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State of Emergency Leave Memo

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Department of Human Resources


TO: Personnel Management Liaisons (PML)

Administrative Time Off During State of Emergency



This memorandum should be forwarded to:

Personnel Officers
Personnel Transactions Supervisors
Employee Relations Officers

FROM: Department of Human Resources
Labor Relations Division

CONTACT: Personnel Services Branch
(916) 323-3343
Fax: (916) 322-0765
Email: psb@calhr.ca.gov

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. declared a state of emergency on August 24, 2014 for the
counties of Napa, Solano and Sonoma due to the effect of the 6.1 magnitude South Napa
Earthquake. This earthquake and continued aftershocks have damaged critical infrastructure,
homes, other structures, caused fires and the closure of roads and highways.

This memo is being released as a reminder to state agencies that California Code of
Regulations (CCR) 599.785.5 allows for up to five (5) days of Administrative Time Off (ATO)
during a Governor declared state of emergency for those employees that meet the provisions of
the rule. In addition to the five (5) days of ATO authorized by the rule, the California
Department of Human Resources (CalHR) delegated to departments the ability to approve ATO
for up to a total of 30 calendar days (PML 2007-026).

For those areas that have not been declared a state of emergency, to the extent it is
operationally feasible, appointing powers should grant employees requests to use their leave
credits due to the current effects of the South Napa Earthquake.

The CCR 599.785.5 allows for ATO during a state of emergency as outlined below.

(a) Employees may be granted a paid leave of absence of up to five days by their appointing
power when the employee works or resides in a county where a state of emergency has been
proclaimed by the Governor and the appointing power determines that at least one of the
following conditions exist:
(1) The employee's normal place of business is closed temporarily, during the employee's
normal work shift, due to the effects of the emergency.
(2) The emergency effectively precludes the employee's ability to find reasonable routes of
transportation from the employee's normal residence to the work place.
(3) The emergency presents an immediate and grave peril to the employee's own safety, that of
an employee's immediate family member, or the employee's principal residence.

PML 2014-021
August 25, 2014
Page 2

(4) The employee is actively involved in a formal, organized effort to protect the health and
safety of the general public; such as, the employee is a member of the auxiliary fire or police
department or the employee is asked by local authorities to assist with sandbagging efforts.
(5) The employee needs to take time off to apply for disaster assistance from the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) because the employee is unable to apply for
assistance before or after the employee's normal work shift.
(b) An employee may be granted a paid leave of absence up to five days by the employee's
appointing power regardless of the location of the disaster when the employee is preregistered
with, and providing volunteer service to, a State agency carrying out its responsibilities under
the Governor's Executive Order D-25-83. The employees providing volunteer service are
required to notify their appointing power of their affiliation with the volunteer services and to
establish prior arrangements regarding the notification of the appointing power in the event the
employee is asked to participate in the State disaster response. The appointing power shall
release the employee to provide volunteer service when an emergency occurs unless there is a
critical departmental operating reason to prevent such a release.
(c) No paid leave of absence shall exceed five working days without the prior approval of the
appointing power and the prior approval of the Department of Human Resources. The
Department of Human Resources shall grant approval of a paid leave of absence in excess of
five working days based on its finding that one of the criteria above continues to be met.
(d) State employees called into service as specified in Government Code 19844.5 are excluded
from the above standards.

For questions related to this PML, state department personnel office designated liaisons should
contact CalHRs Personnel Services Branch by emailing questions to psb@calhr.ca.gov or
calling (916) 323-3343.

/s/Mary Sue Paul

Mary Sue Paul, Manager
Personnel Services Branch

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