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Cmo 14

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Republic of the Philippines



No. 14
Series of 2009


In accordance with pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 7722, otherwise
known as the Higher Education Act of 1994 and pursuant to Commission en Banc
Resolution No. 170 dated April 19, 2009, and for the purpose of rationalizing Nursing
Education in the country to provide relevant and quality health services locally and
internationally, the following policies and standards for Bachelor of Science in Nursing
(BSN) program are hereby adopted and promulgated by the Commission.


Section 1. A person is a unique bio-psycho-socio-cultural and spiritual being who
is always in constant interaction with the environment. These interactions affect
individuals, families, population groups and societal health status.

The nurse assumes the caring role in the promotion and restoration of health,
prevention of diseases, alleviation of suffering and, when recovery is not possible, in
assisting patients towards a peaceful death. The nurse also collaborates with other
members of the health team and other sectors to achieve quality healthcare. Moreover,
the nurse works with individuals, families, population groups, communities and society,
as a whole, in ensuring active participation in the delivery of holistic healthcare.

Within the context of Philippine society, nursing education, with caring as its
foundation, subscribes to the following core values which are vital components in the
development of a professional nurse and are therefore emphasized in the BSN program:

1.1 Love of God
1.2 Caring as the core of nursing
a. Compassion
b. Competence
c. Confidence
e. Conscience
f. Commitment (commitment to a culture of excellence, discipline,
integrity and professionalism)
1.3 Love of People

a. Respect for the dignity of each person regardless of creed, color,
gender and political affiliation.
1.4 Love of Country
.a Patriotism (Civic duty, social responsibility and good governance)
.b Preservation and enrichment of the environment and culture

A strong liberal arts and sciences education with a transdisciplinary approach,
enhances this core values. The BSN program therefore, aims to prepare a nurse, who,
upon completion of the program, demonstrates beginning professional competencies and
shall continue to assume responsibility for professional development and utilizes
research findings in the practice of the profession. The following are the Key Areas of
Responsibility for which a nurse should demonstrate competence in:

1. Safe and quality nursing care
2. Management of resources and environment
3. Health education
4. Legal responsibility
5. Ethico-moral responsibility
6. Personal and professional development
7. Quality improvement
8. Research
9. Record Management
10. Communication
11. Collaboration and teamwork


Section 2. All private higher education institutions (PHEIs) intending to offer the
Bachelor of Science in Nursing program must first secure proper authority from the
Commission in accordance with existing rules and regulations. State universities and
colleges (SUCs) and local colleges and universities (LCUs) should strictly adhere to the
provisions of these policies and standards.

The BSN program shall be offered by HEIs with strong liberal arts education,
offering at least six (6) baccalaureate programs, preferably in a university-based setting.
In the case of colleges and universities with less than six (6) baccalaureate program
offerings, a Memorandum of Agreement [MOA] shall be entered between and among
higher education institutions with strong liberal arts education [e.g. AB Psychology, BS
Biology, AB English, BS Engineering, BS Math, BS Economics] or hire qualified faculty to
teach the General Education courses.



Section 3. Degree Name.

The degree name shall be Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). To ensure the
quality of the nursing graduate, the degree is conferred upon completion of at least four-
year BSN program offered by a college or university duly recognized by the Commission
on Higher Education.

Section 4. Program Description.

The BSN is a four-year program consisting of general education and professional
courses. Professional courses begin in the first year and threads through the
development of competencies up to the fourth year level. The BSN program provides an
intensive nursing practicum that will refine clinical skills from the first year level to ensure
basic clinical competencies required of a beginning nurse practitioner.

4.1 Objective: The BSN program aims to produce a fully functioning nurse who is
able to perform the competencies under each of the Key Areas of Responsibility as
enumerated in Article IV Section 5 herein.

4.2 Specific Careers/Professions/Occupations. Graduates of this program as
beginning nurse practitioner may pursue the following career paths but not limited to:

a. Clinical Nursing
b. Community Health Nursing
c. Private-duty Nursing
d. Occupational Health Nursing
e. School Nursing
f. Military Nursing
g. Health Education
h. Research
i. Entrepreneurship

4.3 Allied Programs. The BSN program is allied to the following health related

a. Medicine
b. Dentistry
c. Optometry
d. Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy
e. Pharmacy
f. Public Health
g. Medical Technology
h. Radiologic Technology
i. Respiratory Therapy
j. Nutrition and Dietetics
k. Midwifery
l. Speech Pathology



Section 5. Graduates of Bachelor of Science in Nursing program must be able to
apply analytical and critical thinking in the nursing practice. The nurse must be
competent in the following Key Areas of Responsibility and its respective core
competency standards and indicators:

Key Areas of
Responsibility Core Competency Indicators
A. Safe and Core Competency 1:
- Identifies the health

Quality Demonstrates

needs of the clients (individuals, families,

Nursing knowledge based on

population groups and/or communities)

Care the health /illness

- Explains the health

status of individual /

status of the clients/ groups


Core Competency 2:
- Identifies wellness

Provides sound

potential and/or health problem of clients

decision making in the

- Gathers data related to

care of individuals /

the health condition


- Analyzes the data

considering their


beliefs and values

- Selects appropriate

action to support/enhance wellness
response; manage the health problem
- Monitors the progress of
the action taken
Core Competency 3:
- Performs age-specific

Promotes safety and

safety measures in all aspects of client care

comfort and privacy of

- Performs age-specific


comfort measures in all aspects of client care

- Performs age-specific
measures to ensure privacy in all aspects of
client care
Core Competency 4:
- Identifies the priority

Sets priorities in

needs of clients

nursing care based on

- Analyzes the needs of

clients needs


- Determines appropriate
nursing care to address priority
Core Competency 5:
- Refers identified problem

Ensures continuity of

to appropriate individuals / agencies


- Establishes means of

providing continuous client care
Core Competency 6: - Conforms to the 10 golden

Administers rules in medication administration and
medications and other health therapeutics
health therapeutics
Core Competency 7:
- Obtains informed consent

Utilizes the nursing

- Completes appropriate

process as framework

assessment forms

for nursing

- Performs appropriate

7.1 Performs
assessment techniques

- Obtains comprehensive

comprehensive and

client information

systematic nursing

- Maintains privacy and



- Identifies health needs
7.2 Formulates a
- Includes client and family

plan of care in

in care planning

collaboration with

- Collaborates with other

clients and other

members of the health team

members of the

- States expected

health team

outcomes of nursing intervention maximizing

clients competencies
- Develops comprehensive
client care plan maximizing opportunities for
prevention of problems and/or enhancing
wellness response
- Accomplishes client-
centered discharge plan
7.3 Implements
- Explains interventions to

planned nursing care

client and family before carrying them out to

to achieve identified

achieve identified outcomes


- Implements nursing

intervention that is safe and comfortable
- Acts to improve clients
health condition or human response
- Performs nursing activities effectively and in
a timely manner
- Uses the participatory approach to enhance
client-partners empowering potential for
healthy life style/wellness
7.4 Evaluates
- Monitors effectiveness of

progress toward

nursing interventions

expected outcomes

- Revises care plan based

on expected outcomes
B. Manage - Core Competency 1:
- Identifies tasks or

ment of Organizes work load

activities that need to be accomplished

Resources to facilitate client care

- Plans the performance of


tasks or activities based on priorities

- Verifies the competencies

of the staff prior to delegating tasks
- Determines tasks and
procedures that can be safely assigned to
other members of the team
- Finishes work
assignment on time
Core Competency 2:
- Identifies the cost-

Utilizes financial

effectiveness in the utilization of resources

resources to support

- Develops budget

client care

considering existing resources for nursing

Core Competency 3:
- Plans for preventive


maintenance program

mechanism to ensure

- Checks proper

proper functioning of

functioning of equipment considering the:


- intended use

- cost -benefit
- infection control
- safety
- waste creation and disposal storage
- Refers malfunctioning
equipment to appropriate unit
Core Competency 4:
- Complies with standards

Maintains a safe

and safety codes prescribed by law


- Adheres to policies,

From Competency 5
procedures and protocols on prevention and

control of infection

- Observes protocols on
pollution-control (water, air and noise)
- Observes proper disposal
of wastes
- Defines steps to follow in
case of fire, earthquake and other emergency
Core Competency 1:
- Obtains learning

C. Health Assesses the learning

information through interview, observation

Education needs of the clients/

and validation


- Analyzes relevant

- Completes assessment
records appropriately
- Identifies priority needs
Core Competency 2:
- Considers nature of

Develops health

learner in relation to: social, cultural, political,

education plan based

economic, educational and religious factors.

on assessed and
- Involves the client, family,

anticipated needs

significant others and other resources in
identifying learning needs on behavior change
for wellness, healthy lifestyle or management
of health problems
- Formulates a
comprehensive health education plan with the
following components: objectives, content,
time allotment, teaching-learning resources
and evaluation parameters
- Provides for feedback to
finalize the plan
Core Competency 3:
- Develops information

Develops learning

education materials appropriate to the level of

materials for health

the client


Applies health education


principles in the development of information
education materials
Core Competency 4:
- Provides for a conducive

Implements the health

learning situation in terms of time and place

education plan

- Considers client and

familys preparedness
- Utilizes appropriate
strategies that maximize opportunities for
behavior change for wellness/healthy life
Provides reassuring

presence through active listening, touch,
facial expression and gestures
- Monitors client and
familys responses to health education
Core Competency 5:
- Utilizes evaluation

Evaluates the


outcome of health

Documents outcome of




- Revises health education plan based on
client response/outcome/s
Core Competency 1:
- Fulfills legal requirements

D. Legal Adheres to practices

in nursing practice

Responsibility in accordance with

- Holds current

the nursing law and

professional license

other relevant

- Acts in accordance with

legislation including

the terms of contract of employment and

contracts, informed

other rules and regulations


- Complies with required

continuing professional education

- Confirms information

given by the doctor for informed consent

- Secures waiver of

responsibility for refusal to undergo

treatment or procedure

- Checks the completeness of informed

consent and other legal forms

Core Competency 2:
- Articulates the vision,

Adheres to

mission of the institution where one belongs

organizational policies

- Acts in accordance with

and procedures, local

the established norms of conduct of the

and national

institution / organization/legal and regulatory


Core Competency 3:
- Utilizes appropriate client

Documents care

care records and reports.

rendered to clients

- Accomplishes accurate

documentation in all matters concerning

client care in accordance to the standards of

nursing practice.

E. Ethico-moral Core Competency 1:
- Renders nursing care consistent with the

Responsibility Respects the rights of

clients bill of rights: (i.e. confidentiality of

individual / groups

information, privacy, etc.)

Core Competency 2:
- Meets nursing

Accepts responsibility

accountability requirements as embodied in

and accountability for

the job description

own decision and

- Justifies basis for nursing


actions and judgment

- Projects a positive image

of the profession

Core Competency 3:
- Adheres to the Code of

Adheres to the

Ethics for Nurses and abides by its

national and


international codes of

- Reports unethical and

ethics for nurses

immoral incidents to proper authorities

F. Personal Core Competency 1:
- Identifies ones strengths,

and Identifies own

weaknesses and limitations

Professional learning needs

- Determines personal and


professional goals and aspirations

Core Competency 2:
- Participates in formal and

Pursues continuing

non-formal education


- Applies learned

information for the improvement of care

Core Competency 3:
- Participates actively in

Gets involved in

professional, social, civic, and religious



organizations and
- Maintains membership to

civic activities

professional organizations

- Support activities related
to nursing and health issues
Core Competency 4:
- Demonstrates good

Projects a

manners and right conduct at all times

professional image of

- Dresses appropriately

the nurse

- Demonstrates

congruence of words and actions
- Behaves appropriately at
all times
Core Competency 5:
- Listens to suggestions

Possesses positive

and recommendations

attitude towards

- Tries new strategies or

change and criticism


Adapts to changes

Core Competency 6:
- Assesses own

Performs functions

performance against standards of practice

according to

- Sets attainable objectives


to enhance nursing knowledge and skills


- Explains current nursing

practices, as the situation arises
G. Quality Core Competency 1:
- Identifies appropriate

Improvement Gathers data for

quality improvement methodologies for

quality improvement

clinical problems

- Detects variations in
specific parameters i.e vital signs of the
client from day to day
- Reports significant
changes in clients condition/environment to
improve stay in the hospital
- Solicits feedback from
clients and significant others regarding care
Core Competency 2:
- Shares with the team

Participates in nursing

relevant information regarding clients

audits and rounds

condition and significant changes in clients
Encourages the client to

verbalize relevant changes in his/her
Performs daily check of

clients records / condition
- Documents and records
all nursing care and actions implemented
Core Competency 3:
- Reports to appropriate person/s significant

Identifies and reports

variances/changes/occurrences immediately


- Documents and reports observed

variances regarding client care
Core Competency 4:
- Gives an objective and


accurate report on what was observed

solutions to identified

rather than an interpretation of the event


- Provides appropriate

suggestions on corrective and preventive
- Communicates solutions
to appropriate groups
Core Competency 1:
- Specifies researchable

H. Research Gathers data using

problems regarding client care and


community health


- Identifies appropriate

methods of research for a particular client /
community problem
- Combines quantitative
and qualitative nursing design through simple
explanation on the phenomena observed
Core Competency 2:
- Analyzes data gathered using appropriate

Analyzes and

statistical tool

interprets data

- Interprets data gathered based on significant



Core Competency 3:
- Recommends practical solutions appropriate

Recommends actions

to the problem based on the interpretation of

for implementation

significant findings

Core Competency 4:
- Shares/presents results

Disseminates results

of findings with colleagues / clients/ family

of research findings

and to others

- Endeavors to publish
- Submits research
findings to own agency and others as
Core Competency 5:
- Utilizes findings in

Applies research

research in the provision of nursing care for

findings in nursing

individuals / groups / communities


- Makes use of evidence-based nursing to

enhance nursing practice
Core Competency 1:
- Completes updated

I. Records Maintains accurate

documentation of client care

Management and updated

- Applies principles of

documentation of

record management

client care

- Monitors and improves

accuracy, completeness and reliability of
relevant data
- Makes record readily
accessible to facilitate client care

Core Competency 2:
- Utilizes records system

Records outcome of

ex. Kardex or Hospital Information System

client care


- Uses data in decision and
policy making activities

Core Competency 3:
- Maintains integrity,

safety, access and security of records

Observes legal

- Documents/monitors

imperatives in record

proper record storage, retention and disposal


- Observes confidentially

and privacy of the clients records
- Maintains an organized
system of filing and keeping clients records
in a designated area
- Follows protocol in
releasing records and other information

Core Competency 1:
- Creates trust and confidence

Establishes rapport

- Spends time with the client/significant others

J. with clients, significant

and members of the health team to facilitate

Communicatio others and members


n of the health team

- Listens actively to clients concerns/significant

others and members of the health team

Core Competency 2:
- Interprets and validates

Identifies verbal and

clients body language and facial expressions

non-verbal cues

Core Competency 3:
- Makes use of available

Utilizes formal and

visual aids

informal channels

- Utilizes effective channels of

communication relevant to client care

Core Competency 4:
- Provides reassurance

Responds to needs of

through therapeutic touch, warmth and

individuals, families,

comforting words of encouragement

groups and

- Provides therapeutic bio-


behavioral interventions to meet the needs

of clients

Core Competency 5:
- Utilizes telephone, mobile

Uses appropriate

phone, electronic media


- Utilizes informatics to

technology to facilitate

support the delivery of healthcare


Core Competency 1:
- Contributes to decision

K. Establishes

making regarding clients needs and

Collaboration collaborative


and relationships with

- Participates actively in client

Teamwork colleagues and other

care management including audit

members of the

- Recommends appropriate

health team

interventions to improve client care

- Respects the role of other
members of the health team
- Maintains good interpersonal
relationships with clients, colleagues and
other members of the health team
Core Competency 2:
- Refers clients to allied health

Collaborates plan of

team partners

care with other

- Acts as liaison / advocate of

members of the

the client

health team

- Prepares accurate

documentation for efficient communication of


Section 6. Curriculum. Higher education institutions offering the Bachelor of
Science in Nursing program must conform to the standard curriculum embodied in this
CMO, provided that program innovations shall be subject to prior review by the

Section 7. Level Objectives. The student shall be given opportunities to be
exposed to the various levels of health care (health promotion, disease prevention, risk
reduction, curative and restoration of health) with various client groups (individual, family,
population groups and community) in various settings (hospital, community). These
opportunities shall be given in graduated experiences to ensure that the competencies
per course, per level and for the whole program are developed.

Before graduation, the student shall approximate the competencies of a
professional nurse as they assume the various roles and responsibilities. For each year
level, the following objectives should be achieved:

7.1 At the end of the first year, the students shall have acquired an understanding
and awareness of themselves as an individual and as a member of the family, the

community, and the world with emphasis on personal, societal and professional values
responsibilities, rights, and an awareness of physical, social and cultural milieu.

The student shall have an awareness of the competency -based approach in the
curriculum and the core competencies under the 11 key areas of responsibility: safe and
quality nursing care, communication, collaboration and teamwork, health education, legal
responsibility, ethico-moral responsibility, personal and professional development, quality
improvement, research, management of resources and environment, and record

Specifically, the student shall:

a. develop a deeper understanding of himself/herself and the multi-factorial
dimensions of the individual which can affect health and well being;
b. recognize his/her duty in improving the quality of life not only for himself/herself
but for others as well;
c. develop a deeper awareness of his/her rights, duties and responsibilities to
God, country and the world;
d. demonstrate beginning skills in the use of the nursing process in caring for
healthy individuals;
e. explain the theoretical foundation of nursing with the four meta-paradigms as
guide to his/her nursing practice;
f. apply the scientific method to his activities wherever possible;
g. imbibe the values cherished by the nursing profession such as teamwork,
respect, love of God, integrity and caring;
h. discuss the competency based BSN program and the core competencies
the 11 key areas of responsibility; and
i. demonstrate critical thinking skills in relating with self and others.

7.2 At the end of the second year, the student shall have acquired the holistic
understanding of the human person as a bio-psycho-cultural being focusing on the
concept of health and illness as it is related to the care of the mother and child in varied
settings. The student shall be able to demonstrate the competencies in the following key
areas of responsibility such as safe and quality nursing care, communication,
collaboration and teamwork, health education, legal responsibility, ethico-moral
responsibility, personal and professional development, quality improvement, research,
management of resources and environment, and records management.

Specifically, the student shall:

a. describe the health care delivery system and the role of the nurse in it;
b. demonstrate ethico-moral, legal responsibilities in the care of individual family
and community;
c. demonstrate the beginning skills in the provision of independent and
collaborative nursing functions;
d. relate the stages of growth and development in the care of clients;
e. demonstrate beginning skills in the preparation of healthy and therapeutic
in varied client cases;

f. explain the dynamics of the disease process caused by microbes and
parasites and the environment;
g. imbibe the core values cherished by the nursing profession such as love of
God, country and people, and caring;
h. design a plan that will focus on health promotion and risk reduction to clients;
i. utilize the nursing process in the care of the high risk mother and child in
the family.

7.3 At the end of the third year, given actual clients/situations with various
physiologic and psychosocial alterations, the student shall be able to demonstrate the
competencies in the following key areas of responsibility such as safe and quality nursing
care, communication, collaboration and teamwork, health education, legal responsibility,
ethico -moral responsibility, personal and professional development, quality
improvement, research, management of resources and environment, and records

Specifically the student shall:

a. utilize the nursing process in caring for clients across the lifespan with problems
in oxygenation, fluid and electrolyte balance, metabolism and endocrine
functioning, inflammatory and immunologic reactions, perception coordination
and maladaptive patterns of behavior;
b. apply the research process in addressing nursing/health problems to improve
quality of care;
c. integrate the role of culture and history in the plan of care;
d. apply principles of good governance in the effective delivery of quality health
e. observe the core values cherished by the nursing profession such as love of
God, country and people, and caring and the bioethical principles in the
care of clients;
f. apply a nursing theory in the management of care of a client for case study;
g. discuss the roles of economics as it impacts on health and illness;

7.4 At the end of the 4th year, given actual clients/situations the student shall be
able to demonstrate competencies in all the key areas of responsibility such as safe and
quality nursing care, communication, collaboration and teamwork, health education, legal
responsibility, ethico-moral responsibility, personal and professional development, quality
improvement, research, management of resources and environment, and records

Specifically, the student shall:

a. utilize the nursing care process in caring for clients across the lifespan with
problems in cellular aberrations and acute biologic crisis, disaster/emergency
b. apply a nursing theory in the management of care of a client for case study;
c. observe the core values cherished by the nursing profession such as love of

God, country, people and caring, and the bioethical principles and legal
dimensions in the care of clients; and,
d. demonstrate leadership and management skills in the care of a group of
clients in the community and hospital setting utilizing research findings.

Section 8. Curriculum Outline
A. Outline of Total Units of General Education (GE) Courses: 87 Units
Courses Units
Language and Humanities 21
English 1 & 2 (Communication Skills) 6
English 3 (Speech and Communication) 3
Filipino 1 & 2 6
Philosophy of Man 3
Logic and Critical Thinking 3
Mathematics, Natural Sciences & Information Technology 22
Mathematics (College Algebra) 3
Biostatistics 3
General Chemistry 3/2 5
Biochemistry 3/2 5
Physics 2/1 3
Informatics 2/1 3
Health Sciences 9
Anatomy & Physiology 3/2 5
Microbiology & Parasitology 3/1 4
Social Sciences 15
General Psychology 3
Sociology/Anthropology 3
Humanities [ World Civilization & Literature] 3
Economics with Taxation & Land Reform 3
Bioethics 3
Mandated Subjects 20
Life, Works and Writings of Rizal 3
Philippine History, Government & Constitution 3
PE 1 to 4 [2 units each] 8
National Service Training Program 1& 2 6
B. Outline and Units of Professional Courses 115 Units
Theoretical Foundations in Nursing 3
Health Assessment (2/1*) 3
Community Health Nursing (3/2*) 5
Nutrition and Diet Therapy (3/1) 4
Health Education 3
Pharmacology 3
Nursing Research I (2/1) 3

Nursing Research II 2
Competency Appraisal I 3
Competency Appraisal II 3
Elective I** 2
Elective II** 2
NCM 100 Fundamentals of Nursing Practice (3/2*) 5
NCM 101 -- Care of Mother, Child and Family (4/4*) 8
NCM 102 Care of Mother, Child, Family and Population Group At-risk
or With Problems (5/6*) 11
NCM 103 Care of Clients with Problems in Oxygenation, Fluid &
Electrolyte Balance, Metabolism and Endocrine (8/6*) 14
NCM 104 Care of Clients with Problems in Inflammatory and
Immunologic Response, Perception and Coordination (5/4*) 9
NCM 105 Care of Clients with Maladaptive Patterns of Behavior (4/2*) 6
NCM 106 Care of Clients with Problems in Cellular Aberrations, Acute
Biologic Crisis including Emergency and Disaster Nursing (6/5*) 11
NCM 107 Nursing Leadership and Management (4/3*) 7
Intensive Nursing Practicum (8*) 8
*Related Learning Experience
Grand Total Number of Units = 202
At the end of the B. S. Nursing program, the total number of related learning experiences,
skills laboratory/clinicals shall include the following:

RLE Contact Hours

Courses Skills Lab Clinical (1 credit unit =51


Health Assessment 1 0 51

Community Health Nursing 0.5 1.5 102

Nursing Research I 1 0 51

Nursing Research II 2 0 102

Nursing Care Management 100 2 0 102

Nursing Care Management 101 1 3 204

Nursing Care Management 102 1 5 306

Nursing Care Management 103 1 5 306

Nursing Care Management 104 1 3 204

Nursing Care Management 105 0 2 102

Nursing Care Management 106 2 3 255

Nursing Care Management 107-B 0 3 153

Intensive Nursing Practicum 0 8 408

12.5 33.5
2,346 hours

46 RLE Units

At the end of the B. S. Nursing program, the total number of laboratory units/hours
shall comprise the following courses:
Laboratory Units Laboratory Hours

1 unit lab=54 hours

General Chemistry 2 108

Anatomy & Physiology 2 108

Biochemistry 2 108

Physics 1 54

Microbiology & Parasitology 1 54
Nutrition with Diet Therapy 1 54
Informatics 1 54
TOTAL 10 units 540 hours

Section 9. Program of Study

Prototype 4-Year Curriculum

First Semester
Course Lec Lab RLE Units
Code Course Name SL C
English 1 Communication Skills I 3 0 0 0 3
Filipino 1 Komunikasyon sa Akademikong 3 0 0 0 3
Chem 1 General Chemistry (Organic &
Inorganic) 3 2 0 0 5
TFN Theoretical Foundations in Nursing 3 0 0 0 3
Math 1 College Algebra 3 0 0 0 3
Psych General Psychology 3 0 0 0 3
PE 1 Physical Education 1 2 0 0 0 2
NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 3 0 0 0 3
Total 23 2 0 0 25
Second Semester
Course Lec Lab RLE Units
Code Course Name SL C
English 2 Communication Skills II 3 0 0 0 3
Filipino 2 Pagbasa at Pagsulat Tungo sa 3 0 0 0 3
Ana/Physio Anatomy and Physiology 3 2 0 0 5
NCM 100 Fundamentals of Nursing Practice 3 0 2 0 5
Chem 2 Biochemistry 3 2 0 0 5
PE 2 Physical Education 2 2 0 0 0 2
NSTP 2 National Service Training Program 3 0 0 0 3
Total 20 4 2 0 26
Course Le La RLE Units
Code Course Name c b SL C
Physics Physics 2 1 0 0 3
Logic Logic and Critical Thinking 3 0 0 0 3
HA Health Assessment 2 0 1 0 3

7 1 1 0 9


First Semester
Lec Lab RLE Units
Course Code Course Name


NCM 101 Care of Mother, Child and Family 4 0 1 3 8

CHN Community Health Nursing 3 0 0.5 1.5 5

Micro/Para Microbiology and Parasitology 3 1 0 0 4

Philo Philosophy of Man 3 0 0 0 3

Bioethics Bioethics 3 0 0 0 3

PE 3 Physical Education 3 2 0 0 0 2

Total 18 1 1.5 4.5 25

Second Semester
Lec Lab RLE


Course Code Course Name


Care of Mother, Child, Family and

NCM 102 Population Group At-risk or With 5 0 1 5 11


NuDiet Nutrition and Diet Therapy 3 1 0 0 4

Pharma Pharmacology 3 0 0 0 3

Socio/Anthro Sociology with Anthropology 3 0 0 0 3

PE 4 Physical Education 4 2 0 0 0 2

16 1 1 5 23


Course Code Course Name
Lec Lab RLE Units


HealthEd Health Education 3 0 0 0 3

Info Informatics 2 1 0 0 3

English 3 Speech Communication 3 0 0 0 3

Total 8 1 0 0 9



First Semester

Course Code Course Name Lec Lab RLE Units

Care of Clients with Problems in

NCM 103 Oxygenation, Fluid & Electrolyte 8 0 1 5 14

Balance, Metabolism and Endocrine

Biostat Biostatistics 3 0 0 0 3

Econ Economics with Taxation & Land 3 0 0 0 3


Humanities Humanities [World Civilization and 3 0 0 0 3


Rizal Life, Works and Writings of Rizal 3 0 0 0 3

Total 20 0 1 5 26

Second Semester

Course Course Name Lec Lab RLE Units
Care of Clients with Problems in

NCM 104 Inflammatory and Immunologic 5 0 1 3 9

Response, Perception and


NCM 105 Care of Clients with Maladaptive 4 0 0 2* 6

Patterns of Behavior

PhilHist Philippine History, Government & 3 0 0 0 3


Nres 1 Nursing Research 1 2 0 1 0 3

Elective 1 Elective Course 1 2 0 0 0 2

Total 16 0 2 5 23

*The clinicals in NCM 105 may be done in Summer for Cross affiliation purposes.


First Semester

Course Course Name Lec Lab RLE Units
Care of Clients with Problems in

NCM 106 Cellular Aberrations, Acute Biologic 6 0 2 3 11

Crisis including Emergency and

Disaster Nursing

CA 1 Competency Appraisal 1 3 0 0 0 3

NCM 107-A Nursing Leadership and Management 4 0 0 0 4


Nres 2 Nursing Research 2 0 0 2 0 2

Elective 2 Elective Course 2 2 0 0 0 2

Total 15 0 4 3 22

Second Semester
Course Course Name Lec Lab RLE Units
Code SL C
INP Intensive Nursing Practicum 0 0 0 8 8
CA 2 Competency Appraisal 2 3 0 0 0 3
NCM 107-B Nursing Leadership and Management 0 0 0 3 3
Total 3 0 0 11 14
SL - Skills Laboratory
C - Clinicals



Section 10. Program Administration:

10.1 The College shall be administered by a full-time dean with the following

o. Filipino citizen;
|. Registered Nurse in the Philippines with current and valid PRC ID;
_. Holder of Masters degree in Nursing (MAN, MN, MSN) conferred by a
college or university duly recognized by the Commission on Higher
o. Has at least one (1) year experience of clinical practice and a total of at
least five (5) years experience in teaching, administration and supervision
of nursing education;
c. Physically and mentally fit;
|. Of good moral character;
. Has no other teaching assignments or administrative functions in other
public/private institutions or higher education institutions;
q. Member of accredited professional nursing organization of good standing;
i. Upon appointment, he/she must be an active member of good standing of
the Association of Deans of Philippine College of Nursing (ADPCN); and,
. Upon appointment, he/she should have a duly notarized employment
contract of at least one (1) academic year renewable annually. The contract
should specify the academic rank.

10.2 The Dean shall have the following functions and responsibilities:

a. Prepares short term and long term plans;
b. Initiates curriculum development programs;
c. Plans a rational faculty, academic and non-academic load;
d. Leads in the faculty and staff development programs;
e. Manages human, financial and physical resources;
f. Manages student development programs;
g. Manages department/college office operations;
h. Leads development and utilization of instructional resource
i. Pursues personal and professional development;
j. Collaborates with the health services, affiliation agencies and other
academic units in the implementation of instructional programs;
k. Monitors proper implementation of the programs;
l. Initiates research and community extension projects/programs;
m. Establishes internal and external linkages;
n. Obtains recognition/accreditation of the nursing program; and
o. Evaluates the performance results of the nursing program.

10.3 The Dean shall have a teaching load not exceeding a total of six (6) units of
lecture in a semester.

Section 11. Faculty Qualifications/Requirements:

11.1 The faculty shall have academic preparation appropriate to his/her teaching
assignment. In addition to being a Filipino citizen and having good moral character, the
following qualifications must be observed:

For faculty members teaching professional courses:

a. Registered Nurse in the Philippines with current/valid PRC ID
b. Holder of Masters degree in Nursing (MAN, MN, MSN), Education or other
allied medical and health sciences conferred by a college or university duly
recognized by the Commission on Higher Education;
c. At least one (1) year of clinical practice
d. A member of accredited professional nursing organization of good standing

For faculty members teaching other courses:

e. At least a masters degree holder of other allied medical and health sciences
as specified under Section 4.3 of this CMO for those teaching health
science courses;
f. At least a masters degree holder in their area of specialization for faculty
members teaching general education courses and should only teach
courses in their area of specialization;

11.2 When vacancies occur in the teaching force of the college during the school
year, substitute or replacement with similar or higher qualifications shall be employed.

11.3 The following conditions for employment must be observed:

a. The salary of faculty shall be commensurate to his/her academic

b. Full time faculty member who teaches professional courses shall be
responsible for both classroom and Related Learning Experiences

11.4 Upon appointment, a faculty member should have a duly notarized
employment contract of at least one (1) academic year, renewable annually specifying
academic rank in accordance with his academic training and clinical expertise. The
recognized ranks are: instructor, assistant professor, associate professor and professor.

11.5 For the initial operation of the BSN program with two (2) sections of not more
than 50 students per section, a minimum of four (4) qualified faculty members teaching
professional and health science courses, two (2) of whom must be at least holders of a
masters degree in nursing, shall be employed.


11.6 The College of Nursing shall have an updated five-year faculty development
program (FDP). The FDP consists of written activities and programs toward the
development of the faculty for intellectual, personal, and professional as well as moral
and spiritual growth. The program may be in the form of:

a. graduate studies
b. scholarship and research grants
c. in-service and continuing training programs
d. clinical skills enhancement on official basis for at least two weeks
per year

11.7. Teaching Load. The teaching load of faculty members should be as follows:

a. Full-time faculty members may carry a combined RLE and teaching
load of not more than thirty-six (36) units per semester which include
consultation hours and other activities related to RLE instruction,
research and extension services. One hour of RLE supervision is
equivalent to one (1) unit credit.

b. Nurses who are employed in government and private
institutions and at the same time who serve as part time faculty or
clinical instructors must secure permit from the employer/s to be given a
maximum teaching load of nine (9) units, provided they will render
services after office hours. Moreover, the Chief Nurse/Training
Coordinator/Supervisor/Head Nurse should not assume any
administrative and clinical supervisory function in any nursing school.

11.8. The college of nursing must have a faculty manual containing information
and policies on all matters pertaining to the faculty.

11.9. There must be a faculty clinical orientation on policies, standards,
guidelines and expectations on the course of affiliating agencies. Likewise,
nurses from affiliating agencies employed as preceptors or clinical
instructors must be oriented on the BSN Curriculum and the expectations
on the course.

Section 12. Library

12.1. Policy. Library services shall provide the instructional and research needs of
the staff and students making it one of the most important service units within a higher
education institution. It is for this reason that libraries should be given special attention by
the administrators of the institution. Libraries should be maintained it with a wide and up-
to-date collection, qualified staff, communications and connectivity portals.

12.2 Library Staff. The Head librarian should be:

a) A registered librarian;
b) Masters degree holder in Library Science; and,
c) Posses appropriate professional training.

The library should be staffed with one full time registered librarian for every
1,000 students and a ratio of 1 librarian to 2 staff/clerks.

12.3. Library Holdings. Library holdings should conform to existing requirements
for libraries. There should be five (5) book titles per professional subject found in the
curriculum at a ratio of one (1) volume per fifteen (15) students enrolled in the program.
Book titles must be of recent edition, published within the last five (5) years. The Higher
education institutions [HEI] are encouraged to maintain periodicals and other non -print
materials relevant to the nursing program to aid the faculty and students in their
academic works. CD-ROMs may complement a librarys book collection but should not
be considered a replacement for the same.

a. Opening of new BSN program shall have at least 3,000 total number of
books accessioned, 30% of which shall consist of professional books. Ten percent
(10%) of the total professional book collection shall be of Filipiniana collection.

b. The library collection during the recognition of the BS Nursing program
shall double the book collection specified in 12.3.a.

12.4. Journals. For the opening of new BS nursing program, the HEI shall have a
regular and updated subscription to at least seven (7) professional foreign nursing
journals and at least two (2) local journals in the following areas:

a. Maternal and Child Nursing
b. General Nursing c.
Nursing Research d.
Psychiatric Nursing
e. Nursing Management/Leadership
f. Pediatric Nursing
g. Medical-Surgical Nursing

For the recognition of the BS nursing program, the subscription of foreign
nursing journals should be regularly updated and maintained. The number of
copies of these journals shall be increased depending upon the student

In addition to the core book collection, a core periodical collection of
current and relevant titles (local and foreign) shall also be provided. Periodicals
shall include serials, magazines and newspapers. A minimum of five (5) titles are
required. The recommended number of periodicals based on enrollment is as

No. of copies of
Enrollment Periodicals
For every 250 students 5 copies per title

12.5. Regular weeding out program shall be undertaken to keep the collections
relevant and up-to-date within the last five (5) years. Archived collections shall not be
more than 30% of the total collections.

12.6. Stamping of Library Collections. For purposes of identification, the library
collection including general education books, professional books, reference materials,
journals and similar other collections shall be stamped with the name of
college/university and the campus where the institution is located.

12.7. Internet Access. Internet access is encouraged but should not be made a
substitute for book holdings.

12.8. Space Requirements. The following are the minimum requirements for the
a. At least 126 square meters or approximately
two (2) classrooms shall be required
for the library.

b. At any one time, a library space should accommodate at least five per cent
(5%) of the total enrollment.

c. It should include space for collections, shelving areas, stockroom, reading
area and office space or lounge for staff. The facilities shall be designed to attract and
provide safety and promote operational efficiency and effectiveness of use. In addition,
provision for future expansion should be made.

12.9. Finance. All library fees should be used exclusively for library operations and
procurement for collections, furniture and fixtures, equipment and facilities, maintenance
and staff development.

12.10. Networking. School libraries shall participate in inter-institutional activities
and cooperative programs whereby resource sharing is encouraged.

12.11. Accessibility. The library should be accessible to all and should be open to
serve the needs of users even beyond class hours. Users include members of the
faculty, students and employees of the institution.

Section 13. Facilities and Equipment

13.1. Laboratory Requirements:

Laboratories should conform to existing requirements as specified in RA 6541,
The National Building Code of the Philippines and Presidential Decree 856, Code of
Sanitation of the Philippines. List of required and recommended equipment are listed in
each course requirement.

A system for identification of laboratory equipment, supplies and models should
be observed.


13.2. Classroom Requirements:

a. For regular lecture class, the class size shall have a maximum of 50
b. For science laboratory class, the class size shall
have a maximum of 25 students
c. For special lectures, a class size of more than 45 students may be
allowed as long as the required facilities are provided.

The classroom area shall have at least 7 meters x 9 meters or 63 square meters.

13.3. Nursing Skills Laboratory:

The nursing skills laboratory must be well-lighted and well-ventilated. Its
demonstration room and practice area for return demonstration must have an area of at
least 8m. x 14m. or 112 sq.m. The nursing skills laboratory simulates major areas in
hospital setting and equipped with basic instruments, equipment and supplies, to aid in
the development of the competencies in performing nursing procedures. Specifically, the
nursing skills laboratory shall have:

a. An amphitheater-style demonstration room that can accommodate a
maximum of 50 students at one time with lavatory and running water;
c. Ratio of bed to practicing students is 1:2 or a practice area for return
demonstration where there is one (1) bed to two (2) students at any given
d. At least two (2) doors which will serve as an entrance and exit;
e. At least one (1) fire extinguisher placed outside the door in each science
laboratory/nursing skills laboratory. The fire extinguisher must have a
record of refill and expiry date attached to the unit;
f. Basic demonstration models namely:

1. Birthing model
2. Newborn Model
3. Adult bisexual model with the following contraptions for:
3.1 basic life support
3.2. tracheostomy care
3.2. colostomy care
3.3 catheterization 3.4
3.5. parenteral/intravenous (IV)
g. Equipment
1. Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring demonstration
2. Suction apparatus

h. Ratio of demonstration models to practicing students is 1:10, to facilitate

13.4. Clinical Facilities and Resources:


Related Learning Experiences (RLEs) are teaching-learning opportunities
designed to develop the competencies of students utilizing processes in various
health situations. These could be sourced from, but not limited to: lying-in clinics,
schools, industrial establishments, community, out-patient clinics and general and
specialty hospitals.

Base Hospital. The base hospital is a health facility utilized by a higher
education institution with nursing program offering as a source of basic or primary
related learning experiences. The hospital maybe independent or owned or
operated by the institution or utilized by the institution in accordance with an
effective and duly notarized Memorandum of Agreement between the institution
and the base hospital which clearly specifies the responsibilities of each party.

The base hospital of a nursing school should meet the following

a. Has current accreditation by the DOH-Bureau of Licensing and
Regulation as Level IV Hospital (Tertiary Care/Teaching/Training
Hospital). However, Level III Hospitals (Secondary Care Hospitals)
may be considered provided that the hospital can provide the following:

a.1 adequate case load for the number of students enrolled
as stipulated in Article VII, Section 15-e. 9.

a.2 adequate facilities for the teaching and learning needs of
the students.

b. Has minimum capacity of 100 beds with general services and
minimum bed occupancy of eighty percent (80%);

c. Should be accessible and located within the region where the nursing
school is situated. In the case of nursing schools located in Metro
Manila, the base hospital should be located within Metro Manila.

d. Sixty per cent (60%) of the total bed capacity of the base hospital
be used for the RLEs of students.

e. Should have a master rotation plan indicating the schedule/areas
of all the schools utilizing the hospital for training of students.

Affiliation Hospital is a health facility being utilized by the higher education
institution in specialized areas for supplementary clinical learning of students such
as mental, orthopedics and communicable diseases. A Contract of Affiliation shall
be used as a legal document to show the terms of references among involved
parties. Parties to the contract of affiliation should provide and maintain

an environment conducive for the attainment of the teaching -learning objectives.
The nursing school and the hospital agency should establish effective
coordination and cooperation. Open communication should exist among the
medical staff and the school personnel.

Cross regional affiliations will not be allowed unless in cases where
specialty areas cannot be found in the region.

The base hospital/s, affiliation hospital/s and community health agency/ies
being used by the students for RLEs either conducted in urban or rural community
should have the following facilities:

a. classroom for conference
b. library
c. comfort room
d. dressing room
e. lounge
f. locker

Provision should be made for adequate physical facilities, supplies and
equipment for effective nursing care and learning experiences of students.

The nursing service should be provided with a designated training
coordinator and the required staffing composed of qualified professional and non-
professional personnel.

The faculty and the nursing service personnel of the affiliation agency
should work together in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the related
learning experiences of students.

There should be an adequate number of patients varying in age, sex,
level/acuity and types of illness desired for teaching-learning experience of
different curricular levels.

13.5. Virtual Nursing Skills Laboratory:

Higher education institutions are encouraged to put up Virtual Skills
Laboratory to supplement and complement the related learning experiences prior
to actual experience.


Section 14. Standard of Instruction. The institution must maintain a high standard
of instruction, utilizing appropriate and updated course syllabi/references and
instructional methods/strategies taking into consideration the key areas of responsibility
(safe and quality nursing care, health education, communication, collaboration &

teamwork, legal responsibility, ethico-moral responsibility, personal & professional
development, research, quality improvement, records management and management of
resources and environment) that contribute to quality nursing education. The following
should be strictly observed:

a. Professional nursing subjects should be offered with the corresponding
RLEs taking into consideration the pre-requisites, sequencing,
continuity and integration requirements.

b. Credit for the completion of the course shall be
based on the fulfillment of curricular requirements. The grades on
professional courses shall be based on the course credit (i.e. lecture
units and RLE units).

c. The ratio of faculty to student in science laboratory class is 1:25 while
regular classroom is 1:50. The institution shall provide for a systematic
and continuing plan of evaluation of the students progress through a
marking system that is consistent and congruent with set objectives.

d. A system of academic evaluation shall be instituted and implemented for
monitoring and evaluating students and teacher performance.

e. There shall be a regular academic audit on instructional resources such
as syllabi, textbooks, modules, audiovisual materials and others such as

f. Academic records of faculty members must be properly kept and
maintained in the college of nursing.

g. The competency standards for nursing practice in the Philippines must
be an integral part of the nursing education process, therefore, the
Philippine Nursing Core Standards shall serve as the framework for the
development of instructional standards of the BS Nursing curriculum as
provided by the PRC-BoN Resolution No.112 s. 2005 and future
amendments consistent thereto; as well as PRC-BoN Memorandum No.
01 s. 2009 dated April 14, 2009 entitled, Policy Guidelines on
Intrapartal, Immediate Care of the Newborn and Intra-operative Care.

Section 15. The teaching-learning process is composed of the theoretical/didactic
and experiential/RLE. The Related Learning Experience (RLE) is composed of Clinicals
and Skills Laboratory. The RLE activities are carefully selected to develop competencies
utilizing the nursing process in varying health situations. The following conditions must
be observed:

a. Related Learning Experience (clinicals) shall be offered simultaneously
or immediately after the lecture. Classroom and RLE activities must be
congruent with the objectives of the course.

b. Faculty teaching the lecture shall supervise students in their RLE. In the
case of team teaching, there should be close coordination and
collaboration between the lecturer and the clinical faculty.


c. A documented RLE rotation plan showing distribution of students and
faculty supervision in each clinical area of base hospital and affiliation
agencies shall be made available.

d. Faculty compensation shall be based on the computation that one (1)
hour RLE is equivalent to one (1) lecture hour.

e. Effectiveness and efficiency of the Related Learning Experience, shall
consider the following factors:

e.1 Quality of supervision of clinical instructors and teaching-learning
e.2 Readiness and capability of the learner
e.3 Quality of the learning resources both in institutions and
e.4 Adequate number and variety of clientele
e.5 Utilization of appropriate feedback mechanism
e.6 Adequate number of qualified nursing staff and other personnel
e.7 Quality of nursing care services
e.8 Compliance with the required equivalence of fifty one (51) hours to
to one (1) unit RLE
e.9 Ratio of student to clientele depends upon the objectives and the
capacity of the student.

The ratio of student to clientele shall be:

Level 1
Semester 2
I NA 1:1
II 1:1 1:2
III 1:2-3 1:3-4
IV 1:5 1:6

The ratio depends upon the client group, e.g, ICU 1:1-2; Psych 1:1;
Community-based experience 1:1 Family; 1:1 Population Group per
catchment area; 1-2:1 Community (depending on the size of the barangay).

The ratio of faculty to student for RLE (Skills Laboratory) shall be:

Level 1
Semester 2
Semester Summer
I NA 1:8-10 1:8-10
II 1:8-10 1:8-10 NA
III 1:10-12 1:10-12 NA
IV 1:12-15 1:12-15 NA

The ratio of faculty to student for RLE (Clinicals in Hospital/Community
setting) shall be:

Level 1
Semester 2
II 1:8-10 1:8-10
III 1:10-12 1:10-12
IV 1:12-15 1:12-15

Section 16. Recognition and Accreditation

a. For government recognition, an increase in student population shall be
subject to proportionate increase in resources both in classroom and clinical
area, subject to CHED approval. For this purpose, CHED Regional Offices
shall strictly monitor compliance herein.

b. Nursing schools that are in existence for a period of five (5) years are
encouraged to undergo program accreditation.


The administration shall encourage and support research among its students and
faculty and promote utilization of research findings to guide and improve nursing
practice, educational management and other aspects of the nursing program.

All students shall complete a research project during the course of study.

Faculty research outputs and publications shall be considered in faculty
promotions and academic ranking. Strict adherence to ethics in research must be

There shall be an adequate budget allocated for research and publication. A
functional research committee or office should support research and publication


The school shall have a well-defined admission, selection, promotion and
retention policy published and made known to students and reflected in the Student
Handbook. In addition, the college shall administer entrance examination to incoming
freshmen students covering the following areas:

a. English
b. Science
c. Mathematics
d. Inductive Reasoning
The number of students admitted to the College of Nursing shall be based on the

a. qualified faculty
b. teaching/learning resources
c. resources of the base hospital/affiliation agencies based on:
- clientele
- staffing
- facilities/services
- number of student affiliates

Records and evidences of actual implementation of these policies must be made

A student is allowed to enroll a course after he/she has satisfactorily passed all its
pre-requisite courses.

A student shall be allowed to enroll only the regular semestral load. However,
academic load for graduating students must be guided by appropriate CHED issuances.

All students in the BS Nursing program shall strictly adhere to the regular rotation
of RLE and schedule of classes. The Special BS Nursing program provided in CMO No.
9 s. 2004 shall no longer be allowed.


As a general rule, a candidate for graduation must have taken the last curricular
year level in the college. The student shall be evaluated according to the criteria or
system of evaluation required by the college to determine proficiency in all professional


Non-compliance with the provisions of this CMO shall, after due process, cause
the Commission to revoke government permit/recognition or deny issuance of authority
to operate the nursing program.

The average national passing percentage in the Philippine Nurses Licensure
Examination from 2004 to 2008 is 45.91%. Two thirds (2/3) of 45.91% is thirty percent
(30%), the basis for the implementation of gradual phase-out.

Thus, in the initial implementation of the gradual phase out of the nursing
program, an average of below 30% for a three -year period (SY 2010-2011, 2011-2012,
2012-2013) in the Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination starting from 2013 shall be
implemented by the CHED, subject to the following guidelines:

1. The official results of the Nurse Licensure Examination issued by the Board of
Nursing of the Professional Regulation Commission shall be the basis in
phasing-out of nursing programs.

2. The performance of the school shall be based upon the average rating
obtained within the schoolyear, namely, ratings in the June and December

examinations. If the school has only one examination undertaken in a year,
this shall be considered the annual rating.

3. The average passing rate obtained by HEIs for the past three (3) years shall
be the basis in phasing-out the program.

4. The computation of the 30% shall only involve the ratings of the examinees
who took the Nurse Licensure Examination for the first time.


Higher education institutions that have been granted permit or recognition to offer
the BS Nursing program are required to fully comply with all the requirements in this
CMO within three (3) years after the date of effectivity. There shall be close monitoring
of nursing programs by the Commission.


Any provision of this Order, which may thereafter be held invalid, shall not affect
the remaining provisions.

All CHED issuances, rules and regulations or parts thereof that are inconsistent
with the provisions of this CMO are hereby repealed.


Higher education institutions [HEIs] that opted to implement CMO No. 30 s. 2001
shall allow their students to the finish BSN curriculum under CMO No. 30 s. 2001 while
those HEIs that opted to implement CMO No. 5 s. 2008 during the SY 2008-2009 shall
allow their students to graduate under CMO No. 14 s. 2009.

This CMO shall take effect starting Schoolyear 2009-2010, fifteen (15) days after
its publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of national circulation.


Quezon City, Philippines
April 28, 2009

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