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Improvement and Management of Horticultural Crops

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Improvement and Management of Horticultural Crops
Mango superior trees of different varieties were identified and
scion sticks collected at IIHR, Bangalore. Eighteen accessions in
mango were characterized morphologically. Mangifera odorata
recorded maximum TSS (21.7 Brix). The pulp recovery was found
83 and 81% in mango Keraligoa and Khudadath (variant),
respectively. Distinct physiological shift of seed into germination
in Kolar district in Karanataka indicated zinc (1317 ppm) and
boron (3445 ppm) deficiencies. Zinc (1517 ppm), manganese
(2832 ppm) and boron (42 ppm) deficiencies were also found in
Krishnagiri. The studies on pest risk analysis of Bactrocera caryeae
showed that it is restricted to west coast of India and major mango
belts of South India are free from it. Extensive surveys carried out
for mango fruit fly and stone weevil infestation in South India on
Banganapalli showed that Krishna, Mehaboobnagar/Rangareddy
districts of Andhra Pradesh, were free from these pests.
At CISH, Lucknow, plastic mulch enhanced flowering in mango.
The response of black plastic mulch (100 ) was evaluated against
root growth, nutrient status of soil and plant, flowering and yield
of mango Chausa. Mulching was done during flower-bud
differentiation (OctoberNovember) stage. The mulch stimulated
the lateral root growth particularly in nutrient rich upper soil layer.
However, there was no difference in dry weight of roots. The data
on nutritional status revealed the improvement in levels of Ca
(521.05 ppm), Zn (0.93 ppm), Cu (1.61 ppm), Mn (6.66 ppm)
and Fe (4.90 ppm) in mulched soil as compared to control (440.95,
0.75, 0.66, 4.52 and 3.6 ppm, respectively). Among different
nutrients, phosphorus (0.21%) and potash (0.8%) were found
significantly higher in leaves of mulched plants in comparison to
control (0.15 and 0.56%). Enhancement in flowering and yield
(3870 and 4060%) were also recorded in off and on year
because of mulch. Increase in these attributes may be associated
with increase in root area along with enhanced ability of tree to
take more nutrients particularly phosphorus and potassium from
soil under mulched condition.
Single application of five bacterial antagonists isolated from
mango pathosystem and leaf based organic liquid pesticides were
found effective against mango bacterial canker disease. These
organisms were identified as species of Bacillus, Pseudomonas
and Acenetobacter.
Under All India Coordinated Research Project on Sub-Tropical
Fruits, Dudhiya Malda performed very well followed by Dholikothi
Maldah at Sabour, Bappakai and Sensation at Sangareddy, Bangalore
Goa followed by Zafrani Gola at Pantnagar and Keraligoa,
Khudadath and Navneetham at IIHR, Bangalore. Peddapur-16
seedling at Sangareddy and collection Nos. 7/80, and 10/80 were
found promising at Sabour. Two clones, T19 and T20, of Himsagar
Eighteen accessions of mango were characterized
T 19 and T 20, clones of mango Himsagar, were
Salem and Javori, clones of mango Bangalora wre
Hybrid H 311 gave maximum fruit yield
Rejuvenation of mango orchards was done
mode allows the seed to act as a stronger physiological sink,
enabling it to draw water and other nutrients from adjoining
mesocarp resulting in spongy tissue. The survey of mango orchards
of Krishna district for nutrient status indicated that the age of
orchards decides the deficiency of micronutrients and their
management for yield and quality. The correction of micronutrient
disorders in mango Banganapalli in Krishna districts recorded 12
18% increase in yield. The causes of low yield in mango orchards
Fruit quality of treated tree
were found promising for high yield at Mohanpur and clone Rati
Banganpalli having cluster bearing habit, early Baneshani having
early maturity, Pedda Benishan and Allahabad Benishan bearing
bigger sized fruits than Banganpalli performed well at Sangareddy.
Similarly, two clones of Bangalora, i.e. Salem and Javori having big
fruits (300500 g) were found promising at Periyakulam. Hybrid H-
311 (Alphonso Neelum) recorded maximum yield and was found
free from spongy tissue disorder at Vengurle. Neeleshwari and
Neeleshan were found promising at

In planting system-cum-high-density planting trial, double
hedgerow system of planting gave significantly higher yield at most
of the centres. In pruning trial for high- density planting,
maximum number of fruits and yield were recorded in the trees
pruned on alternate limbs after harvesting with application of
paclobutrazol at Sangareddy, whereas at Paria and Vengurle,
heading back of 20 cm terminal shoot biennially with application
of paclobutrazol during rest period gave higher yield. Heading back
of branchlet at 50 cm level with the application of paclobutrazol
during rest period gave higher yield in trees planted at normal
distance at Vengurle. Rejuvenation of overcrowded orchards
(heading back up to crowded branchlets and centre opening) along
with use of paclobutrazol during the rest period gave maximum
cumulative yield of last seven years at Sangareddy and Pantnagar.
Maximum hopper population was recorded on panicles during
flowering stage, i.e. second fortnight of March (65.5) followed by
that on trunk of tree (57.1) in first fortnight of April and on leaves
in first fortnight of July (58.6) at Mohanpur. Higher activity of
hopper was observed during flowering stage, while thrips had two
peaks (OctoberNovember and MarchMay) coinciding with new
flush period at Paria. Three sprayings of Imidacloprid and
Endosulphon starting first spray of Imidacloprid (0.005%) at
panicle emergence followed by the rest two sprays of Endosulphan
(0.07%) at 15 days and 21 days intervals proved highly effective by
reducing hopper population by 20.07% with highest yield of
346.6kg/tree at Sabour. Number of fruits set at marble and
harvesting stages were significantly higher in treated plots sprayed
with Imidacloprid (0.005%) at panicle emergence than in
untreated control at AES, Paria. Module-II (Imidacloprid (0.005%),
NSKE (5%) and Endosulphan (0.07%) was highly effective by
resulting in lowest survival of hopper population (8.64%) and
maximum fruit yield (259 kg/tree) in mango Langra at Sabour.
Forty-six exotic accessions of banana were introduced from
Belgium at NRC for Banana, Trichy. Phylogenetic relationship
among 45 AB diploid accessions was analysed using microsatellite
markers. Embryogenic cell suspensions of banana Nendran
(French Plantain) and Ney Poovan were developed.Kanai Bansi,
M. balbisiana, Athiakol, Bhimkol and Attiakola were potential
resistant donors against burrowing and root lesion nematodes,
while Ankur was moderately resistant to root-knot nematode. Nattu
Poovan, Thella Chakkarakeli, Teraben, Mannan, Musa balbisiana,
Ladan, Erode Kai and Pisang Berlin were drought tolerant based
on leaf water retention capacity.
In Red Banana, plants grown under paired row planting system
with a population of 3,800 plants/ha recorded 29.5% more yield than
2,500 plants/ha. The fruits recorded highest TSS (23.5 Brix), total
sugars (20.96%), ascorbic acid (12.53 mg/100 g), peel carotene (3.02
mg/100 g) and low acidity (0.26%) under paired row planting.
In Rasthali, application of 15 kg rice husk ash + 80%
recommended NPK + 25 g VAM/plant recorded highest average
bunch weight of 12.3 kg with 30% increase over control (9.4 kg).
Under high soil pH (>8.5) condition, soil application of iron and
boron and foliar application of zinc increased bunch weight in Ney
Poovan banana. Fertilizer adjustment equations were developed
for optimum production of banana Rasthali.
For integrated pest management in banana, a semi-chemical
Eicosane evoked higher response (0.732 eV) to female antenna,
whereas cyclohexane responded to male antenna (0.292 eV).
Complete mortality of burrowing nematode was observed with
application of flower and root extracts of Tagetus erecta.
Applications of 30 g Trichoderma viride at planting, and 3 and 5
months after planting or in combination with Pseudomonas
fluorescens reduced nematode population significantly with
increased plant growth.
Primers, OPB1, OPB7 and OPB17, showed polymorphism and
differentiated different foc races by cluster analysis. Nit mutants
were generated for VCG grouping of different foc isolates. Presence
of VCGs 0124, 0125, and 0128 of foc in India has been confirmed.
Two of the rDNA-ITS sequences of foc have been deposited in the
NCBI genbank. Complete genome of banana streak virus (BSV)
was cloned, sequenced and deposited with the NCBI genbank
(Accession 859899). The viral genome was 6950 bp in length and
had three ORFs. This BSV sequence is more similar to BSV-OL and
GD sequences, 900 bp intergenic BSV sequence was cloned for
assessing the promoter activity. The BBTV cp gene were cloned into
an expression vector for producing recombinant coat protein.
The ACC oxidase gene was isolated and fused with CaMV 35S
promoter and terminator in anti-sense orientation to develop
Forty-six exotic accessions of banana wre added
Primers, OPB1, OPB7 and OPB17, showed polymorphism
Four distinct bacterial clones were isolated
A total of 1,1000 suckers of banana were supplied at
Arabhavi, 50,000 at Jorhat and 680 at Mohanpur
transgenic banana with delayed ripening. This whole cassettes of
ACC oxidase in anti-sense orientation with respect to CaMV 35S
promoter was shuffled to binary vectors of pGreen and pCAMBIA.
Under AICRP on Tropical Fruits, four accessions of banana have
been catalogued for their morphological traits at Coimbatore. At
Kannara, 15 regenerated new accessions of banana were planted
for field evaluation. At Coimbatore, 20 crosses were made using
Manoranjitham and Karpooravalli as female parents and Rose,
YKM 5, Pisang Lilin and H-65 as male parents, which yielded 106
seeds. The hybrid progeny from different crosses were established
in field under Kannara conditions. At Kovvur, RAPD analysis
corroborated the genetic variability discovered by isoenzyme
analysis between Fusarium wilt resistant Silk banana Martman
from other susceptible members of group. The cultivar can directly
be deployed in Fusarium (race-1) endemic areas. Banana hybrid,
96/7 and H 212, tolerant to nematodes were proposed as pre-release
cultures at TNAU, Coimbatore. Application of fertilizers of
200 : 50 : 200 N, P
and K
O respectively/plant/crop along with
spraying of 2,4-D at 10 ppm gave higher yield during plant crop of
banana under Arabhavi conditions, while at Kannara, 2, 4-D (25
ppm) as bunch spray along with soil application of 200 g N and
foliar application of urea (2%) recorded yield increase in banana
Nendran. At Coimbatore, combined treatment of 300 g N and 300
g K
O with two post-shooting spraying of CPPU (4 ppm) gave
maximum bunch weight of 37.25 kg. The treatment propiconaole
(0.1%) + spraying of Bacillus subtilis @ 5 ml/litre controlled
Sigatoka leaf spot effectively under Arabhavi and Kannara. A total
of 1,100 suckers of banana were supplied at Arabhavi, 50,000 at
Jorhat and 680 at Mohanpur.
For molecular characterization of fruit fly species, molecular
differences in mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI) gene
of three fruit fly specie, viz. Bactrocera dorsalis, B. correcta and
B. zonata (Tephritidae: Diptera) were carried out using mtCOI
specific primers. Sequence analysis of PCR amplified fragments
showed appreciable differences in nucleotide sequences of three
fruit fly species.
Four distinct bacterial clones were isolated from bacterial
contamination displaying in vitro cultures of banana Grand Naine
and single colony-purified and identified through 16SrDNA
sequence analysis. These organisms included Pantoea
agglomerans, Bacillus subtilis, Klebsiella variicola and
Staphylococcus epidermidis. All these endophytes appeared
detrimental to banana cultures overrunning them within 24
weeks of in vitro culturing.
At NRC for Citrus, Nagpur, one early-maturing clone (N
) of
Nagpur mandarin (early-February) and another less-seeded clone
) of less than 3 seeds/fruit were identified for evaluation at
farmers fields. In germplasm collection, 49 exotic germplasm
comprising 30 scions (14 of mandarin, 9 of sweet orange, 7 of
grapefruit and pummelo from USA, France, Japan and Niger) and
19 of rootstocks (mostly from USA, a few from Australia) and 532
indigenous collections have been maintained at Nagpur. Besides,
75 superior clones of Nagpur mandarin, 12 of acid lime and 5 of
Mosambi were under field evaluation. For micronutrient-use
efficiency in Nagpur mandarin, suboptimum Zn and Fe nutrition
are considered to be the global concerns for sustainable citrus
production. Better efficiency of soil applied Zn over foliar
application and vice-versa in case of Fe, was observed with respect
to response on flowering intensity, fruit setting, tree canopy volume,
Seventy-five clones of Nagpur mandarin, 12 of acid lime
and 5 of mosambi were evaluated
On selection each of sweet orange and pummelo were
Use of Bioagents
In field release of bioagents against citrus insect pests, release
of Mallada boninensis @ 30 larvae/tree and Tamarixia
radiata @ 40 adults/tree resulted in 2830, 4245 and 23
26% reduction in blackfly, psylla and leaf miner, respectively.
fruit yield and quality indices. Higher movements of Zn through
xylem compared to Fe and of Fe through phloem in comparison to
Zn, were identified as the major distinguishing factor in
understanding the differential response between Zn and Fe
Continuous trenching between two rows of trees across the slope
(3.8%) conserves 3035% run-off and 2530% soil and available
nutrients (N, P, and K) in young Nagpur mandarin, producing
better plant growth. In bearing acid lime as well, continuous
trenching produced the best response conserving 3538% run-off
and 3235% soil and available N, P, and K in addition to raising
fruit yield by 18% with better fruit quality (43.2% juice) over
control (35.4% juice). Harvested rainwater from 3.1 ha of
catchments through a tank of 35 m 35 m 3 m size was
successfully recycled through drip irrigation with plastic mulch in
1 ha (288 plants) of 3-year-old Nagpur mandarin orchard.
Of the nine biopesticides tested, choicest biopesticides/new
molecules in their order of toxicity to blackfly and leaf miner were
found abamectin > spinosad > novaluron and to psylla and
spinosad > abamectin > novaluron to leaf minor. Oviposition
preference by leaf miner, blackfly and psylla on Nagpur mandarin
revealed that citrus blackfly and leaf miner preferred 1520 and
510 days old leaves, respectively, whereas psylla preferred 5 days
old twig for egg laying.
Under AICRP on Tropical Fruits, one selection in sweet orange and
another in pummelo were collected and planted at Tirupati. Sweet
orange mosambi selections 2 and 4 and acid lime promising selection
RHR-L-124 continued to record their superiority for yield and fruit
quality at Rahuri. At Tinsukia, Khasi mandarin selection CRS-4
continued to be superior among 12 clonal selections. Addition of VAM
(500 g/plant) + PSB (100 g/plant) + Azospirillum (100 g/plant) +
T. harzianum (100 g/plant) to 100% RDF/plant/year produced
highest yield of sweet orange at Rahuri. Fifty-seven grafts of sweet
orange Mosambi and 315 seedlings of acid lime (Sai Sharbati) were
supplied to farmers at Rahuri. Virus-free kinnow was budded on 2,000
plants of Rough lemon at Ludhiana.
Eight exotic accessions of Vitis vinifera were introduced in
addition to collection of four wine grape accessions from private
winery at NRC for Grapes, Pune. The National Grape germplasm
collection now has 415 accessions. A total of 149 accessions were
characterised based on berry and bunch characters. Forty-four
accessions were characterised using RAPD and microsatellite
markers and genetic relationship among these accessions was
Several hybrids of indigenous species and varieties with
introduced cultivars were found promising for early ripening and
quality traits. Germplasm was screened for resistance to thrips and
downy mildew and several accessions showing varying levels of
tolerance were identified, which can be used in breeding
programme to develop resistant commercial varieties. In
microsatellite analysis of a large number of downy mildew resistant
and susceptible grape accessions identified a marker which is
present in only susceptible accessions.
Thompson Seedless grafted on 110R produced significantly
more bunches and higher yield as compared to those grafted on
other rootstocks as well as own roots. Nutrient uptake pattern was
found to be different for different nutrients in grafted and own
rooted vines. Vines grafted on Dogridge and 110R accumulated
lower chlorides in tissues than those grafted on Salt Creek.The
shiny spot symptoms was found to be due to potassium deficiency.
Similarly, low potassium content was found to be associated with
marginal necrosis of leaf blade.
The IBA concentration was standardized for propagation of
grape rootstocks using hardwood cuttings. No adverse effect on
growth, yield and quality parameters were observed in nine years
old Tas-A-Ganesh grafted on Dogridge rootstock with different levels
of stock scion growth ratio (inverted bottleneck symptom).In
Thompson Seedless, maximum photosynthetic rate and internal
was recorded during fruit-bud differentiation and full bloom
stages on 110R rootstock compared to other rootstocks. Stock scion
ratio of 0.91.0 was recorded in Tas-A-Ganesh when grafted on
110 R and B2/56 rootstocks, while it was 080.9 on Dogridge
indicating higher vigor inducing nature of Dogridge. However, yield
and number of bunches were maximum on 110 R followed by that
on Dogridge rootstock.
Increased root : shoot length ratio and water-use efficiency were
observed in most of the rootstocks at 50% moisture stress over
control. At 50% moisture stress, although Dogridge recorded
maximum root : shoot length ratio, 110 R showed maximum water-
use efficiency. Total phenolic compounds and individual class of
phenols like flavonoids, falvonols, flavon 3 ols were estimated
in Thompson Seedless grafted on different rootstocks at three
different berry growth stages. Preliminary investigation revealed
positive correlation between phenolic compositions and reduced
incidence of powdery mildew.
In Thompson Seedless, higher bud fruitfulness was recorded in
upward positioned shoots with maximum bud fruitfulness at 5
7th bud position. In Tas-A-Ganesh horizontal single cordon
training modification recorded higher yield than double cordon
system. Double stem four cordon system in Tas-A-Ganesh though
resulted in higher yield as compared to single stem and other
training modifications, however berry and bunch quality
characteristics were low in this treatment. In plastic covered Tas-A-
Ganesh girdling at 67 mm berry size resulted in improved
performance of vines with respect to berry weight, diameter and
length, total soluble solids and early berry setting. In Sharad
Seedless, girdling at 68 mm berry size resulted in higher berry
diameter, and berry and bunch weight. In Merlot and Sauvignon
A total of 149 accessions were characterized
A software for grape germplasm information system was
made operational
A prototype disease forecasting of software for powdery
mildew management in grape was developed
Statistical model was developed to predict powdery mildew
incidence in grape
Software in Grape Production
The software for grape germplasm information system was
made operational. Database for molecular data of grape
accessions was designed.
Blanc maximum bud fruitfulness was recorded when spur pruned
at 5th and 4th bud respectively.
At reduced level of irrigation, vines raised on B2/56 performed
better than Dogridge and own roots. The cost : benefit ratio was
highest for B2/56 at 75% and 50% of recommended irrigation level.
Similarly, cost : benefit ratio of subsurface irrigation at 75% of
recommended level was on par with recommended level, thus
resulting in a saving of 25% irrigation water. In another
experiment, irrigation requirement could be reduced by 25% using
mulch and antistress, although the cost : benefit ratio of this
treatment was less than the recommended levels of irrigation.
A prototype disease forecasting software for powdery mildew
management was developed. The software takes daily weather data,
field data and generates diagnosis and recommends the choice
and dose of fungicides. The software was released and made
available to growers.
Several environmentally safe chemicals and new molecules were
tested and found promising for controlling powdery mildew. The
efficacy of Carbendazim was improved by adding citric acid @30
g/100 ltres of spray water. Biocontrol agent, Trichoderma was tested
for antagonism to Elsinoe ampelina and significant
mycoparasitism was observed.
Among several antagonistic microorgaisms isolated from grape
rhizoshere and endophytes, three were found to be promising for
the control of post-harvest decay and three were promising against
Botryodiploidea theobromae.
At Bangalore, three promising Thompson Seedless vines
producing loose bunches and bold berries were identified. Total
antioxidant capacity was significantly higher in Bangalore Blue
grape seed followed by peel due to higher total phenols in seeds
and anthocyanins and phenols in peel when compared to whole
fruit. Raisins from Thompson Seedless grape had higher total
antioxidant capacity (FRAP - 474 mg AEAC/100 g dwt), radical
scavenging capacity (DPPH - 4339.4 mh/100 g) and total
flavonoids (112 mg of catechin equivalents/100 g) compared to
fresh grapes (430, 3922 and 91 mg/100 g dwt of FRAP, DPPH and
total flavonoids respectively). Residues of Imidacloprid (Confidor
200 SL) on grapes was evaluated following spray applications (4
times) at recommended dose, revealed that crop was free of any
Imidacloprid residue at harvestng, 105 days after treatment.
Statistical model was developed to predict powdery mildew
incidence in grapes The prediction power of empirical model was
worked out to be 68.3%. Further, optimized model developed using
maximum temperature, relative humidity and rainfall predicted
powdery mildew incidence reasonably well (R
=0.60) and
possessed minimum average prediction errors. Statistical models
were developed to optimize the role of weather factors and
simultaneously to predict anthracnose incidence in grapes
cv. Anab-E-Shahi. The optimized model showed that morning and
evening relative humidity could predict the incidence to 77.5%.
An advanced generation hybrid has been developed at IIHR,
Bangalore, which has medium-sized fruits (800 g), with deep pink
coloured pulp, high TSS (1314 Brix) and good keeping quality.
For quick detection of virus in plants and seedlings, molecular
diagnostic assay based on RT-PCR was developed using coat protein
gene specific primers. Under AICRP on Tropical Fruits at
Coimbatore, genotypes G 22, G 27, and G 15 were found early and
An advance generation hybrid of papaya was developed
Papaya genotypes, G 22, G 27 and G 15, were found
early and tolerant to cold
tolerant to cold. Fruits from these genotypes were harvested and
seeds collected to raise F
generation. Survey at Coimbatore revealed
2040% incidence of papaya ring spot virus (PRSV).
Eleven accessions of sapota were characterized at IIHR,
Bangalore, using standard descriptors. The average fruit weight
ranged from 26.44 g in Badam to 130.42 g in DHS 2. Thirty-two
germplasm collections were studied for their susceptibility to chiku
moth (Nephopteryx eugraphella), bud-borer (Anarsia achrasella),
leaf miner (Acrocercops gemoniella) and ash weevil (Myllocerus
sp.). Leaf nutrient guides for sapota have been developed for
economic and balanced nutrient management. The nutrient guides
for micronutrients have also been developed for sapota farmers.
Potash has been identified as the most limiting nutrient in
orchards surveyed in Karnataka.
Eleven accessions of sapota were characterized with
standard descriptors.
Thirty-two germplasm accessions of sapota were studied
Under AICRP on Tropical Fruits, high-yielding clone
DHS 1(2/1) identified earlier continued to show its superiority at
Arabhavi. Application of 5 kg vermicompost with 200 g N, 40 g
and 150 g K
O/plant/year in Kalipatti recorded higher yield.
The treatment carbendazim (0.1%) effectively controlled leaf spot
disease of sapota.
CISH-G4, a selection from population of Apple Colour guava,
was found promising, at CISH, Lucknow. It was released as Shweta
for commercial cultivation. This has globose, medium-sized fruits,
creamy white exocarp with red blush, snow white pulp, high TSS
(12.513.2%) content and vitamin C (300 mg/100 g EP) with good
keeping quality.
55 cultivars of litchi at NRC for Litchi, Muzaffapur. Litchi Shahi
proved to be more robust compared to other cultivars.Allied species
of litchi, longan (Dimocarpus longan) came to fruiting three
years after planting. The keeping quality of longan fruit was very
good and taste was sweeter than litchi with small seeds.
Major insect pests of litchi were identified. Trichogramma @
50,000/ha with Ninbicidine (0.5%) or cypermethrin @ (0.005%)
with Nimbicidine 0.5% sprays proved superior in minimizing the
damage by fruit-borer when sprayed at fruit setting (lentil-sized)
and at colour development stages.
One thousand four hundred litchi layers were supplied to litchi
growers during 2006. Qualitative characteristics of Shahi and
China litchi were analysed for wine making purpose.
Under AICRP on Sub-Tropical Fruits, double hedgerow system
of planting gave highest yield at Pantnagar, while square system at
Mohanpur. Shoots pruning up to 50 cm at the time of harvesting
of fruits, followed by removal of new flush in NovemberDecember,
2006, provided maximum yield of quality fruits at Pantnagar.
Leaf roller incidence reached its peak in October (4243%) and
caused 51.5% fruit damage 67 days after fruit setting at Mohanpur.
Incidence of leaf roller was low in March, 2006 and gradually
increased maximum level in July at Pantnagar.
Mango Karpuria, Hathijhool, Audhia Maldah, Police, Maldah
(Surajgarha) and Maldah (Dholikoth) showed only one per cent
of malformation. Critical temperature (19.4535.61C) and
relative humidity (52.9896%) with 9.01 h/day sunshine have been
found to favour the maximum disease development of powdery
mildew in Himsagar at Mohanpur. At Sangareddy, powdery mildew
was observed during fourth week of January, 2006 on susceptible
Ratna and Swarnajehangir with PDI of 6180 when mean
minimum temperature and mean maximum temperature were
10.71C and 28.8C.
The incidence of powdery mildew was first noticed on second
flush in first week of January at Vengurle. It was found to be
positively correlated to minimum temperature and panicle age. At
Paria, maximum disease (86%) was observed in Alphonso at mean
maximum temperature of 22.99C, minimum of 14.17C, RH of
68.64%, sunshine hour of 9.6 hours/day and vapour evaporation at
5.51 litre/day with clean sky position.
Passion fruit
Irrigation and fertilizer schedules for passion fruit revealed that
irrigation at 75% of evaporation replenishment recorded higher
yield as compared to irrigation at 50% of evaporation
replenishment and basin irrigation. Fertigation with 75 and 100%
of recommended dose of fertilizer recorded higher yield as
compared to soil application of fertilizer. This indicates a saving of
25% of water and fertilizer.
Under AICRP on Sub-Tropical Fruits, six germplasm accessions
were added to the germplasm collection. Lucknow-49 followed by
Allahabad Safeda and Lucknow-46-2 gave high yield at
Sangareddy. Guava Allahabad Safeda excelled under Sabour
conditions. The evaluation of germplasm at Bangalore revealed
that fruit weight was maximum (246.5 g) in Dhareedar followed
by Local Pink (244.2 g). The quality parameter revealed that TSS
Guava Shweta
Six accessions of guava were added
Three accessions of litchi were added
Twelve fruit species were collectged from Kerala
In Jammu, 12 collections were evaluated
Seven genotypes of aonla were added
Three genotypes of date palm were added
Aonla Selection 1 was identified
F 6/a, a new mateera, was ready for release
BS 1, a genotype of ber, was identified
Storage life of pomegranates of Bhagwa could be
extended for 3 weeks
ranged from 9.0 Brix in Aneuploid to 21.09 Brix in Local Pink.
The acidity was low (0.524%) in Thailand 2, followed by Thailand
1(0.613%). The vitaminC was more (298.2 mg/100 g pulp) in
Dhareedar. In planting system-cum-high-density planting,
maximum yield was recorded in double hedgerow system of
planting and minimum in square system.
Three accessions were added to the gene bank making a total of
Jackfruit grafts of selected plants for raising clonal stocks at
Kannara and those of Palur 1 from Periyakulam centre are
maintained at Vellanikkara under AICRP on Tropical Fruits. At
Mohanpur, four new germplasm have been identified. Twelve elite
jackfruit clones were collected at Kovvur.
Underutilized fruits
In under-utilized fruits, three species of Pandanus, one each of
Baccaurea ramiflora, Spondias cytherea, Dillinia indica,
Averrhoa bilimbi, Malpigia glabra, Baccaurea sapida, Cordia
oblique, Artocarpus spp. and Garcinia spp. were added from
Andaman island. Another 12 fruit species found in Kerala forests
were also collected: Antidesma ghaesmbilla (Black current),
Salacia chinensis, S. beddomei, Flacourtia Montana, Syzygium
zeylanicum, Elaecarpus serratus, Chrysophyllum cainito
(Star apple), Flacourti (lovi-lovi), Averrhoa bilimbi (Bilimbli),
A. carambola (sour type), (Carambola), Psidium guineense
(Guva sp.), Aporusa lindleyana and Psidium littorale. In jamun,
12 collections were observed for their variable reaction to leaf
miner, Acrocercops sp., fruit weevil, Balaninus c- album, bark
eating cater pillar, Indarbela sp. and ash weevil, Mylloceros sp.
Fifteen pummelo germplasm collections were evaluated for
resistance to citrus leaf miner and Phyllocnistis citrella.
Temperate fruits
At CITH, Srinagar, medium high-density plantation with 625
budded plants of almond/ha at 4 m 4 m distance was compared
with 278 plants/ha planted traditionally at 6 m 6 m distance.
The budded plants commenced into bearing only after 3 years in
comparison to 7 years of seedling trees. Consequently, the
productivity has been raised from existing 0.86 tonne/ha to more
than 3 tonnes/ha from 6 years old plants. This showed the
possibility of increasing the productivity manifold with use of
varieties like Waris, Shalimar, Makhdoom and Non-Pareil.
Arid zone fruits
Seven genotypes of aonla and three of date palm were added to
national repository. Large collections of bael, jamun, karonda,
tamarind, mahua, chironji and wood apple were also made at
CHES, Vejalpur, Godhra. However, due to sub zero temperatures,
which prevailed continuously for 34 days during January 2006,
all germplasm of ber (except Tikadi and Snaur), aonla,
pomegranate and lasora were severely affected with frost injury
while date palm and khejri germplasm were not affected.
A selection of aonla (Aonla Selection 1) was identified, which is
early-maturing and high-yielding due to more number of female
flowers under rainfed conditions of semi-arid region. A new variety
of mateera (F6/a), which is free from cracking, good in TSS (9.5
11.2 Brix), low in seed content, red in pulp is ready to be released.
For tissue culture plant, a three step hardening process
involving primary in acclimatization hood made of plastic tray
covered with polycarbonate sheet with ventilation devices,
subsequent transfer to evaporative cool chamber and thereafter,
Medium high-density plantation in almond
Almond bearing in medium high-density plantation
acclimatization of plantlets either in shade house or low-cost
polyhouse equipped with intermittent fogging device has been
found effective in surviving of plants.
The fertigation practices has been standardized in Kinnow
mandarin and results revealed that 70 and 40% of recommended
Shalimar Non-pareil
dose of nitrogen and phosphorus during FebruaryJune, 20, 50
and 40% of recommended dose of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash
during JulySeptember and remaining 10% of N and P and 60% of
potash during OctoberDecember may be applied through micro-
irrigation (drip and micro-sprinkler) for optimum productivity
with maximum water and nutrient-use efficiency.
mildew. The genotype has been registered as a promising line of
ber by NBPGR, New Delhi.
In custard-apple (Annona squamosa), additional pollination
gave best fruit setting, size and shape in both dry and wet years
without significantly affecting fruit quality. Under integrated
nutrient management programme, 50% of recommended doses of
NPK and S along with biofertilizers and recommended dose of FYM
proves to be best combination for aonla, ber, date palm and
pomegranate at different centers.
Application of neem oil 60 EC (A) @ 3% and neem oil 60 EC
@30% effectively reduced powdery mildew of ber and Trichoderma
viride 10 g/kg of soil reduced root rot incidence in different fruit
Post-harvest management
Mango fruit peels were found to possess very high antioxidant
activity. The antioxidants can be extracted from peels as valuable
byproducts from waste. Hot water treatment of fruits of mango
Chausa, Amrapali amd Mallika at 48C 1C for 1 hour
controlled all stages of mango fruit fly (Bactrocera zonata).
Individual shrink-wrapping of mature green fruts of Alphonso and
Banganapalli with semi-permeable polymeric films extended their
green storage life to 5 weeks at 8C without any chilling injury
symptoms. Alphonso mangoes packed in bulk by inner lining of
entire 4 kg CFB box with micro-perforated semi-permeable films
could be stored for 1 month at 8C in unripe hard green condition
without any chilling injury symptoms.
The storage life of pomegranate fruits (Bhagwa) could be extended
to 3 weeks by bulk MAP and 1 month by individual shrink wrapping at
ambient temperature. At 8C, storage life could be extended to 3
months by these packing methods with a weight loss of less than 1% as
compared to 20% weight loss in non-wrapped fruits.
Crop impovement
Chilli Kashi Anmol a determinate variety, suitable for production
of green fruits, has been developed. Its fruits are dark green, 56 cm
long and 2 cm girth, pungent (0.6% capsaicin) with smooth surface,
early fruiting, first picking 55 days after transplanting, with an
average yield of 250 q/ha (green fruits). Kashi Early is a hybrid with
early fruiting suitable for production of green fruits. Its fruits are
dark green, 67 cm long, 2.3 cm girth with smooth surface; first
picking starts 45 days after transplanting. Its average yield is 275
tonnes/ha (green fruits). It is recommended for cultivation in Bihar,
Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Jharkhand, Delhi and Punjab. Kashi
Vishwanath is a cms based hybrid suitable for dry fruit production.
Its fruits are 1011 cm long, 22.3 cm girth with wrinkled surface,
light yellow-green, average yield of 200 q/ha (red ripe fruits). Its is
Veneer grafting in khirnee (Manilkara
Aonla cider
Under microirrigation system, maximum root volumes were
estimated in 2040 cm deep soil layers in pomegranate, kinnow
and ber trees. During AprilJune 2845% more moisture was
conserved under black polythene mulch in aonla. In arid
conditions, FYM mulch (140 tonnes/ha) increased the water-use
efficiency, moderate the extreme soil temperatures and increased
fruit yield in brinjal and kachri crops. The use of vermicompost in
sandy soils has better influence on soil moisture retention in root
zone for a longer period, which also helps to make the nutrients
available for plants.
Pomegranate and aonla fruits infested by post-harvest
pathogens were investigated for presence of mycotoxins with special
reference to Aflatoxins. Aonla, NA-6, NA-7, Chakaiya and Krishna
were observed with infection due to Aspergillus spp. and it was
maximum (33.2%) in Krishna, followed by NA 6 (17.8%). Four
pathogenic isolates of Aspergillus spp. were tested for mycotoxins
and aflatoxins, viz. B
, B
and G
These were produced in growth
media and fruits as well. Detection of aflatoxins in pomegranate
arils by agar plugs method showed positive response with different
compounds when the samples were loaded on silica gel (TLC).
Aflatoxin B
was secreted by all isolates in growth media and
infected arils. The fungicidal seed dressing with ridomil Mz @ 2.5
g/kg seed was adjudged as best treatment which provide maximum
transplant yield with least mortality due to post-emergence
damping off disease.
Under AICRP on Arid Zone Fruits, a genotype of ber BS-1 has
been identified. It is tolerant to fruit fly and resistant to powdery
recommended for cultivation in Bihar, Delhi, Haryana, Andhra
Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
Okra IIVR 11 is a new variety. Its plants grow 110130 cm
high, flowering starts 3034 days after sowing. It is suitable for
cultivation during rainy as well as summer season. Fruits are of
five ridges, green and 1315 cm long. This is resistant to YVMV
with an average yield of 150170 q/ha. Its is recommended for
cultivation in Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan,
Gujarat, Haryana and Delhi.
Cauliflower Kashi Kunwari is an early-maturing variety. Its curd
is semi-dome type, white compact; fine texture, curd weight 300
450 g with an average yield of 300350 q/ha. It is suitable for
cultivation in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand.
Radish Kashi Hans is suitable for September to February
planting and harvesting can be done 4045 days after sowing. Its
roots are straight, tapering, 3035 cm long, 3.54.2 cm diameter;
with an yield potential of 430450 q/ha. It is released for
cultivation in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Bihar and Jharkhand. Cowpea
Kashi Gauri is bushy, dwarf, photo-insensitive and early variety
suitable for sowing in both spring-summer and rainy seasons. It
flowers in 3538 days and pods becomes ready for harvesting 45-
48 days after sowing. Pods are 2530 cm long, green, tender, fleshy,
less fibrous and free from parchment layer. Resistant to golden
mosaic virus and Pseudocercospora cruenta. It produces 100125
q/ha green pods.
Genetic transformation: Genetic transformation: Genetic transformation: Genetic transformation: Genetic transformation: Transformation was performed
using Agrobacterium tumefaciens in tomato H 86 using Cry 1Ac
gene from T-DNA of binary vector plasmid pBinAR. More than 85
putative transgenic plants were regenerated and are being
maintained under laboratory conditions. The putative transgenic
plants were tested for confirmation of inserted gene through PCR
analysis. The inserted gene was detected by npt II gene and Cry 1
Ac gene specific primer which shows 700 bp for npt II and 900 bp
for Cry 1 Ac gene. After PCR analysis, positive plants were subjected
to southern blot hybridization. The PCR positive plants were also
tested for strip test (strip that contain Anti Cry 1 AC antibody) and
ELISA test. PCR and southern positive plants are being used for
insect bioassay and segregation analysis.
T TT TTransformation: ransformation: ransformation: ransformation: ransformation: Brinjal genotypes Punjab, Sadabahar, Pant
Rituraj, VR Baigan 1 (IVBR 1), VR Baigan 3 (IVBR 3), VR Baigan 9
(IVBL 9) and VR Baigan 14 (BRSPS 14), were used for regeneration
and transformation. Transformation was performed using
Agrobacterium tumefaciens in VR Baigan 9 (IVBL 9) using Cry 1
Ac gene from T-DNA of binary vector plasmid pBinAR. More than
80 putative transgenic plants were regenerated. The gene
integration was detected by PCR analysis. The amplification of 0.7
kb band for npt II and 0.9 kb for Cry 1 Ac shows the presence of
inserted gene. The transformants were further analyzed by southern
blot hybridization. Southern analysis revealed 1 kb band with
single blot hybridization in most of the transformants. The
presence of Cry 1 Ac toxin protein in plant was confirmed strip
A number of new vegetable varieties were released
More than 85 putative transgenic plants were regenerated
Brinjal genotypes were used for regeneration and
hybrids of chilli were analysed for purity
A total of 200 primers were used for screening
A technique to estimate antioxidant activity in tomato has
been standardized
Thirty-two isolates of A. flavus were studied
Chilli Kashi Anmol
Chilli Kashi Vishwanath
Cauliflower Kunwari Radish Kashi Hans
Cowpea Kashi Gauri
coated with anti cry 1 Ac antibodies. Insect bioassay was also done
using neonate larvae (Leucinodes orbonalis) brinjal shoot-and
fruit-borer with PCR and southern blot analysis confirmed
transformants. Segregation analysis was done with only PCR and
Southern positive plants and most of plant showed 3 : 1 ratio.
Resistance sources to Pep-LCV Resistance sources to Pep-LCV Resistance sources to Pep-LCV Resistance sources to Pep-LCV Resistance sources to Pep-LCV: :: :: From field screened 307
genotypes against pepper leaf curl virus (PepLCV) during previous
season, selfed progenies of eight symptom-less and highly resistant
lines were challenged by viruliferous white fly under glasshouse
conditions. Of them, GKC 29, BS 35 and EC 497636, showed no
symptoms. Using scion and rootstalk of susceptible genotype (Pusa
Jwala), these three putative symptomless genotypes were further
challenged by grafting and alternate grafting. The resistant
reactions of GKC 29, BS 35, EC 497636 were confirmed because
even after 50 days of successful grafting/alternate grafting, no viral
symptom appeared on all grafted plants of Pusa Jawala in all three
genotypes. When subjected to PCR amplification with degenerate
primers designed to detect begamovirus like PepLCV, three
symptom-less genotypes did not show any amplification, suggesting
that resistant reaction in three identified resistant sources was
because of absence/non-replication of viral genome and these lines
are not symptom-less carrier.
Genetic purity testing: Genetic purity testing: Genetic purity testing: Genetic purity testing: Genetic purity testing: Two commercial F
hybrids of chilli,
CCH 2 (A
Pusa Jwala) and CCH 3 (KA 2 R Line), and their
corresponding parents were analyzed for purity testing. A total of
200 primers (10 mer) were used for screening polymorphism
between two pairs of parents. Of these primers, 145 produced clear
amplification products. On an average each primer amplified three
scorable bands. The primers that generated bands specific to male
parent were repeated at least 23 times. These primers giving the
same pattern in two or more replicates were chosen for further use.
The 4 primers were found useful in determining seed purity. For
hybrid CCH 2, 2 male specific bands were found with primers OPZ 6
and OPY 20 and among these, OPZ 6 was found most suitable for
hybrid purity testing with band size of 700 bp. For hybrid CCH 3, 2
male specific bands with primers (OPS 1 and OPQ 18) were found
amongst which OPS 1 was found most suitable for hybrid purity
testing with band size of 400 bp.
Crop production
Integrated nutrient management: Integrated nutrient management: Integrated nutrient management: Integrated nutrient management: Integrated nutrient management: Ten organic nutrient
sources, i.e. FYM @ 20 tonnes/ha, sewage sludge @ 20 tonnes/ha,
vermicompost @ 10 tonnes/ha, neem cake @5 q/ha, NPK @150 :
60 : 80 kg/ha, FYM @ 20 tonnes/ha +Azotobactor, sewage sludge @
20 toones/ha + Azotobactor, vermicompost @ 10 tonnes/ha +
Azotobactor, neem cake @ 5 q/ha + Azotobactor, NPK @150 : 60 : 80
kg/ha + Azotobactor were given to tomato Sartaj.The observations
reveal that application of vermicompost @ 10 tonnes/ha +
Azotobactor gave significantly higher yield (962.5 q/ha), plant height
(118.6), fruit size (37.8 cm
) compared to other treatments. The
minimum values were noted under sewage sludge treated plots.
Symptomless GKC 29 scion grafted on susceptible Pusa Jwala
Antioxidant activity (AOA) in tomato: Antioxidant activity (AOA) in tomato: Antioxidant activity (AOA) in tomato: Antioxidant activity (AOA) in tomato: Antioxidant activity (AOA) in tomato: A technique has
been standardized for estimation of antioxidant activity in tomato
fruits to assess variability. Total antioxidant activity of sample ex-
tracts was analyzed using 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH)
by recording absorbance at 515 nm. The standard curve was pre-
pared for the reaction of TROLOX with DPPH and data was con-
verted to activity in terms of moles trolox equivalents/100 g sam-
ple. Significant differences (p>0.05) were recorded for antioxidant
activity among 15 cultivars which ranged from 2.19 to 5.79
moles trolox equivalents/g with an overall mean for all the
entries of 3.854 moles trolox equivalents/g.
Effect of bioagents: Effect of bioagents: Effect of bioagents: Effect of bioagents: Effect of bioagents: Thirty-two isolates of A. flavus were
studied for radial growth inhibition against Trichoderma viride,
T. harzianum and T. koenigii. Mean radial growth inhibition of
30 plates of A. flavus by three biocontrol agents in dual culture
showed general inhibition of mycelial diameter above 60% in
almost all test combinations. Relative inhibition efficacy varied
among test bioagents. Maximum inhibition of A. flavus isolates
with bioagent T. viride which not only restrict the growth of
meeting point but also fully overlap growth of test organism.
Use of bait: Use of bait: Use of bait: Use of bait: Use of bait: During peak infestation period, molasses (10%) +
carbaryl (0.1%) cover spray recorded significantly lowest (20.36%)
fruit infestation being at par with spot spray of molasses (10%) +
carbaryl (0.1%) manifesting 27.4% fruit damage while in control
plot 55.28% fruits were damaged by fruit fly. Mean cumulative fruit
damage over all the pickings indicated the superiority of molasses
bait in either of the treatments. Molasses bait spray in spots
recorded minimum (18.51%) followed non-significantly by
molasses + insecticide cover spray (19.94%). The level of fruit
damage in most usually applied insecticide cover spray was 26.67%.
The control plot recorded 37.54% fruit damage. Maximum healthy
fruit yield was recorded in molasses bait spray applied in spot.
Effect of seed treatment: Effect of seed treatment: Effect of seed treatment: Effect of seed treatment: Effect of seed treatment: The mean seedling length
(25.26 cm) and vigour index (2,357.82) were maximum in
thiamethoxam treated seeds days after sowing. Seedling vigour in-
dex in carbosulfan treatment was adversely affected due to low
germination. Thiamethoxam was most ideal treatment with
maximum plant dry weight (70.01 g) 50 days after sowing. In
jassid population thiamethoxam also was significantly superior to
all treatments harbouring least number of jassids (9.46/plant)
compared to control (27.59 jassids/plant). The yield in this
treatment was also highest (126.82 q/ha) followed by imidacloprid
(112.01 q/ha).
Tomato varieties at farmers fields
Tomato Kashi Amrit, Kashi Anupam and Kashi Vishesh
developed by IIVR Varanasi, were demonstrated at farmers fields of
Varanasi, Chandauli, Sonebhadra and Mirzapur districts in Uttar
Pradesh. On an average, all varieties gave 520.83 q/ha compared
to 365.25 q/ha (control). All these varieties are spreading at
Staked tomato grown under IPNM
Yield of tomato Kashi Vishesh at farmers fields
Performance of Kashi Vishesh at farmers fields
farmers fields very rapidly due to their better productivity. Tomato
Kashi Vishesh has proven a boon for mid-season tomato growers.
In rainfed condition, in Sonebhadra district farmers taking only
wheat as a major crop now are growing tomato as a major cash
crop. The farmers express that flesh and hardness of all the varieties
are like hybrids, which help them for distant marketing and
improving their socio-economic status.
The National Mushroom Repository has been enriched by adding
312 mushroom cultures. Of which, a few are new records for India.
Genetic improvement studies of temperate and tropical mushrooms
Two parental lines, i.e. JW/96 (a good combiner of yield) and E/
79-42 with combined resistance to late blight and potato cyst
nematode have been registered as elite germplasm by ICAR/NBPGR
germplasm. Potato Kufri Surya, Kufri Arun and Kufri Chipsona 3
were released for commercial cultivation. Hybrid MP/97-644
combining high dry-matter and low suger contents, acceptable chip
colour having resistance to late blight has been identified. Nine
transgenic lines expressing AmA1 gene had significantly higher
(2049%) total soluble protein content. The osmotin gene cloned
from wild species, Solanum chacoense, was introduced into late
blight susceptible cultivars. Transgenicity of these lines was
confirmed by molecular analysis. Reduction in lesion size due to
Of the 312 mushroom cultures, a few of them are new
Fifty-three strains of mushrooms were evaluated
Spent mushroom substrate and coir pith gave highest
mushroom yield
Polyprophylene bags were best for containers
A semi-automatic compost turner has been fabricated
revealed the identity of several single spore selections in Volvariella
volvacea, Agaricus bisporus and hybrids in Pleurotus sajor-caju.
Fifty three hybrid strains of Pleurotus sajor-caju were evaluated
on wheat straw. Of them, 10 strains gave more than 68-85% BE. In
paddy straw mushroom, 42 single spore isolates were compared for
their different growth characters. Molecular characterization of
various Mycogone cultures collected from different mushroom
farms revealed no genetic variability, whereas Trichoderma isolates
collected from various locations were identified as Trichoderma
asperellum, T. harzianum T. longibrachiatum and T. virens.
The spent mushroom substrate and coir pith gave highest
mushroom yield. Polypropylene bags proved to be best containers for
cultivation of Flammulina velutipes. Supplementation of 20% wheat
bran proved better for increasing productivity of shiitake mushroom.
Another medicinal mushroom (Schizophylum commune) has been
also successfully cultivated on sawdust. Among different cultures of
Ganoderma lucidum, Thai culture gave highest yield followed by
Korean OE 53. The cultivation of button, oyster and paddy straw
mushrooms in low-cost bamboo huts with good yields were
demonstrated to framers. The design of semi-automatic compost
turner of 5 tonnes/hour capacity is being fabricated.
Germplasm collection was raised to 2,850 accessions by
augmenting cultivated and wild species obtained from 30 countries.
Germplasm collection of potato was enriched to 2,850
JW/96 and E/79-42 were registerd as elite germplasm
Kufri Surya, Kufri Arun and Kufri Chipsona 3 were released
Nine transgenic lines of Kufri Badshah had better colour
in their chips
Russet scab has been important disease of potato
A highly sensitive PCR technique to detect potato leaf curl
was developed
Eight meiotic cultivars showed resistance to late blight
Potato salties, potato sweet nuggets and potato sewia
new value-added productswere developed
Sree Athulya and Sree Apoorva, new cassava varieties,
were recommended
Two orange-fleshed clones of sweet potato were identified
late blight pathogen was observed in all these lines. Work on
production of transgenic lines carrying resistance to bacterial wilt
and potato tuber moth had yielded promising results. Fourteen
transgenic lines of potato Kufri Badshah harbouring tobacco
invertase inhibitor gene, Nt-Inhh showed substantial improvement
in chip colour compared to non-
transgenic control tubers. Putative
subunits of potato RNase P (an
endonuclease) were identified,
cloned and sequenced.
At Patna, rice equivalent yield and
economic returns were highest in
potatoonionrice followed by
potatomaizerice crop sequence,
Leaf, flower, sprout, DNA fingerprints
and tubers of MP/97-644 a promising
hybrid for hills


while at Ooty in southern hills, potato + French bean intercropping
in a 75 : 50 ratio was best. Fertilizer requirements for maize in
potato + maize intercrop for Shimla were also worked out. In a
3 : 1 ratio of potato + maize intercropping, maize required only
75% of recommended N (100 kg/ha) on population basis.
Kufri Pukhraj was mostly N and K efficient cultivar. In acidic
soil, Azotobacter and vermincompost was superior to Azosprilium
and FYM in terms of increased ammonical and nitrate availability
in soil and its utilization by potato crop. Integrated use of 25%
vermincompost and 75% of NPK through inorganic fertilizers
resulted in higher yield over inorganically raised crop at
Modipuram in northwestern plains. At Shimla, radio tracer studies
revealed higher
P activity in potato leaves at critical growth stages
with phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria.
Potato aphids (Myzus persicae) indirectly affects potato as virus
vector and thus leads to degeneration of seed stocks. Population of
aphids crossed the critical level of 20 aphids/100 leaves in third
week of December at Modipuram (northwestern plains), in third
week of January at Patna and approached the critical level in third
week of July at Kufri/Fagu. At Modipuram, M. persicae population
showed tolerance to Metasystox 0.03% and Rogor, whereas tolerance
to imidacloprid @ 0.03 and 0.005% was below 5%.
In country stored potatoes at Kangra, use of CIPC (grow stop)
treatment @ 60 ml/ha reduced tuber damage by potato tuber moth
larvae from 37.5 to 6% 60 days after of storage. The residue of
CIPC in stored potatoes was much below the tolerance level of 30
mg/kg. Accessions, CP 3030 and CP 3109, were tolerant to potato
tuber moths up to 60 days. A highly sensitive PCR technique was
developed to detect potato apical leaf curl disease. The PCR
amplification of coat protein gene (770 bp) of TLCNDV in 44
samples potato plants of different varieties and germplasm
accessions using coat protein gene specific primers to amplify CP
gene located on DNA-A of its biparrite genome.
Nine plant cultures designated as BP 1, BP 2, BP 3, BP 4, BP 5,
BP 6, BP 7, BP 8 and BP 9 were found promising under both in
vitro and in detached leaf experiments against P. infestans. Eight
meiotic tetroploid cultivars, viz. HR 9-5, HR 5-2, HR 6-4, HR 9- 3,
VMT2-3, VMT 2-10, VMT 5-3 and VMT 14-3, showed resistance to
late blight but also yielded significantly higher yield.
Three new value-added products, viz. Potato Salties, Potato
Sweet Nuggets and Potato Sewia were developed. Mixing of potato
flour up to 50% with wheat flour improved taste and texture of
chapattis. Of the total starch present in freshly harvested tubers,
39.8% was recovered during extraction, 11.8% remained in pulp
and 18.2% was lost during extraction. The mean diameter of starch
granules separated from tubers of Kufri Jyoti before storage was 15
m and after 90 days of storage at 4, 8, 12 and 16C, diameter 19,
22, 25 and 24 m, respectively.
Fog application of CIPC @ 50 ml/tonne significantly reduced
sprout index, weight and total losses up to 90 days of storage in
heaps and tubers were acceptable for table purposes. Under heap
storage, CIPC residues were higher in peels with spray application
compared to fog treatment. Acceptable French fries were obtained
from CIPC treated tubers up to 30 days of storage in tubers of Kufri
Chandramukhi, up to 90 days of. Kufri Jyoti and up to 150 days
of Kufri Surya, Kufri Chipsona 1 and Kufri Chipsona, 2 and
About 798 q of breeders seed was produced both in hills and
plains. A total of 18,588 quintal breeders seed of 15 varieties from
plains and 1,242 q of 3 varieties from hills was produced. About
546 q of quality seed in main crop and 224 q seed in autumn was
produced at Ooty. A total of 38,947 microtubers of 10 Indian
1 Control
2 KB-CNt-Inhh 6
3 KB-GNt-Inhh 16
4 KB-GNt-Inhh 118
5 KB-GNt-Inhh 120
6 KB-CNt-Inhh 1
7 KB-CNt-Inhh 154
8 KB-CNt-Inhh 171
9 KB-GNt-Inhh 117
10 KB-GNt-Inhh 16
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Russet scab has emerged as an important disease of potato in
recent years, disfiguring appearance of tubers. There was significant
reduction in russet scab by cultivation of turmeric, inducing water
stress, application of boric acid or sulphur and priming of seed
tubers with FYM + T.viride.
Strains of T.viride efficient against control of R. solani
identified and mass multiplication of antagonist standardized on
cheap plant based solid media. The biogents B4 and B5, controled
black scurf significantly at Gwalior
varieties produced in vitro at Shimla, while 100,830 minitubers
and 146,041 tubers were produced in nethouse/nursery-beds.
Tropical tuber crops
Two high starch, high-yielding triploid hybrids of cassava, Sree
Athulya and Sree Apoorva were recommended for cultivation in
industrial areas of Tamil Nadu. Clone MNga 1 (Sree Padmanabha)
having consistently resistance to cassava mosaic has been proposed
for release in Tamil Nadu plains. First Amorphophallus hybrid
variety developed through intervarietal hybridization and selection,
Sree Athira, is proposed for release in Kerala. Cassava lines, CMR 1,
CMR 15 and CMR 21, with high starch content (2528%) and high
tuber yield (4060 tonnes/ha) were found to be resistant to cassava
mosaic. Two orange-fleshed clones of sweet potato, 362 - 7 and
SV 98, with total carotene and -carotene contents of 67 and 45
mg/100 g fresh weight, respectively were identified.
Potatomaize intercropping at Shimla
Fallow-potato (control) Turmericpotato
Value-added product
A reproducible protocol in cassava was standardized
Organic farming of elephant-foot yam was comparatively
better than traditionally-growing one
Cassava transformation protocol was standardized
Coat protein gene of SPFMV has been cloned
A technology for making light coloured chips from tubers
was standardized
Geriatric health drinks from cassava and arrowroot
starches were made
Two types of glublators were made for sago-making
Over 707 germplasm accessions of tuber crops were
About 276 new accessions were added
Use of vermicompost along with NPK was recommended
A reproducible protocol for regeneration of plantlets through
high efficiency simatic embryogenesis in cassava was standardized.
It includes induction of primary embryogenic callus from
immature leaf lobes and maturing of somatic embryos in MS
medium with sucrose and growth regulators.
Application of Mg and B along with recommended dose of
NPK+FYM resulted in highest tuber yield of 26.753 tonnes/ha,
which was on a par with application of B and Zn (26.667 tonnes/
ha), B alone (25.673 tonnes/ha) and Mg, Zn and B along with the
recommended dose of NPK + FYM (24.773 tonnes/ha). The yields
obtained from vermicompost (24.283 tonnes/ha), coir pith compost
(22.933 tonnes/ha) and green manuring in situ with cowpea
(22.143 tonnes/ha) were on a par with FYM @ 12.5 tonnes/ha
(22.023 tonnes/ha). Application of vermicompost and coir pith
compost, and B, Mg and Zn reduced cyanogenic glucoside content
in tubers considerably.
Organic farming of elephant-foot yam gave significantly higher
corm yield (70.625 tonnes/ha). Organically-grown plants produced
significantly higher corm biomass as well as whole plant biomass.
Cooking quality of both corms produced organically and
traditional practices were equally good. The dry-matter and starch
contents were slightly higher in corms grown organically.
Leaves of nine varieties of cassava were distilled and distillates
were tested against S. oryzae, Rhizopertha dominica and
Callosobruchus maculatus. The extracts of all varieties gave cent
per cent mortality on R. dominica and C. maculatus 1 day after
treatment, whereas mortality on S. oryzae ranged from 7.67% in
Sree Rekha to 100% in H226. Since distillate from H226 was highly
toxic, this variety was used for subsequent studies.
Cassava transformation protocol was standardized for the ruling
H226 using pCAMBIA2301 vector through Agrobacterium mediated
transformation. The incorporation of gene through GUS assay and
PCR amplification using npt II primer was confirmed.
Amorphophallus mosaic virus was detected and identified as a
potyvirus using potyvirus specific primers under PCR. Coat protein
gene of SPFMV has been cloned in pGEM-T vector and sequenced.
Amplification was done with different SPLCV specific primers using
DNA isolated from SPLCV infected sweet potato plants. Presence of
Dioscorea alata Badna virus was detected in Dioscorea alata (Sree
Keerthi) leaves and tubers which showed mosaic and distortion
symptoms through PCR. Glucan and protein elicitors were purified
from Phytophthora colocasiae mycelium and culture filtrate
Technology for making light coloured chips from taro, tannia
and sweet potato was standardized. Pre-fermentation with yeast
was found effective in taro and sweet potato. Cassava flour with
low energy density was made through termamyl treatment and
pre-fermentation with yeast. The resultant flour had low calorific
value and was tried in biscuit making. Geriatric health drinks were
made using cassava and arrowroot starches. Nutritional,
rheological and functional evaluation of health drinks was made
to identify best formulation. The formulae with whey protein
concentrate as a partial substitute for milk powder had high protein
content (1315%). Cationic starch was prepared from cassava
using four solvents. Wide variations in starch, vitamin C, phenolics
and oxalates were observed in different cultivars of taro, indicating
their potential use.
Two types of globulators, oscillatory and vibrating types, were
made for mechanical globulation of cassava starch for sago-
making. These were evaluated at different speeds. Texture profile
studies on fried sago and wafers indicated that as the temperature
and time of frying increased, oil content in fried products increased
and moisture content decreased. Expansion ratio of fried products
along thickness and diameter increased with increase in frying
temperatures and time. Hardness decreased as frying time and
temperature increased.
The farmers participatory varietal evaluation trials on yams
revealed that promising accessions of greater yam, DA 68, Sree
Keerthi, Sree Shilpa and USM 2 and white yam clones, Sree Priya,
Sree Subhra and DR 164, were preferred most by farmers in Kerala.
However, under laterite soil condition, white yam was opined to be
unsuitable owing to its longer duration, long tuber shape and
difficulty in harvesting and less market demand.
Over 707 germplasm accessions of different tuber crops were
maintained at the Regional Centre, Bhubaneswar. Twenty-two in
vitro sweet potato germplasm accessions received from CIP were
maintained and multiplied. Ten germplasm samples of different
tuber crops have been collected from Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura
and West Bengal.
Studies using RAPD markers in sweet potato and taro revealed
homology or uniformity between in vitro raised and source plants.
In vitro cultures of different yam species, D. alata, D. esculenta
and D. rotundata have been established through auxiliary shoot
proliferation by culturing nodal explants, tuber sprouts in MS
media supplemented with 0.25 mg/litre each of NAA, BA, 0.5 mg/
litre GA
and ascorbic acid (1,000 mg/litre). Rate of multiplication
could be enhanced by 2030% in D. alata by using sprouts of
aerial tubers as explant source and 2, 4-D as auxin source in
medium. Regeneration through callusing and organogenesis was
also achieved in D. alata by subsequent culture of nodal segments
in media supplemented with 0.25 mg/litre 2, 4-D and 0.25 mg/
litre each of NAA, BA and 0.5 mg/litre of GA
. In vitro raised plants
were hardened and transferred to field. A high frequency (7684%)
field establishment was achieved in D. alata and D. esculenta.
A total of 4,350 collections in 24 species of root and tuber crops
consisting of sweet potato (2,020) with 175 new additions, cassava,
596 accessions, Colocasia esculenta, 900 accessions (taro, bunda
and swamp taro types), elephant-foot yam, 195 accessions (33
newly added), yam bean, 205 collections are being maintained.
During the period, 276 accessions were newly added to germplasm
collections. Cassava accessions evaluated for starch content in
tubers at Yethapur (Coimbatore) revealed that 67 accessions had
more than 25% starch content.
Use of vermicompost (15 kg N) along with 45 : 40 : 60 kg NPK/
ha was recommended for sweet potato. Two-thirds recommended
dose of N with Azospirillum (2 kg as vine dipping and 10 kg/ha as
soil application) was recommended for sweet potato which gave
tuber yield of 29.3 tonnes/ha and 21.28 tonnes/ha in Bihar and
Assam respectively. Similarly, biofertilizers with half the
recommended dose of phosphorus was standardized for Colocasia
in Hyderabad areas of Andhra Pradesh, which gave a cormel yield
of 17.23 tonnes/ha and high cost : benefit ratio of 1 : 6.5.
In elephant-foot yam, straw mulching was recommended for
weed management and enhanced yield in West Bengal (61.40
tonnes/ha), Andhra Pradesh (47.44 tonnes/ha) and Kerala, while
sesamum leaf mulching or black polythene mulching was
recommended for Bihar, with a corm yield of 41.6 tonnes/ha.
In Bihar, elephant-foot yam as an intercrop in litchi orchards
with full dose of fertilizer (80 : 60 : 80 NPK kg/ha) recorded
maximum corm yield of 37.3 tonnes/ha with a net return of Rs
1,26,000/ha. In Chhattisgarh, elephant-foot yam as intercrop in
mango orchard gave highest corm yield of 9.52 tonnes/ha. In
Konkan region, sweet potato was the best intercrop in pre-bearing
cashew orchard with highest cost : benefit ratio of 1 : 1.36.
The sex pheromone septa developed in collaboration with BARC,
Mumbai, as one of the components of IPM of sweet potato weevil
was found to be effective in suppressing weevil damage.
Trichoderma and Pseudomonas were found to be effective in
controlling diseases of elephant-foot yam. Combined application
of yam bean seed extract and soap nut seed extract checked the
snail population in tuber crops. Cauliflower waste leaves were good
in luring snail population in elephant-foot yam crop. Yam bean
border crop around elephant-foot yam crop reduced the snail
infestation significantly. Yam been seed extract was toxic to third
instar larvae of Bihar hairy caterpillar, Spilosoma obliqua at Dholi.
Yam bean seed powder was effective against cockroach. Baiting
prepared with yam bean seed powder + maize flour (1 : 8) with
little sugar and mustard oil (a few drops) was an effective
biopesticide against cockroach.
Rose Pusa Gaurav was found to be best for cut flower
production. Neelambari and Arunima were good roses for loose
flower production, whereas Banjaran and Arunima for garden
display. Basal dose of fertilizers, vermicompost and 3% manchurian
tea gave better performance in respect of plant height, length of
flowering shoot and number of flowering shoots/plant. The stems
of rose showed considerable increase in keeping quality when held
in a solution of Al
.16 H
O (300 ppm) during wet refrigerated
storage. Holding solution comprising aluminium sulphate (300
ppm) + sucrose (1.5%) significantly increased the vase-life and
final flower diameter.
Gladiolus Urvashi and Neelima have been developed. Early-
flowering was recorded in Bindiya, while it was late in Anjali at
Hyderabad. Gladiolus White Prosperity when sprayed with 4%
panchagayva + 4% manchurian tea performed better. Sucrose
(4%) + calcium hypochlorite (bleaching powder), 50 ppm chlorine
was found to be best in improving vase-life (7.67 days), florets
opened (100%) and floret size (6.13 cm) compared to all other
treatments used in White Prosperity. Four fungicides, Indofil M-45
(0.2%), Kavach (0.2%), Antracol (0.2%) and Quintal (0.2%) were
recommended for reducing Botrytis blight in gladiolus Sancerre.
Recommended dose of fertilizer (50%) + vermicompost 3% +
manchurian tea 3% + panchgavya 3% increased number of
flowers/plant/year and number of flowers/m
Chrysanthemum Chandrika and Yellow Gold were found suitable
for loose and cut flower purposes, whereas Punjab Gold and Punjab
Anuradha for pot culture. Early flowering was observed in Punjab
Anuradha, while late-flowering was observed in Yellow Gold. Vase-
life duration was significantly high when treated with bud opening
solutions, sucrose 2% + biocide+ BAP 25 ppm (2.85 days); sucrose
(2%) + biocide (2.53) and Biocide + BAP (50 ppm) (1.75 days).
The vase solution containing sucrose (2%) + biocide (AgNO
, 25
ppm + citric acid, 75 ppm) + BAP, 50 ppm was rated the best for
opening of immature buds in chrysanthemum, improving their
longevity and preventing yellowing of leaves in the vase.
Full dose of recommended fertilizers along with organic
manures gave better response in vegetative characters compared to
that with half dose, in two varieties (Shavin White and Earsakul)
of Dendrobium. Recommended dose of fertilizer (50%) +
vermiwash (3%) + panchgavya (3%) was most effective in
influencing all characters. Aerides multiflorum produced highest
number of flowers followed by Rynchostyliss retusa at Kalyani.
The NPK @ 20 : 10 : 10 at 0.2% spray with VAM is best treatment
combination for most of the characters. The vase-life of
Pusa Gaurav rose was found best for cut flowers
Aluminium sulphate along with sucrose increased vase-life
of roses
Gladiolus Urvashi and Neelima have been developed
Bindinya gladiolus recorded early flowering
Chrysanthemum Punjab Gold and Punjab Anuradha were
suitable for pot culture
The vase-life of Sonia 17 (Dendrobium) was maximum
Highest flower stalk length was recorded in Ria Bamboo
Red anthurium
Cancan was best anthurium for flower production
The packaging of cut spike of tuberose in polythene
sleeves increased their keeping quality
Calcutta Orange, Calcutta Pink and Cassava were
promising gerberas for flower production
Dendrobium Sonia 17 was found to be maximum in holding
solution consisting of HQ 400 ppm + sucrose 5%. Maximum vase-
life of 25.67 days was achieved when the stems were kept in a
holding solution containing 25 ppm silver nitrate, 400 ppm
hydroxy-quinone and 5% sucrose.
Highest flower stalk length (59.2 cm) was recorded in Ria
Bamboo Red; maximum spathe length (12.3 cm) and width (11.6
cm) in Honduras and spadix length was maximum in Red Dragon.
Cancan is best variety for flower production. However, Kalimpong
Pink, was the best performer for flower size. The NPK @ 30 : 10 :
10 at 0.2% spray + GA
200 ppm + Azospirillum +
Phosphobacteria recorded highest stalk length. The NaOCl 50 ppm
as well as Al
16 H
O along with sucrose 5% gave better vase-
life in anthurium Tropical.
The NPK @ 200 : 100 : 100 kg/ha produced highest number of
spikes of tuberose/plot during April and June. March planting of
tuberose bulbs was proved profitable for production of flower spikes
with more number of florets/spike at Kalyani, while at Kahikuchi,
May planting was best for yield. The NPK @ 150 : 100 : 200 kg/ha
in two split doses significantly increased yield at Kahikuchi, while
at Kalyani NPK @ 100 : 150 : 150 kg/ha is recommended to
enhance number of florets/spike. Vase solution containing sucrose
(5%) + Al
O, 300 ppm was most effective for improving
vase-life of cut tuberoses. The packaging of cut spikes in
polyethylene sleeves significantly enhanced the keeping quality.
Gerbera Calcutta Orange, Calcutta Pink and Cassava were
promising for flower production. About 25% shade is suitable for
increasing plant height, stalk length and flower diameter, while
50% shade is suitable for number of leaves at Kalyani. Maximum
vase-life of 7.6 days in gerbera was obtained in Al
at 100
ppm pulsing treatment in Sun Ray gerbera.
Coconut germplasm was strengthened by adding nine
accessions. A total of 86 coconut germplasm types were collected
from different regions for further evaluation. Cryopreservation of
zygotic embryos of West Coast Tall (WCT) palms of coconut was
achieved using the encapsulation-dehydration technique. Hybrid
ECT MYD performed better than all other hybrids in the last few
years and has given uniformly around 100 nuts/palm/year.
Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides) crop established well in coconut
garden, yielding 88 g of dry roots/plant and 780 kg of dry roots/
acre. The net return obtained by growing vetiver was about Rs
28,000/acre of coconut garden. Among shrubs, growth of
Karinkurinji (Nilgirianthus ciliatus) performed well and yielded
27 g of fresh root and 532 g of fresh shoots/plant. The net return
obtained by cultivating Nilgirianthus in one acre of coconut
garden was Rs 30,000 for one-and-a-half year.
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, Brevibacillus brevis
inoculation increased shoot elongation (up to 21%) and seedling
girth (up to 18%), whereas combined inoculation of B. brevis and
B. coagulans increased root elongation (up to 6%), shoot dry
weight (up to 16%) and root dry weight (up to 21%) over the
control. Root : shoot ratio was maximum in Bacillus coagulans
treatment. Seedling quality index and PGPR inoculum efficiency
were highest in combined inoculation of Brevibacillus brevis +
Bacillus coagulans which was on a par with treatment having B.
coagulans alone. The application of these inoculants stimulated
the beneficial soil microflora in root region of coconut seedlings.
Both B. brevis and B. coagulans were found to produce L-
tryptophan-derived auxins in vitro and in field soil. The Bacillus
coagulans either alone or in combination with Brevibacillus
brevis can be used for inoculation of coconut seedlings for their
growth promotion while raising them in nursery.
Digital Library
The Bioinformatics Centre and Library has developed digital
library using D space software and made accessible through
the library website http://www.bioinfcpcri.org/. In
bioinformatics, two new databases on pest management and
cocoa germplasm have been added.
An Enterprising Vermicompost Man
Mr Jacob.K. Cheriyan, Kariyadil Puthenparambil, Kattanam, a
retired geologist, is cultivating coconut, banana, mango,
coffee and vegetables. After attending KVK training
programme in vermicomposting, he constructed five
vermicompost units with taps for collecting vermiwash, a tonic
for plant growth. Now he is getting vermicompost (8001,000
kg) worth Rs 3,5004,000/month besides worms, vermiwash
etc. Mature worms are used for feeding ducklings and fish
fingerlings. He produces 5060 bottles of vermiwash at
bimonthly intervals, which is used for foliar spray. Vegetables
produced by organic farming are much tastier than those
produced inorganically says Mr Jacob Cheriyan. Nowadays,
he serves as a master farmer for farmer-to-farmer technology
The CGD WCT hybrid, planted during 1991, recorded a ten-
year cumulative average yield of 71 nuts/palm/year, even though
68% of hybrids recorded incidence of root (wilt) disease. Fifty-three
progenies derived from root (wilt) resistant palm (WCT 421) were
characterized with microsatellite markers. The recombination
fraction based on classical estimate was highest between CNZ 13 F
and CNZ 40 (0.722) followed by CNZ 13F and CNII E6 (0.614) and
CNZ 43 and CNZ 13 F (0.611). The r value was lowest between the
locus CNZ A4 and CNZ 40 (0.294). Among seven primers used,
locus CnCir C11, CNZ A4, CNZ 13F, CNZ E6 and CNZ 40 showed 1 :
1 segregation ratio among progenies. The LOD score was
maximum between locus CNZ 13F and CNZ 40 (1.6). Here for all
the 7 loci tested the LOD scores were less than 3, hence no linkage
could be established. The SSR loci map showed the arrangement
of SSR locus. The total map size obtained was 624.1 cM. The map
distance between CNZ 42 and CNZ 40 were the lowest.
Induction of resistance/tolerance against root (wilt) pathogen
using salicylic acid and triazol induced higher glucanase activity
and digitonin induced higher peroxides and PPO activity. Higher
peroxidase activity was also observed in Pseudomonas fluorescens
and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens treated seedlings. The culture
filtrate of Trichoderma harzianum showed 54% inhibition, while
culture filtrates of B.amyloliquefaciens showed 80% inhibition of
Ganoderma. An acaropathogenic fungus Hirsutella thompsonii
was isolated from coconuts infested with eriophyid mites which is
considered as the most important natural enemy of eriophyid mite
throughout the world.
Wax moth (Galleria mellonella) could be used as an alternate
host for mass rearing of larval parasitoids Goniozus nephantidis,
Bracon brevicornis and pupal parasitoid Trichospilus pupivorus
of coconut black headed caterpillar, Opisina arenosella. Egg
parasitoid Chrysochalsicea indica and predator Endochus
inornatus were found to be natural enemies of coreid bug
(Paradasynus rostratus).
Agro-processing Centre was established with all the proven
technologies for plantation crops. A low-cost salinity sensor based on
graphite electrode, shell fired copra dryer, coconut punch and cutter
were the new gadgets developed. A technology for canning of coconut
kernel and paste by boiling water bath method was perfected.
Seven accessions from Gujarat and two from Karnataka were
collected. Arecanut Saigon is likely to be released. Shatavari,
nilgiriantus, vetiver and brahmi were more remunerative with net
returns of Rs 80,000; 42,000, 21,000 and 15,000/ha in arecanut
garden, respectively. The lemon grass registered highest return of
Rs 50,000/ha in arecanut plantation followed by patchouli (Rs
37,000) and davana (Rs 29,000).
Fertigation at 75% recommended NPK at 10 days intervals
produced significantly higher chali yield (4,016 kg/ha) compared
to other doses, indicating a saving of 25% fertilizer if supplied
through microirrigation.
Arecanut based HDMSCS (arecanut, pepper, banana, clove,
nutmeg and citrus) at Kahikuchi (Assam) under graded levels of
fertilizers coupled with organic biomass recycling in the form of
compost revealed higher yield of arecanut, pepper and citrus at
two-thirds of the recommended dose of fertilizer. However, banana
yield was higher under full dose of recommended fertilizer. The
highest recovery of vermicompost from arecanut wastes was 80.2%
in cement tank within 55 days during MayOctober when
temperature and relative humidity were optimum.
Oil palm
Preliminary analysis of RAPD data of first set of germplasm showed
that each genotype forms separate cluster. Uniformity among Costa
Rican palms was more. Others have considerable divergence within
genotypes.Molecular characterization of second set of germplasm
showed that biochemical parameters were on a par in Palode and Cost
Rican materials compared with African genotypes. Soluble and total
carbohydrates were highest level in these two genotypes, indicating
their superior performance in irrigation condition of Andhra Pradesh,
which is yet to be correlated with yield.
Hybrid combination of 115 D 291 P recorded highest yield of
FFB, i.e. 121.75 kg/palm/year (17.4 tonnes/ha), whereas 109 D
291 P recorded highest bunch weight (24.38 kg) at Mulde Centre
in Maharashtra. Thirteen botanicals (extracted from fresh leaves)
A total of 86 coconut germplasm types were collected
Vetiver was good intercrop in coconut gardens
Acecanut Saigon is likely to be released
Aromatic crops in arecanut garden were more
Lemon grass gave highest return in arecanut garden
Old palm hybrid, 115 D 291 P, gave highest yield of
Thirteen botanicals were evaluated against Ganoderona
A technology for making window shades from oil palm
frond rachis has been standardized
Oilp palm window shades were good for offices,
residences, restaurants etc.
Hand-made paper boards were made from shredded
emply fruit bunches
Oil palm EFB was used for making cooling pads.
The 173 accessions of palmyrah palm are being
New cashew Bhaskara has been released
were evaluated against Ganoderma sp. (Makinavarigudem isolate)
and it was found that alcoholic and acetone extracts of Vinca
rosea, Aloe vera, Parthenium hysterophorus, Phyllanthus niruri
and Tridax procumbens showed 100% inhibition. Alcohol extracts
Cashew Bhaskara
Fourteen palmyrah local germplasm types collected from coastal
region of Andhra Pradesh were added to germplasm.
Bhaskara, a new cashew variety developed from a tree of
seedling origin, was released during March 2006 for coastal region
of Karnataka. Having mid-season flowering habit, it has a potential
to escape from the attack of tea mosquito bug under low to
moderate outbreak situation. This variety has yielded more than 1
tonne/ha from fourth harvest onwards, highest yield being 2,975
kg/ha (10.7 kg/tree) during 11th harvesting. A bold nut (9 g) and
high-yielding cashew tree was identified in Andhra Pradesh which
appears to be tolerant to flower and panicle drying malady.
So far, a total of 500 accessions have been conserved in National
Cashew Field Gene Bank. Thirty-one cashew types having high
yield, cluster bearing habit, bold nut type and maximum nut
weight were identified, collected and conserved in Regional Cashew
Field Gene Banks (RCFGBs) existing in Centres of AICRP on
Cashew thereby increasing total germplasm accessions to 1,274.
The DNA extraction from dry leaves was also standardized.
Diversity analysis and species relationship in 10 cashew accessions
using RAPD and isozyme markers was done and Anarcardium
pumilium was found as most divergent. About 42 cashew varieties
were characterized using RAPD and isozyme markers.
Pruned trees gave higher yield over un-pruned trees in third
fruiting season after pruning. The limb pruned trees had an
average of 9.64 kg/tree yield in four different varieties, while
Palm Oil Mill
A mini palm oil mill with a capacity to process 1 tonne of
fresh fruit bunches/hour was developed. The total cost of the
mill including infrastructure is estimated about Rs 20 lakh. The
mill operation is simple and can be managed by woman
labourers also.
of Cassia auriculata, Cassia occidentalis, Acyranthus aspera and
Ocimum sanctum also showed 100% inhibition. Aqueous extracts
of Acyranthus aspera plant product exhibited 75% inhibition
followed by 70% inhibition with Parthenium hysterophorus plant
A technology to make window shades from oil palm frond rachis
has been mechanized by employing a wood planer machine with
modifications. A technology has also been evolved to make insect
and fungal proof shades. Oil palm window shades proved to be
suitable for use in offices, residences, restaurants etc. as a
replacement of bamboo made window shades.
A mobile oil palm waste shredding unit was designed and
developed to shred Empty Fruit Bunches and oil palm fronds. The
mobile unit reduces collection and transportation cost of wastes
scattered in plantation and factory premises. This is suitable for
areas which are non-accessible to electrical power.
Oil palm EFB, which is cheap and available in bulk compared
to other sources of natural fibres were used to make cooling pads
and it was found that the room temperature was reduced by 3C
and humidity was increased by 20% by using cooling pad.
Palmyrah palm
The 173 accessions are maintained at Killikulam, while 176
accessions have been collected and maintained at Pandirimamidi.
Paper Boards from Oil Palm
Hand-made paper boards were made from shredded empty
fruit bunches in a pilot paper plant. The effect of mixing
cotton waste and paper waste pulps in different proportions
on pulp quality was studied. Testing of paper boards prepared
from these pulps indicated that Empty Fruit Bunches are
suitable for making paper boards. Paper files, cartons and
packaging material can be prepared from these boards.
Addition of cotton wastes and paper wastes improved the
finishing of boards.
unpruned trees had 5.59 kg/tree. Modified crescent bund and
staggered trenches with coconut husk burial between two rows of
cashew conserved the maximum soil moisture.
Chlorpyriphos (0.4%) reduced significantly re-infestation of
cashew stem-and root- borer followed by chlorpyriphos (0.2%).
Phytosanitation also reduced infestation of the pest over years.
The flowers of aloe showed protandry. Major floral visitors, birds,
honey bees and ants were observed in plant population and sun-
bird (Necterenia asiatica var. asiatica) played a major role in
pollen-transfer. Pollen-grains remained viable even after 76 hours
of storage in humidity chamber at both room temperature and
refrigerated condition. Pollination experiments showed that selfing,
crossing and open-pollination occur in A. barbadensis.
All accessions were of diploids with somatic chromosome
number 2n = 2x = 14. Total chromosome length (TCL) of diploid
chromosome complement ranged from 84.58 to 197.5 m, average
chromosome length being 14.116.04 m.
Downy disease is a major constraint in cultivation of isabgol.
The downy mildew infection on bio-constituents of host leaf
At Udaipur, 68 genotypes along with controls (RI 89, GI 2 and
Sel 10) were evaluated for higher seed yield. Six genotypes gave
higher seed yield over best control RI 89 (1,390 kg/ha).
Seventeen genotypes along with three controls, RI 89, GI 2 and
selection 10, were evaluated for higher seed yield at Udaipur.
Genotype RI 129 (1,728 kg/ha) recorded highest seed yield followed
by PB 31 (1,312 kg/ha) and Palampur 2 (1,301 kg/ha).
A total of 119 germplasm accessions of aswagandha were
evaluated for 13 different characters at Mandsaur. Among lines, a
wide variability was observed. Mean dry root yield ranged from 100
kg/ha (MWS 325) to 1,166 kg/ha (RAS 34). Mean seed yield was
145 kg/ha (red berries) to 652 kg/ha (MWS 208).
Fifty-two genotypes along with three controls, Jawahar
Aswagandhah 20, WS 90-127 and Jawahar Aswagandhah 134, were
evaluated for higher dry root yield/plant and total alkaloid content
at Udaipur. The dry root yield/plant was 2.7 g/plant (RAs 11) to 7
g/plant (WS-90-136). Maximum total alkaloid content, i.e. 0.40%
was in WS 90-105, WS 90-136 and RAS 35.
Thirteen genotypes along with JA 134, WS 90-127 and JA 20
were evaluated at Udaipur. Eight genotypes, viz. WS 90-140 (1,190
kg/ha), RAs 10 (1,180 kg/ha), WS 90-101 (1,140 kg/ha), RAs 7
(1,119 kg/ha), RAs 15 (1,053 kg/ha), WS 90-124 (948 kg/ha),
RAs 21 (910 kg/ha) and WS 90-141 (909 kg/ha) showed higher
dry root yield over best control WS 90-127 (825 kg/ha).
At Mandsaur, vermicompost at 5 tonnes/ha + RD 50% recorded
maximum dry root yield of 994 kg/ha followed by FYM + RD
kg/ha) 50% (973 kg/ha) and poultry manure + RD 50%
(958 kg/ha) among 16 different treatments tried.
At Akola, a seed rate of 10 kg/ha produced significantly more
root yield (546 kg/ha) which was on a par with 9 kg/ha (540 kg/
Sunbird (Necterenia
asiatica var. asiatica)
mediated pollen transfer
in Aloe barbadensis
revealed that moisture content of leaves increased due to infection.
Leaves at early stage of infection, showing slight chlorosis
contained significantly higher amount of total and OD phenol
(14.64 and 7.9 mg/g dry leaf, respectively).
A total of 80 lines of isabgol were evaluated for six characters at
Mandsaur. The seed yield ranged from a minimum of 406 kg/ha
(GI 2) to 1,364 kg/ha (Udaipur 1). At Mandsaur, maximum grain
yield was obtained when sowing was done on 21 November (856
kg/ha) followed by 750 kg/ha from 14 November sowing. A
maximum yield of 762 kg/ha was also obtained when three
irrigations (at tillering, before ear head emergence and after ear
head emergence) were given.
A total of 500 accessions have been conserved
A total of 80 lines of isabgol were evaluated for seed yield
A total of 119 germplasm accessions of aswagandha were
A number of genotypes were evaluated for different
Saponin content and its yield were highest 24 months
after planting
Maximum latex yield was recorded in UO 1385.
About 235 germplasm lines of opium poppy were
A protocol for in vitro fleshy root formation in safed musli
has been standardized
Twenty-four lines of safed musli were tested
A software package for identification of medicinal and
aromatic plants has been developed
ha). Application of 10 tonnes/ha of FYM recorded maximum dry
root yield (567 kg/ha) which was at par with 5 (550 kg/ha) and
7.5 tonnes/ha FYM (562 kg/ha). Superiority of application of FYM
was recorded over control (no FYM applied) and 2.5 tonnes/ha
FYM. The alkaloid yield showed increasing trend from flower
initiation reaching highest at 100% harvesting (3.47 kg/ha) and
decreasing thereafter. The root yield was found significantly
influenced by harvesting time. Early harvesting at flower initiation
produced significantly low root yield (269 kg/ha).
At Hisar, dry root yield was recorded to be 2.37 and 2.95 kg/ha
in JA 20 and JA 134, respectively. Seed rate at 12 kg/ha recorded
maximum root yield and alkaloid content, resulting in higher
alkaloid yield followed by 10, 8 and 6 kg/ha. Root length and root
diameter were found to be significant, resulting in higher dry root
weight and dry root yield. Quality of alkaloid was influenced by
different dates of harvesting. Alkaloid yield was recoded to be
maximum (4.16 kg/ha) 180 days after sowing. Among different
rates of application of FYM, (7.5 tonnes/ha) recorded maximum
dry root yield (3.85 tonnes/ha) and alkaloid yield (4.17 kg/ha).
A spacing of 60 cm 60 cm had significant effect on fresh
(4,730 kg/ha) and dry fasciculated root yield (870 kg/ha) over 60
cm 90 cm and 90 cm 90 cm. Harvesting of crop (duration) 24
months after planting recorded significantly more fresh (3,610 kg/
ha) and dry fasciculated root yield (680 kg/ha) as compared to
harvesting 21 and 18 months after planting. Saponin content
(5.68%) and saponin yield (49.61 kg/ha) were highest at 60 cm
60 cm and crop harvested 24 months after planting recorded
maximum saponin yield (38.48 kg/ha). Root moisture content
was highly influenced by environmental conditions and it was
significantly highest (9.76%) during July. The root samples
contained 5.83% saponin. It became significantly lowest at the end
of storage period (4.62%) which was on a par 10 months after
storage, i.e. November sampling (4.85%).
Liquorice (mulhati) planted in at a spacing of 75 cm 30 cm,
75 cm 45 cm, 90 cm 30 cm and 90 cm 45 cm showed
maximum sprouting when planted in January (71.279.3%) as
compared to February and March planting. There was a drastic
reduction in sprouting in March planting (18.133.3%). A spacing
of 90 cm 30 cm and 75 cm 45 cm recorded maximum stolon
yield of 7,428 and 6,836 kg/ha respectively as compared to other
spacings. Variations were also found significant in stolon length
(310) and girth (2.05.2 cm).
Opium poppy
Maximum latex yield was recorded in UO 1385 (38.74 kg/ha)
Digital Herbarium
A software package entitled Digital Herbarium of Medicinal
& Aromatic Plants in India has been developed for authentic
identification of medicinal and aromatic plants. The software
package consists of three types of search engines, simple
search, multiple search and advanced search.
and minimum in UOP 69 (1.45 kg/ha). Maximum seed yield was
recorded in NDO3-4 and NC 57950 (790 kg/ha) and minimum in
UO 221 and UOP 6 (420 kg/ha). Maximum husk yield was
recorded in NC 57950 (982 kg/ha) and minimum in UO 1285,
UO 37 and UOP 71 (124 kg/ha).
At Mandsaur, 235 germplasm lines were evaluated for different
qualitative and quantative characters. Latex yield ranged from
33.06 (MOP 1069) to 70.54 kg/ha (UOP 490) and seed yield from
87 (ND 16) to 1,102 kg/ha (ND 25). Similarly, morphine content
ranged from 12.4 to 17.3%. Highest husk yield (986 kg/ha) could
be obtained from the recommended dose (N
followed by 10 tonnes/ha vermicompost + RD 50% (928 kg/ha)
and 10 tonnes/ha FYM + RD 50% (720 kg/ha). Highest seed yield
of 1,160 kg/ha could be obtained from RD (N
followed by 10 tonnes/ha vermicompost + RD 50% (1,031 kg/ha)
and 10 tonnes/ha FYM + RD 50% (948 kg/ha). Latex yield also
followed same trend (55, 50 and 48 kg/ha).
A total of 152 genotypes along with control Chetak Aphim and
IC 42 were evaluated for higher latex yield, seed yield and
morphine content at Udaipur. Latex yield ranged from 11.59
(UOP 52) to 57.75 kg/ha (NC 57915). Seed yield ranged from
656.00 (UO 790) to 2,111 kg/ha (NC 57936). Maximum morphine
content was found in ND 21 (12.79%) and minimum in UOP 55
Ten crosses along with IC 42 and Chetak Aphim were evaluated.
Two crosses, viz. UOP 86 Chetak Aphim (32.63 kg/ha) and
UO 1985 IC 42 (30.88 kg/ha) recorded higher latex yield over
the control IC 42 (30.39 kg/ha), while UOP 6 JA 16 (1,504 kg/
ha), UOP 86 Chetak Aphim (1,474 kg/ha) and UOP 82 JA 16
(1,395 kg/ha) showed higher seed yield over IC 42 (1,331 kg/ha).
Hghest morphine content was found in UOP 17 Chetak Aphim
(12.10%), UOP 85 Chetak Aphim (11.95%) and IC 42 (11.92%).
At Faizabad, latex yield was recorded highest (27.39 kg/ha) in
treatment applied as 25% FYM. Seed yield was recorded highest
(701 kg/ha) in treatment applied as 25% vermicompost and lowest
(312 kg/ha) in 100% vermicompost. Treatment with 25%
vermicompost gave highest husk yield (486 kg/ha) and lowest
being 263 kg/ha in 100% vermicompost.
At Udaipur, sowing on 25 October gave significantly maximum
gum yield (4,393 kg/ha), seed yield (1,383 kg/ha) and husk yield
(1,268 kg/ha) as compared to 5 and 15 November sowing. Plant
population (3.5 and 4 lakh plants/ha) on the other hand did not
affect significantly. However, plant protection treatment
significantly increased plant height, gum yield, seed yield and husk
Plant height (91.64 cm), capsules/plant (1.65/plant), gum
yield (57.61 kg/ha), seed yield (1,688 kg/ha) and husk yield (1,510
kg/ha) were highest with 8 irrigations at stem elongation 30 days
after sowing, rosette 45 DAS, bud 58 DAS, flower initiation 70 DAS,
50% flowering 85 DAS, late capsule 98 DAS, capsule maturity 108
DAS and at after lancing 120 DAS were given at Udaipur.
Safed musli
The protocol for in vitro fleshy root formation of safed musli
was standardized. Fibrous rooting of micropropagated shoots was
readily achieved upon transferring shoots onto half-strength MS
media containing IAA with sucrose within 810 days of culture.
Twenty-four lines of germplasm were tested at Mandsaur. Fresh
weight of fleshy root ranged from 375 kg/ha (MCB 420) to 3,150
kg/ha (MCB 409). Maximum mean yield of fresh fasciculated root
yield (2,371 kg/ha) was in MCB 409.
Three genotypes, viz. Anand Safed Musli, Mandsaur Safed Musli
412, Mandsaur Safed Musli 414 and control Jawahar Safed Musli
405 were tested at Anand and Mandsaur. At Anand, ASMV II yielded
significantly high fasciculated root, which was 81.37% higher than
the control MCB 405.
At Mandsaur, maximum fasciculated root yield of 1,453 kg/ha
was recorded by MCB 414 which was significantly superior to
control (JSM 405) 1,315 kg/ha. MCB 414 recorded significantly
higher fasciculated root yield (2,357 kg/ha) followed by MCB 412
(1,901 kg/ha) than control JSM 405 (1,796 kg/ha).
At Mandsaur, application of FYM at 20 and 10 tonnes/ha and
vermicompost at 5 tonnes/ha along with control and spacing at 30
cm 10 cm, 30 cm 15 cm and 30 cm 20 cm recorded a
maximum yield of 1,843 kg/ha from 20 tonnes/ha FYM and 1,512
kg/ha from spacing of 30 cm 10 cm. A lowest yield of 596 kg/ha
was obtained from control (no organic manure).
At Akola, highest fresh root yield was recorded at 180 DAP (3,205
kg/ha), while lowest at 90 DAP (2,265 kg/ha). Significantly highest
dry fleshy root yield was recoded at 240 DAP (695 kg/ha). The
saponin content decreased successively with increase in harvesting
time and significantly lowest content was recorded at 240 DAP
(6.00%). Fleshy root harvested at 90 and 120 DAP contained
highest saponins (7.45 and 7.35%, respectively). At Udaipur, lowest
weight loss was recorded from wooden box containing 4 layer of
musli + 4 layer of soil (27.73%) followed by wooden box
containing 4 layer of musli + 4 layer of sand (28.77%), earthen
pot containing 1 kg roots mixed with 1 kg sand and mud plastering
At Solan, maximum fresh aerial biomass of 5.38, 9.68, 24.44,
65.42 and 98.64 g/plant was recorded when planted at ridges as
compared to furrows, level beds and sloppy terrace at 6, 9, 12, 15
and 18 months respectively. Similarly, transplanting on 16 August
recorded maximum fresh aerial biomass of 6.63, 12.86, 31.61,
65.73 and 108.91 g/plant compared to transplanting on 31 August
and 15 September.
In vitro fasciculated root formation in safed musli Inflorescence in valerian
Maximum aerial biomass (75.42 g/plant), fresh underground
biomass (47.76 g/plant), fresh root yield (24.83 g/plant), and fresh
rhizome yield (22.93 g/plant), could be obtained from a
combination of Azotobacter + PSB + VAM followed by a
combination of other biofertilizers. Valepotriate content was
maximum (2.39) when applied with Azotobacter at 10 kg/ha
followed by Azotobacter + PSB (2.35) and PSB at 10 kg/ha (2.34).
The organic carbon (0.13%), N (361.96 kg/ha), P (38.2 kg/ha)
and K (187.2 kg/ha) were also maximum in combination of
Azotobacter + PSB + VAM. Similarly nutrient content and nutrient
uptake were also found maximum.
minimum temperature, evening relative humidity and number of
rainy days had positive corelation with incidence and spread of
disease at Jorghat. Maximum temperature contributed to 25.89%
disease development, whereas evapotranspiration contributing to
66.77%. The overall influence of climatic factors in disease
development was recorded to be 70.7%.
At Jabapalpur, maximum humidity was positively correlated
with bacterial disease development in betelvine, whereas maximum
temperature and rainfall are partially significant in development
of bacterial infection. At Sirugamani, minimum temperature,
relative humidity (evening) and rainfall had positive effect on
disease incidence.
Integrated disease management of Phytophthora foot rot
includes sanitation + one soil drenching of Bordeaux mixture +
Trichoderma application (after one month) + one more soil
drenching of Bordeaux mixture which significantly reduced the
disease incidence and increased leaf yield.
Application of wettable sulphur 0.15% spray significantly
reduced the population of red spider mites. The cost : benefit ratio
is 1 : 13.94. The combination of wettable sulphur 0.15% +
Azadirachtin 0.03% was found to be best treatment for effective
management of mites thereby reducing number of damaged leaves.
The cost : benefit ratio was highest (1 : 99.7) for treatment with
wettable sulphur followed by wettable sulphur + Azadrachtin
(1 : 77.1).
The incidence of major insect pests/mite pest was negligible
(1.43.1%) in Bangla, Kali Bangle, Awami Pan, Black Leaf, Simarali
Babna Local, Nov Bangla, SGM 1, Godi Bangle and Maghai. Bangla
Bihar, Bangla Banarasi, Calcutta Bangla, Nava Cuttak, Dese Bangla,
Bangla Mohoba, Maghai, Bangla Ghamela, and Bangla
Ghaneghatte, remained uninfested, however, Dpb 6, K.Pacchaikodi,
K. Valiaikodi, K. Telleku and K. Chittikavti were infested by betelvine
bug. At Karpoori, Tellakku, Vellaikodi, Karapakku, Kuljedu,
Sirugamani BV 2, Andhiyur, Tellakku Uttukar, Sarkarai Kodi and
Halisagar Sanchi showed field tolerance to scale insect.
Black pepper
Fifteen qualitative morphological characters of 16 wild species
of black pepper in south India were studied and plotted the
hierarchal cluster, using SPSS software. Bioclimatic analysis and
prediction system (BIOCLIM) comparison of these clusters revealed
rich diversity and niches where Piper species occur predominantly.
The highest richness grid was found to have 1516 species, while
highest diversity was 1.83. The P. bababudani, P. schmdtii and
P. wightii were also related to P. nigrum. Variation in inter-
microsatellite regions among cultivars was found to be low. A
protocol for isolation of PCR amplifiable genomic DNA (modified
Over 350 accessions of betervine are being maintained
The 155 accessions of beterlvine were catalogoued
Different growth media had positive effect and use of
vermicompost in site soil (1 : 1) gave maximum plant height
(29.29 cm), fresh aerial biomass (198.05 g/plant) and fresh
underground biomass (57.52 g/plant) 18 months after
transplanting. Valepotriate content was maximum (2.80) when
grown in soil + sawdust followed by soil + FYM (2.43) and soil +
sand + FYM (2.39).
Over 350 accessions are being maintained at different centres
and 255 were catalogued during the year. Hybrid evaluation trial
indicated that only GN
Hybrid (Godi Bangla Kapoori Nasik)
showed normal vigour. Even for GN Hybrid, leaf yield was much
below than local control variety.
Highest leaf yields was recorded with application of 200 kg N in the
form of oil + urea or FYM with 100 kg each of phosphorus and K
Optimum plant population, replenishment of 100% pan evaporation
soil moisture during dry periods along with recommended doses of
manures and application of 4 drenches plus 8 sprays of Bordeaux
mixture resulted in better quality yield as well as higher cost : benefit
ratio at all centres compared to farmers practices. Staggered lowering
of betelvine influenced growth and yield. Leaf yield was found higher
when JulyNovember and FebruaryJune lowering of betelvine was
carried out at BCKV, Kalyani.
The regression analysis of disease development with weather
parameters, rate of evaporation contributed to 72.43% followed by
maximum temperature (14.55%), morning relative humidity.
(5.98%) and bright sunshine hours (5.64%), whereas overall
influence of all meteorological parameters contributed to 47%
towards disease incidence besides other individual factors.
Maximum temperature, morning relative humidity and rainfall
had significant negative correlation for anthracnose disease, while
CTAB extraction step followed by purification and PEG precipitation
of DNA) was developed.
Black pepper grafted on P. colubrinum rootstock (resistant to
P. capsici), plants remained healthy even 7 years after planting.
On an average, a yield of 0.65 kg (dry) pepper/vine was obtained
in un-irrigated gardens. Evaluation of various formulations of
endophytic bacteria, promising against nematodes indicated that
chitin based formulation sustained bacterial population (10
g) even after 90 days of storage.The portion of Open Reading Frame
I (ORF I) and ORF III of badnavirus infecting black pepper was
organically cultivated Panniyur 1 and Karimunda showed higher
Caryophyllene (up to 30%) in Panniyur 1 and 24% in Karimunda.
Ginger and turmeric
Variations in curcuminoids were observed during growth stages
in turmeric as determined by HPLC. Variations were observed for
curcumin I (1.63.39%), curcumin II (0.391.08%) and curcumin
III (0.481.1%) in Alleppey, Prabha, Prathibha, Suguna and
The Pythium myriotylum, causing rhizome rot in ginger in
Kerala, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Sikkim, was identified. The
Sixteen wild species of black paper were studied
A protocol for isolation of PCR amplifiable genomic DNA
of black pepper was developed
Black peppers stored in vaccum showed good quality even
8 months of storage.
Sequence analysis has confirmed the identity of virus
Thirty-one hybrid samples of paprika were evaluated
Two new accessions of seed spices were identified
amplified, cloned and sequenced. Sequence analysis and
comparison with other known badnavirus indicated high levels of
identity with Piper yellow mottle virus (PYMV) followed by Banana
streak virus (BSV). A method for simultaneous isolation of RNA
and DNA from infected black pepper plants and multiplex PCR for
simultaneous detection of CMV and Badnavirus in a single reaction
was standardized.
The transmission of cucumber mosaic virus by four species of
aphids was confirmed by DAS-ELISA. Species-specific primers were
developed for identification of Radopholus similis based on
sequence information from ITS gene, and their use in identifying
R. similis was proved in laboratory. The primer set generated a
single PCR fragment of 398 bp in length that was specific to R.
similis. The amplified product was cloned and sequenced to get
partial sequence of ITS1 and 5.8S genes, which were submitted to
EMBL, sequence database (Reference
gi|110321606|emb|AM286692.1| [110321606]). Sequencing of R.
similis genome is done for the first time in India.
The yield level was markedly higher under organic system (1.7
kg/vine) compared to IPNM (0.96 kg/vine) and chemical (1.36
kg/vine) systems. The rainfall excess than normal from July to
December-end was beneficial to crop and would help in enhancing
the yield. The rainfall excess than normal beyond December would
reduce yield of black pepper. Substituting sand with granite powder,
a waste material obtained from stone quarries, in nursery black
pepper mixture is more economical.
Black pepper samples stored in vacuum, showed good quality
even after 8 months of storage. Essential oil constituents of
New Germplasm
The germplasm of black pepper (612), cardamom (273),
ginger (633), turmeric (1,326), tree spices (230) and seed
spices (4,117) was enriched.
pathogenicity trial further confirmed that this was highly
aggressive on ginger. PCR based method was found suitable for
identification of P. myriotylum. Primers specific for P. myriotylum
were found to amplify 150 bp sequences in the genomic DNA of P.
myriotylum. Mango ginger (C. amada) was found resistant to
natural infection by R. solanacearum.
Mermithid nematode (Hexamermis sp.) was recorded as a
major natural enemy of shoot-borer larvae in field at
Peruvannamuzhi and percentage of population of larvae
parasitized by nematode was higher during AugustSeptember.
Tree spices
Cassia C1 (IC 370415) has been registered as INGR 05029 at
NBPGR, New Delhi, for its high oleoresin content (10.5%).
Molecular characterization of 10 elite accessions of nutmeg with
13 random primers was done and 75% polymorphism was observed.
Nutmug mace blanched for 2 minutes in boiling water showed
better colour retention (Lycopene 49.9%) compared to 1 minute
blanching (Lycopene 38.7%) and no blanching (Lycopene 9.98%)
after storing in 300 g polypropylene covers.
A virus causing mild chlorotic mottle and streaks on leaves of
vanilla was identified as a strain of Cymbidium mosaic virus
(CymMV) based on coat protein gene sequence comparison and
phylogenetic studies. The coat protein gene of virus was cloned
and sequenced. Sequence analyses confirmed the identity of virus
as a strain of CymMV. An identity of 92.397.3% was seen with
different CymMV isolates infecting different orchids in India while
with available partial CP sequences of CymMV isolates infecting
vanilla identity ranged from 98.2 to 99.4%.
Thirty-one hybrid samples and 30 germplasm samples were
evaluated for colour value, oleoresin and capsaicin content.
Accession 0107-7011 showed 308 ASTA units with 15.9% oleoresin
and 1.02% capsaicin. MS-2X B-2 showed 308 ASTA units with 15.7%
oleoresin and 1% capsaicin.
Seed spices
Two new varieties one each of anise, NRCSS Aani 1 and celery,
NRCSS Cel 1 have been identified for release. These are first ever
approved varieties in India. A total of 50 fungi were isolated in different
stored spices. The fungi included Aspergillus niger, A. flavus,
Pencillium spp. and Mucor spp. A. flavus and A. parasiticus have
been isolated from a few samples especially nutmeg and ginger. These
samples also possess lower content of essential oil and oleoresin.
PhyDisH, a new database on Phytophthora cultures conserved
in the National Repository of Phytophthora at the institute and
Spice Pat, a searchable database on patents related to spices were
High-yielding varieties of cardamom (ICRI 5 and ICRI 6),
coriander (RCr 480, Hisar Surabhi and Sudha), cumin (RZ 341
and Gujarat Cumin 4), fennel (RF 178), fenugreek (RMt 351and
Gujarat Methi 2) are ready for release. Cardamom ICRI 5 is first
hybrid, which has high yield potential under intensive
management. Cumin Gujarat Cumin 4 is identified as Fusarium
wilt resistant and fenugreek RMt 351 resistant to powdery mildew
and root-knot nematodes. Gujarat Methi 2 is resistant to root rot
and downey mildew. Coriander Hisar Surabhi and fenugreek
Gujarat Methi 2 are recommended for national/state release while
others are recommended for state release.

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