Following is sorted array
2 3 6 8 12 56
The Min Heap based method takes O(nLogk) time and uses O(k) auxiliary space.
We can also use a Balanced Binary Search Tree instead of Heap to store K+1
elements. The insert anddelete operations on Balanced BST also take O(Logk)
time. So Balanced BST based method will also take O(nLogk) time, but the Heap
bassed method seems to be more efficient as the minimum element will always be
at root. Also, Heap doesnt need extra space for left and right pointers.
Maximum circular subarray sum
September 18, 2012
Given n numbers (both +ve and -ve), arranged in a circle, fnd the maximum sum of
consecutive number.
Input: a[] = {8, -8, 9, -9, 10, -11, 12}
Output: 22 (12 + 8 - 8 + 9 - 9 + 10)

Input: a[] = {10, -3, -4, 7, 6, 5, -4, -1}
Output: 23 (7 + 6 + 5 - 4 -1 + 10)

Input: a[] = {-1, 40, -14, 7, 6, 5, -4, -1}
Output: 52 (7 + 6 + 5 - 4 - 1 - 1 + 40)
Sources: Microsoft Interview Question and Microsoft
There can be two cases for the maximum sum:
Case 1: The elements that contribute to the maximum sum are arranged such that
no wrapping is there. Examples: {-10, 2, -1, 5}, {-2, 4, -1, 4, -1}. In this
case, Kadanes algorithm will produce the result.
Case 2: The elements which contribute to the maximum sum are arranged such
that wrapping is there. Examples: {10, -12, 11}, {12, -5, 4, -8, 11}. In this case, we
P a g e | 289

change wrapping to non-wrapping. Let us see how. Wrapping of contributing
elements implies non wrapping of non contributing elements, so find out the sum of
non contributing elements and subtract this sum from the total sum. To find out the
sum of non contributing, invert sign of each element and then run Kadanes
Our array is like a ring and we have to eliminate the maximum continuous negative
that implies maximum continuous positive in the inverted arrays.
Finally we compare the sum obtained by both cases, and return the maximum of the
two sums.
Thanks to ashishdey0 for suggesting this solution. Following is C implementation of
the above method.
// Program for maximum contiguous circular sum problem

// Standard Kadane's algorithm to find maximum subarray sum
int kadane (int a[], int n);

// The function return s maximum circular contiguous sum in a[]
int maxCircularSum (int a[], int n)
// Case 1: get the maximum sum using standard kadane's algorithm
int max_kadane = kadane(a, n);

// Case 2: Now find the maximum sum that includes corner elements.
int max_wrap = 0, i;
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
max_wrap += a[i]; // Calculate array-sum
a[i] = -a[i]; // invert the array (change sign)
P a g e | 290


// max sum with corner elements will be:
// array-sum - (-max subarray sum of inverted array)
max_wrap = max_wrap + kadane(a, n);

// The maximum circular sum will be maximum of two sums
return (max_wrap > max_kadane)? max_wrap: max_kadane;

// Standard Kadane's algorithm to find maximum subarray sum
// See http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/archives/576 for details
int kadane (int a[], int n)
int max_so_far = 0, max_ending_here = 0;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
max_ending_here = max_ending_here + a[i];
if(max_ending_here < 0)
max_ending_here = 0;
if(max_so_far < max_ending_here)
max_so_far = max_ending_here;
return max_so_far;

/* Driver program to test maxCircularSum() */
P a g e | 291

int main()
int a[] = {11, 10, -20, 5, -3, -5, 8, -13, 10};
int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]);
printf("Maximum circular sum is %d\n", maxCircularSum(a, n));
return 0;
Maximum circular sum is 31
Time Complexity: O(n) where n is the number of elements in input array.
Note that the above algorithm doesnt work if all numbers are negative e.g., {-1, -2, -
3}. It returns 0 in this case. This case can be handled by adding a pre-check to see
if all the numbers are negative before running the above algorithm.
Find the row with maximum number of 1s
September 23, 2012
Given a boolean 2D array, where each row is sorted. Find the row with the
maximum number of 1s.
Input matrix
0 1 1 1
0 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 // this row has maximum 1s
0 0 0 0

Output: 2
A simple method is to do a row wise traversal of the matrix, count the number of 1s
in each row and compare the count with max. Finally, return the index of row with
maximum 1s. The time complexity of this method is O(m*n) where m is number of
rows and n is number of columns in matrix.
P a g e | 292

We can do better. Since each row is sorted, we can use Binary Search to count of
1s in each row. We find the index of first instance of 1 in each row. The count of 1s
will be equal to total number of columns minus the index of first 1.
See the following code for implementation of the above approach.
#include <stdio.h>
#define R 4
#define C 4

/* A function to find the index of first index of 1 in a bool ean array arr[]
int first(bool arr[], int low, int high)
if(high >= low)
// get the middle index
int mid = low + (high - low)/2;

// check if the element at middle index is first 1
if( ( mid == 0 || arr[mid-1] == 0) && arr[mid] == 1)
return mid;

// if the element is 0, recur for right side
elseif(arr[mid] == 0)
return first(arr, (mid + 1), high);

else// If element is not first 1, recur for left side
return first(arr, low, (mid -1));
return -1;
P a g e | 293


// The main function that return s index of row with maximum number of 1s.
int rowWithMax1s(bool mat[R][C])
int max_row_index = 0, max = -1; // Initialize max values

// Traverse for each row and count number of 1s by finding the index
// of first 1
int i, index;
for(i = 0; i < R; i++)
index = first (mat[i], 0, C-1);
if(index != -1 && C-index > max)
max = C - index;
max_row_index = i;

return max_row_index;

/* Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
bool mat[R][C] = { {0, 0, 0, 1},
{0, 1, 1, 1},
{1, 1, 1, 1},
P a g e | 294

{0, 0, 0, 0}

printf("Index of row with maximum 1s is %d \n", rowWithMax1s(mat));

return 0;
Index of row with maximum 1s is 2
Time Complexity: O(mLogn) where m is number of rows and n is number of
columns in matrix.
The above solution can be optimized further. Instead of doing binary search in
every row, we first check whether the row has more 1s than max so far. If the row
has more 1s, then only count 1s in the row. Also, to count 1s in a row, we dont do
binary search in complete row, we do search in before the index of last max.
Following is an optimized version of the above solution.
// The main function that return s index of row with maximum number of 1s.
int rowWithMax1s(bool mat[R][C])
int i, index;

// Initialize max using values from first row.
int max_row_index = 0;
int max = C - first(mat[0], 0, C-1);

// Traverse for each row and count number of 1s by finding the index
// of first 1
P a g e | 295

for(i = 1; i < R; i++)
// Count 1s in this row only if this row has more 1s than
// max so far
if(mat[i][C-max-1] == 1)
// Note the optimization here also
index = first (mat[i], 0, C-max);

if(index != -1 && C-index > max)
max = C - index;
max_row_index = i;
return max_row_index;
The worst case time complexity of the above optimized version is also O(mLogn),
the will solution work better on average. Thanks to Naveen Kumar Singh for
suggesting the above solution.
Sources: this and this
The worst case of the above solution occurs for a matrix like following.
0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 ..0 1 1
0 0 1 1 1
.0 1 1 1 1
Following method works in O(m+n) time complexity in worst case.
P a g e | 296

Step1: Get the index of first (or leftmost) 1 in the first row.
Step2: Do following for every row after the first row
IF the element on left of previous leftmost 1 is 0, ignore this row.
ELSE Move left until a 0 is found. Update the leftmost index to this index and
max_row_index to be the current row.
The time complexity is O(m+n) because we can possibly go as far left as we came
ahead in the first step.
Following is C++ implementation of this method.
// The main function that return s index of row with maximum number of 1s.
int rowWithMax1s(bool mat[R][C])
// Initialize first row as row with max 1s
int max_row_index = 0;

// The function first() return s index of first 1 in row 0.
// Use this index to initialize the index of leftmost 1 seen so far
int j = first(mat[0], 0, C-1) - 1;
if(j == -1) // if 1 is not present in first row
j = C - 1;

for(int i = 1; i < R; i++)
// Move left until a 0 is found
while(j >= 0 && mat[i][j] == 1)
j = j-1; // Update the index of leftmost 1 seen so far
max_row_index = i; // Update max_row_index
P a g e | 297

return max_row_index;
Thanks to Tylor, Ankan and Palash for their inputs.
Median of two sorted arrays of different sizes
September 28, 2012
This is an extension of median of two sorted arrays of equal size problem. Here we
handle arrays of unequal size also.
The approach discussed in this post is similar to method 2 of equal size post. The
basic idea is same, we find the median of two arrays and compare the medians to
discard almost half of the elements in both arrays. Since the number of elements
may differ here, there are many base cases that need to be handled separately.
Before we proceed to complete solution, let us first talk about all base cases.
Let the two arrays be A[N] and B[M]. In the following explanation, it is assumed that
N is smaller than or equal to M.
Base cases:
The smaller array has only one element
Case 1: N = 1, M = 1.
Case 2: N = 1, M is odd
Case 3: N = 1, M is even
The smaller array has only two elements
Case 4: N = 2, M = 2
Case 5: N = 2, M is odd
Case 6: N = 2, M is even
Case 1: There is only one element in both arrays, so output the average of A[0] and
Case 2: N = 1, M is odd
Let B[5] = {5, 10, 12, 15, 20}
First find the middle element of B[], which is 12 for above array. There are following
4 sub-cases.
P a g e | 298

2.1 If A[0] is smaller than 10, the median is average of 10 and 12.
2.2 If A[0] lies between 10 and 12, the median is average of A[0] and 12.
2.3 If A[0] lies between 12 and 15, the median is average of 12 and A[0].
2.4 If A[0] is greater than 15, the median is average of 12 and 15.
In all the sub-cases, we find that 12 is fixed. So, we need to find the median of B[ M
/ 2 - 1 ], B[ M / 2 + 1], A[ 0 ] and take its average with B[ M / 2 ].
Case 3: N = 1, M is even
Let B[4] = {5, 10, 12, 15}
First find the middle items in B[], which are 10 and 12 in above example. There are
following 3 sub-cases.
3.1 If A[0] is smaller than 10, the median is 10.
3.2 If A[0] lies between 10 and 12, the median is A[0].
3.3 If A[0] is greater than 10, the median is 12.
So, in this case, find the median of three elements B[ M / 2 - 1 ], B[ M / 2] and A[ 0 ].
Case 4: N = 2, M = 2
There are four elements in total. So we find the median of 4 elements.
Case 5: N = 2, M is odd
Let B[5] = {5, 10, 12, 15, 20}
The median is given by median of following three elements: B[M/2], max(A[0], B[M/2
- 1]), min(A[1], B[M/2 + 1]).
Case 6: N = 2, M is even
Let B[4] = {5, 10, 12, 15}
The median is given by median of following four elements: B[M/2], B[M/2 - 1],
max(A[0], B[M/2 - 2]), min(A[1], B[M/2 + 1])
Remaining Cases:
Once we have handled the above base cases, following is the remaining process.
1) Find the middle item of A[] and middle item of B[].
..1.1) If the middle item of A[] is greater than middle item of B[], ignore the last half
of A[], let length of ignored part is idx. Also, cut down B[] by idx from the start.
..1.2) else, ignore the first half of A[], let length of ignored part is idx. Also, cut
down B[] by idx from the last.
Following is C implementation of the above approach.
P a g e | 299

// A C program to find median of two sorted arrays of unequal size
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// A utility function to find maximum of two int egers
int max( int a, int b )
{ return a > b ? a : b; }

// A utility function to find minimum of two int egers
int min( int a, int b )
{ return a < b ? a : b; }

// A utility function to find median of two int egers
float MO2( int a, int b )
{ return ( a + b ) / 2.0; }

// A utility function to find median of three int egers
float MO3( int a, int b, int c )
return a + b + c - max( a, max( b, c ) )
- min( a, min( b, c ) );

// A utility function to find median of four int egers
float MO4( int a, int b, int c, int d )
int Max = max( a, max( b, max( c, d ) ) );
int Min = min( a, min( b, min( c, d ) ) );
P a g e | 300

return ( a + b + c + d - Max - Min ) / 2.0;

// This function assumes that N is smaller than or equal to M
float findMedianUtil( int A[], int N, int B[], int M )
// If the smaller array has only one element
if( N == 1 )
// Case 1: If the larger array also has one element, simply call MO2()
if( M == 1 )
return MO2( A[0], B[0] );

// Case 2: If the larger array has odd number of elements, then
// the middle 3 elements of larger array and the only element of
// smaller array. Take few examples like following
// A = {9}, B[] = {5, 8, 10, 20, 30} and
// A[] = {1}, B[] = {5, 8, 10, 20, 30}
if( M & 1 )
return MO2( B[M/2], MO3(A[0], B[M/2 - 1], B[M/2 + 1]) );

// Case 3: If the larger array has even number of element, then median
// will be one of the following 3 elements
// ... The middle two elements of larger array
// ... The only element of smaller array
return MO3( B[M/2], B[M/2 - 1], A[0] );

P a g e | 301

// If the smaller array has two elements
elseif( N == 2 )
// Case 4: If the larger array also has two elements, simply call
if( M == 2 )
return MO4( A[0], A[1], B[0], B[1] );

// Case 5: If the larger array has odd number of elements, then median
// will be one of the following 3 elements
// 1. Middle element of larger array
// 2. Max of first element of smaller array and element just
// before the middle in bigger array
// 3. Min of second element of smaller array and element just
// after the middle in bigger array
if( M & 1 )
return MO3 ( B[M/2],
max( A[0], B[M/2 - 1] ),
min( A[1], B[M/2 + 1] )

// Case 6: If the larger array has even number of elements, then
// median will be one of the following 4 elements
// 1) & 2) The middle two elements of larger array
// 3) Max of first element of smaller array and element
// just before the first middle element in bigger array
// 4. Min of second element of smaller array and element
// just after the second middle in bigger array
return MO4 ( B[M/2],
P a g e | 302

B[M/2 - 1],
max( A[0], B[M/2 - 2] ),
min( A[1], B[M/2 + 1] )

int idxA = ( N - 1 ) / 2;
int idxB = ( M - 1 ) / 2;

/* if A[idxA] <= B[idxB], then median must exist in
A[idxA....] and B[....idxB] */
if( A[idxA] <= B[idxB] )
return findMedianUtil( A + idxA, N / 2 + 1, B, M - idxA );

/* if A[idxA] > B[idxB], then median must exist in
A[...idxA] and B[idxB....] */
return findMedianUtil( A, N / 2 + 1, B + idxA, M - idxA );

// A wrapper function around findMedianUtil(). This function makes
// sure that smaller array is passed as first argument to findMedianUtil
float findMedian( int A[], int N, int B[], int M )
if( N > M )
return findMedianUtil( B, M, A, N );

return findMedianUtil( A, N, B, M );
P a g e | 303

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
int A[] = {900};
int B[] = {5, 8, 10, 20};

int N = sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]);
int M = sizeof(B) / sizeof(B[0]);

printf( "%f", findMedian( A, N, B, M ) );
return 0;
Time Complexity: O(LogM + LogN)
Print unique rows in a given boolean matrix
September 28, 2012
Given a binary matrix, print all unique rows of the given matrix.
{0, 1, 0, 0, 1}
{1, 0, 1, 1, 0}
{0, 1, 0, 0, 1}
{1, 1, 1, 0, 0}
0 1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 0 0
P a g e | 304

Method 1 (Simple)
A simple approach is to check each row with all processed rows. Print the first row.
Now, starting from the second row, for each row, compare the row with already
processed rows. If the row matches with any of the processed rows, dont print it. If
the current row doesnt match with any row, print it.
Time complexity: O( ROW^2 x COL )
Auxiliary Space: O( 1 )
Method 2 (Use Binary Search Tree)
Find the decimal equivalent of each row and insert it into BST. Each node of the
BST will contain two fields, one field for the decimal value, other for row number. Do
not insert a node if it is duplicated. Finally, traverse the BST and print the
corresponding rows.
Time complexity: O( ROW x COL + ROW x log( ROW ) )
Auxiliary Space: O( ROW )
This method will lead to Integer Overflow if number of columns is large.
Method 3 (Use Trie data structure)
Since the matrix is boolean, a variant of Trie data structure can be used where each
node will be having two children one for 0 and other for 1. Insert each row in the
Trie. If the row is already there, dont print the row. If row is not there in Trie, insert it
in Trie and print it.
Below is C implementation of method 3.
//Given a binary matrix of M X N of int egers, you need to return only unique rows of
binary array
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define ROW 4
#define COL 5

P a g e | 305

// A Trie node
bool isEndOfCol;
structNode *child[2]; // Only two children needed for 0 and 1
} Node;

// A utility function to allocate memory for a new Trie node
Node* newNode()
Node* temp = (Node *)malloc( sizeof( Node ) );
temp->isEndOfCol = 0;
temp->child[0] = temp->child[1] = NULL;
return temp;

// Inserts a new matrix row to Trie. If row is already
// present, then return s 0, otherwise insets the row and
// return 1
bool insert( Node** root, int (*M)[COL], int row, int col )
// base case
if( *root == NULL )
*root = newNode();

// Recur if there are more entries in this row
if( col < COL )
return insert ( &( (*root)->child[ M[row][col] ] ), M, row, col+1 );
P a g e | 306

else// If all entries of this row are processed
// unique row found, return 1
if( !( (*root)->isEndOfCol ) )
return (*root)->isEndOfCol = 1;

// duplicate row found, return 0
return 0;

// A utility function to print a row
void printRow( int (*M)[COL], int row )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < COL; ++i )
printf( "%d ", M[row][i] );

// The main function that prints all unique rows in a
// given matrix.
void findUniqueRows( int (*M)[COL] )
Node* root = NULL; // create an empty Trie
int i;

P a g e | 307

// Iterate through all rows
for( i = 0; i < ROW; ++i )
// insert row to TRIE
if( insert(&root, M, i, 0) )
// unique row found, print it
printRow( M, i );

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
int M[ROW][COL] = {{0, 1, 0, 0, 1},
{1, 0, 1, 1, 0},
{0, 1, 0, 0, 1},
{1, 0, 1, 0, 0}

findUniqueRows( M );

return 0;
Time complexity: O( ROW x COL )
Auxiliary Space: O( ROW x COL )
Shuffle a given array
October 10, 2012
Given an array, write a program to generate a random permutation of array
elements. This question is also asked as shuffle a deck of cards or randomize a
given array.
P a g e | 308

Let the given array be arr[]. A simple solution is to create an auxiliary
array temp[] which is initially a copy ofarr[]. Randomly select an element
from temp[], copy the randomly selected element to arr[0] and remove the selected
element from temp[]. Repeat the same process n times and keep copying elements
to arr[1], arr[2], . The time complexity of this solution will be O(n^2).
FisherYates shuffle Algorithm works in O(n) time complexity. The assumption here
is, we are given a function rand() that generates random number in O(1) time.
The idea is to start from the last element, swap it with a randomly selected element
from the whole array (including last). Now consider the array from 0 to n-2 (size
reduced by 1), and repeat the process till we hit the first element.
Following is the detailed algorithm
To shuffle an array a of n elements (indices 0..n-1):
for i from n - 1 downto 1 do
j = random integer with 0 <= j <= i
exchange a[j] and a[i]
Following is C++ implementation of this algorithm.
// C Program to shuffle a given array

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

// A utility function to swap to int egers
void swap (int *a, int *b)
P a g e | 309

int temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;

// A utility function to print an array
void printArray (int arr[], int n)
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);

// A function to generate a random permutation of arr[]
void randomize ( int arr[], int n )
// Use a different seed value so that we don't get same
// result each time we run this program
srand( time(NULL) );

// Start from the last element and swap one by one. We don't
// need to run for the first element that's why i > 0
for(int i = n-1; i > 0; i--)
// Pick a random index from 0 to i
int j = rand() % (i+1);

// Swap arr[i] with the element at random index
swap(&arr[i], &arr[j]);
P a g e | 310


// Driver program to test above function.
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
int n = sizeof(arr)/ sizeof(arr[0]);
randomize (arr, n);
printArray(arr, n);

return 0;
7 8 4 6 3 1 2 5
The above function assumes that rand() generates a random number.
Time Complexity: O(n), assuming that the function rand() takes O(1) time.
How does this work?
The probability that ith element (including the last one) goes to last position is 1/n,
because we randomly pick an element in first iteration.
The probability that ith element goes to second last position can be proved to be 1/n
by dividing it in two cases.
Case 1: i = n-1 (index of last element):
The probability of last element going to second last position is = (probability that last
element doesn't stay at its original position) x (probability that the index picked in
previous step is picked again so that the last element is swapped)
So the probability = ((n-1)/n) x (1/(n-1)) = 1/n
Case 2: 0 < i < n-1 (index of non-last):
The probability of ith element going to second position = (probability that ith element
P a g e | 311

is not picked in previous iteration) x (probability that ith element is picked in this
So the probability = ((n-1)/n) x (1/(n-1)) = 1/n
We can easily generalize above proof for any other position.
Count the number of possible triangles
October 11, 2012
Given an unsorted array of positive integers. Find the number of triangles that can
be formed with three different array elements as three sides of triangles. For a
triangle to be possible from 3 values, the sum of any two values (or sides) must be
greater than the third value (or third side).
For example, if the input array is {4, 6, 3, 7}, the output should be 3. There are three
triangles possible {3, 4, 6}, {4, 6, 7} and {3, 6, 7}. Note that {3, 4, 7} is not a possible
As another example, consider the array {10, 21, 22, 100, 101, 200, 300}. There can
be 6 possible triangles: {10, 21, 22}, {21, 100, 101}, {22, 100, 101}, {10, 100, 101},
{100, 101, 200} and {101, 200, 300}
Method 1 (Brute force)
The brute force method is to run three loops and keep track of the number of
triangles possible so far. The three loops select three different values from array,
the innermost loop checks for the triangle property ( the sum of any two sides must
be greater than the value of third side).
Time Complexity: O(N^3) where N is the size of input array.
Method 2 (Tricky and Efficient)
Let a, b and c be three sides. The below condition must hold for a triangle (Sum of
two sides is greater than the third side)
i) a + b > c
ii) b + c > a
iii) a + c > b
Following are steps to count triangle.
1. Sort the array in non-decreasing order.
P a g e | 312

2. Initialize two pointers i and j to first and second elements respectively, and
initialize count of triangles as 0.
3. Fix i and j and find the rightmost index k (or largest arr[k]) such that arr[i] +
arr[j] > arr[k]. The number of triangles that can be formed with arr[i] and arr[j] as
two sides is k j. Add k j to count of triangles.
Let us consider arr[i] as a, arr[j] as b and all elements between arr[j+1] and
arr[k] as c. The above mentioned conditions (ii) and (iii) are satisfied because
arr[i] < arr[j] < arr[k]'. And we check for condition (i) when we pick 'k'
4. Increment j to fix the second element again.
Note that in step 2, we can use the previous value of k. The reason is simple, if we
know that the value of arr[i] + arr[j-1] is greater than arr[k], then we can say arr[i]
+ arr[j] will also be greater than arr[k], because the array is sorted in increasing
5. If j has reached end, then increment i. Initialize j as i + 1, k as i+2 and
repeat the steps 3 and 4.
Following is implementation of the above approach.
// Program to count number of triangles that can be formed from given array
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* Following function is needed for library function qsort(). Refer
http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstdlib/qsort/ */
int comp(constvoid* a, constvoid* b)
{ return *(int *)a > *(int *)b ; }

// Function to count all possible triangles with arr[] elements
int findNumberOfTriangles(int arr[], int n)
P a g e | 313

// Sort the array elements in non-decreasing order
qsort(arr, n, sizeof( arr[0] ), comp);

// Initialize count of triangles
int count = 0;

// Fix the first element. We need to run till n-3 as the other two
elements are
// selected from arr[i+1...n-1]
for(int i = 0; i < n-2; ++i)
// Initialize index of the rightmost third element
int k = i+2;

// Fix the second element
for(int j = i+1; j < n; ++j)
// Find the rightmost element which is smaller than the sum
// of two fixed elements
// The important thing to note here is, we use the previous
// value of k. If value of arr[i] + arr[j-1] was greater than
// then arr[i] + arr[j] must be greater than k, because the
// array is sorted.
while(k < n && arr[i] + arr[j] > arr[k])

// Total number of possible triangles that can be formed
// with the two fixed elements is k - j - 1. The two fixed
P a g e | 314

// elements are arr[i] and arr[j]. All elements between arr[j+1]
// to arr[k-1] can form a triangle with arr[i] and arr[j].
// One is subtracted from k because k is incremented one extra
// in above while loop.
// k will always be greater than j. If j becomes equal to k, then
// above loop will increment k, because arr[k] + arr[i] is always
// greater than arr[k]
count += k - j - 1;

return count;

// Driver program to test above functionarr[j+1]
int main()
int arr[] = {10, 21, 22, 100, 101, 200, 300};
int size = sizeof( arr ) / sizeof( arr[0] );

printf("Total number of triangles possible is %d ",
findNumberOfTriangles( arr, size ) );

return 0;
Total number of triangles possible is 6
P a g e | 315

Time Complexity: O(n^2). The time complexity looks more because of 3 nested
loops. If we take a closer look at the algorithm, we observe that k is initialized only
once in the outermost loop. The innermost loop executes at most O(n) time for
every iteration of outer most loop, because k starts from i+2 and goes upto n for all
values of j. Therefore, the time complexity is O(n^2).
Iterative Quick Sort
October 13, 2012
Following is a typical recursive implementation of Quick Sort that uses last element as pivot.
/* A typical recursive implementation of quick sort */

/* This function takes last element as pivot, places the pivot element at its
correct position in sorted array, and places all smaller (smaller than
to left of pivot and all greater elements to right of pivot */
int partition (int arr[], int l, int h)
int x = arr[h];
int i = (l - 1);

for(int j = l; j <= h- 1; j++)
if(arr[j] <= x)
swap (&arr[i], &arr[j]);
swap (&arr[i + 1], &arr[h]);
return (i + 1);
P a g e | 316


/* A[] --> Array to be sorted, l --> Starting index, h --> Ending index */
void quickSort(int A[], int l, int h)
if(l < h)
int p = partition(A, l, h); /* Partitioning index */
quickSort(A, l, p - 1);
quickSort(A, p + 1, h);
The above implementation can be optimized in many ways
1) The above implementation uses last index as pivot. This causes worst -case behavior on already sorted arrays, which is
a commonly occurring case. The problem can be solved by choosing either a random index for the pivot, or choosing the
middle index of the partition or choosing the median of the first, middle and last element of the partition for the pivot .
(See this for details)
2) To reduce the recursion depth, recur first for the smaller half of the array, and use a tail call to recurse into the other.
3) Insertion sort works better for small subarrays. Insertion sort can be used for invocations on such small arrays (i.e.
where the length is less than a threshold t determined experimentally). For example, this library implementation of qsort
uses insertion sort below size 7.
Despite above optimizations, the function remains recursive and uses function call stack to store intermediate values of l
and h. The function call stack stores other bookkeeping information together with parameters. Also, function calls involve
overheads like storing activation record of the caller function and then resuming execution.
The above function can be easily converted to iterative version with the help of an auxiliary stack. Following is an iterative
implementation of the above recursive code.
// An iterative implementation of quick sort
#include <stdio.h>

P a g e | 317

// A utility function to swap two elements
void swap ( int * a, int * b )
int t = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = t;

/* This function is same in both iterative and recursive*/
int partition (int arr[], int l, int h)
int x = arr[h];
int i = (l - 1);

for(int j = l; j <= h- 1; j++)
if(arr[j] <= x)
swap (&arr[i], &arr[j]);
swap (&arr[i + 1], &arr[h]);
return (i + 1);

/* A[] --> Array to be sorted, l --> Starting index, h --> Ending index */
void quickSortIterative (int arr[], int l, int h)
P a g e | 318

// Create an auxiliary stack
int stack[ h - l + 1 ];

// initialize top of stack
int top = -1;

// push initial values of l and h to stack
stack[ ++top ] = l;
stack[ ++top ] = h;

// Keep popping from stack while is not empty
while( top >= 0 )
// Pop h and l
h = stack[ top-- ];
l = stack[ top-- ];

// Set pivot element at its correct position in sorted array
int p = partition( arr, l, h );

// If there are elements on left side of pivot, then push left
// side to stack
if( p-1 > l )
stack[ ++top ] = l;
stack[ ++top ] = p - 1;

P a g e | 319

// If there are elements on right side of pivot, then push right
// side to stack
if( p+1 < h )
stack[ ++top ] = p + 1;
stack[ ++top ] = h;

// A utility function to print contents of arr
void printArr( int arr[], int n )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
printf( "%d ", arr[i] );

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
int arr[] = {4, 3, 5, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3};
int n = sizeof( arr ) / sizeof( *arr );
quickSortIterative( arr, 0, n - 1 );
printArr( arr, n );
return 0;
P a g e | 320

1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5
The above mentioned optimizations for recursive quick sort can also be applied to iterative version.
1) Partition process is same in both recursive and iterative. The same techniques to choose optimal pivot can also be
applied to iterative version.
2) To reduce the stack size, first push the indexes of smaller half.
3) Use insertion sort when the size reduces below a experimentally calculated threshold.
Inplace M x N size matrix transpose | Updated
October 16, 2012
About four months of gap (missing GFG), a new post. Given an M x N matrix,
transpose the matrix without auxiliary memory.It is easy to transpose matrix using
an auxiliary array. If the matrix is symmetric in size, we can transpose the matrix
inplace by mirroring the 2D array across its diagonal (try yourself). How to
transpose an arbitrary size matrix inplace? See the following matrix,
a b c a d g j
d e f ==> b e h k
g h i c f i l
j k l
As per 2D numbering in C/C++, corresponding location mapping looks like,
Org element New
0 a 0
1 b 4
2 c 8
3 d 1
4 e 5
5 f 9
6 g 2
7 h 6
8 i 10
P a g e | 321

9 j 3
10 k 7
11 l 11
Note that the first and last elements stay in their original location. We can easily see
the transformation forms few permutation cycles. 1->4->5->9->3->1 - Total 5
elements form the cycle 2->8->10->7->6->2 Another 5 elements form the cycle 0
- Self cycle 11 Self cycle From the above example, we can easily devise an
algorithm to move the elements along these cycles. How can we generate
permutation cycles? Number of elements in both the matrices are constant, given by
N = R * C, where R is row count and C is column count. An element at
location ol (old location in R x C matrix), moved to nl (new location in C x R matrix).
We need to establish relation between ol, nl, R and C. Assume ol = A[or][oc]. In
C/C++ we can calculate the element address as,
ol = or x C + oc (ignore base reference for simplicity)
It is to be moved to new location nl in the transposed matrix, say nl = A[nr][nc], or in
C/C++ terms
nl = nr x R + nc (R - column count, C is row count as
the matrix is transposed)
Observe, nr = oc and nc = or, so replacing these for nl,
nl = oc x R + or -----> [eq 1]
after solving for relation between ol and nl, we get
ol = or x C + oc
ol x R = or x C x R + oc x R
= or x N + oc x R (from the fact R * C =
= or x N + (nl - or) --- from [eq 1]
= or x (N-1) + nl
nl = ol x R - or x (N-1)
P a g e | 322

Note that the values of nl and ol never go beyond N-1, so considering modulo
division on both the sides by (N-1), we get the following based on properties
of congruence,
nl mod (N-1) = (ol x R - or x (N-1)) mod (N-1)
= (ol x R) mod (N-1) - or x (N-1) mod(N-1)
= ol x R mod (N-1), since second term
evaluates to zero
nl = (ol x R) mod (N-1), since nl is always less than N-
A curious reader might have observed the significance of above relation.
Every location is scaled by a factor of R (row size). It is obvious from the
matrix that every location is displaced by scaled factor of R. The actual
multiplier depends on congruence class of (N-1), i.e. the multiplier can be
both -ve and +ve value of the congruent class.Hence every
location transformation is simple modulo division. These modulo divisions form
cyclic permutations. We need some book keeping information to keep track of
already moved elements. Here is code for inplace matrix transformation,
// Program for in-place matrix transpose
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
#define HASH_SIZE 128


// A utility function to print a 2D array of size nr x nc and base address A
void Print2DArray(int *A, int nr, int nc)
for(int r = 0; r < nr; r++)
for(int c = 0; c < nc; c++)
P a g e | 323

printf("%4d", *(A + r*nc + c));



// Non-square matrix transpose of matrix of size r x c and base address A
void MatrixInplaceTranspose(int *A, int r, int c)
int size = r*c - 1;
int t; // holds element to be replaced, eventually becomes next element to
int next; // location of 't' to be moved
int cycleBegin; // holds start of cycle
int i; // iterator
bitset<HASH_SIZE> b; // hash to mark moved elements

b[0] = b[size] = 1;
i = 1; // Note that A[0] and A[size-1] won't move
while(i < size)
cycleBegin = i;
t = A[i];
// Input matrix [r x c]
P a g e | 324

// Output matrix 1
// i_new = (i*r)%(N-1)
next = (i*r)%size;
swap(A[next], t);
b[i] = 1;
i = next;
while(i != cycleBegin);

// Get Next Move (what about querying random location?)
for(i = 1; i < size && b[i]; i++)
cout << endl;

// Driver program to test above function
int main(void )
int r = 5, c = 6;
int size = r*c;
int *A = newint[size];

for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
A[i] = i+1;

Print2DArray(A, r, c);
MatrixInplaceTranspose(A, r, c);
Print2DArray(A, c, r);
P a g e | 325

delete[] A;

return 0;
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30

1 7 13 19 25
2 8 14 20 26
3 9 15 21 27
4 10 16 22 28
5 11 17 23 29
6 12 18 24 30
Extension: 17 March 2013 Some readers identified similarity between the
matrix transpose and string transformation. Without much theory I am presenting
the problem and solution. In given array of elements like
[a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j1k2l3m4]. Convert it to [abcdefghijklm1234567891234]. The
program should run inplace. What we need is an inplace transpose. Given below is
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
#define HASH_SIZE 128

P a g e | 326


void Print2DArray(charA[], int nr, int nc) {
int size = nr*nc;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
printf("%4c", *(A + i));


void MatrixTransposeInplaceArrangement(data_t A[], int r, int c) {
int size = r*c - 1;
data_t t; // holds element to be replaced, eventually becomes next element
to move
int next; // location of 't' to be moved
int cycleBegin; // holds start of cycle
int i; // iterator
bitset<HASH_SIZE> b; // hash to mark moved elements

b[0] = b[size] = 1;
i = 1; // Note that A[0] and A[size-1] won't move
while( i < size ) {
cycleBegin = i;
t = A[i];
// Input matrix [r x c]
// Output matrix 1
P a g e | 327

// i_new = (i*r)%size
next = (i*r)%size;
swap(A[next], t);
b[i] = 1;
i = next;
} while( i != cycleBegin );

// Get Next Move (what about querying random location?)
for(i = 1; i < size && b[i]; i++)
cout << endl;

void Fill(data_t buf[], int size) {
// Fill abcd ...
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
buf[i] = 'a'+i;

// Fill 0123 ...
buf += size;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
buf[i] = '0'+i;

void TestCase_01(void ) {
int r = 2, c = 10;
int size = r*c;
data_t *A = newdata_t[size];
P a g e | 328

Fill(A, c);

Print2DArray(A, r, c), cout << endl;
MatrixTransposeInplaceArrangement(A, r, c);
Print2DArray(A, c, r), cout << endl;

delete[] A;

int main() {

return 0;
The post is incomplete without mentioning two links.
1. Aashish covered good theory behind cycle leader algorithm. See his post
on string transformation.
2. As usual, Sambasiva demonstrated his exceptional skills in recursion to
the problem. Ensure to understand his solution.
Find the number of islands
October 17, 2012
Given a boolean 2D matrix, find the number of islands.
This is an variation of the standard problem: Counting number of connected
components in a undirected graph.
Before we go to the problem, let us understand what is a connected component.
A connected componentof an undirected graph is a subgraph in which every two
P a g e | 329

vertices are connected to each other by a path(s), and which is connected to no
other vertices outside the subgraph.
For example, the graph shown below has three connected components.

A graph where all vertices are connected with each other, has exactly one
connected component, consisting of the whole graph. Such graph with only one
connected component is called as Strongly Connected Graph.
The problem can be easily solved by applying DFS() on each component. In each
DFS() call, a component or a sub-graph is visited. We will call DFS on the next un-
visited component. The number of calls to DFS() gives the number of connected
components. BFS can also be used.
What is an island?
A group of connected 1s forms an island. For example, the below matrix contains 5
{1, 1, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0, 0, 1},
{1, 0, 0, 1, 1},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{1, 0, 1, 0, 1}
A cell in 2D matrix can be connected to 8 neighbors. So, unlike standard DFS(),
where we recursively call for all adjacent vertices, here we can recursive call for 8
neighbors only. We keep track of the visited 1s so that they are not visited again.
// Program to count islands in bool ean 2D matrix
P a g e | 330

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define ROW 5
#define COL 5

// A function to check if a given cell (row, col) can be included in DFS
int isSafe(int M[][COL], int row, int col, bool visited[][COL])
return (row >= 0) && (row < ROW) && // row number is in range
(col >= 0) && (col < COL) && // column number is in range
(M[row][col] && !visited[row][col]); // value is 1 and not yet

// A utility function to do DFS for a 2D bool ean matrix. It only considers
// the 8 neighbors as adjacent vertices
void DFS(int M[][COL], int row, int col, bool visited[][COL])
// These arrays are used to get row and column numbers of 8 neighbors
// of a given cell
staticintrowNbr[] = {-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1};
staticintcolNbr[] = {-1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1};

// Mark this cell as visited
visited[row][col] = true;

P a g e | 331

// Recur for all connected neighbours
for(int k = 0; k < 8; ++k)
if(isSafe(M, row + rowNbr[k], col + colNbr[k], visited) )
DFS(M, row + rowNbr[k], col + colNbr[k], visited);

// The main function that return s count of islands in a given bool ean
// 2D matrix
int countIslands(int M[][COL])
// Make a bool array to mark visited cells.
// Initially all cells are unvisited
bool visited[ROW][COL];
memset(visited, 0, sizeof(visited));

// Initialize count as 0 and travese through the all cells of
// given matrix
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < ROW; ++i)
for(int j = 0; j < COL; ++j)
if(M[i][j] && !visited[i][j]) // If a cell with value 1 is not
{ // visited yet, then new island
DFS(M, i, j, visited); // Visit all cells in this island.
++count; // and increment island count

return count;
P a g e | 332

// Driver program to test above function
int main()
int M[][COL]= { {1, 1, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0, 0, 1},
{1, 0, 0, 1, 1},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{1, 0, 1, 0, 1}

printf("Number of islands is: %d\n", countIslands(M));

return 0;
Number of islands is: 5
Time complexity: O(ROW x COL)
Construction of Longest Monotonically Increasing Subsequence (N log N)
November 23, 2012
In my previous post, I have explained about longest monotonically increasing sub-
sequence (LIS) problem in detail. However, the post only covered code related to
querying size of LIS, but not the construction of LIS. I left it as an exercise. If you
have solved, cheers. If not, you are not alone, here is code.
If you have not read my previous post, read here. Note that the below code prints
LIS in reverse order. We can modify print order using a stack (explicit or system
stack). I am leaving explanation as an exercise (easy).
P a g e | 333

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// Binary search
int GetCeilIndex(int A[], int T[], int l, int r, int key) {
int m;

while( r - l > 1 ) {
m = l + (r - l)/2;
if( A[T[m]] >= key )
r = m;
l = m;

return r;

int LongestIncreasingSubsequence(int A[], int size) {
// Add boundary case, when array size is zero
// Depend on smart pointers

int *tailIndices = newint[size];
int *prevIndices = newint[size];
int len;

P a g e | 334

memset(tailIndices, 0, sizeof(tailIndices[0])*size);
memset(prevIndices, 0xFF, sizeof(prevIndices[0])*size);

tailIndices[0] = 0;
prevIndices[0] = -1;
len = 1; // it will always point to empty location
for( int i = 1; i < size; i++ ) {
if( A[i] < A[tailIndices[0]] ) {
// new smallest value
tailIndices[0] = i;
} elseif( A[i] > A[tailIndices[len-1]] ) {
// A[i] wants to extend largest subsequence
prevIndices[i] = tailIndices[len-1];
tailIndices[len++] = i;
} else{
// A[i] wants to be a potential condidate of future subsequence
// It will replace ceil value in tailIndices
int pos = GetCeilIndex(A, tailIndices, -1, len-1, A[i]);

prevIndices[i] = tailIndices[pos-1];
tailIndices[pos] = i;
cout << "LIS of given input"<< endl;
for( int i = tailIndices[len-1]; i >= 0; i = prevIndices[i] )
cout << A[i] << " ";
cout << endl;

delete[] tailIndices;
P a g e | 335

delete[] prevIndices;

return len;

int main() {
int A[] = { 2, 5, 3, 7, 11, 8, 10, 13, 6 };
int size = sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0]);

printf("LIS size %d\n", LongestIncreasingSubsequence(A, size));

return 0;
1. You know Kadanes algorithm to find maximum sum sub-array. Modify Kadanes
algorithm to trace starting and ending location of maximum sum sub-array.
2. Modify Kadanes algorithm to find maximum sum sub-array in a circular array.
Refer GFG forum for many comments on the question.
3. Given two integers A and B as input. Find number of Fibonacci numbers existing
in between these two numbers (including A and B). For example, A = 3 and B = 18,
there are 4 Fibonacci numbers in between {3, 5, 8, 13}. Do it in O(log K) time, where
K is max(A, B). What is your observation?
Find the first circular tour that visits all petrol pumps
February 11, 2013
Suppose there is a circle. There are n petrol pumps on that circle. You are given
two sets of data.
1. The amount of petrol that petrol pump will give.
2. Distance from that petrol pump to the next petrol pump.
P a g e | 336

Calculate the first point from where a truck will be able to complete the circle (The
truck will stop at each petrol pump and it has infinite capacity). Expected time
complexity is O(n). Assume for 1 litre petrol, the truck can go 1 unit of distance.
For example, let there be 4 petrol pumps with amount of petrol and distance to next
petrol pump value pairs as {4, 6}, {6, 5}, {7, 3} and {4, 5}. The first point from where
truck can make a circular tour is 2nd petrol pump. Output should be start = 1
(index of 2nd petrol pump).
A Simple Solution is to consider every petrol pumps as starting point and see if
there is a possible tour. If we find a starting point with feasible solution, we return
that starting point. The worst case time complexity of this solution is O(n^2).
We can use a Queue to store the current tour. We first enqueue first petrol pump to
the queue, we keep enqueueing petrol pumps till we either complete the tour, or
current amount of petrol becomes negative. If the amount becomes negative, then
we keep dequeueing petrol pumps till the current amount becomes positive or
queue becomes empty.
Instead of creating a separate queue, we use the given array itself as queue. We
maintain two index variables start and end that represent rear and front of queue.
// C program to find circular tour for a truck
#include <stdio.h>

// A petrol pump has petrol and distance to next petrol pump
int petrol;
int distance;

// The function return s starting point if there is a possible solution,
// otherwise return s -1
P a g e | 337

int printTour(structpetrolPump arr[], int n)
// Consider first petrol pump as a starting point
int start = 0;
int end = 1;

int curr_petrol = arr[start].petrol - arr[start].distance;

/* Run a loop while all petrol pumps are not visited.
And we have reached first petrol pump again with 0 or more petrol */
while(end != start || curr_petrol < 0)
// If curremt amount of petrol in truck becomes less than 0, then
// remove the starting petrol pump from tour
while(curr_petrol < 0 && start != end)
// Remove starting petrol pump. Change start
curr_petrol -= arr[start].petrol - arr[start].distance;
start = (start + 1)%n;

// If 0 is being considered as start again, then there is no
// possible solution
if(start == 0)
return -1;

// Add a petrol pump to current tour
curr_petrol += arr[end].petrol - arr[end].distance;
P a g e | 338

end = (end + 1)%n;

// Return starting point
return start;

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
structpetrolPump arr[] = {{6, 4}, {3, 6}, {7, 3}};

int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int start = printTour(arr, n);

(start == -1)? printf("No solution"): printf("Start = %d", start);

return 0;
start = 2
Time Complexity: Seems to be more than linear at first look. If we consider the
items between start and end as part of a circular queue, we can observe that every
item is enqueued at most two times to the queue. The total number of operations is
proportional to total number of enqueue operations. Theref ore the time complexity is
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
P a g e | 339

Arrange given numbers to form the biggest number
February 19, 2013
Given an array of numbers, arrange them in a way that yields the largest value. For
example, if the given numbers are {54, 546, 548, 60}, the arrangement 6054854654
gives the largest value. And if the given numbers are {1, 34, 3, 98, 9, 76, 45, 4},
then the arrangement 998764543431 gives the largest value.
A simple solution that comes to our mind is to sort all numbers in descending order,
but simply sorting doesnt work. For example, 548 is greater than 60, but in output
60 comes before 548. As a second example, 98 is greater than 9, but 9 comes
before 98 in output.
So how do we go about it? The idea is to use any comparison based sorti ng
algorithm. In the used sorting algorithm, instead of using the default comparison,
write a comparison function myCompare() and use it to sort numbers. Given two
numbers X and Y, how should myCompare() decide which number to put first we
compare two numbers XY (Y appended at the end of X) and YX (X appended at the
end of Y). If XY is larger, then X should come before Y in output, else Y should
come before. For example, let X and Y be 542 and 60. To compare X and Y, we
compare 54260 and 60542. Since 60542 is greater than 54260, we put Y first.
Following is C++ implementation of the above approach. To keep the code simple,
numbers are considered as strings, and vector is used instead of normal array.
// Given an array of numbers, program to arrange the numbers to form the
// largest number
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

// A comparison function which is used by sort() in printLargest()
int myCompare(string X, string Y)
P a g e | 340

// first append Y at the end of X
string XY = X.append(Y);

// then append X at the end of Y
string YX = Y.append(X);

// Now see which of the two formed numbers is greater
return XY.compare(YX) > 0 ? 1: 0;

// The main function that prints the arrangement with the largest value.
// The function accepts a vector of strings
void printLargest(vector<string> arr)
// Sort the numbers using library sort funtion. The function uses
// our comparison function myCompare() to compare two strings.
// See http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/sort/ for details
sort(arr.begin(), arr.end(), myCompare);

for(int i=0; i < arr.size() ; i++ )
cout << arr[i];

// driverr program to test above functions
int main()
vector<string> arr;
P a g e | 341

//output should be 6054854654

// output should be 777776

//output should be 998764543431

return 0;
P a g e | 342

Dynamic Programming | Set 27 (Maximum sum rectangle in a 2D matrix)
February 27, 2013
Given a 2D array, find the maximum sum subarray in it. For example, in the
following 2D array, the maximum sum subarray is highlighted with blue rectangle
and sum of this subarray is 29.

This problem is mainly an extension of Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray for 1D
The naive solution for this problem is to check every possible rectangle in given 2D
array. This solution requires 4 nested loops and time complexity of this solution
would be O(n^4).
Kadanes algorithm for 1D array can be used to reduce the time complexity to
O(n^3). The idea is to fix the left and right columns one by one and find the
maximum sum contiguous rows for every left and right column pair. We basically
find top and bottom row numbers (which have maximum sum) for every fixed left
and right column pair. To find the top and bottom row numbers, calculate sun of
elements in every row from left to right and store these sums in an array say temp[].
So temp[i] indicates sum of elements from left to right in row i. If we apply Kadanes
1D algorithm on temp[], and get the maximum sum subarray of temp, this maximum
sum would be the maximum possible sum with left and right as boundary columns.
To get the overall maximum sum, we compare this sum with the maximum sum so
// Program to find maximum sum subarray in a given 2D array
P a g e | 343

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define ROW 4
#define COL 5

// Implementation of Kadane's algorithm for 1D array. The function return s
// maximum sum and stores starting and ending indexes of the maximum sum
// at addresses pointed by start and finish pointers respectively.
int kadane(int * arr, int * start, int * finish, int n)
// initialize sum, maxSum and
int sum = 0, maxSum = INT_MIN, i;

// Just some initial value to check for all negative values case
*finish = -1;

// local variable
int local_start = 0;

for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
sum += arr[i];
if(sum < 0)
sum = 0;
local_start = i+1;
P a g e | 344

elseif(sum > maxSum)
maxSum = sum;
*start = local_start;
*finish = i;

// There is at-least one non-negative number
if(*finish != -1)
return maxSum;

// Special Case: When all numbers in arr[] are negative
maxSum = arr[0];
*start = *finish = 0;

// Find the maximum element in array
for(i = 1; i < n; i++)
if(arr[i] > maxSum)
maxSum = arr[i];
*start = *finish = i;
return maxSum;

P a g e | 345

// The main function that finds maximum sum rectangle in M[][]
void findMaxSum(int M[][COL])
// Variables to store the final output
int maxSum = INT_MIN, finalLeft, finalRight, finalTop, finalBottom;

int left, right, i;
int temp[ROW], sum, start, finish;

// Set the left column
for(left = 0; left < COL; ++left)
// Initialize all elements of temp as 0
memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));

// Set the right column for the left column set by outer loop
for(right = left; right < COL; ++right)
// Calculate sum between current left and right for every row 'i'
for(i = 0; i < ROW; ++i)
temp[i] += M[i][right];

// Find the maximum sum subarray in temp[]. The kadane() function
// also sets values of start and finish. So 'sum' is sum of
// rectangle between (start, left) and (finish, right) which is
// maximum sum with boundary columns strictly as left and right.
sum = kadane(temp, &start, &finish, ROW);

P a g e | 346

// Compare sum with maximum sum so far. If sum is more, then
// maxSum and other output values
if(sum > maxSum)
maxSum = sum;
finalLeft = left;
finalRight = right;
finalTop = start;
finalBottom = finish;

// Print final values
printf("(Top, Left) (%d, %d)\n", finalTop, finalLeft);
printf("(Bottom, Right) (%d, %d)\n", finalBottom, finalRight);
printf("Max sum is: %d\n", maxSum);

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
int M[ROW][COL] = {{1, 2, -1, -4, -20},
{-8, -3, 4, 2, 1},
{3, 8, 10, 1, 3},
{-4, -1, 1, 7, -6}

P a g e | 347


return 0;
(Top, Left) (1, 1)
(Bottom, Right) (3, 3)
Max sum is: 29
Time Complexity: O(n^3)
Pancake sorting
March 3, 2013
Given an an unsorted array, sort the given array. You are allowed to do only
following operation on array.
flip(arr, i): Reverse array from 0 to i
Unlike a traditional sorting algorithm, which attempts to sort with the fewest
comparisons possible, the goal is to sort the sequence in as few reversals as
The idea is to do something similar to Selection Sort. We one by one place
maximum element at the end and reduce the size of current array by one.
Following are the detailed steps. Let given array be arr[] and size of array be n.
1) Start from current size equal to n and reduce current size by one while its greater
than 1. Let the current size be curr_size. Do following for every curr_size
a) Find index of the maximum element in arr[0..curr_szie-1]. Let the index be
b) Call flip(arr, mi)
c) Call flip(arr, curr_size-1)
See following video for visualization of the above algorithm.
P a g e | 348

/* A C++ program for Pancake Sorting */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

/* Reverses arr[0..i] */
void flip(int arr[], int i)
int temp, start = 0;
while(start < i)
temp = arr[start];
arr[start] = arr[i];
arr[i] = temp;

/* Returns index of the maximum element in arr[0..n-1] */
int findMax(int arr[], int n)
int mi, i;
for(mi = 0, i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if(arr[i] > arr[mi])
mi = i;
return mi;

// The main function that sorts given array using flip operations
P a g e | 349

int pancakeSort(int *arr, int n)
// Start from the complete array and one by one reduce current size by one
for(int curr_size = n; curr_size > 1; --curr_size)
// Find index of the maximum element in arr[0..curr_size-1]
int mi = findMax(arr, curr_size);

// Move the maximum element to end of current array if it's not
// already at the end
if(mi != curr_size-1)
// To move at the end, first move maximum number to beginning
flip(arr, mi);

// Now move the maximum number to end by reversing current array
flip(arr, curr_size-1);

/* A utility function to print an array of size n */
void printArray(int arr[], int n)
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);

// Driver program to test above function
P a g e | 350

int main()
int arr[] = {23, 10, 20, 11, 12, 6, 7};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);

pancakeSort(arr, n);

puts("Sorted Array ");
printArray(arr, n);

return 0;
Sorted Array
6 7 10 11 12 20 23
Total O(n) flip operations are performed in above code. The overall time complexity
is O(n^2).
A Pancake Sorting Problem
March 5, 2013
We have discussed Pancake Sorting in the previous post. Following is a problem
based on Pancake Sorting.
Given an an unsorted array, sort the given array. You are allowed to do only
following operation on array.
flip(arr, i): Reverse array from 0 to i
Imagine a hypothetical machine where flip(i) always takes O(1) time. Write an
efficient program for sorting a given array in O(nLogn) time on the given
machine. If we apply the same algorithm here, the time taken will be O(n^2)
P a g e | 351

because the algorithm calls findMax() in a loop and find findMax() takes O(n) time
even on this hypothetical machine.
We can use insertion sort that uses binary search. The idea is to run a loop from
second element to last element (from i = 1 to n-1), and one by one insert arr[i] in
arr[0..i-1] (like standard insertion sort algorithm). When we insert an element arr[i],
we can use binary search to find position of arr[i] in O(Logi) time. Once we have the
position, we can use some flip operations to put arr[i] at its new place. Following are
abstract steps.
// Standard Insertion Sort Loop that starts from second
for (i=1; i < n; i++) ----> O(n)
int key = arr[i];

// Find index of ceiling of arr[i] in arr[0..i-1]
using binary search
j = celiSearch(arr, key, 0, i-1); ----> O(logn) (See

// Apply some flip operations to put arr[i] at correct
Since flip operation takes O(1) on given hypothetical machine, total running time of
above algorithm is O(nlogn). Thanks to Kumar for suggesting above problem and
Let us see how does the above algorithm work. ceilSearch() actually returns the
index of the smallest element which is greater than arr[i] in arr[0..i-1]. If there is no
such element, it returns -1. Let the returned value be j. If j is -1, then we dont need
to do anything as arr[i] is already the greatest element among arr[0..i]. Otherwise we
need to put arr[i] just before arr[j].
So how to apply flip operations to put arr[i] just before arr[j] using values of i and j.
Let us take an example to understand this. Let i be 6 and current array be {12, 15,
18, 30, 35, 40, 20, 6, 90, 80}. To put 20 at its new place, the array should be
P a g e | 352

changed to {12, 15, 18, 20, 30, 35, 40, 6, 90, 80}. We apply following steps to put 20
at its new place.
1) Find j using ceilSearch (In the above example j is 3).
2) flip(arr, j-1) (array becomes {18, 15, 12, 30, 35, 40, 20, 6, 90, 80})
3) flip(arr, i-1); (array becomes {40, 35, 30, 12, 15, 18, 20, 6, 90, 80})
4) flip(arr, i); (array becomes {20, 18, 15, 12, 30, 35, 40, 6, 90, 80})
5) flip(arr, j); (array becomes {12, 15, 18, 20, 30, 35, 40, 6, 90, 80})
Following is C implementation of the above algorithm.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

/* A Binary Search based function to get index of ceiling of x in
arr[low..high] */
int ceilSearch(int arr[], int low, int high, int x)
int mid;

/* If x is smaller than or equal to the first element,
then return the first element */
if(x <= arr[low])
return low;

/* If x is greater than the last element, then return -1 */
if(x > arr[high])
return -1;

/* get the index of middle element of arr[low..high]*/
mid = (low + high)/2; /* low + (high low)/2 */
P a g e | 353

/* If x is same as middle element, then return mid */
if(arr[mid] == x)
return mid;

/* If x is greater than arr[mid], then either arr[mid + 1]
is ceiling of x, or ceiling lies in arr[mid+1...high] */
if(arr[mid] < x)
if(mid + 1 <= high && x <= arr[mid+1])
return mid + 1;
return ceilSearch(arr, mid+1, high, x);

/* If x is smaller than arr[mid], then either arr[mid]
is ceiling of x or ceiling lies in arr[mid-1...high] */
if(mid - 1 >= low && x > arr[mid-1])
return mid;
return ceilSearch(arr, low, mid - 1, x);

/* Reverses arr[0..i] */
void flip(int arr[], int i)
int temp, start = 0;
while(start < i)
P a g e | 354

temp = arr[start];
arr[start] = arr[i];
arr[i] = temp;

/* Function to sort an array using insertion sort, binary search and flip */
void insertionSort(int arr[], int size)
int i, j;

// Start from the second element and one by one insert arr[i]
// in already sorted arr[0..i-1]
for(i = 1; i < size; i++)
// Find the smallest element in arr[0..i-1] which is also greater than
// or equal to arr[i]
int j = ceilSearch(arr, 0, i-1, arr[i]);

// Check if there was no element greater than arr[i]
if(j != -1)
// Put arr[i] before arr[j] using following four flip operations
flip(arr, j-1);
flip(arr, i-1);
flip(arr, i);
flip(arr, j);
P a g e | 355


/* A utility function to print an array of size n */
void printArray(int arr[], int n)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);

/* Driver program to test insertion sort */
int main()
int arr[] = {18, 40, 35, 12, 30, 35, 20, 6, 90, 80};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
insertionSort(arr, n);
printArray(arr, n);
return 0;
6 12 18 20 30 35 35 40 80 90
Tug of War
March 13, 2013
Given a set of n integers, divide the set in two subsets of n/2 sizes each such that
the difference of the sum of two subsets is as minimum as possible. If n is even,
then sizes of two subsets must be strictly n/2 and if n is odd, then size of one subset
must be (n-1)/2 and size of other subset must be (n+1)/2.
P a g e | 356

For example, let given set be {3, 4, 5, -3, 100, 1, 89, 54, 23, 20}, the size of set is
10. Output for this set should be {4, 100, 1, 23, 20} and {3, 5, -3, 89, 54}. Both
output subsets are of size 5 and sum of elements in both subsets is same (148 and
Let us consider another example where n is odd. Let given set be {23, 45, -34, 12,
0, 98, -99, 4, 189, -1, 4}. The output subsets should be {45, -34, 12, 98, -1} and {23,
0, -99, 4, 189, 4}. The sums of elements in two subsets are 120 and 121
The following solution tries every possible subset of half size. If one subset of half
size is formed, the remaining elements form the other subset. We initialize current
set as empty and one by one build it. There are two possibilities for every element,
either it is part of current set, or it is part of the remaining elements (other subset).
We consider both possibilities for every element. When the size of current set
becomes n/2, we check whether this solutions is better than the best solution
available so far. If it is, then we update the best solution.
Following is C++ implementation for Tug of War problem. It prints the required
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>

// function that tries every possible solution by calling itself recursively
void TOWUtil(int * arr, int n, bool * curr_elements, int
bool * soln, int * min_diff, int sum, int curr_sum, int
// checks whether the it is going out of bound
if(curr_position == n)
return ;
P a g e | 357

// checks that the numbers of elements left are not less than the
// number of elements required to form the solution
if((n/2 - no_of_selected_elements) > (n - curr_position))
return ;

// consider the cases when current element is not included in the solution
TOWUtil(arr, n, curr_elements, no_of_selected_elements,
soln, min_diff, sum, curr_sum, curr_position+1);

// add the current element to the solution
curr_sum = curr_sum + arr[curr_position];
curr_elements[curr_position] = true;

// checks if a solution is formed
if(no_of_selected_elements == n/2)
// checks if the solution formed is better than the best solution so
if(abs(sum/2 - curr_sum) < *min_diff)
*min_diff = abs(sum/2 - curr_sum);
for(int i = 0; i<n; i++)
soln[i] = curr_elements[i];
P a g e | 358

// consider the cases where current element is included in the
TOWUtil(arr, n, curr_elements, no_of_selected_elements, soln,
min_diff, sum, curr_sum, curr_position+1);

// removes current element before return ing to the caller of this
curr_elements[curr_position] = false;

// main function that generate an arr
void tugOfWar(int *arr, int n)
// the bool en array that contains the inclusion and exclusion of an
// in current set. The number excluded automatically form the other set
bool * curr_elements = newbool[n];

// The inclusion/exclusion array for final solution
bool * soln = newbool[n];

int min_diff = INT_MAX;

int sum = 0;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
sum += arr[i];
curr_elements[i] = soln[i] = false;
P a g e | 359

// Find the solution using recursive function TOWUtil()
TOWUtil(arr, n, curr_elements, 0, soln, &min_diff, sum, 0, 0);

// Print the solution
cout << "The first subset is: ";
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
if(soln[i] == true)
cout << arr[i] << " ";
cout << "\nThe second subset is: ";
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
if(soln[i] == false)
cout << arr[i] << " ";

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
int arr[] = {23, 45, -34, 12, 0, 98, -99, 4, 189, -1, 4};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
tugOfWar(arr, n);
return 0;
P a g e | 360

The first subset is: 45 -34 12 98 -1
The second subset is: 23 0 -99 4 189 4
Print Matrix Diagonally
March 14, 2013
Given a 2D matrix, print all elements of the given matrix in diagonal order. For
example, consider the following 5 X 4 input matrix.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
Diagonal printing of the above matrix is
5 2
9 6 3
13 10 7 4
17 14 11 8
18 15 12
19 16
Following is C++ code for diagonal printing.
The diagonal printing of a given matrix matrix[ROW][COL] always has ROW +
COL 1 lines in output
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define ROW 5
#define COL 4

P a g e | 361

// A utility function to find min of two int egers
int min(int a, int b)
{ return (a < b)? a: b; }

// A utility function to find min of three int egers
int min(int a, int b, int c)
{ return min(min(a, b), c);}

// A utility function to find max of two int egers
int max(int a, int b)
{ return (a > b)? a: b; }

// The main function that prints given matrix in diagonal order
void diagonalOrder(int matrix[][COL])
// There will be ROW+COL-1 lines in the output
for(int line=1; line<=(ROW + COL -1); line++)
/* Get column index of the first element in this line of output.
The index is 0 for first ROW lines and line - ROW for remaining
lines */
int start_col = max(0, line-ROW);

/* Get count of elements in this line. The count of elements is
equal to minimum of line number, COL-start_col and ROW */
int count = min(line, (COL-start_col), ROW);

/* Print elements of this line */
P a g e | 362

for(int j=0; j<count; j++)
printf("%5d ", matrix[min(ROW, line)-j-1][start_col+j]);

/* Ptint elements of next diagonal on next line */

// Utility function to print a matrix
void printMatrix(int matrix[ROW][COL])
for(int i=0; i< ROW; i++)
for(int j=0; j<COL; j++)
printf("%5d ", matrix[i][j]);

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
int M[ROW][COL] = {{1, 2, 3, 4},
{5, 6, 7, 8},
{9, 10, 11, 12},
{13, 14, 15, 16},
{17, 18, 19, 20},
printf("Given matrix is \n");
P a g e | 363


printf("\nDiagonal printing of matrix is \n");
return 0;
Given matrix is
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20

Diagonal printing of matrix is
5 2
9 6 3
13 10 7 4
17 14 11 8
18 15 12
19 16
Divide and Conquer | Set 3 (Maximum Subarray Sum)
March 16, 2013
You are given a one dimensional array that may contain both positive and negative
integers, find the sum of contiguous subarray of numbers which has the largest
For example, if the given array is {-2, -5, 6, -2, -3, 1, 5, -6}, then the maximum
subarray sum is 7 (see highlighted elements).
P a g e | 364

The naive method is to run two loops. The outer loop picks the beginning element,
the inner loop finds the maximum possible sum with first element picked by outer
loop and compares this maximum with the overall maximum. Finally return the
overall maximum. The time complexity of the Naive method is O(n^2).
Using Divide and Conquer approach, we can find the maximum subarray sum in
O(nLogn) time. Following is the Divide and Conquer algorithm.
1) Divide the given array in two halves
2) Return the maximum of following three
.a) Maximum subarray sum in left half (Make a recursive call)
.b) Maximum subarray sum in right half (Make a recursive call)
.c) Maximum subarray sum such that the subarray crosses the midpoint
The lines 2.a and 2.b are simple recursive calls. How to find maximum subarray
sum such that the subarray crosses the midpoint? We can easily find the crossing
sum in linear time. The idea is simple, find the maximum sum starting from mid point
and ending at some point on left of mid, then find the maximum sum starting from
mid + 1 and ending with sum point on right of mid + 1. Finally, combine the two and
// A Divide and Conquer based program for maximum subarray sum problem
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>

// A utility funtion to find maximum of two int egers
int max(int a, int b) { return (a > b)? a : b; }

// A utility funtion to find maximum of three int egers
int max(int a, int b, int c) { return max(max(a, b), c); }

// Find the maximum possible sum in arr[] auch that arr[m] is part of it
int maxCrossingSum(int arr[], int l, int m, int h)
P a g e | 365

// Include elements on left of mid.
int sum = 0;
int left_sum = INT_MIN;
for(int i = m; i >= l; i--)
sum = sum + arr[i];
if(sum > left_sum)
left_sum = sum;

// Include elements on right of mid
sum = 0;
int right_sum = INT_MIN;
for(int i = m+1; i <= h; i++)
sum = sum + arr[i];
if(sum > right_sum)
right_sum = sum;

// Return sum of elements on left and right of mid
return left_sum + right_sum;

// Returns sum of maxium sum subarray in aa[l..h]
int maxSubArraySum(int arr[], int l, int h)
// Base Case: Only one element
if(l == h)
P a g e | 366

return arr[l];

// Find middle point
int m = (l + h)/2;

/* Return maximum of following three possible cases
a) Maximum subarray sum in left half
b) Maximum subarray sum in right half
c) Maximum subarray sum such that the subarray crosses the midpoint */
return max(maxSubArraySum(arr, l, m),
maxSubArraySum(arr, m+1, h),
maxCrossingSum(arr, l, m, h));

/*Driver program to test maxSubArraySum*/
int main()
int arr[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 7};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int max_sum = maxSubArraySum(arr, 0, n-1);
printf("Maximum contiguous sum is %d\n", max_sum);
return 0;
Time Complexity: maxSubArraySum() is a recursive method and time complexity
can be expressed as following recurrence relation.
T(n) = 2T(n/2) +
The above recurrence is similar to Merge Sort and can be solved either using
P a g e | 367

Recurrence Tree method or Master method. It falls in case II of Master Method and
solution of the recurrence is .
The Kadanes Algorithm for this problem takes O(n) time. Therefore the Kadanes
algorithm is better than the Divide and Conquer approach, but this problem can be
considered as a good example to show power of Divide and Conquer. The above
simple approach where we divide the array in two halves, reduces the time
complexity from O(n^2) to O(nLogn).
Counting Sort
March 18, 2013
Counting sort is a sorting technique based on keys between a specific range. It
works by counting the number of objects having distinct key values (kind of
hashing). Then doing some arithmetic to calculate the position of each object in the
output sequence.
Let us understand it with the help of an example.
For simplicity, consider the data in the range 0 to 9.
Input data: 1, 4, 1, 2, 7, 5, 2
1) Take a count array to store the count of each
unique object.
Index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Count: 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 0

2) Modify the count array such that each element at
each index
stores the sum of previous counts.
Index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Count: 0 2 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 7

The modified count array indicates the position of each
object in
the output sequence.

3) Output each object from the input sequence followed
P a g e | 368

decreasing its count by 1.
Process the input data: 1, 4, 1, 2, 7, 5, 2. Position
of 1 is 2.
Put data 1 at index 2 in output. Decrease count by 1
to place
next data 1 at an index 1 smaller than this index.
Following is C implementation of counting sort.
// C Program for counting sort
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define RANGE 255

// The main function that sort the given string str in alphabatical order
void countSort(char*str)
// The output character array that will have sorted str

// Create a count array to store count of inidividul characters and
// initialize count array as 0
int count[RANGE + 1], i;
memset(count, 0, sizeof(count));

// Store count of each character
for(i = 0; str[i]; ++i)

// Change count[i] so that count[i] now contains actual position of
// this character in output array
P a g e | 369

for(i = 1; i <= RANGE; ++i)
count[i] += count[i-1];

// Build the output character array
for(i = 0; str[i]; ++i)
output[count[str[i]]-1] = str[i];

// Copy the output array to str, so that str now
// contains sorted characters
for(i = 0; str[i]; ++i)
str[i] = output[i];

// Driver program to test above function
int main()
charstr[] = "geeksforgeeks";//"applepp";


printf("Sorted string is %s\n", str);
return 0;
Sorted character array is eeeefggkkorss
P a g e | 370

Time Complexity: O(n+k) where n is the number of elements in input array and k is
the range of input.
Auxiliary Space: O(n+k)
Points to be noted:
1. Counting sort is efficient if the range of input data is not significantly greater than
the number of objects to be sorted. Consider the situation where the input sequence
is between range 1 to 10K and the data is 10, 5, 10K, 5K.
2. It is not a comparison based sorting. It running time complexity is O(n) with space
proportional to the range of data.
3. It is often used as a sub-routine to another sorting algorithm like radix sort.
4. Counting sort uses a partial hashing to count the occurrence of the data object in
5. Counting sort can be extended to work for negative inputs also.
1. Modify above code to sort the input data in the range from M to N.
2. Modify above code to sort negative input data.
3. Is counting sort stable and online?
4. Thoughts on parallelizing the counting sort algorithm.
Merge Overlapping Intervals
March 21, 2013
Given a set of time intervals in any order, merge all overlapping intervals into one
and output the result which should have only mutually exclusive intervals. Let the
intervals be represented as pairs of integers for simplicity.
For example, let the given set of intervals be {{1,3}, {2,4}, {5,7}, {6,8} }. The intervals
{1,3} and {2,4} overlap with each other, so they should be merged and become {1,
4}. Similarly {5, 7} and {6, 8} should be merged and become {5, 8}
Write a function which produces the set of merged intervals for the given set of
A simple approach is to start from the first interval and compare it with all other
intervals for overlapping, if it overlaps with any other interval, then remove the other
interval from list and merge the other into the first interval. Repeat the same steps
for remaining intervals after first. This approach cannot be implemented in better
than O(n^2) time.
P a g e | 371

An efficient approach is to first sort the intervals according to starting time. Once
we have the sorted intervals, we can combine all intervals in a linear traversal. The
idea is, in sorted array of intervals, if interval[i] doesnt overlap with interval[i-1], then
interval[i+1] cannot overlap with interval[i-1] because starting time of interval[i+1]
must be greater than or equal to interval[i]. Following is the detailed step by step
1. Sort the intervals based on increasing order of starting time.
2. Push the first interval on to a stack.
3. For each interval do the following
..a. If the current interval does not overlap with the stack top, push it.
..b. If the current interval overlaps with stack top and ending time of current
interval is more than that of stack top, update stack top with the ending time of
current interval.
4. At the end stack contains the merged intervals.
Below is a C++ implementation of the above approach.
// A C++ program for merging overlapping int ervals
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stack>

// An int erval has start time and end time
int start;
int end;

// Compares two int ervals according to their staring time.
P a g e | 372

// This is needed for sorting the int ervals using library
// function std::sort(). See http://goo.gl/iGspV
bool compareInterval(Interval i1, Interval i2)
{ return (i1.start < i2.start)? true: false; }

// The main function that takes a set of int ervals, merges
// overlapping int ervals and prints the result
void mergeIntervals(vector<Interval>& int ervals)
// Test if the given set has at least one int erval
if(int ervals.size() <= 0)
return ;

// Create an empty stack of int ervals
stack<Interval> s;

// sort the int ervals based on start time
sort(int ervals.begin(), int ervals.end(), compareInterval);

// push the first int erval to stack
s.push(int ervals[0]);

// Start from the next int erval and merge if necessary
for(int i = 1 ; i < int ervals.size(); i++)
// get int erval from stack top
Interval top = s.top();

P a g e | 373

// if current int erval is not overlapping with stack top,
// push it to the stack
if(top.end < int ervals[i].start)
s.push( int ervals[i] );
// Otherwise update the ending time of top if ending of current
// int erval is more
elseif(top.end < int ervals[i].end)
top.end = int ervals[i].end;

// Print contents of stack
cout << "\n The Merged Intervals are: ";
Interval t = s.top();
cout << "["<< t.start << ","<< t.end << "]"<< " ";

return ;

// Functions to run test cases
P a g e | 374

void TestCase1()
// Create a set of int ervals
Interval int vls[] = { {6,8}, {1,9}, {2,4}, {4,7} };
vector<Interval> int ervals(int vls, int vls+4);

// Merge overlapping inervals and print result
mergeIntervals(int ervals);
void TestCase2()
// Create a set of int ervals
Interval int vls[] = { {6,8},{1,3},{2,4},{4,7} };
vector<Interval> int ervals(int vls, int vls+4);

// Merge overlapping inervals and print result
mergeIntervals(int ervals);
void TestCase3()
// Create a set of int ervals
Interval int vls[] = { {1,3},{7,9},{4,6},{10,13} };
vector<Interval> int ervals(int vls, int vls+4);

// Merge overlapping inervals and print result
mergeIntervals(int ervals);

// Driver program to test above functions
P a g e | 375

int main()
return 0;

The Merged Intervals are: [1,9]
The Merged Intervals are: [1,8]
The Merged Intervals are: [10,13] [7,9] [4,6] [1,3]
Time complexity of the method is O(nLogn) which is for sorting. Once the array of
intervals is sorted, merging takes linear time.
Find the maximum repeating number in O(n) time and O(1) extra space
March 26, 2013
Given an array of size n, the array contains numbers in range from 0 to k-
1 where k is a positive integer andk <= n. Find the maximum repeating number in
this array. For example, let k be 10 the given array be arr[] = {1, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 3,
8, 0, 9, 2, 3}, the maximum repeating number would be 2. Expected time complexity
is O(n) and extra space allowed is O(1). Modifications to array are allowed.
The naive approach is to run two loops, the outer loop picks an element one by
one, the inner loop counts number of occurrences of the picked element. Finally
return the element with maximum count. Time complexity of this approach
is O(n^2).
A better approach is to create a count array of size k and initialize all elements
of count[] as 0. Iterate through all elements of input array, and for every
element arr[i], increment count[arr[i]]. Finally, iterate through count[] and return the
index with maximum value. This approach takes O(n) time, but requires O(k) space.
P a g e | 376

Following is the O(n) time and O(1) extra space approach. Let us understand the
approach with a simple example where arr[] = {2, 3, 3, 5, 3, 4, 1, 7}, k = 8, n = 8
(number of elements in arr[]).
1) Iterate though input array arr[], for every element arr[i],
increment arr[arr[i]%k] by k (arr[] becomes {2, 11, 11, 29, 11, 12, 1, 15 })
2) Find the maximum value in the modified array (maximum value is 29). Index of
the maximum value is the maximum repeating element (index of 29 is 3).
3) If we want to get the original array back, we can iterate through the array one
more time and do arr[i] = arr[i] % k where i varies from 0 to n-1.
How does the above algorithm work? Since we use arr[i]%k as index and add
value k at the index arr[i]%k, the index which is equal to maximum repeating
element will have the maximum value in the end. Note that kis added maximum
number of times at the index equal to maximum repeating element and all array
elements are smaller than k.
Following is C++ implementation of the above algorithm.

// Returns maximum repeating element in arr[0..n-1].
// The array elements are in range from 0 to k-1
int maxRepeating(int * arr, int n, int k)
// Iterate though input array, for every element
// arr[i], increment arr[arr[i]%k] by k
for(int i = 0; i< n; i++)
arr[arr[i]%k] += k;

// Find index of the maximum repeating element
P a g e | 377

int max = arr[0], result = 0;
for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
if(arr[i] > max)
max = arr[i];
result = i;

/* Uncomment this code to get the original array back
for (int i = 0; i< n; i++)
arr[i] = arr[i]%k; */

// Return index of the maximum element
return result;

// Driver program to test above function
int main()
int arr[] = {2, 3, 3, 5, 3, 4, 1, 7};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
int k = 8;

cout << "The maximum repeating number is "<<
maxRepeating(arr, n, k) << endl;

P a g e | 378

return 0;
The maximum repeating number is 3
The above solution prints only one repeating element and doesnt work if we want to
print all maximum repeating elements. For example, if the input array is {2, 3, 2, 3},
the above solution will print only 3. What if we need to print both of 2 and 3 as both
of them occur maximum number of times. Write a O(n) time and O(1) extra space
function that prints all maximum repeating elements. (Hint: We can use maximum
quotient arr[i]/n instead of maximum value in step 2).
Note that the above solutions may cause overflow if adding k repeatedly makes the
value more than INT_MAX.
Stock Buy Sell to Maximize Profit
March 31, 2013
The cost of a stock on each day is given in an array, find the max profit that you can
make by buying and selling in those days. For example, if the given array is {100,
180, 260, 310, 40, 535, 695}, the maximum profit can earned by buying on day 0,
selling on day 3. Again buy on day 4 and sell on day 6. If the given array of prices is
sorted in decreasing order, then profit cannot be earned at all.
If we are allowed to buy and sell only once, then we can use following
algorithm. Maximum difference between two elements. Here we are allowed to buy
and sell multiple times. Following is algorithm for this problem.
1. Find the local minima and store it as starting index. If not exists, return.
2. Find the local maxima. and store it as ending index. If we reach the end, set the
end as ending index.
3. Update the solution (Increment count of buy sell pairs)
4. Repeat the above steps if end is not reached.
// Program to find best buying and selling days
#include <stdio.h>
P a g e | 379

// solution structure
int buy;
int sell;

// This function finds the buy sell schedule for maximum profit
void stockBuySell(int price[], int n)
// Prices must be given for at least two days
if(n == 1)
return ;

int count = 0; // count of solution pairs

// solution vector
Interval sol[n/2 + 1];

// Traverse through given price array
int i = 0;
while(i < n-1)
// Find Local Minima. Note that the limit is (n-2) as we are
// comparing present element to the next element.
while((i < n-1) && (price[i+1] <= price[i]))
P a g e | 380

// If we reached the end, break as no further solution possible
if(i == n-1)

// Store the index of minima
sol[count].buy = i++;

// Find Local Maxima. Note that the limit is (n-1) as we are
// comparing to previous element
while((i < n) && (price[i] >= price[i-1]))

// Store the index of maxima
sol[count].sell = i-1;

// Increment count of buy/sell pairs

// print solution
if(count == 0)
printf("There is no day when buying the stock will make profit\n");
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
printf("Buy on day: %d\t Sell on day: %d\n", sol[i].buy,
P a g e | 381

return ;

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
// stock prices on consecutive days
int price[] = {100, 180, 260, 310, 40, 535, 695};
int n = sizeof(price)/sizeof(price[0]);

// fucntion call
stockBuySell(price, n);

return 0;
Buy on day : 0 Sell on day: 3
Buy on day : 4 Sell on day: 6
Time Complexity: The outer loop runs till i becomes n-1. The inner two loops
increment value of i in every iteration. So overall time complexity is O(n)
Rearrange positive and negative numbers in O(n) time and O(1) extra space
April 13, 2013
An array contains both positive and negative numbers in random order. Rearrange
the array elements so that positive and negative numbers are placed
alternatively. Number of positive and negative numbers need not be equal. If there
are more positive numbers they appear at the end of the array. If there are more
negative numbers, they too appear in the end of the array.
P a g e | 382

For example, if the input array is [-1, 2, -3, 4, 5, 6, -7, 8, 9], then the output should
be [9, -7, 8, -3, 5, -1, 2, 4, 6]
The solution is to first separate positive and negative numbers using partition
process of QuickSort. In the partition process, consider 0 as value of pivot element
so that all negative numbers are placed before positive numbers. Once negative
and positive numbers are separated, we start from the first negative number and
first positive number, and swap every alternate negative number with next positive
// A C++ program to put positive numbers at even indexes (0, 2, 4,..)
// and negative numbers at odd indexes (1, 3, 5, ..)
#include <stdio.h>

// prototype for swap
void swap(int *a, int *b);

// The main function that rearranges elements of given array. It puts
// positive elements at even indexes (0, 2, ..) and negative numbers at
// odd indexes (1, 3, ..).
void rearrange(int arr[], int n)
// The following few lines are similar to partition process
// of QuickSort. The idea is to consider 0 as pivot and
// divide the array around it.
int i = -1;
for(int j = 0; j < n; j++)
if(arr[j] < 0)
P a g e | 383

swap(&arr[i], &arr[j]);

// Now all positive numbers are at end and negative numbers at
// the beginning of array. Initialize indexes for starting point
// of positive and negative numbers to be swapped
int pos = i+1, neg = 0;

// Increment the negative index by 2 and positive index by 1, i.e.,
// swap every alternate negative number with next positive number
while(pos < n && neg < pos && arr[neg] < 0)
swap(&arr[neg], &arr[pos]);
neg += 2;

// A utility function to swap two elements
void swap(int *a, int *b)
int temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;

// A utility function to print an array
void printArray(int arr[], int n)
P a g e | 384

for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%4d ", arr[i]);

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
int arr[] = {-1, 2, -3, 4, 5, 6, -7, 8, 9};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
rearrange(arr, n);
printArray(arr, n);
return 0;
4 -3 5 -1 6 -7 2 8 9
Time Complexity: O(n) where n is number of elements in given array.
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Note that the partition process changes relative order of elements.
Sort elements by frequency | Set 2
May 5, 2013
Given an array of integers, sort the array according to frequency of elements. For
example, if the input array is {2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 12, 2, 3, 3, 3, 12}, then modify the array
to {3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 12, 12, 4, 5}.
In the previous post, we have discussed all methods for sorting according to
frequency. In this post, method 2 is discussed in detail and C++ implementation for
the same is provided.
P a g e | 385

Following is detailed algorithm.
1) Create a BST and while creating BST maintain the count i,e frequency of each
coming element in same BST. This step may take O(nLogn) time if a self balancing
BST is used.
2) Do Inorder traversal of BST and store every element and count of each element
in an auxiliary array. Let us call the auxiliary array as count[]. Note that every
element of this array is element and frequency pair. This step takes O(n) time.
3) Sort count[] according to frequency of the elements. This step takes O(nLohn)
time if a O(nLogn) sorting algorithm is used.
4) Traverse through the sorted array count[]. For each element x, print it freq
times where freq is frequency of x. This step takes O(n) time.
Overall time complexity of the algorithm can be minimum O(nLogn) if we use a
O(nLogn) sorting algorithm and use a self balancing BST with O(Logn) insert
Following is C++ implementation of the above algorithm.
// Implementation of above algorithm in C++.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* A BST node has data, freq, left and right pointers */
structBSTNode *left;
int data;
int freq;
structBSTNode *right;

// A structure to store data and its frequency
P a g e | 386

int data;
int freq;

/* Function for qsort() implementation. Compare frequencies to
sort the array according to decreasing order of frequency */
int compare(constvoid*a, constvoid*b)
return ( (*(constdataFreq*)b).freq - (*(constdataFreq*)a).freq );

/* Helper function that allocates a new node with the given data,
frequency as 1 and NULL left and right pointers.*/
BSTNode* newNode(int data)
structBSTNode* node = newBSTNode;
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
node->freq = 1;
return (node);

// A utility function to insert a given key to BST. If element
// is already present, then increases frequency
BSTNode *insert(BSTNode *root, int data)
P a g e | 387

if(root == NULL)
return newNode(data);
if(data == root->data) // If already present
root->freq += 1;
elseif(data < root->data)
root->left = insert(root->left, data);
root->right = insert(root->right, data);
return root;

// Function to copy elements and their frequencies to count[].
void store(BSTNode *root, dataFreq count[], int *index)
// Base Case
if(root == NULL) return ;

// Recur for left substree
store(root->left, count, index);

// Store item from root and increment index
count[(*index)].freq = root->freq;
count[(*index)].data = root->data;

// Recur for right subtree
store(root->right, count, index);
P a g e | 388

// The main function that takes an input array as an argument
// and sorts the array items according to frequency
void sortByFrequency(int arr[], int n)
// Create an empty BST and insert all array items in BST
structBSTNode *root = NULL;
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
root = insert(root, arr[i]);

// Create an auxiliary array 'count[]' to store data and
// frequency pairs. The maximum size of this array would
// be n when all elements are different
dataFreq count[n];
int index = 0;
store(root, count, &index);

// Sort the count[] array according to frequency (or count)
qsort(count, index, sizeof(count[0]), compare);

// Finally, traverse the sorted count[] array and copy the
// i'th item 'freq' times to original array 'arr[]'
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < index; i++)
for(int freq = count[i].freq; freq > 0; freq--)
arr[j++] = count[i].data;
P a g e | 389

// A utility function to print an array of size n
void printArray(int arr[], int n)
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cout << arr[i] << " ";
cout << endl;

/* Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
int arr[] = {2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 12, 2, 3, 3, 3, 12};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
sortByFrequency(arr, n);
printArray(arr, n);
return 0;
3 3 3 3 2 2 2 12 12 5 4
The above implementation doesnt guarantee original order of elements with same
frequency (for example, 4 comes before 5 in input, but 4 comes after 5 in output).
Extend the implementation to maintain original order. For example, if two elements
have same frequency then print the one which came 1st in input array.
Find a peak element
May 18, 2013
P a g e | 390

Given an array of integers. Find a peak element in it. An array element is peak if it is
NOT smaller than its neighbors. For corner elements, we need to consider only one
neighbor. For example, for input array {5, 10, 20, 15}, 20 is the only peak element.
For input array {10, 20, 15, 2, 23, 90, 67}, there are two peak elements: 20 and 90.
Note that we need to return any one peak element.
Following corner cases give better idea about the problem.
1) If input array is sorted in strictly increasing order, the last element is always a
peak element. For example, 50 is peak element in {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}.
2) If input array is sorted in strictly decreasing order, the first element is always a
peak element. 100 is the peak element in {100, 80, 60, 50, 20}.
3) If all elements of input array are same, every element is a peak element.
It is clear from above examples that there is always a peak element in input array in
any input array.
A simple solution is to do a linear scan of array and as soon as we find a peak
element, we return it. The worst case time complexity of this method would be O(n).
Can we find a peak element in worst time complexity better than O(n)?
We can use Divide and Conquer to find a peak in O(Logn) time. The idea is Binary
Search based, we compare middle element with its neighbors. If middle element is
greater than both of its neighbors, then we return it. If the middle element is smaller
than the its left neighbor, then there is always a peak in left half (Why? take few
examples). If the middle element is smaller than the its right neighbor, then there is
always a peak in right half (due to same reason as left half). Following is C
implementation of this approach.
// A divide and conquer solution to find a peak element element
#include <stdio.h>

// A binary search based function that return s index of a peak element
int findPeakUtil(int arr[], int low, int high, int n)
// Fin index of middle element
int mid = low + (high - low)/2; /* (low + high)/2 */
P a g e | 391

// Compare middle element with its neighbours (if neighbours exist)
if((mid == 0 || arr[mid-1] <= arr[mid]) &&
(mid == n-1 || arr[mid+1] <= arr[mid]))
return mid;

// If middle element is not peak and its left neighbor is greater than it
// then left half must have a peak element
elseif(mid > 0 && arr[mid-1] > arr[mid])
return findPeakUtil(arr, low, (mid -1), n);

// If middle element is not peak and its right neighbor is greater than it
// then right half must have a peak element
elsereturnfindPeakUtil(arr, (mid + 1), high, n);

// A wrapper over recursive function findPeakUtil()
int findPeak(int arr[], int n)
return findPeakUtil(arr, 0, n-1, n);

/* Driver program to check above functions */
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 3, 20, 4, 1, 0};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("Index of a peak point is %d", findPeak(arr, n));
P a g e | 392

return 0;
Index of a peak point is 2
Time Complexity: O(Logn) where n is number of elements in input array.
Consider the following modified definition of peak element. An array element is peak
if it is greater than its neighbors. Note that an array may not contain a peak element
with this modified definition.
Print all possible combinations of r elements in a given array of size n
May 30, 2013
Given an array of size n, generate and print all possible combinations of r elements
in array. For example, if input array is {1, 2, 3, 4} and r is 2, then output should be
{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {2, 3}, {2, 4} and {3, 4}.
Following are two methods to do this.
Method 1 (Fix Elements and Recur)
We create a temporary array data[] which stores all outputs one by one. The idea
is to start from first index (index = 0) in data[], one by one fix elements at this index
and recur for remaining indexes. Let the input array be {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and r be 3. We
first fix 1 at index 0 in data[], then recur for remaining indexes, then we fix 2 at index
0 and recur. Finally, we fix 3 and recur for remaining indexes. When number of
elements in data[] becomes equal to r (size of a combination), we print data[].
Following diagram shows recursion tree for same input.
P a g e | 393

Following is C++ implementation of above approach.
// Program to print all combination of size r in an array of size n
#include <stdio.h>
void combinationUtil(int arr[], int data[], int start, int end, int index, int

// The main function that prints all combinations of size r
// in arr[] of size n. This function mainly uses combinationUtil()
void printCombination(int arr[], int n, int r)
// A temporary array to store all combination one by one
int data[r];

// Print all combination using temprary array 'data[]'
combinationUtil(arr, data, 0, n-1, 0, r);

/* arr[] ---> Input Array
data[] ---> Temporary array to store current combination
start & end ---> Staring and Ending indexes in arr[]
index ---> Current index in data[]
r ---> Size of a combination to be printed */
void combinationUtil(int arr[], int data[], int start, int end, int index, int
P a g e | 394

// Current combination is ready to be printed, print it
if(index == r)
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
printf("%d ", data[j]);
return ;

// replace index with all possible elements. The condition
// "end-i+1 >= r-index" makes sure that including one element
// at index will make a combination with remaining elements
// at remaining positions
for(int i=start; i<=end && end-i+1 >= r-index; i++)
data[index] = arr[i];
combinationUtil(arr, data, i+1, end, index+1, r);

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int r = 3;
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printCombination(arr, n, r);
P a g e | 395

1 2 3
1 2 4
1 2 5
1 3 4
1 3 5
1 4 5
2 3 4
2 3 5
2 4 5
3 4 5
How to handle duplicates?
Note that the above method doesnt handle duplicates. For example, if input array is
{1, 2, 1} and r is 2, then the program prints {1, 2} and {2, 1} as two different
combinations. We can avoid duplicates by adding following two additional things to
above code.
1) Add code to sort the array before calling combinationUtil() in printCombination()
2) Add following lines at the end of for loop in combinationUtil()
// Since the elements are sorted, all
occurrences of an element
// must be together
while (arr[i] == arr[i+1])
See this for an implementation that handles duplicates.

Method 2 (Include and Exclude every element)
Like the above method, We create a temporary array data[]. The idea here is similar
to Subset Sum Problem. We one by one consider every element of input array, and
recur for two cases:
P a g e | 396

1) The element is included in current combination (We put the element in data[] and
increment next available index in data[])
2) The element is excluded in current combination (We do not put the element and
do not change index)
When number of elements in data[] become equal to r (size of a combination), we
print it.
This method is mainly based on Pascals Identity, i.e. n
= n-1
+ n-1

Following is C++ implementation of method 2.
// Program to print all combination of size r in an array of size n
void combinationUtil(int arr[],int n,int r,int index,int data[],int i);

// The main function that prints all combinations of size r
// in arr[] of size n. This function mainly uses combinationUtil()
void printCombination(int arr[], int n, int r)
// A temporary array to store all combination one by one
int data[r];

// Print all combination using temprary array 'data[]'
combinationUtil(arr, n, r, 0, data, 0);

/* arr[] ---> Input Array
n ---> Size of input array
r ---> Size of a combination to be printed
index ---> Current index in data[]
data[] ---> Temporary array to store current combination
P a g e | 397

i ---> index of current element in arr[] */
void combinationUtil(int arr[], int n, int r, int index, int data[], int i)
// Current cobination is ready, print it
if(index == r)
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
printf("%d ",data[j]);
return ;

// When no more elements are there to put in data[]
if(i >= n)
return ;

// current is included, put next at next location
data[index] = arr[i];
combinationUtil(arr, n, r, index+1, data, i+1);

// current is excluded, replace it with next (Note that
// i+1 is passed, but index is not changed)
combinationUtil(arr, n, r, index, data, i+1);

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
P a g e | 398

int r = 3;
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printCombination(arr, n, r);
return 0;
1 2 3
1 2 4
1 2 5
1 3 4
1 3 5
1 4 5
2 3 4
2 3 5
2 4 5
3 4 5
How to handle duplicates in method 2?
Like method 1, we can following two things to handle duplicates.
1) Add code to sort the array before calling combinationUtil() in printCombination()
2) Add following lines between two recursive calls of combinationUtil() in
// Since the elements are sorted, all
occurrences of an element
// must be together
while (arr[i] == arr[i+1])
See this for an implementation that handles duplicates.
Given an array of of size n and a number k, find all elements that appear more
than n/k times
May 31, 2013
P a g e | 399

Given an array of size n, find all elements in array that appear more than n/k times.
For example, if the input arrays is {3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3} and k is 4, then the output
should be [2, 3]. Note that size of array is 8 (or n = 8), so we need to find all
elements that appear more than 2 (or 8/4) times. There are two elements that
appear more than two times, 2 and 3.
A simple method is to pick all elements one by one. For every picked element,
count its occurrences by traversing the array, if count becomes more than n/k, then
print the element. Time Complexity of this method would be O(n
A better solution is to use sorting. First, sort all elements using a O(nLogn)
algorithm. Once the array is sorted, we can find all required elements in a linear
scan of array. So overall time complexity of this method is O(nLogn) + O(n) which is
Following is an interesting O(nk) solution:
We can solve the above problem in O(nk) time using O(k-1) extra space. Note that
there can never be more than k-1 elements in output (Why?). There are mainly
three steps in this algorithm.
1) Create a temporary array of size (k-1) to store elements and their counts (The
output elements are going to be among these k-1 elements). Following is structure
of temporary array elements.
struct eleCount {
int element;
int count;
struct eleCount temp[];
This step takes O(k) time.
2) Traverse through the input array and update temp[] (add/remove an element or
increase/decrease count) for every traversed element. The array temp[] stores
potential (k-1) candidates at every step. This step takes O(nk) time.
3) Iterate through final (k-1) potential candidates (stored in temp[]). or every
element, check if it actually has count more than n/k. This step takes O(nk) time.
P a g e | 400

The main step is step 2, how to maintain (k-1) potential candidates at every point?
The steps used in step 2 are like famous game: Tetris. We treat each number as a
piece in Tetris, which falls down in our temporary array temp[]. Our task is to try to
keep the same number stacked on the same column (count in temporary array is
Consider k = 4, n = 9
Given array: 3 1 2 2 2 1 4 3 3

i = 0
3 _ _
temp[] has one element, 3 with count 1

i = 1
3 1 _
temp[] has two elements, 3 and 1 with
counts 1 and 1 respectively

i = 2
3 1 2
temp[] has three elements, 3, 1 and 2 with
counts as 1, 1 and 1 respectively.

i = 3
- - 2
3 1 2
temp[] has three elements, 3, 1 and 2 with
counts as 1, 1 and 2 respectively.

i = 4
- - 2
- - 2
3 1 2
temp[] has three elements, 3, 1 and 2 with
counts as 1, 1 and 3 respectively.

i = 5
P a g e | 401

- - 2
- 1 2
3 1 2
temp[] has three elements, 3, 1 and 2 with
counts as 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
Now the question arises, what to do when temp[] is full and we see a new element
we remove the bottom row from stacks of elements, i.e., we decrease count of
every element by 1 in temp[]. We ignore the current element.
i = 6
- - 2
- 1 2
temp[] has two elements, 1 and 2 with
counts as 1 and 2 respectively.

i = 7
- 2
3 1 2
temp[] has three elements, 3, 1 and 2 with
counts as 1, 1 and 2 respectively.

i = 8
3 - 2
3 1 2
temp[] has three elements, 3, 1 and 2 with
counts as 2, 1 and 2 respectively.
Finally, we have at most k-1 numbers in temp[]. The elements in temp are {3, 1, 2}.
Note that the counts in temp[] are useless now, the counts were needed only in step
2. Now we need to check whether the actual counts of elements in temp[] are more
than n/k (9/4) or not. The elements 3 and 2 have counts more than 9/4. So we print
3 and 2.
Note that the algorithm doesnt miss any output element. There can be two
possibilities, many occurrences are together or spread across the array. If
occurrences are together, then count will be high and wont become 0. If
P a g e | 402

occurrences are spread, then the element would come again in temp[]. Following is
C++ implementation of above algorithm.
// A C++ program to print elements with count more than n/k

// A structure to store an element and its current count
int e; // Element
int c; // Count

// Prints elements with more than n/k occurrences in arr[] of
// size n. If there are no such elements, then it prints nothing.
void moreThanNdK(int arr[], int n, int k)
// k must be greater than 1 to get some output
if(k < 2)
return ;

/* Step 1: Create a temporary array (contains element
and count) of size k-1. Initialize count of all
elements as 0 */
structeleCount temp[k-1];
for(int i=0; i<k-1; i++)
temp[i].c = 0;

P a g e | 403

/* Step 2: Process all elements of input array */
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
int j;

/* If arr[i] is already present in
the element count array, then increment its count */
for(j=0; j<k-1; j++)
if(temp[j].e == arr[i])
temp[j].c += 1;

/* If arr[i] is not present in temp[] */
if(j == k-1)
int l;

/* If there is position available in temp[], then place
arr[i] in the first available position and set count as 1*/
for(l=0; l<k-1; l++)
if(temp[l].c == 0)
temp[l].e = arr[i];
temp[l].c = 1;
P a g e | 404


/* If all the position in the temp[] are filled, then
decrease count of every element by 1 */
if(l == k-1)
for(l=0; l<k; l++)
temp[l].c -= 1;

/*Step 3: Check actual counts of potential candidates in temp[]*/
for(int i=0; i<k-1; i++)
// Calculate actual count of elements
int ac = 0; // actual count
for(int j=0; j<n; j++)
if(arr[j] == temp[i].e)

// If actual count is more than n/k, then print it
if(ac > n/k)
cout << "Number:"<< temp[i].e
<< " Count:"<< ac << endl;

/* Driver program to test above function */
P a g e | 405

int main()
cout << "First Test\n";
int arr1[] = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 4, 4};
int size = sizeof(arr1)/sizeof(arr1[0]);
int k = 3;
moreThanNdK(arr1, size, k);

cout << "\nSecond Test\n";
int arr2[] = {4, 2, 2, 7};
size = sizeof(arr2)/sizeof(arr2[0]);
k = 3;
moreThanNdK(arr2, size, k);

cout << "\nThird Test\n";
int arr3[] = {2, 7, 2};
size = sizeof(arr3)/sizeof(arr3[0]);
k = 2;
moreThanNdK(arr3, size, k);

cout << "\nFourth Test\n";
int arr4[] = {2, 3, 3, 2};
size = sizeof(arr4)/sizeof(arr4[0]);
k = 3;
moreThanNdK(arr4, size, k);

return 0;
P a g e | 406

First Test
Number:4 Count:3

Second Test
Number:2 Count:2

Third Test
Number:2 Count:2

Fourth Test
Number:2 Count:2
Number:3 Count:2
Time Complexity: O(nk)
Auxiliary Space: O(k)
Generally asked variations of this problem are, find all elements that appear n/3
times or n/4 times in O(n) time complexity and O(1) extra space.
Hashing can also be an efficient solution. With a good hash function, we can solve
the above problem in O(n) time on average. Extra space required hashing would be
higher than O(k). Also, hashing cannot be used to solve above variations with O(1)
extra space.
The above problem can be solved in O(nLogk) time with the help of more
appropriate data structures than array for auxiliary storage of k-1 elements. Suggest
a O(nLogk) approach.
Find the point where a monotonically increasing function becomes positive
first time
June 19, 2013
Given a function int f(unsigned int x) which takes a non-negative integer x as
input and returns aninteger as output. The function is monotonically increasing with
respect to value of x, i.e., the value of f(x+1) is greater than f(x) for every input x.
Find the value n where f() becomes positive for the first time. Since f() is
P a g e | 407

monotonically increasing, values of f(n+1), f(n+2), must be positive and values of
f(n-2), f(n-3), .. must be negative.
Find n in O(logn) time, you may assume that f(x) can be evaluated in O(1) time for
any input x.
A simple solution is to start from i equals to 0 and one by one calculate value of f(i)
for 1, 2, 3, 4 .. etc until we find a positive f(i). This works, but takes O(n) time.
Can we apply Binary Search to find n in O(Logn) time? We cant directly apply
Binary Search as we dont have an upper limit or high index. The idea is to do
repeated doubling until we find a positive value, i.e., check values of f() for following
values until f(i) becomes positive.
Let 'high' be the value of i when f() becomes positive
for first time.
Can we apply Binary Search to find n after finding high? We can apply Binary
Search now, we can use high/2 as low and high as high indexes in binary search.
The result n must lie between high/2 and high.
Number of steps for finding high is O(Logn). So we can find high in O(Logn) time.
What about time taken by Binary Search between high/2 and high? The value of
high must be less than 2*n. The number of elements between high/2 and high
must be O(n). Therefore, time complexity of Binary Search is O(Logn) and overall
time complexity is 2*O(Logn) which is O(Logn).
#include <stdio.h>
int binarySearch(int low, int high); // prototype
P a g e | 408

// Let's take an example function as f(x) = x^2 - 10*x - 20
// Note that f(x) can be any monotonocally increasing function
int f(int x) { return (x*x - 10*x - 20); }

// Returns the value x where above function f() becomes positive
// first time.
int findFirstPositive()
// When first value itself is positive
if(f(0) > 0)
return 0;

// Find 'high' for binary search by repeated doubling
int i = 1;
while(f(i) <= 0)
i = i*2;

// Call binary search
return binarySearch(i/2, i);

// Searches first positive value of f(i) where low <= i <= high
int binarySearch(int low, int high)
if(high >= low)
int mid = low + (high - low)/2; /* mid = (low + high)/2 */
P a g e | 409

// If f(mid) is greater than 0 and one of the following two
// conditions is true:
// a) mid is equal to low
// b) f(mid-1) is negative
if(f(mid) > 0 && (mid == low || f(mid-1) <= 0))
return mid;

// If f(mid) is smaller than or equal to 0
if(f(mid) <= 0)
return binarySearch((mid + 1), high);
else// f(mid) > 0
return binarySearch(low, (mid -1));

/* Return -1 if there is no positive value in given range */
return -1;

/* Driver program to check above functions */
int main()
printf("The value n where f() becomes positive first is %d",
return 0;
The value n where f() becomes positive first is 12
P a g e | 410

Find the Increasing subsequence of length three with maximum product
June 24, 2013
Given a sequence of non-negative integers, find the subsequence of length 3
having maximum product with the numbers of the subsequence being in ascending

arr[] = {6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 9, 10}
8 9 10

arr[] = {1, 5, 10, 8, 9}
Output: 5 8 9
Since we want to find the maximum product, we need to find following two things for
every element in the given sequence:
LSL: The largest smaller element on left of given element
LGR: The largest greater element on right of given element.
Once we find LSL and LGR for an element, we can find the product of element with
its LSL and LGR (if they both exist). We calculate this product for every element and
return maximum of all products.
A simple method is to use nested loops. The outer loop traverses every element in
sequence. Inside the outer loop, run two inner loops (one after other) to find LSL
and LGR of current element. Time complexity of this method is O(n
We can do this in O(nLogn) time. For simplicity, let us first create two arrays LSL[]
and LGR[] of size n each where n is number of elements in input array arr[]. The
main task is to fill two arrays LSL[] and LGR[]. Once we have these two arrays filled,
all we need to find maximum product LSL[i]*arr[i]*LGR[i] where 0 < i < n-1 (Note that
LSL[i] doesn't exist for i = 0 and LGR[i] doesn't exist for i = n-1).
P a g e | 411

We can fill LSL[] in O(nLogn) time. The idea is to use a Balanced Binary Search
Tree like AVL. We start with empty AVL tree, insert the leftmost element in it. Then
we traverse the input array starting from the second element to second last element.
For every element currently being traversed, we find the floor of it in AVL tree. If
floor exists, we store the floor in LSL[], otherwise we store NIL. After storing the
floor, we insert the current element in the AVL tree.
We can fill LGR[] in O(n) time. The idea is similar to this post. We traverse from
right side and keep track of the largest element. If the largest element is greater
than current element, we store it in LGR[], otherwise we store NIL.
Finally, we run a O(n) loop and return maximum of LSL[i]*arr[i]*LGR[i]
Overall complexity of this approach is O(nLogn) + O(n) + O(n) which is O(nLogn).
Auxiliary space required is O(n). Note that we can avoid space required for LSL, we
can find and use LSL values in final loop.
Find the minimum element in a sorted and rotated array
July 2, 2013
A sorted array is rotated at some unknown point, find the minimum element in it.
Following solution assumes that all elements are distinct.
Input: {5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4}
Output: 1

Input: {1, 2, 3, 4}
Output: 1

Input: {2, 1}
Output: 1
A simple solution is to traverse the complete array and find minimum. This solution
requires time.
We can do it in O(Logn) using Binary Search. If we take a closer look at above
examples, we can easily figure out following pattern: The minimum element is the
P a g e | 412

only element whose previous element is greater than it. If there is no such element,
then there is no rotation and first element is the minimum element. Therefore, we do
binary search for an element which is smaller than the previous element. We
strongly recommend you to try it yourself before seeing the following C
// C program to find minimum element in a sorted and rotated array
#include <stdio.h>

int findMin(int arr[], int low, int high)
// This condition is needed to handle the case when array is not
// rotated at all
if(high < low) return arr[0];

// If there is only one element left
if(high == low) return arr[low];

// Find mid
int mid = low + (high - low)/2; /*(low + high)/2;*/

// Check if element (mid+1) is minimum element. Consider
// the cases like {3, 4, 5, 1, 2}
if(mid < high && arr[mid+1] < arr[mid])
return arr[mid+1];

// Check if mid itself is minimum element
if(mid > low && arr[mid] < arr[mid - 1])
return arr[mid];

P a g e | 413

// Decide whether we need to go to left half or right half
if(arr[high] > arr[mid])
return findMin(arr, low, mid-1);
return findMin(arr, mid+1, high);

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
int arr1[] = {5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4};
int n1 = sizeof(arr1)/sizeof(arr1[0]);
printf("The minimum element is %d\n", findMin(arr1, 0, n1-1));

int arr2[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
int n2 = sizeof(arr2)/sizeof(arr2[0]);
printf("The minimum element is %d\n", findMin(arr2, 0, n2-1));

int arr3[] = {1};
int n3 = sizeof(arr3)/sizeof(arr3[0]);
printf("The minimum element is %d\n", findMin(arr3, 0, n3-1));

int arr4[] = {1, 2};
int n4 = sizeof(arr4)/sizeof(arr4[0]);
printf("The minimum element is %d\n", findMin(arr4, 0, n4-1));

int arr5[] = {2, 1};
int n5 = sizeof(arr5)/sizeof(arr5[0]);
printf("The minimum element is %d\n", findMin(arr5, 0, n5-1));
P a g e | 414

int arr6[] = {5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4};
int n6 = sizeof(arr6)/sizeof(arr6[0]);
printf("The minimum element is %d\n", findMin(arr6, 0, n6-1));

int arr7[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
int n7 = sizeof(arr7)/sizeof(arr7[0]);
printf("The minimum element is %d\n", findMin(arr7, 0, n7-1));

int arr8[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1};
int n8 = sizeof(arr8)/sizeof(arr8[0]);
printf("The minimum element is %d\n", findMin(arr8, 0, n8-1));

int arr9[] = {3, 4, 5, 1, 2};
int n9 = sizeof(arr9)/sizeof(arr9[0]);
printf("The minimum element is %d\n", findMin(arr9, 0, n9-1));

return 0;
The minimum element is 1
The minimum element is 1
The minimum element is 1
The minimum element is 1
The minimum element is 1
The minimum element is 1
The minimum element is 1
The minimum element is 1
The minimum element is 1
P a g e | 415

How to handle duplicates?
It turned out that duplicates cant be handled in O(Logn) time in all cases. Thanks
to Amit Jain for inputs. The special cases that cause problems are like {2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2} and {2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}. It doesnt look possible to go
to left half or right half by doing constant number of comparisons at the middle.
Following is an implementation that handles duplicates. It may become O(n) in
worst case though.
// C program to find minimum element in a sorted and rotated array
#include <stdio.h>

int min(int x, int y) { return (x < y)? x :y; }

// The function that handles duplicates. It can be O(n) in worst case.
int findMin(int arr[], int low, int high)
// This condition is needed to handle the case when array is not
// rotated at all
if(high < low) return arr[0];

// If there is only one element left
if(high == low) return arr[low];

// Find mid
int mid = low + (high - low)/2; /*(low + high)/2;*/

// Check if element (mid+1) is minimum element. Consider
// the cases like {1, 1, 0, 1}
if(mid < high && arr[mid+1] < arr[mid])
return arr[mid+1];
P a g e | 416

// This case causes O(n) time
if(arr[low] == arr[mid] && arr[high] == arr[mid])
return min(findMin(arr, low, mid-1), findMin(arr, mid+1, high));

// Check if mid itself is minimum element
if(mid > low && arr[mid] < arr[mid - 1])
return arr[mid];

// Decide whether we need to go to left half or right half
if(arr[high] > arr[mid])
return findMin(arr, low, mid-1);
return findMin(arr, mid+1, high);

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
int arr1[] = {5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4};
int n1 = sizeof(arr1)/sizeof(arr1[0]);
printf("The minimum element is %d\n", findMin(arr1, 0, n1-1));

int arr2[] = {1, 1, 0, 1};
int n2 = sizeof(arr2)/sizeof(arr2[0]);
printf("The minimum element is %d\n", findMin(arr2, 0, n2-1));

int arr3[] = {1, 1, 2, 2, 3};
int n3 = sizeof(arr3)/sizeof(arr3[0]);
P a g e | 417

printf("The minimum element is %d\n", findMin(arr3, 0, n3-1));

int arr4[] = {3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 3, 3};
int n4 = sizeof(arr4)/sizeof(arr4[0]);
printf("The minimum element is %d\n", findMin(arr4, 0, n4-1));

int arr5[] = {2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2};
int n5 = sizeof(arr5)/sizeof(arr5[0]);
printf("The minimum element is %d\n", findMin(arr5, 0, n5-1));

int arr6[] = {2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1};
int n6 = sizeof(arr6)/sizeof(arr6[0]);
printf("The minimum element is %d\n", findMin(arr6, 0, n6-1));

int arr7[] = {2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2};
int n7 = sizeof(arr7)/sizeof(arr7[0]);
printf("The minimum element is %d\n", findMin(arr7, 0, n7-1));

return 0;
The minimum element is 1
The minimum element is 0
The minimum element is 1
The minimum element is 3
The minimum element is 0
The minimum element is 1
The minimum element is 0
Stable Marriage Problem
P a g e | 418

July 20, 2013
Given N men and N women, where each person has ranked all members of the
opposite sex in order of preference, marry the men and women together such that
there are no two people of opposite sex who would both rather have each other
than their current partners. If there are no such people, all the marriages are
stable (Source Wiki).
Consider the following example.
Let there be two men m1 and m2 and two women w1 and w2.
Let m1s list of preferences be {w1, w2}
Let m2s list of preferences be {w1, w2}
Let w1s list of preferences be {m1, m2}
Let w2s list of preferences be {m1, m2}
The matching { {m1, w2}, {w1, m2} } is not stable because m1 and w1 would prefer
each other over their assigned partners. The matching {m1, w1} and {m2, w2} is
stable because there are no two people of opposite sex that would prefer each
other over their assigned partners.
It is always possible to form stable marriages from lists of preferences (See
references for proof). Following is GaleShapley algorithm to find a stable matching:
The idea is to iterate through all free men while there is any free man available.
Every free man goes to all women in his preference list according to the order. For
every woman he goes to, he checks if the woman is free, if yes, they both become
engaged. If the woman is not free, then the woman chooses either says no to him or
dumps her current engagement according to her preference list. So an engagement
done once can be broken if a woman gets better option.
Following is complete algorithm from Wiki
Initialize all men and women to free
while there exist a free man m who still has a woman w
to propose to
w = m's highest ranked such woman to whom he has not
yet proposed
if w is free
(m, w) become engaged
P a g e | 419

else some pair (m', w) already exists
if w prefers m to m'
(m, w) become engaged
m' becomes free
(m', w) remain engaged
Input & Output: Input is a 2D matrix of size (2*N)*N where N is number of women
or men. Rows from 0 to N-1 represent preference lists of men and rows from N to
2*N 1 represent preference lists of women. So men are numbered from 0 to N-1
and women are numbered from N to 2*N 1. The output is list of married pairs.
Following is C++ implementation of the above algorithm.
// C++ program for stable marriage problem
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// Number of Men or Women
#define N 4

// This function return s true if woman 'w' prefers man 'm1' over man 'm'
bool wPrefersM1OverM(int prefer[2*N][N], int w, int m, int m1)
// Check if w prefers m over her current engagment m1
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
// If m1 comes before m in lisr of w, then w prefers her
// cirrent engagement, don't do anything
if(prefer[w][i] == m1)
P a g e | 420

return true;

// If m cmes before m1 in w's list, then free her current
// engagement and engage her with m
if(prefer[w][i] == m)
return false;

// Prints stable matching for N boys and N girls. Boys are numbered as 0 to
// N-1. Girls are numbereed as N to 2N-1.
void stableMarriage(int prefer[2*N][N])
// Stores partner of women. This is our output array that
// stores paing information. The value of wPartner[i]
// indicates the partner assigned to woman N+i. Note that
// the woman numbers between N and 2*N-1. The value -1
// indicates that (N+i)'th woman is free
int wPartner[N];

// An array to store availability of men. If mFree[i] is
// false, then man 'i' is free, otherwise engaged.
bool mFree[N];

// Initialize all men and women as free
memset(wPartner, -1, sizeof(wPartner));
memset(mFree, false, sizeof(mFree));
int freeCount = N;
P a g e | 421

// While there are free men
while(freeCount > 0)
// Pick the first free man (we could pick any)
int m;
for(m = 0; m < N; m++)
if(mFree[m] == false)

// One by one go to all women according to m's preferences.
// Here m is the picked free man
for(int i = 0; i < N && mFree[m] == false; i++)
int w = prefer[m][i];

// The woman of preference is free, w and m become
// partners (Note that the partnership maybe changed
// later). So we can say they are engaged not married
if(wPartner[w-N] == -1)
wPartner[w-N] = m;
mFree[m] = true;

else // If w is not free
P a g e | 422

// Find current engagement of w
int m1 = wPartner[w-N];

// If w prefers m over her current engagement m1,
// then break the engagement between w and m1 and
// engage m with w.
if(wPrefersM1OverM(prefer, w, m, m1) == false)
wPartner[w-N] = m;
mFree[m] = true;
mFree[m1] = false;
} // End of Else
} // End of the for loop that goes to all women in m's list
} // End of main while loop

// Print the solution
cout << "Woman Man"<< endl;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
cout << " "<< i+N << "\t"<< wPartner[i] << endl;

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
int prefer[2*N][N] = { {7, 5, 6, 4},
{5, 4, 6, 7},
{4, 5, 6, 7},
P a g e | 423

{4, 5, 6, 7},
{0, 1, 2, 3},
{0, 1, 2, 3},
{0, 1, 2, 3},
{0, 1, 2, 3},

return 0;
Girl Boy
4 2
5 1
6 3
7 0
Merge k sorted arrays | Set 1
July 29, 2013
Given k sorted arrays of size n each, merge them and print the sorted output.
k = 3, n = 4
arr[][] = { {1, 3, 5, 7},
{2, 4, 6, 8},
{0, 9, 10, 11}} ;

Output: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
A simple solution is to create an output array of size n*k and one by one copy all
arrays to it. Finally, sort the output array using any O(nLogn) sorting algorithm. This
approach takes O(nkLognk) time.
P a g e | 424

We can merge arrays in O(nk*Logk) time using Mean Heap. Following is detailed
1. Create an output array of size n*k.
2. Create a min heap of size k and insert 1st element in all the arrays into a the
3. Repeat following steps n*k times.
a) Get minimum element from heap (minimum is always at root) and store it in
output array.
b) Replace heap root with next element from the array from which the element is
extracted. If the array doesnt have any more elements, then replace root with
infinite. After replacing the root, heapify the tree.
Following is C++ implementation of the above algorithm.
// C++ program to merge k sorted arrays of size n each.

#define n 4

// A min heap node
int element; // The element to be stored
int i; // index of the array from which the element is taken
int j; // index of the next element to be picked from array

// Prototype of a utility function to swap two min heap nodes
void swap(MinHeapNode *x, MinHeapNode *y);
P a g e | 425

// A class for Min Heap
MinHeapNode *harr; // pointer to array of elements in heap
int heap_size; // size of min heap
// Constructor: creates a min heap of given size
MinHeap(MinHeapNode a[], int size);

// to heapify a subtree with root at given index
void MinHeapify(int );

// to get index of left child of node at index i
int left(int i) { return (2*i + 1); }

// to get index of right child of node at index i
int right(int i) { return (2*i + 2); }

// to get the root
MinHeapNode getMin() { return harr[0]; }

// to replace root with new node x and heapify() new root
void replaceMin(MinHeapNode x) { harr[0] = x; MinHeapify(0); }

// This function takes an array of arrays as an argument and
// All arrays are assumed to be sorted. It merges them together
P a g e | 426

// and prints the final sorted output.
int *mergeKArrays(int arr[][n], int k)
int *output = newint[n*k]; // To store output array

// Create a min heap with k heap nodes. Every heap node
// has first element of an array
MinHeapNode *harr = newMinHeapNode[k];
for(int i = 0; i < k; i++)
harr[i].element = arr[i][0]; // Store the first element
harr[i].i = i; // index of array
harr[i].j = 1; // Index of next element to be stored from array
MinHeap hp(harr, k); // Create the heap

// Now one by one get the minimum element from min
// heap and replace it with next element of its array
for(int count = 0; count < n*k; count++)
// Get the minimum element and store it in output
MinHeapNode root = hp.getMin();
output[count] = root.element;

// Find the next elelement that will replace current
// root of heap. The next element belongs to same
// array as the current root.
if(root.j < n)
P a g e | 427

root.element = arr[root.i][root.j];
root.j += 1;
// If root was the last element of its array
elseroot.element = INT_MAX; //INT_MAX is for infinite

// Replace root with next element of array

return output;

// Constructor: Builds a heap from a given array a[] of given size
MinHeap::MinHeap(MinHeapNode a[], int size)
heap_size = size;
harr = a; // store address of array
int i = (heap_size - 1)/2;
while(i >= 0)

// A recursive method to heapify a subtree with root at given index
P a g e | 428

// This method assumes that the subtrees are already heapified
void MinHeap::MinHeapify(int i)
int l = left(i);
int r = right(i);
int smallest = i;
if(l < heap_size && harr[l].element < harr[i].element)
smallest = l;
if(r < heap_size && harr[r].element < harr[smallest].element)
smallest = r;
if(smallest != i)
swap(&harr[i], &harr[smallest]);

// A utility function to swap two elements
void swap(MinHeapNode *x, MinHeapNode *y)
MinHeapNode temp = *x; *x = *y; *y = temp;

// A utility function to print array elements
void printArray(int arr[], int size)
for(int i=0; i < size; i++)
cout << arr[i] << " ";
P a g e | 429

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
// Change n at the top to change number of elements
// in an array
int arr[][n] = {{2, 6, 12, 34},
{1, 9, 20, 1000},
{23, 34, 90, 2000}};
int k = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);

int *output = mergeKArrays(arr, k);

cout << "Merged array is "<< endl;
printArray(output, n*k);

return 0;
Merged array is
1 2 6 9 12 20 23 34 34 90 1000 2000
Time Complexity: The main step is 3rd step, the loop runs n*k times. In every
iteration of loop, we call heapify which takes O(Logk) time. Therefore, the time
complexity is O(nk Logk).
There are other interesting methods to merge k sorted arrays in O(nkLogk), we will
sonn be discussing them as separate posts.
Radix Sort
September 2, 2013
P a g e | 430

The lower bound for Comparison based sorting algorithm (Merge Sort, Heap Sort,
Quick-Sort .. etc) is , i.e., they cannot do better than nLogn.
Counting sort is a linear tine sorting algorithm that sort in O(n+k) time when
elements are in range from 1 to k.
What if the elements are in range from 1 to n
We cant use counting sort because counting sort will take O(n
) which is worse
than comparison based sorting algorithms. Can we sort such an array in linear
Radix Sort is the answer. The idea of Radix Sort is to do digit by digit sort starting
from least significant digit to most significant digit. Radix sort uses counting sort as a
subroutine to sort.
The Radix Sort Algorithm
1) Do following for each digit i where i varies from least significant digit to the most
significant digit.
.a) Sort input array using counting sort (or any stable sort) according to the
ith digit.
Original, unsorted list:
170, 45, 75, 90, 802, 24, 2, 66
Sorting by least significant digit (1s place) gives: [*Notice that we keep 802 before 2,
because 802 occurred before 2 in the original list, and similarly for pairs 170 & 90
and 45 & 75.]
170, 90, 802, 2, 24, 45, 75, 66
Sorting by next digit (10s place) gives: [*Notice that 802 again comes before 2 as
802 comes before 2 in the previous list.]
802, 2, 24, 45, 66, 170, 75, 90
Sorting by most significant digit (100s place) gives:
2, 24, 45, 66, 75, 90, 170, 802
P a g e | 431

What is the running time of Radix Sort?
Let there be d digits in input integers. Radix Sort takes O(d*(n+b)) time where b is
the base for representing numbers, for example, for decimal system, b is 10. What
is the value of d? If k is the maximum possible value, then d would be . So
overall time complexity is . Which looks more than the time
complexity of comparison based sorting algorithms for a large k. Let us first limit k.
Let k <= n
where c is a constant. In that case, the complexity becomes .
But it still doesnt beat comparison based sorting algorithms.
What if we make value of b larger?. What should be the value of b to make the time
complexity linear? If we set b as n, we get the time complexity as O(n). In other
words, we can sort an array of integers with range from 1 to n
if the numbers are
represented in base n (or every digit takes bits).
Is Radix Sort preferable to Comparison based sorting algorithms like Quick-
If we have bits for every digit, the running time of Radix appears to be better
than Quick Sort for a wide range of input numbers. The constant factors hidden in
asymptotic notation are higher for Radix Sort and Quick-Sort uses hardware caches
more effectively. Also, Radix sort uses counting sort as a subroutine and counting
sort takes extra space to sort numbers.
Implementation of Radix Sort
Following is a simple C++ implementation of Radix Sort. For simplicity, the value of
d is assumed to be 10. We recommend you to see Counting Sort for details of
countSort() function in below code.
// C++ implementation of Radix Sort

// A utility function to get maximum value in arr[]
int getMax(int arr[], int n)
int mx = arr[0];
for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
P a g e | 432

if(arr[i] > mx)
mx = arr[i];
return mx;

// A function to do counting sort of arr[] according to
// the digit represented by exp.
int countSort(int arr[], int n, int exp)
int output[n]; // output array
int i, count[10] = {0};

// Store count of occurrences in count[]
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
count[ (arr[i]/exp)%10 ]++;

// Change count[i] so that count[i] now contains actual position of
// this digit in output[]
for(i = 1; i < 10; i++)
count[i] += count[i - 1];

// Build the output array
for(i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
output[count[ (arr[i]/exp)%10 ] - 1] = arr[i];
count[ (arr[i]/exp)%10 ]--;

P a g e | 433

// Copy the output array to arr[], so that arr[] now
// contains sorted numbers according to curent digit
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
arr[i] = output[i];

// The main function to that sorts arr[] of size n using Radix Sort
void radixsort(int arr[], int n)
// Find the maximum number to know number of digits
int m = getMax(arr, n);

// Do counting sort for every digit. Note that instead of passing digit
// exp is passed. exp is 10^i where i is current digit number
for(int exp= 1; m/exp> 0; exp*= 10)
countSort(arr, n, exp);

// A utility function to print an array
void print(int arr[], int n)
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cout << arr[i] << " ";

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
P a g e | 434

int arr[] = {170, 45, 75, 90, 802, 24, 2, 66};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
radixsort(arr, n);
print(arr, n);
return 0;
2 24 45 66 75 90 170 802

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