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1.1 Purpose: Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

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Software Requirements Specification for GPS Tracking System Page 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose
Having the possibility to follow physically the position of a person on regular basis can
be comfortable for family, relatives or others. The project is meant to propose a simple
and portable solution for people to get traced during a trip. The application is web based
and should be available for every people.
1.2 Document Conventions
The application is web based and should be available for every people who have the
possibility to
1. Run a small Java application on its mobile phone.
2. Has link between a GPS device and its mobile phone.
3. Has Internet access.
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions
This concept is not new and a lot of applications involving GPS are available on the
market: nowadays almost every new car is equipped with a GPS on board and help people in
city or country side to find their road.
1.4 Product Scope
The concept of this project is a bit different. We are not focusing on "where
are we?" but more on "where he/she is?". For this the idea is to use a cell phone which
accepts to receive GPS coordinates and send them to a server able to record them under the
account of a register user (tracked person). Then from a web client, the user can be followed
on a map in real time mode.
1.1 References
Software Requirements Specification for GPS Tracking System Page 2
2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Function

The technologies used for the project are client-server and web based. The main
platform of development is J2EE. The full description of the language, server version is
described above. We will not explain in detail how J2EE works and assume that the reader
knows this technology and how the modules are needed.

This concept is not new and a lot of applications involving GPS are available on the
market: nowadays almost every new car is equipped with a GPS on board and help people in
city or country side to find their road.

Also it exists, for mountain activities like free ride, those automatic signalling systems
which switch on as soon as the rider get caught by an avalanche for example. It transmits a
radio signal to the closest relay and indicates the exact position of the victim. It helps for the
search and often save lives.
Software Requirements Specification for GPS Tracking System Page 3

2.2 Operating Environment
The system needs different hardware and software components:


The OS where all the following were installed is Windows XP sp2:

1. J2EE Application Server: Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.1

2. Enterprise Java Beans 2.1

3. Java Midlet : SUN J2ME Wireless Tool Kit 2.2

4. Point Base free Version: 5.2 ECF build 294

5. Test Browsers : Fire Fox 1.0.7, Internet Explorer

6. Java VM : J2SE Version 1.5.0 (build 1.5.0 06 b05)

In addition, we have used Google Earth (v3.0) Release Notes - November, 2005 (v3.0.07xx).
The Development platform is Eclipse Version: 3.1.1.


Only two devices where needed and provided by the PAI group:

1. Mobile Phone Nokia

2. GPS EMTAC Bluetooth - GPS Trine
Software Requirements Specification for GPS Tracking System Page 4

2.3 Design and Implementation Constraints
The general structure of the application is shown in the Figure

The application is based on 3-tiers architecture:

1. Client side: mobile application, web browser

2. Server side: business logic, web application (interface)

3. Database

The client side which contains a Java Midlet application (loaded in the mobile phone)
and the browsers. The application server which contains the Web container (JSPs and
servlets) and the EJB container where the business logic (Session beans and Entity beans)
stands. The third tier is the database managing the tables where the entity beans store their

Software Requirements Specification for GPS Tracking System Page 5
2.4 User Documentation
<List the user documentation components (such as user manuals, on-line help, and tutorials) that will
be delivered along with the software. Identify any known user documentation delivery formats or
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies
<List any assumed factors (as opposed to known facts) that could affect the requirements stated in the
SRS. These could include third-party or commercial components that you plan to use, issues around
the development or operating environment, or constraints. The project could be affected if these
assumptions are incorrect, are not shared, or change. Also identify any dependencies the project has
on external factors, such as software components that you intend to reuse from another project, unless
they are already documented elsewhere (for example, in the vision and scope document or the project

Software Requirements Specification for GPS Tracking System Page 6
3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces

This application should follow user interface standard specified by android version 4.0.0 and
It mainly contains following buttons :

Search Button
GPS enabling button
Navigate Button

Software Requirements Specification for GPS Tracking System Page 7
Search Button :
It contains further buttons like to and from. Input to this buttons can be given using text or
GPS Enabling Button :
The primary requirement for this application is GPS should be kept enabled.
But if it is disabled then user can enable it using this button.
Navigate Button :
Its normal use is to navigate from source to destination.

As shown in above figure, Screen contains map showing path from current location to specified
location by user.
There should be 3 buttons for standard functions Back button, Home Button, Recent App button
specified in designing of android 4.0 and above.

3.2 Hardware Interfaces
Following are the hardware components which are required for smooth working for an application.

Touch Screen
Phone Antenna

GPS : Application request GPS to obtain current location which is further used by it.
Touch Screen : User has to actually interact with touch screen for using application.
Mic : It is used for supporting voice input.
Phone Antenna : For data connectivity.

Software Requirements Specification for GPS Tracking System Page 8
3.3 Software Interfaces
Data generated by the application can be given to Navigation application
Java for UI design.
3.4 Communications Interfaces
It uses HTTP protocol for establishing connection between server and application.
Any Compatible Web Browser.

Software Requirements Specification for GPS Tracking System Page 9
4. System Features

4.1 Admin and Officers Login
4.1.1 Priority: high
4.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences:

4.1.3 Functional Requirements:

REQ-1: If text box left empty , show error message for entering data in
remaining field.
REQ-2: If unauthorized user, show error message and clear textbox.

4.2 Administrator functionality
4.2.1 Priority: high
4.2.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences:
User Action Response
Log in Login page
Admin Action Response
Manage tracks (update,delete,etc) Manage track page
Add new user Add new user page
Delete user Delete user page
View login logfile Log table page
Software Requirements Specification for GPS Tracking System Page 10

4.2.3 Functional Requirements:

REQ-1: Admin should have different login page and if credentials doesnt
match, show error message.

4.3 Users functionality
4.3.1 Priority: medium
4.3.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences:

4.3.3 Functional Requirements:

REQ-1: all fields should be validated in terms of data type.
REQ-2 : user should enter all mandatory fields.

Officers Action Response
Enter all required fields (First
Name,street,pincode,phone no etc)
User registeration form
Modify user details User profile modify page
Software Requirements Specification for GPS Tracking System Page 11
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements
Admin is authorised person to add, modify and delete records which are centrally
located and hence data stored can be retrieved efficiently by user.
5.2 Security Requirements
In this whole software system, Admin is main actor who is able to permit for adding,
deleting user profiles and also to manage track. So admin password and centrally
located data should be kept secured by means of security algorithm.
5.3 Software Quality Attributes
Ease of data retrieval
Highly cohesive
5.4 Business Rules
System is benefited for user as he can track current location and also able to find
distance between location where he want to go and current place.
Application can be used by all android users.

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