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Harassment by Telephone - Response Letter: Your Street Town City Postcode Date Here Company Name Road

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1 Harassment by Telephone - Response Letter
2 Credit Reference Agencies - Mltiple defalts for same debt!
" #CA - Response to demands after $%$& been accepted
' #CA ( Creditor- demand for a specimen signatre before complying )ith &**(*+
, #CA -response to threats of home -isits
. #CA - #ebt that is already in dispte passed to another #CA
* Re/est $or 0nformation 1nder Ci-il 2rocedre Rles
Harassment by Telephone - Response Letter
4or &treet
#AT5 H5R5
Company 6ame
City ( Conty
#ear &irs
Harassment by telephone
Account Number: 7777777
0 am )riting in relation to the /antity and fre/ency of telephone calls that 0 ha-e recei-ed from yor
company8 )hich 0 deem to be personally harassing!
0 ha-e -erbally re/ested that these stop8 bt 0 am still recei-ing calls! 9#elete if necessary:
0 no) re/ire all frther correspondence from yor company to be made in )riting only!
0 am of the -ie) that yor contined harassment of me by telephone pts yo in breach of &ection '; of
the Administration of <stice Act 1=*;8 and the 2rotection from Harassment Act 1==*!
0f yo contine to harass me by telephone8 yo )ill also be in breach of the Commnications Act 92;;":
s!12* and 0 )ill report yo to >$C>M8 Trading &tandards and The >ffice of $air Trading8 meaning that
yo )ill be liable to a sbstantial fine!
?e ad-ised that any frther telephone calls from yor company )ill be recorded! 9@@5-en if yo donAt yet
ha-e recording e/ipmentBB@@:
4ors faithflly8
[6AM5 H5R5]
Credit Reference Agencies - Mltiple defalts for same
#ear &ir >r Madam
$>RMAL C>M2LA06T 16#5R 4>1R C>6&1M5R CR5#0T ACT 2;;. C>M2LA06T& 2R>C5#1R5
6>T0C5 T> C>R5CT #ATA 16#5R #ATA 2R>T5CT0>6 ACT 1==+
0 note that yo ha-e [61M?5R] of defalts registered against me in relation to accont 777 originally
issed by 777! This is against the gidelines issed by the information commissioner8 and is an nfair
2lease taCe this as a re/est to correct data nder the #ata 2rotection Act 1==+!
2lease send me a copy of yor complaints procedre as re/ired by la)8 )ith acCno)ledgement of this
formal complaint!
4ors $aithflly8
MaCe sre yo get proof of postage!!!
#CA - Response to demands after $%$& been
#ear &ir >r Madam
$>RMAL C>M2LA06T 16#5R 4>1R C>6&1M5R CR5#0T ACT 2;;. C>M2LA06T& 2R>C5#1R5
0M2>RTA6T D L5TT5R ?5$>R5 C>M2LA06T T> 2>L0C5!
0 ha-e recie-ed yor letter of the 7th8 )hose contents are dly noted!
2lease find enclosed [ #5&CR0?5 ER0TT56 2R>>$ >$ $%$&8 5F0#56C5 >$ 2A4M56T 5TC ] 8 and [
?A6G &TAT5M56T >R 5F0#56C5 &H>E06H 4>1 2A0# TH5 &5TTL5M56T ] )hich sho)s that 0 paid
the debt in $1LL ( >R A &5TTL5M56T on #AT5! There is no otstanding debt on this accont!
Claiming that money is o)ed )hen it is not is a criminal offence nder s'; of the Administration >f
<stice Act 1=*;!
2lease note that nless yo correct any information recorded on my credit reference 0 )ill taCe frther
legal action! $rther8 0 re/ire yo to cease processing my data beyond that necessary to respond to this
Contined collection acti-ity E0LL case me to complain to the police8 and $>&!
4ors faithflly8
5nc copies of letter #ated 78 dated 48 #ated I!
MaCe sre yo send it special deli-ery!
#CA ( Creditor- demand for a specimen signatre
before complying )ith &**(*+ CCA
#ear &irs8
R5 Accont 6> 77777777
ThanC yo for yor letter dated JJ(JJ(2;;+ the contents of )hich are noted!
0n yor letter yo maCe reference to re/iring my signed athorisation (specimen signatre@@ before yo
comply! 0 dra) yor attention to the fact that the Consmer Credit Act 1=*' does not re/ire that 0 spply
yo a copy of my signatre before yo comply )ith my &**(*+@@ re/est!
0f it is for #ata 2rotection prposes then 0 can happily spply yo )ith docmentation to sbstantiate my
identity to yo!
Ho)e-er please note that to date yo ha-e happily sent statements and correspondence containing
eJtensi-e sensiti-e pri-ate information to my address! 0 ha-e to asC8 if yo are concerned that yo are
corresponding )ith the correct person8 )hy has it taCen so long to raise thisK
As yo are a)are8 disclosing data )ithot ade/ate checCs of identity is contrary to the *th principal of
data protection8 listed in schedle 1 of the #ata protection Act 1==+D
7. Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful
processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data!
My re/est for a tre copy of my credit agreement nder section **(*+@@ )as made on JJ(JJ(2;;+ and
the 12 )orCing days for yor compliance eJpire on JJ(JJ(2;;+! 0 note that there is no pro-ision that
remo-es the re/irements of the act to pro-ide this information on time8 e-en if yo are nsre of my
0 looC for)ard to recei-ing the docmentation re/ested
4ors faithflly
2rint dont &ign
@@ 5dit as needed
#CA -response to threats of home -isits
#ear JJJJ
Accont Ref JJJJ
2lease be ad-ised that 0 )ill only commnicate )ith yo in )riting! 0 ha-e noted yor repeated attempts
to contact me by telephone o-er the past fe) )eeCs(months and these ha-e been dly logged by time
and date!
$rthermore8 shold it be yor intention to arrange a Ldoorstep callM8 please be ad-ised that nder >$T
rles8 yo can only -isit me at my home if yo maCe an appointment and 0 ha-e no )ish to maCe an
appointment )ith yo!
There is only an implied license nder 5nglish Common La) for people to be able to -isit me on my
property )ithot eJpress permissionN the postman and people asCing for directions etc 9Armstrong -!
&heppard and &hort Ltd [1=,=] 2 O!?! per Lord 5-ershed M!R!:!
Therefore taCe note that 0 re-oCe license nder Common La) for yo8 or yor representati-es to -isit me
at my property and if yo do so8 then yo )ill be liable to damages for a tort of trespass and action )ill be
taCen8 inclding bt not limited to8 police attendance!
4ors faithflly8
#CA - #ebt that is already in dispte passed to another
#ear &ir or Madam8
Accont nmberD 7777 7777 7777 7777
0 mst admit that 0 am rather bemsed as to )hy this accont has been passed to yorsel-es8 as it is in
dispte )ith the @@original(#CA@@ and has been since #AT5 2;;+! 6ot only is this a breach of >$T
collection gidelines8 bt also in breach of the Consmer Credit Act 1=*' and #ata 2rotection Act 1==+
As @@original(#CA@@ are no) in defalt of my Consmer Credit Act re/est8 >$T Collection Hidelines8
&bPect Access re/est and ha-e also breached s1; #ata 2rotection Act re/est 8 0 consider this accont
to be in &5R0>1& #0&21T5!
As yo are a)are )hile my Consmer Credit Act re/est remains in defalt enforcement action is 6>T
permitted8 nder s12* this constittes a complete defence at la)!
Conse/entially any legal action yo prse )ill be a-erred as both 16LAE$1L and F57AT0>1&!
6o) 0 )old respectflly sggest that this accont is retrned to the @@original(#CA@@ for resoltion of
these defalts and breaches8 as @@6e) #CA@@ cannot la)flly prse any enforcement acti-ities!
0f @@6e) #CA@@ chooses to ignore my dispte and attempt enforcement8 0 )ill initiate legal action and file
reports )ith the appropriate athorities8 inclding8 bt not limited to8 Trading &tandards8 >ffice of $air
Trading8 0nformation Commissioners >ffice8 $inancial >mbdsman &er-ice and possible cort action!
After taCing ad-ice8 0 am of the opinion that any contined prsit is in -iolation of the Administration of
<stice Act 1=*; section '; as )ell as breaching a nmber of the >$T Collection Hidelines
Also be ad-ised that 0 )ill only commnicate )ith yo in )riting!
$rthermore8 shold it be yor intention to arrange a Ldoorstep callM8 please be ad-ised that nder >$T
rles8 yo can only -isit me at my home if yo maCe an appointment and 0 ha-e no )ish to maCe an
appointment )ith yo!
There is only an implied license nder 5nglish Common La) for people to be able to -isit me on my
property )ithot eJpress permissionN the postman and people asCing for directions etc 9Armstrong -!
&heppard and &hort Ltd [1=,=] 2 O!?! per Lord 5-ershed M!R!:! Therefore taCe note that 0 re-oCe license
nder Common La) for yo8 or yor representati-es to -isit me at my property and if yo do so8 then yo
)ill be liable to damages for a tort of trespass and action )ill be taCen8 inclding bt not limited to8 police
0 hope that this )ill not be necessary and an acceptable soltion can be accomplished!
0 )old appreciate yor de diligence in this matter!
0 looC for)ard to hearing from yo in )riting!
4ors faithflly
Re/est $or 0nformation 1nder Ci-il 2rocedre Rles
#ear &ir(Madam8
0 ha-e recei-ed the Cort claim filed by yor Company! To enable me to file a defence and conter-claim8
0 re/ire specific information regarding the accont to be pro-ided forth)ith! Hi-en that this matter is no)
the sbPect of legal proceedings8 yo are obliged to disclose nder the Ci-il 2rocedre Rles8 the
information and docments detailed belo)! This letter spersedes the #ata 2rotection re/est made to
on the @@#AT5@@! The information mst be frnished by the@@#AT5@@8 )hich gi-es yo ten days to pro-ide
)hat has been re/ested! 0f yo fail to comply8 this )ill be reported to the Cort8 a copy of this letter )ill
be pro-ided as e-idence to the same and an >rder enforcing yor compliance )ill be soght!
1. A tre copy of the eJected credit agreement and any terms and conditions that applied to the accont
at the time of defalt and at the time the accont )as opened!
. All records yo hold on me rele-ant to this case8 inclding bt not limited toD
a. A transcript of all transactions8 inclding charges8 fees8 interest8 repayments and payments and both
the original amont of the loan and any repayments made to the accont!
b. Transcriptions of all telephone con-ersations recorded and any notes made in relation to telephone
c. Ehere there has been any e-ent in my accont history o-er this period )hich has re/ired manal
inter-ention by any person8 0 re/ire disclosre of any indication or notes )hich ha-e either cased or
reslted in that manal inter-ention8 or other e-idence of that manal inter-ention in relation to my
accont formerly held )ith @@CR5#0T>R@@!
!. Tre copies of any notice of assignment and(or defalt notice or enforcement notice that yo or the
original creditor sent me8 )ith a copy of any proof of postage that yo hold!
e. #ocments relating to any insrance added to the accont8 inclding the insrance contract and terms
and conditions8 date it )as added and deleted 9if applicable:!
". #etails of any collection charge added to the accontN specifically8 the date it )as le-ied8 the amont of
the charge8 a detailed financial breaCdo)n of ho) the charge )as calclated8 and )hat the charge
#. &pecific details of the fees(charges le-ied by any other agency in respect of this accont and a detailed
breaCdo)n of said fees(charges and )hat each charge relates to and on )hat date said fees(charges
)ere le-ied!
h. A genine copy of any deed of assignment8 or proof that yo ha-e a legal right to this money!
$. A genine copy of any notice of fair se of my data as re/ired by the #ata 2rotection Act 1==+
%. A list of third party agencies to )hom yo ha-e disclosed my personal data and a smmary of the
natre of the information yo ha-e disclosed!
&. Any other docments yo seeC to rely on in cort!
'. A copy of yor complaints procedre8 as re/ired by the Consmer Credit Act 2;;.!
(. Clarification of the date yo ac/ired the debt8 )hat organisation yo ac/ired it from8 their registered
office8 their company nmber 9if any: and )hat legal title they had to this debt8 and )hat credit license
nmber they had at the time that the debt )as prchased or entered into!
0 )ill re/ire this information )ithin the neJt ten days! 0 mst ad-ise yo that if the information is not
forthcoming8 it )ill be reported to the Cort that yo are trying to frstrate proceedings and denying me
the opportnity to file a defence and conter claim!
0 )old appreciate yor de diligence in this matter!
0 a)ait yor rapid response!
4ors $aithflly8

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