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Transfer of Technology To Developing Countries: Unilateral and Multilateral Policy Options

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University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder CO 80309-0484


Transfer of Technology to Developing Countries:
Unilateral and Multilateral Policy Options

Bernard M. Hoekman
Keith E. Maskus
Kamal Saggi

May, 2004

Research Program on Political and Economic Change
Working Paper PEC2004-0003


Bernard M. Hoekman
1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433, World Bank
Phone : (202) 473-1185, fax: (202) 522 1159, bhoekman@worldbank.org;

Keith E. Maskus
UCB 256, University of Colorado, Boulder CO 80309-0256; phone 303-42-7588; fax
303-492-8960; maskus@colorado.edu

Kamal Saggi
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275-0496. Phone (214) 768-3274, fax
(214) 768-1821; ksaggi@mail.smu.edu

Abstract: This paper analyzes national and international policy options to encourage the
international transfer of technology, distinguishing between four major channels of such
transfer: trade in products, trade in knowledge, direct foreign investment and intra-
national and international movement of people. A typology of country types and
appropriate policy rules of thumb is developed as a guide to both national policymakers
and rule making in the WTO. We argue that policies should differentiate between
countries. The policy recommendations made illustrate the more general need for such
differentiation in the application of special and differential treatment of developing
countries in the WTO.

JEL classification: F13
Keywords: Technology transfer, multilateral trade negotiations, economic development,
special and differential treatment, WTO

* This paper draws in part on analysis in Saggi (2003) and Maskus (2003). We are
grateful to Francis Ng for assistance in providing data. The views expressed are personal
and should not be attributed to the World Bank.

Abstract: This paper analyzes national and international policy options to encourage the
international transfer of technology, distinguishing between four major channels of such
transfer: trade in products, trade in knowledge, direct foreign investment and intra-
national and international movement of people. A typology of country types and
appropriate policy rules of thumb is developed as a guide to both national policymakers
and rule making in the WTO. We argue that policies should differentiate between
countries. The policy recommendations made illustrate the more general need for such
differentiation in the application of special and differential treatment of developing
countries in the WTO.

JEL classification: F13

Keywords: Technology transfer, multilateral trade negotiations, economic development,
special and differential treatment, WTO
The importance of international technology transfer (ITT) for economic development can
hardly be overstated. Both the acquisition of technology and its diffusion foster
productivity growth. As invention and creation processes remain overwhelmingly the
province of the OECD countries, most developing countries must rely largely on
imported technologies as sources of new productive knowledge. However, considerable
amounts of follow-on innovation and adaptation occur in such countries. Indeed, these
processes effectively drive technological change in developing nations.

Developing countries have long sought to use both national policies and
international agreements to stimulate ITT. National policies range from economy-wide
programs (e.g., education) to funding for the creation and acquisition of technology, tax
incentives for purchase of capital equipment and intellectual property rights (IPRs). A
prominent episode of international efforts to encourage ITT came in the late 1970s, when
many developing countries sought a Code of Conduct to regulate technology transfer
under United Nations (UN) auspices.
It is difficult to regulate ITT effectively given the
incentives for owners not to transfer technology without an adequate return and the
problem of monitoring compliance with any rules that might be imposed. This helps
explain why ITT is predominately mediated by national policies rather than by
international disciplines. While some policies are subject to multilateral disciplines (e.g.,
subsidies, trade and IPR policies), the rules in place are primarily constraining in
naturethey define limits on what is allowed. Multilateral efforts to identify actions that
governments should pursue to encourage ITT are largely of a best-endeavor nature.
Starting in the mid 1990s, multilateral disciplines on ITT-related policies began to
deepen. The WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
(TRIPS) calls on countries to enforce comprehensive minimum standards of IPR
protection on a nondiscriminatory basis. It also has provisions relating to ITT. Article 7
notes that IPRs should contribute to the promotion of technological innovation and the
transfer and dissemination of technology. Article 8.2 recognizes that countries may wish

Evenson and Westphal (1995).
Sell (1998) describes the politics involved and Patel, Roffe and Yusuf (2000) analyze the nature of the
negotiations and their aftermath.

to adopt policies to prevent the abuse of IPRs by rights holders or the use of practices that
adversely affect the international transfer of technology. Finally, Article 66.2 calls on
developed country WTO members to provide incentives to their enterprises and
institutions to promote technology transfer to least-developed countries (LDCs).

In 2001, WTO members established a Working Group on Trade and Technology
Transfer to examine the relationship between trade and the transfer of technology and
explore what might be done under WTO auspices to increase ITT to developing
countries. This can be seen as another reflection of a long history of efforts by developing
countries to enhance the relevance of the WTO for development. This paper discusses
options that could be pursued in the WTO to promote ITT. Three dimensions are
highlighted: safeguarding national policy space to address market failures; identifying
actions by source countries to encourage ITT; and multilateral initiatives to address
international externalities associated with technology markets and/or national policies.
After a brief conceptual discussion of ITT in Section 1, we review the evidence
on the major channels of technology transfer in Section 2. Section 3 analyzes the major
policy instruments that have been (or could be) used to affect the scope of these channels,
in the process enhancing or reducing the amount and/or quality of ITT. Section 4 turns to
policy implications, distinguishing between policies of host (importing) and source
(exporting) countries, and multilateral cooperation in the WTO. Section 5 concludes.

1. Channels of Technology Transfer
Numerous channels exist through which ITT may occur. Trade in goods and services is
one. All exports bear some potential for transmitting technological information. Imported
capital goods and technological inputs can directly improve productivity by being used in
production processes. A second channel is foreign direct investment (FDI). Multinational
enterprises (MNEs) generally transfer technological information to their subsidiaries,
some of which may leak into the host economy. A third major channel of ITT is direct
trade in knowledge via technology licensing. This may occur within firms, among joint

LDCs constitute a UN-defined group of currently 49 countries. Membership is a function of a variety of
poverty-related criteria.
Some of the issues addressed in this paper have been the subject of discussion in the Working Group on
Trade and Technology Transfer. Saggi (2003) provides an in-depth analysis of the discussions during 2002.
ventures, or between unrelated firms. Licensing and FDI are often substitutes. Which
form is preferable to technology owners depends on many factors, including the strength
of IPR protection. Patents, trade secrets, copyrights, and trademarks can all serve as
direct facilitators of knowledge transfers.
Market transactions in technology are hampered by three major problems: (i)
asymmetric information; (ii) market power; and (iii) externalities.
Asymmetric Information Technology transfer involves exchange of information
between those that have it and those that do not. The former cannot fully reveal their
knowledge without destroying the basis for trade, creating a well known problem of
asymmetric informationbuyers cannot fully determine the value of the information
before buying it. This can lead to large transactions costs that stifle market-based
technology transfer. In the international context, information problems are more severe
and the enforcement of contracts more difficult to achieve. The received theory of the
multinational firm holds that such firms establish foreign subsidiaries because of the
difficulty of using markets to profit from their proprietary technologies.
Market Power Owners of new technologies typically have substantial market
power resulting from lead time and patents and other IPRs. This necessarily implies that
the price of technology will exceed the socially optimal level (i.e., marginal cost). While
this divergence between price and cost allows innovators to profit from their innovation,
it implies a reduction in (static) national welfare of those importing technologies.
Externalities These may arise if the costs and benefits of technology exchange are
not fully internalized by those involved. A major share of benefits to recipient countries
of ITT is likely to arise from uncompensated spillovers. Positive spillovers exist
whenever technological information is diffused into the wider economy and the
technology provider cannot extract the economic value of that diffusion. Spillovers can
arise from imitation, trade, licensing, FDI and movement of people.
These market failures imply a potential for policies to increase welfare by
encouraging ITT. To be effective, policy must alter the incentives of private agents that
possess innovative technologies in the right way. In practice, the potential for welfare-
improving policy may not be realized due to mistakes or rent-seeking activity.

Patterns of ITT
A major problem for policy (and analysis) is that ITT flows are not easily measured.
Much ITT is implicit in international trade in goods, services and factors, and it is
difficult, if not impossible, to break out the proportion of prices or flows reflecting
technology content. Almost by definition, imitation goes unreported and spillovers cannot
be directly measured. Thus, it is difficult for policymakers to identify the optimal
policy, or even to rank-order policies according to effectiveness.
Data on the value of some of the relevant flows are reported in Table 1. All are
imperfect measures of the importance of the alternative channels of ITT, but do provide
an informative picture of trends and shares. Regardless of the channel, low-income
countries account for only a small share of total outward flows from OECD countries.
Moreover, this share has been falling over time.

Table 1: Exports of Capital-Intensive, Skilled Labor-Intensive and Technology-Intensive
Goods, Royalty Income Earned and Net FDI Outflows from High-Income OECD Countries,
1970 and 2001, US$ billion and percent

Trade, Capital-
Trade, Skilled
Labor intensive
Royalties Net FDI flows
Value ($bn): 1970 2001 1970 2001 1970 2001 1970 2001 1970 2001
High income 45.8 1,108.0 43.7 736.7 25.8 739.3 2.8 71.2 6.9 472.1
Low income 2.8 32.8 2.4 13.1 1.2 16.1 0.0 0.02 0.3 8.1
Lower middle income 8.4 183.4 5.7 60.0 3.5 104.3 0.0 0.7 0.9 105.6
Upper middle income 7.7 318.0 5.2 126.9 3.8 200.0 0.0 1.8 0.6 69.4
Sub-Saharan states 1.5 10.6 1.5 6.0 0.7 5.6 0.0 0.02 0.1 5.5
Shares (%):
High income 70.8 67.5 76.6 78.7 75.4 69.8 99.7 96.7 79.9 72.0
Low income 4.4 2.0 4.2 1.4 3.5 1.5 0.0 0.0 3.2 1.2
Lower middle income 12.9 11.2 10.0 6.4 10.1 9.8 0.0 0.9 9.9 16.1
Upper middle income 11.9 19.4 9.1 13.5 11.0 18.9 0.0 2.4 7.1 10.6
Sub-Saharan states 2.3 0.6 2.8 0.6 2.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.8
Notes: Country groups are as defined by World Bank; High incomeOECD countries minus Mexico,
Korea and Turkey; Sub-Saharan states exclude South Africa. Capital and skilled labor-intensive goods are
defined on the basis of factor intensity using the SITC classification. High-technology goods are defined on
the basis of R&D intensity.
Source: UN COMTRADE database (trade); IMF Balance of Payments statistics (royalties) and UNCTAD,
World Investment Report (FDI).

Total trade in technology-intensive goods grew rapidly in the last three decades,
with capital-intensive exports expanding most rapidly. Upper middle-income nations
constitute the fastest-growing market for technology-intensive exports from OECD
countries. Licensing and other types of arm's-length trade in technologymeasured by
royalty income flowsare largely the domain of OECD countries. The flows involved
are not negligibleover $70 billion in 2001.
Upper middle-income countries have
become players in this market, although they account for less than three percent of total
OECD exports. Among the various channels for ITT, lower middle-income countries
have the greatest share in outward OECD FDI flows. For these countries, FDI shares
grew faster than technology trade or trade in technology-intensive goods. The same
qualitative conclusion holds for low-income countriesFDI grew the most between 1970
and 2001, although the share of low-income countries in total trade and FDI declined.
A qualitatively similar conclusion holds for imports by high-income OECD
countries (Table 2). Upper middle-income countries have also become suppliers of
technology-intensive products. The shifts here are even more dramatic and reflect the
emergence of East Asian countries as producers of electronic equipment. Lower middle-
income countries have also become sources of such products. Their share of the OECD
market expanded more than their share of the OECD export market. Both categories of
middle-income economies have become generators of technology, as reflected in royalty
income of some $12.7 billion in 2001. Low-income countries are simply not players.

As discussed further below, the relationships between the various channels of ITT
are complextrade and FDI are often complements, whereas FDI and licensing may be
either complements or substitutes. Movement of people is often needed to allow trade,
licensing or FDI to occur or to increase the efficiency of such transactions. We turn next
to a brief discussion of the nature of these various channels.

This is likely to be a substantial underestimate, given that intra-firm technology and knowledge flows
(transfers between parent firms and their foreign affiliates) are not captured by this measure.
Data on movement of people and the associated ITT are not collected and reported systematically.
Table 2: Imports of Capital-Intensive, Skilled Labor-Intensive and
Technology-Intensive Goods, and Royalty Income Paid by High-Income OECD
Countries, 1970 and 2001, US$ billion and percent

Note: See Table 1 for definitions and sources.

Trade in goods
Endogenous growth models assign a central role to technological change (Grossman and
Helpman, 1991), based on the idea that entrepreneurs conduct R&D to profit from
monopoly power that results from innovation. Growth may be sustained through the
creation of new products that expands the knowledge stock and lowers the cost of
innovation. Alternatively, consumers may be willing to pay a premium for higher quality
(innovative) products. As new products result from new ideas, international trade can
help transmit embodied knowledge internationally.
Barriers to technology adoption are a key determinant of international differences
in per capita income (Parente and Prescott, 1994). Increased trade openness can increase
growth by lowering these barriers. Trade can contribute to ITT by allowing reverse
engineering by local firms and by granting firms access to new machinery and
equipment. Coe and Helpman (1995, 1997) find that foreign R&D embodied in traded
goods has a significantly positive impact on total factor productivity (TFP) of importing
countries. This impact is greater the more open the countries are, the more skilled is their
labor force, and in the case of developing countries, the more trade is with developed
Trade, Capital-
Trade, Skilled
Labor intensive
Value ($bn): 1970 2001 1970 2001 1970 2001 1970 2001
High income OECD
49.1 1,108.8 43.8 743.0 26.9 730.5 0.8 63.7
0.1 9.6 0.1 8.9 0.1 8.1 0 0.1
Lower middle income
0.5 127.3 0.3 68.7 0.3 104.4 0.1 6.0
Upper middle income
1.0 263.8 0.8 133.2 0.9 220.7 0 6.7
Sub-Saharan states
0.06 0.5 0.01 0.3 0.06 0.3 0 0.1
Shares (%):
High income OECD
96.0 73.4 97.2 77.9 95.2 68.7 93.0 83.2
Low income
0.2 0.6 0.2 0.9 0.3 0.8 0.0 0.1
Lower middle income
1.0 8.4 0.8 7.2 1.2 9.8 6.6 7.8
Upper middle income
2.0 17.5 1.9 14.0 3.1 20.7 0.4 8.7
Sub-Saharan states
0.1 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.20 0.03 0.00 0.16
countries (Schiff, Yang and Olarreaga 2002). Investment in R&D has a greater impact on
TFP than does openness to trade among OECD members, but openness has a greater
impact on TFP than R&D embodied in North-South trade (Schiff and Wang, 2002).
Schiff and Wang also find that in low R&D-intensity industries, openness (R&D) has a
positive (no) impact on TFP, while R&D has a positive effect on TFP in R&D-intensive
industries, although this effect is still smaller than that of openness. Variations in capital
goods trade can better explain cross-country differences in productivity than can overall
trade (e.g., Eaton and Kortum, 1999).
These results suggest that open trade policies are critical for developing countries
in attracting technology. But openness is not sufficientthere needs to be absorptive
capacity and ability to adapt foreign technology, both of which are related to human
capital endowments. In developing countries, technology acquisition often amounts to
adapting existing methods to local circumstances (Evenson and Westphal, 1995). Gradual
adoption of new techniques or new inputs is optimal for risk-averse producers in the face
of costly adoption and uncertain returns. Producers need to learn how to apply the new
technology and will often start by applying it to a small part of their output and, if
profitable, increase its application gradually over time (Tybout, 2000).
The further the technological distance of a country from the global frontier, the
more difficult it is to absorb information effectively into production systems (Keller,
2002). Countries tend to acquire international technology more readily if domestic firms
have local R&D programs, there are domestic private and public research laboratories
and universities, and there exists a sound basis of technical skills and human capital. All
this reduces the costs of imitation, adaptation, and follow-on innovation.
Foreign Direct Investment
FDI may provide developing countries with more efficient foreign technologies and
result in technological spillovers and greater competition. In addition to demonstration
effects (imitation), spillovers may arise because of labor turnover and vertical linkages
(MNEs transfer technology to local firms that are suppliers of intermediates or buyers of
their output). Case studies suggest that substantial technology diffusion occurs due to FDI
(Blomstrom and Kokko, 1997). Econometric studies are more diverse, some finding that
firms in sectors with a relatively high MNE presence tend to be more productive (Kokko
et al, 1997), while others find that domestically-held firms may actually do worse as the
foreign presence in their industry increases (e.g., Aitken and Harrison, 1994). Negative
spillover effects may occur in the short run if MNEs siphon off domestic demand or bid
away high-quality labor. Vertical technology transfer from MNEs to local suppliers has
been documented to occur through firms from industrialized countries buying the output
of Asian firms to sell under their own brand names. Such relations may result in transfers
of technical information from foreign buyers.

Licensing is an important source of ITT for developing countries Correa (2003). They
typically involve the purchase of production or distribution rights and the underlying
technical information and know-how.
The general determinants of decisions on where to
license are similar to those involving FDI. Thus, market size, anticipated growth,
proximity, the stock of human capital, the ability to repatriate licensing rents, and the
investment climate all affect licensing flows. Another factor is the confidence of licensor
firms that proprietary technologies will not leak into the host economy. To the extent that
transferred technologies are easily copied, industrial espionage is common, or technical
personnel can defect to competitor firms, foreign firms may prefer FDI. Where this is
not possible, firms may choose not to engage in licensing at all or transfer lagging
technologies (Maskus, 2000, Saggi, 1996). Successful transfer typically requires capacity
to learn and investments to apply technologies into production processes. This explains
why countries with substantial engineering skills and R&D programs for adaptation and
learning are greater recipients of licensing flows than others (Yang and Maskus, 2001).

Movement of People
Little attention has been given to the role of labor turnover as a channel for ITT. Some
studies have found that intra-national labor turnover from MNEs to local firms is limited
(e.g., Gershenberg, 1987), while others find the opposite (Rhee, 1990). An explanation is

Mexicos maquiladora sector is a recent example of vertical ITT. Most maquiladoras began as
subsidiaries of US firms that shifted labor-intensive assembly operations to Mexico. However, over time
the maquiladoras adopted more sophisticated production techniques, many of which were imported from
the US (Saggi, 2002). Similar findings apply to transition economies, see e.g., Smarzynska (2002).
In the case of intra-firm ITT the MNE retains proprietary control of the know-how, while in the arm's-
length case access to these assets must be provided the licensee.
that in countries where local firms are not too far behind MNEs in technical terms, labor
turnover is more likely. Thus, the ability of local firms to absorb new technologies is a
determinant of whether labor turnover is a means of technology diffusion. The feasibility
(profitability) of creating new companies is another factor (Saggi, 2002).
International movement of peopleassociated with nationals studying or working
abroad for a limited period and applying their new knowledge when they return, or the
inward movement of foreign nationals into the countryis another potential channel for
ITT. A challenge for developing countries is to facilitate temporary movement abroad
and to encourage returnees to undertake local research and business development.

2. Technology-related Policies and ITT
While many countries have historically engaged in infant industry protection, the
evidence suggests that diffusion of knowledge is facilitated by an open trade regime
(Saggi, 2002). Firms should have undistorted access to capital equipment and imported
inputs that embody foreign knowledge. But the case for open markets extends to other
products as well, as the associated increase in competition will reduce price-cost
markups. At the same time, given that technology markets are associated with increasing
returns, imperfect competition and externalities, there is not an unconditional argument
against trade protection. The conclusions hinge importantly on the scope of knowledge
spillovers. International knowledge spillovers strongly tilt the balance in favor of free
trade, whereas national spillovers create a potential role for trade-policy intervention. For
example, if productivity improvements depend only on a country's own R&D, a case can
be made for policies that ensure that industries in which such improvements occur at a
rapid rate are not all located elsewhere.
The available evidence suggests that spillovers are mostly international (Eaton
and Kortum, 1996). Even if spillovers were intra-national, trade policies would be neither
efficient nor an effective instrument. Instead, general policies that increase the incentives
of agents to undertake activities that generate social benefits exceeding private returns,
without simultaneously creating additional distortions, would be more appropriate. Trade
policy does little to encourage local R&D and necessarily leads to other distortions.
One set of trade policies that is often motivated on the basis of ITT are trade-
related investment measures (TRIMs). Examples are local content and technology
transfer requirements for foreign investors. TRIMs involve discrimination against imports
by creating incentives (in addition to import tariffs) to source inputs from domestic
producers. In the ITT context, a motivation for TRIMs is that foreign firms might be
expected to transfer knowledge to ensure that the local inputs purchased satisfy its
specifications. TRIMs act as an implicit tariff on intermediate goods imports because
manufacturers are forced to use higher-cost local inputs. They are inferior to tariffs in
welfare terms as no tariff revenue is generated. Moreover, they provide little or no
incentive for the protected producers of intermediate goods to acquire more knowledge.
Licensing and FDI-related policies
Historically, restrictive trade policies were often complemented by restrictions on FDI (in
part to prevent tariff-jumping investment). Thus, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan all imposed
restrictions on FDI at various points in time. However, policies were often more
welcoming toward other modes of ITT, including trade policies affecting machinery and
equipment, and licensing of foreign technology. More recently, national FDI policies
have generally become more liberal but policy might differentiate between joint ventures
and fully owned subsidiaries of multinationals. For example, China, among others, has
been more encouraging of joint ventures than inward FDI. Such a policy stance may be
an attempt to protect incumbent firms from competing with MNEs, or may reflect a
desire to maximize technology transfer to local agents. Studies indicate that technologies
transferred to wholly owned subsidiaries are of a newer vintage than licensed
technologies or those transferred to joint ventures (e.g., Mansfield and Romeo, 1980).
Thus, by forcing MNEs to license their technologies host countries might be lowering the
quality of technologies they receive as well as reducing the incentives to invest at all.
While the magnitude of ITT undertaken by MNEs need not be socially optimal,
considerable evidence exists that such firms are keen to transfer technology to their local
Policies that facilitate this process, as opposed to those insisting that MNEs
engage in ITT to local competitors, have a greater likelihood of being successful. In
practice, of course, many countries actively seek to attract foreign investors through up-
front subsidies, tax holidays, and other grants. For there to be a rationale for such
investment incentives host countries must enjoy positive externalities from inward FDI.
The prevalence of follow the leader behavior among MNEs provides another potential
case for FDI incentives. Given the oligopolistic nature of markets within which FDI
occurs, a new entrant may attract investments by both competitors and upstream
suppliers. If so, competition at multiple stages of production may increase, thereby
improving efficiency as well as overall output and employment. An implication is that a
host country may be able to unleash a sequence of investments by successfully inducing
FDI from one or two major firms.
More broadly, if the local economy lacks a well-developed network of potential
suppliers, MNEs might be hesitant to invest and local suppliers may not develop because
of lack of demand. In the presence of such interdependence, growth may be constrained
by a coordination problem that can partially be resolved by initiating investments from
key firms. Of course, such coordination problems cannot be tackled solely through
investment incentives. Policy efforts need to focus on improving the investment climate
and reducing the costs of absorbing technology. The latter task is complex and involves
building human capital and expanding national innovation systems. Thus, while there
may be a case for incentives, it is a conditional one. To be effective, the preconditions
relating to the investment climate and absorptive capacity must be satisfied.

General vs. specific domestic technology-related subsidy policies
A substantial share of R&D benefits may be local in nature, leading to a concentration of
innovative activity, often around academic research centers (Audretsch and Feldman,
1994). This may provide a case for specific R&D-related subsidies as well as support of
basic research and training to expand absorptive capacity in a country. Many studies
indicate that absorptive capacity in the host country is crucial for obtaining significant
spillover benefits from trade or FDI. Without adequate human capital or investments in
R&D, spillovers may simply be infeasible. The implication is that liberalization of trade

Moran (1998) discusses several case studies that document this process.
Care must also be taken in terms of the sectoral allocation of incentives. In particular, the case for
seeking to attract hi-tech investments is weak. Investment in simple activities (such as transportation and
other fundamental services) might have larger returns even if they do not result in large technology
spillovers. Industrialization can be subject to large coordination failures and investment in local
infrastructure can help resolve such failures, in the process improving the investment climate.
and open FDI policies need to be complemented by policies with respect to education,
R&D, and human capital accumulation for countries to take full advantage of ITT.
Of greatest relevance to the subject of ITT is the role that subsidies can play to
facilitate learning, technology acquisition, and dynamic comparative advantage where
returns to such activities cannot be appropriated by private agents and hence will not be
undertaken by any individual firm. Commentators such as Amsden (1989) argue that
policy interventions, including implicit or explicit subsidies, lay behind the economic
miracles in Korea and Taiwan. Their case is that carefully targeted subsidies allowed
these governments to stimulate key sectors that became efficient in their own right and
provided positive spillovers.
It is important to differentiate between sector-specific subsidies and general
policies facilitating learning and the development of enterprise. In a recent
comprehensive retrospective on the East Asian development experience, Noland and
Pack (2003) argue that sector-specific policies did not result in high rates of TFP growth
for manufacturing. In the case of countries such as Korea and Taiwan, TFP growth was
not much higher than in the OECD. In India, selective interventionist policies were
associated with declining TFP growth rates, while the opening of the economy led to an
increase in TFP growth rates (Krishna and Mitra, 1998).
The case for general policy supports for certain types of activity, including
innovation, education, transport infrastructure and similar public goods, is
uncontroversial. The same is true for policies aimed to promote socially beneficial
activities. Markets do fail and there may be good rationales for governments to provide
incentives for firms and agents to undertake activities that would otherwise be
undersupplied. An important example that has a direct bearing on the subject at hand is
the learning externality analyzed by Hausmann and Rodrik (2002). In that situation the
market undersupplies investment by firms in new (nontraditional) activities because of
appropriability problemsas soon as an entrepreneur is successful in identifying a
profitable new production opportunity, entry by imitators prevents recouping of costs. If
so, a subsidy or similar incentive can help expand innovation and risk taking.

The efficient use of support policies requires that governments are effective at
both identifying cases that justify intervention and at implementing these appropriately.
In practice, governments may fail at doing so and the policy problem is to assess the
relative sizes of government and market failure. Among the potential problems are that
subsidies can serve to support inefficiency; that firms may behave strategically (by under-
investing, for example) in order to win subsidies; and that subsidies can result in
corruption, bad corporate governance and rent-seeking behavior. The biggest challenge of
implementing subsidies is that they are difficult to control. Government needs to establish
an effective and credible exit strategy that weeds out successful efforts from unsuccessful
ones. The capabilities and autonomy of the State play a fundamental role in implementing
subsidy policies effectively.
IPRs and Technology Transfer
IPRs can support markets in technology, including ITT.
Absent IPRs firms would be
less willing to engage in technology transactions. Patents and trade secrets provide a legal
basis for revealing the proprietary characteristics of technologies to subsidiaries and
licensees, supporting the formation of licensing contracts.
Patent protection both
increases flows of ITT to countries with technological capacity and shifts incentives for
investors between FDI and licensing. The empirical literature suggests the following:
! Patent applications from foreign nations are strongly associated with productivity
growth in recipient countries (Eaton and Kortum, 1996). With the exception of the
United States, OECD countries obtain more than 50 percent of productivity growth
by importing technologies (patents). This proportion is higher for small economies.
Thus, trade in ideas is a major factor in world economic growth.
! Patent citations reflect knowledge flows across borders. While there is a limited
amount of diffusion overall, owing to distance, borders, and differences across

In many cases IPRs will not be an effective instrument to ensure that successful entrepreneurs obtain a
positive rate of return. Moreover, the objective here is to encourage economy-wide imitation of revealed
success through entry into new productive activities.
See Arora, Fosfuri, and Gambardella (2001) and Maskus (2000).
See Correa (2003) for a counter argument that strong IPRs may stifle ITT as firms exploit market power.
regions in technological specialization (Peri, 2003), the most significant patents are
widely diffused, as is knowledge in highly technological sectors. There is a strongly
positive impact of knowledge flows on international innovation.
! International trade flows, especially in patent-sensitive industries, respond positively
to increases in patent rights among middle-income and large developing countries. An
important reason is that these countries represent a competitive imitation threat with
weak IPRs and stronger patents expand the market for foreign exporters (Smith,
2001). However, trade flows to poor countries are not responsive to patent rights.
! The evidence on patents and inward FDI is mixed but recent studies uniformly find
positive impacts among middle-income and large developing countries. However, in
poor countries, patents do not expand FDI (Smith 2001; Blyde and Acea 2002).
! Strengthening IPRs shifts ITT from exports and FDI toward licensing and positively
affects knowledge inflows, measured as R&D expenditures undertaken on behalf of
affiliates. These findings apply only to recipient countries with strong imitative
abilities; the impact is zero in other countries (Smith 2001; Nicholson 2002).
! The sophistication of technologies transferred rises with the strength of IPR
protection and domestic capacities to absorb and improve technology, as foreign
firms become more willing to transact more advanced products and processes.
A common finding of the literature is that the poorest countries are unlikely to
benefit from strong IPRs (McCalman, 2001). Stronger patent rights may be expected to
raise considerably the rents earned by international firms as IPRs become more valuable,
obliging developing countries to pay more for the average inward flow of protected
technology. These are also countries where ITT-related spillovers are likely to be small at
best, given limited absorptive capacity. The implications are that in poor countries policy
should aim at lowering costs of imports of IPR-intensive goods and technology, and
raising the capacity to absorb and adapt technologies.

3. National Policies and International Cooperation: Issues and Options
Asymmetric information problems and externalities (fear of leakage) can significantly
reduce incentives for ITT, while market power created by IPRs will lead to pricing above
marginal cost. This suggests policy should aim at: (i) increasing access of local buyers to
the international stock of knowledge and increasing the ability of technology owners to
signal the true value of their inventions to buyers; (ii) reducing the cost of acquiring and
absorbing existing technologies; and (iii) increasing incentives for domestic innovation.
In what follows we discuss in turn possible policy options for host countries, source
countries, and international cooperation.

Host-Country Policies
A basic challenge for host developing countries is to improve the local environment for
ITT and its diffusion as well as the investment climate in general. Both FDI and licensing
respond to factors such as an effective infrastructure, transparency and stability in
government, and a reasonably open trade and investment regime. Also important is a
domestic entrepreneurial environment that attracts skilled workers who reside in
developed countries. Given that backward spillovers from ITT are strongest in countries
where MNEs are able to work with competitive suppliers in order to increase their
productivity, reducing entry barriers in supplier industries can also assist ITT.
An important determinant of the ability to absorb and adapt technology is the
return to investing in at least simple R&D capacity. To the extent that prevailing
technology policies, restrictions on capital markets, and tax policies lower this return or
discourage such investments, they could be reformed to encourage more innovation.
Similarly, absorption of ITT and its translation into greater competition depend on having
an adequate supply of engineering and management skills. In this regard, domestic
education and training policies are important. Governments can reduce the technological
distance between local and foreign firms by establishing national or regional innovation
systems that encourage local R&D, transfer knowledge from universities and public
laboratories to domestic firms, and promote use of telecommunications, e-commerce,
biotechnologies, and other cost-saving technologies.
Host-country governments also need to recognize, and perhaps reward, the risk-
taking involved in adoption of foreign technologies. More specifically, suppose domestic
firms are considering the costly adoption of some foreign technology but significant
uncertainty exists regarding the degree to which the technology can be adopted
effectively in the local environment. Under such a scenario, those firms that adopt the
technology first will generate positive spillovers for others who can `watch and learn
from their risky experiments. In the presence of such informational externalities, it may
be optimal for a host country to subsidize the adoption of foreign technologies or else no
one firm may be willing to bear the cost of technology adoption for fear of not making a
positive return on its investment.
At a general level, theory does not provide unambiguous guidance regarding the
relative social payoff to using (encouraging) alternative channels of ITT. As mentioned,
much depends on whether spillovers are international or intra-national, on the capacities
to absorb and adapt technologies, and other factors. A one size fits all approach to
policy will clearly be inappropriate. Consider, for example, the choice between licensing
and FDI from a host countrys viewpoint. If market structure is not competitive (as is
likely in markets where ITT occurs), the choice between licensing and FDI is not a
simple matter. Concerns about the market power of MNEs frequently miss the point that
the alternative to having them compete might be domestic incumbents with significant
market power. Such incumbents will generally possess technologies inferior to those of
MNEs. If there exists a strong domestic incumbent who can thwart further domestic
entry, limiting FDI and encouraging licensing of technology to that incumbent can
increase its market power vis--vis its weaker domestic rivals (Saggi, 1996). On the other
hand, suppose FDI were restricted but technology licensing were encouraged and all
domestic firms that wished to obtain a license could do so. Licensing might then be
preferable to FDI if the technology owner agrees to transfer the technology.
Given the limited guidance offered by theory, it is helpful to briefly revisit the
history of successful efforts to move up the technology ladder. Japan is a pre-eminent
example of a country that developed technological capacity rapidly. One reason for
Japans rapid growth and industrialization after World War II was that its patent system
was designed for both small-scale innovation and diffusion. The system encouraged
incremental and adaptive innovation by Japanese firms and promoted the diffusion of
knowledge, including foreign technologies, into the wider economy (Maskus, 2000).
Japan also encouraged foreign firms to license technologies to Japanese firms, in part
through restrictions on FDI. This system encouraged the filing of large numbers of utility
model applications for incremental innovations that were based partly on laid-open patent
applications. Statistically, utility model filings had a positive and significant impact on
Japanese TFP growth between 1969-93 (Maskus and McDaniel, 1999).
Korea is another technology follower that encouraged learning via duplicative
imitation of mature technologies that foreign firms had permitted to enter the public
domain or were willing to provide cheaply.
IPRs were weak and encouraged imitation
and adaptation. In the 1970s Korea specialized in labor-intensive goods at the end of the
product life cycle, with firms importing off the shelf technologies and adapting them to
produce slightly differentiated goods. Government essentially promoted the development
of technical skills through education and workplace training and ensuring the absence of
anti-export bias. In the 1980s, Korea shifted to creative imitation, involving more
significant transformation of imported technologies. This required domestic R&D and in-
house research capabilities to adapt technology. The government also became more
welcoming to formal channels of ITT and strengthened the IPR regime.
Brazil, Mexico, Malaysia, and the export-intensive regions of China and India are
other examples of movement from pure to creative imitation. In these cases, IPR
protection was initially limited and firms took advantage of available foreign
technologies. As the technological sophistication of production processes matured and
the depth and complexity of knowledge for effective absorption grew, firms increasingly
resorted to formal means of ITT and governments strengthened the IPR regime.
In a nutshell, the evidence suggests that the nature of ITT and appropriate policies
follow a technology ladder. Many middle-income developing countries are at the
duplicative imitation stage, hoping to absorb free or cheap foreign technologies into
labor-intensive export production and evolve higher value-added strategies over time.
The poorest countries have barely stepped onto this stage of the ladder. This suggests a
differentiated approach is needed for policy and multilateral rulemaking. Specifically, the
policy priorityboth national and foreignin poor countries with weak institutions and
limited R&D capacity is to improve the business environment, with liberal trade policies
to encourage imports of technology embodied in goods. Such countries should be exempt
from strong IPR obligations and have access to mechanisms to reduce the cost of imports

See Kim (2002) and Maskus (2000).
of IPR-protected goods. This could be achieved through either a direct subsidy or a
differential pricing scheme.
Given that absorptive capacity is weak in low-income countries, the emphasis
should be on using trade to benefit from foreign knowledge and acquiring technology
through FDI. Licensing is not a realistic option for LDCs given weak business
environments and absorptive capacity. In poor countries the need for (payoff to) FDI is
greater as the incentives for (and ability to benefit from) licensing or joint ventures are
lower. Indeed, this situation may provide a case for outward FDI investment incentives
by high-income countries as part of their development assistance. As discussed below,
rich countries can also do more to encourage temporary movement of people, both for
educational purposes and to provide access to work experience on a temporary basis.
As countries move up the income and technology ladder, they will gain more
from IPRs. These are necessary for licensing and will benefit home entrepreneurs and
innovators. There may still be a case for subsidizing the cost of acquiring foreign
knowledge through licensing. Based on the experience of Asian economies, developing
countries should adopt standards for patentability, novelty, and utility that are stricter
(i.e., they raise a higher bar to patenting) than those found in the United States and in EU
members. This is currently not constrained by TRIPS, which does not specify any of the
substantive criteria on the basis of which IPRs are awarded. Upper middle-income
countries should adopt the full TRIPs package and would benefit less from subsidy
schemes to lower the price of technology.

Source-Country Policies
Perhaps the most powerful indirect incentive for ITT that source countries could provide
is to grant significant market access for products in which poor countries have a
comparative advantage. The linkage between ITT and market access is to recognize the
role that market size and growth play in attracting trade and FDI, and the associated
incentives to invest in new technologies if export markets were more assured.
TRIPS Art. 66.2 imposes an obligation on developed economies to find means of
increasing ITT to the LDCs. This requirement should be extended to other developing
countries on a graduated basis. One option would be for governments in developed
countries to increase technical and financial assistance for improving the ability of poor
countries to absorb technology and engage in trade. Among key issues here would be
capacity building in IPRs and technical regulations and standards, establishing public and
public-private research facilities, and facilitating trade in technology-related services.
Fiscal incentives or subsidies for ITT should also be considered. It would be
difficult for OECD governments to envision fiscal incentives for transferring technology
without offering similar incentives to firms to locate in or provide technologies to lower-
income areas in their own countries. However, such discrimination typically works the
other way, in that no incentives are offered to firms to locate in developing countries.
Indeed, local and state governments often offer large tax incentives to induce firms to
establish facilities or to remain. One option is for central governments to offer identical
fiscal benefits to firms transferring technologies to developing countries as are available
for transfers to disadvantaged home regions. Developed countries could also offer the
same tax advantages for R&D performed abroad as for R&D done at home.
In designing such incentives for their firms, home countries should tailor
interventions towards those channels that are most appropriate for countries at different
stages of development. Given the forgoing arguments in favor of FDI over licensing in
low-income countries, for example, policies that aim to subsidize direct transfers of
technology through licensing may not be very beneficial to poor countries, no matter how
well intentioned. A better approach would be to ensure that incentives target (or
minimally do not discriminate against) outward FDI. Home countries should also
differentiate between countries in actions to lower the consumption cost of technology-
intensive imports through the promotion of differential pricing schemes, targeting
especially the poorest nations. While not a direct ITT policy, such price segmentation
would avoid undesirable reverse transfers from South to North through arbitrage.
Other options to increase incentives for outward flows of ITT include:
! Tax deductions for contributions of technology to non-profit entities engaged in ITT,
taking the form of grants, technical assistance, or mature patent rights.
! Fiscal incentives to encourage enterprises to employ, on a temporary basis, recent
science, engineering and management graduates from developing countries. Here
there are potential synergies with efforts to expand the temporary movement of
natural service suppliers under mode 4 of the GATS.
! Public resources, such as those from the National Science Foundation in the United
States, could be used to support research into the technology needs of developing
countries, including areas that would be of greatest productivity in poor countries for
social needs, such as water treatment, energy, and the environment. Technologies
developed under such programs could be made publicly available if transferred
through public resources.
! Universities could be encouraged to recruit and train students from LDCs in science,
technology, and management. Financial incentives that tap into development aid
funding for setting up degree programs through distance learning or even foreign
establishments may be particularly effective in this context.
! In addition to such incentive schemes, attention could also center on increasing
information flows. For example, in recognition of the role that technical standards
play in diffusing production and certification technologies, developed countries could
finance participation by experts from developing countries in their standards bodies.

Multilateral Cooperation: Options and Implications
Many of the above suggestions will come at a cost to source countries, weakening the
incentives to implement them. This provides a rationale for embedding commitments
along these lines in the WTO as part of a broader negotiating framework. Other proposed
actions may require safeguarding the ability of countries to pursue them, and therefore a
revisiting of existing rules or development of new rules. It is incontrovertible that certain
avenues that were used in the past to achieve industrialization have been narrowed as a
result of the WTO regime. The foregoing suggests there is a need for policy space to
encourage ITT. However, in general WTO rules do not constrain the types of policies
discussed above, while greater action by source countries to increase ITT is mostly part
of the development aid agenda. However, more can and should be done in the WTO.
As emphasized by Helleiner (2000), Finger (2002), and Sabel and Reddy (2002),
among others, given significant differences in circumstances, countries need the freedom
to experiment with domestic regulatory policies. This suggests that detailed international
harmonization of industrial policy interventions is inappropriate. However, as argued
below, multilateral monitoring and information exchange mechanisms can play a useful
role in preventing capture and helping to learn what constitutes effective policies. There
is a close connection between ITT discussions in the WTO and the concept of special and
differential treatment (SDT) of developing countries. The argument developed above that
needs (market failures) differ depending on the type of country suggests that ITT policies
should be differentiated. The same is arguably true of SDT more generally, although this
is resisted by many developing countries.
What follows discusses a number of key areas
where actions could be considered in the WTO to encourage ITT.
The WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (ASCM) divides
subsidies into three categories: (i) prohibited; (ii) actionable; and (iii) non-actionable.
R&D and related technology subsidies are non-actionable if they are not specific, or, if
specific, satisfy certain conditions laid out in Art. 8:2(a-c) ASCM. This article covers
assistance for research activities conducted by firms or by higher education or research
establishments on a contract basis with firms. Fundamental research, defined as an
enlargement of general scientific and technical knowledge not linked to industrial or
commercial objectives is not covered.
By incorporating the principle of R&D subsidy
freedom, the ASCM implicitly accepts locational competition between governments.
The provisions on non-actionability of R&D subsidies lapsed in 1999. Arguably
this should be reversed to ensure that developing countries are able to pursue these types
of policies. In defining what is permitted, scope should exist to adopt measures that can
be justified on the basis of externalities of the type identified by Hausmann and Rodrik
(2002), discussed above. This does not mean complete freedom or policy spacethere
is an important role for multilateral disciplines to help governments control subsidy
policies and enhance the credibility of exit mechanisms (graduation) and to prevent
capture. One approach would be to adopt monitoring and surveillance mechanisms in the

See Hoekman, Michalopoulos and Winters (2003) for a more extensive discussion of the need for and
options to move towards greater differentiation in SDT in the WTO.
A distinction is made between industrial research and pre-competitive development activity. For the
former the maximum amount of government participation is 75%; for the latter the maximum is 50%.
WTO that are aimed at increasing information on the effect and effectiveness of policies
that aim at encouraging innovation.

Temporary Movement of People and Labor Turnover
Learning by doing and subsequent labor turnover is an important channel of ITT. While
most of the attention in the (limited) literature has focused on labor turnover associated
with FDI, international movement of people has a potentially much larger role to play in
fostering ITT. In order to be most beneficial to developing countries, policies should
encourage temporary movement of people. The classic problem with movement of people
across borders is that this is often long-term and can give rise to a brain drain, in the
process being potentially negative for home country welfare. Such problems do not arise
if the movement is temporary, and returnees apply new skills and knowledge in the
domestic economy. Temporary movement is not a panaceareturnees need to be able to
apply their skills, which in turn depends importantly on the investment climate. However,
expanding the pool of people that have foreign professional experience could generate
pressure to implement needed improvements.
Negotiations over the temporary cross-border movement of people have already
been launched in the WTO. This is part of the services talks, as one mode of supplying
services is through the temporary movement of a service supplier (mode 4 of the GATS).
Although the focus of the GATS is limited to people providing services, the GATS
approach could be extended to apply to a category of personnel that relocate temporarily
in order to increase their human capital and acquire new skills (training services). In
effect, rather than regarding such temporary movements as a developing-country export
activity as is currently the case under GATS, movements could also be regarded as a
mechanism for host countries to export knowledge to developing countries. While it
may not be feasible or appropriate to incorporate this into the GATS, the mode 4
precedent might be used to negotiate a stand-alone arrangement under which developing
countries are granted additional temporary visa allocations for working in OECD
countries that is motivated by ITT objectives. This would also be an obvious way to
provide concrete SDT to developing countries.
The mechanics of how such a visa
allocation mechanism might work could be similar to the GATS visa regime that has
been suggested by a number of WTO members (Mattoo and Carzaniga, 2003).
Donor countries and organizations could also consider establishing special trust
funds for the training of scientific and technical personnel, for facilitating the transfer of
technologies that are particularly sensitive for the provision of public goods, and for
encouraging research in developing countries (Roffe, 2002). To the extent that data and
research results are made available at some cost, differential pricing schemes for
governments and institutions in poor countries could be encouraged. Efforts to encourage
research participation by scientists and engineers from developing countries could be
written into grant proposals. Marginal visa allocations could be aimed at students and
researchers from poor countries. More generally, developed countries could commit
themselves to help developing nations build capacity for improving educational and
scientific processes, including their ability to benefit from available international
information and the Internet.
Various possibilities might be pursued at the multilateral level, and space constraints
prevent a comprehensive discussion (see Maskus, 2003). First, the terms of TRIPS
Article 66.2 could be expanded to include all developing countries without a significant
domestic science and technology base and extensive university training. Second, a special
fee (tax) on patent applications could be considered (e.g., through the Patent Cooperation
Treaty), with revenues earmarked for improving IPR administrative systems in
developing countries. Poor countries have little incentive to fund IPR enforcement as the
primary beneficiaries are OECD firms. Third, given different interests of developing
countries regarding criteria for patentability, novelty, and utility, efforts towards
harmonization of criteria or tests should initially be limited to the regional level, through,
for example, regional examination offices that apply regional standards.

A proposal by the LDC Group in the WTO that they be given preferential access to a mode 4 quota as
part of the GATS negotiations goes in this direction.
Competition policy
Poor countries face major difficulties in developing the appropriate expertise for
developing and enforcing anti-monopoly laws. One way for governments in developing
countries to feel more confident about the system would be for authorities in the
developed countries to undertake enforcement actions against firms headquartered or
located in their jurisdictions. A committed effort on the part of developed countries to
prevent market-power abuses on developing country markets by their sellers of
technology can do much to achieve the goals of TRIPS Article 66.

Information Exchange and Multilateral Monitoring
To reduce problems of asymmetric information, international organizations such as the
WTO could serve as an intermediary conduit for knowledge about successful technology-
acquisition programs that have been undertaken by national and sub-national
governments in the past.
Many developing countries have little knowledge about the
structure of international ITT contracts: What are reasonable royalty rates? What sort of
conditions have sellers of technology been willing to accept? What types of contract
clauses have proved helpful in encouraging local technological development? Answers to
such important questions are available but their dissemination requires concerted efforts
on the part of the private as well as the public sector of developed countries. Privacy
concerns might be raised as an issue but these cannot be a major obstacle: past licensing
contracts that have already expired can hardly raise serious privacy concerns. Countries
that underwent rapid technological development can teach developing countries
important lessons if they are willing and able to tap the knowledge available in both
public and private sectors. Sharing of country experiences that does not utilize the
information available from the private sector can only be of limited use.
As mentioned, more emphasis on information exchange and mutual (multilateral)
monitoring would also be beneficial. This should focus on the effects of applied policies
in achieving objectives. Rather than regulate what countries may or may not do to
encourage ITT and innovation through substantive policy harmonization the aim would

Inventors might also transfer technologies under terms that monopolize output markets rather than
extracting rents on the transfer itself. This would provide an additional rationale for antitrust action.
Thus, it is well documented that the Japanese Ministry of Industry and Trade (MITI) played an active
role in encouraging ITT. However, practical details about the policies adopted are not readily available.
be to establish a broad framework that requires countries to engage in a regular exchange
of information and to consider assessments of their policies in attaining their stated
objectives. Sabel and Reddy (2002) provide a conceptual sketch of such a general
learning to learn framework that could be applied to the ITT arena.
Protecting and Expanding the Global Commons for Knowledge
Another proposal that has considerable potential to expand ITT to poor countries is to
negotiate a WTO Agreement on Access to Basic Science and Technology (ABST)
(Barton and Maskus, 2003). This would place into the public domain the results of
publicly funded research. The idea is to preserve and enhance the global commons in
science and technology without unduly restricting private rights in commercial
technologies. The agreement could cover either input liberalizationunder which
researchers from other countries could participate in, or compete with, local research
teams for grants and subsidies, possibly combined with increased opportunities for
temporary migration of scientific personnel and additional student visas; output
liberalizationunder which researchers in other countries would have access to
nationally generated science and data, including scientific databases, thus ensuring that
IPRs not limit access to basic scientific knowledge; or, full liberalization. The latter
would combine the first two, both expanding international flows of research contracts and
personnel and increasing global access to outcomes. In practice, it may be necessary to
adopt something like a GATS approach to the ABST, permitting governments to reserve
sensitive areas of technology and to designate different levels of commitment to open
access. Safeguards for security-related regulation would be required as well.

4. Concluding Remarks
ITT flows depend on many factors, including proximity to markets, size, growth,
competition conditions, human capital basis, governance, and infrastructure. Many of
these variables are affected by policy. Determining the optimal policy to maximize ITT is
difficult. Despite an abundance of research on the channels of ITT, there is still much
uncertainty regarding the extent of market failures and potential spillovers associated
with alternative channels of ITT, greatly complicating the identification of good policies.
That said, the forgoing analysis identified some rules of thumb for policy intervention
aimed at improving development outcomes, as well as a number of specific proposals.
We summarize the main policy implications of our analysis in Table 4,
distinguishing between low-income, lower middle-income and upper middle-income
countries. These categories are for illustrative purposes only. They are useful primarily in
distinguishing between the types of general policies that are most appropriate for
countries at different levels of development. We have argued that countries pursuing
relatively closed trade policies fail to achieve the benefits from technology implicit in
international trade. Given the considerable evidence that R&D-intensive capital goods
imports from high-income countries are associated with higher TFP in developing
economies, we argue for liberal trade policies for all types of countries. Spillovers from
technology-intensive imports exist at the aggregate, intra-industry, and inter-industry
levels. Exports to developed countries also are associated with higher domestic
productivity, largely because exporters need to deploy technologies that support
international quality levels and standards.
The literature on spillovers in developing countries from FDI is more mixed, with
evidence of vertical spillovers being the most compelling (Saggi, 2002). FDI is likely to
be particularly important for LDCs. The weak investment climates that prevail in many of
these countries may justify a temporary case for encouragement of FDI inflows to these
countries, although such incentives should avoid discrimination across sectors. We argue
also for improving the infrastructure and reducing entry barriers for local firms that could
be effective input suppliers for vertical MNEs.
While licensing is an important source of technical transformation, successful
transfer generally requires capacity to learn and adaptive investments by local firms to
apply technologies. Poor countries are most likely to achieve these gains by taking
advantage of mature technologies in the public domain or available cheaply. Thus, policy
could aim at improving information flows for domestic enterprises about such
technologies. A secondary priority in low-income nations could be programs to build
skills and R&D capacity. Middle-income countries in which firms have engineering skills
and active R&D programs are more likely to be the recipients of (and benefit from)
significant licensing flows. However, moving up the technology ladder requires
expanding inward flows of voluntary licensing and encouraging local R&D and
adaptation. To do this policy efforts could focus on reducing the costs of absorbing
technology and enhancing the direct flow of ITT. The upper-middle income economies
presumably require no active intervention in licensing, where technology markets may be
expected to operate effectively. Note that our analysis in no case supports extensive
government involvement in selecting technologies or placing restrictions on the use of
technical information.
For local economies to gain productivity from ITT, broader policy initiatives are
important. This is a complex task that involves building human capital, expanding
national innovation systems, and effectively protecting IPRs, which may be critical for
fostering innovation and supporting trade in knowledge. Economic reasoning and history
strongly indicates that IPR regimes should vary depending on levels of development and
technological capacities. In Table 4 we hint at this issue, though far more detail could be
Thus, low-income countries would find it advantageous to enforce basic
protection of trademarks, trade secrets, utility models, and industrial designs in order to
encourage both local small-scale innovation and inward FDI in labor-intensive
technologies. However, it is inadvisable to move beyond minimum TRIPS standards,
while requirements for patents, plant variety rights, and copyrights should be as pro-
competitive as possible. The LDCs may be expected to do relatively little in terms of
enforcing foreign patent rights in any case unless there are dedicated funding mechanisms
found for this purpose. There is a strong case for forbearance by OECD governments in
pursuing enforcement-related dispute settlement at the WTO. For their part, lower
middle-income countries should take advantage of TRIPS flexibilities while offering
somewhat wider scope of protection of IPRs.
We also list suggested host-country policies for temporary movement of persons
and general technology policies. Lower middle-income economies could gain from
investing in R&D support, especially as regards collaborations between public research
entities and private enterprises, as part of their innovation systems. Developing
economies at all levels have an interest in temporary movement of technical workers

World Bank (2001) offers extensive discussion.
abroad for education and training, while upper middle-income countries could see
growing two-way movements in skilled personnel.
The bottom half of Table 4 encapsulates policy recommendations for source
economies in the OECD looking to encourage ITT to poor countries. Fiscal incentives
may be an effective means for overcoming market failures in ITT. As regards FDI, such
incentives could be largest for the low-income countries and in any case at least equal to
those offered for activity in OECD countries. OECD governments could improve flows
of public-domain technologies with appropriate subsidies, while there is scope for
assisting the establishment of joint ventures. We also argue for establishment of extensive
price differentiation for exports of IPR products.
Many of the suggestions made in this paper can be implemented unilaterally.
However, some require action in the WTO, and many can be made more credible by
incorporating them into the WTO as specific commitments. One way this could be done
is as part of a new approach to SDT, as suggested by Hoekman, Michalopoulos and
Winters (2004). Alternatively the various ITT-related policy initiatives could be
embedded in a mix of existing WTO agreements (e.g., the ASCM, TRIPS) and new ones
(e.g., the ABST suggestion). Whatever path is chosen, effectiveness requires clear criteria
be used to differentiate between beneficiary countries. We have not been very explicit
about what such criteria might be beyond the broad income-based categories used above.
This is an issue that will have to be decided by WTO members. Our preference is for
broad, transparent categories to minimize transactions costs and uncertainty.
Another issue is whether the pro-active ITT measures we have suggested for
source countries to undertake should take the form of binding and enforceable
commitments under the WTO. In our view this would be inappropriate. A soft law
approach that establishes broad guidelines and relies on ensuring transparency and
accountability via regular multilateral monitoring of performance is likely to be a more
effective mechanism to increase cooperation and compliance with commitments. The
same is true with regard to allowing developing countries to pursue general technology-
related policies and to encourage the use of specific channels of ITT. However, in other
cases, such as the suggested implicit exemption on enforcement of TRIPS for low-
income countries, a change in the relevant WTO rules is needed. More generally, a good
case exists that WTO disciplines on trade liberalization and tariff binding should apply to
developing countries (Hoekman, Michalopoulos and Winters, 2004).

Table 4: A Rule-of-Thumb Typology and Examples of ITT Policies
Trade in goods FDI Trade in
IPRs Temporary
General technology
Own policies

Liberal access Inward investment
Improve information
flows about public
domain and mature
Basic protection and
minimum standards
Incentives for
education abroad
Basic education; improve
infrastructure; reduce entry
Lower middle
Liberal access Inward investment
Improve information;
limited incentives for
Wider scope of
protection; employ
Incentives for
education abroad and
R&D support policies; improve
public-private collaboration
Upper middle
Liberal access No active policy No active policy Full TRIPS Encourage two-way
R&D support policies

Subsidize public
good type imports
Incentives for
outward flows
exceeding those for
FDI to LMICs (see
Subsidize transfer of
public domain and
mature technologies
Forbearance in
disputes; differential
pricing for exports of
IPR products;
assistance in
competition policy
Preferential access;
subsidies for
education and
Support for public and public-
private research facilities;
incentives for universities to
accept DC students in STI
Lower middle
No controls Incentives that equal
those granted for
Assistance in
establishment of joint
venture partnerships;
matching grants
Differential pricing
of public good type
IPR protected goods;
assistance in
competition policy
Wider access for
education and
training and
Fiscal incentives for R&D
performed in developing
countries (DCs) and temporary
employment of DC scientific
personnel and engineers.
Upper middle
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type mobility
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