The maxim "damnum sine injuria" means that there can be damage without a legal injury. An act that causes damage is not actionable in tort law if it does not infringe on any legal rights. For a plaintiff to succeed in a lawsuit, they must prove they suffered a legal injury - damage alone without an injury is not enough. Some acts that cause harm are not considered wrongful in the eyes of the law and therefore do not give the harmed person a right to legal action.
The maxim "damnum sine injuria" means that there can be damage without a legal injury. An act that causes damage is not actionable in tort law if it does not infringe on any legal rights. For a plaintiff to succeed in a lawsuit, they must prove they suffered a legal injury - damage alone without an injury is not enough. Some acts that cause harm are not considered wrongful in the eyes of the law and therefore do not give the harmed person a right to legal action.
The maxim "damnum sine injuria" means that there can be damage without a legal injury. An act that causes damage is not actionable in tort law if it does not infringe on any legal rights. For a plaintiff to succeed in a lawsuit, they must prove they suffered a legal injury - damage alone without an injury is not enough. Some acts that cause harm are not considered wrongful in the eyes of the law and therefore do not give the harmed person a right to legal action.
The maxim "damnum sine injuria" means that there can be damage without a legal injury. An act that causes damage is not actionable in tort law if it does not infringe on any legal rights. For a plaintiff to succeed in a lawsuit, they must prove they suffered a legal injury - damage alone without an injury is not enough. Some acts that cause harm are not considered wrongful in the eyes of the law and therefore do not give the harmed person a right to legal action.
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The maxim damnum sine injuria literally means that there
is an act which caused damage but no legal right is infringed
. Such an act is not actionable in the law of Torts.
The word damnum means damage . This damage may be loss of health , loss of service , physical hurt and loss of money or the like . The word injuria means a legal injury or tortuous act or an infringement of legal right . And the word sine means without . So the maxim means that a damage without infringement of any legal right . Where there is no infringement of legal right , whatever loss one may sustain , no action lies against that act which is not at all a wrongful . Therefore , damnum sine injuria does not afford any right to sue for legal remedy including claim of compensation and etc.
I n order to make a person liable in law , the plaintiff must prove that he sustained legal injury . Damage without injury is not actionable . There are many acts which are , though harmful , are not wrongful , in the eye of law , and therefore , do not give rise to a right of action in favour of the person who sustains the damage .
An example may be given with respect to this maxim .
In the famous case of Gloucester Grammar School , the defendant , a schoolmaster , set up a rival school next to that of the plaintiff , with the result that the boys from the plaintiffs school flocked to the defendants . The plaintiff sued the defendant for the loss . It was held that no suit could lie , because bonafide competition can afford no ground of action , whatever damage it may cause .
The general principle upon which the maxim is based is that if one exercises his common or ordinary rights , within reasonable limits , and without infringing others legal right , such exercise of rights does not give rise to an action in tort in favour of that other person .
In another famous case of Day Vs. Browning , where the plaintiffs house was called Ashford Lodge for sixty years , and the adjoining house belonging to the defendant was called Ashford Villa for forty years . The defendant then altered the name of his house and started to call it Ashford Lodge . The plaintiff alleged that this act of defendant had caused him great inconvenience and annoyance , and had materially diminished the value of property . It was held that the defendant was not liable , as he had not violated any legal right of the plaintiff .
The Privy Council pointed out in the case of Roger Vs. Rajendra Dutta, that it is essential to an action in tort that the act complained of , should under the circumstances , be legally wrongful as regards the party complaining . That is , it must prejudicially affect him in some legal righ