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Swot Ananlysis of JBC

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SWOT Analysis of JBC
The overall evaluation of a companys strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats is called SWOT analysis. It involves
monitoring the eternal and internal environment.
External Eniron!ent "o##ort$nity an% t&reat'
! "usiness unit has to monitor key macro environment forces
#demographic $ economic, natural, technological, political%
legal, and social% cultural& and signi'cant micro environment
actors #customers, competitors, suppliers, distri"ution, dealers&
that a(ect its a"ility to earn pro'ts. In this respect, the position
of the )*+ is not so sound. !s "ecause, if our government
permits and esta"lish open world market for the industry, then
they will "e in the face of downfall.
Internal Eniron!ent "Stren(t&s)Wea*ness'
It is one thing to 'nd attractive opportunities and another to "e
a"le to take advantage of them. ,ach "usiness needs to
evaluate its internal strengths and weakness. In the light of the
a"ove facts, the position of this company is very sound. -ike
other local . national companies, they are also esta"lishing
them in the focusing position like new attractive commodities
. products and they have captured the market. In this a"ove
circumstances, this company at the end of the year, /001
ac2uired Tk. /34.15 crore in the life fund and Tk. /64.71 crore
in !sset respectively. *ut in the customer services, the
advancement . the position of the other companies are "etter
than that of )*+.
+01 Fin%in(s
+02 Re3o!!en%ation
+04 Con3l$sion
+01 Fin%in(s
Insurance is as old as the civili8ation. It was present in the form
of mutual help. Insurance is a co%operative device of
distri"uting losses, falling on an individual or his family over a
large num"er of persons, each "earing a nominal ependiture
and feeling secure against heavy of loss. Insurance provides
certainty of payment at the uncertainty of loss, if provides
capital, protection . prevention of loss. It helps ,conomic
progress. *esides, I get more eperience a"out )i"an *ima
+02 Re3o!!en%ation
There is no social recognition of insurance sector in
*angladesh, due to lack of proper management in 2uality of
customer service. So they should "e 'rmly "elieve their
pro'ta"ility, growth and market share of "usiness depend on
their 2uality of customer service.
In their customer service, they should focus on the following9
1. !chievement of core competencies in all their "usiness
/. Improvement of service standard.
5. !ddressing complaints:suggestions for improvement of
7. ,nrichment of products.
3. Speedy Service.
4. Service accuracy.
1. ;air treatment.
+04 Con3l$sion
Insurance "usiness is only commercial "ut it has "ecome
professional now. <nowledge of insurance is as much essential
as trading "usiness for the society. =rivati8ation of Insurance
"usiness has added more signi'cations for the people. The
prospects of insurance in the 'rst years of the net millennium
decide the direction of insurance management. Safety,
security and investment have "ecome need of the present
society people, now, demand insurance as compared to the
previous attitude of selling insurance to people. They have
"ecome selective and practical. Insurance industry has to meet
the epectations of people.
1. www.google.com #Search ,ngine&
/. www.>"c.gov."d
5. www.fareastislamilife.com
7. www.popularlife"d.com
3. www.nlic"d.com
4. www.primeislamilife.com
1. www.sandhanilife.com
?. ,lement of Insurance% !8i8ul @u2 +haudhury
6. Insurance% A.B. Aishra

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