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J 1, 1959
t.rSHEM nr 1959
.. Al.:-.sk...,. .10
Apvroxinntcly 200
A hour lot'Jb Fircr:orks dicr nppenr on the telephone
pl1Y. entortr.incd yount; nrid survey sheets. Tho nnncs
old ..-like cvonint; nro those of persons uho
.._t the F...r north j do not no\7 hnvc tclep
ROll!.UCE: 13LOQlfJ AT C!TOGI!Jr To:: Sl..".nl::cr ota;:;ad I service. This uould indio-
SCHOOL the diGpl"y to the delight nte thnt there trould prol>-
of nll. Deopite the cold ably be at 100 norc
In nn Wornnl ccrcnony ntt- .-rer\thcr n ln.rt;o o.ro71d nooo- telephones in Ohu,:;irk if
ended b7 oloso frieru!c, L:iso I oblcd <'.l'ld re:.;..".illcd in thoir r .'\tcs for c:W..lll:lt;
Virginia Sonroh the I cnrs to tmtch. At one tine nnd Fort Richnrdson or
bride of :A.ndrC':i ooth so::e c=cci tericnt ttno genal'- Pt.W::er were lo.1cr DUe to
tenchcrs nt the Ohut;l...'JJ: Sen.. ntcd -:-rhcn oevernl rockets R.E.A. l.onning policy too
col. The tool:: 7.'cro nccidcntn:!.ly mqUOdcd l.ino buil.t for only a
F:ridC'.Y, Dccc.'lbcr in nt once. ROcketa r:crc roo norc tlw'l. hnd aigncd
Pnl.'r!cr, Alr.skn.. Tho ahooting uhcrc. It up whon tho systro rro.s
couple ::ill be bnc!.= .".t "t;hcir uno ..'\ fi ttint; colcb);1o. in the pl.nru:rl.l'J.b st.':l.ge.
respective ol..'\Sf'roon c:o::;Irs ntion the f::'U'cr.-tclJ. to The survey juat !l..."..de is
on lbndtf'. a of <Uld I tho firot otcp i!1 a plnn
n -:rolcona to-t: b. to incrcnso sorvieo hero
frdso for .Al-ic.!..,_. n.nd to docro,_so tho
rn. & LiRS. HAL "t7hioh tho Oonr:unJ,.-
R..z""""l'URN --... _ ontion Systcn inpooos for
, .
llE'! D:.iTOE STUDIO TO tho usc of their bonrd
Hc.J., J nnd QOn

Pn:L1tcn- ore to
their Peters Oiiolc ho:lo r.tl.ss Viold Johnson,
22?? Utla, the ofig:!.n..--J. Dob ly n pupll of !aos CD.orin
Stetrnrt place. is Crosa, io opcninb n dnnco I
ver: nnd !'orlun....,tc to studio i.'t her hone ';11th
be nble to 'i7clcono t:1on ouc!-: clnsscs to bet;in next rJOck.
--------....-- ::-:.. - _______ Vicld rr.Ul ter.ch Tnp Dnnces
J!'.l.lct nnd the HuJ.n Hula.
I Vicki is nn bl'ndo
student t'.t the Chut;i.."lk Sclr--
Thc u .. ,_tr.nuskn ool nnd hopes to tcc.ch the
Cintion hos ::l..'l.d,C JlW Of ci."'..'lOO on ":TTdc-cnds
clcotrlcnl ;1.n tl+o nnC. nf'tor sol'lOol.. She
uirch:rood Loop t:4q nn pupil of Eisf
pnst ueck. Ur. Jqnttq. Oroos
nnd lcoopo in oontn.ct
still cl.nshing linoq in thq,. ..rith her for-c.OJ." for
nrcn nora ho\taco oasistn:1co in tcclmiqucs.
for long Cistr.nco o"lls.
If :'oU do not n0i1 htlvo a
phone but did not bnvc an
to oign the
survey ple{lse n card
to The Courier st:-.ting
th.,_t you nrc not in .nccord
th Cxistint; condi-
l!rs. Vernon (.:;,).r!..'\) R".ilt is
in Hospit.::>J. 't7hcro
she tr.>.ken
sufferint; fror: a vc:r-;
severo col.d.
expect poocr in L.,. __ .;__....,._ ___ _ ....,t=====-=-=..;. ..:.; -:...::...:-.::.-==l=:::::-
tho nCJdi fcm \1<lCltai t:/-
' t c, "\ '>i
FIRE :o::::T """1-.f ,
'l;O n;;:.R i J ../ LUf p ]'-"
T'ne Donrd of Fi:t'Q 1 1' 1
ioncrs mu IJ.\tqcc1"; ovM
ni!lf: o.t 7 t 30 pn. nt F.iW k'll::9
Lodge to listQil to :CQn.Ptruc-
. - -.
tivc idens fran : J /J "' 1(/..,----.
od omioro, !
PJ..caso be thoro i.f' you do 1
think nbout Fire Snfoty.
J.l!;..1JA.T{! 1
T=:2 IC:I:: .Aru: COURD...1.
<:; Jin UcDo:-rclJ.
C: Publisher
---------------:..-,. d. ...... (;.-"9 ..... 29---- ----......
l>ublia:1ed Ever in
Subsc:.:i.. .. ltion &tea-t
}1. 2.5 qu."l.l"tor or
,.,; .50 per colurm inoj1 __ ____ .
19.59 1
Well, here it is, 1r59, nnd
&id it cct here b1 n l
The ti:J.o flerr, j ct ?ro:ieJ.led
It should be a of ncrw
t:b..L'"'lt;a. It .1.JSJ. be n
of for
. .
for bood and
tio:1 to do a good jo'u of I I /1
the . of the I \/ o o
State. It oc n
of bcGa.-rlnt;s j,n nll t:1c
nround ol't;{';rizccl . torms ___ _
JC our::;clves ':fill a f
Gif!icult decision to 1 '
rcc;nrc'.ing the borouch s;:raten 0 frl. ]__)..._ j/ I G-
:r:1 thnt ue tU"C ticc: to the I ""' + \1
PcJ:er area by our ut:i.Jities
systcns it night be t"rl.cer H- c-- -oo J
I ..:::J-'-:>
fnr nore cconotlio for us _. ____
tc..'Cllise to be incluC.od i..11 ncnt. On the other /
the Pc:W.:ler borout;h. Due to hnnd .Anchor.".P,;C rr[lllts us J n-
preccnt populntion :Utcqu...'lli+" to be a pa.rc of the G!"G-f
tics the 3onrd of Dorou;;;h Atcr Anchor ..... ge >Xca.
T_ , .. fly tf\
Comrl.s::: ioners fro:1 t:uo area Jut the queation io; I
r.ould dcfini tely be in the
':Thich one, Pal: 1cr c4 : ' . -i4i": -:.. ......... , , >'l
ninorit:r flf in the Anchor".ge Anc:hor.:-,ge, hns the nostl ,.1 ir t .lf l
Tihile if r.rc uc.rc in to offer us , a:ld u:U.ch 1
l ! l ! I i d tel . h i /"';"': \.
- ,
tho Pri.l:.ler one no TIOuld be uoy uould rrc lose t.1c l --
a OUch larb,..er percv1t .:'.lld J nost. 1 , ... ... .... .
. r. :1 . .. . . . .. . .... .. ,. .. ,_._ r;.. ""
haldd. a::::pect nore .. Courier like : fl . ; , r ,: I -:. :' , 1
tion :t..:l aD. natt crp of road I to hear your Opl.luons ! ..... j k I : . L I . e .
a."l.d public i:.lp.rova- l on this i::lportant subject. J tnP rn
-- - -------1/--- ---
/ I ,. 1? \
' I . . \.-<=: t \ \ 0 ;
I . ''-\ t: <,..,_ :'7':1
i p:.=" \i \, ;..--.J '1-::.";'\. .... f: !t:J_ . ., ,
l .;- (;{( . i:f\\ 1 t; t; ; :iJ.,..,c. . .
,.{l .;:: .... , A' ' '. >, \ , \ ""' ' ' ( ; j \ " \. .. . ,
. .?; --.:;-:-;:-' .. " ." ::V"{=-: ..,rj., .f _. ' I , ..
I / 'p - --
I t L'.. ['' p-"{" 'EN/I'") r-0

_; 0< - . i) r. ()f:> .. y' 'L ,! , t_ ;

t:"' (" )._ I ' I ! . L I I - . '-...J
r: ! t u_F 1n l- r 1 1 r; ;, F '
'!f .,-. .

.. : __ FINE FOODS ! c - i!_.i II; . l,r."'j :.' :. ,, , tJf', 'I ,,

_ H , ..-. 1/. t :
-M, k=: 1!.-f -
iiO APPOTI'!':': =ITs .'J'.E r'ECESS.ARY
p - ---- -- '
b:- Rusty Dellri.:1;;cr
the best ooo!ll,:; and
the fi:1est baki ng i n our /, ..
,. _ . .. ... ;..
'I . . . ( . . -'
; .. t ....
.;s ,_,11 lmo.::n. for .: : :. ;,.?; ;.,:.:
Q - ..L \.! V , , 'l''i,l_it.
her fc.oul\1Us r::"l.ich :-, . \ ' "' '
1-..:we crc.ced the ( ... f. . '" '
t aole of nrmy a pnrt: in ;--\ . :' :. /. 1
Alice re;>]ly s r.il1os, nnd ue
are very fortunet.t\J t:1n.t she
M.s c-ffered to sone cf
har rccic]es uith
Here is a qu:i to ricl1 nnd
elegt>.nt pnstry t:1..-.t is very
sinple to nclcc but is an
especitti tea pr.rt: confection.

as .. ,ell U:J (W: -,....,., ..
her ld.."11c!.ness and ._- .. . 1 Oup Dutter
a.'ld dispositio:l, . .,.A .. .., . ... . ., I__ !J- Oup Sug"'r
..lli b n her c rccr ,... v Y f ' \;;- " ... . :/ G b tt dd
ce eg{'l. .:t . ;rjrl.tcjP!J renrJ u crJ n sut;ur
in a fi old quite rc:JOV\Jd ' ," -:: .;. ' . j ', . ; n:1c". crca11
.J .... .,l.. nary rt "
' : C ' r::' t>---..
' - - r- r' '1 light
! a ,_,, : ... L . ;;=-.:: .:,. .. ; : - M t'"r :_)r- l t-' .u.v...L...l.
3eforo co:rl.11t; to ;lea '- - . '- "': - - . ..-..... ' fluffy.
she uorked in an airor<':tt --,--- - ---1 cups Si.rtcd Flour.
f.:J.ctory in Buroanlc, 0 .... "-' "oi"l'ltia. Alice :md Jo0 h.._.,_d at on CHILL !loi\lbh
It uac there she. :J.ot he tine, a _1. -..rge :en ar.d Roll
close frl.end LoUl.3C egg busL"'lcs::: m.th as nany -:: ... to 2 inc.1
ll."U'CU:", trllo :d th Al..icc, dro as 1500 1.:-('in:; hens, nlong Gut -:-d. th 2
' rott.1c'1. cutter
to .A1.c.cl::a in 1947 puJ] .iltr; a -::ith flocl:s of duc:cs and 1 or in 2 x 1 inch :::trips.
house trn:Uer. The t-.. "0 udv Ho-;-,cvcr, nou thQy Bnke on Ul'lb-rcuscd coolde
nture::: o:Je lr-tdies p.:J.r' :cd thei hp.ve only scvcrr1l ducks sheet in slorr oven (.300)
trc.llc:r in the 1".:1d R and geese .-rhich :..'Oro until bi'O'::'!lcd.
thc.t tJ.Je only, 'ar or l ess pet s . Alice tcl{es Renovo fron to cool.
i::-. Anc:1or[',ge. Shortl: n-f'tcr tine fro : her
tl1o.t they the lovely to at tho :funuond j
loc ho:to of tl'e H:il.l.-u--;:t s Crg:m, also r ecently she
rrhich used. to st."\:1cl '.t l5 and 3ob hnvc tr2:en up
I.lile, noved to o:'IUGit.k. 3,llroo!'J dc.nc:L"lb end h:lve
Thc:r both ;ent to uor::r c.t nnde sever<U public appe:-t
Zl.ocn(.orf, Alice in t:tc e.nccs. Sc...-rT..n; is :0-so one 1
s hop \7hero she of Alicct s t.:Qents
net her husband Bob, rrho is nncl she in up-
still :L'1 chRrge of tho sl1op. holstelj'. At one tine she
The lo.:; hone burnCC: to r:orkcd as an uph-
grmmd in a fire olsterer helped to inSj
in 19.5.3, but .Alice, Lou o.nd. till t he uyholatc;r:' in tho i
Bob, undaunted, rcbui:.t the privite plaJlC of '
lovely nodern uhich President Tru! tc.n.
Ds. Lorr...,inc J ol1:1::;on uas
the lucky to recieve
the deep r,..,_t a7nrded
by the Jao::et last
Sa turd.rw.
The prize offeree: for this
co::rl.ng ic n.n
Electric Drill, which is
a it inch 0u.."ll'lll1S. :."!llYbe
you cill be tr .. e luc::y one
so find your cou:')o:1.
S'<'.ncls ther e 'toda_;r , 3ut it is at bn!::i.TJg thn.t
--- - ----ir----_:::::;--:-::- ....._"-_____ _
. r 1 6ilf l

r r, t n
; 1 r q 4 : .. :'\ . 4 u r-
t .. iJ; ... ti :r i ---.- . -- ... . r b
! t0ll.! ;: / :;9 ;/

i 'J \AY1 t.Lf\ - . : 'v / t,f -_"<
I ; .1- \_ .. ; .. _./ h1
t -11 1 LE 2

_... . r!k 7 B) \ft-1

--, I . . ./ . .. _.:, . .. :>'
ft. tlu't:J dl lt;; u\j U \\?' 0

; .::: \ t::o-:: ,
:.-:;' . .;..' .. .. , r ---.i . .. , . . , !
; (_t
v - .. ,. "' :. .. ...

- ----------
_______ )

l'c.ge 4
Dirch";"JJod are the
of a nerr daubhtcr,
lbs. 7t oz. L:i tt2..c :.:iss
Johnson has brot:10rs and
tuo sisters, C<>.r: o.:1.d LarlY,
and Vicld. c<1.nd p.,_tt:-.

Phone - Ho-2-5280 err Drop a cc:rd to 1: . F.
ST."\R RSiT!. - 1!IU:: 25
I .
, S:'CRE"
----- ------- .......------
-rr . -.-- ::;_ .
r-,- v . .....
(:_\ .... ,-., .-. - . (?L. r:,-:. l(i\
"" ...2-., _, ,, <-, ' ;; r \ r __ r ....
, ) r(-, '-C ..,\ ':-_-.;:!'.....;_"
/.: "<; < t't4 ' .;_,;.,.) .. . .. . \: 1-. v ./
. . .::'t{{)-13tf, : -- {::; 0
' . . '<- .. . : .""'- ::'i" '.../ I "- " .
:' :.. . .) ' :, . / \j .:=:.v . /
. .JI ;:. . . .;:_) I -
;:iss Helda of :;r. Kirk's Sixth Grr.dc Clc.ss >:as
m-rarcJ. Qd a eippered ::ote Doole 3inder by The Kr>..i.k A.ru
Oourie.r for the n<'.De 1-rhich she subnitted for this colu::m.
h:cvc bec:1 ever so
Donkeys h.we 0orno ::_'U:'ocious

For n quiet i.hstor Joe.
Dnrling of the :.1adonno.s
Gentle to thdr t:..n...:cr h.mds
So ci th nou as ever
Sane as in tho Lnnd
Henrt.r in the t,;olc'.c:t northlnnd
The onJ.:r School neus tlti:J ueek cones under Joe" nnd Pedro, ocurdout,;hs
of ,Neighbors k:n0\7 thc::J. Golden
Olaoses at the School i711l resune 0:1 J E';::.U.."'.X"J 5th
- ------------- - ---- ---- -- ------ -- - - Pedro .1.nd his uastcrJoe.
7Tc fou...'1d this pocn Tll"ittcn by our friend iJo'J lCl.c;:l, in L _____ _
Tho F:ro:tticrsnan. "Jc (;.:-;:e the liberty of rcpri:1ti:;.1G it I - -
for t';lo rc.1.sons- 1, \70 like it; 2, uc h..wc of thej Sfmt & G'.RD:::S.:'1 D.
goodnQsa n.nd kindno;:;G of :.rr. Krusc.:1.vn.r;c. For . one thing 1 -:miTE are novin:; to .Anch-
hc gP.Ve us that i!:tich hn.nbs over the ro:1.d o.t o\U' 1 orr..;;e for tho b" .l.o.nce of'
School to W".rn !10to:'i,;ts our c}'lildren are nc.:u-. I the tinter. GarC.:1cr has
been an active :::c:J.bcr of'
P\.IIE GOLD by Do b IO..on _______ j_..tha..Fi rc Oon:l.?on;r.


t?r. , []
. 'U i r. ,
L.;J . ..
;:. ' .. \ . . '

F '. a..t,. (I x ell J

.. ' -t .
1 ,. .1 :.;::.:J
I , Po..:;c 6 4 O'AJlf_:')

.. ... d . c .. :.
Y? ;c. v f! :..:;J.t
1 .. ... ... '-./'-"' ; "2-
- ' ./:
"JOX':- Z:oe.rl uork.J ':'Then it cones to JJ
D"..lship on nJJ. cnSi:
ct neeclb co:Jposi tion of 1.
Cnll Jrucc 3obinson at I docu."1ents or pn:)c.;:-::; of_. .. ' ,
I b t .1. S"' .
Ho::ICste[l.d 2r-52C2. us1ness nn ure, nosv
H.Av-i rem * :::rL- n.:.:o::; I us need the help of soneone
Re.;ister nou for clnoses I experienced in t:1esc ::1atters.
bc,;in..-ri!lf,; at Vio::i.ts School! 'Je trould_like to._roco:T:end
of D
.nce. in Tap, 1 the serv:r.ces of .. .r;J{ Reese
J.V..lct :aula. For in.i'or:J:-t-j ( Grncc) Tatro of Z::...;.: Uile,
tion enD. Eo . __ j ilho a Notnr:,:
FOR She mll help ::r.n v:le forr.1ll-
1 Exterior Door,

! I lating of bills of sale,

Paint gr('_dc . E. C. Jt x 7' contrncts etc. , r-..:1d cnn also
1 .3/4ff . .:J..G.OO I furnish the :Corns.
4 Gt"llons White S:ctcrior 1 The services of
r-ti pr-dnt. )4.95 per stenographer A.I"C 1!1VnJ.uable
-,, Ch t to those uho hnv.3 occnsional
u.w.. .r::r.s u LJU.I..[;

526la businessto but
lack the neccf;-:r..r.: :!.mouledt;e
or '3quip:-:ent to c:'.l'e
of these nattcrB
Xlso, the scrvic3o of a
arc required b: il2. of us et
one tine Clr
l!Jrs. Tp_tro liveD i:1. the green
Quonset Hut behi:1d Dari-
Dclito, and is rc:-.d;{ at n.J.l
tines to help a.lt-onc in
need of her scrvicos
... __ .,

10// ICE CIIAS:Er.. - 99
' ouT\ v thru "" : ':.'lJRlLY 11: 00 r:.: to 8 : 00 2if .o.1 J.:.w .... .. - u ... ..
- 10: (,0 TO G Pi;f

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