Gravity, and How It Works Great Extinctions of the Past Great Inventions of the 20th Century Great Moments in Space Exploration Volcanic Eruptions, Earthquakes, and Tsunamis Weather, and How It Works By Randi Mehli ng Scientific American: Weather, and How It Works 2007 by Infobase Publishing Scientific American is a registered trademark of Scientific American, Inc. Its use is pursuant to a license with Scientific American, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. For information contact: Chelsea House An imprint of Infobase Publishing 132 West 31st Street New York, NY 10001 ISBN-10: 0-7910-9053-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-7910-9053-4 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Mehling, Randi. Weather, and how it works / Randi Mehling. p. cm. (Scientific American) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-7910-9053-1 1. WeatherJuvenile literature. I. Title. II. Series: Scientific American (Chelsea House Publishers) QC981.3.M49 2006 551.6dc22 2006014850 Chelsea House books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk quantities for businesses, associations, institutions, or sales promotions. Please call our Special Sales Department in New York at (212) 967-8800 or (800) 322-8755. You can find Chelsea House books on the World Wide Web at Series designed by Gilda Hannah Cover designed by Takeshi Takahashi Printed in the United States of America Bang GH 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 This book is printed on acid-free paper. All links and Web addresses were checked and verified to be correct at the time of publication. Because of the dynamic nature of the Web, some addresses and links may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. CHAPTER ONE Weather: You Like It or Not 7 CHAPTER TWO The Air We Breathe 16 CHAPTER THREE A Hot World Under Pressure 23 CHAPTER FOUR Its All About Water 32 CHAPTER FIVE Windy, Wild Weather 42 CHAPTER SIX How to Forecast the Weather 51 CHAPTER SEVEN Is Our Climate Changing? 59 Glossary 66 Bibliography 68 Further Exploration 69 Index 70 About the Author 72 Picture Credits 72 Contents I I I I I I I I Weather: You Like It or Not Weather: You Like It or Not Weather: You Like It or Not 7 cross the flat prairies of Kansas, lightning strikes the ground with a zigzag bolt of electricity. A few seconds later, thunder booms. Hailstones fall from the sky, cooling off this hot, humid summer day in mid-August. Some are as big as golf balls and dent cars upon impact. In the Florida Keys, it is hurricane season, and an 85-mile-per- hour (137-kilometer) wind tears off roofs, floods streets, and knocks down telephone poles. In January, a blinding blizzard in northern Michigan forces all transportation to a halt, dumping three feet of snow in some places. Winds pile up snowdrifts that cover most parked cars. Meanwhile, in the Southern Hemisphere, January is summer- time in Australia, and it is a sunny Saturday in the upper eight- ies. Thousands of people have flocked to the beach to enjoy the beautiful weather. What do all these scenes have in common? They describe the weather. Since the earliest of humankinds days on the planet, we have tried to make sense of the outdoor conditions of rain, sun, sleet, hail, wind, and snow. It seems as if the world goes crazy during hurricanes, tornados, and thunderous storms. There is no escaping the weatherit affects every aspect of our lives. CHAPTER ONE A I Hurricane winds have been known to rip coconuts off palm trees and send them flying through the air at high speeds. Thats another reason to stay inside during a hurricane! Every living creature on Earth depends upon the weather for its survival. Farmers depend upon rain to grow the food we eat. Schools close when it snows a lot, and planes cannot depart with ice on their wings. Without water from rain and snow, life would not exist on the planet. Sailboats use wind to travel around the world. We even choose which clothes to wear based on the weather. It is no wonder the most common conversation between two people, in any country and in any language, is about the weather and what it might do next. Weather happens, whether we want it to or not. It is com- pletely uncontrollable and often takes us by surprise. Do you know of anyone who can stand outside and tell a thunderstorm to stop raining or redirect the wind to blow somewhere else? Because it is so vital to our everyday life, people have always tried to understand and predict the weather. By knowing the weather ahead of time, we can better prepare for it. We carry an 8 Weather, and How It Works Pinecones have traditionally been used to forecast the weather. Their shape changes depending on the moisture in the air. They open up in dry weather and close in damp weather. The petals of the morning glory flower act in a similar way. It has been observed that the flower shuts its petals before rain and bad weather and opens its petals for fine weather. Scientific evidence has proved that these are indeed reli- able and useful weather indicators. If morning glory flowers open their petals, it will most likely be a sunny day. Weather: You Like It or Not 9 umbrella when rain is forecast. We postpone a trip if a major storm is brewing. Farmers might plant extra rows of crops in anticipation of a wet growing season. Sailors might travel a dif- ferent route to avoid a storm or to take advantage of strong sail- ing winds. Nature Forecasts the Weather The first humans did not have thermometers, weather satellites, The Weather Channel, or the Internet. Instead, the first weather forecaster on the planet was nature. People observed the world CAN PINECONES PREDICT THE WEATHER? around them and noticed that nature provided many clues about the weather. Plants and animals behaved differently before certain weather events and so informed us of what type of weather to expect. People predicted the weather based on these signs from nature but never with 100% accuracy. Howev- er, these natural patterns occurred often enough for people to believe in them. Passed along from generation to generation, these signs of weather eventually become known as weather folklorewell- known sayings that people use all the time to forecast the weather. There are literally hundreds of these weather predic- tions based on nature. Weather folklore relies on patterns ob- served over a long time, not scientific measurement. However, it is very interesting to note that scientific methods have proved that many of these natural forecasts are true. The weather is about as easy to predict as giving your cat a bubble bath. Even today, with high-tech science, we cannot pre- dict the weather with complete accuracy. Many people all over the world choose to combine modern scientific technology with the signs that nature provides to give them the best possible weather forecast. Ancient Ideas About Weather Archaeologists, who study ancient civilizations, tell us that the people from those timesmore than 4,000 or 5,000 years ago believed gods were responsible for the whims of weather. A dif- ferent god was in control of a particular aspect of the weather, such as rain, wind, or thunder. Weather does seem magical. It is always changing, and we know it is uncontrollable. Weather helps us sometimes, and other times it causes us tremendous harm. For instance, rain helps to nourish fruits, vegetables, and grains. It provides us with water to drink. Yet, other times rain has the power to devastate. It can be accompanied by lightning, which can strike and kill a person. Rain can cause flash floods, which can wash out an entire town. 10 Weather, and How It Works Many indigenous people in the United States and throughout the world perform rain ceremonies. In these ceremonies, people of all ages participate in songs, dances, rituals, and prayers, just as their ancestors did hundreds or even thousands of years ago. In order to explain these positive and negative experiences of nature, ancient cultures and civilizations intertwined religion with the weather. Most thought supreme beings (in the forms of gods and goddesses) had the power of life and death over them and lived in fear of offending the gods. An angry god might cre- ate a long-lasting drought, causing crops to die. People and ani- mals would go thirsty and hungry; many would die. These civilizations created many rituals in which ceremonial offerings were made to please the gods. Grains and jewelry were offered, and it was common to sacrifice animals and even, some- times, humans. In exchange for the peoples devotion to their gods, it was believed that they would be rewarded with bounti- ful crops and prosperity. Weather: You Like It or Not 11 The thunderbird is a very important mythical figure in Native American cultures. Living high in the mountains, the thunderbird flaps its wings, making the sky shake with thunder. When the thunderbird blinks or looks down, lightning shoots out of its eyes and hits the ground. Tribes in the Pacific Northwest have a thunderbird to protect them and often carve its figure on the top of totem poles. Animals, figures, and shapes are carved in a specific order on totem poles, which can be more than 40 feet (12 m) high. The designs shown on the totem pole above tell stories or legends about the Indians who lived around Vancouver, Canada. Gods of Thunder and Sky The Incas worshipped many gods and goddesses. Each one was connected to a type of weather. For instance, the Incas prayed to their rain god Apu Illapu when they needed rain. They believed he drew water from the Milky Way and then poured it down on Earth as rain. Even in modern times, there are still many Inca descendants living in Peru who worship the original Inca gods. 12 Weather, and How It Works THE THUNDERBIRD The ancient Maya believed gods controlled the natural ele- ments of water, wind, fire, and earth. Chac is a benevolent Maya rain god who, as the legend goes, had a frog orchestra (because frogs are thought to be calling the rain when they croak). Today, modern ancestors of the Maya, the people of Yucatn, Mexico, still refer to Chac when they want it to rain. In Norse mythology, Thor is the god of thunder and sky. Leg- end tells how he chased away the frost. The rolling wheels of Thors chariot rumbled like thunder, and he hurled his mighty hammer like a lightning bolt at the frost giants. Thor is cred- ited with the return of warm spring rains to the land. Revealing the Mystery Behind Weather The Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote a book around 340 B.C. called Meteorologica. In it, he explained his ideas on such weather- related topics as clouds, wind, lightning, snow, and climate change from a philosophical, not a scientific, point of view. Interestingly, Aristotles ideas on these natural forces and their relationships to each other were thought to be true for about 2,000 years. Toward the end of the sixteenth century, scientific instru- ments that could measure characteristics of the weather were invented. Because of this new scientific data, the majority of Aristotles ideas were disproved. However, some of Aristotles conclusions were proved correct, perhaps showing us that the best scientific tool is an observant, analytical mind. Today we use the word meteorology to describe the science of weather and weather forecasting. Several important achievements occurred during the scientific revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. These dis- coveries shaped our knowledge of meteorology and continue to help us understand the weather even today in the twenty-first cen- tury. Italian architect Leon Battista Alberti invented the first mechanical wind vane in 1450. This gave us the ability to tell the direction of the wind. Galileo Galilei invented the thermometer Weather: You Like It or Not 13 14 Weather, and How It Works Evangelista Torricelli built the first mercury barometer in 1644. Also known as Torricellis Tube, this invention allowed scientists to measure the pressure of the atmosphere. around 1593, allowing the measurement of temperatures. Evange- lista Torricellis barometer was invented in 1643 and measured the weight of airalso known as air pressure. Because of these scientific inventions, we now know that changes in temperature and air pressure create the wind that powers our weather. Instruments that measured meteorological data continued to develop during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Scien- tists soon learned that different locations around the world experienced different types of weather conditions. Yet a scientist in Italy had to wait weeks or possibly months to get news of weather in the United States. Even within the United States, it took a long time to share this exciting weather information. The widespread use of the telegraph by 1843 changed that. No matter where researchers were living, the weather happening right then and there was recorded and transmitted to a central location. The telegraph allowed scientists to create the first weather maps of the entire world. For the first time, scientists could track how the weather on one side of the world affected weather around the globe. Today, meteorological scientists know that weather is a mix- ture of the air we breathe, the Suns energy, the rotation of Earth, and the movement of water and wind. Technologies such as Doppler radar and satellites assist meteorologists as they con- tinue to unravel the deep mysteries of the weather. Weather: You Like It or Not 15 Thomas Jefferson, the main author of the Declaration of Indepen- dence and the third U. S. president, was also one of our nations first weathermen. For more than 40 years, Jefferson maintained an almost unbroken record of weather observations. He did this wherever he was in the United States as well as on visits to France. Today, more than 11,000 volunteer weather observers send local weather informa- tion to the National Weather Service as part of the Cooperative Observer Program. FOUNDING FATHER OR WEATHERMAN? The Air We Breathe The Air We Breathe ake a deep breath. The air you breathe makes up the weath- er. The term weather describes what the air is doing in any particular time and place. For instance, the air can be warm, cold, wet, dry, calm, or windy, depending upon where you are in the world. The climate describes the typical weather of a geographic area on Earth. For example, the climate in Antarctica is very cold, whereas in the tropics, such as Tahiti, the climate is very hot. We know these climates are typical because the weather patterns there have not changed for a long, long time. Climate can be very different, even if two regions are close in distance. It could be snowing on top of a mountain, and in the valley below it could be raining. We feel the sensation of the air on our skin each day and choose our clothes to either stay warm or cool. However, where does air come from? We know we need oxygen to breathe, but what else is air made of? Lets begin at the beginningthe birth of our planet. 16 Weather, and How It Works CHAPTER TWO I T As viewed from space, a protective layer of atmosphere surrounds our planet Earth. Its a Gas About 4.5 billion years ago, the planets in the solar system formed from the dust and gas that surrounded the Sun. The two most abundant elements in the universe are helium and hydro- gen. These gases cloaked the newly formed planets like a protec- tive blanket. This is called an atmosphere. However, Earths gravity was not strong enough to hold onto this new atmos- phere, and these gases floated back into space. The other plan- ets that orbited close to the SunVenus, Mars, and Mercury could not retain their atmospheres either. Then something amazing happened on Earth. Our planet cre- ated its own atmosphere. At its center, Earth was extremely hot and unstable. All over the world, gigantic volcanic eruptions ripped through the surface of the planet, bringing elements from its core to the surface. Water, carbon dioxide, methane, sul- The Air We Breathe 17 This specially-photographed image shows pollution over New York City. Scientists have linked increases in childhood asthma to air pollution. 18 Weather, and How It Works fur, and nitrogen filled the empty space around Earth. This time the atmosphere stayed put. Earths gravity was strong enough to hold these gases to the planet. Our air was born. There was just one thing missing: oxygen. Nothing alive today would be able to breathe this toxic brew of steam, sulfurous clouds, and carbon dioxide. The whole world probably smelled like a rotten egg (which releases sulfur). Luckily, life did evolve under these circumstances. About one billion years ago, plants began to photosynthesize. They released oxygen into the atmosphere. Ozone (three oxygen atoms) formed from oxygen gas (two oxygen atoms) and floated about 10 to 20 miles up in the sky. This ozone layer absorbed the intense ultraviolet (UV) rays from the Sun, protecting the plant life. Plants flourished, and more oxygen went into the atmosphere surrounding the planet. Eventually there was enough oxygen to support oxygen-breathing animals such as dinosaurs and mam- mals, including humans. The Protective ShieldOur Atmosphere The main ingredient in our air is nitrogen (about 78%). Oxygen makes up the next biggest portion, forming about 21%. The remaining 1% of our atmosphere contains trace amounts of other gases, including carbon dioxide, hydrogen, argon, helium, neon, krypton, xenon, and water vaporwater in its gaseous form. These gases constantly mix and swirl together to form our air, which sustains all life on Earth. The atmosphere is made up of The Air We Breathe 19 Tie a piece of string in the middle of a stick so that it balances when you hold the string. Tie an empty balloon to each end of the stick. The two balloons should balance evenly. Now, untie one balloon and blow air into it. Tie the blown-up balloon back onto one end of the stick. The end with the blown-up balloon should dip downward. The bal- loon filled with air is heavier than the empty one. TESTING THE WEIGHT OF AIR five layers, like blankets piled on top of each other. The blanket closest to Earth is the heaviest and contains the most air. As you move higher into the sky, the blankets get lighter and lighter. This is because the higher you go, the less air there is. The layers act like a protective shield. They maintain a com- fortable temperature on Earth. Without an atmosphere, we would be burnt to a crisp by the powerful heat of the Sun dur- ing the day or freeze to death during the cold night. Ozone, carbon dioxide, and water make up only a tiny portion of our air, less than 1%. However, they have very important jobs: 20 Weather, and How It Works The Sun is the largest object in the solar sys- tem. More than one million Earths can fit inside the Sun. The Sun is approxi- mately 4.5 billion years old and is roughly half way through its life- span, estimated at 10 billion years. Scientists predict that in about 4 to 5 billion years, the Sun will begin to run out of its hydrogen fuel and swell up to 100 times its present size. When the Sun expands, scientists theorize that the inner planets, including Earth, will be engulfed and destroyed. SUNNY FACTS Even though the Sun is 93 million miles (150 million km) from Earth, it powers our world with infrared light. This ener- gy is absorbed in the troposphere and provides us with most of our heat. they all protect life on Earth. The ozone layer in our atmosphere acts like a filter. It blocks the Suns harmful UV rays 20 miles (32 km) above our heads. Without the ozone layer to protect us, the UV rays would be too intense for life to survive. Carbon dioxide provides food for plant photosynthesis. Water, with assistance from the Sun, provides us with all the different types of weath- er we have here on Earth, such as clouds, rain, and snow. Layers of the Atmosphere Remember that the layers of the atmosphere are held around the planet by the force of gravity. The layer of air closest to the ground is called the troposphere. It extends about 7 miles (11 km) up from the ground. All weather happens in this layer because it contains most of the water vapor in the air. Most clouds form in this layer. In general, as you move higher into the sky, each layer of the atmosphere gets progressively colder. This is because Earth absorbs the heat from the Sun faster than the air does. It makes sense that the troposphere is the warmest layer of the atmos- phere. It is the layer closest to Earth. The higher you go in the sky, or the greater your altitude, the colder it gets. The second layer of air above Earths surface is the strato- sphere, which extends from about 7 to 31 miles (1150 km) in the sky. Ozone is found in the stratosphere. Because ozone absorbs high-energy UV rays from the Sun, this layer is actually warmer than the troposphere. The presence of ozone creates a The Air We Breathe 21 Many universities and private research facilities contribute to the sci- ence of meteorology. In 1949, for example, a meteorologist named Duncan Blanchard worked for the General Electric Research Labor- atory in New York. He discovered how to photograph raindrops and showed that they are not shaped like tears after all. In fact, small rain- drops are round, and large ones are shaped like hamburger buns. RAINDROP PHOTOGRAPHY special exception to the rule that it gets colder as you move higher into the sky. The mesosphere is the third layer of atmosphere above the ground. The air here is very cold, and temperatures can average 100F (73C). The altitude of this layer is between about 31 and 50 miles (50 and 80 km) up in the sky. The higher you trav- el, the less air there is. Scientists say the air thins as you travel up toward space. The fourth and fifth layers of the atmosphere are found at very high altitudes. The thermosphere is about 50 miles (80 km) above Earth. Astronauts and space shuttles travel in this layer of the atmosphere. Once you are up beyond 300 miles (480 km), you are in the fifth layer, the exosphere. Weather satellites are located in this layer. The upper limit of Earths atmosphere is about 6,200 miles (10,000 km) in the sky. At this point, there is hardly any air left. What little air remains in the exosphere layer escapes Earths gravity and floats into space. 22 Weather, and How It Works Clouds form in the troposphere, where airlines fly. A balloon floats above in the stratosphere; meteor showers (lower center) occur in the mesosphere. The space shuttle and aurora lights are above in the thermosphere. Different kinds of electromagnetic radiation (left to right) penetrate the atmosphere: gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet rays, a rainbow of visible light, and radiowaves. he gases that make up our air are constantly moving, mixing, and churning in every direction, like soup simmering in a pot. They get their energy from the Sun. Sunlight warms the tem- perature of the air above Earth and sets these gases in motion. However, there is more to the story. Earth rotates every 24 hours on its axis. This spinning of the planet also contributes greatly to the movement of air. The movements of air create all the different types of weather we know, including wind, rain, and sunny days. Lets explore how air moves. Gravity Keeps Us Grounded Gravity is the force that pulls everything toward the ground. Humans, dogs, trees, buildings, clouds, and the gases in our atmosphere are all held to the earth because of gravity. Without this invisible hold on us, we would be weightless and drift above the ground. The planet would have no atmosphere because the gases would just drift out to space. Gravity gives everything a certain weight. The weight of your body puts pressure on loose dirt and leaves a footprint. The A Hot World Under Pressure 23 A Hot World Under Pressure A Hot World Under Pressure CHAPTER THREE I T 24 Weather, and How It Works more you weigh, the more you push on the ground and the deeper the footprint you leave. Air also presses down on Earths surface because it has a cer- tain weight. Its weight is known as air pressure. Air pressure is always changing. It weighs more in some geographic areas, called high-pressure regions, and less in other places, called low-pressure regions. A barometer is one tool used to measure the weight of air. Air travels like water in a river. It naturally flows from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. The difference between high- and low-pressure areas is one of the main rea- sons we have any weather at all. Still, how exactly does air put pressure on us? The Highs and Lows of Pressure Although we are not aware of it, the gases in our atmosphere are made of trillions of molecules bouncing around, bumping and pushing into each other. For example, oxygen is a molecule. Nitrogen is a molecule. Carbon dioxide is a molecule. These air molecules are constantly moving up, down, sideways, and diag- onallylike ping-pong balls in a clothes dryer. If you were an air molecule, you might feel like you were being pelted with snowballs your whole life. Each time another molecule crashed into you, you would feel its impact on your body. Scientists gauge the pressure of air by measuring the num- ber of these impacts. Take the balloon that was full of air from the experiment you did in Chapter Two. When you filled the balloon with air, the increasing air pressure expanded the sides of the balloon. The air pressure inside it is high. Now, untie the balloon, and let the air out. What happens? The air immediately flows from inside the balloon to outside the balloon, where the air pressure is lower. TESTING AIR FLOW Wind turbines harness the power of the wind instead of fossil fuels to gen- erate electricity. A wind farm is a bunch of wind turbines in one location. A Hot World Under Pressure 25 26 Weather, and How It Works A barometer measures changes in atmospheric pressure and is used to forecast the weather. The more air there is, the more air weighs, just as the more of you there is, the more you weigh. The more air weighs, the more impacts there are. This all means higher air pressure. Less air means there will be less frequent impacts. Therefore, the air pressure is lower since the air weighs less. Air pressure is the weight of all the air molecules pushing down on the ground. Let us now see how we can personally tell how much air weighs, without using any scientific instruments or training. The Weight of the World The weight of air is the heaviest at the surface of our planet because most of our air is located there. Scientists measure the weight of air on the surface at 14.7 pounds (6.7 kg) per square Mount Everest rises more than 29,000 feet (8,849 m) above sea level. The farther away you are from sea level, the less air there is. At the top there is only one third of the amount of oxygen found at its base, so most climbers need an extra supply of oxygen to reach the summit. inch. This means that the amount of air molecules pressing down on one square inch weighs 14.7 pounds. It is like an invis- ible hand pressing down on everything and everyone. You dont notice this pressure until you move to a higher alti- tude. Air pressure becomes lighter and lighter the higher you go because air thinsthere are fewer air moleculesas the altitude increases. If you hike up to the top of a mountain, there is less air there than on the ground. This includes oxygen, a major part of air. So, the higher you climb, the harder it is to breathe. At 18,000 feet (5,486 m) above the ground, there is much less air pushing down. Because there is less air pushing down, there A Hot World Under Pressure 27 28 Weather, and How It Works In 1714, Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit improved upon Galileos earlier design (a water thermometer) by constructing a mercury thermometer. The Fahren- heit scale was the first reli- able way of measuring temperature.Water freezes just below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, it melts just above 32 degrees, and it boils at 212 degrees. Here in the United States, we still measure temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. How- ever, the worldwide scien- tific community uses the Celsius scale to measure temperature. In 1742, the Swedish astronomer Anders Cel- sius proposed a new scale for thermometers. Anoth- er scientist named Jean- Pierre Christin made addi- tional improvements to the Celsius scale in 1743. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius, and it boils at 100 degrees Celsius. CONVERSION OF FAHRENHEIT AND CELSIUS To convert from F (degrees Fahrenheit) to C (degrees Celsius): Take the temperature in Fahrenheit, and subtract 32 from it. Then, multiply that number by 5 and divide it by 9. To convert from C to F: Take the temperature in Celsius and multi- ply it by 9. Then, divide that number by 5 and add 32 to it. In 1742, Anders Celsius was credited with inventing the Celsius temperature scale, which measures the freezing point of water at 0 and its boiling point at 100. On the Fahrenheit tem- perature scale, water freezes at 32 and boils at 212. MR. FAHRENHEIT AND MR. CELSIUS A Hot World Under Pressure 29 is less weight, or air pressure, as well. The air at this altitude is measured at 7.3 pounds (3.3 kg) per square inch. That is almost half the weight of air measured at the surface! At this altitude, about half of all our atmospheres air molecules are below you and about half are above you. Mountain climbers can feel light- headed, dizzy, and nauseous at these high altitudes. They often wear masks connected to oxygen tanks to help them breathe. This allows them to avoid the symptoms of what is known as alti- tude sickness. As you fly up through the five layers of the atmosphere, the air pressure eventually becomes zero. There is no longer any air left to exert any downward pressure. The Sun Moves the Air How air moves is a whole other story. Weather is created by changes in air pressure and temperature. The temperature gets the whole process started. Earth takes 365 1 4 daysone yearto orbit the Sun. Because Earth is tilted during its orbit, each area receives different amounts of the Suns energy at different times of the year. This is why we have seasons. 30 Weather, and How It Works The Suns rays go through the atmosphere and hit Earths sur- face. This energy heats the land and the oceans. As the surface warms up, heat rises and warms the air right above the surface. The hotter the air gets, the faster the molecules bounce around. The faster the warming air moves, the more its air pressure increases. As the air along the ground warms from the Sun, the air above it remains cool. This cooler air also moves more slowly than warm air. Because the cold air is found higher in the sky than warm air, and because it moves more slowly than warm air, cool- er air has a lower air pressure than warmer air. Since air flows from high to low pressure, the warm air rises toward the cold air. Warm air is lighter than cold air. Like a bal- loon, it rises higher and higher. Warm air gets colder as it rises. At the same time, cold air sinks because it is heavier than warm air. As it sinks closer to the ground, the cold air begins to warm up. Directly above the ground the cold air is now com- pletely warmed by the heat of Earths surface. It begins to rise toward the cooler air. The air continues to trade places in an endless cycle of circulation around the whole world. Balancing Act Yet, Earth does not heat up evenly. Some areas of the world, like the tropics (near the equator), are much hotter all year round than, say, the extremely cold areas near the North and South Earths position in relation to the Sun is always changing. The planet spins around its axis, an imaginary line that runs between the North and South Poles. One complete spin takes 24 hours. This is why half of Earth is lit and warm (daytime), while the other half faces away from the Sun (nighttime). At the North Pole the Sun doesnt set at all in the weeks surrounding June 21 (the Summer Solstice), whereas the South Pole lies in continual darkness. The reverse is true in the weeks sur- rounding the Winter Solstice (December 21). NIGHT AND DAY poles. Because Earth rotates, the warm air and the cold air are stirred up. This continuous movement of warm and cold air is like a giant fan. It transfers heat from hot areas of the world to cold areas. This worldwide air circulation helps Earth keep its temperature in balance. However, there are vast temperature differences between the equator and the North and South poles. Air circulation cannot balance these extreme temperatures. It never completely cools down in the tropics, and the poles never warm up. Therefore, the tropics always have a surplus of heat, and the poles always have a surplus of cold. These temperature differences between the equator and the North and South poles are the reason we have weather. They are the reason the air in the atmosphere will always be flowing from high to low pressure. The hot air over the equator rises toward the poles, replacing the cooler polar air. This cooler air sinks toward the ground, flowing toward the equator. In doing so, these air movementsalso known as windshelp create the worlds weather. A Hot World Under Pressure 31 32 Weather, and How It Works loods, thunderstorms, clouds, rivers, lakes, swimming pools, snowballs, puddles, baths, ice cubes, and hot tea. What do they all have in common? Water. Water takes up less than 1% of the atmosphere. Yet, without water, nothing could live on the planet. If water did not exist, there would be no swimming, fishing, or snowboarding. Plus, regular bathing would be difficult. The Water Cycle Oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams cover about 70% of Earth. The amount of water on Earth is finitethe amount never changes. However, the amount of water on Earth is always being recycled and changing what it looks like. Water can take on three different forms, depending on how hot or cold it is. When the temperature is above 32F (0C), water is a liquid. When it is colder than 32F, water becomes block ice. When you boil liquid water, it becomes a gas called water vapor. This is also called steam. As it changes through each of its three forms, water moves up into the sky and back down to the ground in a never-ending cycle called the water cycle. It is also known as the hydrologic cycle. Hydro means water. It's All About Water It's All About Water CHAPTER FOUR I F Its All About Water 33 Water is redistributed in a continuous cycle: evaporating from the ocean and the land and falling as precipitation; and flowing from the land to the ocean in rivers and streams. Evaporation and Condensation It takes a lot of energy to constantly change from a gas to a liq- uid to a solid. Sunshine provides this energy. The Suns rays heat the oceans, lakes, and other bodies of water on the surface. As the water heats up, the liquid water becomes warm water vapor and forms part of the air. This process is called evaporation. We know how warm air movesit rises into the sky. The amount of water vapor in the air is called humidity. Without knowing it, we are surrounded by water all the time in the air we breathe. As the warm air rises, it begins to cool off the higher it goes. As the air becomes colder, the water vapor changes into drops of liquid. When lots of these drops accumulate, they form clouds, 34 Weather, and How It Works Have you ever had to scrape frost off the windshield of a car? Frost forms when water vapor freezes into icy crystals on cold surfaces such as windows and trees. Dew is water vapor that condenses into drops of moisture during the cool night. You can see these dew drops on leaves, plants, and spider webs. As the temperature drops, the moisture in the air condenses into dew. When the temperature reaches 32F (0C) this dew freezes into what we call frost. mist, and fog. This is called condensation. Clouds are made up of billions of tiny water droplets. If it is cold enough, the water vapor condenses into ice. Clouds can also be made of ice crystals along with water droplets. Fog and mist are clouds that form near the ground instead of in the sky. Water droplets can only condense when there is dust, smoke, or other tiny particles in the air. These particles are called con- densation nuclei. They give the water vapor something to cling to in order to become a droplet. When there is a lot of pollution, DO YOU KNOW ABOUT FROST? Its All About Water 35 Sunlight looks white, but its really made up of different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and vio- let. The colors of a rainbow are always in the same or- der.The Sun makes rainbows when white sunlight passes through raindrops. To see a rainbow, the Sun must be shining behind you as you look toward the falling rain. A popular way to remem- ber the order of the colors of the rainbow is: ROY G. BIV. The letters stand for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. there are more particles in the air, and therefore more clouds are able to form. Water from the Sky Without clouds, it would not rain. The tiny water droplets keep condensing, and they grow larger and larger within the clouds. When the water droplets are big enough, the clouds cannot con- tain them. They fall to the ground as rain, snow, or ice, depend- ing on the temperature of the air below the clouds. Any type of water that falls from the sky is called precipitation. Preci- pitation is usually absorbed into the ground or falls into rivers and oceans. COLORFUL RAINBOWS 36 Weather, and How It Works Each snowflake is made of two to about two hundred sepa- rate crystals. As the Sun heats the surface waters of the planet, water evap- orates. This process of evaporationand the water cyclecon- tinues indefinitely. Rain and Snow The two most common types of precipitation are rain and snow. Rain can fall fast and furiously or light and gently. A drizzle is made of very fine raindrops. Sometimes streets flood and river- banks overflow when heavy rainstorms dump large amounts of water on the ground in a short time. The monsoon season in Asia is famous for this. Countries like India are soaked by rains for six months of the year and are dry for the rest of the time. The people of this country are used to this weather pattern. Snow is ice that falls from the sky. A snowflake forms when water vapor turns directly from a gas into ice without going through the liquid stage. This means the air in the cloud is below freezing. The tiny ice crystals stick together, just like a water droplet, until they are heavy enough to drop out of the cloud. However, as the snow falls through the air toward the ground, the air might be warmer than it was in the cloud. Then, Its All About Water 37 the snow turns to rain before it hits the ground. If the air stays close to freezing, the snowflakes will not melt. It is common to see snow on top of a mountain, where the air is colder, while it is raining in the warmer valley below. Hail and Sleet When strong winds toss raindrops high inside clouds, they freeze into balls of ice called hail. These chunks of ice are flung up and down inside the cloud. Layers of ice build up and form a rounded hailstone. The largest hailstone on record in the Unit- ed States had a diameter of 7 inches (18 cm) and weighed one pound (.5 kg). It was about the size of a cantaloupe melon and sped more than 100 miles (161 km) per hour as it fell from the sky. The heaviest hailstone in the United States was about 5.5 inches (14 cm) in diameter and weighed 1.67 pounds (.76 kg). The heaviest hailstone ever reported was in India and weighed 2.2 pounds (1.0 kg). Hail can be dangerous and cause crop and even building damage. Hailstones look like stones and feel like stones if they hit you on the head! Sleet is falling ice that is smaller and wetter than hailstones. It feels like slushwater that is half liquid and half ice. Clouds Clouds can tell what the days weather holds in store for you, based on their shape and size. There are three main types of clouds floating in the sky: cirrus, cumulus, and stratus. Snow takes up about 10 times the space as rain. Because it takes up so much space, snow piles up quickly on the ground. You can test this: Collect some snow in a glass and mark its level. After it melts, mark the level of water in the glass. (By the way, it takes about one million cloud droplets to provide enough water for one raindrop.) SNOW AND RAIN ARE NOT THE SAME 38 Weather, and How It Works Cumulus clouds are puffy and usually mean fair weather. They have flat bottoms and hang low in the sky. Cirrus clouds are thin, feathery, white, and wispy. Because they form high in the sky where it is very cold, they are made of ice crystals, not water droplets. Cirrus clouds look feathery and wispy, and cirrus literally means curl in Latin. They form high in the sky where it is very cold, at around 18,000 to 40,000 feet (5,48612,192 m). Because of this, they are made of ice crystals, not water droplets. The wind is responsible for blowing cirrus clouds into curls. These clouds are often called mares tails because they look like the tail of a horse. Cirrus clouds often signal bad weather. Those puffy clouds that look like cotton balls or cauliflower floating in the sky are called cumulus clouds. They form much lowerapproximately 2,000 to 6,000 feet (6101,829 m) above the ground. Cumulus clouds are made of tiny water droplets and are usually seen in fine weather against a blue sky. If you see a wide sheet of gray, shapeless clouds very close to the ground, it is probably a stratus cloud. These clouds stretch in all directions and are often dark and gloomy. Light, misty rain and drizzle typically fall from stratus clouds. Fog is a type of stra- tus cloud. Its All About Water 39 Harmless cumulus clouds can quickly develop into large towering cumulo- nimbus clouds, which are associated with powerful thunderstorms. Clouds also determine how hot or cold you feel. Clouds act as insulators. They prevent the flow of heat, so a hot day will feel even hotter if its cloudy. A cloudy nighttime sky will also hold the heat of the day closer to the ground, so that the evening feels warmer. Conversely, a nighttime sky without any clouds will generally feel very chilly. There is nothing to keep the heat close to Earths surface during the cold, sunless night. Rain Clouds Predict Stormy Weather Dont be fooled by sweet, fluffy cumulus clouds. Sometimes the sight of these clouds tells us the weather will be nice. Under cer- tain weather conditions, though, cumulus clouds will group together and become rain clouds called cumulonimbus clouds. Nimbus means rainstorm in Latin. Cumulonimbus clouds are distinctively larger and darker than cumulus clouds. They look gray or black. This is because they are 40 Weather, and How It Works so full of water and ice crystals that sunlight cannot shine through them. They have the same puffy characteristics as cumulus clouds. However, cumulonimbus clouds build higher and more vertically into the sky-like towers. They often have flat tops, like a blacksmiths anvil. Some of these clouds measure more than 9 miles high (14 km)taller than Mount Everest. Cumulonimbus clouds usually bring rain, hail, and thunder with them. When you see these clouds, you can be sure of the weather forecast. They can become so large and powerful that they can dump as much as 3 feet (almost 1 m) of rain in one afternoon. Thunderstorms and Forks of Lightning When you notice a cumulus cloud change from a round shape to a rising tower, be warned. A thunderstorm is likely on its way. Thunderstorms often occur at the end of hot, sticky sum- mer days. This is because the warm, moist air rises very quickly to form large cumulonimbus clouds. It is very windy inside these tall clouds. The water and ice in a cumulonimbus cloud bang against each other, and electricity builds up. Eventually the cloud releases this electricity as a flash of lightning. Lightning always takes the quickest route to the ground, usu- ally striking the tallest object around, such as a tree or building. This is why it is important to get to lower ground if you are hik- ing on a mountaintop. You do not want to be the tallest object around in a thunderstorm, and you do not want to be standing near the tallest tree either! Count the number of seconds between seeing a flash of lightning and hearing the thunder. For every 5 seconds you count, the storm is about 1 mile (1.6 km) away from you. If the thunderstorm is close, the thun- der will sound like a loud crack. A low, rumbling thunder means the storm is farther away. The closer the storm, the faster you should seek shelter from it! HOW FAR AWAY IS THAT THUNDERSTORM? Its All About Water 41 Thunder and light- ning actually happen at the same time. However, since light travels much faster than sound, we see lightning before we hear thunder. As lightning strikes the ground, it heats the air around it. This has been measured at around five times the heat of the Sun, about 55,000F (30,538C). When the air gets this hot, it sounds like an explosion. The sound is called thunder. Thunder and lightning happen at the same time, but we see lightning before we hear thunder. This is because light travels at a much faster speed than sound. When lightning hits the ground, it is called fork lightning. Lightning actually has two bolts. First, it zigzags to the ground from the cloud. A split second later, the lightning races up the exact route back to the cloud. Sheet lightning is lightning that flashes within the cloud itself. 42 Weather, and How It Works Windy, Wild Weather ind is air on the move, and it often creates dramatic weather. It can flutter your hair in a summer breeze or slap you across the face as a blizzard blinds you with snow or a hurricane rips the roof off your house. Strong winds can be scary and dangerous, but they can be exciting as well. For exam- ple, in 1999, scientists managed to put a Doppler radar inside an Oklahoma tornado and measured the fastest recorded wind speed of 318 miles (198 km) per hour. Wind is described by its direction and speed. This allows mete- orologists to track how fast and where a storm might hit in your area. The three main forces that affect wind are high and low air pressure, friction, and the rotation of our planet. Pressuring Wind to Blow Remember that Earth is heated unevenly. Warm, high-pressure air near the equator is always rising, and cold, low-pressure air from the North and South poles is always sinking. All air moves from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. This move- ment of air is the wind. A popular phrase to help you remember this is Winds blow from high to low. Windy, Wild Weather CHAPTER FIVE I W Windy, Wild Weather 43 Friction Compared to the ocean, the land is an obstacle course for wind. As the wind blows over land, it has to go over or around moun- tains, buildings, trees, and cars. These obstacles actually rub against the wind, causing friction. The force of friction either blocks or slows down the wind. You can notice this force when using your feet to slow down your speed on a bike. The friction between your feet and the roads surface is what slows your bike down. Over the ocean, there is only flat water, no obstacles. Winds over the oceans are much faster because of this, which is why high-speed winds like hurricanes begin over the oceans. Coriolis Effect Every 24 hours, Earth rotates on its axis. Half of the planet is heated every 12 hours, while the other half is in darkness. This is one of the main reasons Earth is heated unevenly. These dif- ferences in temperature create changes in air pressure that pro- duce wind. However, the winds do not blow in simple straight lines from high to low pressure, flowing up and down the globe. Instead, winds curve because our planet spins. This is called the Corio- lis Effect. It bends every wind on Earth. Anywhere north of the equator, called the Northern Hemisphere, the winds blow to the right. Winds blow to the left anywhere south of the equator in the Southern Hemisphere. A batter in the major leagues has to watch the signs from the third- base coach. He also must be aware of wind conditions. If a batter has a 10-mile-per-hour (16-km) wind at his back, it will add about 30 extra feet (9 m) to a long fly ball. However, if that same wind is blowing in at the batter, it will shorten a fly ball by about 30 feet. Thats enough of a difference to turn a home run into an out! WIND MAKES A HOME RUN 44 Weather, and How It Works The strong winds from a hurricane cause ocean waters to rise many feet and then crash onto land in a powerful storm surge. A storm surge is often the most dangerous part of a hurricane because it creates massive flooding in low-lying areas. This cyclist is taking a huge risk by playing in the surf after a hurricane. Naming Winds The direction of the wind is based on the direction from which the wind is blowing. Easterly winds blow east to west. Westerly winds blow west to east. We can depend upon particular wind patterns to stay the same in certain places of the world. Sailors and sea captains count on these winds remaining constant. For example, there are steady winds known as trade winds, named during the early days of sailing. Ships that traded goods between different countries knew they could get to their destination quicker when their sails caught hold of these winds. Another unique wind pattern is the doldrums. Sailors avoid this area north of the equator between the two trade winds because the winds there are often very light and calm. They can trap ships in one spot for weeks. Windy, Wild Weather 45 Sensing the Wind There are ways you can accurately measure the direction and speed of the wind by using simple technology and your own five senses. For example, at airports, shipping ports, and seashores wind socks can show the direction of the wind. Perhaps you have seen thesethey are often a bright, day-glow orange. A wind sock is tube shaped, with an open end and a closed end. It is usually attached to a pole that is planted in an open area. The wind blows into the open end of the sock, and it points the way the wind is blowing. The wind sock also gives a general sense of the speed of the wind. It flaps around gently in a light wind and stands in a straight line in a strong wind. Another easy way to tell how fast the wind is blowing without any scientific tools is with the Beaufort scale. This scale was orig- inally developed in 1806 by Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort and is still used today. By studying the effects of the wind on chimney smoke, trees, and leaves, you can estimate the speed of the wind. A chinook is a warm wind coming from the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains. Chinooks occur most often in winter and can warm temperatures more than 100 degrees in just a few hours. Typically, tem- perature change is around 40 degrees. Temperatures rapidly cool once a chinook leaves. The Black Hills of South Dakota are home to the worlds fastest recorded rise in temperature. After a chinook wind, the temperature there rose from 4F (20C) to 45F (7C) in about 2 minutes. Sev- eral hours later, the chinook was gone. It took only 27 minutes for the temperatures to drop back down to 4F. The record for rapid temperature change in the United States is held by Great Falls, Montana, which on January 11, 1980, went from 32F (0C) to 15 F (9C), a 47-degree warm-up, in 7 minutes. That was because of a chinook. Chinooks are called snow eaters because of their ability to make snow melt rapidly. CHINOOK WINDS 46 Weather, and How It Works The Birth of a Hurricane During the day, land heats up quickly from the Suns energy. At night, land also cools off quickly. The oceans are different. They take a bit longer to warm up, but once they do, oceans tend to stay warmer for a longer time than land does. This is the main reason why we have hurricanes. They get their power from the warm ocean water. Hurricanes are tropical storms with very strong winds (over 74 miles or 119 km per hour). They form over the Atlantic Ocean In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the southern United States with winds reaching over 155 miles per hour (249 km). However, it was the storm surge from this powerful hurricane that devastated parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. Windy, Wild Weather 47 in tropical areas near Central Africa. As the warm ocean heats the air above it, high winds form. These high winds cause sea water to quickly evaporate into the air. As a result, the air con- tains a lot of warm water vapor, which rises into the air and con- denses into clouds. This combination of heat and water creates huge, ferocious thunderstorms. When several thunderstorms clump together, the Coriolis Effect begins to spin them around as one enormous weather system. When winds reach between 39 and 73 miles per hour (63 and 117 km), this weather system is classified as a tropical storm and is given a name. The high winds push this whole whirling thun- derstorm across the ocean. It gathers more and more energy from warm, moist air and grows larger. Like the spinning of a top, the rotation of Earth twirls the storm faster and faster. Once the trop- ical storm reaches 74 miles per hour, a hurricane is born. Hurricanes are given names to help identify and track them. Each hur- ricane season, one name for each letter of the alphabet is selected (except for Q, U, X,Y, and Z).The same lists are reused every six years. If a hurricane is very deadly or costly, its name is retired from the list by the World Meteorological Organization, and a new name is cho- sen. Well-known retired hurricane names include Hugo, Andrew, and Charley. The year 1953 marked the first season during which storms were named using female names. The first official name went to Hurricane Alice. Before this time, locals in the islands frequently referred to storms by the name of the saint whose day was closest to the occur- rence of the storm. Storms were also often named after another cat- astrophe. The Rising Sun Hurricane of 1700 recalls the sinking of the Rising Sun and the 97 souls lost in the wreck. Hurricanes were also named after places where they did greatest damage, such as the Galves- ton Hurricane of 1900. Beginning in 1979, alternating male and female names were assigned to new storms. NAMING HURRICANES 48 Weather, and How It Works Rating a Hurricanes Intensity The intensity of a hurricane is determined by its wind speed. The Saffir-Simpson scale uses five categories to rate a hurricane. A Cat- egory 1 is a mild hurricane and a Category 5 is the most severe. Under the right conditions, hurricanes can last for a few weeks, often wreaking havoc on the East and Gulf coasts of the United States and Mexico. Islands such as the Bahamas, Bermuda, and the Virgin Islands often endure the effects of hurricanes. Much of the hurricanes destruction affects people living along the coasts. High winds create huge waves that swamp the shoreline, washing away homes, cars, and even people. These are called storm surges. Hurricane season begins June 1 and ends November 30. When a hurricane reaches cooler water or land, it loses its source of energyheatand quickly loses intensity. This satellite photo of Hurricane Rita clearly shows the eye of this Category 5 hurricane. Hurricane Rita hit Louisiana and Texas only a month after Hur- ricane Katrina blasted through. Windy, Wild Weather 49 Strong winds are known by different names, depending on where they form. Hurricanes form in the Atlantic Ocean, typhoons in the Pacific Ocean, and cyclones in the Indian Ocean. A Twisters Path Tornadoes also form from cumulonimbus clouds, but over land instead of water. Some of these clouds become so massive that they create their own wind system within the cloud itself. A tor- nado forms when the winds inside the storm cloud start to rotate. This gives a tornado its telltale shapea tall, whirling funnel of air, also known as a twister. Tornadoes can be over 500 feet (152 m) wide. Inside the funnel, air spins at enormous speeds, up to 250 miles (402 km) per hour. Tornadoes average 20 to 50 miles (3080 km) per hour as they move along the ground. The fun- nel acts like a giant vacuum cleaner that sucks up or destroys everything in its path. Although tornadoes usually only last about 15 minutes or less, they can travel several miles, destroy- ing everything in their path. Because of their short lives, torna- does are very hard to predict. Tornadoes contain some of the fastest winds on Earth. They are known for picking up all kinds of objects, such as cows, cars, and tractor-trailers, before hurling them back to the ground. Strangely, sometimes these objects are unharmed. There are sto- ries of tornadoes plucking all the feathers from a chicken while leaving the chicken alive. The fastest wind speed ever recorded was 318 miles (512 km) per hour. It was measured in a 1999 Oklahoma tornado. This tornado broke the long-standing world wind record on top of Mount Washing- ton, the highest point in New Hampshire. A surface speed of 231 miles (372 km) per hour was recorded there in 1934. FASTEST WIND SPEEDS EVER RECORDED 50 Weather, and How It Works Midwestern states in the United States have the distinction of having the highest number of destructive tornadoes in the world. This stretch of land is known as Tornado Alley. States such as Oklahoma, Kansas, and others in the Great Plains are very flat. This allows cold, dry, polar air flowing down from Canada to meet warm, moist, tropical air flowing up from the Gulf of Mexico. Tornadoes form when these cold and warm airs meet over Tornado Alley. Twisters are so short-lived that they are very difficult to predict. Many neighborhoods in Tornado Alley use sirens to warn of an approaching tor- nado, but this only gives people a few minutes warning, if that much! How to Forecast the Weather f you dont like the weather, wait five minutes. This pop- ular saying reflects the lack of control we really have over the weather. A basic understanding of the nature of clouds and wind can tell you what the weather will be like over the next few hours. With weather satellites, Doppler radar, and other sophis- ticated tools, todays meteorologists can predict the weather several days in advance. However, there is no such thing as fore- casting, or predicting, the weather with 100% accuracy. A Meteorologists Work Is Never Done There are many jobs for a meteorologist. You probably are most familiar with meteorologists on television. Most meteorologists work behind the scenes. For example, some work for the Tropi- cal Prediction Center, part of the National Hurricane Center in Florida, tracking tropical storms and hurricanes. These meteo- rologists give people several days warning before a hurricane hits land. This saves many lives. Other meteorologists develop new technology to measure and understand the weather. They may work for the U.S. govern- How to Forecast the Weather CHAPTER SIX I I How to Forecast the Weather 51 52 Weather, and How It Works ment weather organization, the National Oceanic and Atmos- pheric Association (NOAA). The U.S. National Weather Ser- vice is a branch of NOAA and has its main weather station in Maryland. The NOAA has dozens of smaller stations all over the country. These stations collect information about local climates, among other important tasks, so that meteorologists can see long-term trends in the weather across the country. However, without amateur meteorologists, the National Weather Service would not be able to understand the weather as efficiently as they do. Thousands of amateur observers across the country love measuring and recording the weather. They volun- teer as part of the NOAAs Cooperative Observer Program. These weather buffs provide valuable daily and monthly information A wind sock tells you from which direction the wind is blowing. It also gives you an idea of how strong the wind is. To make your own wind sock, you will need: sleeve from a big, old, long-sleeved shirt wire needle and thread small rock or other weight string or twine 1. Cut one sleeve off the long-sleeved shirt. Bend the wire into a circle that is the same size as the top end of the sleeve (the end by the shoulder). Place the wire into this end of the sleeve, and attach it with a few stitches. This is the mouth of the wind sock. 2. Place the rock or weight on one edge of the wire. Sew it on tight to hold it in place. Tie the string onto the side of the wire opposite the rock. 3. Tie the other end of the string to a branch where it can move freely. The rock will keep the wind sock facing into the wind. 4. Now your wind sock is working. Use a compass to find out from which direction the wind is blowing. MONITORING THE WIND A storm chaser is a person who pursues severe thunderstorms. Chasers are people from all walks of life, most of whom are very knowledgeable about meteorology. Contrary to Hollywood movies, chasers keep a safe distance of a mile or more from tornadoes. to the NOAA on such things as rainfall, snowfall, temperatures, and river levels. In times of threatening weather, amateur weath- er observers have saved lives by quickly alerting the National Weather Service about local conditions. Tools of the Trade No matter if they are professionals or amateurs, meteorologists depend upon knowing the weather basics: temperature, air pres- sure, rainfall, and wind speed and direction. The main difference between meteorology in the 1800s and today is the level of detail. The same basic information about weather is collected and analyzed today as back then, but weather maps now allow meteorologists to know in great detail what the weather is doing and where it is doing it. Technological inventions such as radar, satellites, and computers, just for starters, enable meteorologists to probe ever more deeply into this global phenomenon we experience as the weather. How to Forecast the Weather 53 54 Weather, and How It Works The GOES-12 satellite shows Hurricane Rita swirling counter-clockwise in the Gulf of Mexico, before making landfall on the coast. The best weather forecaster studies global weather patterns first, then focuses on to the entire United States, and finally looks at the weather that is happening locally. Most storms begin above 10,000 feet (3,048 m) and over an ocean. When a forecast- er knows where a storm originates, she or he can track its course and predict where the storm will go over the next few days. Technology allows forecasters the see this big picture of weather on a global and national scale. Doppler radar, radio- sondes (instruments carried by weather balloons), satellites, and computers are some of the advanced scientific instruments used to collect this vital weather information across the entire planet. Doppler Radar RADAR is an acronym that stands for RAdio Detecting And Ranging. Early radar systems sent out powerful radio pulses that Since 1995, this Doppler on Wheels mobile radar system has allowed adventurous scientists to drive directly into tornadoes. Maps are created from the Doppler images and have provided new insights into how torna- does form and evolve. reflected off objects such as rain or clouds. The more rain or clouds, the more they reflected the radar signal. This told mete- orologists about the location and size of certain weather events but not the speed and direction of the moving air. Radar technology has developed quite a bit over the past 50 years. In the early 1990s, the NEXt Generation RADar system (NEXRAD) replaced the older Doppler radar systems. Throughout How to Forecast the Weather 55 Meteorologists rely on hurricane hunters to learn more about hurri- canes. Since 1944, these members of the Air Force Reserve have flown planes equipped with weather instruments straight into the middle of hurricanes. They immediately relay details about the hurricane to the Tropical Prediction Center. One hunter described the experience as being tossed about like a stick in a dogs mouth. HURRICANE HUNTERS 56 Weather, and How It Works The name TIROS stands for Television InfraRed Observation Satellites. These satellites observe Earths cloud cover and weather patterns from space. the United States and overseas, there are about 159 NEXRAD Doppler radar stations. Doppler radars gather weather data and send it immediately to computers at the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), a division of the National Weather Service. A map is generated that shows patterns of precipitation and its movement anywhere in the world. Updates are provided every five minutes. Doppler radar can show wind direction and speed more than 500 miles (805 km) away. Doppler radar also detects tornadoes before they form. Forecasters can now track storms days in advance, making Doppler radar an invaluable tool. Advance warnings of tornadoes and hurricanes have saved many lives. Satellites Satellites truly provide the biggest picture of Earths weather. In 1960, the TIROS 1 satellite sent meteorologists the first photos of all Earths clouds. Until this point, meteorologists could only see sections of the worlds cloud cover. Since then, satellite tech- nology has rapidly advanced, providing nearly complete cover- age of the worlds weather. Today, weather data from satellites is never more than six hours old. Like Doppler radar, U.S. satellites look for storms that can threaten us. There are geostationary and polar-orbiting satellites beaming this information to weather stations all over the world. The United States, Japan, and Europe have geostationary satel- lites that orbit over the equator. They stay over the same spot while Earth is spinning. To do this, they need to be stationed about 22,000 miles (35,406 km) up to maintain just the right speed to keep up with Earths rotation. There are also two U.S. polar-orbiting satellites circling Earth from north to south, crossing over the South and North poles. They fly only about 530 miles (853 km) up in the atmosphere. Because Earth is rotating, these satellites capture images from How to Forecast the Weather 57 Twice a day, every day of the year, weather balloons are released simultaneously from almost 900 locations worldwide. The bal- loon flights last for about two hours. Weather balloons can drift as far as 125 miles (201 km) away and rise up to more than 20 miles (32 km) in the atmosphere. 58 Weather, and How It Works every part of the planet every 12 hours. Information from satel- lites is channeled to a computer, along with information gath- ered from other meteorological instruments. Radiosondes Radiosondes are carried by weather balloons. Radiosondes allow scientists to measure winds and greatly improve our understand- ing of the weather. Radiosondes that measure temperature, humidity, and pres- sure are attached to large balloons and released thousands of feet into the air. As the balloon rises higher in the sky, a radio trans- mitter sends the weather data to radiosonde stations on the ground. There are more than 900 radiosonde stations world- wide. When the balloon bursts, the weather instruments (which are wrapped together in a type of package) float to Earth on a parachute. The National Weather Service releases hundreds of radiosondes each day. About one-third of them are found, and returned. If you find one, you just drop it in a mailbox, postage free! Radiosondes were named for the word sonde, which is Old French for sounding line. Computers Whether it comes from an amateur weather observer, a barome- ter, a satellite, or a weather balloon, every piece of weather infor- mation is fed into supercomputers at the National Weather Service. These supercomputers are able to compute more than 2 billion operations a second. Air pressure, Earths rotation, the water cycle, and every other factor that completes the weather puzzle are fed into these computers. Weather maps are created that explain every weather action happening anywhere in the world in that very instant. This process is also called numerical forecasting. Numerical forecasts allow weather forecasters to have an up-to-the-minute knowledge of the current weather. This greatly enhances their ability to predict the weather with as much accuracy as possible. Is Our Climate Changing? 59 Is Our Climate Changing? ust as our weather always changes, the climate of Earth has always changed as well. For example, ice ages blanketed parts of Earth with thick ice on and off for thousands of years. Volcanic eruptions have changed the climate in both directions. Molten lava can heat up a large area of the planet with its intense volcanic energy. Volcanic ash spewed miles into the sky can also block the Suns rays, causing the world to become cold and uninhabitable. These cycles have been a part of Earths nat- ural history since the birth of the planet billions of years ago. Earth has always balanced its temperature by sending the heat it receives from the Sun back out into space. However, certain gases in our atmosphere trap the heat that is given off from Earths surface. These are called greenhouse gases, since they hold in heat like a greenhouse. Greenhouse gases, such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, are an important part of our atmosphere. They keep Earth from becom- ing a ball of ice with surface temperatures of about 0F (18C). Over the past century, many scientists have shown evidence that these greenhouse gases are building up. This buildup increases the amount of heat trapped close to the surface of Is Our Climate Changing? CHAPTER SEVEN I J 60 Weather, and How It Works Air has no borders or immigration policy. We all breathe the same air. The pollution from a factory in the United States affects the air quality on the other side of the world, and vice versa. Earth. Therefore, Earth is warming up. Many scientists believe human activities, including the burning of fossil fuels, are the cause. These fuels, mostly gas and oil, release carbon dioxide when they are burned. This is also called exhaust. The United States produces about 25% of the worlds exhaust. Still, others say the increasing world temperatures are just a natural part of Earths normal cycle. Evidence of Global Warming? The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a group of scientists from around the world who are brought together by the United Nations. Every year, this group meets to discuss recent scientific findings on climate change. They also Is Our Climate Changing? 61 Rising global temperatures are melting Earths polar ice caps and glaciers and increasing the sea level. As global warming continues, millions of people are at risk from floods. debate how a warmer climate could affect our modern societies. Rising sea levels, melting polar ice and mountain glaciers, warmer oceans, and flooding are among the subjects of this sci- entific research on climate change. Smog is polluted fog. In cities such as Los Angeles, California, car exhaust, forest fires, and industrial processes all release large particles of pollution into the air. These particles are types of condensation nuclei that create clouds, or fog, near the ground. Smog is also known as a combination of smoke and fog. The air pollution that creates smog also makes it very difficult for some people to breathe. Studies show that asthma rates in children are increasing. There is some evidence that increased air pollution is the reason. SMOG, POLLUTION, AND ASTHMA 62 Weather, and How It Works In addition to infrared light, the Sun sends ultra- violet (UV) light to Earth. Most of it is blocked by the ozone layer in the stratosphere. However, certain man-made chem- icals destroy this protec- tive ozone layer, which allows more UV light to reach the planets sur- face. Because UV light is very harmful to living creatures and causes can- cer, the use of these ozone-layer-destroying chemicals has been limit- ed or banned since the 1980s. This has been a worldwide success, and today the hole in the ozone is shrinking. A satellite mapped the pink area outlined in white as a severe depletion, or hole, in the ozone layer caused by pollution over Antarctica. Sheets of thick ice called glaciers form on some mountains in various places of the world. These mountain glaciers have been slowly melting over the past 100 years. This melting of glacial ice has sharply increased over the past 30 years. The Arctic is also covered with thick sheets of ice. Today that ice is 40% thinner than it was just 30 years ago. Many scientists point out that ris- ing global temperatures are the reason for this melting. Sea levels around the world rose 4 to 8 inches (1020 cm) dur- ing the twentieth century. Some of this increase is partly from the melting mountain glaciers. Many scientists believe that if the temperature keeps increasing, even more glacial ice will melt. One U.S. Environmental Protection Agency study foresees THE HOLE IN THE OZONE Is Our Climate Changing? 63 A warmer climate brings more rain to some parts of the world and less to others. The Amazon is now in its worst drought in 40 years. a 1-foot (0.3-m) rise in sea levels on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts by 2050 and a 2-foot (0.6-m) rise by 2100. A 2-foot rise in the oceans would severely flood all coastal communities in the world. This much ocean water would also permanently cover a piece of the United States bigger than Massachusetts. Evidence shows that ocean water is also heating up. Hurricanes receive their power from warm water. Based on computer mod- els, some scientists say as the oceans heat up, the destructive strength of hurricanes will increase. Scientists point out that it rains more now in certain areas of the world than it did 100 years ago. As temperatures rise, we could expect even more rainfall. Yet, scientists point out that other parts of the world will experience more droughts. There currently is not enough evidence to say whether drought is increasing or not. 64 Weather, and How It Works A possible upside to global warming is having warmer win- ters. Although that means fewer snowball fights, it also means a longer growing season. This translates into more food produc- tion in certain areas of the world. There is already evidence in Europe that the growing season is several days longer since the 1960s. Spring plants now bloom about six days earlier. It is important to remember that not all areas will have more food. If the worlds temperatures keep increasing, those areas of the world that are already hot and dry will not be able to grow the same amount of food. Serious consequences will be felt in places such as the tropics and parts of Africa. Scientists predict that by the 2080s, about 80 million people, mostly within Africa, could go hungry because of climate change. Humans Create Greenhouse Gases Carbon dioxide gas is added to the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned, such as gasoline and oil. Human activities use enor- mous amounts of these fuels. Each day, we use fossil fuels to power all parts of our lives. For example, every time you drive in a car, you are using fossil fuels. One way to slow climate change is to ride your bike more. Carbon dioxide is removed from the air by plants during pho- tosynthesis. When we cut down trees, we take away natures ability to reduce carbon dioxide. Perhaps you can plant some trees to help reduce this greenhouse gas in our air. Cut out a square piece of white cloth. Next, cut out a smaller square of cloth and glue it onto the middle of the first, larger square. Then, hang it outside for about a week. Peel off the square in the middle. Is the area underneath the smaller square cleaner than the surrounding cloth? Whatever made the cloth dirty is in the air that you breathe. Try placing the cloth in different locations, such as a park or near a fac- tory. Notice if there are any differences. HOW TO TEST AIR POLLUTION Is Our Climate Changing? 65 The worlds biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, in particular the United States and Russia, did not sign the Kyoto Protocol. Many con- cerned citizens protested against their own governments in the hopes of changing this decision. Thousands of people all around the world are changing the way they live in order to stop global warming. Most of the worlds governments have pledged to switch to cleaner fuels, such as solar and wind energy. These do not release carbon diox- ide into the air. Scientists are committed to researching new technologies and processes that do not put more greenhouse gases into our air. The debate over global warming continues in scientific labs and governmental offices. Whether climate change is human- made or a natural cycle of Earths weather is still not complete- ly understood. However, the evidence points out that the worlds climate is shifting. The effects are visible. Perhaps we should remember a most important thing: We all can make a difference in our world. 66 Glossary air the mixture of gases that form the atmosphere of Earth air pollution chemicals or substances in the atmosphere that are directly or indirectly harmful to living things air pressure the weight of air pressing down on Earth. Air pressure can change from place to place, and this causes air to move, flowing from areas of high pres- sure toward areas of low pressure. It is the same as barometric pressure. atmosphere the layer of gases surrounding a planet. Earths atmosphere is divided into five layers: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere. barometer an instrument that measures air pressure blizzard an intense winter storm where winds of 35 miles per hour or higher blow falling snow. In a blizzard, you cannot see farther than one-quarter mile for at least three hours. breeze a light wind climate the average weather conditions in a certain place or during a certain sea- son. Weather may change from day to day, but climate changes only over hun- dreds or thousands of years. Many animals and plants can survive in only one kind of climate. condensation the change of water vapor to liquid water, forming clouds, fog, or dew Coriolis Effect a force that redirects moving objects in relation to Earths rota- tion. The object is still going straight, but Earth moves beneath it, which makes it look as though an object is veering to one side. In the Northern Hemisphere, Earth rotates west to east, so winds and currents are deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, they appear to move to the left. drizzle a light rain made up of very small water droplets drought a period when a region has little rainfall. Droughts can affect a small area for a season or an entire continent for years. Too little rainfall can cause shortages in the water supply, destroy crops, and cause widespread hunger. Droughts also dry up soil, which then gets picked up by the wind and causes dust storms. equator the imaginary line that circles the middle of Earth like a belt. It separates the Northern Hemisphere from the Southern Hemisphere. evaporation the process of changing a liquid (such as water) to a vapor. It is the opposite of condensation. flood when rivers rise and go over their banks after days of heavy rain and/or melting snows. A flash flood is sudden flooding that occurs when floodwaters rise swiftly with no warning within several hours of an intense rain. They often occur after intense rainfall from slow-moving thunderstorms. fog a cloud on the ground that reduces visibility. Dense fog can reduce visibility while driving so that you cannot see farther than one-quarter mile, which creates travel problems and delays. fossil fuels the remains of ancient plants and animals that turn into oil and gas over millions of years freeze when the temperature falls below 32 degrees Fahrenheit over a large area for an extended time. A freeze can destroy crops. glacier a large sheet of ice that survives for thousands of years Glossary global warming the theory that increased concentrations of greenhouse gases are causing Earths surface temperature to rise greenhouse the heating effect of Earths atmosphere. The atmosphere acts like a greenhouse because sunlight freely passes through it and warms the surface. As Earth sends heat back toward space, some of the heat is trapped by the atmos- phere, which keeps Earth at a comfortable temperature. high pressure a whirling mass of cool, dry air that generally brings fair weather and light winds. When viewed from above, winds spiral out of a high-pressure cen- ter in a clockwise rotation in the Northern Hemisphere. These bring sunny skies. humidity the amount of water vapor in the air hurricane an intense storm with swirling winds up to 156 miles per hour. Usually around 300 miles across, hurricanes can be 1,000 to 5,000 times larger than tornadoes. hurricane season a six-month period from June 1 to November 30, when con- ditions are favorable for hurricane development low pressure a whirling mass of warm, moist air that generally brings stormy weather with strong winds. When viewed from above, winds spiral into a low- pressure center in a counterclockwise rotation in the Northern Hemisphere. meteorologist a scientist who studies and predicts the weather. Meteorologists use sophisticated equipment, such as Doppler radar and supercomputers, but they also rely on old-fashioned sky watching. meteorology the study of the atmosphere and all its phenomena, including weather and how to forecast it. mist water droplets so small that they are floating in the air. Because mist droplets do not fall, mist is a type of fog. monsoon a seasonal wind, found especially in Asia, that reverses direction between summer and winter and often brings heavy rains National Weather Service the federal agency that provides weather, hydro- logic, and climate forecasts and warnings for the United States ozone a form of oxygen that has a weak chlorine odor. Ozone heats the upper atmosphere by absorbing ultraviolet rays from sunlight. In the troposphere, ozone is a pollutant, but in the stratosphere, it filters out harmful ultraviolet radiation. precipitation the general name for water in any form falling from clouds. This includes rain, drizzle, hail, snow, and sleet. Dew, frost, and fog are not considered precipitation. smog visible air pollution in urban areas that looks like dirty fog in large cities storm any disturbed state of the atmosphere that creates unpleasant weather such as rain, lightning, thunder, hail, snow, sleet, and freezing rain Sun The star in the center of our solar system. The Sun is responsible for most of Earths weather, even though it is 93 million miles away. The Suns intense heat gives energy to Earths atmosphere and sets it in motion. temperature the measurement of how hot or cold something is thermometer an instrument that measures temperature thunder the explosive sound of air expanding as it is heated by lightning. This air is about 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit. thunderstorm a storm produced by a cumulonimbus cloud that always has lightning and thunder. Rain, hail, high winds, and tornadoes may or may not occur. Tornado Alley the region of the United States where tornadoes occur most fre- quently. Tornado Alley is the corridor along the Great Plains. It extends from the Rocky Mountains in the West to the Appalachian Mountains in the East. Glossary 67 68 Bibliography Keen, Richard A. Skywatch: The Western Weather Guide. Fulcrum Publishing: Golden, Colo., 1987. Kloesel, Dr. Kevin. At ARMs Length: Using Radiosondes to Extend Our Grasp of Weather and Climate. Climate Education Update (newsletter). Kristof, Nicholas D. 2005. The Storm Next Time. The New York Times, 2005. Lagass, Paul (Ed.). The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Columbia University Press: New York, 2000. National Climatic Data Center: Protecting the Past, Revealing the Future. NOAA Satellite and Information Service. Public Awareness: Satellites and Hurricane Hunters. Department of Atmospheric Sciences. Wagner, Ronald L. and Bill Adler, Jr. The Weather Sourcebook. Adler & Robin Books: Washington, D.C., 1997. Weather and Climate Basics. The National Center for Atmospheric Research. Williams, Jack. The Weather Book. An Easy-to-Understand Guide to the USAs Weather. Random House: New York, 1997. Bibliography BOOKS Blanchard, Duncan C. Snowflake Man: A Biography of Wilson A. Bentley. Newark, Ohio: McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company, 1998. Demarest, Chris L. Hurricane Hunters! Riders on the Storm. New York: Margaret K. McElderry, 2006. Libbrecht, Ken. Ken Librechts Field Guide to Snowflakes. Stillwater, Minn.: Voyageur Press, 2006. Vogel, Carole G. Weather Legends: Native American Lore and the Science of Weather. Brookfield, Conn.: The Millbrook Press, 2001. Williams, Jack. The Weather Book: An Easy-to-Understand Guide to the USAs Weather. New York: Random House, 1997. WEB SITES The American Meteorological Society Climate Prediction Center Everything about the weather, including activities, links, glossary Extreme weather record breakers Weather satellite data and information from the National Climatic Data Center Hurricane Central from the Tropical Prediction Center of the National Weather Service The National Weather Service The National Weather Services Cooperative Observer Program Everything about the weather, including activities, links, glossary The Tornado Project Worldwide five-day forecasts Includes facts, folklore, games, jokes, experiments, and activities Everything about the weather, including activities, links, glossary Global warming site Further Exploration 69 Further Exploration Page numbers for illustrations are in italic air pressure, 14, 2426, 42 Alberti, Leon Battista, 13 altitude, 2728 animals, 89, 11, 12 archaeology, 1011 Aristotle, 13 asthma, 18, 61 atmosphere, 17, 1723 balloons, 19, 22, 24, 30, 54, 57 barometers, 14, 14, 24, 26 baseball, 43 Beaufort scale, 45 Blanchard, Duncan, 21 blizzards, 42 carbon dioxide, 2021, 59, 60, 6465 Celsius, Anders, 28 ceremonies, 11, 11 chasers, storm, 53 chinook winds, 45 cirrus clouds, 3738, 38 climate, 16 climate change, 5965 clouds, 3334, 3536, 3740, 38, 39 computers, forecasting and, 58 condensation, 34, 3435 condensation nuclei, 3435 conversions, 28 Cooperative Observation Program, 15, 5253 Coriolis effect, 43, 47 cumulonimbus clouds, 39, 3940, 49 cumulus clouds, 37, 38, 38, 3940 cyclones, 49 dew, 34 doldrums, 43 Doppler radar, 15, 42, 5456, 55 droughts, 63, 63 Earth, 17, 23, 29, 30, 31, 43, 5658 electricity, 4041 electromagnetic radiation, 22 evaporation, 33, 33, 36 Everest, Mount, 26 exosphere, 22 Fahrenheit, Gabriel Daniel, 28 flooding, 10, 61, 6263 fog, 34, 38, 61 forecasting clouds and, 3739, 38 importance of, 89 meteorologists and, 5153 tools for, 9, 26, 5358 tornadoes and, 50 fossil fuels, 60, 64 friction, 43 frost, 34 Galilei, Galileo, 1314, 28 geostationary satellites, 57 glaciers, 61, 6162 global warming, 5965 gods, 1011, 1213 gravity, 17, 19, 21, 2324 greenhouse gases, 5965, 65 growing seasons, 6364 hail, 37 humidity, 9, 33 hurricane hunters, 55 hurricanes friction and, 43 global warming and, 63 images of, 8, 44, 46, 48, 54 naming of, 47 overview of, 4649 hydrogen, 17 hydrologic cycle, 32, 33 infrared light, 20 intensity ratings, 4849 Jefferson, Thomas, 15 Katrina, Hurricane, 46 Kyoto Protocol, 65 lightning, 12, 4041, 41 mesosphere, 22 meteor showers, 22 meteorology, 1314, 21, 5153 mist, 34 monsoons, 36 morning glory flowers, 9, 9 movement, 24, 2931, 40, 42 70 Index Index naming of storms, 47 National Weather Service, 52, 53, 56, 58 NEXRAD, 5556 NOAA, 52 nuclei, 3435 numerical forecasting, 58 observations, 15, 5253 ocean level rises, 61, 6263 oxygen, 19, 26, 2729 ozone, 19, 2021, 62 photosynthesis, 19 pinecones, 9 plants, 89, 19 polar regions, 31 polar-orbiting satellites, 5758 pollution, 18, 3435, 60, 61, 64 precipitation, 33, 35, 3637 prediction. See forecasting pressure, 14, 2426, 42 radar, 15, 42, 5456, 55 radiosondes, 54, 57, 58 rain, 36, 36 rain ceremonies, 11, 11 rainbows, 35 raindrop photography, 21 Rita, Hurricane, 48, 54 rituals, 11, 1112 Saffir-Simpson scale, 48 satellites, 15, 56, 5658, 62 seasons, 29 sky, 1213 sleet, 37 smog, 61 snow, 3637, 37 snowflakes, 36, 3637 storm chasers, 53 storm surge, 44 stratosphere, 2122 stratus clouds, 37, 38 Sun, 17, 1921, 20, 2930, 33, 35 telegraphs, 15 temperature air movement and, 4344 atmosphere and, 20, 2122 changing, 45, 59 clouds and, 38, 39 evaporation, condensation and, 3334, 34 ocean water and, 4647, 63 water cycle and, 3032 thermometers, 1314, 28 thermosphere, 22, 22 thunder, 1213, 41 thunderbird, 12, 12 thunderstorms, 39, 40, 4041 TIROS 1 satellite, 56, 56 Tornado Alley, 50, 50 tornadoes, 42, 49, 4950, 50, 56 Torricelli, Evangelista, 14, 14 totem poles, 12, 12 trade winds, 43 Tropical Prediction Center, 51, 55 tropical storms, 47 troposphere, 20, 21, 22 turbines, 25 typhoons, 49 ultraviolet radiation, 19, 62 volcanic eruptions, 1719, 59 Washington, Mount, 49 water, 2021, 32, 33 weather balloons, 54, 57, 58 weight of air, 1920, 2629 wind socks, 45, 52 wind vanes, 13 winds air pressure and, 42 baseball and, 43 chinook, 45 Coriolis effect and, 43 fastest recorded, 49 friction and, 43 hail and, 37 hurricanes and, 43, 4649 naming of, 44 sensing of, 45 temperature and, 31 tornadoes and, 4950 Index 71 72 About the Author / Picture Credits Picture Credits About the Author RANDI MEHLING is the author of several nonfiction books for young readers. She has written on a wide variety of health and sci- ence topics, including Great Extinctions of the Past and this book in Chelsea Houses Scientific American series. Mehling has a passion for the natural world and our relationship with it. She is a pub- lished poet and essayist and holds a masters degree in public health. PAGE 3: Jim Reed/Corbis 8: Jim Reed/Corbis 9: Wolfgang Kaehler/Corbis 11: Lindsay Hebberd/CORBIS 12: Ron Watts /CORBIS 14: Science Source/Photo Researchers, Inc. 17: G. Baden/zefa/Corbis 18: Novastock/Photo Researchers, Inc. 20: Denis Scott /Corbis 22: Science Source/Photo Researchers, Inc. 25: Eric Nguyen/Jim Reed Photography/Corbis 26: Sam Ogden/Photo Researchers, Inc. 27: Nawang Sherpa/Bogati /ZUMA/Corbis 28: SPL/Photo Researchers, Inc. 29: Mark Garlick/Photo Researchers, Inc. 33: Science Source/Photo Researchers, Inc. 34: Pekka Parviainen/Photo Researchers, Inc. 35: P. 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Weather 101: From Doppler Radar and Long-Range Forecasts to the Polar Vortex and Climate Change, Everything You Need to Know about the Study of Weather