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The Conquistadors Always Start From The South in Square 28 and On The Track The Aztecs Always Start in Square 13

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Several 25/28mm figures based on 2.5cm diameter bases D2 D3 D4 D8 D10 D12
Battleboard of 150cm x 180cm split into 30cm x 30cm squares thus giving a total of 30
squares. Then each 30cm x 30cm square is split into 9 10cm x 10cm squares. It is
advisable to use a 30cm x30cm clear plastic sheet marked out in 10cm x 10cm squares
for unit movement. 3 types of terrain Jungle Foliage 18 squares of 30cm x 30cm and
Open Ground 4 squares of 30cm x 30cm and broken ground 6 squares of 30cm x
3ocm plus 1 temple covering 2x 3ocm x 30cm The temple is placed on square 8 and
open ground in front of the temple in 13. The temple is classed as in Open Ground
Terrain Squares
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
The Conquistadors always start from the south in square 28 and on the track
The Aztecs always start in square 13 .
The Conquistadors can have up to 5Units and Aztecs can have up to 9 or you can
have multiple players with 1 or several units each.
You can have 1 2 3 4 or 5 figures in a Unit but never more than 5 figures.
The AIM of the game is for the Conquistadores to get to the temple and recover
treasure and not get sacrificed. The Aztecs AIM is to kill as many Conquistadors and
sacrifice them at the Temple.
To form a Unit or Units you have 350 points to spend for Conquistadors and 350
points for Aztecs
Points 350
3 per Conquistador Figure 6 Officer figure
0 No Armour 2 Light Armour 4 Heavy Armour 8 Horse
2 Dagger 2 Shield 2 Sword 6 Spear or Pike 6 Pistol 12 Arquebus 24 Cannon
Points 350
3 per Aztec Figure 6 Hero figure 6 Chief figure
0 No Armour
2 Dagger 2 Shield 2 Sword 4 Double Handed Sword or mace 6 Spear or Pike
6 Slings 8 Bow
Tematiati is a Sling Tiahuitolli is a Bow Yaomime is a Arrow Mixiquipili is a
Quiver Atlatis is a spear throwing device which engages a light spear or dart
Tepoztopilli is a spear or lance Cuauhololli is a mace of wood with a ball at the end
Maquahuiti is a 1 handed or 2 handed 4 or 6 sword.
Remember, you can have 1 2 3 4 or 5 figures in a unit but not more than 5.
Friendly Units can be in the same square if there total adds up to no more
than 16 figures .They then can use the same dice till their units separate.
Each figure may only have 1 Firing Weapon and 1 Combat Weapon but may have 2
Combat Weapons and 0 Firing Weapon. You can use both Weapons in Combat.

Alternative Conquistadors first along track in square 28
You do not have to move. You must state whether you are moving before you throw
1xD6 You can pass another unit whilst on the track unless that total exceeds 16 figures.
NORTH is always at the top of the Terrain Board
Aztecs can move in any direction but use 1xD3 for movement . Throw 1xD3 and
the score is the amount of 10cm x 10cm squares that one unit can move . Repeat the
procedure for your other units. Must state if moving or not before throwing.
ALL units stop at any table edge or at any square that is occupied by 16 figures,
or when a total of 16 figures or over is reached with the addition of your unit figures.
You must wait till a suitable square becomes available or go round the unit.
Conquistadors on the track can pass another unit which is also on the track unless
that total exceeds 16 figures.
You can change the direction of the tracks on the terrain board for any game but you
must only have 1 track at the beginning in square 28 , SEE DIAGRAM. The track can
only split into two directions . Conquistadors throw 1xD6 A score of 123 and the unit
moves along the left track 456 the Unit moves along the right track.
A total of 16 figures are allowed on Track Squares
Conquistadors always for movement throw 1xD6 along the track whilst on foot
or mounted .The score is the amount of 10cm x 10xm squares that one unit can move
on the track. If a unit decides to move off the track you do not throw 1xD6 and all
movement is reduce to 1 square .
A Unit must always be in a 10cm x 1ocm square. They do not need to be in base to
base but your figures must not move out of the 10cm x 10cm square unless in combat
or taking a figure to be sacrificed .The Movement dice throw applies to all figures
of that unit
If moving diagonally a unit is classed as in single file ,till it reaches allotted square.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Above is a 30cm x 30cm clear plastic numbered square A temple sacarifed chamber
will be located in number 5 10cm x 10cm square in square 8 on the terrain board. The
Aztec with a dead Conquistador must reach this square to claim 10 further points.
If you have not marked out the terrain board in 10cm x 10 cm squares use a clear
plastic square of 30cm x 30cm split into 10cm x 10cm squares as above without the

FIRING THROW 1xD10 per figure 0 is 10 on the die LINE OF Sight only
You can only Fire after your movement throw. Only 1 Firing throw per figure per turn
Darts ,Slings ,Pistols , fire if target (figure) is visible range is 15cm
jungle Unit4 jungle
Unit1 Open Unit2
Unit3 Jungle Unit5

Unit1 can fire at both Unit2 and Unit3 with the range at 10cm. Unit1 cannot fire at
Unit4 as it is more than 15cm away. Unit3 cannot fire at Unit 5 as there is Jungle in
between . However if both are in Jungle and in opposite squares and they can see one
another , then they both can fire. You can fire out of Jungle into Open /Broken Ground
and visa versa, but if you fire from Jungle you can automatically been seen. Open
and Broken Ground does not hinder firing. You can fire Pistol if Mounted.
Arquebus and Bow range is 30cm Light Cannon range is 45cm
jungle Open Open Broken
Unit1 Unit2

Unit 1 can fire at Unit 2 as it is within range 30cm and can also fire at Unit3
If a Unit is in jungle and you are firing at them from Open or Broken Ground, and the
figures can be seen (Line of Sight) you can fire at them.
Throw 1x D1o per figure a score of 7 8 9 10 is required if target is in Open Ground
a score of 8 9 10 is required if target is in Broken Ground
a score of 9 10 is required if target is in Jungle Foliage.
If a HIT is achieved , the nominated target throws 1xD2 if that figure has Heavy
If a HIT is achieved, the nominated target throws 1xD3 if that figure has Light Armour
If a HIT is achieved, the nominated target throws 1xD4 if that figure has No Armour
The score is the number of Wounds the target figure receives. Double score if hit by
pistol , arquebus Treble hits if hit by cannon (2 Conquistador figures per cannon)
COMBAT (UP to 16 figures can be in a 10cm x 10cm Square in combat)
A Combat occurs when a unit enters another units square or either unit are square to
square with 1 or both squares having 16 figures.
The Attacker can move and then combat. Only 1 Combat per figure per turn.
If the Defender turns into the Attacker he can Combat or move into Combat
The attacker can decide which figures he wants to attack . However if there are 16
figures in the square , he can only attack the front 4 figures. If these are killed and
there are spaces , you can enter the spaces on your next move. This then denotes the
end of the attackers turn.
Attacker and Defender throw 1xD10 for each figure plus additions below
Conquistador +1 if Conquistador in base to base with another Conquistador
0No Armour +1 Light Armour +2 Heavy Armour +2 Mounted +2 Officer
+1 Dagger +1 Shield +1 Sword +3 Spear or Pike 0 No Weapon
0No Armour +2 Chief +2 Hero
+1 Dagger +1 Shield +1 Sword +2 two handed Sword +3 Spear or Pike 0 No Weapon
-1 Early Aztecs in first round of combat
The difference in score if in favour to the attacker you deduct in wounds off the
The difference in score if in favour to the defender , no wounds occur to the attacker.
If even no wounds occur
If no wounds left the defending figure is classed as dead.
If still alive the Defender can turn into the Attacker or can throw his movement dice.
Wound Allocation
Each figure at the start of the game throws 1xD8 to see how many wounds are
allocated to that figure A Officer /Chief/Hero throws 1xD12 i.e, An Aztec
figure throws 1xD8 and scores a 7 so that figure can receive 7 wounds from
firing and combat before he is classed as dead .
An Aztec figure can collect a dead Conquistador at any time in their movement turn
so long as the dead Conquistador is not in base to base with another Conquistador
who is alive .Their is no deduction of movement when collecting/dragging figure to
the temple or sacrificing dead Conquistador .
It takes 1 movement to get dead Conquistador . Ie, Aztec in opposite square
throws a 3 on a D3 so 1 square to get dead Conquistador then 1 square back to
original square then 1 square towards temple .
You are allowed only 1 Hero 1 Chief if Aztec or 1 Officer per side if Conquistador
No Morale

Each figure in a unit entering a Temple sacrifice chamber , central square of the 9 x
1ocm x 1ocm square automatically throws 1 xD6 dice
A score of 1 you find a treasure of skeletons 0 points
A score of 2 you find a treasure of beads 1 point
A score of 3 you find a treasure of jewels 5 points
A score of 4 you find a treasure of gems 10 points
A score of 5 you find a treasure of gold plated tin 15 points
A score of 6 you find a treasure of gold 20 points
Treat Temple as if it is in Open Ground for firing and combat purposes.......Each dead
Aztec is worth his points allocation.....Each dead sacrificed Conquistador is worth his
points allocation plus another 10 points. He must be sacrificed

EVENT CARDS (you can if you want play the game without event cards)
When the 40 event cards are all used reshuffle and start again.
20 which are blank (denotes no penalties )
20 as designated below
4 x Powder or Quills Damp No ~Firing this turn Opponent picks Unit
4x Eye of an Eagle Hit on a 6 7 8 9 10 in open Ground or 7 8 9 10 in Broken Ground
8 9 10 in Jungle Foliage if firing this turn. You pick Unit
Throw 1x D10 for animals in Combat ( Aztecs and Conquistadors have no additions)
1 x Jaguar attacks on +3 one of your figures this turn Opponent picks figure
1x Boa attacks on +3 one of your figures this turn Opponent picks figure
1x Poisonous snake attacks on +2 one of your figures this turn. Opponent picks figure
1x Scorpion attacks on +1 one of your figures this turn Opponent picks figure
1x Tarantula attacks on +1one of your figures this turn Opponent picks figure
1x An Angel appears to (Conquistadors) your unit , it can move 2 extra squares you
pick unit (disregard if Aztec player picks card)
1x An Angel appears to (Conquistadors) your unit , it can move 1 extra square you pick
unit (disregard if Aztec player picks card)
1x Add +1 to Combat this turn to a unit .you pick unit
1xA priest appears out onto the track and joins you Conquistador Unit. Every other
move you do not move but pray you cannot fire or move if attacked whilst praying
each figure -2 The Priest disappears after 6 moves. The Priest cannot attack or be
attacked or fire He does not count in the 5 figure square rule. (disregard if Aztec
player picks card)
1x A unit decides to move off the track towards the temple for 3 moves . Aztec
Opponent chooses which unit. After 3 moves the Unit retraces its 3 moves back
towards the track (disregard if Aztec player picks card)
2x Eclipse appears in the sky all Aztec units do not move this turn. (disregard if
Conquistador picks card)

NOTE; Event Cards only last for your Units turn only.

Tracks - Red Lines

Temple Orange

Clearing- Yellow

Jungle Light Green

RIVERS (Optional)
Aztecs and Conquistadors crossing by fords do not incur any penalties.
Aztecs and Conquistadors crossing rivers without fords incur penalties
Throw 1xD6 a score of 12 Fast flowing river 34 Steady flowing river 56 Slow
flowing river.
A Aztecs figure or Conquistador in no armour spending any move in or moving across
a river throw 1 xD6 if Fast flowing river a score of 123 the Aztec figure is drowned
if Steady flowing river a score of 12 and the figure is drowned if Slow flowing river a
score of 1 and the figure is drowned
A Conquistador figure in Light armour spending any move in or moving across a river
throw 1 xD6 if Fast flowing river a score of 1234 the Aztec figure is drowned if
Steady flowing river a score of 123 and the figure is drowned if Slow flowing river a
score of 12 and the figure is drowned
A Conquistador figure in Heavy armour spending any move in or moving across a
river throw 1 xD6 if Fast flowing river a score of 12345 the Aztec figure is drowned
if Steady flowing river a score of 1234 and the figure is drowned if Slow flowing river
a score of 123 and the figure is drowned

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