Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning Unique Weapons Locations
Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning Unique Weapons Locations
Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning Unique Weapons Locations
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By Haider Khan February 10, 2012 38 Add Comment
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Unique Weapons in Kingdom of Amalur are one-of-a-kind weapons with special bonuses and/or very high
damage. They are very hard to find generally. On top of that, the repair of such weapons is quite expensive.
Also, do note that smashing objects in the world will wear down your weaponry. The wear through this method
will be much less than when fighting enemies, but it will mount up if made a habit of.
For more help on Kingdom of Amalur, read our Crafting, Troubleshooting Guide and Unique Armor Locations.
Following are some of the unique weapons in the game:
A unique scepter with Stats: 12 Ice Damage 7 Freezing Damage over 6 Seconds +10 Mana +4% Experience
A unique longsword with Stats: 24 Physical Damage 9 Piercing Damage 10 Bleeding Damage over 5 Seconds
10% Chance to Steal 5 Health per Hit.
Chaos Stem
A unique scepter with Stats: 44 Fire Damage 38 Burning Damage over 3 Seconds +50 Health +10% Chance to
A unique staff with Stats: 61 Ice Damage 26 Freezing Damage over 6 Seconds +5% Ice Damage 20 Piercing
Corthian Mal let
A unique hammer with Stats: 111 Physical Damage 12 Piercing Damage +8% Chance to incur a Critical Hit
+8% Critical Hit Damage.
Ouranos Maul
A unique hammer with Stats: 173 Physical Damage +5% Ice Damage 20 Ice Damage 12 Freezing Damage
over 5 Seconds.
Spi nning Tom Blades
Unique daggers with Stats: +9 Physical Damage +15 Piercing Damage +4% Experience Bonus 6 bleeding
Damage over 5 seconds.
A unique scepter with Stats: 25 Lightning Damage 16 Shocking Damage over 5 Seconds 10% Chance to Steal
18 Mana per Hit.
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A unique Greatsword with Stages: 138 Physical Damage 33 Piercing Damage +90 HP +25 Lightning Damage
+15 Freezing Damage over 5 seconds.
A unique scepter with Stats: 16 Fire Damage 13 Burning Damage over 3 Seconds +20 Health +5% Gold
A unique hammer with Stats: 58 Physical Damage +15 Health +10% Chance to Stun.
Faebl ades of Song
Unique Faeblades rewarded after Song of Sir Sagrell with Stats: 15 Physical Damage 8 Piercing Damage +5
Health +10% Physical Damage +10% Chance to Stun.
Fangs of Aodh
A unique pair of daggers with Stats: 16 Physical Damage 16 Piercing Damage 15 Fire Damage 9 Burning
Damage over 3 Seconds 10% Chance to Steal 20 Health per Hit.
A unique Greatsword with Stats: 38 Physical Damage 8 Piercing Damage +15 Health 10 Ice Damage 5
Freezing Damage over 5 seconds.
Hel lbane
A unique longsword with Stats: 50 Physical Damage 20 Piercing Damage 15% Chance to Steal 15 Health per
Hit +15% Damage vs Niskaru.
Humble Staff
A unique staff with Stats: 14 Lightning Damage 8 Shocking Damage over 5 seconds +5% Fire Damage +5%
Ice Damage +5% Lightning Damage +3% Gold Drop.
Kel erons Messenger
A unique Longbow with Stats: 34 Physical Damage 25 Piercing Damage +5% Chance to incur a Critical Hit
+5% Critical Hit Damage.
Rei zarfs Guidance
A unique scepter with Stats: 40 Fire Damage 30 Burning Damage over 3 Seconds +5% Fire Damage +10%
Chance to incur a Critical Hit.
A unique Chakram with Stats: 11 Physical Damage 11 Ice Damage 11 Freezing Damage over 6 Seconds +5%
Ice Damage +15% Mana.
Sylvan Order
A unique Longbow with Stats: 23 Physical Damage 13 Piercing Damage 6 Bleeding Damage over 5 seconds.
Stormcall er
A unique Longbow with Stats: 53 Physical Damage 24 Piercing Damage 6 Poison Damage over 6 Seconds
+5% Lightning Damage 20 Lightning Damage 10 Shocking Damage over 5 Seconds.
A unique staff with Stats: 23 Lightning Damage 14 Shocking Damage over 5 Seconds 10% Chance to Steal 10
Mana per Hit.
Arctic Staff of Gl uttony
Level 18 staff with 167 base damage, 114 ice damage, 53 freezing over 6 seconds and 15% chance to steal 25
mana per hit.
El ectri fying Chakrams of Bloodletting
Level 18 Chakrams with 186 base damage, 41 physical damage, 71 lightning damage, 74 shocking over
10seconds and 15% chance to steal 25 health per hit.
Level 9 Great Sword with 103 Physical damage, 24 Piercing, +10% poison and 33 poison over 5 seconds.
Sol stice
Level 7 Chakrams with 27 Physical damage, 47 Fire damage and 65 Burning over 3 seconds.
Fangs of Aodh
Level 5 Daggers with 16 Physical damage, 16 Piercing, 15 Fire damage, 9 Burning over 3 seconds and 10%
chance to steal 20 health.
Rivener Tarsus
Staff with 75 lightning damage and 25 shocking damage over 10 seconds Rest of the attributes will vary
since you construct this weapon as part of a quest.
Hai lstorm
Level 7 bow with 48 physical damage, 22 piercing, +5% ice damage, 18 ice damage and 8 freezing damage
over 5 seconds.
Sereni ty
Level 7 Sceptre with 36 ice damage, 22 freezing damage 6 seconds, +55 mana and +10% chance to stun.
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Ivory Staff
Level 7 Staff with 55 fire damage, 48 burning damage 3 seconds and 10% chance to steal 20 health Its a
quest item.
The Salamander s Tail
Level 7 Fae Blades with 39 physical damage, 23 piercing, +5% fire damage, 20 fire damage and 12 burning 5
Corthian Mal let
Level 6 Hammer with 111 Physical damage, 12 piercing, +8% chance to critically hit and +8% critical damage.
Breath of Vraekor
Level 3 bow with 23 physical damage, 9 piercing, +5% fire damage, 10 fire damage and 7 burning 5 seconds.
Level 5 Sceptre with 25 lightning damage, 16 shocking 5 seconds and 10% chance to steal 18 mana.
Level 4 Greatsword with 57 physical damage, 13 piercing damage, +7% gold drop and +8% critical chance.
Merci less
Level 4 bow with 29 physical damage, 13 piercing damage, 29 poison 5 seconds and +5% poison damage.
Hammer with 111 physical, +10% physical damage and +25% damage vs J ottun & Ettin.
Gentlemans Favor
Level 4 Greatsword with 57 physical, 12 piercing, +20% health, +20% physical damage and +10% piercing
Sylvan Order (Longbow)
23 Physical Damage, 13 Piercing Damage, 6 Bleeding Damage over 5 seconds It can be found in a chest
behind a stone wall just after fighting a niskaru with Ost Ordura after he has mourned the fallen.
Shi ne and Shadow
Unique daggers with 9 physical damage, 9 piercing damage, 8 Fire damage during day time, 5 burning
damage over 3 seconds during day time, 8 ice damage during night time and 4 freezing damage over 5
seconds during night time. You will get them by completing a quest a gnome in Holnstead gives you.
Robe of Seasons
Unique Robe with +30% Mana Regen per second, +16% Lightning Damage but requires 32 Sorcery. It can be
looted off a random Elite Murghan outside, and around the corner from Sioran Crypt.
Atropos and Veshani
Unique Daggers with +35 Physical Damage, +35 Piercing Damage, +50 Poison Damage over Four Seconds
and 15% Chance to Steal 30 Health Per Hit. It can be looted from a very hard chest in Dannestar Tower on
Echoes of the Past quest.
Following items may be found on the Warsworn faction quest-line.
Unique Daggers with +26 Physical Damage, +26 Piercing Damage, +10% Chance to Critically Hit and +10%
Critical Hit Damage. It may be found in Locksmiths Lab (Tefroy Tarion) at Tirins Rest. Its a great opportunity to
loot all chests.
Corthian Mal let
Unique weapon with +111 Physical Damage, +12 Piercing Damage, +8% Chance to Critically Hit and +8%
Critical Hit Damage. It may be stolen from a chest in Pride of Pryden shop in Rathir. You can find it at the top of
the stairs on the left hand side of the shop.
Unique Staff with +61 Ice Damage, +26 Freezing Damage over Six Seconds, +5% Ice Damage and +20
Piercing Damage. It may be found in a chest next to the Shrine of Mitharu on The Isle of Eamonn.
Unique staff with +91 Fire Damage, +60 Burning Damage over Three Seconds and +5% Fire Damage. It may
be looted from a kobold rogue in the Hall of the Firstsworn on The Mystic Hammer quest.
Lifedri nker
Unique Greatsword with +103 Physical Damage, +24 Piercing Damage, +24 Bleeding Damage over Five
Seconds and +10% Chance to Steal 25 Health Per Hit. It may be looted at the forge in a chest on The Mystic
Hammer quest.
Following items may be found whilst completing the Travelers faction questline.
Heart of Ember
Unique Hammer with +155 Physical Damage, +5% Fire Damage, +20 Fire Damage and +12 Burning Damage
over Five Seconds. It may be found in an easy chest on the Going Rogue quest in Rithen.
Luxuri a
Unique Greatsword with +92 Physical Damage, +37 Piercing Damage, +10% Chance to Critically Hit, +20%
Stun Duration and +5% Chance to Stun. It may be found in Hierophants Den behind a door when leaving the
building on the Thick as Thieves quest.
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You may find the following items by exploring the game.
Almain Cutlass
Unique Longsword with +43 Physical Damage, +30 Piercing Damage and +15% Damage vs. Alfar. It may be
looted off a frost champion sprite in the stone circle area. For the location, refer to the map and look for the G
Spi nning Toms Blades
Unique daggers with +9 Physical Damage, +15 Piercing Damage, +4% Experience and +6 bleeding damage
over five seconds. It may be looted off an ogre at Dolve Wayle.
Blade of the Pariah
Unique longsword with +60 Physical Damage, +16 Piercing Damage, +40 Health, +30 Mana and +15%
Damage vs. Niskaru. It may be found in a chest chest next to the river located behind where Hreid Amelthoe is
standing in Galette.
Thanks @Hala, Andy Kay, Derpington, Boston and Paticon.
Dont forget to share the missing locations where these unique weapons may be found or the quests in which
they are rewarded. If you any other unique weapons, please share with us by commenting below!
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Haider Khan
One of the long time staff at SegmentNext, Haider is an integral part of the team with a love for
writing, playing guitar, and aviation. Apart from writing for us, Haider is also a competitive FPS
player and also enjoys exotic RPG games like Diablo and Xenogears (his favorite game of all
time) on the side.
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Where do you get Fervor, I was told that you can get it at the area around Dannestar
LOL, I got the Unique Great Sword, "Fortune" on my second chest I tried to open in the
first town, Gorhart.
Floatsam Chakrams
(181 Base Damage)
41 Physical Dmage
41 Lightning Damage / 59 Shocking Damage over 5 seconds
20 Bleeding Damage over 5 seconds
20 Poison Damage over 5 seconds
Kevin B. Reynolds
Electrifying Chakrams of Bloodletting
Base 186
41 Physical
71 Lightning
74 Shocking over 10 sec
15% chance to steal 25 health per hit
Nathan Burchak
Bullshit where?
Klurikon, I found them too!
dami en
uniqe longsword
base stat: 53, 15 ice damage 5 sec damage over time, 15 base damage
uniqe longsword
base stast: 90, 15 fire damage 5sec damage over time, 15 base damage
i want to know The Dragon Eyes Most of all.
Ronny Winkler
where can I find the "cowl of seasons"?
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