The document provides details about a hotel reservation system including:
1) Use cases and interactions for making, identifying, taking up, and canceling reservations.
2) Class diagrams showing entities like Customer, Hotel, RoomType, and Reservation.
3) Interface specifications for reservation management including getting hotel details, checking availability, and creating/claiming reservations.
4) OCL rules for modeling concepts like room availability and pricing.
The document provides details about a hotel reservation system including:
1) Use cases and interactions for making, identifying, taking up, and canceling reservations.
2) Class diagrams showing entities like Customer, Hotel, RoomType, and Reservation.
3) Interface specifications for reservation management including getting hotel details, checking availability, and creating/claiming reservations.
4) OCL rules for modeling concepts like room availability and pricing.
The document provides details about a hotel reservation system including:
1) Use cases and interactions for making, identifying, taking up, and canceling reservations.
2) Class diagrams showing entities like Customer, Hotel, RoomType, and Reservation.
3) Interface specifications for reservation management including getting hotel details, checking availability, and creating/claiming reservations.
4) OCL rules for modeling concepts like room availability and pricing.
The document provides details about a hotel reservation system including:
1) Use cases and interactions for making, identifying, taking up, and canceling reservations.
2) Class diagrams showing entities like Customer, Hotel, RoomType, and Reservation.
3) Interface specifications for reservation management including getting hotel details, checking availability, and creating/claiming reservations.
4) OCL rules for modeling concepts like room availability and pricing.
UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 Appendix A Case Study Details Business Process UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 2 Check availability Make reservation Take up reservation Cancel reservation Amend reservation Reservation maker System [suitable room] [else] Guest customer arrives/ cancel request/ amendment request/ Wait for event enquiry/ Process no show no show/ Confirm reservation Notify billing system Use cases UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 3 Reservation system ReservationMaker Guest BillingSystem ReservationAdministrator Cancel a reservation Make a reservation Update a reservation Take up a reservation Process no shows Add, amend, remove... Identify reservation <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> Name Make a reservation Initiator Reservation Maker Goal Reserve room(s) at a hotel Main success scenario 1. Reservation Maker asks to make a reservation 2. Reservation Maker selects in any order hotel, dates and room type 3. System provides price to Reservation Maker 4. Reservation Maker asks for reservation 5. Reservation Maker provides name and postcode (zip code) 6. Reservation Maker provides contact email address 7. System makes reservation and allocates tag to reservation 8. System reveals tag to Reservation Maker 9. System creates and sends confirmation by email Extensions 3. Room not available a) System offers alternatives b) Reservation Maker selects from alternatives 3b) Reservation Maker rejects alternatives a) Fail 4. Reservation Maker declines offer a) Fail 6. Customer already on file (based on name and postcode) a) Resume 7 UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 4 Name Take up reservation Initiator Guest Goal Claim a reservation and check in to the hotel Main success scenario 1. Guest arrives at hotel and claims a reservation 2. Include Identify Reservation 3. Guest confirms details of stay duration, room type 4. System allocates room 5. System notifies billing system that a stay is starting Extensions 3. Reservation not identified a) Fail Name Identify reservation Initiator included only Goal Identify an existing reservation Main success scenario 1. Actor provides reservation tag 2. System locates reservation Extensions 2. System cannot find a reservation with the given tag a) Actor provides name and post code b) System displays active reservations for that customer c) Actor selects the reservation d) Stop 2. The reservation tag refers to a reservation at a different hotel a2) Fail 2b) No active reservations at this hotel for this customer a) Fail UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 5 Business Concept Model Hotel Chain Hotel Clerk Room Bill Payment Reservation Customer Address 1 1..* 1 1..* 1..* 1 1 * * 0..1 0..1 0..1 1 1 * 1 1 0..1 * * allocation contactedHotel contactAddress RoomType 1 * 1 * UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 6 Business Type Diagram <<type>> RoomType name: String price(Date): Currency stayPrice(DateRange): Currency available(DateRange): Boolean <<core>> Customer name: String postCode: String email: String 1 <<core>> Hotel name: String <<type>> Room number: String <<type>> Reservation resRef: String dates: DateRange 1..* 1 1 * * 0..1 * allocation 1 * 1 1..* 1 * {Hotel::room.roomType = Hotel::roomType} {Reservation::hotel = Reservation::roomType.hotel} UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 7 context RoomType -- AVAILABILITY RULES -- a room is available if the number of rooms reserved on all dates -- in the range is less than the number of rooms available(dr) = dr.asSet->collect(d | reservation->select(r | r.allocation->isEmpty and r.dates.includes(d))->size)->max < room->size) -- can never have more reservations for a date than rooms (no overbooking) Date->forAll(d | reservation->select( r | not r.allocation->isEmpty and r.dates.includes(d))->size) <= room->size -- PRICING RULES -- the price of a room for a stay is the sum of the prices for the days in the stay stayPrice(dr) = dr.asSet->collect(d | price(d))->sum Structured Data Types (BTM) UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 8 <<data type>> DateRange start: Date end: Date asSet: Date [ ] includes(d: Date): Boolean {dr.includes(d) = d >= dr.start an d <= dr.end} {dr.asSet = Date->select(aDate | dr.includes(aDate)} <<data type>> Currency Interface Responsibility Diagram UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 9 <<type>> RoomType name: String price(Date): Currency stayPrice(DateRange): Currency available(DateRange): Boolean <<core>> Customer name: String postCode: String email: String 1 <<interface type>> IHotelMgt <<interface type>> ICustomerMgt * * <<core>> Hotel name: String <<type>> Room number: String <<type>> Reservation resRef: String dates: DateRange 1..* * * 0..1 * allocation 1 * 1..* 1 * Structured Data Types (Interface specs) UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 10 <<data type>> ReservationDetails hotel: HotelId dates: DateRange roomType: String <<data type>> HotelDetails id: HotelId name: String roomTypes: String [ ] <<data type>> CustomerDetails name: String postCode[0..1]: String email[0..1]: String <<data type>> CustId <<data type>> DateRange start: Date end: Date asSet: Date [ ] includes(d: Date): Boolean {dr.includes(d) = d >= dr.start an d <= dr.end} {dr.asSet = Date->select(aDate | dr.includes(aDate)} <<data type>> Currency <<data type>> HotelId System interfaces UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 11 Hotel id: HotelId name: String <<interface type>> IMakeReservation getHotelDetails (in match: String): HotelDetails [ ] getRoomInfo (in res: ReservationDetails, out availability: Boolean, out price: Currency) makeReservation (in res: ReservationDetails, in cus: CustomerDetails, out resRef: String): Integer Room RoomType name: String available(during: DateRange): Boolean Customer name: String postCode: String email: String Reservation resRef: String dates: DateRange claimed: Boolean * 1..* 1 1 1 1 0..1 * * * * * 1 allocation IMakeReservation::RoomType -- room types are not shared across hotels room.hotel->size=1 -- a room is available if the number of rooms reserved on all dates -- in the range is less than the number of rooms available(dr) = dr.asSet->collect(d | reservation->select(r | not r.claimed and r.dates.includes(d))->size)->max < room->size -- can never have more reservations for a date than rooms Date->forAll(d | reservation->select( r | not r.claimed and r.dates.includes(d))->size) <= room->size IMakeReservation::Reservation -- a reservation is claimed if it has a room allocated to it claimed = allocation->notEmpty -- the roomtype must be a room type of the hotel hotel = UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 12 getHotelDetails (in match: String): HotelDetails [ ] pre: true post: -- the result will only include hotels that are in the info model of this interface result->forAll(hd | hotel->exists(h | = and = and = hd.roomTypes) -- nb: matching algorithm not specified here IMakeReservation getRoomInfo (in res: ReservationDetails, out availability: Boolean, out price: Currency) pre: -- the hotel and room type specified are valid>includes(res.hotel) and>includes(res.roomType) post: Let rt =>select(x | = res.hotel and = res.roomType)->asSequence->first in (availability = rt.available(res.dateRange)) -- nb: price policy not specified here IMakeReservation UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 13 makeReservation (in res: ReservationDetails, in cus: CustomerDetails, out resRef: String): Integer pre: -- the hotel and room type specified are valid>includes(res.hotel) and>includes(res.roomType) post: result=0 implies -- a reservation was created -- note invariant on roomType governing max no of reservations Let h = hotel->select(x | = res.hotel)->asSequence->first in (h.reservation - h.reservation@pre)->size = 1 and Let r = (h.reservation - h.reservation@pre)->asSequence->first in r.resRef = resRef and r.dates = res.dateRange and = res.roomType and not r.claimed and = and cus.postCode->notEmpty implies cus.postCode = r.customer.postCode and>notEmpty implies = -- result=1 implies customer not found and unable to create -- result=2 implies more than one matching customer IMakeReservation Hotel id: HotelId <<interface type>> ITakeUpReservation getReservation (in resRef: String, out rd: ReservationDetails, out cus: CustomerDetails): Boolean beginStay (in resRef: String, out roomNumber: String): Boolean Room number: String RoomType name: String Customer name: String postCode: String email: String Reservation resRef: String dates: DateRange claimed: Boolean 1..* 1 1 1 1 0..1 * * * * * 1 allocation * UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 14 ITakeUpReservation::RoomType -- room types are not shared across hotels room.hotel->size=1 ITakeUpReservation::Reservation -- a reservation is claimed if it has a room allocated to it claimed = allocation->notEmpty -- the roomtype must be a room type of the hotel hotel = getReservation (in resRef: String, out rd: ReservationDetails, out cus: CustomerDetails): Boolean pre: post: result implies -- there is a reservation with this number reservation->exists (r | r.resRef = resRef) and Let res = reservation->select (r | r.resRef = resRef)->asSequence->first in -- and it hasnt been claimed already not res.claimed and -- and the returned details match that one rd.hotel = and rd.dateRange = res.dates and rd.roomType = and = and cus.postCode = res.customer.postCode and = ITakeUpReservation UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 15 beginStay (in resRef: String, out roomNumber: String): Boolean pre: -- resRef is valid reservation->exists (r | r.resRef = resRef) and -- not already claimed not reservation->exists (r | r.resRef = resRef and r.claimed) post: Let res = reservation->select (r | r.resRef = resRef)->asSequence->first in result implies -- the reservation is now claimed res.claimed and roomNumber = res.allocation.number -- nb room allocation policy not defined here ITakeUpReservation <<interface type>> IBilling openAccount (in res: ReservationDetails, in cus: CustomerDetails) UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 16 Business type interfaces <<interface type>> IHotelMgt getHotelDetails (in match: String): HotelDetails [ ] getRoomInfo (in res: ReservationDetails, out availability: Boolean, out price: Currency) makeReservation (in res: ReservationDetails, in cus: CustId, out resRef: String): Boolean getReservation(in resRef: String, out rd ReservationDetails, out cusId: CustId): Boolean beginStay (resRef: String , out roomNumber: String): Boolean Hotel id: HotelId name: String Room number: String RoomType name: String available(during: DateRange): Boolean price(on: Date): Currency stayPrice(for: DateRange): Currency Customer id: CustId Reservation resRef: String dates: DateRange claimed: Boolean * 1..* 1 1 1 1 0..1 * * * * * 1 allocation * UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 17 IHotelMgt::RoomType -- room types are not shared across hotels room.hotel->size=1 -- a room is available if the number of rooms reserved on all dates -- in the range is less than the number of rooms available(dr) = dr.asSet->collect(d | reservation->select(r | not r.claimed and r.dates.includes(d))->size)->max < room->size -- can never have more reservations for a date than rooms Date->forAll(d | reservation->select( r | not r.claimed and r.dates.includes(d))->size) <= room->size -- the price of a room for a stay is the sum of the prices for the days in the stay stayPrice(dr) = dr.asSet->collect(d | price(d))->sum IHotelMgt::Reservation -- a reservation is claimed if it has a room allocated to it claimed = allocation->notEmpty -- the roomtype must be a room type of the hotel hotel = getHotelDetails (in match: String): HotelDetails [ ] pre: true post: -- the result will only include hotels whose name matches result->collect (hd | = hotel->select(h |, match.size) = match)->collect (h | and result->forAll(hd | hotel->exists(h | = and = and = hd.roomTypes) IHotelMgt UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 18 IHotelMgt getRoomInfo (in res: ReservationDetails, out availability: Boolean, out price: Currency) pre: -- the hotel id and room type are valid hotel->exists(h | = res.hotel and>includes(res.roomType)) post: -- locate the requested RoomType of the requested Hotel Let rt =>select(x | = res.hotel and = res.roomType)->asSequence->first in -- return values reflect RoomType status (availability = rt.available(res.dateRange)) and (price = rt.stayPrice(res.dateRange)) IHotelMgt makeReservation (in res: ReservationDetails, in cus: CustId, out resRef: String): Boolean pre: -- the hotel id and room type are valid hotel->exists(h | = res.hotel and>includes(res.roomType)) post: result implies -- a reservation was created -- note invariant on roomType governing max no of reservations -- identify the hotel Let h = hotel->select(x | = res.hotel)->asSequence->first in -- only one more reservation now than before (h.reservation - h.reservation@pre)->size = 1 and -- identify the reservation Let r = (h.reservation - h.reservation@pre)->asSequence->first in -- return number is number of the new reservation r.resRef = resRef and -- other attributes match r.dates = res.dateRange and = res.roomType and not r.claimed and = cus UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 19 IHotelMgt getReservation(in resRef: String, out rd ReservationDetails, out cus: CustId): Boolean pre: true post: result implies -- there is a reservation with this number reservation->exists (r | r.resRef = resRef) and Let res = reservation->select (r | r.resRef = resRef)->asSequence->first in -- and it hasnt been claimed already not res.claimed and -- and the returned details match that one rd.hotel = and rd.dateRange = res.dates and rd.roomType = and cus = IHotelMgt beginStay (in resRef: String, out roomNumber: String): Boolean pre: -- resRef is valid reservation->exists (r | r.resRef = resRef) and -- not already claimed not reservation->exists (r | r.resRef = resRef and r.claimed) post: Let res = reservation->select (r | r.resRef = resRef)->asSequence->first in result implies -- the reservation is now claimed res.claimed and roomNumber = res.allocation.number -- nb room allocation policy not defined UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 20 <<interface type>> ICustomerMgt getCustomerMatching (in custD: CustomerDetails, out cusId: CustId): Integer createCustomer(in custD: CustomerDetails, out cusId: CustId): Boolean getCustomerDetails (in cus: CustId): CustomerDetails notifyCustomer (in cus: CustId, in msg: String) Customer id: CustId name: String postCode: String email: String * ICustomerMgt getCustomerMatching (in custD: CustomerDetails, out cusId: CustId): Integer pre: true post: -- determine the number of matching customers Let cSet = customer->select(c | = and (if custD.postCode->notEmpty then c.postCode = custD.postCode else true endif)) in (result=0 implies -- only one customer matches info supplied: the id returned will be that one! cSet->size = 1 and cusId = cSet->asSequence-> and (result=1 implies -- no customer found cSet->isEmpty) and (result=2 implies -- more than one match cSet->size > 1) UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 21 ICustomerMgt createCustomer (in custD: CustomerDetails, out cusId: CustId): Boolean pre: custD.postCode->notEmpty and>notEmpty post: result implies -- new customer (with name not previously known) created not customer@pre->exists(c | = and (customer - customer@pre)->size = 1 and Let c = (customer - customer@pre)->asSequence->first in = and c.postCode = custD.postCode and = and = cusId ICustomerMgt getCustomerDetails (in cus: CustId): CustomerDetails pre: -- cus is valid customer->exists(c | = cus) post: Let theCust = customer->select(c | = cus)->asSequence->first in = result.postCode = theCust.postCode = UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 22 ICustomerMgt notifyCustomer (in cus: CustId, in msg: String) pre: -- cus is valid customer->exists(c | = cus) post: -- cus has been notified by email using msg Component Architecture UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 23 <<comp spec>> HotelMgr IHotelMgt <<comp spec>> CustomerMgr ICustomerMgt <<comp spec>> BillingSystem IBilling <<comp spec>> Reservation System IMakeReservation ITakeUpReservation Component Specs UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 24 ReservationSystem <<comp spec>> Reservation System IMakeReservation IHotelMgt ICustomerMgt ITakeUpReservation IBilling ReservationSystem <<comp spec>> Reservation System <<interface type>> ICustomerMgt <<interface type>> IHotelMgt 1 {frozen} <<interface type>> IBilling 1 {frozen} 1 {frozen} UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 25 Constraints -- between offered interfaces IMakeReservation::hotel corresponds to ITakeUpReservation::hotel IMakeReservation::reservation corresponds to ITakeUpReservation:: reservation IMakeReservation::customer corresponds to ITakeUpReservation::customer -- between offered interfaces and used interfaces IMakeReservation::hotel corresponds to iHotelMgt.hotel IMakeReservation::reservation corresponds to iHotelMgt.reservation IMakeReservation::customer corresponds to iCustomerMgt.customer ReservationSystem /IMakeReservation:ReservationSystem 1:getHotelDetails(s) /IHotelMgt 1.1:getHotelDetails(s) /IMakeReservation:ReservationSystem 1:getRoomInfo (r, a, p) /IHotelMgt 1.1:getRoomInfo(r, a, p) ReservationSystem UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 26 /IMakeReservation:ReservationSystem 1:makeReservation (r, c, rr) /IHotelMgt 1.2:makeReservation(r,id,rr) /ICustomerMgt 1.1:getCustomerMatching(c, id) {result=0} 1.3:notifyCustomer(id, s) ReservationSystem {where s includes rr etc} /IMakeReservation:ReservationSystem 1:makeReservation (r, c, rr) /IHotelMgt 1.3:makeReservation(r,id,rr) /ICustomerMgt 1.1:getCustomerMatching(c, id) {result=1} 1.2:createCustomer(c, id) 1.4:notifyCustomer(id, s) ReservationSystem {where s includes rr etc} UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 27 1:getReservation(rr, rd. cd) /ITakeUpReservation:ReservationSystem /IHotelMgt 1.1:getReservation(rr, rd, c) ReservationSystem /ICustomerMgt 1.2:getCustomerDetails(c): cd /ITakeUpReservation:ReservationSystem /IHotelMgt 1.1:getReservation(rr, rd, c) 1.2:beginStay(rr, n) 1:beginStay(rr, n) /IBilling 1.4:openAccount(rd, cd) ReservationSystem /ICustomerMgt 1.3:getCustomerDetails(c): cd UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 28 BillingSystem <<comp spec>> BillingSystem IBilling CustomerMgr <<comp spec>> CustomerMgr ICustomerMgt UML Components (c) Addison Wesley 2000 29 HotelMgr <<comp spec>> HotelMgr IHotelMgt