The study aimed to evaluate several serological tests for diagnosing brucellosis and to compare their effectiveness in detecting different clinical types of the disease. The tests included the Rose Bengal test, standard agglutination test, enzyme immunoassay for IgM, IgA and IgG, and the 2-mercaptoethanol test. Serum samples from 92 patients with brucellosis were analyzed using these tests. The results showed that the Rose Bengal and standard agglutination tests were reliable for diagnosis. IgM levels correlated with acute brucellosis. The 2-mercaptoethanol test results agreed with enzyme immunoassay IgG detection. An IgG avidity test on 78 samples did not differentiate between recent
The study aimed to evaluate several serological tests for diagnosing brucellosis and to compare their effectiveness in detecting different clinical types of the disease. The tests included the Rose Bengal test, standard agglutination test, enzyme immunoassay for IgM, IgA and IgG, and the 2-mercaptoethanol test. Serum samples from 92 patients with brucellosis were analyzed using these tests. The results showed that the Rose Bengal and standard agglutination tests were reliable for diagnosis. IgM levels correlated with acute brucellosis. The 2-mercaptoethanol test results agreed with enzyme immunoassay IgG detection. An IgG avidity test on 78 samples did not differentiate between recent
The study aimed to evaluate several serological tests for diagnosing brucellosis and to compare their effectiveness in detecting different clinical types of the disease. The tests included the Rose Bengal test, standard agglutination test, enzyme immunoassay for IgM, IgA and IgG, and the 2-mercaptoethanol test. Serum samples from 92 patients with brucellosis were analyzed using these tests. The results showed that the Rose Bengal and standard agglutination tests were reliable for diagnosis. IgM levels correlated with acute brucellosis. The 2-mercaptoethanol test results agreed with enzyme immunoassay IgG detection. An IgG avidity test on 78 samples did not differentiate between recent
The study aimed to evaluate several serological tests for diagnosing brucellosis and to compare their effectiveness in detecting different clinical types of the disease. The tests included the Rose Bengal test, standard agglutination test, enzyme immunoassay for IgM, IgA and IgG, and the 2-mercaptoethanol test. Serum samples from 92 patients with brucellosis were analyzed using these tests. The results showed that the Rose Bengal and standard agglutination tests were reliable for diagnosis. IgM levels correlated with acute brucellosis. The 2-mercaptoethanol test results agreed with enzyme immunoassay IgG detection. An IgG avidity test on 78 samples did not differentiate between recent
*Corresponding author: Mailing address: CBU Tip Fakulte-
si Dekanligi, Tibbi Mikrobiyoloji, Uncubozkoy, 45030 Manisa, Turkey. Tel: 902362331920/429, E-mail: 272 Jpn. J. Infect. Dis., 64, 272-276, 2011 Original Article Evaluation of Serological Tests for Diagnosis of Brucellosis Ozan Pabuccuoglu, Talat Ecemis * , Sibel El 1 , Abdullah Coskun 2 , Sinem Akcali, and Tamer Sanlidag Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Microbiology, Manisa; 1 Atat urk Education and Research Hospital, Department of Infectious Disease and Clinical Microbiology, Izmir; and 2 State Hospital, Department of Infectious Disease and Clinical Microbiology, Manisa, Turkey (Received January 24, 2011. Accepted April 8, 2011) SUMMARY: The aim of the present study was to compare serological tests (Rose Bengal [RB]; stand- ard agglutination test [SAT]; enzyme immunoassay [EIA] for detection of IgM, IgA, and IgG; and 2- mercaptoethanol [2-ME] test) that are routinely used in patients prediagnosed with different clinical types of brucellosis (acute, subacute, or chronic), and to evaluate the results of the IgG avidity test. Ninety-two patients having titers 1/160 as measured by SAT were included in the study. The IgG avid- ity test was performed in 78 patients who had positive EIA-IgG results. RB test results were positive in 88 (95.7z) patients. A statistically significant correlation was found between a positive EIA-IgM result and the diagnosis of acute brucellosis. When compared to the results of the SAT, the 2-ME test showed a lower titer in 55 (59.8z) patients, and the agreement between the 2-ME test and EIA-IgG was calculat- ed as 84.8z. No statistical difference was found between the 40zavidity index used in the IgG avidity test and avidity maturation time (6 months). From our study, we concluded that (i) the RB and SAT tests are appropriate and reliable tests for the serological diagnosis of brucellosis; (ii) IgM can be used as a marker of acute brucellosis; (iii) the 2-ME test, similar to EIA, can be used to determine IgM levels; and (iv) the IgG avidity test should be standardized. INTRODUCTION Brucellosis is a systemic disease caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella that affects humans and numerous animal species. It has been a great concern for many countries, especially those in the Middle East and Mediterranean regions, in terms of public and animal health. Human brucellosis infections can be unpredicta- ble, with periods of chronicity, re-infection, and relapse. A wide spectrum of clinical manifestations makes clinical diagnosis difficult, and thus it is necessa- ry to confirm brucellosis infection by thorough labora- tory diagnosis (1,2). Laboratory diagnosis of human brucellosis is based on the isolation of Brucella spp. from blood cultures and on the demonstration of the presence of specific an- tibodies through the use of serological tests. Although automated culture systems have reduced the growth time of Brucella genus bacteria to 1 week, conventional methods require nearly 4 times longer, and have a very low success rate (only 1070z) (3). Laboratory diagno- sis of brucellosis is frequently based on demonstration of the presence of serum antibodies, and various labora- tory tests are used for this purpose. The Rose Bengal (RB) test is commonly used to screen for brucellosis in- fections, but it has been suggested that the results of RB should be verified by other tests (4). The standard ag- glutination test (SAT), which was developed by Wright and colleagues in 1897 in order to detect total antibod- ies, is the most frequently used test to diagnose brucello- sis. If the SAT test yields negative results due to the presence of blocking antibodies, the Coombs' test may be used instead. Brucellosis can manifest as 3 different clinical types, which are classfied according to the duration of sym- ptoms: acute (initial 2 months), subacute (212 months), and chronic (12 months). The disease may also be asymptomatic, subclinical, and focal, or present with complications, relapses, and re-infections. The 2- mercaptoethanol (2-ME) test can be used to predict the course of the disease (5). Specific antibody classes (IgM, IgG, and IgA) can be demonstrated by enzyme im- munoassay (EIA) and immunochromatographic lateral flow assay. Although all these tests may be implemented to evaluate the different clinical forms and development stages of the disease, in most cases they may not yield definite results, and the stage of the disease may not be determined serologically (1). In some viral and parasitic diseases, it is possible to determine whether the disease is acute or chronic, and at which stage the disease is in, through implementation of the IgG avidity test, which is based on maturing of an- tibody affinity. The avidity test is not used routinely as it has not yet been standardized for the diagnosis of brucellosis; however, this test can be used to differenti- ate between recent infections and previous infection. In addition, some studies have revealed promising results showing that the avidity test can be further developed for the evaluation of brucellosis infections (6). In this study, our aim was to compare serological tests (RB, SAT, EIA, 2-ME) that are routinely used in patients prediagnosed with different types of brucello- 273 Table 1. Distribution of RB and EIA tests according to the type of brucellosis Acute n 42 (z) 1) Subacute n 40 (z) 1) Chronic n 10 (z) 1) Total n 92 (z) 2) RB 39 (92.9) 39 (97.5) 10 (100) 88 (95.7) IgA 29 (69) 26 (65) 9 (90) 64 (69.6) IgG 32 (76.2) 36 (90) 10 (100) 78 (84.8) IgM 32 (76.2) 16 (40) 3 (30) 51 (55.4) 2-ME 33 (78.6) 19 (47.5) 3 (30) 55 (59.8) 1) : Ratios in clinical types. 2) : Ratios in total. RB, Rose Bengal; EIA, enzyme immunoassay; 2-ME, 2-mercap- toethanol. Table 2. Distribution of SAT titers according to the type of brucellosis SAT titers Acute n 42 (z) 1) Subacute n 40 (z) 1) Chronic n 10 (z) 1) Total n 92 (z) 2) 1/160 23 (56.1) 23 (57.5) 7 (70) 53 (57.6) 1/320 8 (19) 12 (30) 2 (20) 22 (23.9) 1/640 7 (16.7) 1 (2.5) 0 (0) 8 (8.7) 1/1,280 4 (9.5) 4 (10) 1 (10) 9 (9.8) Footnotes 1) and 2) are in Table 1. SAT, standard agglutination test. 273 sis, and to evaluate these results using the IgG avidity test. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present study was conducted on patients pre- diagnosed with brucellosis, and followed up by the Izmir Atat urk Education and Research Hospital and Manisa State Hospital Infectious Diseases Polyclinic and Clinics in Turkey. A diagnosis form was created for each patient whose disease course was known, and these were classified as acute, subacute, or chronic. For all patients, blood sera were analyzed by RB and SAT us- ing the Brucella S99 strain according to the recommen- dations of the manufacturer (Seromed, Istanbul, Tur- key). Eligible patients were required to have a titer 1/160 in the SAT test to confirm the serological diag- nosis of brucellosis, and sera from 92 patients meeting this criterion were included in the study. Coombs' test was performed on the sera from 2 patients who tested negatively in the SAT test, in order to remove blocking antibodies and/or eliminate the prozone phenomenon. These sera were included in the study (7). All sera were subjected to the 2-ME test using 0.05 M 2-ME (8). A decreased titer in the 2-ME test compared to that of the SAT was considered positive in terms of IgG antibody presence. All these tests were evaluated by at least 2 microbiologists. The sera were then stored at 209C in Eppendorf tubes for later testing in the EIA and IgG avidity tests. After all the patient samples were collect- ed, the presence of anti-Brucella IgM, IgG, and IgA an- tibodies was determined using commercial EIA kits and equipment (Radim, Rome, Italy). Results were consi- dered either negative or positive on the basis of the cal- culated cut-off values. When EIA test results conflicted with SAT results, both the SAT and EIA tests were repeated. The avidity test was performed on the basis of the 8 M urea denaturation method described by Hedmen and Rousseau (9). The IgG avidity test was performed on sera obtained from 78 patients who tested positive for IgG antibodies; the test was performed using the proce- dures, EIA anti-Brucella IgG kit, and equipment previ- ously mentioned. Sera were diluted 1:100, and 1 pair from each was added to the well. After initial incuba- tion and washing, 100 ml of 8 M urea was added to one of the serum pairs, and 100 ml of phosphate buffer solu- tion was added to the other. Sera were then incubated for 5 min. The remaining steps were performed accord- ing to the manufacturer's recommendations, and ab- sorption of all the wells was measured at 450 nm. Avidi- ty index percentage was calculated according to the fol- lowing formula: IgG avidity index (AI) absorbance of urea-treated microwells/ absorbance of untreated microwells 100 The AI cut-off value was set 40z, and the maturation time (the time required for evolution of low-avidity an- tibodies into high-avidity antibodies) was 6 months (1,5). Data were analyzed using SPSS 15.0 software (SPSS, Chicago, Ill., USA). Pearson's chi-square test was used to evaluate the avidity tests, and the McNemar test was used to evaluate the degree of agreement between the other serological tests. A P value 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS Of the patients in the study, 45 (48.9z) were males, while 47 (51.1z) were females. The average age of the study participants was 39.2 years, with patients ranging in age from 23 to 68 years. In the SAT, results revealed titers ranging from 1/160 to 1/1,280. Ninety-two patients were classified into 1 of 3 groups based on the duration of their symptoms, and the number of acute, subacute, and chronic patients was 42 (45.7z), 40 (43.5z), and 10 (10.9z), respectively. Distribution of tests according to the type of brucellosis is described in Tables 1 and 2. The RB test was negative in 4 patients, and the agree- ment between the SAT and RB tests was calculated as 95.7z. In 3 (3.2z) of the patients, all EIA tests were negative. When EIA tests were evaluated according to the clinical types, a statistically significant correlation was found only between the presence of IgM antibodies and acute-stage brucellosis (P 0.01). When EIA tests were also evaluated in combinations of 2, there was no statistically significant correlation between the com- bined antibody tests and the clinical groups. In 53 (57.6z) patients, SAT titer was 1/160, which showed the highest ratio. The ratios of the other SAT titers, 1/320, 1/640, and 1/1,280, were 23.9, 8.7, and 9.8z, respectively (Tables 2 and 3). In 55 (59.8z) patients, the 2-ME test performed on all sera revealed positivities, albeit with lower titers compared to those obtained in SAT. In 46 (90.2z) of 51 IgM-positive patients, titers were decreased. Agreement between the 2-ME and EIA-IgM tests were calculated to 274 Table 3. SAT results according to titers and distribution of positive RB and EIA tests according to SAT titres 1/160 n 53 (z) 1) 1/320 n 22 (z) 1) 1/640 n 8 (z) 1) 1/1,280 n 9 (z) 1) Total n 92 (z) 2) RB 49 (92.5) 22 (100) 8 (100) 9 (100) 88 (95.7) IgM 24 (47.1) 12 (54.5) 6 (75) 9 (100) 51 (55.4) IgA 30 (56.6) 17 (77.3) 8 (100) 9 (100) 64 (69.6) IgG 44 (83) 20 (90.9) 6 (75) 8 (88.9) 78 (84.8) 1) : Ratios in SAT titers. 2) : Ratios in total. Table 4. Comparison of 2-ME and IgM IgM Total (z) 2) Positive (z) 1) Negative (z) 1) Decreased titer in 2-ME test Positive 46 (90.2) 9 (22) 55 (59.8) Negative 5 (9.8) 32 (78) 37 (40.2) Total (z)** 51 (55.4) 41 (44.6) 92 (100) 1) : Ratios in IgM results. 2) : Ratios in total. Table 5. Distribution of different AIs according to disease duration 6 months (z) 1) 6 months (z) 1) Total (z) 2) AI 40z Low 27 (77.1) 8 (22.9) 35 (44.9) High 30 (69.8) 13 (30.2) 43 (55.1) AI 45z Low 39 (78) 11 (22) 50 (64.1) High 18 (64.3) 10 (35.7) 28 (35.9) AI 50z Low 46 (79.3) 12 (20.7) 58 (74.4) High 11 (55) 9 (45) 20 (25.6) AI 55z Low 51 (77.3) 15 (22.7) 66 (84.6) High 6 (50) 6 (50) 12 (15.4) 1) : Ratios in disease durations. 2) : Ratios in total. AI, avidity index. 274 be 84.8z (Table 4). In the 2-ME test, 72 patients were found to be positive, despite decreased titers. In the IgG avidity test, 35 (44.9z) of 78 EIA-IgG- positive patients had low AI values, while 43 (35.1z) had high AI values. Forty (51.3z) of these 78 patients were both EIA-IgG- and EIA-IgM-positive. When the IgG avidity maturation time was set at 6 months, and the AI cut-off value was 40z, there was no statistically significant correlation between cut-off value and matu- ration time ( P 0.465). When the AI cut-off value was set at 45, 50, or 55z, P values were calculated to be 0.190, 0.035, and 0.050, respectively. Increasing matu- ration time by 1 month also did not reveal any statisti- cally significant correlation. The lowest P value associ- ated with these 2 parameters was obtained when the maturation time and AI cut-off value were evaluated at 6 months and 50z, respectively (Table 5). DISCUSSION In our study, RB test was found to be positive in 88 of the 92 patients whose SAT tests showed titers 1/160. We found 95.7z agreement between the RB and SAT tests, revealing that RB is a valuable, easy-to-use, and cost-effective screening test that can provide reliable results in a relatively short time. Although studies on this subject have yielded different results, those ob- tained by comparing the RB test with the SAT test have demonstrated results similar to ours (10). Some studies have also reported 100z sensitivity for the RB test (11,12). However, it has been shown that false negatives could be due to a decrease in the agglutination ability of antibodies at the low pH of the test medium (13). While the RB test yields results within minutes, a minimum of 24 h is needed for the SAT test. This increases up to 48 h when Coombs' test needs to be used to clarify negative results. Unfortunately, evaluation of these tests involves a level of subjectivity, and this may cause inexperienced persons to report inaccurate results. Evaluation of individual EIA tests in patient groups classified according to symptoms showed that only one immunoglobulin (i.e., IgG) can be used successfully, with a 100z agreement with the SAT test, during the chronic period. Although having a small number of patients classified as chronic (10 patients) reduces the strength of the study, similar results were found in a study by Mantec on et al., where 100zIgG was detected in 22 patients having a history of brucellosis (1). Sirmatel et al. found the percentage of IgG-positive patients to be 78.2z in a group composed of 92 chronic-stage patients (14). In regions where brucellosis is endemic, persistent IgG positivities may reduce the di- agnostic value of this test when it is used individually. When evaluating the ratios of IgG-positive patinets dur- ing the acute, subacute, and chronic periods of brucello- sis (76.2, 90, and 100zrespectively), it appears that IgG increases according to the duration of the disease. In the panel of EIA tests, IgM was the only immunoglobulin to show a statistically significant correlation with the clinical types of brucellosis ( P 0.01), suggesting that IgM can be used to diagnose acute brucellosis. The same result has been obtained in many studies on EIA. Klerk and Anderson reported that EIA-IgM is the ``most sen- sitive test'' in the serological diagnosis of brucellosis (15). Furthermore, Ariza et al. showed that a high level of specific IgM was present at the beginning stages of brucellosis, and that it decreased much more rapidly than IgG or IgA (16). The rapid decrease shown by Ariza et al. is also present in our results; number of EIA-IgM-positive patients during the acute, subacute, and chronic periods was found to be 32, 16, and 3, re- spectively. Since positivity is not an issue in all patients having brucellosis, it is not possible to exclude acute 275 275 brucellosis only on the basis of negative results. EIA- IgG and IgA are not sufficient to make a diagnosis dur- ing the acute and subacute periods. These should be taken into consideration, along with the other tests, and should definitely be tested in cases where negative EIA- IgM results are found in acute period patients. EIA-IgM can be detected as early as the first week after brucello- sis infection, while IgG and IgA only appear after a cou- ple of weeks (17). Therefore, these specific im- munoglobulins cannot be reliably used during certain disease phases. In fact, it is uncertain whether there is value in such classifications for brucellosis, since it is a disease that eventually evolves into a chronic state. In 3 of the patients, all EIA tests were negative. Per- formance in EIA tests varies in different studies. Memish et al. found the sensitivities of SAT, EIA-IgG, and EIA-IgM to be 95.6, 45.6, and 79z, respectively (17), while Sisirak and Hukic reported sensitivities as low as 64.8z for EIA-IgM and 56.1z for EIA-IgG (11). In our country, Sirmatel et al. reported sensitivities of SAT, EIA-IgM, and EIA-IgG to be 83.7, 61.9, and 49.5z, respectively (14). However, some studies have reported very high sensitivities for EIA tests. For exam- ple, Araj et al. reported sensitivities of 91 and 100zfor EIA-IgG and EIA-IgM, respectively (18). Similarly, in a study comparing blood cultures in various serological tests, Ciftci et al. calculated the sensitivities of RB, SAT, EIA-IgG, EIA-IgA, and EIA-IgM tests as 100, 94.3, 97.1, 94.1, and 71.4z, respectively (19). Our results have shown that EIA tests should be evaluated together, especially during the acute and subacute stages, and an evaluation using only a single im- munoglobulin may cause false-negative results. Although no statistically significant correlation has been found between EIA and SAT titers, nearly all patients having an SAT titer of 1/1,280 had positive results in EIA; in fact, only 1 patient was found to be negative in the EIA-IgG test. The number of IgA-posi- tive patients increased roughly in parallel to the SAT titer values, with the P value close to the significance threshold ( P 0.07). Since IgA titers increase with in- creased antigenic stimulation, patients having 1/1,280 and 1/640 titers were found to have a greater number of antibodies. Disagreement between IgM and IgG in the first 2 titers could be due to the delay in switching from IgM to IgG caused by antigenic stimulation. White demonstrated that such a delay was possible (20). The presence of IgM was revealed when comparing the decrease in titers of the SAT test and the 2-ME test, when the latter was performed in sera with total an- tibody activity shown. This decrease was observed in 55 (59.8z) patients. When compared with results from the EIA-IgM test, agreement was found to be 84.8z. This suggests that the 2-ME test can be reliably used to deter- mine the presence of IgM. Buchanan and Faber report- ed that a negative 2-ME test is ``strong evidence'' of chronic brucellosis (21). In a study evaluating 50 sera by flow assay, Zeytinoglu et al. found a similar agreement between the EIA-IgM and 2-ME tests, with a ratio of 88z (22). According to the results of the present study, 6 months avidity maturation time and 50z AI were found to be the best cut-off values for the avidity test. Under these conditions, AI values from 4550zmay be within the grey zone. Further studies investigating other parameters that may affect the avidity test should be performed with varied sets of parameters under con- trolled conditions, in order to determine the most ap- propriate criteria for application of this test. The other 2 parameters that can be changed in this test are the urea concentration and treatment time. Based on previous studies, we choose to use 8 M urea applied for 5 min. These conditions may vary according to the specific avidity test to be performed. However, in the diagnosis of brucellosis, these conditions have not yet been stand- ardized. In some studies, successful results have been reported for the diagnosis of Brucella based on IgG avidity test. In a study of 188 patients, Kutlu et al. found a statistical correlation between AI and matura- tion time when the cut-off values for these parameters were 40z and 6 months, respectively. Furthermore, when maturation time was set at 6 months, Gutierrez et al. found the sensitivity and specificity of the IgG avidity test to be 70.5 and 97.7z, respectively (6). Montec on et al. found significantly high Brucella IgG avidity in a group having a history of brucellosis, and reported that the IgG avidity test could differentiate between current and prior infections (1). In conclusion, from a broad perspective, no perfect test is available for the laboratory diagnosis of brucello- sis. The RB test remains an important and appropriate screening test. Furthermore, we believe that the SAT test, which is cost-effective, easy-to-use, and has high sensitivity and specificity, is the most appropriate test, especially in regions endemic for brucellosis. The ability to measure 3 specific antibodies by EIA makes this an effective test that can be used to success- fully diagnose brucellosis. This is especially important, since it may be possible to use these laboratory tests to confirm the clinical stage of the disease once the presence of IgM is apparent during the acute stage. Likewise, there may be similar value in the presence of IgG during the chronic stage. To differentiate between these 2 antibodies, the 2-ME test is a cheap and easy-to- use alternative that yields sufficient results. Additional studies aimed at further developing and standardizing the IgG avidity test may significantly improve the clinic diagnosis of brucellosis. 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